TARIFF BILL GOES AGAIN TO SENATE HouseCompromisesorr . Futures Tax. PUN MAY BE RECONSIDERED Senator Reed Jhreatens, Bolt on Final Passage.' ; CLARK DEFENDS. CAUCUS Speaker Says It "Would Be Impos sible to Pass Tariff ' Measure Without Party " Agreement. i Moore Assails Wilson. - ' WASHINGTON, Sept. 30. The Demo cratic tariff revision bill left.the House tonight on what the party leaders hoped would be Its last journey to the Sen ate. After many hours of debate the House adopted the main cpnference agreement on the bill. 254 to .103. al most a strict party- vote, and by this action gave its Indorsement to every thing In the measure except the cotton futures tax. ' . At the end of a short but bitter fight fpr the adoption of the report. Repre sentative Underwood, the . Democratic leader, succeeded in carrying through the Smith-Lever cotton futures tax amendment by a vote of , 171 to 16. Democrats and Republicans voted on this without regard to party and a large portion of the . Democratic mem bership from Southern states Joined, In the vigorous demand that the whole subject be carried over to another ses sion of Congress. . ' ' ' ',-, t - Futures Tax Rests With Senate. The cotton futures tax question now rests entirely, with.. the Senate. The House concurred In the "Clarke amend ment put Into the tariff bill by the Sen ate, but added the Smith-Lever-Under- wood plan as. another amendment. - TJn . less the Senate will accept this change, .which has the indorsement of the PresA 1 dent, the, -whole cotton - futures Tpjafts will have to be considered again in the Joint conference committee and again reported to both houses of Congress for action. The conference report will be called up In the Senate early tomorrow. Sev eral Democratic Senators who are dis . satisfied with certain features of the bill began today a demand for Demo cratic caucus to consider the conference report before it is taken up in the Senate. . ; Reed Threatens to Bolt. Senator Reed, of Missouri, insisted that unless certain changes were made in rates fixed by the conference com mittee, he might vote against the re port and the tariff bill on its final passage. . The history of the cotton futures tax compromise amendment became a mat ter of record before the day ended. Rep resentative Underwood "said' President Wilson had given it to him. Represent ative Lever added that the basis of the plan was a bill Introduced repeatedly In the Senate by Senator Smith, ot South Carolina, that he had asked the Agricultural Department to put the amendment in shape for the tariff bill and that Postmaster-General Burleson has perfected the amendment and given it to the President. Three ' distinct elements developed among the Democrats in the cotton fu tures fight. One branch, led by Repre sentatlve Hardwick, of Georgia, de manded that the whole subject be taken out of the tariff bill and considered as a separate . measure. Another section, led by Representative Wingo, of Ar kansas, insisted that the House accept the language of the Clarke amendment in the Senate. Representative Under wood headed the supporters of the com promise plan. Under its terms the cot ton futures tax would be nominal on actual trades, but all contracts would have to specify Government grades of cotton and trading would be regulated closely. ' . . , Democrats Praise Bill. The tariff bill Itself came in for ' praise from all Democrats.. Represent ative Underwood declared that In its perfected form its averages were lower than either the House or Senate orig inally had contemplated, and he in sifted that business conditions in the United States had prepared themselves so carefully for tariff revision that there would be little halt to business progress or prosperity. . On the final passage of the confer ence report, embracing all of the bill except the cotton tax. Representative Donohue, Pennsylvania; Lasaro, Morgan and Broussard of Louisiana; Democrats, voted against It; while Representatives Kelly, Pennsylvania; MacDonald. Mich igan. and Rubley, Pennsylvania; Pro gressives, and Manahan.' Minnesota ; Stafford and Cary, Wisconsin, and Kent, California; Republicans, voted with the majority. Speaker Clark took the floor In the last moments before the vote to con gratulate the President, Representative Underwood and the Democratic party on the success of the tariff programme. He defended the caucus plan and ridl culed a suggestion of Representative Murdock that no tariff bills in the fu ture would be drafted in this way. Sneaker Defends Caucus. ', "It would be impossible to pass a tariff bill," said Mr. Clark, "that in any way represented pledges of a great political party without having j the FESTIVAL CRAMMED WTO 3 DAYS IS PLAN COXTINXOUS "FITS AT ROSE FETE . IDEA OP DIRECTORS. ' ' -, 77 7 ' t Programme Call's . for Mor s , Than V Twice as Many Event's as Pre viously Provided. K. ' - - ifc " - ' . Three days in the middle of the week wifbe allotted io the Rose Festival in 1914, according to a positive announce ment Issued by. the board of directors yesterday In response to many inquiries received from supporters of " the Fes tival. ' . J . ' .This wiy give the first days of the week- open to preparation .and. leave the last day 'of the week free for clear ing away decorations and readjusting things after the close of the big enter-, talnment ' The' shortening of the number, of days for the Festival does not. however, mean that .there will be less features of entertainment in It; it merely means that the three days given will be packed full of events from tiie. be- g The programme- that will be out lined ' will cram into the three days more than twice as many spectacular events as were given in the six days Df the- former Festivals. - ; , . Not one pageant a day is the plan, hut a series of pageants and other events that will keep the public gasp ing with enthusiasm from the moment of opening the Festival. The three primary . features which are to he featured spectacularly In the pageants of the Festival are the har bor facilities 'of -Portland, the educa, tional development and the commercial and industrial resources. The l-o-rate scale on which the pageantry will be worked out wrill be limited only by the liberality of the contributors to the Festival fund. . . PARTY REUNION PROPHECY n-nriv. of Idaho. Predicts ' Republican Victory. MOSCOW, Idaho. Sept. 30. (Special.) "It teems almost certain, and this opinion prevails among leaders at Washington, that hefore another elec tion radical and conservative elements of the Republican party will be united in -the' next campaign. . This will rer suit In a solid , stand for Republican principles that will sweep , the party back into power again , ..... - condition apparent It would mean that u.hn would he reunited and factional differences ,viped.out, saia James H. Brady, unjtea jjium who visited In Moscow tooay. : At noon the Senator was the guest of the Chamber of Commerce at luncheon. where 200 assembled. The Senator refused to talk about his candidacy to succeed himself. Sena tor and Mrs. Brady leu d'Alene tonight- ' WOMEN PRISONERS TO SEW Plan to Mend Men's Clothes or Working for Charity Broached. c win ha tha work assigned to oewius - women prisoners In the city jails and detention homes. If an ordinance pre sented to the City Commission yester day by - City Attorney LaRoche la adopted. The measure provides that all women who are serving um " violation of any of the city ordinances shall be given sewing to do if ableto work.- The measure will come before the fit Commission In a week. Some per sons favor the sewing of the clothes of men prisoners who have to De .inh kv tha citv. while others favor sewing for - charitable Institutions of the city MASON FOR WORLD PEACE Grand Master of Missouri Wants Lodge to Free Dove. ' , . ST. LOUIS, Sept. 30. That the efforts of th Masonic Order throughout, the ha oantored in the -interests of universal peace was the recommenda tion by Jacob Lamport, grand master of the Missouri Grand Lodge ot rree and Accepted Order of Masons, at the convention of that body here today. He . suggested a meeting of all the s-rnnii masters of the order in the United States at which such a move ment should be launched ' , ; : BABY HURLED FROM HARM Mother Throws Infant From Path of Danger as Trolley Crashes. TT ANSAS CITT. . Mo. Sept. . 30. Mrs. Kenneth Morris, of this city, saved her infant son from serious injury by hurl-it.o- him 25 feet into a patch of weeds just before the wagon, in which she and her husband and baby were riding, was struck by a trolley car near here today. mm. Morris and her husband were badly hurt. The baby escaped with slight bruises. ICEBERGS MENACE LINERS Towering Obstruction Aprteavs In Lane of Atlantic Travel BOSTON. Sept. 30. Icebergs again threaten trans-Atlantic shipping. Cap tain Robert McKDlop, of the steamer Numldian, reported on his arrival here today from Glasgow. A towering berg and several growl ers appeared off the Grand Banks, di rectly in the track of westbound liners, when the Numldian passed last Fri day. It was the first ice sighted this FalL . G0MM1TTEEAD0PTS LANE BUILDING PLAN Special Meeting Held to Consider Bill. '' FAVORABLE REPORT ORDERED Senator" Argues Government ; Wilt Make Big Saving. ,. . HOUSE' STILL TO JUDGE Amendment May Become Effective in Week or Ten. Days if No Objec f tion Is Offered Appro priation Is Made, i - O REGONI AN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington, Sept. SO. Senator Lane's bill directing the Secretary of the Treasury to expend the $1,000,J00 appropriated for the Portland postoffice In erecting a six or eight-story office building on the new. postoffice site was adopted to day by the Senate appropriations com mittee- as an amendment to the defi ciency appropriation bill, and In this form, unless objected to by the House, will become effective Probably within a week or 10 days. ' ' .Once . this legislation Is enacted into law the Secretary of the Treasury will be compelled to abandon the original idea of erecting a two-story postoffice building, and must proceed with the erection of a building which will ac commodate not only the postoffice but other Federal offices that now occupy rented Quarters In Portland. ' . New Flans Called For. In like, manner, architects recently Invited to submit propositions for the Portland building will be notified of the change directed by Congress, and will be asked to submit plans in ac cordance with the latest authorization. . At the late request oT Senator Lane the- public buildings, committee today held' a special meeting to consider his bill. Senator Lane explained to the committee .the. object of -the. hill and hla reasons for proposing 1t- and when he. concluded his statement the committee ordered that a favorable . report be made. Armed with this report Senator Lane went before the Senate approprla tlon committee and asked that his bill. as reported, be incorporated as an amendment In the deflciency appropria tion bill, which recently passed the House. He pointed out to the appro priation committee the reasons why he considered- it. inadvisable to erect a two-story building on the site, and told them that under his proposal the Gov-! (Concluded on Page 2.) NOW THAT Lf If Jjffjr TAJ- SATWEfZS- I JJ jm I ... ! ...... - INDEX QF TODAY'S NEWS Th. ttWhrt YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 67 H u-i-.. u - minimum. 44 if S TOOB. . TODAY'S Fair; northerly win. . . Foreign. Great damage done by storm . in Franca rage 8. .. . - , , . , j House sends tariff conference report to Sen ate, with compromise, on coiiob iu-" e-r fi-alure. Para 1. t Senate committee adopts Lane's plan for g-enaral Keaerai mjuajng- in Page L i, ' - TWttnAHtln- - . tin. Suler" name -used by Governor in . hm-mvlnp. trokar flavft. ' PaXtt 2. Land withdrawal right la questioned. Page 6. Americans ordered by -Consul to leave fiearas wegras, a viciohoub tipnn-h . Tnza 2. ... ' Don't worry, says entombed miner. Page 1. Man - shot by divorced wife in presence oi jecona xamxir. - jrase " ' Sport. Pacific Coast League results: Portland 8, Oakland 2; San Francisco -4. Sacramento 1; Los Angeles 3, Venice 1. Page 9. Football season to open Saturday with double-header on Multnomah field. Page 8. Devlin to take active charge of Oaka on arrival Thursday. ,-. Page 8., . 5 WiMnnt Mtnnn nnens todaV.' PaiTO 8. Krause comes to rescue of Portland pitchers. . .1 v-Tt 'nl.v., Vm yrt tn- ABW KUIUUIBUU UMHlfOM f'J " " ( scanea . ai iieijic iuwt i - - series. Page 0. . f - i Pacific Northwest. Hundreds come to take land In Lake County .,, irtnkshiirsr. Or. Paze 6.-- Dougias County takes 1913 prize for best ooumy exniwi.- numuuug, cuwu. o .. Portland bigness men view Hood River road, to' be part of Columbia Highway. Page 6. Sunshine may turn- fair deficit to dividend. Page 1. Farmers at Burns buy flour mill. Page . ; Alfalfa special la on way to Oregon. Page 7. Commercial and Marine. All hop markets firm except in Oregon. Page 10. Large gain in world's visible supply weak- ens Chicago wheat. Page 19. Tendency in Wall street stock market is downwara. rage iv. . Portland wheat- shipments show gain and beat Puget Sound. , Page 18. ' Pnptland and Vlclnlt. i League of Northwest Municipalities opens annual session in Portland today. Page Miss Kohn weds Los Angeles man. Page IS. All lines ot business .on up grace in run- lanA Vara 1 ' Transfer ot Major Mclndoe protested by Chamber of Commerce. Page 18. -Buttons adopted to boost bridge. Page 12. Rich gold mine found In Mount 'laoor Page 14. ' - 1 Irvlngton School's innovation proves popular PfllTA 1ft.. . . - Tir.o.h.- nnnri. data, and forecast. Page 19. Suggestions made .-for social reformation. Page ...-... Three days allowed for Rose Festival fejr tivities next year. Page. 1. - Third Regiment, Oregon - National . Guard, , please Colonel maruu. men CUPID MAKES NEW RECORD September Brides at Vancouver 183, Oregon Sends 169. " C '.: - --i-'-i i-ATtfrniTVER. -Wash.. titraU A 30. (Special.) thougU -there were' hut 25 business days' in beptemoer, an pre vious records for marriage licenses were -broken- -here, -183 being- Issued j.,hii- ih month. This makes an average of more than seven licenses a day and 129 of the couples came from The highest previous record was in July, this year,-when 129 licenses were issued. A total of 8823.&0 in fees was collected for the licenses and people from Oregon - paid In Clarke County $580.50. : ; - . Business Is Increasing. THE PHEASANT-SHOOTING- SEASON IS ON. SUN MAY TU R H FAIR DEF1G1TTQ DIVIDEND More- Bright Weather Prayer at Salem. ATTENDANCE RECORD BROKEN Stolen 20-Pound Pony IS Found in Woman's Muff. FENCE -JUMPERS BLOCKED Deadheads and Bootleggers Stopped by Citizen Soldiers Half-Mllo Track and New Buildings Are Crying Needs of Grounds-." BY ADDISON BENNETT. . SALEM. Or Sept 30. (Special.) The Hon. J. Upltor Pluvius, who turned his waterworks loose on the last three State Fairs, and thereby caused disap- nolntments. discomforts and deficits. has been bound and gaggred and cagea Kir th stnta Fair Board and Is on ex uLitu. in ad a nf tha aide shows with the other freaks. . It is not .thought he can escape and If he does not there will be fair weather more properly. air weather all week. . Tt la aura that we have had two per tKf t iiava. - Every sisrn points to a con tinuance of sunshine and If we have It for the balance of the week all former records in the way of attendance and receipts will be surpassed. The Fair Board Is praying for more sunshine, for t-ha fimi are needed to Improve the grounds and buildings. The Legisla- tr lout Winter srave the uoara enough to wipe out the deficits of three previouo ywtiio - - - t chlnery hall and 318,000 is available . . n..n n Tnr inn ma- for a new exhibition building. Covered "Walks Needed. But many thousands of dollars could : ,n.r, rnnil advantaae. -Every barn and building should be connected . u. nnR.., o.mn Wflllffl .' If this UX-w'iwc(L - . ... Is .done tKe- airiK day -.trawds; wtjUe nthpr imnrovements are needed. The chnnld be reduced to a half mile, Mo tmrkH are something of the past. clear out of date. If the present fair is the success it now promises to De, h Rmrii mav have money enough to make the more urgent Improvements. But in any event, the next Legislature ought to give money enough to start In and follow up' the new brick structure to be erected with other permanent Im provements. , . Money put into the two or three doz- (Concluded on page 8. 'DON'TWORRYSAYS ENTOMBED MINER PRISONED WORKER TALKS BY MEANS OF 50-FOOT TUBE. j Hen on Outside Work Feverishly to Release Comrade Burled by Fall of Coal Friday. CENTRALXA, Pa, Sept SO. As dark'- ness enveloped the Continental Colliery of the Lehigh Coal Company tonight. the voice of Thomas Toshesky, who has been entombed in the mammoth vein since last Friday morning, was heard through a tube 50 feet long which had been Inserted In a hole bored through a wall of coal from an adjoining gallery. His first inquiry was about his family. "Tell them not to worry too much.! he said, "as I am In pretty good shape. Since I got those bottles of milk and whipped eggs I feel much strong er. I bad a long sleep after I ate and drank. I think I'll be rescued be fore there is another fall of top and coal." , The entombed man said he was nerv ous because of the long confinement and absolute quiet. "Sometimes," he said, "I imagine the whole roof of the Jjreast Is about to drop on my head." - Mine officials with the rescuers told Toshesky to keep up courage, as it probably would be another 12 hours until a big pile of coal lying In the face of the gangway could be removed suf ficiently to permit members of the res cuing party to enter the workings where he is held prisoner. WOMEN WALK 1500 MILES Trip Wltli Children Made to Secure Rebuilding ot Home. MINNEAPOLIS. Sept 30. Finishing a 1500-mile walk on the trail of Ed ward Payson Weston, Mrs. Marie Ches ter. of Mlddletown, N. Y., mother of ten children, three' of whom accom panied her, arrived in Minneapolis to day, having left New York City on July 31. Several business men of Mlddletown agreed to rebuild Mrs. Chester's burned home at an expense of $4000, providing she made the trip in 65 days. It was accomplished In S3 days of actual walking time. The . children accom panylng Mrs. Chester were one girl and two boys, aged respectively 15, It aqd 12 years. KLAMATH' MAN IS RESCUED O.1 XtWaTte Wanders "'Over Modoc . Lava Bed Day and Night. ; KLAMATH FALLS, Or., Sept. 30. (Special.) O. L... Waite, of Klamath Falls, became lost In the Modoo lava field yesterday and wandered until this afternoon, when he was found. The larger part of the party exploring the field had started for this city, when It was discovered that Waite had not been seen since he left one of the parties to take what he considered a short-cut across the lava flow. Those remaining kept up a search, fired shots and built smokes to guide the man until darkness set. Two men, W. A. Delzell and TV. O. Smith, re malned and kept up a watch and fires all night and parties went from Mer rlil and this place today to continue the search. EGG IS FOUND WITHIN EGG Curiosity Disproves) Common Belief Air Only Forms Hard Shell. An 'egg within an egg was found by P. D. Morgan. Associated Press tele graph operator, when he partook of his evening lunch last night Mr. Morgan opened a hard-boiled egg and, nestled against the yolk, he found a perfectly formed egg about the size of a robin's air?. The shell on the small egg had formed,, but whether It contained the nannl whits and volll Interior was not found out as the small egg Is being kept as a curiosity. The surnrislnjr feature of the discov ery was that the inner egg had a hard shell, thereby disproving a common be lief that the hard shell Is formed only when the egg comes in contact witn the air. . ' HAZARD ESTATE APPRAISED Property of Iate Vancouver Man Di vided Between 1 6 Persona. . i i VANCOUVER. Wash.. Sept 30. (Special.) The appraisement of the es tate of the late William C. Hazard was filed today, showing a valuation of $103,353-2. Of this amount the state inheritance tax. will be approximately $4250. -The board of appraisers was composed of T. H. Adams, R. Burnham and Charles B. Sears. A. Burnham was named executor of the will and he has furnished a bond of $200,000. One provision In the will was that no one should be crowded to collect notes. The property will be divided among IS persons, all but three being rela tives. ' $200,000 ISBID FOR HORSE Belmont Refuses Orfer for Crack ' Four-Year-Old Tracery. NEW YORK, Sept 30. August Bel mont, chairman of the Jockey Club, it became known today, has refused an offer of $200,000 for Tracery, . the 1-year-old son of Rock Sand-Topiary. Tracery has been racing with much success for two seasons In England. The offer came by cable from W. Al lison, the well-known newspaperman and breeder abroad, who, it is thought here, acted in the capacity of an agent PORTLAND BUSINESS SHOWS GOOD GAINS All Lines of Industry 'Are on Upgrade. HOME BUILDING IS INCREASING September Sets New Mark In Livestock Receipts. CEREALS HANG UP RECORD Banking and Postal Transactions Reflect Healthy Condition Ship ments of Imniber and Farm ' Products Also Large. Trade statistics for the month of Sep tember indicate that business n Port land is on the upgrade. - Every line of Industry for whlcn Portland is the Northwestern commer cial p.ntr livestock, lumber, eereala and the minor products of farm, field and orchard presents a record or sub stantial gain over the business done in the same, respective line in Septem ber. 1912. Increases In the sale of soli and for est products have been reflected in the heavy . advances in bank clearings, postal receipts, building permits and real estate transfers. Building permits reached the sig nificant total of $1,665,830. It was the biggest September in the history ot Portland in the building Inspector's office. Approximately 1400 permits were issued. Home Bonding; Galas. . While a few of them represent costly business properties, a majority were issued for residences.. Permits for Sep tember, 1912, aggregated only $891,:35. Lumber shipments out of Portland aggregated 37,216,134 feet, of which 21,465,184 feet consisted of off-shore cargo, the balance of 15.751,000 beinff used In the coastwise trade. This rep resents, a gain ot 1U03.7S0 feet In. ex port traffic and 3.818.000 feet in coast, wise trade. ' Wheat ' receipts in September were 4,520,100 bushels, the largest for any month in the history of the city. A compared with the same month latit year, a gain of 547.300 bushels Is shown. For the season to date, Portland wheat receipts have been 6.009.900 buhel. In the same period last year the re ceipts were 3.596,500 bushels. " Cereal Receipts lacreas. Barley receipts in September were 16,345 tons, as compared with 15.750 tons received -in the corresponding month last year. Receipts of oats last month aggre gated 9300 tons as against 8175 tons in i ,eii Bepieiliuoi. Flour receipts amounted to 37.600 barrels, as compared with 69.200 barrels in the same month last year. Hay was the only commodity to show a decrease, the' arrivals being 3340 tons as against 3940 tons In Sptember last year. Measured in carloads, the total re ceipts of grain, flour and hay last month were 4702. an Increase of 499 cars over the receipts in the corre sponding month last year. Livestock Sets Record. Livestock receipts established a new high record. The total run at the Portland Union Stockyards was 58,892 head, a gain of nearly 21.000 head as compared with the run in September of last year. The receipts of the Vari ous classes of livestock compare as follows: Kept Sept. . luii. 11J-. Cattle Calves - Hogs Sheep Horses and mules 7.a2 7.1 414 i-T 11.081 .4 BS.elO . 2U.847 46 f Total : M-893 8'-( Cattle, hogs and sheep all made good gains, but the largest increase was scored In the sheep division. The larg est monthly run of sheep heretofore was in June, 1911, when 34,686 head were unloaded at the yards. Prices) Holding Firm. Despite the free marketing of sheep, prices are on a firm level. Wethers and ewes sold about 30 cents higher at the close of the month than at the opening and lambs gained a quarter. Cattle prices are practically where they were a month ago, but top grade hogs are off 75 cents. Bank clearings continue the steady gain that have characterized business in Portland for the last few years. Clearings have Increased heavily from month to month since the first of the year. The aggregate clearings for the month just closed were $54,837,898,36, compared with $51,981,344.79 for Sep tember, 1912 a gain of nearly per cent . , , Postal receipts aggregated $96,760.31. a gain of $5920, or about 6V4 per cent over September, 1912. when they were $90,840. For the nine months ended with September the postal receipts were $841,770.71, compared with $785, 739.46 for the same period last year. This is a gain of approximately 7 Vi per cent ' - Real estate transfers reflect the same general prosperity that is evi dent In other lines of trade. Thty ag gregated approximately . $876,000. . Railroad Showing Is Good. Records in Portland railroad offices show that the freight tonnage moving both in and out ci r.i city wus great- (Coccluded oa Fas 14.) (Concluded on Pago 2.)-