Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 13, 1913, Page 11, Image 11

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Bring the Children to See Jolly Old Santa Claus in Toyland, 4th Floor, Today, From 2 to 5 and 7 to 9
Double X3f Green Tradina Stamns Given with All Cash Purchases Made in the Matn-bloor bhoe Department, Saturday
OWK Merchandise Bonds Issued in Any Amount Branch Office Wells, Fargo Express, Basement Rest Rooms, 2d Fir.
VN- n X Special Xmas Sale of Kid Body Dolts t : This American Tri-Car $5.95
X-'-i'--' t y Tnuland. h nurth Floor . .
Toyland, tourth Floor .
Olds, Wor tman- King
The Store With the Christmas Spirit '
Fourth Floor Tri-Car, combination 3-in-l
handcar, coaster wagon and express wagon.
Maple boly with interchangeable handle and
frame. Extra heavy axles and steering gear.
Nicely finished and well made. Cog drive,
wheels 8x12, robber tires. .On J CZ QCZ
special sale today at only, each p -
Regular 35c Kid-Body Dolls, sale price, 27c
Regular 65c Kid-Body Dolls, sale price, 49c
Regular 75c Kid-Body Dolla, sale price, 58c
Regular $1.00 Kid-Body Dolls, special. 79
Regular $1.60 Kid-Body Dolls, special, SI. 19
Regular $2.00 Kid-Body Dolls, special, 81.79
Business Honrs From 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Dally.
Saturday Hours from 9 A. M. to 9 P.M.
tttt: 5roR?rrxa oregoxtax, Saturday, decejibett is. ims.
gp 10 More
'"r Shopping
I kw Days
f Till
l"i3 Xmas
Pre-Holiday Clearing Sale of Women's Wearing Appare
Every Suit Reduced Every Coat Reduced Every Dress Reduced Every Waist Reduced In Fact Every Garment Reduced
seful, practical gifts at a decided reduction from the regular selling prices, right at a time when every dollar counts,
d, but from the entire Northwest. Entire stock Women's Suits, Coats, Dresses, "Waists, Skirts, Kimonos, Petticoats j
inc. nnil hero is the locieal tradinz place for all economical folks. "S. & II." Green Trading Stamps given with all
An unprecedented opportunity to buy use
f Oiriftv women, not onlv from Portland.
opportune time to do the Christmas buying, and here is the logical trading place for all economical
This Great Pre-Holiday Sale will attract hundreds
and Furs included in this special sale. Now is the
purchases of 10 cents and over ask for them.
Toy Passenger Trains
Special 79c
Fourth Floor Special for Satur
day only, Iron Trains, consisting
of engine, tender and 3 coaches.
Nicely finished. 36 inches 'JCkf
long. Regular. $1.00 grade f
$1.75 Doll Carts $1.29
Fourth Floor Semi-collapsible
Doll Carts, with hood. Size of
frame 8x16, height 24 inches. Rub
ber tires. Regular C T OQ
$1.75 grade. Special PAAf7
Xmas Ribbons!
No. 1, Our Leader, 10 Yards, 7,.;
No. 1 Extra Satin, 10-vd. bolt IOC
No. l2 Extra Satin at, bolt, 12C
No. 2 Extra Satin at, bolt, ISc.
No. 3 Extra Satin at, bolt, 27c
No. Holly Ribbon, bolt, 15c
No. 12 Best Holly Ribbon, 45
No. 2 Fancy Ribbon, 10 yds., 330
50c Fancy Ribbon at. yard, 25c
65c Fancy Ribbon a yard, 33C
4- inch Plain Taffeta, yard, 14c
6-inch Satin Ribbon at, yard, 33 C
5- inch Mescaline at, yard, 19
6- inch Messaline at, yard, 25c
Dainty Corset Covers
Main Floor Dainty hand-embroidered
denii-niadc Corset Covers.
For gifts. 9SC, 4S and $1.9S
Practical and Sensible Christmas Gifts for Men
$6.00 Sweaters $3.45
Main Floor Men's heavy knit "Wool
Sweaters in ruffneck and Byron
eollar style. Splendid full lengths,
with close-ribbed cuff, 'side pockets
and ocean pearl buttons. Oxford
and cardinal. Regular CO JS CZ
$4, $5, and $0 grades
Sweaters $4 to $10
For old or young, one of these hand
some Wool Sweaters will make a
very acceptable Xmas gift. Special
showing of new arrivals in Cardigan'
ribbed and shaker knit. All wanted)
colors and all sizes. 3? f fk ff
Priced at S i to VJ-UmVU
Men's Tie Clasps. Prices range 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c, $1.00, ?1.Z5, ?l.M eaca
Men's Interwoven Socks box of 4 pairs, $1.00; box. of 2 pairs, silk, $1.00
"OWK," Ireland's, Dent's Bacmo, Fownes Gloves, $1.10 to $2.50 a pair
Men's high-grade Shirts in Xmas boxes, $1.50, $2.00, $2.25and $3.00 each
Men's Imported Japanese Silk Pajamas for gifts. Price, $10.00 the suit
Pre-Holidau Sale Men's Fancy Suits, Overcoats
Men's Store, Main Floor Strictly hand-tailored garments from America's best
known makers of fine Clothes. Only the very best of materials are employed
in their manufacture, and they are finished and fit equal to the best made-to-
measure Suits produced. Splendid assortment of novelty patterns and colorings.
Bath Robes
Main Floor Wonderful variety of
materials and choice patterns. Make
Christmas selections now and save.
Men's $3.50 Bathrobes now S3. 15
Men's $5.00 Bathrobes now $4.45
Men '8 $6.50 Bathrobes now $5.85
Men's $8.50 Bathrobes now $7.65
Full Line Pendleton Indian Robes.
. House Coats
Regular $ 5.00 Grades at S
Regular $ 6.50 Grades at S
Regular $ 8.50 Grades at S
Regular $10.00 Grades at $
Regular $12.50 Grades at SI 1.25
Regular $15.00 Grades at 513.45
Regular $20.00 Grades at $14.95
M UHf f . Mi.' I i
U $15.00 Suits and Overcoats, Sll.o
$20.00 Suits and Overcoats, al-.Uo
$25.00 Suits and Overcoats, $18.75
$30.00 Suits and Overcoats, S22.5U
$35.00 Suits and Overcoats, $26.25
All Blues and Blacks at 10 per cent off
Women's Coats Selling Formerly Up to $25.00
eady-to-Wear Apparel, Second Floor A sensational Saturday special in Women's gj Af
and Misses' Coats 4 lengths also the popular Sports' Coats in short style. Some 4 -ft
have detachable belts; others in looe box-back effects. Chinchillas, Yelours, Bed- wT3 U tojr
ford Cords, Polo Cloth, etc. A great variety of colors and all sizes. Coats that I
sold heretofore up to $25 -will be on special sale today at only $7.98. A remarkable Coat offering.
All Children's Coats and Dresses Reduced Infants' Knit Goods Reduced
200 Extra Trading Stamps FREE
In Addition to the Regular Stamps, With Every Purchase
of Women's Suits or Coats Made in the Basement Saturday
Women's $16.50 Suits, $9.98
Made from splendid materials and
nicely finished. Good range of
dark, serviceable colorings. Coats
lined with good grade satin. Reg
ular $15 and $16.50 CQ QO
Suits. Special at V'fO
Silk Petticoats, $2.49 Rich
Mescalines and Taffetas in nearly
every wanted 6hade. flJO 2Q
Several styles. Each S3
Extra Special Bargain Special lot
Also in checks. Regular $15.00 to
Women's $15.00 Coats, $8.9S
Several very attractive styles in
this assortment. Long, medium or
short models, in good, practical
styles for general wear. Season's
latest fabrics. Reg- CO QQ
ular $15.00 Coats at ?00
Waists, Special, 98 C High or
low necks, long or thort sleeves, in
dainty, sheer lingerie ma-Q 0
terials. All sizes. Each O"
Wool Sweaters, $1.9S Women's
and Misses' Wool Sweater Coats,
in high-neck style, with pockets
and large pearl buttons. Shown
in colors, red, navy, tan and gray
and in all sizes. 6a ?1 QO
special sale at only yi-efO
$2.50 Kimonos, $1.59 Appro
priate for gift-giving. Full-length
style, crepe or flan- JJ "J
nelette. $2.50 grades J
of Misses' Fine Wool Serge Dresses, in navy and black Cff QO
$20.00 grades. On special sale today at only each, PJ7J
Women's $4, $5 and $6 Shoes Saturday $2.95
Men's $4.00 and $5.00 Shoes $3.45
Boys' $8.50 to $10 Winter Suits 6.45
Chinchilla Overcoats Now at V Off
Main Floor Pre-Holiday Sale of Boys'
Suits Norfolk and double-breasted
styles. Hand tailored from very best of
woolen fabrics. Theso are from our rcg-'
ular stock. Suits selling fl?
formerly at $8.50 and $10
Boys' $2 Ruffneck Sweaters, 51.59
Itl h1 T?ffnol.- fstrnntont onlv S3.1 5
$j!00 Ruffneck Sweaters only $4.45 i! Cuff Links, Tie Pins, 35 to $1.00
Main Floor Special line of boys' warm
Chinchilla Overcoats this season's
newest and most wanted styles. Sizes
range from 10 no to 16 years. Rcmilar
$12.50 and $15 Coats. U fff
On special sale at just
Bovs' Buster Brown and Black Cal
Hose, double knees, 4 pairs, Sl.OO
Double "S. & H." Stamps! The great
sale of Women's High-Grade Footwear
will continue today. Best quality
leathers, in a great variety of popular
lusts. All sizes and widths. 0 Q CJ
Regular $4 to $0 Shoes P J
Double "S. & H." Stamps! Men's his'.i
grade Shoes of box calf, vclour calf, gun
metal calf and patent leathers. Also in
tan willow and Russia calf. Button .
lace styles. Regular $4.00 C Q A EZ
and $5.00 Shoes. Special P-CJ
Men's and Women's Xmas Slippers 98c to $2.48
All 25c Shoe Polish Saturday at 19c
Double "S. & H." Stamps! Complete
showing of holiday Slippers in all styles
and colors, in suedes, felts, kids, seals,
etc. Also Moccasins in all sizes. Choose
now for gift -giving. lricea JJO AQ
range from 980 up to p'0
Double "S. & H." Stamps! Entire l'.i.
of regular 25e Shoe Polish included in
this offei" Whitemore's. Tan Dandy,
Black Elite and Gilt Edge. Supply your
needs for months to come. Keg- "I Q
ular 25c polishes on sale at only f
lis V
Pre-Holiday Sale Jewelry, Toilet Sets, Manicure Sets, Perfumes and Novelties
Let This Be Your Christmas Store ! Thousands of beautiful -and appropriate gifts for every member of the family or friends are here for your inspec
tion and choosing. Jewelry. Watches, Bracelets, Rings, LavaUieres, Vanity Bags, Neck Chains, Lockets, Fans, Mesh Bags. Perfumes. Manicure Set3,
Shaving Sets. Razors. Cutlery, etc etc. Our prices are. oualitv considered, the lowest in the city. Choose your Xmas gifts from our superb stocks.
At 25c
Center Aisle, First Floor At this
price we offer hundreds of excel
lent articles for gift-giving. Nut
Sets, Purses, Beads, Jewel Cases,
Hatpins, Link Buttons, Hand Mir
rors, Beauty Pins, Stick Pins, etc.
At 50c
Center Aisle. First Floor On this
table you will find many handsome
gift articles that would sell ordi
narily at much higher prices.
Sterling Silver Pencils, Vanities,'
Beaded Purses, Stick Pins, Link
Buttons, Chains, Jewel Boxes, ete
At $1.00
Center Aisle, First Floor Many
of the articles on this table are
worth twice this price. Wonder
ful assortment of various articles
Combs, Mesh Bags. Card Cases,
Pins, Brooches, Jewel Boxes, Nut
Sets, A'anities, etc., great variety.
Razors Ideal Gifts
Main Floor We carry a full line
of the famous "Gillette" Safety
Razors iu all the wanted styles.
Prices range from $5.00 to $25.00
Auto Strop Razors at $5.00 to $8.50
Gem Junior Razors, price Sl.OO
Henkel's Straight Razors at $2.50
In choosing gifts, here's a sug
gestion: Buy somethinsr nseful.
1 5-Jewel Elyin-Waltham Wa tches $11.5Q
$5.00 Silver Plated Toilet Sets $3.98
Main Floor Fifteen-jewel Elgin or
Waltham Watches. Splendid time
keepers. On special sale at $11.50
Same makes in 7-jewel at $7.25
Ingersoll Watches at $1 and $2
$1.50 7-in. Dressing Mirror, SI. 10
50c Niokel-Silver Pie. Frames, 39c
Main Floor Best quadruple silver
plate Toilet Sets, consisting of brush,
mirror and comb. A very acceptable
gift for sister, wife or sweetheart.
Regular $5.00 quality. Choose them
for Saturday's selling QQ QQ
at the low price of pti0
$2 German Silver Mesh Bags Special $1 .50
$2.75 Sterling Silver Picture Frames $1.79
Main Floor Fine quality German
Silver Mesh Bas. Ring mesh, witii
silk or leather lining. Size 4x4V2
inches. Regular CI EZfk
grades. Special, only P
Diamond Rings for Gifts $15 Up to $65
Solid Gold Bracelets $4.00 Up to $15.00
Main Floor The gift of all gifts!
We show a beautiful line of Dia
monds, ranging in size np to
carat. Our prices C?C flfk
are low. 15 to PJJ.JV
All Parisian Ivory Now at V Off
Center Aisle. Main Floor This includes our entire 6tock absolutely none
reserved. Manicure Sets, Toilet Sjets, Brushes, Combs, Mirrors, Powder
Boxes, Picture Frames, Cuticle Knives, Scissors, Paper Knives, Button
nooks and hundreds of other articles appropriate for Christmas gifts.
Fans for Holiday Gifts 25c Up to $35.00
New Plaitings 25c to $2.50 Yard
Main Floor Extensive assortment
of Fans, hand painted, spangled,
real lace, feather or plain stvles.
K.'&STK $35.00
We are headquarters for the new
Frills and Plaitings. An immense
Tariety of styles, in all the wanted
colors. Prices range JO CZfl
from 2o" up to
Drug Specials
For Saturday
Owing to these extremely low
prices it will be impossible for u-
to fill telephone or mail orders.
5c Fairy Soap 3c Cake
Limit six cakes to a customer. De
livered only with other pur
chases from the Drug Department.
50o Pebeco Tooth Paste now 2Sc
20-MuIe Team Borax now at 8C
5c Life Buoy Soap, special, 3
35c Best Domestic Floating Cas
tile Soap, speeal low price, 25c
15c Pears ' Unsc 'ed Glycerine 10
5c high-grade Toilet Soap at 2V2C
25c Dr. Lyons' Tooth Towder 15c
25c Kolynos Tooth Paste at 20c
50c Roger & Gallct Violet da
Panne Face Powder, special, 4oC
25c high-grade Face Powder, 10c
35c roll Absorbent Cotton at 25c
5c Polished Wood Tooth Picks, 3
25c Sanitol Prescriptions at 15c
25c Holmes Frostilla now 15c
$1 ninds' H. and A. Cream, 75c
$1 Lilaa Vegetal, special, at 65c
25c Euthymol Tooth Paste at 15C
5c Sanitary Napkins, put up one
dozen to the box. the dozen, 35c
25c Woodbury's Facial Soap, 15c
50c Dora Face Powder, in all the
popular shades, special price, 35 ?
25c Imported Rice Powder at 15c
Perfumes in Xmas Packages 25c and 50c
Mary Garden Extract at $1.25 an Ounce
Main Floor Beautiful Sterling Sil
ver Picture Frames, with ball feet.
Oval style. Size 5',26 inches. Reg
ular $2.50 and $2.75 CJT 7Q
grades. Special, only P--
Main Floor Full assortment of
Wm. Loeb's Solid Gold Shell Rings.
Noted fo their extra pood wearing
qualities. All styles. C J CZfl
25S 50S $1 and O
lludnut Perfumes
Put up in handsome Christmas packages. Ex
quisite and dainty gifts. Prices 50c and $1.00.
Lily of the Valley
Wood Violet
Sweet Orchid
White Rose
Cardinal Lily
Gardenia -Yadma
Jockey Club
White Heliotrope
Napoleon Violet
j Ideal Pink
I Virginia Rose
i Aimee
Main Floor Famous makes Jer
gen's, Colgate's, Hudnut's, etc. Per
fume in fancy Christmas ETflg
packages. Prices, 25 and
Main Floor Saturday
Mary Garden Perfume.
selling price $2.00 an
ounce. One day only
Christmas Sale of Cut Glass and Brass Novelties
Gifts That Always Give Satisfaction 3d Floor
$3.50 Brass Trays at S2.75
$4.75 Brass Trays at $3.75
$4.25 Crumb Sets at $3.25
$5.50 Cut Glass Celerys, S4.13
Reg. $2.75 Tall Comports, $2.12
Reg. $5.50 Tall Comports, $4.13
Regular $1.65 Spoon Trays, $1.25
$2.25 Oil and Vinegar Jngs. S1.6S
Regular $3.75 Vases now at $2.80
$7.50 Cut Glass Vases now $5.62
$3.75 Cut Glass Bewls now $2.80
Regular $2.75 Puff Boxes, $2.12
Reg. $4.90 Water Pitchers, S3.6S
Regular $3.65 Salad Bowls, $2.75
Bargains in Haviland- Dinner Set3.
$2G Brass Punch Bowl, Special $21.25
Regular $8J0 Brass Vases, $6
$5.00 Brass Jardinieres, at S3.
Reg. $5.90 Window Boxes, S4.
Reg. $4.60 Umbrella Stands, S3.
Reg. $7.50 Smoking Sets. $5.
$3.25 Pair Candlesticks at $2.
$7.00 Pair Candlesticks at $5.
$1.00 Brass Dinner Gong at $3.15
$2.00 Brass Picture Frames, SI. 60
$5X0 Brass Ink Stands at $4.35
$8.50 Brass Ink. Stands at So. 15
90c Brass Hanging Basket at 70c
$1.80 Brass Hanging Basket, $1.40
Reg. $2.50 Book Racks for $1.98
$1Q Handbags $5
Main Floor Women's high-grade
Leather Handbags in several styles
and shapes. Extra well finished
and very newest effects. Ordinarily
Bags of this quality would sell at
$3.50 to $10.00. On T fkfk
special sale for only
Novelty Neckwear
65c, 75c, 98c
Main Floor Dainty Neekwear for
holiday gift-giving. Hundreds ot
beautiful pieces here for your se
lection. With every piece pur
chased we give free a handsome
holly box. Three special QOi
lots at 65C, 75C andJO
Just In Fur-Trun'd Neckwear:
Complexion Specialties
A complete line of Hudnut's Celebrated Com
plexion Specialities kept constantly in stock.
Violet Sec. Lip Rouge, $1.00; Rose Tint, $1.00;
Permanent Lip Rouge, $1.00; Eyebrow Cray
ons, black, brown, chestnut, 15c; Rouge Leaves.
No. 18, and Natural Rouge Leaves, 35c.
Hair Preparations
Hudnut's Eau de Quinine, special, 50c and 75c
Hudnut's Brilliantine. priced at, bottle, 50c
Hudnut's Violet and Heliotrope, priced at 50c
Toilet Waters
Wc carry a complete line of Hndnut's cele
brated Toilet WTaters in all odors. 75c and $1.40
- HudnuVs Manicure Preparations
All Hudnut Prenarations are ruaranteed to eive the utmost satistaction, ami are u-nl
by women of refinement in all parts of the world. S. & 1L Stamps with purchase?
Hudnut's NaCuster, the package, 50c
Hudnut's "Nail Powder, the package, 25c
Hudnut's Liquid Nail Enamel only 50C
Hudnut's Marvelous Nail Polish at 25c
Hudnut's Cuticle Acid, the bottle, 25c
Hudnut's Pomade Rouge, package, 50c
Full Line Hudnut's Face Creams
Hudnut's Marvelous Cream, 25c, 50c. $1
Hudnut's Violet Sec. Creme. box, 50C
Hudnut's Cucumber and Oris Root at $1
Hudnut's Violet Sec Talcum, box, 25 C
Hudnut's Violet Sec. Soap. 10c, -5c
Hudnut's Violet Sec. Bath Salts at 7C
Hudnut's Violet Sec. Face Powder, 50c
Dentaluxe Tooth Paste and Powder, 25 c
Manicure Sets in Leather Cases, 25c to $10.00
Gift remembrances that are always useful and acceptable. We show
au extensive line of Manicure Sets, put up in nent leather oases
pearl, bone, ebony, rosewood, etc. Priced, from 25 C to $10.00