TUB OKEGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, UOTOBER 1, 1913. HOP GROWERS HOLD Not Forcing Their Crops Quiet Market. on . . . . . BEARS WOULD BREAK PRICE Firm Conditions Prevail In East and Europe, Showing Values Quot ed in This State Are Oat of Line. Hop markets are firm all over the world. except In Oregon. In this state, an enrorx la being made by short sellers to get prices down to m low level, by taking advantage oi the present lull In buying to start a selling panlo among the growers. It has not suc ceeded, however, and the growers show no sign of losing their heads. It Is true tnat a large number, of them are ready to sell Bow, but they are not forcing their hops on the market at sacrifice prices. Thera Is no reason why hops should be selling as low as 25 cents In Oregon when they are worth 40 cents and better In New York Etats and 40 and 43 cents In Eng- land. The Waterville (N. Y.) Times of September 26 reported sales of BOO to 600 bales at 40 cents and a fair-sized lot at Coooeretown brought 42 cents. The London market holds firm although the English buyers are not sending order here. Ironmonger cabled from London yi terday: "Market Is Ann but quiet. Gen eral expectation Is that prices will go higher." Continental cables are also firm. Although there Is an absence of export business on the local market. Western Washington has orders. Hugh Herren, buyer for a London house, freely offered 28 H cents In Western Washington yester day without finding sellers. A Yakima mes sage reported a 25H cent sale there. Business has not entirely ceased In Ore gon, however. Transactions are scattered. but there are enough of them to Indicate a steady 25 cent market for choice hops. Buyers are, of course, paying less for lower grades. T. A. Llvesley at Co. are reported to have bought the Ketser, Nortnesa and other lota at Silverton at 26 cents and the Whit lot of 200 bales at 23 cents. H. L. Hart paid 25 cents for two crops In the Eugene section. The Kola Nela Hop Com pany secured a carload from Talkald, of Silverton. at 26 cents. H. L. Bents has also been a recent buyer at 25 cents. WHEAT BUYERS OUT OF MARKET Regard Present Prices aa Too High, bnt Fanners Will Not Accept Leas. Most of the wheat buyers were out of the market yesterday, except at reduced prices. Farmers were not disposed to accept these local bids, and consequently trading operations were on a very moderate scale. Buyers quoted full values as 79 cents for club, 80 cents for forty-fold and 69 cents for bluestem. Oats were quiet and the market was re ported to be weak. The barley trade was also , slow. Local receipts In cars were reported by the Merchants Exchange as follows: Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay Monday 246 70 14 12 2 Tuesday 110 21 2 IS S Year ago 9S 9 S 12 61 Eeason to date. 4623 704 689 605 69 Year ago 4305 658 627 422 688 Foreign crop conditions are summarized by the Liverpool Corn Trade News as fol lows: United Kingdom The harvesting of wheat la well advanced. Supplies of native wheat are fair. France Threshing of wheat is only pro gressing slowly, aa a reult of unfavorable weather. Offerings of new wheat are mod erate and there are some complaints of poor condition. Foreign buying continues.' ' uermany oiienngs are uoeral or new wheat and thla further aervea to confirm a good outturn. Russia Threshing returns are generally satisfactory, both regarding quantity and quality. Arrivals at the porta for shipment are large. The outlook for corn as regards quality la favorable. Houmanla The weather la clear and warm, favoring threshing and also the corn crop. Arrivals of wheat at the ports show a good Increase. The International Institute of Bome estimates the wheat crop at 68,000,- 000 bushels (last year 86,000,000 bushels). Bulgaria The Institute of Rome estimates the wheat crop at 60.000,000 bushels (last year 44,000,0 0 0 bushels). This estimate Is believed to be too optimistic. Hungary The weather Is more favorable for corn, it being clear and warmer and the outlook for this crop Is more hopeful. India There are no reports of rain In the drouthy regions and wheat Is held very firmly. Australia Our agent cables that the re cent rains have raised the crop prospects 10 per cent. KLICKITAT VALLEY WHEAT MOVED I Eighty Per Cent of Crop Has Been Hauled to Market. GOLDENDALE. Wash., Sept. 20. (Spe cial.) Local warehousemen estimate that 80 per cent of the 1911 grain crop of the Klickitat Valley has been hauled to market Klickitat wheatgrowers have been firm hold ers for higher prices and very little wheat has been sold since the slump in the grain market about the time harvest started. R. D. Sunderland, secretary of the Farmers' Union at Goldendale, says that about one half of the wheat tributary to Goldendale " - cvuincuu oexore narvest at 70a per ousnel all around. Very little wheat was contracted In the Centervllle section. A few thousand baga were marketed during the flurry about the middle of September, when pre-harvest prices were quoted for a day or a two, but most wheatgrowers thought that ' th advanead nrlna at (hat llm, l..,, ... m - ...... auubtau a rising market and declined to sell. Con tracted wheat has been rushed to tide water as fast as cars could bs obtained, and warehousemen at Goldendale have had plenty of floor space to handle the crop with this year's. Prices quoted today are: Forty-fold. 69c; club, 68c; red, 670. College hybrid wheat Has displaced lorty-roid as the leading 1 rlety grown In the Klickitat Valley, with red hybrid the favorite among most wheat- growers. Seeding of Fall grain, which has been in progress since September 1. was completed Saturday and followed by a heavy rain throughout the valley on Sunday, which will give It an excellent start. IRUIT RECEIPTS ARE NOT HEAVY Prices Are Steady With Moderate Local Demand. Fruit receipts -were light yesterday, but were sufficient for the day's trade. Prices on the whole were steady and unchanged- Concord grapes were In better supply than on tne preceding day, and sold freely at 16 016 cents. California Tokays and other! iwi-io jauuoj is pasuup poo u ejeat auot Peaches cleaned up readily, Oregon, bring ing 40 40 cents and Yakima Elbertas 60 0 ti cents. California clings sold at 75 cents. A large shipment of Hawaiian pineapples was received and tharr were quoted at 7 cents a pound. The steamer brought an as sortment ot sprouts, artichokes and other Southern vegetables. A car of Netted Gem potatoes arrived from Yakima and they ware put on sale at 1 cents a pound. Country Produce Sells Well. All Unas of country produce sold at former prices. Ordinary hens brought .14614 cents, but large hens were worth a half cent more, because of the Jewish holiday. This demand, however, was quickly sat- isfled. Dressed meats neld fairly steadv. Egg receipts were small and no difficulty was rouna in ootaining top prices on fresh stock. Tbs butter and cheese markets were firm. Bank Clearings. Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities yesterday ware as follows: Clearing: Balances. Portland $1.63,200 $263,226 lKttl. 2.213. 0S1 Tacomt $30.55$ Snokana 643.654 I - - z - - . . . Portland euK clearings in oeptemoer as follows: September, 1913 $54.SJ7,s September, 1912 61,981,844 September, 1911 49.691,219 septemoer, llo v n,vo,oia September, 1909 $4,367,007 I'OBTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS. Grain, Floor, Feed, Eta. WHEAT Track prices: Club. 7879e: bluestem. 8S4iuc: lorty-lold. 80c: red rus- lil,n 77fr78c: vallflv. 80c KLOUH fatenta. per Daxroi; I .trait-hra. I4-10: exnorta. Z3.E5I98.70: Val- mi. , V . K' w. w, w uw.w rw,B, , whIta. 125 B0ffl28 Mr ton. CORN Whole, $3": cracked. $38 per ton. MILLSTUFFS Bran. S22 per ion; shorts. $24 per ton; middling.. SSI par Inn. BARLEY Feed. $25 per ton; brewing. 12li2rt 5ft- rolled. 12S029. HAY Fancy Eastern Oregon timotnj, n 16; timothy and clover. 1415: timothy and alfalfa. 1121314: alfalfa. 112: clover $.6010 oat and vetch, 110011; cheat, tit 011; valley grain nay, iigyu. Fruits and Vegetables, Local lobblnr Quotations: TROPICAL. FKU1TS oranges. $4,500 tier box: lemons. (8.5009 per bos: pins- I apples, 7o per pound; bananas, 4 is So per yuunu. ONIONS Oregon and Walla Walla, 21.50 per sack. VEGETABLES Beans. 894c per pound; cabbage. lo Per pound: cauliflower. $2percrate; corn, 1015c dozen; cucumbers. 20040c per box: eggplant. 697a per pound; head lettuee. HA A 411a tier dozen: Deas. StvTti Der nound: DeDDera. 5ti27c Der pound: rad ishes. 10012c per dozen: tomatoes. 1080o per oox; garlic, loo per pouna; sprouts, iuo per pound: artichokes. $1.25 per dozen; squash, l&c per pound; pumpkins, 134o per pound; celery, 4UtQt.oc per aozen. POTATOES Oregon. $1.00 per nunureo; buying price, 75385c at shipping points: sweet potatoes, $202.25 per crate. GREEN FRUIT Apples, 60c 0 $2.00 per box: cantalouDea. $1.5001.75 Der crate; peaches, 40 0 70a per box; plums, 80 0 500 per box; pears, $101.50 per box; grapes, 70c $1.25 per crate, 158 160 per basket; eaaabaa, $1.73 per dozen; cranberries, $9 per barrel. Dairy ana Country Produce). T.oeai lohhlna Quotations: POULTRY Hens, 14014Ho: springs, ITc; turkeva. live. 20022c dressed, nominal; durka. 12015a: a-eese. 12 S 12 Wo. EGGS Oregon xren raucn, canaico, aoiy Sfla Der dozen. CHEESE Oregon triplets, no; jjasies. 17 He: Younr Americas. 18a, BUTTER Oregon creamery putter euDea, 84o per pooed: butter law aeuverea, sg per pound. PORK Fancy, 11 012c per pouna. VEAL Fancy. 16 0160 per pound. Staple orocertea, Local lobbing quotations: SALMON Columbia River, one-pound talla 12.25 Der dozen: half-pound flats. sl.40: one-pound flats. $2.45: Alaska, pink. one-pound tails, 85c; sllversldea, one-pound talis, zi.xo. HONEY Choice. 13.25 0 3.73 per case. NUTS Walnuts. 180 per pound; Brazil nuts. 12U615o: filberts. 1515Uo: almonds. too; peanuts, 505ttc; cocoanuta, 8Oc0$l per dozen: chestnuts, no per pouna; mck- orynuts, SffllOo; pecans, 17c; pine. 17tt02Ua BEANS small wnite. 0c; large waits. Ettc; Lima. 6.80c; pink. 4.15c; Mexican, 5o: bayou. 4.1&C EI.GAK Fruit and berry. 83.65: Honolulu plantation, $3.60; beet. $3.45; extra C, $5.15; powdered, barrels, 5.90; cubes, barrels. $6.05. UOfT E1B Roasted, in arums, iboszo per pound. SALT Granulated. 814 per ton; hair- ground 100s, $10.25 per ton; 50a, $11 per ton; dairy, $12.50 per ton. KICK No. 1 Japan, BtfSUo: cheaper grades. 4tto: Southern head. 5oee. DRIED FRUITS Apples, 10c per pound: apricots. 12014c: Beaches. 8011c: crunea Italians, 8010c: silver. 18c; figs, white and black, 614 0ic; currants, vfec; raisins, loose Muscatel, 814, 01 Mo; Dieacnea, laompson. 1144c: unbleacaed. Sultanas. 5Mo: seeded. 7Vi08c; dates, Persian. 7tt08o per pound; lard. $1.63 per box. FIGS Twelve 10-ounce. boo: 50 6-ounee. 81.85: 70 4-ounce. $2.50: 80 10-ounce. $2.25. loose. 50-pound boxes. 6tt07o; Smyrna, boxes, $1.1001.23; candled. $3 per box. Provisions. T.ornl Inhhtn? nuotatlnns: HAMS 10 to 12-pound average, 22Ho; 12 Co 14 pounds, 2214c; Dolled, aic; SKinnea, 23c: picnic ISMa: boned and rolled. 27c BACON Fancy, 3003014c: standard, 220 2614c LARD Tierce basis, pure. lbHc; com pound. 10 c DRY SALT - MEATS Backs. 1010; smoked, 17c; bellies, 18 to 20 pounds. 16c; plates. 12c MISCELLANEOUS Sliced Deer . insiaes. 34c; pickled pigs' feet, kits, $1.25; quarter barrels, $3.15; halt barrels, $u; sausage, 23 0 32c; dry salt strips. 10 to 12 pounds, 10c; bacon strips, 10 to 12 pounds, lino. Hops, V'ool and Sides. HOPS 1913 crop, 23 26o per pound; 1912 crop, nominal. PELTS Dry, 10c; Spring lambs, 400600; shearlings, 80050c HIDES salted hides. 1Z01ZHO per id.; It kip. 13013Ko: salted calf. 17018c; green hides. 11011HO; dry hides, 23023140: dry calf, 25c; salted bulla, SVso per lb,; green bulla, 714c MOHAIR 1918 clip. 25026c per pound. CASCARA BARK Old and new. Bo per pouna. Unseed Oil. Gasoline, iie. LINSEED OIL Raw, barrels. 62c: boiled. barrels. 64c; raw, cases, 67c; cases, 690. OIL MEAL F. o. b. Portland works: car- lots. $35: 6 and 10-ton lota. $34; ton lots. $35. TURPENTINE Barrels, 5814c: cases. 61a COAL OIL Cases. 1714 02014c; drums and barrels, 1O013HC WAfiULINE cases, 23c: bulk. ISO. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Sept. 30. Maximum temper ature, 67 degrees, minimum, 44 degrees. River reading. 8 A. M.. 4.7 feet: change in last 24 hours, .2 foot rise. Total rainfall (5 f. Ai. to 0 f. 31.). none: total since Septem ber 1. 1913, 2.5S Inches: normal. 1.84 Inches: excess, .74 Inch. Total sunshine. 6 hours. 46 minutes; possible 11 hours. 4S minutes. Barometer treduced to sea level) at 5 P. AL. 0u.1v incnes. THQ WEATHER. g D Wind I -3 j M l" S US - S eta is ot STATIONS. 2 j Weather. I - : Baker 62 0.00! GjNWIClear Boise Boston esio.ool 8 W Clear 66:0.00 8SE 68iO.00!Calm 68;0.18 4W 68,0.00:Calm Clear Calgary , Chicago ...... Colfax Vl -Ft. cloudy fl. cloudy Ajiear Denver ....... Des Moines ... Duluth Eureka 70,0.00 12N Cloudy esjo'.OS 6-NWlClear os o.uo:jo:sw Clear 60 0.00 SN Clear Rain Galveston .... 84:0.00 6:E 8IW Helena Jacksonville . . 660.00 Cloudy 90,0.00 4'NW t;iear Kansas Cltv 74;0.00 6:.V .Clear Clear Clear Klamath Falls 61 0.00 4 W Laurler . 71 0.00 4 W Los Angeles .. Marshneld .... Medford Montreal ...... New Orleans . . 80 0.00 s a Clear 68 0.01 10;NW Clear Clear Clear 72,0.00 6010.00 4'NW 6:SB 90 o.88io:sa Rain Clear New York oio.ooiioifl North x aklma 72 O.OO 710.00 ss'o.oo 640.00 67:0.00 4 3 Clear Pendleton .... Phoenix Pocatello 4:NE 8lW 4IW Clear Clear Clear Portland 7INW Clear Clear Roseberg ..... 6S 0.00 10 NW Sacramento 8S,O.O0il4!NW .Clear St. Louis 76,0.00,12 NW Clear Clear Clear Clear St. Paul Salt Lake 70 O.0O 4 N 6410.021 4:E 78 0.00il2 W San Francisco . Spokane ...... 68 0.00 4!XW! Clear Clear iClear .Clear Tacoma 620.00 6'N 54 0. CO SNE 6810.00 4N SOjO.t- 4,E 78'0.00:2;E 7710. 001 4IN Tatoosh Island Walla Walla Washington Pt. cloudy I Weiser . . . kwiear Wenalchee lioar 'Clear I Winnipeg . . 74'lf.uu uiinwi Yellowetone 62:0.Oo!l6iNWiRaln WEATHER CONDITIONS. A larrs high-pressure area overlies the North Paclflo and Northern Rocky Mountain states. A shallow depression overlies th 1..K S region auu iub uaivntrior is I .lativwjr In. nv Knnrh.rn California Arliona and I New Mexico. Showers and thunder storms bave occurred In portions of the Lpper Mis- alsslppl Valley, upper Lake region and the Gulf states. It is warmer on the Pacific Slope and cooler in the Nor England statea Elsewhere the changes in temperatures hav been unimportant. The conditions are tfvorable for fair weather In this district Wednesday. FORECASTS, and vicinity Fair; Portland northerly I winds. Oregon, washlngtoa and Idaho Fair; north to east winds. EDWARD A. BEALP, District Forecaster. Berlin chauffeurs are forbidden to smoke while on duty, in an effort to keep down the number of accidents. The law applies to anyone operating a car. ISTOCKSTEHD LOWERl Drop in Values Not Warranted by News.; MARKET ALLOWED TO SAG Bears Attempt Raid, but With In different Success Bonds Hold Steady Time Money Is Quoted Easier. NEW YORK. Seot. 80. There was no change In the speculative situation on the anri rnlhln. fmm Mnh tn f.nhlnn ven . : . . . . Traders talked about the taiiff. although w-w, i . . t., 1,.., anrarant for aoma tlma With the effects of the new law as yet unknown, and In view of reports of lessening aotlvlty In various lines of Industry, it was felt that bullish operationa at present involved an extra hazzard. ReDOrts from the steel trade. w i, i u ii is Dcmr wiicnta iiiu, i uiubsij, iviu further slackening in new business and our- In. Ik. Am-wr-m Hull.. 1 - , , Mnk.1,1 target or traders on tne snort side. A bear raid was attempted at tne open ing. Aside from a break of H4 in Union Paolflo, the list held fairly steady and such slight losses aa were lnflloted were made up before noon. In the last hair or the day nncea gradu ally gave way. Union Padflo broke nearly three points. commercial paper was lower and time money developed a slightly easier tendency, in spite of the pendency of October 1 payments. Bonds were steady. Total galea par value. i,o-a,uui united stales bonds were un changed on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Reported by J. C. Wilson A Co.. Lewis building, Portland. Closing Daiea. xiign. i.ow. na. AmsJ Copper . . Am Beet Sugar. Am Can Co ... 28.3UU 74 J 73 i 7314 600 264 ' 251a. . 25 11.600 83 is 82 82 do preferred. . 1.20O 833 93 93 43 Am Car & Fdy. 700 44 y, 44 Am Cotton OIL. 200 41 S 41U tig 99 10914 11614 Am bmel Be Ref 2,200 60 65 do preferred. . 100 99 K 99. Am Sugar do preferred.. Am Tel Tel. . 8O0 111 109 12814 Am Tobacco . . . Anaconda ..... Atl Coast Line.. A T & Santa Fe soo 1,100 40O 8,200 100 1,900 3.000 12.600 6,600 ""ioo 1,800 400 4.400 1,000 600 240 37H 121 94 99 94 b914 23014 6814 128 106 22 H 80 Z 801, 132 237'.4 8654 121 94 99 94 88 22314 67 3 128 10 23 2Ti 2914 18214 237 8614 121 84 do Dreferred.. m 93 68 228 67 12 128 104 Bait & Ohio ... Brook K Tran. . Canadian Pao C O ., C u O W C & N W ..... C. M & St Paul. Central Leather Chlno 2114 29 Col Fuel & Iron Consol Gas .... D, L & W D & HQ 2U 182 400 19 Distilling Secur Erie General Eleo .. Gt North Ore. . Gt North pf ... 400 4.300 600 1,000 1.600 400 1,600 8.100 200 1.70O 200 "hod 13 H 2U 1464 3514 12714 110 14 15 im C314 2414 133 H 2114 8014 4514 125 "8314 ioi" ivi. 21 13H 2814 146 '4 84 44 126 . 11014 1514 6194 2414 1551i 13514 182 21 29 4514 12344 'kM ioiii iiitt 2054 12 28 143 8414 120 Illinois Central.. Interboro Met .. 110 11 24 155 do preferred.. K C Southern.. Lehigh Valley.. Louis & Nash. . Mexican Central , 130 14 13 182 21 29 44 14 123 M. S P & S S M Mo, Kan & Tex 400 Mo Paclflo 7,400 National Lead 400 Nat Biscuit .... ,1.800 "466 '"'soo i',006 400 do preferred.. 116 N Y Central N Y, Ont & Wes 95 21) Nonoik e west 104 North America. Northern Pao . . Paclilo Mall .... Paclflo T e T.. 70 111 20: 27 90 do preferred-. Pennsylvania ... 112 127 People s uas . .. Reading ReDublla S & L 166 20 Rock Island Co. Southern Pao .. 114 9014 Southern Ry ... 22 Texas Oil Union Paclflo . . do preferred. . United Rds S F U S Steel Cor. . do preferred.. Utah Copper ... 111 167 62 20 68 108 61 Wabash Western Union. 8 07 Westing Eleo .. 600 6874 88 68 Wisconsin Cent. 66 Total sales for the day, 446.600 shares. BONDS. Reported by Overbeck & Cooke Co., Board of Trade building, Portland. Bid. Asked. Atchison general 4s Atlantic Coast Line, 1st 4s B 4 O gold 4s B R T 4s Chesapeake ft Ohio 4a.. C M St P Bn 4a 64 94 .... 91 92 88 96 101 .... 52 C R I coi 4B C B Q Joint 4s Erie general 4s.. Int Met 4s Louisville & Nashville uni 4s.- Mlosourl Pacific 4s N & W 1st con 4s Northern Pacific 4s Oregon Short Line ref 4a Oregon Ry Nav 4s Paclflo Tel 6s Penna con 4s Reading general 4s St L & San Fran ref 4s...... Southern Pacific ref 4s...... Southern Paclflo col 4a Southern Railway 5s Southern Railway 4s TTnlted Railway inv s United Paclflo 1st and ref 4s United states eteei West Shore es Wabash 4s . Westlnghouse Eleo conv 6s.... Wisconsin Central 4s United States 2s registered.. . .. United States 2s coupon United States 8s registered.... United Staes Ss coupon....... United Staes 4s registered.... United Statea 4s coupon Stocks at Boston. BOSTON, Sept. 30. Closing quotations: Allouez 86 Mohawk 42 Amalg Copper. A Z L & 6m... Arizona Com . . 78 19 4 75 Nevada Con .... 16 Nlplsslng Mines. 8 North Butts..... 27 North Lake...... 1 Old Dominion... 81 Osceola ........ 78 B & C C & a m. Cal & Arizona Cal & Hecla. . . 68 .435 Centennial 14 Qulncy 61 A Cod Ran Con Co 40 ffi Butte Cos M. 12 Shannon 6 Superior ........ 2 o Franklin 8 G-ranbv Con ... 71 Sup & Boa MIn.. 2 Tamaraca 01 U S S R A M... 40 do prefered... 47 Greene Cananea, 80 I Royane tuopi ib Kerr Lake 8 Lake Copper.... S. Utah Con 9 Utah Copper Co. 61 Winona 1 La sane copper Miami Copper... 22 wolverine ...... eo Money, Exchange. Eta. NEW YORK. Sept. 80. Money on call firm, 2 03; ruling rate, 8; closing, 2 03. Time loans steady; 60 days, 4 04; 90 .11 - ., mnntni ik. " -' -.7., - .. . , . . Prime .?tr(rVni; bills, (4.8565 for demand; commercial bills. $4.81-. Bar sirver, onto. Mnvlnan dollars. 47c Government bonds steady; railroad bonds steady. i.okdok EeDt. 80. Bar silver easy. 78 fl-lfld nor ounce. Money, 808 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills is 4 per cent; lor tnrea nwnmr bills, 4 04 per cent. SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 80. Sliver bars, 61. Mexican dolars nominal. Drafts, sight, 02; do telegraph, OS. Sterling In London, 90 days, $4.82; do sight. $4.85. Coffee and Sugar. YORK. Sept. 80. Reports of less I Weatner 111 unill. imiuiDr vnuiltry receipts ana lirmor oiwfc aii.uai.iwtt . ,,h .dv.noa In rnffea futuraa todav. The opening was steaay at a decline 01 one tn aaven nointa ana Drices sola seven w SXrjTJtfSti 25 to SO point. October. B.ooo: !JocmbBr, n dftn . TamiBT-v 1 A l.'n Xf srii til VXn- Ma. v. 10.40c: July." IO.660. .... uuii,.um. . . , . 1 Raw sugar Bareiy steaay; centruugai. I V " , I Metal Markets. urc-nr vmiir Rnt. an iiad ateadv. 4.75 offered: London. 420 6s. Snelter quiet. 5.8006.70; London, 20 17s 8- . .. . , . I Copper dull, tstanaara, spot ana wirnun 15.40016.87; November ejd December, 18.40 I 700 112'4 11214 2,900 128 H 126 52,500 168 lT 16614 1,400 2114 21 SOO 15 14 4 4.30O 9114 9034 400 22 2214 800 113 112 73.500 159 V4 156 . 600 83 ' 83 79.766 60H '68 1,100 109 109 6,200 62 61 400 4 874 91 83 88 162" 63 95 . TO14 ..74 75 .. 77 77 .. 93 93 .. 66 68 .. 93 93 .. 94 95 ..91 91 . . 92 92 ,. 98 98 ..104 104 ..94 o ,. 69 70 ..01 91 .. 89 90 ..108 104 .. 75 75 ..65 67 ..93 93 ...10O 100 94 60 51 91 92 87 88 96 97 96 98 102 103 102 103 100 110 109 110 016.80: electrolytic, 16.75 0 16.87; lake, 17.00; "Sarin lflA4.fiat.7K. Tin weak. Spot to November, 4O.7504L25. Antimony auu. uooksons, s.au. Iron quiet and unchanged. Ijindnn markets closed aa follows! Copper easy. Spot. i72 7a 6d; futures, 72 5. Tin easy. Spot. 188; futures, 1188 Bs. Iron Cleveland warrants, 54s 4 Ho, SAX FRANCISCO PRODUCE EXCHANGE. Prices Quoted at the Bay City for Yego- tables. Fruit, Etc saw vra AKCTSCO. Sent 80. The follow ing produce prices were current here today: Fruit Apples, BeUQowers, $101.50; New towns, $1.25 01.50: other varieties. 4Oc0 $1.60; Mexican limes, $8010; California lemons, $4.608.60; pineapples, S102. Cheese New, 160170; Young Americas, 16c. Hit Wheat. $19.50 0 20.50: wheat and oats. $17018: alfalfa, $1O013.W. i. . t. K-nnov ranrn. i: : more. oo. Butter Fancy creamery, 88Ma; seconds. 9n. Vegetables t;noumoera, ovujfoo; sravu hhti, hnan, H .X :,n : ersniant. 80085c ., Onions New, yenow, i.ivvi.iD p- Unto in.. N.v river wnicea. oocto'ii - Unas Burbanks. $1.7501.85; Merced sweets. .1 OK A 1 KA KUHDI IIDUT. -,VW , . 5880 centals; potatoes, 8570 sacks; hay, tons. - - - - Naval Stores. SAVANNAH, Sept. 8a Turpentine Firm, 842: receipts. 838; 88H0 to 88o; sales. a I Rnaln Steady for high grades, weaker I . . : ,,. ,, 0111- Mo-lnta. 37SO-. .hlDments. 8387: stocks, 164,983. Quote: A, B, C. D. H, r. o: . -s;' n. . JLU: AU .u; At, t-. ' Cotton Market. mihiu vneir fl.nt - Rn. C.iftnn futures closed steady. 18 to 14 points lower, Ooto ber. 18.78; December, 18.65: January, 13.50; L-V .OKA. U-v 1ft AQ! JUlV. 1S.DX v& t . , .. , Bnot QuleL Middling uplands, 18.201 do. ,r r. KsJea 600 bales. I . . crlvato report made average oondl- Uon, 67.6. RUN OF SHEEP USE RECORD ' RECEIPTS AT XAK11S A.XD GOOD PRICES. Thirty-Six Loads Brought In During Day All Classes of Mutton Sell Higher. The sheep market wag the feature of the n.nk traAn. Yesterday. Not only was there a record run at tne yaras, 00 car loads; but the best prices of the season were realized on cnoice oiiermBa au and baa- markets held steady. The most important sheep sale or tne aay was a bunch of 60 young wethers that were taken at $4.63. Fancy awes sold at $4.85 and others at $3.80. Several loads or cnoice lamha brought $5.50. The cattle trade was active without im- Dortant change In price. Steers sold from $6.25 to $7.60 and cows from $4 to $6.25. Hog quotations of the previous day were repeated, a load of tops going at $8.75 and other grades sold accordingly. Receipts were 118 cattle. 185 hogs and 7168 sneep. Shippers were: Smith A Leonard, Sonny, 1 oar of sheep; E. Shaw, Condon, 2 cars of ham: M. S. Thompson. Aahland, 7 oars ot sheep; Brodlne Bheep Company, Madras, 1 car of sheep; D. D. Dennis, Shanlko, 8 cars sheep; Rosco Shepard, Chinook, 13 cars ot heen: George Hetton. 5 cars cattle; euin- van, 1 car hogs; Brodlne Sheep Company, Madras. 1 car of hogs and sheep; J. Mc- Cancle, Lyle, 4 cars of sheep; William Shop- hard. Chinook. 4 oars sheep. The davs sales were as xouows Weight. Price. 56 hogs 198 63 ewes .'J 94 $8.73 4.85 6.25 4.05 2.75 100 lambs i... 76 1 yearling 80 29 ewes 98 43 ewes 98 8.00 104 ewes 109 8.80 3.80 70 ewes 110 66 lambs 79 74 hogs 181 16 hogs 261 75 hogs 192 1 lamb 90 8 steers 1013 21 steers A .1084 29 steers ...1046 2 cows 1020 4 cows 1022 21 steers ... 1..11S0 23 cows , 1133 6 cow ....v.. 1063 8 cows 1070 10 bulls 1370 24 steers' 1323 14 steers ,....1230 13 steers 1252 80 steers 831 30 steers 785 3 bulls 1530 1 bull 1540 6.23 8.85 7.50 8.60 6.00 7.00 7.85 7JB3 5.50 6.35 7.10 6.65 6.00 5.25 6.00 7.60 7.60 7.25 7.00 6.85 5.60 6.00 238 ewes 97 8.80 4.65 4.60 6.50 6.50 6.60 7.23 8.25 60 wethers 79 820 lambs 66 219 lambs , 195 lambs , .. 74 .. 77 .. 79 .. 820 .. 101 . . 210 .. 157 . .1150 . . 933 .. 978 ..1010 ..1190 ..1110 ..1050 64 lambs . 2 hogs , 105 hogs 1 hog ... 8.25 84 hogs .. 8.60 1 steer .. 6.25 10 steers 7.00 8 cows 8 cows ., 4.50 6.23 6.75 4.00 6.23 5.50 4.50 6.00 1 cow . . 1 cow . . , 1 cow . . , 1 cow . . . 1 cow . . , 830 a ...1180 . ..1020 ... Ran 1 bull ... 2 heifers 6.25 The range of prices at the yardc was a. xouows: Cattle Prime steers . . . Choice steers ... Medium steers Prime cows .... Choice cows ... Medium cowe ,. . 7.750$8.OO . 7.60 0 7.71 . 7.26 0 7.66 . 6.75 0 7.0J . 1.600 6.7! . 6.2KO est , 6.25 0 7.00 Heifers Light calves .. Heavy calves ............. Bulls . s.00 0 t.aa . S.760 7.7S . 4.00 6.(4 . 6.76 0 1 11 Stags Hogs Light , Heavy . 8.400 8.7S . 7.450 7.80 . 8.500 4.65 . 8.00-3 4.85 . 4.00 0 6.50 Sheep, Wethers Ewes Lambs Omaha Livestock Market. SOUTH OMAHA. Neb.. Sent. BO. Catt rteceipts, ooo; market, lower. Native steers, $7.6009.35: cows and heifers. $80 7.65;- Western steers, $8.2508.25; Texas steers, $5.7607.20; range cows and heifers. o.Diif i.iu; calves, ao. 1 o w v . t o. nogs Receipts. 6200: market lower. .4cuvjr. o.,vt!' . Hint, aa.outu' o.u: Pisa, IB7.50-. hulk of sales. 1S.25 fi 3.1 Sheep Receipts, 43,000; market, steady. Yearlings. S5.2O05.7O: wethers. 14i4 BO; lambs, $6.700 7.20. Chicago livestock Market. CHICAGO. Sept. 80. Cattle Ueealnts. 7000: market, glow and weak. Beeves, U.30 trt: U - T..n. ,l..r, .7 ,1 rt, G . txf steers, $6.200 8.85: stockers and feeders. a.evco'o; cows ana neizers, I3.BO0H.7O calves, $7.75011.25. Hogs Receipts. 19,000; market, steady to snaae aDove yesteraavs averae-a. i.iirht. $8.4509.05; mixed, $8.20 0 9.00; heavy, $8.05 aju.w: rougn. i8.uora8.25: mrs. S407.75 bulk of sales. $8.3508.75.. Bneep ec oiiocjj xveceipia, oo.iuu; market, steaay to '"" Natl rons. native, ad. urai.io weatern. iaki wi. o Triinn. .so n a. i o : lamDB. native. $5.75 0 7.85; Western. $5.7507.85. NEW SCHOOL IS WANTED Residents Between East Knott and Bast Presoott fart Move. A committee of property owners, with the Rev. Oswald W. Taylor as chairman, yesterday started a canvass of the territory bounded by East Twenty-second, East Knott, East For- I ty-second and East Prescott streets, to nnmh,. nr anhnnl h lH..n ,1.. .,, , - 0 l , the OD16Ct Being- tO SCOUTS a SCtlOOl nousa m mis territory. Also tne com- m ttani wnrirma- in Thi. rcprunrw a f ttm? the signature, tc, a. petition - luroBawu iu iuo coaiu u. rjuucauuu naif I n that a mi f aa hn ean vaari I I Th. natltiona and information o-a.tr,. - - - for th building- at the com ni school meeting-. It Is set forth that a bullumg u t.,.11. ... M. ..m T...l. call no vuuh vno inns iivm mo xi viiig,- ton. Fernwood and Vernon school houses, and that It Is greatly needed. Several locations nave Deen maricea lout as available for a site of two blocks, so there will be room for the " , j., , building and recreation grounds. LADD &TILTON BANK Eiteblialod 1859. Ca7jltal.a mi im ies see I Surplus . twtiw.MMwntaaaMi. 1,000,000.00 Deposit . .....e.oe-..owToae..l4,000.000.00 Commercial and , , dward Cooklngharn, Vles-rraa, unckiey, (asnier. Corner WaaMnftoa tuid Zklrd Streets. 80 First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus $1,000,000 OldertNSfional Bank West -of ihvRo&y Mountains COEKES FTEST AND WAtUiiHaTOH' THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA - NATIONAL ASSOCIATION of San Francisco rounded 1864 Capital Paid In, , . .. $8,500,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits ,$7,989,356.07 Commercial Banking and Savings Departments PORTLAND OFFICE Third and Stark Streets The Security Savings Fifth and Morrison Streets Capital and Surplus - - $1,400,000 Desires the accounts of individuals, firms and corporations and mil extend every accommodation consistent with sound banking. m It! SUPPLY BIG Large Increase In World's Vis ible Eases Wheat. OFF NEARLY CENT AT END Liberal Offerings Try Canada and Large Russian Shipments Ex pected, Also Give Advantage to- Bears at Chicago. rmr.fiO. Sent. 30. World's available supply figures, showing an increase nearly double that or a year ago. acted as a -weigm today on the price of wheat. Although the market was steadv at the close, latest quo tatlons were 4o to c lower. Corn lost lifDVa to lo net and oats 0 to 0o. In crovlsions the outcome was a decline varying from a shade to 400. (Moat of the buying of wheat seemed to be merely for the purpose of covering short sales. Announcement was made that the world's available stock now exceeded last year's total by more than 25,000.000 bushels. Liverpool dispatches, telling of liberal Cana dian offers and ot Dig Russian shipments looked for, tended to give bears an aavan tare from the outset. In the corn crowd general selling of Sep tember proved the main feature. Most of the business, however, was in small lots. Oats had a heavy undertone. The reason anoeared to He in Canadian competition. Liquidating sales by noiaers easea tne provision market. The only decided de- oll n a, however, was in oeptemner pora. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Close. Rent S .S6i t .8542. 1 .85 $ .85 Dec r- 5 t4 .88 .01 -fa .ci 14 .92 .93 .82 .92 May .. CORN. I Bept. .... .71 .70 .72 .71 .70 m .70 Dec .TOt4 .71 May .... OATS. ... .41 .41 ... .42 .43 46 .46 Sept. Deo. .41 .42 45 . It., I UCL' .45 MESS PORK. Jan. .19.90 19.90 May 20.05 20.03 19.83 20.02 20.02 LARD. Jan, ...... 10.92 10.92 May 1L05 11.05 ' 10.90 10.87 1L02 11.02 SHORT RIBS. Jan 10.47 10.47 10.43 May 10.57 10.60 10.55 10.43 10.55 Caah auntationa were: Corn No. 2. 72 0 7301 No. J white. 72078o: No. 8 yellow, 72078c; no. 71072c: NO. 3 White, 1274 0 too, nH 8 yellow, 72 0 730. Rye, No. 2, 630ooo. Barley, 58 0 85c. Timothy, $8.75 0 5.25. . Clover, $9.600 12.00. Minneapolis Grain Market, WTNNTEAPOLIS. Soot. 80. Close: Wheat. No. 1 hard, 86o; No. 1 Northern, 83 o to 85;4c; No. 2 Northern, 81o to 83; ro. 2 hard Montana, 8388c; No. 3 wheat. 79c to lc; BeptemDer, e7fto; jjocaui- ber. 85e.May, 89 90a, Barley uncnangeo. Flax $L410L43 European Grain Markets. LONDON, Sept. 30. Cargoes on passage quiet; buyers reserved. .tZ?y. OV.ZZl LIVERPOOL. Sept. 80. Wheat Spot ..muw .ti., aian, Yagrt Sound Wheat Markets. 1 sian. 1 ya I v-.t.i-riav-. a rnmts Wheat. 148: bar. ley, 9; oats, 7; hay, 10. DC & 1 TT V nr.al, D.nl AO TDt mt Til n I ritem. S9c; f'ortyfold, 81c; club, SOc; red Rus sian, 7UO. Yesterday's car receipts Wheat, 64; corn, 2; oats, 14; barley, 8; hay, 41; flour, 6. Baa Francisco Grain Market. SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. SO. Spot quota f 1,000,000.00 Savings Accounts WllJJMU. Hnh.,1 1 Wjmm mA 1, AafltttaA J. vv laaiAWl. caenier. Walter M. Cook, Asst. Cashlsr. and Trust Company tions! Walla Walla, $1.48 01.47; red Bus. sian, $1.4501.46; Turkey red, $1.67 01.60; bluestem, $i.uet 1.62 V4 : reod barley, $i.7 01.40; brewing, $1.47: white oats, $1.46 I 81: ehorts. ziS.ROiffl 26. Call Board Barley, firm ; Deeember, $1.45 I Bid, i.4u askea; may, $1.02 oia. London Wool Sale. LONDON, Sept. 80. There were 18.600 bales offered at the wool auotion today. American purchases were estimated at 6000 to 6000 boles. Duluth Unseed Market. DULUTH, Sept. 80. - Close: Lrnseed, I $1,43: May, $1.46 asked; September, $1.43 nominal; October, $1.42. Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK, Sept. 80. Evaporated apples I firm, prupea quiet, peaches steaay. Chicago Froduoe Market. CHICAGO, Sept. 80. Butter, unchanged. I Eggs, unchanged; receipts, 652 cases. Hops YORK. at New York. Sept. 80. Hops, NEW steady. Corporations Under Ban. SAX.EM. Or., Sept. 80. (Special.) The Oreson Telephone Herald Company, a Portland, concern which proposed to furnish the news over telephone to Its patrons, was denied a permit to jo business in the state by Corporation Commissioner Watson today. Mr. Wat. son said that the company had not I proved the business would be a safe Investment for shareholders. The per mit of the Call and Advertising Com pany was Tevoked. the Commisloner al- lesrinsr that it had not kept Its promise lo pool its stock and erect a factory In Milwaukle and not to sell stock fori less than par. The total foreign trade of the republlo of Costa Rica during 11(12, aoeoraing 10 of ficial statistics, amounted to $20,048,811, consisting of Imports, $10,0T9.BO7, and ex ports, M,utn,uu. The Canadian Bank of Commerce HEAD OFTT0B Toronto, Canada. E4rtsbliahedl867. A general netnkiri business tnnsssd. Interest paid m time hpotHa. Letters of Credit Travelera' Check! leaned, PORTLAND BRANCH, Corner Second and Stark Sta. F. C MALPAS, Manafer. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. STEAMSHIP Sails Today 6:30 P. M. for SAN FBANCIS00, LOS ANGELES AND SAN DIEGO SAN FEAN0ISC0, PORTLAND & LOS ANGELES STEAMSHIP CO. (With Denver & Bio Grande R. R.) 124 Third Street. A 4596, Main 26 NEW YORK -PORTLAND REGULAR FREIGHT SERVICE. Low Ratea Schedule f ine AMERICAN-HAWAIIAN S. S. CO. (IS Railway Kzchsuaaa Bid, rartlaad. Qc Maht 88T8. A SBtat .AMERICAN UrrfetSS.Co. r 400 Ships in the L30&&19: WORLD , TONS, S.S1MPERAT0R' World's Largest Shis . Sails Again Oct 11,3 P.M.Noy.1,11 A.M. Enabling paien,;er so rrw , LONDON and PARIS on sixth an tn HAMBURG on venlli da. Books now open. LONDON, PARIS, HAMBURG Pres. Grant Oct. 8, U noon .Vtatnrla Ijilae Oct. 9. 1 P.M. Imperator .Oct. 11, S Pres. IJnooln Oct. is, it a. u. Amerlka Out, 13, 11 A, il. First cabin onij. ttTB. 8. Penn.rlvanla aad S, S, Pretoria sail from New Pier fool ef 8d St., Soutb Brookljto, All ether Sailings In this eervlca front I our Hoboken riere. MEDITERRANEAN Gibraltar, Naples and Genoa E7A1I eteamers In this earvlee leave from M)W PIEK, $8d .t. So. Brooklyn, l ake 8911a St. erry. b. 8. Moltko (11.600 tons) Oct. T, 11 A. It, 8, a. Ciaclansul CRUISE ABOUND THB WOBUB Through the PANAMA CANAL, JANUARY, 191a, BOOKS NOW OnSsT t70n Tonrist Departmeat ar I ranges Tonrs by tuui or Biean. l ii tu all parts of the World. EMBURG-AMRICAN LINE 169 Powell .t., San Francisco, Cai,( ciouinoni rMiiiw o oin .i O.-w. k. a n, v-o., nor. fa clflo, D. R. O. R. R, IJUriinstoo nuuw, jail waukle A Pugst Sound R. R Oreat North-, em Railway Co lorsey a. umito, tit 6th St., Port, land, Oregon, V NORTH GERMAN Raiser Wllhelm der Orosso.Oct. 14 Kaiser Wllhelm II Oct. 21 Kxonprlnz Wllhelm Oct. 28 Fast Mall Ballings. Prlnz FTIedrlch Wllhelm. ..Oct. 16 fOrossor Kurfuerst Oct. za tFrledrloh der Orosse Oct. 30 turemen airect. LONDON PA HIS BREMEN Baltimore-Bremen direct; one cabin (II); Wednesdaya Ballings on SATURDAY for THE MEDITERRANEAN Barbarossa Oct. 18 Berlin Nov. 1 Through rates from New York to EGYPT. INDIA and FAR EAST SOUTH AMERICA Via Europe Independent AROUND Trips, starting THE WORLD any time or place $583.30 WEST INDIES AST) PANAMA ajAJJIAl. Cruises During Jan., Feb, A Mar. v J A,t. K Rraadwav. N. T. : Robert Capelle, O. A. P. C., 2S0 Powell St., near St. Francis Hotel and Geary St., San Franolaoo, or local agenta STEAMERS FOR ASTORIA and NORTH BEACH Hassnlo leaves dally except Sunday, 9:80 P. M. for Astoria and Megler. Barveat tlneea leaves dally, except Sunday, 8 P. M. for As toria and way landings. Make reservations Ash-street dock or city ticket offloe. Third and Washington. Phones Mar shall 4600, A 6121. TO SAN FRANCISCO, I.O AJTGELES AA'IJ HAN DIEGO. S. S. YUCATAN WEDNESDAY. P. M. CQOS BAY AND EUREKA, S. S. ALLIANCE SUNDAY. OCT. 6, P. M. NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO, 122-A THIRD STHKHT. Phones Main and A 1314. SYDNEY 1 9 g'MS AUSTRALIA WEATHER FINE SAMOA AND SHORTEST LINK SOUTH SEAS 0UICKE$T TIMS Splendid (teamen. UoydslOOAl. (10.000 tool dkrolOo! ?otvay Short Lin. aailing every two weeks. 110 HONOLULU &RWDc2K5) SYDNEY $300 Bound trip, secood dasa, 5YDNCY $200. Various tours indudins Java, China, Jtn sod RouM the World. Send for folder. OCEANIC J. 9. C0 673 War Peat 51, xan rnAnujw EXPRESS STEAMERS FOB Baa Francisco and Los Angeles WITHOUT CHANGE. S. S. BEAR, Hull. 4 P. M., Oct. 8. S. 8. ROSE CITY 4 P. M. Oct. S. THE SAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND S. S. lU. iicaei tiiiit-f. w auu toa. with O.-W. a. N. Co. Phone ataranall 4590. A Silt COOS MAY LINE Steamship Breakwater Sails from Alnsworth Dock, Portland, at P. M. every Tuesday evening. Freight re ceived until 12 O'CLOCK (NOON.) ON SA'LING DAY. Passenger fare: First class, $10.00; Second-class (men only), $7.00, Including berth and meals. Ticket office at LOWER AINSWORTH DOCK. PORT LAND A COOS BAY STEAilSHIP LINE. L. H. KEATINO. Agent. Phones: Main 3600; A 2382. Drain-Coos Bay Auto Line Now Dally to Marshfleld. Wire reservations to O. Mattooa Drain. Oregon. J.C.WILSON&CO. STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN AND COTTON. aa,.unr,KS NEW YORK STOCK. EXCHANGE, NEW YORK COTTON EXCHANGE, CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE, THE STOCK AND .BOND EXCHANGE, BAN i KAN CISCO. PORTLAND OFFICE: Lewis Building, 269 Oak Street Phones Marshall 4120. A 4187. HAMBURG