THE 3I0RXIXG OREGOXIAX, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 3, 1913. 11 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF ORECQXIAX TKLEFHOXES. PriDUnr-Room Main 77, A "! f'lty Clrcuiailoa Maia 770. A Maniilnt Kdltor Mam 7070, A ( 6undsy Editor Main 70TO. A ('S Compoilnj-Hoom Main T07. A 0i 6mrlnteaant Bnildlm ..Ma. a "07. A uti HEIIJO THEATER tilth and MirrUorO Mra. Flaxa In tne orama. ina nip KohiI. This atterroon at r:la ana io night at a: 15 o'clock. BAKER THEATER (Broadway and Morri son! Baker Flayers la 'TU Man of tne Hour." Thla afternoon at 2:1 and to night at 8 IS o'clock. ORPHEUM THEATER (Broadway and Tay lor) Vaudeville. Tale afternoon at and tonight at 1:1a. EMPRESS THEATER (Broadway and Tam hiM Vaudeville. Thia afternoon at 2:15 and tonight at 7:10 and f. FAXTAGE3 THEATER (Broadway and Al der) Vaudeville. Tbla afternoon at t:li and tonlsht at 7:S0 and t. I.TR1C THEATER (Fourth and Siarkl Musical comedy. "In Bohemia." This afternoon at 2:13 and loulghi at S:SU tj lo:t. PEOPLE-S THEATER (West Park and A! der) Mary Plekford In "Caprice" and other motion-picture plays. From 11:30 A. iL to 11.30 F. M. ARCADE THEATER (Washington. be tween Sixth and Broadway Exclualva first-run pictures. From 11 A. M. to 11 P. M. dally. COLUMBIA THEATER (Sixth and Wash ington) Continuous ' first-run pictures from 11 A. M. MAJESTIC TEHATEFt (Washington and Park) Continuous first-run xuuUon pic tures. GLOBE THEATER (Eleventh and Wash ington) Continuous first-run motion pictures. District Assessments Abb Made. Assessment for the Williams Avenue titreet Improvement District has been made, and the total is $44,658. This is a (radeU district and Includes the north end of Williams avenue. In Pied mont, and Includes part of Mallory. ' Rodney, Cleveland. Campden, Garfield and Dekum avenues; Moore. Baratogra. Bryant, Morgan, Buffalo, Holland and Lombard streets. The assessment for the Improvement of the East Fortieth Street Improvement District, costing $54, 33, has been made. It includes ' portions of East Fortieth, East Forty first. Hast Forty-second, East Harri son. East Lincoln. East Grant, Mlxter, East Caruthers and East- Sherman streets, which la a hard-surface dis trict. East Gllsan street Improvement has been completd between East Forty. fourth to East Sixtieth street, by Keenan Bros., at a cost of $10,500. and the assessment has been made. This consists of cement sidewalks and grad ing; Club Receives Funds. The com mittee In charge of the extension of Hawthorne avenue carline, for which a little more than $15,000 was raised, has turned over- the balance of the money to the new South Mount Tabor Improvement Association, to be used for lljfrhts and other Improvements. All the affairs of the old finance commit tee, having the construction of the streetcar extension In hand, have now . been closed up and settled, and the responsibility of tho members has end ed. The committee raised the money and deposited it in a Portland bank, where It drew interest until It was paid out to the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company for bulldlna; the streetcar extension. E. T. Peter son was chairman of the committee. Part of the balance was paid to men who had given much time to the work of getting the extension, and about $160 was turned over to the South Mount Tabor Association at the meet ing Monday night. Bridoe Bonds Interest 6 Per Cent. Request has been muae of the Fort land Clearing House Association by the County Commissioners that It ad vise the Commissioners as to what In terest should be provided for in the interstate bridge bonds, and for what length of years they should run. The law provides. District Attorney Evans advised the Commissioners yesterday, that the bonds shall not pay more than a per cent Interest nor be allowed to run more than 30 years. The associa tion also was asked whether it Is ad visable to provide that the bonds may be tken up by the County before the expiration of the full term for which they are Issued. Camp to Give TrRKETS. All widows of members of Multnomah Camp. No. 77. Woodmen of the World, will each re ceive a turkey for Christmas. This Is an annual occurrence with this ramp, and this year will necessitate the purchase of about ii turkeys for Attribution. Arrangements are being mcde for a Christmas tree and enter tainment at the hall on East Sixth street, which also Is an annual event. 1 he' camp spends about $500 on Its Christmas evert. This year the at tendance will be restricted to the mem bers and their families, and by spe cial Invitation. WOUOMtK TO Cri.KBRATB. Webfoot Camp No. S3. Woodmen of the World, will celebrate its "3d anniversary at Woodmen's Temple. Eleventh and Alder streets. Friday night- Fred W. German, L T. Woodward, O. W. T. Muellhaupt. A. W. Farshley. C H. Knowles, Jacob Kelter and M. M. Hor ner, the committee on entertainment, have been preparing the programme for two weeks. Frank B. Motter will be chairman for the evening, and A. 1 Barbur will make an address on the hintory of Webfoot Camp, and what Votnloruft stands for. Kenton Lodge Kict. The North Pirtlnnd Lodge. I. O. O. F.. hss elected the following officers: Noble errand. Perry Wallace: vice-grand. George W. ringer; secretary. Charles Brown; treasurer, W. A. Fordyce. Installation of these officers will take place at the first meeting in January, at which time Deputy Charles Brown will in stall the officers. Charles Brown. G. W. Springer and W. A. Fordyce were elected delegates to the district con vention. Ai.BF.nT II. Stone's Fvneral. Held. The funeral of Albert H. Stone, the young man who was drowned in the Willamette River in the accident to the Wolff boat, was held from the First English Evangelical Church, East Sixth and East Market streets, yesterday. Rev. H. E. Hornschuch officiated. There was a large attendance of friends and relatives. A widow, Mrs. fcophle ttone, survives him. Amkndments to Bi Discussed. At the "Second Pre-Electlon Civic Lunch eon." to be given by the Oregon Civic League at the Multnomah Hotel at noon Saturday, "Amendments to the City Charter" and "Administration of City Affairs." will be discussed. The City Commissioners. Attorney and Auditor will be gruests of the League. and will answer questions. Evangelistic Meetisob Begin. Evangelistic meetings will start to night at the East Side Baptist Church. East Ankeny and East Twentieth streets. Rev. R. B. Whiteside, of Ful- lerton. Cal., will assist the pastor. Rev. W. O. Swank, in these meetings every nieht durlncr this week. Special music will be provided. Better. Car Service Asked. A peti tlon has been presented to Commit sioner Daly asking that the streetcar the city and Holgate street, be Im proved. It is set forth that the cars in the rush hours, evening and morn ing, always are overcrowded out to Holgate street. The Irvinotox Ci-rBHorsH can be rented for dances, afternoon parties or meetings: good dance floor; rent rea sonable: Broadway car goes by the door. Phone caretaker. East 44S5. C XiB4. Adv. A Splendid S-roora Irving-ton home. $8230: terms. Owner, AD 673, Ore gonian. Adv. Chanoe op Pictcres at the Circle Theater (now c). 4th and Wash. sts. Adv. C. A. Appeloren. attorney, has moved to 719 Cham, of Com. Main 42T A4v. MZLBA-KTJBELIK CONCERT. v. X l : (5 . . ' K ; - ' ' - v " V"V ';:, TOMUBKOW MtJHT AT TUB ARMORY THEY WILL, APPEAR l.DEB MANAGEMENT UK 8TEKHS-WVISN COMA!. Tomorrow night at the Armory Melba and Kubellk with assisting artists will give the most delightful evening of concert music ever enjoyed In Portland, and one that will never be repeated. Seats are now on sale at Sherman, Clay & Co.'s, opposite the Postoffice. The glory of Melba's wonderful voice Is enhanced by the knowledge of her generous heart. To advance the welfare of her own country, Aus tralia, she has invested much of her fortune In a series of stores where poor immigrants can buy on a credit basis, with low Interest, everything from farm Implements to furniture, paying on the Installment plan. It is not a money-making venture, but philanthropic, designed to aid settlers in land purchase and home-building. Adv. GTnrxAsnnc to Bs Considered. A meeting of the citlsens of Sunnyslde district will be held tonight in the assembly hall of the Sunnyslde Schoolhouse, to consider the question of t gymnasium and playgrounds. This meeting will be under the auspices of the Sunnyslde Improvement Associa tion. J. X. Davis, president, and the Parents-Teachers Circle, Mrs. It- K. Bondurant, president. A considerable sum Is available to assist In the erec tion of a gymnasium from the old Boys Brigade Association, and sub scriptions. It Is hoped to adopt some plan tonight for the building of this gymnasium. Sunnyslde School Is closely hemmed In on all sides, there being only the streets for playgrounds at present. The Board of Education will be asked to assist In the erection of the gymnasium as a means of some relief. Dkuenteo Mam Visits Officials. While city Inspectors were assembled In a meeting at the City Hall yester day morning, a man suffering from hallucinations walked in and began telling a story of how he was being pursued, and how he Intended using a gun or a club on the first man who touched him. Grasping the situation immediately. Sanitary Inspector Salis bury walked up to the man, and after a friendly conversation, persuaded him to accompany him up the street, where he would be safe from Interference, He Was led a block and a half up the street to the County Jail, and there lucked up. The man is 25 years okl, has light hair, blue eyes, "and wore a light brown suit. Kxiohts or Ptthias Elect. At the semi-annual election of officers, the following members were elected to preside over the Cosmopolitan Lodge, No. 109, Knights of Pythias, for the next six months: Guy D. Bell, chancel lor commander: W. J. Dunlap, vice chancellor; J. R. Wldmer, prelate; H. J. Roberts, keeper of records and seal; W. J. Dunlap Jr., master of work; W. S. Titus, master of finance; Louts C. Otto, master of the exchequer; Frank B. Nichols, master at arms: Thomas L. Garland, inner guard; Ralph Warren, outer guard: John Renner, J. W. White, Thomas L. Garland, trustees. Attempt to Defraud - Feared. Be lieving that an attempt is being made to deprive her of property left to her by Henry S. Hilton, late of Lenta, October 2, Annie E. Rourh, of Lon don. England, has written Mayor Albee, asking him to investigate. Mrs. Rouch says she was a relative of Hilton, and that she had understood that his prop erty was to be left to her. She says she has written to his address and the letters have been returned, marked "Mr. Hilton died October J." Efforts to ascertain the facts concern ing his property have been of no avail, says Mrs. Rouch in her letter. Civic Leaoi-e to Dine. The second pre-election civic luncheon arranged by the Oregon Civic League, will be held In the blue room or tne Hotel Multnomah ' at noon Saturday. Rich ard W. Montague will preside. The subjects for discussion will be the amendments to the city charter, to be voted on December , and the adminis tration of city affairs. The Commis sioners. City Attorney and Auditor will be guests, and will be ready to answer questions. Bridos Engineer Due Soon. Ralph Modjcskl, engineer who had charge of the construction of the Broadway bridge, will arrive In the city Sunday to attend a Joint meeting of the City Commission and the Bonrd of County Commissioners, to consider the ques tion of resurfacing the roadway of the bridge. The present wood block pave ment Is in bad condition In many places. How this shall be Improved will be decided at the meeting. I'xclb Sam Seeks $1600 Man. The United States Civil Service Commis sion announces that on January 7. the following examination will be hold In this city: Anatomist (male), for posi tion In the Army Medical Museuua of fice of the Surgeon-General, at $100 a year. Persons desiring to compete In this examination should apply to Z. A. Leigh,, Postoffice Department. Dr. Stcart Lectcres Tonioht. "How to Stand and Walk" will be the sub ject of a lecture by Dr. Stuart, phys ical director of the Oregon University, to be given at the East Portland Branch Library. East Eleventh and Al der streets, this evening at 8 o'clock. Admission la free. Rotal Arcaxcm Ranqt'xt Tonioht. The Royal Arcanum banquet tonight will be held at the Commercial Club Instead of the Hotel Oregon, at an nounced through an error. Basaar and excellent supper at St. James Lutheran Church, corner West Park and Jefferson streets, this even ing. Supper ii cents. Adv. Rose Citt Park School Ofens Today. The Rosa City I 'ark School, which, was suspended pending repairs, will r-i open or aohool today. Farmer Leaves Estate to Widow. By the will of Max Berg, a Beaterton farmer, which was filed for probate In County Clerk Coffey's office yesterday, all of the personal property. Including cash and notes. Is left to his widow during her life, and to be divided at her death among his six children. Mrs Berg also is to receive an inherltam-t of $700 from an aunt, who lives in Hanover, Germany, and one-half of Mr. Berg's inheritance from the estate of his father. The other half Is to be divided betwen the six children, each of whom is to receive $10, by the terms of the will, of their father's estate Mrs. Berg Is directed to divide J60C of her part of her father-in-law's es tate anion or her grandchildren as they become or rge. Lectvrk t Braxch Librarc. "How the City Trotects Life and Property," the fourth lecture In the Reed College Extension Course on "The Voter and the City of Portland." will be given at S o'clock tonight at the North Port land Branch Library. The course In Spanish, conducted by Professor Stan ley Astredo Smith, of Reed College, will meet at the Central Library at S o'clock this evening. T. C. Gadsbt Arrested. For the sec. ond time In the last two weeks T. C Gadsby has been arrested for practic ing dentistry without a license, at Sec ond and Alder streets. He hns not yet had a hearing on the former charge. Tils arrest yesterday was made by T. C. Ward, special agent for the State Dental Board, and Deputy Constable McCuIloujrh. Frbs Lessons. The special instructor for the Dennison Mfg. Co. is. now at GUI's. Third and Alder, for a limited time only, and will teach the new art of artificial flower and dinner favor, making. Adv. An Oriental Ruo makes the beet and most appreciated Christmas gift. See our complete stock. Some as low as $6.00. Cartoztsn Bros, Washington street between 13th and 14th. Adv. Norman A Laaman, ladies' tailors, 403 Selling building, are making at tractive prices on all suit during this month. In order to reduce their surplus stork. Adv. ' Scotch Arm Rro and handker chiefs. Mrs. Cran. 895 12th. Adv. aF ernion& 77 To Be Sure, a Lennon's Glove Order o Redeemable . in Portland or Seattle Make This Personal Many men and women in this com munity know, in a general way, what banks are for, but have never learned by actual experience just how the bank can help them. If you are one of these and have the h a n d li n g of any funds whatever, con sider this an invita tio'n to come into the Northwestern Na tional Bank, start a checking account and find out how helpful a good bank can be to you: Northwestern National Bank misa- Third and Oak Streets. ul They're Coming" JJ CARD OF TIIAXKS. We wish to exprens our appreciation for all the kindness and sympathy shown us In our late bereavement In the loss of a husband and father. M Rs. CHARLES J. VOKLKER Air. AND FAMILY. Free'to householders a useful arti cle. Kdlefsen Fuel Co., J82 Stark. Adv. who will play a Hungarian Rhapsodle at the Christian Bros.' College concert In Alumni Hall this evening. Adv. Closing Out of Furs! A radical three-days disposal! Sdch popular Fur as Jap Mink. Marmot, Opossum. Black Fox. Gray Squirrel, etc. Regular price up to 15. Price cut lower each of the three day until they arc all closed out. I I, .1 .1 Sale Price Those Left Those Left Wednesday Thursday Friday $4.95 $2.95 $1.95 artljolometo Portland' Exclusive Garment Shop - Washington, Corner of Tenth Portland's Greatest Sale This is positively tho first timo legitimate offerings of famous makers' surplus stock have ever been made in any consider able quantities in the "West. Suits Overcoats Raincoats The response to the invitation justifies the faith we have in the discrimination of Portland folks and their ability to judge the facts from the "fakes." Boys' and Children's Apparel at the same startling under values as exem- plified in our windows. The Steinbach Store Fourth St., Corner of Morrison Gas Enhn, Pres. We Give 6. H. Green Trading Stamps.; The Lion Store 166 Third Street. J. IL RAN KEN, Mgr. RESERVE THAT CHRISTMAS DINNER TABLE NOW Dinner will be served in the Crystal Dining Room and the Fountain Grill on Christmas Day from 5:30 to 8:30 P. M. at 1.50 per plate, including wine. RATHSKELLER SERVICE A LA CARTE After the Theater Visit the HOTEL OREGON CABARET PROGRAMME DE LUXE New Specialties Every Night Miss Ruth Bigelow Prima. Donna Assisted by the AMERICAN" BEAUTY REVUE CHORUS and the HOTEL OREGON ORCHESTRA Under the Direction of SIGXOR PIETRO MARINO Merchants' Lunch in the Rathskeller, 50c Hotel Oregon Wrle-at-Dlrklaaoa Hotel I'ropa. Cfcaa. W rla-ht. Ptm. M. r. Illrklaaan. Masailni Dlrertor. WE have built tip our 1 1 i e n tele in this city through ad vanced ideas in the art of decorating and fur nishing. Our designs are known to have just that quality which gives to them their great charm and individuality. Unander and Jakway Alder at Klevratk. 0 I ITT Jti The Gift Supreme lERE the new jewelry designs are dis played in the GREATEST variety the latest patterns in Sterling Silver Toilet Articles are shown in LHIITLESS array the Silversmith's latest efforts in tableware designs are here, limited NEITHER in kind nor price. Here, and in abundance, tho holiday shopper finds flic latest fancies in appropriate Holiday Gifts, including a price range from the simple, inexpensive article to the elaborate designs running into hundreds of dollars. HERE IS A LIMITED LIST OF SUGGESTIONS FOR TUB WOMEX. Ptorling; Silver Toilet Articles, sets or pieces Silverware for the table Jewelry set either In precious or semi-preclous stones Leather Gouds Novelties Clocks Umbrellas Watches. FOR THE) MEX. Cfsrar and Cigarette Cases Match Boxes- Watches Fobs Seal Hins Fraternal Buttons and Rinffs Watch Chains Cigar Cutters Ash Trays Umbrellas. JEWELERS SILVERSMITHS "Washington and Park Streets 13 ti A Boy's Christmas rrlli lsst all tho rear 1914 If he finds In his stocking a membership ticket In ths Y. M. C. A. Boys' L)ep't, food for Gymnasium, Swimming, Games, Hikes, Boys' Clubs, 100 Other Features Fee, this week, can be paid $1 down, rest Jan. 1. 1914, Taylor and 6th sts. Telephone Mala 7063, A SL. CD AW15U J' rTf, . V ' lllkfll CASTILLIAN All Kinds Spanish Cooking-. Best t inea. unuon ana neer oervea. 411A MHRIOW. WRINKLES HOW TO REMOVE IX 1.1 MIXTTKS. HOW TO PHKVK.XT FUOM COMIXU. Inclose 2c stamp for particulars. Satis faction (ruaranteed. Free demonstration at our office. 9. second floor. 386 V, Wash inrton St.. Dept. F. Hours 1 to S P. M. ftKO-l'I.AVTIQt K AGF.XCV. Psrtlaad, Oregon. Pkoae Mala 22T1. A(fU Vi silted. ierrHory (or Sale. fiISb&cohS e tMVTTT TO'TW tWATTTPTTO tYM K First and Oak , Streets Phones Main 165 A 1165 CCKWAB PRINTING CO, OBEN F.GREENE. PRESIDENT 2451 STARK"STREETI Hear Ye! DoAvn-trodden Ad Clubbers of Portland: Shake off the shackles of ring rule. Let the voice of whole club rise and declare for real representation. You must be at the Wednesday noon meet ing! You must help prevent RING GRABBING OF NOMINATION You must defeat the secret caucus. Declare your manhood. The great Xortlnvest is calling for your help. Oregon needs your voice. Portland will suf fer without your support. Our Ad Club will sink in the mires of wasted efforts and vanish into utter oblivion without the work of your head your heart and your hand. At the Portland Hotel, Wednesday, Dec. 3d, at Noon Rise in your might and smite the enemy hip and thigh let your vote count. Yours for Oregon, for Portland, for Our Ad Club, for Puritv, for Prosperity, for Peace by War if Need Be THE SILENT MASSES' COMMITTEE (Paid adv.) Automobile School 110.000 Equipment. 1 ftbop Repair Prarttre. IL T beer y Is-tracUem. lorn, tall er Sea4 tar Catatogve. V. L C. A- atxta aad Tarter Sta. n Boys and Girls of Oregon! How would you like to earn a little Christmas money? No cost to you only a little writing. If you do, address E 588, Oregonian, giving your name and address.