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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1913)
20 THE MOUXIXfr OREGOXIAX. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1913. BEAX ESTATE. NEW BUNGALOW hACKIKICED. 1 must el my new bungalow and will make & b:g ucrinc in price if sold at , has rooms; built month and modern ; east front ; fu'i corner lot, fire place and bookcaaes. buffet. Dutch kitch en. fu;i bu-mrQi and large att:c. window shades and fuil icrfni: on block front MV tar; I wnt $.00 tor my equity, which coat nie $ 1 you pay balance vt v75 on easy tfrmi owner. iu x t,ui North, corner Flanders. . CHRISTMAS PRESENT, r.-room bungalow. Thla 1 a very elassv nlace. well built S years ago and In good condltloa; oxluo lot; food attic; owner moved out of state; grreat bargain; very eaay term. Phone Main -osi. W. A. BARNES CO., 404-3 Lew la Bid.. 4th and Oak St NEW BfXiJALOW SACRIFICED. V can offer for an equity worth flx-'to In a new. modern bungalow, only occupied 6 months; has fireplace, built-in bookcases and buffet, full basement and large attic; corner lot facing east; balance is payaoie on easy terms. iuu aell and la offering a bis bargain to some one. See us today. LI' R DDE MA. X, RVLET CO., "13 Chamber of Commerce. N EAR sTP. S HOPS. $100 DOWN. Modern -room bungalow. reception 4ir, large dining-room, panel walis. 4eam Dutch kitchen In white enamel, tinted and frescoed walls, la rice attic, full basement. sewer and side walks pstd, gas and electric lights; pries- ITiiO. GEO. A. ROSS. Phone Main 29Q. 3"l Gerllnger Hide. FOR SALE s-rooin modern bungalow, half acre land, wood house, chicken -house aud . yards, iruit trees, berries, on electric car . line. ( minutes' walk to; price .. part cash; terms; would trade for Newport property If lulled. is ox 47 s, 11 Ills no ro. Or. Few Hale tiuslneee property. bids-. 6xl00 lot. clos in, $12,000: term se owner. 129 2d st. For bale Acreage. 6CAPPOOSE ACRES, NEAR PORTLAND. 2 ix acres divided intj tracts any s:ze from 4 acres up; prices from to VJ5 per acr; terms 10 per cent down and 3 years in which to pay balance; reasonable discount for rash. Railroad through the land. 3 stations. tore and orchard on land; plenty living water, annual rat man ; incites; no long drouths: no rock: no better soil to be found any wnere lor raising fruits, berries and vegetable; ideal location for dairy lnr and hor 4 id chicken raising. ! W have any kind of land thnt you want. Write or cat. lor descriptive litera ture. LUEDDEMANN, RVLET & CO., P13 Chamber of Commerce. ELECTRIC LINE, etcht Mock- of station; chlckon and fruit ranches cjr Portland; new subdivision near Gresham ; 5 acres 40. $7: s acres. m $700; lo acres, i'.y. Sltoo. f 1hn per tract ; best ill. fre- wood, spn.ig water; acreage at fceappoose, or., 2't to 5K per acre. FRANK MFAKLa.NU RE A LTV CO.. Q Yeon bldg.. Portland.. I HAVE cut up my farm, one of the best on the Oregon Electric. Into 5 and 10-acre tracts; deep, rich loam, level, all In culti vation, near station: you buy direct from me on easy terms. For particulars see my representative at t2'J Chamber of Com merce. 15 ACRE3 river bottom. 8rooin house, bam. fruit; 1-4 mile to town. $2600. $400 cash, bal.. own terms. Box W. Castle Hock. Wash. BARGAIN' la real estate for cash 34 acres within one mile Base Line Road. $173 per acre. Wm. A. Morand, Boring. Or. For Kale Farm. SNAP HOMESTEAD KEU NQ VISUM ENT llt acres, all cleared and fenced, on Columbia River and North Bank Rail road; nice -4 -room house, good barn, tood well ; $0 per acre if taken at once, ac count sickness. M. L. Gallagher. iX7 Icon bidg. FOR SALE 0000 acres of hlgh-cias agri cultural lands In the Ochoco and Crooked River Valleys. Crook County. Or.; deep, rich soil, marvelous! y productive, excel lent well water at 2' feet, artesian water at leas than U0O feet: railway trunsporta- . tion, excellent .marketing fuclliiies. IT let. S to Jo per acre; one-ten t h cuih. but ance In nine eu,ual annual pay men t. OREGON' A WESTERN COLONIZATION COM PANT. "6ft Stark st.. Portland. Or. lt" ACRiS a heat land. 1 4 inlies from Madras, Or.; alt level and in cultivation: 3-room house, close to a-room school; a bargain at s0oo, $:;iH) down. bal. in 2 years, or will traue for stump laud at $lu jjtr acre. C. M. ZAIOW, 411 Corbet t bldg. A 141. Marshall 92. FOR SAI E. 15 acres, near Reed lite, on electric line, adjoining station and n county road. All clear, ricu land, 7-room butiM1, wood shed, stable and chicken -house; water piped to all buildings; one acre bearing orchard. Call if-i Board of Trade bide ESTATE MLST BE aETTLED. i acres, fine improvements, running water, one mile electric. IS miles Port land, $So per acre; one-third cash; fine lor dairying or hogs. NE1LAX PARKHILL. 303 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG. bo ACKLS, 0 miles from It. R., 15 acres bot tom laud, ! milk cows. );ood team, plenty of farm toolu ; fine w ater power; price $."hoo, $l.'o down, balance ea.y terms. Address J. C. Dixon, Elk Citr. or. FIN a HOME. 20 acre, 15 in cultivation, close to town; good house, barn, outbuildings; plenty fruit, fine creek ; price $&7iM, tasy terms. N 07o, Oregonian. wv-ACRE stock ranch, west of Coast range. lim acre bottom, cult.; fully equipped and stocked; at less than $JV per acre. V OStf, Orvgonlan. l.ANCH. bO a? rs, Hn buiidings, is miles from Portland, near electric line; bargain for all cash. By owner, lvj Morrison at. Mitocellaneou. $175 CASH buys real estate contract; uU clear $LM : et busy. B Or gonial!. TO KXCUANU. T'O TRADE Rooming-house, rooms, always full. H-u per mouth profit, be side good living ; will trade my ilUoO equity for small tract of land or house aud lot, balance $1jw mtg. in payments. F WT, Oregonian. 4--KOuM apartment house, 2 years old, con taining 2 -room and 11 3-room apts.; runt oniy sj.OU per room per month; apts. all rented; nicely furnished; will trade for house and lot In cltj ; price $JHx. i'aone East 40U. Caief. WA.LLA WALLA FOR PORTLAND. Finest of its class In Walla Walla. In , come $41 per mouth. Nee4 a Portland home. N EI LAN A PARKHILL. 3U3 STOCK EXCHANGE. PROPERTY of the St. Johns Sanitarium. 1xjx1u0 feet, on coi. of tmitn ave. and Chicago st., now under lease; will trade my equity of ?0iM)v for Portland residence or furniture stock in small town. Phone Knt 4.V.. Caief. TOR TRADE. 4 SO acres stock and grain ranch In Idaho tor income property tn Portland or general mds., or cars, second-hand or new. Price $lij per acre. $:7i mtg. M. Kamey. Box OtiJ, Lew 1st on. Idaho. '.'oo EWC1TY in 0x 100 lot, 6-room house, on 8. E. cor. of Grand ave. and Skid more v.: trade for furniture stock In small town near Portland, or cheap acreage In Clarice County. Wash, Phone East 45- Caief WE hate an exchange department. List your real estate with u. MALL & VOX BORSTEL. I'M d tt. Mln 1436 or A 1430 FOR EXCHANGE aat) acres, value $iio, mortgage $i-1o: 120 acrrs, value $4eU. mortgage $i2-M: both line farms; Har ney county. Oregon. What have you to ef fort U. J. Thlelman. P. O. box 984. city. 4 SO-ACRE stock and grain ranch In Idaho ; exchange iur Portland Income property or stock of general merchandise; 3i0 mortgage. A V 3, Oregonian. HAVE about $I40 equity In house and good corner lot. 2 blocks from Sunny side car line; wish to trade for grocery stock or good lot or lots, phone Taaor ldOli, B ILL exchange my modem fc-room bun galow. lot oPxlOO, near Alberta t; will take good lot a first payment; this ta a bargain. Wood lawn 1229. tlX Iota In Tacoma to trade for horses or cows; I my acre wheat land In Adams County, Washington, to trade. What hae you? A J .MHt. oregonian. WILL exchange flrt-cla saloon, best loca tion in city, worth S6&00. for Improved city property or farm property, near Portland. W $7, Oregonian. VAST nice little furm, value about $j:--. t xchange for modern cottage. P. O. Box 204. CLOSE-IN acreage for small bungalow and cash. See this If you want something good. 8 f4, Oregonian. WILL sell or trade 4 nice lots on 7 2d U, by owner. AC Si1. Oregonian. 6-HOOM mmlern house; want roomtng-house or grocer. Owner, Main 7'". FIX K lt. no Incumbrance, to trade lor 1913 automobile. Phone Cast 1100. TO EXCHANGE. KIVEK FRONT TO EXCHANGE R CITV OK FARM PROPERTY. OK 6 MoRTG AtiEa. Will exchange my IxauM.'ul river front hom and four acres 2-1 feet river front ( on wet biie Willamette Ktver. H nil ! es from city, in mute s" ride from foot of Jefferson St.. on Osaego line, aoout j feet from station. This line will be e!ctriiied before the end of January and bring lta g-aasenger cars down 4:h st. to the heart of the city. When tnis ri-w electric line ta operating out ot th city It ill treste a great demand fur this class of residence property, which la rcetttn g scarcer and higher In price rverv yar. You can open up new resi dence tracts from her to Mount Hood, but you f anr.ot create one more foot of river-front residence property than nature has given you, and each year the demand for this class of property grows greater. There are four additional building aites on this property nh:cn can be sold for as much as i am astng for whole, leaving beautiful home and one acre (value iinh for yours if or profit. E S,.'.. Oregonian. lo-J ACRES, $'. per acre, about - miles from town site of new railroad that will be completed In the Spring ; cruiser of the County Assessor cruise this at about LiNvvwrft yellow fir and a lot of cedar; over Jt0 acre til. able, of fine loam soil that Is very easily cleared- fine scream on place; i miles .from Clatskante. In the Nehaltm. Valley; only a few year and thla will be a valuable place: will trade fur Portland residence or furniture stock In small town. Phone East :-. Caief. 4o ACliH-H. ntiles due north of Vancou ver. tiaM-surfacml road to within 1 mile of place, very best of soil: no gravei; pood 4 -room cottage, 'JM'.'S fec-t, 1 miles from Portland P. ). This will more than treble in value aftr the new Portland -Vancouver bridge is complete; will trade for Portland rMence in restricted dis trict or furniture stock, tn small town. Phore Eait 402. Caief. VX)H dALE OR TRADE. 16 acres In Willamette Valley. 5 min utes walk to station, school, tore and blacksmith shop; all rich, clear lund; new 5-room house, cow barn, new 2 -story horse stable, one acre berries, young or chard, windmill, watr piped to all build lug; will traile for Portland rro;erty. Call lioard of Trade bid,;. INCOME CITY FOR FARM. New concrete building, leased for $' per month, paying 2 per cent income; j rice l."i.0.M, free of im umbrance, to ex change for pood improved farm not too far from Portland; mut be free and not over JlO.viai. GRVSSI c FOLDS. 31G Hoard of Trade. Main 7402. A 4401. A MT. TABOR HOME FOR EXCHANGE. One of the ftnest properties on the west slope of Mi. Tabor, strictly modern very 1'irge, lo-room house, unsurpassed view, lot lnOxltMi; price $U..Vi; i0"J equity In the property for exchange. Lenoir. i nan.uer or commerce. MODERN HOVSE WANTED. We iiave clear Income property and acreage in gool town within 110 miles ot Portland to trade fur a mode! n 7 or 8- room houso In good district in Portland up to S""0. LI' KDDEMANX, RVLET A CO., PIi; 'lumber of Commerce. HOPGROWERH. TAK3 NOTXCIS. 2S2 acres, good a airy and stock ranch, acrea in hop, living w atcr piped in house, good buildings, close In, some trade, term. Owner. Wax, Johnson, 0J7 Chain, of Commerce. A FINE, la pro, modern residence, 'J years old. acre oi gtound. lawn, bearing fruit tr-e. nsra, shrubber. barn, cuicaen ho jke; an deal home In An!aiul, or. ; value $0.0O: trade for port.and homo or furniture stock In email town, phone East 4 lis. Caief. ok SALE or trade. 4 acres, all in culti vation well fenced 5 4 mile from Estn cada, 1 mile to spring w ater store and postoff ice, school and church ; price $ 1 0a per acre; mortgage aKUit property $3 too, running 1' years at 7 per cent, Geo. A. Lon. 4i: Hathorne ave. WANT house for lots tn Seattle, value $00ud or S-Vioo. Tabor M.i.V CLEAR Portland property for city r touu try buslnes lo $.)w. B 07t. tre?onian. CLEAR Portland lot up to $30"0 for busi ness in city. B 674. Oregonian. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED 1 am looking for the best bar gain 0-roo:n bur.caiow, utiHirrn, located, north of l&ol lad ay ae., east of L nio.i ave.. south of Alberta st. and west of E. 2oth st.; gtie price, loatton and terms or no attention will be paid to our an swer. J cj7. Oregonian. WANTED Strictly modern house In Holla day's Addition, close to Vuion ave.; mui b- a genuine bargain, bona fide purchaser; gie local .on or no attention ;i en. Uy letter only. H. G. Bentic, 0i East Taylor st. IV ANTED To buy tuoruKhly modern 5 runsn bungalow In Port.and, from party who accepts good country property clone to city and little cash; up to $aV"U. Box 70;;, New berg, or. 0 OK C-room bungalow In Laurelhurst. lr- mptun or Kowirere. not lo exceed $I0"X 1 have some clear property and some rati. i. s Simla Jk Co., 4. Chamber of Coin- V ANTED Small modern home, desirable vacant lot. or small acreage trat t, close In; might asume some If uecessasry. Ad dress Hoineseeker, A V 6J, trenonian. ll.VINGTt N lot. tuil Sized, bet. lUtb and -0 th, Thompson and Stanton. Pleaae give true location, price alid street im provements. AH fS. Oregonian. Li-oL Hose City Park lot, terms, second niort3:tice rivneg. c 0:t, Oregonian. fa wvri;r. WANTED Farm, well improved farm, suit able for stock and noun. lOv to lii- acres, in Washington or Yamhill Counties; will trade $l',oi Income property, some cash first payment; wilt assume up to 20,ouO, balance well secured; no agents. AO 0t, Oreu'Miian. WANTED To lease good farm, from three to five years, near town on county road; would buy aome stock. Address Dave An derson, Parkplace. Oregon. A P E K I E X C K D farmer want a larxe farm with large sicck and ta xood cultivation. -7 l j-aimin st. Main ?4 4 2. WANTED Small farm uear SuRm, siKhtiy, some timber; must b c heap tor casn ; owners only. 1 Oregon i. in. 1 WANT a farm; will pay cash rent. Writ P. O. box 1132. Portland. Or. FOR RENT FARMS. FoR RENT 37 acre garden land, near Beaver ton. macadam mad all way into city, gjod improvements. sihooi near, third rental In work. E. S. Jackson. 2Ji Railway Exchans bid. STOCK M EX. We have 17ou-acr siok ranch to lease for term of years or will take I'OO or iivi) head cattle to pasture. J. B. ROBINSON. 717 COR RETT BLDO. THREE fine dairy ranches In Tillamook County. IS, -ft and lu cow s; also several rancnes In the Willamette Valley. Italph Ackley, 203 Falling bldg., 3d and Wash. FOR KENT 2i acre. 1- acres clear, 2 miles from Courthouse. Oregon City r-o the Molalla road. Call after to p. M, Park Hotel, otb and GlUan. FOR SALE TIMBER LAXPe. TIMBER LANDS BOL'GHT AND SOLD. J. M'CKACKEN. oo-i UcKay Blda. CHEAP STLMPAGE. Ideal locution for a mill; stream run ning to railroad spur, hi 6th su WANTED TO KENT FAKMaV FA KM and stock by practical stock man; will give reference aud bond. E ore gonian. FOR SALE. Uerses. Vehicle. Etc HuHoEi AND WAGONS FOR SALE OR KENT. fiecond-hand venu-.e bought and aold; new wagon and auto bed mad to order; It vary turnip bed to busmea part lea at special rates. HA WTHOR N E ST A P LE9, Hawthorne ave. Phone East 7 J, B 13P. JLST arrived, &7 head of draft and deliv ery horses, mares.' geldings, RXiU to 17t0. 3 to 6; 5 mules. 1 will exenange for agea horses that can do light work on roail ranches; well matched; teams, guaran teed a represented. Inquire 3J4 Front at. and 0M Water at. Phil Suetter. Main tt. TOUCZb TO 8 ELL. A span of bays, well matched, weight about UtM), In good condition, set of good double harness, 1 light spring wagon; the whole outfit for $l&u; If you want a tee . look this up at oace, 232 Wash. St., room Poit SAI.K Ont team of w ell-ma trhed black iarei, we'rhn Shto lbs.; one blank horn-. 0 ; cars oid4 weighing 100O kjs. ITJo!eIT st. CHEAP -Farm t-'tm and harress; make of fer; must b sold by Sunday. ;4 Union ave.. cor. A sh 34UO-POVND team without a blemish; musi be sld at once; at your own price. R. Yamhill at. $l!u TAKES frpan mul"!. weigh 1200 lb, esch: good workers. Fulton bam. llaaoe. Orxmn autd Music I Instrument, pi A NO. must be fM at once. In fine con- onion. 4tooni v, f u!" n""' "'jh- WANTED Ilcut iolin $1 will buy, fiive details. D oo7t Ore-conian, FOB 8.4 LK. Plan, organs and Slnslml loatruaaewtsv UAUY GRAND at a sacrifice. We art sri). irg a fin mahogany baby grand fur ruth fT private party; they must have the money right away. Here a snap for anyone w anting a grand piano. Can be a -en at Reed-French P.ano Utg. Co.. 10 ui and Stark ata. 1 -HAVE a fine Schubert piano stored and to save further expense will take SI li J cash for it. Almost i:ke new; out of city until next Monday; will rail on you then. Address H Oregnulan. KIMBALL Schubert $75. WIMard 17S. Drucker Hallrt A l-avis Busti 4c rts $li and a number of other fine bargains in second-hand pianos at Reed French Piano Mfg. Co.. loth and Stark- BAI'TIFUL mahogany hlKh-grade player p.ano for sale; leavlmr city and will make a fin price on this strictly high-grade 8 mte pluycr. Phone lie 11 wood I960 or call 14 Fast th St. WILL dispose of my beautiful mahogany upr chi cabinet (rand piano for lesa than $.!'0, new. 9) E. G 11 san. Montavilla car to Sd. Tabor 3lo. LEA Vi.N'U for Indianapolis; will sell my fine Howard piano at a sacrifice. Call after i. M-. 1 9 i nion ave. .ortn. PEERLESS e'.ecirlc piano, perfect condition. w ith muA.c, cheap; cost $ ou. AB 4.u, Oregonian PIANO Second-hand; buy for cash; state the price. K r.K. oregonian. Dogs, Bird. Pet Stock. L KIN E. bir-bonel. rejr 1st e red Airedale. month old. straight, hard coat, gran a neaa; granuson oi great cnampions; your r nance iur a root one. i-t. liiii. n Withers, Jr., Stayton, Or. AlRKrrAfjC puppies, 6 weeks old. big-boned. inall-eared, pedigreed stork. $li each. Chas. II. Wlturs, Jr., Mayton, or. A FIN" fal Mir col!le for sale. 1 year old cheap. Phone 734, house No. 4 1 Vs Clay si. XHOKol'GHUKED English bulldog fur aie cheap. 4- e. Clay st. AIREDALE TERRIERS for pal, guard. nunter. Lsqan ivenneis, Eattctds, or. Furniture for ale. M DEK.N s ven-room houee; beautiful m lKhorhood ; n rooms, hail, stairway, completnly furnished; fmr room rentd fur more than runt; $-0u. terms. ISO N. lMn. Mar. n;.i. Hoi SE fr rent, furniture for sale; price ?-tiv. I null; jiujii tft, F V ItNITC RE of 7 roonisi all full, $HHi, tern.s. Apply 410 Aider. 1L' RNITL" HE, almost new, complete for o room house. Call 24 N. 24th st. AutoiuobUe STARTERS. ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL AIR, AS APPLIED TO TUU AUTOMOBILE A very interesting pamphlet a inir ana impartial comparison of the dif l ei en t siartir.g s stems now in use, has recently oeeu edited by the prominent mecliaulcai and electrical engineer, Stan ley u. .:nmuit. The author goes on to exnlaln In a aim pie way the intricate mechanism of the ti::reretit starters, giving diaKrama an comparative locations. He also briefly dist-uura the uiferent system of lunitioii. If you are contemplating the purcnase of a new car thla pamphlet might be of interest to you and may be had free for trie asking. AUTOMOBILE SALES VNDER WRITING COMPANY. P. O. Box iv,;. Portland. AVTO SNAPS: EXCEPTIONAL TERMS We hate on band a nuinoer of cars thoroughly owrhauied and In the best of condition,, w hicli we will sell cheap and on terms. Call and pick out jour car while there is a choice; a small payment down and pa mcnta from $ou to $luu monthly. These are exceptional terms, don't overlook this opportunity and tne car of your choice. GKR LINGER MOTOR CAR CO Nf PANT. 694 Washington St.. Corner Kins. STANDARD OF THE WORLD. First-class 1913 5-passenger Cadillac ; tires good, speedometer, top. wlmishield. electric llr-rhis. electric start er. mechan ically first-class; cost as equipped $ilt ; our price $1.'70; only 370 dowu and $70 mont r, !y. Add rts AUTOMOBILE. SALES VNDER WRITING COMPANY. 1. O. Box Portland. For SALE An almost new four-dor Pack ard limousine; body fine ; used three months and In first-class snape; will sell for less tnan half price or consider trade on timber. Call Wade, A 1740. $l.'o will Luy lS-b.p. runabout, fullj equipped. If taken by Monday. See Mr. ,etMjn tit East bth and Hawthorne ga rane. FOR PALE 1312 mouVl 7-pauengcr I'lerce Arrow. In Vrsl-cias condition. O ; 1 . Oregon, an. TWO lots In Swlnti.u Addition to exchange for automobile or truck. Phone Mar. 00-y or call 17 tith sL touay only. TWO lots Swtnt-m Addition to trade for au tomoblle. J. A. Cooper, 407 dilate St., Sa b-rn, OT. 1C Alt ANTES auto repairs, contract rates. Rehanca Garage, loua ilawthoine. Auto storage. FoR s ALE Second -hand 3-passenger Hup mobile. 1910 model, good as nea, $30O. P hi 7. oregonian. FoR SALE One second-hand 2 W-toii Gramm truck, H'10 modeL Union Meat Co., North Portland. FoR SALE Five-passenger Warren. 1$10 model, in good couultlon. $tuo. AC 64. i regonlan. IF you want automobile fire insurance at one-half the oid-llue r;e, telephone Main CADILLAC -passenger, Tlemkin bearlm;. electric lights; a sacrifice. Phone Tabor 344 or H :i40. FOR SALE cheap. 6-passenger Keo, 1910 model. $j:n P 676. Oregonian. UA EKS "nx" roaJster; a snap for $1. jU ra.. phoiie Mars nail 111 OS, DEAD STORAGE, $3 to $A per month. VAN HORN TRANS. CO.. 40 2U ST. NEW delivery wag ire at second-hand prlcss. ji eRon Mollnu Plow Company. to It SALE 4-paasenger Pope. 1913 model. $S?0; In good condition. M 600, Oregonian. GAKTERCAR, In gnoa conuition, for sa,le cheap. wwalan laV. OAKAGIk for renL 122 E. EveratL Autmolille Wanted. MODERN coi tuse. clear, free of Incum brance. exchaiK fr auto or glvu tlrs; morttfage for auto. 1. O. Rox "64. Motorcycle. MI'fT sell single 1912 pope, $10 cash. $10 mo. U0O Ald-r. Livestock. OVERNSET AUCTION SALE. 3 registered Lull. v 10 Guernsey grade heifer from Im ported Guernsey sire, bred to registered Guernsey bulls. 13 Guernsey grade heifer calvea from reg. Guernsey bulls. Sale: Union Stockyard. Saturday. Dec. 13. 11 A. M. Machinery. FOR SALE. A 45-h. p.. oOo-volt Crocker-Wheeler mo tor, complete, with standard blade tarter, no voltage release and 70-ampere over load, L T. E. circuit breaker, in A-l condi tion. Addre room 203, Oregonian bldg. FOR SALE. Ore 12.-volt lirect current generator, complete with field rheostat, ammeter and circuit breaker. Thla machine la In good repair. Addrea room 2&, Oregonian bldg FOR SALE. A 4h- K. W , ;4H.voit Crreker-Wheeler generator, complete, with field rheostat and circuit breaker, in good rendition. Address room 2-e. Oregonian bldg. Typewriters, WHOLKSA1.& TYPEWRITER BARGAINS. r.xn.-i'iwoOD, 4 3. $ o o and $ 4 oo REMINoToX. 6 nj 7, f t7. and 20. iM) L. SMITH A BROS., visible.... 27 50 MONARCH, visible :i0.00 OLIVER. Model visible tYvtf SMITH PR EM I SR 2 A 4. $17.50 and 2.oo STANDARD POKTAULE 20.00 roX. visible 20.00 BLICKLNSDERFER, T 150 BAKLvXTK. vbnble UO0 OTHER MAKES at corresponding pricea LARGEST STOCK ON THE PACIFIC rOA.-T. TERMS $ 0 cash and $ .1 pe r tr.orth. Alt machines guaranteed. Type writer rwnted. Catalog on request. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., Phore Main 0-M. .".-'1 Watuington at. 110 TO $'0 will buy a GUI rebuilt type writer a good as new; all make to choose from and workmanship guaranteed; term lo suit: catalogue mailed on request. THE J. K. GILL COMPANY, M rind Aider St. Main h0u". A 0fi. WE are the exchange for the largest type writer concern on the Coit; in estimate; a'l makes, all price. The Typewriter Ex-hnc. SMS Washington at. WE save ou from 00 to ?.t per cent on all makes of tvpewriter. Send for our Hlus tratet fo'der. R-tnll department. WHOLE K A LJJ TYPEWRITER CO.. &21 Wash, su TYPEWRITERS, all make. $;o to $tW. NORTH W EST TYPEWRITER Co., 242 Stark St. NEW. ve built second-band rntala at cut rate. P. D. C. Co., 231 Ptark. Main 14V7. Mieellaieoua. CHEAP one 2G-lnch cornice brake, neariy new. J t0S, l-regonlan. WELL-ROTTED horse manure, $2; cow ma nure, load delivered. Sell wood 10 1. NATIONAL caah reiriater. Get my price Pover. 301 S Wash., basement. Main od. AT yyur on price, 3 pool tat lea, as ood as tew. f oreunuj. FOR 8 ALE M lace Lla neoo. fcECOND-H ANl billiard and pocket tablea. built and re finished, completely equipped, st price from glHl upward; liberal tarma. -The Brunswick-Ualke-Collender Co., 4e Pth st. Phone Main 7C6. A 17t9. CUKISTMAS present wortb $20. 4 volumes r Centennial History of Oregon, 111 to ' 111. by Joseph Gaston; Illustrated; never opened; $10. Phone Tabor lu. &AFEd Mo er Safe Co., manufacturers, low prices, easy terms; safe opened and repaired; bareaina In second-hand a:s. 10 d st. Phone Main 7o7d. bAFE: New and second-hand . low prices. easy terms, safe oiened. rba. terms safe openeu. repaired an painted. PLRCLLL SAFE CO. and PORT LAND HAFE CO.. 8- fith su Main 3o. DIAMOND CLUSTER PLN'. A suitable Christmas gift for him at a genuine bargain. Call room Washington bldg.. 4th and Washington st. PI BE. well-rotted cow rnanur. Geo. W. Lindsay, gardener and dealer la fsrtllixer. Phona evenings, eliwowd Jos3. bUl.ITAIKE diamond. Tiffany setting; a beautiful gem; very cheap. Call 3-0 Lum ber Exchange bldg. FINE drop-head Singer machine, also Edi vn phonograph, 115 records. Phone Ma;n 47. UNCALLED for full dress coat and vest, six 5V, good a new; well cheap. Stanton Dye Works, C4tt 1st. RENT a visible tpearltcr 3 months for 4. delivered. 244 Stark at. Phoue Main J73 or A 4441. WE have a few mahogany and oak desk and office chairs for sal at a liberal dis count. Call b4'J Morgan bldg. FERTILIZER About SO yartia old black cow manure, best to b obtained ; ered in any quantity. East 4 Mi, B 1I1'4V FoL'R second-hand roll-top. two flat-top. two bookkeeper's desks, three rotary chairs. Bushong A Co., Pi park it. Main H4. MLLTIGRAPH, automatic feed, electric drive, three segmental drums; bait price. Main DESKS, roll, flat, dictionary, atlas. $tf; new Kimball piano, fUU. US Yamhdl. WELL-HOTTED cow and horse manure. all East 4. SC. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED cond-hnnd srrewcuttlne" lathe, 11 or J 'J-Inch swing, not longer than -fool bed; must be a bargain; no Junk wanted. Olve full particulars In first let ter where same can be seen. Address R rvS. oregonian. LEVIN HARDWARE A FVRNITVRE CO.. illil Front st.. buys second-hand furniture, carpets, stoves, ranee, hardware or tools of any kind. Call A 7174 or Main i72. Our buer calls promptly. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED. Highest cash price paid for ladles' and men cast-off clothing and shoes. Call Main o-j:t. 2U4 3d at. The reliable buyer. WE want to buy $ 1 IO worth of second-hand furniture tn the next ito days and pay all the cash It Is worth. Williams-A ve. Fur nlture Exchange. Phone East C3. WE buy for cash second-hand National ch registers and sell thvra on easy terms; rertvr guaraiecd. W. J. Macauley, li04 Burnskle. Main 1810, A 1816. W E pay bUhest cash prices for second-hand billiard and pocket tables. The p.runs-wicK-BaIke-Co!ender Co., 4d 0th St. pbon Main 7l. A 171. FA 1 K DEAL He pay beet prices for second-band clothing and furniture. Call Main P'72. tkS Pl'oiie A fcEt. OND-HAND FUPNITI KE WANTED. Buyer calls promp ly; estlnrates given. lM 1st, near Vsuiclli. Main 4?io. WANTED To purchase a timber for co ru wood, call at 093 Burnalde st, Fhon Main Do not sell or give away any of your fur niture before you call the RR Auction Hou. 1S1 :d st. Marshall 475.1. FORD AUCTION CO. pays more cash for any kind of furniture. Mun 51. H IGH EST pricea paid fr second -hand clothe. Mam 133. A 3h7. 345 Dt st. WANTED A small rash register cheap for cash. SMlwood 104 4. WANT seond-hnnd 01 orris chair, good con- dlion. Main NATIONAL cash reglater; price must be reana:-.e. Main titjn. a now. WE wniil $IO.ih)o orta of second -nlTtire. highest prices psld, Selli hand fur. x! 16S2. c AfU paid for hair com bins a. Sanitary neauty Panors. 4"v Dkum bldg. 1 'AY highest price for 1.". S. old c jins. John hall 4t;24. rom ers. K ro.iu way Hotel. m n WA NTKD Smallest second-hand teecontait. jtiuut.Ai i iocs paid lor niies, shotguns camera, tiocnreiu. . . J a si., cor. loucn. II F LP WAN T E 1 MA LE. yl'NO man to drive auto hire car. $17 required : experience not necessary. Room 212, Hroadway Hotel, bctaeen V and 1V:0 A. M. SUM E A-l s.ibmen for advertising propo sition ; good, new ; commission daily; booiers and pikers not wan tea. &mj North west bldg. WANTED Mgaxine solicitor for rRy and Coast towns; new premiums; full com mission. Call ft A. Al. and 4 P. M. 427 Worcester bldg. CASH advanced you weekly selling our hardy guaranteed stock; exclusive terri tory ; huii ers make monev. Washington Nursery "o , Toppenih, Wh. 'ANTED Aii-round printer, one who Is nnxlous to do for himself; can Interest you. Call Main 2JM. WANTED Two reliable boys) with motorcv-cl-s- steady employment. Phone Main 1M'. TAILOR wanted: an all-round man to run my shop through Winter, P. O. box 1G7, Pr'.neviiie, or. EN FEKJriNCKP advertising solicitor; Ger man, Italian, farm and rellgioua paper. Apply 2is Madison. WANTED Married man, without children, to take care of horses; single men need not apply. Address B Efcl. Oregonian. Mol'LDER wanted, otit city; plve ace and experience; $::.$o per day; no booxcrs. AV 72. fregonin. W ANTED Men to write health and acci dent Insurance. Oregon Surety St Casualty Co.. 322 4Board of Trade bldg- WANTED Good, live men to seil watches, diamond and Jew elry on the easy -payment plan. Apply 207 Corbett bldg. EX PERI ENCED bookkeeper; state experi nce. with referencea. AR 6lil, Oregonian. MEN with patentable Ideas write Randolph Co., Patent Solicitors. Washington. D. C. W ANTE D C lot h In g sa lesm a n. iao ioth st. WANTED Boy with wheel. Apply Wonder Millinery. 4th nnd Morrison. LARHEit wanted, . steady Job. l'Jl Mor nnon. PiioTO coupon ; best offered ; beauty con test started. Cut berth Studio. Dekum bldg. WANTED Licensed physician. Apply Nes. blth Sanliorlum. ttlG lJvejoy at. PIIOTO 3licltors. $100 diamond ring given free. Farony Studio, 34d Morrison. SA LE.-PE' PLE, man. woman. JO per day or more. Carlson. 19 Chamber Commerce. KMHANt) APT'1 5 Front st. Aren't You Interestec Fruit Lands? in With the steadily increasing popu lation of this country, fruit lands are certain to grow in value constantly. This holds true for apple, peach, or orange acreage. The better class' of lands are offered from time to time by reliable concerns in the Classified Ad vertising section of this newspaper. If you are interested in fruit lands, turn to this advertising now before you make a decision. Correspond with these concerns and investigate their propositions. If you have fruit land for sale, you will find our Want Ads the quickest and cheapest way to 'ocate the buyers. Use "TheWantAdWay" II ELF WANTED MALE. INCIDENT. fOns of Masy. Office Secretary Lmp.o lent Department. T M. C A. Toung man, stranger, seeking employ ment $?o nts total cash asset If I pay ou $3 for employment membership, I wl.l nave only $15 between me and atarratlon. Secretary If you py $5 fjr employ ment membership, you will have tn T U. C. A., with all lta reaourcea, between ou and starvation. Result Your man joined association. In less than a week ha had satisfactory employment. Record for II month ending Nov. 30: Call for men from employers 3409 Position filled 1724 Special employment membership guar antees member will secure employment or membership fee will be refunded Olvea two months full privilege. Including us of gymnasium, swimming pool. bath. etc. and ten months' octal or house privileges. Including the services of tne empiument department for the entire year. A1 younf men seeking employment tn commercial, clerical or technical or eu-ltieer. firemen, mecuaiiiua, machin ists, carpenter, mill workers or In other skilled line, ar .cordially Invited to con sult with the secretary of the advuwry and employment department. LARGEsi T and beat-known realty coiiCru on the Coast has a position for the sales man who can qualify. Our propose tioii lil make him 0wo and oxer during PH4. Ambition to be and ability to earn $.fJO Is not enough; it takes application and determination as well. As, yourseif tiiese questions: Hae you worked hard this year? How much have you earned this year? Are jou sat:sfied you have the neces sary qualities to earn more? Do you consider yourself a salesman? Several salesmen are earning tnis much and more, handling our proposition. An other salesman can do as much uiih like effort. ARE TOT; THAT MAN? If so, call between 1 and 12 A. M. on Mr. Cicaveland, sales manatcer, THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY, Washington ct AMbITIO!;s MEN, increase your Income, as our correspondent and collector; easy to make $;o to $m) month spara time. 11. A. Murphy. Ohio, made $121 in 3 uios.; A. p. Hyde. Ma.. $i;; first mo.; J. M. Purvis. Ontario.-100 one wk.; paniisen. Mo., $0 one mo. P.ocistration. ldetitillcat;oi bene flis. Information, aid to cmpioment. credit reference, most liberal sic and ac cident protection, and quarterly credit unit pension aystem. all attractive ft-a;ur.s. reference required. American iiusiness Assn. Spokane. Wash. HOHTICL'LTURIST-Superlntendent wanteO. February 1. by inrwe lanu owners in Brit ish Columbia irrigation belt. Must be thor ough. y experienced In all ph-s-rs of or chard work, raising vegetables, small fruit, fodder, hogs, stock, pou.try, and umid.stam'. farm machinery. Must be con genial, educated, sober and hustler; un derstand handling men. Good position for right man. Don't apply unless qualified. State aee, experience, training, adapta bility, wages and stxe of family, if any. Ap.iy Columbia Valley Orcharus. uo.uei.. n. c FARMER wanted for January 1. Irrigation belt, British Columbia. Must thoroughly understand Irrigation, farm iiiaa,U.-ry. raising vegetables, fodder, hogs, poultry and stock. Must bo married and a hus tr; wife to board few mn in busy sea sons. Wag- 70 per munth. with large, furnished, modern house, vegetables and mi:k. Don't apply unless competent. Ex. cellent horn and conditions lor r:nt, peo ple. Lhrge company oaners. App.y. stat hg expei tence. succ- and aUftptabi.iiy, to Columbia Valley Orchar;s. Golden. B. C. WANTED For V. S. Army, able-bodied, un. married men between ages of It and o5; cRisens of United States of good charac ter and temperate habits, who can speak, read ani write the English language. For lnlornuJuu apply to recruRii.g o(T!cer. on:ester bld.. Thiid and oak tta.. Port lard. Or. V E want 0 really go,d salesmen to call and meet u; h III refrain from uny seem ing extravacant assertion regarding the auvantage of our product other than to ay thai you will be genuinely pleased that you rarr.f. t all :0t Hawthorne ae. CITY salesman; unus;ial opportunity for Le man to represent Western factory in sale of hlrn-grade p-'CiaJty; splendid contract fir r:chi; give a,-", references and experience, t'tifvernal Ventilating Com- pa:iy. i'rlt e bldg., Kansas City, Missouri. MACHINIST to work on automoMJes out of city; good salary; must take stock In the company. A E 0.4, Oregonian. HELP WANTED FEMALE. YtUNG wornait bMkkeepcr in wholesale house, steady work; rnit be lompetent to take charge -f large amount of work ; !-' age. ref,-rence. e perience, Addr in own hndwri:ing. cate OreconlaJi. WANTED Ex peril nre'l MTr on typewrit er. App'y upcrintemlent office, p to lO . M.. 'Ml. Wortrnan King. i 1VE gt.-I to learn beauty culture; pay while learning , oosttion guaranteed. 40 414 Dekum bldg. Sanitary Parlors WANTED Experienced co'-k; high wages p:iid ; references required, l'hone Marshall ;'7tf. UM'KL-. young giil 'o help w;ta hplit bons;, or ; liiusl s.eep home. Call Main l-'iil. CAPAPLE girls are securing good positions throUKii tn Domestic bervlt Bureau, 040 lith st. Ma.n 7bn;, a &120. WANTED At n ca;-ble t Urmtian worn tn for car ; lna:d and llht houe keeping. Main ;tH. LA Dl ES to travel, demonstrate and ae.l dca.:ra. 120 to 50 p-r week. R, K. far psid. tiTQ) swetiand b:dg. Cali mornings. WANTED G'od waitrejts f..r hotel at Wheeler, Oregon. Call between 10 and 11 at Hotel Cuagres. room b'S. WANTED Experienced co-,k unl hou. keepr, N. W. rornir 2't h atii f'liftun, Portland Heights. Phone Main 274. WANTED Girl for cooking and general housework. Call at quarters, 14H-B, Van couver Barraik. Lieutenant Scott. CHORUS girls for musical conudy road show, also female piano player. Apply Ed Roberts, room t2. Hotel A .der. GIRL to asilst with general housenork. 4S. 41 rft st. S. E., corner 4yth ae. Tuke WW car. MRU. HoWE'b LADIES' AGENCY. M anhlnton bidg., 27o Was ';ngtoi:. room .10. near 4th. phone Main svitf or A J?0d. N LED experienced 2ir! for general ho : re work for family ut 3, Call Main .71. Friday. EXPERIENCED fam!W cook. $40; goner"! nouseworK, to ..3; second work. ?3o. ft. Louis Agency, jss Main. Main 2Ui'J. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. iai Co.. 6'j9 Roth- cnlld bldg., 4th and ashlngton. COM PETENT gl rf for light housework ana cooking; wages S.'u. l'hone Sell wood 70. EXPERIENCED waitresa wanted at once. Thompson Rt stu, 41'7 Wash. st. WET NURSE wanted at once: references re quired. 411 Skldmore at. Wood lawn 7C0. EX PER! ENCED Kl to pack candy boxes unilj Xmai. E & Oregonian. GlItL to cary dlrhes from tables. 12:iO to 1 o'clock P. M.. pay 2".c. E Oregonian. FAMILY help, 1:0 to $T.O; other help. Howe' Agency. 30, 170 Washington L W A NTHD Cook in family of three. 202 King st. HELP WANTED MALE OB EM ALK. A ANTED Solicitors. men and women; good proposition for right parties. Call fc to 1 A. M-. Mr. I'etty, 10 Columbia bldg. FiBK Teacher Agency secure position for teachera tie Journal bldg. Main 4S3&. 11FJ.P WANTED MISf PIJVNEOI 8. MEN, 2u to 4U year old. wanted at once lor electric railway motornien and con ductor; od to $ io0 a uiomh; no exper ience na.eary ; fine opportunity ; no strike; write immediately for application blank. Addrea AV tiOu, Oregonian. OREGON Barber College teache you tb barber trade in 8 wcvas. pay you wbt: learning; tool free; tuition reduced this term; extra loatruiiora. years In buslneaa; position guaranteed . special Inducements to ioa Mad. son aU 202 d st, MEN. women, get Oovemmeat Joba. 'iO per month; appointment coming Write for list of positions. Kranklua Institute. Dept. IU H. Rochester. N. T. RAILWAY MAIL CLERKSCusiom-house eiaminatlons s-on ; i sreel Post gaining Inore clerks, $'ju to 170o. Free bowk, Pa r.fic states School. McKay bldg. GOVERNM ENT position open to women; 97 month; writ Immediately for free 1;L Franalln Institute, DepL J& ii. Rochester. N. V. Command god salary, learn mov ing P1CT1RE OCEKAT1NG. 417 Ko'lll- . h i i.D p.i . ESTA iiLI?.IED puiiN!ied stcnographb' busl te;s; tertiis reasonable; cod location. Mam tiL SiiUHTHA.VD and typewriting, short, thor ough courses. I'on. lions guarunteed. E. H. 1. Worcester bio,.. Mar. ;7SI. I'KIVATK BL'slINESS COLLEGE Individual Instruction. ORE'iG SHORTHAND, book keeping. -404 Commonwealth bid. Mar. 4is MESrTft to 3, wishing: to be railway mail clerks; $75 month. Apply lor informa tion. AV CSl. Oregonian. G1RI-S Learn beauty pari or work. Earn money while learning. The Hair laxar. Majestic Theater bldg.. Wash, and Park aTl'DY lw; new r hiifi -forming. Porllanc Ls" School. Worcester b'.n. k. SHORTHAND. TYPEWRITING, $3 PER MO. 2M liTU 6T, U.asW3. AJ. LM-TRCCN. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. liiOO WOMEN WANTED To give us the name of people who are talking automobile and want to buy; we w'll pay $Z for each name when we sell them a car; your came and prospect's rami srrctiy coniiaenttai. AUTOMOBILE SALES UNDERWRITING COM PANT. P. O. Box Portland. UOLER Barber College will teach you quickly, cheaply and thoroughly, pay you wblle learning, xarnisn tooi i , nm for free catalogue. A 48, N. 2d C VITIATIONS W A NTKD M A I.E. Bookkeeper ai.d Clerk. INVESTIGATED MEN. The kind you want. Honest, industrious, qualified. Can do anything you want cone. Anxious to serve you. Record tn band fur your Inspection. Cati. W rite. Phone. STANLEY BAKER, Employment Secretary, Y. M. C A Main 7060, a 6S6X BOOKK EEPEH and rer.eral office man with eight years varied office experience and executive ability, tloalre position in city w here there is good opportunity for advancement ; can operate typewriter and will furnish good references. E OiiJ. Ore gonian. YoVNO GERMAN. 27. hiarh school educa tion. 7 years buslnes experience, wani position as bookkeeper, assistant or gener al oflice work; quick, and accurate at fllt ures; moderate salary. Apply G OSS, Ore gonian. YOVNG man. 2s, law school graduate, with seeral years" experience In banking and mercantile lines desire position ; excep tional bank references. Address S &&3. Oreirontan. WILL AUDIT. OPEN, CLOSE OR WRITE Up DO OK irr);a(a lbiiiiiq huu piaivuicut Install systems. Gllllnghani. auditor. 414 Lt IS DlUg. joarauii in. EXPERIENCED in bookkeeping and gener al office work ; can operate typewriter; want office work of any kind; local refer- nee. C ,!. tiregonlan. VAl.l'A BLE man. experienced in office and sales work, wisnes change of employment; energetic, forceful and hlgh.y credentialed. 1 rt"4. Oregon ian. CLEil K of 11 j ears' experience In general merchandise, card writer, bet city refer ences; no objection to leaving city. A3 02X Oregonian. Wol'LD like set of book to open, close or write up in apare time. H. 01. Haylea, Parker Apt.. No. 3ud 21st. and Irving. Marshall 2.?4. GKOCERYMAN of U years' experience, best city references, card w r Iter and w mcovr trimmer. N 07:. oregcmlan. EXPERIEVCED bookkeeper or salesman de sires position at once; best of reference. Box AS MM, Oregonian. VoL NG law graduate, w a tits clerical position forenoons. B 070. Oregonian. M tacelisuaeotu. W A NT ED Work, driving private car or truck; have had 5 years' experience; can do own repair work; will take any extra driving un;ll something turn up; can fur nish references. Phone Main t2 70. aek for Ted. GENTLEMAN, 2-S, will act a traveling com panion, reader, or secretary to exclusive party; has traveled extensively; well edu cated and excellent character. S 007. ore-r-'iuun. LANDSCAPE GARDENER. Position w anted by experienced young man a landscape gardener, w ith family of large estate; can give relercncev G. Tetx. 1444 First St., city. WANTED by young Greek, any kind of work around a home for board and room hnd an opportunity for instruction In EnrMh language. C 5!. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED chauffeur desires position; married man and strictly sober; private preferred. W. J. Smith, suite II, Upshur apt. AVToMOUILE driver and mechanic, 24. co a:i repairing, good ruferenct-s; private, truck or shop; no hablis. Phone Tabor lojo. G .V-0. oregonian. oUN' man who speaks five Slavonic lan cuases wants ton as Interpreter; hss lmd exper.ence in land office. Main 717. A1017.. MAN aud wife, capable and exper.enced. want piSce to do janitor work. Main 717. A 1 0 1 : . EXPERIENCED Japanese chauffeur desires a pos:tin In pn ate family car; willing to do family work beaidea; reference. H bih. Oregonian. CllAl FEE UR. married, wants pom:;.n driv ing for private family; can furnish refer tr.u; do on repiring. Call Marshall WANTED Place an clerk In drug, con fectionery ur clear store; expert soda 'l apenser; $ years' experience; references. H 61. Oregonian. JAPANESE, good boy. want any kind w jrk after & P. M. ; speak T Ooo, Oregonian. I S!i;LH man. no debts, rood orlcln. busi- I nr trained, ersatile, wants something. K. B. Clarke. Fester MoteL LPLRiLN'ED window washer it nts po- i; ion . can fcive reference. E 0v . Ore- K-n:an. LA t Eit 1 ENCED Janitor wants yoitlon; can i"n elevator, b orego Ii lan. YoL'XG MAN. 0. wants position with R. 1L or any tn inc ; not particular w hat kind. n oan tiiA.TS. tj tiregonian. WANTED Position as moving picture oper ator; experienced. A -S. oregonian. VOL NO Japanese wants situation fr schoolboy in family. II 00, oregonian. BoV 10 wants .irk after schooL Fred Mueiler. 4iS With ave. fe. r-. WANTED Positu-n as Janitor, peter Smith,, ;'. Moore st. AS lumber Inspector or tallyman. Phone Tabur oOOil. Box G-l. Arleta. or. 6ITfATlQNW ANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographer. BOOKKEEPER or any kind of office work, hilling exjHrriCiice; wlliiiifi to leave city. 8Ju i:a st. B ls3. . EXPERIENCED bookkeeper. In or out of city; relerences. Miss Gilchrist. Main LoKNEEPE tt veral years' experience, all lines ciT-. work. Taaor 4S70. Yt'UNG lady stenographer wlshea a posi tion. Mam 4no. Dressmakers. LAlY, thurouuly experienced In tailoring, makes suits and one-piece drisses ' rea sonabie prlccb. coats a specialty. Tabor iooy. MAE MARTZ. modUts; suits, gowns, dresses, alteration and maaeovers solicited; prices reasonable, t bourn yaln 1-ih, JAPANESE your.g woman wishes a position as dressmakers helper. AP s7. Orego nian. DKE.-SMAKING. sewing by the day. Tabor .niUv w E. Mth st. SEWING, darning and ti odlng by th day. Phoue Seliood 1W02. FASH loN ABLE d rwnir.akinj and millinery, homo or day. In'1- GibP. Main ftl4. GitADLATE r.urse wishes position in sanl larium or private lam .Ly. F dIO, ore gonian. riuCTI'.'ALi nurse wants case or care for invalid or infant at her home. Sell wood lJ WETNt RSE want young baby to car for. st, i;d u North. Phone Main C374. otKMAN lad , good nurse, ant position ; wili leave city. Main 4479. PRACTICABLE nurse wants work; refer nrn; iea!oiabie. Mam t04. Uooaekecpers, POSITION waned as housekeeper In re fined family by lady not long from Eng land; wl.l accept any other work suit 3 for refined lady to work at. AR &9L i tree;on!an. 0-" D co..k nn1 thorough housekeeper Uhes position In pDtmn'i home, butel or upu h iusi will leave cu y. AS 011. orer i-nian. POSITION by capable w tdow as housekeeper In rooming or apartment-house, references given. Addreg Y "''. Oregonian. YoCN; widow with a chlM 2 yan denrs hMiekeeping p-Mi:lon. Main :.. Dome-Mlr. IHKKfO school girls, ages 1? nd II. winh homes in private families here they may work f'T ilie.r board and room and at tend s-hool. "a'l Main :U1 from Id to 2. Vol No H'ulCH K'rl 3erirea po:t:on us s-.. n.:ii. West Mdo pre ferred. Vol Vaughn mt. EN I'ERlENi'ED Swe!inh girl des!res seeond work privato family; uages J. Main .'3:. LADY will tare f.r ch'Mren b hour, after r.oo.i r ening. 11) one M ias Johnson. He;:wror 6f.1 M isrellaneotie. tiriER on ladies' suits and coats wsnts i-osttion, out of ton a preferred. Address lioii iT, !.-ntP. Or. Vul'NiJ lady would be cm ran ton to lady and es!St "work. Mam M'HKSa whe work Friday. inn r 1".: 1. al HOST,, reliable woman desires position kitchen helper. SU Louts Agry. Main COMPETENT nnd re!iab wnmsn man: f!n - work. Main TIT. A 1217. A COMPETENT wen. an ruis r.s oi o ha.f y. i'houe Aiuiihall 4Jft. FiTTATTONrt WANTED FTM AtR. Aflace!aaeova. CArABl.E and reliable woman would Lks pDi:lon as cook and general houewrJc or janitres; must go fcume nfffhtx. Plais 717. A 1017. YoUNG married woman wants chamber work, waiting or any kind of rrtrk: rr i and small wages. Phone A 3S-. k." Smith. I YOUNG lady deelrous f going to CaMforr.: will give services ae maid or company t for lady, children or lnvaiid. Marsi:i 4L i-nrniT'f.". ' STRONG, competent woman wants da work. saeep:ng, cleaning: good laundres Marhsii 2170. Mrs. Adams. j YoUNG g?7l wishes work In cafeteria o delicae!e.n: must I.aio work at oace. Mn:n bet. 10 and 3. RELIABLE woman wants day work, di ner, eervlng and other work, reaonab. Mam 1 7:i!. apartment 2rt. S X PKRIENVeTT" c a ? h i e r would '.ike p ot . tloi: ; reference. Call Colurr.b:a ftc. LACE CURTAIN'S, draperies, linens laun dered by expert; called for. Tabor 317. WANT K D A G ENTS. AGENTS wanted in all districts to hana.e tne latent polish mop and the newet vacuum sweeper on the markeL Write fr prices ; we can surprise you. The only manufacturing company with office on the Coast. Jaeger Mfg. Co.. 701 Kogh chlld bblg. WANTED TO KENT. WANTED. If you have a bungalow or houe that Is vacant we can find you a tenant. Try our rental department, COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. 513 Board of Trade Bids. Kooin With Board. YOUNG man desires board and room In strictly private family ; all convenience.; muf t be homelike. l'hone Walker, Mar shall 27?0. WANTED By- a young woman ifmplovci room and hoard in private family, Vet Side; state F Oregonian. FOB RENT. Purnisthed Kooius. RATES, DAILY. WEEKLY. MONTHLY. HOTEL WASHINGTON. Formerly Cailed Annex Horel, WASHINGTON ST.. COR. 12TH. Family bote!. l. room. European plan; absolutely n re proof bulJdn.fc. modern and clean in every respect; hot and coid run nln water, both telephones in every room" ladies' parlor, large bathroom, ladies' toilet and gentlemen toi::t, tiled floor, we.l ventilated, on each fiuor; large parlor o:r main lobby. CHAS. H. ROWLEY. MANAGER. PORTLAND. OH. rPJt IAI, IN I ER HA 1 t-f-Nicely famished rooms, homelike. FOR Y. M. C A. MEM HERS s'urniihed rooms, reasonable In ptlce: fireproof build in c. vacuum t leaned, shower baths, cluh facilities; s.-f'iil rates at cafeteria. Cor ner rt:h and Taylor sts. HOTEL MADRAS. Centrally located on Washington at 12th St.; hot ar:d coid water and phone; .I weekly and up: very attractive pr:ces t prnnnent puest. $2..Vj. fl.70, 3 WEEK . cleanest, wannest room In city, right down town; beauti fuliy furnished; bt water, baths. ail hours. Hotel, i st.. mar Jeffe: son. . hTTteL BUCKINGHAM, -ulh and Wash ington fv.. r.ew brick ; steam neat, run ning hot and coid water; all outsiOe room. Plei.ty of heat. e.'.QO week up. HOTEL FRANKLIN. 4S Washii-gton st., cor. 12th. 00c per day and up; weekly. $3 and tip: batn, t-hone, team heat. HOTEL SAVON, l il Eleventh street Nea . motiern brick buildn.g. steam heated, pri vate baths, hot and cold wa:er. comforta bly fumlhed, tran& fcf;n-ied. HOTEL ANSONIA. 12 14th su, corner Wasnrug'on; nicely t urmshed rooms, strict !y moorrn; lala .e week and u;. M"hi:l 1 tZK OAKS 11 JTKU Modern, niceiy furnished room ; Tea:ti heat, hot and mid water; J per week. H47 Oak St., opposite Hotel Oreson. hotel ockley. 5!05-. t urri'on su. cor. lOth. 0(V per "day and up. weekly - 0 and up. ir bath and phones: steam i:au Hi'lKL EDWAKDS. Grand ave. and East Belmont R-m, $IZ month up. S-.0o Ui with private Oath; Urge. p.e.eant iol l- ; ausolute.y a reiptcuu.- fioi' i. Est 0l3. HOTEL STEW ART. 140- Broad .y Ruu- nlng hot ana co.a w m - oiii. f per wek. ilir; LARRaLEE. 2-7's lrraoe Rooms. X2 week up; brick but. dm?, sieain he:. hot. co,1l water. t a:h, p t:oie. e ectneuy. HOTEL ARTHUR, llth and Yatuiti.. eery modern conveni ence; rate 4 w-k and up. Ma YoUNO man rooming at 1. M. C. A. wants roommate to rt-ouce rujimiiK expe:.ex. lu ijuir Y. M. C. A., ti:h anl Tayor. " HOTEL CORDOVA. 2611 I ITH ST. Strictly modern, pr.vate baths; en suite; rooms Jjw up. M1'7 f 1 X T H I-irre. liRtit rooms, lo ieuile nin in ode I'll rehlen e. THE KING. 0".i Jeffers-iu. nice'y furnished rooms, modern, centrai. $- JO wee up. HOTEL ROWLAND. HOTEL MlNOok. i. .ill 1 5 HOIK!. JuKK. 27o4 4Tli l-T. Sirelv furn;ilid ron... y or wt-ck. uKVLUH 1. furin.lied room In rflnd .n lanii.y, modern. ltm he:. laiKe arlors nd" use of p.ano; h..m priviU-s-.. fcrraKfail If desired, gentleman preferred. lose In. rferencw. phtrnn Kaat M--. AiTH VL'TIV'i fr-.nt room for one or lw.: r:ne' nio.i.rn private home, dome In. li "74 Grand ae. N. Ftiun. East SVi4. XnKLV turnlshed room, private famii. a.klnB 0o0 lo I st. Marana.l LAlf.t: front room, running renovat.-d. equiprue.iv pie. 1M J4tn. l,tAt Tli- l-LUY furnished ruom In goo.1 home- reference; Nod ii ill- Johnson LAKGE. e1-runle.l front room ith al cove, running ater. o:h and puooe. l-UVrj"y. m-tfi WELL heated rooms, close in ou cin ne. hot nd co.l uait-r, e.e-t-.i- . horn. prlv.leKe.. S7 X. !&- o. It WEEK, iarg- comfonab;. room for l g.nti.mJn or larl-.e.; a.l convemencea. -11 lith it. near i !. KOOM3 for bachelor with u i of largo cluo- room and auower ' " . dllgr-tful louatiun. Jtar. imi. UEAUTIFf ! i-room ault. .very rejisoii.ble. a eonvenieute.. . -v ... flu Kxeepl.onally nre room. iO iielmoat to 14th. raai fjvKTTH-V furnlaUed room; .trlclly private; home privilege.. J- NICEl.V Furni.hed room auluibie for one or two gentlemen; two peua. .1. TWO ..r thre. pleaMnl ruuini. corm-r rai. ."".." Main and BiMai. nu;ue v.-- i p tjteam-heated. furnl.I.ed rooms. e- tno lignta. puone. tatX iii !lar " 5LKEPINO room for g-ni:rnan, C;oa. in. 11 "j per weex. 1 : - - MODERN front rooxn. Marshall 7- GU- aan at. $- .Vi WEEK r:nst frr-nt rem. 3-th. I' nf anil bed Rooms. LARGE H. K. room. at-r J; P-e free: 17 a month. Hoyt st. tunn ? THE VIRGINIA HILU Mtn and .Ufferson sis. An reiuential hotel; attractlva raie, to transient or permanent guests. in ,T IT I . 34 Montgomery s:.. at West ParkMod em rvnt-r.i'n- eS; ro'-ms with or wltnout lath exce'ient tab r-rvice; reasonabe rste for regular and tritiflmt gjests. : f t TU A hotei, larse jun porch, rooms with or without baths; home cooking- is' le beaid a speca.lTy. THK HAHEL No changed to family ho?e1. j-i'eelai rsies: it:iet;v home cooking. 3rvi :id Phone Main 7rtM. HoM K cooking, a mea l daily, with nice. r.'ean rooms. $. 94.&0 per week. Apply ?14 Union ae. N-rth. K'HTI.AND W'OIK.VB I' NION". Jt;tH year. Keoms wit: I'Cirri. u of sewing-room. H brsrv. P'-awl. Mrs. E. N. WMson, Sup. E OM and hoard at The Caiumel. Park s. .. $.." P'r month ; cioubie. wit j-rUate hi.t-. $7.: at.o rooms without board. fir M ANITOl', 21 13th, steam kesied. lai'l. h"ine r:vliege. Ma;n 1 1 &4. I- A K fToSA, furnished rooms with board; i-oir.s ir families. i00 .letters on. .-..E'j A NT roir.s. facing tlie pXk, fust tn as board, 74 Park JL 1 I II I ? !!-( 1"010. UUIUCtOKir. - spectable. cleau and modern; hot and cM w ater, private tains; Winter rates. ' per week and up; special attention given to tounvs ; five us a nil; y ou will like It. for you t-1 jour money's worth and then some.