w S - - - . . HEAL ESTATE. For bale I-arm. OUR COWS WILL PAY FOR YOLK LAND NO CASH DOWN. W furnish you money to buy dairy owa auii take half toe monthly cream receipts la payment. You don't pay cot down. You buy your cow where you like all we do is furnlnb the money. W aell yru land In the test dairy dis trict in California for so little cash down that It la cheaper than paying rent. We rive you aeven year to pay tr a tract that will produce a revenue every jear freater tuan the roet of the land. You take no risa when you buy here, because there are no clm of tp failure. You do bunness on our money and we give you practically all the time you want 10 pay out. We atari you with a dairy herd, so that you have an Income as regular and as sure as a salary. The creameries compete for your cream. call Ins at your door and paving you every Los MoMnos Is one place where there bail never been a water shortage. We bad water to waste last season. Plenty of water when you want It and cheap water too gravity irrigation. Farmers here got 10 tons of alfalia per acre this year. Tracts 6 acres up Improved or unim proved. You may never have another chance tike this certainly never a ietter one land la getting higher all the time so Is cost of living. Let us help you get started In the only way to heat the game. Call at once on TERRY St HARRIS. Inc.. 019-2O-21-22-23 Yeon Bldg. Or write to LOS MOLINOS LAND COMPANY, I .os Mollnoa. California. If you would know the truth about WESTERN CANADA see the CANADIAN PACIFIC EXHIBIT rf prlie-wlr.r.lng products of the fertile Canadian plains. Full personal Informa tion free maps and literature yours for the asking. L. P. thormu, i-ana Agent, 271 Pine St., Multnomah Hotel Bltlg. yOH SALE 5000 acres of high-class agri cultural lands In the Ochoco and Crooked River Valleys. Crook County. Or.; deep, 1 rich soli, marvelousiy productive, excel lent well water at 2u feet, artesian water at less than 2o0 feet; railway transporta tion, excellent marketing facilities. Price $23 to 130 per acre; one-tentn cash, bal ance In nine eual annual payments. OREGON & WESTERN COLONIZATION COMPANY. 2S Stark St., Portland. Or. MODEL DAIRY FARM. The most Ideal 3i-acre dairy farm In tlie state; modern sanitary barn for 24 cows; Ideal soil, near Salem; new house, horse barn, hoghouses. chicken house. ilo. right at school and near R. R depot; 12500 cash, bal. to suit. per cent. Farm Land Dept of HAKTMAN si THOMPSON hA.VCHi 60 acres, with buildings. 18 miles from Portland, near electric line; bargain fnr a!! cash. By owner. 1S2 Morrison st. FOR good farms see ma before buying. J. W. Uregg. 318 Fenton bids. Honieftteatla. iiuMSSTEADS near Portland. Western Oregon; large timber, rich soli, plenty watur; also level prairie, soil 3U feet bot tom meadow. Covey, 267 Oak. Room 31. TO EXCHANGE. WANTS LARGER FARM. We have choice tract 3; acres near Tortland and adjoining good electric sta tion; nearly all in cultivation; fine to subdivide or for anyone wanting smaller farm with city advantages; price Sls.SOO; will trade for stock or general farm of about equal value In Willamette Valley or Western Oregon and would like some slock and equipment. Lt'KDDEMAN N, RULEY at CO. 13 Chamber of Commerce. STOCK RANCH OR FARM WANTED. We have one of the best pieces of warehouse or factory property In the city, witii 250 feet trackage, to exchange for a ranch suitable for stock and farm ing: Willamette Valley preferred; price $20,000; equity $14,000; will assume. C ALLAN A KASER. 723-4 Yeon Bldg. WILL sell or trade for a bona fide stock of merchandise in city or good country town, I'.'l acres, excellent soli. 8 miles from Klamath Falls. Oregon, town of OoOO pop ulation, all In cultivation; about 04 acres Irrigated under Government ditch; new 6 room house and barn; well Improved; good river fencing land on one aide. Pries $.5oO. P till, oregonlan. to-ACRB Moeler ranch; weil built, small house; 6 miles from town adjoining colony of Eastern people: few acres cleared, bal ance easily cleared; I must sell, am trav eling man and cannot lake care of ranch; will trade for lota or bungalow In Port land or other good town. C. G. Dwlgbt, owner. Main 9253. 7 ACRES on Bull Run River, 2 miles from electric station; excellent soil; some beaverdam; the river Is deep on this place and full of fish; value $50 per acre: dear of incumbrance; will trade for small house. LUEDDEM ANN. RULEY ft CO 913 Chamber of Commerce. 80-ACRB FARM. FOR PORTLAND PROPERTY". 40 acres In cultivation, good buildings, running water piped to the house; will take any good Portland property at cash value In exchange. XEILAN PARKHILL. SOS Stock Exchange Bldg. LADD ADD. LOT TO TRADE. Lot on Elliott ave.. near Hawthorne; nicest lot in Ladd's Addition; will ex change $150u equity for cheaper lot. auto, acreage ur as payment on good bungalow. GRUSSI ft BOLDS, 316 Board of Trade. Main 7452. A 4401. OR SALE or trade. 40 acres, all In c..l vation. well fenced. 3hi miles from Esta cada, 1 mil to Sprlngwater store and postoffice. school and church; price $151) - per acre; mortgage against property S3uih. running 2 years at 7 per cent. Geu. A. LOng, 420 Hawthorne ive. I'iNE 8-acre apple orchard at White Sal mon, Wash., close in; richest volcanic ash soil all under cultivation; trees 6 years old and bearing: valuation S4&00; will exchange for Portland improved un incumbered property; no agents. AV 70s, Oregonlan. HOPGROWERS, TAKE NOTICE. 282 acres, good dairy and stock ranch, 2.1 acres In -hops, living water piped In bouse, r;ood buildings, close in, some trade, terms Owner. Win. Jobnscn. 5-7 Cham, of Commerce. S2000 EQUITT In 10 acres SH miles from Vancouver: mortgage 11000; easy pay ments; wilt give equity as first payment on modern bungalow or exchange for clear lots. CALLAN ft KASER. 722-4 Teon Bldg. WHAT have you to exchange for S40(w) equity in a modern 8-room corner house In best part of Irvington: street Improve ments, oic, all In and paid for; 1 block from cariine; unimproved city property or mortgage preferred. Owner, V 5U5. Ore gonlan. z I.AURELHURST HOMB. New modern 8-room residence to ex change for good bungalow, vacant lota or acreage; price tow; equity so.wo. GRUSSI ft BOLDS. 316 Board of Trade. Main 74.".2, A 4401. W-ROOil. li-story nouse. oungaiow sijie. Just completed, full lot. hardwood floors, otherwise modern. Rose City Park. Cash i . , oru i t.li. vacant to 1220O for equity balance long time. 309 Board of Trade. 4th and Oak sts. ..T-n vr:-TT fli l-...n,n hnnelllnw small Bmn.,n, w-n halance SIO oer month, u per cent- plastered, cement walks, lot 50x iH., n.it nf emnlnvment. - forced to selL Corner Killingswortn uJ S4th t. N. FOR TRADE 4S0-acre stock and grain ranch In Idaho for income property In Portland or general rodse.. or cars, s-cond-hand or new Pr.ce 135 per acre. IJiOO mtg. M. Rame, box 562. Lewlston. Idaho. 131 ACRES. ORE. ELEC. 12700. 17 miles from Portland, mile from station, S400 Incumbrance; trade for house In good locality and assume up to IKUOO. Fred W. German Co.. C. of C. TO EXC H "A NG E Room I n g -h ouse. 3 3 room i : location the best: rooms aiways fu.l; 10O pVr month bes.des your living: will trade ejulty of C0 for acreage: mortgage SUO0 In paiments. H 600. oregonlan. u i jits in city for furniture. J 10 aes! Clarke County, for grocery 3 acres, house, orchard, for reatsurant-6-room house; want roonilng-house. 1421 Second. rt'-o'n 1 WILL trade -:.-.0 equity in $.,!, Port land high-clas. residence property for imat! farm or smaller residence. M bl7. ACRES, valued J50.O00: Includes stork. uinment and llmate.l 1!14 crop I4. .1 . Al; "improved acreage, value $2010, for Vlear boSse and lot. owner. L 531.. Ore gon tan. TA ILI AMETIE Improved SO; necessary bulVdlngs: want substantial residence. Owner. 1020 Grand ave. North. iit-.o'n-EW Win ton auto credit: some cash. jI,..o .e.v -. Oregonlan. balance n't w r -- - - iTTvEcir suburban lot tra for type WA,.. ,,-,r J lrt. Orgonlsn. tM A -RES White Salmon land to trad W - r KIT Dr.rnn in. St oc PI grocer--. . - v iron HI RST lot for clear home, about LAI KtLHtn. i ..reeonian. eiuii: some -. - r " n hi ..ke a cfear lot as first payment on 1 oa'ir "bunlalow. Owner. Marshall 6029. TO EXCHANGE. FARM TRADES. HARGROVE ft SONS. We hsve a number of good farms and pieces of acreage to trade for city prop erty. We want you to get honest values In cite you trade through our firm. One of the following might be Just the place )uu want. IMPROVED ACRE FOR 11500. This 1-acre tract is located in Fair view. 12 miles east of the city, perfect macadam roads ami good car service; 4 rnoin hnuse and barn: price S150O, mort gage $U; owner in business here in the ritv and tannot occupy the place; will tiade for au thing in Portland of value. 7 ACRES FOR $1400. This 7-sr-re tract Is all in cultivation, lies perfeetlv. no rock or gravel; 35 miles south of Portland, right at station on Ore gon Electric: price $1400; no Incumbrance; trade for vacant lot or small house. BB.-T 25 ACRES. This is the nicest farm home nesr the rlty: there are 25 acres. 20 acres In high slate of cultivation, bniance nice fir tim ber; lies perfectly and best of sill; new modern S-rooiu plastered house, full base ment, fireplace and sleeping porch; barn and outbuildings; bearing orchard; price $;00; take home in Portland to value of 15500; time on balance; this elegant farm home Is located Just t miles east of the city; good hard surfaced road: best farm trade we hate had in a long time. HARGROVE SONS. 122 North 6th St. Main 4351. A 725. A MT. TABOR HOMB. A FULL QUARTER BLOCK. FOR COUNTRY PROPERTY. A beautiful 10-room house with all mod ern conveniences; very large living-room, paneled dining-room and set-'.n sideboard, library, breakfast-room. 5 bedrooms, full basement, furnace, weil-kepl yards, bl tumln.zed streets; an elegant house In an elegant neighborhood: value S12.5o0; what have you to exchange for owner's equity of $7500? LB XOIR. 22$ Chamber of commerce B.dg. . TO SAVE FORECLOSURE. 7-room house and corner luOxlO, In Montavllia; house oid and in need of re pairs: also some back Interest, taxes, etc.. to take care of; price S200O. mortgage JH can be extended to responsible party; will take vacant lots or acreage unincumbered for equity. Owner says. "Get what you can from the wreck." Fred German Co., 9 ;2 Chamber of Commerce. TO SAVE FORECLOSURE, "-room house and corner 100x100. In Montavllia- house old and In need of re pairs, also some back interest, taxes, etc.. to take care of; price $2000. mortgage $sr.0 can be extended, to responsible party; wll' take vacant lots or acreage unincum bered for equity. Owner says, "Get what you can from the wreck." Fred German Co., S2 C. of C. WANTED REAL ESTATE. IRVINGTON HOME WANTED. Will turn in modern residence In col lege town, near Portland, worth stouu. with Incumbrance, and pay or assume re mainder on a satisfactory Irvington home wort h up to atu.ow. w. WANTED To buv thoroughly modern o room bungalow In Portland, from party who accepts good country property close to city and little cash; up to 300. Box 753. Newberg, Or. WANT lot In Walnut Park or PledVnont or might consider small modern house; must be a snap; ownera only. J tl-u, Orego nlam FOB RENT FARMS. 15000 CASH to pay for 30 or 40-acre ranch near Hillsboro, Cornelius, Forest Grove or Gaston. 1 have the money and would go to $7U00. Give full description In first letter. AE 604), Oregonlan. FOR RENT 37 acres garden land, near Beaverton, macadam road all way into city good Improvements, school near; third rental In work. E. S. Jackson, 204 Railway Exchange bldg. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. tii ni-"R T.AVTiS BOUGHT AND SOLD. . J. M-CRACKEN. 304 McKay Bldg. CHEAP STUMPAGE. Ideal location for a mill; stream run ning to rallroadspurSS rt 5th St. $12 60 PER ACRE A FEW DAYS. 160 acres. 4.00O.000 feet timber. Owner. box 168. Fails city, ur. WANTED TO KENT FARMS. WANTED To rent 2 to 8 acres with shack; would consider 10-cent carfare. Address Ed Kelly. 493 Blackstone st. FOR SALE Horses, Vehicles, Et HORSES AND WAGONS fOR SALE OR Second-hand vehicles bought and sold; new wagon and auto beds made to order: livery furnished to business parties at special rates. HAWTHORNE STABLES, a I . 11 or r h m a 1. Phone East 72, B 1369. NOTICE: Will be sold at Columbia Stables, 80S Front st.. on Dec. iio. J!13. the following-described property: 1 gray horse, about 120t lbs.; 1 sorrel horse, about 800 . lbs.- buggy and harness to satisfy feed hill THE MURPHY HORSE ft MULE CO. sell on commission, norses, ib, cles and harness. Auction sales every Mondav and Friday, 10 A. M. Private sales dally. 240 K. 8th St., near Haw thorne, r.. ojto. TEAM of fine matched bays, wu u200 lbs.. 8 years old. new S100 harness and 3?-ln. wagon for sale or exchange for logged-off or burnt-ovor land, close to coast. S . Oregonlan. FOR SALE 1 team of well-watched black mares, weighing 8CoO lbs.; 1 6-year-old horse weighing HW0; 1 0-year-old horse weighing l4.'t. himcii CHESTNUT horse, 7 years old, 1100 lbB.; sound and gentle; for women or children; also steel-tired buggy and harness, Saj. 302 Fronl st. 2400-POUND team without a blemish; must be sold at once; at your own price. 102 E. Yamhill st. MUST sell pair 2300-lb. horses, double bar. - nets; also one bay mare, weight 1000 lba. All good Woraeia. JPQi j,. .j ... irt ur.ln hnrNes. Drlce -0 to sou per neau 26lh and Powell St.. walk down track half block. AK 600, uregonian. FOR 8AI.E One ISOO-lb. bay horse, sound t75- one team and smal gooseneck wagon, lix'i Phone Marshall 21ia. I OR SALE Shetland pony, o years old. darU bay mare. Inquire E. F. Nuud, Cen tralis, Wash. O.NB chestnut sorrel mare, 7 years old weight 1300; cheap for cash. SOu Alder. WANTED To'hire one big team; steady wora. .n'1,D" riunoa. Organs and Musical Instrurnenls. S-oo VICTROLA, mahogany finish for $16o. some records, good as new, guaranteed ab solutely perfect condition. Phone is Blo7 or address AK o. urts""""- MUST sell my splendid mahogany cabinet grand upright piano at sacrifice, less than 15i. OHO E. Gllsan. Montavllia car to 82d. Tabor jotio. ish. used ouly srshort time, for S225. Phone B 3157 or address Y oil, Oregonlan. A BKAND-NEW piano, worth 400. sell for S175. 742 Kearney st. " $20 CASH buya beautiful baby grand planO; walnut case; enap. 633 Washington. Dogs, Birds. Fet Stock. A FINE big-boned, registered Airedale. 6 months old. straight, hard coat, grand head; grandson of great champions; your chance for a good one, $i.. t has. rl. With era. Jr.. Staton. Or. COLLIE puppies make fine Xmas presents: they delight the whole family; 60 puppies for sale $7.50 up; catalogue free. CD. I .... AmttV Cir AIREDALE puppies, 6 weeks old. big-boned, small-eared, pedigreed stock. $10 each. Chas- H. Wlthers.Jr.. Stayton, Or. FOR S11.E Hotel bus and team horses elghlng 1100 pounds apiece. Apply 61 Corbett bldg. : air PDA LE puppies, ft weeks old, bis-boned. V.r. I-. are.", ie.l. greed stock. U each. ( has. H. W ithers, jr., guj Al r. EDA LE TERRIERS for pais, guards, hunters. I.adillx Kennels. F-nacada. or. Furniture ior Sale. ENTIRE furnishings residence nearly new .mbraclng Circassian and mahogany dress Jrs and chiffonier., bras. beds, golden 'mini-room and library furnltura fumed hall set. Call afternoon or evening. 707 .Yiarsnan A BRASS bed. three-quarters width, with excellent mattress and springs, slightly uTd hut In excellent condition: origins cost $75; a bargain for cash. Address V 696, Oragouiao, . ... TTTTC MOltNIXG OKEGOXIAX, WEDXESDAY. MIK N A I , F, 1 " " " 1 - I U uui UanMHB Fnrnltor for is. HOUSE for rent, furniture $4Jo. Phone Main 4204. for sale; price Automobiles. LOOK 3D13 HUDSON'S 1913 5-pass.. o cylinders. Electric starters, electric lights, fully equipped, and In Al condition; brand new tires. . Wo have several of these cars that were traded in on new Coles and Loziers; big gest sacrifice ever made on.e-cyllnder late model cars. CASH OR TERMS NORTHWEST AUTO CO. TtKOADWAT AND COUCH STS. 4)i.v." Main 8ST. WANTED To trade for A No. 1 automo bile S or 7-passenger; must be new model o' one of several standard makes; no Junk or old cars considered: will ex change 12il acres lard In Central Ore gon and will pay difference ill cash. L A 112 STODDARD-DATTON (-same as 1913 model except size of wheels), best or starters, electric lighted tail and dash, new H-public tires. Just out of paint rhop; cost iiTOO; leaving city, will sell for 1850. Phone Woodlawn 1330. F1VE-PASSENOKR 1013 CAOILLAC CAK, GOOD AS NfTW: WILL SACRIFICE rOK oni'K SALE. THIS CAR IS IN PER KFCT CONDITION. CALL OWNER BE TWEEN 6 AND 7 P. M MARSHALL n4t4 SS-H P 4-cyl., 4-pass Torpedo, Battleship Gray- both gravity end pressure gasoline n stems: lit to be in any company; cost S2M00. sacrifice for 700. Call 27111 West ti roadway. FOR SALE Two-passenger Hudson lkiO model, 250; In good shape. AB o-to. oregonlan. UU RANTEE auto repairs, contract rates. Reliance Garage. 1O03 Hawthorne. Auto stornie. . WANT to s-11 auto, .1-pass.. fore-doors. 1111 . good condition; will give bargain. Room 26 142 1, Second st. Ask fur Brlgman. DE VD STORAGE. to VAN HORN TRANS. CO. t i-r month; 40 2D ST. GOOD first car, good condition, only Si. 41t! Chamber of Commerce. NEW delivery wagons at second-hand prices. Orec-on Moline Plow Company. FOR HIRE Flve-passenger Chalmers, 1.50 ler hour, with chauffeur. East HSM. AUTO storage. S3 month. Empire Garage, 270 12th. Main I860. A 1030. GARAGE for rent. 12-"J E. Everett. Vlvestock. 20 HE D of good dairy cows Jersey, Dur hams, 3 to 7 years old; some fresh with calves, some coming fresh from 1 to 4 weeks; all tubercular tested. Will sell one or all. Special price on whole lot. Take Woodstock car to S8th ave., walk 2 blocks west. Typewriters. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER PRICES. UNDERWOOD. 4 & 0, S32.S0 and REMINGTON. 6 ft 7. $17.50 and 20.00 L. C. SMITH 4 BROS, visible J. ..JO MONARCH, visible ROYAL, 0. visible 60.00 ROYAL, 1. late model Vir SMITH PREMIER, 2 1T.;' FOX, visible model 24 -o "0 BL1CKE.NSDERFER, 7, with case.. 12...0 BARLOCK, visible V.WVi-'yi OTHER MAKES FROM $12. uO UP. LARGEST STOCK ON THE PACIFIC CSRMS $3 cash and $5 per month. All machines guaranteed. Any "machine sent on approval. Typewriters rented. Cata- THeVhTlESALE TYPEWRITER CO.. Phone Main 5081. 321 Washington St. Sift TO $113 will buy a Gill rebuilt type writer us good as ne ; an ma,-., . w.." from and workmanship guaranteed; terms to suit; catalogue mailed on request. Hid XV. v j . . . . . - .... - Rd and Alder Sts. Main S-'hiO. A 0008. WE ure the exchange for the largest tjpe- wrlter concern on too i-uai, n.,. all makes, all prices. The Typewriter r.xcnango, tiois qwEi" WE rave you from 50 to 75 per cent on all makes oi typewrneis. oc.m " "- trated folder; retail department. WHOLfc. S4.LE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 Wash. St. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, S10 to SdJ. AOKllintM X I r c . u, v-w, NEW. rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. C. CO.. otai a. jian. j-,.... FOR SALE Brand new Oliver. No. 5 type writer, half price. OZf loruett mun. .MiceUaneous. FOR SALE Concrete blocks 257 Veneer blocks 255 Veneer corner blocks. . .4xSxl6 Inches 32 Veneer corner blocks. 4xSx 8 inches 1.; Veneer n blocks 4xSi 8 Inches 679 Standard blocks SxSxlo inches 250 Standard corner blocks. SxSxltl Inches 70 Standard blocks 8x8x 8 r.ches 33 Stana d cor. 'it blocks. . .8xSX S ncl,es ;.", l'ier rock face blocks. . .bxSxlB Inches '11 Pier panel face blocks. 8xSxl6 Inches 4 Chimney U blocks. 114 Chimney L blocks. p. J. Hanley, successor to concrete Block ft Construction Company.. 183 Grand ave. p:ione main I FOR SALE Oak counters and office parti tions, brass vailing, awuius, trie motor with compressed air tank, at 325-7 Burnside st. Call at the B. . Goodrich Rubber Co., Broadway and Burn side sts. 1 SECOND-HAND bllllurd and pocket tables, built and refinlshed, completely equipped, at prices from KO upward: liberal terms The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co., 40 r.,h t. Phone Main 7tS. A 1700. ONE second-hand roll top, two flat top. . i. ii ...r. iiii.ku three rotary chairs, one 60-Inch mahogany roll top desk and chair. Bushong ft Co., 91 Park St. .Main tvt CHRISTMAS present worth 25, 4 volumes .. . ,, ...... nf f unr IKll tO t entennmi mswij ... -.-0-... 11.11 by Joseph Gaston; illustrated; neer openeu; tin. t iim.o t..--. .. SAFKS Mosler Cafe Co., manufacturers; low prices, easy tenno, i repaired; tatgaina In second-hand safes. T'S 2d St. rnonu .until iv,,w. . ;,,it r i c-VtlTlT 1 7 h'H Cow or horse manure, the very best for roses, delivered to any part of city. Phone i aDor ohj SAFclS New und second hand; low prices, . nnened reDaired and painted. PI'RCELL SAFE CO. and TORT- AND SAI K CO., e. qui bi. jmo. SALE or exchange. 6 Targe new ostrich feathers, used cook stove, carpets, any thing, w ooujawn-oo RENT a visible typewriter 3 months for 4. uellvere!. -i ami . .. ti2T3 or A 4441. ' S4' INVALID'S rubber-tire reclining chair, used 3 months; will take S20. Call Hart Apts., Apt. aamnwu onto GENTLEMAN'S diamond pin at a bargain. Call room 8 Washington bldg. NATIONAL cash registers. Get my Pf1"". i uiri. . ' . ' 1 J .... 44x BILLIARD table, good as new. cheap. ..mi - -Vtaln TK!t4. FERTILIZER the very best horse and cow ianure, wen rotieu. inmn TWOitlesks, rotary chairs, office chairs, etc 634 Vliamoer ot luiiuhciiit. SAFE $40.50; desks, roll, fist; pi 17.-i; dictionary. 2S9 Yamhill. lano. new. Hardin. FOR SALE A beautiful Hardanger teaclotb, . ' . ., r .... ui ri rLuu ru priinlnn. value !-., i" v-i". . .... -o WANTED MOSCELLAXE47VB. WE buv for cash second-hand National cash registers and sell them on easy terms; registers guaranteed. W. J. Macauley. 8o4 Burnside. Main lSlrt. A 1S16. WANTED SECOND CLOTHES. Highest prices paid for second-hand clothes. Main 13S3. A 30S1. 340 1st st. ... ...... , . . 1 1 ,-i ,i-T.i7v.. WiVTF.D. till V.I 1 - -1 . 1- l..i..."vj , li , Highest cash nrices paid for ladies and gents- castolT clothing and shoes. Call Main H2V1. 294 3d st. The reliable buyer. WE want to buy $1000 worth of second-hand furniture in the next 3u days and pay all the ensh It is worth. Wllliams-ave. Fur niture Exchange. Phone East 036. WK pav highest cash prices for second-hand wirk-Balke-Collemler Co.. 40 5th st. Phone Vnlr. 709. A 17119. FAIR DEAL We pay best prices for s-c-ond-hsnd clothing and furniture. tall Main 9272. 60 '. 3d St. Phone A 32T t.,-. v-r, 1 1 .vr, . !! v-ITI-I7ir. W ANTE D Ruver culls promptly; estimates given. 1S4 1st. near Yamhill. Main 4773. Paid for household goods. C. M. Penneil, 351 1st st. Phone Marshall 426a. .... ii ,.- u v anv lf VOIlT fllT nlture before you call the' Bell Auction HOU!-e. 191 J.a St. Jriaasnau -113.,. WANTED Second-hand safe, typewriter, desks and office furniture; give comp.ete description and price. T 389, Oregonian. WANT to buy or rent electric piano. Phone Marshall 273. ... WE want $10,000 worth of second-hand fur niture: highest prices paio. oemvouu j--. pis-j T.nld for hair combings. Sanitary Beautv Parlors, 400 Dekum bldg. WANT to buy second-hand English peram- nuinior. in guou suimmuu. I PAY hlShe.rprice for V S. old coins. John r-OTTiors. nro-uwaj a . r" tl s-l r1 m V ntpnnt cameras, rtocnieiu, o.. o t-r,nn At'r-TtriN CO. oav more cash for any kind of furniture. Main 8951. vituvjai. cash register: price must be ' reasonable. Alain 660. Jl 8600, : " t . .. . . , .- I KVrllATIONS WANTED MALB. FOR RENT. . LEMN HARDWARE ft FURNITURE CO. 221 Fron t st., buvs second-hand furniture, stoves rinses, hardware or tools lind. Call A 7174 or Main OOiL. caroets, of anv k Our buyer calls promptly. HELP WANTED MALE. INCIDENT. (One of Many.) Office Secretary Employment Department. Y. M. C. A. Touns man. stranger, seeking employ ment t20 his total cash asset! If I pa you 3 for employment membership, 1 will have only $15 between me and starvation. Secretary If you pay 5 for einpl; ment membership, you will have the l M. C. A., with all lta resources, between you and starvation. Result Young man Joined association. In less than a week he had satisfactory employment. Record for 11 months ending Nov. 3n- Calls for men from employers t-.-a Positions filled , ' " Special emplovment membership guar antes member will secure employment or membership fee will be refunded. Gives two months- full privileges, including use of gvmnasium, swimming pool. bath, etc., and ten months- social or house privileges. Including the services of the employment department for the entire year. ' All young men seeking employment in commercial, clerical or technical lines, or as engineers, firemen, mechanics, machin ists, carpenters, millworkers or In other skilled lines, are cordially invited to con sult with the secretary of the advisory and employment department. LARGEST and best-known realty concern on the Coast has a position for the sales man who can qualify. Our proposition will make him S5000 and over during 1914. Ambition to be and ability to earn 5(h)0 is not enough; It takes application and determination as well. Ask yourself these questions. Have you worked hard this year? How much have you earned this year? Are you satisfied you have the neces sary qualities to earn money? Do you consider yourself a salesman? Several salesmen are earning this much and more, handling our proposition. An other salesman can do as much with like effort. ARE TOIT THAT MAN? It so, call between 9 and 12 A. M. on Mr. Cleveland, sales manager. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 269 Washington at. WANTED For U. S. Army, able-bodied, un married men between ages of IS and 80: citizens of United States of good charac ter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. For information apply to recruiting officer, Worcester bids., Third and Oak sts., Port land. Or. PRACTICAL man. with family, familiar with horses, for genera! farm and or chard work; permanent position and fjnod opportunity to acquire small farm to right party with not less than J250 cash to in vest. Write AD 592. Oregonlan. WANTED An elderlv man of good habits, able-bodied, desirous of securine; a good home and small pay for looking atfer lawn, garden and small stock; permanent, comfortable home fot right party. Ad dress box 665. Hillsboro. CITY salesman; unusual opportunity for live mnn to represent Western factory In sale of high-grade specialty: splendid contract for right man; give age. references and experience. Universal Ventilating Com pany, Price bldg., Kansas City, Missouri. FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN or Inexperienced man of good possibilities for permanent work with large established company. Work starting January 1. Mr. Prentiss, 2S6 Oak st. Call mornings HAVE opening for two well dressed, am bitious vounff men willing to prove by the'r work their ability for responsible positions; mornings only. 737 Morgan bldg. WANTED Good, live newspaper solicitors: none but experienced men need apply; big money if you are a live wire. Apply 8 A. M. or S P. M. today, room 202 Ore gonian bldg. CASH advanced you weekly s-UIng our hardy guaranteed stock; excellent territory- hustlers make money. Washington Nursery Co.. Toppenlsh. Wash SHIP: WORKERS wanted. operators on Goodyear welter stitcher and rounder, steidy work; good wages. Buckingham ft nccnt, shu r i I HAVE a first-class steady position with a large company for a good man who can furnish $300 cash security. Call 013 nckum mug WANTED Hustling solicitor for contest; $200 cash' prize; also good commission; particulars free. K. E. Tenny, 1054 Ellii Han r rancisco, uai. WANTED A registered dentist. THford bids., cor. 10;h and Room 305 Morrison. Phone Marshal! 262. WANTED Men to write health and acci dent Insurance. Oregon Surety & Casualty Co.. SOI Board of Trade bldg. SOLICITORS, elderly gentlemen preferred; largest commission In city. 542 Washing ton st. EXPERIENCED advertising solicitors, quick commission: contracts cashed; several weekly papers. 268 Madison. I CAN help" you If vou are making only $20 a week and want to advance and earn more. X 37 . ureg,onian THOROUGHLY experienced men furnlsh lmt salesman; none but experienced need apply. rtODerts dim., an WANTED A boy with motorcycle or bi cycle. K. o. irvin oc o., u nuui bldg. WANTED Wide awake salesmen to sell lewelry on the Installment plan; old es tablished house.Apply207CorbettbIdg. PRINTING office wants advertising and printing solicitor. 611 Buchanan bldg. PHOTO-solicitors. $100 diamond ring given - - ctriln DiAli Morrison. Tree, caroiij om...... " -" i WANTED Strong boy to learn trade; $6 . --. tit XtTa ,'i,iyf on a wcea. iw awn. TOUNo" inan wanted with wheel to deliver meat. Apply J-"'QVJ"-- Mp:N with patentable Ideas write Randolph jfc CO., Patent aoucnoia. aounife PHOTO coupon: best orrerea pPul, ,.,. test starteo. v utc. n S 4LEPEOPF.E Hustling man $." per oay or more. an nit- iin."--. BOYS wanted. Apply 268 East 28th St. HELP W ANTED FEMALE. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework: no washing; eoo. - East 1090- SMART young lady to wait on .u..-. counter. JU5U16U1 " - Savier st. WANTED Competent girl for general housework in smaii !"). Phone Tabor 47 GIRL wanted for housework; good home and good wages; small family. U Lovejoy. GIRL wanted for general housework; 3 In family. io- - GIRL for general housework In small fam liv: good wage?. out uuji rriOK small hotel, country, .; " . . . " -. . -'Til 1 m. nun help. no we s asuvj, , - " WANTED Cook in family of O; appu mornings. suj j-ins ei. WANTED An experienced folder. Palace Laundry, r.. iulu anu c.cici. WAITED Girl for general housework. ply 991! savier si. WNTfiD Girl for general ho children. Apply 381 10th st eneral housework; no WANT a lady cook for delicatessen store. 112 N. 21Bt iu, near uiimu, TirivTirn lf-cnertenced slesver. crystal IHlunrtry. Jl anu oanwy Don't You Want a Busi ness of Your Own? There are hundreds of men in this town just like YOU who are eagerly watching for a business opening. The shrewder of these men know that their chance will come in the Classified Ad vertising section of this newspaper. Some of them will probably find THEIR opportunity TODAY. Turn to the Want Ad section and see if YOUR opportunity is there now. If it is not and you have a definite idea of the business you would like, a little Want Ad printed in this paper may find it for you. Use "The Want Ad Way 39 DECE3IBEB 17, 1913. WANTED One stenographer, one cafeteria girl, one girl for general housework, $3u; two experienced canned goods laoelers. and others. Apply Pacific Employment Company, Ladies- Dept. 205 Morrison at. WANTED A bright, energetic lady, well educated and of good appearance, who can travel when required; ntiet be over 30 and well recommended. Phone Twen tieth Century Self Culture Association. Main S1U2. WANT good contralto, not over 5 feet, 4 inches in height: prefer that height for female duo for first-class moving-picture houses In large cities; experience not neces Bary if you can appear before audiences. Phone Tabor 2587. . COMPETENT woman to do general work In an apartment house; must be good cook; saiary $20; permanent position for right partv. Call at 1S7 17th St.. near Yamhlll. between 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. REFINED, reliable woman as nurse for two small children and assist with other work; considered as member of family; good wages. Mrs. I. S. Strasburger, Cascade Locks. WANTED Good, reliable girl for general h..uu-nrb" two In famliv: must under stand plain cooking; good wages arid a good home to right party. Call 4, E. Burnside St., corner E. 22d. WANTED competent girl for general house work. Apply Mrs. A. Larrowe, .02 N. Haves St., St. Johns. Phone Columbia Li',-: WANTED Young lady for cashier in cafe teria three hours in evening for meals; give references and phone number. L ooj, Oregonian. GOOD home, small wages to woman with baby or middle-aged woman, to assist with ca-e of invalid woman; light house work. 581 Tacoma ave. m LOCAL firm requires services of efficient woman over 25; experience not required. AH 58S. Oregonlan. GIRL to assist with general housework. . . . . t.-- i" d'nh uve lake 4S2S 41st St. W -w car. GIRL for general housework, small family; good wages, airs. . a. on a. Locks, KITCHEN helper, $?0; general housework. wages $20 to ot. ouia ijau.to .-la cy, ;SS .wain St. main i orttes to Hell an article used in every household: no experience required, as it sells itself. Room 314. V illard Hote.. FIVE girls to learn beauty culture; pay while learning; position guaranteed. 4t0- 414 Dekum b'.dg. &aniiaryr-ai loia. W4.NTED Youns ladles to solicit; bouiiuk to" sell. Can at 421 Ablngton bldg. s to 12 A. M. CAPABLE "girls are securing good positions through the jjomesnc ei wuo lltn st. Main 7667, A S125. OK three weeks, reliable girl to help with second woik and care of two children. 010 spring St., l'Olliaiiu J"'h'"- WANTED A good girl for general home work; small family; good nome. Apply 484 . 17th N. Take Irvington can RELIABLE girl or woman, general nuuse wotk; go home nights; two adults and baby. Marshall 2iSli. A owi LADIES to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers. $23 to 500 per . ",'. paid. 615 Swetland bldg. Call inornlngs. MRS. " HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. Washington bldg.. 2701, Washington room 35, near 4th. Phone Main SS36 or A 32b. W VXTEDReftned, capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavi Co., 009 Roth child oldg., 4th and Washington. SALESLADIES for old reliable concern; good positions for right parties. Mr. Pet ty, i-io Columbia. 9 to 12 A. M. CONGENIAL girl or woman lor compauy and tO assist. Oi ouninei ok., st. Alberta car. HELP WANTED MALE OS FEMALE. FISK Teachers' Agency secures positions lor teachers. 316 Journal Bldg. Main moo HELP WANTED M18CELLAXEOC3. LEARN TO REPAIR AND DRIVE AL'TO- Best-equipped school in tho West. Mod ern facilities, up-to-date methods. Every- ENnifoLLCNOW AT SPECIAL HOLIDAY RATES and save money. Big demand for trained men. We assist our graduates to posl tiona. Pac'tlc Auto & Gas Engine School. 1SS-190 ;liapman St.. bekween YamhiL and Tavlor. WANTED Ambitious workman. Tour wort on actual jobs pas tor ii..n,, u. - electricity, automobiles, plumbing, brick laving Only few months required; ou students last four years. Write for in formation. United Trades School Contract ing Co.. Los Angeles. ' LEARN automobile repairing, driving on up- to-date cars: eiecinu. tivu i..e,. surveving- methods most practical; room and board while learning; position se cured. Satisfaction guaranteed: catalogue free National School of Engineering, 2110 West Seventn, 1.0a Anncicp, v WANTED Young men at once learn a good trade. uo. 1 ri.i 11 -'" ,,' 'nc nicture operating NOW. Special offer till Christmas. S23. THOROCGH tuition and THEATER proctice. 417 Rothchild bldg MEN, 20 to 40 years old, wanted at once for electric railway muiui men """ durtors- 00 to S100 a month; no exper ience necessary; fine opportunity; no strike- write Immediately for application blank. Address a v o.u, ...... OREOON Barber College teaches you the barber trade m 15 weeaa. i'j. ....... learning- tools free; tuition reduced this term- extra instructors-years in business, position guaranteed: special inducements to ladies. 233 Madison st- 252 2d st. MEN, women, get Government Jobs, $90 per for list of positions. Frankrln Institute, Dept. 325 H. Rochester, N. Y. RAILWAY M AIL CLERKS-ustorn-hous, examinations av , ........ . . - more clerks; SHOO to J1700. Free boo. Pa elfic States School. McKay bldg. GOVERNMENT positions open to women. SiA montn; wine i,ni,.wwit.j- : list. Franklin Institute, Dept. 000 fr. Itochester. N. Y. BRAKEMEN, firemen. railroads entering Portland; wages .00; experience un necessary; send age. stamp. Railway As- snclation. dept. 80 Brooklyn, N. Y. MOLER" Barber College will teach you quickly, cheaply and thoroughly, pay you while learning, furnish tools free. Write for free, catalogue. A 4t, N. 2d St. THEATRICAL EXCHANGE r-omnantes orKanized, routes directed. acts written. Ed Roberts. Hotel Alder. PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE Individual instruction. GREGG SHORTHAND, book keeping, 404 Commonwealth bid. Mar. 4 is. WANTED -At once, two men to learn auto repairing ana driving. ui " " ........ Garage, 445 lawthorne ave. - MEri 18 to35. wishing to be railway mall clerks; $75 month. Apply for informa tion. AV 581, Oregonlan. GIRLS Learn beauty parlor work. Earn money while learning. The Hair Bazar. Malestc Theater bldg.. Wash, and Park. GIVE $40 horse 'with cash and board for worK on larm. r .ion, v. . S1O0 CASH will give you job $4 or more per day: your own boss. 205 Ablngton bldg. SHORTHAND. TYPEWRITING, $5 PER MO. 209 14-TH ST. M. 3S93. EXP. INSTRLC N. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and, Clerks. INVESTIGATED MEN. 1 ne Kiiiu. jyu Honest, industrious, qualified. Can do anything you want done. Anxious to serve you. Records in hand for your Inspection. Call. Write. Phone. STANLEY BAKER, Employment Secretary, Y. M. C. A. 3lain lunii, a uoui. WILL AUDIT, OPEN, CLOSE OR WRITE up books, prepare balance and statements install systems. Gillingham, auditor. 414 Lewis bldg; MarshalllT . SALESMAN, experienced Easterner, age 22 desires position with reliable firm, either In citv on on road. Address room 220. Mtliory Hotel. EXPERIENCED man would like night clerk position in rooming-house or running fur nace for board and room. Address L 695. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper; best of refer ences; strictly sober. AK 099. Orego nlan. Miscellaneous. YOUNG man. married, age 29, desires a po sition as collector or salesman; good ref erences. J 618, Oregonian. CARPENTER, first-class finishing hardwood man7 O K. on alterations. Walker. 703 14 HoyL EXPERIENCED man and wife want place 'in hotel or apartment-house; references. T.-t 24 0.",. Ant. 318. YOUNG Japanese boy wishes situation as a houseworker in family. T. K., P. 0. Box 125. city. A JAPANESE wants position as jiiuu, . norter. T 566, Oregonian. JAPANESE boy wants any kind of work. N 594, Oregonlan. W ANTED Contract cutting wood, large or small. n.i'i, v'e""'"-- MARRIED man wants position on farm or dairy lunch. AJB J02. Oregonlan, WANTED Position on ranch by man and wife; no children; 20 years" experience in stock and fruit raising; competent of po sition as manager or foreman; can give good references; wife A No. 1 cook; good wages expected. AV 705. Oregonlan. MiDDLE-AGED gentleman would like work in homelike place during Winter; good mechanic and handy at any kind of work; can care lor invalid or sick; moderate salary. P 023. Oregonlan POSITIONWANTED 'by A No. 1 chef In hotel, restaurant, club or cafeteria, in or ot o, i.,n. I inn an ail-iound man and economical workman. Al references. Sober andreliable. E CIS, Oregonlan., EXPERIENCED chauffeur, married, wants position in private family; will take any extra driving; can furnish references: do own repairing. Call Marshall 428 or E 617, Oregonian. lOL'.VO man, all-round, experienced In fire insurance, wishes position, or would con sider partnership in good business; best reference. Write N 5s5, Oreijonian. MAN and wife, honest, temperate, trust worthy, experienced in apartment-house work, vt-ould give services for rent of apartment, furnished. M 009. Oregonian, CHAUFFEUR, -married man, thorouithly re liable, best references. W. J. Smith, suite H. Upshur Apts., 2lith and Upshur sts. SITUATION as Janitor, married; iirst-clats only; A-l city referenced; understand oil heating plants. M 612, Oresonian. rJKEilAN, 20 years of age, is willing to take any kind of Job. Aug. Diet!, 1st st. North, room 27.- Phone A 4014. YOUNG man who can speak five Slavonic languages ana nas naa experience in i" office, wants position. Main 717, A loi. MAN and wife want positions as janitors In fiat or other bulldjng; competent and ex perlenced. Main 717. EXPERIENCED carpenter wnu pairing; cheap and reliao; .-iomi. job or re. Marshall WANTED Job cutting cordwood by two married men. Call at 37Ha East 11th St. O. Hartsell. WANTED Position as janitor. Phone Wood lawn 1S07. Peter Smith, fell Graham ave. YOUNG man wants position; will take farm work. Y 566, Oregonian. PROFESSIONAL window cleanci Phone Main 726S. SITUATION HASTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographer. YOUNG lady stenographer with office ex perience desires steady position. Good cit references. Phone East 2504. EXPERIENCED stenographer and assistant bookkeeper wishes position at once. Phone Main 1811. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires work forenoons; has typewriter. P 615, Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper. In or out city references given. Gilchrist. Main 712&. POcuTION desired b ystenographer. expe rienced in office work. Phone Tabor 43.12. STENOGRAPHER wants work, rapid typist. Phone Marshall S7?S. Dressmakers. PKHV1TIEST one-piece dresses and waists made at the lowest prices. Marshall 20U. Miss Conner. dav vour home: alterations. Main C773, 3231. SEWING, darning and tiTidir-B by tha day. Phone Sellwood 1952. DAINTY gowns made for J 10. Mdlie. De Billaut. 855 Washington. Main 4498. 1' ASH ION ABLE dressmaking and millinery, home or day. 182V- Glbbs. Main 6194. EXPERIENCED nurse, care gentleman, lady; some other light work; references. Main 2039. GERMAN girl wishes position as nurse for children and to teacn tnem uerman. 1 f77, Oregonian. PRACTICAL nurse wishes position as nurse maid. Phone E. 1-3 ana call tor mrs. Curtis. LADY desires care of sick or companion to lady; light work. Main sum. GOOD, practical nurse, doctor's references. Main 6937. . UNDERGRADUATE nurse wants case; any thing taken; terms reasonable. Main :i,S7s. Housekeeper. SITUATION as housekeeper or cook's help er in camp; thoroughly experienced. P 621, Oregonian. AS "housekeeper by middle-aged woman, flat . iD,4 Vf-i 'l-'TO Or DUIlgaiOW, eieimuwiu. m,iu -,. HOUSEWORK in small family; good, plain cook. M 610. Oregonian. Domestics. A VERY good, competent German girl wants work In private family; speaks very little English: references. Phone after 4 P. M. E'iSl 1590-. WANTED Babies to board. Address 5526 S. E. 70th st. RELIABLE woman wants day work; also dinner serving. Main 1739. Apt 23. Miacellaneons. WOMAN wants chamberwork, general housework, wnere can stay noma i"hi". or work by hour. Phone evenings, E SI, room 430. . LADY wishes to exchange light services for comfortable room ana Doara in aman. quiet family. Phone East 2949 between and 11 A. M. REFINED lady with little girl wants posi tion in respectable widower's home. Ad dress AV 685, Oregonian. FITTER on ladies suits and coats wants position, out of town preferred. Address Box 97. Lents. Or. WOMAN phvsician would travel with inva lid, either mala or female. K 603, Orego nian. EXPERIENCED woman wants day's work or chamberwork. Call all week, Marshall 137 REL1ABLK- German woman, middle aged, wants position as housekeeper. Phone Main --i. LACB curtains, draperies, linens blundered by expert; caneu mi. COLORED girl would like day work. Call Main 9261. COMPETENT woman wants work by the dav. Main S".ia. WOULD like work by day or hour. 5S90. room 20. East COLORED woman wants chamber ur. Phone Main lUos. WOMAN who is competent, capable and re liable wants day work. Main 717. A 1517. LAuv of refinement wishes room for com pany evenines. M 60S Oregonlan. YOUNG capable woman desires position chambermaid or kitchen helper. Main 2DH9 WORK bv day" or" hour. 20 cents; neat, re liable woman. Main S743. NORWEGIAN lady wants any kind of day work. Phone jaarsnau iigo. FIRST-CLASS cook wants place In private family. L uituiii. WANTED AGENTS. aoo PER CENT profit; indoor and porch dustless clothes lini ana nolder; 1 to 6 needed In every house; others reaping a harvest; time is ripe for big sales; they tliurik vou for calling; general agencies open. Osburn Mfg. Co., Phelau bldg., San Francisco. WANTED TO BENT, -CT-v-rKtr If your have a house or bungalow that Is vacant, 11st it neiv. w em .tiouna Rental Department. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, 51S Board of Trade Bldg. FU-RNISHBD flat or house, about 5 rooms, good neighborhood, by married couple; reasonable; references. Address AE 003, Oregonlan. Kooms. WANTED Furnished room in private fam ily by gentleman: references exchanged, tiaieamnn t. rti7. Oregonian. WANTED by graduate nurse. on December 20. a cozy bed sitting room. N 595, Ore gonian. Rooms With Board. GENTLEMAN with boy of 12 wants room with sleeping-porch and board in refined home. S 5S2. Oresonian. LADY wishes room and board, private fam ily, west siae, close 111. r q-a. mcguiu. FOR BENT. Furnished Rooms. vni-vn n roomtnsr at Y. M. C. A. wants roommate to reduce rooming expenses . i . v ur ,i & atn anil Tnvlnr. inquire i. -t HOTEL tUItuWA, inn Strictly modern, private baths; en suite rooms SS.50 up. Main 9472. A 47S3. THE LARRABEE. 227 H I.arrabet Rooms $2 week up; onca nunuiziK. ii hot, cold water, bath, phoae. electricity. v.mlil!!- oi'prv rnodern conven ience- rate $4 week and up. Main 4220 HOTEL STEWART. 1451" Broadway Run ning hot and cold water .in every room, 2.50 par weei, Furnished Booms. RATES, DULY". WEEKLY. MONTHLY. HOTEL WASHINGTON, Formerly Called Annex Hotel, WASHINGTON ST.. COR. 12TH. Vamilv hotel. 150 rooms, European plan absolutely fireproof building, modern at.d clean in every respect; hot and cold run ning water, both telephones in every roon ladies- parlor, large bathroont ladles toik t and gentlemen's toilet, tiled tloor ' fit ventilated, on each floor; large parlor olf main lobby. . , . ... , Cms II. ROWLEY, MANAGER. PORTLAND. OR. HOTEL ROWLAND. HOTEL M1NOOK. 2i-7 u 4th. - 213 --a 4tn. SPECIAL WINTER RATES. Nicelv furnished rooms, homelike, re spectable clean and modern; hot and cold water, private baths: Winter rates, f.l per week and up; special attention given to tourists; give us a call: you will UK" It, for von get your money's worth ana then spme. HOTEL REN WICK, Broadway, cor. Taylor; modern house, beautifully furnished out side rooms. Bomo with private bath; a quiet, homelike place for transient or per manent guests; rates reasonable. A. 1.. Steward, prop, an d m gr. , 206 Broadway. HOTEL WEAVER-7lT Washington St.. un der new management: large pleasant rooms, private phone and bath with each; extra large closets; large comfortable re ception hall; rates most reasonable. Tele- phone Main Soi'il. FOR Y. M. C. A. MEMBERS Furnished rooms, reasonable In price; fireproof bulio Ing, vacuum cleaned, shower baths, club facilities; special rates at cafeteria. Cor ner 6th and Taylor sts. HOTEL" BUCKINGHAM; 20th and Wash , ington sts., new brick; steam heat, run ning hot and cold water; all outside rooms; plenty of heat; J2.50 weelt up: prlate bath $5 a week up. HOTEL" MADRAS" Centrally located on Washington at 12th St.; hot and cold water and phones: ?3 weekly and up; very attractive prices to permanent guests. THE COLONIAL. 165 10th St.. well-fur nished rooms, steam nea eiceLuu urius, free bath and telephone; deduced rates to permanent guesia. HI-ITCT. TTR ANTCI.IN. ' 468 Washington St., cor. 13th. 50c per day and up; weekly, $3 and up; bath, phone, steam heat. HOTEL SAA'ON. 131 Eleventh st.: new. modern brick Dunomg, steam ueaiew, vate baths, hot and cold water, comforta bly furnished; transients solicited. 1 HOTEL ANSONIA, 124 14th St., corner Washington; nicely furnished rooms, strictly modern; rates S3. 50 week and up. Marshall 1470. Modern, nicely furnished rooms: steam heat, hot and cold water; 2 per week. 347 Oak St.. opposite Hotel Oregon. HOTEL OCKLEY, S90H Morrison St., cor. 10th. 50c per day and up; weekly $2.60 and up; free bain unu pnouea, mean, ..to. HOTEL EDWARDS. Grand ave. and East Belmont Rooms, $12 month up, $22.50 up with private bath; large, pleasant lobby: nhKolntelv a respectable hotel. East 8--i. THE KING, 309 Jefferson, nicely furnished rooms, modern, central. 2.25 week up. Furnished Rooms ln Private Families. ROOMS for-women witli children: children cared for during day: on cariine; walk ing distance; block from school. 540 L. Davis. 4 ROOM absolutely clean, rent reasonable, home comforts, piano, pool table; suit able for partv rt gentlemen. S9 Kelly st. p car 10 ii) WELL furnished alcove room; phone, bath and heat, inod location for one or two trentlemen 2.il lUlll. aiarsnnn ATTRACTIVE well furnished. two-room suite; all conveniences; very reasonable. il.JU Bl .. .m'i I". NICELY furnished front room, all conveni ences, choice locaiioii, huigi. ..... 13th st ; LARGE, well-furnished front room with al cove, running water, bath and phone. Jovejoy, near 20th. Jlaln oiol. NICELY furnished rooms, cold and hot .. .. --,1 ei r.n .in- week. ter, steam neat. i 'J:', r,,,n a 407 Jefferson St. Phono Main 2009. T'-'O or three pleasant rooms, corner flat. A 1 1 c ...o.,. h.,ra comforts. .viain amxiji - . L.aI!i;E, clean, comfortable room, on first floor: moaeraie. .10 im FRONT room, second floor, $2.50 week. 26S 12tll St. , NICELY furnished, cl-an warm rooms a:l convenicnces.$3 week. 2l'HN. 10thst1 HOTEL JOYCE. 270i 4TH ST. Nicely furnished rooms, day orjveea FINE front room, choice locality; conven ience, reasonable. 721 Hawthorne ave. FRONT room, second floor; PlC"'V, H: NEAT sU-eping room. Private entrance. Phone, oaui. tJ.Dj"een.. ROOMS Neat, light : bath, phone; very tloee In; yir.iiu weea. ,wjiii SLEEPING-ROOMS, very reasonable ; heat. ii.it, fln location. 2-1 i.ltn si. Lnfurnislied Koomj 3 OFFICE rooms, running water, private lav atory. Cambriiige bldg.L3d-Morrlson. r. .0. Rooms Willi Board. ALEXANDRA COURT. Residence Hotel, 53 Ella St. A 6211. Main 4011. The best residence hotel In the city. Suites and single rooms. JRates reasonable. .ciirl.-, VlRC.tVTi HILL. 14th and Jefferson Sts An exclusive residential hotel; attractive rafe" to transient or permanent guests. Main 92S3, A 02S. P Alt IV V I C 11,,", ,, , 3S-, Montgomery St., at West rnrk--Modem conveniences; rooms with or without bath; excellent table service; reasonable rates for regular and transient guests. THE WHITEHALL. 253 0TH ST A residential hotel; lurge sun porch, rooms with or without baths; homo cook- nir: table Doara a i-in-vani..,. THE 11 .EL Now changed to family hotel. Speciul rates; strictly home cooking. Jf-J ,".d st. phone Main 7094, PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION. Sfiilh ear. Rooms with board, use of sewing-room. I brary. 510 Flanders. Mrs. E. N. Wilson, Sun. ROOM and board at The Calumet. 150 Park rt $35 per month; double, wit,, prlvatu lath, $75; also rooms without board. CAS ROSA, furnished rooms with board: rooms for families. 300 Jefferson. El EGNT rooms, facing tho park, first -class board. 374 Park st. THE MAXlTOr, 201 13th, steam heated. L.i.Ari mhlc l-.oine privileges. Mam 11M. Kooms With Board In Frivale Fumlliea. NICELY furnished double room, brass bed. elect, ic light: excellent table, attractive home: use of parlor and piano; six minutes to business center. Also young lady wlfhi-s -foommate; very reasonable board; meal nntronaue suihuci.. ..... OFNTLE.MEN wanting pleasant home hcaL mVslo arfu excellenf ...eals, -conk can find sanie by calling at 440 Jd at. Phone A 3067. KEN WORTHY COURT. COR. E. MAIN and 17 th Board and room reasonable; every modern convenience, good table. home-made breadPhone East 4217. NICELY furnished room with board, suit able for three. Separate beds, puuio and home comforts; also young lady wanta a roommate. ji MODERN newly furnished room for 1 or 2 young men; all homo privilege: excellent tilde ; rutLTciiwra. cj - -- NICELY furnished front room. "'' J.ar,J: suitable for two; piano; home comlort. $2,1 per montn. w-i j-""'"1- 1-: i mi i and board for two; furnace heat, bath, phone and electric light. Phone East 414. IM r,116l l-iu bi. i".. GOOD home with room and dinner evening! $V per week: also 3 meals with room $.-. Apply 214 Union aevorth TfTr TOWAN Nicely furnished two-rooni suite; bath, steam heat phone, electric lignt; $25. 37iBth St. Marshitll MiSJ. ROOM and board: eteam heat, hot and cold waterf outside rooms: $2 up; meals 2ic. 243 ' Holladay ave. East 4,i-J, . ROOM and table board. 503 E. Ankeny St., .Mrs. tiouuani. FURNISHED front rooms, with or without board. lh2Vi Glbbs. Main 6194 warm pleasant room, with good board; young lady; reasonable, 709 Irving st. NICELY furnished room, with board, be- tweenll and 12 427 Clay ROOM andlioard. S32 IO th at. Walking distance. Main 6979, A 2S65. BOARD and room in private family for one or two men.546ti Kearney st. Main 4562. ROOM board, two gentlemen, private home; sleeping porch. 576 Ladd ave. East 2333. GOOD, warm room for two, piano; walking distance. Ladd Addition. East 484: Furubibed Apartment. THE ST AN FIELD, New, 2-room apts., light and gs In cluded, $15 UP. 204 Porter SL Mait, '3D- BANNER Apartments," 489 Clay St.; two rooms, completely furnished; $16, i and $20, Marshall 2074. THE MARLBOROUGH, 21st and Flanders. f-room, every convenience. Main 7ol6. KING DAVIS APTS.. 54 N'. King. 8 and 4- room. high-class; references. Main -OoV -rTTi-l HER.M ENI A.-4"0 Hall st.. 2 and 3 janitor service. Main 6444. lilt; BIRMINGHAM. 12th st.. one two- room furnished apt. Marshall 484.