Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 02, 1913, Page 13, Image 13

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I Club and will be submitted to Com-J
as indicated on the map that has been
3?: Green Trading Stamps Given on Charge Accounts if Paid in Full on or Before October 10th
Exclusive Portland Agents for Richardson's Table Linens Monarch, Derby and Fownes Gloves "Merode" Underwear
prepared, provide for the following:
Fifty miles on -the East Side running
eastward from Grand avenue; 25 miles
of cross-town carllnes c-verlng about
six of such lines running north and
south; 25 miles belt lines on East and
West Sides. Estimating the cost of
the 100 miles, the cost is placed at $4,-
Standard C e n t ral
Needle Sewing Ma
chines sold on the
$L00-a-week easy
payment club plan.
Department located
on the second floor.
Manicuring and
LTair Dressing Par
lors on the second
floor. Prompt serv
ice and reasonable
prices. Expert oper
ators in attendance.
000,000. L. M. Lepper, who drew the
map and plans, said yesterday that the
routes indicated are tentative and can
be changed as may be desired.
Industry Urged as Remedy
During Survey of Morals in
Public Schools.
In a communication to Commissioner
Daly, Mr. Lepper sets forth that the
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
time is rloe for a munlcioal-owned rail
way system that will cover the city
and reach the Industries now estab
lished and others to be established in
Olds. Wor ttnan Sc King
THe Heart e
A of the E
Retail a
Passion for Dress Decried by Edu
cator in Speech Before Rescue
Society Fate of Immoral
Men Also Is Discussed.
Morals in the public schools and. the
moral value of the parent-teacher or
ganizations were the subjects discussed
at the afternoon session of the Pacific
Coast Rescue and Protective Society's
institute yesterday at the First Meth
odist Church.
"Is It right to raid an Immoral house,
haling the women to court and letting
the men go free?" Circuit Judge Mc
Ginn and David F. Morrison gave stir
ring addresses on this subject in the
evening and much discussion followed.
George A. Tbacher and Mrs. Millie
Trumbull spoke on "Shall the city es
tablish a detention home for its in
ebriates, drug fiends and vagrants?"
Much of the afternoon meeting was
given over to a discussion of the value
of the Bible In the public schools, but at
the reminder of the chairman. Rev. Del
mer H. Trimble, the volunteer speakers
who were getting away from the sub
ject had to let some of their views go
Spirit Declared Restless.
Professor Arthur Evans Wood, of
Reed College, gave an address in which
some of his main points were: "There
Is a growing spirit of restlessness and
tendency to lawlessness among the
youth of the country dissatisfaction
is a result, and Industrial education is
a remedy; children are good under the
Influence of a good teacher; teach
civics and community welfare; give a
practical education that will Interest
the boys and girls. If they are in
terested they probably will have less
desire to get into mischief and bad
Superintendent I R. Alderman said
in part in his address. "Instill into the
minds of the children the principals of
right living. I plead for the co-operation
of the parents and the return to
tne family circle. Let us come to such
an appreciation of children that we will
like them so well we will be willing to
live with them, to enter Into their
games, to plan home entertainment for
them and be their chums."
Paaalon for Dress Enemy.
H. H. Herd man, principal of Wash
ington High School, spoke of the value
and help of the parent-teacher circles,
and urged that they be established in
every school as a means of bringing
tne school and the home together for
the benefit of the child. He named the
blighting passion for dress as one of
the worst enemies that the parents and
teachers had to consider.
Mrs. W. I Hawkins, ex-president of
the parent-teacher associations of
Portland, gave a talk on the good ef
fects resultant from the establishment
;-. 5: v." :.'v v:' .."( A -:r ' .-.. '1
Thomas Moran.
The funeral services of Thomas
Moran, a pioneer marine engi
neer who died September 26,
were conducted Tuesday at St.
Francis Church. Mr. Moran was
72 years of age and was a native
of County Galway, Ireland. He
had been a resident of Portland
for 43 years. His business was
that of a marine engineer, and
he was on ships running be
tween New York and Liverpool.
He is survived by the following
children: Mrs. Lynlff, Long
Beach, Wash,: Mrs. J. M. Long,
Sauvies Island; Mrs. Margaret
Smith, Oakland, CaX; John
Moran, San Francisco. His wife
died two years ago.
the future. A date Is asked when a
hearing may be had on the subject.
At Special Adjourned Sleeting
City Commission Today Krafi
cblse Question. Up.
After weeks of Investigation City
Commissioner Daly, head of the Depart
ment of Public Utilities, yesterday
reached a final agreement with Presi
dent Griffiths, of the Portland Rail
way, Light & Power Company, as to
of the organizations, and named them the route of the cross-town street car-
as a moral Influence In the community. I'ne which is to be built on the East
The evening meeting was brimful of Side to connect Up parallel lines.
spice and argument. When Mr. Morrl- The new line will start on East Twen
son had finished his address and had I ty-f ourth and Broadway and extend on
scored the sowlng-of-wlld-oats system Twenty-fourth to Halsey street: on
now tolerated by society in its leniency Halsey from East Twenty-fourth to
witn men, ana arter judge McGinn had aast -i weniy-eignm; .cast u-weniy-said
that the fine system and the haling eighth from Ankeny to Stark; Stark
of the Immoral women Into the courts from East Twenty-eighth to East
were all wrong and that the punish
ment and raids were all of no account.
Municipal Judge Stevenson and Juve
nile Judge Gatens gave their opinions.
and there was a lively discussion.
Suppression la Advocated. '
Judge Stevenson spoke of the neces
sity of treating the cases in the courts
as under the present conditions the
elimination or tne court would be sen
timentality gone to seed."
"We must suppress the social evil,"
Judge Stevenson said, "so that it will
be so afraid to appear that it will as
sume at least a semblance of respect
ability." Judge Gatens declared that there
should be less talk about the fallen
women and more work done to protect
the girls who are in danger. He said
the quasi-respectable woman is the
Twenty-ninth; East Twenty-ninth from
Stark to Hawthorne; on Dekum avenue
from Thirteenth to Twenty-fourth.
This routing is changed considerably
from the original routing asked for by
the streetcar company, Mr. Daly having
required the straightening of the route
so as to serve a greater territory and
make a more direct route connecting
up the northeast and the southeast sec
tions of the-city.
At a special adjourned meeting- of the
City Commission - this morning the
cross-town franchise asked for by the
company will be up for consideration.
The ordinance will be gone over, a val
uation fixed and the measure sent up
for advertising. It will be about two
months after it is advertised before it
can be passed. In the interim there
will be a public hearing at which all
great danger of the age. Then he ex- persons interested will te given an op-
plained his attitude in oDDOsltion to poriunuy 10 explain tneir views.
the morals court bill, which he declared
.n n I rr . A n wnmA, V... ... V.
the men. Mr. Morrison discussed the FRESHMEN AT REED ELECT
points luriner ana otner speaaers took
sides, making the hour the liveliest of Representatives on Athletic Council
ine two aays institute. I
Mrs. Millie Trumbull and Georee A. Are Yet to Be Chosen,
Thacher gave views on the establish
ment of a farm for inebriates, drug! At a meeting of the freshman class
fiends and vagrants. The supervision at Reed College yesterday the follow
of such an institution should, they lng officers were elected for the year:
agreed, be under a person especially Clarence Young, president; Miss
trained and fitted for the work. Emma du Bruille, vice-president; Miss
Marguerite Gross, secretary; Miss Elsa
I Clair, assistant secretarv. and Paul
Houck, president of the student coun
cil. The freshmen have yet to elect
their representatives on the athletic
council. Paul Rlttenberg was elected
athletic manager yesterday.
John T. Canright Takes Cp Duties
as City OrflclaL
John T. Canright was yesterday ap
pointed deputy city sealer of weights
and measures to take the place of B. F.
Jones, who was appointed at the close
of the Rushlight administration. The
appointment of Mr. Jones was made
pending a Civil Service examination to
secure an eligible list from which to
make a permanent appointment. In
the examination Mr. Canright won first
Mr. Canright, who has had consid
erable experience In the handling of
weights and measures, took the posi
tion yesterday.
Sellwood Board of Trade Not
Complain of Service.
After listening to the report of a spe
cial committee appointed to Investigate I
the proposed Yamhill streecar loop, the
Sellwood Board of Trade last night at
its regular meeting decided to enter no
protest against the loop.
The committee, through its chairman.
W. M. LaForce. reported that it had
called on President Griffith, of the
streetcar company, and found that dur
ing the rush hours there passed over
the bridges each hour zoo cars over the
Hawthorne, 120. over the Morrison, 106
over the Burnside, 60 over the Steel
and 96 over the Broadway.
Devoted to optics.
Ajways reliable.
If ears of experience.
Thousands of references
CITY-OWNED ROAD PLAN Office most modern.
L. M. Lepper Draw, Vp Map and examinalion charge.
r luiia lur ruruaiiu oiuuy.
Tentative plans for 100 miles of mu
nicipally-owned electric broad-gauge
railways for Portland have been pre
pared by the East Side Business Men's
508-9 Swetland Building, Fifth and
Washington, Fifth Floor.
Fifth-Street Entrance.
Important News for Thursday -Read Every Word!
Unusual Opportunities for Quick Money Saving in All Departments of the Store
Women's and Misses' Fall Coats
$20 and $28.50
Garment Salons, Second Floor Of course we 6how others
much higher in price, but for service and looks none are
better values than these. They are made up in the very
newest Fall modes some in cutaway effects with fancy
collars, revers and cuffs, others in full-length styles trimmed
with velvet and plush collars, etc. .Materials include zibel
ines, astrachan, chinchilla, boucle and other popular rough
weaves in a magnificent line of seasonable shades, including
new browns, blues, reds, tan, taupe, etc.; also striped and
checked novelties in great variety. All sizes (POO Zfh
for women, misses, juniors. Priced 20 to P0
New Tailored Suits $15.00
Second Floor' Made from all-wool materials serges, tweeds
and novelty mixtures with exactly the same high quality
tailoring you expect to find in Suits sold at a great deal
higher price. Attractive new Fall models in., cutaway and
belted effects, trimmed with self-covered buttons, velvet and
satin collars, etc. Skirts in plain or draped effects. Splen
did showing of the most wanted shades in gray, navy, brown,
also novelty mixtures in brown and white, navy and white, and
black and white. Unusually good value in fl t CT ff
these handsome Suits. All sizes. Priced' p
Tailored Suits for $25.00
Suit Salons, Second Floor Examine the materials, the tai
loring, the style and the finish of these Suits and you will
quickly see wherein they differ from the ordinary $25.00
Suit. At this popular price you may choose from scores of
new Fall models in serges, diagonals, tweeds, matelasse,
Bedford cords, cheviots and other fabrics in new shades of
brown, navy, mahogany, Hague blue, etc. Novelty backs and
cutaway effects. Skirts in peg top, draped or plain tailored.
All sizes for women and misses, in any CfOC? fif
number of attractive new models for Fall
Women's $4, $5 Footwear
Main ' Floor Today
will be a good time to
supply the Winter Foot
wear needs while you have
the chance to do so at a rare saving. Over 1500
pairs women's high-grade Shoes, black velvets with
cravenette tops, brown ooze and nubucks, willow
and Russia calf in tans and gunmetals, black calf
with mat kid tops, vici kid and many other leathers.
All this season's most fashionable Footwear. NOT
ment of all sizes and widths in the d C o r-
and $5.00 Shoes, pair paW.OO
regular $4.00 and $5.00 Shoes, pair
$1.50 Felt and Crocheted Slippers, 98c
Men's $2.50 House Slippers, $1.69
Bargain Circle, First Floor "Wom
en's regular $1.50 crocheted and
felt Slippers in all the wanted col
ors, neatly trimmed with ribbons
or fur. Good, flexible soles and low
heels. Comfortable for wear about
the -house. All sizes. The QQn
regular $1.50 grades, now CI
Bargain Circle, First Floor Spe
cial one-day sale of men 's $2.00
and $2.50 leather House Slippers.
Opera, Everett styles in tan
or ' black leathers. Good quality
leather soles and heels. Take ad
vantage of this. All J "1 JQ
sizes. Priced now at P
S. & H.;Green
Stamps given with
all purchases of 10c
or over. Ask for them
Dainty New Waists
Special $2.95
Second Floor1 An exceptional bargain in
dainty new "Waists. Many attractive styles
in Voiles, Lingerie and Cotton Crepes,
striped, . with high or low necks and long
or short sleeves, trimmed with Cluny, Val.,
Shadow Laces, Net and Lace Yokes, fine
tucks, net plaitings and embroidery. See
these pretty "Waists at your PO QCJ
first opportunity. Special f"
Regular $2.50 Gowns
Special $1.79
Second Floor Women's Flannelette
Gowns in white and neat figured effects.
Good grade material, trimmed with frogs,
braids, pajama front, all sizes. Also wom
en's extra heavy Flannelette Pajamas in
white and colors. Have frog fastenings.
These are also to be had in all sizes. The
standard $2.50 garments.
On sale, your choice at
$10 and $12 Trimmed Hats
Very Smartest of the
New Fall Shapes
Second Floor Small, medium and large
shapes in velvets, plushes, velours and felts.
Beautifully trimmed with ostrich, coque and
novelty feathers, wings, breasts, ribbons,
velvets,, etc. Trimmed Hats which sell in
the regular way at $10.00 and $12.00, of
fered for Thursday at this low price.
Come in the newest colors. JJJ i EZ
Take your Choice today at
$5 Velour Hat Shapes
Special, $1.89
Second. Floor Anothesr big shipment of
those popular Velour Hat Shapes just in by
express. Strictly high-grade, and they come
in all the most wanted Fall colors and
black. A sensational one-day sale that will
bring many women to the J? 1 O O
store today. . Reg. $5 values.
Special Sale of Kimonos
Lot 1-Special at $2.98
Lot 2-Special at $4.98
Lot 3Special at $6.98
Lot 4-Special at $9.98
Department, Second Floor We announce for today four splendid
bargains in women's Kimonos. These represent a large special purchase
and are extraordinary values at the prices quoted. Excellent quality
challies, albatross and French flannels in light and dark colors, beau
tifully trimmed with silk pipings, laces, insertions, silk bands, some with
large collars of lace and silk. Empire and loose effects with short
sleeves and low necks. The patterns and colorings are especially pretty.
A good oppodtunity to select a handsome Kimono at a great saving. A
full range of sizes to select from. S. & EL Trading Stamps with purchases.
Agents for "Victor" Gas Heaters
$7.50 and $10.50
Third Floor Victor Gas Heaters
are supreme; Owing to- the vapor
coming in contact with the flame
which produces the heat, making it
absolutely odorless (vapor never
rising above the heater) eliminat
ing that husky atmosphere which
is generally produced by using gas
in. heating. If saving of gas bills
means anything to you, let the Vic
tor warm the rooms. They come in
two sizes, and C 1 f f&mvmS&&z 'J.3&-?m
priced, y mj ana r'-v.vr .rtj.'
We also snow a complete line 01
Oil and Gas Heaters at any price
you care to pay. Step in and ex
amine our splendid assortments.
Special Sale Andirons and Fire Sets
Girls9 New Fall Coats
$5.98 and $7.25
Department, Second Floor Two special lines Children's School
Coats on sale today. Double-breasted Coat of corduroy, in
navy and brown. Smart Balkan blouse and belted styles, with
storm collars. All the new materials. Ages 6 8 C7 2
and 10 only. .They are -priced at $5.98 and H
Girls' Woolen Dresses $4.98, $5.98
Girls' Woolen Dresses in ages 6 to 14 years. Norfolk, Dorothy
and Buster styles, in good, serviceable colors for school wear.
They are neatly trimmed. Supply the children's needs now.
$5.00 Velvet Hat Shapes
Thursday at $2.29
" .......
Second Floor Be on hand early in the day
if you wish to share in this great bargain.
Very latest soft crown velvet Hat Shapes
in black only. The regular jJO OQ
$5.00, grade. On sale, special PwaWi7
Fancy Feathers, Special, 79c
Main Floor Center Circle
Center Circle, First Floor Another great
sale of fancy leathers today. All the
wanted kinds in latest novelty ef- Qr.
fects and colorings. Choice at only M Sf
Bottar-Baij! Specials
Make your dollar do its full duty! Take advantage of the many
remarkable bargains offered in the various departments for
Thursday " Dollar Day." Every item listed below is an ex
ceptional offering at the price. Only a few articles advertised.
Reg. $2.50 Motor Hoods $1.00
Reg. $1.98 Motor Veils $1.00
Main Floor Stylish new Motor
Hoods in all colors. Satin or mes-
saline, in plain or trimmed effects.
The regular $2.50 (jT f flfj
grades on sale, only r'vv
$1.50-$2 Kid Gloves, $1.00
Main Floor Odd lines women s
high-grade Kid Gloves in famous
makes. Not all colors and not all
sizes. The regular JJ 7 fifh
$1.50, $1.75 grades W
Fine Linen Handkerchiefs
$34.00 Brass Andirons, only $27.20
$32.00 Ham'd B. Andirons $25.60
$26.00 Brass Andirons, now $20.80
$25.00 Bras3 Andirons, now $20.00
$24.00 Brass Andirons, now $19.20
$23.00 Brass Andirons, now $18.40
$18.00 Brass Andirons, now $14.40
$12.50 Brass Andirons, now $10.00
$10.35 Brass Fire Sets, now $8.25
$9.75 Brass Fire Sets, only $7.80
$17.50 Brass Fire Sets, now $14.00
$19.00 Black Andirons, now $15.20
Silverware, Carving
$17.50 Black Andirons, now $14.00
$13.50 Black Andirons, now $10.60
$9.00 Black Andirons,, only $7.20
$6.50 Black Andirons, only $5.20
$4.25 Black Andirons, only $3.40
$2.90 Black Andirons, only $2.30
$7.50 Black Fire Sets, only $6.00
$6.00 Black Fire Sets, only $4.80
$5.00 Black Fire Sets, only $4.00
$6.00 Bl'k Folding F. Screens $4.95
$9.25 Bl'k Folding F. Screens $7.40
$10 Brass Folding F. Screens $8.50
Sets, Special Prices
3 for $1.00
Main Floor Women's pure linen
Handkerchiefs with dainty embroi
dered corners and initial. New wide
hem. On sale, spe- fl? f ' ff
cial today, three for P -I- W U
Women's Union Suits, $1
Main Floor Splendid weight for
Fall and Winter wear. High neck,
long and elbow sleeves. Ankle
length. All sizes. On JJ J fif
sale today, the suit, P-M-JJ
65c Hose, 2 Pairs for $1.00
Main Floor Women's extra good
quality . lisle and cotton Hose in
tan and black, light and medium
weight. On sale to- 3? J ff
day, two pairs for
Boys' Shirts, 2 for $1.00
Main Floor Boys' Shirts and
Blouses, cut full with French cuffs,
madras and mercerized cloths. Reg
ular 75o and $1.00 J flfk
grades, at 2 for W
36x72 and 36x80-inch Motor Veils,
with hemstitched and satin finished
borders. All the wanted colors are
here. The regular 1 flfk
$L93 values on sale
Sale Extraordinary
New Leather Handbags
Special, $1.00
Main Floor For today's sell
ing we place on sale a special line
of Women's high-grade Leather
Handbags at a sensationally low
price. Very newest oval shape
with fancy 3-piece Morocco leath
er front, silver or gunmetal frames,
strap handles, Moire lined with in
side coin purse. Very J? t ffi
desirable stylish bags P vW
$1.25 Flan'lette Gowns $1
Second Floor Women's Heavy
Flannelette Gowns slip-over style
with low neck and short Bleeves
also high neck and long sleeves.
Double yoke, frog trimming. Come
in white and colors, jj "f ff
all sizes, $1.25 grades P V KM
Flannelette Pajamas at $1
Second Floor Women's Flannel
ette Pajamas in good quality with
soft fleece lining. Made in stand
ard sizes and extra well finished.
Attractive patterns in light col
ored stripes. On sale
Thursday special
Men's $1.25 Rubbers $1.00
Main Floor Our entire line of
men's high-grade rubbers selling
formerly at $1.25 a fljl (f
pair; today at only r71v,v,
'Dollar Day' in Basement
Gowns, 2 for $1.00 Heavy outing
flannel Gowns for women and
misses, cut full and long. All sizes.
Regular 65c grade. j 7 ff
On sale now, 2 for P""
69c Union Suits, 2 for $1.00 Wom
en's Fall weight Union Suits of
fine ribbed white cotton, half
sleeve, ankle length. J? T ff
Comforters, $1.00 Full bed size
cotton Comforters. Good heavy
weight, filled with pure white cot
ton. Mostly dark col- f ff
ors. Extra special at W
$1.60 Flannel Shirts, $1.00 Men's
heavy flannel Shirts in navy, gray
and olive. Cut full and long and
nicely made. The CP T 11
regular $1.50 grade P-I-.lLf
All sizes. Spl, 2 for
Odds and Ends Girls9 Dresses $1
Infants' Knit Sets, Special, $1
Second Floor Odds and ' ends in
children's Wash Dresses. Light and
dark colors. Ages 2 to 14 years.
On sale for today, j M ( f
Extra special, only P-M.m W
Men's $3 Silk Shirts, Special, $1
Men's 25c O. W. K. Socks, 6Pr. $l
Main Floor Quantity limited.
Men's high-grade mercerized and
Silk Skirts, with French cuffs and
pearl buttons. Sizes JJ t ff
14 to I612, at choice KJU
Main Floor Plain tans, grays,
navy and black, Our famous '0. W.
K.'- line men's Hose." Regular
25c grade. Today, CI fkfk
special, 6 pairs for r7X,VM
Men's $1.50 Cotton Union Suits, Special Thursday, $1
Main Floor These come mostly in large sizes and in white fi T Cifi
only. Long sleeves, ankle length, form fitting, odd lines, suit P
Second Floor Infants' Knit Sets,
consisting of sacque and bonnet.
Pure white, daintily trimmed. For
today's sale they fl T I I
go, special, the set V""
Infants' Dresses, 2 for $1
Second Floor Infants' Mother
Hubbard Dresses of fine Lawn,
j'oke style, in ages 6 months to
IV2 years. On sale
special, two for only
Reg. $1.25 All-Wool Serge
at $1.00 a Yard
Main Floor 50-inch all-wool Serge
in all staple shades. A splendid
$1.25 grade, on sale Q T ftf
today at, the yard, P J