niE MORXIXO OREGOXIAX, FRITJAY, OCTOUElt 3, 1913. 16 TO EXCHANGE. WHAT you got for the best opera-house Mven-year lease? Making money; will guarantee $250 P" month; Investigate: a Id reason for trading, l Had. auto, houses or equities. AB 4U9. Oregonian. a ACRES nearly all under cultivation, cr 6 chard in blaring, small f.mlt, spring water Piped to house 5-roora house and store building barn, chlcken-1 louses and run; localeS at station on electric line. 23 mile, from Portland; want city prope -rty up to $4500. full value. O. a It. tills CO.. 39 Board of Trade , 4i0 ACRES, all arood level .land, on Public road 12 mil.;, from railroad ; easy cleared plenty of water. Miy $18 Ier acre; $1000 cash $1000 tra.U. balance to suite at 7 Per cent? fine .lo k and dairy; .5 mile, from Portland. . In Oregon. Security De velopmentCahaFine.iIr. Moodlt. .,,,,, Frl7ry FLAT IN HAWTHORNE DlfeEW AND MODERN INEVEBY way: incumbrance "": to TRADE FOK - $ 10,000. HAHBOLT REALTY CO.. 710 LKV io otju"- Sjjm ACRES, volcanic a.n soli; 100 cultivated large, new house. with all conveniences; arge barn, implements; a desirable home nor acre; want clear property up to $7500; term, op, balance, sis ie Kum oiug. il ,(,. now $125 pifr acre; gooa mu. farm 17 miles from Portland; ralr house, stock barn chicken barn, orchard and I oSer: no rock: cheap. Security Dev. op StSii ro 4th and Pine. Mr. Mood-e. Main 1721- -- . umn- it x-room mod w-,good barn and oiMp " "r of incum- brance: want Improved Portland prop erty. 904 Yeon bldg. R(-rM modern house and acre of ground, 6-R5Mr,Tad Heights, all kinds of bearing fruit" nrice $6500. Will talte a .man re ftVPon East Side or most anything good. Dorr E. Keasey & Co., Chamber Commerce bldg. 2d floor : 7 ! i .. of incumbrances, to traae for good farm, about same value IVoo to 0uSTs lot. in Salt Uk. W trade as part of pay on residence or small traae as i P rv.lnnment Com- farm. siouo. oci-u"w Pnv! Mr. Mood.e, 275 Pine at, r-r: vnu Pin 10-acre ranch, about 2 acTes set to apple. . and pearK $3000. Want gooa v" JT T CLARKE. Chlno, Cal. PLANING mill, located in one of ! best cities ta Willamette Valley, va ue $u' "erre Address AV l i 1 y . i v 4.V1, Oregonlan, r- ,rpEa ati Kaod level land on public road 10 nfllesg?rom station, only $2000; strictly good. Security jjeveiopmeni. v-o 4th and Pine. Mr. Moodie. VXCEPTIONAL opportunity; desirable 80, near Oregon City. $6000; substantial Im provement ; would divide: exchange con- aiaerea. owner, WANTED HOME In Irvlngton. W"r.elhhu' or Ladd Addition, up to l2,0-ha.YS clear property and cash. See Jordan, 61J Lumbermen, dius. 160 ACRES, Improved, in Crook Co.; also loo acres nAr Lebanon, unimproved, for Sl Johns improved or unimproved, win assume. W. S. Farris. St. Johns. Or. ACREAGE near Portland up to S40.0OO, or Vill trade all or part for property in or near Astoria, uon t uai u , have the goods. X 406. Oregonlan. WANTED To ell or trade a .tern wheel passenger and freight boat for a small passenger propeller boat. AV 4S5. Orego nlan. TO EXCHANGE $1800 equity in C-room modern home. Tacoma. Wash : lot 80x110, lawn, rose., berries, hotbed, etc.; will take lots or acreage. Call owner. Tabor 4UUS. 7-ROOM modern house, restricted Haw thorne district: iiracutwij -" brance- will take good second mortgages as part or full payment. F B!, Oregonian. WANTED Improved farm up to $5000; have good hotel business of 43 rooms, clear il5 month, worth 3JO0, trade for part paymeat. Box 88, Albany. Or CLEAR LOTS FOR rooming-houae or .mall businem. Fenton bldg. 84 6th at. 816 LOT. Rose City Park, for small business or acreage, phone BCilwood 2HiS. WANT furniture and piano for lots or acre age. Fred W. German Co.. 932 C. of C. FOK BALE. Hone. Vehicle.. Eto- HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE OR RENT. Second-hand vehicle, bought and .old; new wagon and auto bed. made to order; livery furnished to business parties at special rates. HAWTHORNE STABLES. 420 Hawthorne ave. phone East 72; B 1369. THE MURPHY HORSE & MULE CO., Sell on commlslson. horses, mule., ve hicles and harness. Auction sales every Monday and Friday, lu A. M. Private sales daily. 240 E. Sth St., near Haw thorne. E. 6315. FIVE-GAITED Kentucky saddle mare, can be driven In single or double harness; .safe and gentle, for sale. Owner leaving city, so will .ell at .acrifice. Main 7bJ and A 470L . TEAMS for hire; we have 20 team, of first class work; stock with harness, for hire by the month. The Murphy Horse & Mule Co.. 240 E Sth St., near Hawthorne ave. Phone East 6315. MUST sell mare and a horBe; good workers, weish 2600 lbs.; harness and spring farm wagon; no reasonable offer refused. 781 Insley ave.. last house. Take Sellwod car. WILL sacrifice black 3-year-old, sired by Lord Kitchener; well broken. 202 Wilcox bldg. WANTED Team work of any kind. 413, Oregonian HORSES for sale or trad, for lota, 865 East Pine. Tho. Barnea, Piaiio. Organ. M'i'l Musical Instruments. ELECTRIC- piano, cost $1100 a year ago, good condition, forced sale, $350 cash. T. R. Phillips. 505 McKay bldg. Phone. Main 1026. A 4121. WANTED Piano, cash; AG 413 Oregonian. must be bargain. Dogs, Birds, Pet Stock. FOR SALE Bloodhound pups, thoroughbred English man-trailing stock; subject to registration. Write A. Zerull, Springfield, Oregon PEDIGREED airedale puppies. 3 months old. for sale. Reliance Garage. 1063-5 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 2948, B 3117. BLOODED male, 8U Bernard pups. $2500. Mm. Rochat. R. 2. Spokane, Wash. BOYD'S BIRD STORE, 21K Alder street Dogs, birds, pets, cages and supplies. Furniture for Sale. GREAT CHANCE FOR THOSE STARTING HOUSEKEEPING, OR THOSB WHO NEED SOME NEW FURNITURE. THE ENTIRE STOCK OF PETERS MFG. CO. "BANKRUPT." HAS BEEN ORDERED SOLD IMMEDIATELY. AND NO OTHEK SALE CAN COMPARE WITH THIS. CALL AND BEE. 68 6TH ST- CORNER PINE. FURNITURE four-room cottage, very rea sonable; party going East. 394 Morris. NEW furniture 5-room flat, very cheap. East Ash. flal B. Call East 452. FURNITURE of beautiful flat for sale, close In; rent $20. East 643S. FURNITURE 4-room cottage, very reason able; party going East. 304 Morris. Automobile.. AUTO SNAPS. 1912 Cole. S-pas... 30 H. P.. fully equip ped. In A-l condition and guaranteed. 1911 Cole, roadster, 80 H. P., 2-pass., fully equipped. In A-l condition, guaran teed. See us for light delivery car. NORTHWEST AUTO CO., Broadway and Couch St.. AUTOMOBILE OWNERS. ATTENTION. List your car with u. if you want to sell. We have fireproof building and our charge, for storage and repairing will in terest you. BELMONT GARAGE, 754 E. Morrison St., Cor. 23d. B-PASENGER. 4-door Overland automobile, guarantee it's In perfect condition, for quick sale will take $4.0 cash. Need the money. See it at Funk'., 15th and Couch sts. IMPORTANT TO AUTO OWNERS : Will nickel-plate, varnish, reflnish, top your auto; take apart and put together in three days. Portland Plating & Mfg. Co., 22d and Thurman st.. Main 843, A 5282. A BARGAIN Chalmers 30, five-passenger car. In first-class condition; four doors, nickel trimmings, new tires: all for $850. $500 cash. Phone Tabor 2570. 1913 COLE; electric starter, lights, etc; cost equippepd $2375.; take $1650 cash or tirst mortsage. AK 410. Oregonlan. IF YOU want automobile fire insurance at one-half the old-line rate, telephone Main 8199. NEW delivery wagons at seoond-hand prices. Oregon Mollne Plow Company. 40-HORSEPOWER. five-passenger Overland, cheap: rood condition. Phone Main 5171. GARAGE for rent. Beech st. $3 per monttk 409 W-HITE STEAMER, 3-passenger, first-class condition, cheap. Inquire Lenta Junction. FOB 8 A I. EL Automobile. Wanted. USED PASSENGER AUTOMOBILE. Give name, year, model and very lowest price; will pay all cash for suitable ma chine; advise condition tires. J 426, Ore gontan. WANTED TO BUY-A second-hand AUTO, one or two seats, In perfect condition; state make and price. "D. N.," Brush Prairie, Wash., In care of J. Staley. WANT one or two used autoa at once; cheap for cash; from owners. See Mr. Lo gan. S15 Spalding bldg. WANT used Ford or Studebaker 20, 5-pas-senger. In good condition; will pay $50 per month. B 403. Oregonlan. Motorcycle.. A BARGAIN For Kile, a brand new 1913 motorcycle: never been ridden; has some 11(14 features; fully guaranteed. For Im mediate sale only at price offered. For particulars call at 311 Oak st. Preer Tool & Supply Co. MOTORCYCLE with side car for packages at about half price; practically new. 88 E. 7th North. Phone East 14SL 1913 TWIN, run 600 miles, fully equipped; first reasonable offer takes it. Call in A. M. or after 6. 767 E. 08th st. North. Livestock. YOUNG lady wishes position in office: can take some nictation' anu use me wrlter; willing to start on small wages. L 414, oregonian. 10 HEAD of fresh dairy cow., 3 to 5 gallon. per day; extra good cream cows; an young and extra good. Woodstock car to 59tn and walk 3 blocks west. . Machinery. FOR BALE A 45-h.p., 650-volt Crocker-Wheeler mo. tor, complete, witn stanaaru Diane sisner no voltage release and 75-ampere over lnnfl i. T. circuit breaker, in A-l con ditlon. Address room 20;i, Oregonian bldg. 1TOR SALE. A 40-K. W.. 500-volt Crocker-Wheeler generator, complete, witn neia rneosiui and circuit breaker, in good condition. Address room 203. oregonian Diag. FOR SALE One 12S-volt diiect current generator, complete with field rheostat, ammeter and circuit breaker, 'inis macnine i. in gouu repair. Address room 2u3. Oregonlan bidg. FOR SALE very cheap, xlO donkey, with lines and blocks. In working order. E. Fischer, North Plains, Or Miscellaneous. FOR SALE 25-lnch Advance interlocking paper cutter; no broKen part.; gooa con ditlon; first check for too take. It. New. Times, Forest Grove. Or. OXYPATHORS for sale, $25 each; close estate, agent killed by automobile; save .10: retail price Airs. u. w Liuncau, 180 Sutter st., &an, iai. SAFES, new and second-hand; low prices, easy terms; safes opened, repaired and painted. PLKCHiLL Ar rji t-w. ana runi LAND SAFE CO.. 83 5th St. Main 6309. D1N1NG-KOOM set, leather-seated chairs, sideboard, table, new Bohn-fayphon refrig. erator, mahogany furniture, Marvin safe. SctMion, 715 Johnson st. SAFES Mosier Safe Co.. manufacturers low prices, easy terms; .ares opened ana repaired; bargains in secona-nana nu, 108 2d st. Phone Main 7670. COMPLETE delicatessen outfit. tables. chairs, steam table and range, dishes and cooking utensils. Inquire 421 jercerson st. PRACTICALLY' new coat, size 30, coat $30 am leaving city, will sell for $10. Call Woodlawn 348. ROLL-TOP desk and .wlvel chair, ISO, Room 332, Chamber of Commerce, j tor Miller. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $10 to $03. NORTHWEST TYPEWKli JK UU 262 Stark St. THREE second-hand roll-top desks, two nat-top desks ana v cnairs. cusoons Co., 81 Park et. RENT REMINGTON S3 PER MONTH Remington Typewriter Co.. 86 B'way. FOR SALE New 12-gauge Parker, lam- merless; cost S0; will sell with leather esse for $30. Phone Tabor 880. COMPLETE delicatessen outfit; tables. chairs, steam table and range, dishes ana cooking utensils. Inquire 421 Jefferson su USE Bassett'. Native Herb', for rheumatism 50c tablets for 2oc. All druggists. NATIONAL casn reslsters. Get tny prices. Povey. .151 14 Wash., basement. Main ot ONE BURROUGHS adding machine for sale cheap. Address AD .33. uregonian. DELICIOUS pears, 50 cents box. 5630 B. 44tn si. pnone senwooa wm. FINE long black sealskin coat, half price. K. hu, uregonian. WASTED MISCELLANEOUS. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO., 221 Front st.. buvs secona-nana furniture, carpels, stoves, ranges, hardware or tools of any kind. If you have anything in this line, call Main vur-. uur ouyer cau. promptly. wan tn huv S1O00 worth of second hand furniture In the next SO days ana pay all the cash it is.wortn. wiiiiam.' Ave. Furniture Exchange. East 636. WE RITY CLOTHING AND FURNITURE. Highest prices paid for ladle.' and men s c.stoff clothing and .hoes. Call Main 2080. 234 1st st. The Globe. WE buy for cash, second-hand National cash registers ana sen inem on easy icnuo. Register, guaranteed. W. J. Macauiey, 854 Burn.ide. Main 1816, A 1816. SECON-n-HAVD FURNITURE WANTED. Buyer calls promptly; estimates given. 184 1st., near Yamhill. Main 4TT3. HIGHEST price paid for your rifle, shotgun or camera. Hochfeia ., S3 Aortn .a, cor. Couch. CASH paid for hair combings. Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 400 Dekum bldg WE want $10,000 worth of second-hand fur. nlture; highest prices paid. Sellwood 1682, FORD AUCTION CO. pays most cash for any kind or furniture. Main owoi. WILL kalsomlne rooms for $2.50: paint house at your price; reliable. East gd. ROLL top desk, sanitary. Call at 432 Cham ber of Commerce. Mam zoo. WE pay highest price, for second-hand clothing. 2f)4 8d st. Phone Main 8263 NATIONAL cash register; rrlre must be reasonable. Main 606. A S606. HELP WANTED MALE. LAND SALESMAN On the largest project in Willamette Val ley. We are now starting a vigorous cam paign to secure buyers. We prefer ex perienced salesmen, but If you wish to learn the farm land business and have faith in yourself, see. or address SALES MANAGER, 4 Railway Ex. Bldg, WANTED At once, 2 men to learn auto repairing and driving. Call at Hawthorne Garage, 445 Hawthorne ave BOY wanted with bicycle, $50 per month; steady work. Apply at once. Room SVj, Chamber of Commerce. WANTED A capable shipping clerk by 411, Oregonian. WANTED Boys over 16 with wheels; also one with motorcycle, for delivering. Call mornings. 441 Stark. WATCHMAN for wild duck preserve; must be roher and Industrious. Address P. O. Box ins, Portland. WANTED An experienced delivery man for French laundry. Can take partnership. Call 47a William, ave. WANTED A man who can make good to sell Leslie'. Weekly. 617 Worcester bldg., 8 to 9. MAN and wife on ranch, live In faL. stato experience and wage, expected. A 40, Oregonlan. WANTED Reliable teamster. Apply Satur day morning. J. Simon & Bro., Front and Grant -sts. WANTEO Upholsterers. Klopstock Bros.. ).Mi pnd Capp sis., San Francisco. tt.i-t coupon arents, new winning con t"st offer. Sarony Studio, 846 Morrison. MAN wanted to repair slot machines, ley's, Oregon City. PHOTO coupon, best offered, beauty con test started. Cutberth Studio, Dekum bldg. PARTY to grub tract of land. 140 2d st. L. Peune, BAKER. $30: permanent, room and board. 248 North 17th. Main B141. BUSHELMAN wanted at once. 173 West Park. FIRST-CLASS coatmaker. Wilcox bldg. Reed Bros., 203 SALESMEN and dist. mgrs. for Oregon. Nat Casualty Co.. 501 Railway Ex. bldg. WANTED First-class ladles' tailor. Apply D. B. McBrlde x Co.. 346 H Morrison st EXPERIENCED man presser. Cascade Dy. Works. 564 E. Oak st- WANTED Tailor for ladles' and genu al terations. 629 Washington st. WANTED A first-class upholsterer. Taylor Co.. 130 10th at. WANTED Hotel cook, st. Apply 510 N. 21st BOY with wheel, 16 or over; references. 229 First st. PHOTO solicitors. $100 diamond ring given free. Sarony Studio, 846 Morrison. FIRST - CLASS COATMAKER; STEADY work. Geo. E. Massie, Grand Forks, B. C. DISHWASHER wanted. 870 N. 24th su o Classified advertisements, to receive .proper classification in the next day's issue of The Ore gonian, must be in The Oregonian office before 10 o'clock at night, except Saturday.. Closing hour for Sunday Oregonian will be 9 o'clock Saturday night. Business office of The Oregonian will be open until 10 o'clock at night, as usual, and all classified advertisements for the next day's issue received too late for proper classification, will be run under heading "TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY." HELP WANTED MALE. INCIDENT. (One of Many.) Office Secretary Employment Department, Y. M. C. A. Young man, stranger, seeking employ ment ($20 his total cash asset) If 1 pay you S3 for employment membership. I will havo only $15 between me and starvation. Secretary If you pay $5 for employ ment membership, you will have the Y. M. C. A., with all its resource., between you and starvation. Result Young man joined association. In less than a week he had satisfactory employment. Record for 8 months ending Aug. 81: Call for men from employers 1598 Positions filled Special employment membership guar antees member will secure employment, or membership fee will be refunded. Give, two months' full privileges, including use of gymnasium, swimming pool, baths, etc., and ten months' social or house privileges. Including the service of tho employment department lor tne entire ;eu. aii vrtiir. men seeking employment in commercial, clerical or technical lines, or as engineers, tlremen, mecnanics, imci"" lss, carpenters, millworkers or in other skilled lines, are cordially invited to con sult with the Secretary of the advisory and employment department. FEW SPECIALS TODAY. Gang edgerman (pine lumber), $4. Grader (pine lumber), $3.25. Teamster, haul lumber, $2.50. Grader from planer, $2.50. Man and wife, on farm, $40. Farm hands and milkers, $30, $35 and $40. Other, too numerous to mention here. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY. 222 and 224 Couch St., bet. 1st and 2a. WANTED A bright young man a. assist ant for general office work in a timber land office; applicant must be well rec ommended and have a knowledge of book keeping, also write a good legible hand and posses, some originality; splendid opening for the right party. O 417, Ore gonian. WANTED for U. S. Army, able-bodied, un married men between age. of 18 and 4o. citizen, of United 6tates, of good char acter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English lan guage. For information apply to recruit ing office. Worcester bldg.. Third and Oak sts.. Portland, Or. HEAL salesmen, experience .oiling check protectors, casn registers, etc.; men pable earning $200 per month; peddlers, solicitors, order taker, not wanted. Room 417 Annex Hotel, daily, 8 to 10 A. M 7 to S:3Q P. M. - WANTED Two men, single, over 21, to travel with crew ana solicit; men iuii with country people preferred; good money and steady work. Call 8 to 11 at Casa Rosa 800 Jefferson. WANTED Single young man over 21 to travel and solicit tnrouui. in cuuuuj. experience not required, but must be a worker. Call to 11 for M. Gllbam, Carl ton Hotel. WIRELESS OPHRATORS In constant de mand. This coming vocation ia6' -Y. M. C. A. Day and night schools. Com plete equipment, tsesr on ongi. WANTED At once, one stlckerman who can also run snaper ana grino nu Leiinio, knives. Good wages to a first-class man, others need not reply. AV 477. Oregonlan. WANTED City editor for small evening dally. Not desk 300. preier young mar ried man who wants permanent place. Address by letter. AV 474, Oregonlan. WANTED Station men on heavy cuts; must have not less than o men to gang, rroine at 716 Spalding bldg., Columbia & Ne halem River R. R. EXPERIENCED young man for .Ilk and good opportunity for right man. AP 417, Oregonlan. WANTED Married eouple to do chores and cook, on farm, to tu men. ror partic ulars, see Krebs, Belvedere Hotel, 4th and Alder. STENOGRAPHER; capable young man, fa miliar with general orrice won; stato ex perience, salary and phone number. J 427, uregonian. bfivs wanted lft to IS year, of age. lear,i the hardware business, as. tor mr. Ernst, Pacific Hardware & Steel Co. MENS' furnishing, goods salesman, thor oughly experienced in sniru. noueru Bro3., 3d and Morrison. C. R. HANSEN CO Employment, 28 r. 2d st. Mam J52B. FIRST-CLASS ladles' tailor, good wages, Aronson, 420 Alder. HELP WASTED FEMALE, ST. LOUIS LADIES' AGENCY Cooks, wait reit fhnmbermalds. nou.eKeepers. geir eral housework. 288 Main t. Main 2039. COAT and skirt hands wanted; those experi enced on alterations only neea appiy. t ' E. Holllday Co.. 355 Alder at. GIRL for Uirht housework; good home and wages. Vol fianaera. xajie juuuw villa car. get off at 81st. wivTEn in experienced cloak and uit salesladies. Apply Friaay morning ireiuio 9. 415 Washington st. u'AVTF.D First-class olano player. one able to handle vauueviiie ana picture., u 402, Oregonlan. vVA.NTSD Refined, capable woman for re- dponsible position. V lavl uo., win xtoin child bldg., 4th and Washington. WANTED at once, girl for general House work; 2 In lamny; wages -o. upruneni 21, Belle Court Apartments. Trinity piace, SECOND girl, experienced. 261 23th North, Call before 10 A. at. or Detween o anu 8 P. M. WANTED An experienced girl for general housework. 25)4 .East 2Jin at. ooutn. Phone East 8116. WAITRESS, good position for experienced lady. Meves itestaurani, oxx hjuiuhiou st. COMPETENT girl as general household helper, where cook is kept. Appiy immo diately at 741 Everett St., near 23d. GIRL for general housework; no cooking. good home. V4 irving su GIKL9 to sew by hand and machine, good pay. 2l2Vi ist., top nor. WANTED A girl for housework at 69 N. 20th St. Apply mornings WANTED Experienced second girl, .mall family. Apply Zi4 N. Jain st. HOTEL and restaurant help headquarters. 3454 Wash. t., I, cor, us. o,s. EXPERIENCED performer for vaudeville act. Phone Main H251. GIRL for general housework In .mall fam ily ; gooa wages. iro- nuji gt. GIRL wanted for general housework. Sell- wood 1SB9. WANTED Colored girl for housework; no laundry. Call Main ir-'W. WANTED Kitchen helper in sanitarium. A 821. Mar. :.-bhs. HHLP wanted on coats, make sleeves and bottonholes. fiuo uoiumDia Diva. UIFL for genczal housework:. Apply 741 Wasco st. WANTED Girl for general housework. Phone E. 2785. GIRL wanted, to serve soft drinks. Apply 34 N. 4th st. WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap ply mornings, zab tztn st. WANTED Girl for general housework. Box (12. caecaae locks. c WANTED A girl to do general housework. Apply 1st I. 24tn. cor, jonngon. GOOD girl for light housework, family of 2. Ab 4l7. uregonian GIRL to assist with housework. Call Tabor 74. GIRL tor general housework. 701 Northrup. TIC 1 o HELP WANTED FEMLALB. WANTED YOUNG LADIES FOR TELE PHONE OPERATORS WITH OR WITH OUT EXPERIENCE: PAID WHILE LEARNING. APPLY AT THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH COM PANY (EAST OFFICE), COR. 6TH AND EAST . ANKENY STREETS. OR MAIN OFFICE, WEST PARK AND ALDER. TELEPHONE EAST 250. FEW SPECIAL WANTS TODAY. Three cook, (boarding-houses). $40 and $45. Four waitresses, out of city. $25, $30 and $40. Waitresses In city, $25 to $30. Girls for general housework, housekeep ers, etc. Others too numerous to mention here. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY, Ladles' Dept. 205 Morrison. EXPERIENCED woman wanted for dyeing slippers, hosiery, etc. Apply at Superin tendent's office, 6th floor, between 8:30 and 9:30 A. M. MEIER A FRANK CO. SALESWOMAN WANTED Must be of neat appearance and good address, to sell ex clusive line or high-grade novelties. Per manent position. Apply superintendent'. omce. ask tor Miss Binder. THE MEIER & FRANK STORE. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED. Wages $35. to do cooking and down- stairs work In family with children! good home and excellent treatment; country gin preierrea. Phone tost obi. WANTED Capable girls for cooks, second work, general housework and child nurs ing. We aim to place only girls we can recommend in homs we can recommend. Domestic Service Bureau, 306 Central oiag., lWh and Aider. Main 7667. YOUNG lady advertising solicitor, under standing stenography; prefer high school graduate; must be of good appearance, good talkej, clean moral character; sal ary. Call t A. M. or 1 P. M. Hi Orego- nianmaf, REFINED young lady to keep horns for gentleman with 2 grown children; best ol reference, required and given, in an. wer. state address and telephone number. j Z8, uregonian. PIANISTS Two (2) young ladies, must be gooa signt readers, permanent position to mose quaiuying. Apply 1'Tiaay, u A. Ju, Remlck Song Shop, 323 Washington St. WANTED To meet a young lady to go In vaudeville sketch, age 18 to 27. P 417. Oregonlan, or call Main 135. Ask for Deuen. WANTED at once, dressmaker, or teach- ers who would like a change of occupa tion for more lucrative work; permanent business. 407 selling bldg. WANTED WANTED! WANTEdT- Five girls to learn beauty culture; pay while learning; position guaranteed. 400--' 414 ueKum Diag. banitar parlors. HOUSEKEEPER, family of 2. refined home must be competent; only lady with best reference need apply. AD 410, Orego nian. NEAT appearing lady canvassers; big money. Apply room 2$ San Marco Hotel. 11th and Washington, before 10 A. M. or after 7 p. M. WANTED Five bright, capable ladles to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers; rail road fare paid; $25 to $50 per week. Call V?lvetlni Shop, (115 Swetland bldg. WANTED Young lady to operate switch board tw. hours a day In exchange for room in first-class hotel; student pre ierrea. At) io, uregonian. YOUNO lady, experienced in office work, bookkeeping, etc.. who can handle comp- - tometer; stato fully experience, age and salary expected. AC 418. Oregonlan. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY Washington bldg., 270 Vt Wash., room 85, near 4th. Phone Main 8836 or A 8266. WANTED Girl for general housework for family of 3 adults; good wages. Apply forenoon, 57 Lucretia st. FIRST-CLASS helper on pants. Reed Bros., 203 Wilcox bldg. GIRL or woman for housework; good wages. S95 Clifton St., cor. 10th, West Side. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. F1SK Teachers' Agency secures positions for teachers. 316 Journal bldg. Main 4835. MEN and women wanted to introduce the famous Bonvllle system. 811 Labbe bldg. WANTED Partner; will take property for Interest in business. 208 Abington bldg. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. ri,K Mohler Barber Collese will teach jou the rade in 8 week.; tools free; send for catalogue; 20 years In the business; 37 schools; a lifetime scholarship given to each student; special inducement, given to ladies. 4S N. 2d st. OREGON Barber College teaches you the barber trade in 8 weeks: pays you while learning: tools free: tuition reduced this term; expert instructors: 20 years in busi ness; position guaranteed; special induce ments to ladles. 233 Madison St.. 252 2d St. BUSINESS opportunities come to young women students through thhe commercial department, run not to make money, but for the good of girl, by the Y. W. C. A. Wri'e or call Broadway and -Taylor sts. $100 TO $150 monthly, railroad brakemen; an experienced railroad man Instruct, and secures you a position. 120 16th .t., near Washington .t. GOVERNMENT CLERK -CARRIER, exami nation Nov. 1. Parcel post requires clerks; saiary $S00 to $1200. Free book. Paclfio Si -lie Scnooi, McKay bldg., Portland, Or. WOMEN Get Government obs; bis pay; write for fred list of positions available. Franklin Institute, Dept. 693 G., Roches ter. N. Y. INTERNATIONAL C O R R E SPONDEKCE SCHOOLS, 505 McKay bldg., cor. 3d and Stark sts. Phones: Main 1026. A 412L Also headquarter. I. C. S. Fraternity. MEN AND WOMEN for Government Jobs, $90 month, write ror list positions open. Franklin Institute, Dept. 3-5G. Rochester, N. Y. IF you have $1 will show how to make $2 to $5 per uay. itoom Odu, Atattniesen Hotel. WANTED Names of men, IS to 45, wishing to be railway mail ciei-Ks, $m month. J. L K.. AV 449 Oregonlan. CHANCE to learn to operate moving-picture machine; we can place three mora men Im theater. 417 RothcMld bldg. GIRLS Learn beauty parlor work. Earn money wane learning. The Hair Bazaar, Majestic rheater bldg.. Park and Wash. PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEOE Individual instruction OltEGG SHORTHAND, book keeping. 404 Commonwealth bid. Mar 4258. WANTED At once, 2 men to learn to oper ate moving-picture macnine. uail Diz Rothchild bldg. PK1VATE shorthand school, experienced teacher, per moutn. ava litn st. SHORTHAND. TYPEWRITING SCHOOL. 263 14TB. or. ai'is atttw, ja-p. ih-sxauu . x. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. ME-N 2o to 40 year, old wanted at once for electric railway motormen ana touuut., $60 to $10 a month; no experience neo esjary; fine opportunity; write immediate ly for application blank. Adores. AV 413, Oregonian. GIRLS Lenrn beauty parlor work. Earn monoy while learning, bis Rothchlld bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeeper, and Clerka. EXPERIENCED stenographer attending col lege wishes position for spare hours; will ing to accept either clerical or as sten ographer; good references. AC 417, Ore gonian. STENOGRAPHER Position wanted by ex perienced and capable young man; thor oughly familiar with office details; local references; would leave city. AF 409, Oregonian. YOUNG married man of ability, with sev . eral years' office and commercial expe rience, wants position of any kind; can furnish good references. L 412. Oregonian. WILL AUDIT. OPEN, CLOSE OR WRITE up books, prepare balance and statements. Install systems. Gllllngham, auditor, 414 Lewis bldg Mars-all 717. EXPERIENCED grocery and general mdse. clerk open for positions, city and other references. Phone Tabor 60S. 4028 67th st. S. E. BOOKKEEPER, general business and office experience; accept anything honorable. 1030 Grand North. YOUNG married man wants work as clerk In hardware store; experienced. -AM 411. Oregonian. A POSITION as grocery clerk; age 40; 16 years' experience. Phone E. 6174. (M. D., St. Johns, Or.) BOOKKEEPER wants position; 6 years' ex perience; first-class references; age 26. AE 415, Oregonian. YOUNG married man with, six years' ex perience as bookkeeper, stenographer and office man wants position. Phone A 55:i7. ACCOUNTANT, sawmill, store ard ailrjaii business; will go anywhere. 1C .411. Ore gonian. ACCOUNTANT, bank and f.ust cumpany, also real estate and Insurance, will con sider anything. J 429, Oi'eg Jnlan. YOUNG man, 26. general office exp., needs position, anything. Woodlawn 1764. Miscellaneous. YOUNG man, practical farmer, of 16 years' experience in all branches of farm work, would like position as manager or fore man on large or small place; will make contract for one year if both parties suit- ed. At present employed, but wishes to make a change after -October 13. AO 415, Oregonian. A FiP.ST-CLASS Janitor would like position In apartment house; 12 years' experience; do everythtlng required around place, plumbing, kalsomining. painting and gen eral work; best of reference; in or out of city. East 5775. Colored. RESPECTABLE middle-aged man. Just come to city, wishes position In private family; understands steam and hot water boilers, some knowledge of gardening, handy with tools; good references. H. M. O.Byrne, room 3U9 Hroadway Hotel. BAKER, first or second-class, fancy, hotel or club, wants situation; practical experi ence of 25 years Europe and America; temperate, reliable workman in any branch or position; state or country. AT 417, Oregonlan. MARRIED man want, work on farm; ca- fiable to take full charge: had cnarge arge farm past year; cause of leaving, farm sold; test of reference, furnished. M 23. Oregonlan. GENTLEMAN, with general business abil ity, have managed business successfully In East; knowledge of advertising and publicity; have an auto to use, 887 E. 44th st. . POSITION with good reliable firm; will consider an Investment along with posi tion; reference, given and required. K 41-2. Oregonlan. YOUNG man, attending Holme. Business College, desires a place to work for his room ana boara, outsiae ot scnooi aom Call Main 513, A 2554. PRINTER-EDITOR. 18 years' experience, good on Jobs and ads; wants position; no booze; would invest some money. A v 484, Oregonlan. SALESMAN, honest, reliable, road experl ence. In city or out; farm machinery or haraware line preferred, au 4ia. urego nian. CHAUFFEUR wishes a position, with prl vate family, reliable, good references willing to make himself useful. Chas. H. urown, 013 x. ai. tj. a. YOUNG man, 19 years old, wants place where can work a few hours each day for board and room while attending school. Main 3163. EXPERIENCED Janitor and houseman, also understands tne care or lawn ana noww, wishes position; good reference. AK 413, uregonian. GERMAN, machinist, and wife want work as Janitors; both capable and willing to do any kind of work. A 443, Oregonian. YOUNG man of dental college wants work In private family to earn board and room. pnone .ast wi4. GERMAN lesson, given In private famine. by educated young man, age it. a j i4. Oregonlan BAKER'S helper, 6 years' experiee ' . bread or cake; quick worker, steady. W 412, Oregonlan. man. experienced on baggage an as nlghtwatchman, janitor; can give cash bona. AK 417, uregonian. JANITOR desire, position; understands steam heating; references. AP 421, Ore gonlan. MAN and wife want Job. a. cook an flunky in logging camp. AP 413, Orego- nian or pnone u lu-jo. BOY wants to work short hours from 11:30 A. M. to 2 P. M.. ana from a to a c. ju. Apply Main 6024. WANTED Situation as apprentice moving picture operator, Portlund preferred. Ad- aress AV 4U1. uregonian. WANTED Rv man with a 45-h.p. 5-passen. ger Overland auto, work by the day or part or tne time, pnone laour inw. i -a il.l .F.ii v. student wants work on Saturday and after school In exchange for hi. board and room. K 41o. uregonian. GOOD cook In all brunches; sober, good ref erences; city or out. Grimes, 269 Market Main 3020. room 17. MAN would like to find employment on farm for this Winter. Do chores, etc. F A. D. F. Bennett, Hotel Hoyt, city. BOY wants place to drive light wagon, run elevator or act as beuooy; reference, wan Main 306, ask for Thomas. YOUNG man. Hungarian, want, a teacher for English lessons, male or leinaie. iui evenings. Call 308 N. 23d CHAUFFEUR, ma-ried man, thoroughly ex perienced, wants anytblng auto line. 3S6. Oregonlan. ' POSITION wanted by man (German); has some business experience; best of refer ences furnished. 90 East 20th st. WANTED Position as cook or porter by . .... ..a 1 -nnn Ttiii Iriild. :l'7 p-vnr- ett st. FIRST-CLAPS waiters furnished. Marshall 5th'. Portland, Or. O. C. Gerald, manager. WATERWORKS foreman, 20 years' expe rience, will go anywhere; best of reter ence. AT 411, Oregonian. puoi'l ION as gas engineer by young man. experienced on stationary, marine anu traction engines. AT 418, Oregonian. WANT position as manager or superin tendent of dairy or stock ranch on salary and percentage basis. AS 3S8. Oregonian. AN all-round cook want, situation in or out of town. W 413, uregonian. YOUNG man, 18, wishes work on farm. 167 West Park Et., basement, pnon. mar, bio. CARPENTER wants Job or repair work. Phone East 2095. JANITOR, place wanted by Germaa couple. D 419. Oregonian. A. B. WINDOW-CLEANING contractors; work guaranteed. Phone Main 9141. YOUNG man, handy around ranch, wants placo for Winter. O 420. Oregonian. JAPANESE boy wishes any small Job before 12 mornings. X 44, uregonian. JAPANESE, first-class cook, position pri vate family. Main 9361. A 15G9. 121 15th. SITUATIONS WANTED FJSMAIJS Bookkeeper, and Stenographer. THOROUGHLY experienced bookkeeper and .tenographer; references. M 421, Ore gonian. COMPETENT bookkeeper would like set of books to keep requiring part time; term, reajonable. M 420. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires posi tion; modeiate salary to begin. W 419, Oregonlan. East 3499. STENOGRAPHER, experienced and compe tent, wants permanent position. Main 8103, room 1. EXPERIENCED, reliable bookkeeper, .ten ographer. want, permanent or temporary work. Phone Main 2587. ' EXPERIENCED stenographer desires per manent position; can furnish references. Marshall 2391. - POSITION wanted by experienced ographer; references. Main 640. STENOGRAPHER, experienced, desire, po sition. Phone A 5579. ' COMPETENT stenographer desires position; references. Phone East 44S3. COMPETENT STENOGRAPH ETt DESIRES position. References. MARSHALL 2058. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALB. Bookkeeper, and Stenographer.. WANTED Position by young lady as book keeper or office assistant, a years rM.--enco in bank, 2 years In census depart ment. Washington. D. C. X 412. oregonlan. DreMmaaer. 'JitESSMAKlNO by day; make your en gagement, for Fall sewing now. Wood lawn 3315. ONE-PIECE dresses mad. in on. day at your home. A 8281. ONE-PltCE dresses mad. in on. day. al your home. Main 5773, A 3231. FASHIONABLE dressmaking reasonable, home or day. S67 lot! st. Main 8908. POSITION by unJei-graduate nurse; massage treatments given; terms reasonable. Main 3279. RELIABLE, experienced person desires care of children evenings. E. 040 before 5 P. M. MATERNITY nurse want, case; light housework. Main 147. will do NURSE wishes care infant or old person at her home. 1215 Mali. W-W car. PRACTICAL nurse desires care aged person, Blck or invalid; reasonable. Main 2039. NURSE wishes more cases; maternity specialty; some housework. Main 41144 TRAINED nurse wants hospital position, city; Chicago graduate. X 409. Oregonlan. Housekeeper. POSITION as housekeeper by German wom man for respectable gentleman orwldower In city or country. Address AS 301. Ore gonian. LADY with experience would like manage ment of apartments. Mrs. J. W. I., 3u 3d st. Domes tlra. JAPANESE woman desires position as cook with a refined family. It 410, uregonian. Miscellaneous. FIRST-CLASS compositor desires position; 10 years' experience; would prefer work on straight matter. AM 396, uregonian. JAPANESE girl want, light housework in .mall famllv; small wages, willing to learn English. 606 Union ave. HuME-LAl'NDERED lace curtains by ex pert. Phono Tabor 2445, C 2227. Mr. Scott. EXPERIENCED telephone operator wishes position in private exchange; moderate salary to begin with. AP 412. Oregonlan WILL " take care of child, good home In country, near Portland: reference, ex clianged. Y 423, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED woman to cook In hjtel. $40 per month; country preferred. P 418. Oregonlan. IRONING, sweeping or cleaning by compe tent woman for Saturday and Monday. Call evenings. Tabor 3474j WOMAN wants work day or hour, washing. Ironing, nursing. Phone Marshall 847. GERMAN girl want, general, housework. L 413, Uregonian. WUKK of any kind by the day; competent and reliable. Main 9211. EXPERIENCED girl want, day work. Phone Woodlawn 1383. POSITION to work for husband . board, room and small wages. A3 38 1. uregoniam WOMAN want, work by the day or hour. Call A 7305. 3 GIRLS want general housework; good plain cooks. SOI 10th. N. GERMAN girl wants second work, good city V,-l ret -nnm '-f " WOMAN want, day work; Main 2260. WOMAN wants day work. Phone Main 4394, WANTED AGENTS. LADIES or gentlemen, to sell new parlor game Affinity; very attractive, consist. of 57 card, of men and women, in beauti ful colors: everybody like. It: nothing more appropriate for a present. Call or address Affinity Card Co., 805 Lewis bldg., Portland, Or., or .end 60 cent, for .ample. and terms to .genu. WANTED -TO BENT. Housea. WANTED to rent on West Side, six or eight, room furnished house. Phone Main 759. Apartments. WANTED Unfurnished apt. or fiat with stove, good neighborhood: not 'over $20; permanent; reference if wanted; give de scription. L 880. Oregonian. Koom. 5 OR 6-ROOM modern house or bungalow. $20 to $30 per mo. Good dlst- At once. G 393, Oregonlan. WANTEO Room by young man. where there Is a piano, walking distance from 1st ana Madison. Y 4-2, Oregonian. Koom. Wltb Board. CARPENTER wants room and board; Ger man family preferred. B 401, Orego nlan. FOB RENT. Furnished Kooma, RATES DAILY. WEEKLY. MONTHLY. Family hotel, European plan, fireproof building, modern ana clean in every re spect; 150 outsiue room., hot and cold roiinlnsr water both teleuhune. in every room, ladle.' parlor, large tiled fioor bath room, well ventilated; ladle.' toilet and gentlemen s toilet on each nuor, laige parlor off main lobby. THE ANNEX HOTEL. 12tli and Washington St.. HOTEL ROWLAND, HOTEL MINOOK, 20Ji,i 4th. 213 li 4th. SPECIAL SUMMER RATES. Nicely furnished rooms, homelike, re spectable, clean and modern; hot and cold water, private baths; bummer rates, 3 per week and up; special attention given to tourists; give us a call; you will like It, for you get your money' worth and then some. FUR Y. M. C. A. MEMBERS Furnished rooms, reasonable In price; fireproof build ing, vacuum cleaned, shower baths, swim ming pool, club facilities; special rales at cafoteria and 10O other features. Full par ticulars at business office, cor. 6th and Taylor sts. THE HOTEL ARTHUR. 11th, between Morrison and Yamhill Re cently opened; every modern convenience: filenty of hot water and heat; beautiful obby; rate. $4 week and up; with private bath, $5.50 week and up; transient rate.. 75c and up. Free phone. Main 4226 FOR Y. M. C. A. MEMBERS Furnished rooms, reasonable in price; fireproof build ing, vacuum cleaned, shower baths, club facilities; special rates at cafeteria. Full particulars at business oifice, cor. 0th and Taylor sts. HOTEL SAVON, 131 Eleventh street New modern brick buliuiug, sleain-neaieu, pri vate baths, hot and cold water, comfort ainy tuinisneu; transients solicited. HOTEL ANSONIA, 124 14th st., comer Washington; nicely furnished rooms, strictly modern; rate. $8.50 wtfek and up. Marshall 1470 lut'iNG man, rooming at Y. M. C. A., wants roommate to reduce rooming expenses. In quire Y. M. C A., cor. 6th and Taylor. HOTEL CORDOVA 269 11TH ST. Strictly mouern; private bathe, rooms $3.50 per week up. Mam 9472, A 4783. YOUNG man, rooming at Y. M. C. A., wants roommate to reuuee rooming eAenao, Inquire Y. M. C. A., cor. 6th and Taylor. MADRAS HOTEL, 12th and Washington Rooms $3 week; private nam o weea; corner front suite, .a ween. the i.ARRABEE. 22714 Larrabee Rooms, $2 week up; bncK ouuaing, steam neat. hot, cold water, bath, phono, electricity HOTEL BUCKINGHAM,. 652V4 Washington. k' ni v locuieo. new. ai mouern conven iences; dally, weekly, monthly; $2.50 wk.up wi-vttt. pmviRDS. Grand ave.. E. Belmont moms S12 mo. up: SL'l'.ou ana up. uu bath; absolutely respectable. East 323. THE BEVERLY, Park and Ynmhlll Rooms $2 to $5 a weett: transients, ouc n nice and quiet place ONE nicely furnished single room In One location, with all conveniences; only $8 per month. 187 17th st. uriTCT IflTfR 27t4 4TH ST. Nicely furnished rooms, day or week. AN exceptionally nice furnished bay window room. The Dezendorf Apts.. 2tlS lrtth St. Furnished Koom. in rnw i'"J' FURNISHED room In modern steam-healed flat for one or two ladles, employed; walk ing distance;527Everett St., IlatB. BRIGHT cosy room, two windows, conven ient to bath- close in, reasonable. 686 Everett street. NICELY furnished room; homelike, clean, modern; furnace heat, bath, phone, elec tric light, reasonable. 94 North 10th. NICELY furnished rooms for rent, reason able; .team heat, bath. Phone A 1743. LARGE, well-heated room., moderate rent, close 'in- 655 Was.T. .t. DESIRABLE room, every convenience. Apt. 504. Dezendorf Apts.. 208 16th. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room In a pri vate home. 248 N. 20th St. Main 140.1. WANT three girls to share home with dress maker. Main 6024 NEWLY furnished rooms, 601 Sth .L, cor. Sherman. ONE nice, large Bleeping room, heat, light, bath, phon. Included. 251 Broadway. FOB KENT. rurnllirl Kooius In I'ritate family. ROOMS in private families; w. maintain, live list, giving a wide raime of f ad can piac. you In Just what Call ana se. u. now. No charge. a descriptiv choice, and vou KUlL 1015 Chamber of Commerce. Main 4080. 2 LAi.GL, light front rooms, nice neighl'or hod modern convenience., price reason able. For particulars about ineals pliuiia East 18. LARGE furnished clean front room suit able for one or two, In private family; cluseln. 449W.Park1 Phone Marshall 106. TWO well furnished rooms, heal, for people employed; reasonable. Call C 26tl before 1 and after P. M. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room. In good homo; references; Nob Hill. 738 John son .1. NICELY furnished room, $10 month, walk ing distance, private family. 329 We.t Park. iuu RENT Large, nicely furnisu.d room. Apply at Apt. ili2, 2. 16th t. LARGE front room; good beat, plenty of hot water; walking ui.tance. ooi vjiibi Room. Wltb THS HILL, Washington, at 23d St. Residential and Tourist Hotel. Attractive rates to permanent jid tran sients. Main 7584. LEAL 11KLL, newly furnished rooms, 2 In a room, separate beds It aesireu, iiiwut home, choice location, only 6 minute, to business district; excellent table, targe parlor with pluno for guests; term.; rea sonable. Phone Marshall 3073. 811 11th. Meal patronagle sjllclted. rAUKYIEW HOTEL, 8S0 Montgomery at., at West rark Mod ern conveniences; rooms with or without bath, excellent tabl. service; reasonable rates for regular and transient guests. THE VIRGINIA HILL. 14tii and Jeftei-Bon sts. An exclusive residential hotel; attractlva rate, to transient, or permanent guesta. Man: 9-'S(, A 02s. THE WHITEHALL, 253 6TH ST. A residential hotel. Ilirg. sun porch; room, with or without baths; horn, cook ing. Table board a specialty LARGE, newly furnished rooms, with board, suitable for 2 cr more; separate beds; piano, home comforts. 101 1 ltli. Main 6-1S1. MODERN ELEGANT EXCLUSIVE. American and European plan: near City Park; convenient to carllno. 452 MORRISON, cor. 13th Outside rooms. modern conveniences; waiKlng distance; board optional. T H E WEAVER HOTEL. Cosy rooms, with bath; board if de sired ;attractlve rates. 710 Wash. M. (651. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION, 20th year. rooms with board, use of sewing-room, li brary. 010 Flanders. Mrs. E. N. Wilson, Sup THE H A X, E I . Now changed to family hotel. Special Summer rates, strictly home cook ing, 3s3 3d st. phone Main "01)4. CHOICE rooms, single and double; first- class table; very reasonable, bj inn. SINGLE and double rooms; good board; rea sonable rates, fi.4 coucn. cor. inn. Kooma With Hoard In Private Family. LEAITIKI L, newly furnished rooms, 2-In a room, separate beds ir aesireu, attractive home, choice location, only 6 minutes to business district; excellent table, larg parlor with piano for guests- terms rea sonable. Phone Marshall 8073. 811 lllh. Meal I'ntronage solicited. WlLl.AMe.TTE HEIGHTS HESlDENCa CAN FL'K.N'ISH KOOM AND BOARD FOP. PEOPLE DESIROUS OF IIOMU SURROUNDINGS. MAIN 5984. FOK RENT, with board, nicely furnished front room, modern; $30 for one; rates for two. 695 Davis, near 21st. Phon. Mar shall 3847. LARGE, newly furnished rooms, with board, suitable for 2 or more; separate beds, also sleeping porch, .-ano, hum. com forts. 191 11th. Main C3S1. VUU.NG widow would like two congenial business women to share room and to board; home artistically furnished and large garden, lft'j K. 12tti. Phone East 5:i3. PLEASANT .lngl. room, with board; very pleasant location, walking distance; best home cooking; home privileges; reason able. Main 32SO. WlDUvV with refined, private, modern home, sluam heat, wishes one or two business me:i to room, or room and board, close In. X 413. Oregonlan. References required. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS RESIDENCH CAN FURNISH ROOM AP.D UUAKU FOK PEOPLE DESIROUS OF HUM 111 SURROUNDINGS. MAIN 6U34. KOOM and bonrd In Southern family; home cooking; walking distance. West bid. Phone Marshall 5.24. LARGE room, running water, best board, centrally located, reasonable, gentlemen only. 211 West Park, near Jefferson. TWO well-f urulshed, wel healed, modern, for people employed; reasonable. Call C 2896 befure 1 and after 6 P. M. ROOM with board for 1 or 2. every modern convenience; use of piano, etc. ; very close In. Main 2005. SLEEPING porch, warm dressing room, home cooking, walking distance. 57 Trin ity Place. 241 N. 22D, good room and board. 2"71. ROOMS, walking distance, board optional. 209 Mth. ilaln jly.13. YOUNG lady want, room mat.; good board, home comforts. Main 63SL UuOll and board, walking distance. 332 10th St. Main 0079. A 2S65. HOME cooking, 8 dally, outslda rooms, bath; $5week up. 284 Main .t. GOOD rooms and board, modern, olos. in. 472 Salmon .t. Maisnaii uib. PLEASANT front room, with or without board, use of piano. 311 loth. WANTED A child to car. for. Phon. Ta bor 4u0. . Apartment.. FOR RENT Completely furnished four- room apartment, inciuaing vieuer pluno; all outside rooms, northeast face. Marshall 371 or 141. Rose Friend Apts. 1'ilB M' KIN LEY APARTMENTS. East 7lh and Morrison sts. Very central; 2 and 8-roum apartment., furnished com-pletely- prlate baths; roum $2 to $21.6'). ROSEN FE LD APARTMENTS. East 14th and Stark, opposite Washing ton High School; flue new 8-room fur nished upartnients; reference.. BEL'l.AH API'S. 3 rooms, modern, neatly furnlHtteri apartments, weura ileal; rwufc $IS to $25. skldmore and Union. Phon. Woodlawn 8529. iitUbulTH Modern, newly renovated 4- room apartments. .i.oo anu ut , iuuu jan itor service; walking distance; reference., 712 Washington, opp. 22d. Main 7134. BUENA VISTA, 12th and Harrison 2 and 8-room apart ments; best service. Apply on premises. " HADDON HALL. Furnished and unfurnished apartment.. 414 11th at. Mar.hall 1171. JUL1AETTB, 2d and Montgomery; Irla, 8d phones; 2 rooms, furnished or unfurnished. BEECH Apartments. 783 William, avenu.. Phone Woodlawn IT'.iO; 2 large, pleasant rooms; reasonable rent- . PORTLAND IlEI'iHTS Exclusive apart ment OI .1 rOUIlia, Ullimii.,i,nj uv m. " nlslied bungnlnw. Main 1)VJ. WALDORF COURT, Irvlngton, E. Wtr and bchuyier c ' - . . . - . East 547. C. 1668; BANNER Apartments, 4s Clay st. Modern and $29. Marshall 2074. kEELElt APTS. I4TH AND CLAY ST8. FrOUl Corner ,v.u... ........ . Ap ply at once. ( mAYQ APTS., Union avenue North, near Broadway: new. modern 8-room unfur nished apartments, phone East 920. r'OUK-ROUM steam-heated apartment; modern, exclusive. CuUei Drug Co., 1st and Sherman THE STANFliiLD. New 2-room niis., light and ga. In cluded; $15 UP 2i Porter .t. Main T2'-"- LUZERNE Clean, cosy, 2-room furnished apartment; modorn, 8 minutes from P O, brick building, reasonable. Marshall 4637. PAGE APARTMENTS. Beautiful apartments, furnished and an. furnished. Including fireplace, etc E .t)6. THE MARLBOROUGH, Nob Hill district t-,x-room npm meat, every convenience. Phone Main 7516. BRUCH-APTS., 25th and Northrup; 6-rooin apartment; larai'. light rooms; excellent location. Phone Marshal; Ill's, A 3171'. KLOHF-KCE, 388 11th; 8-room front npnrt nient, line furniture, complete, including piano; JM0. . KING-DAVIS APTS., r4 N. King; 8 and 4 room high-class; references. Main 2068. iTuoOM apt., completely furnished; Orac Apts., 24th and Northrup. THE LAURETTE Furnished 8-room apart ment; private bath and phone. 229 11th. THE LEONCE iu n. zaa : a-room nlshed front apts. ami-miau IliE CAYTON Comfonably lurnlshcd l ern 4-room npt., only $25. Hi, 2 1'Ian lurnlshcd mod. I era. DKH KSTON I4S 11th St., 2 and 3 rooms, walking (llntnnre. near lifts. Mnr. 5'i or .'.7. MY 4-room com pletely furnished apt. for 6 months. Kor-lhiim. 1 70 K'!-l St., apt. 3. THE LEONARD, 8-room apartment., mod ern outside rooms. o3 cast nam. DIEL APTS. 700 E. Ankeny, three tnomi, newly zurni.nea ana moueiu. a ova. A