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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1913)
TTTT MOKNTVG OTIFGOXTAX TTXnSTAY. DECEMBER 9f 1913. 17 FOB RET. t urn b lied A la rt luraia. OUR FREE AUTOMOBILE AT YOLK bE-VIsi WHEN i- HUNTING AFARlaiENTS. Furnished and onfurnlabed apartments, from 2 to ft room. from 4 2u to $0i pr month. It ou want one, telephone Main avli, puauai, or A 2VLi ETaoluga ta.l Mr. Balden. K arena. 1 -2iJ. Our autooi"Ou will iJ at any addreaa with our tcsU who witi bo slad to ehow taeae apartments. KcfertLCi required. owa or control the following: -,. i. 4 ; ar.O Gi:an sts. Clay pool, llth and Clay at. Columbia. 1 1th and Columbia. Fordnam. 17G Ford, luuti.on. -!." 1-th at., near Main. Hinuvr, 16o K.n at., nr Washington. Xn;ce; booker. 410 Harrison, near 11th, Oiueritiga, ei Grand ave. ft. Ci-r. 17o Pi. Clair at., near Wash. fcL Francis, -1st and Uojt ata. Wellington. Ititn and Everett ata. MOKiJAN. FLIEDNEK Y ROICE, biJ--'l Morgan bldg. HXCHLAVD COURT APARTMENTS, Z2d and Glisaa Streets. Wailcng Distance. Very excius've. elegantly furnliM 4 and 6 -room apartments, all light, bright uia:da rooms. Reference Required. Marsnall 312. tt'H B BAHKER. cor. 21at and. Irving ata. This new four-etory brick nowr open; fur t.lsned and ui:rurrt:".frt In 2, .; and 4 room suites; reception nsl!. electric auto matic elevator. Holm disappearing beds, bulit-in buffet and amine uck, gas rang"-, lenox, plenty of cioset rooma, both, phones, vacuum clean r free to patrons If you want somet hi-, ic come to toe Barker. Phone A l.44. Marshall 2TI. STRANGER TKAVkiLKU Do ynn wan i a cosy home while In Portlard? Da:iy, weekly or monthly ratea. You will a wa a find comfort, conven ience and courteous treatment, and be close t the renter of the city al the w bee lu n a n.ex 10 TH A-ND iTS. iLitiilvillNL), v. Park and Columbia ata, vry ciioic anil J-ruoin completely f ur- r.twnea a ins,, all in o tern convenlencea. leautifui l-Kiiti'jii facing me parka; 5 inln- tit) u.i'k i;o;n business filter. e at a a maintain oar refutation for flrst ela, csn np:a.. with test of service, at rea,,tm-.ii pr:rs; ref'Tences required. GLEN COURT (Formerly the Wheeldnnl, Corrcr 1'ark ar.d Tavior. Modern ar .trtrncata In -. S an 4 4 -mom ailes; furnished complete; first-class service. In downtown district, but quiet. TKINITV PLACE APAKTMLMi, 4-57 Tnnitv I'iace. Ths finest arartments on Te PaMfie Coast, v. tti every modern convenience; apart mTt ta fjrn:hl and nr.f'imishea l-rms reasonable; ref-rentea required; fur- a;aacd btt' quarters with ilubroom. Manager. !arsha!l 1 ltl. WALKING PI'JT Net; REX A KM S APARTMENTS. TStb and L alrrIon sts. ; .Vstory fire proof bldg., ! to and thmi-nwrn f ur l Ish.-d ar.l unfurr:!"he, apt. ; automanc elevator, baleony. ti.e athmnn:s. all lateti lmtroTmeTita. raie to givi. VU.LA ST. L VRA, I 1'Jth and Taylor, t Host modern apartments on the Pacific Co&sl. Kurr. te-i I'ompiet?. Roof Krnn in counecf I en. Wa'.kln tib'aire. Hefreneea Ti!E ci:omw;t.t. y: th a"d ("olumi'ia. ? ad C-rau:n apur une .i t furnished; a?r.'-Mv :n';!cri: nn i at; refercm-ea, close ":i.I:,n- 'Ii-M.iih'; a-'-v t Ht-Ci:t. CiiU UPSHUR. L'iT:h and Upshur ata. bur nshd J-roorn apt?.. gilt up; steam hea. hot and coid water In every apart -ment; puMl- ba'h, electrtr llghta, m ranges, laundr -ro-m, ait free. Take ", ' 3'1 or W" car n-rtn. Phone Main S."-.i. K i V r.i'-Jy Ian.i;.fa new 3-roi-n aari inent. w:i?i prtva.i baMi, lur-e closets, outs:le ro.irni. i Tjiid"y - ro)in arMl locker.t, in Hlan;urd z . 1 l, Killincsu ortu ae. ptioiio t 5-M. W oodlawn "m.i, or H anrbird &. CIe:f imiii, 7U--3 -.!! tn- bid a. SK J'- IKK MONTH. Threo rnrc furnlsiised rooms. In c'u'llnn t-a-id bed li.e:i, Ia";e rooms, n :!;. e, .: iMIs sure. Tai.or JF TKrv. Vi'Y.S.. furnisaai. very c? at rat. : and J rooms; large kitchen. b.i.ths. h-at, Pght and bt-Ui pnon , $1; to $ i' p-r month : al&o sleeping rooma. K 7th nnl l',tnont " TH H"WI NSTOVi ' 81 14ih st., at Mirk't. Xw t v. o a i'd t h rec-r'eim :ip.irtnicnt. fomjt'i fefy furnished ; n o ' kinjf i isiain c, pr)'-- rt-aotia:e. I'ltone Miiti X'Z1. fcr.K verton A artnien ts. furnished ana unfurnished, cheapest and ben in the city; private phono. b:h and elertrn- elevator; xi- lciue roon : r.w m.-tnaier. Take W car. "7" Jltt and Overton. G RA NE.-T A Kast tak and Grand ave.. new building, nicely f urn ished ; prt ale phono nnd hatha, automat elevator; inodera: prices; walking dis:ane. Phone Laat S: APARTMENT of S ir r..o;n. 'A i.Cio-lV,-Plan nun, etc.. strirtiv modern , Just the l:ome f'r 2 or 3 -amtv pv.i-;-. rifa.iu In quire Fajt nr.vo. ll.iHnti.iy Addition. l MAb.TTt:. -dj and Monl;oiiir , Iris, od and Mill 2, 1 nnd 5 room; prtvoto pnor.e; roms, furnished or u:fnrrlt hed. I'nfnrnKherl Apart menta THK WASHTNGTOV. rtf .N'orfhrup 5-room u nf firnllied a a rt m.-n t , wlh bath anil "all modern c-nvfinre. telephone, ftram liet. e:e. rlr lintH. etc. Take W ';ir to u.ul ortlirui'. 11: ore tuin 4oi. 1KI11VM APARTMUNTS. 17u Ford St.. isear Wm'nineton The best a. J and 5 rKm apartment In the city for the money. Y ltusned In tnuliogany ar.d o-k. handsomely Aper-d ;;?, elecant tile b.- broom" ; rent from fj.'t to 7' PAVIS ST. We hnv one top floor duplex apart ment left m oi:r new a'eii-tir fire-j-nnf b.iildma: contains I rooms with 2 ir pLiccs; decorate rooms t j su;t tenant. Apply on prein.n. LIVRETIA COURT n Iucretia ft., north of Washington; beiit residence i Iserirt. w nlklr g distance ; pen court, ftncsi unfurnished apts., 2 to ft rooms, ra" reasonable; r-t'reiicta Vcr . Mae. imh, .lan tor, M.r. 1 :.. ilAX' VKK APARTMENTS K Ir.g and Wash lnron streets Absolutely fireproof, new. mol' rn, j-an'try; two or tree-room ararfincnts, r-tth bath, from 1 to il.Jv; private bM Iron tea. t KFFIKI.U APAKTM EN FS, 7 2 llroad wav. corner Jefr-rsou; nti'kir. dis tance; 3 or 4 rooms, w Ith private bath; very reasonable rent; best servh e, ap.eQ rt i.i a erafur.Tnent. All out a bio rooms. KHtl.KK AP.VUTMKNTS. 1IT1I AM) CLAY STIUIKTS. pe, of our i'ent 4 -room front corner te, unfuinl-ea; reference. Jiorfhl FIU KN I i.-r. Hroadway and Jeffer son. KieKJnt ut.(urn:sned apartmenta; ftrt-rla tervlc; private phone; ref. THE D KZ K N lKR K, lth. near 'I ay lor. .Main 471S. B-rtK'rn furnished and unfurnished apta KINiiBURY. Ford ne-ir iiiii:ion; h.nh rlasa. Lnfurnislieil arai t iiK-n'.s. and 4 room, private baic-n . r- a uat.!e rent. WAUMU'.K Cd Ninth a p 1 HT. IRVlXvJTON nil er Five roo-:i5, imfurnNhe.i. ft ,.t7t o 1tW. M'lKhN C i a:r hear, nd 7-soni nparrmnts; hot 7 1 .". J.-lir.s.-n. A lo; I Tat. V EST S1DM l-rom corner flat, ery de strable ne4ghborhoCHi, every convenience. i r iiii'", bia;:r nary tui-. not nat"' roll Iti furnace, very reasonable rent. -0! N. "-l pi. one Main HJH or call at 14 -d at, IRVrXGTOX FLATS. " 5 ro. nia and alecplng porch, private. frorf pot ,-h. fireplace. o:tk floors. 1 block to tar. ."..'a. K. 14tu u N. Ca'.t afternoons. t-Kt''ti upp r or lower f'nt: nMierr.. new 'uiM.riK, very chire: b igti-cia neighbor hood, .-.o'e t;tf Hill, 411) lieiiry blilg., or Knv l"l.".. XluL'KKN unfnr:shcd Upper flat. 2 sleep, i;g pure bra. choice location. MjIii 9 its. feiXdlot 'M modern flat Wet Side. Inquire 17 rTioi. est location. 10th St., lorntf DEs-1 " A LH.E 0-room lower fat clae liu t HI 17th at. N WmiIavrn JJOl'KRN 5-rocm upper flnt. fireplace, fur nace, walking distance. Eiiat uL UP-TO-DATE 4 -room uppr fUL bath, fur nace. East ."i. B 14V. yi.tT arranged ! r lnC'.re 7;ey. f at In oil V ; Main " V.. garage. NlcLKRN 5-rofti u; r-er flt. with furnace. E. 1 t it, bet. Uumu1e and t"ouch: mo MODERN -roora upper flat.West 8lde7"ln quire ttl' Evrett si. 2IODKRN -rom upp-r fiau Wea: Slue, in quliv y Everett at. C-KOp.l ino rn upper f la t. 7V-u. Irving at . near 21M. Key at corn-T grocery. JUODFRN c jte-in. fre phonav a or 6-room IlaLS. E. ST -7 r -17a FOB RENT. Flat. SPECIAL west p:de, 21 north ku-p street, Ftrlctly modern flat; furnace, aleeplns; porch. fine lawn, etc.; excellent far aerv Ice : rent very reasonable if taken Imme diately. Call a-ji Nortnrup at. . S-ROoM flat, 7hO GUaaa sL. near 2;d st. Cdr, new. modern, ct. ; hirJoJ floors, fireplace and furnace; select neigh borhood. Morgan, Kllcdner ec Boyce, Morgan Mo. LOW E R flat. 2 0 . i. roomi; 0Vi H o t at. tsre Mr. Hyde, janitor. St. Franc. a Apart, ments, 2iit and Hot ata. 0-KOuM new flat, hardwood floors, gas ranco and hot ttr beater; 13 th and TliLtmok; reaonaule. Marshall t3. Furnished Flaua, FINK, completely furnished 5-room f !at. West Stiiv walking distance, bee Mr. Keeley. 2-d Oak at. MODERN 4-rooms In walking distance. 2W Ross. $23 per month. Woodlawn lHOaX 5-Kou.VI unj er flat, near 2-id and Johnson. A4A Ph(m Mumhall l'ft.V Houekeeplng limine. The iltHvr. K'th and Marshall ata., fur nished for housekeeping, yua rartn elec tric lleh'.a, hot water, batn, laundry free, per month up; a clean plate, teat In the -ct'y for th money ; ah-rt distance from Union Depot. Take S or lHh-at. cars ihti h. pet oi f at Marshall. No d-:a. TO $2.7" week; clean, furn'stied hotie kepmj; roriia, suitable for or 4. f rre hen, laundrv. l..ith. vrr1 ras. PI. tine K. 4H Vancouver. 23 Stanton. U car. (.VI-: adi) three. room ant. 1'ehL heat, nhone. bath free. $4.00 and per t .lenraon at. THK i'PaHl'K, 2tit na L"p!ur. furnished 1 ri.Hjm apia. ; iteim heat, MkM ; $ UP Mrn 3,vj;i. Tek "S." S::d or "W" car norih NtlW. fumljihed housekpii.g room; heat light, bath; $1 j. 1 Union i ROYURKST, 17i 12th. larao rooma. furnace heat, comoicTe for it. K. , all conveniences. THrl OILMAN, 1st st. cor. Alder; furnished lmusekev;-l!W rooms. i.iJ eek up. H HM.SlinU h. k. rooma cheap. Cambridge nitg.. :d, cor. Morrison, pnune Mam 1H5. 401 EAST MORRISON, corner 8th; neatly furnished hourskeeplng suites, reasonable, Honttekeeplng-Kooroa in private Faaaily. bKI'uRK looking for room, toouaekeeplng. furnlsned or unfurnlsned. m pnv ate fam ily, also Furnished Mid Unfurnisned t'lats H ousts, Apts., etc., ca.! ana 'c our large and complete llt; we sa you time, trou ble and money. No cost to you. PORTLAND RENTAL UREAL. Proadnay Rids Main LIST YOUR ROOMS WITH US. al'LKNDID housekeeping rooms, with Hutch kitchen, beat. wafr. lig'iita. ue of phone, litnndry. lnwn. flrt-cU-s tocatln; "V" car from Union Depot, --d, lth-st. cars; walking distance to city prorcr; 2.0 to I j week, rate by mouth. 476 Couch at., corner 18th. TUD-HOOM aulte. complete for housekeep ing, electric litrhts, eam heat, launrirr. rui.nlng water and pone. a.t free; beau tiful uitricl. new apart:nen:-houf : un n id car. Il- ifour Apts. il3 lieimont, 'truer Enst J'.Hh. WE ha t clean, well furnished rooms, kitchcnetie, gas. bath, hot and co.d water, lie ir wa: kin 15 distanee . v. rv destt ab.e. 77J T.ivinr. Eas: 5JtV E.N i lUrl Hnti f ioor. nUely f u-mshed. mod ern , -bedroom, livinc and fiintnj rooms, kitchen, lare pu.r ; I'-iiu-nt I asement. o.'.n Ka.d A Ider mi. NICELY" furnished, . clean H. K. rooms, 1 ln in; ail moiern con venlenres; also 3 v ror,nertJnj; basement rooms: s-wxi location. Clay, phono Marshall can, furnished housekeeping rooms, gsis rar-ge, baih. hot and coUl water In rooms. uf of laundry tuba tUtf East Ank eny. Phono Eabt -'.'. ST., mar Morrison. 4 rooms, complete ly f urn f shed, wrv dcsickhle, free, lights, v ater. phone, bath, adut'a. Tabor 1 lu, Vntn n.7-'. MeKitrland. 3" Yeon bldg. THREE housekeeping nomi fr Jl. or two for $10. to private fnmiiy. 434 Fourth at. 1 or. oMese. phone Marsha M ttilO. ONE fumtfhe.l houaekeeplng rom and k'trhenette. $10 per month. n70 1'Jth at, LltTiiT hoiie.keeplnc room free for little help evenlnxs. M7H iemont st. Tror 11H ioi N. lttTil. ne:r Marshall Nicely fur nlshed rooms; heat, I. got. hath and phoue. ONE larre room, running water, brat, light, bsth. Mndlaon. Iloora. FOR Yl'"R s.-tn RENT vfu -aa cet a """0 home built to your orier. hoij hio-ie sirn fur u t- eie t from. Small flrwt payment; low interest rate. Monthly paym.-nt i:i.Iudrs the ln terest. iiv this plan ou can ob5Iutely save $: of every payment that mtKht otherwise bo paid f r rent. All 74, Uic gonijn. j-lti.'M bungalow, iarire f!orod atile, large li v it: a, -room. hard w owl floor, tire plate, rvhttc enamel kitehcn and bathroom, lino-l-iim laid rnthroom nnd k.tchen; screened nU-eptnK-poreii, olectrW-r liaits. gas. fur na e-. fuM cwnient lumrmem, shades; two blocks Ktchmond carlinc Key next door . M liifoklyn rt- Only f-7.5. 7-KOOM bungalow. Imlf acre ground, fru.t, berries barn, chic ken -house and parka; neJr Oregon Elextrlo in! 4th-et. ltnea ic f ire; only $!'- Jt'l WIIcoX bids. Main 7 JOS RT OWNER. For re;il. r holce bun KB. low ; e!r;ht la rre rooms, air icily inodmu, just at t;t north n,- of iaur IhursL Marshall 40J or Tabor ,l,tk... DESIKAHLK houses and flats f.-r rent, parts of lty. XAT1UXAL REALTY A I W. O., Ihonu Main M-V. LAURELHCRST. For rent. cIckhiu h-room modern home, with bllllard-room, tiled bath and garage. Phone Tabor ISM. -k.tM. b.v.h. etc.. H p-r month: Wuoo- tv.k cariine, got off at E. 47th St.. po ij block '.u'l tk'll East 4tii ct., or Prom- Main 7si7. 43i M I E F! N e - room hous-j, close tn. EaM Hut ntlclo ft., ne ly tinted ; fireplace and furnace ; gas ind e Tee. trie lights. Owner, Main 41. Tabor 1393. NE W, model 11 b-room hnise; fireplace, fur nace, ratine, w ater heater, nieo yard; 1 b in. 73d K. M.itn. LH'l-p.LE hoiiH... M 'tltKOinerv St., pear 4th: j j room. '.". H. A. Hoiin-s, Ooa Kerk Mdg. Phonn Mala rVr'-'. li can rent our house for you HAEU THERKELtfEN. ;;iHJ Haidfng hldK. M. 7."'C WEST .SIDE $ 1 and $ 20 ; 5 and -room ht I'lS and t7t 17th at., near Moitisou. ford Sengstake, hi Yeon t!li;, N E W 0-room bnngatow ; f umae, f lre)Ia--e. bo'fet. Sj.V soutneast corner -Mb and East Franiilln. i-KOOM modern bungalow, lort rno5rl St.. near oiltn, Han thoi no district. '-'. Call li H.nrd of -Trade. Main 74..'. A 4401. ilODtKN 7 -room bouse. Northrup near 21t. io month. Vanduvn at Walton, ilb h amber of Commerce. $ lti CLOSE-IN COTTAOE, & rooma. dec trie light and all modern improvements; newly iiintcd. Phono Main a-a. HOLIES to rent In nil parts of the city, HACKER & THERE ELS E N. S06 Bpaldlug bldg. M. Taoa. ATTRACTIVE bungalow, furnaee. Haw thorne district. 1 block car, partly fur niched. Mar. 24oi KiU P.ENT A n-?w. modern ft-roora houa. ltos3 ci v Park. tjiy E. olh N. Phone Tabor ;:M". IRVINCiTON. 7-room mo!ern h'tise f ,r rent. I'hone Main 7 v-2 or Marshall &7fl. 7-HOOM house n oth. clou in : good con rilMon: rent reasonable. Se J F. Common, HiQ Ablncton bldK. Phono Main 5-1 to") M modern cottage near l-aureihurr. ln-if attic, basement, renient waks. S13. Thomass-n. 3d. M.Tin 7771. 7 ROOMS AND G VRAG E. On paved atreet ; good res !d err dls ' tro-t; fnmaee; on Ier, gS. Main 83. 3- i:)OM rottaee 617 Ox-erton at. $15 per month 2t J Stock Egehanae bldg., Sd and Yamhill. Keynejt dwr. Main f21 4- ltOM cottnge. corner E. 39th and Sandy Hond. E. 2:101. K E ITY PARK. i-rom bouse, near car n'irl school. lu East B4th N. H i r-"E of 3 rooms and bath. tr E. ltotn North. lPMlre 1110 th at. Main ;i7S. IRYIN1TON HOMES for rent- East 27X W. H. Hordman. ID ROOM house at 57-4 14th st. Inquire $70 Hth at. LESIR AHI.E G-room f:at. newly tinted. $0; cov 5-roora cottage. East .47, C l'WS. TWO l-room modern bouses, 771 Hoyt and; 7 to Irving, both near st. Main t3li. tTuOOM hous- 39 Orartd ave. N., close In ; snadc. 1 ?. Wood la a n 1;3. 5-ROOM hous 7t Pa via sL between .1st and --d. Marsha. 1 U-'-W. li'H'lls, hall, pantry, bath, nice cle in. 41 &.m Uafael st. C IMS. S-KOM bungalow, new, modern, fireplace, yard. lawn. f-. UvS Division and XHth. M it.iN H-RiOM iionse, electric l.ght and c i". nls fnrna. e. p Ella st. -1 '.M cottnc, $1J. tn jfd condition, near car. East 5. H 1404. MODERN 8 -room bouae, 639 Flanders, near '.;o. i'hone Main r.'U or Eat ih. T-kUoM bouse (or sale or rent. Wdln $1UL FOR RJ3JT. S13 S-HM. bungalow, E. Falinon; fireplace; brand new. :o b-rta. bungalow, . E. Flanders; bard wood floor; corner. 7 rma., plwlmont; flreplae. J2 7 rma., Portland lie.fcbta; bear ing fruit treta, :3 rma., E. SCth and Caruthers; furnace. Ja l-rm. bungalow; extra fine; Beau mont. - -rm. hft'.ie. K. Iftth, on carllne. $ ji 8 rma., Irvlngton ; 2 hatha. We are RiaJ to ar.gwer tnqulrlea, COLt JIMA TRUST COM 1' AN T. 51 Hoard of Trade ttldc. POR II EXT. Modern aeven-room houae. newly reno vnted Insltle nd out, located on Kaat Morriioa at., for per month ; al a modern eiht-ronm bungalow on laat Ta' lor at. for $jo per montU, and i.-.ri. a beautiful modern rive-room lower flat on Kaat Morrison at. fur $-U per month. Look on Kmjic Morrlaou au THE SHAW-FEAR COM PANT, Fourth . MOl'NT TAHOK. Very hlKh-class new modern home, amid scenic beauty and refined environ ments; most seiect residence street, near car; aelect people only; . HAWTHORNE pitfTRICT. Very choice extra iarite new Ti to S-room bungalow, . batlia, modern and complete In every detail, and exceptionally attrac tive, near car; select people only; H0 to S35. MK. WOELFER. 1 Henry Mdf. MtLi;tiX 7-roum house. 10stIC0 lot, fine view. 13t East S;ii ft., .Ml. Tabor car; leu to -desirable tenant. Phono Red bl., Miiwa'ikte. FarnUbed Hous S P.M. flat, close in. E. th. i rma.. Irvtngton; complete; gait : Includes use of piav er piano. COL!.' MHI A T R : HT C OM P A N Y. IH Hoard of Trade illd. &iS TAYLOR ST. Cor. Chapman. -room reception hall apartment, newly fjmlahed. oak floors, real Turkish rugs, t IrcassUn walnut and fumed oak furniture, nphoi. a:ered In Spsmsh lcaiiter. Piano. Kent $40. FAMILY leaving city for a lew months will rent furnlsnett modern 0-rouin house rea sonable. Hefrencea required. Tabor SlUd. Sf Kast 3 1 1 1 . near aahington. 0o i-iUX'M m"Klrn cottage, good ioca tion, ciojie in, Kast sfide, cliao and coy. Tel. C 1 17". PRETTILY furnished modern J-room cot tage; to responsible couple, 3o3 Jacluon sL A 7.2i7. AlubCii.N "room f nrr.inhed apartments, X upper, 1 low er; private ballm; near i. I, shops. i!4 E. Ift st.; "WIC car. MudEKN 5-room bungalow on rtver north cak Crove: low rent. O .i4. Oreconian. COMPLETELY furnished K-room house In Irvine loo, on carnne. East 43P4. 3-ROOM nicely furnished bungalow, m-mth; no childrerr. lvC9 E. ."th st. btorea. SPCE IN MUDERN UA.-E.vl EN T. venti lacej ard well lighted. N. . corner 4ta aid Abler sts.i sult!l.i for cafeteria. Pointing a'mti. etc.: reasonable rent. Mor ran.'a'-r e B ce. Mil Morgan bidg. Fott LENT Stores N-s. m.l and l' Haw liiornv a ve. : east end of hrli ge. Appiy Pa-vihornw Io k Co. phone K-"aat J ul) locat Iwn for b-ju her shop In new irek building at lib Milwaukee au Rent reasonable to 'right man. i-VU itENT Office with every convenience. Mdt;.. Droadwayand Yamhill. Mc Cn rgar. Hales A Lively, agents. Yeon bldg. STOIC E, West tlde. chob e location, for res taurant, delicatessen, meat market. 1 a f;n:re Thomasen, 4)J,3 3d. Main 7771. Ki'it fi'o;:F FLoOKS ANi BLIh;., FEB W. It. WKP.R, U)," Yeon bldg. Main 4Vlll. bK ICK store, comer 11th and Hawthorne, for rent. Falrrhtld. " :2 Sherlock. Offices. Or'ikKS tti JIEVKT of CiTY'at prlcenvrry rnaon:ib1e. .l IT RLE for M ERCANT I iE and PIlJF"KH N A L purpose. A K II A NOKI TO bLlT Tii-NANld. Swel-la-d bids;. DE K KU' 'M. 510 per month ; both phones, v aii't. la v a tor v . 215 i rg on lan bldg. 1 fFit'K room, running water, private lav- 'niory. Cain b rid re bid c, Jd-Morrison, r. IO. Warehouse. STORAGE room for rant, lo per foot par month. C- l Elaton, S.8 East atorrlsoo. Phone East 3227 -Ai;ai;; f-T rent. 1L" E. Everett. .MlaceUaaeoaa, TWO second-floor locations. table for liuht ma uf tcturtng , ceuiral. Inquire Front at. LAROH. Ilffhr room, 2.'.i0 fect. I4.H, 2d SU, uptnirs. $;o .1 month. 1M SINENs OrPOKTl'NlTIK!. business, vv ho. ur haif ini-r- -t ; rcceljits ioji to pyy monthl; est no Itsiied .for years: fm euipmcttr; nlso storage: S'jtiiM wholo or lllloo half Inter est. 3I Lumber Exrhftnao b'd;. OPP011 TUNITY for energetic man In a strictly cash store; will pay you $ l.' mont h and ou cati try t h butna bufore uu bti y. all loom a-".t Morgan Iddg. HAVE 011 sni.ill iimomif (. itn -t and ulllin to not k K lion; uav for fl.'.o iitTi'ii? Thtu call at H4?Z L"umijcr Ea- Flt JALE A payifir furniture business, with a itrt?c:ry aniellne, m a i;ood country town; terms and partiouiurs on appllca tiori. AV f.7l. Oreaonlan. M)R SALE The U'M po.d hall in state; good busii:ers; irood town; Slv) ra?h. Ad lres A. 1;. Thei odeuu. iru.nd Union Ho-t--1. :7 'j Enst Bur'iMiI. W AXTKiJ Steady man to bo cashier, rte.. 111 a good lun h business ua partner' gool pay and very little money la required. Call room ii-'l. Morgan bldft. HA II HER The best 3-chair ahop In the state for the price, r- ear lease. Write W. Ilaliey, Eugene, Or., corner 7tU and Wlllameito sts. Flt i ALE A well-bui.t-up restaurant bua-ltle!!l- food location. Inquire' 300 liolinday uve. b. H A. M. and 1 P. ol. Heat reas'iits. CANPV K IT "HEN" right downtovviu doing lino bunlii :'ss witn lnrreafd holiday trade iutnunc; Invoice .".o; .'H $to, account b avlni; ci:. Lumber E hange. WANTED Two nien to learn uio ina-plc-ture operatiti; private, practical training: poj. it lot; 4 so.-u red ; price reasonable. il'2 ili'ihf ni'.d bids 1 1 1 i H- LA SS S -chair barber shop for sale nioiip; i;io'i location, reasonable rent. Ap plv Portland Cutlery A liarber Supply o.( lliii j. i. PA HTNEH. reliable, man. small cap.tal. In fn yea r huMltiess ; splend Id pa tronage and profitable; worth liitrailgatliij;. & I "n ion a ve. PARTNER wanted for a feed and fuel busi ness; aill pay you salary besides large profits: small Investment required. Call room H2i Morgan bidg. A 1 1 1ST A NTI A L Interest In growing man ufacturing company of Portland to ex -c 'inn K for good negotiable securities. 430 Worcester bldg;. PoWEK lumbering and Irrigation enterprise reeds additional capital and services. (em 1 id opportunity. Particulars 430 orceter 1-l lr. till" v'lIKY fvtrUMly c"'. dally recipt ;..n. 'heap rent, I'rice lJ0O or invoice. itu3 L'iiti! .r Kx hane. I'd and Stark. Uooj restaurant aud quick lunch counter, bufy all the time, at tinua have to turn patrons nvvay. Call 24i S:ark at. KllSTAl i:XT for sale cheap. $:(io can: stock imkI f.xturea A No. 1. loth aud Hurf.-iue. Sol.I it grocery, sales are $0 dav ; cart try the business before ou buy. Call 3u Mor-Kr-n bldg. PARTNEK I'arttier lit firat-clas saloon do-ir-a: good bus'nesa; beat location in city. ftMi r'vjtK-ed C Onconian. Ctl-"rEE-HOllSi-; nnd restaurant, ciar:iig & to fx. average; good trade; $Soo. 3 I'd ft. North. MA PINE hardware and engine buslnesa, es tablished In bust location, for sale. F J, CLE AX rash buslnesa. clearing $15 to $40 ' per week, g.'Oo cash hUM It; this will stand strict examination. Call 24HH Stark at. it l..-T A UK ANT. easily worth $''Ni, but ow in to a dent h in family w ill sell for J :.".n. r.o;i l,-irnt r Exchanp. 1 HAVE a prfKvl opening for a live man In tie skating-rink t uwln ss, must l ave f io' fi. A V t'lid, Oreg'ilan. WANTED Reliable man to help in store, as partner: good pay and only $300 re iu!red. all room 3: Morgan bldg. GCXD-PA YINO cigar, fruit, confvctlonery : long lesse. cheap rent: amgeel for light lunchee and delli a:ess-n. -Oil 1st "at. U A Nl FAt'TUKTNO plant rh-aring. with 2 nien. $ l."0 month net ; $1 ..- required. a hlch Is secured, r.3 Lunvbr Exchange. EOR SM.E i.rocery store, 423 Failing at. Woe-i!awn 121. COM PLFTELY furnished restaurant for sa1-: $17." will take It. ?- Salmon st. AND aervlces put you Into bii!nens pavtng 921 week. 3"3 Lumber Exehanre. GOOD paying poolroom for sale or trade Phone Mar. pou. BUMKSa OFPORTINITIZ. R. H. UOODalND CO.. INC. 4Ml-40-4e3 Wilcox- Hldg. Corner ath and aahington Sta, FREE INFORMATION TO BUYERS About Business An Kind. Anywhere. Before you buy see our large free 11 at of I NrlyL ALLtl) BARGAINS. Mr. DeForeat, Lt us in ess Opportunity Dept. $69 PAKKtiV WITH & ROOMS. HUILT-1N WRICK OVEN; a dandj place at a bargain. 17i fiHoCERT With living-rooms, a real live little store. Going 90 a day cash bua.neas. CASH HLS1NKSS. $1500 bus well established manufae tarlng bus.uesa. practically without com petiuoa. - LUNCHROOM AN1? RESTAURANT. Sai' bus one of the moat popular lit tie places In Portland; rent $Ha month; income $40 to $v0 per day. NOTION sTORB IN COUNTRY Town: l.'oO Dopuiatlon: stock and fix tures, $4 WO; the only store of its kind in uown. $1000 RUTs a pool ball and cigar afore In connoctlon In one of the most popular notels in Portland. WE CAN SELL YOUR HUSINESS. We have sold others. Why not yours? rt. rl. OOOOK I N U CO-. INC. 401-40J-4U Wiicox Hldg. SALOON, pool parlor, bowt'ng alles and rooming-house; this la a lirsi-ciase pro po sit ion ; w ill at and Investigation; lor sao or trade; if you have casn or good prop erty, write or make a trip down here; 1 want to get out of business; good reason for selling. A. E. Feuraen, Aatuna. or. AI'TOMOUILR TRUCKH. 1 wilt aell ou a truck of any capacity, no initial payment. oucao pay for It in 1 monthly Installments, a postal will se cure full Information. Address Automobile Sales I nderw ritltig Company, PosioJficc hox iw;.', l'ortiana, orcaou. HAVB a hiah-c'.aas manufacturing ar.d a 11 ing proKs!lion to offer. The proposition w : II interest anyone deslroua of manufac turing and selling a device well protected by pa tenia; am; pie to manufacture aim with a wide market; will require an In- veaiment Of $lu.Ovu. AN oi, oregonian. WANTED An Ideal Who can think of some aim pie thing to patent? Protect your Ideas, they may bring you wealth. Write for "Needed inventions,' "How to Oct Your Patent and Money." Randolph Co., patent Attorneya, Washington. U CAUTION. BUYERS. Before cioslng deal for so-called Inter est In established real estate business get advice of Portland Kcaltv iioard. F. L. PURSE, Secretary. 8!S Chamber of Commerce Hldg. IF you want an unqviestlonabio money maker of grocery In heart of city with specialty bringing every customer buck 1-t ua te!i you i.iiit It: less than J.ow win h.iiMiie It. w-d Lumber k.xcliang.-. lio'I'El,' doing fine business, atrlctly mod ern, newly rurnisnei suites, t-at na, etc.. close post oir ice. 1 crma .o uown, nai easy monthly payments, M oSi', Oregonian. EXCELLENT opportunliy for party with capita.) a a partner In established paying business; prollta large; puMrnted bona flJe. Ned mor cttpilul to buy materials. Address W fli. Oregonian. lll'TTKH and egg business, all cah trad, no delivery, Cieanpg $lfU to $-0 per month abov o all expenses ; you can try It a week before buying: this mut go at a great sacrifice, ta.l .iS Statk at. PARTNER wanted In electric lighting, wir ing and repairing business: spiendld open ing for llve man : experience not neces sary; verv littio money reguncd. Cull room 1 1 & Lumber Exchange bldg. FoR ALE-s-Well established buslnesa In a good city of 7CW; best location In town: good payroll. Clearing from $ to $7 p-r month. Jood reason for ael! Ing. Will se) Kn or half interest. AV tl7. Oteitttnian. $4.V Hl'VS busy rat aura lit la dots n town dlst-lct: luncnrounter trade; rleir" $t.'o daily above all f ppkh: a bargain for someone. SU. Lumo-r Exchange bl.ig. TWO-CHAIR barber shop; a snap. Harry Kemp, with Portland Cutlery, M 6th sU FOR SALE ,Ttablthcd stenographic busi ness. Call Main oM. BrUIXFSw OPrOKTlMTIKS WANTED. for any oood huinls.s. $.'4k t. $dj cash and 1m ucrrs land. mhi $i'o per Tf, 4 mi. east of Eltopia. Wash., eirar of inumbranco and has beiu la cultlvattun. R, K. OOODK1XD CO.. INC.. 4ftt-40--4o3 Wiicox Hldg. WANT A OROCEKY STRE. Have client with $5vd casTi and $100 equity tn $l.'lo) home. ren:;d for $U mo. R. II. O'sM'KIXD C.. INC., 401-2-3 WIIrM Hldg , Cor, oth and WashHntion. I WILL buy a clothing store from ll"vk to $ 1:0.010. Pari cash, part A-l Porlland renl estate and mortgages. Prlee must be at cash valuation. Alt answers confiden tial. P. O. box. Portland M. WE have strangers here w-anttiig to ge.t Inj to b'lnei-s. Stifle w ould prefer a t-artn till they pet acquainted. LJat at once, Ltiml er :xehimge. 1 W.aNT to bnv grocery or general mer chandise business: if you wish to ae an swer at once, giving particulars. Address box 873, :hehalts. Wash. ktockA an bon rw. FOR SALE 10.000 Sliaies of Pccrlea A ir Miitor slock, price o cents per share; com pany granted a permit ta sell stock by Corporation Commissioner. "U East 7 KOO M IN t ; - II O IX t . LOWEK FLAT. 8 rooms. ht W t Side Joe a Lion, furnace, all modaru, fumlturo of l lie i ry best. w!l complete ; he.v y bras hwi and other things to correspond: new few months ago; rent only $0, rooma rented bring $M. Price $0t, terms. Also fine modern house, elegant y f ur n!shel. and a gooii paver, nice home and a'l ex ieti-. for $7."', ftO down. O. l It. U.LLls & CO.. ab'.i Hoar-i of Trde. M MIV E. LENT, Z22 Falling bldg.. Sd and Washington sta. Hotels, rooming, apartment -houses, bOLD ANi Ext'llAXijED. Conrteoua and ronalderate treatment to all. Free auto service. Phoue Main aOAO. l ROOMS, "J-aiory hou, bungalow a:ie. juat complete!, full bn. hard wood floora. otherwise motieru. Bargain cash prl e at tCJiHj, take xa.-atit up to $l'JOO. lota or acreage, long time on ba .iiic. Hoard -f Trade bidg.. 4th and oak ss - NOTICE. "We buy. Hell and exchange rooming houses, hotels and apartment-house for quick results and a square dual. 1ETK A Rl NOLElt, 314 Hallway Exchange Bldg. ROOM 1NU house, l i rooms, f : mi-c in fur niture. All In a -room suites. Clears $."r h month. 3 rooms for ow u use. Every room Light. Choice, location. Price $Vj. TrniH. Call ll 4th st. TU R m ISt.S. near 1 1 1 u and ,Teffrson ata., elegantly f urnish-'d, and clean, receipts from rooms $13H. rent $M; Prlca $'M; l.-rmi or take lot to $:Q us part. O. C. It. KM la c Co.. lioard of Trade. WA NTEI A tnodorn apartment-hoiiae on the West Side. Something that can be handled for S'JOOO cash. Call at 404 Hroadway, bldg. FOR H ALE Rooming-bouse and restaur ant; good buslnesa; aell cheap on ac count of family going away. 91 Ruseeil atreet. ' 11 ROOMS, completely furnished for home, as welt as rooming -bouao; apeclal price. lit'S r-itn at. HOTEL lKTOLA. 22 W S. 3d SU ..0 roornt, fme condition, long lease, cheap rent ; must ae'l t litsIk . WILL sacrifice, praeticallv new furniture ct g -room house if sold this week; very de sirable location for roomers. Main 42u4. 6PIXIAL NOriCr. ltamwlv Invited. IN THE itatrict t ourt of the United Slate for the Mi:rt 1 of oreon. In the of We.Uon Lariing. lai.r.rupu Re quest for bids. 1 will rc-eivo aealed bids f r a stock of merchandise rutumutif of rigars, tobacco, pf pea. etc.. of the Inven toried value of 112.04. situated at No. 7 First t.. Po-Aland. Orfgn. said prop erty being formerly the property of Wel ti on Iarl;n. bankrupt, up to and until 12 o'rlock roon 011 Wednesday, lecember 1j, 1U. Certified checks for 10 per cert must accompany ea. h bid. Sal subject to the approval of the court. In ventory f the property may be seen at my of fice and the property inspected hV ap pointment. It. L. SARIN. 740-741 Morgan Mdg., Portland. Or. Lated thla 6ih day of December. 191$. SEALED propcsa'.s will be received at the office of the undersianed. 41 mrt house, lint' I 1 2 M. W-dr.eji1ny. U-ceniber 17. l'.ii.t, for concrete walks at Ia vis, Irv ing ton. A !bl'ia Homestead, per. insula and Jefferson High a hooia, PUina and specl n 1 ten t Ions may bo obtained at the office of F- A. Naramorti, Supt. of Propertiea. K3 Courthouse. A depsit of $2 will bo required for each set of plans and speci fications. I'ertiued check for 10 per cent of the amount of the proroal. payable to R. li. Thomas, School t.ierk, must accompany each proposal. Board of lii ectoi a re serves the right to reject any ar.d all proposals. R. H. THOMAS. OaTed .-c. R, IMS. Seho 'lerk Mlarellaneee. I WILL not be held responsible for bills contracted bv Mrs. Clay Oeborne, my wife. Cl.-y Oebrne. BARGES for 4-enU Apply A. S. Pat lull o. Mala 1410, PECIAL NOTICES. MbsrelLane PURSUANT to Chapter 2$4 of the 1913 Sea aioa Laws, notice Is hereby given that the Board of County Commissioners of Multnomah Connty, Oregon, has f xed the 3uth day of Det ember. lvl$. at the hour of 10 A. M-. at their chambers at the Courthouse, as tha time and place at which the proposed estimates for taxes for the ear L'14 may be diecusscd with the board. Following Is the estimate of the amounts of money to be raised for the ensuing y ear: Registration and elections ...$ Board of County Coramutalonera Purchaaing Agent 77.1 C3 00 S.ySa.tHl $A0 OO 6.44l.l0 4o.W)o vo 6.0 -3 p:.0.0o 5.030.00 CA,4:-"t0 40 4i..00 4-'.V15 b 2,0 OO 4o..t l.lfttl OO 5, 100v0 XT. C74 S2 County Auditor Assessor, main division ...... Assessor, tax collecting Board of Equallxatioa County Treasurer County Clerk Sheriff Collection of taxes Sealer of Weights and Measures Courthouse Armory mint v Surveyor Miscellaneous County govern ment .......,..... Circuit Court J u ven lie Court Idstrict Courts Constable Coroner .... Insane Instrict Attorney S iperlntetideul jf Schools . . . . . Library Hoard of Health Fruit Inspector V ultnoniah Farm Multnoma!i Hospital ImLgept Soldfers Board of Relief County Jail Frnier Detention Home Large bridges and f err lea Roads High School fund State s.-b'Vl fund loo 000.00 rt'.oS4 O0 l.:el.Vll 1.M1. it i 7..",i.m 1 1.0.1a M r..rt,-,o 00 15 iLMiN-t'O 7.- ln.ixi 1,-1 -l.oo o9.Ivmi t; mi.oo in.S7Ao 1 s. - -T0..VJ.VOO 10J.i'4.H 6l4l.4:t 4m.h7.-; The followlnr Is a statement showing the total of all other taxes for the en- nine year, levied by other tax-lvtng a u- tiioiities within the Jurisdiction of aiuic pomah Cotint y : laxing Agency Port of Portland All purposes City of Portland iSeneral fund 5.80."V Bonded Indebtedness Inter- est fund 1.030 Mills. 1.85 Firemen's relief and pension fond Puhib; pocks Commission.. Slnklnir fund City of St. Johns, nil ptirooses Town of nreaham, all purpose f'liv of Fafrvlew nil purpose Town of Trout dale, all pur poses Town of Litinton, all purpoiiee 8choo District No. i. Port land, all purposesj .lv .r.r.a .4uV 7.7i 10.00 R.Or. 7.W 7.50 School District No. 2, SL aonns, maintenance) . 4.23 r r-e, text-books ..... Real estate 2 00 i.OO School District No. 3, Park Rose, maintenance 4.00) Interest on bonds 70 School District No. 4. Greah nm, maintenance high school A. 00 tltrh school site 1.0O School District No. 7, Wilkes, maintenance to pay for new achoolhonso Sc !ioo imitrict No. 8, Terry, mainteianc School District No, 10, Cedar, a-'hooj purposes Malrtt-nanco Bchool District No. 13, West Portland, maintenance .... School District No. 14, Falr va'e. malnfenance School District No. 13, Lusted, maintenance" School District No. 16, Fair view, maintenance Krhool l,strict No. 17, No name, maintenance School District No. 10, Moar. maintenance School District No. 20, Trout dale, maintenance . School Dmtrb-l No. -1, Mun- scn. maintenance 5.00 thcr t.urpoaca 1.00 School District N'C Cedar- Hie. maintenance School District No. -3, I: rooks, maintenance t. Other puruoaee 10. 00 School D'strict No. 24. ;ovem iiinit Island, malntenanea. . Scbottl District N-. j.". Spring dale, ot her purpose School oistriet No. urt, 1'oweil all y. fill purpose School District No. 27, Rock wood, all purposes School District No.' .a. Buck lev. all purposes School District No. $1, Alto Park, alj purp-'iet School District No. $2, Hllla .iulc. matin .mance Sellout I'isirb't No. S3, Colum bia, malnt-netice School Dmtrict No. T.4, Reeder, mairitenance . Sh'.o ljixincr No. ;.;, Ilurl burt. a'l purposes School iMstrlct No. 3 ltou relie, other pufposea 6 hi.ol District No. 37, Linn ton, maintenance School Dl"irct No. 8 Hol- luook, milntenanco Other ptirpotes l.oO School DNt-ict No. 53. Taylor, iiialtit.-Tjatice School tmtrlct No. 4t Rua eellvllle. mintt i;an.-e School District No. 41, Spring field, maintenance School District No. 42, Bridal Veil, maintenance 1 w Otlicr purn isa 2,40 School Dim il- t No. 4.", Moun tain, in.iint-:i:tn; School Dt-trict No. 44, Folken lerg, all purposes Stdiooi Di"rict ,Nu 4, OilIert, Tiiaint'-i an-e School District No. 40, War rendale, all porpos.-s School D!strld No. 4 Pleas ant View, other purpose, . . School District No. 4'.i. Victory, maintenance 2.ort 11 her purpose, 4. School Duirlrt No. Brower, maintenancn School District No. 51, Itiver- ' dale, all purposca School Distri. t No. r2. Mnple w .-Hid. luHititcnuiico and In terest School District V ft". Joint, orient, maintenance loo Othor purposes 1.00 8cbool Dtftrict No. P, Joint. ScnppKi. maintenance ... School District No. 1 ;. Joint. Pleasant alley, niai n tennnce School Iilrlct No. ti. Joint. 'edar Nfiils. maintenance. . . School District N. 17, Joint. Sw fjp lile. mat:iten:ince. . . , ScHoo) District' No. s.X Joint. HilUvlew. maintenance .... 4 00 4 60 3.00 i.r.o 1.00 3.00 400 2.00 I. On 1.00 1.00 5.00 too 1 00 1 2..V) 3.00 $.00 4.0X1 4V00 3 50 .o0 2 OO 4.0 2.00 2.00 1 .VI J.OO 3.00 1000 3.00 .r 5 00 T..VI 4.00 00 t GO 2.00 2.00 School District No. 4, Joint. .i nnn um, maintenance l.ffO istej-n .50 2 o-" school tistrict No. ri3. Joint, did not Tnak- a' levy. No reports have been re ceived from the following school districts; No. !. Gcrmantttwn. No. '1 , l.vneii. N' 1. no name. The probable receipt nf tn csxiniy fr th er D'14, from sources other than di rect taxation and the balances 011 hand Tec-m her 31. U13, are eat I mated to be as f HOWS ; Oeneral fmd $!0Oortoo Road fund 20.000 00 Bajante l:i general fund January 1 114 k 200,000.00 $4n.OOA.0O BOART OP COTVTT COMMISSIONERS By RUri'8 C HOLM AN. Chairman, T. V. HART. County Com rrflsl oner. W. L. LIGHTNKR. County Commissioner. NOTICE Is hereby given that a public hear. Ins; wilt b held bv the Indnstrial Welfare Commission on fh recomniendittotis if the Stale-Wide Conference on the wages ai d hours of w omen In all Industries in Cie state at large not heretofore r?gu lted on December ? af S o'clock P. M.. In the public Library. Tenth and Yamhill at reea. 1NDI STRTAL WET-FA RF COrMISFION. CAHOUNK J. GLKASON. Secretary. txt and rorxn. LOST Retnlttgion automatic shotgun, with canvns cs; left at Jotmaona Iauding De cember I. Return s.mie and recIe re ward; no questions as kef. w. Dalbrlght, T'lartiond Itul bep "o.. ct. LOST Black nKhon watch fob. with gold monogram In ilia's K. M. S. Finder will pleas return K. M. Schwartz, Hotel Clyd receiv e ren ard. LOS1 Sunday, on North Bank train No. S7. from Seattle, purse containing rum of money. Leave at Oregonian ofLce. Re ward. LOST Lady's h an .11 at. Saturday nighT6ta and !: rlson or thereabouts; contains about $22; rcwatd. Return Oregon ion of - nee. LST Eiik lish brlnole bull dog. about mix weeks ag't; whit spot between eyes and down back ; four white feot. Return to :t7o stepnrrs. Reward. A -ST -Small purse with Chinese com at t ached, between lAth ard w. I'ark on Washington at ; reward. Main S0. LtST Elgin 21-Jewel watch. Saturday aft ernoon. Kinrtcr pi as return to 2U0 Couch st. Reward. John Ham merle. LOFT Pcotch collie o"or, male. Hccnae'd"; answers to name Rover. Bring to 40 Cor bet t st. Reward. LOST Rapper book. Return to O. A. Mur phy. Morgan bldg. barber shop; reward. Miin Sr.i'd. LOST 22:: Scotch collio male dog; license No. reward. JC-2 East 14th St. LOST Amethvst brooch, scroll work and pearl setting; reward. 407 Selling bldg. LOST AND rOCXD. TH i s following articlea have ben found In the cars of the Portland Railway. Light the Power Company and turned in at the different division points, owners may se cure earns by applying at barns as Indi cated. Found on cars, Dec. 7, IMS. Ankecy barn. A 4121: 1 suitcase, 1 book. 4 am breiiae. Piedmont barn, pbone A 4111: 1 Bmle. 1 rlove. 2 umbrella. 1 bdle. rosea 3 pkgs. Found on cars. SeUwood barn, phone A 131: 1 bottle. 1 chelae, 1 grip. 1 glove. 1 basket. Sa ter-st. nrhouM. phone A CI SI : 4 umbrei.aa. 1 pair eyeglaases, 1 suitcase, 1 pa:r glomes. 1 ai!k glove. LOST About November 21. lady's aoiid gold watch, heavily engraved, hunting case of very odd shape, having alx aides, broken crystal, Swiss movement, valued as keep sake of mother. Liberal reward. R 57 A, oregonian. FINANCIAL BANK FOR SALE An unuaual opportunity to embark in the backing business in a small, but growing community; $12,000 capital. HAMMOND MORTGAGE CO., 424 Chamber of Commerce. WK BUY MORTGAGES AND NOTES. WEPTKTSN BOND A MORTGAGE CO., tlrt COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDG. . WE furnish the money at a low rate of in terest and save j ou more than the brok erace of,;' pvr cent If we do the planning ond building for 011. Zt will pav ycu to see u. l R. Bailey Co.. Inc., 324 Ahlngton CASH paid for gooa first or second -mortgage on real estate or aeliera" interest in contracts for sale. H. K. Noble, Uld Lum- bermer.s bide. $oi FI RST mortgage. T per cent three Jfaii. Will discount $73. 422 Chamber ot Coinnfcerce. WE MAKE short-term loans, $:-H) upward on approval bankable aecurlMea. Koberl eon A Ealng. 10 Falling bldg. Fl RST and second mort cages and building contracts bought. E. B. Milier, 410 Ab lution bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, notes, contracts, mort gacea turst and second), equities pur chased. F. H. Lewis Co., 3 Lewis bldg. WE BI'Y notes, bonds and m or; axes. Itob- ertson A Ewing. ol0 Failing bldg. FOR sALE 20 shares W, Hog AV rtM. reonlan. Cashier stock 1 WILL buy first in on teases and sellers' contracts. A 017. l ireonian. oney to I.miD Real Katate TO LOAN". $.W0, 8 per cent, J -an. $jom H per cent. S years. $2u" 7 per cent. 3 yejrs. 1 'oO, 8 per cent. '4 years. $100. H p-r Cei.t, 3 ye.,rs. 4 7o0, b per cent 2 ears. First mortgage, city and farm security. Inquire secretary. 2"2 Slot k Exchange b!dg.. 3d and Yamhill. MORTGAOK IJANS 00 TO 7 II. E. MooXKV, Main 210. Room 4-l Faring TO LOAN ;o.t..m op. LESS. FA KltlMiTON. rOMMEK'MAl. 11.1 H KLDG. MONEY TO LOAN In sume to suit on Improved Port'atid property or for Thit I Mititc purposes, long lirre. with repavment privileges. STRONJ A :o.. Financial Agents. Suite (to;, 1 "oncord Hid g. MONEY TO LOAN ON TM PROVED REAL ESTATE F"R B'U.DING PURPOSES. VBHT FLEX 1BLK CtXTR.CTS NO 'i M MISSIONS. COL4 MHIA LI FK Ac TRUST CO., 014 SPALDING HLDG. VR have private fimds to place on resnii ui property In amount v of f.-.oo to S t oo. H A RTM AN -THOMPSON BANK. TO LOAN. 1 HAVC PLENTY OF VONKT TO LOAN ON REAL EST A TIC L'. L ilTl E AT 3 TO PER CENT. KDWARU P. MAI.U now C11AXBEU OK COAIAIERCIr MONET TO LOAN. Good supplv for ity and farm prop erty, 6 to 7 per cent. M4LL VON I!0U.TKL 101 Secoml St., pe.r Washington. $1"0 STERLING 2"-- 3 '." FOSTER 7 and 8 per cent 003 Yeon Biog. ON impr ived rt y property or for but dmg lur poaes. :; to h jfi h' time: l H'tj pa -men. privile.-. mou-y alvan -d a building piocreKses. i lie . Kguna'.-ic Saw- cs ft l.opfi Aao.iai ion. 2lo Stark at. li,Si-;i to ioim, ." per cent it ptr ci-jh an nmiMin ; pnm fer ie-. , HAMMOND UoHTliAtlK OMl'UST, 4 4 I'lmm ber of "oin nu-ec-. P1CIVATE party v. II lend X v e -1 ui 7 cent. at 1 per rn, s.nei a, cent. Fred llofihcr, .HJ Heck I'H'in Main bMlg. '. $l0., "M-rf'o. -'H. ;(. $tMM. $ to loan on -itv prop, nv ,t 7 r. GKi si a- Holds. Hoard of T-ad-. Mwu 74..2. A 4 Tot 2'mh1 7 per cent on good I'ortiund rel e tate. prlv arc nnmev, no deitv SEv LRITY ilvj;lop.m ENT Co.. 27i Pltitj St, Soi TO LOAN n rcnl estate in or Portland; submit our e,-llrtty to me at f. 12 Plait bul. ik , houihwest cornet i'ark ' and aahington els. $2o.0ai TO lon; mint be Weat Side property htnproved; currcrR r.ttes; will divide. A til 1, reinlan. Ifiooo, t T'l R per cent, sums to snlt; notes loughL X i31, Oregoulao. MAKE st-eciuliv of loans from fbtl t $3''o; proo-rtv txaui'iie'l suni- ilay aiiplieation is iiiM4l. A. L W LhoiKiiby & Co., 41 l or bet lildie AlainS-i."-... $1immi $."" to loan on unproved cit y property, w. ill divido to suit. 404 Broad- way UMg. MORTGAGE LOANS. Real estate security, current rates, 2"t lt S'ok Exchange bldg., :id and Vamliiil $i-o.ol T loan In aums lo; loans; lowest rates. W. j. Heck, Faliing b'olg. build, n lll.i-lilu :". Hn AND UPWARD on Improvd reai ti,ne; tavorabie terrrs; no no brokerage. John Bam, .V17 Sn;iMlnic bk!g. MOKTu, AGE LOANS oh nty prop-rt : lm-e-t rates. A. H. Hi rre 1 1 Co.. 2"J AlcKuy Mdg.. 3d and Sta-k sts. $2'0. $;'. '0. $'jm, $i2 BVI. Fred W. German Co., chum, of Com. LTGAGK LOANS, l. 'I IS SAL M N AND 7 PER STARK "ENT. T. M.'Ni.V 1. 'Hbil:.p. an. city r fnrnt land. J. J. "ha tti ber (.f 1 'oiiiniiTfo, Mo'.YGAv.K lA'ANS at Current rt.-. V X v 1-1 LI 0 1 'bam ter of t om ni MNEY T LOAN', il ANT 7 I Kit HIM' F. W. TomtLKK, 104 hHKRUM'K BLDG STATE FUND4, j per cent. W. E. TTiomaa, ajent Multnomah iounty, 4M 4 h. of Com. WiOKT-TKHM loana 011 real and collateral securities. biKt Lew la bidg MORTGAGE LOANS, any amount, no delay. iienry o. rnianouinia, b-.'o w ncox biug. MoN E Y TO 1"1A N 1 N R EA L ESTATE, GEO. P. DF.KUM, 22S HENRY liLlX. Money loaned, real est a to, contract 4. ni t ; s. bought. IL Ml ley, 24 G-ri'naer bldjr. $loo Tc liHMi, private fun Us for good loan. Phone Tabor !.' . I.V dEDlAl'K loans, any amount, F. Dulois, tijit Ch.'imber uf Commerce. HAVE .o cu-try. ft $li'0 to loau on good ae '. regmlan. MORTGAGE LOANS AT il AND 7 PKit CENT. FRED S. WILLIAM--?. f2 2 1ST ST. $1o'hi AND $jo- iT.vato money to toau on real estate. Ma'v M-. S--2 Morgan Mdg. MONEY, any amount, 6 to a per cent. H. Seltx Co., S10 Spalding bldg. money to loan on real est at A. II. HAP.DINO. 313 fh. of Com. Money le I mn t hat l ela auad balariew. 1'IUVATB Pl- E T OBTAIN LOANS on d lamonds. w airhes. Jewelry, automo b!lei. mui-al Instrunients. AM Interviews strictly confidential. F-rv Company, S20 Lumter Ex. Bldg. $2T0 WANTED at h per cent on 1404 homo on E. fc4th st. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY. 4 u a - 4 r 4 Chamber of Com mere v WANT $r on GoxBM lot on l.ltb at., be t een K noit and Braxe, Irvtngton; I-ot valu $L'10. Will pay h per cat. 3-year mortgace. A Kt. t ireronian. A PRIVATE party makes small loana oa chattela; appolntmenta made by telephone all day; bu;nea done after $ I. M. East IMMEDIATE and confidential loana on fur niture anl p! unos. autoa and motorcycles. ISAI ER. Alder at. iV L LOAN money on diamonds and i:we;ry at half the rates charged by brokers. Marx A- Rfoch. 74 d st. MONEY loaned ou diamonds, waiches. jew elry, pianos and warehouse receipts. H'ofln & Co.. room 1. Washington bide. MoVEY sold on installments;; salaried people. F. A. Newton. Henry i :!g. LOAN'd on ral estate, diamonds and Jew elry. Wm. Boil, room h Washington bide LOAN on diamonds and jewelry, atrlctly conrideoUal- 2d, xtcar Alder. FINANCIAL- Money l Loan Itattela am .NKrTD MONEY FoK WI? nd raJariea .INTER? You can -et it TODAY. Our RATES end Met hoc. s Compel Cor shieralion Eventua.:- You Will Ial liere. WHY NOT NOW? WE LOAN ANY AMOT-VT. to Working pcop'.i ard otbera on Plain Notrf. Furniture, Livestock. Pianaa. Autos. rtofage Receipts. Real Estate or Motor cyclta. VE BUT MORTGAGES. You Io Not Jeopard : re Y o-r FurrtT;re or s-ll Yo-jr Peace uf Maid IF YOU DEAL WITH US OHKAP NOVEMBER RATES $ .2 weekly pays a !' Joan. .K weekly pas a lan. Il.hi weekly pas a f -o loan. weeklv pays a $H0 lo3. CAN YOU FF.VT THEM? NO cHARi'tE FOll APPLICATION. NO EXTRAS. NO DELAY. On LOAN'S CP to $1-Vi? If the HEAD of the family dies before the account a paid In full ard the pa merits are mae a agreed WE GIVE THE WID-W A RE CEIPT IN FULL OF AC "Oi.'NT. YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL Reba'ej. oiven if Paid Hefore Due. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. 4Ut MACLEAY HLIL BOTH PHONES. Between 4th and fth Sts., on Waah. ei. pen 9 A. M. lo d !. M.: Sat. till S P. M. Call. wr:to or phone. Marshall 3&u, A a7. CHRISTMAS MONEY FOR ALL WHO WANT IT. Don't wait until we aro ruhed, but call today. Loana from $10 to $loo. and a!l we re quire la that you are working. We have money tfl lend at reaepnah a enlarges and extend to you the privilege of paying it hue k 1n weekly or monthly payments In amounts to suit your in c ome. NO MORTGAGE. NO INDORSE!. No PUBLICITY. Rebate given If paid before due. REMEMPER. YA e want your buauu ss. and at onr cap ital is unlimited, we are In a pos.tlon o defy all con.etition and olfer you toe btit contract m the city. STATE SECURITY CO., i'A 1 LI N't i liUG. OPEN EVENiNtiS I NTIu H O'CLOCK FP.OM NoW UNTIL XMAS. WHY PAY EXORBITANT RATEa? AVe w iil loa n ) ou money as low aa per cent on jour u. a mentis and Jewolr . We are the mo-t Iit.c:al licensed money lnd-r in the city, our cstanlishment is bn-ated at ;; W"hincton street, near HrMd my. Get our rices i-n forfeited il '.-inioinl'. Iamond P. '.ace. Mo.X KY f-r si ar.i d p.-;- and ot tiers up -on ttolr own n.inics. cheap rat-.s, easy pa v in en m. see rr.e t.efre de'inu e: -w here ; .n t iv-ci: t iu 1. D. l. lrakc, Henry b'dg. Iunn TV autel. 7 PEit 'i:.NT NET. The Ideal uj-1 -la t e Wav to Invest your imne. ; .i ceu mortjraire gold hotide. b.i-ke I by r .! tc. jj. his m.irtnaKr. as on don't m t for- ;:& or bi her v if, a-trr-c- ;ir I ; ppt . Tii-- cl-nti--si, fr.i'.-t .-t a 1. siihi, :.o,( r j ' oii or in ;i 1 iple.t t h- r--f -ii a ii i ited amount !lc-J. S-c Yr. HhtI.v. 2'-" Si.crk tL, at - 1 A HTM N a: 1 H' 'M 1 N MT. TABOR DISYr.iCr BUNGALOW $0o'. 4 font., brand new nnd strict ly mod ern, fti'l bt, wiil pay h ier ci ui 3 yra. ; .1 Ine $ -2. F RED . GERMAN" C V. frO Ch. of Corn. i ".tv. n jriiinnvil S 1 1 1 1 1 'or; land r- al esta-. Mont n i -lit -i 1 $ " o No . omm-toAion pa.d. A'I'I " JN 1 ", tfefi'H: ian. $I-''H Or .III. li Hoard in e ne iV niod'-rn b ome. 7 per '"ini'ii.'i;ii. Clautic Cole, Pi 7 Tiad d-ig. Pn" loan. --. 4 l"ta 1:i VV HIKb Uf in 111 c ton, $Hs.o. T. pe alt.. a'u-' i't pa-idcd. eti. Al . -i a-ii: idii. $.". T t Impi ov ul pn . 11 rr : 1 ' AK '2, N T oni- !-:V; f.; N I rt 4" acre farm ntar T-d-0 . ' -uitity umple. Ad 1 ian. l 1 c- nl. w n r rar ill s 1 if ' ' ll'AI, vani" i in lct"!.- in i i bunding loftn It .".7 rci:onla IHts0NAI.. il A 1 i:-il ( U-H AIR-H AIR. r;4- n. ii it.-;..-s $4.U. Jli. "ti-lTicil S'll--tlf 1 ., lM.idr. ioc V'tc tii-tf!' . ' '1.1 m i'O.i -- Mam. urc. I'ic. f-T 1 00 12 f-aJp treatm-tit ,".00 'M rf Iiioun l.ii.r r Hi . , d bv f !.-.-lr:.: it-e.;,c. au.u mt-ej nt 10 rttun:. 'n iialr tn any shac; itf-hes ntv I'-ntth. price Ta f Mii:i;in Pifrl.o-. 400 42 p.-kU'ii l.l.k. i and U as. inf.loTi. LA Dl ", L . 01 c bv the latent na ture h.-aliTt IMC. hot t Ixi It If tit 1 !( ur it Int, a : i cttroti;- a:d Jt J'" il 1 r-;tted BV'! i-nr- d bi the I's-t tun.- t,i t;: n.ilb.. c-i . i. .t v.mmi f -ti:n-M!ia j c;.i . p-,-if l Mi ro v .if . t lift 1iK.11 ex p"ii Five, lirc-i .-'Iui'itm ,1 pru.ii. fnce in tl' "1 W-h ; c-oiTj ; . ; t ! in I f r-- Dr. W . I. Malloi, N'ituipali. r.12 b'lUd mi? UEHVE I" , H N EHl 'l '.'adf 11 1; wij and t !; te - mn e; i ; ji-i Mock c hn:n n b:itr i..., kimkIis fi-"i tip: ha r."i-iii;nn-;irn:a. la-.o ard S'-a lt t r-aT n .-ui . com n:ni mad- up t . ird- r. 14i Jtti. n r Mri i-mi. Main Mi. GERM A N T i:IN Kir NUHS K. Fitt-cla inMiie. Grman geduate. treats r!i 'i:n.Mr.Ti. Iirnban... m;i3i;c and bath. 4' 2 Sii'in-Mi. Marshall ,".'';:.. Opr ti Kiiiida'?. SW EDISH TUMNKD Li::: HNmtf.iri cratluate. r'f hii'mii. ncrvoij iTiii som a h nilm-i'i ur'd'-r pbfri-iatrs dm -lions; bath. in,-.i No. 7 EaT Ilth ef., .-ond di"r "iith ojn Uot Auk nv ar Mne. fb-M-e Kut ";o. t 1 -re. DRK SI ITS for r nt - K v ur lot he rb-aned. prtsed. b'iltot;. ',d repaired. fl.."ai nicii'li; lirompt itcli , ere.s. I nil me Tailor it: g 'o , : on, rlp t; aid U Stark. NERY il SN K-S. t benm n t T.-nn! n! ."rt'!, S. pantl.-!- :0.. Ap Exehanri (iin kly r:"'''I aioJ pi td Meiar'ns- . bb'g. V ir-i ail -7.M d 'IIE H' NT VUt i Mini tii. ai:''. Ann.'; Ur...oi . .0 . bctwc-n Mi In 2 217. ii rea' Mi-p t bat ,1 Stew aft lintel. Oil M.-rrlson and Aldei. di: H T. TLK T; ! lite ,.f Dccvcr. rnl.... good b'-tei.i 1 f - ma - c:i r t men t : A Innt.'.J ,-t ill D-kinn I'Mc. SWE1ISH T!onm V.iinhlll. in e c , iden W. Perk MADE . sltrhe- 0 ftary Heaoty . c.irii and i"J-. 7 c San Paebr.. 4o4t Jirii in l'blkT. Soi'UlA H. SKIP, men'al aid cptri'u! sl-ent-sr; juetor.s and message n kr'it 'Wed. o'rl-rli. i2 A!tky bid 1?. M.n '22-t. DR. ETHEL SAC BY Vibrato ry tr : t t i.etii and chii opod y. Zi'2 Panama bVI.. i, 1 rnd Alder. THE FT'R SHOP, Ttemodelin and new or!.?r: trlmrr.lrr; best work. low prices. f,'20 ict!and bliu. LESSON'S In nhrenolgv, jalm!strv and cart readfnr 255 th ar. phone Main iMs. Hours 1 to 5, tJ to i. BOST"N grad-iat nurse, sanitarium, treat ment. niedicMl gMiiiast it ;;-7 Yamhill at., tip one flight, n'om 7. SPM.1TUAL mcillum. Rev. It.-adin dailv. fr--le Tu Son. J. S7o 2d st. Marha Miy Pr -e . 2. Wed. an-l 1 4J-"-. A 2". DIV H"ES Law -r. 2"" v iri' rtvr!en e. relahb. advice free. 4, 4 Koihchild bldg , 27 '--j Wash. MRS. C. S. MOR K1SON Steam r-aths and massage for rheumatisi. lumbal.-", etc. rr.n Madison. , H7", Marshal! LOP.ENZ Nerve Tablets r-sore l't vira'itv. '.Tmt per b"T t f-r J1.2'. Stipe-Tailor Dreg Co., 2 Moir'on. I:EM-VF.D Mrs. S'eens. 2f rears Port land's lendlnir pamlet and eIa!rvoant. re move. 1 to lfl 2 Morrison st. MI NEVTNS F" ctr-r bntl- and trr.,: mcrilii 4U Koth.-h'M h'-'la'.. 4 and W--- RH DA PI EEC F. nian!' ui nig. on . cor. r.'h. room h. 211 1 M..i - CHIROPKA"TIO treatment In eciune ; ,-r cloth- eap;r? and pressing. Main 74".".. CHIROPODY Mr. Pottr. v;brtory;i and facial treatments. 4M Northwest ba.:. MRS. " NELLIE SPRING, chiropodist. OT fi -e 2'. "0 Morrison. MANI'U:iVG. facial and a--a!p treatment. 4"! Northwest bTdg. CI: IR' PODY and sa'p treat.-uent. I Northwest bldj. Main 043. lTaiTm tV FIGP. compcund Roval Tor c Tata. fe4 lavis st. Pbone Main 23.. MOLES eut-erf ;:ons ba:r removed. Afra. M. D. H!I1. 42 Flledner bldg. Main 8473. M A XI CUT E ard dandruff treatments. R. 22. Hotel Gordon, . Park and Yamhill. SCALP ar.d facial mnoicr 2 V Yam hi!! st.. rce-.jn 1, 11 A. M. to 3 p. it. CHTRf 'PR ACTT-". Tlhrntory treamrr:ts. bs 't and masace 472 NorthvaM Mrtg. m. MEDICAL. LSL Bas-tt s Native Herbs for rheumatism. v2 tablets lor 0c AU drugglsta. m io-2,i