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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1913)
17 THE MORNING OREGONIAX. TUESDAY. DECEMBER 16, 1913. FARMERS ASK MORE High Wheat Prices Paid Lift Country Markets. SELLERS WANT 90 CENTS Large Lots ot Club Sold In Walla Walla County at Kqnal to 85 Con w Tidewater Buying Js Stopped. nich prices psid In the country have put ths lhut market up anothsr.eent Several tarse lots of club wers bought In Wail Walla County at a pries equal to 55 cent here. The detail ot the transaction -were not learned, but It la believed tha wheat ws bought for export account. Tha bavins naturally stiffened holders ot tha re main in a lota and farmers in that sec tion at one jumped their selling price to tha basis of 0 cents Coast, which brought trading operations to a, atop. Local dealers quoted dub at S4 to SH cents. Forty-fold la worth about the una price aa club. Local receipts. In ears, wera reported by the Merchants' Exchange as follows: Wheat Barley Flour Oat Hay Monday . 1ST 12 i --'' Tear ago loo 1 S ' 7 13 Beafn to data PVM3 1407 1X: W l.v Tear ago iuia iu iiui Tha weekly wheat statistics of tha Jier chanta Exchange follow I . American Visible Supply Bushels, increase. v.-.Ke -is lotl !, firt 2 !-4.(- Iecembr IS.' 1P1X B,f'..3.0oO -J.l.97.000 Itmif I". 111 71... ..'" De.emher 1!. H1 4?l.a S34.0OO December 2. l'f-B. . . .'-" 01."' :i.l.n.X) December 21. IP". .. .5J.h1! .ii t7t.() December 2.1. 1!W .-..::i.lH 149.000 December 2-'., IIh. . . .-tKirt u BSH.OUO De-ember 2. .. .ev.e-W.Ooo 1.S32.00U December I'.-. .. .3'J.7l3.0O0 I.li3.0v0 e Decrease. Quantities on passage Week Week Week ending ending ending Dec 13 Dec. Dec 14. "12 Tor Bushels Bushels Bushei T K 1:i..-..,.0 13.71ii.0O l.5o Ow Continent .. 13.eJ4,000 1J.i.0vO 14.eOS.ouO Totals ...ST.S 18.000 CS.3rtS.000 Il.XOI.OOO World's Shipments (flour Included) Week Week Week ending ending ending Dec 13 Dec. Dec. 14. "12 From Bushel Buehe'a Bushels r S . Tan.. o.1.0" 4 31S.00O O.18.o00 Arrn:lr.a .. 2UI." is.( 1! N Aus'raUa . 64S. 41. POO 2.2.0h) Imnub. p"ts. !vi.(W'rt l.JltjO.OoO KU,,I 2:i""0 3.0V). i00 l.SM.OtK) India 1U.W0 104.00O 56S.OOO Tltals ...10.277,000 10.5S4.0OO 10.446.000 World's shipments, season to date Total since Fame period From July 1. '13. Last season. r s and Canada. n.C"l.iO Australia 142.-.4.0 10.V25.UO.) Argentina ll.4t5.0O0 3?S0. (lOO I'ali'iMau porta 2l.l."H.O0O 33.7no.0iM) 1EU6S' M.rS.oyO K4.H42.O0O luj.a 24.72fl.00o 8ie34A"jO Totals f. 21)1.109.000 2S5.2B2.O00 Foreign crop conditions are summarised by Broomhall aa follows: United Kingdom It Is officially reported that the acreage under wheat shows an In crease of 5 to 10 per cent over last year. The acreage Is mostly seeded and looks well. The weather Is now wet. France There are continued complaints of vermin increasing with the weather wet and mild. Threshing Is progressing, but all of fers' are quickly absorbed and buying of for eign wheat continues. Germany The outlook Is generally favor able with the weather mild. Offerings of native wheat are Increasing moderately and tha trade In foreign Is less active. Russia The outlook la generally favorable. Arrivals at the ports for shipment are smaller. In the south the weather Is mild, but the season of shipping at the Aidff is practically finished. Roumanla "The outlook Is favorable with tha weather seasonable. Arrivals at the ports are smaller. Hungary The crop outlook la mostly fav orable, but marketing la light. Italy Tha weather and crop outlook are mostly favorable, with native offurs Increas ing, therefor trade In foreign wheat Is smaller. Australia Tha weather contlnuea fine and harvesting will commence next week. Esti mates for the yield are fully maintained. India Recent rain was beneficial and the outlook Is more hopeful. Wheat offera are easier. rtxi strops inspection" ' ok mops No Kales Report rd in this State Condition of German Market." No transactions were reported in the hop market yesterday. The dense fog made It Impossible to inspect samples In this city. Twenty-one cents was bid for a lot at Salem, but was not accepted. M'ritlng from Nureznburg on November 21. Bernard Btng says: "Our market was again rather active In tha last week, with dally transactions of 800 to 400 balea at very firm and stiffening prices. Not only was tha home brewery a dally and strong buyer, but aleo a ateady demand on the part of exporters la to be noted. Tha available arock ot tha market la very small and dally receipts are very abort as our producing districts are on the point to be sold out. "With a very firm tendency w actually quote per 60 kilos, first costs: Kxtra choice quality 240250 marks Choice quality XiOt 2SO marks alemlum to common ....... .laoiat 1W) marks TWO-CENT DECLINE. IN BCTTER Clly Creameries Cut Frtco of Extras to 33 tent. The cltv creamerlea will reduce their price today on the best grade ot butter from 37 to 33 tents. There has been a surplus of nut ter on the market for several days and It 1 believed the cut In price will, result In In creased consumption. Offered prices for but ter fat are given by some of the creameries at 30 cents. The egg market was weak, as a conse quence of tb gradual gain in receipts from the country. The general quotation on the street was 40 c?nts for Oregon. poultry and dressed meat arrivals were moderate and the market was firm at Sat urdays quotations. IJgbt American Purrhateea of Wool. A trade report, summarizing the London wool aales, earys- The series started better than expected, and owing to the brisk Continental demand scoured merinos further hardened, but later on prices eased, especially heavy Inferior grades, despite the Increased buying of the home trade. The closing rates were: Merinos par. Inferiors S to 7i. crossbreds par to 5 and finest !!i per cent lower than the last series. Slipes were occasionally dearer when America was buying. The total purchases for Continental account were C7.000, for noma trade SS.OOO and America wO. About 13,000 bales were held over." . CelUr Sweet Potatoes Rewired. A car of cellar sweet potatoes was received yesterday and put on aale at tha new price of 32.26. A car of celery also arrived. Apples continue to come in freely and sre slow In moving out. Winter pears are of fered at 31.23 to 31.73 a box. Bank Clearing. Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities veaterday wera aa jouows: yeateru.y rie.rtnss. Balances. f2.7"t.o.- Seattle ...... Tecom Spokane S6.24 24. 121' 74 .V..t 16.72-.! 022,870 97.01B PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATION Grata. Flew, road, Eta, TTEXAT Track priest I Club, 3WHci Mucstem. Wc; forty-fold, 64B5c; red Rus sian, ease; vslley, 84c FLOUR Patent. 4. per barrel: straights. 14: exports. tl.ISSJ.IO: valley. 34.0V; graham, 34.00: whole wheat, $4.SrO. OATS No. 1 white. $-'5-50 per ton. CORN Wliole. 33: cracked. S3T per ton. BARLET Feed. 324J24.S0 par ton. brewing. 323; roiled. 32S. afILLFS-ED Bran. 320.SO21 per ton, shorts. 32260923: middlings. 2S0. HAY No. I Eastern Oregon tlmotny, f 14.00; mixed timothy. 314: alfalfa. 314: clorer. 3u)10; valley grain bay, 31101s. Fruits ana Vegetables. Local Jobbing quotations: TROPICAL FRUITS Oranges, navels. 32.- OS peT box! U5fl.SS per bun dle; lemons. esss.SO per box; pineapples. 7c pound: bananas. 4 tj Sc per lb; pomegran ates. 2.S per crate; grapefruit, 3j.u&Pr box: persimmons, $1 per box. ONIONS Oregon, 2.SO per sack, buying price. 12.23 f. o. b. shipping points; Spanlan. 33 per crate. VEGETABLES Cabbage. lOHi" Pf pound, cuulifioner. 70c a 31.25 per dozen: cucumbers, 4O&40C per dox.; egeplant. lOSJ 1J We per lb.; bead lettuce. 2.sst)3.M par crate: Uppers. 57c per lb: radishes lg lKVte per pound; head lettuce. 32. Pr 12'i u 15o p" pound: sprouts, loo per pound: artichokes. 31.75 per doxen; squash. lV.Cjl'.ic; celery. 3X50 per crate; beans. e10'-. rhubarb. 8'jc per pound. GREEN" FKi;iT Apple. Z'KH $2.50 per lox. grapes. MrJagas. per keg; Emperors 33.754 per keg; casabas. 2ViC per pound; cranberries, J1111j' Per Larrl: rrs. 1.20L75. POTATOES Oregon. cStl per hun dred; buying price. 70 80c at shipping points: sweet potatoes. S2.25 per crat. 8ACK VEGETABLES Turnips, 31.13; carrots. 81.10; parsnips, 3L25; beets, 3L-. Dairy and reentry Produce. Local lobbing quotations: POl LTttV ileus, 10c; springs. ltViWlc; turkevs. live. iOc; dressed, choice, 24C, ducks. 12yl3c; geese, 12:. K-eGS Oregon fresh ranch, SS(49o per CHEESE Oregon triplets, 17c; Dalslsa, 17xc: Young Americas, lec ,M 1 ' TT K. H Cllv ereamerv. rjrlnte. 80v3C, country creamery, prints, S235c. t i.i. a r .ul;, ivvnc " Y .vi- Fancy, 14 tf 14-c per (ound. etaals Groceries. Local lobbing quotations: SALMON Columbia River, one-pound telle. 32 25 per dosen; nslf -pound fists, 31.40; one-pound flats. 32.45: Alaska, pink, one-pound tails, bic, atlversldes. one-pound tails, 3125. HONEY Tholes. 13.2538.73 per case. NUTS Walnuts, lKHc per pound; Brmill nuts. 20c; filberts. 1515c: slmonds, 2S to 21c: pesnuts, 66Sc; cocosnuts. 31 P' aosen; chestnuts. 12 c per pound; hickory nuts, SVsfeUVsc; pecans, 17c; pine, liViO 20c BEANS Small white. 8c; 'arge white. 4.uc; Lima. .30c; pink, Hc; aiexitan. Hc; bayou, & c. . , SLGAK Fruit and berry. 33.10: Honolulu plantation, 35.03; beet. 34 90; extra C. 34 0; powdered, barrels, 35.30; cubes, barrels, S5.10. COFFEE Roasted, tn drums, 10320 per pound. . SALT Oranulsted. 314 per ton: half ground. 100s. 310.2a per ton: iOs, 311 per ton; dairy. 312.00 per ton. RICE No. 1 Japan. 35Se: cheaper gridej. 4V-C. Southeru head, 6c. DRIED VkL ITS Apples, l"c per pourd: apricots, 12 4 14c; peachea. (Ollc; prunes. Italians. S 10c; ourrants. l"Sc: raisins, loose. Muscatel, BftTSc: bleached Thomp son, 11 c; unbleached Sultanas. 5 : seeded, Sc; dates. Persian, SVc per pouud; faro, 31.40 pvr box. FIGS Boxes. 12 10-ounce, S5c; SB 13 ounce, 32.20; 0O -ounce, 31.83; 7 4-ounco, 32.10; Smyrna. 40-pound boxes. 20c. Provisions. HAMS 1" to l!-pound. 18HeiHc: 12 te 14-pounds, imlSc; 14 tu la-pound. 1S14 time; skinned, lsVsc; picnic Uijc, boiled. 2c. BACON Fancy. 27 S lie: standard. 219 34c. DRY SALT ri'BBD Bacon. lR4e20c: shirt clear backs. I4lc; exports. HO lfec. strips. 1617t,c LARD l'lerce basis: Pure. 12Vi913Hc: compound, lusc - Hope, Wool and Hides. HOPS 1U13 crop, prime and choice, 20'sj 21c: 1H12 crop, nominal. PEuT6 Dry, 10c; Spring lambs. 409 600; shearlinss, 300000. HIDES Salted hides, lie per lb.-, salt k!p, 1.1414'-; salted calf, ISc: green hides, 12c; dry hides. f.H-c: dry calf. 25c: tailed bulls 9c per pound; green bulls. 7 tf be. WOOL Vailoy, 16917c; Eastern Oregon, 11 a 10c JIOIIAIR mil cite-. 25 9 2BC per pound CASJAilA UAR:, Old and new. 5o per pound. Otis. COi irIL, Barrels, 13 Vic; cas s. 17 4 9 aoy-.-. OAS LIN2 Bulk, lc: cases, 2.1c; motor spirit. hulK. lIc; cases, 23c. LJNf-EED OIL Kaw. barrels, OSc; boiled, barrels, GOc; raw, cases, 03c; buileJ. cases. 6oc. TURPENTINE In case. 60o per gallon. SAN" FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKETS Prices Quoted at (be liar City for Vege tal! lea. Fruits, Etc. SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 13. The follow ing produce prices were current here today: i-heese New, 17317feo; Young Americas, 13 tt 17c. Fruit Apples. Bellf.owers, 31.25 91.60; Newtown. 81.25j 1.80; other varieties. 40c9 31.75; Mexican llmcs. 4fjj; pineapples, 32 ti 3; lemons, 32 r 0.7.7. Eg Fancy ranch. 4.'ic: store. 44c. Butter Fancy creamery, Bic; seconds, hoc Vesetabies Cucumbers, 31rl 00; green peas, titfioc; beans. 44ic; egggplant, 0oc9 onions - . Potatoes Oregon Burbanks, S5c931.23; Ttlver Uelta whites. 7."c r(i $ 1 .25 : Ssllnaa Bur- banks, nominal; sweets. 31.25ttl.50. K'-celpie Flour. 6SV quarters: Parley, 11.3(a) centals; potatoes.. 720O sacks; hay, 43 tons. Coffee anil Sugar. as quiet ti'day. After opening steady at 3 higher to 8 lower, tt sold 4 to 8 net lower ler European cables and continued full re ceipts, covering causeu f,ui iL.-4. with the close steady. -:il.-s, lfl.OoO. De cember. .24c: January. 8.Sc; March, 0.60c; May. 8t87c; July. 10.v7c; September, 10.24c; October. 10.2Sc Spot Quiet. RIO NO. I, rantos .-o. 4. 12c. Mild Quiet. Cordova, 13310UC nominal. Raw sugar closed easy, t-tniruujn, o.oo ., -j Ctf''&ll,-- mnlauri sugar, 2.61 tr 2.04: refined, unchanged. Dried Fruits at w York. NEW TORK, Dec 15. Evaporated apples, quiet; fancy. 10 912c; choice, SiiesHc; prime, 8'tf8t-c. prun Firm. California, 8 912c; Orc gons, 6 frUc- Pechea Dull but firm. Choice, e3jc; extra choice, 0ViS7c: fancy. 7 98c Chicago Dairy Produce. CHICAGO, Dec. 15. Butter higher. Creameries. 22 1 35 He Eggs Steady. Receipts. 2566 cases; at mark, cases Included. 2UB31c; ordinary firsts. .S'3 .yc; nrsis, oitiu. Cheese Steady. Daisies, 1431Bc; twins, 141trl4l4c; Americas, 15Ul5Vjc; long norna, i-x4,u, rnilnth Linseed Market. DltCTH, Dec. 13. Close: Linseed, . v. i , 1 AAl: Uav SI.AOtb. Mi ii-ciiiui,, ' - ' Cotton Market. vim' v-rtTIT riee 15. Knot cotton ntl let. Middling, 13c;-'di gulf. 1H.25C Hops at London. LIVERPOOL. Dc. 13. Hops In London. J acme t-oast, J Klsrln Butter Market. ELGIN. III.. Dec 15. Butter, stesdy, 84e. PLAY MANAGER IS NAMED Marshall Hayes, of rn.atlcna, to Handle O. A. C.t Senior Event. OREGON AGH1CULTURAL. COL LEGE, Corvallls. Deo. 15. (Special.) . . , . 1 i-t.iu... im . Aiesirl Marithnll cultural v uncho ua ci.v C. Hayes, of Paaedena, Cul., a student 111 lltO 31 W ... S.U'.wu.a, -s, Won cf manager of the class play, to . . -..4,1. 4 li a nm- De Kiven in cuiuiotiiuii imi v,... menoement exercises next June, other candidate for the position were W. K. Peery, of Iayton! C. C. Itaymonrl, of Crerwell, and F. K. Neer, ot Tasadena, Cal. The election was alose, Hayes re relvlnu; but en more vote than did Pery- ,,, , ' . mi . i . . e m nlflff Will llA Tl 1 H H ft Ilia pnieuiiuii vl " ..... soon. Ulse Grace lloaaaen, instructor in siwuiiun, lias i ' i - ' ' '- and rehearealB will begin early in the Beoona semester. At lo cents a drlnW'tlie ITnlted States . ... - eucn luui li , - ,a sse liquor rill nsures i?.,u,c---.-.v-r And the value of all the bread made in ft bakeries sf tl country was 39.ka,00t. SELL STOCKS LOWER Professional Operations Carry Prices Down. NEW HAVEN IS EXCEPTION Little Change In General Speculative Situation Cull Loan Rates Ease Off, but Time Money Is Held Firmly. NEW YORK. Dec. 15. American Tele phone broke 64 points to 110 on the Stock Exchange todav. the lowest price siace 190S. Canadian Pacific lost 5 points. Western Union dropped 8S to PSS. the lowest since into. It has been 20 years since American Express sold lower than today's mark of 100l New York Central, Pennsylvania, St. Paul. Missouri Pacific and a few other stocks sold at or below the year's bottom figures. Weakness of these shares affected the whole list, which showed losses of a point or so for many of the popular stocks, and larger declines for various less active Issues. Break In stocks with such dividend-paying records as American Telephone, Cana dian pacific and New Tork Central, which have been weak spots In the market for some time. Indicated continued liquidation. Soiling was not on a large scale and one of the most discouraging sspects of the market, from the viewpoint of traders on the long side, was the readiness with which prices yielded on comparatively small offerings. New Haven, which gained more than a point .stood out conspicuously in a weak market. There was some demand for the stock from buyers, who believed that the dividend being passed, the worst was over. Covering also helped to put up the price, this movement being accelerated by the difficulty which the shorts experienced In borrowing the stock There was little change In the general situation. Among the professional traders, apparently every one was bearish. Further signs of business recession and pessimistic prediction from Washington as to the effect of the proposed currency bill were talked of In the street as bearish factors. Although there were unmistakable signs of liquidation In spots, most of the selling seemed to be of professional origin. The strong showing of the banks In Sat urday's statement had llttlo effect on senti ment in the prevailing mood of traders. Call money eased off. Time money, however, held firmly. Bonds were weak with some speculative issues one to two points lower. Total sales, par value, 32.oy,o. United States 2s cou pon declined H ad Panama 3s coupon ad vanced i on call. CLOSINO STOCK QUOTATIONS. Reported by J. c. Wilson & Co., Lewis building. Portland. Or. Sales. High. Low. Close Amal Copper... 14.SO0 l) fiSi 69; Am Beet suear '-"" 22" 22't 23 Amer Can Co. . 2.i"0 2CU 257s 26 do pfd 40 ciS S7W r7H Am Cur Ac F Co. 4'K 4.1'i 4.1 42-4, Am Cotton Oil. OIK) .'I0"i so 34 Am S Ufa- Co. . WO 61 14 00 Bl l pf.l ! Amer Sugar.... 200 101H 1011s J02 do pfd 108 Am Tel & Tel.. 20,401) 114 llo 11014 Amer Tobacco. 2o 21.", 243 2421s Anaconda 30 34 ."..'i4 33H All Coast Line. 400 Jl( 1171, 117 A T S Fe 1.000 0214 02 92 do Pfd S B & 0 1.2O0 fli 4i 91 Brooklvn R T.. 3im) f.til4 SOTi M Can Pac com.. 17.1'0 220-4 217-4 218'i C 0 1.100 f61 B5 n. C N W...... 3"0 324 124 124 C M & St P... 4.000 97114 !ti4 9ll4 Cent Leather.. 100 231j 23 13 2314 Central N J 2j5 l.non : Sitt Clo F I 300 20 26 26 Colo Southern.. .1 -s Cons Gss 100 12614 1261 12614 D L W 371 D &. K 0 17"4 lllst SecuriMes.. 00O l.Vi 15 1514 Krlo 2.1-IO 27 26 26"4 Gc:i Electric... 2.4"') ir!74 13.1 13414 (it Nor Ore !") S1'4 3Hi 1 C.t No pM Illinois Central. ln:er-Met 10H 12."1 123 12314 100 14 30O 103 Is 100 do Pfl '3.700 -"'U G74 244 2.14 W Tv O Southern.. ' l.i I,eniBlt ;i!ley. . id J4Slt 147' 147V I.ouls & ash . . .S.10 J.t2 l.T' 1:I0'4 Mex Central. . . . M St P 4 S S M- 200 11 HI 11 Is "400 2' " in 14 19H l.M'O 25 24tj 244 P,r.i0 1'1'i 1'J l0-4 HM) 20 2Rs 204 20O 10214 10SV4 10214 7 2,100 107 100 l'Hi'4 224 M K & T Mo Pacific..'... N" Y Central... N Y O i- West. Nor West... North America. Nor Pacific. . . . I'ncifl Mall Pacific T s? T .... Pennsylvania .. 8.8" lf 1'H". 3m' People's (Jas... I'K) 110 1154 Hr'- Reading ii.;im, j,"-ti ji - Keoubllc S I 1 l.auo ii- J"'.s Hock Island Co. s i:t4 11.. so I'm com 4.0) ."vO-t s.i 'i MS So Hallway.... 300 21:4 Z1 .-'i Texas Oil 110 Union Pacific. 22.200 150H H9'4 IW do pfd ?r" TJ S Steel.. 4it mm r.rt MTt fln nta ...... UK) I114 H 10414 1414 2 R'M 474 47 47 mm .in, ;i'4 3H T'tah Copper... Wabash Western Lnlon. 1.SIIO CII14 MS West Klectric. . 1.400 04 B214 214 41 Wis Central. BONDS. n.nnrteii hv Overbeck Cooke Co., Board of Trade bulidlng. Portland. rjiu. Asnm. Atchison general 4s I2 1214 Atlantic Coast Line 1st 4s no !' B O gold 43 1 Jl 14 B R T 4 f Ches & Ohio 4"4S V4 C M & St P gen 41ts ; ii C H I col 4s o Cal Gas .". " C B joint 4S "'is ;ja Erie general 4s 70 ii lnt ifet 4'vs.. i4 Ijulsvllle A- Nashville unl 4s., 8414 N Y gen Ks j N & W 1st con 4s lO1 ' Vorthern Pacific 4s 61 Vi Oregon Short Line n t 4s. Sii fO v, Oregon Ry Nav 4s VJ1 l Pacific lei us " ""J Penna con 4s 1 l"Vs Reading general 4s 2V M3 Kt L t 8 F ref 4s U 1 1 . Southern Pacific ref 4s !Sii Southern Pacific col 4s 4. fSMj 894 Southern Railway r.s..... 2 loj Southern Railway 4s -! 'k inlted Railway inv 4s. ........... . 59 Union pacific 1st and ref s4... PO PI T"nlted States Steel 5s 14 West Shore 4s I?!. vl Wahash 4s 4Sls 40'4 Westmghouse Kiec conv us ev Wisconsin Central 4s. M X I'-nlted states 2-s repistered . . . . . A714 08 I'nlted Strttes 2s coupon 171 .... United states Ss registered. .., .102'4 10J United States 3s coupon 10214 103 United Slates 4s registered II1H4 111 14 United States. 4s coupon 11014 11114 Mocks at Boston. i)ec. 13. Closing quotations: IHMTON Allouex Amalg Copper A Z I. & Sm. Arizona com Cal He Arizona Cal Hecla. - 82 VI Nevada Con 1414 8014Mpl?slng Mines. 8 151! North Butte 25 SSiNorta Lake..:.. 75 60 iCld Dom ex-div. 4614 385 Osceola . . . ... . . . 6V 12t4 Oulncy 65 Centennial Con Ran Con Co S2"i -i-hannon 5 K Butte Cop M. 8 superior 22 Franklin 21s S"P Bos Mljt.. 2 Granby Con Tamarack 2-8 Greene Cananea. 28VjU S S R M... 3614 I Roalle tCop) 16Vj! do preferred... 47 Kerr Lake 4Vi Utah Con 8 Lake Copper 5 ''Utah Copper Co. 47 La Salle Copper S Winona 1U Miami Copper... 21 Vi Wolverine 40 Mohawk 08 - Money, Exchange, Etc. vfw -voT7 tr Dee. IB. Call money easy. 8tj 4 per cent; ruling rate, 4; closing bid. Time loans strong: 60 and 90 day. 89 514: six montns, didw. Mercantile paper. 6Hw6. ...... Sterling exchange steady; 60 days. 14 8115, demand. $4.8035: commercial bill. 34.8014. x Bar silver, B7Hc xi.iun Hollars. 4414a. Government bonds lrrerular. Railroad bonds, weak. LONDON. Dec 16. Bar sliver, eas,, 2ttd ner ounce: money, stiueis per com; the rate of discount In the open market for short bills, 4J4rB per cent; do. three months' bills. 4 lS-lrt per cent. SAN 1 RAXCMCO PBODCCK MARKETS Price quoted at the Hay City for Vege tables, Fruits, 6 AN FRANCISCO, Dec. 15. The fHew ln sr nroduce prices were current here today: Crwso New, l?rfl7ie; Young Americas, i-'rult0" Apjlt, 2sUsastv fl.SS?l.t PAN FRANCISCO, Deo. 15, Silver bars, B7,cl Mexican dollars, 47"io. Drafts, sight Sar; do telegraph, 3, Sterling In London, 60 ujs. 34.811.. tin sight, 34.8014, Newtowns, 31.25rl.60; other varieties, 40c W 31.75; Mexican limes. 346 0; pineapples, 32 f3: lemons, 32 0 6.76. Eggs Fancy ranch, 46Hc: store. 44c Butter Fancy creamvry, 31c; seconds, 30o. Vegetable Cucumbers, 3101.BO; green pess, 3sl0c; beans. OS 10c; eggplant, nom inal. Onions 32 2. BO. Potatoes Oregon Burbanks, 85c J1.25; River Delta whites, 7Scj 31.25; Salinas Bur banks, nominal; sweets, 31.oOtfl.75, Receipts Flour, 8442 quarter; barley. BSO centals; potatoes, 3i70 sacks; bay, 817 tons. Metal Markets. NEW YORK, Dec. 15. Lead quiet, 3.839 4.05; London, 17 17 6d. Spelter quiet.; London. 21 5s Copper steady. Standard spot. December and January, offered 14.23 February and March offered 14.1714; electrolytic. 14.8iVi0 14 50; lake. 15.004 15.50, nominal; casting, 14.004,14.1214. .- Tin quiet. Spot and December, 37.55 S7.85: January, 87.60gi7.80; February, 87.60 037.85. Antimony dull. Cookaons. 7.457.60. Iron quiet. No. 1 Northern. 15. 25'n 15.73; No. 2 Northern, 15.OO0 15.60; No. 1 Southern. 15.004; 13.50; No. 1 Southern soft, 15.009 15.50. Hops, Etc, at New Tork. NEW TORK, Dec. 15. Hops Steady. State common to choice, 1013, 4048c; 1012. 20S 25c; Pacific Coast. 1313, 2428c; 1812. 20 20c. Hides Steady. Bogota, 28tf30c; Central America, 2lc. Petroleum Steady. Refined New York, bulk. 30.25; barrels. S-7r; cases, J11.25. Wool Steady. Doineatlo fleece XX Ohio, 2Stf2e. SHEEP TRADE IS AGTIVE lVETHEIU.EiraS AN'D LAMBS BRING TOP PRICES. Hoara Are Dime Lower at the North Portland . Yarda Cattle Market la Steady. There was a large run of sheep at the yards yesterday, but In other lines the ar rivals were less than usual on Monday. The hog market was weaker, reflecting the recent heavy liquidation. Cattle and sheep continued firm. Cattle trading was not very active. The steers on sale ranged in price from $6.7o to 37.50, and the cows from 35.50 to 36.50. Hops were off a dime all around. The best price obtainable on lightweights was 37.90. Eleven loads of choice wethers averaging sbout 107 pounds sold at the uniform price of 35. The best ewes brought 34 and lambs $tf.25. Three bunches of lambs sold off the cars at JS-40. Receipts were 163 cattle, 1 calf, 862 hogs and 4 200 sheep. Shippers were: C. Johnson, Terrebonne, 3 cars cattle; Charles Howell, Robinette. 1 car cattle; T. W. Hlgginbotham, Welsar. ,1 car cattle: W. D. Morey. Weissr, 1 car hogs; C. C. Burn. Welser, 1 car hogs: M. S. Slpe, Welser, 1 car hogs; H. F. Andrews. Arm stead. 1 car hogs; W. L. Turner, Nampa, 2 cars hogs; J. W. Chandler, Wallowa, 1 car hogs; O. R. Treham, Gold Hill, 1 car hogs; F. B. Decker, Hubbard, 1 car hogs; T. Lydston, Welser, 1 car sheep; Alex Llns-day.- lone, 1 car sheep; R. M. Stanfleld, Stanfleld. 3 cars sheep; McCullough A Rum ble, Wallowa, 4 cars sheep; Coffey & Wal lensteun, Conrad, 10 cars sheep; C. W. Johnson. Payette, 1 car cattle and calves. The day's sales were as follows: .?r': l.-'S- 1 calf . 2 cows 6 cows 3 cows 6 cows lbuil . 17 heifers 30 steers 2 bulls . . liU sj.uu; in huks 1 .1 HO 5.75J 10 cows. 1150 1U40 1246 1547 6.50 5.75 7.50 7.00 6.16 7.55 114 5.75 2 -Dulls. .1113 . S90 .1150 1)41 . KS2 6.35 15 steers 6.5i 7 steers 5.00 lbull.. a mi 34 steers 15S0 1140 6.75i 1 hog 40O JB.SS 5.751 71". ewes ... SI 3.10 .1370 23 steers ..107S 7.20i 10 lambs .. 80 coo: 11H ewes ... !2 6.23 2 cows ..12HO 4-00 5.00 5.00 6.00 5.O0 6.0O 5.00 0.00 5.00 fi.OO C.00 6.00 0.4O 6. 40 0.40 7.801m:-. wethers. 17 6.8019S wethers. IOS 7.1i0j 56 wethers 7.80' 1'j4 wethers 107 107 10s IOS 1"S 107 H18 107 107 84 84 83 7.4'Ml wethers. 7.40: 14 wethers. 6.80H84 wethers. 6.80 225 v. cthers. 7.80 220 wethers. 6.ollM2 wethers. 7.40 1D4 wethers. 7.80' 2.i4 lambs'.. 7.001 23 lambs.. 7.831 132 lambs.. Off cars. The range of prices follows: Prime steers Choice steers Medium teers Choice cows Medium cow Heifers Light calves Heavy calves Bull kt the yards was a .$7.75, 8.00 7.50& 7.75 7.00 7.50 6.00 6.50 6 75 6.00 6.00 .3 8.000 .0 6.00 7.75 3.000 6.O0 6.50 Q 6.50 7.25 4 7.90 6.50 SJ 6.90 ... 4.00 3.00 "1 1.25't 4.00 4.004y 6.00 Stan Hog Light Heavy Sheep Wether Ewe . Lamb Omaha Livestock Market. Receipts. 78nO; market, lower. Heavj, 3 1 T7.60; lipht. 37.1o-a 7.05; pits, 3Ufi : bulk of sales, $i...o't i.oj. . . , Cattle Kcceipts, 6000; market, lower. Native steers. J699.50; native cows and . . . . k -r.tiT T . u'.Bl.rn steers. Sb(u lieiiers. J.iw...". .f,... . t'. riiifv lllf ranee COWS and heifers, $3.5oS7; calves, iV234" 8. 1 u. Yearlings. 36&t 75: , wethers, 4.60oo.OO, lambs, 37.25U7.!iO. Chicago Livestock Market. CHICAGO. Dec. lit. aiue SOOO; market, weak, generally 10 to lo cents lower. Beeves, $6.0O4j8.0O; Tas steers, 3d.60i37.65: Western steers, 33.80 7.u . Blockers and lecners, - heifers. 3:t.30r 8.20; calves, 37.5011.2o. . .. , - -.Clitil,, mirVnt. slow. 6 tO nogs ihvciii, -. in ,.nt, under Saturday's average Light, 7.70: PU1K Ot saiea, e 1 -- . d in.. r.n fwMi- miirVnt. weak- Native 34.40(35. 00: Western, J4.405.60: yearlings. 30.5oib6.73: lambs, native, So.lOSf uaa. it' ,i AXHTt Ii. PASCO WORK IS ENJOINED Socialists, Who Carried Election, Pledged to Municipal Plant. . . . . . -tt 1. vaA 1 r. CtriAcinl 1 1 A.-VAJ, HM'I J - 1 . 1 . . .1 4 n , V, a K n nnnnr AJ1 aCTJOn was Biucu "' Court of this county today by Lee De Coss and Fred Kurtzman to enjoin the city from, completing- the contract with the Pasco xteciamaiion uu uuj . . llia citv. The SDOfOvv TinkBi iiciiii. -" - - - City Engrlneer's office has been busy 1 .,11. fnr preparing: locaii aoncBniiicut the purchase and Installation of the water rigrht and the Council is about ready to complete action in mo mane. The complaint alleges fraud in many forms and is a bitter arraignment of . , . . Auv fli i a I a rf Ii 1 Snrinl- T 11 o prraiub . lsts who won out at the recent city election, are uiiiiii this suit is an effort to have the con tract declared illegal, so the Socialists will have an opportunity to Install the municipal 'plant to which they are pieaereu. t , TTnlnnmt. n-1 1 1 i a Kara Irtmnr. JUUSQ UUH.UIUU ... w - row to hear argument on the case, and he will be asked to restrain the city permanently from completing the con' tract, . PROFESSOR LEWIS IS BACK Courses at Eastern Agricultural Col leges Are Studied. OREGON AGRICULTURAL, COL LEGE, Corvallls. Dec. 15. (Special.) Professor Claude I. Lewis, head of the department of horticulture at the Ore gon Agricultural College, has returned to Corvallis from the East, where he has been for the last month on a tour of investigation of the horticultural courses given in Eastern colleges. He also attended the convention of the American Association of Agricul tural Colleges and Experiment Stations, tha American Pomological Society and tha Society for Horticultural Science. He was honored by the American Pomological Society, being chosen for tho position f vice-president lor the coming year, ITruguayan ftanks have more thaa 356, 000,000 la deposits. 113hOKS .- IW 4 hogs . . 2U0 fiO hogs . . 21 79 hORS . . 211 1 hoe .. 31o 1 hog . . 2SO 8 hogs .. 247 8 hogs .. 27 86 hogs . . 173 2 hogs . . 200 8 hogs . . 237 107 hogs . . 107 1 hog . . 200 102 hogs . . 102 REPORT IS BEARISH Government Figures Too Late to Affect Wheat Prices. CHICAGO MARKET FIRM Liberal Export Clearances Are In fluence In Flavor of Bulla.. '. World Shipments Larger Than Expected Corn Irregular. CHICAGO. Dec IS. Bearish figures on the Government crop report sbout wheat, and bullish figures ss to com came too late to affect prices today. The tone of all cereals at the close was firm, with wheat unchanged to 14 o up. com varying from a shade lower to hia advance, and oats the same as Saturday night to 14 c off. Provision finished at 214o to 20o decline. Wheat, after an early show of weakness, made a decided .rally. Liberal- export clear ances of wheat and flour acted also as an Influence In favor of the bulls. World ship ments larger than expeoted had much to do wl(h causing the wheat market to sag In the first half of the session. One ot the chief houses In the trade led the buying on the break. Well grounded fear of a -surprise In the Government report overcame In the last hour the oonnter Influence of huge receipts of corn. Strong leaders took all the offer ings that shorts and tlmrd holders forced on the market. Moreover, advice from Central Illinois and other big producing sections said farmers were preparing to hold corn until next Summer if necessary to get higher prices. Oats followed corn. Buying on weak spots was noticeably from Influential sources. Provisions, although active, went down grade owing to generous receipts of hogs here and at other Western centers. Liqui dating sales by longs formed the order of the day. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Close. Dec 3 .89 3 .89 H 8 .834 $ .814 May 9114 .2 -915s .8214 CORN. Dec 94 .9H .! -6014 May ....... .68 lx .6854 .6814 .69. OAT3. May 414 -4tT4 -H4 .41T4 July .40 "4 .41 .40 .41 , -MESS PORK. Jan 20.70 20.7214 20.70 20.70 May ;. .20.90 20.90 20.7714 20.83 LARD. Jan. ..." ..1O.70 10.70 10.6214 10.70 May . .11.0214 11.0214 10.90 11.00 SHORT RIBS. x Jan 10.8714 10.8714 10.80 10.8214 May 11.07 11. lo ll.vfiz ik.vta Cash prices were: Corn All new: No. 2, 6910; No. 3. 63W6S44C; No. 3 white, 64 14 w 60 4 c ; No. yellow, 64 14 68c. Rye, NO. 2, 64 14(60C Barley, 62 75c. Timothy, 345.40. Clover. 312!Bil5. European Grain Markets. LONDON, Dec 13. Cargoes on passage quiet. e,nglisn country mai ti-;ia quici, French country markets quiet. LIVERPOOL. Dec 15. Wheat Spot, steady; futures, easy. March, 7 s214d; May, 7s ,11411. San Francisco Grain Market J3 A NT PRAKCISrO. Dec. 15. SDOt Quota tions: Walla. Walla. 31.48 U 1. 00: red Rus sian, $1.4714 a 1.48 ; Turkey red, ? 1.62 14 tp 1.05; bluestem, 31.0714 1.60; ' brewing bar ley, 31.37 hSj-l. 40; feed barley, 31.S04)) 1.31 1 ; white oats, 81.42 14 &1.45; bran, 32222.0O; middlings, S30AS1: shorts, 324.504J, 20. Call board: v neat nrm; no hbuiub. .oar lev firm:" December, no sales; May, 1.3014 bid, $L374 asked. l'uget Sound Wheat Markets. TACOMA, Dec. 15. Wheat Bluestem, 83c; fortyfold, 831;c; club, 83c: red iite, 83c Car receipts, wheat 22, oats 1, hay 11. SFiTTt.r. Dec. 10. Wheat Bluestem, 95c; "fortyfold. S5c; club, 84c; Fife, 84c; red Russian, 8e. Vesterdnv's Car receipts, wheat 29. oats 3, barley 2, corn 4. hay 37, flour .12. Miuneapolis Grain Market. irlN-XRAPOLlS. Dec. 13. Close: Wheat, v 1 hard. K81kfiS8iC: No. 1 Northern, SO v4 4 87 c : No. 2 Northern, 8314lij80Hc; o. nara jiuitinua, wstii wheat, M ; (3 53c; December, 8414c; May, 874 (&S7'ic. Klux 31.44 -S ' . Barley 13 tiuc. TWO BIG EVENTS OX l.MVERSITV OF OREGON CALENDAR. Several Tryoutn Necessary to Provide Best Talent Peace Contest to Be National Affair. UNIVERSITY OP OREGON". Eusene, Or., Dec. 15. (Special.) With two im portant oratorical contents scheduled for the first months of next year, the University debating teams are hard at work. The two Dig; events are me Aa-T,lae olafa intercnllecintA contest. which will be held some time in March, and the state preliminary to tne inter, national Peace Oratorical Contest, which probably will take place -during tho latter part of February. Robert Prescott, debating coach, an nounces the first tryout for the inter- 1 1 r i ii .nntaal fnr Janiiarv 17. At this time six candidates will qualify for the rlnal tryout, wnicn win vo aeiu January 23, when the orator who will represent Oregon in the annual Inter collegiate meeting will be chosen. Oregon won first place in 1911 and 1912, and second place last spring. The .,-.f -r- smiai thin neaaon. however. is largely composed of men who have as yet no reputation on wie piauuim. The International Peace Oratorical r , haan 1 naif tilted hv the In ternational Peace Society to advance Its propaganda. j ne buujdi i w "International Peace," and. the oration la limited to 800 words. A first prize of $75 and a second prize of 350 Is of fered for the contest in each state. The winner In Oregon will 'represent this i,. t-ha Pnclfio Coast contest. which may be held, in Portland, and the Coast champion win oe (sent mbi to represent nis section in mo imoi- national contest at tfl jiu. Veteran Stage Driver Revisits. GRANTS PASS. Or.,' Dec. 15. (Spe cial.) After 5 years or aDsence, so., j. r ....I, varara n ii ht r unitri cuava pioneer, is visiting in and around s-. a- -D.aiai lnnlllriB St ItS OrOCTeSa uruuia - - . and improvements. Luark drove in the palmy aays, wnen muuu. . quently met on the war path. His route was between Treka, Cal., and Oakland, Or. From Oakland to Grants Pass an ordinary wagon was used, this being .i nf the wA? on road. From here Luark used pack animals to Treka. "At that time Grants Pass wan further up river," said Mr. Luark, "and the country was wild and unsettled ex-....- Kir miners. nrosDectors and ad - n i' v jj ...... - venturous homesteaders who had come West to remain. Mr. Luark's ioma Is at Montesano, wasn. Iaebanon Censua Sliow Growth, T.KBANON. Or.. Dec 15. (Special,)- The Lebanon publio school census Just nnmnieted shows a substantial growth. The highest former school census of the district comprising resoanon nas First National Bank qapital $1,500,000 Surplus $1,000,000 Oldest National Bank West cf tie HocSy Mountain. CQ&HZS JIBST AJXD WA3ZX73T0ft E7& LADI&TILTON BANK Sst&blisW 1SS9. (pltSlo,M. .--s-' ''P? Surplus . ......... " Depodt. 04,000,000.0. Commercial and Savings Account VFfCERsV W. K, 14.04. rreslrlont. Robert WowarfL Ant CsI W. KDUntkly, Cashier. WsJuTMlCook. Asst. Cashlsft Corner Wa&Mnftoa uiiTUrf Streets. T M L" J m H saW 1 ' I R 1 I S Vw "rVsAJasl STW m-jg r -1 H mm i-cb a W 1 SS i WMf Salllnc irom ofK: R -a .e TALOKIrtAlNK Jan.14 'LA K.4.VOUS. . .Iec. 28 LA WWVUXCE Feb.ll a .TwuT-screw steamer. tJuadruple-screw steamer. SPKCIAL 8ATtKU.1V SAILINGS FROM NKW VOKK, 3 F. M. . OKB CLaVSS CABIN tll and TUIKO-CLASS Passeusers Only. CHICAGO Dec. 27 N LAG ABA Jan. 4 C. W. Stinuer, 80 6th st.; A. D. tnarlton, S3 Morrison St.; E. M. Baylor C. M. St. P. Ky: Dorsey B. Smith, 6a oth st., A. v. Sheldon, 100 3d st.i f H. Dickson, 122 8d st.: North Bank Itoad, 5lh and Mark sts.; t. 1. W alter, aeent Luion Facifio Bauway. u Is 1 been less than 600. while the one Just completed gives more than 700. The enrollment in both the high school and the grades shows a like increase over previous years. The high school en rollment is in excess or 150. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Or.. Dec. 15. Maximum temperature. 46 degrees; minimum, 42 de grees. River reading. 8 A. M., 3.7 feet: chanse in last 2 hours. .4 foot fall. Total rainfall, i V. M. to 5 P. M.. 0.11 inch; total rainfall since September 1, 1913, 12.0o inches: normal. 16.52 inches: dsficlency, 3.47 inches. Total sunshine, none:, possible. 8 hours 3S minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea level; at 6 P. M., 3U.11 Inches. THE) WEATHER. g u Wind s tl & M I 3 g I a - O w g ! n f , a a stats of STATIONS. Weather, Buker ......... 38 0 40,0 ,001 4'S jClear .00 4 S Clear Boise Boston 40 0. 00.1O.SW Clear Calgary 44,0 40 0 42;0 uu 11 00 14SVV 001 6;s 0(l 4ISW 00:12 sw Pt. cloudy Cloudy Clear Clear Clear Clear IClear Chicago Denver Des Moines Duluth S8'0 5'J 0 5Sil Eureka ....... .001 4 N'E .on! 4;n Galveston Helena 42'0. 001 4SW Clear Jacksonville Kansas City . . . 64:0 , an 4 niaaii 01) 16 SW 'Pt. cloudy 00! 4 SW IRain 44 SINK I Rain Laurler 36 0 Los Angeles ... I 7010 .001 6 W IClear -tnrhf ielil . . . . 68:0 00 4, N W Clear Medford 1 46 0 i. 00 calm 'Clear Montreal New Orleans . . New Vork I IS 0 .00! 4 NWJClear .OOUO NE Cloudy 60,0 I 46j0 40 0 on o v t ieur 00', 4 SB ;Pt. cloudy North Yakima Phoenix i 66 0 i.Ol 6 E Cloudy Pocatello 36 0 46'0 00 4:w Clear Portland .11 IN Foggy .00 4.NWjClea'r .00 4 SB Cloudy RoSHbersr 440 60:0 Sacramento St.' Ixiuis 440. 44'0 38 0 .00 10 sw ICloudy .OOilo'SW Clear .06! 6 Hlil (Clear .oo 4:V IClear Hi, A VV St clOlldV St. Paul Salt Ijike .... San Francisco.. I 68: 0 SiKikano 40 601) oo! 4 SW rt. cloudy Pacoma Tatoosh Island Washington Winnipeg 50 0 .03 4 J-J roggy 00! 4 S Clear I 32;l 38;0 .OollO.W (Clear WEATHER CONDITIONS. .mnit HiT-h-nTessiire area overlies the North Pacific States and the barometer Is relatively high over the KaHtern States 4. depression of moderate energy is central l t, .,.-, nnil n. d sturbanco is apparentlv developing over Arizona No -, -u,..,ar.Ta ha a fallen nV- precipuaiion ui t,u,u... .- a where In the United States in the last . 24 v,,.r. ati-ant small amounts In estern Washington. . extreme Northweste r " Ore gon and in tne t-u.i "::-,:;-;;: In temperature since jcac.a... ""rheStlon. are 'favorable for fair weather in this district Tuesday except in Western Washington, where it will continue unsettled with probably rain. FORECASTS. i tj..i.j and vicinity Tuesday fair; winds mostly easterly. .. Oregon 1 uesuay iau , t-...j Washington Tuesday fair east, Pbably rain west portion; winus hi" .ifu,..,. Idahrj Tuesday tair. EDWARD A. BEALS. District Forecaster. SCIENTISTS' LIVES LONG Average Age of 1683 Britons of Xote Is 70, It Is Asserted. , .TTnv t-iDT. 1 r. Rnrvivinir until his 91st year. Dr. Alfred Russel Wal lace followed an example ui luuto.. set by several distinguished scientists OI reveiit i"tD- - . Nevreul was 103 at the time of his death, and Sir Joseph HooKer oniy nine years younger. Loru Lister Lord Kelvin and Herbert Spencer were -,-1 i -Rorthelot were like wise octogenarians, and Lord Avebury died at the age or i. -n-.-u i.- ca sie fsirinev Lee main jviuriiuj, t.inn. "sustained Intellectual effort Is no bar to longevity." He finds that 70 vears of age is the average length of iife of the 1835 men and women com memorated In the second supplement of the Dictionary of National Biogra phy. Nearly 400 indeed died after their if - .o in rracticai That's . the inevitable conclusion after every test of. !( - - . l'.l " Diuiiunic ComDe.4nie Ge'nerale TransatlantKiue lllravrt lAam to HATrO-FSris (FimBSS) New luora: every Wednesday. 10 A. M. La Savoie, Wed Uec Jl v . i -IT A PHIIVFVrR Jon. 21 OlU.Mti tnewi xeo. s . . ' SOth year, and of these four were cen tenarians. Moose hunting is permitted In Nova Sco tit from September 10 to November 10. Game is plentiful this year. Moose killed lust year numbered IS7. J.C.WILSON&CO. STOCKS. BONDS. GBAIN AND COTTON. MEMBLiW NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. CHICAGO BOAKU OF 'l'RADK. Ni,W YORK COTTON EXCHAsUK 1'HL (STOCK AND BOND LNCUANGt, SAN IrRANClsCO. PORTLAND OFFICE: Lewis Building, 269 Oak Street. Phones MarshaU 4120. A 4187. TRAVELERS' GLIDE. , " a i r.ivn 1 .1 r. One-Class Cabin (II) service, rl ymout h Cherbourg Sou tuarji p t on ATLANTIC TRANSPORT LINE New York, London Direct RE1 STAK LINE New York Hover Antwerp WHITE STAR LINE Plymouth Cherbourg Southampton St LoulH. .Dec. 2 I njest lo . . . Dec. 31 New York, Jan. 'St. l'Hiil . . Jan. l(i American Lino Steamers, one-class Cabin (II.) service. .New York Qnernstown Liverpool Cedirlc Jan. I Megantlo. . ..Ian. lialllr Jan. 15 Cedrlo Jan. 28 BoNton QueeoNtowu Liverpool U WHITE STAR DOMINION Portland. Me. Halifax Liverpool by the LARGKST CANADIAN" LINERS, lni'iuiilng the Canada Jan. S Dominion. . Jan. 21 Canada .Feb. 7 Teutonic. . Feb. 11 Sails to and from Halifax only. WINTER ITALY & EGYPT The Riviera via Madeira, Gibral tar, Algiers, Monaco. Largest Steamers In the trade. Adriatic Celtic January 10 Jan. 21. Feb. XI, Mar. 7. Q Jan. SI nopic Mar. u CRUISES PANAMA CANAL West Indies South America The Newest Cruising Steamers Laurentic Megantic January St. Feb. .11 Mar. 4 Mar. 14 Apr. 4 16 to 28 Days $145 to $175 Up A. E. DISNEY", Passenger Agent, Bailey BIdg., 61!) Second Ave. Seattle. Telephone Main 113 or Local Railway and bteainship Agents. AUSTRALIA TAHITI AND NEW ZEALAND. Round Trip Rates: 1st class to TshlU 11SJ. to Wellington S-lG.iO. to Sydney IfUOO. Special Faclfio Ocean Tour (Including South Sea Isles) to Sydney via Tahiti, Karo tonga and New Zealand and returning ' San Francisco (or Vancouver) via Auckland. Fiji or Samoa and Honolulu, 325, 1st o-a-Stup-overs any point, good one year. " ings from San Francisco, Jan. i, leb. 4. Mar. 4, etc. . - . I'nion Steamship Co. of New Zealand, Ltd. Office: 679 Market Street. San i ranclsu-o. TO SAN FRANCISCO. T.O ANGELES AND SAN DIECO S. S. ROANOKE WKDNKSDA Y. PEC. 17, 6 T, M. COOS BAY AND ECIUSKA S. S. ALLIANCE TUX-RSDAY, DEC. IS. 6 r. M. NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. 12-A THIRD STREET Phones Main and A IS 1-1. BAHIA, ElO DB JANEIRO. SANTOS, MONTEVIDEO AND K0SARI0 Lsrce. New and Fast Pawnrer Stesmers from hew York every slternste Saturday. For rates, etc., apply local ticket Agents, or SCSK IIAXIEIS. Grt Ar'n. il Pfaalu tiefca.ia bay Tai TT s O KXPUES8 STAMEBS FOB fian franclseo and Los Angeles WITHOUT CHANGS. S. S. Bear Sails 4 P. M Dec. 17. S. 8. Rose City, Dec. XX. THE SAN FRANCISCO & PORTLAND 8, 8. CO. Ticket Office, Xd and Washing too. with O.-W. K. N. Cs. Phono Msrshsll 4&O0. A 1111. COOS BAY LINK Btetunshlp Breakwater Sail from Alnworth Dock, Portland, at P M every Tuesday evening. Freight re ceived until IS O'CLOtS (NOON) OX SAILING DAY. Passenger fsre: First class, 10.00; Second-class (men only), Jl.OO. lnc'udlns berth and meals. Ticket office st LOWER A1NSWORTH DOCK. PORT LAND COOS BAY STMAMSHIP LLNM. JU H. KEATING. Asent. Phones; staiD 80v. A 23X2, !MabaaaSBaaSaMaaBM i