Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 02, 1913, Page 7, Image 7

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OCTOBER 2, 1913.
1 "
ausaanMSM giBW Ma,allWg3" 5B T1 I
Free Trial Package of My Cure for LatarrJm
H " nunk' "" banVJlan"
of Catarrh Sent Free to
. t1 i t" H rurxl the Most Serious and Chronic Cases
x nis x . x , Qn-f;r the Mere Asking, to Prove Its Marvelous Powers
the Terrible Dangers and Result of
H..m;i;,f;.n of raing. fitting. Baa cream ana , , - -
Cent of Cost to You, Send Coupon Below With Your Name and Address Today for a free Inal Package oi in Ken .ni
lhought Wire
Catarrh Are Avoided
The Distress and
To Prove It Beyond Doubt Without a
Catarrh Victims Fearfully Nau
seating to Those Who Are
Near Them.
The Positive Cure for Catarrh Is the
Gnn Treatment A Free Trial
to Prove It la Sent to All
Who Write for It.
Catarrh Kills Thinking' Power.
Gradual Clouding of the Brain and Loss
of Jlemory Inevitable Result
of Catarrh.
There Is nothing 80 nauseating as to
have to sit next to a gagging catarrh
victim or to talk to one of them and
have whiffs of bad catarrh breath con
stantly blown into your face. No man
or woman suffering from catarrh can
avoid these things, because It is a part
of the catarrh Itself, though the victim
may not realize or know that his very
presence carries with it a certain gar
bage atmosphere You can't smell your
own breath and you seldom smell your
own smelL
The constant spitting and hacking
and nose-Jerking Is enough to make
even the members of one's own family
breathe a sigh of relief when the
hawker closes the door behind him.
Catarrh anywhere in the head or
throat or ear Is right next to the brain.
The catarrh germ grows fast, does an
enormous amount of damage in Its
burrowings into bone and flesh and Is
difficult to destroy. There are thou
sands of little nerves that run from
all parts of the face and head to the
brain. Some of these little nerves have
to pass through probably a mass ui
catarrhal inflammations on the roaa to
the brain. When they do they are
weakened, and sometimes, destroyed.
What affects the nerves is bound to
affect the brain, and when the nerves
are deadened by constant catarrhal
discharges there Is bound to De a cer
tain torpor or stupidity brought about
in the brain of the victim. Thus fol
lows sleeplessness, Inability to think
clearly or to connect laeas, joss ui
memory, lack or conceniraiiuu, "
presence of mind and a wandering of
If any man or woman imagines tnat
these things do not affect their earn
ing capacity, their cheerfulness and the
esteem which theiV friends have for
their brightness they have little reali
zation of the necessity of keeping the
mind always clear. That is all there
Is to life.
When it takes such a comparatively
short time to cure- this terrible dis
ease by the Gauss common-sense treat
ment, and regain the flash and bril
liancy of the normal brain there Is no
good reason wny one sriuuiu uui
the two or three minutes It takes to
cut out the coupon below and send it
to C. E. Gauss and have him prove to
you that he is right, and that he posi
tively cures catarrn. in cuupuu uo
low mailed now will bring you hack
by return mail a package of the won
derful Gauss Treatment. It costs you
absolutely nothing. Adress C. E. Gauss.
5136 Main St., Marshall, juicn.
Confessions of a
Catarrh Victim
Some of the Experience
Catarrh Forcea on Its Slaves.
A Cursing Humiliation to the Victim
and Source of Disgust to utnera.
Love Itself wavers, and disgust forbids
the kiss. And out of regard for the
afflicted one little mention of his pol
lution Is ever made to his face, and he
must rely on his own misery ana sucn
plain talk as Is contained in this page
to reach him and to cure him. There is
a cure for this pestilence within the
reach of every one. It was not always
so. Catarrh has raged fiercely through
the years like a firebrand, and in the
eagerness to quench it many useless
things were given out as cures, but It
remains now, after the slow process
of exDerlmentatlon and discovery to
offer the positive real cure, which has
been born of ceaseless searching and
common sense.
Thousands Praise Gauas.
This Is the Gauss' Combined Treat
ment for Catarrh. The story is told
over and over again a thousand times
of the lost birthright of neaitn re
stored, of the happiness caused, of the
release from a degrading pestilence
and of hope and comfort and steep re
turned by the use or this wonaenui,
Blmple Gauss treatment. It must be
true. There are heart stories from all
over the land that bubble up with grat
itude. They tell us nothing else con
equal the misery In which catarrn
plunges, the danger it brings, the
deaths It causes, and then again there
are other pictures painted In these let
ters of happiness and health redeemed,
lost energy restored and ambition re
claimed. - Send the Coupons.
If you are a catarrh victim, don't
allow yourself any longer to be avoid
ed by your friends because oi yuur
catarrh atmosphere, to be an object of
nauseous disgust among strangers, to
have people you know turn their faces
away from you when you talk to them,
to have people move away from you
and Btlck up their noses as you sit next
to them, to have your own family hate
to have you come around all because
of the catarrh odor that everywhere
and always makes you an outcast.
Gauss' Combined Treatment for Ca
tarrh stops bad catarrh breath right
off short and quick, and kills every
catarrh germ In the body. If a man
or woman will spend the comparative
little time and money it takes to cure
catarrh by means of the sure Gauss'
Treatment, the little coupon In the cor
ner of this page will be cut out and
n flvintr toward Marshall. Michigan,
with the patient's name and address
on it. By return mail will be sent the
Gauss Treatment absolutely free for
you to try and prove to yourself Its
great power. If you are a sufferer of
oatarrh, send coupon below today to
C E. UaUSS, OliO ivimii ou, juuiauo...,
.'i..t or a trt hark a trial pack
age of the treatment that positively
cures catarrh.
Wife Says It la Either Separate or Die
In Disgust.
T.Tvrm.M. Nab.. Sept. 19. Henry O.
Rasmussen. it is reported, is to be
sued for divorce because his wife can
no longer endure a catarrnai amo
tion of which Rasmussen is said to
have been a victim for the last two
Mrs. Rasmussen states that no wom
an with any shadow of self-respect
could consent to be in constant asso
ciation with a man she loved, who was
afflicted In the manner she states. She
v. ih. roorrets the Dublicity attached
to a suit for divorce, but that it Is
either that or "simply He down and die
of disgust"
Plain language is the only thing to
use In trying to deal with such an
affliction as catarrh. The facts are
I get boiling mad when people tell
me I've got catarrh. I've had dozens
of mere acquaintances, and especial
ly one young lady, who have come
up and ventured to tell me some-hio-
"fnp mv own benefit" That
expression begins to pall on me
"for my own benefit" It seems they
all want to tell me the same thing,
"Vnn miE-ht to take something for
your catarrh; I'll tell you how my
cousin got cured, a
used to say he had tne wr.i
he ever heard about"
Now when a friend puts his hand
on my shoulder I gulp In prepara
tion for catarrh advice. This gulp
is not mere throat action but the
swallowing of mucous. Nothing
could suit me Better man iu "
the earth open and. .swallow me up.
I walk along the street ciose iu
the curbstone. When 1 nae on a cr
I stand on the rear platform rather
than Bit down lnsiae.
t t onnid talk without hav
ing to open my mouth to breathe. I
wish that kisses were obsolete. I
wish that handkerchiefs could be
turned Into sheets. I wish that no
chair but mine would be placed at
the table. I wish that other people
were deaf, blind and without noses.
I wish that I were aione,
alone,"to hawk and spit when and
where I pleased. I wish that I was
Some Results
of Catarrh
Slight Caaea of Catarrh Have
Terrible Consequences.
Sniffler Chased Out of Meeting.
Enraged Audience Roughly
Handles Gagger Who
Interrupts Speech.
San Antonio, Tex.. Sept 19. during
a public primary meeting here today a
middle-aged man in the audience who
was fumbling a rolled-up handkerchief
in his hand, persistently sniffling and
pulling his nose during the delivery of
a speech was forcibly ejected from the
assembly hall. Cries of ' Kick him out
nd 'Thnk. th lobster" interrupted the
i., nnri finallv resulted in 1
grand rush for the nose puller by some
of the enraged hearers. lie was grabbed
by the uoat collar and unceremoniously
. ., ..-1 . i mnvfiH toward tho door.
When the man first sat down and
u.n loudlv tearing out a tnroat-
hawk. the audience shifted nervously.
4 .nntinninir tho .Iraw-rattle of his
".,..,-, thi-niis-h one of the most stir
ring parts of the speech, the audience
gave vent to its feelings. He was
roughly handled on the way out. and
sustained several severe bruises. He
was taken to the county hospital.
It is such occurrences as these which
make the catarrh victim one of the
despised of his race, He can t help
show his disease. If this man had sim
ply spent a few moments' time to send
to C. E. Gauss for a package of the
wonderful Gauss Catarrh Treatment, he
never would have suffered such an in
dignity as being kicked out of a public
Wife Cant
Stand Hia
Catarrh Any
plain. There is a man, an able-bodied,
robust vigorous business man, blessed
with a paying business, a happy home
and a faithful wife, suddenly strippea
nr n that makes life worm living,
with the love of a true woman mired
in hi. own disease. Picture to your-
oif what hanriena when a catarrh Vic
tim comes home from work me iac
of this gentle mate turning away irom
foul-breathed Ktss, me rc. nu
- 3 niiT, null
o-i-n tir nnri nurr. ana iiio oun.v..
hawking In nananercniei ana
every few minutes.
Makes Home Miserable.
What happens to the table when the
catarrh-gag comes on (and a man can t
eat and pull his nose at the same
time), we will not mention. What hap
ten, aftor such a meal in the sitting-
room, or hall room, or the stairs any-
tchoro and everywhere, with a hawk
hawk, hawk, can be Imagined. What
happens when the victim almost leans
on top of the cuspidor in the presence
of members of the family and hawks
and lerks with twisted face, is a sub
ject merely to be mentioned. What
happens during the snoring, sleepless
hours of the night when a foul-smelling
odor wafting about in the closed
rnnm. we can easily ploture.
And add to it all the misery of the
miserable man himself. Is It any won
der that divorce is seized upon as a
The Gauss Treatment would at once
rimtdv all these horrible phases if left
to C E. Gauss. Mrs. Rasmussen would
i ... T-oaenn for trot tine a divorce.
n-,. naii which, though they
have their humorous angles, after all
make or unmake the happiness of us
all. If you have catarrh In any form
rut out the coupon below and mall It
to C E. Gauss. 6128 Main St., Marsnan,
Mich., and be cured.
When I wrote to you for your sam
ple I was so deaf in either ear that I
them to hear a watch tick. -But after
taking your course of treatment my
hearing came back and I can now hear
the same which hck iuui "Z
.on K AtKln. Oi oi, re"ji
Sniffling and Hawking All Day
m TT.ntrnr' little fairy once more,
with mv little towsled head that
knew not disease, lying on her warm
Now I feel that I am an oukmi,
I know what they think of me,
vrvnn. I know my friends shun
me, for even Jack, my old college
chum, doesn't come around and chat
and smoke any more as he -used to
do My acquaintances only say
hoiin and Dass by. Mrs. Grundy,
noxt door and all the other neigh
hnrs. are talking about how re-
DUlsive I am. I see it in the way
har lwilr And act
p.nni. I ait next to get up and
move somewhere else. People who
talk to me turn their heads at an
ane-ia And I'm in pain, its nuu
alone physical pain, its my mmu,
too, that is In agony. I can't re
member things as I used to.
Thoughts slip away from me. I say
things that I don't mean and mean
things I never say. . .
My Head is ihick. nu my '
,nia-wafi: alone, my work palls on
me, my nerves refue me. That let-her-go
feeling has got me. I relish
nothing I eat, and my appetite is
one. Ana as i iiuiik. m ""j j
must hawk again. My Cough is in
rattle. The rubv has been piucKeu
from my cheek, the flush of my
young health Is gone. My head is
in a fever but my hands are cold,
and I seem to feel in them the ap
proaching chill of the tomb I have
react oi cim uccm - - -'
mother's brother died of the same
disease. Come on, death, and relieve
"'no, my mother comes. Who, Gauss,
did you say mother? Do you think
so? I'll try, mother. Tes, if -you
send for the treatment in u n
faithfully. I won't let it go a sin
gle day without using It. They
prove It in every case, do you say?
All right send on the coupon to
day. Perhaps, after all, there Is a
cure, and still one person In the
world to live for, one who .will love
you In spite or catarrn, yuur uiduic,
Gauss' Catarrh Tratment is the
simplest and surest In the world. It
cures catarrh on a common - sense
plan, and Gauss proves it. Cut out
the coupon oeiow b-iiu man n muji
a .1 i-ot a free treatment of the
Gauss treatment and prove to your
own satisfaction tnat it win cure
whAthar vnu have catarrh
slightly or seriously, it may be the
means ot Drigntenius yvur mc,
nvor-aharinwerl bv catarrh. Send
coupon to C. E. Gauss. 6136 Main St.,
Marsnan, iviicn.
ir..T-r rasa of catarrh, of course, Is
not fataL Nor does every case result
in xnnanmntion or bronchitis, but
nevertheless they are very frequent
No man or, woman knows what hi or
her case of catarrh would lead to.
Men of robust health have succumbed
to resulting consumption and partial
idiocy. Women of strong vitality nave
h.m nervous wrecks and victims
of bronchitis. Tour good health la not
always a preventive against tne c
taiJrh fir-arms.
Thn more you feel sure there Is no
danger ot the catarrh resulting in a
disease more serious, tne more aanser
there is; simply because you will neg
lect yourself. This happens In hun
dreds of cases and we see It recorded
lmnst dallv In the letters we re
ceive. "If I had only started the cure
.oriifr " 1st a very frequent expression,
showing that our warning Is not fanci
ful, but based on fearrul reality.
Even slight cases or catarrn maj
..o.iiit in nosa cancer. man wnicn
there Is hardly a more painful afmc
tion in this world.
Catarrh Fatality Frequent.
Some of the frequent results of ca
tarrh are bronchitis, pneumonia, death
and decav of bones, loss of thinking
slta reaaonlna- DOwer. death of ambl
ttnn ond anersrv. loss OI appetite, in
digestion, dyspepsia, ulceration, uavi
breath, raw throat raw sores i" "
nose, general debility and sometimes
Idiocy and insanity.
This Is -srhy In the death list you
do not find a mention of fatal catarrh;
the death Is caused not directly by
h. ontnrrh itself, but by 'a disease
which was caused by catarrh. Med
ical books and cyclopedias win ten yuu
initn sarioua new! than we will
tell you there; probably after reading
them you will have a full realization
of what It' is to have catarrh a com
mon disease. It Is true, dui wim
common result, misery for years,
not death.
Cure Is Certain.
You can cure that catarrh, slight or
serious, at once and forever, by means
of the only common - sense Bure euro
for catarrh. Gauss' Combined Treat
ment We don't ask you to believe
It before proving it yourself. Ihere
fore we send you a treatment a
our own expense, absolutely free to
you. When you get it you can prove
it all in vour own satisfaction. It is
without question the greatest catarrli
cure on earth. Cut out the coupon
and send for free treatment today to
f it. Gauss. 6136 Main Bt., Marsnan
Mich. When you see your catarrh
begin to leave you will appreciate
what It Is to have a real, genuine cure
for catarrh that can. be relied on. Send
the coupon.
The Catarrh Victim, espe
cially at the Table, an
Object of Disgust.
An Old Soldier GratefuL
Mr. Gauss: I have finished your
treatment now and I am completely
cured. My wife says she cannot de
tact anv of It left and says my ca
tarrh is gone. She ought to know,
fur ha is a eraduate nur3e. I am
as truly grateful to you as any old
soldier can be for what your treat
ment has done for me and certainiy
will recommend it to those whom I
know are afflicted. You are certain
ly at liberty to use this if you want
to in recommending your treatment
to others. W. B. PLUMB.
Catarrh Everywhere, Even on
Pike's Peak.
JVo Man or Place la Immune From the
DeadiT Catarrh Germ.
Good Appetite and Catarrh Rarely
Travel Together.
The "limit" is the catarrh gagger
at the table, the man or woman with
an appetite-losing hawk and a nanK,
utterly unmindful of the nausea he
causes to other people who are try
ing not to notice or hear him.
Do you wonder that other people
despise this creature? While others
have Joyously assembled around tne
board with a delicious, mouth-watering
appetite, here comes the
hawker with nose-Jerking grimaces,
a Jerk-gurgle in hi3 throat and a
balled-up handkerchief In his hand.
Horrors, forget it Go away ana
cure that catarrh before appearing
at a public table and mingling your
bad breath with the scent of steam
ing tenderloin steak.
There is no part of the land which
is free from catarrh. Altitudes and
latitudes have little effect in de
stroying this omni-present germ.
Many Imagine that the climate of the
West, with Its high altitudes and dry
atmosphere, tends to prevent catarrh.
There are Just as many cases in pro-
i tr, th. nnnuiai on tvesi " J
"? r . - .v.. Aim.
Cob rtf th. M1SS1SS1DD1. OniY two
i nf th.
ease Is not as severo untmo
riim.t. effect uDOn the nerves.
Even on Pike's Peak, wnien is over
iinM foot ahove tne sea levei,
tarrh seemed to attack several of the
attaches of the signal Btation located
there some years ago.
No Dlace Is exempt, no numan suu.
i. immiira from catarrh. Don't Im
agine because you don't live by a lake
or a river that you can t nave
nr. that vou have only a chronic cold
when your nose has been stopped up
for some time. Tnat is usuuny
way catarrh starts with a baa coia.
a Consumptive
Your catarrh medicine Is a wonder
ful medicine. My wife had It so bad
every one thought she had consump
tion. She used to cough all night and
could not sleep at all. One doctor
gave her up. He said she would
not get cured if she stayed here 1
have tried all kinds of medicines and
found them no good, till I tried yours
and it acted right away. I recom
mend it all to my friends. You may
mention my name If you please, and
they can write to me and I will let
them know how bad my wife was
with catarrh. But she is a well wom
an once more. W. Thomas, 936 Tal
man Avenue, Chicago, 111.
"Thank Heavens, We Have
Such a Man as Gauss"
There is no case too serious for Mr.
Gauss to consider; no case too slight
for rnnsiderate attention: who ever
writes to him receives a prompt re
ply; whatever questions are asked aro
answered and advice is freely given.
It Is his liberal treatment of every
one. the broad view that he takes of
every one's whims and eccentricities,
and his sympathy for the affllcte.l,
that has so often brought forth In let
ters received from happy patientsall
over the land this sentiment: "Thank
Heavens we have such a man as
It is not necessary to write a let
ter in asking for a free treatment
Just cut out the coupon at the bot
tom of this page and send it to C. E.
Gauss, 6136 Main St, Marshall, Mich.,
and you will receive by return mail
in plain sealed wrapper a free pack
age of Gaus3' Catarrh Treatment It
will cost you nothing and put you
under no obligation whatever. This Is
to prove to you at once what the
treatment will do even in tne worst
cases of catarrh.
Together Once More: a
Eminent Doctor
Says Blindness
Due to Catarrh
A tod TroRa DlRnatch.)
LONDON, Aug. 6. Dr. H. Manning
FiLh, of Joliet 111., declared at the
medical congress that most or tne
blindness of the world is the result
Mn.arpn in tho nnnor nasal cavi
ties of the bony cells composing the
roof of the nostrils.
Dr Fish described his experience
in thirty-six cases, coverlrjg a period
of several years, claiming that in
each or tnese lmmeuiaio
. 9 v, tri.inn followed the er
lllCIlk Ul . ........ - . ,
fective treatment of the diseased
i .vui.l nnd advised that in
cases of loss of vision following
trio, measles, scarlet fever and kin
red ailments, relief be sought
through treatment of the noses oi
the patients. . i
Catarrh is caused . by a germ
kui. mii.t ka doatrovp.d before the
catarrh itself can be cured. If not
cured, blindness may result An ex
tended history of many extraor
dinary cures effected by the Gauss
treatment will probably be brought
to the attention of the next inter
national meeting of the medical
In the Coils From Childhood.
I , have suffered with catarrh since
I was 4 years old, but It has annoyed
me more in the last two years.
I tried everything I read or neara ot
but they did me no good and I saw
your advertisement in a paper ana
wrote to you and received a sample
nanltaere. I was Impressed so favor
ably with the sample that I Immedi
ately sent for the full treatment
I suffered much witn me aroppms
back Into my throat and after 1 had
taken the medicine for three or four
weeks this nasty sensation entirely
ceased and I have never had any re
turn of it i am now muj
mv catarrh and I am very grateful to
you and your medicine.
. . , , i tall ni OnO
1 Win De very eio-u w ic. .w
whom I think needs it, and if you
wich in iik mv name you may do so.
as I am so grateful that I wish every
body who needs it. wouia use m jm i
am sure that It will cure them. Miss
Mattle Drulllnger, Blrdsell St, Souin
Bend, Ind.
To Be Suddenly Taken W ith Gagging
at the Table la Horribly Aauneat
Ing to Everybody Around.
If you have nerves, or you believe
other people have any, you will Just
stop and look at yourself as you
are. and before other people move
away from you when they see you
coming you ought to run away from
them. Go somewhere, anywhere,
Just to be alone, and take this page
with vou. and send It now, oeiore
vou null your nose again, to C. E.
Gauss, 6136 Main St, Marshall. Mich.
Send for Free Trial Treatment.
You will get by return mall a free
nackaee of the famous Gauss Com
bined Catarrh Treatment, the only
positive cure for even the worst
cases of catarrh on earth. Gauss
sends you this treatment to prove
to you that it will cure you, and it
costs you nothing, absolutely noth
ing. Gauss' Treatment win save yuu
a world of misery and humiliation
and make you Instead of an out
cast a welcome soul in the bosom
of your own family and among your
friends and asquaintances.
Because you have not gagged at
the table yourself before this, don't
Imagine it will not happen at some
time or other, as long as you have
catarrh. Catarrh brings all . this
Just as sure as night follows day.
It Is only a question of time. Send
the coupon.
I Want to Cure You.
I only wish I could gather some
of my patients togetner nu ii ju
hear them talk. Some of these peo
ple had such extreme cases of
catarrh that a cure was unknown to
them. My treatment not only cured
them, but its effect made them feel
much healthier.
Afto- a one-minute conversation
with a Gauss patient you would be
firmly convinced mat tne tii
ments set forth here are facts.
But I can't do that, so let me do
. . . hAa. thine-. me send
a trial treatment free. Fill out
the coupon below.
Uausa lias Cured My Catarrli
Better spend a few days destroying
the catarrh germ right from the start
than waiting and putting off until you
feel droppings in your throat ana your
nose plugged up.
The Gauss complete treatment will
stop It and avoid for you years of fu
ture "misery. Cut out the coupon be
low If you have even a slight cold or
touch of catarrh, and send It to C. E.
Gauss, who will send you a free pack
age of the' wonderful Gauss Treat
ment, to as 1o prove to yourself its
great power.
It costs you nothing. Address cou
pon C. E. Gauss, 6136 Main St., Mar
shall, Mich.
Mankind's Benefactor.
What" I have done for thousands of
others I will do for you. I offer you
my treatment THAT WILL CURE ca
tarrh free of charge.
I can do no more the matter lies
entirely with your own good judgment,
blinply fill out the coupon in too lower
right-hand corner MAIL IT TODAi
and you receive a trial package of my
?ri;o?i fpn THAT'S ALL THKRS
IS TO IT; in a week's time you will be
on the roaa to recovery,
Spare the stamps and spoil the
Wo believe in telling the truth
.1 ...... 4 ... .- tin).
rvin.mon aonse wins. Write and
oaL- anv nf lnitSS' rtatientS.
nn- in tho moutti" can apply
to the spirit as well as the catarrh.
Half of the unhappiness in the
world comes from little inflamma-,-..,..
riiTo thorn parlv.
All great things are conceived In
"Sweat." Gauss worked hard and
produced a cure that will live after
him. . . .
Some would know a great deal
mnr-o ohnnt hointr able to cure
catarrh if the- could forget a lot
of old Ideas tITey never should nave
The reasons of the strongest al
ways yield to the strongest reasons
common sense. Gauss' Treatment
prevails for. the same reason.
If the catarrh victim would stick
ho trontmont as faithfully as the
catarrh sticks to him, that disease
would probably be as infrequent as
the now conquerea uinmuciia.
' Thar, aro some DeoDle who. in
stead of making the best use of the
chances they have for a cure, are
aiwo... tp.llinar of what they might
do under happier circumstances.
Send the coupon.
Moth or "How does it happen,
Helen, that you have started going
with Harry uawi again i uun v
see how you can bear to have him
Helen "O. you couldn't tell he
ho tho ratarrh now. He's
been taking Gauss' Treatment for
over two weeks.
"If I Had My Life to Live Over."
We can point to hundreds of cases
of catarrh that have dragged their
blear-eyed, nose-dripping, half dead
victims through fifteen and twenty
years of misery. It all started with
one little germ.
Just one of Gauss' Catarrh Treat
ments for a little while would have
killed off Mr. Germ and reclaimed to
hooith and hanDlness in short ordei
some of the world's best women and
hravpst men. who now dodder aocui
in uianlr. diseased old age. or fill somo
cold graves food for thought. Think
of yourself at 40 or 50 or 60. clutched
by catarrh.- If you only had your life
to live over! A 2-cent stamp would
blot 6ut all the misery.
It is not too late. Cut out the cou
pon below, fill in your name and ad
dress and take courage. Do it will
ingly and with Nbpe. Man it to .
Gauss, 5136 Main street. Marshall,
Mich, and you will get by return
mail a free package of Gauss' Catarrh
Treatment to provo that it will cure
United States
Heard From
Having been absent for some time,
I now take the opportunity of an
swering your letter. Took the treat
ment as nearly as I could and would
state that I am cured. It is the best
catarrh medicine that I have ever
taken, having tried everything that I
could hear or read of; and I am
thoroughly satisfied that it is a gen
uine remedy for catarrh, and If ever
I feel the effects of this disease com
ing back to me I should immediately
order more of your treatment. Your
medicine for taking Internally I think
is the best I have ever used for con
stipation or Indigestion. You are at
liberty to use the contents of this
letter, and any reference made to me
will be cheerfully answered. Edward
McCagnerty, United States Commis
sioner, Warroad, Minn., Box 1.
How to Judge Man's Honesty.
The Man Who Lets You "see
Yourself la Usually Honest.
Men. as
by their enem
rule are first discovered
...too Thotr antagonists
turn on the searchlight, and the proof
of merit will depend I on being ab le to
Qtand the gleam. There are always
nn who aim to tear down every gool
mlSg and there have been men who
set about to ridicule the Gauss ca
tarrh Treatment, and figuratively tear
Hlnto shred. They turned on the
fleam and dissected it. 1 hey ex
pected to find, mere drogs and found
gold. So Gauss has been discovered
by his enemies. , -
But regardless of all this. If a
man will "show the goods he has
wlllinclv auti openly, and let nis pa
SenS pro" f.rst to themaelyts by
the"r own senses tho valua of what
he offers t hern, instead .f expecting
them to take his word for it ther
must be something of value In Ills
"goods," and it must show his Inten
tions to bo honest. ,
Every catarrh victim should make
. no r-voat Gauss Catarrh
Treatment. It is free. All you have
to do is to spend a minute or two
cutting cut the coupon below, tilling
in with your name and address, and
-end it on to C. E. Gauss. 6136 Mam
St, Marshall. Mich. lou will jet
Dack a package of the Gauss Catairh
Treatment in plain wrapper and un
der smsl, with full information and,..t.,inii It costs you nothing
and you put yourself under no
tlon3. walZeor;d,n to Instructions
don't expect too much of the treat
ment you get, and it will prove to
that tho worst case of catarrh
can be cured, and that the Gauss ta
tarrh Treatment can do it.
Cut out and mail the coupon today.
A Glimpse of the Death Roll
Catarrh in Many Caaea la the Real
Died of consumption, aged 32.
Died of acute bronchitis, aged 60.
Died of pneumonia, aged 25.
Died of cancer, aged 61.
And so on down the list. Do you
find a mention of catarrh? No. be
cause catarrh, as a rule, does not di
rectly cause many deaths. But ca
tarrh is Indirectly the cause of many
deaths. "Died of pneumonia," should
better be "died of pneumonia, caused
by catarrh." The "caused by ca
tarrh" is left off what's the use?
He's dead, anyway. And so catarrh
is looked upon as a disease of slight
ponspnuence by those who don't know.
Over every catarrh sufferer, no matter
whether he has been suffering a
month or five years, there hangs s
dark shadow which is pointing with
its dark bony finger to the silent way.
Will you follow it or fight It?
Gauss' Combined Catarrh Treat
ment will save you, and avoid for you
years of future misery. Gauss' Treat
ment permanently cures catarrh In
the common-senso way. He proves
It, too, with a free treatment he sends
to you by rtturn mall as soon as he
receives the coupon at the bottom of
this page. Cut out the coupon, fill In
with your name and address, and
send today to C. 13. Gauss. 6138 Main
St., Marshall, Mich.
You can cure that catarrh, slight or
serious, once and forever, by means
of the only common-sense sure cure
lor catarrh, Gauss' Combined Treat
ment. We don't ask you to Ueve
" before proving it yourself. There
fore we send you a TRIAL package
at our own expense, absolutely free to
It is not too late. Cut out the cou
pon below, fill in your name and ad
dress and take courage. Do It will
ingly and with hope. Mall It to C. E,
Gauss 5136 Main St.. Marshall, Mich.,
and you will get by return mail a
free TRIAL package of Gauss' Ca
tarrh Treatment to prove that It will
cure you.
lank lines with your nameand address, and mall
This c
fill in blank lines with you
(Write plainly).
recovery. .-.w.
o - . i . mi. a j -c m-e Ti-;a F-v-far,tiririal CJrrer.
- . A Snrtff'V AflVlSea lO iaKe Auvduiagc wi T-T - , V i
The Readers Of TillS raper JW& Every" Catarrh Sufferer Should Send for a free r