Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 01, 1913, Page 16, Image 16

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Hones. Vehicle. Etc
Second-hand vehicles bought and sold;
new wagon and auto bods made to order;
livery furnished to business parties at
special rates. ,.,
phone East 71'; B 1309.
FOR SALE Four mares ranging; from 3 to
9 years; one pacer. 3 years old; at Model
SMALL, mare.
worlis single, double; rides;
$40.. 835 E
2Sth st. W. W. car.
pianoe. Organs as'i Musical Instruments.
ELECTRIC piano, cost $1100 a year ago.
good condition, forced sale. $3o0 cash. r.
R. Phillips, 005 McKay bldg. Phones
Main 1020, A 4121.
RESPONSIBLE young couple would Ilk to
have use of good piano for the Winter,
... . 1 1 ' . I nravnnlflll
will pay canagc. j w.p
WANTED Piano, cash;
must be bargain.
AG -113 ureKumwi.
Dogs, Birds, Pet Stock.
FOR BALE Unrelated pair of fc.ngnan
bloodhounds, bred in Ky.: these dogs are
partly trained; will make expert man
trailers. Write for photo. Box 4, While
Salmon, naan
FOR SALE Bloodhound pups, thoroughbred
. n.t.allin mtrtftr BOlhleCt tO
registration. Write A. ZeruU, Springfield,
IHOI OI'OHBREU Scotch collie dog cheap
if taken at once. Apply after 6 P. M. 1.
Meagher, 5708 41t ave. S. E. Myrtle
. . ... 1' . . r, f
l-ara. .aia. . -. . . ......
PEDIGREED alredale puppies. 3 months
old for saJe. Reliance Garage. 1003-5
Mawtnorno n t. a ....... ......
HLOODED male, St. Bernard pups. $2500,
Jim. it. .
FOR SALE Well-trained bird dog. J 411.
Oregon lan
HEALTHY Airedales for companions and
. 1 . . IT".... 1 L'.a.altll 1 1
hunters. i.hhuia nm ........ ,
WANTED Reasonable priced airedale. Ad
dress K HJ. urogoniau.
BOYD'S BIRD STOKE, 229 Alder street
Dogs, birds, pets, ct'ges and supplies.
Furniture for Bade.
7 ROOMS furniture for sale, very reasonable
price, and 7-room house for rent cheap.
AI111U1I P a A t.JTI ..w
FIVE-ROOM modern cottage, two rooms
more than pay rent; furniture complete;
very neat anu cicao. a.
BEAUTIFUL . furniture T rooms for sale.
Would take Doaro. oiu cast ,nnuiBv.i.
6-ROOM flat for rent, furniture lor sale.
aw 4tn. ji&raiiiui .-.
1U1J. 7-pass.. U-t?yl. 50 H. P. Maxwell,
only used as a demonstrator: thlB car la
equipped with electric lights and self
starter, ventilating windshield, jiffy cur
tains and is a real bargain for $14001.
1913 5-pass.. 35 H. P. Maxwell, only
driven a few hundred miles; If sold at
once our prce $1101.
1910 Franklin 5-pasa.. recently over
hauled and is in fine condition, for $420.
190t, 7-pass.. 6-cyL Fierce Arrow, In
fine mechanical condition; a fine car lor
rent or stage line work, for IStlO.
Warren Truck, 30 H. P., 1000 lbs. ca
pacity, in good condition, for $460.
We are the largest and oldest dealers
in used cars In the city awl are buying
and Belling cars every day. We invite
you to call and look at the many bargains
-we have in stock.
15th and Alder sts.
Main 1161. A 4831T.
nickel-plate, varnish, refinlsh, top your
auto; take apart and put together in three
days. Portland Plating & Mfg. Co., 22d
and Thurnian sts. Main 943, A 6282.
BARGAIN One 4-passenger Ford, detach
able rear Beat, Just overhauled. Suitable
for light delivery. Cash or trade for motor
cycle. 340 Tillamook. -
OWNER must sell at once a model L Loco
mobile in lirst-class condition; demon
stration will convince. AL 410, Orego
nian. A BARGAIN Chalmers 30, five-passenger
car, in first-class condition; four doors,
nickel trimmings, new tires; all for $850,
$o00 caan. ruuna lauur w i
CADILLAC touring car or two-aeated Cad
illac delivery car. Inquire A. J. Winters
Co.. 01 otn st.
IF YOU want automobile fire insurance at
one-half the old-line rate, telephone Main
NEW delivery wagons at second-hand prices.
Oregon Mollne Plow Company.
OARAGE for rent, $3 per month. 409
Beech St.
Automobiles Wanted.
FOR SALE or to exchange for automobile
An Aeolian Orchestrelle, style V, costing
$1800, in absolutely perfect condition, to
gether with 100 carefully-selected rolls or
records of the best music (value $150).
The auto must be In perfect condition, a
late model, roadster preferred, and repre
senting an equal cash value. Address, with
full details. AO 408. Oregonlan.
WANTED Second-hand automobile engine,
2o H. P.; cash; cheap. Woodlawn 1767.
A BARGAIN For sale, a brand new 1913
motorcycle: never been ridden; has some
1914 features; fully guaranteed-. For im
mediate sale only at price offered. For
particulars call at 311 Oak St. Freer Tool
t Supply Co.
1111 MODEL Indian motorcycle, 4Vt-h.p.:
magneto and rear seat: $75 if taken this
week. 474 East Caruthera St.
NEW Thor 7-h. p.. 1913; $20O; $160 down.
Phone Sellwood 087 after 5:3Q.
70 PURE-BRED Shropshire bucks for sale,
any correspondence Immediately answerosl.
Address F. Williams, R. D. 1, Junction
City. Or."
TWO good young fresh milch cows. 794
Tacoma ave.
A 45-h.p.. 550-vaIt Crocker-Wheeler mo
tor, complete, with standard blade starter,
nu voitase release and 75-ampere over
load, 1. T. E. circuit breaker, in A-l con
dltlon. Address room 203, Oregonlan bldg.
A 40-K. W., 5"0-volt Crocker-Wheeler
generator, complete, with field rheostat
and circuit breaker, in good condition.
Address room 203. Oregonlan bldg.
One 125-volt dliect current generator,
complete with field rheostat, ammeter and
circuit breaker. This machine is in good
repair. Address room 2u3. Oregonlan bldg.
M Iscellaneous.
FOR SALE 25-inch Advance interlocking
paper cutter: no broken parts: good con
dition; first check for $65 takes it. News
Times, Forest Grove, Or.
OXYPATHORS for sale, $25 each; close
estate, agent killed bv automobile: save
$10; retail price $35. Mrs. G. W. Duncan,
ISO Sutter st., San Francisco, Cal.
JSAFES. new and second-hand; low prices,
easv terms: safes opened, repaired and
painted. PURCELL SAFE CO. and PORT
LAND SAFE CO., 85 6th St. Main 6309.
SAFES Mosler Safe Co., manufacturers;
low prices, easy terms; safes opened and
repaired; bargains in second-hand safes;
I08 2d 1st. Phone Main 7876.
2000 FEET shoe store shelving, also two
rolling stepladders, with tracks for same;
both at a bargain. Call The Reeves Shoe
Co., 313 Washington
TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $10 to $65.
202 Stark St.
THREE second-hand roll-top desks, two
flat-top desks and 9 chairs. Bushong A
Co.. 91 Park st.
Remington Typewriter Co.. 88 B'way.
HIGHEST price paid far your rifle, shotgun
or camera. Hochfeld's, 35 North 3d, cor.
FOR SALE $1S0; 18-ft. motorboat, 10 H.
P.- Call Woodlawn S455.
NEW" $:5 gas range and $16..ri0 water heat
er; will sell for S3. Call East 22S3.
SACRIFICE sale, 1400 woodsaw machine on
auto body for $ir.O. AG 411. Oregonlan.
USE Bassett's Native Herbs for rheumatism;
r.oc tablets for 25c. All druggists.
NATIONAL casn registers. Get rny prices.
Povey. 351 H Wash., basement. Main 606.
COMPLETE new set L. R. A. for sale at a
bargain. 32214 Broadway.
ONE BURROUGHS adding machine for Bale
cheap. Address AD 333. Oregonlan.
FINE long black sealskin coat, half price.
K 390. Oregonian.
SECOND-HAND furniture wanted at 15th
and Alberta sts. phone Woodlawn 2499.
WANT eood second-hand commercial trunk.
AF 407. Oregonian.
221 Front St., buys second-hand furniture,
carpets, stoves, ranges, hardware or tools
of any kind. If you have anything In this
line, call Main 9072. Our buyer calls
WE want to buy sivuu worm oi
hand furniture in the next 30 days ana
.11 . I. .. V, . I. arnrrl, W i '. 1 1 !1 III S
. . . . A
Ave. ruruuuio jtjouBc. a., i
Highest prices paid for ladles' and men s
rastoff clothing and shoes. Call Mam
:USV. 43 11 o- J up .jiyuu.
WE buy for cash, second-hand National
cash registers and sell them on easy
terms. W. J. Macauley, 334 Burnslde st.
Phone Main isitt, A isio
Buyer calls promptly: estimates given.
184 1st., near lamniu. mmii
WANT complete delicatessen outfit; tables,
chairs, steam table and range, dishes and
cooking utensils, inquire 4-1 J""""" -
Cash paid for hair combines. Sanitary
Beauty Parlors. 400 Dekum bldg.
WE want $10,000 worth of second-hand fur
niture; highest prices paia. etira.
FORD AUCTION CO. pays most cash for
any kind of furniture. saain oitoa.
WILL kalsomlne rooms for $2.50; P"int
nouse at your price; leiwmc
ROLL top desk, sanitary. Call at 432 Cham.
Der or commerce, main tuo.
WE pav highest prices for second-hand
clothing. 294 3d St. Phone Main 9263.
HIGHEST prices paid for castoff clothing
and shoes. larsnau
NATIONAL cash register; price must be
reasonaDie. main pu. a wv-
WANTED Second-hand coal cookstove
cheap. B9 N. 3d st. S. Rnsseff.
(One of Many.)
Office Secretary Employment Department,
Y. M. C. A.
Young man, stranger, seeking employ
ment t20 hla total cash asset) If I pay
you $5 for employment membership. I will
have only $15 between me and starvation.
Secretary If you pay $5 for employ
ment membership, you will have the Y.
M. C A- with all its resources, between
you and starvation.
Ratult Young man Joined association.
In less than a week he had satisfactory
employment. .
Record for 8 months ending Aug. 81: '
Call for men from employers 1 .?
Positions filled 1UB
Special employment membership guar
antees member will secure employment,
or membership fee will be refunded. Gives
two months' full privileges, including use
of gymnasium, swimming pool, baths, etc.,
and ten months' social or house privileges.
Including the service of the employment
department for the entire year.
All young men seeking employment In
commercial, clerical or technical lines, or
as engineers, firemen, mechanics, machin
ists, carpenters, millworkers or in other
skilled lines, are cordially Invited to con
sult with the Secretary of the advisory
and employment department.
W'ANTEDSalesman with steam, scrap and
stamina to back up his Intelligence and in
tegrity on a proposition of rare merit;
If you possess these qualifications and are
not tied to Portland, there Is a real
opening for you. Address box T 388, Ore
TT..T? TT--. T Tl ' I"'! t I."
Will be done on a limited number of pa
tients by Dr. A. E. Smith's post grad
uate class on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thurs
day and Friday only. Broadway bldg.,
room 908. Hours 1 to 4 P. M.; No charge.
SALES MANAGER First-class salesman to
appoint district manager for the best sell
ing article ever Invented. Must finance
yoursolf. but you can make big money.
Address W 411. Oregonlan.
WANTED by a large wholesale mercantile
Institution, an office boy about 17 years
of age. Apply In own handwriting, stating
age, education, experience and salary ex
pected. Reply to K 408, Oregonlan.
WANTED Two men, single, over 21, to
travel with crew and solicit; men familiar
with country people preferred; good money
and steady work. Call 9 to 11 at Casa
Rosa, 300 Jefferson. '
WANTED 5 salesmen; a proposition that
any salesman can make several hundred
dollars per mo.; will be glad to talk it
over with you after 9:30 A. M. BIO Henry
bldg. .
EXPERIENCED advertising solicitors only;
cash commission; gooa weekly papers; uuo
solicitor earned $58.50 last week: another
$54.70. Clyde Agency, Estab. 1896. 207
Stock Exchange.
WANTED Bright young man for bill clerk;
must be accurate and quick at figures,
able to operate typewriter. Address, stat
ing age and salary expected, AN 415, Ore
IF you are looking for a money-maker we
nave iu ur wjud i. t ".
Pacific Coast Sales Co., 1015 Chamber of
Commerce. Portland, Oregon.
WANTED Agent to sell large store clocks
to barbers, poolrooms, cigar stores, eiu.,
on easy payments; big commission paid.
Call 468 Mawtnorne ave.
JAPANESE or Chinese boy or man for
enamour worn; must uo mu
speak good English. Madras Hotel, 12th
and v asnington.
WANTED 20 salesmen; must be experi
enced clothing, furnishing and shoes. Ap
ply L. E. Kara, 7th and Main. Oregon
mand. This coming vocation taugni i
Y. M. C. A. Day and night schools. Com
plete equipment. Best on Coast.
RELIABLE boy with wheel to run errands
and deliver packages; salary to start, $6
per week. Apply Immediately, 316 Spal
ding bldg.
WANTED At once, one stickerman who
can also run shaper and grind and temper
knives. Good wages to a first-class man,
others need not reply. AV 477. Oregonlan.
WANTED City editor for small evening
daily. Not desk jod. rrerer young mar
ried man who wants permanent place.
Address by letter. AV 4i4. Oregonlan.
WANTED At once, 2 men to learn auto
repairing and driving, call at nawtnorne
Garage. 445 Hawthorne ave.
WANTED Young man as stenographer and
bill clerk, wholesale house; give age and
phone. AE 413, Oregonlan.
RELIABLE boys over 16, with wheels, can
earn good money aenvering; permanent.
Call mornings. 441 Stark Bt.
TAILORS wanted to work on ladles' tailored
Jackets, only first-class need apply; per
manent position. S. Weiss, 147 10th Bt.
WANTED A capable shipping clerk by
wholesale house; rezerences required,
411, Oregonian.
TAILOR wanted at once: out of town. In
quire bet. 9 and lu a. m. at 4ui uregoman
WANTED An experienced delivery man for
French launary. can taae pannersmp.
Call 475 Williams ave.
MAN to paint house, 645 Clinton st.. and
take pay in house rent. Edwards Co., 191
1st st.
WANTED Immediately, experienced roofer
to lay or repair ruoDerom roots. AU 41
20 HOUSE-TO-HOUSE canvassers; some
thing new; liberal commission, aoa ana
300 Labbe bldg.
WANTED A man who can make good to
sell Leslie's weekly. 011 Worcester oiag.,
8 to 9.
WANTED Experienced candy salesman.
Call at 744 Lombard St., bet. 7 and 9 P.
M. Wesdneeday evening.
WANTED Boy to work In mattress factory,
i$l.S5 per day. Carman Mfg. Co., 1214
aiacaaam. 31am
WANTED First-class stickerman; also 2
niacmiie iccueia. ici 11 irj laiaiiie, miu
Co., E. Water and Yamhill.
C. R. HANSEN & CO Employment. 26 N.
2d st. Main lozo.
PRESSER wanted. Schenk & Keller, 105
4th Bt.
WANT solicitor. The J. K. Shop, 423 Wash,
WANTED Experienced tailor. Samuel Ro
senblatt & Co., 3d and Morrison.
TAILOR for pressing, repair and alterations.
J. Harris. 125 13th St.
BUSHELMAN wanted. Portland Tailoring,
S23 Morrison St. Call 8 A. M.
WANTED First-class coatmakers at once.
Herbert Greenland, 209 Rothchlld bldg.
WANTED Mattress-maker. Carman Mfg.
Co.. 1214 Macadam. Main 838.
WANTED Boys. IS or over, with wheels.
Postal Telegraph Co.. 126 Third.
WANTED Helper for ladies' work; steady
work. Apply 540 Washington
WANTED Upholsterers. Klopstock Bros.,
WANTED First-class ladies 'tailor. 811
selling pmg. a. iipwim.
SOLICITOR for cleaning and pressing shop.
Call 1143 Michigan ave.
WANTED A first-class upholsterer. F. A.
layior to., .uv mm pi.
PHOTO coupon agents, new winning con-
(C31 UUCI. ...... j m.... .....
MAN wanted to repair Blot machines. Hunt
ley , uiflsm 1 1 J -
SALESMEN and dlst. mgrs. for Oregon. Nat
Casualty Co., 501 Rnllway Ex. bldg.
work. Geo. E. Massie, Grand Forks, B. C.
PHOTO coupon, best offered, beauty con
test startea. uutoertn Piuum. ucium diuk.
HOUSE-TO-HOUSE canvassers. $15 per
week. 4-t xamnui St., a. jm.
PRJ5SSER wanted. 274 16th street North.
WANTED for U. S. Army, able-bodied, un
married men between ages of 18 and 86;
citizens of United States, of good char
acter and temperate -habits, who can
speak, read and write the English lan
guage. For Information apply to recruit
ing officer, Worcester bldg.. Third, and
l ' tl HIS,, X Ul UOI.fp VI.
WE have a fine opening for an experienced
real estate salesman, one who is familiar
with values in Portland and can carry
through trades: free auto and liberal ad
vertising. Call upon Mr. Vance between
s and 9 A. M. Dorr 1. .neasey at. io.,
ond floor Chamber of Commerce bldg.
GOOn reliable bov for office work and to
run errands; will teach you up-to-date
business methods and give you a chance
to learn a $35 a week trade. Answer in
own handwriting stating age, salary ex
pected, previous experience if any. L 388,
WAITRESS. $25, $30, $35.
Camp cook, $35, hotel, $40.
Kitchen helper. $20, $21.
German and colored girl for housework,
$25. $30.
205 a Morrison St. Ladles' Dept.
EXPERIENCED woman wanted for dyeing
slippers, hosiery, etc Apply at Superin
tendent's office. 6th floor, between 8:30
and 9:30 A. M.
Will be done on a limited number of
patients by Dr. A. E. Smith's post grad
uate class on Tuesday. Wednesday. Thurs
day and Friday only. Broadway bldg.,
room 906. Hours 1 to 4 P. M. No charge.
WANTED Capable girls for cooks, seoond
work, general housework and child nurs
ing. We aim to place only girls we can
recommend in homs we can recommend.
Domestic Service Bureau, 806 Central
bldg., 10th and Alder. Main 707.
WANTED Five bright, capable ladles to
travel, demonstrate and Bell dealers; rail
road fare paid; $25 to (50 per week. Call
Velvetlna Shop, 615 Swetland bldg.
RELIABLE, ambitious woman of refine
ment and ability; permanent, responsible
position. Vlmedia Co., Juliana Apt., .No,
12, 45 Trinity Place.
Five girls to learn beauty culture; pay
while learning; position guaranteed. 400
414 Dekum bldg. Sanitary Parlors.
WANTED Good, steady girl for general
housework, one willing to go to Seaside;
family of 3; wages $25. Call 895 Com
mercial st., or phone C 1803.
YOUNG lady for office work; no stenography
or typewriting. Address in own handwrit
ing, giving telephone number. AH 412,
WANTED A girl in confectionery, lunch-
ruuin, living tieur jgiicibuii xiigu ouuuui.
Call 158 Sumner, between 8 and 11:30
SANITORIUM cook (out). $40; nurse. $30;
waitress. $30; kitchen helper, $30; restau
rant waitress, $3 week. 845 Wash. St.,
li. 7.
WANTED Young respectable girl to stay
nights with young marriea woman ior
room rent. Apply to Mrs. Monroe, 464 ti
Union ave. N.
COMPETENT housekeeper wanted in min
isters home; reasonable work; gooa wages;
treated as one of the family. East 4489.
B 2450.
WANTED High school girl to work for
room and board, near Lincoln High School.
846 College.
GOOD home and good wages for girl in
small family; no cooking or washing.
543 6th st.
resses, chambermaids, housekeepers, gen
eral housework. 288 Main st. Main 2039.
Washington bldg., 270 Wash., room 85,
near 4th. Phone Main BK3B orA bzpp.
WANTED 'Price clerk, experienced In de
tail work; give references and Balary
wanted. AJ 4O0. Oregonian.
WANTED Office girl, one willing to start
on small wages, call Detween ana lu
A. M. at 306 Spalding bldg.
GIRL for general housework In small apart
ment; young baDy; can go noma nignts.
Marshall 1178.
WANTED Experienced girl to do general
housework in family 01 . i-none wooa
awn 1825.
SECOND girl, experienced, 261 25th North.
Call before 10 A. M. or between 6 and
8 P. M.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position, via vi uo., euu notn-
chlld bldg 4tn ana w asnington.
BY wholesale house, an ambitious woman
willing to apply nerseix; experience not
required. M 401. Oregonlan.
WANTED Experienced waitresses for short
hours. Apply tea room, 4tn zioor, uias.
Wortman King.
WANTED Bright, capable office woman;
salary to start. AG 897, Oregonlan.
WANTED Competent girl for general
housework; small family. CIS Thompson.
East 4140.
WANTED An experienced girl for general
housework. 294 East 25 th st. South.
Phone East 8116.
WANTED Girl for second work, 209 I3th,
between Salmon and Taylor. References
WANTED At 494 E. 64th at. ' N.. woman
HWU .1W LU licij, v, 1 . 11 jFAX-viu uuuu aim
do cooking for two.
WANTED Experienced girl for housework
ana cooking; rexerences. uau 44 ,ua.
Phone Main 2569.
WANTED A girl for general housework;
must DO aoie 10 cuua. i naiae du f wt
WANTED Girl for general housework and
help with baby; $5 per week. 65 Mason at.
WANTED A girl to help In dlnlngroom .163
12th and Morrison.
WANTED Good general house girl; good
home and pay. Call 90O Northrup st.
GIRL to work in restaurant; must be ex
perienced. 204 4tn st.
WANTED Lady to do alteration work and
pressing. 4 80H Washington at.
GIRL for housework, small family, good
home, good wages. 585 Marshall St.
GIRL for general housework; small family.
Main 6339.
GIRL, light housework, easy place. Call
at 694 East Alder, cor. 2Qth.
EXPERIENCED skirtmaker and coat fin
isher wanted. S. R. Tanzer, 411 Alder.
HOTEL and restaurant help headquarters.
3454 wash. St., tl. 1. cor, vtn. zoz.
LADY canvassers. Fine proposition. Good
money, Phone Sellwood 1S72.
GIRL wanted for general housework. Sell
wood 1869.
WANTED A girl for general housework.
Tabor 4387.
EXPERIENCED performer for sister act for
vaudeville. Phone Main 8251.
WANTED Experienced cook for family of
three. Phone Main 2860.
GIRL for housework. 395 Clifton St., cor
ner lOith. West Side.
WANTED Girl for general housework.
Phone E. 2735.
LADY can have a good home for light serv
ices. Tabor 4376.
GIRL for general housework; small family;
good wages. 586 Tillamook st.
WANTED A girl for second work. Apply
in the morning at 721 Johnson st.
A GOOD girl, general housework. 736 Kear
ney st. Inquire bet. 10 and 12 A. M.
EXPERIENCED woman for general house
work. 829 Kearney st.
COMPETENT woman for housework and
cooking. Apply 815 Eaat 16th North.
GIRL for general housework; phone A 1U70
or Marshall 101 .
EXPERIENCED waitress wanted at Morris',
91 6th St., near Stark.
APPRENTICES and girls to learn dress
making. 434 Morrison.
COMPETENT and experienced girl for gen
eral housework. 269 N. 2oth St.
WANTED A middle-aged woman for gen
eral housework. Phone Tabor 2646.
WANTED Girl for general housework; fam
ily of 4 adults. 646 E. 23d N.
GIRLS wanted; steady employment. Pacific
Coast BiBcuit Co., 12th and Davis.
A GOOD kitchen girl wanted at 79 W. Park.
Wages $35; children in home; good
home and excellent treatment; country
girl preferred. Telephone East GSS7.
WANTED A lady or couple to take charge
of a small r. h. ; no work, gooa Dome. au
morning. 294 Lowsdale st.
FISK Teachers' Agency secures poaltions
for teachers. 816 Journal bldg. Main 4835.
T.TCARisx antnmnhlle renairin?. driving on up-
to-date cars; electrical, civil engineering,
surveying; methods most practical; room
and board while learning; positions se
nurul. aatlafntinn suaranteed: catalogue
free. 'National School of Engineering. 2110
West Seventh, Los Angeies, cai.
WANTED Ambitious workmen. Your work
on actual Jobs pays for teaching trade of
electricity, automobiles, plumbing, brick
laying. Only few months required; 700
students last four years. Write for in
formation. United Trade School Contract
ing Co., Los Angeles. -
OREGON Barber College teaches you the
barber trade in 8 weeks; pays you while
learning; tools free; tuition reduced-this
term; export instructors; 20 years in busi
ness; position guaranteed; special induce
ments to ladles. 33 Madison St., 252 2d st.
MEN 20x0 40 years old wanted at once for
electric railway motormen and conductors;
$60 to $100 a month; no experience nec
essary; fine opportunity; write immediate
ly for application blank. Address AV 413,
THE Mohler Barber College will teach you
the trade in 8 weeks; tools free: send for
catalogue; 20 years in the business; 87
schools; a lifetime scholarship given to
each etudent: special Inducements given
to laaiea. 4P fr. m
BUSINESS opportunities come to young
women students through the commercial
department, run not to make money, but
for the good of girls by the Y. W. O. A.
Write or call jjroaaway ana -layior eta.
nation . ov. x. 1 L ' iwm du.c 1 ' -
salary $800 to $1200. Free book. Pacific
State School. McKay bldg.. Portland, Or.
WOMEN Get Government Jobs; big pay;
. write for free list of positions available.
Franklin Institute, Dept. 6US G.. Roches
ter, N. Y.
GOVERNMENT Joba open to men, women;
ttO IO 10U mUlllll, 113V JIU9111V1IO 1'
Franklin Institute, Dept. 627 F., Roches
ter. N. Y.
SCHOOLS, 606 McKay bldg., cor 8d and
Stark sts. phones: Main 1026. A 412L
Also heacjquanera 1. a. r raicrmiy.
MEN AND WOMEN for Government Jobs,
$'.10 month. Write for list positions open.
Franklin Institute. Dept. 325G, Rochester.
N. Y.
$100 TO $150 monthly, railroad brakemen;
an experienced railroad man instructs and
secures you a position. 120 16th st, near
Washington st.
WANTED Names of men, 18 to 45, wishing
to be railwav mail clerks, $75 month. J.
L. K AV 449, Oregonlan.
CHANCE to learn to operate moving-picture
machine; we can place three more men
In theater. 417 Kotnenna Diag.
Instruction. GREGG SHORTHAND, book
keeping. 404 t;ommunwemi um. aai
WANTED Licensed dentist for partner in
large advertising office. AB 403, Orego
WANTED At once, 2 men to learn to oper
ate moving-picture machine. Call 512
Rothchlld bldg.
PRIVATE shorthand school, experienced
teacher, o per montn. ana 11111 pi
...... r. T. oaoQ rvt) TVCTRIT V
i:ow nin sal. 11 1 oj.'u. . . 1 ......
GIRLS Learn beauty parlor work. Earn
money while learning. 613 Rothchlld bldg.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
CREDIT MAN desires a position; at present
credit man and office manager for a
large wholesale house; well acquainted
with entire Northwest and can furnish
best of references. K 406, Oregonian
EXPERT ACCOUNTANT will open, close or
audit or systematize your books quickly
and reasonably; country work preferred.
X 408, Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER Bkpr., expd;,-single man,
offers services to good concern at once.
Would leave town or invest. "H. S.," 469
up books, prepare balance and statements,
install systems. Gllllngham, auditor, 414
Ijewis Plus, nmraimii ill
BOOKKEEPER, general business and office
experience; accept anything honorable.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wants work at
nominal salary; can give references. Call
411 Lumper CiXciianKe uius.
EXPERIENCED clothing salesman, 5 years'
experience, open for position In city.
Phone Mr. Mather, Main 7815, -
YOUNG man, attending Holmes Business
College, desires a place to work for his
room and board, outside of Bchool hours.
Call Main 613, A 2554.
MAN and wife, no children, want work on
ranch. Experienced man as general farm
hand and care of stock. Wife as cook. S
392, Oregonian
EXPERIENCED Janitor and houseman, also
understands the care of lawn and flowers,
wishes a partner; good references. AK 413,
MIDDLE-AGED Swiss, serious, trustworthy
man, desires position in private family
or as watchman; willing to work; refer
ences. Address AP 410, Oregonian.
CHEF, first-class, experienced, seeks posi
tion In hotel, club or restaurant; only
first-class business entertained. K 407,
POSITION wanted by a first-class oil and
steam engineer competent to handle re
pairs ,in or out of town. AD 410, Orego
nian. EXPERIENCED grocery and general mdse.
clerk open for position, city and other ref
erence. Phone Woodlawn 2929. Ask for
YOUNG man. 20, with experience In grocery
business wants position in store or inside
work; state salary. Address W. B. Fe
gles, 684 Commercial St., city.
EXPERIENCED chauffeur and repair man
wishes private position; willing to work
around place; good references. P 397,
GERMAN lessons given In private families
by educated young man, age 24. AJ 413,
' Oregonlan.
YOUNG man, attending school, wishes place
to work as part pay for room and board.
AB 400, Oregonlan.
CHAUFFEUR, married man, thoroughly ex
perienced, wants anything auto Una. N
886, Oregonlan.
MOTION-PICTURE operator desires posi
tion; can give references. AH 410, Ore
gonian. YOUNG man, Bulgarian, wants to work on
farm, $25 to $30 per month. 27514 Burn
side st. .
BAKER'S helper. 0 years' experience, bread
or cake; quick worker, steady. W 412,
COOK, good In all branches, city or out,
sober; city reference. 269 Market. Grimes,
Main 3920.
WANTED By man with a 45-h.p. 5-passen-ger
Overland auto, work by the day or
part of the time. Phone Tabor 1185.
WANTED Position as cook or porter by
experienced man. Louis Arakl. 827 Ever
ett st.
AN experienced Janitor would like position
in good apartment-house or as fireman.
Can give reference. N 378, Oregonlan.
COLORED man will clean offices, stores,
basements, windows. Call Madison. Phone
East 1389.
FIRST-CLASS waiters furnished. Marshall
791, A 4910. Portland Walters' Club. 148
6th, Portland, Or. G. C. Gerald, manager.
WATERWORKS foreman, 20 years' expe
rience, will go anywhere; best of refer
ence. AT 411. Oregonlan.
YOUNG married man wants steady work
with chance of promotion. Address 65
Shaver St. '
YOUNG man of ability desires position as
meat cutter; 10 years' experience. Ad
dress Urban Myers, 894 Lombard st
YOUNG Japanese boy going to night school
wants situation, housework. K. Yama, 92
5th st.
GOOD, honest, middle-aged German wants
steady work of any kind; has had long
experience as iiremmi. aittm 111.
MAN and wife want position as cooks in
second-class hotel. Main 717, A 1517.
CARPENTER wants Job or repair work,
East 2095.
RANCH work wanted by Germans; man and
wife. W 410, Oregonlan.
WORK by young man 22, from 1 to 4 P.
M. C. E. Hanson. Main 2678.
YOUNG man, neat and sober, wants kitchen
work, 6 days a week. 234 Alder.
AN all-round cook wants situation In or out
o town. W 413. Oregonlan.
JAPANESE, first-class cook, position pri
vate family. Mar. 9361, A 1569. 121 15th.
YOUNG man 19 wants work at once. AL,
406 Oregonian.
JAPANESE school boy wants position in
city. K 399, Oregonlan.
RESPECTABLE middle-aged man. Just
come to city, wishes position In Pvae
family; understands steam and hot water
boilers, some knowledge of gardening,
handy with tools; good references H. M.
Kj. Byrne, room iwg ji uqu n j -
CHAUFFEUR wishes a position with pri
vate family, reliable, with good refer
ences; willing to make himself useful.
Call or address Charles A. Brqwn, bia x.
SI. V.. A., l-ui Llfflliu,
DON'T READ THIS unless you have a posi
tion to offer to a young married man who
Is experienced In selling staple lines, and
is capable of driving and repairing any
UlUlie Ul aULUB. . - -. ".J, v.Q...
LINOTYPE machinist operator wants posi
tion in country office where he can put
In half time on Job, ad or presswork; no
booze or cigarettes. C. A. Heusser, 915
filisworm su. ruinuuu, vi
A MAN of SO, lately from the East, wants
a Job as watchman, Janitor or porter at
$1.25 a dav. or will do odd Jobs at 1-5
. u.. A e 3ua rtrAcrnnlnn.
ceuis nu imm. n " v.p
JAPANESE young couple wanu position to
do housework; man wants to take care of
garden and help the housework; I could
. . ...... . v, iin rirnronlan.
EXPERIENCED chauffeur. Japanese, wants
position In private car; wining 10 uo iin
ily work besides; be3t of references. A3
877, Oregonlan.
MAN. experienced ranch cook, willing to
work cheap for the Winter. R. O.. 544
Pettygrove st,
gwikkeepers and Stenographers.
WANTED Position by young lady as office
assistant; two years' experience; best of
references. Y 41'J. uregoniaii.
EXPERIENCED young lady bookkeeper,
stenographer and bill clerk desires posi
tion. X ureBUHiaii.
AN experienced young lady bill clerk and
dictaphone operator desires position. Y
' 417, Oregonlan. '
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper would like two
or three sets of books to keep at home. B
883. Oregonian-
YOUNG lady (Scotch), good penman, wishes
position In office. X 407. Oregonlan.
STENOGRAPHER desires poeltion; 6 years'
experience, reference. AN 414, Oregonlan.
POSITION as bookkeeper, cashier or clerical
work; references. Bellwooa liuu.
BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, 10 years'
experience; references. T 392, Oregonian.
,.i t. ADCAT.T. Vlir.K
JlUSlllUU. 1VC1C1 C1H.CO. Jianiin-u
EXPERIENCED dressmaker wishes more
engagements oy uay ur m huuib,
good reference. East 6532.
COMPETENT seamstress will do children's
sowing very reasonably. 1424 Knowles
ave.. St. Johns car.
FASHIONABLE dressmaking reasonable.
home or day. auiioti. at.- jumo ouo.
WANTED Sewing by day. Call 6 East
OlD B U 1XUIIU. m A B " "i'im.
ONE-PIECE dresses made In one day at
1 -t arr a -3l
DRESSMAKING and alterations; Jackets
relined, reasonable. Main im.
DRESSMAKING All kinds of sewing by
day. Phone A 3098.
FIRST-CLASS dressmaker wishes engage
ments; best references, main 00041. a
GOOD seamstress will go out to sew for
fl.O per UK. mi n. ainiinji wi "w.
SEAMSTRESS would like plain sewing and
mending, $1.50 aay. aj siu. uregunian.
DRESSMAKING by the day. Phone Mar
shall 8520.
NURSE, experienced, more cases, Invalid,
any kind, elderly .reasonable. Call Mar
shall 5781.
POSITION by undergraduate nurse; massage
treatments given; terms reasonaoie. Main
WANTED To Take charge of a small hotel
or rooiiunB-""wao whihhwiuu
ary; experienced and capable lady. Phone
Main 6212, ask for Mrs. Richmond or
write general delivery.
POSITION as housekeeper by German wom
an for respectable gentleman or widower
In city or country. Address AS 361, Ore
POSITION as housekeeper or cook. Gen
tleman or widower preferred. AL 409
REFINED, middle-aged woman, excellent
cook, wants place as working house
keeper, in city or out. AO 412, Oregonlan.
YOUNG Norwegian woman wishes place as
housekeeper in widower's home, country
preferred. AC 400, Oregonlan.
LADY with experience would like manage
ment of apartments. Mrs. J. W. I., 309
3d st.
WOMAN with 4-year-old child wants place
as housekeeper. Main 717. A 1517.
YOUNG German girl wants general house
work. AK 415, Oregonlan.
GERMAN girl wants housework; West Side
preferred. AH 408, Oregonlan.
FIRST-CLASS compositor desires position;
10 years' experience; would prefer work
on straight matter. AM 806, Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED cashier wants place in
moving-picture show; can give references.
Main 717, A 1517.
CAPABLE woman will scrub, wash, iron or
wash windows and do all cleaning. Main
717. A 1517.
JAPANESE girl wants light housework in
small family; small wages, willing to learn
English. 605 Union ave.
YOUNG lady would like position in res
taurant; wages nominal. AD 413, Ore
gonlan. ;
HOME-LAUNDERED lace curtains by ex
pert, phone Tabor 2445. C 2227, Mrs.
COMPETENT young woman in bakery busi
ness wishes position in store; been in busl-
nes3 sen over a joma. uon "
CAPABLE young lady to care for home,
small family; references. AM 410, Ore
LADY wishes day work, washing, ironing,
Cleaning. Main tvw.
EXPERIENCED laundress and house cleaner
wishes work by day. Woodlawn 1935.
1. OMAN wants work day or hour, washing,
ironing, nursing. Phone Marshall 847.
GENERAL housework In family of adults
or old couple. Call Main 26921
WOMAN wants work by the day or hour.
Call A 7305.
CAPABLE young woman desires chamber
work. Phone Main 2039.
EXPERIENCED woman cook desires posi
tion in private family, rnona main guaa.
GIRL wants work by the day; wash and
iron; 25c hour. Tabor 1014.
MATERNITY nurse wants case; will do
light housework. Main 147.
LACE curtains, araperies, linen laundered
by expert. Called ror. 'lapor an.
GOOD plain cook wants work. Main 2266.
AGENTS Men and women, house to house,
office to office business, to sell tho new
est electric specialty on the market; sold
everywhere there Is electricity, In the
home, office, factory, store, hotel; liberal
profits no experience or knowledge of
electricity required; shows how to use one
light Instead of two and get same reults.
Sells for $5.00 and saves the purchaser an
Investment of $25. For particulars. West
Coast Specialty Co., 8 Front st.
LADIES or gentlemen, to sell new parlor
game Affinity; very attractive, consists
of 67 cards of men and women, in beauti
ful colors: everybody likes lt; nothing
more appropriate for a present- Call or
address Affinity Card Co., 805 Lewis bldg.,
Portland, Or., or send 60 cents for samples
and terms to agents.
PARTIES In a position to handle general
agency for an article required by every
family, costing 25c. retailing at 95c, get
in communication with Samuel C. Osborn,
ri i v.i Uan tTr-a nr. i sen.
SELL BIBLES at 100 per cent profit; 600
Illustrations. oubiiiij w,
Mr. KOWeil, X. flfl. A.. A. umB. p"iu
TWO live agents for good selling article.
Alain moo.
Married man, 3 children. 6. 9, 13 years
old desires 4 or 6-rovim furnished honse,
$15 to $25 per month, acesslble to school:
suburban places accessible to carllne will
be favorably considered. Phone Foreman,
Graver's ranch, Scholia, Or. Write Fore
man. Graver's ranch. Hlllsboro, Or., R. F.
D. No. 2, at once.
SMALL room, furnished or unfurnished.
near Washington nifa'ii. n s, um-
5 OR 6-ROOM modern house or bungalow,
$20 to $30 per mo. " Good dlst. At once.
G wa, viregonitiii.
Rooms With Board.
LADY from the East wishes board and room
in private family; state price. &a 111,
Booms With Board.
GENTLEMAN wishes board and room, near
20th and Hawthorne. Call East i3. B
BY young man, board and room near !3d st.
N. ; moderate charges. AB 406, Oregonlan.
Business Places.
WANTED To rent barn large enough for
20 horses, also wagons, inquire Lang
Co., 1st and Ankeny.
furnished Kooiua.
Family hotel. European plan, fireproof
building, mouurn ana Clean in every re
spect; 150 outside rooms, hut and cold
running water, both telephones in every
room, ladies' parlor, large tiled floor bath
room, well ventilated: ladies' tullet and
gentlemen's toilet on each floor; large
parlor off main lobby.
12th and Washington Sts
207 4th. 21Si 4th.
Nicely furnished rooms, homelike, re
spectable, clean and modern; hot and cold
water, private baths; Summer rates. 3
per week and up; special attention Kiven
to tourists; give us a call; you will like
lt, for you get your mouey'a worth and
then Borne.
FOR Y. M. C. A. MEMBERS Furnished
rooms, reasonable In price; fireproof build
ing, vacuum cleaned, shower baths, swim
ming pool, club facilities; special rates at
cafeteria and 100 other features. Full par
ticulars at business office, cor. 6th and
Taylor sts.
11th, between Morrison and Yamhill Re
cently opened; every modern convenience:
plenty of hot water and heat; beautiful
lobby; rates $4 week and up; with private
bath, $5.50 week and up; transient rates.
75c and up. Free phone. Main 4226.
FOR Y. M. C. A. MEMBERS Furnished
rooms, reasonable in price; fireproof build
ing, vacuum cleaned, shower baths, club
facilities; special rates at cafeteria. Fuil
particulars at business office, cor. 6th and
Taylor sts.
HOTEL SAVON, 181 Eleventh street New
modern brick building, steam-heated, pri
vate baths, hot and cold water, comfort
ably lurnisnea; transients luniiiiou.
$2 TO $3 per week Large, clean, downtown
Toms, WHO pieuiy uialiib miu nui.
free at all hours; all newly furnished. Ho
tel Cadillac, 3d, near Jefferson st.
YOUNG man, rooming at Y. M. C. A., wants
roommate to reauce rooming baiicjiov
Inquire Y. M. C A., cor. 6th and Taylor.
AN exceptionally nice furnished bay window
room, ine uesouuuu aiil., j.. - i u...
16th St. .
MADRAS HOTEL. 12th and Washington-
Rooms $3 week; private nam t weea;
corner front suite $5 week.
THE LARRABBE, 227 Larrabee Rooms,
$2 week up; brick buliaing. steam uei,
hot. cold water, bath, phone, electricity.
HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, 6524 Washington.
Elegantly located, new, all moaern conven
iences; dally, weekly, monthly ; $2.50 wk. up
FL'R.MSHED rooms, tunning water, steam
heat, $3 and $3.50 a week, zsa luui. a no
YOUNG man, rooming at Y. M. C. A., wants
roommate to reduce rooming expenses, lu-
1 i- 1, A mr Hth nn.l Tavlnr
HOTEL EDWARDS. Grand ave., E. Belmont;
rooms $12 mo. up; $22.50 and up with
bath; absolutely respectable. East 323.
XlvJlUlli 1 1A .11" AAA.- ' .
Strictly modern; private baths; rooms
-n ... ' ,. A,nn 11AT1 A ATi:i
td.ou per hwa ut. main n-iiAi,
THE BEVEllLY, Para and Yamhill Rocms
$2 to $5 a week- transients, 50o and $1;
nice and quiet place.
Nicely funuBhed rooms, day or week.
Furnished Rooms In Private pa only.
ROOMS in private familites; we maintain
a descriptive list, giving a wide range of
choice, and can place you in Just what
you want. Call and see us now. No charge.
1015 Chamber of Commerce. Main 4030.
SUNNYS1DE Pleasant corner room; Bleep
ing porch if desired; house thoroughly
modern; furnace heat, private family; gen
tleman preferred. 119 East 33d, corner
Alder. Tabor 1179.
bKlOHT, airy room, opens onto broad
porch, modern conveniences. Bleeping
porch if desired, best location. W. park.
iuar. 410.
LARGE, furnished room, front, main floor,
also large room, Becond floor, with sleep
ing porch. 123 E. 19th. corner Alder. East
CLEAN front room, suitable for one or
two; heat, batn, phone; reasonaoie rem,
walking distance. 325 12th st.
TWO furnished rooms with board cheap;
gas and furnace heat, wltn bath. 766
vjutmby St. Marshall 6&D6.
LARGE furnished clean front room sult for .me or two. in private family;
close in. 449 W. Park. Phone Marshall loii,
NICELY furnished room; homelike, clean,
modern; furnace heat, bath, phone, eleo
trio lights, reasonable. 94 North 10th.
iLiiiiuT i.v mom. two windows, conven.
lent to bath, close in, reasonable. 086
Everett street.
475 MORRISON Large, newly furnished,
convenient rooms, small room $10, excep
tionally good.
TWO nicely furnished, bright rooms (house
keeping if required' every convenience,
modern home. 205 13th St.
$2 PER WEEK Clean, airy attlo room for
gentleman of good habits only. 295 10th
CLEAN sunny room, furnace heat, reason
able, ror one or two men ui avuu i.u."i.
in refined West Side home. Main 4906.
WITHIN 6 blocks of P. O., hot and cold
water, $15 per month; Itose Friend Apia.
Very 'nice. Marshall 1297.
COMFORTS of a home in a refined West
Side private home, for two or four girls
empioyeu; icaawiftmi
ONE nicely furnished single room in fine
location, with all conveniences. Only $8
per montn. 101 Aim ma
NICELY furnished front room, very close
in anu renBuimuip. aa.
WANT three girls to share home with dress
maker, juaiu o-
NICELY furnished rooms from $2 weekly;
Close in. fnone. wo itMmufcw
DESIRABLE, modern, close-In, walking dts-
tance, very nwuiu'i. "
SINGLE sleeping rooms, heat, phono and
Dam. --a
LINCOLN HIGH SCHOOL students can find
r, c rooms, reasonaoie. tua owAunA.,.
THREE neatly furnished sleeping rooms for
rent. Ton irving.
DkJol-KABLE room, every convenience. Apt.
OW, uezpuuuu lyy"., -"
WELL-FURNISHED room, good looation for
one or two gentlemen. 251 10th st,
NEivLX furnished rooms, Ooi 5th su, cor.
$1 5o WEEK Clean and neat room. 268
12th su
Rooms With Board.
American and European plan; near City
park; convenient to carllne.
Washington at 23d st.
Residential and Tourist Hotel.
Attractive rates to permanent and tran
sients. MAUI
BEAUTIFUL, newly furnished rooms. 2 in a
room separate beds if desired, attractive
home, choice location, only 6 minutes to
business district; excellent table, large
parlor with piano for guests: terms rea
sonable. Phone Marshall 8U73. 311 11th.
Meal patruiiaKe Buugiicu.
i n :- 1. 1 l.'.I' UOTC1.
886 Montgomery St., at West Park Mod
ern conveniences; rooms with or without
bath; excellent table service; .eaionable
rates for regular and transient guests.
14th and Jefferson Sts.
An exclusive residential hotel; attractive
rates to transients or permanent guesta
Main 9283. A 6628. .
A residential hotel; large sun porch;
rooms with or without baths: home cook
ing. Table poara a Byccmnj.
452 MORRISON, cor. 13th Outside rooms,
modern conveniences; walking distance;
board optional.
a " .i.i. v,.U. hncrH if rlp-
t-osy rouiiia, win mi...,
sired; attractive rates. 710 Wash. M. 86il.
LARGE, newly furnished rooms, with board,
i.-L, . o nr mnr: ffpnarntn beds:
piano, home comforts. 191 11th. Main 63!) 1.
rooms with board, use of sewing-room, li
brary' 610 Flanders Mrs. E. N. Wllsonup
STUDENTS or other young men; acommo
date 7; special rate; good board. 80 N.
17th near Washington. Marshall 1008.
THE HAZE1. Now changed to family hotel.
SDecia! Summer rates, strictly borne cook.
. nn n A A OliAn- Al . in TlltlA
Ing. Sou ou "a. b ""
CHOICE rooms, single and double; first-
class tsjiieveryijsBioiiuic. ooaia
SINGLE and double rooms; good board; rea-
sonaoie nuen. i-m,.. ...
Booms Wltb Board In Private Family.
SLEEPING porch, warm dressing room,
home cooking, walking distance. 57 Trin
ity Place.
NICE room, new house, near Multnomah
Club, 2 meals, reasonable. Main 2219.
Koonm Willi Board In Private Fsjnlly.
N1CEL1' furnished front rom; also sleeping
i porch with large dressing-room and clotlus
closet in new, modern home; furnace heat,
gas electricity; use of phone, piano ai.d
parlor; breakfast If desired; walking distance-
near car; rent reasonable. East
UEALTIFUL, newly furnished rooms, B In a
room, sepurate beds if desired, attractive
home, choice location, only 0 minutes to
business district; excellent table, large
parlor with piano for guests; lorms rea
sonable. Phone Marshall UOiJ. 311 11th.
Meal pntronage soneneu.
LAUGZ rmni with running itr. beat of
board, centrally located, reasonable, gen
tlemen only. 291 West Park, near Jef-
FOR RENT, with board, nicely furnished
front room, modern. $:o for one, rates for
two. 695 Davis, near 21st. Phone Mar
shal! 3SI7.
IF there is a refined young man looking for
a place to board in a private home wltn
all modern conveniences, please answer.
K :t?'5, Oreconlan. m
WIDOW with refined, private, modern home,
steam heat, wishes one or two business
men to room, or room and board, close in.
L SS7, Oregonlan. t
WANTED 1 or 2 young business women
to board with a young widow In an at
tractive home; nomlnul board. 109 -9
12th. East 593.
WILL board and room six congenial young
business or office men In my home; all
conveniences; Vkry best of board; rate
$22.50 for 2 meals. Marshnll 2ii74.
ROOM and board in Southern family; home
cooking; walking distance. West Side..
Til Afn-slinll
WANTED Children to care for at our
home. Address Mrs. Mary Vollum. Forest
Grove. Or. for lei.-ieie t-n Ami ..i.i.n ..... ...
ROOMS, walking distance, board optional,
iCtili i-iin. .tiaill oi-.'o.
ROOM and board in private family for man
i i unii r oir. Mbi .f
ROOM anil board, walking distance. 332 loth
st. Main 97'.l. A 2.I5.
ROOMS and board, private family; bath and
pnone. mil r,. iiiii. rim""
ROOM and board In private family. OOfl
Ladd ave. Phone East 2209.
GOOD rooms and board, modern, close in.
47H Salmon st. Marshall AZ'i'i.
PLEASANT front room, with or without
board, use of piano. 301 10th.
W ANTED Child to care for. Tabor 4"90.
THE BARKKR, cor. 21st and Irving sts.
This new four-story brick now open; fur
nished and unfurnished In 2. 8 and 4
room suites; reception hall, electric auto
matic elevator. Holmes disappearing beds,
built-in buffet and writing desk, gas
range. Ice box, plenty of closet rooms;
both phones, vacuum cleaner free to pa
trons If you want something nice, come to
the Barker. Phone A 1744. Marshall 2901.
Situated on Lucrotla st., loo feet north
of Washington St., In on open court in
the best residence district, within walk
In distance: finest unfurnished apart
ments, 2 to 6 rooms. See them before lo
cating; rates reasonable; references. Man
ager, Marshall 1013; Janitor. Marshall
Corner Tenth and Salmon Sts.
Walking Distance.
Furnished complete, 2, 8 and 4-room
apartments; building new and strlotly
modern; service first-class.
12th and Taylor.
Most modem apartments on the Paclfia
Coast. Furnished complete.
Roof garden in connection.
Walking distance. Keferenoes.
CUMBERLAND, W. Park and Columbia sts.,
very choice 2 and 3-room completely fur
nished apts., all modern conveniences,
beautiful location facing the parks; 6 min
utes' walk from business center, we al
ways maintain our reputation for first
class, clean apts., with best of service, st
reasonable prices; references required.
6-story, fireproof bldg., 01 2 and 8-room
apts., automatic elevator, balconies, tile
bathrooms and all the latest improve
ments. Rates $25 to $40 month.
(Formerly the Wheeldon).
Corner Park and Taylor.
Modern apartments In 2, 3 and 4-room
, suites; furnished complete; first-class
service, ,
In down-town dlntrlct, but quiet.
Fifth and Columbla.
2 and 3-room apartments furnished:
slrlctly modern and now; references; close
walking distance; service first-class.
Ionian Court.
670 Couch, one block from Washington,
walking distance, 3 and 4-room modern
apartments, all modern conveniences;
best of service: under new management;
references required. Main 1192.
DESIRABLE 3-room apartment or 4 rooms
furnished or unfurnished, arranged for 2
bedrooms; very reasonable rent; desirable
location, good service, outside rooms, pri
vate bath, direct phone. SHEFFIt-UD
APARTMENTS. 272 Uroadway. oor. Jeff n.
THE WASHINGTON, 0S9 Northrup 5-room
unfurnished apartment, with bath and all
modern conveniences, telephone, steam
heat, gas, electric light, etc Take W car
to 21st and Northrup. Phones Main 4376,
A 1133.
HARRIMAN APTS, 104 N. 24th St. Now la
the time to get busy if you really want
to secure something nice for the Winter;
most desirable, all modern, 8 or 4-room
partly furnished apts. Relorences. Main
GRANDEST A East Stark and Grand ave.;
new building, nicely furnished; private
phones and baths, automatlo elevator;
moderate prices; walking distance. 1'hone
East 208.
FOR RENT Four-room completely fur
nished apartment, including Weber pianola
and Oriental rugs; all outside rooms;
northeast face. Rose Friend Apartments,
Marshall 1403, 371.
NEW YORK APTS., nicely furnished, very
central, 2 and 8 rooms, large kitchens,
baths, hoat, light and both phones; $16
to $25 per month; also sleeping rooms.
East 7th and Uelinopt-
bEE the Overton Apartments, furnished and
unfurnished, cheapest ana best in ino city;
private phone, bath and elec
trrc eievaio
no Inside roonia; new manager.
"W" car. 273 21st and Overton.
North 20th and Northrup Sts,
Homelike furnished 8 and 4-room apart
ments; outside rooms; balcony to every
suite; all conveniences; ret. Phone M. 1I7S
69 N. 23d St.
For rent, one 6-room apartment, all
modern conveniences. Call between 10 and
4 o'clock, apartment 4. ,
841 14th st., at Market.
7ew, two and three-room apartments,
completely furnished; walking distance;
prices reasonable. Phone Main 1739.
WESTFAL APTS., 410 0th, bet. Harrison
and Hall. Lowest rent in Portland for
what is offered; 3 rooms and bath from
$25 up. Call and Investigate before lu
catlng elsewhere.
NEW brick bldg., 2-room apartment, mod
ern, very light, large bath, two blocks
from 14th St., cor. of Mill; $20 to $22. 355
All outside 2-room fur. apts.; low rates
Include free light, heat, private phone.
"S" or loth-st. car south. Main 1377.
Park St.. ut Madison.
Modern 3 and 4-room furnished apart-
nents by the week or month.
New. modem furnished 2-room apts.;
bath, phones, dressing-room. line location.
110 N. 21st st. .Mar. 4141. W. car.
East 7th and Morrison sta. Very central;
2 and 3-room apartments, furnlBhed com
pletely ; private baths; room $'Jo to $21.50.
Front corner 4-room suite, . uuf urnlabed.
Apply at ouce.
FOUR-ROOM steam-heated apartment;
modern, exclusive. Coltei Drug Co., .1st
and Sherman.
New, I-room apis., light and gas In
cluded: $15 up 20 Porinr st. Main 7292.
LUZERNE Clean, cosy. 2-room furnished
apartment; modern, 8 minutes from P. O.
brick building, reasonable. Marshall 4637.
Beautiful apartments, furnished and un
furnished, including fireplace, etc. E. 3506.
THE MARLBOROUGH, Nob Hill district
Mx-room apartment; every convenience.
Phone Main 7016.
BRUCE APTS., 25th and Northrup; 6-room
apartment; largo, light rooms; excellent
location. Phono Marshall H2S, A 8179.
FLORENCE. 888 11th; 8-room front apart
ment, line furniture, complete, including
piano; $40.
KING DAVIS APTS., 64 N. King: 8 and 4
room hlgh-cluBs; references. Main 2068.
(TrOOM-apt., completely furnished; Qrc
Apts., 24th and Northrup.