T1TE MORXIXO OREGOXIAX, FRIDAY, DECE3IBER 12, 1913. 21 roB rent. Rooni With Board. ALKXANDR CO CRT, Residence HoteL , - tHa tot- r A 4211. Mam 4411. Vh heat rrMe:ic hotel in the city. SulfMinl sing's room. Kates rfKoaablr. Kmm With Board In Private UtniiirA. JiJW'.Y furnished room, sttractivo home. excellent table, hotue comfort use of 4 0a nor and piano, aio room with fin 'I leepipg porch, only six minute' to busl i nes district; f!rst-c!aa "d very reason able tLin.k. 311 Hth. Phone Mar. p73. . vTHA iari-e front room fur two young xnn; atso one maller room; itry moU- m conni lenoe. very bet horn cookie. Phone Ksst 4il0. JV.iR y pleasant room, w : :h use of kitchen or with l-oarr! If desired; everything new. ren!ent modem; pleasant, homo- e place. 02- Everett. n-r L'lst. like MCELY furn.ahed room w ith board, salt able for three. Separate beds, piano and home comrw; iso young lady wants a roommate. Hl Uth. Mam tfGM. OARO ad room for - In private home; convenient to X carllne; bath and ph.me; re a a b:j trm. Phone Wood la w a 1 3 i . 5.00M and board for four; everything mod em. wa.klng distance. very reasonable rat-. i(22 loth st. M. 7, A 2h6. CICELY f:irnihed room. with board: suitable for two gentlemen; between i; and !? at 427 Clay. Vi'MAN wants to board and room one -r two people; tAo nice front rooms. 3104 .h it. S. E. Main 717. A 11 7. i;uoM and board tor small child; food home. C g4. " ROOM AND BOARD. " " -"-o IK VI NO ST. Tv ELL-FURNLSHED. ai-y room in --itrlrtLy modern home; home c.Kkir.j5- " Everrtt. i.cOM3 with board. 7 1 2 KImiu-r t. Main 1"47. In mornings and after :: V. M. S 1 1 ROOM ai.J board; Writ Side; for 2 ladles: also slns;lu ro-'m. A 1317. 1TRNISHED rooio with board. sleeping porch. 3-D Uth s:. l'hone A 1I3A. ROOM, board, two gentlemen, private bomo. . sleeping porch. 57ti Iadd ave. Kast -.13. , sleeping pori tioOD room with boril, ern. Kt 4-'li. H p-;r week; mud- koOM and tahlo board. vv K. Ankeuy t-. Mr-. i;oldard. 'URXItiHED front rooms, wi'h or without board. Oibbs. Mam ttli4. 'irnfebed A partment. rrp. FP.EE ATTOMOBri.E. AT YOLK SERVlCr: WHKX HUNTING APAKTMENTfl. Furnished and nnf urnlnhei apartments. - Troui 2 to a room!, from $"'( to per month. If you want one, telephone Main : 'li, fcucda:-, or A 201$ KvenltiK call Mr. Balden. Marshall 'JZOQ. fnr autonioijile will call at any addre with our Sft'en:. who will b clad to show tiie aparunent. Referencfs required. own or control tbs followUia: fecllta. 2lM and ;iisan sts. .'Uypool. 11th and flay . oiumb!a, 31th and Columbia, k Komham. JTO I'ord. 1 Xaotnorn, 215 lth at., near Main Hanover. lWi Kir- t.. near Vahlr.jcton. ' Knlcktjrootkor. 410 Harr:jn. near lltli. Ordcrleiich. S2 Grand ave. Kt. Clair, 170 -St. Clair st., near Waah. , -t. Francis. 21st and Hyt sts. Ve!!tnKton, lG:h nn-1 Fverett .ts. V" MOKOAN. FUEUN'EtC liOlCK. 1 ' Sl:-':i Morgan Mlg. i'Hd BARKER, cor. 2lt and Irvine; its. This new four-wtory brick now open; fur t msbed and unfurnished in 11, a and 4- room suite: reception hall. eictrlc auto matic elevator. Mo.mci rilsappearli-.c ieis, bulit-1n bufiet and writlnr d'sk. khs ranse. , Icebox, plenty of closet rooms, both c.ione. vacuum cleaner free to ratron. If you waut oiiiethin:r nice, come to rn narnr. fipe a t.-M, .viarnati -ti. STRANOKR TRAY, KLKR T yon want a home while In FortlandT Lai:y. weky or monthly rates. Ton will alwavs find comfort, conven ience and courteous treatment. and be close to the renter of the city at the W II EELDUN A N . LA, 10TH AND SALMON" S 13. TRIKITT PLACE APARTMENTS. l-57 Tnnfty 1'iate. The finest apartments on the Pacific Coast. wi;u evt-ry modern convenience; apartments furnished and unf uraiaaed ; terms rasonauie; referem- reijuired; fur i n is bed bachelor qu.rtei with ciubroom. M nn.iKvr. M a r j h a '. 1 1 1 " 1. CUMBERLAND. W. park and Columbia ts., very choue and S-roni completely fur nished apts., all mucirra convenience, beautiful lM-a:bn fa.ntij; the parks; 5 mln ote walk r r mi busings' center. We al wav maintain our reputation for flrst clas. dean apt!., with bet of service, at reasonable prices; references rM"tred. WA L K I nTIi MSTANT k" " P.EX ARMS APARTMENTS. ISth and E. Morrison sts,; 5-torv fire proof bldtc.. til two and threc-rom fur nished and unfurnished apts. ; automatic elevator, balcony, tile tathrooma. ail latest Improvements, rates $;," to (3.. VIT.LA tT CLA R A. I'Jth and Taylor. Most modern apartment on the Pacific Coasu Furnished complete. P. oof rartien in connection. Walking distance. References. THE VHSHt'K. 2th and L'pKhur ts. Fur nished 2-room apts., $15, 1 1 S up; steam heat, hot and told w a t -r In every apart ment: public bath, tslecir::, liithta, as rar .;e.s laundry-room, all tre. una 23d or "W" car north. Phone Mam 5".o. TflE CROUWELU Fifth and (.'olumMa. ? and C -room ijir:nirnti furnished; st.-ictly modern and new; reference; close walking distance; service first-class. GLEN COURT APARTMENTS, Corner lark and Taylor. Best locution In the city : well fur nished in and 4-room suite; firsts class service. SAVE? PF.it MONTH. Three large furnished rooms. $22,Srt. ln cluu.iiiK' tablo and bed linen; largo room; on rar!'Te; ste this sure. Tabor East 13J2. EV YoKK APTS... nueiy furnished, very central, 2 and 3 rooms ; iar-cn kitchen, bath, heat, iipht and both phones; li to pt-r trionth; also sleeping rooms. E. Tth and Belmont. fcF.E the Overton Apartments, furnished and unfurnished, cheapest and best In the city; private phone, bath and electric elevator; no lr.id rKJin; nw matiHucr. Take "V car. 'JTM :ist and Overton. GRANDEST A East Stark and tlrand ave.. rttw buiidin-;. nicely furnished; private phone and latus, automatic elevator; nitT.T- prices; walking; distance. l'hone East -OS. TUB WINSTON, 341 14th si., a: Mr.rkot. N w two and three-room apartmerts, completely furnisher!; walking; distance; nrl- e reason ahlc. Phone Main 17&!. I'HE AVAI.o.N Nearest to 1'nion lt-pot of uil Kaxt Sub? a pta. ; 1 beaut if nl .".-room at with porch, now vacant. East lltV7 ; "" Ro-H jit. LINCOLN APTS.. 4 Tli AND LINCOLN. All outMde --room fur. upts.; low rates Include free llfht, heat, private" phone. S' or 1th-st. car south. Main 1377. THE M'KINLKV APARTMENTS. Fast 7th and Morrison st. cry central. 2 arid 3 -room apartments, furnished com pletely; private baths; room $20 to ?21.A MADIS N" PARK A PA KTMEXTS, Park it, at Mad! Hon. Modern S and 4-room furnished apart ments; rates rtiasonab'e. ihK t:HKTCPA, 1Sth and Flanders ts., 'J and room, furnished or unf urntsned apart ments; food Janitor service and lots of hot water. KOSENFKLD APARTMENTS. Corner 14th and East stark. 'ppo:tte WasuiiifEtn H sh School; 3 ro'm furnished apartments East 3 7(J. i ''A-jyvE LT " ro-jnis. nt-al and hot waier; ru-o arrunped, 3-.Hfc j.-r month. Port land Trust Co.. or janitor. ei Kearney and '.Mm sts. A Fl'RN 1SHED 2-room apartment with steam heat, hot and cold water. llth and r.a-t Hroadway. ONE completely furnished C-room front stea tit -heated apartment only $J0 pcr rrionih 17 17th st.. rrar Yamhill. TVi K KLURENCE. StiS UTH ST. Elcant 3 and 4-room front apartments, comp;-te,y furtiishe-i; walking distance. TUB WHITNEY. Ararttneuts for m a and business V'vm-ii. X4'i and Msrket. ANGELA APTH. Jt9 Trinity Plate; '2. 3 and 4-rom fur wihe. ap:t. ; prtvst bath and phone. BL'ENA VISTA, ltth and Harrison 2 and 3 room apart ments; best service. Apply 011 premise. THE STANFIELD. New. 2-nc.tu apts.. light an1 ca in clnded. ?15 up. u4 Porter at. Main 7ol2. BANNER Apartments. 4S! Clay t. ; modern two rooiu eotnpteT furnished; Jlti, $1 aid $20. U a -shall "J 07 4. THE BIRMING H a"m7 3!s"" 12(h at., one two room furnished apt. Marshall 4-. THE MAKl.KOKOT-GK. 'jlst and Flanders. 5-room. every convenience. Main 7il6. KIN DAVIS APTS.. 7.4 N.vlns;. "j'and-4-room. hlgli-c!ss; reterence. Main 20.". ONE 2 ad .".-room, furnished or unfurnished. ; The BJelland. A 1M7. MaJn 1S7. MODERN 4 room furnished apartments: at-am-heated. iettel Orjg; Co. THB BIRMINGHAM. Sort 12th t.. .t-r-xrin fumlsued baeuicut, J4. Marsaaii 4L FOB RENT. I nfiimldiid Apartment THB "VASHTNGTON, ttt NorthruD 5 -room unfcrtltlinl apartment, with bath and all tnck-rn cotivf-nicnr.', telephone. steam hea. gas. electric light, etc. Take W car to 211 and Northrup. Phone Main 42i7ti. FoP.DHaM APAllTMKNT?, 170 Ford St.. nar iVefhlngrton Tu best n. 4 end rooia ipartnit-ras la the city for the mor.er. finished In mahogany and oak. handiomcly ptpf wa::e, elegant til hn:hooiis; rent from $oi to $.''. ;5 DAVIS fcT. We tare one top floor duplex apart tnent eft In our new seven-story fire proof ou tiding-: cunt-irs I rooms with 2 (i-ptiucs. will ciecorste room to suit tnan:. Apply on premises. MCKKTIA CoL'KT Or Lucretta t.. no nil of Washington b.t residence dieerict. walklne d. stance opt- court; finest unf urn I "Lied, apt.. if to . joomt; rat reasonable; rwrencei Mrr.. Mar. loU. Janitor. Mar. l."VH. UAAi'VER APARTMENTS. King and Vah- I itron streets Absolutely tire proof, new, .node rn. sanitary ; tw o or tnree-room apartment?, with bath, from $2 to fjt., private balconies. oiiEKFILD APARTMENTS. 272 1 road way, tornor Jefferson; easy waiklns; dl tance: J or 4 rooms, with private batht very reasonable rent; best service, spteu d'd arrangeineiit. All outside rooms. KEEBF.K APARTMENTS. 14T11 AND CLAY STREETS One of our best 4 -room front corner suites, unfurnished ; references. R-efe; KKIfc-NH Cor. H road way and Jeffer son. Klegant unfurnlAhed ajaruiienls; f.rst-clfcr.3 service; private phone; re. THE DFZfcIN DORF, 28 10th. near Taylor. Main. 47P5. 5 -room furnished and unfurnlsiiVd pta KINOSlil'itr, Kord ne.r Washlnston; h nh class. unfurnished apartments. 3 and 4 ro"ii, private baicony. reasonable rent. WALDOHF COVTtT. lKVl.NuTON Ninth and Schuyler F1r room, unf urnlxhed. K 54 T. C Hats. WKT SIDE. 6-ruom corner flat, very de- iraoia neiarnoornooo. every convenience, f ireplare. alatinn-iry tubs, hot w ater coll In furnace, very reasonable rant. -01 2-d. phone Main 1) or call at 104 2d U 6-RuuM flat. 7 SO Gils an it, near 23d at. car; new. modern, convenient: narawooa floors, fireplace and furnace.; select neigh borhood. Morsjan. slleilner St Hoyee, i13 .Morgan b!(ig mvi.Mjtv. r 1 a 1. 5 rooms and sleeping porch, private front pyrr-h, fireplace, oak floors. 1 block to car. 3J4 E. 14:h N. Call afternoons. LfOWEK flat. $20: ruonu; io lioyt st. fte Mr. Hyde, janitor. s-t. Fwucl Apart, m-nia. 21st and lioyt t. -RouM flat with all convenience-; Dutch kttch-n : includuis; fuel, phone and Lftha t.O. Ste) 'hatman st. M il'KilX 5-room lower f.at; rent $l-; 113 1 F.at 17th st. n'ar Belmont. Phone Mar- snail 4317. blX-KuOM moOrn flat, choicest location. West lde. inquire 175 loth at., corner Tamhlll. CONVENIENT. Wtrll-Iooated Vrooru fiat, gas stove and ga heater; reduc J rent to Kood tenant. C'Ji Everett, nr. 21st. I'hons Kast K HOLLA DAY ADDITION Jautiful flat. Call 412 S V aco st. phone East SMjS. Mt DKRN 5-room uwer flat, w Ith 1 urr.aca. E. lih, bet. it urn-id and Couch; I'Ji mo. MODERN 6-roon upper flat. Wast Side, In quire 629 Everett C MODERN 6-room upp-r fiat. West lde. In quire r2: Everett st. SWELL 3-room modern upper flat, 2oo G. n. cor. Hawthorne, Phone B 214. tWEI.L d-room flat: furnace, fireplace; all modern convenience. East 6-RuOM modern upper Cat. 7VS Irvia; t., near 23d. Kev at corner sjrocery- NEW. modern 5-room upper fiat, reducl to 77i Kait Ash t. phono U li;. G-Ki 0f flat. .2.&0. 3-H Second street. Fornlnbed FIacsl FINE, completely furnished 5-room f'at. West tilde walking distance. &ee Mr. Keeley. L'mJ Oak at. CP-TO-DATE 5-room furnished flat with al conveniences. in very choice location, walklne; distance; reasonable rent. 3-51 Mill, near W. I'ark. l'hone Main 4u3.t. Ft'LLY furnished four-room flat for rent, one Hock from Lnion ave.. No. .'ti7 San Kain- st. : water, pUon and Karbaxe re moval included. East oS7. Fl'RN ISH ED 3-room flat, hardwood floors, tile bath, f Irepiace, sleeping poreh. Dntch kitchen, fine location, Slo Glenn ave. Phone Main 6103. fi VE-R iMEL flat. furnlsh-d. clean and desirable, ail outsklu r--tnj ; Kan. ba: h. hot and e.dd water. E. O-H1. 77- E. Tavlor. Only $20. M'i'KH.N' 4 -room In walklmr distance. 2J Ros. $25 per month. Wood lawn 1H59. i-l'oi.'ii upper rint. near 2id and Johnson, $4.'.. Phone M arhall IW.. Klouekociln; Kmibii. The Beaver, luth and Marshall sts.; fur nihed for housekeep'ns; ; gas raitce, elec tric lights, hot water, bath. laundry free, $12 per month up; a clean place, best in the city for the money ; short distarce from Union Depot. Take H or lt;th-st. car north, pet off at Marshall. No clog. $l.r0 TO $2.7S week; clean. .furnished house kef-ping; rooms, suitabl tor 2 or 4; tree heH, lnundrv. bat h. yard, ras. Phone E. lo3. 4d Vancouver. 2(0 Stanton. U ear. THE rPsHt'R, 26lh and Cpehur. lurnfshed '.'room apts. ; steam heat, 1U M ; $15 up M:nn 3 Take "S." 23d or W" car north FLRNInUED housekeeping rooms, gas and electric light, cheap. 22 ahington, room 20. NEW. furnished bouse keeping rooms; beat. light, bath; $1.V Ilt'i. Union ave. ROYCREST, 17S I2th. large rooms, furnace heat, complete for H. K-; all convenience. THE OILMAN, 1st cor. Aider; furnikbed housekeeping rojir.s. SI.rw week up. FL RN1SHED h. k. room cheap. Cambrldg tldn., :;d. cor. Morrison. Phone M am 4.. Housekeepiujc-Koonas In private Fam 1 1 . BEFORE looking for rooms, ho'.uif keepiiig. fumlsned or unfurnished, in prtvato fain 11 y, ' also furnished and furnished Hats, houses, a pta., etc, call and see our large and cornpiet list; we save you time, trouble and mon-. No cont to j ou. i-OKI LAXI RENTAL Kt RE AT.". ii- liroud way Uc(. Main i '.L ' LIST YOUR RKMS WITH IS. Si'I.HN'DlD houekfe-pinjr rooms with Dutch kitchen, heat, water, lights, um of phone, laundry, lawn, first-class location ; "" car from Cnlon Depot. i.td, ttth-st. cars; walking distance to city proper: $2li to $ week; rates by moutlu &10 Couch St.. corner JMh. Wi MI I.I- near W. I'ark Nicely furnished H. K. rooms, modern, in very choice loca tion, walking utMapce. reasonable rent: si-o nice furnished room. l'hone Main 4033. V E have two clean, well furnished rooms, kttchenotte, gas, bath, hot aiid cold water, near car, talking distance; 110 otner roomers. 772 East Taylor. East O20. ATTKACTIVK. wl!-f uruiahed front room, thoroughly modern, private borne ; excep tional privilege-, to agreeable couple; very reaonable. Kast 3o44. TWO-ROOM ulte, complete for housekeep ing, new house, free lights, heat, laundry and phone, running water, Sunnys'de car. lltJS Hoimont, corner Kat i'.Kh. H 2ot2, A GOOD home for responsible coupl In private family; everything furnished; modern aud close in. II E. lth N. Phone East 2-. N lv ELY f urutshed. eiose-lo housekeeping suite, cheap, also single room wltli alccp- Ins porch. 533 Yamhill. ONE large front IL K. room ar.d kitch -nette; running water in room; hot-water neat. .4 1 garrison. Main 4SS7. 443 COLUMBIA ST.. 2-room li. K. suite. very large; steam heat and phone; fine piace to taunaor. 13 1STH ST. 4-room completely furnished entire, first floor, modern, adults. Taoor 119$. Main 7 J. 3 Yeon bldg. ONE large room, running water, heat, light bath. oO Madison. TWO nicely furnished front It. one smgle, very reasonable. 404 Park. TIJREE f urn iahd housekeeping room $14; a Iso room and kitchenet te 1 . a To 1 th. TWO large, light, furnished houK-keeping rooms, clean, convenient, 30 College. TWO cosy housekeeping rooms, cUse in. $0 per wet-a. .n nrngiivay SUITE of 2 attractive front rooms. 3 or $ a lalts: close In. &S5 Yamhill. 200 N. 10TH, near Marshall Niceiy fur nished room; beat light, bath and phone. THREE clean, neatly furrtlided H. K. rooms reaj-onabie. S"6 E. Stark. East B014. TWO furnished housekeeping room. 423 Eat Ai'i. Phone East 4-":. Hoaitea. HOUSES to rent In all parts of the city. HACKER A THEKKBLSKX, 36 Spalding bldg m. 7A9X MODERN 8 -room house, 6P9 Flanders, near -'.i. fnon Main to. or East V.i. LA RG E six-room house, walking d istance. near f nooi; timram ave. MODERN 7 -rooms, fnmlshed or unfurnished. iui r.. i-a is . vs oooiawn sal 1. 5-ROOM houa. 70$ Davis st.. between 2lst I and ::d. Marshall Ji9. Main $$. NOTICE!. Classified advertisements, to receive proper classification in the next day's issue of The Ore gonian, must be in The Oregonian office before 10 o'clock at night, except Saturday. Closing hour for Sunday Oregonian will be 9 o'clock Saturday night. Business office of The Oregonian will be open until 10 o'clock at night, as uraal, and all classified advertisements for the next day's issue received too late for proper classification, will be run under heading "TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY." FOB REST. Hon. BOARDING AND ROOMING-HOUSE. 14 ROOMS, TWO BATHS. We have Just finished putting this bowse In ftrst-cluss condition by remodeling, painting and tinting, both Inside and out; situated at E. 2;th and E. liurnslde ts., only two blocks from the E. Ankeuy street-car barns, make t:ii Ideal lor a private boarding and rooming-house; rent $40 per month. MALL Ac VON PORSTEL, 104 2d st.. Lumber Exchange bldg. 5-ROOM bungalow on corner lot. 1 bile to car; hardwood floors throughout. Ex ceptional value for $20. Call Main SJGS. FUR RENT Modern house, & room, sleep ing porch, hardwood floor, built-in booK cai.es, etc.: fireplace, furnace, whit ena mel Dutch kitchen. East 2'ld and Sal mon. FOR KENT. 5-mom cot tag", H7 Idaho st.. newly tinted, fine yard; rent reduced $16. Mc Kinley Mitchell. Phone M 2i:il. A 2131. -ROOM modern houe. partly furnished. 715 East liurnslde, $30. Phone !ain ". and Marshall 2711. or apply to fk. MoCal man. wa Front st. LAURELHURST. "For rent or leiiwe. eletant modern, 8 room residence, with bliliard room, tiled bath and garage. l'hone Tabor 1381. KiNK ."-room modern house. Giuan at., splendid garden and fruit. Winter' wood supp'y; reasonable. Phone Main ll."t. A VERY desirable d-room modern bun; low; the car service tnakt.- it close In. all Tabor 4 .-. DoUILE hou.e. Montgomery L. near 4th; 22 rooms, srto. If. A. Holmes, 00 Ueck bldg. l'hone Main 6o22. B can rent your house for yon. HA' KER A THERK.ELSEN. 8041 Spalding b!dg. M. 7S92. ATTRACTIVE bungalow. Hawthorne dis trict, furnace, partly furnished. Marshall 24 5 2. 7-jtoOM house, w alk ing distance; furnace ; $jr: in Holllday Addition. 371 Multnomah, n-ar Union. Phone K 1st t"i4. WEST SIDE $1 and $-: 5 and t-roora cottages at 10S and 170 17th t., near Morrison. Cord Sengstake, 80S T4-in bldg. Moi'ERN 7-room bouse, N'orthrup near 21t, $40 month. Vanduyn sc Walton, bia hamber of Commerce. I RVINGTON. 7-room modern houso for rent. Phone Msln 7f'-'2 or Marshall 57f-6. 3-ROOM cottare 17 Overton t. $15 per month 2o2 S:nck Fxchange bblg.. 3d and Yamhill. Key nevt door. Main 621. M DERN ti-rooni hu fireplace, furnace, sas range. wat-r ht-ater. 7.-l E it Main. RO.-E CITY PARK, 4-room house, near car and school. 41J East 54th N. HM S !: of 5 rooms snd bath. V E. ltth North. Inquire Mo tt'h st. Main $;t C-lt4.HM eot tage. yard, roses, w alklng fltstnne. l'ji r.. lu. 1 ii'ino r.. u 1RVINOTON HOMES for rent. East 27X v. it. Hero man. M'ILiN 8-tlixdI nouse. electric light and c: Bin frna.e. '. EH st. i-iiMjM cot taire. $1. In good condition, near car Kat V H J44. $15 5-J-tA.M modern house, strrrt, near car. phone Main Impro ed ri7. TWO 8-room modern house. 771 Hoyt and 740 Irving, both near 23d st Main 6317. NEVV b-room buugaiow, furnace. Qiepiace, S. . corner .Md anrl r. hTonkiin. MODEIO 5-room bungalow. Sunuyslde di- tiirt. Tahor 44. Rent $11. Famished Uouw 271 WEST Hroadway. near M.iditon, 4, 5 snd b-room apartments, new ly and an beautifully furnished : new Wilton car pels. Circassian walnut and fumed oak luri.iture. upuoioaterea wttn pnin lea'.iier. arrand for subletting part if dei red; r nt $25 and $4u T WO neatly furnished bungalow on K. B3d and Tiopett u H mors; rrom v. R. carline; 2i-mlnute rid-: $20 and $J2 f.O per mo. Caii security iNeiopmnt co. cor. 4th and Pin t. Ask for Slrard. FURNISHiCD compl;eiy, &-room cot tag a on E. 3tu St.. block from W. R. car line. For particulars call Security Devel opment Company, cor. 4th and Pine sts. Ask for Mr. S.rard. $.5v-5-ROOM modern cottage, good loca tion, clore la. East Side, clean, and cosy. Tel. C 217V WIDOW, living aione, will rent o large cl.ecrful furnished rooms, piano, nicely lo cated. 1V0 E. 47th, south Hawthorne ave. CLEAN, coir 5-room cottage, furnished. J-4 Williams ave. $22 par mo. Key lulW Williams ave. li FURNISHED bungalow cpltnoi, Haw thorne district. Call 375 E. 4jtu SU. or 42S Lumber Exchange. MODERN B-room bungalow on river north oak Grove; low rei;t. G 6.14. Oregonian. COMPLETELY furrlahed 8-room house In Irvir Kton. cm carltne. East 4384. COMPLETELY furnished room bungalow. Tabor Mi4 after $:") A. M. A N fCELY furnished &-ruom cottage. Call 414 College at. $16 4 ROOMS, furnished, bath, near two car;in. WoodTawn Sole. $40 Mallory gve. WK HAVK furuu-hed houses at ail prices. Main S3t'S. Stores. Si' ACE IN MODERN BASWM KNT, venti lated and well lighted; N. W. corner 4th and Alder sts.; suitable for cafeteria, printing shop, etc.: reasonable rent. Mor gan. Fliedner Boyce. 813 Morgan bldg. FOR RENT. Ground-floor room, suitab'e for any kind of shop or small factory. 3'x7 fL, Wat-r s;.. near Morrison; re:ionable rent. Inquife .r.-'i Chamber of Commerce. Main loOO. STORE, brick building, Belmont near Grand ave. HARTMAX THOMPSON", Chamber of Commerce Bid jr. FOR RENT Store No. 24$ and 250 Haw thorno ave. ; east cud of bridge. Apply Hawthorne Dock Co. Phone East 2001. FOR STOilKf. FLOORS AND ULIGrt., SEE W. li. W E R Ft. OOi Yeon bldg. Main 4B13. Bi;ii'K store, corner J It h and Hawihorne. for rent. FalrcMId. 232 Hherlock. Offices. OFFICER in HEART of CITY st price very reasonable. SUITABLE for M E RCA NTtLE and J KOnx-lONAb purposes. Arranged to suit t-nanu-. o3 H wet land bldg. DEK Rm )ti. jer month : both phones, vault, lavsiory. a 15 Oregon tan bldx. W a re bouse. oAriAGE for r-nt. 122 K. Everett. Misoellaneoaw TWO second -floor locations, suitable for If xht manufacturing; central. Inquire loufe Front st. TO LF.AKK. Fl K LEAj-E Build inc. will turn over our lviso without any charge; on Front at. ; 21.2O0 q. ft, space. For particu'ars csll urity Development a, cor. 4th and I'ine fits. Ask for Sirard. BVM.VKSS OPPORTtXITIKS. LKOKJ", $'rf and you pay last year taxes buy my fou- town lots In Wasntngton 'te. a L .!. oregonian. $Li5 PUTS yon into restaurant clearing $4 day pet. 3u3 Iumber Bxchange. RESTAURANT, with RvluK-ruin rent $U3. bax.aln. First U DIHNEW OPTORTCNITIKf. PARTNER WANTED. Do you want an Interest In a strictly cai buslnes with a man who 1 tired of hired help and want partner? Open for Investigation; $200 required. Call room ft 15. Lumber Exchange bldg. FOR BALE One of the best heating, plumb In c and sheet metal bust nesse in the Willamette Valley; Invoice at about loood; clearing about $0oo per year. IU take $3ooo cash to handle. If Interested, end Inquirle AV 61, Oregonlsn. ONE of the best planing mills In city ned more capital to care for increasing busi ness; right man with $0uo to $iow can secure worKing interest. PACIFIC INCORPORATORS' CO.. 315 Selling Hldg. AX established manufacturing businesa; showing profit of $200 monthly: busy all the time: trade growing continually; $1600 secures It: bear rigid In ve ligation. 819 umsrr Kxcnsnge DlUff. HAVE very attractive proposition for a good aleemau with $2.t"0 to invest for working Interest In a well-established business. PACIFIC INCORPORATORS' CO., 315 Celling Bldg. I0 you want a drug store, a god paying proposition. long established and at in voice price? We've got It, and It will pay you to investigate. 319 Lumber Exchange OHlg. PARTNER for good old solid office bu.d nes to attend to office end; must have references ; thl office clear $3io month an way; $100 required. Lumber Ex change. HOTEL, doing fine businei atrlctly mod ern, newly furnished suites, batb. etc., close Poatof f Ice. Term $7.VO down, bal ance easy monthly payments. M tronisn. FOR JALK Well established business In a good city of 70O0; bet location In town; good payroll. Clearing from t:H to $7h) per mo:ifh. Good re.mon for selling. Wilt - pell all or half Interest. AV 70. Oregonian. GRO ER Y, no competition; clear $7i weekly: finest Iwcat ion in Portland : in voice about .to;i: to se thla place la to duv it. 19 Lumber r.xcnange ouig. HkjL.IL business; owner wants a partner he cau depend on to tend ofiice, oversee me hop, etc.; will guarantee you $-100 month. :ul I room Morgan bldg. FOR SALE The best pool hall In state; good business: good town: 8 1 soo rash. A d dre A. E- Thcbdesii. Grand Union Ho tel. 37 H East llurnsldw. STRICTLY cah storo for al; can depend on clearing $10 to $'.'00 every month and you can try 1 11 e business before you buy. a!l room 1? Morgan bldg. DoN'T flicht competition; g-t exclusive sale for Oregon prole ted article to sell trade, $ :.ry pruiit on rn It saiu;; $.'00 will han vllo. l'hone East S'9. $7."o LUVS half interest in going grocery and confectionery bulnM; ojrg lady owning this buslnc cannot handle alnn-; experience not r.ecifary. P. O. box ri.i. V)REST GROVE RESIDENCE. One. acre; paved street; J. blocks from main re-t : $n cash, balance terms, tk F. Via, M. !.. Ituxton. Or. FR HALE A pa lug furniture buinej. with a grocery sideline. In a good country tow n ; terms and particulars on applica tion. AV ii7. oregonian. GROCERY store, doing nice business, ail clean stock; will Invoice; if von want a bai sain. Just look this up. l'hone Tabor S14H. H 2445. YOUNG man wanted to attend office; amall investment; fully secured; psy better than $100 per month: pleasant work. Call lti3 Srrr!ock bldg.. 2d and Oak sts. PARTNER wanted for a picture show; good pay and don't require vry much money, and the duties are easily learned. CaI room 31i Morgan b!dg. CAFETERIA AND RAKERV. IMUNGG'H'D HUMNESS: CENTRAL LOCATION. RENT CHEAP; $Nlu CASH. HAL r. HT OWN ER. NO AGENTS. H OREGONIAN. FOR ALE Motion picture theater at a bargain; must make quick sale for cash to protect other Interests. N 077, Orego nian. LONG establish bakery; full equipment; receipts $25 to $30 dallv; goes for $4-'.0 if taken at once. TOUR CHANCE. 119 Lumber Exchange bldg. PARTNHIt MOVING PICTURES. Owner want partner to look after front ; will bear investigation; $oo required. Call sio Lumt'er Kxchange ouig. CIGAiio. tobacco, etc; a dandy little Jtatid. fine location, doing a good cash business; $25U required. Cail room HI 5, Lumber Exchange bldg. FOR SALE Bet furnished modern hotel In any small city in the West ; licensed bar In connection; terms easy. S 67. Ore gonian. PARTNER wanted for hog ranch, horses, cos, ho, tools and feed, half Interest or the whole; plenty of work beside. Phone "Matn 7 43V. room 22. FEKD fcTORE Partner wanted; must be willing to work ; pay you a salary be sides share of profits. Call room 2- Mor gan bldg. $750 CASH secures half Interest in an es tablished printing plant; good customers: making good money ; stand thorough I a vewtlgatlon. 81 Lumber Exohange bt-lg. SELL YOUR BUSINESS Or Huy a Ruelnes. See W. UWRENCE. Rt5 Titimbsr Exchange Bldg. Both Phones BAKKHV, (Jellcaleasen, light lunehca. dandy portable oven, doing good bualness; rent $23 : $7"0. 81 luniber Exchange. HALF 1NTBREST In wel!-etublisht d cleau liijf s:td pressing buslii'-ss; experience not neceesary. Inquire I OOu. Oregonian. PARTNER wantod In a safe cash business; good pay aud only $1& required. Cail room 99 Morgan Diag. WANTED Young man with some capital good paying business; pays $Jf to f2M per mo. cail Anaeny-e:. J. w. roser. PARTNER Partner In fJrt-claaa saloon do ing good business ; nest location in city. $3000 required. C 6M, Oregonian. 2-CHA1U barber shop for sale; largest bar gain 11 town for cash. A. Emllotio. Lents. FOR tiALE At a bargain, new ard second hand atore: price $-cvi. J. I). Winn, Inde pendence. Oregon. HALF Interest In auto hire business: only $173 required. A ppiy room 212, Broad -way Hotel, between and 10:30 A. M. MARINE hardware and engine buslnes. e tabllshed In best location, for sale. F 672, re gonian CIGAR stand, heart of city, rent $50; clears $i:i per month; only $S00. Call 24s tstark st. I HAVE a good opening for a live man in tha seating -rink bnstness; must have $15"0. A V '. Oregonian. GOOD-PAVING cigar, fruit, confectionery ; Jong lease, cnenp rent; arrangeo: for light lumhes and delicatessen. 203 1st t. CAS' I grocery and confectionery Invoicing M04; est Side; low rent; $10 caah. h1I 14SS Ptsrk st. CASH grocery, with nice living rooms, rent only $15; dally receipts. $35; $liX or Imoiee. 303 Lumber Exchange. WANTED Reliable man to help in store as partner; good pay end only $V0 re quired. Call room S'J9 Morgan bldg. PARTNER In holesale and retail candy manufactory; a good live man ran make good money: big profit. Call 34 Stark. HA1.P interest in Idle Hour Billiard Par lors; money-maker. Cor. 3d and Alder. TWO-CHAIR barber shop; a snap. Harry FveTiip. wiui rpn.ou .uurr . rv at. LUN'H counter for sale, $1..A Apply at E. hide pub. Msrket. 7,1 Grand ave. RESTAURANT for ai. good location, fine business. 213 4th t. PARTNER for general merchandise ator. near Salem. 'all 2ri l.mnbi-r Exchange! FOR PLB (.irocery store, 42S Failing st. Woodlawo 131$. BCSrN'EHS OPPORTOITIES. MR. BUSINESS MAN If you could secure the distributing agency for a motor car selling at $1000. that In your own mind was ihe best constructed and easiest to sell car you had ever seen, would you put about $75ov back of such a proposi tion 7 There Is an opening of this kind for this territory, au opportunity to make a quick, profitable bueinr. wl:h no nnan clal rlk; this offering I for a business wan of the h!irht type only. t-KVEN'-sKVEV COMPANY. Howard and Riverside, t-pokaiie. Wash. R. H. GOODKINO CO.. INC, 4ul-42-4u3 Wilcox Bldg. Corner Hth end Washington sts. FREE INFORMATION TO BUYERS. About Business Any Kind. Anywhere. Before ou buv se our large list or r.N'Eyl'ALKD BARGAINS. Mr. DeForest. It us ess Opportunities Dept. WE CAN FELL YOUR BUSINESS. TYe have soM others. Whv not yours T It. H. GiODKIND CO., INC IrtH) MEN WANTED To give us the name of people who are ta'king automobile and want to buy. W will pay $23 for each name whn we aeil them a car. Your name and prospect's name strtctlv confidential. Address AUTOMOBILE SAL ES U N D ER W R 1 TING COMPANY. P. O. Box 1:. Portland. DRUG 5 TORE. Established 2i years; A-l location; good clean stock ar.d fixtures; making money cow ; omcr must leave; look this over. AR 5SS. Oregonian. HAVE a hich-clasa manufacturing and sett ing proposition to offer. The propoaltloa will Interest anyone desirous of nisnufac turing and selling a device well protected by patents; simple to manufacture and with a wide market; will require an In vestment of $ 1 0.ooo. A N 45!, oregonian. RESTAURANT SACRIFICE. Owlujr to sickness will sacrifice my business; cost over $1"U0; price $50; everthing good as new; low rent; doing fine business. l'hone Main -ji. ask for Mr. Dryer, or call at 4"2 Chamber of Com merce. WANTED An idea! Who can think of some simple thing to patent? Protect your Ideas, they may bring you wealth. Write for "Needed Invention, "How to Get Your Patent and Money.1' Randolph ft Co., Patent Attorney. Washlngton.D.C. CALTIO N. BUYER S. Before closing deal for so-railed Inter est In established rl estate business get advice of Portland Realty Board. F. L. PURSE. Secretary. 815 Chamber of Commerce Bids. FOR SALE Bakery doing good business; on account of proprietor's death It must be o!d.. r. 40 4th su, Bremerton. "Wash. BUSfNKriS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED. WANTED PRINTING PLANT. Second-hand newspaper and Job outfit. Frank 51. Bethel, :j'i7 Sixth St.. Portland. Phone Marshall 555. WANTED $JiO'i grocery store. Phone Man WANTED To rent a bakery. Sellwood 121 KOOMIXO-HOCSKH. MARY E. LENT. 322 Failing bldg., 8d and Washington sts. Hotels, rooming, apartment -house. SOLD AND EXCHANGED. Courteous aud considerate treatment to all. Free auto service, 'none Msin ow. NOTICE. houses, hotel snd apartment-bouses for quick results anu a square ueai. DIE TZ A V.1NGLER. 316 Railway Excliartge Bldg. 1." 1 v 1. itj 1 a 1 ; 1 1 1 X 1 : - 1 1 1 r " s t- Elegai.t furniture, g-Md bcatlon: run ning to full capac'fv snl clearing $5u per month; only $v" t handle. Stc Kelly 6c Inhart. "23 Chuinbt r Com merce. Z4- ROOM hotel aud boarding- houao, rjn be handUn cither way; very suia-i ami. of rash required, balance- easy ; best hi rst ion in Portland. Particulars .Marshal! f;j,"., A 4fMO. FoR SALE Roomtng-houe and res:aur snt ; good buMiutss; sell cheap on ac count of family going away. $7 Russell stroe FoR SALE Modern apartment-house, full ent investigation, room business, nt agent: part cah and exchange; m.xht assume WILL sacilnce practically new furniture of S-room houa if sol.l t his week ; verv de- siratue location tor rooniT-s. .Main ON E w cek : offer of 11 rooms, ail H. K, X2."'0 1. ftrft time up: p: s w ell ; too many nnT un er-: .m 111 m-"v HOTEL PoRToLA. 22 N. 3-! st.; -V rooms, tine .iiu"ion ; long lease, cheap rent; must sell ut sacrifice. S PKC l L ' OTI f rJ. jttpoMils In r 114. bEA LED proios.t;s w Hi 1 receix ed at t he office of the undersigned, 41 Courthouse, until J2J M. Wedtn-sdv, De-eml-T 17. i:in. for concrete wjiki at Davis, lrv Itiftion, Alblna )io:nslead. Reulnuia and J. rferson Hk1i cn.ois. i'ian and p-ci-ftcatlons may be obtained at ttie ttffice f l- A. Narauiore, Supt. of I'roperties. ."ik.I Co'irthou-!. A iU poit of $2 will be requiredfor each set of plans and speci I icawotie. Certified check for 10 per cent of the amount of tne proposal, payable to It. li. Thomas. School 1 lerk, muri aectmpany each proposal. Board 01 Directors re serves the ritfht to reject a;: and all proposal. It. il. THUMAn. Dale.i jiec. v, 1?13. School Cleric N T I ' ' E o F BANKRUPT SALE. NOTH'E Id HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, trustee in bankruptcy. In the inaticr of the estate of Fratik Gor don Folr, bankrupt, will receive offers for and under order of court will sell to the liiicht-st bidder, for cash In band, the tork of the said bankrupt, Frank Gordon Fowler. located at No. M Eiglith t.. In the City of Hoquiam, ashing ton. Said atock 1 a general merchandise o k con sist tne of dry goods, groceries and notions, and li Inventoried at .i;hu.tt7. Ulds will be received for presentation to th court by the undersigned st sr.y time up to and Including lx-cmi.fr 1 1!I3. GEO. E. HI KE, Trustee. SEA LED proposals will bo received at the office of the undersigned, 4t'l Courthouse, U"t il 12 M., We J r.esiay, December 17, l'.M.i. for trie improvement of tlie Wood men! School ground". Flan and stci flcatlons may be obtained at the off.ii of V. A. Naramoro, Supt. or Propertle. 303 Courthouso. Dsposlt of $2 is required for plaits snd specii ications. r: if led check for 1 per cent of the amount of the proposal, pavabie to R. H. Thomas. School Clerk, must accompany each proposal. Board of Director re serves the right to reject any and all proposals. R. H. THOMAS, School Clerk. Dated I-c. 10, 1 wi:;. Mlscellaneotis. IN the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon In and for the County of Mul:notnah, Graham Giass. Jr., pluliiliff. vs. Helen C. Ro he Glass, defendant No. D S3'rti, sum mons for publication : Un.t'-d Statics of America, State and Dutrlrt of Oregon To Helen C. Ro-ho t;;ass. st the Hotel Claj-iugi. in the City of New York. In the State of New York, or wheresoever else ou may b'-, above named defendant: In the name of the State f Oregon you arc hereby summoned and required to b and app;r in the above en.ltled court and- answer the complaint therein hied against you In the above entitled suit on or beforn sio n day, the lfith day or Jan uary. 1114. being after the expiration of six full weeks' publication of this sum mon upon you, aud if you fail so to ap pear and anawer. for want thereof the pi ilntirf will apply to th court for the relief demanded In the complaint, namely, for a decree uIoJvug the bonds of mat rimony between the p.aintiff and you, the clef 'Heart. in the around s of desertion, cruel and Inhuman treatment, personal Indignities rem! 1 ring life burdensome, habituut. gross drunkenness and miscon duct and adultery, or any or either of them as the court may hi d proved, and Waiter II. Ewpb. the District Attorney of the Fourth Juutwi District of Oregon. se t In thu Interest of toe state to rec ommend to the court upon lue evidence ad! ucd before It. This summons is served upon you b publication hereof once each week for s.x consecutive week 1:1 The Morning Ore gonian. by order of T. J. C lee ton, judge of the above entitled court, sno th order made ly hi to la dated ou th 3d day of December 1113. The date of the firs; publication fixd in 1d order 1 t he 5th iay of December. 11M 3. and tht date of the lat publicatcoi in the JVth day of January. i:I4. and th appearance date fixed by tli order for you 1 Monday, the linh day of January. 1114- WILLIAM 1'. BRIffTOL Attomev for p.ain-trf. Graham Glaas. Jr.. f.04 V i ! e(, bu 1 Id i n g. Por 1 1 a n d. t'reg --n . NOTICK. Under no condition will w stand re sponsible for good delivered or Sceount charKed agair.st u without 'our written orders. ing Sins Ing Ke at Co. Seid Back, Port. and. Oregon. BARGES for rent Main 1410. Apply A. S. Pattullo. ixpvt Avn rocxD. LOST Gold watch, mono (train J. B. U.. fcnr de Its of diamond on back of esse. Molly Stock movement. wHh black ik fob, between Y. W. C. A. and Irv'ngton car. Suitable reward. 'all 2012. STOLEN On 61 "n and Mill. Inu an motor cycle, factory No. siD;.3; 1 reward for finder. 2 Mill st. License No. &414 LOST lady's gold open-fai e watch and foi. business district. Main 4tQ7. WILL the party avoid trouble by rturrin dog taken Monday morning from iw 4th T XjOst axd rono). THE following articles have been found In the cars of the Portland Railway. Licht at Power Company and turned In at the different division points. Owners may se cure same by applying at barns as indi cated. At.krny barn, A 6131 1 fish pote. 2 suit cases. 1 small sample grip. 1 wrap. 2-f U Insulator. SeU wood barn, A 6131 1 nmbrella. 1 rair.coat, pair of gloves, 1 bundle of, rose bushei. Piedmont bsra. A 6131 1 purse. 5 pairs gloves, 1 clove. 2 uinbrellss, 1 lunckbox, 1 iug. & miscellaneous articles. Ssvier-street csr house, phone A elSl magazine. 1 glove, 1 handbag. LOcT Wednesday af ternoon. In 10-ceiit store, puree containing chfcfc on Astoria National Bank for $12 01, $2 2 in change and an old silver coin (Polish). Please leave at Oregonian office. Reward. LOST Lady's gold watch, name on case M ay; for the return of same to 4 v, J-f7erson st will pay one-half of face va.ue. L'T Fure containing sum of gold. Finder r in have half of contents If returned to Ml Failing. Lost Bull terrier dog; eyes set In brown epots; esrs clipped : libers I rew ard If re turned to 6 25d North- LOST SMALL sample case. containing electric sign A15. Finder please return to Sol -Wilcox bldg. LOST Gold bird tiepin with ruby in head ami wines. st with pearls; reward. Phone Tabor 34 m. Lost Nose gla?se with chain and pin, en rrsved A. J. W., attached. Phone Main frJtL or Iea.ve Cregon1n off Ire. Lc T Eacle claw pin with cameo locket. Wednesday. Call Marshall. 24 v Reward. LOST 12 duxeu handkerchiefs. Notify Anna HedTnnd. Cherry Grove. Or. Reward. LOST Lace collar aud yoke. Phone Ott, East 2l. FIV ANC IAJ. BANK FOR SALE An unusual opportunity to embark in the banking business In a small, but growing community; $12,000 capital. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COl. 41 Chamber of Commerce. W E BUY MORTGAGES AND NOTES. WESTERN BOND MORTGAGE CO., 41 COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDG. V E furnish the money at a low rate of in terest and save you more than the brok erage of 2 per cent If we do the planning anu bu)!dir.g for you. It will pay you to ee u. L. R. Bailey Co., Inc.. 324 Ablnj.-ton CASH paid for gooa f irat or second mort gages on real estate or sellers interest In contracts for sale, H. E, Noble, 311, Lura-k-'rxnen bidfr. WK MAKE short-term loan. livO upw ard on approved bankable securities. Robert son & Kwlng, Z0 Falling bldg. FI it ST and second m or l pages and building contracts bought. E. B. Miller, 4 io Ab Ington bldg. MoP.TGAGE Ia)ANk, notes. cot4i ra- t , niort ftt first and second . equities pur c'lascd. F. H. Lea: i'o., 3 Iwls bldg. WE BUY uotfi. r.md and mortgages. Ivub- nioiiA aio Ksiling tudg. I- WI LL buy f'..-!t in or: sage aiid eiiera contracts. A 17, Oregonian. Money to I. own Real Km! at TO LOAN on good city snd farm security, various amounts from o to $5fMjo at 7 and S per cent interest. Inquire secre tary. 2"2 Stock Exchange blug 3d snd Ytmhin. MORTGAGE IAANS tic TO T't It. E. MoONEY. Miin 2!Q. liooTU 121 FaUIni: b'llg. TO LiAN OK LL. 1-VVRRINGToN. CO-MMEU.'.'I VL CH It BLDG. MONEY TO LOAN in sum to suit on Improved Portland property or f r building purposes; long time, with repayment privileges. STRONG & CO.. Financial Agents, Sui'e fiO.'t c'oncord B!dp. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED I'.EAL E-TATC FOR BUILD. NO PURPLES. VERY FLEX IBLE CoN"T1!a TS. NO CM MISSIONS. COLl M lI A LITE A' TR1 S i CO.. P1H SPALDING BLDG. 1U IaJAN. I HAVE PLENTY OF MONEY TO LO AN ON REAL K-'TA I S StX'L KlTIES AT 5 To I ER CENT. FDWA1CD P. MALL. 3V CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. MONEY TO LOAN. Good su'i.uy for cay and farm prop erty. 0 to 7 per cut. MALL Ac VON rORSTEI 104 Scond St.. near Wiihin-ton. $10"MJ STERLING FOSTER 7 and 8 per csnt 003 Yeon B:ug. ON Imp rot ed city property or for building pu-poes, J to 8 years' time; liberal ps mrn: privileges; n:or. advanced as bunding progresses. The Equi tat-ie Sav lt g A Loan Ao-:ation, 2 1 Stark C FOR BUILD! NQ LOANS fcLE IlARTMAX-TilOMPSOX BANK. MoN E Y to loau. 5 pr c nt io per cent., aiiv amour.; prompt sric. HAMVOND MORTGAGE COMPANY. 42.-425 "hmber of "om :n.-rce. $.. $loo0. $1.VMI, 2MU. $'''hh. $4otH, X.'KM0 10 ioau on lit y ptop:r:y at 4.. G It SX a BOLDS. ' ?t1l Board of Trade. M.i:n 7452. A 44" $20.OO, 6 TO per cent, sums to suit; noteg uourbL A 531, oregonian. MAKE sp-TUity of loan from fiO'J to 00 proiverty examined same day application Is msue, a. 1. V liioiigLUy a. Co., 415 Cor bett bldg. Main Ssj. $2-o.cMu TO loan lu sum to suit: buiid.ng Irt;r.a: lowru rate. W. G. Beck. 315-51'J Falling -:dg. $5oo. JU-vo AND UPWAP.D 011 imir.ived real e-iate; favoraide terms; no delays; no i-ro.ietage. junn Main, io, a 1 I 1 1 1 1 k 1-idg. $72.0v TO LOAN. CITY OR FARMS J. O. KOT.'NTREE. Chamber of t'ornm rc bldg. MOI'.'i'iJA'it LOANS on city piojerty. low est rat.v A. H. Blrre'l Co.. 2J'J McKay bldg., 3d and Mark sts. tZi'O, $.o. $k. $.Ho, $i'jix, $)mio. Fred W. 4iermn Co.. ci.am. of Com. MoltTGAGE IANS, ti AND 7 PER t'ENT. LOUIS SALOMON, 2.t STAlitv ST. U'.'NlV to loan, city or farai lands. J. J. Caha i In. iK5 I'hamber of Commerce. M"Ti'iA;E LOANS nt curratnt rate. L. IL MAXWISi.U old Chamf-er of Commerce. MONEY Ti LOAN, f AND 7 PER ENT. F . TOKGLEi:. ItH SHKRfOCK BLDG. STATE FUNDS. 0 per cent. W. E. Thorns. nr!it lultnotnah Count. 4'V of com. &JiOli r-TEBM loans on real aiid collateral se.-ur1tls. mm Lewis bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, soy amount, no deiay. Henry C. Pmdhonime, h- Wilcox bidg. MONEY TO 1M.N ON i:E.L ESTATE. GEO. P. DHKUM, 22S HENRY HLIG. Money loaned, real e.tute, contia:ts i tnit. bought. H. Miiy, i4 Grltuger tide. $1imu TO J'tOtxt, nrlvalo fund for good loan. Phone Tabor 2"2. MORMAGK LOANS AT fl AND 7 1'ER CENT. FREDS. WILLIAMS, t2 4 1ST ST. $15oO AND $50 private money to loan on MONEY, any amount, 6 to 8 per cent. W. It r C.x 11(1 C rm KM . MONEY TO IAA. ON REAL ESTATE. W A. H. HARDING. K13 Ch. of Com. Money to loan lliatteU and Salarjew. CHRISTMAS MONET FOR ALL WHO WANT IT. Don't wait until we are rushed, but call today. Loans from $10 to $TOO, and sil we re qulie is thst you sre working. We haw money to lend at reasonable charge and extend to you the privilege cf paying it back In weekly or month y pay meuts in amounts .to suit your in come, NO MORTGAGE. NO INOORSER. NO PUBLICITY. Rebate gives If paid before due. REMHMBER. We want your business, snd as our cap ital Is unlimited, w sre In s position to dt fy all competition aod of.'sr ou ths bti Contract in the city. STATE SECURITY CO., 3-y FAILING BLDG. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL O'CLOCK FROM NOW UNTIL NM AS. i M M Eld AT E and confidential loans on fur niture and ; t.ou. auto and inotorcyc.es. BAUER. 2"1 Aider st. E LOAN mony on diamonds and Jewelry at half th rate charged by broker. Marx B:oCh. 74 ."d t. M"NKY loaned on diamonds, w,ch. jew elry, pianos and wan-liow r-ce pts. Hrown sr room Minjnon o;Gg. IAANS on ral estate. d!ani.nd and w - eiry. Wm. Hoil. room I V. at'inrton b'dc. LOA NS on diamond and i" c irv . trie lly confidcntiaL 141 i o near A.dcr4 1TXANCIAL. vioaey to Iosa (. hatteJ and Salaries) NEED MONEY FOR WINTER J You can et it TODAY. Our RATES and Methods Compel Crr stderation. Kvrntu!!v You Will Deal Here. WHY NOT NOW? WE LOAN ANY AMOUNT, to "Working People and other on PI in Notes. Furnltu-e, Livestock, Pianos, Au'os, Storage Receipts, Real Estate or Motor cyc.ta. WE BUT MORTGAGES. You Do Not Jeopardize Vo ir Fn-Jttire or Sell Your Peace of Mind IF YOU DEAL WITH VS, CHEAP NOVEMBER RATES $ .35 weekly pay a $iO loan. $ ,i5 week') pays a $25 loan. $t.lu weekly pay a fc.-O loan. $La weekly ray a $li-o loan. CAN YOU I EAT THEM? NO CHARGE FOR APPLICATION. No EXTKAS. NO DELAY. On LOANS IP to $100? If the HEAD of the fazm.y die before the account paid In tu.l and the payments are mane as a creel K GIVE TiiE WIDOW A RE CEIPT IN FULL OF ACCOUNT. YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL. P.el a-cs Given if Pa. J Before Due. PORTLAND" LOAN COMPANY. 413 MACLEAY BLDG. iivfil PHONES Between 4th and 5th sts.. on Waah. . Open V M. to 6 p. M.: Sat. till 6 P. M. Call, write or .phone. Marshall 32Ss A WHY PAY EXORBITANT RATES? W u will loan you money as low as s rr cent on your diamonds and jewelry. We are the most lii-eral licensed money 1 -snd era In the city. Our establishment 1 located at .i4 Washington stree-U near Broadv.ay. jet our pr:ce on torfeiLed diamonds. Diamond Paiuce. MONEY for salaried people and otners up on their own nanies. chsp rates, esy payments, free me before dealing ee w her; confiiicnt:aL D. D. Drake, 20 Ilenry b!':g PRIVATE PLACE TO OBTAIN LOANS on diamonds, w atcnes. jewelry, automo biles, musical Instrument. Ad Interviews siricuy confidential. E.t.y Coin-ai:, 320 Lumber Ex, Bldg. MONEY sold on insiaiiinents; confidential; salaried peorlo. F. A. New ton, Henry bldg- 1.41m anted. $;.CJ0 WANTED. S PElt CENT. On 40 acres, including mile of choicest beach property and hotel costing $s0w; owi.er vaiuis property a: above $U',000; expenses of ptiso;;al txaminauon will be paid. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 423-421 Chamber of Commerce. I HAVE a Uko rirst morigage to se.l which run for threo ili. ears. bearing interest at the rate of 7 j.er cent per annum, se cured, by Wet Eide prperty, clokd in. valued at $2j,x. for ? ;;... LE NolK. 22-S chamber of Commerce bldg. iU0 WANTED AT S PER CENT ON Vntmproved ' Portland Height property valued at i;!""'!). HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY. 4 Z J - 4 L i t"hml.-r of Commerce. I WANT flOoO for Z cars ou bett security in th cay; wi'l pay 7 pr re lit imeresi s-ml -annually and all xpciiat; ownrtr only; will i.ot pay brokerage. AO Ortgonian. lli.VO 0. On Impro ed South Portland real estate. Monthly rental $2-0. No commission, pa;d. Ado rem N 4 l'1, Oregon lan. WANT on .".uxl"o lot on i;ttu tL, be tween Knott a i d I! razee, Irvln gton; Lot v.iliie yjivLt. Will v per cent, 5-jear Tiortaag-. A til."., oregonian. WANT $joo loan ou ciose-in resilience. Jrvitigton, will not pay brokerage. Ad d rer.-- ow uer. E oi4. oregonian. .NEED ljtn.i to $."e'0 irom 1 to years: s-jvurity J to 1; wl pav 7 pkr cent; lo ueal-rs. AU otl. Ot'vKolitan. $joo ON" A 1 ral estate ecurit . Adtiret AN ."'"., OregoiiiaiL. WAN 1 ED Loan of $.'., t mcntiis; good yec-irit y. N" .'.71. c e gonian. AT 1 N. L, 4 o, S or 1 months, good sc -''in; K . rcp..nian. WANTED iri'jy on Hawthorne ave. buti- n -ts property. Phone Mam 1 li. AXTED :.'('. S per cent, on improved ..n o gilt -"dee. r ai eMate security, p ''', Oreg iiu.in. A TKD .".oVf ,(n lr iriRton home auo L t'r5uli:an. riROXAL LADIES. ATTEXTB N. C.v.I a..i rave .i;r new j..: ra ma.. h:nw ep!.i:r.e.l . ;.i pe.tiv ly 1 ure uanuriiii, f i . i 1. u h.vir and Sialp an 1 btv.li nvB'.f ; uiv4 ai v an: ;ige of ; r. .s ;-. t iaIo of ha:" g'-td. 2" f'-r cer.t O.T on v.-rv a.",i' ii of h;r 111 tlie at.-r'-, r-mi'-iri! n...ue tu orJ'-r, u.ai. orit r ao.Kitcd. i'AKISI AN HAIR PA RT .OTL Jsl Alw-. r. Mjin S'.'2. opp. olti. Won man ; K ::ig. li.V 1 it'll A I il-H A IR-H Allk. $12. i4-tn. h swit.-he $t. 2'j-ilii h SAJtclie .-$4.4i . . IK- llairdiess.i'g ..J - Jr ace Diaai;-.1 ....... .2." Shampoo .- Ala:: tirt, 2'.o; & f ir J2 aip treatnieuts Superfliio-js t-air removed by t-.etU'C in-t-i,. ; guaiiitec-J not to return. 'ut hrf :r in any iaue ; u.-he ai length. Urioes ha.f. Satdtary Pjrlcru, 4.o. 412 DekiiTti t.).., :;d KTid Washtiftoii. ItA Dl L ruie by th latest nature hal re nrelti t, i:.i-dicir:eB or opera! ioi.s ; ai. r uroiiic a..d acute d i aes tr ated a 1.0 cured in tne least tim. p-iSMble at Oi smallest ci.M ; over otl teatim.-u :al cau be se-ured at tiiy o! ! 1. e ; the most ex pen -if, fin si equ.pped private oliicc tn th Wt: ; ci. Jitation Is f re. It. W. L. Ma.a-ry, Naturopath. U12 Rothchlid buUa- FKRVET & li A N EI' UT. Leading wig and 1 iuje-maker ; finest stock of Imiiiiin hair goods, switches from H.'ic up; hairdressiiig. nianuuriug. face and . alp treu:i:ients; cmMngs iiiaio up to order. 14 ith, rie;ir Morrison. Main f4i. G LltM A N TR A I NED NU RSE. First-class rcas'us, German gradual, treats rheuina: ion. luml aro. mat.-age and ba-In 4 .'.2 Salmon. Marahall J'JS. Open Sur-:a ys. S EDiii TRAINED NURSE Heli.ngfors gradua rheuir.at..""!!, nrvius and stom-a-h a:'.i!T-nts under physicians dlrc-:-tioiis; hntli. massage. No. 7 Kt 11th St., ee.-ond door !-uth from E:t Ankeny car line, l'hone Eaet 2", B 13. LADIi.S, do you want 10 reduce your fleh? i mil guniantee to redu- e your extra fat cr no pay. This is no fake. I will cail at your home and treat you. Lorena l "a sc- v. Keneral d-! 1 very . city. DRi"S SUfTS for r-rt Kep your rlothe cl aned pressed, bu t tons sewed op. rjp-i re j. sired. $l..r' north; prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring c-., 309 Stark. NERVOUSNESS. r he inn at ism. paral'es's quickly r-lleved and cured, school of Ap plied Vetaph". si -p. 313 Stock Fixcban- bldg. Marsiia:i 27.".L DJ:. H. T. TKItiill-U lat of Denver. Colo kivc gooi sc-er.t'fii' iiiR'wpj treatments; is now bfJited a .;!! I-kum bldg. SW LDIoli msffM ge and scalp t-3i men! Room 23, Goi da Hotel, W. I'ark ar.d Yamhill. MADE OF YOUR COMBING?5. Switches, Pi'; curls and purT. 75a. San Itfiry Beauty Parlors, 4m Lkum bldg. THE FUR SHOP. Remodeling and r.-w orders: rrlrnmlng; best work. bw prices. '20 Swetlnnd b'.dg. LESS' NS in t.hrnoIosy, palmiatrv ard card reading. 2!i.. th st. Phone Main 74". Hours 1 to S. to . BOSTON graduate nurse, sanitarium, treat ment, medical gymnastics. Ss7 Yamhill St., up one flight, room 7. SPIRITUAL medium. Rev. May Price Reading riaiW. Cir'! Tut. 2 Wed. and S;n. 8. S7." 21 st. Marsha ! 42S, A 2S"'J. ii VOHCES Lawyer, 2.1 years' experience, rplia-jl'. advice free. 464 Rothchild bldg, 2H7a Wash. MRS. C. S. MORRISON Steam rath ar.d ni a ssa R- fr rheums tisni. lumla co. etc. R3r Madison. A 447. Marshall :'R. LORENZ Nerve Tablets reftore lost vitality. 2"c P?r pox. t ior .., ftipe- 1 ayior Drug CO., -J iuorriron. MI?S NEVTNS Tlectrlo bathe and t-eat m-nts 411 RorhchfM h'dg., 4h ard WaH RliODA PiKHCn, manJnurlng. 231 Va Moi -r:.on s.. cor. MV room 8. CHI RO HOD Y Mr-. Poller, vibratory a Is and facial treat Trent. 411 North wwet b'dg. M TS. N ELLIE PRING, chiropodist ; oTtce 9, Jt''i Morrifton. MANltUR?VG. rueful and scalp treaanent. 4M Northwest bldg. Cl;RPODY ' and sra p treatment. C1 North went bldg. Main 648. B A LM OF FIGS, compound Hovai Tor!c TblT. o4 Davis st. Phone Main 2?. MAVD'UKING. scaip treatment, :.: Alder t. Mr LES surf Inons hsir removed. Mrs, M D. HIM. 42 Fliedner bldg. Main 8473. MANICURE r;d dandruff treatment. R. Hotel Gordon, W. Park and YamhllL SCALP and fac!al roo-n I. M A. re .. a,o M. to 8 P. M. CHI'PRAmr. vibratory treatments, nd maFar 412 Northwest bldg. M. $7: MEIICI- LE I tt at:ve H-n.s for rheiJma:is,ni. $2 tablets for 20c AU d ru r C !-, Ik