Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 01, 1913, Page 13, Image 13

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League of Northwest Munici
palities Begins Sessions at
Commercial Club.
In Gathering of 200 to Study Meth
ods of Improving City Govern
ments Will Bo 11 Mayors.
Programme Is Varied.
T?f. ii bm nf th. oDnln of the sec
tion of the League of Northwest Mu
nicipalities at 10 o'cloc tnis morn
ing the City Commission will not
hold Its regular weekly meeting at 10
o'clock as usual. The session will
be adjourned until 11:13 A. M.,
when the regular order or Duaineu
will be taken up.
Official representatives of at least 30
cities of the Pacific Northwest will at
tend the second annual conference of
the League of Northwest Municipalities,
which begins at the Commercial Club
in Portland at 10 o'clock this morning.
It is expected that the attendance will
be close to 200, many representatives
of universities and commercial organi
zations of Oregon, Washington and
Idaho having arranged to attend, as
well as officials froni practically all of
the principal cities of these states.
So far It is definitely known that the
Mayors of 11 cities will be on hand from
cities in Oregon and Washington, and
there will be a score or more of City
Attorneys and City Engineers and mem
bers of city Commissions. Many of the
cities will be represented by Council
men, while others will send represen
tatives of the auditing, engineering or
treasury departments. The cities which
have officially appointed delegates are
Boise, Bothell. Centralis, Coquille, Cor
vallis. The Dalles, Dallas, Eugene, Gold
endale. Hoquiam. Hood River, Milton,
Newport, North Bend, North Yakima,
Oregon City, .Pendleton, Philomath, Po
catello. Port Angeles, Portland. St.
Helens. Salem, Seattle, Sheridan, Spo
kane. Tacoma, Vancouver, Wash.; Walla
Walla and Washougal.
R. A. Ballinger to Cone.
Seattle will be represented by A. E.
Griffiths, a member of the City Council,
and R. A. Ballinger. Spokane will be
represented by Commissioner C M.
Fassett. The cities to be represented
by Mayors are St. Helena, Philomath,
Hood River, Corvallia, Washougal,
Goldendale, Bothell, Sheridan, Portland,
Vancouver, Wash., and Walla Walla
Walla Walla is represented by Dr.
S. B. L. Penrose, president of Whitman
College, and Professor C. O. Haines,
secretary of the" league, In addition to
Mayor Glllis.
The convention will open at the Com
mercial Club with an address of wel
come by Mayor Albee. which will be
followed by a response by ex-Governor
Miles C. Moore, of Walla
(Valla, president of the league. Meet
ings will be held In various rooms In
the Commercial Club by officials in
terested in different lines of municipal
work. The nrst will be at 11:15, when
Mayors. Commissioners and Councilman
of both large and small cities will hear
an address by Dr. B. I Arms, Oregon
State Bacteriologist, on "The Publio
Health laboratory and Its Relation to
the Physician, the Health Officer and
the Public."
Paving; and Parking; Topics.
Subsequently a meeting of engineers
and street superintendents will be held
to hear the address by F. E. Hobson,
City Engineer of Grants Pass and Co
quille, on "Bituminous Pavements Laid
by the Penetration Method," and an
address by Herbert J. Flagg, City En
gineer of Dallas, on "Care of Parkins
This will conclude the morning pro
gramme. At noon the delegates will
have a luncheon as guests of the Ad
Club, at which R. A. Ballinger will be
the principal speaker. The afternoon
session will be held In room H of the
' new public library, and will Include
the following programme:
3 P. M. Police administration; ad
dresses by A. J. Gillis. Mayor of Walla
.Walla, and R. A. Ballinger, of Seattle;
discussion. 3 P. M. A municipal busi
ness manager; address by Loren E.
Coyle, business manager, Milton, Or.;
discussion. :30 P. M. Address on
"Municipal Ownership of Street Rail
ways," by D. W. Stanrod, member of
-the Public Utilities Commission, of
Boise, Idaho.
At 8 o'clock - this evening Herbert
Folger, of San Francisco, will speak
. on "Fire Protection," and Sam Hill, of
Portland, will speak on "Good Roads
' and Streets." His address will be illus
trated with stereopticon views. This
meeting will be held at Library Hall
in the public library.
A varied programme has been pre-
pared for tomorrow.
The reception committees are: Of
Portland Commercial Club Guy W. Tal
bot, W. M. Ladd. W. W. Cotton, John
8. Beall, J. C. Ainsworth, Jay Smith,
Henry L. Corbett, Franklin T. Griffith,
W. C Alvord, O. M. Plummer, Walter
M. Cook. J. P. Rasmussen. Dr. William
F. Ogburn. Frank S. Grant. Of City of
Portland H. R. Albee, Mayor; W. H.
Daly, Commissioner of Public Utilities;
R. G. Dieck, Commissioner of Public
Works; C A. Bigelow, Commissioner of
Finance; W. L. Brewster, Commissioner
of Public Altai rs.
peace and dignity of the City of Port
land. The matter which we wish ex
plained Is this: Why should not
courtesy work both ways? Captain
lth V 4 m vnll.bnawil hOSDltality
and Celtic warmth of enthusiasm,
urged that "every damn one of us be
arrested" as soon as we entered the
station. In his eagerness to extend to
us the full measure of ornciai welcome.
ordinance 14049, section 1, of the 1910
- . . ha
compilation or me oramancea
City of Portland, which provides that
....j ...f... ia triloba n tha street
or in any public place Is disorderly con
duct and pumsnaote oy uno
In regard to the arrest of Mr. Miller
on the corner of Tenth ana
ton streets, the trial established the
n . . U nro. arrested While COm-
plying with Officer Lee Martin 3 order
to move on, and his oniy uiieu
. that he was of
sufficiently quick mental perception to
understand the oraer wiiuuu,.
... .. lnhheil into his head.
Or possibly Mr. Martin wished him to
get out In the miaaie oi m " "
run rapidly In oraer tnai no i"""
. . j -i v. I .. ianpl In his well-
known skill In posterior pistol prac-
m , ha Ti.ak stAvanson treated
V O KC1 L - O '
us with courtesy and1 fairness, and do
not wish to De unaersiuuu .a w
ing him. But would not judicial ad
monition to respect the police come
Police Officers Accused of Lack of
Kespect for Citizens.
PORTLAND. Sept. 30. (To the Edi
tor.) As members of the group of stu
dents who were arrested last Saturday
night on charges of disorderly conduct,
we wish space for a word In regard to
the action of Police Captain Riley and
Officer Lee Martin.
In spite of the fact that these police
officers and the evening papers per
sistently see fit to refer to us as ruf
fians and thugs. It may occur to some
of the citizens of Portland, among
whom many of us hare lived all our
lives, that there is another side to the
The facts have been accurately given
In Mr. Alexander's statement appear
ing In The Sunday Oregonian of Sep
tember 25. In addition, we would say
that the police court was forced to ac
cept the truth of our statements upon
a cross-examination of the witnesses
for the prosecution without even ask
ing for testimony In our defense. After
a few words about the respect due the
notice officers, we were released.
But one phase of the matter was not
cone into. We succeeded, without great
difficulty. In showing that in merely
arromDanylnsr our rriena to we station
and waiting in a quiet and gentlemanly
manner to go him bail. If necessary, we
were committing so offense against the
J. E. Haaeltlne.
J. E. Haseltlne, one of Port
land's oldest and best-loved pio
neer citizens, was 80 years old
Tuesday. He passed the day
quietly at his home, 247 Stout
street. In company with members
of his family and some of his
Mr. Haseltlne has been a resi
dent of Portland for more than
SO years and has become well
known throughout the Northwest
as . a merchant and a publio
splrited business man. The hard
ware firm which bears his name
is a testimonial to his enterprise
and his ability. For the last few
years he has not been actively
connected with the business, al
though he has been In excellent
health and possessed of quite as
much of that vitality that made
him so successful in his younger
Mr. Haseltlne first came to
Portland In 1876 from Portland,
Me. For many years he was an
officer of the Chamber of Com
merce and of the old Board of
Trade. In November of this year
Mr. and Mrs. .Haseltlne will
celebrate the Etth - anniversary .
of their marriage. Their five
children live In Portland. They
are: J. A., H. A. and W. C. Hasel
tlne, Mrs. Gage Haselton and
Mrs. M. H. Schmeer.
with greater effect If officers were ad
vised to use courtesy before the club
and dignity of speech Instead of curses,
always bearing In mind that they are
the servants of the people ana not aic
tatorsT We have secured some illuminating
Information regarding the Ideas of po
lice justice whlob Captain Riley and
Officer Martin entertain. We will en
deavor to hold the ideals of these
worthy gentlemen ever before us,
learning courtesy from Officer Martin
and dignity from Captain Riley.
j. a GAY.
Would-B Benedict, Misinformed on
Medical Law, Is Set Right.
A would-be benedict writes from
Forest Grove, Or., to Health Officer
White, bemoaning the terms of the
marriage license law of the State of
Oregon. He says: "I understand there
is a law that a man must have a doc
tor's certificate before he gets mar
ried in this state and that It costs J25
and must be obtained from some cer
tain doctor appointed by law. Now,
this smacks strongly' of graft to me
and I do not believe It."
To set the man's mind at ease Dr.
White informed him by return mall
that the law was not quite so bad as
he supposed, that any licensed phys
ician could examine him and that the
fee was only one-tenth of what he
had been informed It was, with 60 cents
extra for a notary's fee.
The smooth touch and long wearing aualt
tie of KOH-I-NOOR Penolle are due to re
fined graphite and uniformity of the 17 va
rlatlone of lead; alo Copying. Buy a doaen
of your favorite today. Adv.
How I Darkened My
Gray Hair
Lady Glvea Simple Home Iteclpe That
She Used, to Darken Her
Gray Hair.
For years I tried to restore my gray
hair to lta natural color with the pre
pared dyes and stains, but none of
them gave satisfaction and they were
all expensive. I finally ran onto a
simple recipe which I mixed at home
that gives wonderful results. I gave
the recipe, which Is as. folio wa, to a
number of my friends, and they are
all delighted with It, To 7 oz. of
water add a small box of Barbo Com
pound, 1 os. of bay ram and hi ox.
of glycerine. Use every other day
until the hair becomes the required
shade, then every two weeks. It will
not only darken the gray hair, but
removes dandruff and scalp humors,
and acts as a tonio to the hair. It Is
not Btlcky or greasy, does not rub 'off
and does not color the scalp. You
can prepare It at home at very little
expense. Adv.
Svecial 25c Lunch Served Baity in the Bascmtnt-Soda Fountain in Basement-Shoe-Shining Parlors in the lscm.nt
Standard Central Needle Sewing Machines Sold on $l-a-Week Club rian-rortiana age
Royal Worcester Corsets
Special 98c Pair
Easement A popular model in the well
known Royal Worcester, Corsets at a
special price. Medium bust, long hips,
with four hose supporters attached. Best
grade coutil and attractively trimmed.
All sizes, from 18 up to 30. GQf
UtVlBi 11 7 x
Wort man $e King
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
American Beauty Outfits
Price 25c Package
Basement Stamped Center Pieces, Pil
lows, Aprons, Calendars, Boudoir Caps,
Collars, Towels, Match Scratches, Whisk
Broom Holders, etc., put up in neat
package, with sufficient American Beau
ty floss to complete the design. Otf
Scores to choose from. Package--''
Seasonable Offerings in Basement Underprice Store
Double ZVC Green Trading Stamps With Cash Purchases Amounting to 10c or Over
$2.50, $3 Hat Shapes 98c
In the Basement
Sale Extraordinary of New Un
trimmed Hat Shapes in fancy
Plushes and Felts in a great varie
ty of styles in black and QOp
colors. Reg. $2.50, $3.50 70
Buckram Hat Shapes
Special, 48c
Many exclusive shapes in black or
white. Made from excellent qual
ity material. For a
one-day sale Your choice
$7.50-$10 Trimmed Hats $4.98
In the Basement Underprice Store The very newest of the New Fall
shapes are included in this remarkable Millinery Sale for today. Over
300 Hats in the assortment and no two alike therefore you are sure to
find one to suit you. All the wanted colorings and shapes, CP S QQ
with richest of trimmings. Worth up to $10.00. Choice
Beautiful French Plumes, Special $2.48
Fancy Feathers on Sale at use tacn
Basement Large, full French
Plumes, perfect in dye and extra
good grade stock. Come in black,
white and good range of populai
colors. A rare bargain at this very
low price. Take your O AG
choice Wednesday at P&0
RaHfimfint Hundreds of beautiful
fancy Feathers offered at a big
reduction. Small or large sizes in
black or fancy colors. Feathers are
in great demand. Get your share
of these. They are worth QOi
to $3.50. Special at only
Women's $1 Outing Flannel Gowns 75c
Children's Flannelette Gowns at 48c
Basement Made from extra heavy
quality outing flannel with soft,
warm fleece. Garments are cut full
and long and nicely finished. At
tractive line of stripe patterns. All
sizes. The regular $1.00 f EZg
grade. On sale, special, at
RMjjRTTifint Girls' warm Outinff
Flannel Gowns of heavy grade ma
terial. Cut in good roomy sizes and
full length.. Neatly trimmed and
sDlendid fitting. Sizes 6 to 14
years. They are on sale, ZfO-,
special, a garment, only
$1.50 Chiffon Motor Veils on Sale 98c
35c to 50c Fancy Ribbons 25c Yard
Basement Fine grade French
Chiffon Motor Veils in extra large
o.rzes, with neat hemstitched bor
iltr.. Shown in black, white and
all popular colors. $1.50 QC
grade, on sale, special at-'0"
Rasfimfinfr 5-inch Pure Silk Rib
bons in scores of beautiful rich pat
terns and colorings. Very desirable
for millinery, fancy , work, trim
mings, etc. The regular O?-
- 1 "i
18Inch Allover Laces, Special, 29c Yd.
Mill-Ends Embroidery at 10c Yard
Basement Daintv shadow and net
effects in a great variety of at
tractive designs. Full 18 inches
wide and shown in white, cream or
ecru. On sale Wednesday OQc
tia ennui n 1 -nriiA. vnrrl aw V
Rajifimfint 'Rfiantifnl embroidered
Edges and Insertions in widths up
to 6 inches and length 4Vfe up to
10 yards. They are regular 15e to
25c Embroideries. On sale 1
n rv-oT nt tnA cn '1 nripo. vA. J
CIV VMW (J J u . fs.vw, 1 l . " r
Dainty Val. Lace Edges and Insertions, Wednesday sp'l doz. yds., 29
45-inch Voile Flouncinga many choice designs special at, yard, 69
In Basement.
5c Pins, 2 for 5o Excellent quality
English Pins with needle point;
200 full count to paper. Cornel
5c Spool Silk, 2V.C Good quality
Spool Silk for machine or hand
use. Black and all wanted colors.
Spool Cotton, 4c Black, white and
good assortment of popular colors.
Double Stamps with purchase.
Hair Brushes, 10c Special pur
chase 1000 Hair Brushes.- Good
size, polished wood back, well made.
Hooks and Eyes, 2Vic Black or
white Hooks and Eyes in . assorted
sizes. Our regular 5o grade.
10c Toilet Paper, 5c Full 1000
sheets to the roll. Limit 20 rolls
to customer. On sale today.
10c Twine Shopping Bags, sp'l 5
25c Shell Hair Goods, choice, 5i
New Silk Waists
Special $2.98
Basement Many charming new
styles are shown in this splendid
lot. Materials are silks, shadow
laces and marquisettes in plain or
fancy trimmed models. Stripes,
checks and plain colors in richest
of new Fall shades. Full range of
all sizes. Wednesday CPO QO
priced, special, only
$1.75 Waists
for 95c
Basement Plain or novelty styles
of beautiful sheer materials.
Waists which sell in the ordinary
way at from $1.50 to $1.75. No
doubt many will take advantage of
this unusual sale and buy 2 or 3
of these rjrettv Waists. O C.
All sizes. Choice now at
Smart New Tailored Suits $15
New Coats, Special at $9.98 Each
Basement Extraordinary value in I
these new Fall Suits we offer to
day, 200 smart new models m
popular new weaves serges,
tweeds, diagonals and two-toned
mixtures. Good plain tailored
styles for general wear. All sizes
Regular $20.00, CTCf ))
$25.00 Suits now VAl,,ul
Rajipment Women's and misses'
new Fall Coats in, full-length styles
also a number in the popular
Mackinaws. Coats that are excep
tionally well tailored and nicely
finished. Good assortment of plain
colors and fancy mixtures. They
are the regular $15 CQ QO
Coats, on sale now P f
Dress Skirts $3.48-$3.50 House Dresses 98c
Basement Many charming new
styles in separate Skirts here for
your choosing. Plain, serges and
fancy mixtures in the season's most
favored shades. Just what you
want for general . utility wear.
Priced.: special,, for Q A Q
today only, at P
Basement Odd lines Women's
House Dresses, priced exceptional
ly low. Great many different styles
and splendid quality materials in
light, medium and dark colors;
nearly every size. Grades selling
up to $3.50. Your eboiceQO-
t a I a v anoninl nnlviCJl-
1VI . V J J J
Children's School Coats, Special $2.98
Girls' Smart Fall Coats at
Basement These attractive little
Coats are worth much more than
we ask for them. Good heavy
weights in plain colors and novelty
mixtures. Smartly tailored along
latest lines. Aces 2 to 6
years. Buy them to- CJO QO
Basement Special sale 200 new
Fall Coats for girls 0 to 14 years
of age. Built for service in many
splendid . new styles. Heavy
weights, with trimming of con
trasting colors. Coats that fit per
fectly. Offered for C5 QQ
Wednesday's sale at P
dftv at. snecial. only
Girls' All-Wool Serge Dresses at $2.98
Women's $4.00 Petticoats at $1.48
Basement Girls' All-Wool Serge
Dresses for less than you would
pay for materials alone. Nicely
made and attractively trimmed.
Shown in colors, navy, brown and
cardinal and in sizes 6 to 14 years.
Specially priced for Q QQ
Wednesday's -sale at PW.XO
Basement Beautiful white Petti
coats at a bargain price for Wed
nesday. Made from very finest of
materials, lavishly trimmed with
laces, embroideries, ribbons, etc.
They are the regular $3.50 to $4.00
grades, and are now ZJ 1 AO
on sale, special, only apx3cO
Women's 75c Fall Weight Union Suits Only 59c
Union Suits at 95c Girls' Union Suits 45c
Women's Fine Cotton
Union Suits. Pure white
with soft, warm, fleece
lining. High or low neck,
long or half sleeves, ankle
lnno-th. All sizes and reg
ular 75c . grade. They will
be placed on sale.CTQ.
Women 's Extra Fine
Union Suits. Pure white
fleeced cotton, fine close
ribbed and neat fitting.
High neck, long sleeves
and ankle length. Full
ransre or all sizes. kju
srecial sale to
day.- . the S n
Si 95c
Misses' Fall Weight Union
Suits in medium weight
ribbed white cotton with
good heavy fleece. High
neck, long sleeves, anKie
IpniHh. All sizes for eirls
A 1 i raoro of ao-n Thpv I
71 .1" " 'V"" , a. ' III
will be on bslib yj cZf it
Wednesday, only'
Women's Winter Weight Vests, Pants 48c
Children's Vests and Pants for life
Basement Women's Winter Weight
Vests and Pants in fine close-ribbed
cotton. High neck, long sleeve Vests,
ontiA-l-TiPh Pants and Tishts.
All fii 7 AS. Wednesday at only"-''
Basement Children's Seasonable
Weight Underwear of fine ribbed cot
ton with soft, warm fleece. Vests and
lOn WllU BU.LV, 1. til AAA 1
Pants in sizes 4 to 14 years. J Qr Li
On sale Wednesday at only V
All BxZea. 1 cuucauaj u
Women's 25c Medium Weight Black Cashmere Hose 19c
Bogs'' $5 and $6 School Suits
Special at $3.65
Main Floor Boys' Nobby School Suits. Many with
two pairs of pants. Made from excellent grade mate
rials in Norfolk or regulation styles. Dark, serviceable
colorings for school; sizes 8 to 15 years. flJQ
Regular $5.00 and $6.00 Suits. Choice ve-
Boys' 35c School Blouses 25c
Boys' Sweaters at 98c
Basement Good staunch
materials in plain colors
and neat stripe patterns.
Extra well made and per
fect fitting. Sizes 5 to 15
years. Re g u 1 a r O CZs
35c Blouses, only
Boys' Knickerbocker Pants 75c
Boys' Pajamas Now 59c
Basement Boys' Knicker
bocker Pants of fine qual
ity corduroys and tweed
mixtures. Cut peg top, well
made and perfect fitting.
Ages 5 to 16. Reg. fTf '
.1 00 Pants, onlv
Men's Regular $4.00 Wool Sweaters Only $2.69
Men's $2.50 Pants, $1.98 $1.50 Shirts, $1.19-$1.25 Undershirts, 50c
Basement High-grade Fall
Footwear in patents, gunmetals
or tans. Mostly all Goodyear
welt soles. Full range of all
widths and .sizes. t Qft
To $5.00 grades at r'-l,u
$3.00 Jockey Boots, $1.98 Pat
ent or gunmetal leathers, with
wide patent collars. Good full
lasts and sizes liy2 to 6. They
are the regulai J QQ
$3.00 Shoes, onlj P'0
$1.00 Slippers, 69c Pair Men's
comfortable House Slippers in
black or tan alligator, with pat
ent trimm'gs. All sizes. fZQf.
Regular $1.00 grade at-r'
Men's $4 Shoes, $1.98 Very
desirable styles, with Goodyear
welt 6ewed soles. Patent or gun
metal leathers, in medium
weight. Full line of all sizes.
Regular $3.00 a-nd 431 QQ
$1.50 Telt Slippers, 98c Wom
en's fine felt House Slippers,
with leather soles and heels and
fur or ribbon trimming. Good
assortment of colors. QQs
Ail sizes. $1.50 Slippers-'-''
$1.00 Felt Slippers, 69c Wom
en's heavy' felt low-cut Slippers
for home wear. Turned sole and
low heels. Very comfortable.
Full range of all sizes. 2Qf
Remdar $1.00 Slippers
Basement Sale of China Ware
15c Old Blue Tea Cups and Saucers, Wednesday at only 1Q
15o Old Blue Oatmeal Dishes on sale at this low price, IOC
15c Old Blue Decoration 9-inch Plates pneed at only, ea. 100
15o Old BlU'i Decoration Deep Bowls selling at only ea. JVC
15e Gold Lined Oatmeals, lO II 18c Glass Covered Sugars at lOJ
ill Gold Lintd 8-In. Plates, 10 15c Glass Creamers at only 10
20c Gold Lined Pie Plates 10 15c Glass Ohve Trays at 10 J
l Glass Celery Trays at 100 II 20c Round. Fruit Bowl at 10
Regular 20c Blue Border Coupe Soups specially priced at 10
Regular 15c Colored Glass Footed Jelly Dish, special only IOC
Regular 15o Colored Glass Flat Jelly Dish, sale price, ea. 10J
Regular 15c Colored Glass Scalloped Jelly Dish at ony 10
v ,r, -KTo-mr nrW lines of Dinner Sets. See them.
opeuiai uoigoui ""j
Basement Boys' heavy
Wool Sweaters in service
able gray color. Ruff -neck
or high collar styles. Pock
ets and large pearl but
tons. Sizes 30, 32, QQg
34. Priced special70"
Basement Boys' Outing
Flannel Pajamas, made
from good heavy grade
materials in neat stripe
patterns. Sizes for boys 4
to 14 years of CZQf
fltTA Priced, suit J
Bleached Bath Towels at 14c
72x90 Sheets 39c Each
Basement Good heavy
full bleached Bath Towels.
Size 18x36 inches and very
absorbent. Sale t if
Wednesday, sp'cl J-'
Basement Full double
bed size bleached Bed
Sheets, neatly hemmed and
good weight. Spe- OQ
cially priced, only-'y
Mill Ends Outing Flannels 9c
New Flannelettes 12'ac
Basement Mill ends of
good heavy Outing Flan
nels in lengths up to 20
yards. Good pat- Qf
terns, 12y2o grade
Basement Extra heavy
Flannelettes in splendid
new Fall patterns and col
orings. Reg 1 fot
15o grade, at
Good Grade White Outing 5c
18-Inch Bleached Crash 5c Yd.
Basement Excellent gr'de
white Outing Flannel
priced low for today.
Special, a yard, at price, special, yard
36-Inch Cotton Challies, Wednesday Sp'L yard, 9
36x45-Inch Heavy Muslin Pillow Oases, spVlZV.?
Double S. & H. Green Trading Stamps with purchases.
Basement 18-in. bleached
Crash Toweling, with col
ored border. Good weight
and quality. Sale Cfg
Basement Men's heavy
Wool Sweaters in shaker
knit; ruff neck or high
collar. $3.50 and $4.00
Sweaters, CO fZQ
special, at
Milkweed Cream Special demon
stration by Mrs. Davis, represent
ing the F. F. Ingram Toilet Prep
arations. Do not fail to attend.
Basement Men's high
grade corduroy and cassi
mere Pants in good colors
and patterns. The regular
Basement Men's heavy
wool flannel Shirts in
navy, green and olive.
Standard cut, in sizes 14
to 17. Regu- 67 T J U
lar $1.50, at PAi'
Basement Great one-day
sale Men's Undershirts in
medium and heavy weight
wool. Odd lines. Regular
$1.00 and $1.25 CZ(t
kinds, garment at vfc
$2.50 grade, T QQ
on sale, sp'l P-lJ70
"NotionDay" At MainFloor BargainCircle
200-yd. Spool Cotton, black, white, 46
100-yd. Spool -Silk, black,, colors, 46
600-yd. Bast's Cotton, bl'k, white, 4e
600-yd. Basting; Cotton, a dozen, 45 J
45-yd. Darning; Cotton, bl'k. white, 16
lOo Fish-Eye Pearl Buttons, dOJ. 5
4-yd. pieces White Cotton Tape t2
12 yds. White Cotton Tape, asatd.. 5J
4-yd. pieces Linen Tape, assorted, jjJ
White Bias S'm Tape, asst'd widths 5C
Bl'k Shoe Laces, asstd. l'ths, S prs. 6J
Wire Hairpins, asstd l'erths, 8 lor 5J
66c, 75o Sanitary Aprons, large, 5Qq
lOo Hairpin Cabinets, special only 8
lOo Mother's Ironing; Wax at only 5
Large-size Curling- Iron's at only 8e
Bo Cube Pins, assorted colors, at 40
So Removable Collar Stays at 2 Ho
lOo English Pin Books on sale atg
lOo Of floe Pins, asstd. lengths, at 76
26o Twine Shopping Bags. at only 15
Nainsook Shields, sizes 3 and 4. 10
Regular 2Bo Shoe Trees, special lOe
Regular lOo OH Cans, special only 5e
15c Four-Folds Drinking Cups at8
Regular 5o Wire Coat Hangers at 36
16c Pins, K-lb. boxes, special at 10
Regular So Needles, all sizes, at26
n.... Shlolrto res-., all sizes 196
Hair Nets, with, without elastic, 5 106
Children's Hose Supporters, pair 106
Women's Sew-on Hose Supp'ters 126
150 F'd'g Wooden Trousers Hgrs. 1Q
10c Nickel Trousers Hangers, sp 1 fe6
10c Comb. Coat and Trousers Hgrs 56
Odds and ends Seam Binding, bolt 56
Skirt Braids, bl'k, col'rs. B-yd. PCS-, J6
35o Sterling- Skirt Markers spll76
26c Sleeve Prot'frs, asstd. styles, 156
85o Machine Stocking Darners at IOC
lOo Collar Supports, 6 on a card, 66
Sonomore Dress Fasteners, gross J56
Adamantine Common Pins. pkg. 56
Collar Foundation, white, at only 56
Bone Hairpins, card of five only 6
35o Dressm'k'rs' Pins, H lb. box., 256
15o Silk Seam Bindings, 9 yard S6
So Safety Pins, package at only 2 6
25o Roll-up Tape Measures only 156
lOo Bias Folds, white, all sizes, atsc
Bq Mildred Hair Nets, special only 36
Barrettes, all sizes, special, each, 106
Snap Fasteners, white and black. 56
25o Wash Trimmings at, a bolt 16
New SilkRatine
59c Yard
Basement 27-inch Silk Ratine,
shown in every new Fall color,
also black and white. Makes np
beautifully for dresses, waists,
skirts, etc., and will wear uncom
monly well. Good . heavy EZQp
weight. Wednesday, yard-'''
60c Dress Goods, 29c Smart new
mixed fabrics, full 30 inches wide,
in small, neat patterns and good
colors. .The regular 50c QO-,
grade on sale Wednesday-"-''
66-Inch Suitings, 63c Heavy
mixed Suitings in navy and gray
effects. Will tailor beautifully.
Silk Poplins, 48o Plain colors and
fancy jacquard effects. 24 inches
wide. Scores new Fall shades, black.
Messaline Silk, 48c Yd. Shown in
48 beautiful new Fall shades, also
black and white. Perfect in dye.
Wool Blankets
Basement Mill seconds, with slight
imperfections, on special sale at
the regular factory prices. Share.
$5.00 White Wool Blankets $3.95
$7.50 White Wool Blankets $5.85
$3.50 Gray Wool Blankets $2.45
$4.25 Gray Wool Blankets $3.00
$4.75 Gray Wool Blankets S3.40
$4.25 Vicuna W'l Blankets 3.00
$6.00 Vicuna W'l Blankets $4.45
Bed Comforts, $1.10 Full double
bed size, with fine cotton down
filling. Both sides silkoline cov'd.
15c Drapery Goods, 8c Mill ends
Drapery Goods of various kinds.
Rich colorings. Lengths 1 to 10 yds.
Tapestries, Portieres, $1.59 Plain
i j r a 1 pc .
colors auu xaucjr vnciivai exxeuis m
deep rich colorings, large size.
Large Size Cot. Blankets, $1.10
Good Heavy Cotton Blankets G9
Odd lines Lace Curtains, ea, 39
Children's Hose
Special 18c
Center Circle, Main Floor Odd
lines children's dependable Stock
ings, broken sizes, but all sizes in
the lot; black, tan and few colors.
Reg. 25c and 35c grades. l Qg
On sale Wednesday, pair
Women's 45c Hose, 3 pairs $1.25
Women's Elk, Tan Silk Hose 75