Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 02, 1913, Page 16, Image 16

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A.-VU l(JDE.K.5i IN IVJiKY WAIj iUUli.
FAKM UP TO lO.00O. 1
TWO Ion In small town to trad for Port'
land tot, aortas or auto. AT 411, Oro-
Ugrm. Vofeloles, to.
Becond-hand vehicle bought and Bold;
nsw wagon and auto beda mad to ordar;
li very lurolaUad to business parties at
special ratea.-
20 Hawtnorn av.
Phone liaat 72; B 1369.
Sell on commission, horsea, mulea, ve
hicle and barneaa. Auction aalaa avery
Monday and Friday, lo A. M. Private
aalea dally. 20 B. 8th at- near Haw
thorne, pbone E. 6315.
FIVE-GAITED Kentucky aaddle in axe, can
be driven In elnfflo or double barneaa;
safe and gentle, tor Bale. Owner leaving
city, ao will aell at sacrifice. Main taua
and A 4701. ;
TEAMS for hire; we have 20 teama of first
class work; stock with barneaa, for hire
hv the month. The Murohy Horse 4 Mule
Co.. 2Ht R 8th at., near Hawthorn av.
Phone rJaet ttiia.
WILA. aacrlflc black 3-year-old, aired by
Lord Kitchener; well broken. 203 Wilcox
FOR SALE Three marea, weiiht 130O lba.;
alao one Dacer. at Model barn. A3 sao.
DAI mare, round and good worker.
Ids,, 8.'2 Front at.
Pianos. Urtam anil Musical Instruments.
ELECTRIC piano, coat ,1100 a year ago,
good condition, forced aale, 9350 caah. T.
K. Phlllipa. r.OS McKay bldg. Pbonea
Main 10:6. A 41-1.
WANTED Piano, caah; must be bargain,
AO 413 Oregonll
Dogs, Blrda, Tet Stock.
FOR SALE Bloodhound pups, thoroughbred
English man-trailing siock; auoject iu
registration. Write A. Zerull, Springfield,
PEDIGREED alredale pupptea. 8 montha
old. for ante. Reliance Garage, 1OO3-0
Hawthorne ave. Tabor 2948, B 311T.
POINTER, broke for pheasant hunting, to
sell or rent. Albert Weisendanger, 430
Beck bldg.
BLOODED male, St. Bernard pupa. S2S00.
31 m. itocnat, it. z. opoaane. v, asa.
BOYD'S BIRD PTORE, 229 Alder atreet
uoga. birds, pets, cages ana suppuea.
Furniture for Sale.
4 ROOMS, neatlv furniBhed: close to school.
stores, 1 block St. Johns car; rent 10;
furniture. $25; muat be Bold by Friday;
leaving city. 8 West Willamette blvd.
COMPLETE furnishings of A 14-room house
tor sale, or win rent nouae iurnianea;
charming location. 055 Washington.
C-ROOM flat for rent, furniture for sale.
390 4th. Marshall Z423.
FURNITURE of beautiful flat for sale, close
In; rent f-0. Eaat 0438.
NEW furniture 5-room flat, very cheap.
East Ash, flat B. Call Eaat 452.
nlckel-plato, varniah, reflnish, top your I
auto: taKe apart ana nut togetner in tnree
days. Portland Plating & Mfg. Co., 22d I
and Thurman eta. Main 94d. A onz.
BARGAIN One 4-pasaenger Ford, detach
able rear Beat. Just overhauled. Suitable
for light delivery. Caah or trade for motor
cycle. 341 TUiamooK.
OWNER must sell at ence a model L Loco- I
mobile in hrat-claea condition: demon
stration will convince. AL 410, Grego-
A BARGAIN Chalmers 30, five-pasaenger I
car, in first-class condition; four doors,
nickel trimmings, new tires; all for 8650,
t500 cash. Phone Tabor 2570.
CADILLAC touring car or two-seated Cad-1
lilac delivery car. inquire A. J. winters
Co., 67 titn st.
1913 COLE- electric starter, lights, etc.; oost
equippepd 8237; take 81650 caah or first
mortgage. An. 4iu. uregonian.
IF YOU want automobile fire Insurance at j
one-half the old-line rate, telephone Main I
FURNITURE four-room cottage, very rea-
aonable; party going East. 394 Morria.
NEW delivery wagons at second-hand prices.
Oregon Mollne flow company.
40-HORSEPOWER, f Ive-paasenger Overland,
cheap; good condition. .Phone Main qui.
OARAGE for rent. S3 per month. 4u
Beech st.
Automobile Wanted.
FOK SALE or to exchange for automobile
An Aeolian Orchestrelle, style v, costing
$1800, lh absolutely perfect condition, to
gether with 100 carefully-selected rolls or
records of the best music lvalue $150).
The auto must be in perfect condition, a
late model, roadster preferred, ana repre
senting an equal cash value. Address, with
lull details, AO 4U, oregonian.
"WANT used Ford or Studebaker 20, S-pas-
senger. In good condition; will pay $30
per month. & 403, oregonian
WANTED To trade house and lot for 1913
automobile, 6 -passenger. S7T, Ore
gonian. Motorcycles.
A BARGAIN For sale, a brand new 1913
motorcycle; never been ridden; has some
1914 features; fully guaranteed. For im
mediate sale only at price offered. For
particulars call at 311 Oak st. Freer Tool
& supply Co.
MOTORCYCLE with side car for packages
at about half price; practically new. SS
E. 7th North. Phone East 143L
1913 TWIN, run 60O mile, fully equipped;
first reasonable offer takes it. Call in
A. M. or after 5. 701 E. tisth st. North
1913 EXCELSIOR, 7-horse., equipped. G.
R., Union Ave. Garage Co.
70 PURE-BRED Shropshire bucks for sale.
anv correspondence immediately answered.
Address F. Williams, R, D. 1, Junction
m City, Or.
A 43-h.p.. 550-volt Crocker-Wheeler mo
tor, complete, with standard blade starter.
no voltage release ana 4 o-ampere over
load. I. T. E. circuit breaker, in A-l con
dition. Address room 03, Oregonian bldg.
A 40-K. W., SoO-volt Crocker-Wheeler
generator, complete, with field rheostat
and circuit breaker. In good condition.
Address room ZU3, oregonian Diqg.
One 125 -volt dliect current generator,
complete with field rheostat, ammeter and
circuit breaker. This machine is In good
repair. Address room ZKd. oregonian oiag.
FOR SALE One $300 Charles Daly, dia
mond Quality double-barreled shotgun;
latest pattern, double ejector, hammerieea.
12-gauge; a bargain for caah. or will trade
ior aiamona. rnone Marsnau or au-
dress A 436, Oregonian.
FOR SALE 25-inch Advance Interlocking
paper cutter; no broken parts; good con
dition; nrst cnecK ior k ibkci il ews-
Times, Forest urove, or.
OX YPATHORS for sale, $25 each ; close
estate, agent killed by automobile; save
910; retail price mo. Airs. o. vv. uuncan,
160 Sutter t.t San Francisco, CaL
SAFES, new and second-hand; low prices,
easy terms; safes opened, repaired and
painted. PURcmLL bafk co. and PORT
LAND SAFE CO., 80 6th st. Main 6309.
DINING-ROOM set, leather-seated chairs.
sideboard, table, new Bohn-Syphon refrig
erator, mahogany furniture, Marvin safe.
tp(jnon. 713 jonnson st.
SAFES Mosler Safe Co., manufacturers;
low prices, easy terms; safes opened and I
repaired; bargains In-, second-hand safes;
108 2d st. phone Main 7676.
2O00 FEET shoe store shelving, also two
roll in stepladders, with tracks for same;
both at a bargain. Call The Reeves Shoe
Co., 813 Washington.
WANT complete delicatessen outfit; tables,
chairs, steam table and range, dishes and
cooking utensils. Inquire 421 Jefferson it.
LAWYERS, attention; new, complete set
lawyers reports, annotated, at bargain.
AC 41U, oregonian.
A BEAUTIFUL tapestry 6x4, recllnine fig
ure, can be hung In any public place.
f none jnarsnau o ' o.
TYPEWRITERS, all makes. 110 to $65,
262 Stark st.
THREE second-hand roll-top desks, two
flat-top desks and 9 chairs. Bushong A
Co.. 81 Park st.
DIAMOND necklace; 27 stones, must be
soid at once. AH 422, Oregonian.
NFW $35 gas range and $1,6.50 water heat
er; will sell for $30, Call East
ONE doaen restaurant platee, 1 counter, 4
lames, pnonograpn, x email coiiee urn,
fiu vda. 1 u Tarda wide cocoa matting.
double oxen Majeatlo range, larg Ice box,
flat-top office desk, gas hot-water heater,
gaa range, 6-ft, ehowoase. Caaey House
JTurnlshlng Co., 113 Union are, Phone
E. 1809.
Remington Typewriter Co., 86 B'way.
FOR BALE New Rsmlngton visible type-1
writer, a snap, AF 413, oregonian.
CNDERWOOD typewriter, beat of condition.
for aal cheap, terms. U 410, urogonian.
VJSE3 Bassett's Native Herbs for rheumatism)
60o tablets for Zoo. All druggists.
NATIONAL caan rezlatera. Oet my prices.
povoy, aoi wasn., basement. Main po.
nvr nrsoni-nua .hi f, ....
cheap. Address AD 8KS. Oregonian.
6ET of furs, baby tiger brand, new. Just
paid ,-to, will sell lor ,x Main aowj.
FINE long black sealskin ooat, half prloe.
K. ao, oregonian.
1:21 Front at., buys second-hand furniture.
carpeta, stoves, ranges, hardware or tools
of any kind. If you have anything In this
line, call Main 9072. Our buyer oalls
WE want to buy 11000 worth of eecond-
hand furniture In th next ao dava and
pay all the caah It is" worth. Williams-
Ave. Furniture Exchange. cast coo.
PTIs-hent nrloea nald far ladles' and men's
castoff clothing and shoes. Call Main
2nm. 234 1st st. The Globe.
WE buy for caah, second-hand National caah
realatera and aell them on easv terms.
Register guaranteed. W. J. Macauley,
854 Burnslde. Main 3816, A 1818.
Buyer calls promptly; estimates given.
l4 let., near xamniii. aiam no. Price paia ipr your v.r'e. am
I uumiu,, , ...
WANTED Comparatively new hlrdseve ma-
pie bed: must be bargain; atate price anu
wnere can be seen. AF 4vq, oregonian.
SECOND-HAND furniture wanted at 15th
and Alberta sts. Pbone Woodlawn ZU9.
WANTED Five-foot roll-top desk, cheap
Tor caah. Phone Marshall 4Qi.
WANT good second-hand commercial trunk.
A r 4Q7. oregonian.
CASH paid for hair combings. Sanitary
Beauty Parlors. 400 Dekum bldg
WE want ilO.OOO worth of second-hand fur
niture; higheet prices paid. Eellwoodios-.
FORD AUCTION" CO. paya most cash for
any kind or rumiture. .Main tsvai.
WILL kalsomlne rooma for $2.50; paint
house at your price; reliable. East 2d.
ROLL top desk, sanitary. Call at 432 Cham-
ber of commerce. Main 255.
WE pay highest prices for second-hand I
doming. zy4 aa st. ynone Main woa.
HIGHEST prices paid for caatoff clothing
and shoes. Marshall
NATIONAL cash register; price must be
reasonable. Main 606, A 8006.
WANTED Second-hand coal - cookstov
chep. 69 N. 8d St. S. Russeff.
(One of Many.)
Office Secretary Employment Department,
I. M. C. A.
Young man, atranger, aeeklng employ
ment (20 his total cash asset) If I pay
you 8o for employment membersnip, a win
have only 815 between me and starvation.
Secretary If you pay 85 for employ
ment membership, you will have the Y.
M. C. A.. Kith all Its resources, between
You anil starvation
iteiuit ioung man joined association.
In less than a week Jte had satisfactory
Kecord for ft montha endlne Aug. si:
Call for men from employers 15P8
Positions filled 1095
Special employment membership guar
antees member will secure employment,
or membership fee will be refunded. Gives
two months' full privileges. Including use
of gymnasium, swimming pool, baths, etc.
ann ten months' social or house privilege.
Including the service of the employment
department for the entire year.
All young men seeking employment in
commercial, clerical or technical tinea, or
aa engineers, firemen, mechanics, machin
ists, carpenters, mlllworkers or In other
skilled lines, are cordially invited to con-
ault with the Secretary of the adviaory
and employment department
MEN 17 or over! Pay in the U. S. Navy
averagea 840 per month. Promotion pos-
sible up to Chief Petty Officer at over $90
clear. Learn mechanical trade. Must
prove you are an American citizen. Com.
plete information at iN'avy Recruiting Sta
lion, railway xciiange building, jrorc-
lana, Or. For free booklet. "Tne MaK
Ing of a Man-O'Warsman," address Bureau
avifration. box isavy ueuartmeni.
Washington, (j.
WANTED A young man competent in sten-
usrapny ana DOOKKeeping; id per moiii.ii
and advance: eive references, experience.
education, age and whether married or
singie. Aaaress AT 4W, oregonian.
WANTED Two men, single, over 21, to
travel with crew and solicit; men familiar
with country DeoDle preferred: trood money
ana steady work. call V to 11 at oasa
Kosa, dvv jenerson.
WANTED Three first-class newspaper so
licitors for city worK; fine premium prop-:
osition, permanent If you maae gooa ;
transportation rexunaed. inquire for Mr.
Keniher, statesman office, aaiem, o r.
WANTED Young man, about 18, to work In
grocery store; one not afraid of work and
with good references only need apply, o.
H. Dupuy, Kenton.
IF you are looking for a money-maker, we
I have it. Call or write for particulars.
Pacific Coast Sales Co.. 1015 Chamber of
Commerce. Portland, Oregon.
mand. This coming vocation taught at ;
. M. C. A. Day ana night schools, com
plete equipment. Best on Coast.
WANTED At once, one stlckerman who
can also run shaper and grind and temper
knives. Good wages to a first-class man,
others need not reply. AV 477, Oregonian.
STRONG man over 45 years of age for ho
tel; must furnish bond or city references
as to honesty; $45, room and board. The
campoeii notei.
WANTED City editor for small evening
dally. Not desk job. Prefer young mar
ried man who wants permanent place.
Address by letter, AV 44, Oregonian.
WANTED At once, 2 men to learn auto
repairing ana driving, can at liawtnorne ,
tarage. 4-4 o nawtnorne ave.
BOY wanted with bicycle. $50 per month
steaay worn. Appiy at once, noom oft.
cnamner or commerce.
I TAILORS wanted to work on ladies tailored
Jackets, only first-class need apply; per
manent position. . weiss, 147 lotn st.
FOUR extra shoe salesmen, permanent po
sition to competent men. Appiy w rignt s.
TEN union carpenters, for concrete forms.
wanted at -once; new telephone bldg.
bound construction & Engineering Co.
WANTED A capable shipping clerk by
wholesale house; reierences required. AC
411, oregonian.
WANTED An experienced delivery man for
i-rencn launary. can t&Ke partnersnip.
Call 475 Williams ave.
MAN to paint house, 64i Clinton st., and
taKe pay in nouse rent. Kdwaros CO., lai
1st st.
WANTED A man who can make good to
sen Leslies weeKiy. 017 Worcester Diag.,
a to V.
WANTED Experienced candy salesman.
Call at 744 Lombard at., bet. 7 and 9 P.
il. wesanesaay evening.
BOYS wanted, 16 to 18 years of age, to
learn tne nara ware 0 us mess. Ask for mr,
Ernst, Pacific Hardware & Steel Co.
C. R. HANSEN & CO Employment, 26 N,
2d st. Main 1526.
TAILOR for pressing, repair and alterations.
J. Harris, 125 I3th st.
WANTED First-class coat makers at once.
Herbert Greenland, 209 Rothchild bldg.
WANTED Mattress-maker. Carman Mfg.
Co., 1214 Macadam. Main 238.
BOY wanted, age 16 years. Apply IL Liebes
& Co., "JtiS Morrison st.
WANTED Upholsterers. Klopstock Bros.,
istn ana capp sts., oan r ran Cisco.
WANTED First-class ladles 'tailor. 8U
-Selling bldg. A. Upman.
WANTED A first-class upholsterer. F.
Taylor Co., 130 10th st
WANTED A cook. Clifford Hotel GrilL 40;
East Morrison.
YOUNG man, neat and sober, for kitchen
work, 6 days a ween. 34 Aider.
PHOTO coupon agents, new winning con
test oner, sarony Ptuqio, aq Morrison.
MAN wanted to repair slot machines. Hunt
ley's, Oregon City.
SALESMEN and dist. mgrs, for Oregon. Nat
casualty co., oi'i Jtwiiway kx. oiag.
work. Geo. K. Massie, Grand Forks, B. C,
LADIES' tailor wanted; must be first-class.
Herman Schuis. ies lotn.
WANTED A man to dig ditch for plumber
y contract, pnone Taoor 14U4.
INSIDE wlreman and 2 helpers at 140 Kil
lings worthave,
PHOTO - coupon, beet offered, beauty con
test started, out Derm btuaio. jjeicum biag.
WANTliO for U. S. Army, able-bodied,
married men between aaee of IS and
cltlaena of United States, of Brood char
acter and temperate bablta, who can
apeak, read and write the EnlUh lan
iruaea. For Information annl to reerult-
ing officer, Worcester bldg 1'klrd and
uait bisw foniana, or,
On the largest proleot In WUlamett Val-
ley. We are now atartlng avlgoroua flam.
paln to secure buyera, We prefer ex
perienced salesmen, but If roll wleh to
ieam tna Tarm land business ana n
- . v. t T. . .i j
SaLesMaNAOER. 4 Railway Kx. Bids,
Will b done on a limited number of pa
tlenta bv Dr. A. K. Smith's noat a-rad-
bate olass on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thurs
day and Friday only. Broadway bldg.,
room Kit. Hours 1 to 4 P. M. i Mo charge.
I WANTED Offlo boy- for wholesale bouse
f00? ohanoe to learn and advance; must
a good hand and b reaaonably quick at
figure. ADtwtr In own handwriting, glv-
mg phone number. AT 418, Oregonian,
WANTED Young man to sell men' and
women a snoea, iuaatarn Oregon town. Ap
ply Imperial Hotel today, 13 to. 3 P. 3S.
am tor sao man.
I WANTED, by a large wholeaale mercantll
I Institution, an office boy about 17 years
I of age. Apply In own handwriting, atating
I age, education, experience ana salary ex-
pected. Reply to K 408, Oregonian.
I oil, aalesman calling on trod In Port-
land and vicinity to handle our line of
i iteaay xuixea faint, nooi runt, eio.
eral commission. Address ft O. box iua,
uan ranciaco, oal.
I AGENTS Men and women to aell the new
est electrlo apecialty on the market; sold
everywhere there Is electricity; liberal
profits: for particular West Coaat Soe-
ciaity co., a rront it.
YOL'NO man to work In grocery and de
livery: experienced preferred. Li. Keuaner
Co.. 133 H Grand ave.
WANTED Boy to work in mattreaa factory.
per aay. carman Aug. uo 114
Macadam. Main 2&H.
HELP tuvrKn-nnni.a,
lor ladies' suits, waist, glove, millinery,
riuDon, neckwear and jewelry depart
ments. Apply at superintendent's office
between 6:80 and 10 A. M. Sixth floor.
MUIJK ec lJ'lt-NK. STOiUS.
WILL lease for one year to responsible ton
ants now, modern lo-room house on Haw
thorn ave. : hardwood floors, two fire
places, sleeping-porch, six bedrooms, ga
ge; w. reduced irom sou.
6-room modern residence In Nob Hill
district; hardwood floors, fireplace, gaa
range, garage, etc.; ?3o; reduced from $00.
uouh uer, uiif u)njeil oiug.
EXPERIENCED woman wanted for dyeing
uppers, nosiery, eta. Apply at superin
tendent's office, 8th floor, between 8:30
and u:30 a. m.
Five girls to learn beautv culture: pay
wnue learning; position guaranteed. 400-
414 Dekum bldg. sanitary Pariors.
WANTED at once, dressmakers or teach
ers who would like a change of occupa
tion for more lucrative work; permanent
Dusiness. 4Uf selling bldg.
HOUSEKEEPER, family of 2 refined home;
m"" bA competent; only lady with best
reference need apply.
AD 410, Orego
NEAT appearing lady canvassers; big money,
Apply room iS San Marco Hotel. 11th and
tan ii jug LULi, umurv iv a ju. ur tuter i
P. M.
WANTED Five bright, capable ladies to
travel, demonstrate ana sell ceaiers: ran
road rare paid: 4523 to $00 ner week. Call
Vlvctinp Shop. 15 Swetland bldg.
RKLsl ABJjE, ambitious woman of refine
ment and nbility ; permanent, responsible
position. vimeaia to., j uuana Apt., ino,
iz, 4 Trinity place.
WANTED A girl In confectionery, lunch-
room, 'living near Jenerson H.igh school,
Call 168 Sumner, between S and 11:30
o clock.
KOU NO lady, experienced In office work.
bookkeeping, etc.. who can handle comp
tometer: stato fully experience, ace and
saiary expectea. au is, uregoman.
WANTED An experienced girl for general
nouseworK: must be gooa cook: z in
family, apartment. 782 Johnson. Call
after 10 A, M.
WANTED Thoroughly experienced shirt
press iriri. crystal Laundry. Zlst and
Sandy road.
COOK. $40 per month.
and experienced
waitress, $30 per month,
24 8 N. 17th.
room and board.
WANTED A competent maid for general
nouseworK; must oe gooa cook. Apply zil
i. i;nn, bet. jo ana i. a. m.
EXPERIENCED and apprentices for dress
making and ladles tailoring. 2S0 Fark
WANTED A woman cook for select board
ing-bouse; must be good cook. Address .AD
415, Oregonian.
Washington bldg., 270 M. Wash., room 85.
near 4th. Phone Main 8S36 or A 82G6.
PUBLIC stenographer Is offered free desk
room, use of typewriter, phone, etc., lor
light service. Phone Marshall 4010.
WANTED Experienced waitresses for short
hours. Apply tearoom, 4th noor. Olds,
Wortman Ss King.
r esses, chambermaids, housekeepers, gen
eral housework. 288 Main st. Main 2039.
WANTED First-class piano player, one
able to handle vaudeville and pictures. B
402, Oregonian.
WANTED Experienced girl to do general
housework in family of 6. Phone Wood-
'awn 1825.
WANTED A good experienced dressmaker
and tcitor. 551 Spokane ave., cor E. 13th
st., Sellwood.
COMPETENT girl as general household
neiper, wnere cook -is Kept) Apply imme
diately at 741 Everett st., near 23d.
SECOND EirL experienced. 261 25th North.
Call before 10 A. M. or between 6 and
8 P. M.
HOTEL cook, $40; chambermaid, $25; pan
try woman, $25; waitress, $S week; hotel,
$30. 345V Wash. St., room 7.
WANTED--Reflned. capable woman for re
sponsible position. Vlavl Co., 609 Roth
child bldg., 4th and Washington. .
WANTED An experienced girl for general
housework. 1T.- niast tn st. aoutn,
Phone East 811tf.
GIRL for general housework; small family.
Mam 6339.
WANTED Girl for general housework
family of two. AF 404, Oregonian.
WANTED A girl for housework. Call 1764
East Yamhill st.
COMPETENT girl for general housework;
small family. Phone Sellwod 2157.
WANTED Girl for general housework. Ap
ply mo rnlngs. 856 12th st.
GIRL, light housework, easy place,
at 694 East Alder, cor. 20th.
WANTED A waitress in
coffee parlor.
Athens Cafe, 6 JN. bth st.
WANTED A girl for housework at G9 N,
20th si. Apply mornings.
HOTEL and restaurant help headquarters.
8 45 H Wash. St., R. 7, cor. 7 th. 269i.
GIRL wanted for general housework. Sell-
wood 1S69.
WANTED Experienced cook for family of
three. Phone Mam a-btf.
WANTED Girl for
Phone E. 2735.
general housework.
LADY can have a good home for light serv
ices. Tabor 4376.
GIRL for general housework; small family;
good wages. iS5 lijiamooK st.
A GIRL for general housework; two in fam
ily. 686 irving su Jiain 43o.
A GOOD girl, general housework. 736 Kear.
ney st. inquire pet, xu ana 14 a. m.
APPRENTICES and girls to learn dress
making. 434 jMorriaon.
GOOD girl for light housework, family of 2.
A a 407, oregonian.
COMPETENT and experienced girl for gen
eral nouseworK. now . n-tn st.
WAiMU iriri ior peiicim anu (
help with baby; $3 per week, oo Mason st,
QTRLS WANTS D aa waitresses in soda
fountain department, Annlr at superinten
dent's offiss between 8:89 and 10 A. AL,
aixtn uoor, meish a rnAn& fc Tunis.
HOTTBrcKrunprcn wanted.
Wages 135, to do cooking and down
stairs work in family with children! geec
horn and excellent treatment! country
girl preferred. Phone East 688 1.
FRKia dextai, work:
. Will be don on a limited numbar of
natlents by Dr. A. E. Smith post grad
uate olass on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thurs
day and jrriuay only, uroaaway fiiug.,
room tot. Hour 1 to 4 P. M. No charge,
1UU DU.W. b.B.U ... bW., n A.- "
darstands stenography, prefer high school
graduate; must be es gooa appesrauoa,
good talker, clean moral charaoter; salary.
Call e A. 1L or 1 P. It. 310 Orogoulan
WANTED Capable girls for cooks, second
work, general housework and child nurs
ing. We aim to place only girls we oan
reoommend In horn; w can recommend.
Domestic Service Bureau, 806 Central
bldg., lth and Alder. Main 7dT
RELIABLE e-lrl to work 8 hours, noon.
evenings; car or. two cnuaren; iignt
housework; must ilv near iast Mason
and Williams; 84 par week. Phone Wood-
lawn sie.
PIANISTS Two (3) young ladles, must be
good sight readers, permanent position to
tnose qualllying. Apply Monday v a. ju.
Kemlck Song Shop, Brj Washington st.
WANTED At 494 E. 64th St. N.. woman
about so to help with year-oia oniia ana
ao cooKing ror two.
A NEAT, reliable elrl for general housework
in emeu lamuy: no launary. oeiiwuuu
1589. 1351 East S2d at.
WANTED An elderly couple for farm;
atate experience and wages wanted. m
421, Oregonian.
F1SK Teachers' Agency secures positions
lor teachers. 816 Journal bldg. Main 4b6u.
OREGON Barber College teaches you the
Daroer trade in s weens; pays you wnue
learning; tools free; tuition reduced thia
term; export instructors; 20 years in busi
ness; position guaranteed; special induce
ments to ladles. 33 Madison St., 252 2d st.
MEN 20 to 40 years old wanted at once for
esectric railway motormen ana conductors;
$60 to $100 a month; no experience nec
essary; fine opportunity; write immediate
ly for application blank. Address AV 413,
THE Mohler Barber Colleee will teach you
the trade in 8 weeks; tools free; send for
catalogue; 20 years in the business; 87
schools; a lifetime scholarship given to
each student; special inducements given
to ladles. 48 N. I'd st.
BUSINKS3 opportunities come to young
women students through the commercial
department, run not to make money, but
for the good of girls by the Y. W. O. A.
Write or call Broadway and Taylor sts.
nation Nov, 1. Parcel post requires clerks;
salary 8C0 to $1200. Free book. Pacific
State School, McKay bldg., Portland, Or.
WOMEN Get Government Jobs; big pay;
write for free list of positions available.
Franklin Institute, Dept. 698 G., Roches
ter, N. Y.
SCHOOLS. n05 McKay bldg., cor 8d and
Stark sts. phones; Main 1026. A 4121.
Also headquarters I. C. S. Fraternity.
MEN AND' WOMEN for Government Jobs,
$90 month. Write for list positions open.
Franklin Institute, Dept. 325G, Rochester,
N. Y.
100 TO S150 monthly, railroad brakemen
an exDerjencea raiiroaa man instructs ana
secures you a position. 120 16th st., near
wasnmgton st.
WANTED Names of men, 18 to 45, wishing
to be railway man clerks, ST5 month. J,
L. K., Av 44W, oregonian.
CHANCE to learn to operate moving-picture
machine: we can piace tnree more men
in theater. 417 Kotnchim bldg.
Instruction. GREGG SHORTHAND, bo
keeping. 404 Commonwealth bid. Mar 4258.
WANTED Licensed dentist for partner in
large advertising oiiice. a 4uJ, orego
WANTED At once. 2 men to learn to oper
ate moving-picture machine. call 012
Rothchild bldg.
PRIVATE shorthand school, experienced
teacner, $5 per montn. bh iitn st
269 14TH ST. M N 8B3. EXP- INSTRUC'N.
GIRLS Learn beauty parlor work. Earn
money while learning, eis Rothchild Didg,
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, office man an
correspondent, leaving present position ac
count of too close conhnement and over
load of details, wants something less
nl.eiAiious where all-round ability will be
of value: temporary or permanent: mm
die-aged, active and hard worker; salary
not , nrst consideration. ail. urego-
STENOGRAPHER Position wanted by ex-
Derlenced and capable voune man : tnor
oughly familiar with office details; local
references; would leave city. AF uu,
STENOGRAPHER Bkpr., expd., single man,
offers services to Kood concern at once,
Would leave town or Invest. "H. S.," 469
up books, prepare balance ana statements,
install systems. Gllllngham, auditor, 414
Lewis bldg. Marshall 717.
EXPERIENCED erocery and general mdse,
clerk open lor positions, city ana otner
reierences. raone laoor oo. t ouu
st. S. E.
BOOKKEEPER, general business and office
experience ; accept any tiling nonoraoie.
1030 Grand North.
YOUNG married man wants work as clerk
In hardware store; experienced. AM 411,
BOOKKEEPER wants position: 6 years ex.
perience; nrst-oass reierences; age zu. ajx
4io, oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER with best of experience and
references wants work immediately. 411
Luir.oermens Exchange.
YOUNG married man with six years' ex
perience aa bookkeeper, stenographer and,
office man wants position. Phone A 5597.
EXPERIENCED erocerv clerk desires post
tion in city; references furnished. J. E.
K., Lents, Or. P. O. Box 532.
YOUNG man, attending Holmes Business
College, desires a place to work for his
room ana ooara, outside 01 scnooi nours,
Call Main 513, A 2554.
MIDDLE-AGED Swiss, serious, trustworthy
man, desires position In private family
or as watchman; willing to work; refer
ences. Adlress AP 416, Oregonian.
CHEF, first-class, experienced, seeks posi
tion In hotel, club or restaurant; only
lirst-class business entertained. K 407,
POSITION wanted by a first-class oil and
steam engineer competent to handle re
pairs ,ln or out of town. AD 410, Orego
nian. GERMAN lessons given In private families
by educated young man, age z. aj 412,
CHAUFFEUR, married man, thoroughly ex
perienced, wants anything auto line. N
8S6, Oregonian.
MOTION-PICTURE operator desires posi
tion; can give reierences. AH 410, Ore
gonian. YOUNG rhan, Bulgarian, wants to work on
farm, 525 to $30 per month. .0 -Burn-side
BAKLR'S helper, 6 years' experlen ' t, bread
or cake; quick worker, steady. W 41.,
COOK, good in all branches, city or out.
sober; city reierence. zou mar net. u rimes.
Main S920.
WANTED By man with a 45-h.p. 5-passen
ger overland auto, work by the day or
part of the time. Phone Tabor 1185.
WANTED Position as cook or porter by
experienced man. Louis Araki, 827 Ever
ett st.
COLORED man will clean offices, stores.
basements, windows, call Madison, pnone
East 13S9.
FIRST-CLASS waiters furnished. Marshall
791, A 4910. Portland Waiters' Club, 14
5th, Portland, Or. G. C. Gerald, manager.
WATERWORKS foreman, 20 years' expe
rience, will go anywnere; best or reier
ence. AT 411, Oregonian.
YOUNG Japanese boy going to night school
wants situation, nouseworK. j. xama, vj
6th st.
AN all-round cook wants situation In or out
of town. W 413, Oregonian.
JAPANESE wants housework or chores. AD
417, Oregonian.
JAPANESE cook wants place in family, city
or country, axj , u re go man.
JAPANESE, first-class cook, position pri
vate family. Main uaui. a 1509. i!i I5tn.
MAN and wife want positions as cooks in sec
ona-class hotel. Main 717, A lul7.
JAPANESE school boy wants position In
City, &. avtt, uregonian.
Ml fH-ellaneou.
KJSPPS C TABLES middle-aged man, Jm
rniriA in oitv. wiahH noflltlott in pxivan
family, understands steam and hot water
pullers, soma knowledge oi girueiuuBi
handy with tools 1 good references H. -Us
O.Byrne, room 8U9 Broadway Hotel.
BAKER, first or jeooud-fllass, fancy, hotel
or o.ud. wants situation t practical
cnos of S3 years Iflurepe and America
teinnerate. reliable worKznan iq "
branch or nosltlonl stats or country A
417, Oregonian,
CHAUFFEUR wishes position with private
vamuyi reliable; gooa rererenaes; w..
make himself useful, Charles A. Brown,
Ol3 Y. M, O. A-
KXPERIENCI&D chauffeur and repair man
wlshos private position j willing to work
arouna place: gooa rsxsrsnoes. tr cvi,
EXPERIENCED janitor and houseman, also
understands tne care oi lawn ana uowori,
wishes position; good rafaX-encus. AIC 413,
oregonian, -
WANTHLD Position as gas engineer by
young, man, experienced on stationary,
marine and traction engines. AT
I WANT nosltlon as manaaer or superln
tendent of dairy or stock ranoh on salary
ana percentage basis, ao b&3. urBjonjan
GERMAN, machinist, and wife want work
as janitors; both capable ana wiuing w
ao any kina oi woric jl. d, ureEuua.u
YOUNG man of dental college wants work
in private family to earn boara ana room.
mono .cast Vi.
MAN, experienced ranch cook, willing to
work cheap lor the winter. u uM
Pettygrove st,
YOUNG man would like something perma
nent with chance oi advancement, meua
YOUNG married man wishes work on dairy
ranch by the month or year. Address xu.
ai. L.ubke, Forest wove, ur.
MIDDLE-AGED German wants any kind of
steady work; has had experience as nre
man. Main 717, A 1517.
YOUNG man of 20 wants inside work;
steady and sober. Call Main DQ47, room a.
COOK'S helper and Janitor would like per
manent work in city. Mam in, a aoh,
EXPERIENCED first-class cook wants place
in city; references. Main oTaa, A ozjx.
JANITOR, place wanted by German couple.
v en, oregonian.
MAN and wife want jobs as cook and flunky
in logging camp. Af id, uregoniau.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
MOTHilR and grown daughter will care for
nome or someone leawing city ror winter;
we are not working people end are ac
customed to refined surroundings; best
references. AR 40W Oregonian,
YOUN-G lady stenographer, beginner, some
exp., wishes position; rexerenoea, wood
lawn 1011.
TENOGRAPHE-R, experienced and rapid.
with good references, seeks position, Mar
shall 2751.
EXPERIENCED stenographer deal res per
manent position; can iurnisn reierences.
Marshall 2391.
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires posi
tion; moderate salary to begin, w
STENOGRAPHER, experienced, desires po-
POS1TION wanted by experienced cashier.
good reference. AR 40o, Oregonian
COMPETENT stenographer desires position;
reierences, jrnone fcjast
EXCELLENT seamstress wants to make
children s clothes at home; little boys'
suits, etc. ; reasonable. 1424 Knowles ave.
St. Johns car.
LADIES' tailoring, alterations, coats re-
-lined. Mrs. Muckier, 445 Morrison st. A
2235, Main 6133.
GOOD seamstress wants sewing by the day,
$1.25 per day. Mrs. Manny. E. 6468.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaker will go out by
day. R. 22, 150. 11th.
FASHIONABLE dressmaking reasonable,
home or day. 867 lOtl st. Main 8958.
ONE-PIECE dresses made In one day at
your home. Main 8775, A 8231.
DRESSMAKING All kinds of sewing by
day. Phone A 3098.
POSITION by undergraduate nurse; massage
treatments given; terms reasonable. Main
NURSE, experienced. Invalid, any kind, el
derly, assist very light work. Marshall
RELIABLE, experienced person desires care
or children evenings, iu. oimo oerora
P. M.
MATERNITY nurse wants case;
light housework. Main 147.
MATERNITY nurse wants case;
light housework. Main 147.
will do
YOUNG widow, Swedish, with 4-year-old
son, wants position as housekeeper; very
good cook and competent worker; can
plve references. Main 717, A 1517.
MIDDLE-AGED re lined Englishwoman
wishes position as managing housekeeper
and companion; will ao light work. Main
POSITION as housekeeper by German worn
man for respectable gentleman or widower
In city or country. Aaares as aui, ore
gonian. POSITION as housekeeper or cook. Gen
tleman or widower preferred. AL 4UJ
YOUNG Norwegian woman wishes place as
housekeeper in widower's home, country
preferrea. AC 4w, Oregonian.
LADY with experience would like manage
ment of apartments. Mrs. J. W. L, 800
sa st.
FIRST-CLASS compositor desires position:
10 years experience; wouia prerer woric
on straight matter. AM 396, oregonian.
WELL educated, middle-aged woman wishes
position in renned home to make herself
useful witn lighter household duties and
to assist children of school age with the
Frenoh and German languages. AE 417,
JAPANESE girl wants light housework In
small family; smaii wages, willing to learn
English. 605 Union ave.
HoME-LAUNDERED lace curtains by ex
pert, pnone xaDor Z443, o tzzi, Mrs.
WANTED A position as telephone operator
in laundry or wholesale house, Marshall
LCC PERI ENCED telephone operator wishes
position in private exchange; moderate
salary to begin with. AP 412, Oregonlah.
VERY competent woman wishes work today
and Saturday, laundering or catering;
dinners prepared. Room 9, Marshall 5107.
NTS AT, Intelligent girl desires position in
doctor's office, where stenography Is not
required. AK 412, Oregonian.
YOUNG German wants general' house-
work. West Side preferred. AR 404, Ore
gonian. COMPETENT woman wants day work to
day and Friday, Saturday. Main Slast,
Mrs. Steal. .
MIDDLE-AGED woman with 4-year-old boy
wants light housework in good family
needs a home; small wages. Main 717.
DEMONSTRATOR with lovely hair wishes
position. Taoor 3301.
WOMAN wishes to take fine laundry home
will call for and deliver. labor 4oa.
EXPERIENCED women, day work, wash
ing, Ironing, cleaning. Main iwtttf.
WASHING, Ironing, cleaning by day. Wood
lawn 2584.
WOMAN wants work day or hour, washing,
Ironing, nursing. Phone Marshall 47.
OUNG lady wishes position as manicurist
in barber snop. Marsnau roo, Apt, jiuv
WOMAN, good cook, wants housework by
the day. Room 'ii. luo inn su
LAUNDRESS wants work Fri. and Sat.; ref.
erences. Woodlawn I6ii.
MIDDLE-AGED lady, care for children b
hour or evenings. Mam Bdtss.
WOMAN wants work by the day or hour.
Call A 7300.
POSITION to work for husband's board.
room and small wages, as axi, oregonian.
GERMAN girl wants second work, good city
references. Main 7876, room "M."
COOK wants job in boarding-house or coun
try hotel. Main 26!2.
GIRL wants work by the day;
Iron; 25c hour. Tabor 1014.
WOMAN wants day work. Phone Main 4304.
LADIES or gentlemen, to sell new parlor
game Affinity; very attractive, consists
of 57 cards of men and women. In beauti
ful colors; everybody likes it; nothing
more appropriate for a present. Call or
' address Affinity Card Co., 305 Lewis bldg.,
Portland, Or., or send 60 cents for samples
and terms to agents.
WANT to rent houso for rooming-house,
well located; must be cheap. Address AT
410, Oregonian.
S OR 6-llOOM modern house or bungalow,
1..0 to $30 per mo. Good diet. At once.
O 3 J, oregonian.
Booms With Board.
WsUUTJaU llsA WVllI IUUAU MUM U , wia -
man family preferred, B 401, Orego
Furnished Booms.
207 4th. 2U4 4th,
Nlcsly furnished rooms, homelike, re
spectable. cietn and mouern: hot and cold
watr, private baths; Summer rates. $3
per ween and up; special atttmtlou given
to tourists; give us a call; you will like
it, for you gat your money's worth and
then some.
FOR Y. M. C. A. MEMBERS furnish
rooma reasonable In price; fireproof build
lng, vacuum cleaned, shower baths, swim
ming pool, club facilities; special rates a:
rBfHiria and loO other features. Full par
ticulars at business office, cor. 6th and
Taylor sts.
11th. between Morrison and Yamhill Re
rmiu ntKin,,! hv'v mnfiprn convenience
plenty of hot water and heat; beautiful
Iobbv; rates 14 week and up: with private
bath, $5.50 week and up; transient rates.
75c and up. Free phone. Alain
FOR Y". M. C A. MEMBERS Furnished
rooms, reasonable in price; fireproof ouna
In at vacuum cleaned shower baths, elut
facilities; special rates at cafeteria. Full
particulars at business office, cor. 6th and
)iayior sts.
HOTEL SAVON, 181 Eleventh street New
modern brick buiiaing, steam-tie a tea, pri
vate baths, hot and cold water, comfort
ably f urnisnea ; transients soacitea.
YOUNG man, room In at Y. M. C. A., wants
roommate to reauce rooming expenses.
Inquire Y. M. C. A., cor. ttth ana rayior.
MADRAS HOTEL, 12th and Washington-
Rooms $3 week; private bath fa ween
corner front suite $0 week.
THE LARRABEE, 227 ft Larrabee Rooms,
f 2 week up; bricK building, steam neat,
hot, cold water, bath, phone, electricity.
HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, 652 Washington.
feleicantlv located, new. ail moaern conven
iences; dally, weekly, monthly; $2.50 wit, up
YOUNG man, rooming at Y. M. C. A., wants
roommate to reauce rooming expenses, la
qttlre Y. M. C A., cor. 6th and Taylor.
HOTEL EDWARDS. Grand ave.. E. Belmont
rooms $12 mo, up; $22.50 and up witn
bath; absolutely respectable. East 323.
Strictly modern; private baths, rooms
$3.50 per week up. Main 94 2, A 4783.
THE BEVERLY, Para and Yamhill Rocmi
.. to j a weeK' transients, uuo sua a
nice and quiet place.
Nicely furnished rooms, day or week.
AN exceptionally nice furnished bay window
room, xne uezenaori Apis., .tjo j.uui hi.
Fumifheu Rooms in Private t-aniily.
ROOMS in prlvat famllltes; we maintain
a descriptive 11st, giving a wide range 01
choice, and can place you In Just what
you want. Call and see us now. no charge.
CLA KH.1 1A.L, .til Li. II, A L,
1015 Chamber of Commerce, Main 4030.
SUNN1DE Pleasant corner room ; sleep
ing porch If iljblroa; house thoroughly
modern; furnace heat, private family; gen
tleman preferred. 119 East 33d, corner
Alder. Tabor 1170.
2 LARGE, light front rooms, nice neighbor.
noa. moaern conveniences, price reason
able. For particulars about meals phone
iast is.
TWO furnished rooms with board cheap;
gas and furnace heat, with oath, i tt
Wuimby st. Marshall 6SP6.
LARGE furnished clean front room suit
able for one or two, in private family;
close in. 448 W. Park. Phone Marsnau ioe.
TWO nicely furnished, bright rooms; house
Keeping li required ; every convenience;
moaern home, 265 13th st.
WITHIN 6 blocks of P. O., hot and cold
water, 16 per montn; Rosa nena Apis.
Very nice. Marshall 12M7.
TWO well furnished rooms, heat, for people
employed; reasonable. Call C beiore
1 and after 6 P. M.
LARGE airy front room for one or two
modern and all home privileges; walk
ing distance. Go East 8th North.
NICELY furnished room; homelike, clean,
modern; furnace heat, bath, phone elec
tric lights, reasonable. 4 North 16th.
L'RNISHED rooms for rent In private fam
ily; walking distanco irom n.ast fciue;
home privileges. East 5325
NICELY furnished room, $10 month, walk
ing distance, private family. 320 West
BRIGHT, cosy room, two windows, conven
ient to bath- close in, reasonable. 6s6
Everett street
STEAM-HEATED furnished room; electric
lights, bath, phone; reasonably. 565
Gllsan st.
NICELY furnlsned front room, very close
in and reasonable, 211 12th st.
WANT three girls to share home with dress
maker. Main 8024.
SINGLE sleeping rooms, heat, phone and
bath. 221 13th st.
LINCOLN HIGH SCHOOL students can find
nice rooms, reasonable. 408 Broadway.
THREE neatly furnished sleeping rooms for
rent. 75t Irving.
Di-cliiABLB room, every convenience.
5o4, Dezendorf Apts., 2QS 16th.
NEWLY furnished rooms, tk1 5th su, cor.
$1 5-0 WEEK Clean and neat room,
12th st.
LARGE front room ; good heat, plenty of
hot water; walking distance. Obi Giluan.
Booms W ith Board.
American and European plan; near City
Park; convenient to carllne.
Washington at 23d at
Residential and Tourist Hotel.
Attractive rates to permanent and tran
sients. Main 7564.
BEAUTIFUL, newly furnished rooms, 2 In a
room, separate oeas 11 aesirea, attractive
home, choice location, only 6 minutes to
business district ; excellent table, large
parlor with piano for guests; terms rea
unable. Phone Marshall 3073. 311 11th.
Meal patronage solicited.
886 Montgomery su, at West Park Mod
em conveniences; rooms with or without
bath; excellent table service; .oaonabls
rates for regular and transient guests.
14th and Jefferson Sts.
An exclusive residential hotel; attractive
rates to transients or permanent guests.
Main 0283, A 66S.
A residential hotel; large sun porch f
rooms with or witnout batns; nome cook
ing Table board a specialty.
452 MORRISON, cor. 13th Outside rooms,
modern conveniences; walking distance;
board optional.
Cosy r
Cosy rooms, with bath; board if de-
sired; attractive rates. 710 Wash. M. 8651.
LARGE, newly furnished rooms, with board,
suitable for 2 or more; separate beds;
piano, home comforts. 191 11th. Main 6331.
PORT L A N D" W OM EN'S UNION, 2tUh yar.
rooms with board, use of sewing-room, li
brary. 510 Flanders Mrs. E. N. Wilson, Sup
THE HAEI. Now changed to family hotel.
Special Summer rates, strictly home cook
ing. 883 Sd st. Phone Main 7094.
CHOICE rooms, single and double, first
class table; very reasonable. 83 N. 17th.
SINGLE and double rooms; good board: rea
sonable rates. 554 Couch, cor. 17th.
Rooms with Board in Private Family. "
YOUNG widow would like two congenial
business women to share room and to
board; home artistically furnished and
large garden. 109 East 12th. Phone Eust
WIDOW with refined, private, modern home,
steam heat, wishes one or two business
men to room, or room and board, close in.
L 387, Oregonian.
FOR RENT, with board, nicely furnished
front room, moaern; fst for one; rates ror
two. 695 Davis, near 21st. Phone Mar
shall 3S47.
LARGE, newly furnished rooms, with board,
suitable ror a or raori; Bepanti. dbub,
also sleeping porch, a. no, home com
forts. 191 11th. Main 0381.
ROOM and board In Southern family; home
cooking; waiKing distance, west aiae.
Phone Marshall 5i24.
WANTED Children to care for at our
home. Address Mrs. Mary Vollum, Forest
Grove. Or. For references call Main 590$
LARGE room with board, suitable for 8 or
4 men; nome cook ing, running water,
eteam heat. 4S5 Yamhill.
LARGE room, running water, best board.
centrally located, reasonaDie, gentlemen
only. 291 West Park, near Jefferson.
SLEEPING poroh, warm dressing room.
home coo King, waiKing aistance. 01 Triu
Ity Place
241 N. 2.2D, good room and board.
ROOMS, walking distance, board optional.
209 14th. Main 3393.
YOUNG lady wants room mate; good board.
home comforts. Mam 63S1.
HOME cooking, 8 meals dally, outside
rooms, path; $5 week up. Zb4 Main su
Rooms With lard In Private Family.
1EaLT1FL'L, newly furnished rooms, 5 in a
room, sep urate beds if desired, attractive
homo, choice location, only 6 minutes to
business district; excellent table, large
parlor with piano for guests; terms rea
sonable. Phone Marshall 8073. 811 Uth.
Meal patronae solicited.
KOOM and board In private family for man
and wife. Call at 245 ftlst stu
GOOD rooms and board, modern, close in.
4 72 Salmon St. Marshall i'i'tZ.
PLEASANT front room, with or without
- board, use of piano. 801 10th.
WANTED Child to care for. Tabor 40WQ.
THE BARKERT cor. 21st and Irving sts.
This new four-story brick now open; fur
nished and unfurnished In 2, 8 and 4
room suites; reception hall, electrlo auto
matic elevator, Holmes disappearing beds,
built-in buffet and rltlng dwsk. gas
range. Ice box, plenty of closet rooms;
both phones, vacuum cleaner free to pa
tron If you want something nl'e, come to
the Barker. Phone A 1744, Marshall 2961.
Situated on Lucretla st.,- 100 feet north
of Washington st In an orn court in
the best residence district, within walk
In. distance; finest unfurnished apart
ments, 2 to 3 rooms. See them before lo
cating; rates reasonable; references. Man
ager, Marshall 1513; janitor. Marshall
, Corner Tenth and Salmon Sta
Walking Distance,
Furnished complete, 2, 8 and 4 -room
apartments; building new and strictly
modern; service first-class.
12th and Taylor.
Most modern apartments on the Paclfla
Coast. Furnished complete.
Roof garden in connection.
Walking distance. References.
CUMBERLAND, W. Park and Columbia sts..
very choice 2 and 8 -room completely iur
nlshed apts., all modern conveniences,
beautiful location facing the parks; 5 min
utes' walk from buslm-as center. We al
ways maintain our reputation for first
class, clean apts., with best of service, at
reasonable prices; references required.
5-story, fireproof bid., 01 2 and 8-roera
apts., automatic elevator, balconies, tile
bathrooms and all the latest improve
ments. Rates $25 to ?40 month.
(Formerly the WheeMon.
Corner Park and Taylor.
Modern apartments In 2. 8 and 4-room
suites; furnished complete; first-class
In down-town district, but quiet.
Fifth and Columbia,
2 and 8 -room apartments furnished:
strictly modern and new; references; close
walking distance : service first-class.
DESIRAliLE 3-room apartmnnt or 4 rooms
furnished or unfurnishe'a, arranged ior a
bedrooms; very reasonable rent; desirable
location, good service, outside rooms, pri
vate bath, direct phone. SHEFFIL1.D
APARTMENTS. 272 Uroadway. cur. Jed n.
THE WASHINGTON, 6M Northrup 4-room
unfurnished apartment, witn oatn ana an
modern conveniences, telephone, steam
heat, gas. electric light, eta Take W car
to 21st and Northrup. Phones Main 4376,
A 11 3X
KARRI MAN APTS-, 104 N. 24th st. Now la
the time to get busy if you really want
to secure something nice for the Winter!
most desirablu, all modern, 8 or 4 -room
partly lurniahed apts. References. Main
GRANDEST A East Stark and Grand ave.j
new building, niceiy furnlsned; private
phones and baths, automatic elevatorj
moderate prices; walking distance. Phone
East 2u8.
FOR KENT Four-room completely fur
nished apartment, Including Vteher pianola
and Oriental rugs; all outside rooms;
northeast face. Rose Friend Apartments,
Marshall 144J3, 871.
NEW YORK APTS., nicely furnished, very
central, 2 and 3 rooms, large kitchens,
baths, heat, light and both phones, $16
lo $25 per month ; also sleeping rooms.
East 7th and Belmont.
E K the Overton Apartments, furnished and
unruruisiiea, cheapest and best in tne city;
private phone, bulb and electric elevator;
no Inside rooms; new manatcer. Take
'W" car 273 21st and Overton.
North 2nh and Northrup Sts.
Homelike furnished 3 and 4 -room apart,
ments; outside rooms; balcony to every
suite; all conveniences; ref. phone M. 117b
CD N. 2:id St,
For rent, one 6-room apartment, all
modern conveniences. Call between 10 and
4 o'clock, apartment 4.
841 14th st., at Market.
New, two and threo-rouiu apartments,
completely furnished ; walking distance j
prices reasonable, phone Main 1739.
WESTFAL APTS., 410 5th. bet. Harrison
and Hall. Lowest rent in Portland for
what Is offered; o rooms and bath from
$25 up. Call and Investigate bsrors lo
cating elsewhere.
All outside 2-room fur. apts.; low rates
Include free light, heat, private phone.
"S" or loth-st. car south. Main 1377.
Park St., at Madison.
Modem 3 and 4-roorn rurnishod apart
ments by the week or month.
New, modern furnished 2-room apts.;
bath, phones, dreebing-room, tine location.
110 N. 21st t. Mar. 4141. W. car.
LIVING-ROOM, kitchen, bath, dlsnppearlng
bed, phone, heat, water, elec. llKhts, hard
wood floors, furnished, $1 S month. Port
nomah Apts., East 13th and Taylor.
East 7th and Morrison sts. Very central;
2 and 3-room apartments, furnished com
plctely; private baths; room $JQ to $21.50.
East 14th and Stark, opposite Washing
ton High School; fine new 3-room fur
nished apartments; references.
BEL LA H APTS. 3 rooms, modern, neatly
furnished apartments, steam heat; rent
$13 to $25. Skldmore and Union. Phone
Woodlawn 3529.
3 LAHGE room furnished apt. $22.50. In
cluding table and bed linen; save $15 per
month ; on carllne, with private phone
and bath. East 1322.
MEREDITH Modern, new.y renovated 4
room apartments $32.50 and up; good Jan
itor service; walking distance; references.
712 Washington, opp. 22d. Main 7184.
THE WINDSOR APTS., 8 or 4 rooms, steam
heat, private bath; nothing nicer or more
homelike anywa.r,; reasonable rent, walk
ing distance. Corner K. 14th and Yamh.ii.
12th and Harrison 2 and S-room apart
menta; best service. Apply on premises.
Furnished and unfurnished apartments.
414 11th st. Marshall 1171.
JULIAETTE, 2d and Montgomery; Iris, 3d
and Mill 2, 4 and 5 rooms; private
phones; 2 ruomc, furnished or unfurnished.
BEECH Apartments, 7H3 Williams avenue.
Phone Woodlawn 1790; 2 large, pleasant
rooms; reasonable rent.
PORTLAND HEIGHTS Exclusive apart
ment o. 5 rooms, unfurnished and fur
nlshed bungalow. Main 1H95.
WALDORF COURT, Irvlngton, E. Utfc and
Schuyler su Five-room unfurnished.
East 547. c ieea
BANNER Apartments, 49 Clay sU Modern
2 rooma. completely furnished, $16 $18
and $20. Marshall 274.
Front corner -room suite, uniurnisnea.
Apply at once.
MAYO APTS., Union avenue North, neaj
Uroadway; new, moaern 3-room unfur
nished apartments, phone East 920.
FOU R-ROOM steam-heated apartment;
modern, exclusive., cottei urug Co., lit
and Sherman.
New, 2-room apts., li;ht and gas In
eluded; $15 up 2M Porter st. Mnin 7292.
LUZERNF Clean, cosy, 2-room furnished
apartment; moaern, 8 minutes irom P o.,
brick building, reasonable. Marshall 4637.
Beautiful apartments, lurnttlied and un
furnished. Including fireplace, etc. E. 8506.
THE MARLBOROUGH, Nob Hill district
t-MX-ruoiu upanmeut, every convenience,
phone Main 7516.
BRUCH APTS., 25th and Northrup; 6-room
apartment; large, light rooms, excellent
location. Phont Marshall 1428, A 8179.
FLORENCE, 888 11th; 8-room front apart
ment, fine furniture, complete. Including
piano; 840.
KING DAVIS APTS., 54 N. King: 8 and 4
room high-class; references. Main 2088.
5-ROOM apt., completely furnished; Orace
Apts., 24th and Northrup.
THE LAL'KBTTE Furnished 8-room apart
ment; private bath and phone. 229 11th.
THE LEONCE 18(1 N. 22d ; 3-room
ntBhed front apts. Marshall 2250.
1HE DA YTON Comfortably lumfshml mod
ern 4-mom apt,, only $2.V W2 Flanders.
THE LEONARD, 8-room apartments, mod
ern outside room's. 663 East Main.
DIEL APTS.. 700 B. Ankeny, three room
newly furnished and modern. East 1808.