tttv, TrrTv-Tx-rt OTfParrSlATX. FRTDAx. DFCEMBER 19, 1913. 15 FULTON ANSWERS ROOSEVELT ATTACK All Charges Formulated by ex President Are Denied With Vigor in Toto. HENEY'S ATTITUDE SHOWN Ex-Scoator ot Oregon Tells Who He Supported for Office and His Reason Therefor, Inviting Scrutiny of Records. POBTULND, Or, Dee. 18. (To the Editor.) In recent Issue of The Ore- son) an wu published an article by Colonel Theodore Roosevelt wherein he made certain statements regarding me which, seem to justify. If they do not Invite, a resnonse. It Is Quite true that the dlntln OTiiaha Poionel'a well-known Infirm ity, which renders him incapable of distinguishing an accurate iiaunoui from the exact reverse, affords one ample Justification for Ignoring all of hie deliberate assertions. Still, one cannot forget the exalted positions he has held and that because thereof he shoold be shown such consideration as 1s possible. Even they who know him best, however, and hence regard him least, will be surprised to learn that in the statements above referred to not even the doctrine of chance served to betray him into making a single truthful assertion. He opens with the statement that "Fulton had been pro testing against my following Heney's advice, particularly as regards appoint ing Judge Wolverton." This implies, of course, thst I was opposed to the appointment of Judge Wolverton. Now the truth is, and the records, of the Department of Justice will prove, that I. in writing, recommended the ap pointment of any one of several per sons, among whom wars Judges T. A. McBride, Robert S. Bean and C. K. Wolverton. Judge McBride Favored. I was the only member of Congress from Oregon, at that time. In a posi tion to make recommendations and hence It seemed to me but fair that I should submit more than one name, and I did so. I expressed a prefer ence tor Judge McBride. He had been my lifelong personal friend and nat urally, as I think, I gave him the pref erence. Still. I expressed myself as entirely willing to accept the appoint ment of any one of those I recom mended. My first recommendation of Judge Wolverton was made June 12,. 106. by telegraph. I have a copy In my possession and the original is. no doubt, still on file In the Department of Justice. Finally, the President con eluded to nominate Judge Wolverton. The nomination was sent to the Senate, referred to the Judiciary committee and by that commltte referred to me, as the Senator from Oregon. In a writ ten report I requested that it be con firmed. Without my approval con firmation would not have been made. My report is no doubt yet on file with the committee. ' Heney's Choice S booth. While I very earnestly urged the ap pointment of Judge McBride, I, in sev ' era! letters, copies of which I have In my possession, said, "the next best material Is Judge Bean or Judge Wol verton." But the statement of Colo nel Roosevelt above quoted further Im plies, If It does not directly assert, that Francis J. Heney was supporting Judge Wolverton for appointment. This statement is also untrue. The files of the Department of Justice will shew that Heney was supporting an other candidate and the only reference he made to Judge Wolverton was a statement In substance thst of the candidates recommended by Fulton, Judge Wolverton Is the least objec tionable." This can be verified by the records of the department. Thereafter Roosevelt stated to me that Heney was very anrry because he had appointed Wolverton. Whether that was true or not I do not under take te say, but I do assert that the written reoords will show that Heney was not a supporter of Judge Wolver ton. although he did not as bitterly op pose him as be did Judges Bean and McBride. rewaell Keeomaaendatloss Denied. Colonel Roosevelt's next statement is that I "recommended for the position of District Attorney B., when I had good reason to believe that he had himself been guilty of fraudulent con duct." It is difficult to employ mod erate and polite language tn properly characterising this statement. By "B." "he means George C. BrowneJL Now I never directly or indirectly recom mended Brownell to him or to his Ad ministration for any appointment. All recommendations tor appointment are made in writing and filed tn the De partment to which they pertain. In this esse the recommendation if made, would be on file in the Department of Justice. I challenge the production of any such recommendation. The Colonel next says tba I "then recommended C. for the same position, simply because it was B.'s Interest that he. C, should be so recommended." It is not necessary to bring the name of C. into this discussion, as I do not re call that his name has ever heretofore been mentioned In this connection. He is a distinguished and honored citizen of this state. He knows that I did not and was not expected to recommend him or present his name directly or in directly for appointment to the Dis trict Attorneyship or any other office. If any such reeonimendntlon were made it should be still on file, but the rec ords wljl be searched in Tain to dis cover one. Farther Charges Repudiated. The next charge of this cheerful and ever-ready modern head of the school of Ananias is that I "finally recom mended the reappointment of H. with the knowledge that if H. were ap pointed he would abstain from prose cuting B. for criminal conduct." By "H." is meant Mr. Hall, of this city, and by "B." is still meant Mr. Brownell. I have already stated that I did not recemmend Brownell. and it la equally true that 1 never at any time rm mended Mr. Hall for appointment or reappointment to the District Attor neyship, or, for the matter of thai, to any position. If I did so, the records ot the Department of Justice will dis close it. I challenge Mr. Roosevelt to produce any writing signed by me recommend ing Mr. Hail. Mr. Brownell or Mr. 1C." He asserts that I recommended Hall "knowing that he would abstain from prosecuting Browne'.L" As stated. I did not recommend him at all. so of course the entire statement Is false. Mr. Heney. however, caused Brownell te be Indicted and afterwards dis missed the indictment, saying In open court that after investigation he was satisfied that Brownell had committed no crime. If be bad not, then what oc casion was there for prosecuting him? But the point la that Roosevelt say I recommended Hall for the position, when as a mater of fact I did not,. as he very well knew when he made the statement. Finally, Colonel Roosevelt states that he sent me a letter Inclosing a copy of a report made by Heney which con vinced him of the truth of the charge made by the latter that I was in league with the men who were being prose cuted and asked me If I had any state ment to make regarding the matter. He concludes by saying that "Senator Fulton gave no explanation." It seems strange that one occupying the posi tion before the public that Colonel Roosevelt occupies would, in view of the record, deliberately make the state ment that I "gave no explanation." The fact is I promptly wrote a full and com plete answer and delivered the same t to him in person and it Is no doubt yet ' on file In the Department oi jusuce. I was under no obligation to answer, for Mr. Heney had no right to attack me in that manner and the President had no right to receive any such report or call on me for an answer. I might well have Ignored his request; but out of respect for his position I complied therewith and, as stated, gave an ex plicit and complete answer and refuta tion. It Is true he may not have con sidered my answer an "explanation," but what he seeks to Imply In the ar ticle 1s that I Ignored his request and refused to answer Heney's report. One would naturally think that. In view of .the recent exposures disclosing the corrupt methods employed In mak ing up Jury lists and packing Juries for trial of the land fraud cases. Colonel Roosevelt would wish that chapter in the history of his Administration for gotten and that he would be the last person to provoke discussion of It. Even though it be true that some of those who were prosecuted had sinned aa charared. their offending was heaven' ly virtue compared with the revolting crimes committed to encompass uwir conviction. These crimes we have not yet heard Colonel Roosevelt denounce or condemn. It is entirely safe to as sume that we never will. C W. FULTON. ASSOCIATIONS MAY UNITE Western and Transcontinental Pas senger Bodlea Plan Combine. Plans for a consolidation of the Western Passenger Association and the Transcontinental Passenger Asso ciation, both of which control passen ger business on certain lines weei ui Chicago, now are being considered. It is probable that a union will be formed soon after the first of the year, as many roads hold membership in both organisations. The lines operating in D.,ti..H minted with tha Trans- UA,t a h made between Chicago and the Missouri River belong to the Western. The Dusiness oi uw two organizations Is similar and those roads that have been paying member ship fees In the two are willing to have them combined into one. The recent death of James Charlton, chairman of the Transcontinental, has brought to an Issue the proposal to consolidate. His successor Is to he elected at a meeting soon after Jan uary 1. The plans then will receive official consideration. Edwin L. Bev- ington. secretary of the Transconti nental, is the probable successor of , t it,riAn Plh,n H. McLeod is chairman of the Western Passenger Association. eople all say the use of the well nown Webtoot Shoe Dressing Is most satisfactory. This wonderful shoe grease prolongs the life of leather by . 1 . - n . . n .1 ntl.KI. B nil T.l k . shoes absolutely waterproof. Can be round at moat dealers. Adv. nnnniiiiiiiiiiii A Glove or Mdse. Order makes a dignified, pleasing and useful gift that any. lady like to receive.-' Our glove orders are redeemable in any eity in the United States where Cen temeri Gloves are sold. Silk Hose are sure to please. We have them in all grades, black and colors, from 50e to $5.00 a pair. F. P. YOUNG CO. Ladies' Haberdasher. 328 MORRISON STREET Portland Hotel Bldg. XMAS GIFTS NILOAK POT-TERY--Vases $1-50 up. Beautifully shaded, gray, blue, rose combined. F. A. TAYLOR CO. 130 10th Street. Wo Do Picture Framing Jewelry Novelties V4 to V3 OFF MARX & BLOCH 283 Morrison Street the Children to See Santa Claus in Toyland, 4th Floor, Today From 2 to 5 Cnmnleta Lines "Bina" and "Meccano" Tous Dolls, Games, Wheel Goods, Etc., Etc. MnSI nrrtor i : V Parisian Ivory 14 Off Mail Orders Filled Expo rienced shoppers give all out-of - town orders care ful and prompt attention. Orders, tilled and forwarded on same day as received. Olds, WorttnanSc King The Store With the Christmas Spirit" Business Honrs From 9 JL VL to 6 P. 2ft. Daily. "A Satarday Hours from 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Our entire stock of Gen uine Pa r 1 s 1 a n Ivory Manicure Sets, Mirrors, Brushes, Picture. Frames, Puff 1A ftCC Boxes, etc now M vll Give Merchandise Bonds The most sensible and appropri ate gift yon could select. OWE Merchandise - Bonds are issued in, any amount, you may desire. BranchExpress Office in the Basement Store. Money Orders and Travelers' Checks issued and general express busi ness transacted. At your service. PostOfficeMainFloor Packages sent by Parcel Post, Parcels Wrapped, Stamps sold. Great Pre-Holidai Clearing Sale! of Women's Ready -to-W ear ApparelSecond Floor Double Green Trading Stamps Given With All Cash Purchases in This Dept. Department, Second Floor The great crowds that throng the Ready-to-Wear Section daily give undis puted evidence of the intense interest this Great Pre-Holiday Clearing Sale has created among the women of Portland and vicinity. Women's Suits, Coats, presses, Waists, Kimonos, Petticoats in fact every gar ment at substantial reductions. Double stamps with cash purchases in this department today. "Red Letter Day" Friday, December 26 On aocount of "Red Letter Day" falling on the last day of the month, the date has been changed and Friday, Dec. 26, will be December "Red Letter Day" 10 Free Stamps to all visitors to Premium Parlors. Complete Lines Women's, Misses' Wool, Silk Sweaters $6.50 Wool Sweaters, Special $5- Up to $5 Sweaters, Special $2.98 All Furs at lh Off , Department Second Floor An unprecedented opportunity to buy rich, luxuri ous Furs at a saving of one-third on our already low prices. All the popular skins are j , tf included. Entire stock now on sale at Vf Second Floor Handsome Knitted Wool or Silk Sweaters, in plain and fancy weaves. Also Knitted Angora Coats and Reversible House Jackets. All colors. Priced C91 fhfh from $2.98 up to Sale of Men's House Coats Main Floor Reg. $ 5.00 Grades at $ 4.45 Reg. $ 6.50 Grades at $ 5.85 Reg. $ 8.S0 Grades at $ 7.65 Reg. $10.00 Grades at $ 8.75 Reg. $12.60 Grades at $11.25 Reg. $15.00 Grades at $13.45 Reg. $20.00 Grades at $14.95 Bath Robes Main Floor Wonderful variety of materials and choice pat terns. Make Christmas' selec tions now and save. Shop early. Men's $3.50 Bathrobes, $3.15 Men's $5.00 Bathrobes, $4.45 Men's $6.60 Bathrobes, $5.85 Men's $8.50 Bathrobes, $7.65 Full line Pendleton Indian Robes Sale Men's Fancy Xmas Sets Main Floor Entire line Men's Fancy Boxed Gifts now at big re duction Handkerchief and Tie Sets Hose and Tie Sets, Stick Pin and Tie Sets boxed Suspenders and all other boxed combina tions, now on sale at great reductions. See our window display. All S5c sets, reduced to 25 All $1.25 sets, reduced to 98f All 75o sets, reduced to 50 AU $1.60 sets, now at $1.19 All $1.00 sets, reduced to 89 All $1.75 sets, now at $1.45 Sale Men's Suits, Overcoats Men's Store, Main Floor Strictly hand-tailered garments from. America's best-known makers of fine Clothes. Only the very best of materials are employed in their manufacture, and they are fin ished and fit equal to the best made-to-measure Suits produced, j ilrv natterna and colorings, bee them. OpientUU BK5Ui mjouw v. w . --. - $15 Suits, Overcoats, $11.25 $25 Suits, Overcoats, $18.7 o $30 Suits, Overcoats, $22. 5 O $35 Suits, Overcoats, $26.2o Blues and Blacks 10 per cent off $6.50 Wool Sweaters i Men's Fine Linen $3.45 Main Floor Men's Heavy Ruff Neck and Byron Collar Sweat ers, in Oxford and Cardinal. To $6.00 grades CJO offered special at Kerchiefs Special prices by the box; plain linen or the initialed kind. 20c Grade, box of 6 for $1.00 25c Grade, box of 6 for $1.35 60c Grade, box of 6 for $2.75 Bous' 5.00 Fancy NorfolkSuits $3.45 Main Floor A sensational pre holiday sale of Boys' High-grade Norfoik Suits, fancy cheviots and cassimeres, in serviceable Winter colorings. Peg top pants, lined throughout with double taped seams. Standard $5.00 suits, ages 6 to 17 years. fi?9 Iff Special at, per suit $8.50'$10 Suits $6,45 KT-fnllr a n A Donble-breasted styles, hand-tailored, from best of woolen fabrics; suits selling for merly at $8.50 to CS At $10.00 now go at VU $2.00 Sweaters $1.59 All Boys' Wool Sweaters now at specially reduced prices. Main floor. $2.00 grades, $1.59; $3.50 grades, $3.15, and $5.00 grades are now selling at $4.45 All Cut Glass on Sale at V Off Third Floor Bowls, Celery Trays, Handle Nappies, Olive Dishes, Oil and Vinegar Jngs, Fern and Plant Pots, Cake Plates, Pitchers, Tumblers, Wes, Punch Bowls, Nut Bowls, Decanters, Goblets, Wine Sets, Tumblers. Portland agents for Libbey's Cut Glass-rOn the Third Floor. Nickel and Copperware Reduced -!. Chafing Dishes, Toast Racks, Baking Dishes, A. D, Coffee, Egg Sets, Coffee Urn Percolators, Crumb Sets, Casseroles, Salt and Pepper Castors, Sugars and Creamers and various other articles suitable fer gifts. Electric Coffee Sets, Chafing Dishes, Coffee Urns, etc,, at sale prices. 25 per cent reduction on our entire stock of Andirons and Fire Sets. All Clocks Now at 20 Off ; Third Floor Our entire stock Clocks now offered at one-fourth off regular selling prices. Mantel, hall, desk, bedroom, auto and alarm Clocks, in mahogany, gold, ivory and nickel finish. Beautiful gifts. Women's "Knit-Right "-Heavy Knit Wool Sweater Coats in cardinal, gray and white. Large Ruff-Neck collar and close-ribbed cuffs. Very appro priate gifts for Xmas. ff $6.50 Sweaters. Special Women's and Misses' Norfolk Sweat ers in plain and fancy weaves, Sailor Roll or Byron Collars. Made in good, full size. Colors gray, navy, red and white. Sweaters gO QQ worth up to $5.00, only P&70 Fancy Holiday Waists at Sale Prices $5.00 Waists $2.98 $1.75 Waists 98c $5.00 Waists, $2.98 Dainty styles in chiffon, nets, laces and silks. High or low necks, long or short sleeves, trimmed with laces, frills, tucks, etc. Are flfO Qfi worth to $5.00; now at V"'0 $10.00 Waists, $6.98 A great many attractive styles in this lot of crepe de chine, nets and silks, trimmed with hand-embroidery, fancy yokes, laees and frills. QQ Waists worth to $10 pUiJJ $1.76 Waists, 98 A score or more becoming styles in lingerie and crepe. High or low necks, long or short sleeves. . Trimmed with tucks, frills, laces and embroidery. These OQf waists are worth to $1.75, at 0w $3.50 Waists, $1.98 Dainty styles in allover embroidery, cotton crepes and voiles. All new and fresh stock and very latest styles. All sizes. Waists worth up . to f Qfi $3.50 now go at, only t7A Ostrich and Marabou Boas, Muffs, Etc. Now V Off $2.25 Evening Scarfs Now 98c-$10 Leather Handbags at $5 Main Floor Ostrich and marabou Boas, Muffs, Stoles, Capes and Neck Pieces, at great savings. Regular $ 5.00 Grades $ 3.75 Regular $10.00 Grades $ 7.50 Regular $15.00 Grades $11.25 Regular $26.00 Grades $18.75 Regular $35.00 Grades $28.13 Dainty Evening Scarfs, in crepe and novelty effects. Dresden, beaded and solid colors. Hem stitched and fringed. All colors. Regular $2.25 Scarfs for 98 Regular $2.75 Scarfs for $1.48 Regular $3.60 Scarfs for $1.98 Regular $4.50 Scarfs for $2.48 A Handbag Special that will be eagerly snapped tip before the day is over. Splendid,- high-grade leather, and very newest shapes and styles, and in the most wanted colors. Bags such as these sell ordinarily at $10.00 each. We off these as a Christ- 2Jff fhfi mas Leader. Special PeJ W Leather Novelties, Card Cases, Bill Books, Hand Purses, Etc., Great Variety CHRISTMAS RIBBONS Main Floor Never were Christ mas Ribbons more beautiful. Make your selections now while the as sortments are at their very best. No. 1, Our Leader, 10 yards, 72 No. 1 Extra Satin, 10-yd. bolt 10 No. IY2 Extra Satin at, bolt, 12. No. 2 Extra Satin at,, bolt, 18 No. 3 Extra Satin at, bolt, 27 No. 1 Holly Ribbon, bolt, 15 No. IVs Best HoUy Ribbon, 45 No. 2 Fancy Ribbon, 10 yds., 35 50o Fancy Ribbon at, yard, 25 65o Fancy Ribbon at, yard, 33 4- inch Plain Taffeta, yard, 14 6-inch Satin Ribbon at, yard, 33 5- inch Messaline at, yard 19 Popular Priced Neckwear for Xmas Gifts Neckwear Dept., Main Floor Every day women tell us our showing of Dainty Neckwear is the most complete and extensive in Portland. Hun dreds of beautiful yet inexpensive styles that would be pleasing gifts, here for your selection. Many of these have just reached us QOt by express and represent the season's latest. 65, 75, and a-rc" Every Woman Loves Beautiful Snowy Linens And nearly every woman when she thinks of. fine Linens unconsciously turns to this store to supply her need. We buy and sell more linens than any other three Portland stores combined. There's a reason. Women's $4 to $6 Shoes $2.95 Main Floor1 All popular lasts, in button and lace styles. Tan calf, brown ooze, willow calf, patents, suedes, velvets, etc. All 5 sizes. Regular $4 to $6 shoes "P.ifJ Men's $4 and $5 Shoes at $3.45 Made from select stock, box, velour and gun metal calf or patent leathers; also in tan, wil low and Russia calf. Button or 2J O V5 S lace styles. Reg. $4 to $5 shoes Great Sale of Holiday Slippers Main Floor Complete showing of Fancy Holiday Slippers for men and women. All colors, suedes, felts, kids, seals, etc. priced tm 98c to $2.48 Dainty Corset Covers W"m'n Floor Denti-made Corset Covers in many exquisite hand worked designs, on fine sheer ma terials. Ask to see these. ' Special for today at only fl 7 Q C 98. $1.48 and aP-i..J70 Pattern Cloths Beautiful Cluny Lace Table Cloths offered at special reduced prices: Regular $100.00 Cloths, $75.00 Regular $ 75.00 Cloths, $54.00 Regular ? 60.00 Cloths, $38.00 Imported Plain and Fancy Linen Hucks at, yard, 50 to $1.00 Tea Cloths Hemstitched Linen Tea Cloths, in splendid grade and finish. 30x30-in. Tea Cloths now $1.50 45x45-in. Tea Cloths now S2.90 54x54-in. Tea Cloths now $3.25 85c Embroid'd Guest Towels 62 Lace Centerpieces, special $1.50 Girls' Winter Dresses atl2 Dept. Second Floor Girls' stylish Winter Dresses in challies, Bilks and woolen fab rics; assorted colors and styles. Ages 6 to 14. $7.50 to $15.00 U JYICP Dresses now selling at ' $15 Party Dresses Now $3.98 chiffon, with Bilk and dresses selling Special at $3.98 ea. Sale of Dainty Xmas Aprons Special 49 Dainty White Lawn Aprons in several styles. ' Trimmed with ribbons, embroidery, laces, etc. These &Te rfQf excellent for gifts. Special only Fitted Aprons with large bibs and O Iff pockets; percale. Special, at t only ww Large Coverall Aprons of good 7Q percale; neatly finished; at only Second Floor Spe cial line of girls' Party Dresses, in many pretty styles. Pink, blue and cream slips. Ages 6 to 12 formerly up to $15, PTHERGpOSE M Jiff Toytand 4th Floor Let the children come to our big 4th Floor Toy Store. A won derland of interesting toys--Dolls, Games, etc. Santa Claus will be here to greet them every afternoon from 2 to 5. Come. Headquarters for the "Bing" and "Meccano" Toys, Outfits. Special showing of "Kewpie" Dolls in all sizes and prices.