16 TTTR 3TOttx-o my-pfiOXTAX. TTTTTRSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1913. TO XCUA'OE. FOR EXCHANGE. We have the following high-class Income properties to exchange; NO. 1. WEaT SIDE. 4- story, reinforced concrete, class A, fireproof building; this is a revenue-producer; price loo. 000, mort gage $20,000, about 5 years at 7 per NO. 2. APARTMKNT-HOrSE. Strictly muuern apart men t-house of 24 apartments, good income, on w ell located Ktut Side corner; price $55,000, jnurtf;m;e $25,0b0; owner desires to exchange equity for well located apartment site. NO. 8. IRVIVGTU.V FLATS. Located in ver best part of Irv tngton; price $16,000, mortgage $7oo0; leased for $2160 per year. Owner will exchange equity for well located lots. NO. 4. W"EST SIDE. lOOxluO-FT. COUNTER. Inside 50 feet Improved with modern apartment-house ; secured It-use of iKr p-r month; grtai op-, portunlty for building on corner; price $35,000, mortgage $10,0oo. Owner desires ho exchange his equity for homses or lots or close-in acreage east of Portland. NO. 5. HOLLADA Y ADDITION". Strictly modern 4-flat building; price $14,000. mortgage $7oOO; for well-located building Iole. NO. 6. IRVINGTON. 100xlOO-FT. COHNTR. 5- flat building, one of the finest In Portland; price $40,'m0, mortgage $14,000; leased for $4is00 per year. NO. 7. "We have several other h)gh-cla(s properties which we would be pleased to submit If these do no interest you. F. E. TAYLOR, CO.. Inside Property Dealers. Ground floor, Henry Bldg. BEARING HOOD RIVER ORCHARD CO acres, 12 H acres orchard, 5 acres 13 years old, 5 acres 10 years, 2a years; all good commercial varieties; produced 1670 boxes apples this year. Several acres potatoes some rasture, bRlance timber, part of it easily cleared. Plenty of water from good ditch. Good 0-room house, largo barn, IS miles Hood River in 1'pper Vallev, 2 miles Parkdale. One of the very beet tlaces in Upper Valley. Price $ l.i.'noo, incumbrance $0800. Will exchange for Portland property; would assume some on apartment-house site. J. Q. RAlNEYj 60Q Yeon bldg. Marshall 3177. A 34G6. $50 PER ACHE $20. 35S2 acres in one solid body. 7 miles south of Roseburg, on Southerh Pacific Railroad. Station right on land. Price $20 per acre, free and clear. Mf) acres cleared, ftrictly bottom land. 200 acres of good tillable land, gently rolling. Bal ance timber and rather rough. Part of this would make ideal townsite proposi tion. All of it would make mapiiif i'jent stock ranch. Owner will trade this, clear, for city income aird will assume moderate incumbrance. Owners only. 303 Phoenix bid g., corner 5th and Oak. FOR TRADE. Where there is no snow and the sun shines year-round, 18 miles of beach, the finest beach in U. S.; a 14-room rooming house, hot and cold water, bath, electric lighted and cell furnished, small aLfalfa farm preferred. What have you? Ad dress owner, C. Maliory, box 45. Plsnuo, California. ACREAGE FOR BUNGALOW. Wre have 20 acres of fine, land, partl cleared, on macadamized road, near Rock wood; price $"0i per acre. Will exchange half or all for some good bungalows in Portland. Ask for Mr. Reinhardt, with GIU'SI & BQLDS. 81tt Board of Trade. Main 7452. A 44A1. CATTLp MEN, TAKE X'OTiCBt 1300 acres, with lots or outrange. In Eastern Oregon, where plenty of rain falls; river runs througt piace; loo hems) cattle, 70 horses, 50 hogs. 100 chickens, plenty hay and teed, to exchange. Owner. William Johnson, 627 Cham, of Com. 110O ACRES good land, carrying thirty mil lion ft. timber, five miles from county scat town, on good road, value $40,000; is clear of incumbrance ; exchange for gooa city or farm property and assume reason able amount. Bagley, 410 Lumbermans building. JiEG TO ANNOUNCE opening of our REAL ESTATE and EXCHANGE department. List your property with us. We will trade what you have for what you want. Prop erty of MERIT only will be considered. M'KENZIB & CO., 515 Gerl 1 nger Bid g. M ain 28ol. WHAT have you to exchange for high-class residence lots at Astoria? Remember, all eyes are turned towards Astoria, as it will surely be the greatest harbor on the Pa cific Coast. Write G. A. Varies, 661 Wasco street. QUARTER BLOCK, 100 ft. from Union ave., both streets hardsurfaced: also 3 other lots, equity to trade fcr alear farm ot same value. GODDARD & WIEDRICK 243 Stark Street. WEST SIDE, walking distance, on College st.; elegant, mooern b-room house; grand view; fclO.OOO; will accept good building Fite, West Side, as part payment. Owner, P. O. box 640, city. ASTORIA reeidence lots to exchange for acreage anywhere in the Willamette Val ley; these lots are well located and clear of incumbrance. Call or write G. A. Sarles, Seward Hotel. Portland, or. BUSINESS block 71x78, improved with 2 story store and flat bldg., capable of earn ing $200 per month, on Killiugsworth near Williams ave. Owner, 2-02 Stock Exch. bldg., :id and Yamhil sts. LOT or acreage for house equity, not over $3500. East 2331. Price FOR SALE. llorsen, Vehlcien, Etc. Horses and wagons for sale or It EN 1'. Second-hand vehicles bought and sold; new wagon and auto beds made to order; . livery furnisned to business parties at special rates. HAWTHORNE STABLES, 420 Hawthorne Ave. Phone East 72. B 1369. i LIST arrived with 45 head of best horses can be found ; ranch, draft and delivery stuff, range from 4 to S years old, 11J0 to 1675; gentle, broke; one pair mules; guar anteed us represented; can be seen in rear 334 Front sU Phil Suetter. Res., Main 8668. CLOSING out entire livery stock, consist ing of nice drivers, delivery horses, har ness, buggies, wagons, saddles and one of the beat combination stallions on Coast; also a fine, well-bred 0-month s oid colt; here is your chance for bar gains. 14 Union ave. WANTED : A good sound team of farm horses, wagon and harness, in exchange for a cor ner lot in Mount Tabor district, 50x100, clear of incumbrance. 315 Abington bldg. I' h o n o Main 80V3. THE MURPHY HORSE & MULE CO. sell on commission, horses, mules, vehi cles and harness Auction sales every Monday and Friday, 10 A. M. Private sules daily. 240 K. Sth st., near Haw thorne. E. G315. XJ R SALE Team gray horses, 7 and 8 years old, sound and gentle; top wagon and harness; cheap if taken by noon to day. Call East 4151 or call at 05 E. 20th st. up till noon. FOR SALE 1 team, 5 and 6 years oid, weighing 3000 lbs.; onu team, ( and 7 years old, weighing 2800 lbs. 226 Russell street. 100-POUND team for sale cheap ; work single or double; responsible parties may take on trial. 1029 E. Yamhill st. OR sALrJ one rne driving mare 5 years old, weighing 1100 lbs. ; absolutely sound and genLie. zzb ttussen. TEAM of mares, weight about 2500 lbs., S lrch wagon aud harness, almost new. 414S tiCth st. S. E., corner 42d ave.. Kern Park. MAKBI an offer Neariy new Studebaker rubber tire leather top buggy with hand made harness. 205 lfrth. Main 4510. TEAM black geldings, 2MJ0 lbs., sound and true, harness and wagon, very cheap. 302 Fiont st. BAY mare, 5 years old, good single or dou ble, 115Q lbs.. $100. 302 Front st. WILL trade good tlear lot for horsfe. Phon B 2791. GOOD gray work mare, 1100 lbs., $20. 428 E. Yamhill. l'latio. OrtaDR and Mittil Instruments. SALE or trade. Rd -French piano certifi cate, worth $1 22.50-. Make me an offer. Manager. Hygeia Milk Co., 6th aud Mor rison. " Dogs, Birds, Pet Stock. ST. BERNARD PUPS from a prize-winning, registered and pedigreed mother. Rochat, R. 2, Spokane, Wash. AIREDALE TERRIERS for pais, guarus, hunters, l.addix Kennels, Estacada, or. FOR SALE Thoroughbred French poodle. Owner leaving city. Call 195 14th at. FOR SALE. Furniture for Snlew BANKRUPT FURNITURE. UNUSUAL .BARGAINS. We wish to announce that we are in possession of two bankrupt furniture stocks, embracing a large line of moat excellent furniture; Circassian, blrdse e maple, mahogany and golden bedroom fur niture, brass beds, a fine assortment of dining furniture and some especially beau tiful living-room tables and rockers; it is to your interest to look over this stock before buying; we will pack and ship fcoods for out-of-town buyers. BANKRUPT FURNITURE HOUSE. 449 WASHINGTON. FOR SALE Household furniture, gas range. $4; wood and coal range, $9; refrigerator, is, kitchen table, $1, and other things. E. 40;0. Broadway car. 450 E. 18th st. N. BARGAIN, cash, furniture 5-room flat; for rent if desired; rooiuu pay rent; close in. 4'XiVa Broadway. JrOrt KENT Corner house, 0 large rooms; furniture for sale, $25. 321 13th St.. cor. Clay. FURNITURE, 3 -room cottage, very cheap; rent $5. Call mornings. 711 Tibbetts. FURNISHINGS of 7-room flat, owner, 602 Everett st. Inquire of FOR SALE New oak buffet. Burn side. Call 752 East FURNITURE three-room modern flat. 22 4i Mill st. Phone Mar. 239. Automobiles. STARTERS. ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL AIR I AS APPLIED TO THE AUTOMOBILE. A very interesting pamphlet giving a fair and impartial comparison of the dif ferent starting systems now in use, has recently been edited by the prominent mechanical and electrical engineer, Stan ley D. Emmott, The author goes on to explain in a sim ple way the intricate mechanism of the different starters, giving diagrams and comparative locations. He also briefly discusses the different systems of Ignition. If you are contemrlating the purchase of a new car this pamphlet might be of in terest to you and may be had free for the asking. Address Stanley D. Emmott, M. and E. E., 001 E- Pike St.; Seattle. Wn. FREE"" PLANS' FOR HOUSING YOUR AUTO. Are you planning a garage for your home? If so, we will mall free upon re quest several drawings, model garages like are being built throughout the East. They should Interest you. State horse power or model of car you expect to house. Address Robt. Crawford, AK 437, Oregonlan. AUTO SNAP. See us for bargains in used autos. We have several that were traded in on new Coles and Loziers. Why take a chance in getting a defec tive car? We guarantee them. NORTHWEST AUTO CO., Broadway and Couch. SAVING Z00. ' We will accept this advertisement as $300 payment on a "certain brand new 4 speed roadster with electric starter, gen erator and lights, 30 H. P., if presented at our place of business today. 004 Wash ington st. STUiCTLY first-class 1112 five-passenger 40 h.p. Overland auto; foredoors. speedome ter, first-class tires, Rohrbracker tire pump; everything class A and guaranteed; cost $1000; price $530: $150 down, $50 monthly. E. B. Hyatt. 350 Alder. YOUR CHECK FOR $1095 will be accepted in full payment of one Pathfinder automobile with electric lights and self-starter, 40 H. P., original cost $2400. 094 Washington st. A BARGAIN Chalmers 30, fore-door, five passenger car; nickel trimmings; electric side and tall lights; new tires;, car is In first-class order; for only $625. Phone Ta bor 2570. MR. AUTO OWNER All material and work the best; prices reasonable. PORTLAND AUTO & BUGGY PAINTING COMPANY, Phone, 8230. 1st and Hawthorne. 3-TON truck, $1500; will trade for 5-pas-senger auto or good heavy team and give liberal terms on balance. Roots & Lewth waite, 13S0 Hawthorne ave. 9i-TON Sampson delivery truck for sale or trade ; has a well-made, nicely-designed top. East Burnside Garage. East 10th and Burnside. CAR AGE si ace wanted for auto near East 17th and Tiilnmook. Phone East 1403 or address AG 534, Oregonlan. GASOLINE car with coupe body; fine con dition. Terms or will trade for smalt open car. Main 4244. STUDERAKER 20,' fore-door, 1912 model, perfect condition ; bargain ; must sell at once. A. Grossman, 149 3d st. 1913 APPERSON, 5-passenger tonring car, fully equipped. Tabor 2411. 1895 East Yamhill. IF you want automobile fire insurance at one-half the old-line rate, telephone Main 8199. NEW delivery wagons at second-hand prices. Oregon Mollne Plow Company. DEAD STORAGE, $3 to $5 per month. VAN HORN TRANS. CO., 40 2D ST. REO auto truck for sale. $250. 2S9 Yamhill Ft. Marshall 2415, PACKARD SO roadster, $750; first-class condition: newly painted. Marshall 5398. CADILLAC 1910. perfect condition; a gain. Phone Tabor 3448 or B 2445. Automobile Wanted. WANTED Brush runabout, in good repair; will pay part cash, balance in groceries or monthly payments. 'Griffin's Grocery, 41ft Montgomery. Marshall 8327, A 2611. Motorcycles. 1912 POPE, $:;3 cash, $10 per mouth; $70. 350- Alder. price NEW 1613 Tvin Excelsior, fully equipped, $150. 411 East Broadway. Poultry. FOR SALE 300 Leghorn pullets. Phone Main 4418. Livestock. 7 HEAD of good dairy cows. 8 fresh, 4 fine Jerseys to freshen soon. Woodstock car. 59th ave, 3 blocks wet. JKKfrEY cow. month. 302 6 years old. Front st. fresh in one Typewriters. $15 TO $65- will buy a GUI rebuilt type writer as good as new; all makes to choose from and workmanship guaranteed; terms to suit ; catalogue mailed on request. THE J. K. GILL COMPANY, 81 and Alder Sts. Main 8500, A 6008. FOR SALE Underwood typewriter. Nol 4, $45; will exchange for small diamond or 3A kodak with good lens. Call C 2842, be fore noon. WB are the exchange for the largest type writer concern on the Coast ; investigate; all makes, all prices. The Typewriter Exchange, 351 Washington st. WE save you from 50 to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters. Send for our illus trated folder. Retail department. WHOLE SALE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 Wash. st. TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $10 to $65. NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER CO., 262 Stark St. NEW, rebuilt second-hand rental at cut rates, p. D. C. Co., 231 Stark. Main 1407. RENT visible typewriter three months $4, delivered. Phones Main 6273. A 4441. Machinery. FOR SALE. A 45-h. p., 550-volt Crocker-Wheeler mo tor, complete, with standard blade starter, no voltage release and 75-ampere over load, 1. T. E- circuit breaker, in A-l condi tion. Address room 203 Oregonian bldg. FOR SALE. One 125-volt direct current generator, complete with field rheostat, ammeter and circuit breaker. This machine is in sroou repair. Address room 203 Oregonian bldg. FOR SALE. A 40-K. W.. 500-voIt Crocker-Wheeler generator, complete, with field rheostat and circuit breaker, in good condition. Address room 203 Oregonian bldg. Miscellaneous, STORE FIXTURES CHEAP. . 86 feet of wall shelving, drawers below and glass-covered shelves above, cost $175 to build: will sell for $40; can be seen at f53 Hoyt st. SAFES New and second-hand; low prices, easy terms; safes opened, repaired and painted. PUR CELL SAFE CO. and PORT LAND SAFE CO., 85 6th st. Main 6309. MOUNTED elk for sale. $600: best specimen in state, with adjustable horns. Write for photograph. Write Station A, Post Box 2030, Portland. SAFES Mosler Safe Co., manufacturers; low prices, easy terms; safes opened and repaired ; bargains in second-hand sarea. 10S 2d et. Phone Main 7676. FOUR second-hand . roll-top, three flat-top, 1 roll-top,1 T. W. desk, 1 bookkeeper's desk. Bushong & Co., 91 Park st. Main 104. BOXWOOD for sale, $2.50 per load deliv ered. Main CS63, A 5590. Oregon Box & M fljC o. ' NATIONAL cash registers. Get mv prices. Povey. 851 4 Wash., basement. Main 606. STEEL RANGE, good as new, mornlngB. East 5 783. $15. Phone 190S MAP. $14.50; large safe. $50; sanitary desk. $20. 289 Yamhill. Hardin. L',SiS Bassett's Native Herbs for rheumatism. 62 tablets for 25o. All druggists. FOB SALE. Miscellaneous. FREE PLANS FOR HOUSING YOUR ' AUTO. Are you planning a garage for your home? If so, we will mail free upon request several drawing's, model garages like are being built throughout the East. They should Interest you. State horse power or model of car you expect to house. Address Robt. Crawford, AM 43a, Oregonlan. ."K UTILIZER FOR LAWNS Well-rotted cow or horse manure delivered any part cf city. We design lawns and gardens, spread fertilizer, cover roses. Sellwood 1521, B 1035. SECOND-HAND billiard and pocket tables, built and refinished, completely equipped, at prices from $100 upward; liberal terms. The Brunswlck-Balke-Collander Co., 46 5th st. Phone Main 768. A 176. 2-ROOM houseboat, well built, nicely fur nished, $300; a great bargain; need the money badly. AE 526. Oregonlan. NEW $44 gas range ond flG water heater for sale cheap. Phone East 22S5. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO., 221 Front su, buys second-hand furnitur. carpets, stoves, ranges, hardware or toots of any kind. If you have anything in this line, call A 7174 or Main 9072. Our buyer calls promptly. WE buy for cash, second-hand National cash registers and sell them on easy terms. Registers guaranteed. W. J. Macauley, 154 Burnside. Main 181tl. A 1S16. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED. Highest cash prices paid for ladies' and men's cast-off clothing and shoes. Call Main 9263. 294 3d st. The reliable buyer. WE want to buy $1000 worth of secondhand- furniture in the next 30 days and pay all the cash it is worth. Williams Aye. Furniture ETxchange. East 636. WE pay highest cash prices for second hand billiard and pocket tables. The Brunswick-Balke-Collander Co., 46 6th st. Phones Main 7C9. A 1769." FAIR DEAL We pay best prices for second-hand clothing and furniture. Call Main 9272. 60 3d. Phone A 3263. bu not sell or give away any of your fur niture before you call the Bell Auction House, 191 2d st. Mar. 47S3. SECOND-HAND FURNITURE WANTED Buyer calls promptly; estimates given 1S4 1st., near Yamhill. Main 4773. CASH paid for hair combings. Sanitary Beauty Parlors, 44M Dekum bldg. HIGHEST prices paid for rifles, shotguns cameras. Hochfeld. 35 N. 3d st., cor. Couch. WANTED To buy roll top desk. Kay bldg. Main 1026. 505 Mc- HiGHEaT clothes. prices 4 aid Main 13S3, A for S081. second-hand 346 1st st. ELECTRIC vibrator: want to buy vibrator. Corbett Bldg. Turkish Baths. Main 1935. FORD AUCTION CO. pays most cash for any kind of furniture. Main 8951. NATIONAL cash register; price must be reasonable. Main 66O. A 3H06, WE want $10,000 worth of second-hand fur niture; highest prices paid. Sellwood 16S2 WANTED Stocks of clothing, furnishings, shoes. Will pay cash. 425 Chamber Com. CASH BUYER OF MARSHALL DIAMONDS. 3346- HELP WANTED MALE. INCIDENT. (One of "Many.) Office Secretary Employment Department, Y. M. C. A. Young man. stranger, seeking employ ment ($20 his total casii asset; If I pay you $5 for employment membership, I will have only $15 between me and starvation. Secretary If you pay $0 for employ ment membership, you will have the Y. M. C. A., w ith all its resources, between you and starvation. Result Young man joined association. In less than a week he had satisfactory employment. Record for 9 months ending Sept. 30: Calls for men from employers 1931 Positions filled 1320 Special employment membership guar antees member will secure employment or membership fee will be refunded. Gives two months full privileges, including use of gymnasium, swimming pool, baths, etc., and ten months' social or house privileges, inducing the service of the employment department for the entire year. All young men seeking employment In commercial, clerical or technical lines, or as engineers, firemen, mechanics, machin ists, carpenters, millworkers or in other skilled lines, are cordially invited to con sult with the Secretary of the advisory and employment department. LAROEST and best-known concern of its kind on the Pacific Coast has a position for the mon with ambition enough to spend from now until the holidays learn ing a business which will pay him $jKK and over next year. ARE YOU THAT MAN ? Ask yourself these questions; , Have you worked hard this year? How much, money will you earn this year? Are you satisfied with the results of your efforts? Have you the necessary ambition to try to become a $54KJO-a-year man ? If ytm have, see Mr. Cleaveland, sales man aged of the Fred A. Jacobs Company, 269 Washington street. WANTED The International Life Insurance Company, of St. Louis, Mo., has opened offices for the Pacific Coast, ;i23 First National Bank bldg., san Francisco, and will offer liberal inducements to success ful salesmen, with opportunities to become managers in either California, Utah or Oregon. Superior contracts to local rep resentatives for Portlaud, Astoria and other parts of Oregon. We issue an ex ceptionally attractive line of policies and pay high commissions. If you have no experience, are sure you possess ability and are alive and anxious to succeed, write us. CALENDAR salesmen; our exclusive and large line of man and other soecialtv cal endars gives you the chance of your life to make big money; we make also very fine line novelties, fans and signs; strong est combined outfit offered; we make all our own gooas; tins means iow prices. Write quickly for 1914 territory. State experience. Kenyon Company, Des Moines, Iowa (36th year). WANTED For U- S. Army, able-bodied, un married men between ages of IS and 36; citizens of United StateSj of good charac ter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the Engiish language. For information apply to recruiting officer, Worcester bldg.. Third and Oak sts., port- mii'i. w r. PERSEVERING salesmen make good money selling our clean, hardy, well matured fruit, shade and ornamental nursery stock grown on new volcanic ash soil on Yak ima Indian Reservation. Write today for proposition In exclusive territory. Wash. Nursery Co., Toppenish Wash. WANTED Gordon feeder, boy with at least 6 months experience; good chance to fin ish learning trade; wages to start, $8 per week. In answering, state age, experi ence, together with reference. Address J 539, Oregonian. TWO young men with some selling ability to handle the new Collier combination of fer; a permanent position to right men can be offered now. Call before IO A. M. or 4 to 5 P. M., Circulation Dept., 3o3 Oregonian bldg. ORDER CLERK Young man 2'5 to 3fr years as order clerk 4n wholesale pi-cking-house ; must be active, quick and ruourate at Jigures and write a good pencil hand. AE &Mt, Oregonian. WANTED Men who can speak Greek and Italian or the Slavonic languages flu ently for office work. Permanent. Address with full particulars. Box M 52 1;, Oresonian. WANTED 2 ship carpenters. Couch street. Apply at 222 WANTED Two solicitors to work with ex perienced sales closer; experience not nec essary; good pay. Call Singer shop, S A. M.. 402 Washington st. TWO salesmen for city; offer that will win. If you are after big money see me. 01 Dekum bldg. WANTED Flrst-class coatmaker for coua- 11 y. Appiy u. 15. jucfctriae & 00., 3464 Morrison st. COAT, PANTS AND VESTMAKEK WANTED. John Selbert, Pendleton, Or. PERMANENT position for reliable man of executive ability; $150 cash security, ref erences. 410 Selling bicg. WANTED First-class ad and iob aollrirnr salary depends on ability. Address Live w ire, enaieton, or. PERMANENT position for sober, reliable man ot executive aDinty, and $10i cash security, references. 603-4 Swetland bldg. CARPENTER to build two small houses and lot labor go on home or a lot for hlm self. Mr. B.. 102O Yeon bldg.' WA TD Good, live men to sell watches, diamonds and jewelry on the easy pay ment plan. Apply 2o7 Corbett bldg. WANTED First-class chauffeur for private cur ; give rexorciico ursi letter. iv OZU, Oregonian. WANTED Intelligent office boy. Apply to .oar. uriio, niiier jyiuvio no use. PH'JTO eoupon, best offered, beauty con- rteti. 'jutoertn oiuaio. Dekum bldg. EXPERIENCED presser wanted who under- s tanas tailoring. ttw wasnington st. SALESMEN and dist. mgrs. Nat, Casualty o., 0-0-0- r'.aiivs uy ex. omg. PHQTO aolicitors, $106 diamond ring given r.-t. faruny siuuiu, o-tf Morrison. WANT salesman for useful ready selling nrucie. air. Aiiio, u-v neiirjr 01 eg. FARMLAND salesman on liberal commis sion, see sa-ies manage rt zt at ark. HELP WANTED Mf R EXPERIENCED advertising solicitors, sev eral papers; cash commission. 263 Mad ison, opposite Plaza Park. HfcJLP W AN Ttl) MALL OR 1'KMALE. NEAT young lady of good appearance for puolic stenographer and tend news stand, inquire at news stand,. Hotel Carlton, alter 6 P. M. today. 01 E.NOGRAPHERS and typists in demand; avail yourself of our free practice toomi and free employment bureau. 33 An keny at. EXPERIENCED family second girl, $3o; governess, $35; housekeeper, $15. St. Louis Agency, 2SS Main st. Main 2039. GIRL, or woman for light housework and companion; 3 ad -1 ts. Phone Sellwood 708. V ANTED Musical comedy people, all lines. Room 423 Henry bldg. f laK Teachers Agency secures positions for tecchera. 316 Journal bldg. Main 4S33. 1LLLP WANTKD iKMALE, A PROMINENT company desires to get in touch immediately with a well-educatea woman ox more tnan usual ability who de sires to. get out of the ordinarily re stricted sunere of woman's work. Appli cants must be free to travel and be well recommenqeo, did, uregomau. ELUEKLY woman, German preferred, who is willing to go out of town, to assist in general housework in family of two for board, room and small wages; 'would be a good home to right party. Call for 2 days olympia Hotel. North 6th and Irving, room 2. STENOGRAPHER, competent to turn out correspondence neatly and in good form, experienced on dictaphone preferable; state saiary expected ; references ; teie puone number. V 516, Oregonian. 1 o giris, preferably sisters, to do gen eral nouseworn, laundry and care of in fant on a ranch; no ranch work In con nection with housework. For particulars write to Mrs, T. S. Barnes, Prineville, Or. WANTED Middle-aged woman who wants good home, for light housework; fare paia. Call at room L -'5V Morrison street. iOL'N'O girl to assist with care of child, 3 years old. Apply Thursday afternoon after 2. and Friday a. M. 153 Hoy u ; must have references. NEAT girt for good plain cooking and gen eral huoisework. Mar. lt&4. 691 Bueua Vista Drive, Portlaud Heights.' MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. Washington bldg., 20 Washington, room 85, near 4th. pnone Main &S3G or A 320, iiEST homes are securing some of the best maids of the city through the Domestic Service Bureau, 335 lltli st. Main 7607. WANTED Retined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavi Co., tHM) Roth cniid bldg., 4th and Washington. FIVE girlB to learn beauty culture; pay while learning; position guaranteed. 400 414 Dekum bidg. Sanitary parlors. NEAT girl for general housework. Apply 808 Clackamas, take Broadway car, get off at 24th. 1 OL NG girl for light housework and care of chiluren; no cooking. G41 East 20th st. near Powell. GIRL to assist in preferred. C 224J Itose City Park. housework; school gin 350 East 47th st N., GIRL for light housework. Phone Sellwood 75. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework. 585 East 22d St., N. '-'IAN 1ST $15 week (out of city); nurse $35, room and board. 345 Wash, st., R. 7. WANTED Experienced body ironer. Crystal Launoxy, 21st and Sandy Rd. GXRL to afsist with housework in apart ment. 791 Northrup. Apartment C. HELP WANTED MLSCEJ.LANEOUS. OREGON Barber College teaches you the barber trade in S weeks; pays you "while learning; tools free; tuition reduced this term; extra instructors; years in business; poaitiam guaranteed ; special inducements to ladies. 2 J 3 Madison st., 252 2d st. Go VEiuVMb'NT position s open to women ; $75 mouth; write immediately for free list. Franklin Institute, Dept. 695 H, Rochester, N. Y. RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS Custom-House examinations soon; Parcel Post gaining, more clerks; $75 to $17oo. Free book. Pa cific States School, McKay bldg. 1EN, women, get Government jobs, $;h per month; 12,OOo appointments coming. Write for list of, positions. Franklin Institute, Dept. 325 H. Rochester, N. Y. MOLER Barber College will -teach you quickly, cheaply and thoroughly, pay you while learning, furnish tools free. Write 11 tor free catalogue. A 43 N. 2d st. WANTED at once, two men to learn moving picture operating; private, practical train ing ; position secured ; call today. 512 Rothchild bldg. LEARN to operate moving-picture machines; can place few mere iu theater; reason able rates. 327 Falling bldg. BARBERS' BOARD OF EXAMINERS now located at 407 Morrison street, room 4o0, Tilford building. T. M. Leabo, secretary. WANTED at once, two men to learn auto repairing and driving, call at Hawthorne oarage, 44o iiawtuorne ave. MEN, IS to 35, wishing to be railway mail ci tries; 90 montn. Apply lor imorma tion. AV 581, Oregonian. GIRLS Learn beauty parlor work. Earn money while learning. The Hair Bazaar, Majestic Theater bldg.. Wash, and Park. PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE Individual instruction. GREGG SHORTHAND, book keeping. 404 Commonwealth bid. Mar. 4258. SOLICITORS wanted, good pay, best propo sltion In city. Moore Studio. Elks bldg. SHORTHAND, typewriting, $5 per month by expert teacher. 393 ilth. SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING SCHOOL, 269 14TH ST. M. 3893. EXP. INSTRUCT-.. SPAN ISH Learn to speak Spanish. Victor Bonilla, 502 Swetland bldg. Main 881. WANTED at once, two good girls to learn business; wages. Hair Store. 120 6th. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers andt Clerks. COMPETENT man, 36, good executive abil ity, . nignest reierences, quick, ana accu rate at figures, bookkeeper, correspondent, familiar with grocery and commission busi ness, seeks employment with a reliable firm offering the opportunity for advance ment on his merit. W 527, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER and office man who can operate typewriter. Several years' ex perience in accounting and office man agement. Salary is an object, but not insurmountable and depends on chances for advancement. W. H. Harmon, Hood River, Oregon; COMPETENT and reliable bookkeeper wants position ; married, age w; unexceneu ref erences; experienced also as cashier, time keeper, shipping clerk; moderate salary. R 5 IS, Oresonian. POSiTioN by young man, age 24; 5 years' banking experience, expert accountant, ex cellent references. Ao. dress 21 529, Ore gonian. WILL AUDIT, OPEN. CLOSE OR - WRITE up books, prepare balance and statements, install systems. Gillingham, auditor, 414 Lewis bldg. Marshall 717. A-l BOOKKEEPER, accountant and cash ier of 8 years' unsurpassed experience de sires position at once; best inferences. J 531, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS stenographer, with railroad ana general experience; willing, ccat ana accurate; no objection to gooa out-of-town position. F 517, Oregonian. STENOGRA PHER and bookkeeper, rapid ' and acourate; 12 years' business expe rience, desires position. T 483, Oregonian. DRUG clerk, young man, 4 years experi ence ; best references. Y 682. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER, several years' experience in the city, desires position. Marshall 5788. Sliscel lnneons. WANTED Deskroom for public stenograph er: will exchange work for same, or will work on a small salary and do public work on the side. J 535. Oregonian. WATCHMAKER and engraver wishes posl tlon; has had years of experience; single and thoroughly reliable. Aduress r. kj. Box 364, Salem, Or. COLORED girl wishes a position as mala for a small family, out of town preferred. AC 626, Oregonian. I WOULD like to earn my room and lodg ing while going to school. F 627, Ore gonian. PROFESSIONAL window cleaner. Phone for prices. Main 726S. J APANSE, good, young boy, wishes position at hotel work. F 526, Oregonlan. JAPANESE strong boy wants position porter. H 512, Oregonlan. YOUNG German wants work as bak helper. G 517. Oregonian. FIR'S T aid man wants position, gonian. K 622, Ore- M ALE nurse desires position, N 604, Ore gonian. ENERGETIC! bright, well-appearing boy wants work. Main 717. STRONG, able-bodied 19-year-old boy wants steady work. Main 717. A 1517. EXPERIENCED plumber helper wants posi tion. .Call Main 7771. Edw. Smythe. WORK wanted by experienced carpenter, new or repair. AB 51 S, Oregonian. ALL-AROUND German baker wants posi tion, city or country, AD 622, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Mlsce U an eo us. YOUNG married couple want position In hotel or restaurant as waiter and wait ress or man is capable of managing hotel, or cafe; can furnish best of references. O- V. Laughter, gen, del.. Pullman, Wash. THiiEE men with families want Winter's work to clear land. What have you to offer? Let s hear your terms; state loca tion and particulars In firBt letter. AR 510, Oregonian. MARRIED MAN, si) years old, American, capable and best of habits, wishes any kind of steady work in or out of city; can furnish security if necessary. AH 53o. Oregonlan. YOUNG man attending Holmes Business College desires a place to work for his room and board outside of school hours. Call Main 513. A 254. SITUATION wanted by a first-class ma chinist in machine shop or auto shop used to handling men; good city references; age 50. T 510, Oregonlan. . YOUNG engineer with technical training and practical experience in civil and mining engineering, wants position, K 499, Oro- gonian. CORRE SPONDENT and office executi ve; special credit and advertising experience; speedy, accurate, aggressive, young; best references. F 024, Oregonian. EXPERT presser on ladies' or gent's gar ments; 6 years on Hoffman & Becker trade; very experienced with the irons, B 503. Oregonian. MAN and wife want work on farm; wife good cook, man thoroughly experienced in all kinds of farming and care of stock. A 052, Oregonian. AN experienced steamfttter with wife and little clrl wishes position as janitor; can also paint; flrst-class references from East, Phone Main 3109 or O 530, Oregonian. YOUNG man, 23, 5 years' bookkeeping and accounting experience; ambitious and en ergetic, desires immeaiate position. Phone Mam 6494. JAPANESE boy wants position, general housework, in family; has had good ex perience. Fuji, 10 2d st. N, POSITION by young man, garage or driving car; experienced in driving and repairing; not afraid of work. R 527, Oregonian. YOUNG man wants position driving auto mobile ; experienced, sober, phone Wood lawn 814. W ANTED By young man. dishwashing In lunchroom a few hours for board. T 509, Oregonlan. YOUNG man wishes to learn moving-picture business so he can go into business for himself in Spring. A 549, Oregonian. SALESMAN of experience, at liberty the 2vth; city or suhurban work preferred. Telephone Main 8163 for interview. POSITION with building contractor or ce ment company, Portland or Island posses slons. AV 602. Oregonian. JAPANESE boy, 17. attending high school, wants any kind of work, after 2:30 P. M. M 525, Oregonian. TWO spud diggers desire contracts. Brock man, Trautman Hotel, 204 Madison. Main 876. INTELLIGENT and reliable young man, ex cellent hotel boy, wishes any kind of night work .bet. 12-ft. D 525, Oregonian. BY an experienced chauffeur, driving of any kind of car ; can give references. Phone A 7320, room 2. SCOTCHMAN wants to work in country place; can milk and do gardening. Wal ter C. Rosa, general delivery. MAN and wife, experienced, want place on farm for Winter; small wages. Write me. Baker. 304 63d st. S. E. GAS engineer, 10 years' practical experience, lighting and power plants, automobiles ; good references. F 520. Oregonian. WANTED Job by experienced farm hand, willing to batch; reliable; wages reason able. p 553. Oregonian. BOY, 17, high school education, wishes po sltlon any kind. P 555, Oregonian. JAPANESE boy wants work of any kind after 0 P. M, Main 6."V21. WANTED Position at once by clean milker; can handle 2S in string. 889 Tliurmaa st. WANTED Work in laundry or delivery. N f0o, Oregonian. JAPANESE wants a situation, housework, capacity. A 554. Oregonian. CLEAN young man wants work for board and room. H 511, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. 1? Li-Lis i -rLASa bookkeeper with 12 years experience desires position at once; can furnish excellent references. M 30, Ore gonian. STENOGRAPHER with 3 years' mercantile experience uesires position ; moderate sal ary; good references. Phone Marshall 1378. Lillian Apts. THOROUGH competent bookkeeoer ana stenographer; experienced all general of fice work; Insurance or manufacturing. Mar. 5H33. AN 523, Oregonian. COMPETENT stenographer and bookkeeper uesires position; a years' experience; only position paying $75 or more considered. ' Main 0705. ' EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and sten ographer desires permanent office position. A 4075. , EXPERIENCED, reliable bookkeeoer. sten ographer, billing clerk wants work. Phone COMPETENT stenographer, four years' le gal experience, Al references. Phone Mar shall 1378. COMPETENT sten or rap her desires piece work. Phone Main 12. EXPERT stetiosra;her desires position. Phone Marshall 6733. Dressmakers. MAE MARTZ. modiste: suits, owns Hrpaos alterations and makeovers solicited; prices 1 caauimuie. x-iioiie iviam iao litn. L KESSMAKIXG, miliinery. reasonable prices, home or day. 1822 Gibbs sL Main EXPERIENCED ladies' tailor and dress maker will take engagements. Main 7710. SEWING of all kinds, dressmaking. Mrs. Sadie Lee, 235 5th st. A 8945. PLAIN sowing, done reasonably. Main 717. A 1517. NUNM. PRACTICAL nurso, strong, experienced, wishes care of elderly invalid or mentally aerangea patient, eitner sex. Phone Wood' lawn 3497. PRACTICAL nurse, with hospital experience, wishes work; references, reasonable. Main PRACTICAL nurse with many years expert. ence ana gooa reierences wants work, Mrs. Winter, Marshall' 5772. MIDDLE-AGED lady, practical nurse, de sires position; Win help -with housework. Phone Woodlawn 50. Co aseke-eper. W ANTED (By capable woman, position as housekeeper In hott?l or urlvate f :iiTiilv Call at Rowland Annex, 209 4th St., or Twione Aiarsnau UNINCUMBERED widow wants position as housekeeper for widower or bachelor; no objections to one child. Call Main 1062 or 2V Morrison, room 1, EXPERIENCED hotel manager, lady, wishes position hotel or rooming-house. Phone Marshall 2043. WANTED Position as housekeeper. East 1651. Call YOUNG lady would like position as house- keeper; city preferred. L 517, Oregonian, WANTED Situation as housekeeper by young lady. L 618, Oregonian. Domestics. NEAT, competent colored lady wishes house Work. Phone East 4720. HOUSEWORK Girl wants position; $35. Address K 519. Oregonian. WOULD like situation as cook for small crew of men. J 633. Oregonlan. FOR domestic help by the hour requiring reliable woman fhone Main 3743. Miscellaneous. " REFINED woman with boy 6 years old wants housework; small wages. Main 7771, room 55. COMPETENT young colored woman with child 3 years wishes housework by mo. Phone Woodlawn 3137. WANTED Laundry to take home; first-class work. Woodlawn S137. STRONG, capable woman wants day work. Mrs. Runtz. Main 717. WOMAN wishes position in plain family or care for old people. C 1449. YOUNG lady wants cashier or store work; experienced ; references. Marshall 4771. MIDDLE-AGED lady wishes position as caretaker; reference. P 554, Oregonlan. WOMAN wants day work. 25c an pTione Marshall 4540. room 3. hour. A FIRST-CLASS Sellwood 50. laundress wants work. FIRST-CLASS laundress wishes work Thurs day and Friday; references. Wdln. 1611. WOMAN with 2 children wants a Job out of town. Answer M 531, Oregonlan. SCOTCH girl wants second work. 728 Kear ney. Phone Main 4201. WOMAN wants day work cleaning, waehing and ironing. Woodlawn 43, or 42 Fre m on t. LADY wishes the care of an Invalid or children afternoons, evenings. East 434. GIRL wishes general housework. 7S4 York street. POSITION as cook or 1 iusekeeper. Main 720, room 7 SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALB. Miscellaneous WANTED Place in private family where young schoolgirl may earn part of room and board; give references. H M Ore gonian. YOUNG girl wishes to assist with house work In private family; must have work Immediately. Call Main 245L between 10 and 2. SPLENDID cook wants work in a A 1517. with good references family; $25 Main 717, MIDDLE-AGED lady wants position for housework and cooking, city or country. H Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED woman wants cooking in family or boarding-house; wages $40 to $45. Woodlawn 810. RELIABLE lady wishes washing and iron ing, cleaning by day. Phone Tabor 5194. NEAT experienced girl desires general housework; wages $30. St. Louis Agency. Main 2039. EXPERIENCED Norwegian girt family cook, desires position; wages $40. Main 2039. EXCHANGE operator, eight years expe rience, will work evenings. T OOS, Ore gonian. COMPEfrENT woman would like work in hotel or boarding-bouse, Y 584, Orego- nian. x EXPERIENCED American woman wants day work; love curtains to launder. Wood lawn 1572. GOOD pianist wishes position. Phona Mar shall 6924. MLis Irene Balrd. . SCOTCH woman wants day work, washing, ironing, cleaning. Phone Sellwood 1773. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Good, active agents to sell the best household article ever placed on the market. Agents are making from $10 to $15 per day. The article can be placed in every business house, school house, hotel and home in your city. For further particulars write Anderson Manufacturing To., 22 E. First South St., Salt Lake City, Utah. WAXTED TO RENT. Houses. A FURNISHED 7-room flat or bungalow, with a garage or near one; must be lower flat, with sunshine. V 508, Oregonian. Rooms With Board. TWO gentlemen would like board and rooms, walking distance, two or three mals; prefer two rooms with private bath; give full particulars. M 528, Ore gonian. 0 COLLEGE boy wishes room and two meals a day with family and opportunity to work out part of expenses. AB 510, Oregonian. ROOM and board, private family, wanted by lady with boy age 2; yard; everv con venience and walking distance. II &09, Oregonian. YOUNG mechanic desires room with board, private family. East Side, close in. ' R 624 Oregonlan. FOR RENT. Furnished RooniM. HOTEL ROWLAND. HOTEL Ml NOOK. 207 V4 4th. 213,4 4th. SPECIAL SUMMER RATES. Nicely furnished rooms, homelike, re spectable, clean and modern; hot and cold water, private baths; Summer rates, $8 per week and up ; special attention gi-en to tourists; give us a call; you will like it, for you get your money's worth and then some. THE HOTEL ARTHUR. 11th, between Morrison and Yamhill Re cently opened; every modern convenience; plenty of hot water and heat ; beautiful lobby; rates $4 week and up; with private bath, $5.50 week and up; transien t rates, 75c and up. Free phone. Main 4220. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM. -r 20th and Washington sts. ; new, mod ern, elegantly located ; all -outside rooms ; same rate for 1 or 2" persons In room ; plenty of heat; $2.50 week up; with pri vate bath, $5 up; 75c day up. FOR Y. M. C. A MEMBERS Furnished rooms,' reasonable In price; fireproof build ing, vacuum cleaned, shower baths, club facilities; special rates at cafeteria. Cor. 6th and Taylor sts. HEAT, HOT WATER, BATHS FIEE. $2.25 to $3 per week; newly furnished, large, light rooms, clean as wax; 7 blocks to P. o. ; desirable people only. Hotel Cadillac, 3d st. near Jefferson. HOTEL MADRAS, 12th and Washington bteam heat, hot ana coia running water, phones iu all rooms, single $3, suite two rooms $5 per week. HOTEL EDWARDS. Grand ave.-East Bel mont. Rooms $12 month up, $22,50 up with private uain. xarge pleasant loony ; ausu lutely a respectable hotel. East 323. HOTEL AN SON 1 A, 124 14th st., corner Washington ; nicely furnished rooms, strictly modern ; rates $3. Tip week and up. Marshall 1470. HOTEL SAVON. 131 Eleventh street New mouern brick building, steam-heated, pri vate baths, hot and cold water, coin for t- a.oiy iiirnisnea , transients soiicitea. lOCNG man, rooming at Y. M. C. A., wants roommate to reduce looming expenses. In quire Y. M. C. A., corner 6th and Taylor. THE LARRABEE, 227 -A Larrabee Rooms, $2 week up; brick building, steam heat, hot, cold water, bath, phone, electricity. HOTEL EDWARDS, Grand ave., E. Belmont"; rooms $12 mo. up; $22. 5o and up, with bath ; absolutely respectable. East 32-. tiieozark; ' 225-227 11th Street. Close in; rates very reasonable. HOTEL CORDOVA 269 11TH ST. Strictly modern; private- baths; rooms $3.50 per week up. Main U472. A 47b3. i-XKN iSHED rooms, $2 week and up; hot water, steam heat. 402 E. Wash. East 2870. HOI' EL JOYCE. 270 Vi 4TH ST. Nicely furnished rooms, day or week. FL'RNISHET rooms, $1.50- up; free bath, phone, heat. 2l 17th. Main 7tt23. THE KING. 3uj Jefferson, nicely furnished rooms, modern, central. $.6 week up. Furnished Rooms in Private Families, 1 WO elegantly furnished rooms on East Side, close in, suitable for 21 people In each; very reasonable; ladies only. Phone Tabor 310& NEATLY furnished front rooms with use of nice kitchen; all modern; residence dis trict, walking distance. Marshall 704. DESIRABLE, exceptionally well furnished rooms, every convenience; new, clean, reasonable. 475 Morrison. YOUNG lady wants congenial roommate; large room, 2 beds; excellent board near; fine location. Marshall 4753. LARGE1, pleasant front room in attractive modern home near Multnomah Club, suit able for two; reierenoe. Phone A 3076. NEWLY furnished rooms in modern home, steam heat. 1U5 Kearney. Main fc287. FURNISHED room for one or two young men ; board if desired. 20S E. 33d. NICELY f urnished room; V.2 2d St. ill conveniences. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room in good home; references; Nob Hill. 733 Johnson. LARGE ROOM, 2 closets, nicely furnished, good location. 745 Hoyt. Marshall 4753. GOOD home in a private family lor young lady. Sellwood lo!7. LARGE front room, small kitchenette, free h-at, cooking gas ; reasonable. 4 02 Park. N ICE front room ; heat, bath, phone ; roa sonable rent ; desirable location. 305 12th. $10 UP, steam-heated, furnished rooms, elec tric lights, phone, bath. 605 14 Glisan t. Rooms With Board. MODERN ELEGANT EXCLUSIVE. American and European plan; near City Park; convenient to carline. THE HILL, Washington, at 23d st. Residential and Tourist Hotel. Attractive rates to permanent and tran sients. Main 75tv4. THE VIRGINIA HILL 14th and Jefferson sts. An exclusive residential hotel; attractive rates to transient tv permanent guests. Main 02S3. A 662S. PARKVIEW HOTEL 8S6 Montgomery at., West Park Mod ern conveniences; roomA with or without bath ; excellent table service; reasonable rates for regular and transient guests. THE WHITEHALL, 25 6TH ST. A residential hotel; large sun porch; rooms with or without baths; home cook ing; table board a specialty. EVERY room has private bath, excellent board, $35 and up ; cozy parlor. WEAVER HOTEL, 710 Washington St. M. 8651. ROOM and board at The Calumet, 150 park St., $35 ier month; double, with private bath, $75; also rooms w ithout board. THE HAZEL Now changed to family hotel. Special rates; strictly home cooking. 363 st. Phone Main 704. FORI LAND WOMEN'S UNION. 20th year. Rooms with board, use of sewing-room, li brary. 510 Flanders, Mrs. E. N. Wilson, Sup EVERY room has private bath, excellent board, $35 and up. Weaver Hotel, iu Wash. M. 8655. THE MANITOU. 261 13th, steam heated, good table, home privileges. Main 1184. i'HK CALVARD, 452 Morrison, cor. 13th su; v.ell-f urn ished rooms, board optional. CAS a ROSA, furnished rooms with board. S0O Jefferson, FOB RENT. 1 looms and Hoard in Private Family. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room In refined private family; modern, steam heat, run ning water, hot and cold, in room; use ot piano and home privileges, breakfast It desired; cioso in; reference. Phone East 6422. ATTRACTIVE, cosy rooms; excellent table, borne comforts; use of beautiful parlor and piano; only six minutes to business dis trict; most reasonable terms; nrst-clas-s. 811 ilth st. Marshall 3073. Meal patron age solicited. CONGENIAL gentleman or lady may have pleasant home with widow and little daughter, for $3 a month; new piano, and board if desired. 94 Brainard. cor. Miss, ave., 1 block south of Klliinesworth, A.iss.-ave. or St. Johns car. NICELY furnished room with board if de sired, for two business men or man and wife; piano and phone; young people In house; a nice home. E. 6023. 567T E, Tay lor, corner E. 14th. FiiiisT-c 'LASS accommodations for one or two gentlemen ; excellent home cooking:, bath, gas, furnace heat, both phones, piano, etc., walking distance. Phone East 1SS, B 19S3. DESIRABLE suite with sleeping porch; also one single ; board If desired ; good heat, el ec trio lights, hot water day and night. Phone East 4217. N EW LY furnished front room, single beds, suitable for man and wife or 2 men. ex cellent board, by widow with no children. 430 Jefferson. Main 6746. STRICTLY modern furnished room with young couple on East Side, with or with out board ; Sunnyside or Hawthorne cars, 25 mln. walk. Phone E. 8593. NICELY furnished room for 2 gentlemen or man and wife; one single room, fine home cooking, home privileges. Enjoy a com fortable home. Woodlawn 2025. ROOMS and boiird for two married couples; all modern conveniences, walking distance, pleasantly located; excellent home cook ing. 551 East Madison st. Phone East 6372. CONCrE XI AL young man wishes roommate; good board, home comforts , use of piano. Main 6331. 191 11th st. WANT 1 or 2 ladies to room and board, share sleeping porch; private place. 307 Vancouver ave. WAN T ED Little girl to board, good sub urban home; school across street; $10 per mon th. L . 20. Oregonian. FURNISHED room free to young lady who will stay with children evenings. Phone East 474. PLEASANT room, with board, easy walking to business center; best of home cooking, home privileges, reasonable. Main 32 So. YOUNG lady wishes roommate, good board. noma privileges. piano ; also sleeping porch cheap. 101 Ilth st. Main 67.S1. LOVF7LY" furnished rooms, suitable for two; homo cooking: close in. 025 Everett st, Marshall 270T. BEAUTIFUL large front room and board for two young Indies or smaller room in mod ern home. Phone Woodlawn 22::6. ROOMS with excellent board, $5 up ; cluaa In; all conveniences. 141 East 12th. corner Morrison. Phone East 530S. WILL give room and board to one child, a tre 2 to 6. good home, girl preferred. C 299 4. BEAl TiFL'L furnished rooms and excellent table board. 37 i Park st. NICE room, new house, modern, central; good meals; reasonable. Main 2219. ROOM S with board. 1547. 7 12 Flanders. Main SUITE of rooms with sleeping porch: good board c ipso in. Ea.st 421 7. 424 J EFFERSON, room and board, pri vate family, reasonable rates, fall, see. HOME cooking; three meals daily, outside rooms, bath. $a week up. 284 Main st. HANDSOMEIy furnished room, board, $'2Q. for young lady; retined home. :;2 ltith N. ROOM and board for lady or couple in Irvington home; references. East 34 15. LARGE outside room, newly furnished, with board. 374 14th. WEST SIDE Large front room suitable for 2 girls; home jfrivileges. W car. A 1317. FURNISHED one or two. room, with board, suitable for 1075 Corbett st. ROOM and board for business woman, pri vate home; reasonable. r.'IH Rodney ave. .imtrtinents. VILLA ST. CLARA, 12th and Taylor. Most modern apartments on the Paclfla Coast. Furnished complete. Roof garden in connection. Walking distance. References. THE EVERETT. f 44 Everett, bet. 2t'th and Ella sts. Furnished three-room apartment, alt out3ide rooms, sleeping porch and all modern conveniences; located Th one o? the choicest residence districts; walking distance. THE ITSilUR, 2oth and Upshur sts.- sts. Fur- nishea ..-room apts.. $16, $l;i up; steam heat, hot and cold water in every apart ment: public bath. eh'Ctric lights, gas ranges, laundry-room, all free. Take 'S." 23d or 'W car north. Phone Main 3523. 705 DAVIS ST, We have one top floor duplex apart ment left In our new seven-story fire-proof building ; contains 7 rooms with 2 fire places; will decorate roms to suit ten ant. Apply on premises. LUCKET1A COURT. On Lucretia st., north of Washington; best residence district, walking distance ; open court; nest unfurnished apts., 2 to 5 rooms; rates reasonable; references. Mgr., Mar. 1 5 13. J an i to r, M ar. 1 50O. FORDHAM APARTMENTS, 170 Ford St., near Washington The best 3, 4 and 0 room apartments in the city for the money. Finished In mahogany and oak, handsomely papered walls, elegant tile bathrooms; rent from $35 to $52.50. THE CROMWELL, Fifth and Columbia. 2 and ."-room apartmonts furnished; strfctly modern and new; references; close walking distance; service first-class. THE PARKHURST. North 20th and Nurthrup sts. Homelike furnished 3 and 4-room apart ments; outside rooms ; balcony to evory uuito; all conveniences; reC. Phone M. 117H. GRANDEST A East Stark and Grand ave., new building, nicely furnished; private phone and baths. automatic elevator; moderate prices; walking distance. Phone East 208. SEE the Overton Apartments, furnished and unfurnished, cheapest and best in the city; private phone, bath and electric elevator; no insidu rooms; new manager. Take W" car. 273 21st and Overton. NEW YORK APTS., nicely furnished; very central, 2 and 3 rooms; large kitchens, baths, heat, light and both phones; $16 to $25 per month; also sleeping rooms. K. 7i ana Belmont. SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS, 272 Broad way, cor. Jefferson; easy walking dis tance; 3 or 4 rooms; with private baths; very reasonable rteut; best service, spien did arrangement. All outside rooms. HANOVEP APARTMENTS, Kirg and Wash ington streets Absolutely fireproof, new. modem, sanitary , no vermin ; two or three-room apartments, with bath, from $2o to $37.50; private balconies, SAVE $15 MONTHLY. 3 rooms, completely furnished, $22.50, all large outside rooms, private phona and bath, bed and table linen, on carline. Phones B 3041, Tabor 22'J3. THE Jackson bungalow, 4 partly furnished rooms, outside, view, within walking dis tance, all modern, $26 a month. 45; Ilth street. LINCOLN APTS., 4TH AND LINCOLN. All outside 2-room fur. apis. ; low rates Include frew light, heat, private phone. S" or lOth-st. car sontn. Main 1377. iHE WINDSOR APTS., 3 or 4 rooms, steam heat, private bath; nothing nicer or more homelike anywhere; reasonable rent, walk izg distance. Corner E. 14th and Yamhill. THE M' KIN LEY APARTMENTS, East 7th and Morrison sts. Very centra!; 2 and 3-room apartments, furnished ccm pletely; private baths; room $20 to $21. 5Q. MADISON PARK APARTMENT 3. Park st., at Madison. Modern 3 and 4-room furnished apart ments; rates reasonable. MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS. Third and Montgomery ; r ew, modern, outride, furnished 2-rocm apartmer ts. ele vator; close In; $20 to $;i0. Main 'i403. THE CHETOPA. 18th and Flanders, 4 room, furnished or unfurnished modern apartments, all outside rooms, good Jani tor service. Reference required. THE DEZENDORF, 208 16th, near Taylor. Main 4703. One elegant 3, 5-room ffirnished apt. THE New, 2-room eluded; $15 up. STAN FIELD. apts.. light and gas In- 204 Porter st. Main ,3W2. ROSE FRIEND Cor. Broadway and Jeffer son. Elegant unfurnished apartments; first-class service ; private phone ; ref. KINGSBURY, Ford near Washington; high class, unfurnished apartments, 3 and 4 rooms; private balcony, reasonable rent. WEST SIDE Front corner 4-room furnished apt., eteam heat, phone, etc. ; w anting distance. 228 N. 20 th. Marshall 2QC9. BANN ER Apartments. Cl&y st. ; modern two rooms, completely furnished. ; $16, $13 und f20. Marshall H ADDON HALL, 414 11th St., 2 nice front apts., furnished. Phone Mar. 1171. KING DAVIS APTS., 54 N. King; 3 and 4 room high-class; references. Main 215. HEKMEN1A, 400 Hail. 2 and 3 rooms; mo6 ern. new; janitor service. Main t"44 4. ONE two-room. The Bjelland. furnished or unfurnished, A 1867. Main 1267. DRICKSTON. 448 11TH One choice fl-room. one 2-room. Marshall 57. A A l