trrw TODAY. Bankrupt Furniture 30 Circassian Dresser- $20 9BO Circassian Dresser- $40 28 Goiden Oak Dresser $18 38 Brass Bed 927 826 Brass Bed 1T 932 Dining; Table $21 938 Dinina; Table 9-3 917 Peters' Rockers.... $10 ill Peters' Rockers.... $ 7 2 Library Tables 917 818 Library Tables..... $12 $12 Library Tables. $ 8 If Ton Don't Buy Here We Both Lose. 4-19 WASHISGTO.T. LAURELHURST Beautiful New Homes nd High. Sightly Building Sites For Bala on easy terms In th. finest, mw highly developed close-In residence park In the city. Being located in the very heart of the East Sida residence district, with best of car service, and sur rounding Laurtlhursl Park, tha peer of all natural scenic parka In tha world. .... Phone for onr Auto. Main 1503 or A 1515. and let us show you around. MEM) WIKPHY. ' Sale AgeKta. tlO'i (Mark Street. Tract Of fice t. 39th and (illsan Sts. Tabor 3433. 12th Street Corner Some lieoiste. $35,000 KIPPER Hl'MPHRV. 212 Chanbrr of Commerce. MORTGAGES Bought and Sold HASTilAN-THOMPSON BANK Chamber of Commerce Bldg. lortgage Loans 6 TO 7 H. E. MO ONE Y , Mull. IIP. a s 431 Falllag B1.U. Mortgage Loans correat Rate ROBERTSON & EWING S10 Falllsic Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS Oar (In Msney at Can-eat Kate. Western Bond & Mortgage Co. omoBrrclal Club Bids.. Partlasa. or. CITY & FARM LOANS 11000 and up at lowest rates. C. M. ZADOW 414 Carawt atl. A MU. Mnranall aVJ. CITY AND FARM LOANS Any Amount at Current Rates. JOHN E. CEONAN OS Spaldlasj Bids. Portlaaa, Or. BEAL ESTATE DEALER. Beck. William O.. 315-31S Falllnc bids. BENEDICT BKO:C. (Burrell Heights,. MS Hawthorn- a cor. Slsu Tabor SIS. Jennmas Co.. Main lb. oregonian. LOGAN, homes, loans. 81S Spalding bid a l-.iHna-Jo.Mj .u.. H. V, -oi-ajd Wilcox bldg. REAL ESTATE. lor OOO ALL. caall will buy 2 full lots In re stricted district, ctmeut walks, worm $12u0. GODDARD WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. BEST BARGAIN ON HAWTHORNE AVENUE. Lot S3 1-3x127. facing aouth. near 40th St.; price $13o0, terms 1U00 cash. uODDAKD W1ED1UCK. 243 Stark St. Marshall 4827. A !s. BROOKE only T-TXCLl SIVE DEALER In PORTLAND HEIGHTS HEAL. ESTATE. 541 Montgomery Drive, S. W. Cor. blu. Every Customer Is a Reference. A SNAP. 4 good lota on 33d and Sumner, for Just of what was paid for eame S juuntha ago: must be. cash. C. E. .Ernau 311 Washington at. fyK SALE Lota St corner 41t and Eaat (.rant to 42d su Call at 932 6lh au North. Phone C li67; ask for Mrs. How. FIP.LAND lot. $330. worth $450; terms it monthly. Mala 1166 or Tabor 2520. LWUITY In lot $115. for 60. Main 7609 af ter 7 P. at. Apt. St FOR SALE CHEAP Lot lUOilliS. E. Grant. fellwood 2126. morning. tlo DOWN. $10 month, corner lot, 80x1-40, Flrland. Owner, U 625. Oregonlan. Tor Kale Houses. A MURRAYME.AD SACRIFICE. 20 ACRES of LAND FREE. To raise $2500 cash the owm.r of this beautiful homo In Murraymead. worth fully $'.H0O. will sacrince It at $7,100 and will give 20 acres of good land free. If tho ueal la closed by Tuesday. Brown Realty Co.. 203 Plait building. Park and -Washington. Main 0Q42. $223 DOWN. $2200. 5-room bungalow. Why not be in your new home on Christmas? This la s beautiful new bungalow, only 17 minutes car ride on the 4ij-sc line: fine view and .rood soli, Phone itatn lsoo or A 626L PROWDENT 1KIST COMPANY. 212 Selling Bids. 5-ROOM BUNC.ALOW. $2900. Rose City Park. District. Price Includes electric fixturea, window shades and rooms tinted; close to car; easy terms; possession at once. PROVIDENT TRCST COMPANY, 212 Selling Bldg. Phone Main lbOO. A 6261. 6 ROOMS, sleeping porch, hardwood floors. Dutch kitchen, buffet, bookcases, fireplace, clothea chute, linen closet, 2 toilets., fur usee, full cement basement, double con strutted. Just about completed; $:2v0, terms. Phone B 2007. or H 6Q3, Oregonian. NEWLY WEDS, TAKE NOTICE. The dandiest littla 4-raom California bun I a low, strictly modern, with built-in features, on Stfth and E. Ankeny, $2200: the terms, oh. yes, $100 down, 10 and Int. monthly. Fred V. German Cu,, VZ2 C of C FURNISHED HuLLABAV PARK HOME. 2-awrv and attic, modern imp , lot 60 xlov on corner; both atreeta bard sur taxed and paid for; furniture Included; prica .-uO. .. liODDARD WIEDRICK. '43 Stark St. i-L'RNiSHED BLNUAl.OW. 4 ROOMS. 1141H) ..! DO W.N, (IS MONTHLY". Strictly modern, furniture new and good; lot 6uxlJ0. near new school, in MontavtKa; ..- worth S1SUV. Fred W. Ucrmau Co t-32 C. of C. - 4. GIFT worth giving. S-room modern bouse at edS E. Grant St., worth (.VO, an two lo-aore tracts, worth f2w:0, are clear, ail for SToi-O; S-oOO cssh. balance like rent. Se- Black, oil Jeftersou su Marshaa STl'.t A 4IM0. HDD S ADDITION. This new, moIern. elegantly finished 6 room house witn sleeping porch and all modern conveniences, for sale at reason able price. Call o71 East 2tth. near Har rison, phore East 44. DO TOC WANT A HOME? - We draw the plai. build the bouse, furnish tha money; easy payments: low Interesu If ou siut It GOOD see ua Buttotworth-Stcphenaou Co.. Couch bldg. MODERN S-room bungalow, three blocks from car. .0 minuu-a to 3d and Morrison; price t-sO-: SO" cash, balance Jt per month and Interest; by owner. Tabor lj54- ltciStal CITY PARK bungalow. rooms, mod ern, improved street, cost gl'it. sacrifice; ftl:2u euuity l-0: accept automobile or vacant lot to tOO. Owner. Tabor -SIS. IIt INITON horn. rwoms, lot 40x100. In I choice location. S3.5u; cheapest property tn cily. East 27:1. W. H. Herdrasn. NEV. modern nine-room house in Laurel hurst. Phone owner. East 2432. TOR SALE CiLc!AP FurQlsjel house, Sell w.o.l, 212-1 mbrnlngs. NFW 4-room house and lot. $40tt; S200 caan, i:, monthly. X 0So. Oregonian. B-ROOM houa. lot 40x6.1, 50 If taken this ... ...... i..,nn Tal...r till REAL EST ATK. For Sale Houses. MAGNIFICENT HOME FOR SALE BY OWNER. Mcdern in architectural treatment and complete in the refinement of detail; 1UUX 1UO corner lot facing south and east; -tifully landscaped with natural and culti vated shrubbery and follagt,: large, weli arranged rooma wall coverings of the very highest grade and interior-treatment throughout in harmony, both In Oman ana workmanship; everything that combines to make a home complete and comforta ble; splendid location in high-c ass re stricted dlstrlcu Price under 2o,W0. in spection by appointment. AJ boo. orefco- IRVINGTON. A nifty home of 7 rooms, built-in leep Ing porch, modern in every respect and brand new; roust be seen to be appre ciated, on paved street, sewerage and all Improvements peld; three blocks from Broadway car; this property can oe bought at a bargain for Immediate sale, no incumbrance; will show property bun day at any time. Phone Main lboo or A 62S.L J. P .BRYAN. 212 Selling Bldg THAT VACANT LOT. WHT NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME? WE WILL FIRNISK THE HONEY. BUILD APARTMENTS. RESI DENCE. OR ANYTHING: PLANS FREE. WE ARE .RESPONSIBLE. WE KNOV HOW. TALK. TO OUR CLIENTS. SEE OUR WORK. WILL GIVE BONDS. L. R. BAILET A CO.. CONTRACTING ARCHITECTS. 524 AB1NGTON BLDO. GOOT TIME TO BUILD TOUR HOME OR APARTMENT J"T KOT DEAL WITH RESPONSIBLE FIRM WHO. CAN FURNISH THE MONEY? EASY PAYMENTS. Wji HAVE DONE IT FOR MANY OTHERS. WHY NOT OR TOUT PLANS TO SUIT. TAYLOR BUILDING CO.. 06 M'KAY BLDG. FINE HOME CHEAP. One block from Ansbel station. Mt. Scott car; 6 rooms, cement basement, modern bathroom, electric light; lot 40x100, fru.U rosea and ben-lea, aurrounded by gooa homes; widow compelled to sell at once. Price 11650. GODDARD WIEDRICL. 243 Stark St BEST BUT QN UNION AVENUE. Lot 50x100. 7 -room house, full cement list-meat, furnace, bath; all atreet Im provements paid for; worth o0U0; our price, 33"0. GODDARD WIEDRICK. 43 Stark Su NEW 3-room bungalow, lot lOOxlSO; price '"START THE NEW TEAR RIGHT: Be in your own home Jan. 1: located en the West Side and only 17 minutes' ride; easv terms. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY, 212 Sell Inn bldg. Phone Main 1800, A6261. FIFTH and Sherman: soxlOS, business cor ner or fine for apartment site, price cut to settle up estate. See J. W. Hickman, 304 Gerltnger bldg. For bale Business Property. 11 PER CENT net on equity of $3750. Sell ing price $o750, mortgage $3000, 3 years. 7 per cent; store building. East 25th and Broadway; 45xG0 fu with basement; se cured 5-yvar teases, resnonsiblo tenants; all improvements In and -paid for; guar anteed title. Apply owner. E. B. Mao Naughton, 89 Fourth street. Main FOR SALE A block of .1 lots facing on Linnlon road, near Gasco and the Port land Gas Co.. Standard Oil and R. R; equipment plants; ail Improvements In and paid- the street with no competition; HVOO. Address AC 411S Oregonian. KENTON 25x100 business lot on Derby St.. ntar Bink; Interurban franchise through Kenton grnnted; carline street; Just think of Its future; only 175u. Address AC 4H7. Oregonian. 3-STORY bldg- 50x100 lot. close In. $12,000; terms. See owner, 128 2d St. Far Sale Aerraae .1 ACRES. $250. $10 DOWN, $5 MONTH. Buys good, level land. X mile from rail road br-tween Portland and Astoria: 20 acres $.J. with two beautiful streams on It. This also lies 1 mllo from railroad, $2v down and $lo month. Also 4 acree nar Castle Rock, near station on main line R. fL, $S00. $20 down and $10 month. Thia has beautiful trout stream on iu BELL REAL ESTATE CO.. 214 Railway. Exchange ELECTRIC LINE, eight blocks of station; chicken and fruit ranches near Portlsnd: new subdivision near Grcshsm; t seres $101) $500. $700; ! acres. J6U0. $700; 10 seres 1750. $900. $1000 per .tract; best soil, free wood, spring water; acreage s Scappoose. Or, SL-i to $100 per acre. FRANK MFARLAND REALTY CO,. 3 Yeon Bldg.. Portland. ACREAGE. Are yoo satisfied with your position? Or do you want a home in the Willamette Valley where you are your own employer? 10 acres properly handled will eventually make you independenu Call at Farm Land Dept. of HARTMAN A- THOMPSON TWO ACRES, greenhouse, chicken yard and old ahack. 2 blocks of station on electric line Price $tll)0. small payment down, balance $15 a month. AO 04, OreRonlan. 1 ACRE, close lu. right at station, on elec trie line. Price $750. $15 a month will handle this. Phone a -mi evip Jo acrea. cultivated tracu near -u Louis Station: $123 per acre for quick sale. A 834, Oregonian. ; Homesteads. TWO valuable homesteada on fine creek, s. 000. 000 timber on each, good cabins and clearing, siuvw. ow uit-w"." "'"p- For Sale Farms. ii you would know the truth about WESTERN CANADA see the CANADIAN PACIFIC " .EXHIBIT of prize-winning products of the fertile Canadian plains. Full personal informa tionfree maps and literature yours for the asking. . . . L. P. THORNTON. Land Agent, 271 Pine St.. Multnomah Hotel Bldg. CHOICE. noMD , .... ,. Pctlcstly leU best sol 1, 55 A. cultiv.ted. Ideal for hoga or dairy: 12 acres in liops. house rooms. uriuuutu "J ",.,:m trees. fine new large barn, outbulldinga. family orchard. , stock feed vehicles ma chinery and ools Included: this Is an ex tra choice farm, price very low, $I3.U" $5000 cssh. balance 10 years .10 per cent. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. -,0 Diftrk FOR SALE 5000 seres oi "ii"-""- "L a cultural, lands in the Ochoco and crooked .1""?,- ""iY.cmT; ' excel- rlCH SOU, nisri smu'ij f- - - lent well water at 20 feet, artesian water at less than 250 feet: railway transporta flon. Mcellent marketing facilltiee. Price 25 to JU per acre. " OREGO.N & WESTERN ColONIZATlON (.Uil It AVJi- - ' A 40-AC KH rancn iwr iv "'- Aot Cottage Grove. Or.: eight acres under cultivation. v " .,,,mr. rood WM tar fx 190 XV Ilia" va w, L'sea-. ?hlcken. and all machinery ; price. $2000. call or wru. ridar man. Cottage Grove, Or.; R. R. cedar creek w. Vt a-res, creek bottom, about half In cultivation, balance pasture; one and one half acres loganberriea; good, large houae "d barn: good road, school, .tore post office and cheese factory near. A bar gain st $2500. I150O down, baiance long time, low lniereai; . ,' home cheap; no trades considered. Box 41. itemioca, ui. The most Ideal dairy fsnn in the ate. modem sanitary o.. .. --.-- lem; new " " "-7 "Z- ,Za chicken nonse. r- , .- -7, near R. R. depot; $2300 cash. bal. to suit. t, per cent, .r-.m ,7:.. HAKlSi. St inw-iov-; TilPLAND NEAR PORTLAND. SO acrea. rood soli. water, timber, aohool cloae. Owner, box ls. Falla City. or. s0-ACRE stock ranch; 2S acre. ajfalfa: tl or small farm, balance time. Guyer BCO-ACRE stock ranch, west of Coast range, 200 acr.e bottom. 1. culu. fully equipped . . . . 1 . ,.9n C l 1 1 n acre. V ana siocae.,. . . " - -- O".o. vers""..". RANCH. 60 acrea with buildings. 18 miles from Portland, near electric line: bargain IS? Morrison St. lor ail mh. .j - FOR rood farms see me before buying. J. a.a . hM. V. press- "J " " - FARMS WASTED. WANTED Homestead relinquishment homestead location. AJ 601. Oregonian. FOB KENT r A RMS. FOR RENT J7 acres garden land, near Beaverton. macadam road all way Into tl'y good Improvements. school near: third rental in work. E. S. Jackson. 2o4 4U AORFS. deep soil, cultivated, fenced. 5 rooru hou!e. smsll-orcbsrd, chicken-houses nesr electric depot and county road 1. miles Portland: rent or trade. Mciarland Rvalty Co, i00 leon bids. HERE. IOC P-'A' ni,.iii.n. 160 acrerof timber, about 4.000.000 feet, mostly yellow fir: 18 miles from Van couver. Wash., adjoining the ennersburg colony: fine soli, after timber Is removed; one and a half miles from postof flee, store, church and school; price, if bef" January 1. 1014. $1600 cash. Address Postof flee Box 269. Vancouver, Wash. n-TWPPB T.AVT1S BOUGHT AND SOLD. ' C. J. M-CRACKEN.$04 McKay Bldg. CrifcAf aRsrAua. Ideal location for a mill; stream run ning to railroad spur. 63 4 6th su S12.S0 PER ACRE A FEW DAYS, lto acres. 4. 000.000 feet timber. Owner. box 16S, Falls City. Or. fTxiBER "claim, patented. In S lie tx: $3000; will exchange for grocery. AJ C0-. Ore gonian. " ' FOB BENT F ABM 3. 1--X ACRES. 5-room house, barn, chicken house, family orchard, two carlines. oc fare; also 10 acrea Columbia County; house, barn and orchard; One for dairy ing. 507 C. of C. WASTED-REAL ESTATE. FARM OR ACREAGE WANTED. $14 000 equity In close-in West aide im proved property. 50-foot frontage, to ex change for unincumbered farm or cheap CALLAN A KASER, 722-24 YeonBld. LUT.I1.LMUO, an. c- ' ' ' ' ' , -. Client wants best buy he can get In unrestricted-district on terms of $10 down and $3 a month. Fred W. German Co., 932 Cham, of com I DESIRE to buy. a 6 or 7-roora house in Laurelhurst. on easy monthly payments ,AR 602, Oregon!an! WANTED TO BENT FABMS. WANTED Small farm to manage, either on shares or salary, by experienced and . reliable partv; can give reference. AV , j ureeuniaii. WANTED To rent 40 to 100 acres within 100 miles or rorviauu. .oewu terma Box 103. Phoenix, Oregon. TO EXCHANGE. A MT. TABOR HOME. A FULL QUARTER BLOCK. FOR COUNTRY PROPERTY. ' A beautiful 10-room house with sll moa ern conveniences; very largo living-room, paneled dining-room and set-in sideboard, library, breakfast-room. 8 bedrooms, full basement, furnace, well-kept yards, bl tumlnlxed streets: an elegant house in an elegant neighborhood; value $12,500; what have you to exchange for owacr.s equity of $7500? LB NOIR. 228 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 7-roont house and corner 100x100. in Montavilla: house old and In need of re pairs, also some back Interest, taxes, etc. to take care of; price $2000. mortgage $-00 can be extended to responsible party, will take vacant lots or acreage unincum bered for equity. Owner says '"pet what you can from the wreck." red German Co.. 1.; c. 01 c ....... . . Tiirov Michigan clear farms for Oregon tlm- bCCleor valley farm for city: 40O0. $4000 equity house, farm land con- ''"ciear city for Hawthorne district home. OAGE. 233 Clay. Main 804!'. A 5497. 1 HAVE the finest, most highly improved larm In Western Oregon; 4' acres In loganberries, apples and pears, ,WO in timothy and other grains, close to fine town, residence cost $10,000; remainder of place now being cleared; price $200,000; consider property in any good coast cits. L. K. MOOKK. 317 Board of Trade bldg. CATTLEMEN TAKE NOTICE. 13-M acres, with lots of outrange, in Eastern Oregon, where plenty of rain falls; river runs through place; 120 head cattle 7.) horses. 60 hogs. 100 chickens. P'entJ h, v ana leea, 10 ,,,.'. " -. liam Johnson. 527 Chamber of Commerce. FOR BALE or trade. 40 acres, all In c-..i vatloa. wen tencea; o iimo . cada. 1 mile to Springwater atore and postofflce. school and church; price W per acre; mortgage against property $3000. running 2 years at 7 per cenu Geo. A. Long. 4iaj mwiJiuiaq g FINE 8-acre apple orchard at White Sal mon. Wash., close in; richest volcanic ash soli all under cultivation; trees k years old snd besrlng; valuation $4l00, will exchange for Portland Improved un incumbered property; no agents. AV lOe, oreironiaii uiDnpnufllBSt TAKE NOTICE. "S" seres, good dairy and stock rsnch. 2.-," acres In hops, living wster piped in house, good buildings, close In. some trade, terms! owner, Wm. Johnson, 02. Cham. of commerce. i .7". t-'c- . ul- ur spr.i'l A I.T V ! Trade what you have for what you want! Come and see listings. Nathan Gage. 23 Clay St. Phones Main 0040. A Q4-l. 17 miles from Portland, 4 mile from station; $400 Incumbrance; trade for house In good locality and assume up to $2000. Fred W. German Co., i)32C!of c. -. . , . 1 - .... ni-TMr nice. FOR liACHAAUQ ',; " J , '. , ' new bungalow, improvements In and paid for: would consider country home; no com mission, aiv vw . o Z '. . , ' n11anf Innotlnn lon7 lease '. GOOD saloon. r owner leaving town Jan. 1. For sale or will trade for acreage ur n, f.-w- 5-ROOM bungalow, close In. to trade lor from 5 to 1.1 acres. Improved: will as suiric W. W. PoUock. Montavilla sta tion, portlana, or. HAVE about $1400 equity in " and food hneT wish to trade for grocery stock or good lot nrlots.P.ione Tabor 1-3. B 10S4. 640 ACRES of "North Dak. wheat land; 41K1 acres under cultivation; good buildings; part cash and trade for income property. j 05. Oregonian. itiO-ACRE wheat farm, improved, house and barn near lone, Morrow County, value $40twj- trade for house or lot. 400 McKay bldg. Main not. OWN 0 adres lnnd near Baseline road, cor ner lot on Kerby St.; wish to exchange for a-6-room modern nouse. a uv,, vtp T. ...r.iJ 7,rx.'A ImnmvpniMta. ClOSO to town; value $:l.1Ct: clear; want a home ... m. .-nine. 310 Yeon. Mar. 2.2. WILL trade even, 10 acres beaverdam land, value $1800. for solitaire diamond one third the value. 603 Oregonian bldg. CLEAR Improved acreage, value $2000, for clear house and lou Owner. L 5U9. Ore gonian. MOTORCYCLE, second-hand, or ood phon ograph wanted in exchange for equity in Astoria lot. O602.Oregonian; 160 ACRES wheat land, all fenced, close to Kenncwick. Wash., exchange for house and lot, biy morgan mug. WILL exchange Income Irvington flats for well-located vacant lots. F. E. Bowman fc CO. WILLAMETTE Improved SO; necessary buildings: want substantial residence. Owner. 1080 Grand ave. North. FOB SALE Horses, Vehicles, Etc HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALS OR tuEKT Second-hand vehicles bought and aold: new wagon snd auto beds made to order; livery furnished to business parties at special rates , HAWTHORNE STABLES. 420 Hawthorne ave. Phone East 72, JltBB. THE MURPHY" HORSE" ii MULE CO. sell on commission, horses, mules, vehi cles and harness. Auction sales every Monday and Friday. .10 A. M. Private sales daily. 240 E. 8th St., near Haw thorne. L. t310. SO'lCE Will be sold at Columbia Stables. 302 r-ront sc. on Dec. 27, 1913. the following-described property: 1 gray horse n'.,out 1200 lbs.: 1 sorrel horse, about bOO lbs ; buggy and harness to saUsfy feed bin. - . ....r.,-. 1-, MimHtnaOnn ridine )!... I III I 1 . u, i.j . ... - and driving horse; has & gaits under the saddle; very stylish In harness: per fectly safe for woman to drive. Phone Jiarsnau -. . ui -- .v. 1.E,A.1.1U 1 . Must sell tesm work mares. In good con dition, true double and single. 8 and 10 years old. weieht 1150. lbs. each. Fulton car to crossroads, walk one block north to JivK XaCiqBlll aw One rosn horse. 1000 lbs., 1 sorrel mere. 1-50- 1 black horse. 1300; 1 single, light 111; J ..-nr. -; 305 Alder. UlI'lS v --- SPAN of farm ynsres. weight 2400 pounds: cood life snd good workers, $150 for team and harness. 116 lows st. Take F ear. A4no-POtND team without a blemish; must be sold at once; at your own price. 1029 E. Yamhill st . i PAVING cl: must sell team, wt. 2200. hwness and 2 Fvin wagon. $12.1. Take Woodstock car to 621 East 24th street. FOR S.LE Hotel bus and team horses weighing llOO pounds spiece. Apply 615 Corbett o:cg. FOR SALE Shetland pony, 6 years old. dari bay mare. Inquire E. F. Nudd. Cen- tra'is. V. asn. BAY mare. 8 years old. weishs lV ibx; will be sold reaaotistle. 301. Front st. Horses, Vehicles, Etc. JUST arrived, carload of Eastern Oregon horses weighing from lloo to 1700 lbs., all sold with a guarantee to work as represented, at 23 14th at, Nr G. b Howitu Pianos. Organs and Musical Instruments. . . .. fl.tih tnr- JIRA some recorca. govt w new, is , -T. solutely perfect condition. Phone B oioi or saaress jiu vr-., v-',v0 MUST sell my splendid mshogany cabinet frand upright piano at aacrlflce, leas than 150. 990 E. Glisan. MontavUla car to S20. Tabor 3595. $273 WELLINGTON piano, mahogany fin ish, used only a short time, for $223. Phone B 3157 or aaaress x an, v.cs" - $125 TAKES fine piano if taken today. city iranster co.. o kjao. ,i. $100 FOR piano, fine condition, standard make. Room , v uaiusiun Dears, Birds. Pet Stock COLLIE puppies make fine Xmas presents: they delight the wllole family; 60 puppies ior sate ..d up, LBf - w -Nairn. Amity. Or. ' RUSSIAN wolf hound male pup for sale; a beauty- 13 months old; best breeding In America. Main 5363 or East 4211. H. Berger. Jr. AIREDALE TERRIERS for pals, guards. hunters. Laddlx K.enneis, tistacaua, lj. M A LE spits pup, pore w hite. $5. 324 2d. Furniture for Bale. ENTIRE furnishings residence, nearly new. embracing Circassian and mahogany dress ers snd chiffoniers, brass beds, golden dining-room and library furniture fumed hall set. Call afternoon or evening. .01 Msrshsll. HOUSE for rent, furniture for sale; price $450. Phone Main 4204 Livescocii. A FINE 'lot of Jersey heifers, yearlings and 2-year-old. some bred one registered Jer sey bull. See Dolson. Ramapo station, east Ol Xjems. FOR SALE cheap, A. J. C. C. buil, 2 yekrs old. gentle; come and see his calves. Box 110, Milwaukle, Or. Poultry. WHITE Leghorns. Dr. Young's stock, with original lettera ana prize scurecw u.. ' dore Deschner, 110 3d St.. city. Automobiles. We have a number of high-grade, slightly-used csrs that have Just been overhauled In our shoo; they are In A-l condition and guaranteed, ranging in price from $450 ana up. van ,nc uv ........ NORTH WEST AUTO CO., Broadway and Couch Sts. LOOK! 1913 HUDSON'S 1913. $-cvl., o-pass., fully equipped. In A-l ..I. . 1 1 ....... m aiantrn licrhra. electric starter; these cars were traded in on new ;oies anu uuicib. i"os" rlflce ever made in 6-cylinder cars. CASH OR TERMS. NORTHWEST AUTO CO., Broadway and Couch. A 45. Main S8S7. FOB SALE. Lincoln motor truck, 4-ton. 14-korse-. power, closed body, friction drive; espe cially adapted for hill climbing and quick speed; w incsnieiu, cic... ... --- only 30 days; A-l condition. . Hygcia r arms " , . HAVE 4 seven-pasjeniterjfljfis I must dis pose of at once; bigllsc, bargains ever offered; no real estate deals; terms ac- HIGH-GRADE 7-passenger 11113 car. self starter, electric lighted, splendid condition, cash or terms. Efst Side Furniture. Co.. 6-CYLINDER 4-dour, 5-pass. Thomas, nickel trimmings, electric light, valued $1500: trade for unincumbered property. Call Km McKav bldg. Main 984. . lull i.rvl. Studebaker road ster for real estate or diamonds. O 601, Oregonian. DO you want an auto cheap.' Answer tnis ad. Will sacrifice loiu anu tun niuuein. Reasonable terms. S S90. Oregonian. GLaRANTEE auto repairs, contract rates. ilellance Garage. 1063 Hawthorne. Auto torage. , t uivc an uutoranbllA I must sell ut once will sacrllice and accept terms; no real estate. S 691 oregonian. 15O0-LB. AUTO TRUCK for sale or trade for horses or small grocery stock. AJ o9. Oregonian. DEAD STORAGE, $3 to $5 per month. VAN HORN TRANS. CO.. 40 ZD ST. ONE 2-ton truck, with sneak body; price $!0: bargain, k. Q'o. ureguiutm ,EW delivery wagons at second-hand prices. Oregon ji.jimu iri.... ROADSTER borly seat and tank to trade for windshield. R 600. Oregonian. GARAGE, light and Water, reasonable. 772 Kearney. Main i. AUTO storage, $5 month. Empire Garage, ZflU flUlO 111 AOWV, " -"" HIRE Five-passenger Chalmers. $1.50 per nour, wnu mm... GARAGE for rent. 1229 E. Everett. Automobiles Wanted. WANTED To trade for A No. 1 automo bile, 5 or i-pubmuci, " --- of one of several standard makes, no 1unk or old cars considered; will ex J. - in rpntrnl Ore- cnange ro cn-. - u . gon and will pay difference in cash. L nllS, oregonian Motorcycles. WANTED Motorcycle for good lot, at once ri bo-t. orcsnii inn Typewriters. L. C. B. 0.1 in oc . n MONARCH, visible g.-oo ROYAL, 5, visiole ... 9-0 ROYAL. 1. late model 40.00 SMITH PREMIER, 2. ... .5 ?,'-? FOX. visible model 24 - 7o X BLICKEN'SDERFER. 7. with case.. 12.50 BH0EtkK-MA'KES3 FRbM VlkiwUP., LARGEST STOCK ON THE PACIFIC CtTESRMS $5 cash and $5 per month. All machines guaranteed. Any machine sent on appfoval. Typewriters rented. Cata- THEWHOUlSsALE TYPEWRITER CO.. Phone Main 5681. 321 Washington sU $15 TO $65 will buy a Gill rebuilt type writer as good as new; all makes to choose from and workmanship guaranteed: terms to suit: catalogue mailed on request . . , . ll I I TWA P1M. irim o ui"" - - - - - 3d and Alder Sts. Main boOO. A 6008. WE are the exchange for the largest type writer concern on the Coast; Investigate; all makes, all .prices. The Typewriter 51 i: ll-Dahintrtnn St. n,xcnaiie. om. ......... ..p WE save you from 50 to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters. Send for our illus trated folder; retail department. . W HOUs SALE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 Wash. sU TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $10 to $65. NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER CO., 202 Stark St. NEW, ' rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. p. c co.. piwiiv. FOR SALE Brand new Oliver. No. 5 type writer, half price. 620 Corbett bldg. Machinery. FOR SALE One galvanised oil tank, 20 barrel? capacity; rice, $25. 211 Couch .bldg. Main 934L REMINGTON 8-ton refrigerating and lot 1. i... Phnn, Main 7A4. Mlscellaneons. GASOLINE boat, 48 fu long. 20-fL cabin. Just finished; can be used as passenger boat or small freighter; $650; some terms. raox 30 1, rtamicr, v. SAFES New and second hand; low prices, easy terms: safes opened, repaired and painted. PURCELL SAFE CO. and PORl- LANDSArVc, CO., oo n. ...i"-" GOOD, dry, country slabwood and first-class first-growth wood for sale by the carload or small luus. van1 bi"u -' - SIJv months' tuition in a leading business college at a bargain; easy payments. B 602. Oregonian. ; RENT a visible typewriter 3 months for $4 delivered. . 244 Stark sU Phones Main 0273 or A 4441. WE have a few mahogany and oak desks and office chairs for sale at a liberal dls- counu call o morgan uim. FOR SALE 2 fur overcoats, bargains; own er leaving for California. L 605, Ore- gonlan. $"3. Taxicab: party wants quick sale: $,o. ALTO ior t-VJ., P. am" DESK" $17 50." roll $20, safe $46, dictionary, atlas, $6. 2S9Yamhlll. Hardln. HEATING stove, almost 'new, $7.30 (cost $13). 115 N. 23d. YOUR own price: 3 pool tables, good as new. FEW pieces diamond Jewelry for the money loaned on. wm. Hon. .Washington st. NATIONAL cash registers. Get mv prices. Povey. 351 Wash., basement. Main 60 G. SEALSKIN Jacket" in first-clsss condition. Cheap. Call -SO v-iay -. FOR SALE- Gas stove" and refrigerator, al most new. Marshall 1975. GENUINE antique Kermashah rug. Call between 12 and 2. 1B3 12th st. FERTILIZER, the very best horse and cow rasmure, well rotted. Tabor 2352. Miscellaneous. SECOND-HAND billiard and pocket tables, built and rerlnlshed, completely equipped, at prices from $100 upward: liberal terms. The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co., 4tt 5th su Phone Main 70S, a imav ONE second-hand roll top. two flat top. . . i.i.. . . L- thpM mtarv two uwb.oti,!:.. . . - . chairs, one- 60-inch mahogany roll top desk and chair. Bushoug & Co., $1 Park St. Main. 104. MUST raise money, selling my curios. Ori ental vsses. lamp, large paintings, old vio lin, tvpewriter,- cabinet sewing machine, at one-third value. Vienna Music Studio, 850 Morrison (Mam 4Qii. SAFES Mosler Safe Co., manufacturers: low prices, " . loin,., " .- repaired: bargains in secorid-haad sates. ll . si. ruuiiB .a.u n. . -. rTXn.T.c.rv ePDTTT.T7E"B rjl.Av.rA. nunfu i...- Cow or horse manure, the very best for roses, delivered to any part of city. Phone 14-KARAT gold-tilled 25-year 21-jewel Ham llton, .lgin anu aii.ii." na..-..t., anteed. only $18. Uncle Myers, il th su near Oak. BEAUTIFUL diamond scarf pin, perfect white stone for less than half its cost. Call room S, Washington bldg., 4th and "Washington sts. BUCK RANGE, . heating stove, furniture, new tent, cheap. Marshall 57. A 54.81. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. LEVIN HARDWARE A FURNITURE CO., 221 Front St., buys second-hand furniture, carpets, stoves, ranges, hardware or tools of any kind. Call A 7174 or Main 9072. Our buyer calls promptly. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED. Highest cash prices paid for ladles and - gents' castoff clothing and Bhoes. Call Main 92So. 294 Sd st. The reliable buyer. WE buy for cash second-hand National cash registers and sell them on easy terms; registers guaranteed. W. J- Macauley, oo4 Bumside. .Main lSlli. A 1S16. WANTED SECOND CLOTHES. Highest prices paid for second-hand clothes. Main 1383, A 3CSL 346 1st st. WE want to buv $1000 worth of second-hand furniture In the next 30 days and pay all the cash It is worth. Willlams-ave. Fur niture Exchange. Phone East 636. WILL pav reasonable price for list of names and addresses of farmers or prospective - fruitgrowers in Oregon owning own prop erty, can lanor WE pay highest cash prices for second-hand billiard and pocket tables. The Bruns w ick-Balke-Collender Co., 46 5th su Phone Main ins, a iiuif, FAIR DEAL We pay best prices for second-hand clothirjs and furniture. Call .uitin en. oii pi. , hmv .- - SECOND-HAND IUP.NITURE WANTED Buyer calls promptly; estimates given. 184 1st,' near Yamlilli. Main 4773. ftrui tAaa Paid for household goods. C. M. Pennell, SU1 Z31 ay. j-iiuiio moipi.w. ... DIAMOND, hi k. or over; must be perfect stone and cheap for cash; private parties only. At- wi, .i cu. .... DO not sell or. give away any of your fur niture before you call the Bell Auction WANTED Addresses of reliable horseradteh raisers ' by E. A. Fletcher, Boise, Idaho. rt. r . u. . WE want $10,000 worth of second-hand fur niture; hlgnesr prices pam. ocii.uw. WILL pay cash for carat diamond at Dargain. t,an oo uii0iulau "luej CASH paid for hair' combings. Sanitary ' Beautv Parlors, 400 Dekum bldg. 1 WANT the best diamond $100 wll buy. JOS College St.. eventual. I PAY higbett price" for V. B. old coins. John eomera, x.iuu.j . HIGHEST prices paid for rifles, shotguns, cameras. Hochfeld, 33 N. 3d su, cor. Jouch. WANTED -Some second-hand office furni ture from owners uiny, v .m... v.p... FORD AUCTION CO. pass more cash for any Kino or. luiiiivmo. ". ."." WANTED Enamel bathtub, good condition, 4 or 3-fooU D 624, Oregonian. NATIONAL cash register; price must be reasonable. Main 660. A 3606. HELP WANTED MALE. TwmKVT. (One of Many.) Office Secretary Employment Department i. IM.. A. Young man. stranger, seeking employ ment ti-" nis mii w " , , , z you $3 for employment membership, I win nave only $15 between me and starvation. Secretary If you pay $5 for employ ment membership, you will have the l M. C. A., wltn an us iMuuiw you and starvation. Result Young man Joined association. In less than a week ha had satisfactory employment. Record for 11 months ending Nov. 30. Calls for men from employers it... Positions filled ,Lv Special employment membership guar antees member will secure employment or membership fee will be refunded. Gives two months- full privileges, including use of gymnasium, swimming pool. batn. etc., and- ten months" social or house privileges including tho services of the employment department for the entire year. All young men seeking employment m commercial, clerical or technical lines, or as engineers, firemen, mechanics, machin ists, carpenters, mill workers or In otner skilled lines, are cordially invited to con sult with the secretary of the advisory and employment aepartmeuu LARGEST and best-known realty concern on the Coast has a position for the sales men who can qualifj. Our proposition will maTte him $3000 and over during 1914. Ambition to be and ability to earn $5000 is not enough; It takes application and determination as well. Ask yourself these questions. Have you worked hard this yearr -How much have you earned this year? Are you satisfied you have the neces sary qualities to earn money? Do you consider yourself a salesman? Several salesmen are earning this much and more, handling our proposition An other salesman can do as much with like effort. ARE Y'OU THAT MAN? .. If so, call between 9 and 12 A. M. on Mr. Cleveland, sales manager THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY, 269 Washington su . WANTED ForU. S. Army, able-bodied, un married men between ages of 18 and SB. citizens of United States of sood charac ter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language, tor Information apply to recruiting officer. Worcester bids.. Third and Oak su.. Port land, or WANTED A first-class Job printer fori -the best county seat paper in the vi 111am otte Valley; good wages will be paid and a steady position if you make good, no boozer need answer, auui u Hathaway, care Press Club. Po CASH advanced you weekly selling our hardy guaranteed stock: excellent terri tory: hustlers make money. Washington rv ursery co., auuuchiqh. .. WANTED Young man, l(i to 18, for even ing work in office; good chance for ad vancement if ability Is shown. P 631, Ore. gonian. SANDERMAN to operate and care for pne Roval-Invlnclble and one Columbia sander. Communicate with Clatsop Mill Co., As toria. I HAVE a first-class steady position with a large company for a good man who can furnish $300 cash security. Call ol3 Pekum bldg. WANTED A number of high-grade stock salesmen; permanent position; salary or commission. Call 872 East Oak St., city. WANTED Three neatly dressed men to make some quick money. See Lesley, Clark Hotel. 9 to 11 A. M. Room 402. WANTED Bookkeeper, experienced, whole sale house, state age, experience, refer ence sAionenumberJjr62S,0 re g o n i an . WANTED One striper and 2 painters for automobile shop out of town; give name, address and experience. F 630, Oregonian. I CAN help you if you are making only $20 a week and want to advance and. earn more. jv oil vi .;"'.. THOROUGHLY experienced men's furnish iiies salesman; none but experienced need aciilv Roberts Bros., 3d. and Morrison. SALESMAN for city snd country; new ar tide; big future for those that can qual lfy. 417 Worcester uiua. WANTED Men to write health and acci dent insurance. Oregon Surety & Casualty Co, 801 Board of Trade bldg. EXPERIENCED advertising solicitors, quick commission; contracts cashed; several weekly papers. 268 Madison. . WANTED Wide awake salesmen to sell -leVelry on the Installment plan; old es tablished house. Apply 207Corbettbldg PHOTo'solicitors, $100 diamond ring given r.,..JI. .IU l Utni-rl.nn free, barony diu', " ' MEN with patentable ideas write Randolph ft CO.. Patent auiivnw... " - - PHOTO coupon; best offered; beauty con test started. Cutberth Studio. Dekum bldg. WANTED C. O. Crouder to phone C 2525 or notiiy mia i WANTED 2 experienced Bhoe men. Apply tOCRV. - - 1 - TA1IX3R for' busheling work. Lion Clothing Co., Morrison, corner 4th st. WANTED Tencr singer. Call'after 2 P. M. today. Boo r-aoi uii w .. WANTED Man and wife, cooks. Apply T. J. Conway. 22 J'. 2d st. VANTED Two experenced stock salesmen. 638 Morgan bldg. W AiM.U nusmuB ui;iii , I $200 cash prize; also good commission: particulars free. K. E. Tenny, 1054 Ellis su. San Francisco, cai. WANTED A registered dentist. Room 305 Tilford bldg.. cor. loth and Morrison. Phone atsrsnait -o. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Good, reliable girl tor general housework; two in family; must under stand plain cooking; good wages and a good homo to right party. Call 47 E. rsurnsiuw sl.. cuim-i ... MAN and wife, cook and helper, swiall country hotel, $40; cook, club of men. $40, general housework, $3.n 4 .JSVYvS' HANSEN'S EMP'T. OFFICE. 345 wasn. at., ruum WANTED Youns lady to take part in vau deville: good wages to right party; expert, ence not necessary. 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. G. H. Mcnarun. . iw -lev WILL give room, board and small wages to schoo:glrl in exchange for light house work. Phone East 4409 or call oi4 Van couver ave, WANTED Middle-aged lady to do cham berworkr must know. how;. ome; small wages. Call 'at 521 oavier sU. be tween 4 and 5 P. M. COMPETENT saleswomen, thoroughly ex perienced in dress, trimming, f'"" toys; none but experienced need, apply. Roberta Bros.. 3d snd Morrison st. WANTED 2 waitresses. Call early. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY, Ladies' u.epi: 205 V, MorrisonL WANTED Woman for -eneral housework 2.-1 to au years old preferred. Call 4tx2 xfia- EXPERT facial masseuse, manicurist and nalraresser, wim v,t . Atunisuu oi. iAl-EKIENCEU girl for bakery and butter store. Sanitary Publio Market, 2d and lamnui sls. bihh FIVE girls to ?"rn -eauty culture; pay . wane iobi uiue . ' ." 414 DeKum pmg. 04jaii.ntj WANT, girl or young woman to ' cook In smaii resiurfiii, -- board, to start, n. v,iim, CAPABLE girls are securing good positions through the Domestio Service Bureau. o36 llth au main iio'. ui.j. loUNG lady to assist in big vaudeville acu Call 243 South second. Good amateur ac cepteiL Harry Seymour. LADIES to "travel, demonstrate and sell dealers, $25 to $30 per week. R. R. tare paid. 615 swetland bldg. Call mornlngs; ',e "t AnTir;n. A OENC Y. Washington bldg., 270',, Washington, room 85, nea 4th. Phone Main (H36 orA 32b0- WANTED Refined, capable woma!afo,rH! sponsioie poaiuuu. w w- 1 child oiag.. m .. EXPERIENCED Jewelry salesladies at once; state expeiicucc. --. GIRL lor general housework; good cook; references, .nnt -1 " . A GOOD girl for general housework. 821 Irving su WANT klrl for confectionery, chocolate dip- ping neceBHary. u- Glifl'for cooking and general housework; erperiencett. 101 - SINGLE man alone wants housekeeper; light work7smail pay. AF 597. OregomanL WANTED Girl for general housework. Mar shall 441S FINISHERS on gowns, and apprentice. 313 Tilford bldgN HELP WANTED MALE OB FEMALE. BOYS AND GIRLS WANTED to work In . - st ,3 eirani - ne-p.R 16 to 18 years, permanent position "with opportunity for i.ivi.cemenu Apply between 9 and 10 A. M. at the Superintendent's ollice, ttn floor, Meier' & Frank store. WANTED Competent cook for small family hotel in thnv nic couiili.v - no. wife or lady with daughter to wait on table ana ao gene.-. """',"".",- bldg., corner BroadwayandMorrison: FISK Teachers'' Agency secures positions for teachers. 816 Journal bldg. Main 4835 .. HELP WANTEP-jUSCEIXANEOCS. ' ' '.r. i.l n,anan at once MEN. 20 to su ycui" um, -for electric railway motormen and con ductors: ttO to aiiAi a wiuu..., lence necessary; fine opportunity; nu strike; write immediately for application blank. Auuresa av u-, -. OREGON Barber College teaches you i the barber trade in 8 weeks; pays you whl e learning' tools free; tuition reduced this term- extra Instructors; years in business. . PoS?tion guaranteed: special inducements to laaies. -o Jiouiauu , . -j: r- .a nw,on t nVii 4,i ner MEN, women, gei vju.v7.....iv..w j.--, month; 12.000appointments ant u Rochester. N. x. V " ' . . . - , i-r JTf T7 IJ IT" c? Pn.tnniihniiBei Raion.Aon;Pa:ros7-gainm more clerks; fuu touw. - cific States tscnoo, jw.xyy $75 month; write immediately for free Rochester. N. x. , MOLKR jaroer .ui itiu 'Z . ; tl e- inVv vnll wnne wii'' '"-: t for free catalogue, a , i. 7:.n , mnr. i-r v V n TJ A AJ f3 IT! ItlfiAlfllVAU ... . Companies organized, routes directed, acts written. Ed Roberts. Hotel Alder. pmVATEBUSiNESS COLLEGE Individual lnstruction. V-ia keenlnir. 404 Commonwealth bid. Mar. 4JoS WANTED At once, two men to learn auto repalrinTand driving. Call at Hawthorne Garage, -iu -nv MEN. 18 to 35, wishing to be railway j mall clefts; $T5 month. Apply for informa tion. AV oni, ureBoiii" tt.t c t tioniitv nflrlor work. Earn money while learning. J.he Hair B.r, .iirn Theater bldg.. Wash, and Park C: WORTH AND TYPEWRITING, $3 PER JlO. bH.V"i"i;,74'm mi ttVP IVSTRITC'N. 269 141tt OA. uq.". u..-. SITUATIONS WANTED MALB. Bookkeepers and Clerks IVVESTTRATED MEN. The kind you wanu . Honest, industrious, qualified. Can do anything you want done. Anxious to serve you. Records In hand for your Inspection, Call Write. Phone. . STANLEY BAKER. ' Employment Secretary, Y. if. C. A. Main iuiw, vow. EFFICIENT Ollice man, mui uu6...j ienced office management, accounting, creo!ts. desires position with reliable, go ing Portland firm. Address AM o99, Ore . .v... ..nor. gonian. VALUABLE man, experlenced In office and sales work, wioiic ii.t.i,e,t , r energetic, forceful and highly credentialed. D uo4, oregoiimu- WILL AUDIT," OPEN, CLOSE OR WRITE "AtSS. . SwSSSr Gmingham. auditor. 414 vu Uirghflll 717. LierV IB UlUfi. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper; best of refer- nlan. BOOKKEEPER wants position. Phone Main Miscellaneous. THOROUGHLY organized construction crew .in ,.v, enntract or force account work; long Job preferred; can handle entire work or any portion of iu C. E. Powell, Broad way rlOtei. r-tiuuw m m.oa. EXPERIENCED chauffeur, married, wants "nosition in private family: will take any extra driving; can turnlsh references; do own repairing. Call Marshall o28 or sl 617. oregonian. ioln'G man,- 23 years old, wants work of any kind, a good talker and ambitious and chauffeur by .trade. A Ool. Orego nian. YOUNG man, 28. university law school grad uate, with several years' experience in banking and mercantile lines, desires po sition. Address AR 604, Oregonian. . EXPERIENCED washerman wants position; married and steady. Phone Marshall 1697. O 604, oregonian. ALA LB nurse wishes care invalid gentleman; experienced ad best references. N 59,. Oretronian. EXPERIENCED chauffeur, married man. thoroughly reliable, best reference. W. J. Smith, Upshur apts. JAPANESE boy wants position as cook or housework. A 3819. Address 306"4 1st-su Frank omori. EXPERIENCED poultry man wants po sition: single, 45 years old, references. C 617, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED moving-picture operator "wants position in or out of city. Phone East 399. room 1. CARPENTER, first-class finishing hardwood man7 O. K. on alterations. Walker, 703 1 HoyU A JAPANESE cook wants position in prl- vate family. F 628. Oregonian. MILKER and barnman would like to han- e cows, v uv. .e,-"..-". WANTED Contract cutting wood, large or small. M 611. .Oregonian. PROFESSIONAL window cleaner, white. Phone Main 7268, STENOGRAPHER desires position In fire insurance- office: 3 years' experience- Phone B 613 4, room i-e YOUNG lady desires position as bookkeeper, stenographer or cashier; can speak Ger man. A 649, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer accurate and rapid, cltv references, desires position. Marshall 2751. POSITION desired b 5 stenographer, expe rienced in office work. Phone Tabor 4332. EXPERIENCED cashier wants position. Call B 6134. room 220. s . EXPERIENCED bookkeeper. In or oat of city, references given. Gilchrist. Mam 71. a. Uressmakers, ONE-PIECE dresses'" made in one day at your home; alterations. Main 04.0, 3231. FASHIONABLE dressmaking and milliiery, home or day. Ml Glbb strain 'lsil EEWINii, darning and t-ndlcg by the day. EXPERIENCED dressmaker, talloress, w-anls day work; Bt guaranteed. 350 Sacramento. PRAC. nurse wishes position caring for el- j ... ,j cii c,th,i i. Worn- uejiy iMuy ur imoiiii ,i, ..---- an s ljBBSUB, JUUlll .idl. GOOD, practical .nurse, doctor's references. xitn UNDERGRADUATE nurse wants case; any - thing taken; terms reasonable. MainSSiS. Housekeepers. REFINED lady desires a position, house keeper for respectable wiaower. jahi, 3616, room 2. BY experienced woman, position aa house keeper In home or hotel; will leave city. Call after 11 A 5430. Domestics. WANTED Babies to board. Address 5526 S. E. 70th st. Miscellaneous. CAPABLE woman wishes work today and "Mondav laundering or. cleaning;. Sunday and holiday dinnera preferred; references Marshall 6167. ' PIANO LESSONS Illustrated muslo stuuy for beginners: classes now being organized, also advanced pupils In Private Instruc' tion. 747 E. llth st. Sell. 22i4. COMPETENT woman wants day work Sat urday and each day next week. Marshall 0931. CAPABLE woman would like work by day or week; lr.asE ruuwuu ,..;. .. Woodlawn 3389. LACE curtains, draperies, linens laundered by expert; caneu mi. jemv. COMPETENT woman wants work by tho. oay. 3iam oac. EXPERIENCED German girl. 23. desires position as cniimuu ,.u... : YOUNG girl wants position at second work. rpone vvouuiavii COLORED woman wants chamber work. Phone Main iw. WOMAN would like work, Friday; refer ences. Woodlawn 1101. CAFETERIA work by experienced young woman. Main 2161. WANTED TO KENT. IF YOU want results in renting, list' your property with us. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. Main 836S. Houses. WANTED Furnished house, modern, must be in first-class condition and close m; West Side preferred; no children"; Kive full particulars, rt; u. i-eieiyun. i'i vear lease in good location on the west Side fit for a hydropathic institute. John Looranioh, 956 E. Flanders. . RESPONSIBLE! couple desires furnished house. for Winter months; would sub-rent 3 or 4-room apartment. R 604. Oregonian. ' Business Places. WANTED To share office or deskrootn In attorney's office by attorney. What have you? State location and price. AG OOo, Oregonian. RESPONSIBLE known firm desires 3-story building, upper Washington 8U preferred, will taiie 5-year lease. W 590. Oregonian. RESPONSIBLE tenant desires store loca tion first of year; Morrison st. preferred, will take 6-vear lease. N 59S, Oregonian. FOR KENT. Furnished Rooms. ' RATES, DAILY. WErlKL Y, MONTHLY. HOTEL WASHINGTON, Formerly Called Annex Hotel, WASHINGTON ST.. COK. 121 H. Family hotel. 150 rooms, European plan, absolutely fireproof building, modern and clean in every respect; hot and cold run ning water, both telephones in every room ladies' parlor, large bathroom, ladles- toilet and gentlemen's toilet, tiled floor well ventilated, on each floor; large parlor off 1DaiCHASby'H. ROWLEY. MANAGER, PORTLAND, OK. HOTEL WEAVER. Tlo Washington St. Under new management; large pleasant rooms, private phone and bath with eacn, extra large closets; larEe comlortaole re ception parlor; rates most reasonable. Telephone Main 865L HOTEL ROWLAND. HOTEL MINOOK. 207V. 4th 2loi em. SPECIAL WINTER RATES. Nicely furnished rooms, homelike, re spectable, clean and modern: hot and cold water, private Laths; Winter rates. 3 per vveek and up; special .attention i given to tourists; give us a call; you w 11 Uke it. 'for you get your money's worth and then some. i,.iVltli. nroaawa.v, cm. . modern house, beautifully furnished out side rooms, some with private bath, a quieu homelike place for transient or per manent guests; rates reasonable. A. L. Steward, nrotand mgr., 206 Broadway. JTTo $2.76, S3 WEEK; cleanest, warmest rooms in city; right downtown; I Mautifu ly furnished; hot water, baths, all hours, also large corner room, suitable for 2 men $ Hotel Cadillac. 3d;near Jefferson. v-OR Y jTc. A. MEMBERS Furnished rooms reasonable in price; fireproof bul ld ' ing. vacuum cleaned, shower baths, club facilities; special rales at cafeteria. Cor ner 6thandJ'ay lor s?ts. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM. 20th and Wash ington sts.. new brick; steam heat, run- nifi- hot and cold water; all outside ?ooms: pleSty of heat; $2.60 week up; private bath $3 a week up. Centrally located on Washington at 12th st - hot and cold water and phones; $3 we'ekYrand up; very attractive prices to permanent bucbw- -7..TT.T TTD IVTTT tK 468 Washington su, cor. 13th. 60a per day and up; weekly, $3 and Up. bath, pnone,, - NICELY and newly furnished light and airy rooms very desirable and homelike, $11 o lli per month. 275 N. 32d sU. one block from Westovercar. HOTEL SAVON. 131 Eleventh St.; new. modern brick building, steam heated pri vate baths, hot and cold water, comforta bly furnished; transients solicited. ' HOTEL ANSONIA, ,,, 324 14th St.. corner Washington. n'ef'"' furnished rooms, strictly modern; rates $3.50 week and up. Marshall 14 1. OAKS HOTEL, ., Modern, nicely furnished rooms: steam heau hot and cold water; 2 per week. S47 Oak St.. opposite Hotel Ore-on. HOTEL OCKLEY, S90Vi Morrison St., cor 10tn. 50c per.V and up; week r,nx'r,- fdwaRDS. Grand ave. and Eait absolutely a respectable hotel. East S-o. up; iree Datn ua UflTFI, CORDO A, UJ AXkKl. OA. s"mtlyI'mLodern : private ba lis en suite ; .oms $3.50 up. Mam 94 1 2 A 4.8.1. f rtucT' rYoon?in exp' Inquire V. M. cf A, 6th and Taylor t ARRABEE. 227 Larrahee Rooms, sf week upT brick building, steam heat, not, cold water, bath, phone, electrlolty. HOTEL ARTHUR. nth and Yamhill; every modern conven ience; rate $4 week and up. Main 4220. HOTrJL joi,js, ivtj jjiJely furnished rooms, day or weeK. .rtWTl. n-TAIf ATU ST the- KING 309 Jefferson, nicely furnished rooms. modrncentraJ2.25j2ekjip. vice furnished room for single man. 163 . - V, r-T i parK, emu" j....- i ,..hMl Rooms In Private I-'amUles Tlo SMALL front room in steam -heated apartment: walking distance. Main .594. FURNISHED room, all modern conveniences. ;4Vj linn bi. i'., neat BEAUTIFUL furnished room In good home; reference; Nob Hill. 738 Johnson sU $T30 WEEK, clean sleeping-room, 268 12th street. . FINE front room, choice locality; reasonable. 721 Hawthorne ave. B 1882. ii WEEK. Very neat, clean room, 208 12th.