FHTDAT. OCTOBER 31, 1913. 17 TTTT: JTOTTTVC CVRFGOXIAN. PORTLAND ACCORDION FLEATIXO. K. 6TBPHAN Hemstitching and .caHoplne, accord. Side cleat, buttons cov.r.d. roods sponjad; mail orders. 38:1 Alder. M. tfditf. AKOIIITWTS. KESIDEXCE and bunenlow designs a spe cialty; reasonami. AN ao, uregonian. ASSAVEK3 AD ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICES Laboratory and ore-testing works, isa Morrison at. ATTORNEYS. J. K. GKKE.N'FIELD General practice, ab stracta. contracts, collections, divorces, etc Removed to new offices. 7o7, 7t8, 70V renins; DKlg. opposite oregonlan. Sargent (H. K..) & 8wope (F. E.), general practice. Removed to US flatt bias, uti erences: Hartman & Thompson Bank. BOAT BlTLlrlXG. O. P. Gi'.AHAil Boat building and repair ing. Marine ways, foot Abernethy St. CAKI'ET WEAVING. NOitTHWEfiT KUJ CO. Rugs from old carpets, rag ruga 188 bast oin. tBLULOlO BUTTONS. BADGia. TH3 IKWlN-fHODSON COMPANY, 92 0th st. Phones Main 812 and A 1334. CHIROPODISTS. William, Estelle and Dewane Deveney. the only sclentuio chiropodists In the olty. Parlors. 8u2 Gerllnger bldg.. 6. W. corner 2d and Alder, phone Main 1301. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill. Offices. 42 Flledner bldg. Main 8473, rK. and Mrs. Fletcher, painless chiropodists, over the Haielwood. Main 8713. A CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN'S. I)R. M'MAHON. 121 4th st. $10,000 modern equipment. . Chronlo cases & "trust" prices. Results guaranteed In writing. CIRCULAR ADDRESSING. THI3B circulars addressed In one-tenth the usual time. Rosenthal, 82 14 Bd St. COAJU ROSL,i"N Cascade coal, wholesale and retail. Portland & Suburban Coal Co. 80K, M. for furnace use. mine run. COAT. AND WOOD. KJs'lCHT coal has no equal; a clean, hard, oulck-flrlng. long-burning Utah coaL Al blna Fuel Co., sole agents. OAK and fir cordwood. Cannon coal. Mult nomah Fuel Co. Main BMO, A 211. .5o WILL buy you the Hiawatha coaj at Edlefsen's, mine agent. COLLECTION AGENCY. NETH A CO.. Worcester bldg. No collection, no charge. Main 1796. DANCING. iaOP. WAL. WILSON School Lessons 23c; walta, two-step, three-step, stage dancing taught, morning, afternoon and evening; guarantee to teach anyone who walks how to dance. 85 6th st., between Stark and Oak sts. Phone Main 7037. HEATH'S SCHOOL. 109 2d St., between "Wash, and Stark Fancy, stage and social dancing taught; waltz and 2-step guar anteed In 4 lessons; strictly private; class 'Friday evenings 8 to 10; lessons 250. HEATH'S DANCING SCHOOL, Alisky bldg., 3d and Morrison sts. Lessons daily; waltz and two-step guaranteed in 4 strictly pri vate lessons; class Wed. eve., S to 10. KINGLBR Dancing Academy Social and fanoy; tango, one-step. Boston; private nd plana. 231 H Morrison. Marshall 318. EMPLOYMENT AGENTS. HAKLET Employment Agency, 25 North Second. Main 727, A 2200. P. J. Hanley. prop. Res, phones. East 190, C 8027. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Mitchell. Lewis ft Staver Co.. Morrison and Sd. B. M. wade A Co., 823-28 Hawthorne ave. ARCHITECTURAL WIRE IRON WORKS. Portland Wire ft Iron Wki, 2d A Columbia. AUTO AND BUGGY TOPS. DUBRTJILLE BUGGY TOP CO.. 200 a at. AUTOMOBILES. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co., E. Mor. ft id. AtJTO LAMPS AND RADIATOR REPAIRING. PORTLAND AUTO LAMP CO.. 610 Alder st. AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES. BALLOP ft WRIGHT. 7th and Oak U. BAGGAGE CHECKED AT HOME. Baggage ft Omnibus Transfer. Park ft Davis. BARBER SUPPLIES. Lewls-Stenger Barber Supply Co., 10th-Mor. BICYCLES, MOTORCYCLES & SUPPLIES. BALLOU ft WRIGHT, 7th and Oak streets. POPE F. P. Keenan Co., 180 4th street. BICYCLES AND SUPPLIES. PATTON CYCLE CO., 247 Ash street. BREAD BAKERY. Royal Bakery & Conf.. Inc., 11th and Everett BREWERS AND BOTTLERS. HENRY WEINHARP, 13th and Burnslde. CANDY MANUFACTURERS. COFFMAN CANDY CO., 42 Front street. . CARRIAGE WORKS. PORTLAND CARRIAGE WKS., BODIES, WHEELS, SPRINGS, 109 North Fourth Street. Main 8338. CASTA K A BARK AND GRAPE ROOT. KAH.V BROS., 191 FRONT ST. CEMENT. LIME AND PLASTER. T. T. Crowe ft Co., 45 Fourth street. COFFEES. TEAS AND SPICES. CLOSSET & DEVER3. 1-11 N. Front St. DIES AND SHEET METAL STAMPING. WESTERN Tool & Die Works. 306 Pine St. BREWER ANSWERS 'DRY' ANTI-SALOOX MAJf CHARGED WITH MISSTATEMENT. Offer or $1000 for Charity Made if Assertion Regarding Jjiquor Consumption Proved. SALEM. Or, Oct. SO. In reply to a letter printed in The Oregonlan. F. G. Deckebach, president of the Oregon Brewers' Association, has addressed the following? letter to K. It. Sheldon, su perintendent of the Anti-Saloon League: "My attention has Just been called to an article published In The Oregonlan of July 12, 1913, headed, 'Figures on Liquor Consumption. Per Capita Statis tics Gratify Anti-Saloon League Head." and signed by you as superintendent, Anti-Saloon Leag-ue. That the article had escaped my attention la my only reason for allowing it to go uncontra dicted, so far at least as your report ed deductions from a table in the Brewers" Year Book for 1911 are con cerned. "Quoting from your article: In 1893 about 25 per cent of the people lived in no-ltcense territory, which has in creased to 50 per cent in 1913. Has this increased dry territory affected the consumption of liquor? " "Let the brewers answer. In their year book issued to the trade in 1911 they give a table of statistics showing the number of gallons of Intoxicating liquors of all kinds used In each state. Grouping the eight prohibition states shows the average amount used In 1910 was 1.35 gallons per capita. Com pare this with some of the liquor states: New York, 45.35 gallons; New Jersey, 39.97 gallons; Illinois, 39.13 gal lons; Pennsylvania, 32 gallons, and "Wisconsin, where beer is alleged to make cities famous, more than 64 gal lons, and the average of the saloon states per capita was 25.28 gallons, compared with 1.35 gallons per capita In the prohibition states. It is plain to be seen where the liquor is con sumed.' "If this statement were true, it would constitute a strong argument In favor of prohibition with those people who believe that the use of any kind of liquor is wrong, but in this case your argument falls for the simple reason that the statement is absolutely false. "The Brewers' Year Book for 1911 does not 'give a table of statistics showing the number of gallons of in toxicating liquors of all kinds used In each state. The Brewers' Year Book for 1911 does give a table showing the number of gallons fermented and BUSINESS ET.BCTRIO MOTORS. MOTORS, generators bought, sold, ranted ana repaired, we go au Kinaa ox repair ing and rewinding; all work guaranteed. H. M. H. Elect rio Co.. SI First St. North. r-none Main vxi. VVJ5 buy, sell, rent and exchange new and seoona-hand motors; repair wor a spe cialty. Western Electric Works, 21 0th. fe VE, EAR. NOSE AND THROAT. Treatment bv specialist. Glasses fitted. Dr. F. F. Casseday, 4-1& Dekum bldg.,3d& Wash. FEATHER MATTRESSES. HAVD your feather and other mattresses made over in the new way, always In anape and last a lifetime. phone Tabor 133. Folding Mattress Co., 1104 Hawthorne. FIRE tNSCBAXCE. LET OWEN SUMMEJ1S write your tire In surance. 833 Morgan bldg. Main 8-129. FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOPS. PHOENIX Iron Works. E. Sd and Haw thorne. General machine and foundry work. FCRNITCRE HOSPITAL. BOVVERS 4 PARSONS. 100ti Front. M. 7443. Furniture hospital. Packing and shipping. GENERAL INSURANCE. INSURANCE of every description. Mallory & Co., Inc., 610 Wilcox bldg. Main 23B HOUSE MOVING. OL.AY S. MORSE, INC., 32S Fine St. J houses moved, machinery, toilers, tanks, safes, to., hauled and placed ejn buildings, smokestacks set. Aak us for estimates on your work. A. D. Moodie, 103 E. Water at. East 'MM. Latest Improved machinery for handling heavy bodios. Brick buildings a specialty. KODAKS. KODAKS and ALL SUPPLIES. Developing, printing and enlarging. BL.UMAUE.R PHOTO SUPPLY CO.. 845 Washington st. LEATHER AND FINDINGS. J. A. STROWBR1DGE LEATHER CO. Es tablished 1S38. 189 Front st. MACHINERY. Engines, boilers, sawmills bought, sold and exchanged, me J. E. Martin to., Portland. MASSAGE. MASSAGE treatments given at residences. Mrs. Haydn. Phone Main 6302. 221 ISth st. MESSENGER SERVICE. HASTY Messenger Co. Day and service. Phone Main R3, A 2153. night MUSICAL. PIAXO STUDIO. 209 14th. Ph. M. 3S03. Ar rangements for practice: modern methods. T. E. LAWSON. 422 ' Morrison. Main 645U. Piano lessons SOc; beginners a specialty. EM1L THIELHORS, violin teacher, pupil Set-elk-. 27Fliedner bldg. A 4100. Mar. 1020. MUSIC SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS. SCHOOL OF MUSIC Staff of teachers. Ore. gon Conservatory of Music. MULTlCRAFHING AND TYPEWRITING. JACK E. THORNTON, stenographer, type writer, multigraper. advertising letters, mailing, etc. Main 3370. 311 Morgan bldg. NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS. Dr. Grover, specialist In paralysis, nervous, chronic diseases. 703 Oregonlan bldg.M.3142. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. Dr. R. B. Northrup, S08 Morgan bldg., Broadway and Washington sts. Office phone. Main 849; residence, East 102S. OPTICIANS. MUNSBLL Optical Co. Quality glasses, 2d floor, N. W. bldg.. 3274 Washington. WHOLESALE AND MANUFACTURERS DRUGGISTS. CLAR ICE-WOODWARD DRUG CO, Alder at west park. DRY GOODS. FLEISCHXER-MAYER ft CO., 307 Ash st. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Stobbs Electrical Co., 6th and Pine sts. FISH, OYSTERS AND ICE. MALAJtKEY ft CO.. Inc., 149 Front street. FLOUR MILLS. CROWN MILLS, Board of Trade bldg. GRAIN MERCHANTS. Altoers Bros. Milling Co.. Front and Marshall. BALFOUR-GUTHRIE ft CO.. 358 Oak at. H. M. HOUSER. Board of Trade bldg. NORTHERN GRAIN ft WHSE. CO., Bd. Td. THE W. A. GORDON CO., Board of Trade. GROCERIES. ALLEN A LEWIS (Est. 1851), 44 N. Front WADHAMS ft CO.. 69-75 4th St. -HAIR GOODS. PORTLAND HAIR GOODS CO. WHOLESALE ONLY. 411 DEKUM BLDG. HATS AND CAPS. THANH AUSER HAT CO.. 63-58 Front St. HAY. J. H. Klosterman ft Co., leading hay dealers. HIDES, FURS, PELTS, WOOL, TALLOW. THE H. F. NORTON CO., 63-55 Front St. HIDES, PELTS, WOOL AND FURS. KAHN BROS. 191 Front street. HOP MERCILANTS. M'NEFF BROTHERS, 614 Worcester bldg. IRON WORKS. PACIFIC IRON WORKS. East 3d and Burnslde sts. ALL ARCHITECTURAL IRON. CASTINGS. Complete Stock of BEAMS. ANGLES, CHANNELS. PLATES. KODAKS AND PHOTO SUPPLIES. PORTLAND PHOTO SUPPLY CO., 149 3d. LEATHER AND SHOE STORE SUPPLIES. CHAS. L. MASTIC CO.. 74 Front; leather of every description, taps, mfg. findings. distilled liquors manufactured in each state, also tax paid and quantity per capita. Tou will hardly contend that the words manufacture and use convey the same meaning, or that Oregon used all the lumber it manufactured. Yet this is what we find you are trying to make the people believe with reference to the liquor question "Twisting the table on page 11 of the appendix. Brewers' Year Book for 1911, from manufacture to consumption, as you have done, analyzing It as you have in order to show your readers that the average consumption in the eight prohibition states was 1.35 gal lons per capita, and In the saloon states 25.23 gallons per capita, we are at a loss to understand how you failed to discover that using this substitution of consumption for manufacture, you were running your head into a noose that would convict you of deliberately trying to mislead. For instance, accord ing to your perversion of the table, our neighboring State of Washington only consumed 202 gallons of distilled liquor for the fiscal year ending June 80, 1910; Montana, 230 gallons distilled liquors; Iowa, 272 gallons, and Texaf. 166 gallons for the same period, or these four states with a population of more than 7,500,000 only consumed S70 gaLons of distilled liquors, while Ken tucky, with a little over 2,250,000 of population, consumed 25,248,503 gal lons. This Is manifestly so absurd that at a glance any man would know that the table dealt with manufacture and had nothing to do with consumption, even If the table was not plainly headed to that effect, which It is. No ons ever accused the prohibition states of man ufacturing liquor, or anything else. "Now, Mr. Sheldon, the purpose of yovr statement is very apparent. Tou have tried to prove from the Brewers" Tear Book that prohibition did very materially lessen the consumption of liquor in the territory affected. In or der to carry your point, it was neces rary for you to deliberately substitute consumption or use for manufacture. In doing so you were guilty of breaking one of the Commandments. What you have dono In this case Is the geneial practice of the Anti-Saloon League leaders In their attempts to foist on the people the farce of prohibition as ai cure for the evil of Intemperance. Long $3,000,000. however, as against $2,800, practice has made most of your clan ooo this year, consequently the so adept in the art or deceiving mat tney are tiara to eaten. i "With Just tnis Kina or worn you lead into the dry fold many good men and women who are strong temper ance advocates, and whom you by such practices have deceived Jnto believing that prohibition has been an aid to temperance, when, as a matter of fact, every unbiased Investigator has said to the contrary, and which Is absolutely proved by the fact that of the 24 states that have adopted It, 15 have gotten rid of the law; and of the other nine at least seven will return to license with- DIRECTORY PATENT ATTORNEYS. uui..,.. ,v j. K Mock, attorney at-law. lata of the U. S. Fa"?' "'c Booklet free. 1010 Board 01 lrauooiua. it. C. WR1&HT, 22 years- practice, v. nd foreign patents, w ucun mv... PHYSICIAN t. DR. W. K. WRENN. physician, J"" 2V a4 k. miii st. Mar. 42118. A vol. PIPE. POKTiUAND WOOD PIPE CO. 'Faotory and oifice near 24tn ana mrs -- K4.JiBER STA.MP8. SEAL6. BRASS SIGNS, .rt.rT, 1 c-piup WORKS. 221 wash, st. Phones Main "10 and A 2710, THE 1RWIN-HOMON COMPANY, (O 6lh St. Phone Main 812, A SEWING MACHINES. Machines of all makes, new and sale, rented and repaired. 31. ? Vmh;.. p-mnnrlilm 100 3d st. nr. yamniii. Hui C-4 A.-ES. BANK, at STORE FIXTURES . i-miM .ev-. fci hmnch Grand Rap las Showcase Co. 6th and Hoyt. K. Lutka, manager. MARSHALL MFG. CO.. 4th and Cpuchi new and old window display mm .m. - - - STORAGE AND TBAXSFKH. PORTLAND Van A Storage. Co cor. 15 th and Kearney sts.. Just completed new fire proof warehouse for household enects. pianos and automobiles; contains separate fire nnd vermin-proof rooms, steam-heated piano room, trunk and rig vaults; track age for carload shipments; vans or mov ing reduced freight rates on household goods to ana 1 1 cm r.usL m li'..." -.-. Slain 64", all departments. C O. PICK Transfer A Storage Co., offices . and commodious 4-story brick warehouse. soDarato Iron rooms and fireproof vaults . . . . . r n J Din. it I for vauaDies; fx. vv. cur. u ... j pianos and furniture moved and packed for anlpment, special rates made on goods In our threugh cars to all domeatio and foreign ports. Main otfo, a hp. POKTi.ANT TRANSFER A STORAGE CO. iiDin .tin viia Wrmhlncton. A 1004, THanna mnA f urn It lire moved and Dacked for shipment. Special rates made on goods to aomestio ana loreign iwi w. car service. Storage. Low Insurance. iikUmv "niAltreii-FlR f.G.. 474 Glisan St. cor. 13th. Telephone Main ow or a hm. General transfer and forwaramg agents. We own and operate two large class "A" warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowest Insurance rates In the city. r.i snt'.BiiE TRANSFER CO.. general transferring and storage, safes, pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment. Teams and auto vans for long-distance moving. 6u-ls ljTront st. siaintyyi or a 1.1. TTCI I J r.rr.A nt..Hn MrovneA In fireDrOOf build ins. central location, call Marshall 4S7S. Wn nnck. shin and store all kinds of furniture, llll Second st. c vi-tt . sri:c yn. Alder. Marshall 280. 'East 842 Furniture, pianos moved and packed for shipment and storage; general transferring; 1 montn s tree stumor. PORTLAND AUTO. DEL. CO., drayage and storage; furniture moving ona pacaiug. 27 No. Front. Marshall 1730, A BiStf. TRUSSES. EXPERT TRUSS FITTING at the Laue Davis Drusr Co., lid and Yamhill. S Plfr'i LSTEIM XG.FUBNITURE REPAIRING MATTRESSES made over and to order; car pets cleaned," laid. A. Silverman. Main 4B54 WATCH REPAIRING. SWISS watch repairing. C. Chrlstensen, sec ond floor Corbett bldg. WOOD AND COAL. WRECKING wood, cut stove lengths, J3 and 83.50 per load delivered, inquire im. 0th. Main Sm:;7. LOGGING MACHINERY. F. B. MALLORY & CO.. 231 Pine St. LUBRICATING OILS. Balfour, Guthrie & Co., Board of Trade. MEN'S AND WOMEN'S NECKWEAR. Columbia Neckwear Mfg. Co., 83 Fifth st. MILLINERY. R r k cm Jt ( i '. I. . U n .. I rnlr BRADSHAW BROS., Morrison and 7th sts. NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS. MILLER S1MINGTON. Calhoun Co., 45 4th. ORNAMENTAL IRON AND WIRE. Portland Wire & Iron Works, 2d ft Columbia, PAINTS. OILS AND VARNISHES. RASMUSSEN ft CO.. Jobbers paints, oils. glass, sasn and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. W. P. FULLER CO.. 12th and Davis. PAINTS AND WALLPAPER. PIONEER PAINT CO.. 186 First st. PIPE, PIPE FITTINGS A'D VALVES. M. L. KLINE. 84-S6 Front St. PLU.MBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KLINE, 84-86 Front St. PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS. F. W. BALTES & CO, 1ST AND OAK STS. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERDING & FARRELL. .140 Front St. POULTRY, EGGS, CAVES, HOGS. HENRY EVERDING. 45-ft Front, st. ROPE AND BINDER TWINE. Portland Cordage Co., 14th and Noxthrup. SAND AND GRAVEL. COLUMBIA DIGGER CO.. Foot Ankeny St. SASH. DOORS AJVD GLASS. FULLER ft CO., 12th and Davis. W. P. SAWMILL MACHINERY. PORTLAND Iron Works, 14th and Northrop. SODA FOUNTAIN SUPPLIES. COLUMBIA SUPPLY CO., 68 Front st. WALL PAPER. Ernst Miller Wall Paper Co., 172 1st st. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 330 2d St. WIRE AND IRON WORKS. Portland Wire & Iron Wks., 2d and Columbia in the next 10 years. If we can judge of the future by the history of the past. "In view of your signed statement, we must deny you at least one of the cardinal virtues, but we are going to presume that you are charitably in clined and that you would be glad to get a large donation for some worthy Institution engaged in relieving the suffering of the unfortunate. Hence, we make you the following offer: If you will find In the Brewers' Tear Book for 1911 any table that purports to show the per capita consumption of liquor in the different states, we will donate to any charitable institution you may name the sum of $1000. To make our proposition definite and cer tain, if you will notify the undersigned that you are going to find the table In question, we will select a man who shall In no way be connected with the liquor business, either directly or In directly; you will select a man who shall not be Identified with either the Anti-Saloon League or Prohibition par ty: these two to agree on a third; then you take an unmutllated Brewers' Tear Book for 1911; prove your asser tion to these three men, get back your reputation for truth and veracity, and iooo for cnarlty. "If you cannot do this, we warn you now that it will be useless either to make excuses or Indulge In abuse. Mr, Sheldon, as a matter of fact, you know the book In question contains no table dealing with the consumption of liquor. Tou pose as the leader of a 1 moral force; you set yourself up as a teacher you claim to be a Christian and a gen tleman. Why did you do it?" ASHLAND LEVY IS 14.75 Assessments Drop Slightly; City's Requirements Down. ASHLAND, Or., Oct. 30. (Special.) The City Council has fixed the mu nicipal levy for 1914 at 14 mills, ap portioned as follows: Bonds and lnte- est, 5.5 mills; general fund, 5.3 mills; street fund, 1 mills; fire department .9 mill: parks, .6 mill; library, .7 mill. The levy for 1913 was an even 14 mills. Th o KBPQQsd In !no Hnn last . - a 'i - ... . amounts to be raised for municipal purposes will be about the same. CURRENCY BILL IS SUBJECT Bankers of Oregon Group No, 2 to Discuss Measure at Albany. . ALBANY, Or., Oct. 80. (Special.) The currency bill now before Congress will be the main topic of discussion at the meeting of Group No, 2, of thej AMUSEMTTNTS. HEILIG THEATER 11th and Morrison TOXWHT TOMORROW NIOHT SPECIAL PRICE MAT. TOMORROW The Favorite Light Opara, XHE 1 Chocolate Soldier Splendid Cast Chorus Orchestra. Evenines: Lower floor, 10 rows 13, 11 rows si.ou. balcony, ai. Too, ovo, Sat urday Mat.! Lower floor, 10 rows $1.00, j a rows 91. Balcony, "i oo, oijo. 3 BeX9 NEXT SUNDAY , THBJ PARISIAN MUSICAL CONCOCTIOX "THE GIRL FROM MUMMS" With Miss Oiive Vale SELECT CAST STUNNING CHORUS Prices Lower floor $LS0, SI; balcony 9L, 'lOO DUO. SEAT SALB OPENS TOIAY THKATER Main 3. A 11880 t;eo. L. Baker. Jlerr. Homo of tha popular Baker Playera. Tc- nleht, all week. Matinee Saturday "THK HOUSE NEXT DOOR." By J. Hartley Manners, author of "Peg O My ieart. ' A piay oi racial prejuuicw. Strong dramatlo scenes. Great In comedy, Kvenlnrs: 23o. 35o. SOc, Toe. Sat Mat.. S5o, BOc. Wad. Mat., all seats 280. Next weeic, starting; Sun. Mat "The Lady From Okla hfimL" MATIXEE DAILY. Main 8, A 102 S. MILLER KENT Joe Welch The Three Collecians Fred Warren and Cffle Conley Arco Brother Kalph eimalley Mile. Tina Mat In e Dally, any wat Iff". -TN 1P09" DERKJN'S nOC.S AND MONKFVS Sl'lKir PAINTINGS BELMONT A HAUL WILLIAM CAHJLLL POLLARD MX HEADLINE ACTS mm Broadway and Alder Street "A WTXXTNa MISS," with Johnny PhlUber and 10 Broadway Beauty Chorus;. Provol, Gordon & Day, Colette Trio, Kelt & Demont, The Lily White Slave. Pantacescope. Popula Prices. Boxes and first row balcony reserved. Phones A 2236, Main 4636. LYRIC Fourth and Stark Sts WEEK OCT. 27 Leonard and Onslow In "A Dash to the Pole," a nanliial comedy in one sail. Tuesday nlglit, Atnietio contest, KrlrlnT nlcht- ( horns l.lrls- Contest, prices: N'lehta 15c. 23c: Matinee, any seat 13c. Cum ins; zov. a, Jtne x-our uituc xieauties. COLUMBIA THEATER Sixth and Washing-ton. SPECIAL PKEi'EKPJJD SERVICE. Presenting Big and Novel Photo Plays. Feature tor ttiu vv eanesaay to ounaay, IN THE MIDST OK THE JCNGLE. Wild Animal Masterpieces in Three Reels, Produced by the belig company. Two Clever Lubln Comedies. 10c ADMISSION 10c. CLASSIFIED ADv RATES Dmlrlr or Sandal . Per Line. One time -- lo game ttd. two consecutive times... .....X2o baiue ad. three consecutive times 30c batne ad. six or seven consecutive times, -ottc Ine above rates anpiy to aaveruumenii under "riew Today" and au ouier cxassuic lions except the foiiowimc: bituattons Wanted, juaie. bituatioiis Wanted, lemale. hjw Kent, itooras. Private families. Kooms and Board. Private families. Kate on the above cwssiflcations la cent. a line each insertion. When one advertineuient Is not run In con secutive hmuet the one-time rate applies. tlx average words count as one line on cafch advertisements and no ad. counted for lets than two lines. On ' 'charted " advertisements charsre will he based ou the number of lines an Dear lo it In the paper, reiiaruies or me numoe? ox words in each line. Minimum charge, two lines. The Oregonlan will accept classified ad vertisements over the telephone, providing the advertiser Is a suhscrioer to either phone. No prices will be quoted over the phone but bill will be rendered the follow lax day. Whether subsequent advertisements will be accepted over the pbone depends "upon the promptness of payment of telephone adver tisements. Situations Wanted and Personal sdvertisements will not be accepted over the telephone, orders lor one insertion only will be accepted for "Furniture for Sale." "Busi ness Opportunities,' 'Koomin--houseB" and Wanted to Kent." The nreironlan will not euarantee aecnraev or assume responsibility for errors oocurrlnsr In telephoned advertisements. ine oreKonian win not ne responsiDie for iore tnan one incorrect insertion of any Rdvertuemeni oxxereo lor more tnaa time. In "New Today" all advertisements are charged by measure only, 14 lines to ths lnctt. Kemlttances must accompany out-of-towa orders. Advertisements to receive prompt classifi cation must be In The Oreconlaa office before 10 o'clock at n.eht. except Saturday, t'lontntr honr for The Sunday Orejronlan will be o'clock Satnrdar nleht. The office will be open until 10 o'clock P. M., as nsojal. and all ads. received) too late for proper ciassin catlon will be run under heaoin "Too Late to I'laasiry. State Bankers Association, here Batur day, November 8. This group Includes the hankers of Marion, Linn, Benton, Lincoln and Polk Counties. Tha programme arranged by Nell M. Bain, secretary of the local clearing house association, provides for the op enlng of the meeting with prayer by the Rev. P. H. Geselbracht; an address of welcome by Alfred C. Schmltt, presl. dent of the Albany Clearlng-House As sociation; speech on tax bills by Orton B. Goodwin, of Portland, secretary of the Oregon Taxation League, and dis cussion of the proposed currency bill, led by J. H. Albert, president of the Capitol National Bank, of Salem. DAILY CITY STATISTICS ' Marriage licenses. CCMHIXO-CANTLET David Cummins, city, legal, and Agnes Geddes Cantley, clly, legal. KOBERTSON-CHUBCH Kenneth Robert son, city, legal, and Kuth Church, city, legal. COBB-COFFEE Georfte E. Cobb, Astoria, St, and Marie Louise Coffey, city, 21. Births. O'COXXER To Mr. and Mrs. J. J. O'Con ncr, 431 East Ankeny street, October a daughter. BULLOCK To Mr. and Mrs. Herman D. Bullock, 1031 East Twenty-second street North. October ID, a daughter. MILA.EK To Mr. and Mra. William Mil ler, 1iT1 East Twenty-Iourth street, October ltt, a daughter. DANIELS To Mr. and Mra Wlllard L. Daniels. U63 East Nineteenth street North, October 21, a daughter. DRIGGS To Mr. and Mrs. Everett C. DrtzKs. 090 Hawthorne avenue. October 12. a daughter. THOMAS To Mr. and Mrs. John M. Thomas, 007 East Eighth street North, Oc tober 29, a son. Kelso Registration Decreased. CENTRALIA, Wash., Oct 30. (Spe cial.) Only 626 voters have registered for the municipal election to be held In Kelso next Tuesday. At the local option election last year the reg istration touched the 900 mark. The Socialists have a complete ticket in the field.' . I nnnrnv i ttT-fCs. riTttj EVERY- Mjt71 S8E AUCTION BALK TODAT. Ford Auction House, 211 1st. Furniture, carpets, etc. FAle at 2 P. M. .t Wiison's Auction House, at 10 A. U. Furniture 166-8 First St. MEETING NOTICES. "WASHINGTON liODGH, NO. , A. P. AND A. M. Special communication this (Friday) ev.nlng, 7:30. East Eighth and Burnslde, B. A. derree. Visitors welcome. By order W. M. J. H. RICHMOND. Secretary. ,m o.vMi . I-." T7" TT T A F, AND A. M. Special communi cation this (Friday) evening. Re freshments at 8. Work In M. M. degree Immediately after. Vis itors welcome. Order W. M. ED C. DICK. Secretary. HASSALO LODGE, NO. 15, I. O. O. F., will meet this (Friday) evening at 7:30 o'clock In Oddfellows Temple, corner First and Alder streets. Work In the first d grse. Visitors are cordially welcomed. FitEDERICK COZENS, Rec. Sso. PORTLAND LODGE, NO. 159, A. F. AND A. M. Social tor V. .. .a i.mOI.. nnnMnf udiuuqi , nuu .omtiico. 7 and cards. Full attendance de sired. By order W. M. C. M. STEADMAW, eeo ' DIED. HAAS October 29. In this city Charles Haas, aged 48 years. Funeral announce ment later. Remains at A. R. Zeller Co. 'a parlors, 692-60 Williams av. FUNERAL NOTICES. CAFFEE In this city, Ootober 80, Mrs. Elizabeth Caffea, aged 65 years, beloved wife of B. T. Caftee, of 657 Vi Williams ave., and beloved mother ot Mrs. Margaret Selling, of 046 Mallory ave. The funeral services will ba held tomorrow (Saturday), November 1. at 1 o'clock P. M. at St. Mary's Church, corner of Williams ave. and Stanton street. Friends Invited. In terment Mt. Calvary Cemetery. Ine re mains are at the residence establishment of J. P. Flnley & Bon, Montgomery, at Fifth street. LEONARD In this city, October SO, at the family residence, 896 Sandy Road, George H. Leonard, aged 74 years 1 month and 1 day. Husband of Mra. Elizabeth Leonard and father of Mrs. J. D. Williams, Eliza beth and Thomas Leonard. The funeral servloes will be held at the above resi dence at 2 P. M. Saturday, Nov. 1. Friends Invited. Interment in the family plot in Rose City Cemetery. The remains are at the conservatory chapel of F. 6. Dunning. East Side Funeral Directors, 414 East Alder st. RALSTON Oct. 20. at the residence, 6308 62d ave. B. rj. , ueorge Kaiston, agea is years. Funeral services will be held at tha above residence toaay (Frtaayi at o'clock. Friends respectfully Invited. In torment Muitnoman cemetery. BROWN Oct. 29, Lilly M. Brown, aged 86 years, Deloveo wire ol cnas. iirown. Funeral services will be held at Dunning & Mcfenlee's cnapei uaturaay, wov. l, at lu:30 A. M. friends respectiuuy invited. Interment Multnomah cemetery. DYKE The funeral services of the late Austin Dyke will tie held at the Tamil residence, loa E. 12th St.. at 2 P. M. to day. Interment family plot. Mt. Scott rarK cemetery. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. MIL FmVABTl noi.HAN. the lrarilnr fu neral tnrector, xzu inira street, corner sal' moo. Lady asul&tant. A 1311, Main S07. v. s. Dniraiso. no. East Side Funeral Directors. 41 Esat Aider st. East S2, d ZdZo. DUNNING & M'ENTEK. funeral directors. 7th and fine, rncne Main 4X0. Lady at tendant. uince or county loroaer. SKEWXS UNDERTAKING COMPANT. Sd and Clay, main isz, a zxzi. l-acy attendant. CEMETERY BEAUTIFUL MOUXT SCOTT PARK. Its beantT alngnlarly appropriate. Its care peculiarly rgeame of affection and memory. Elegant and commodious vlMlf ore' reat rooms. Perpetual care. R fined, pleasinK service. Reached by Mt Scott or Caaadero cars. Roth phones. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICES NO. S20 UNION AVENliS, CORNER MARKET STREET. Phone Eact 142. B 331S. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled animals at a moment's notice. Prices reasonable. Report all cases of cruel, ty to this office. Open day and nlsbt NEW TODAT. Fine Stock Ranch, Timber and Power Proposition 1 have tor immediate salo an unusual property consisting- of 2018 acres patented land about 26 miles from Klamath Falls and 34 miles to Ashland, there being a basin of 1U0O acres, a largo portion oi which 1 covered with water from springs on plac discharging 60 to 60 second feet. About 4-0 acres now In grass, would now cut about COO tona. Splendid power proposition and the saw timber cruises at least iz.uuu.uuu reet vellow nina. white nine ana nr. For Immediate sale I can lot It go at X 20 per acre, at least hall cash, rso trades, uuar anteed title. W. l. Hodgson. Asmana, or. Brick Factory Building Fine new two-storv brick building on elose-in corner, 50x100, leased to responsible manuiacturing concern at $150 per month; lease runs over seven vears: nrin 221.000. rjaviner nearly 9 per cent, with no expense to owner for repairs on Dunaing. OWNER, SIS Board of Trade Bids;., 4th and Oak MORTGAGE LOANS Loans of tlOOO.and un at lowest rates on Good Improved City Properties. IX vou need money call today. Our in tiallment payments are attractive. A. H. BIRRELL CO. S02 McKay Bide Third and Stark Sts. $ 15,000 To loan in amounts to suit. WM. 0. McCLTJEE 414 Failing Bldg. Edward E. Goudey Lewis Bull dine MORTGAGE LOANS i bualnetM and close-In residence properties fo TO 7 H. E. MOONEY Room 421 Falling; Bids. Main 210. CITY & FARM LOANS 1000 and up at lowest rates. 0. M. ZADQW 14 Corbett Bids. A 1416. Marshall 92. CITY and FARM LOANS At lowest rates. Smith Investment Co. 00 Fifth street. Main 8770. MORTGAGE LOANS Lowest Rates. A. D. WILLOUGHBV A CO. 41S Corbett Bldgr. Slain 8815. CITY AND FARM LOANS Any Amount at Current Ratoa. JOHN E. CKONAN UK paldlas Bid. Portland. Oft S5SOO S-room house, lot BOxlOO: East 10th St.. u blocks from E. Morrison. Phone owner. East 4443, Ik ortoaoe Loans 69 NEW TODAT. Private Residence Sale 1300 East Main St., Cor. 45th Friday at 10 A. M. Piano, good furniture at auc tion. "We will sell the con tents of above residence, consisting of Smith & Barnes upright piano, musio cabinet, rockers, Morris chair, aah dressers, iron beds, bedding, very good "Wilton velvet rugs room sizes, steel range, dishes, utensils, etc. It will pay you to attend this sale. Hawthorne or Mt Scott Car FORD AUCTION CO. Nice Home $2200 For the man who has at least $1000 to pay down and who wants a cosy home, well located, without running much In debt, we offer tills $2800 plai?e for J2200. Located close to East 391 h street and not far south of Hawthorne avenue; lot 42x100. This Is a snap, but only for the man with enough cutih to pay down, A. E. POI LSEX, 719 Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE LOANS Our Own Money at Current Uatee. Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Commercial Club HldK Portlnnd. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS JOH. BAIX. BOT SPALDIAG HtlLDING. REAL KSTATE DEA1.KKS. Beck, William G., 81S-316 Falling bldg. BKL'BAKEH, G. 1., B17 Railway Ex. bids. Jennings & Co., Wain 188. 200 Oregoriiun. FA LM fciR-J ONES CO., H. P., 404-4O0--4O0 Wilcox bids. BENEDICT BROS., (Burrell Heights), 1)30 Hawthorne ave., cor. 81st. Tabor 518. LOGAN, home builder" 815paldingbldg. ILEAL ESTATK, For ttaie Lot. FINE VIEW BUILDING SITE3. 15 minutea ride from the Postofflce, on the West Side; city water, graded etreets and substantial walks now In and In cluded In the price; 6o fare. $450 to f6uu. Phone Main 1300 or A 6.161. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY, Owners, Sd floor Belling bldg., cor. 6th and Alder. BEAUTIFUL residence lot on East 24th and Davis sts.. all improve ments In and paid for. Price for quick sale, $17ui); $12tM cash, bal. one year, tiee Owner, 425 Henry bldg. Alain 75M. FARM of IS acres, 1 mile from Moniavilla, between Base Line and Section Line roads. Inquire 6oi Schuyler st,, cor. 15th. BEAUTIFUL east-front lot in Irvlngton Park, near carline, at bargain; terms. J. O. Thomas, Main 6513. LOT 5ixlO0, restricted district, $350, cash or half cash. J 418 Oregonlan. TWO lots at Solano Beach. Wash., value $2o each, both for $20. AD 405, Oregonlan. F1RLAND lot, $350, worth $450, terms $5 mommy. Main 1100 or xaoor m. FOR SALE Some lots in Willamette Add., cheap for cash. H 470, Oregonlan. LOT for sale at Elm hurst by owner. C, Johnson. Phone Marshall l 0o. For Sale Houses. $4500, BAlANCE easy terms 6-room house ail rooms large ana ngnt ; sleeping porcu ana attic; lull concrete Dasemeut; in nigh ly restricted district ; all street improve ments in; large value. Phoua Main 1S00 or A 21. PROVIDENT TRUST CO., OWNERS, 2d floor Soiling bldg., 6th and Alder. $1550 $150 DOWN, balance like rent; three rooms and bath ; ouxivo lot, unexcelled view: lo minutes ride from the Post of flee; city water, surfaco graded streets and sidewalks included In price. Phone Main li00 or A C2G1. PROVIDE-VT TRUST CO., OWNERS, 2d floor Selling bldg., Otli and Alder. NEW -oom house on 60x100 lot near Wil liams ave. N.. bath, toilet, full basement. We are eoing to make the extremely low price sell this place and $2001) Is the price; $200 down and $20 per mo.. $1000 down and balance In 3 and 1 years. Brong-Murray Co., 607 Lewis bldg. MUST GO EAST TO STAY. Am forced to sacrifice In order to sell quickly 5 and 6-room bungalows, full lot, double wails, moaern and wen built Dutch kitchen, paneled dining-room; only part cash required. I'nono owner, sell wood S7. HARD-SURFACE STREETS. New, strictly modern 5-room bungalow; full cement basement, walks and steps; built-in effects; beam celling; li replace; electric fixtures; $2feOO. Owner, 10"$ East 2 1st st. North. Alberta car to 21st St., Vj block south. RESTRICTED DISTRICT $50 CASH SWELL BUNGALOW, SNAP. 7 rooms, new ; fireplace, enamel Dutch kitchen, H bedrooms, large double living room, elegant long buffet, plate glasi doors, oak floors, inlaid mahogany; 15 min utes city. Owner. Phone Tabor 1000. . IF you want to see the homes for sale on BROOKE, dealer In PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Marshall 4827 or A 8338. $20 MONTH includes everything: 0-room modern bungalow, irvingion rara, ouxiw lot, cement sldewaks, fine view, $2250; no payment down. Smith-Wagoner Co., 612 Stock Exchange. PORTLAND HEIGHTS SNAP. Cosy modern bungalow, beautiful view, splendid neighborhood, at very little more than price of lot. All Improvements paid. Marshall 4827. BROOKE. A BHH. CHARM I NG HOME. IRVINGTON. 0 large rooms, up-to-date, oak and ma- no gany nmsn, untn , ec. van io i ums, garage, lot 60x100. East 273, East ii'Zvii. V. H. Herdman. 42W.0 FOR new 6-room modern bungalow. all built-in conveniences, oest piumoing, hntit for a home: lot 50x100. close tn car. East front. $300 cash and $20 per month. Woodlawn oJJU. NEW. modern house, fixtures all in, cement walks and casement, acre; crest Dar rein in citv: $2075: close in. small pay ment down; also furniture for sale. Phone owner. Tabor 734. can xnompson. IF you wish to buy a home or a lot at prices tnat are ngui see win nrm mat does things; will take vacant lots for first payments; terms that will suit all. 203 Piatt bldg. Tel. Main 9042. DANDY 5-room bungalow, fireplace, all necessary built-in work, paneled dining room, oak floors, rooms tinted, 3 blocks from Hawthorne car; $300 down, balance to suit. Owner, Tabor 170. Teioo BUYS an up-to-date, sightly home easily worm ; .iuuu can win handle the deal. Address AH 407, Ore gonlan. $3500, 60x100, WITH 5-room cottage. In Klcnmonu, on ca.mne, terms uuu casn. W rue or phone o, E. C. Johnson, Vancou ver. Wash. $350o BUYS 102x125 block with 5-room moaern tuiws". ut;ai.rifig irun trees. iou E. 7Sth Montavilla. Apply next door. WILL sell modern 7-room house for 10 per cent less man tout owner; no agent, wood lawn 919. lOO-xlOO Small house, some fruit, $1900; part cash, can &euwoou 1577 after 7 P. M ARTISTIC bungalow in Rossmere, furnished or uniurnisnea; terms; irora owner. 610 East 44th North. ICE 7-room home on Hawthorne car; must be sold at once; make an offer; jour own terms will take, ii. Tabor 1704. MY Irvington home, $1000 lcs than value; terms like rent, i o, uregonian. RJBAL ESTATE For Sale Iloiibes. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. 8-room modern house, full cement base ment, hardwood floors; a strictly mod ern bouse; lots of flowers and shrubbery of all kinds; beautiful view; you can buy this bouse for $100 0 cash. bal. $.r0 per xuo- 7 per cent int; prica $6500. J. H. D1ETZ, 316 Railway Exchange. BEAUMONT BUNGALOW SNAP. Very small, 11-room bungalow. latest built-in effects, furnace, fireplace, bard wood iloors, den, cabinet kitchen; 9 larse airy rooms downstairs, extra bedrooms and sleeping porch upstairs; lot 50x100. Owner left city and must be sold quick; henca tha price only $4500; $1250 cash and $10 per month. A sacrifice of at least $1350. GRCSSI & BOLDS, 81 Board of Trade. Main 7452. A 4401. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME? WE WILL FURNISH TIIQ MONEY, BUILD APARTMENTS, RESI DENCE OK ANYTHING. PLANS K It K 13. WE ARE RESPONSIBLE WE KNOW HOW. TALK TO OUR CLIENTS. SE OUR WORK. WILL GIVE BONDS. L. R BAILEY & CO., CONTRACTING ARCHITECTS, 024 ABINGTON BLDG. $1850 MODERN new 8-roora house, fur nished with new furniture; located on a fine view lot, 15 minutes from Morrison street, on the West Side; $250 cash bal ance like rent. An unusual opportunity to move into a cozy home. Phone Main 1600 or A 62G1. PROVIDENT TRUST CO., OWNERS, 2d floor Sel 1 i n g bldg., ttth and Alder. CLOSE-IN STUFF Si&Mi 6-room, new, strictly modern bungalow; Improvements paid; 5 blocks south Ladd'i Addition, lO minutes' ride; garage, fur nace, fireplace, hardwood; $4uQ is cheap. Take $:.Co; terms. Can you beat It i 6611 wood 75. OWNER, 705 East 13th fit. Feltwood car to Frankfort, block east. $G250 LARGE 7-room home lu Laurolhurst. with sleeping porch, two fireplaces, all of tha latest conveniences, eust front. This price includes electric fixtures, wall deco ration, window shades and Mulshed lawn. Phone Main ISsmj or A G2iil. Provident Trust Co., owners, 2d floor Selling bldg., (ith and Aider. $2250 SMALL payment down, balance like rent; modern 4-room bungalow, near cur; splendid fruit on the premises; city im provements. Phone Main 1&U0 or A 02GL PROVIDENT TRUST CO., OWNEHH, 2d floor Soiling bldg., 0th and Aldor. $2i0O TO $3750, EASY TERMS Modern bungalow, all the lattst built-in conveni ences; near car. Phone Main 18H) or A 02til. PROVIDENT TRUST CO., OWNERS, 2d floor Selling bldg., th and Aider. BUNGALOW4-room, bath, etc.; rent $li per month. See this place. 8013 E. 47tli st. If suited, phone Main 7037. Take WW car to E. 47th st. 8-ROOM house, range connected; bal. $10 per. Mar 273 $50 down. For Sale BuMnes Places. FOR LEASE or sate. In business center, 100x200, on East Morrison between Hth ami 7th ; very reasonable terms. Call owner, 1 50 East 0th st. FOR SALE Larse brick htore building and lot in Albany, Or. Address Box 222, Al bany, Or. For Sale Acreage. FIVE ACRES, $250. $10 DOWN. 5 Pl-.K MONTH. Buys 0 acres of lugged-off laud, 1 to li miles from center of town of 1000 popu lation, also cannery and creamery; three quarters of a mile from station on main line of railroad from Portland and As toria. This land is free from rocks and gravel, will not overflow and lies level; ideal for chicken raisin;?, dairying and small fruits; will grow anything that enn bo raised in Western Oregon. From sum of these tracts you have, a beautiful view of tha Columbia River; 4(H) acres from which to choose; perfect title and war ranty deed. BELL REAL ESTATE CO.. ia IJOOr, -i.J xtauway Lxcimnne uiu(f. Between 3d and 4th on gtork. $325 ACREAGE. $:i23 On the 6-mile circle from the Courthouoe, , West Side. $450 for cleared, cultivated, very fertile soil. INVESTIGATE. Phone Main lSuo or A 0201. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANT, O w n t- rs. 24 floor Selling bid., cor. th and Alder. CALIFORN IA FRUIT AND ALFAFA LAND. AH ready lor plow; price $125 to 5200 per acre; easy terms, building rebates, free transportation ; on Southern Paciflo R. R, and Sacramento River; electric line now building; state highway and excellent roads over property ; cheap electric pow er, oranges, grape fruit snd lemons from this section on mai'Ket six wee-Ks oeror Southern crop; alfalfa, almonds, tips, olives, etc., grow to-perfection here. Full particulars R. H. Bowdler, room 220 Henry bldg., 4th and Oak. ELECTRIC LINE, eight blocks of station; chicken and fruit ranches near Portland ; new subdivision, near ircshnm ; 5 acres. $40n, $500. $700; 8 acres, .",00, $700; 1 acres, $750, $000, $1000 per tract; best (oil. f res wood, up ring wi ter; acreage at Scappoose. Or., $25 to $loo per acre. FRANK M'FARLAND REALTY CO., 809 Yeon bldg., Portland. 115 0 UP T 6" $ 3 1 0T E HA C R K . Cleared land, best soil, on 10-mile circle; from Courthouse, right at station and near school, on electric line; every trat faces on good auto road; from 0 acres up, very easy terms. 102 WILCOX BLDG. Phone Marshall 2S4. I HAVE 23 acres, cleared and fenced, i mile to R. R., 0 miles Vancouver, pnld 53O0 per ucre; will take $4U0 cash for equity of $2300; mtg; runs, 2 years; can be renewed; would consider trade. AV 555, OreRoniun. 5 ACRES Immediately adjoining corpora; limits of growing town In Wiltametto Valley: cleared and nady for cultivation; six blocks from depot; could be subdi vided Into lots and sold easily; terms. II. R. Floming. bl 1 Journal bldg. HALF-ACRE tracts on Columbia boulovard, 200 feet from Union ave. car, 5c fure. under high state of cultivation, beautiful home sites for $1300; 10 per cent down and 2 per cent per month. Brong-Murray Co., 507 Lewis bldg. SIXTY acres of river bottom land lu Wil lamette valley arross river from gofiu -sized town; price fi!" per a-re; terms. W. RobertHon, 810 Journal bid;?. HomcHtemli. WANTED Farm from 20 to 40 a civs wil h improvements and stock in excn.mKo tor PorLlaud residence valued at $Nit: will assume difference to $rtO00 to $7000. K U PPER & HUMPHRY, 312-213 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED 5 acres or more with a small house that can om purcnasea lor cash. K UPPER A HUMPHRY, 212-218 Chamber of Commerce. TWO unusually valuable homesteads. Curry and Jackson counties, on couniy roaa ; ona . has over 2,000,000 feet beautiful timber;, close to river; $250. ftoS Oregonlan bldg. 140 ACRES, all tillable, 8 hours from Port land; must sncririce ror casn or conaiaex good trade; will show Sunday by auto. L 4SS, Oregonlan H JMESTEADS and timber claims located. .14-215 Stock fexenange Diag. cmco uuun 12 M. to 8 P. M. HALF-ACRE tracts on Columbia boulevard $150 down and jau par mo. jurong-aiurray Co., 507 Lewis bldg lor Sale Farms. HONESTLY DESCRIBED. Income S1S.0O0. Frieo $30,000. GO-iicre hop ranch, best sediment loam, all rooted to hops, modern house, good barn, nw hop dryer. All necessary equip ment; Santa Roa 3 miles. Terms half cash, balance m; rtgagu. I am retiring. In vestigate this. C. J. Boiso, Santa Rosa, Col. $12.50 PER AC HE $12.50. To enable mo to complete my Irrigation proposition so I can irrigate adjoining land, I will sell three quarter sections at above price; land all ready for the plow; some terms; no agents; no phone. See me today at room 4U8 Hoyt Hotel. Farmers who will improve given preference. IF " yon want a small farm and this suits you, wc will agree on a price. I have 00 acres, 17 miles from Portland, near HHIh boro; will sell half or all, but must have $1500 In cash In next few days; no trade, but a very low price with this amount of ca3h. Owner, eol Wilcox hidg: FOR SALE OR TRADE. Two well improved farms. 60 and 160 acres in each; they Join and are all level, rich land; price $.1500 and $14,000; would consider 1-3 in Portland property. For particulars, write owner, li. ii. Hurst, Toledo, Wash. . 850 ACRES, fruit and stock ranch, 1 mile from depot, Douglas County; fruit aln without grain or stock brought over $5000 cash this year; $40 acre; $10,000 cash, bai. terms. 31& Failing bldg. ;20i ACRES wheat land, 2 Vi miles from R. R., about :too acres In cult.; Franklin County, Wash. For quick a.le or trade $17. OO per acre, 103S Chamber of Com merce. IF you want to buy first-class irrigated land In the famous Central Oregon I.nJd luw dlst.. information Mai shall 'V, Han thorn apt. 1 L RANCH, 0 acres, with buildings, IS miles from Portland, near electric line; bargalu lor all cash, By owner, is2 Morrisun at. ft-