I I 1 THE MOItlOXG O REG ONI AN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12. 1913. 23 HOP TRADE BROADER Orego n Market Has Better Undertone. NEAflLY 1COO BALES SOLD Impression Prevails That Prices Hare Touched Bottom Buying In ' Yalrima Eastern Dealers' View on Situation. Hop trauins hu assumed a brosder scIe and there i a better undertone In -" market. The Impression prevails J prices hare touched bottom, as the deiana "appears to be sufficient to take care th present offerings. Growers have not with drawn from the market, but they aie isak 1C no concessions, and Insist on prevailing prices or better. The largest lot recently sold clanged hands during the day. that of John a0" of Banks, amounting to 348 bale which was bought by Klaber. VTot & fetter at Wli cents. A messace from aurora PBPtcit fh. ..I. V- r'--'-. T.V 'JO D Of 101 nlea to the Kola Nets Hod Comany at SOS cents. C. M. Werner bought tne Pacquette lot of 60 bales at Gervala at 20 cents. H. I Hart secured 180 baln at Lafayette, comprising- the crops of Peter Olds and A. Fletcher, at 20 .cents. Mr. Hart also kiti.ki ei-,. small lota asf-reg-ulna 10 bales, at la to 20 centa ' Th. Raker cron of I bales of Yakima was bought br McNef Bros, at 20 centa. They also purchased 100 bales of Oregon at the same price. In a letter discussing the hop situation and the probable course of future prices, M. Walker, a New Tork dealer, writea; "Notwithstanding the most unique situa tion known In the history of the hop In dustry, going back as far as 30 years, of an almost unprecedented absence of more than three months supply of reserve stock on September 1. and the largest export within the shortest time, 10G.00U bales going out of tha country from September 1 to De cember 1. 113, we have to admit and face a present market that recently has shonn a downward rather than an upward ten dency This Is Inexplicable to the best In- ..., .f th. trade. 1 can only say the result la due more to the fighting of the -bears against an adtance. rather than any error in calculation of the figures of -supply against demand. The production of any agricultural com modity running so close to consumption, such as we have experienced in hops In the last three yeara, leads finslly to -mint nalnsl which no urotectli sight. Consumers most certainly fare that contingency In the coming year. croD should fail, there is no prices must rule -very high and within the possibilities of the most rotable year in hops. L e.. !:. when prices rose to above 91 per pound. Under these conditions, it Is difficult to understand the reluctance of brewers to buy at present prices, particu larly as there will be a period In the pres ent season when the great shortage will he roine more apparent and some buyers un able to find goods, as the last bale Is never iu the place where finally wanted. 'It is only in the United Slates that grow ers hare seemed to show some concern over the Inability to market their Cfotm all at once." There Is no concern for any excite ment on that score, because only three months of the present hop year have elapsed, and we can today only show a visible sup ply In first hands of not exceeding Bu.ixxi bales for the entire United States, distrib uted about as follows: Bales. ....... ;i'l.oM iu.r"o .:. ............. .nominal danger is In If any doubt that IM 2 1 , 7 7 1 17 a 73 4 2 3 H 44 3 H II in -.. 12 4 13 !n.1o UTS 12 lr-40 147.1 nfi M1 luvs v: 117s Oregon California - lVashlnprttrr. .... .ew York slate. Total ' To totally absorb this quantity by Sep tember 1. next. It would only mean dally purchases of -oo bales, and Ir Is beyond all reason to linaelno that the dally average purchases will not greatly exceed this amount .and correspondingly raise prices to a higher level than that of today. COUNTRY WHEAT MARKETS STKOSti High rrim Bid in rets Sections Stimulate Holding. The country whval markets continue in a firm condition s a inequenro of the high prlcee being offered at several points. In one section 73 cents ns bid for club, which Is equal to Si cents here. This Is not the general market. tui one or two buyers, for purposes of their .-n, making auch high offers, but they tiait had the effect of put ting sellers' Ideas up to that point. Most local dealers consider 83 cents a full quo tation on club and declare tbey can pay no auore. Operations on the whole were light. T.ocal receipts. In cars, were reported by the Merchants- Exchange as follows: Wheat. Barley. Flour. Oats. Hay. Momiar Tutar . . Wednesday Tbtirsdsv Tear ago Season to d Year aieo . PIMTCRKM E IX LOCAL BITTER F1UCE (11? Irearoerte. Still Holding at Former Quotation. City creamery butter is still being sold at $7 rents, although the price of outside state butter was cnt to 85 cents. Butter fst quo tations have a wide range. Some of the Portland creameries are offering as cents L o. b. Portland, and It la said others axe bidding as high as 40 cents. The cheese market la holding unusually steady and there la no prospect of any change In the near future. The egg market waa rather weak. Pome dealers are still quoting 42 centa. but most eases are reported at 4U cents, and even this price Is said to have been shaded J'oultry receipts were liberal, but there sras a good demand and former prices were easllv maintained. Ireased meats were also firm. OVERSITTLY OF LOW-GRADE APPU.8 JLarge Shipments Kec rived From Conntry Are Slow to Move. Vront street Is heavily stocked with ap- i p!s, mainly of the loser grades. Shippers tn all carts of tha country are making dally VonsLgnments and dealers find It difficult Y kep the surplua moving rive cars of bananas were unloaded yes t rdsv In good condition. Orange trade was fairly active. The last c.r of low-priced sweet potatoes was rrc-ived. Tha next cir to come will r-e offtred at $2. 13. Other vegetables were S'-eady. ' Bank Clearings. Rank rlrartnrs of the Northwestern cities sesleraay weie as follows: Clearint-. Balances. Portland ..t.:;J3.-.7S ;i."..7'."t' r-etii. 2..-.20.MS swi Tacotna ............... 4"o.t7t 01.021' hpokaae 1. l.;:;2 fc.413 FOKTLAXD MARKET QUOTATION rralta and. saretasles. Local jobbing quotations: TROPICAL FRUITS Oranges, navels. $2.23 Ctt per box; Japanese, l.:"t1.2i per ban- die: lemons. w per box; pineapple. 7c pound: bananas. eStr&e per lb; pomegran ates. $2.60 per crate; grapefruit. i.7itiJPr box ; persimmons. S3 per boa. ONIONS Oregon, grso per sack, baying rice. $3 10 f ob. ablpping pointa VKGKTABI.Ee Cabbage. IQlwe per pound: cau.itiower, ocse.... per dogen: cucumbers. 4-8 4c per dos.; eggpisnt. 109 per lb.: bead lettuce. H.lil i per crate: peppers. It 7c per lb: radishes. 10 u 12 Wo per pound: Bead lettuce, gj.13 per gir.jc JiitJ'". " vouad: sprouts, 10a per pouid: trtlehckes. $1.73 per dosen: squash. HOI1.?: celery, 13.75 per crate; beans. a He rhubarb. 30 per pound. G.EtN FRUIT Apj-Ie. 3oc 12.30 per tox ipej. Malagas. 7.6t S.Oo per keg; Emjeris. (1.75 0 4 per keg; casabas. I He per umnd; cranberries, $llt11.50 per tarreU . POTATOES Oregon. McCtl per hur dred; buyrg price. e at shlpplnr point set potatoes. 12 per crate. BAtK AttQETABLES Turnlpa, (1-J earrua, tll; parsnips. $1.25; beeta, ILJ. j Grain. Flour, Feed. Etc, TOiEr Track prices: Club, S3? W-ic; bluMten. 936P34C; forty-fold, S4 8SlVic; re Ruxian, bltj 2c; valley. 83c "LOIR Patents, $. per barrsl; svslglts. $4: exports. tI.iSei.IO; valley, $4. 0: graham, $4 60; whole ueat. $4.W. , OA'S No. I white, per ton- . COt.V Whole. $3S: cracked. i7 per ton. BAtLET Feed. 24 24.60 per ton; brewng. $1:5: roiled. $20. ul.i.rritD Bran. 120.30all per tool sbos. $22. 5j23; middlings, -'00. jai o. 1 eastern uregon hwiiufi $y.30. mixed timothy. $14; alfalfa. $14: giver, $10; valley grain hay. 11101a. Dairy and C sua try Prwdoce. Loral tabbing: auotatlona: POLLTKY ileus, 10c; tprlnES. 144 916c; turkeys, live, 2Uc; dressed, choice, 24o, ducks. 12 u 13c; geese, 1- a 1 2 :i c. EUGS Oregon fresh ranch. U!842o Pr dozt-n; storage, 2Slsu34c. CHEESE Oregon triplets, 17c; Daisies, 17 Wc; Young Americas, lee BUTT 11 City creamt ry. prints. 30JS7c; couutry creamery, prints, 32 0 30c; cubes, 30 under prints. PoltK Fancy, 10 10io per pound. Yii.vL. Fancy, ll'o 14Sc per pound. Staple Groceries. Local lobbing quotations: SALMON Columbia River, one-pound talis, $11.25 per dosen: half -pound fle'a $1.40; one-pound flats, 114.1: Alaska, pink, one-pound talis, sic; sUveraldefi one-pound tails. $1.2$. HONEY Choice. $S2S8S.73 per case. NUTS Walnuts. lSe per pound; Brasll nuts, 20c: filberts. 13(l&v,c: almonds, 2 i 21c; peanuts. 6' 5Hc; cocoanuta, $1 per dosen; chestnuts. lSWe per pound; blekory nuts, lhtiie; pecans, 17c; pine, 1?V 20c BEANS Small white. 6c: large white, 4.0c; Lima. 4 0c; pink, tc; Mexican, $Hc; bayou. t4& HUG AK Fruit and herrv. tit "X: Honolulu plantation, $i 10; beet. ;; extra C. $4.70; powdered, barrels, $3.4.; cubes, barrels, J3.20. COFFEE Roasted. In drums. l.-e$2e per pound. SALT--Granulate-!, $14 per ton; half ground. 100a. $ie.2 per ton; 10s. Ill per ton: dairy. $12. &t) per ton. RICH No. I Japan. IJUHc: cheaper gnde. 4Hc: Sotithe.-n head, 5"4ftle. UKiSU FRUITS Apples, lc per pound: apricots, 1:I4c; peaches, lolle; prunea l'.sllans. 8u 10c; ourranls. 1'Wc: ralalna loose, lluic.it'!. tiitme: bleached Thomp son, 11 He; unbleached Sultanas. 6 - : seeded. c; dtea. Persian. $s0 per pound; fard. $1.40 i.er box. FIO-J Boxes. IS lO-ounce. 85: 3$ II ounce. $2.23: 30 ft-ounce, $1.K: 70 4-ounoJ, $2.15: bmyrna. 40-pound boxes. 20c PrevbaoBa. HAM.-l 10 to 12-pound. 1$eiHe: 12 t i4-pounds, lfHQlc; 14 to K-pound. lVt ilUhc; skinned. l$Vsc; picnic 13c; boiled. !lc. BACON Fancy. :7tjtlc; standard. 319 $4c a 1JRT HALT CURBO-Facon. 1H920c: short clear backs. 14jlic; exports, 19 16 He. strips, litl'lic l.AHI) Tlerre l asts: Pure, 12 B13ie; compound, 10 fee. Hops. Wool and Hides. HOPS 1913 crop, prime and choice, 21r; 1!12 crop, numinal. PEuT8 Dry. :uc: Spring lamba 40OOe: 3t'x5tc lllft.S Salted hides, lie per lb.: salt k'l. ll'iI4'-: ealted caif. 18c: green hides. 12c: dry hides. '". w c . dry calf. 2.1c; salted bull. Uc per pouna; green bulis. WOOL, Valley. le17c; alastern Oregon, lletiiic. IIOHAIR 101J rll- :892Sc per pound. CASCAt'.A LAltr. Old aud new. 6a per pound. Oils. COAZt trfL Barrels. 13He; caaca, 17Si9 201-. tIAStl.lNE Bulk. lc: caaes, -3c; motor spirit, hulk. 1tc: casea 23o UNSUlll) OIL, llav, barrels. OSc; boiled, barrels, tuc; raw, cases, t&c; boiled, cases, 60c. TURVENTINE In case. 80c per gallon. GOOD SHOWING ID E Omission of Nevy Haven Divi dend Tests Market. , FALL LESS THAN EXPECTED 209 STOCK RUN IS LIGHT LOCAL. .MAIIKKT IS WITHOUT EW FK ATI Choice Hoa Are Holdlav Fairly b trad 7 at Top Qantatloa of VS. Cattle Unlet. Tit hwatock uitk't vras ilhout ntr feature. Thera wo m good run ot feoff but otlirvi0 receipt were llpht. Tra-lmjf In tli cat t to Ulvlsion a quirt, ritwfri Bold at $7.Z0 and $7.00 and rows rancfii tu pni from $t 10 17. I.lKtit hoii9 brvutrht S7.9A und SS miu heavy weight swld at l.9Q to $7..M. Two luth ot ewr were takvn at Hoip:it wtfr nevin cattle, two ca.vra. 7-3 hofrs and SO sneep. hiip r wer: Heorge K. Finley -Sr. Son, Keunewick, 1 car hutr"; M- -M. Uofto.-, Iow eil, 1 car hops: Robert MrCrow. Goldendal, I tar huff; Oforic Huib. Kdmoi.i, 1 car Iiok; Ke-iuiond L'n.oa Wart house Coiiipny. It. itmond, 1 t-ir hog; L lUcharUon. Wankiakui, 1 ar liug; F. B. Decker. i;rr vji, l car Civtt.e and bos"; -U. A. Brandts. Condon. 1 car rattJo unA calve-t; Will Hiok, Amity, 1 car ha and sheep: F. B. Decker, Slivfrton, 1 car Itokt ud sheep. The deks sa'es were as luiluu: r. Price.! 6 cow. . . " cow. . . V atTti. . 14 steers.. 1 stag S com s. . . 5 cow. . . 1 hull Itt.vi I -J IT i'i 4 :...4 '.-i:t .i'i f hogs. . . 1 hoi.- , tl J.utJ.. r 1 hog.... Kt hos. .. -"J I . v ea . . . ew- nm r.j' r.'io r'i I'M lol . ?.. 7i 7..V" h.lHi 3 hi The range of pncee fol:ovrs; Prirne steers st tbe yards waa as $7 7511 ) Cl'.olce steere 1 t 7.7$ M-tOUm s:e.ra TOOtJ 7.0 Choice cows 4 0OIS e.54 Medllirn COWS .................. SibO 4.09 Heifer. AOO l.lrht calves I l Heavy calves t oo,? 7 Ti Hul!s .00v 4.04 EUf .i .( t.lrThl'tT. T5W Ueavy .S0t 1 DO Sheep Wethers 4 00 & ts 4.0 Lambs 4.0s e.01) Omaha IJiestark Market. SOUTH OMAHA. Neb.. Ic 11. Hose Reeeintt,. H.'MNi; ui.rk't. sleady. Heavy, 7..V'7 .; lln-'. S7.losj7.00; pigs. 0t7. bulk ot sul's. S7.SOW7.H" lattle K'cetpis. s.hw: market, steady. Natl. sfers t.2."l i f..V; cows anrl h:f era. 3.77.7o: Wesi-rn steers. Jt.J57.8: Texas stt-ers, t .".. 7 10 rants cows and heifers. .v.'ifrl: c.ive.r lo. Sheep lte ip:. w.HW: market. higher. Tearlln-:e. H')4.T5; wethers, $4.616 0.00; lambs. 77.!i; ; 4hlrago Livestock Market. CHU'AUO. Liec. 1. C'atlie Receipts. Oooo; mHrket, eu'l-. IWvm. grt-.'iVtt .."-0: Tx .s sl-rs. il.tV'j 7.7i; Western .!.!. Vf a 7.7.1; stackers anil feeders. $4-Wl T.n.1; cows and heifers. (Hi'JS.W: calves, 7 u 11 1. Km Receipts. ftft.Orwi: market, slow an(1 strauy a; Ves'erii.y s average. l.iRhc. $7.3' yt.Ii; mixed. 7ii9".Si; heavy. 7.i'i 7.M: roagi. t7 .'-On 7.'!": pigs, Ji.jOell.W. bulk ef stirs. 17 ft.-. i 7 n. S'.ivep Hecelpls. O.ikri; market. slow. N.tlve. 4.?o s..v: Wewern. 4.ini .n: e.rlir rs. . 7 ..-.: limbs, native, t i.Z,s T .PO; Western. M. '.'. 7. HO. bAX f'RAM'ISH'O PRODftTB MARHJCTS 1 rices Qooted at the Bar CHj tar Vege tables. Krnit., Etc. SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 11 Tbe follow ing produce prlcvs were current here today; Cheese Neir. 17lT5c; Xoung A m.rlcas, litflio. e Krult Apples, r.ellf.owers, JlI3yl.H0; Xewtowna. II 2S1.3: other Tarleties. 40c $1.75: Mexican limes. HHi. pineapples. $l.SOS.M: lemons -. O. Kge 'ancy ranch, ole; store. 45c. Butter Fancy creamery, 3-c; seconds. aC Vegetables Cucumbers, T.lctj 1.35: green peas. it7c; bear.s, 4 0 So: eggpisnt, 4Pcu$l. Esits--Fat!cy ranch. 45ic; store, eoc. Onions JJ 2.4U. PotatoesOregon Burbanks, ."c3 $1.:5; HiMr Lc'ia v.-hitea, 7rcj$l.'i&: Salinas Bur banks, nominal: sweets. (1.10U1.40. Recelpta Fiour. J1 quarters; barley. M20 centals; potatoea, 3730 eacks; hay, Suo tona. Chicago Ilalry Freduce. CHICAOO, Dec. 11. Butter Higher. Creameries. SIU-M lsc to S4y:t1Sc El(i Lower. Kecelpta 31X53 cases: at mark, cases ncluied. SOU 31c; ordinary firsts. :b4lK; first le. Offering) Are I-rg and Short Sell ing Adds to Weakness Partial necorerles Are- tad in Afternoon Trading. NEW TORK, Dec 11. In -Hew- ot the fact that suspension o; Xew UVven divi dends had not been generally looked for It was the opinion of trader that that stork: snd tbe market as a whole made a fairly good showing today. N" Haven's extreme decline was SS points to 7S. the lowest price on record. It closed at tSTt. Relegation to tne non-dlvldend-paying class of a stock for many years a prime favorite of Investors, pnt the market to a severe teat. The blow was softened by the fact that dlslodgment of Xew Haven from Its former high position had been In prog ress a long time. It was a foregone con clusion that dividends would not be con tinued on the per cent basis, but the most common prediction was that pay ments would go on at a lower rate. The stock market, therefore, was called upon to absorb heavy sales of New Haven from disappointed investors. Large selling or ders csme In psrtlcutarly from New Eng land. The effect of these offerings was heightened by short selling, and trading In New Haven In the morning waa heavier than In any of the specuiatlv. favorltes. At the lower Quotation it met with support, and after the largest volume of offerlni-e had been absorbed tha price rallied slowly. Telephone and telegraph stocks were heavy, otvins; presumably to Washington re ports that Frestuent Wilson was consider ing Government ownership ot telephone lines. Pennsylvania was sold on tha theory hat betn; a large holder of New Haven stock it woultl suffer a loss of Income through suspension of the dividends. Pcnnslvanla and American Telephone sold at the loa-est points touched for a number of years. In various other places there were signs of liquidation. The volume of offerings for fore:gn account was not large. In the afternoon trading wae quieter and partial recoveries mere effected. Honda were Irregular. Total sales, par value. ll.toO.OOO. United Statea 2s advanced on call. CU3S1XO STOCK QUOTATIONS. Itepnrted by J. C. Wilson a Co., Lewis Ama? Copper . . Am Beet ugar. Ajn Can Co uo preferred. . A.m Car a: Fdy. Am Cotton Oil.. Am 8mel 4V Ret do preferred.. Am Surf.r do preferred.. Am T.I 4c Tel.. Am Tobacco . . . Ancotiua Atl Coast Lin j. . A T St t-.nta le do preferred.. P.ilt a Ohio ... H ook B Trsn.. Cauadlan Pac .. c a o o o vv ; a N w i. M i-c Paul. Cential Leather C-intral of X J Chlno Col Fuel & Iron Col Suuthern .. Consol tine .... i i. a w u a n o nistliling ecur. Erie, General Kleo .. lit North Ore .. ;t Nortli pf . . . Plinola Central, luierboro Met .. do preferred.. K O Kou'hern .. l.eligh Valley .. I'Uts A Nasb.. .M -Hi an Central M. H P a ti o M Mo PaclHc National Letd .. N.it Biscuit ... do preferred.. N V central . . . X Y. Out A Wee Norfolk Weet Norlh America. Norbern lac .. Pacific. Mall Pa. Iflc T ft T.. do preferred.. Pcnnsylvimia ... People's t;ss ... R.-sdlr.r KrintbMc S a I.. piouthern Pac Southern Ry ... T. ti oil L'mou PoclHo .. cirt preferred.. Fnlted Rue S T. U X Steel Cor.. do preferred.. Ftah Copper . . Va-l.'ir Chem .. Wabssh Wt-ctem Vnion.. Westing Elee . . Wisconsin Cent. BONDS.' Reported by Overbeck a Cooko C, Board of Trade building. Portland. Bid. Asked. Atchison general 4s Pi .H Atlantic Cost Line 1st 4s t 0S Rao gold 4s WV, H B RT4i br l V Cles a Ohio 4SS VIS. C M a Ft P gen Sa 1""' H'lSs U I col 4s US 2 Cal I r.s IX?. 1H O W tl Joint 4s . . K'le yeneral 4S 1 Int Mel 4't.s l.otiisxii'.e A Nsshvllle UPl 4S... t2 Missouri Puclfio 4s N" V C gen Sa - w N W lt con 4e - Xortbern Pacific 4s !'- ororon tihurt Line ref 4s H'.l1. Oregon Hy Nav 4s..... I'l's 4. 124c Mild, quiet. Cordova, 13C19MC. nominal. R.w nirir. nominal. Muscovado. 2,fVt e 8.04c: centrifucsl. S.4iQ3.S4c; molasses, a.70 V-io; refined, quiet. Metal Slarkets. NEW YORK. IMC 11. Lead quiet, 1.959 i.0o; London, fib. bpeiter steady. Gnsas.l.V London. (21 tm. Copper steady. Standard, spot and futnrea not quoted; electrolytic 14.37Stll4.SO: lake. 13.004 1.YK0. nominal: casting. H.'lOa 14.12 S. tin nrm. npot. ucrawr an'i- January. ST.5j7.SO: February. 7.50& J7.b7 S ; March. 57.600 37. o. Antimony doll: Cooksons. T.tOGT.oO. Iron quiet and unchanged. DnJuth Unseed Market. DULUTH, Minn.,- Dee. 11. Close: Lin seed. (L41H; December. $1.44; May, 1.50H. Cottoa Market. NEW YORK, Dec. 11. Spot cotton quiet. Middling uplands, 18.40c; gulf, 13.63c Dried Jrl-alt at Xew York. XEW YORK, Dec 11. Evaporated ap plies, quiet, but firm. Prunes, firm. Peaches, Uu!L Hope at Xew York. NEW TORK. inc. 11. Hops Steady. TRACE SHOWS CAUTION WHEAT OPERATORS SISPKCT M AN. IPVLATIOX OP MARKET. Closing Sales. High. Low. Hid. la.Puo 71S W ' ; 2-i 271. .MS 2'l; Swl SKi, 7- C7v, 2" 4j 43 U 4 tOrt .17 1 Hi V0 62 em '4 I'h'. )0 1U2 HU 11) ! 4.100 IIS HIT. 1 io 2 III .'43 ' 243 2O0 3 1 14 34 M4S II" J.fOO 3 Vi - X'-'S ...... ..... ..... t 4rnt Q2 '.'iH 4ol Nl's Ws T.5O0 2V4' S-.2 10O 07 o7 M . ilia 115 Will 91) VSH W- l.ooo 24 Vi 21 is 2 23 7' "17". 17-i 100 27 S 27 S 4e ..as eli afo Jei7 Ii7 JJ7 ...... . . . .. 7. 17H 400 ins tS lN J.siM) 2S 271-, 27 Va Hsi Hi J:W 2ii .I2is 32 S U2S 4UO 124 1. 124. 124 14 K'! (KOI 14S 1H 1S S.loO 5!i CS7 MS 2;t S.100 148 l-tT-4 H wi 100 ll- 11 "1 1R2 4U0 254 25 S 2.'.H 4.1 .100 120 119 4 lli4 I"'. 3110 134 3i4 W I"" 1.200 1H7U 10714 1"74 200 23" 23 21 'e not ...... ..... - 1.1 Vo'lOfl ln4 loS HI7H 2m llrt"-, llll's l1" BS.Iloo 1114W, !..-., lii:t4 100 17. 1' 1H R7S S e.lli 100 22 w 22 w 22 St 114 SI. SCO IMS 161 IMS e-S IT 4.Yf! ."'7's MS i 10.iv, inn Ji4S 1.hj 4s's S Is ' 2 sno IS s &S 7m hi o' ei eo 4S 4 1 stifle Tel iS. ........ ......... OaU fenim con 4s. ............... .. HS F'eading general 4s -s St L A 8 h r.l 41 7f Southern Pacific ref 4s aiS Southern Pacific C"l ee. ....... M Southern llallwar 5s ...1"0S S-t.ulhern Rnllwsy 4a 7ii4 I'nlon Pacific 1st and ref 4s... vt Cnlted States Steel 6a..... S Wet Shore s !S Wabash 4s , S Wisconsin Central 4s i n. ted titates 2s registered 7 I'nlted Ptstes 2s coupon........ P7 Cnited States Xs registered 10214 I'nlted Jitates 5s coupon 10-2V. rnlte1 states 4s reelstered liov, Vnlted ejtates 4" eoiipon llV's P4H 71S 74-1 A W2S 00 mi's 4 Alt, T"S Ml P lirtS v, 1 IK li. PS lorl" ion 1UH HIS Stocks at Boston. BOHTON. Dec II. Closing quotations: Alnluex MS'Nerada Con .... 14S Amnlg Corner.. 7i'S;Nlolselng Mines. A . I. Sm... l- North Butte 2!e Arizona Com .. RS;North Lake 75 cal a Artrona.. o,(oid Dominion... 44 Cal A llecia. .. .3I5 , Osceola S Centennial 13 Qnlncy 64 cop r.an Con Co S2S Shannon ....... 6 F. Bulet Cop M. Superior 22 X Kr.nklla IV, Suj a Boa MIn.. IVs ttranby Con ... A .Tamarack 2H Oieene Can.nea. IMle C K R M... aS I Roynlle (Cop) IT 1 do preferred... 41S Kerr Lake. 4S,t-tah Con s Lake Copper.... 5 l"t:ih Copper Co. 47 V U falle Copper SS Winona 1 -4 Miami copper. .. 21 Wolverine ...... 40 Mohawk S1 t Money. Exchange, Etc NEW YORK, Dec. II. Money on call firm. 2S(oSc; ruling rate. S: closing. 2Vi 1 2S. Time loans strong; 60 days, 5 S : 00 days, 5S : ix mouths. 6. Mercantile paper. 5Htt. sterling exchange steaoy; 00 days. $4.51; demand. 54.twl.i. Commercial bills. $4.51 U. Har silver, 57 Sc Mexican dollars. 44 Sc tiovernincm bonds firm; railroad bonds Ir regular, SAX FRANCISCO. Dec 11. Sliver bars. STSc; Mexican dollars, nominal. Drafts, sight. 1; do. telegraph. 5. Sterling In Lon don. 00 days, 4.81; do sight. 54.5314. LONDON. Dec 11. Consols, 7Hld; slWer, 16 ltd; bank rate. 6 per cent. Coffee and Sugar. NEW YORK. Dec. 11. The coffee market was quiet today, but ruled generaly ateady on reports of lesa pressure against the coat and freight market and scattered covering, the opening waa atasdy at 1 to 8 higher and the close steady at 5 to 7 net hlicher. Sales 21.00O. December. 9.3rtc; January, !i:5'V; March. .7c: May. 10.02c: July. 10.22e; September. 10.40c: October, 10.44c. 6-fOt sieady. Rio, No. 7, ci Saotos, Canadian rrcralcr In Cesilsi iVeck Will Sleet Grain Grvvsere and Deal er Who Favor Free) Wheat. CHICAOO. Dec 11 Too much unanimity on tha buying aide today In wheat made the trad auspicious about tha ad si sail 1 11 ty of Increasing holdings, or even as to retain ing what bad been acquired. Accordingly, the market which had shown a gain all around, closed easy at a range varying from HfjSo decline to a shade advance, compared with the n!ght before. Other grains showed a net loss, corn a 14th to Sc. and oa to StrSc In provisions the outcome a as unchanged to le cents down. Announcement that the Canadian Pre mier had set December It as a day on which to receive graiugrowers and dealers who were understood to favor free wheat had considerable to do with the checking of bullish sentiment in the wheat pit here. l.ater advices that reserves of wheat in Canada were smaller than generally sup posed did Pot greatly alter the prevalent feeling thai there was need for caution In regard to Investment. Heavy rains and bail damage said to be Interfering with the Argentine harvest, were Influential In lifting the wheat market the first halt ot Uie session. In the corn crowd reports of heavy ship ments to Chicsgo from Illinois, Iowa and Indiana started general selling. Oats followed corn, but did so more de cidedly on the down turn. Liquidating sales were noticeable In both December and May. Provisions lacked auppoiu ThrouKliout the session owners were disposed to unload. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. High. . ..f .! 5 .S . .? .trjs CORN. .. .7H .71-4 . . .TV .70 b OATS. . . .nns .. .V2S .42 MESS POHK. ..21. ITS 21.22S 2L10 . .21.20 2J.27S 24. 12 '-i LARD. ,.10.2S 10.M 10.7714 ..1L17S 11.1714 11.10 SHORT RLBo. Jan 11.15 11.15 11.02H May 11.32 '4 11.35 11.23 1'ec. May Dec. Muy Dec. May Jn. May Jan. May Low. t :. .P2 -70S .-.!s ..it 14 -42S Cloae. f-s .09 ts .Ml'l .42 S 21.10 2X121.4 10.80 11.10 U.021 1L25 Cash prlcee were: Corn tall new) No. t. 7IS872c: No. 3 while, T-ivTzKic: No. 2 yellow. 72 72Sc: No. ;i, ts7wSc: No. 3 white. 6!( 60c: No. 5 yellow. MS VSc. Rye No. 2. tt Sc. Parley, ftai7".c. Timothy. $4 95.26. Clover. $lU6- 14.50. Puget Nound heat Markets. SEATTLE. Wash., Dec. 11. Wheat Blue stem, 9Sc: foriyfold. Mc; club, t.Sc; life, iSc: red Russian, 2Sc Yusterday's car recipts Wheat, 27; bar ley, 1; corn, o; bay, t ; flour, 0. TACOM A, Wash. Dec. II. Wheat Blue stein. Vic: fortyfo'd, 83Sc; club, 83c; red Kusstan, S.lc Yesterday's car receipts Wheat, 21; bar ley. I; bay. 8. San Francisco Grala Market. SAV FRANCISCO, Dec. 11. Spot quota tions: Wnlla Walla, $1 li,(l. red Rus sian, 11.47 S tf 1.4XS ; Turkey red. $1.2S9 l.tVi: blues:em. 1 7 S a 1 .HU; brewing bar ley. $l.:ii S k4 1.40: feed barley. $1 So,- ; white oats. I.42S V 1.4; hran. 922 ii 22.50; ltild lillngs. t.Vuf31' shorta. (24..V25. Call hoard Barley Arm. December. $1.80UV bid: Mav. $1.37; January. $I.SOS bid. $1.314, asked. F.uropean (;rala Markets. LONDON, Dec. 11. Cargoes on pasaage, quiet. English country markets quiet. French country markets firm. LIVERPOOL. Dec." 11. Wheat Spot firm; futurvs. steady. December. not quoted. March, 7a 2Sd: May. 7s asd. Minneapolis timJa Market. .MiXNB4.POI.Irl. Dec II. Close: Wheat No. 1 hard. 87 S -"; No. 1 Northern, has trl7Se; No. a Northern. t3 S f 5 c ; No, a hard Montana, h."S fl-c; No. 3 a host, 51 tl iW lit: December. K4Sc: May, XT S C J'lax. l.l!tl I l. Barley, uncliangeU. THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND, OREGON UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Capital .... $1,000,000 Surplus .... $1,000,000 OFFICERS J. C. Art WORTH, r-rewtaeat. R. LEA 3AR5ES, Vlce-TfTewldeat. R. W. HCHMEER, Cashier. A. M. WRIGHT. AaarC Cashier. W. A. BOLT. Aaat. Csrahletr. I. S. DICK. Aaat. Caahler. 4 on Savings Maximum interest yield and the safety as biired by Government supervision are offered savings depositors by the lumbermens National Bank Resources, Seven Millions. Corner Fifth and Stark Portland, Oregon First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus $1,000,000 Oldest National Eank West ef tha Rcefcy Mount-aim cctiniE-riasT wjLarasaroN ktsv LADD &TILTON BANK XUt.bUs4.e4 1853. CsVpt(t4 i.tniNMi-Mi tiiMiiittmnl 1,000,000.00 Burplna . MrMM .t,sssitsMS4ssi 1,000,000.00 Dapotrit- J4,000,000.0w Commercial and Savings Accounts 4rSICER, tr. M. LewJd, Prealdemt Robert R H-irwaM. Aast Caahla award tooaingriam. -vica-reea , y. LavqavAgsL iaanir. n. uuneaiey, caanier. vk altar at. 1.00 a. a.sst. casniea. Corner Wat&larttm and TUrf 8treta. rain west portion; aiablo winds mostly southerly.' Iwaho Frldav fair. EUWAKU A. HEAL.-". District Forecaster. DAILY MKTrOROIAMilVAL. R:rOKT. PORTLAND, Iec. 11. Maxlrno-n temper ature. 41 degrees: minimum. 4V degree. River reading, A. Tsl., I Z feet; change In la.it " hours, o.t foot rise. Total rainfall. 4 P. M. t I'. M.. 0.10 Inch: total rain (all since Pepleml.er 1. 1413, 11.114 inches: MTinsl. 14.1.'; inches: defleleiirv 2.TTI To tal sunshine. It nilnutea; fsnsptbla. g houra 43 minutes. Jtarunicter ri-.Hrccyl to sea level at 4 P. M.. i0.lt ineheswi- THE "WEATHER. trTATIOKaV Bkr aa Boi. . . . . Boston a...... Ciigary Chti-ato lfnvr ......... Ir Molnet Tuiluth ....a.... Eureka Galvtxitot. Helena Jnrkonvll .... KantttaS City ... Isurir Am Anrlft . . . Marphfleld MvtlroM Montreal New Orlean .... Nw Tork North Hd ... North TakUna .. Phnt-nlx PACstlio Portland ....... Risft6rc fticramnto ..... Ht. LsOull flt. PtuI Salt 1.ak Sun Francisco S oktno Tii-omi Tatooah letand . Walla Waila Waahlnirton WlDatpo y Wind iln r Plate at weather. .Pt. cloudy j(loud Cloudy 'Clear I 44 0.OI 4.S Clear 4 O.OO 4 NTS' Clear 4 3 O.oo la NW Clear 4s O.ihi 11 NV pi. cloudy 4 O.0t"l rlW jClcar 4i o.Ou i: s 'clear 0.00 10 SW j-irsr hi 0.0'iils KSV Clear :-. ill 4 sw rt. cloudy I : n .00 12 H Iciear I 44 0.C0: I a ft. cloudy : o.eu 4 NC Clear s.o.o Clear I j:;h.ou! 4 w I 0.00 4 N K 0. 1 ;i calm 13 0.9t calm H 0.00 2J W . 40 0.no 4 NW;F"t. cloudy 11 u..i :i . le.r 6i):0.21 ao ?K U'loud? Si O.iKli calm Cloudy 70 .o( 4 NW'cirar 42 .! 4 "Clear SI O.Ini 1'XK Idoudy CO O.OOj 4 t (Cloudy bt S. 11 I V clear' t? 0.K( 9 SB Clear 144 O.OOi I SW .clear 42 9.00! 4 V Clear 4U0.11 4"W Icioudv I 4OO.0"! 4 NK v'loudy h( 0.0' 4 tTW cioudy 60 O.l 14 H r.aln JJ 0.001 4'SW 'clear ! O.oo! 4 N Iclesr 4.010V 'clear WEATHER CONDITIONS. One large high-pressure area Is central over the Korky Mounta.n State, and an other Is central over Tennessee. The ba rometer Is relatively low over the Canadian Northwest. Light rain haa fallen in West ern Washington. Western Oregon and ex treme Northern California, and light snow haa occurred In portions of tbe Lower Lake Heglon and the Middle Atlantic States. It Is much cooler In the New England States and the temperature. In the Kocky Moun tain and I'aclflo States as a rule have risen sllrhtly. i The conditions are favorable for fair weather In thla district Friday except in West.rn Oregon and Western Washington, where It will continue unsettled and proa ab.r rain. FO RECASTS. Portland and vicinity Friday cloudy with probably rain; variable wlnda bwcomtng southerly. Oregon and Washington Friday fair eaot. Kllonsbiirjf IMonccre. to Organize. ELX.KNSBUKG. Wash.. I've. 11. (t?peclnL) A Pioneers' Association is to be organiged here. Hon. A. J. Hpluwn. Mayor of North Yakima, and one of the earliest settlers in Kittitas. In worklnjr with local poople. Hia de sire la to mark aJl the historical spots in the county. A Far Reaching Service A groat many otherwise intol li"nt jx'oplo know a bank only as a place where their money will be cared for subjeet to de mand. ' 1 There are many ways iu which a bank can f-erve the bu.-i-hea and professional .man or the householder. To know these t-ervices you must put yourself in o position to use them. That means be come a regular depositor in a bank. We will be glad to serve you if you will g-ive us the opportunity. Security Savings and Trust Company Tifth and Morrison Streets. Government Cattle FOR SALE Pome B0 head pure-bred Callo way cattle, being the surplua oC a herd belonging to the Alaaka Kxperlment Stations, and consisting- of younir bulls, heifers and cows with calves at foot, now on ranch at I'hehalls. Wash., are offered for sale to breedera at reasonable prlcea. For informa tion write SIFT. M. D. SXOnGRASi. Cacaalla, Wash. TRATTEU-RS CdDE. .lAMBURG-K AMERICAN J.C.WILSON&CO. STOCKS. BONDS. (.BAIN AND COTTON. MEJdBtKn SEW YORK STOCK ECM 4NOE. II It At. BIIAHll OF TKADK. NtH W1KK tOI ION Kiril tM.k. TU. BTOtk AMI ltOM tXCUAXiK, I4N t'UANClaCO. PORTLAND OFFICE: Lewis Buildicg, 269 Oak Street. Phones Marshall 4120. A 4187. TRATiT.I.EIW CC1DK, The Canadian Bank of Commerce HEAD OFFICE Toronto, Canada. Established 1867. A general banking business transacted. Interest paid on time deposits. Letters of Credit and Travelers Checks Issued. PORTLAND BRANCH, Corner Second and Stark Sts. F. C. M ALP AS, Manager. TO SAX FRANCISCO. Toe. AXGEIXJ Ami sav lirx;o S. S. ROANOKE WKIXVK.-.DAY. IW. 11, P. M. (OOS 11 AY AND tlRKKA S. S. ALLIANCE TirrmsDAv, ikc. is. p. m. NORTH PACTFIC 6TKAMSHIF COL Itl-A TII1KD STBrrT rheaee lala ana A 1314. Steamer Service STEAMER HAS3AI.O Leavea Portland. Aeh Street Dock. daily except Saturday at 8:0ft P. JJ. Anlvea Astoria :00 A. M. Utvei Astoria dully except Sun day at CrOO A. M. Arrives Port land. 6:00 P. M. Make reservations Ash Street Dock or Clt- Ticket Office. 3d and Washington. Phones Marshall 4500. A (121 SYDNEY 1 9 S'US AUSTRALIA WEATHER FINE SAMOA AND SHORTEST LIKE SOUTH SEAS QUICKEST TIME SrJeadi-J it-amm. Lloydr, 100A1. (10.000 torn dlpL)af Sydney Shct Line -ejltnr eTery two weeki. J110 HONOLULU (Fi rcKX) SYDNEY J3C0 Rocjd trip, en-oad due. SVONEY KM. Various tuuri inrludicx Jva. China, Jsfin and Reurui Mis World. Send for W ler. OCEANIC t A CO, 173 Market SL, SAN FRANCISCO Over 400 Shipi 1.503i,8l3 T0X3 in tne jm, . ATLANTIC 1 SERVICE to LONDON, S PARIS, HAMBURG tSPatrirta.....Jee. IS, 13 noon H IS Pretoria Deo. U, S P.K. n . , . I Amrrlka Jan. C. 1 r. 3t. i reau;lTanla....jaa. 1,1 P.M.I 2nd cabin only. XH am burr direct. MEDITERRANEAN Madeira.dlbraltar. Naples a Genea &. S. tier eland (1T.OAO Tons) (Ort-ent-lna:a Cruise) Jan. 12, 12 noon S. 8. CtadnaaU tlT.OtiO Toss) Jan IT, 3 p. CRUISE of 93 DAYS to ORIENT INDIA ST. S.S.CLD1LAND tf0T,t From New Tork Jan. IS. 1S14. Cast Inductee shore eipiset a ad Write for Information. HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE 19 Powell St.. (S.o fTatic-.co, CeVi. ftouthra jtjvcuio t mv tb bl. 0.-W. R. fc N- Co, Nor. p ClTlCa u. ft- n. BurMtiKtoa Rout. .uk M Put Soma 4 Ky. o.. ieorsjr tf. fcrxmn, m WuH.. Port- lueawj Otosoo. TAKE a TRIP TO and Through The CANAL THIS WINTER TWO CRUISES Per SS. Kroaprlnaeaala eMle Feb. 2S and Mirrk 17. 1014, From Mew Orleans. Stopavera at Havana M'nba) and Kingston (Jamalra) $125 AND UP Applr for Pamahleta. Secure Rooms NOW Hamburg American Line 1G0 ronrll St TrraaHsK-a, or I.oeal It. R and Stt-amnhlp A cents In Portland. tMORTH LLOYD London Paris Bremen Kronprinseatsln Coil19 Jan. - Kaiwr Witheltu Jr O rosw . I . I K ronprlnxetv-vla Cci!ie . XI Put Mail SUlingB. trlrmn w .Dr. 27 Georta Vashlnffton. Jan. S T tlU,rtaroa Jma. I tBremea direct. fOn cabin ill. Baltlmore-Hrcriin direct; oo cab in T I X ft ; Wlnedai. Plymoutli and Bremen. a.IiDK9 on SATURDAY fur Tho Mediterranean Prinzes Irene. .Thursday, J-, ft Perlln Jan. it I. Through ratea from New Tura to p. t j Sonta eAmcnca, Via Europe. Krvpt. India and tha t; -v Far Sa.su Independent tnpa. f ; Aronnd the World, 617.70 ; FMrBt-cIa throughout (y- t Thre w mit-r cruu-ei to me PANAMA CANAL By S.S. -CHOSSER KI KFL LHar 4 AN. 14. t tu. 17. MAR. VJ. ltata SIM UP tl I. - l3 Crulees tnelude all porta of In-ter-stt In the West Indies. Write lor our new booklets. "To the Canal and Caribbean." Travelers' ( becks .od All Over tbe World. OEUUCHrt a CO.. Ueneral Acts.. , itrotulway, N. Y. 1. WEST INDIES & -a: COO! BT TfJTXK SteamabJa streak a a tee Salia from ainsworth Iock. Portland, at t i. id. every Tuesday evening, t reign t re ceived until 11 O'CLOCK (SOO.M OM BAILING UAY. raeneager tare: nrst- claaa, $10.00; bjcond-ciaaa men only). $7.00, ineludlnz bertn ana meauL l iraet otiu e LOWtR AINS WORTH DOCK. PORT. ULVU A COOS BAY STEAateUIP LtMi. L. It. KEATING. Asent. Pbones: iaam aow; A tXi'K-l bTEAMKKS f'OB Baa Frmnriee and Lm Aaaetre rVilU04.T CUAA'OIC S. 8. Beaver Mile 4 1'. it. Ilec 12. rt. H. Urar lee. IT. THE SAX IKAM tCO POKTLAND . CO. Ticket Office. Id anil Waging tea. willk U.-W. K. 4 N. C 2-heaa atarshaU aaira. A fUL ITEW YORK -PORTLAND) UOCLAK FREIGHT aBRTICS. Isi "aatsa aabadala Tta!s, AKEIlICAMAWAIIANS.iCO. tla antiwar Tirsant BMsW Jsaaa KTL JkJfi& K r