TTTR 3r07?XrTG ORTSOOXTAX. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1913. 13 UIHBEBHEN WANT ' WOODEN BOX CARS Manufacturers at Session Call on Union Pacific to Use Materia!. CO-OPERATION IS URGED Railroads Asked to Aid in Develop ing' Northwest and Given Hint They Slay lose Business by Substituting Steel. Railroad and lumber manufacturer should co-operate in the development of the Northwest, say members of the West Coast Lumber Manufacturers' As sociation, which held its regular month . ly meeting in Portland yesterday. The lumber manufacturers called on the carriers In general to consider the merits of wood material in future orders for rolling stock, A resolution was adopted, calling upon the Union Pacific system, which now Is in the market for 6000 steel box cars, to reconsider its Intention before placing the order. The fact that the Union Pacific de pends upon the lumber-producing states J for a major portion of its eastbound traffic is called to the road's attention, and a strong suggestion Is made that the lumber men In future will feel like patronizing those railroads that patron ise them. The resolutions declare: "That every opportunity should be utilized, more especially by the western transporta tion lines, to encourage and stimulate the industry, through the consumptio: of the product, more particularly where it has proved to yield satisfactory re suits In car construction; that the YVes Coast Lumber Manufacturers' Assocla' tion. embracing in its scope the great lumber-producing sections of Western Oregon and Washington, traversed by the Union Pacific system, furnishing fully 80 per cent of Its eastbound ton nage. most respectfully urges that ear nest consideration be given to avoiding the threatened substitution of steel fo the wooden boxcar.". Sixty at Meeting. Yesterday's meeting was attended by about (0 lumbermen from various part: of. the Northwest. W. B. Mackay, of Portland, is president of the assocla' tion. At the meeting in the afternoon re ports were received that the Iowa sash and door manufacturers have filed with the Interstate Commerce Commission a protest against the rates on their prod ucts to the Atlantic seaboard. The Iowa people contend that Pacific Coast fir Is entering Eastern markets In com petition with their own pine products. They want a reduction In rates that will enable them to undersell the Coast manufacturers. In the event that the case Is taken up for hearing by the Commission the Coast manufacturers will be prepared to defend the present rate schedule. They declare that If the Iowa 'manu facturers are entitled to a reduction the same concessions shall be made to the Coast manufacturers. Another element that lent interest to the meeting was the formal report of the rate protest filed with the Interstate Commerce commission by the manu facturers of Northern California and Southern Oregon. The Callfornians de clare that they are discriminated against and that the rates under which the Northwestern traffic .moves ere lower. s The eat Coast manufacturers are beginning to see In the campaign for wood substitutes a serious detriment to their industry. They admit that for many purposes steel is a safer and more economical material than wood, but they do not think it should replace wooden sides In boxcars. Superiority of Steel Dealed. "The superiority of steel boxcars has yet to be demonstrated, said President Mackay yesterday. "Although some roads have ordered steel cars, their use is yet In the experimental stage. "The steel craze Is getting to be quite a fad," said another lumberman. "It is all right In some places, but It is be ing overdone. They are using steel for some things now where wood would be a whole lot iietter and safer. Steel boxcars are In use by a few lines In the Middle West. The Union Paciflo system has been considering their use for nearly a year. Last year the Union Pacific system came Into the market with heavy orders for lumber for rolling stock. This year the road has not placed any orders. If It builds cars of steel instead of wood the lumber industry will suffer materially, the manufacturers say. SCHOOL RECORD REPORTED Folk Count y'a Percentage of tendance Readies t7.I. At- INDEPENDENCE. Or.. Dec 19. (Spe cial) All former records of the schools of Polk County were surpassed last month, according to the report of Superintendent Seymour. The average daily attendance was 26o., with a total enrollment of 1811 at the time of making the report. The per cent of at tendance was $7.1. There were 1874 pupils who were neither absent nor late during the month. t of 70 achoc ware placed on the honor roll for hav ing 15 per cent or over In attendance. There were 1 schools that had no tardles during the month. Most of these were country schools, which It is hard for some of the pupils to reach at alL Ten schools have earned the ten points necessary to make, them stand ard, and many more are but a few points short of the mark. School rallies are held at the different schools to cre ate Interest In the work, and to get the co-operation of parents in the work of the schools by Superintendent Sey mour. It has been found that where these rallies have been held the records shoyr Improvement. STOLEN CHICKENS FOUND Boys' Shacks in Woods Raided by Owner of Lest Fowls. INDEPENDENCE, Or, Deo, 19. (Special.) Wallace Huntley and Frank1 Rider, of North Independence, put a top to what Is believed to be an or ganized bnne't of chicken thieves ..this morning; wh a they caught four boys between the ages of It and 90 years with some of Mr. Huntley's fine stock. Seeing some one getting at his chick ens he started after them, but the boys mads for some woods at the back of the place. Mr. Huntley called on Rider and they .started to round up the woods. They found the four boys and in their search they also found six or seven brush shacks where they gathered and cooked the chickens. : HOTELS Hotel Washington Washington Street. Corner Twelfth. CH.1BI.ES U. Bjn'LET. Manager. tl. Sl-50. S3 Per Dar With Bath Privilege. II -50. SS. SS.BS Per Day With Private Bath. Sperial KMn by week or month. Bus to and from trains and boats, or take a De pot car to Washington St. ana transfer, get off at Twelfth' Street. European plan. ir.0 outside .rooms. Fireproof Building, modern and clean in every respect. Hot and old runnmg- water and both telephones in every, room. Larxe Parlor off Main Lobby. HARRIS IS GUILTY Attorney Mann Is Accused by Vagrant on Stand. LAWYER THREATENS BLOW North End Confessed Graft Collector Charges He Was Promised' Case . Would Be Dropped for Kvl- - dence Against Krasner. Harry Harris was convicted of vagrancy In Judge Oatens' court yes terday.. The evidence touched on events of the old war between the leaders of North End factions and graft that was said to have been collected from the women in that district and which the "higher-ups" were said to have shared. Sentence probably will not be passed on Harris until after an appeal taken by John Parker, who was tried and convicted on the same charge, has been decided by the Supreme Court. The case against Harris was prosecuted by Deputy City Attorney Myers. Harris and Parker were arrested in raids on North End houses in the Spring of 1913 and charged with vagrancy. Both were convicted In Mu nicipal Court, as were about 20 others arrested during the same raids. Judge Tazwell fined all the defendants and sentenced them to serve 90 days. Harris appealed to the Circuit Court. Harris testified yesterday teat tie had been promised that the case would not be called because of information he said he had given regarding the graft charges that resulted in Sam Krasner being sent to Jail. Attorney John IX Mann was accused by Harris of being in on the graft Harris testified that money for the higher-ups" was to be paid at Mann s office In the Chamber of Commerce. Mann was In the courtroom ana rushed to the witness stand, laid one hand on Harris" shoulder and threat ened to strike the witness, but was prevented by bystanders. Judge Gatens called tne court to or der and directed Bailiff Deane to take Mr. Mann from the courtroom. Or der was restored In a few moments snd the trial resumed. John Parker was tried and convicted under the same ordinance on which Harris was tried and was represented hv the same attorneys. If Parker's case Is reversed by the Supreme Court, the same ruling would apply to tut lljiTt. ease. It la said, and for this rea son it Is believed that sentence will be postponed. Attorney Ralph Moody took an appeal on the Parker case, charging that the old ordinance under which the conviction was obtained was superseded by a stats statute. The graft which Harris said It was planned to collect- would amount to about 1160.000 a year. These figures were furnished, the witness said, by Joe Singer, who. he said, met Sam Krasner and himself in tne roriisnu Hotel bar. Sinner, he said, came to tnem as iua representative of the "higher-ups" of tha cltv administration, who were to get a share of the collections, to be paid over, he said, in Mann s omta a "e money was to be collected In the North End and turned over to a.raaner anu Harris, according to tne testimony given by Harris, In room No. 4, of the Coast Hotel. The collection was actually stanea. the witness said, when the plans were frustrated by former Acting Chief of Police Slover. who made payment tor some of the women with marked money. and Harris and ivrasner were arrestee hortly afterwards, with tne money in their pockets. COLLEGE VACATION STARTS Students at Eugene Show Christmas , Spirit Providing for Poor. UNIYERSITT OF OREGON', Eugene. Dec IS. CSpoclal) The final day of AND RESOBT9. Sams Kates 1 or Z persons la Room. Portland, Oregon Portland's Famous Jlotcl, fotedfor the Excellence QRTMNB of its GoisinaEiiropcari plan OwedandOpowjedbtTIu: PORIUND flOIELCa N.K.ClARnA53T.Mcn.- G. J.KAU fMANN mch. HOTEL CARLTON Fourteenth and Washington Streets. Booms, with bath, $1.50 day. Booms without bath. $1.00 day. All outside rooms, fireproof construction. Special rates for permanent guests. Joss Finnegan, Mgr. Victor Brandt, Propr. Hotel Cornelius THE HOUSE OF WELCOME. PARK AND ALDER STS, PORTLAND. OR. .In the theater and shopping district, one block from any earline; rates fl.00 per day and np; with bath, $1.50 per day and up. Take our Brown Auto 'Bus. C. W. Cornelius, President. H. E. Fletcher, Manager Hotel Hoyt HOYT AND SIXTH STS. New - Fireproof 200 Rooms Rates 75c Up PERMANENT GUESTS SOLICITED SPECIAL RATES ONE BLOCK FROM UNION DEPOT H. JENNING & SON, Props. F. C. Harrington, Mgr. recitations before the Christmas vaca tion was marked by the usual exodus of students to all parts of the North west. Few students except those liv ing In Eugene or in points so remote as to make a trip home impracticable will remain. Many of tne fraternity houses and other boarding places are deserted and will be closed until tne new year. The vacation will - extend over two weeks, and regular classes will be re sumed at 8 A. M.. Monday. January 6, Oregon students have participated generously in the movement to turn the Christmas spirit to good account in Eugene. Clothing, much of it almost new, and other. articles were collected at every fraternity house and aormi tory and added to the city's stock, to be distributed to the needy. Gamma Phi Beta sorority will give a Christmas dinner to 20 deserving youngsters, and other sororities have been sewing for the members of needy families. Last week members of the university sorori ties sold Red Cross stamps and earned $86 for that cause, and this week's proceeds from the sale of the stamps are expected to equal that amount. 4576 FOLK SAY "I WILL" VAACOTJVER ISSUES 22S8 LICENSES TO WED I3f YEAR. Nine Days Tet Go, Se AH Prospects Are That 2S0O Couples Will Take Definite Step. VANCOUVER, Wash, Dec. 19. (Spe cial.) During 1913, with nine more business days to go, 2288 marriage li censes have been Issued. That there will be more than 2300 Is assured. Judging from the number of couples who come here daily, most of them from Portland and other Oregon cities. There are only four more applications in the big marriage"" license affidavit application book, .so a new book will be required. In this book will be re corded about 2800 applications for marriage licenses. Arthur R. Rankin and Mary Goldea, ofPortland. secured a license Just be fore the office closed tonight and said they were going to surprise their friends. Others who secured licenses were: Clarence Swanson and Eliza Balthozare, C J. Smith and Thelma Longhurst, Louis Grin and Botab La- vln, Donald B. Wood, of Honolulu, and Ethyl D. Heckner, H. F. Courtney and Marlon A. Elliott, all of Portland, and George C Jensen and Helen D. Miller, of Dayton. Or. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Enodgrass, of Thir teenth and Franklin streets, have an nounced that their daughter, Ida Ra chael Snodgrass, will be married to William Henry HamilL December 80, at the home of Father Felix Verwil ghen. A reception will be held at toe bride's home following the wedding. Mr. Snodgrass Is a Civil War veteran and was once prominent in politics in Clarke County. SCHOOL RALLIES ATTRACT . i Many Persons Attend Sessions In Polk County Buildings. MONMOUTH. Or.. Dec IS. (Special) The school rallies scheduled to be held at various points in Polk County throughout the school term have at tracted considerable attention among the patrons. Rallies were held last week at, Cherry Grove, Pedee, Antioch and Oak Grove. At Antioch about 100 persons gath ered at the school and spent the day. E. F. Carlton, Assistant State Super intendent, made an address. The pur pose of the meetings is to bring about a closer relationship and a better un derstanding between the school and home. The following schools have become standardised: Lincoln, Miss Edna Gray, teacher; District No. 12. Miss Carrie Evans, teacher; Oakburst, Mra J. D. Moryer. teacher: Antioch, Mra A. R. Palmer. teacher: Fir Grove, Miss Eva Womer, teacher; McCoy, Miss Gladys Turner, teacher; Guthrie. Mrs. Andie Stone, teacher. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Dec 18. Maximum temper, ature, 44 degrees; minimum, 30 degrees. River reading. 8 A. M.. 2.3 feet: change in last 24, hours, JS foot fall. Total rainfall (5 P. M. to i P. M-),. none; total rainfall sine September 1, 1&13. 12.29 inches; normal rain fall since September 1, JS.40 inches; defi ciency ef rainfall since September i, ISH3, PORTLAND ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. PKOMPT 6ERVICK at reasonable prices. Paciilo Title A Trust Co.. 7 Cham, ot Com. ACCORDION PLEATING. K. STEPHAN Hemstitching and scalloping, accord, side pleat, buttons covered, goods sponged; mail orders. 3s3 Aider. M- SJitt. A3SAVKR9 AXD A3i ALVST3. MONTANA ASSA OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing works. H-ihi 2d su ATTORNEVS. J. R. UBE.VFIU General practice, ab stracts, contracts, collections. Injuries, etc Kemovad to new offices. 707. 70S, 7u Selling bldg.t Consultution free. Wll. II. LAFOKCE. Counsellor-at-law, 2UM Failing bldg. AKT MATTKLeS WORK. MATTRESSES renovated and to order. The only special admirable shop. Marshall 26o7. BlKBEHe' SIPPUES. AXXOTJXCEMI2NT. We desira to notify our friends that we are no longer with the O. B. . Co., but have a supply houss of our Off.V. and will appreciate arfy business you care to give us. according you the same treatment as during- tne past xive years. K'KMP H A R KKR.-i' HITPPLT CO. Le Kemp, 62 6th Su Marry Kemp. BOAT BllLDINU. O. P. GRAHAM Boat building and repair Ing. Marine ways. loot Abernetny at. CARPET WEAVING. NOKTHWEST RUG CO. Rugs -from old carpets, rag rugs. . 1SS East sth. OELLCLOlll BUTTONS, BADGES, TUifi lKIVl.N-HODSOS COMPANY, i 6tn St. Phones Mam 812 and A 1HS4. CHIROPODISTS. William. Eatelle and Dewane Deveney, the only scientific chiropodists In the city. Parlors, wis Uerlingar bldg.. S. W. corner lid and Aider. Phone Main laol. DK. FLETCHER, aseptic chiropodist and loot specialist, treats all Ills of the toot without pain; li4 years' experience; iaay assistant, autf Allsky Dldg. Main Xlti'2. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill. Offices, 428 r'liedner bldg. Main ji-tTJ. DR. and Mrs. Fletcher, painless chiropodists, over the Haxelwood. Main 3713. A &! CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS. DR. M'MAHON. 121 4th St. S1Q,W modern . .h.nnU a . .. . nn..h a t '"trutt" prices; results guaranteed in writing. HIAWATHA" Utah hard coal, preferred by Government, guaranteed by mine agent, Ediefsen, 202 Stark at. Phone Sast COAL AND WOOD. KNIGHT coal has no equal; a clean, hard, quick-firing, long-burning Utah coal. Al bum Fuel Co.. sole agents. FOR FIRST-CLASS DRY SLABWOOD CALL S50 NORTH 18TH. MAIN 3344. rAiv and fir cordwood. Cannon coal. Mult nomah Fuel Co. Main 5540, A 2116. COLLECTION AGENCY. KETH & CO.. Woroester bldg. Mala 178ti. No collection, no charge. CURRENT ans.jdelinq.uent, personal injuries. Legal adju.nent Bureau. 628 Lbrs. bldg. ACRirilTllKAI. IMPLEMENTS. Mitchell. Lewis Sl Staver Co., Morrison and 2d. R. M. Wade i Co., 233-20 Hawthorne ave. ARCHITECTURAL WIRE IRON WORKS. Portland Wire 4t Iron Wks.. 2d Columbia. aitto A vii Tti V TOPS. DUBRUILLE BUGGY TOP CO., 200 2d St. AUTOMOBILES. . Mitchell, Lewis A Staver Co.,Morrls6n and 2d. AUTO LAMPS AND RADIATOR REPAIRING. PORTLAND AUTO LAMii CO., 610 Alder St. AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES. BALLOU ft WRIGHT, 7th and Oak sta. BAGGAGF. CHECKED AT HOME. Baggage t Omnlb us Transfer. Park & Davis. RtRRKR HIPPLIKft. Lewls-Stenger Larger Supply Co.. IQth-Mor. BICYCLES, MOTORCYCLES SUPPLIES, BALLOU & WRIGHT, 7th and Oak sts. POPE F. P. Keenan Co., 190 4th street. BICYCLES AND SUPPLIES. DAYTON CYCLE CO., 247 Ash street. BREAD BAKERY. Royal Bakery A Conf., Inc., 11th and Everett. BREWERS AND BOTTLERS. RENRY W E IN HARD, 13th and Burnslde. CARRIAGE WORKS. PORTLAND CARRIAGE WKS., BODIES. WHEELS, SPRINGS. 109 North Fourth Street. Main 9338. OASCAR A BARK AND GRAPE ROOT. KAHN HROS., 191 FRONT ST. CEMENT, LIME AND PLASTER. F. T. Crowe A Co., 45 Fourth street. COFFEES, TEAS AND SPICES. CLOSSET A DEVERS, 1-11 N. Front St. 4.11 Inches. Total sunshine, 7 honrs 12 min utes; possible sunshine, 8 hours 3S minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea level) at 5 P. M., 30.08 inches. THE WEATHER. X T Wind E I a : o station. a S 5 s ? ? : : 4 ; ; Baker ......... Boise Boston 32 0. 0J 6SE IClondy 300.001 4E Clear SiO.OO'lOlNW Clear . .. 0.0). .1. . . iClear . 420.00 lolsw Clear 24 0.081 4'SE Snow UB O.OOl 4'SE Pt. cloudy 36"0.0u 18.NW Pt. cloudy 500.22', 4-'SE Cloudy Calgary Chicago Denver ........ Des Moines .... Duluth ........ Eureka ........ Galveston Helena Jacksonville ... 08O.00 12 E Cloudy Clear Cloudy SO 0.0012S 73O.00, 4 S Kansas City ... Laurier 4S 0.01 St -SET Cloudy SOU. 00 4,S Ixs Angeles ... Marshfleld Medford 681,00( SW Kloudy 4S0T0I: 4SW Pt. clouciy 4tM.00 18 SB ,Cloudy Montreal 24 0.0020jNW Cloudy New Orleans . 56 0.00. 6 E 3 0 0.00,14 'SW 44 0. 00 IS E R 0.001.. I. . . 620. Oft! 4 W 2:o.oel 4.W 44 0.00 18 E 444. 001 4'SE (Cloudy New York- North Head ... North Yakima . Phoenix Pocatello ...... Clear Clear IPt. cloudy Clear Cloudy Portland Roseburg Sacramento L.. St. Louis Clear Pt. cloudy 420.221 4SE Cloudy 4SO.00 6 SE (Clear SU Paul 40O.00 6'W Cloud Salt Lake San Francisco S2'.14 4iNE rCloudy 4 6-0. 24 1 8-NE fCiouay Spokane ....... Tacoma Tatoosh Island X2 0.004 4!W Clear 40 0.00 4 SB hPt. cloudy 44 O.oot32- l rciear walla walla .. Washington ... Winnipeg 80. oof 4;sw icioudy 420.00 4 3 Clear 14io'.Oo!lO';NW;Clear WEATHER CONDITIONS. A troueh-shaped low-pressure area ex tends from Texas northeastward to the up per Lake region. The barometer is relative, v hie-h over Montana and the western por tion of the Dakotas. and relatively low in Southern Oregon and California. Light to moderately heavy snow- has fallen In the central Rocky Mountain states and rain has occurred in California and Western Mis souri. - The temperatures are below normal In the Rocky Mountain and Pacific states and slightly above normal in the Middle West. ' The conditions are favorable for generally fair weather In this district tonight and Saturday. Portland and vicinity Probably fair; "east erly winds. Oregon and Washington Probably fair; easterly winds. 9dahO prooamy lair. EDWARD A BEALS, District Forecaster. SCHOOL OFFICERS MEET Assistant Superintendent Carlton Speaks at Polk County Session. MONMOUTH. OrTrec 19. (Special) The annual convention of the Folk County School Officers Association was held today in the courthouse at Dallas. Addresses were made by As sistant State Superintendent Carlton and M. S- Pittrnan, rural school In structor In the Oregon Normal SchooL The delegates to the meeting were the chairman of each board, or a mem ber of the board selected by the chair man. Much time was spent in the dis cussion of new ideas. The attendance was large. Snow Falls in Linn. ALBANY. Or.. Dec. 19. (Special.) Considerable snow fell last night in the mountains and foothills of Eastern BUSINESS DANCING. PROF. WAL WILSON School Lessons iOc; waits, two-step, three-step, GUise dancing taugnt, morning, afternoon and evening; BiiarantM to teapb. anvone who walks how to dnci 83 to 5th su, between stark and oak sts. pnone .Main ioji. air. and Mrs. Heath's School, 109 2d St., bet. Wa.n nnri Rturic and Aliskv bldr.. 3d and Morrison sts. Lessons daily; waits and two-step guaranteed -in lessons; classes Mon. and Fri. eves., 8 to 10. at 109 ad su RIN'GLER Dancing Academy Social and fancy; tango, one-step. Hosto-n; private and class. 261, Morrison. Marshall SIS. DRE1SSMKKKS. EXPERT dressmaking and ladles' tailoring reasonable. 2B Kussel bldg.. 1th and Mor rison. DRAFTING. PATENT AND COMMERCIAL DRAFTING. WM. C. SCHMITT. 5l3 Henry bldg. M. 1283 ELECTRIC MOTORS. MOTORS, generators bought, sold, rented and repaired. We do all kinds of repair ing and rewinding; all work guaranteed. H. M. H. Electric Co., 31 First at. Korlh. Phone Main UilO. WE buy, sell, rent and exchange new and second-hand motors; repair work a spe cialty, western Electrio Works. 213 cth. EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. HANLEY Employment Agency, 25 Second st. North. Main 727, A 22K0. P. J. Hanloy, prop. Res. phones. East li. C 3027. EVE. EAR, NOME AND THROAT. Treatments by specialist; glasses fitted. Dr. F. P. casseday, 418 Dekum bl.. 8d & W ash. FIRE INSURANCE. LET OWEN SUMMERS write your fire In surance. 833 Morgan bldg. Main 8429. FOUNDRY-AND MACHINE SHOPS. PHOENIX Iron Works, East Sd and Haw thorne. General machine and foundry wora. HOUSE MOVING. A. D. MOOD1E, 103 E. Water St. East 3826 Latest improved machinery for handling heavy bodies. Hrlck building! w po:in. KODAKS. KODAKS and ALL SUPPLIES ; develop ing, printing and enlarging. BLLllAbt-n PHOTO SUPPLY CO.,, 345. Washington St. LEATHER ASP FINDINGS. J. A. STROWBRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es tablished 185S. 18U Front st. MACHINERY. Engines, boilers, sawmills bought, sold and exchanged. The J. E. Martin Co.. Portland. " MESSENGER SERVICE. HASTY MESSENGER CO. Day and night service. Phdne Main 53, A 2163. MUSICAL. EMIL THIELHORN. violin teacher; pupil Sevclk. 207 Flledner bldg. A 41U0, Mar. 1621). NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS. Dr. Grover. specialist In paralysis, nervous, chronic diseases. 6t Oreganlan bid. M. 3142 OPTICIANS. MUNSELL Optical Co. Quality glasses, sec ond floor N. W. bldg., 327 fe Washington. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. Dr. R. B. Northrup. 808 Morgan bldg.. cor. Broadway and Washington st. Office phone. Main S49; residence. East 1028. WHOLESALE AND MANUFACTURERS DIES AND SHEET METAL STAMPING. WESTERN Tool A Die Works, 208 Pise st. DRY GOODS. . . , . FLEISCHNER-MAYER st CO.. 207 Ash St. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Stubbs Electrical Co., 6th and pine sts. FISH, OYSTERS AND ICE. MALARKEY & CO., Inc., 149 Front street. FLOU MILLS. CROWN MILLS. Board of Trade bldg. GRAIN MERCHANTS. v Albers Broa Milling Co., Front and Marshall. BALFOUR-GUTHRIE A CO.. Park and Oak. H. M. HOUSER. Board of Trade bldg. NORTHERN GRAIN A WHSB. CO., Bd. la. THE W. A. GORDON CO., Board of Trade. GROCERIES. WADHAMS A CO.. 69-73 4th st HAIR GOODS. PORTLAND HAIR GOODS CC. WHOLESALE ONLJ. 411 DEKUM BLDG. HATS AND' CAPS. THANH AUSER HAT CO., 53-55 Front St. HAY. J. H. Kloaterman A Co.. Leading hay dealers HIDES, FURS, PELTS, WOOL. TALLOW. THE H. F. NORTON CO.. 53-58 Front st. HIDES. PELTS, WOOL AND FURS.. KAHN BROS., 191 Front street. IRON WORKS. PACIFIC IRON WORKS, East 8d and Burnslde Sis. ALL ARCHITECTURAL IRON. CASTINGS. Complete stock of "BEAMS. ANGLES, CHANNELS, PLATES. LEATHER AND SHOE STORE SUPPLIES. CHAS. L. MASTICK CO.. 74 Front; leather ot every description, taps, mfg. findings. Linn County. The top of Mary's Peak, nignest point in the Coast range, and which is- almost due west of Albany, was covered with snow this morning. UNCALLED - FOR ANSWERS ANSWERS ARE HELD AT THIS OFFICE FOR THE FOLLOWING ANSWER CHECKS AND MAY BE HAD BY PRESENTING ruUK CHECKS AT THE OREGON1AN: A 620, 627, 670, 591, 593, 594. B 501. 574. 580. SSL 594. 601. 637. 815. C 622, 627, 686, 591, 592, 699, 600, 605, 606, D 589. 597. 598. 599, 600, 607, 608, 610, 614. 618. 620. 624. 627. K 43, 584, 593, 600, 604, 606. 614, 615. 616. F J 504, 553. 556. 613, 615, 616, ,61S, 622, IU . 0if, OOO, ou- G 509, 550, 564, 5S8. 589, 695, 094, 697, 699. 600. 621. H 657, 660, 663. 668, B74. 678. 686, 692, 575. 60S. 607. 611. 613. 616. 620.' 825. K 416, 634, 56S. 570, 579, 690, 600, 604, 60S, OVP. Oi 1, ox, UOtf. L 528, 682, 541, f97, 598, 899. M 263, 689. 691, 595, 606, 608. 610.-611. 619. 621, 623. 626. 628, 629. N 395, 671, 575, 677, 680, 58L 685. 593. O 581, SSS. P-fWl. 095, 61)2, 608, 612, 613, 616, 622, 624, R 5sdl, 6S2. 593, 699. S 647. 568. 574. 8S8. 622. T 509, 660, 601, 570, 671, B78, 679, 687. B94. fin Aiv t?r,c at or ann VJ17. UW') W-', Ulil, V 677. 591. 595, 598, 61L W 503. 591. 592. X 433, 531. 533, 545, 660, 654, 658, 669, 574, R77 r-yo , aoo V 621. 652. 653. 555. 568. 563, 665, 687. AB 195, 577, 688, 692, 696. 682 AC 57J, 672. 589, 691, 897. 699. AD 670, 691, 692,-696. 610. AE 594, 600, 603, 609. AF 592, 696, 697, 698, 603. AG 601. ' AH 678, AJ 599, COL AR 648. 675, 888, 0L AL 569. 592, 686, 602. AM 688. AN 58, 60S, 593. 696. SO 592, B94, 696. AP 502, 872. AR 508. 661. 572, 591, 593, B98, B9. AS 506, 619, 621. 532. 533, 537. 592, B96. AT 669. 697. 602, 607. Answers not called for In six days, same wiii no aestroyeu. DAILY CITY STATISTICS Births. KERNS To Mr. and Mrs. Paul Herman Kerns, 747 Umatilla ave., Dec lL a daugh ter. ROBERTSON To Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Robertson, Tenth avenue, between Rose and Lesser streets, December 8, a daughter. SMITH To Mr. and Mrs. Audrey K Smith, 68 East Thirty-first street, December a, a son. HUKU a o sir. ana Mrs. Arthur w. Hurt. 839 East Kelley street. November 3, a son. SWOPE To Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Swope. 659 East Thirty-first street North, Novem ber 30, a son. HOUSE To - Mr. ana Mrs. Airy House. 406 North Twenty-sixth street, December 2, a daughter. GLOSTER To Mr. and Mrs. R. u. Gloster, 434 Harrison street, December 6. a daugh ter. COLLINS To Mr. and Mrs. F-. G. Collins. 409 Benton street, December 16, a son. BKOOKS io Mr. ana Mrs. K. c. AJrookS, 955 Mississippi avenue, November 25. a daughter. HINE To Mr. and Mrs. Rollle Edmona Rlne. 619 East Fifty -first street North. De cember 15. a son. TENNANT To Mr. and Mrs. Allison Ten- nant, 189 Seventeenth street, - December 1.1 a son. OLSON To Mr. ana Mrs. Harry p. Ol son, 299 Lombard street, December 12, a son. HOLSTI To Mr. and Mrs. Osten HolitL 950 Vancouver avenue, September 22, a daughter. Marriage Licenses. LONDA-W EINSTEIN Israil Londa, city. legal, and Bessie welnstein, city, legal. Kornbrodt. city, SO, and Eva A. Priestly, city, II. iiUItNoIiIS-tJBtl -J can a Aurnsiae, jr.. DIRECTORY PATENT ATTORNEYS. U. S. AD foreign patents obtained by Peter ilaberlln, 4US cnamDer ot wi,rt. i.i. vie. i,ld.. W'ashlnc- ton, D. C. Patents procured by J. K. Mock, attorney-at-law, late of the U. a Patent Office. Booklet free. 1010 Board of Trade bldg. R. C. WRIGHT 22 years' practice. U. S. ana? foreign patents. St0 Dekum bldg. PIPE. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24th and York sts. Main 341-J. PLAYER PIANOS. EXPERT repairing, regulating, tuning; re build old style in new. Write or P none V Kremar, 330 couch st. Marshall B!30. Work warranted; estimates free; moderate price. ; . RUBBER STAMPS. SEALS, BRASS SIGNS. PACIFIC COAST STAMP WORKS, 221 Wash. st. Phones Main 710 and A-il. ...11. Tlli Deri's: COMPANY. 92 6th su Phone Main 312. A 1254. SEWING MACHINES. Machines of all makes, new and 2d-h L4 for sale, rented and repaired. M 94oL Sew liig Machine Emporium, ltM) 3d St., nr. Yamhill SHOWCASES, BANK STORE FIXTURES. FOR reasonable prices see Western Fixture A Showcase Co., 45 MARSHALL MFG. CO.. 4th and Couch; new and old window display and cabinet work. STORAGE AND TRANSFER, PORTLAND Van & Storage Co., cor 15th and Kearney sts., just completed oe. fln proof warehouse for household 5""a pianos and automobiles; contains separate fire and vermin-proof rooms, steam-heated Dlano-room, trunk anl rug vaults; track age for carload shipments; vans or ". freight rates on householc goods to and. from East in through care. Mam Do4u, ait ucv :. O. PICK Transfer & Storage Co.. offices and commodious- 4-etory brick warehouse, separate Iron rooms and fireproof v-au u. for valuables; k. v.. cor. "Vrkid Pianos and furniture moved and Packeo- for shipment, special rates "' "o In our through cars to. all domestic ana foreign ports. Main 590. A 29U. ...... . . , . t i , x-c I." 1.-TV a- STORAGE CO. -,tiv -iA Washington. A 1004. Pianos 'and furniture moved and packed for shipment. Special rates made on . Sd and foreign ports. Through car service. Storage. Low insurance. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 474 Glljan St.. cor. 13th. Telephone Main 69 or A 11 General transfer and forwarding Tt. Avn btui nnEraie two wino ......... warehouses on termtnal tracks. Lot Insurance rates In the city. - . . moiTcvi7f pn genera transfer and storage, safes, P'snps and furniture moved and packed for "bJpment. Teams and auto vans for long distance moving. 87-89 Front su Aiaiiio i ' 71 7, b. c onQ A;der. Marshall 2S9, East 3842 Furniture, pianos moved and packed for shipment and storage; general . . . . . .......... ....... nni t transtemng; x unjum . PORTLAND AUTO DEL. CO., drayage and storage; furniture moving snd pacaing. 27 No. Front, aiarsnau ii. TRUSSES. EXPERT TRUSS FITTING at .the Laue Davis Drug Co.. 8d and lamniu. LOGGING MACHINERY. F. B. SIALLORY A CO., 231 Pine St. LUBRICATING OILS. Balfour. Guthrie A Co.. Park and2at ColumMa Neckwear Mfg. Co.. b.l Fifth st. MIT.I.TVERV. nmramw BROS.. Morrison and 7th sts. ORNAMENTAL IKON AND WIRE. Portland Wire A Iron Works. 2d A Columol; w rvrc 'nn8 avn VARNISHES. RASMUSSEN & CO., Jobbers, paints, oils, glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. Vv. P. fULLElt CO., 1-ID ana avu. PAINTS AND WALLPAPER. PIONEER PAINT CO., 188 FIRST ST. PIPE, PIPEFTTTINGS AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE. 84-86 Front St. PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KLJNsL 84-86 Front st. pntvTFRS ivn prRI.ISIIERS. F. W. BALTES A CO., 1ST AND OAK STS. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERDI.v'G A FARRELL, 140 Front St. ROPE AND BINDER TWINE. Portland Cordage Co., 14th and Northrup. t A Vll ivn i . ti A V F T .. COLUMBIA DIGGER CO.. Foot Ankeny st SASH, DOORS AND GLASS. W. p. FULLER A CO., 12th and Pavls. SAWMTT.r. MACHINERY. PORTLAND Iron Works. 14th and Northrup. SODA FOUNTAIN SUPPLIES. COLUMBIA SUPPLY CO., 68 Front at. WALL PAPER, $ Ernst MI'.ler Wall Paper Co., 172 1st st. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 230 2d st a-tRR Axil TROV WORKS. Portland Wire A Iron Works, 2d A Columbia. Seattle, Wash., legal, and Mary G. Rush, city, legai. FAWCETT-WEST Dr. John Fawcett, .t,v onri Clara A. West. cltv. legal. HURD-WALTER George L. Hurd, legal. and Alice G. Walter, city, legal. EBY-HUBBARD Le Roy Eby, city, legal, and Josie Lena Huppara, city, iegai. Cook's Floral Shop. Floral designs of all kinds. Main 7759. A 7U5. 12U 4tn atrewi. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES nmil or sundmr. Per Line. Oae time ....I Sf&ma Ad. two cooaccatlTe time ..xt btuiie acL Uiree ronsecutlvo timtm 3jK ad aiw i r Mven roiuecuuve times. .W 'AH Above rates apply to adveniemeai tinder lw Today ana ui wutw -.m Uou except tbe following; t feiCaatiuaji Wanted. Male. Mtoationji Wanted, r eiiife. hor Kent, Kuomit. L'rlvmU Yamilie. hflumi and Kuard'. .Private Jrajnillea, Kate en- the tboe elaMilicatioas la 9 cents a line eacb InaerOon. Wien oae advertisement is not run la con u..iiv laours tne one-time rate apnlle. gix average words count as one line en cash advertisements and no ad. counted Inr lM thfcan tWO HBOS. On "charged" advertisements charge will be based on the number of lines Lppearing in the paper, regardless of the number of words la each line. Minimum charge, two lines. Ths nreironJaa will accept elasbifled ad vertisements over the telephone, providing the advertiser Is a subscriber to either phone. No prices will be Quoted over the phone, h..t hill will be rendered the folio wine dar. Whether subsequent advertisements will be accepted over the phone depends upoa the promptness 01 iwfuwuo auci r.mntsL Kituations Wanted and Personal advertisements will not be accepted over the teiepnone. uniciB uihv uv ui be accepted lor "Furniture for bale," "Busi asa Opportunities.' "Ji4oming-iiouse'' and -Wanted to Kent." The Oregonian will not jrnarantee accuracy or assume responsibility for errors occarriag in toigauhoned advertisements. The Oregonian will not be responsible for more than oae incgrrwi luevruon oi any advertisemet offered for more than one times la "New Today" all advertisements are charged by measure only, 14 lines to the inch. Remittances must accompany out-of-town orders. ArfvArHa-mratf to receive or o mot classifi cation most be In Tbe Oregonian office before lv o'clock st nip tat, except Saturdav. Closing hour for The Son day Oregonian will be 9 o'clock Saturday night. The office will be open until 10 o'clock F. M., as usual, and all ads. received too late for proper classifi cation will be run under Leading "Too Lt to Ciassuy.'" MBETENG NOTICES. OREGON UOIXJE, NO. 101, A. F. AND A. M. Stated commu nication this (Saturday) evening at & o'clock. Masonic Temple, and Installation of officers. Vis itine brethren cordially invited. By order W. M. At nAJiLjA.i, occieiaijr, WASHINGTON LODGE. NO. 46, A. F. AND A. M. Special communication this ( Saturday) , 2:30 P. M., East 8th and Burn- side. F. C. and M. M. degrees. Visitors welcome. Order W. M. J. II. RICHMOND, Sec. THE OREGON ACADEMY OP SCIENCES will meet in room H of the Public Library, Saturday evening, at 8 o'clock. Mr. Himes and Mr. Finley will speak on the need of a Dubllc museum in Portland. Ton are Invit ed to attend and take part In the discus sion. JANE STEARNS (Sec). CLAN CACLfiAT. NO. 122. O. S. C. kA special meeting will be held at 348 Wash ington s t ree t - ion i g n z n uestu y j , ml o o'clock ,to initiate candidates for member ship. H. DICKSON, Chief. A. W. LESLIE, tiec. COURT PACIFIC, N'O. 1247. INDEPEND ENT ORDER OF FORESTERS. Members are notified that no meeting will be held Mondar, Dec, 2 Next meeting, Monday, Dec, .wV . . ' J AMUSEMENTS. HEILIG THEATER 11th and Morrison Phone Main 1 and A 1122. SPECIAL PRICE MAT. TODAY 2:13 LAST TIME TONIGHT 8:11 . The Comedy-Drama "BOUGHT AKD PAID FOR" Eve. Lower floor. $1.50, 31. Balcony, $1. 75c. 50c Eat. Mat.. $1 to 50c. BAKER HEATER - Main 2. A 3360 to. L. Baker. Mgr. The Famous Baker Players. Tonight. All this week Mau Sat. First time at popular prices. "A MAN'S WORLD." As played with great success by Mary Man nerlng. A problem play of strong dramatic purpose dealing with the much-discussed question of moral equality of the sexes. Prices 25c. S3c, 50r, 73c. Sat. Mat. 2Sc. 50c Next week, starting Sun, Mat. "Shore Acres." Catherine Counties and Her Company la "The Birthday Present"; Lilian Herleln, Lew Hawkins, The Brads, Fire Snllys. Lennett A Wilson, Three Dolce Sisters, World's Events. Matinee dally, 1000 seats st 25c. Matinee Daily. An Seat. 13c WHERE EVERY,. I JODX i uOES I 'A M -IIT AT THE BATH." offered ny m roraedlans: KAT1K ( AND WIN A. Athletlo Venus; LEW WELI.S, Mi.nologlM and Saxo phonist; DARCV WILLIAMS, ragtime) Roisterers; MONO & SALLE, Singers and Dancers; WlLLIhCH, Jotting Juggler. Broadway and Alder Streets Powers' Elephants, direct from New York Hippodrome; Otto Bros.. Link Robinson, Demitrencn Troupe. Benson Bell. fBO tangescope. Orchestra. Bargain Matinee, every eat, IS cents. Popular prices Boxes 2236. Main 4686. Curtain at 2:3, 7:15, :10. LYRIC Fourth anil Stars Sta. Leonard Onslow In -The Managers. Great Added Feature, IS Tango Dancers, a beautiful terpsichorean novelty, gorgeoasly gowned- and artistically presented. Prices t Nights, 15c and 5e. Matinee, any seat, 15c Big Feature Wednesday to Sunday 1 "THE BLUE ROSE" Two-reel Vltagraph drama that will In terest all lovers of flowers. A Selig comedy and an Essanay drama also are scheduled. 10c ADMISSION 10c. 6 iiltsH.-t.KAUk; MOTION PICTL'liLri. Programme Changed j SO'DAIS AND WEDNEWDAT. ; Continuous Show, 11 A. M. to 11 P. M. 10c ADMISSION. ANY B1SAT lUc 1 First Annual Concert of 1 O. A. C. CADET BAND II. L. BEARD. Dire. toi. SO COLLEGE CADKT8 30 Best balanced Bund In liiatory of O. A. C Famous Saxophone Quart et; Rom John son, Tenor Soloist; So Urn, Duets. Quartets WASllLNfiTON HIGH AUIUTOltitM TLESDAV. DEC. 23. . Prices 75c and xn- M EE TING NOTICES. i ATTENTION, PLASTERERS. Special meeting it Labor Temple Hall to day (Saturday) at 3 o'clock P. M. By ordotf President R. A. Willison. S. T. WEBSTER, Sec DIED. PRATT In this city, Dec. 19, at thp resi dence of her daughter, Mrs. T. J. Ripley, 3H6. East 6th St., Nettle E. Pratt, aged u2 ' years ti months 1 day, beloved mother of Mrs. F. P. Dillon, of Chicago, 111., and Mrs. T. J. Ripley. The remains are at the conservatory chapel of F. S. Dunning, Inc., East Side Funeral Dlrectort414 East Al der st. Funeral .notice in a later ibsue. FRENCH In this city, Dec. 29, James M. French, aged t0 years, of, 1&5 Grand ave. N. Remains are at the residence estab lishment of J. P. Finley & Son, Montgom ery at 5th. Notice of funeral hereafter. FUNERAL NOTtTJSa. KIRSCHENMAN At his late residence, Otlt ave. and Nelson ut.t Lents, Dec. 1, Charl Kirscbenmun, aged 3u years. Funeral serv ices will be held Sunday, Dec. 1. ut '2;ti0 P. M.( under the auspices of Mt. Scott Lodge, No. J6S, L O, O. F., at the funeral parlors of A. D. Kenworthy & Co.. Lents. Friends invited. Interment Mt. Soott Park, Cemetery. CI7MMIN3 In this city, Dec. 18, Andrew M. Cumming, aged S3 years, at the residence of his son, Dr. W. A. Cumin ing. The fu neral service will be held today (.Satur day;, Dec. 20, at 4 o'clock P. M-, at tl'.o residence establishment of J. P. Finley & Son, Montgomery at 5th st. Friends !u vited. The Interment will be made in tha family plot at Farmer City, Illinois. BEWIE At the family residence, Oak Grove, Dec i. William Jv. itenvie, a sea 51 years 4 months i days, beloved hus band of Mr- V. G. Benvie and father of Ruth Benvie. The funeral services will be held at the conservatory chapel of F. S Dunning, Inc.. East Side Funeral Direc tors, 414 East Alder st at 2 P. M. Sunday, Dec. -Sl. Friends invited. COON At the family residence. 1631 TV'ooi- sey St.. Dec. 37, Affiles Jane Coon, af?e jL years 31 months 10 days, beloved wife of. William H. Coon. Friends in vitcd to n t -tend funeral services, which will be heM at Holman's funeral parlors at 2 P. M. today (Saturday), Dec. .4.0. Interment at B&ndurant, la. RAIMET The funeral services of the late James Ralmey, who died at his residence, 109& Glenn ave., Dec. 16, will ba held from the chapel of A. K. 55uller A Co., 653 Williams ave., 1:30 P. M. today. Friends kindly invited. Interment family plot Mt. Scott Park Cemetery. KENNY Dec. 18, Patrick Kenny, aged 71 years. Funeral will take place irom run ning McEn tee's chapel Monday, Dec. 22, at 8:30 A. M. Services at St. Marya Cathedral 9 o'clock. Friends respectfully Invited. Interment Mt. Calvary Cemetery. MONSON The funeral services of the late Hans Monson win be held at uunnins esc McEntee's chapel, tomorrow ( Sunday r, De cember 21, at 2 o'clock. Friends respect fully Invited, Interment Rose City Ceme tery. DICK The funeral services of the late Ronald Dick will be held at Jiolmun a funeral parlors at 2 P. M. tomorrow (Sunday). Friends invited. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. PRICE! In this city, Dec. IS. George A. Price, aged 71 years 2 months 18 days. Remains will be forwarded by the Hol man Undertaking Co. to Eugene, OX. on Sunday morning train. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. itr. KDWARO IIOI.MAN. the learHnr fa neral director, 220 Third street, eoraer 84 saam. Lady assistant, a mam ovi. r. S. DUNNING. INC. ICaat Bide Funeral Directors. 414 East Aider st East M, B totfl. DUNNING ft M'ENTEE, funeral directors. Vh and Fine, pbone Main 480. Lady iU tendant. Office of County Coroner. SKKttT.s' rVDKRTAKIVO COMPANY. 1 and Clay. Main 4152, A 2321, Lady attendant. CEMETERY BEAUTIFUL . MOUNT SCOTT PARK. Its fmaoty alngmlarly appropriate. Its) care peculiarly Mtiarajesjtive of affection and memory, Clegant and commodious vialtora rest rooms. Perpetual care, lie fined, pleasing service, iteaobed by Mt. Scott or Cazadero ears. Both phoaea. . OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICE NO. S2 ir?fH)N AVENUE, C'OK.VEK MARKET STREET. Pkos East 1423, B 2513. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled animals at a moment's notice. Prices reasonable. Report all cases of cruelty, to tbls office. Open day and oisab HIM V&' sfcr.sftsBj