Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 03, 1913, Page 3, Image 3

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Courtesy To All Who Honor Us With Their Presence Here
Red Cross Stamp
Booth Wednesday will
be in charge of Mrs. I. N.
Lipman, Miss Frances Ja
cobs and Miss M amine
French Lecture
"Pierre el Therese"
Marcell Prevost
by Dr. V. B. De Lory.
Ph. D., and will be held
on the seventh floor.
EverReady Handy Bags
For Men and Women
Special $5.95
These bags are made of genuine
leather and lined with colored moire,
fitted with pockets for toilet arti
cles and have sponge bag lined with
The bags for' women are fitted
with French ivory toilet articles, con
sisting of hair brush, comb, button
hook, shoe horn, manicure scissors,
nail file and nail salve in ivory case,
tooth brush in holder, toilet water
and powder bottles and soap box.
All articles are of handy size.
The bags for- men are fitted with
ebony toilet articles, consisting of
one military brush, comb, clothes or
hat brush, tooth brush, soap box, but
ton hook, nail file and manicure
scissors, shaving stick case, toilet
water and talcum bottles.
First Floor.
Special Talking
Machine Offer
This offer Ls such an inducement
that a phonograph is now within
the reach of practically everyone.
No other store in Portland is mak
ing such a splendid offer.
Buy your Christmas Phonograph
now, start paying January 1.
Victrola, Special, $81.50
Victrola, complete with 125-com-partment
cabinet, 24 selections and
1000 needles.
Victrola, Special, $65.50
Victrola, complete with 110-com-partment
cabinet, -i selections and
1000 needles.
Grafonola, Special, $64.30
A Grafonola, with elegant, cab- ,
inet, 24 selections and 1000 needles.
Grafonola, Special, $37.80
Grafonola, 115-compartment cab
inet, 24 selections and 1000 needles,
All the machines in this sale,
and all the cabinets are beautifully
finished in either mahogany or oak,
and would be an ornament in any
home. Bun
A Most Fascinating Display All New Styles
Aprons of every description in siviss, plain and doited, fine
laDrns, sheer organdies, Dresden floivered crepes and messaline
silks, in light blue or pink. All daintily trimmed and shaped.
With and "without bibs. Almost all are trimmed iviih ribbons,
bows of while or dainty colors. Some are edged with finest
embroidery, others have lace insertions and edges.
We also have a full supply of waitress' and maids' Aprons
made with bibs, plain bands, brelelles and revers. Some are
trimmed in handsome embroidery. These make extremely use
ful as well as dainty gifts.
Something Entirely New in a Maid's Apron
is a maid's apron of allover net with brelelles and detached
cuffs and collar to match. Tied at waist with black satin ribbon.
Prices From 35c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 to $3.50
$135 Tea Aprons, 98c
Serving or tea aprons made of '
allover shadow lace with French
band edge of plain net. Daintily
trimmed with lace beading drawn
with ribbons and has tiny bib in
Princess style. Has ribbon band
and ties and dainty ribbon bows.
Either pure white or white with
pink or light blue ribbons.
85c Swiss Aprons, Sp'l, 59c
Aprons of fine swiss in new
Van Dyke shape, trimmed with
wide lace insertion and heart
shaped pockets trimmed with satin
Fourth Floor.
75c Serving Aprons, Spe
cial, 45c
Tea aprons of fine lawn with
scalloped edge and trimmed in va
rious designs. Also fine 'swiss
aprons in round or pointed style,
made with pleated ruffles of dainty
edging, or plain ruffle with inser
tion and lace edging. With and
without pockets. Trimmed with
dainty ribbon bows.
Tea Aprons, Special, 25c
Little round aprons in scalloped
or lace edge with embroidered de
si pn on front. Also initial aprons
with scalloped edge and initial em
broidered on pocket. Kearch Floor.
Fur Trimmed
Suits at
$32.50 $35.00
The very latest and new
est of fur trimmed suits that
represent fashions now worn
by the best dressed women
of New York and Paris.
Thfcy are made of eponge,
poplins and fine, soft serges
in rich black and various pop
ular colors.
Cutaway models and mod
els with bloused jackets
some of which show the
kimono sleeves and others
with plain tailored set-in
sleeves. Every jacket is beau
tifully lined with silk and fin
ished in a "made-to-order"
The skirts show a-variety
of plain and draped effects.
Third Floor
. J2eto Cfirfctmas ?Book$
Illustrated in Colors
Beautiful color pictures illustrate a wonderful collection of
books in our book store. :
The faithful reproduction of color was until recent years an
unknown art But so rapid and so marked has been its progress
that today the original colorings, the identical tones, the same feel
ing that the artist has put into his canvas are reproduced so that
each illustration becomes a work of art
In this great book store are many books from Europe, showing
masterpieces from the Louvre, illustrating the richness of a Rem
" brandt or the dainty brush work of a Greuze. In "The Heart of
England" the artist has caught the charm of the countryside with
effective realism. Many a fading memory of an enjoyable trig
to Europe may be revived by these color illustrations. Maxfield
Parrish, Harrison Fisher, Arthur Rackham and many other
artists known the world over have contributed to make this col
lection of beautiful gift books the most beautiful and the most
complete ever gathered.
A very brief selection is here given
hundreds of juvenile books.
-not including any of the
"The Louvre" fac simile reproduction in color of famous master
piece. Bound in cloth, $7.30.
Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, in hand-tooled leather craft binding,
gorgeously illustrated, $12.00.
"Beauties," by Harrison Fisher, rith fuU-pagc illustrations, $3.50.
"Sonnets From the Portuguese," by Elizabeth Barrett Browning, in
white cloth, gold embossed, $2.50.
"News of Spring" and other Nature studies, by Maurice Maeterlinck,
silk cloth-bound, gold-decorated, $4.00.
"The Vatican," by Rev. Edmond Canon, Hugues de Ragnau, $4.00.
The Oxford Book of English Verse This book is a triumph of the art
of bookmaking being made to order by hand, hand-tooled crnshed levant
cover, full gilt edges and India paper; price $12.00.
"Essays," by Ralph Waldo Emerson, a hand-tooled leather-bound edi
tion, 2 volumes, $12.00.
"The Romaunt of the Rose," rendered out of the French into English
by Geof fry Chaucer and illustrated by Keith Henderson and Norman Yil
kinson of Four Oaks, $5.00.
"Royal Gardens," by Cyril AVard. illustrated with 32 full-pasti color
reproductions from original water eoArs and with five pen drawings by
the author.
"Quality Street," a comedy in four acts, by J. M. Barrie, illustrated
by Hugh Thomson.
"Wild Life Aeros the World," written and illustrated by Cherry
Kearton. Basement.
Why Not Buy Him
An English Sweater?
We suggest what our experience has taught us men of refined
taste like.
Sweaters made especially for us by WeJchrMargetson & Co.,
exclusive haberdashers, London.
They have an air of distinction about them that at once sug
gests their suitability for golf and outings wear, and their soft
warmth makes them very appropriate for any occasion.
Exclusive weaves, designs and colorings that are very seldom
shown outside of Fifth-avenue and Bond-street haberdashers
Priced From $5.00 to $20.00
First Floor.
Gloves Form a Useful and Appropriate Gift
Men's Mocha and Cape Cloves, Special, $1.15
Men', mocha and cape gloves in mocha or cape. Shown in tan and
gray. All made with the outseam. Durable gloves for general wear.
Men's Fine Quality Cloves, $1.50
Men's gloves of the softest and most pliable cape we can procure. Made
with the outseam and shown in cape and mocha styles. Colors are gray,
tan and brown. Finely finished in every particular.
Dent's and Bacmo Cloves, $2.00
The dress glove for street wear. Dent gloves and Bacmo gloves made
especially for us from selected cape stock. Shown in pique and outseam.
Men's Cloves for Evening Wear.
- They are very much in demand now as the dress season advances. Shown
in fine quality kid.
Men's Lined Cloves, $1.00 to $5.00
Gloves that are made for warmth. Lined with wool, silk or fur. Hand
somely made gloves that may be u:ed on any occasion. t int Floor.
oUptnanWofe & fix
cJ'Mercnandiso of J Merit Only .
.TSrl O - Or
Tomorrow When in Great Demand for Christmas Gifts
.A Sale of Finest Cut Glass-9434 NEW Pieces
The Greatest Exhibit Ever Brought Together A Wonderful Collection .
Today, 20 Discount on the Entire Stock
You wonder why it takes place now. Shipments have arrived so rapidly that these great quan
tities of rich glass are crowded for space.
Sparkling", perfectly and beautifully hand-cut designs of the very finest and richest American
cut glass. In every, new and original pattern, as well as all the old favorites.
Vases, mayonnaise bowls, trays, bowls, both large and small; candle-sticks, nappies, comports,
sugar and creamers, berry sets, celery trays, water jugs and water sets, punch bowls and sets,
fern dishes, ice tubs, salt and cepper shakers, ice cream plates, wine sets, knife rests in fact, every
article that is made in cut class awaits your inspection.
Cut glass is one gift that every woman appreciates, whether she be married or single, as it is a
useful as well as a beautiful article. A few examples:
$1J25 6-inch floppies . .$1.00
$2.00 Jelly Comports. .$1.60
$2.50 Sugar and Creamers,
pair $2.00
$3.25 Mayonnaise Bowl with
Tray, special $2.60
$6.00 Three-pint Water Jug
special $4.80
$6.50 Flower Vase, 10 inches
high, special . . . .$5.20
$4.00 8-inch Dish, sp'l, $3.20
$3.25 9-inch Berry Bowl $2.60
50c Salt and Pepper Shakers,
with sanitary glass tops,
special, each 40c
$2.25 Ice Tubs SI. 80
Milk Floor.
French Cabinet Resigns When
Outvoted in Chambers.
Combined Forces Defeat Plans of
Government to Tax New Rentes,
fitting Uproarious Result
zt Ballot Is Cheered.
PARI 3. Pec. -. The government of
rretnler Barthou was defeated by a
vote of 290 to :65 In the Chamber of
Deputies tonight on the question
whether the loan of tZi 0.000.000 should
be subject to taxation or immune, like
ttm existing rentes.
As soon as the rote placing the gov
eminent in the minority by 25 was
lead, the ministers left the chamber
n a body and proceeded to ths Elysee
ral&ce, where they handed their reals
nations to Prsldent Poincare. The
ministry, headed by J. Louis Barthou.
after a long and rigorous defense, fell
before the combined attacks of the re.
cently organized Hadlcal party and the
Socialists, led by M. Jares. The govern
mcnt by a narrow margin yesterday
was victorious in a trial of strength
aaalnst the opposition, the new loan
being approved.
The debate tcday was on the ques
tion of extending to the new loan the
fame immunity from taxation am en
Joyed by the old rentes and the gov
ernment again made It a question of a
vote of confidence. The opposition urged
that to exempt the new rentes would
enable those who deal exclusively In
theMe to evade the projected income tax.
Premier Barthou and M. I'umont, the
Minister of Finance, made eloquent ap
peals to the Chamber to respect the tra
ditional Immunity of the rentes. To
tax rentes, they declared, would deal a
deadly blow to the financial prestige of
France. But their appeal fell on deaf
The sitting; grew more uproarious
and frequently the President rang his
bell In a vain attempt to obtain order.
The result of the vote was greeted with
wild cheering by members of the op
position, while the government forces
appeared greatly depressed.
Federal Court Holds California Act
Applies to Student Nurses.
SAN FRANCISCO. Dec !. (Special.)
Three judges, sitting as the United
States District Court, today rendered
an opinion sustaining the California
elght-bour law In its application to
student nurses and other hospital em
ployes, but excepting graduate nurses
from Its provisions.
The case was argued at length last
The action was a petition for an In
junction to restrain the labor commis
sioners and the Alameda County Dis
trict Attorney from enforcing the law
Including hospital employea other than
graduate nurses in the classes of wom
en employes to whom the eight-hour
law shall apply.
The matter was brought from the
State Supreme Court Into the Federal
courts on the .ground that the state
law Is ln violation of the Fourteenth
amendment of the -United States Constitution.
"Road Day" Holiday Troposed.
WASHINGTON. Dee. t. A perma
nent public holiday on June IT In each
year, to be railed "National Road day.
was proposed In a bill today by Rep
resentative Ferris, of Oklahoma. Rep
resentative Byrnes, of South Carolina,
and Representative Stephens, of Mis
sissippi, introduced bills for good roads
Jurist Makes Coaasaaateatloa Pabllc
and Offeader Appears te Offer
Apologies. .
CHICAGO, "Dec. S. Ex-Federal Judge
Grosscup was sharply criticised by
Judge I'e ttlt of the Circuit Court here
today for writing a letter to Judge
Petit In reference to litigation ever the
12.000.000 estate of W. T. Maker, ex-vlce-presidcnt
of the Chicago Board of
Trade. .
Judge Pettit read the letter to attor
neys in his chambers and then Intro
duced It in evidence.
"There is no Justification for Mr.
Grosscup's writing a letter to a Judge
in connection with a suit before him,"
said Judge Pettit. "I t is absolutely un
justifiable. The letter would not have
any effect In this court if It were
written by 10 Judge Grosscups."
Judge tirosscups letter read In part:
"My Dear Judge Pettit: I was leading
counsel last Spring In the case before
Judge McKlnley Involving the division
of that portion of the Baker estate that
came out of the Washington State Wa
ter Power Company. We are expect
ing a decision from Judge McKlnley
before the first of the year. It seems
to me that It is my duty to write to
you that it difficult to deter
mine what allowances should be made
to the parties who have made their ap
peal to the' Probate Court until this
case before Judge McKlnley -fcas been
Mr. Grosscun sppeared In court
shortly after the reading of the letter
and apologised to Judge Pettit for
sending It.
Harrfbnrg Teachers Quit.
HARRISBCRQ. Or.. Dee. !. (Spe
cial.) Miss Sadie Moody and Miss Ger
trude Shepherd have resigned their po
sitions as teachers in the local schools,
their resignations to be effoctlvo at
Christmas. In their places have been
chosen Miss Avis Dougherty, of Port
land, and Miss Sadie Bell, of Albany.
School will be dismissed from Decem
ber 14 to January S for the Christmas
Funeral or Oregon City TrlcM to
Take riace In Portland.
OREGON CITT. Or., Dec. Il Special.)
Rev. F. S. Beck, for the last nine I
years chaplain of the St. Axnea Baby
Home at Parkplace, near Oregon City,
died at 9 o'clock Sunday night at his
Father Beck was born November .
1S3!. at Eursec. near Lucerne. Swltser
land. He came to America as a priest
and his flrft parish work was In the
Milwaukee, Wls diocese. Twenty-five
years ago he came to Oregon. Three
nieces In Switzerland survive. Last
February he celebrated his goldeu Jubi
lee to the priesthood.
Funeral services will be conducted
Wednesday morning at o'clock at SL
Mary's Pro-Cathedral. Fifteenth and
Davis streets. Portland.
influence Congress In favor of this proj
ect. Mr. Humphrey said he was not pre
pared at this time to say what action
would be taken looking to the appro
priation for a dredge for use at the
mouth of the Columbia. He Inclined
to believe the river and harbor com
mittee would want more Information
than it now lias before It will embark
on a dredging project, as an adjunct to
the Jetty work.
Humplirey Believes Congress Will
"Grant Sura for Jetty Work.
ington, Dec. !. Representative Hum
phrey, of Washington, ranking Repub
lican member of the river and harbor
committee, who has just returned from
a trip to the Faclflc Coast, expresses
the belief that Congress will Incorpo
rate in the forthcoming river and har
bor bill the full 1 1.000.009 recommend
ed by the Army enalneera for the north
jetty work at the mouth of the Colum
bia River.
The manner In which local Interests
have raised funds to help meet the cost
of this work, Mr. Humphrey says, will
Club lo Hold Sweet Pea Hkw.
ST. JOHNS. Or.. Dec 2. (Special.)
The board of governors of the St. Johns
Commercial Club will meet Thursday
afternoon at 1:30 o'clock to complete
filsn Welcome
Mother's Friend
A Duly that Every Man Owes to Thoss
who Perpetuate the Race.
It is jnst as important that men sboiM
know of progressive methods in sdraace of
motherhood, lbe suf
fering incident to
child-bearing can be
easily avoided by hav
ing at hand a bottle
of Mother's Friend.
This is a penetrat
ing, external applica
tion that relieves all
tension upon the mus
cles and enables tbem
to expand without painful strain upon the
ligaments. Thns there is avoided nervous
spells : the tendency to nauses or morning
sickness is counteracted, and a bright, hap
py disposition is preserved that reflects
wonderfully upon the charcter and tem
perament of the little one soon to come.
You ran obtain a bottle of ' "Mother's
Friend" at any drug store at $1.00. It
preserves the mother's health, enables ber
to make a complete recovery, and thus wilh
renewed strength she will eagerly devote
herself to the care and attention wbifh
mean so much to the welfare of the child.
Write to the Bradiield Regulator Co.. 223
Lsmar Bldg.. Atlanta. Ca for their rain,
able and instructive book of guidance for
expectant mothers.
arrangements for the sweet pea show,
which will be held here Juue and 10.
F. P. Drinker, chairman of the finance
committee, has appointed J. N. FJdlef
sen and A. S. Benson as the other
members of the finance committee. It'
la intended to offer every encourage
ment for the cultivation of sweet peas
during the ensuing season.
time et night from three to twenty boj r.
armed to the teeth, may bo found a Ions
the road, and n-.any teams have been
frightened. An appeal has been nuila
to tho County Game Warden.
Hunters Endanger Travelers.
CENTRALIA. Wash, Dec. 2. (Spe
cial.) Residents of La Due are rais
ing considerable complaint over a
gang of half-grown boys from Xelso
who make the county road in thst
vicinity a huntina; around. From a
o'clock In th mornlnar until the sme
Officials Come Near Blow.
Speclal.) Blows appeared likely yes
terday when E. B. Schlfley. construc
tion engineer working under the Coun
ty Commlsioners, and State Engineer
Boetske tied into each other at the
Commissioners' meeting. Schlfley a -serted
the road between Walla Wall
and Waltshurg Is off-grade a foot in
some places, and Boctskc's retorts
were warm.
At the Mara
of the Bear
Christmas Furs
WILL completely reach her ideal in
style rquality and workmanship if
selected from oar stock of this season's new
est fur ideas.
The individuality and eharni that makes a fur gar
ment characteristic is cleverly incorporated in these
superior products of our own workrooms.
Ho Lnlb (Sk Co
288 Morrison Street. Between Fourth and Fifth
J. P. PLACEMAN:. Manager