THE MORNING OREGONIAN TUESDAY. SEPTE3IBER 30, 1913: 10 STEAMER BEAVER, 'FLAGSHIP" OF SAN FRANCISCO & PORTLAND FLEET, LOSES EARLY ARRIVAL RECORD TO SISTER SHIP, THE "BULLDOG." Very Attractive BY SPEEDY WORK Low Rates East WINS 110(1 Bulldog of Fleet Will Carry Flag Denoting Record for Early Arrival. SUMMER SCHEDULE AT END Captain Xopandcr Widely Congratu lated on Reaching Portland at 10: It Carrying Tsual Cargo and 2C5 Cabin Passengers. Terminating the Summer season yes torday the steamer Bear came Into the harbor at 10:11 o clocK In tne morn ng, lowering her own record for early arriving by II minutes. She reported from San Francisco August 30 at 10:24 o-clock. which clipped 21 minutes off the best previous time made Dy Beaver, but September 9 the latter was only a few minutes behind the Bear's time at the flour mill, where the count 1 made. The Beaver sailed yesterday at 9 o"clock on her last voyage for the tea son under the Summer card and as the Bear was reported to have left As toria at 2:50 o'clock it was fully ex pected that she would reach Ainsworth dock before the Beaver slipped her linerf, but fog was encountered at As toria and It continued until the ship was In the harbor, though she passed St. Helena at 8 o'clock. Beaver Officer bloomy. Aboard the Beaver was a gloomy of ficial family. The ship had teld the best time for speed and earl7 arrival so long that It was a bitter pill to swallow, when everything appeared favorable for the Bear taking the pen nant. At 9:08 o'clock the Beaver was away from the dock with the Bear not in sight, so her officers were saved the humiliation of being caught at the berth. But even the 1915 Fair pen nant, customarily flown at the mast-head of the Beaver, failed to reach the trucks and she left the harbor admit ting defeat her banner being at half mast. Captain Mason, master of the Beaver, which has been known as the "flag ship" so long, was made the object of numerous gibes from friends on the dock, but consoled hlmseif that the Beaver yet holds the record for the fastest time from Han ITancisco, 4 hours and .IS minutes. Bear Crew Joyful. Captain N'opander and other officers of the Bear were as Joyful as a crowd of undergraduates as the "Bulldog" of the fleet hauled alongside the dock and the first line was ashore at 10:30 o'clock. Had it not been for fog there would have been two of the 'Big Three" liners In port at the same time. V. D. Wells, general agent for the San Francisco & Portland fleet, con gratulated Captain N'opander on his early arrival and it is understood that before the ship sails presentation of a "flagship" pennant will be made, which will pass to the Beaver If fc.'ie lowers the time of arrival. The Bear had the usual northbound cargo and 225 cabin passengers, there being a slight falling off in first-class travel with the opening of Fall. She will sail at 4 P. JT. October 3. CARDIGAVSHinE IS BIG SHIP nr Royal Mail Liner of 14.000 Tons and 300 Feet Long. Late additions to the schedule of the Royal Mail fleet operating to the Coast from Europe include the departure of the new steamer Cardiganshire, from Ixndon. December 20. She is of the 14,- 000-ton class, and was launched recent ly. The vessel has a length of BOO feet and Is reputed the latest In cargo ships, being equipped with the most modern gear for handling freight. Two others of the same type are to be finished in December and January. The Mon mouthshire leaves London October 25 and the Glenroy November 22. The next to reach here in that serv ice will be the Den of Cromble, which Is on Puget Sound and will proceed south this week. Movements of others in the fleet are as follows: Vestalia. sailed for lokohnma from Seattle September 16; Den of Ruthven, sailed from Portland for Moil. Septem ber 26; Den of Cromble, arrived Van couver from Yokohama, September 25; Pen of Clamls, sailed from Manila for A'lctoria. via Japan, September 2t; In dramayo, sailed Trom Seattle for Yo kohama, September 26. SrBLRrVE TJELLS IXCRE.VSED r.rlU.ih Columbia Adopts Peep Sea signal Kquipment. Kight more submarine signal bells are to be installed on the Coast at points not dot-ignated. according to P. A. Richards, wlni supervises the work of placing the bells In this district, the most recent of which was on the Mammoth buoy off Vox Rock, Orford Reef. Henry L. Beck, Inspector of the Seventeenth Light house District, receives frequent re ports from shipmasters concerning the big buoy, and so far is pleased with the operation of the bell. British Columbia officials are said to have taken steps to have a bell placed on the Sandhead light vessel, anchored off Frazer River. In the Georgia Straits. With more bells working on the American coast and receiving ap paratus more generally used, for lo cating them In thick weather, most vessels will be safeguarded. At pres ent the equipment Is confined to the larger passenger steamers. THREE SAILERS REACH PORT Lord Tcmpleton and JIarresthade In Ballast and Billings Has Coal. Three offshore windjammers reported In the river for 24 hours ending yester day. The British ship Lord Templeton arrived Sunday to load lumber for Syd ney In the Interest of Hind, Rolph & Co. She came here from San Francisco and was 15 days on the way. The Ger man ship Harvesthude came In from Mazatlan Sunday evening. She is under engagement to M. -H. Houser to load grain for the United Kingdom. The schooner Geo. E. Billings arrived from Newcastle, Australia, yesterday and according to reports received will discharge a coal cargo at Astoria and proceed here to load lumber. She left the Australian harbor July 22. The British ship Glenesslln, hailing from Santos, is looked for next among the sailers and a continuance of southerly weather Is being counted on to help several up the coast. SHAVER LIXE GETS DAMAGES Federal Court Gives Judgment for Loss of Steamer Henderson. Marine men were deeply Interested in a decision made public yesterday In on action growing out of a collision near Puget Island the night of July ff, . -i ,,-4&JK. 4: 'LL' I- - : v j 1 s a ' J i 'fccZ'-'O'" L "Fa., r - ' y j n - F .A-' JfiW- p "vr-V-iS. 2, 1911. between the steamer M. F. Henderson, towing Barge No. S3, of the Standard Oil fleet, bound here, and the ug Samson, having In tow loaded rock barges for Fort Stevens. In which the Shaver Transportation Company, own er of the Henderson, was awarded J30,- S70.75. The Henderson was virtually total loss. Judge Cushman, of Ta- coma, who was called to hear the case In the Federal Court : here, rendered the decision. The Shaver Interests brought suit gainst the Columbia Contract Com pany, owning the Samson and barges, also the Standard Oil Company. The Barge No. 93 was In charge of a pilot employed by the Standard Oil Company and the course of the Henderson In towing the barge was directed by him. The accident reduced the Shaver fleet by one steamer until the new Hender son could be constructed, but the court did not allow for the loss of time. The Henderson was valued at 140,000 and was rated the most powerful of the Shaver vessels. BUOVS REPLACED OS L'JIPQUA Lights Re-established on Middle and Lower Columbia. Mariners are advised from the office of Henry L. Beck, inspector of the 17th Lighthouse District, of the following changes in navigation aids: Umpqua River The following buoys, here tofore reported as out ot position, were re placed September IS: Outer buoy. PS., second-class can; inside bar buoy, PS., second- class nun. , . Columbia River The following lights, heretofore reported aa temporarily discon tinued or moved, have been re-eatabllehed: Bayview, Martin Island, Martin Island. Chanel, Hood Bar, Multnomah Falls. The following llnhta were again placed In commission: Cascade IxJCks. upper, (Septem ber 1; Wind Itlver. September 12. Marine Notes. Captain II. C. Nelson, master of the steamer Breakwater during the illness of Captain Macgenn. says the latter has so far recovered that he expects to make but one more voyage in the ship to Coos Bay. Captain John Roberts, of the steamer Yucatan says weather conditions out side were fair. He remarked yester day that he reported to one of the bar tugs that a squarerigged vessel was 15 miles southwest of Tillamook Rock when he passed her. yet the tug headed for her at once. He Bays there are few ports In the world where tugs will make such a run to assist a wind jammer Inside. Hugh Brady, municipal grappler, has attained such fame that a request was made yesterday for him to proceed to American Lake. Wash., and endeavor to locate the body of a young man drowned there Sunday. After diarharging cargo here the steamer F. H. Leggett sailed last night for Seattle to load for San Francisco. Harbormaster Speler complained to the Custom-House authorities yester day that when his men were patrolling the harbor Sunday night they met the steamer Metlako towing a raft of loga without lights aboard and only one lantern showing on the raft, and that was on the after end. The Metlako was ordered to tie up and display the requisite Illuminations before proceed ing through the harbor. Movements of Vessels. cnpTiivn Sent. 29. Arrived Steamer Bear. fromLo Angeles and San Francisco: steamers Klamath and Saginaw, from San Francisco. taea awamer r. m. bp.. for Seattle: steamer Beaver, for ban itn tisco and Los Angeles. Astoria, sept. -v. - - a steamer Hear from Ml" v-..... .nri San Pedro. Arrived at 6:B0 and left up at 8 A. M., steamer Klamath, from San Francisco. Sailed at la noon steamer St. Helens, for Honolulu. Arrived at 2 P M.. schooner Oeo. E. Billings, from Newcastle. Arrived down at 4:10 and sailed at .van P. M.. steamer Beaver, lor San Francisco and San Pedro. ...... San Francisco. Sept. 2!. Arrived at 1 A. M.. steamer Olympic, from Portland. I.evuka. Sept. 2s. Arrived Schooner No komls. from Portland. , ,. Monterev. Sept. 2S. Sailed at 6 A. M., steamer W. S. Porter, for Portland. San Francisco. Sept. 28. Arrived at 4 P. M., steamer Multnomah, from Portland. Ar rived, steamer EI Segundo, towing barge No. 91, from Portland. Astoria. Sept. 28 Arrived t 7:2 P. M.. British ship Lord Templeton, from Ban Francisco. Arrived at 9 and left up at 10 P. M.. steamer Saginaw, from San Fran cisco. Arrived at 9:S0 P. M., German ship Harvesthude, from Mazatlan. Raymond. Wash.. Sept. 29. (Special.) Arrived September 2S. steamer Avalon at P. M., from San Francisco; September 211. passenger steam schooner Santa Monica, at 11 A. 'M., from San Francisco. Ieparted September 2S. steamer Qulnault, for San Francisco, 8 A. M. Hongkong. Sept. SO. Arrived Steamer Siberia, from San Francisco. Singapore. Sept. 2. Arrived previously Steamer Talthybtus, from Tacoma, for Liver pool. Hongkong. Sept. 20. Arrived previously, steamer Seattle Maru, from Tacoma via Yokohama, etc. Newcastle. N. S. TT.. Sept. 20. Sailed Steamer Hawkhead. for San Francisco. Seattle. Wash.. Sept. 29. Arrived Steam ers Goveitior, from San TJIego: Buekman. from San Frn'Ms'o. Sailed Steamers Min nesota, for Yokohama. San Francisco. Sept. 29. Arrived Steam ers Olvmplc. from Astoria: Claremont. from Willapa: 'Wlllapa. from Seattle; schooner Annie Johnson, from Mahukona. Sailed. Steamers San Jacinto, for Hoquiam; Ashta bula (British), for Ptsagua. Tides at Astoria Tuesday. High. Low. 0:SO A. V .S feet':r.2 A. M 0.4 foot 0:49 P. M 9.3 feetl7:21 P. M -0.2 foot OLD" CASE REVIVED Jean Clark Holton Sued for Divorce by Wife Number 1. FRAUD IS AMONG CHARGES Return of Property, Declared Un knowingly Deeded to Husband, Also Sought In Suit Denial of Accusation Is Made. After securing a divorce from his wife, Mrs. Josephine B. Holton, the de cree for which was later annulled by the Oregon Supreme Court, Frank Hol ton Is now defendant In a similar action brought by Mrs. Holton. Jean Clark Holton, the second wife of Holton, Is also defendant In the action brought by Mrs. Holton No. 1. Mrs. Holton is suing for divorce, for the custody of their 4-year-old child and for the re turn of property which she deeded to him, she says In her complaint, without 6TEAXER IXTELUGENCB Due to Arrive. Name. From. Date. Breakwater. ...Coos Bay..... In port Bue H. Elmore. Tillamook. ... In port Yucatan .San LMego. . . . In port Bear Los Angeles. . In port Alliance Eureka Oct 3 Rose City San Pedro. . . . Oct. 4 Roanoko. ..... .San Diego. ... Oct. 5 Beaver Los Angelea. . Oct. 9 Co Depart. Name. For. . Date. Sue H. Elmore. Tillamook. . . .Sept. 30 Breakwater. .. .Coos Bay Sept. 0 Harvard 6. F. to U A.. Oct. 1 Yucatan. ..... .Son Francisco Oct. 1 Yosemlte San Diego. ... Oct. 1 Carlos Los Angeles. . Oct. 1 Yosemlte San Dlcgo. . . . Oct. 1 Klamath San Diego. ... Oct. 8 Yale S. F. to L. A.. Oct. 3 Bear Los Angeles. . Oct. 8 Alliance...... .Coos Bay Oct. S Rose City Los Angeles. . Oct. 8 Roanoke : -San Diego. ... Occ. 8 Beaver Loa Angeles. .Out. 13 European end Oriental Service. Name. From. Data. Vrkermark. . . . Hamburg. . . Den of Cromble London C Ferd Laelss. Manila. .... . Den of Olamts. London Andalusia Hamburg. .. Slthonla Hamburg. . . . Oct 1 . Oct. .Nov. 4 , Nov. 8 . Dec. 4 . Dec. 81 Den of Alrlle. . .London Jan tl 1 MonmouthBhlreLondon. . . . Fab. Name. For. Date. Uekermsrk. . . . Kamburff. . . Oct. 8 Den of Cromble London Oct. 10 C. Ferd Laelss. Manila. ... ...Nov, 8 Den of Glamii. London Nov. 18 Andalusia Hamburg.... Dec. 10 Slthonia Hamburg. ... Jan. 7 Den of Alrlle London Jan. 12 MonmouthBhlreLondon Feb. 10 AT Oregon State To Salem and Return Via OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY 6:10 A. M., P. M., 6:00 Fifth and -jj J ir4 1 i f knowledge of the effect of the papers she was signing. Mrs. Holton charges In her complaint that she was tricked into allowing the divorce to be obtained In a suit filed in the Washington County Court in 1910. and in his opinion declaring the proceedings void the Supreme Court Justice refers to the collusion by which the procedings were obtained. Holton denies all charges of fraud in securing the divorce decree and in se curing his wife's signature to the deeds. Mrs. Holton says that she never re ceived any notice of service In the di vorce proceedings, and though she knew her husband was going to secure a divorce she submitted under his rep resentations that a divorce was neces sary to change his name and legalize the name of their child. Holton, whose former name was Sed gast, married his first wife, formerly Miss Josephine Krebs, sister of the Ore- eon hoDerower. January 4, lUb, at van couver. Wash. In February, 1910, he filed divorce proceedings in the Cir cuit Court of Washington County, Judge J. IT. Campbell granting the di vorce the latter part or tne montn. tn December of the same year Holton married Jean Clark. In May, 1911. Holton discovered that an error had been made in the divorce Droceedings and attempted to have the complaint amended by changing the word defendant to plaintiff, wnicn change was necessary to make the di vorce valid. Judge Campbell allowed the amendment, but on appeal the Ore gon Supreme Court overruled Judge Campbell, declaring the divorce pro ceedings void. Six months prior to the decision by the Supreme Court Holton had married Miss Clark, who subse quently secured a divore from him. Mrs. Cordelia Krebs, mother of the nlalntiff: Mrs. M. M. Matson, a sister; Conrad Krebs. brother, and Mrs Mary Monks testified yesterday on behalf of the Dlaintiff and the defendant had Walter O. Hayes, Louis Sedgast, H. T. J. Nlckres, Mrs. Ada Nickles, E. J. Davidson. J. S. Birrel and w. R. Pat terson on the stand. The case will be resumed in Judge Cleeton's court this morning. BOY ESCAPES CLAD AS GIRL Incorrigible Lawrence Black Leaves Eraser Home Once More. Juvenile Court officials have been searching vainly for Lawrence Black, aged 12 years, who disappeared from the Fraser Home more than a week ago. When he left the Home he was clad In girl's clothes. He Is known to have gone first to the home of his par ents at 1057 East Alder street, and changed his attire. Since that time no clows to his whereabouts have been found. His mother is worried, fearing that harm has come to him. Lawrence is a well-known character In Juvenile Court circles. He is con tinually running away from home, but at no previous time has his absence been as long as this. The tlrst time lie got away from the Fraser Home he was found and dressed in girl's clothes, the officials thinking that he would not leave in that attire. Juvenile Court officers say that lie has always a new excuse when found and believe that he has applied to some one for assistance, told a pitiful story, and been taken Into some home. He told the court officers first that he had no parents. This the officers found to 4H I AND Thursday, October Ten Trains each way daily. Leave North Bank Depot. 7:30 A. M., 8:20 A. M., 10:40 A. M., 2:05 P. M., 3:40 P. M., 4:40 P. M., 9:10 P. M. and 11:45 P.M. (Jefferson Street 20 minutes later.) TICKET OFFICES Stark, Tenth and Stark, Tenth and Morrison, North Bank Depot, Jefferson Street Depot. Quiok Belief Is What You "Want and Pyramid Pile Remedy Is What You Should Use. We want your name if you suffer from any form of piles. No matter what you have tried you owe yourself at least some relief from pain. Just let us give you this relief. No words are necessary. We do not need to make claims. Just fill out the free coupon and send It to us today, or, If you prefer, go to your druggist and buy a 50-cent box. Don't despair. Don't undergo an operation. Be sensible and take hope., Do what thousands of others have done. Pyramid Pile Remedy reduces all in flammation, stops itching, bleeding, sores, ulcers, congestion and all pile trouble. For sale at all drug stores, price 50c. free: package coupos. Pyramid Drug Co.. 481 Pyramid Bldg., Marshall, Mich. Send me a trial package of Pyra mid Pile Remedy FREE, in a plain, unmarked, confidential wrapper. I agree tc use same as directed. Name Street . . City State. be a falsehood. Next he told them that his parents had moved and he could not find them. SCH1EWE THROWING ROCK Man Who Married Whole Family Month Ago Explains Actions. Adolph Schlewe married a family several months ago, a widow and nearly dozen children. Since then he has been constantly In court on various charges preferred by his wife, Hermina. He was in Municipal Court yesterday on a charge of throwing rocks through the window of his wife s home on Mary land avenue. He explained that the house was his and he broke the win dow with a rock to gain entrance after his wife had locked tne aoor against him. The judge continued the case in definitely. Schiewe recently passed o nays in jail, after the judge had offered to re lease him If he would go DacK ana live with his wife. Schiewe said he pre ferred the sentence. While he was serving it he collected the rents of a number of houses he owns through the Poisoned Blood Quickly Cleansed In Any Form of Blood Trouble the Cure is Rapid. An astonishing record of serious blood poisoning is daily brought to our atten- t on. And most if not all these startling calamities could be averted were the blood primed, toned and purified In advance by that wonderful remedy known everywhere as S. S. S. Few people realize how quickly the system becomes Infected with the acids and ferments from undigested food, constipation and inactive kidneys. The symptoms are fever, thirst, excit ability, dry skin followed by ra3h. and many Indications wrongly diagnosed as Ptomaine poisoning. This condition is al most universal in all climates and Is quickly overcome by the action of S. S. S. Many people who act nastily from vio lent temoer are simply suffering from tha effects of poisoned blood, produced by faulty elimination. But by far the great est peril is the daily danger from bruises, contusions, the scratch of a rusty nail, insect bites, poisoning and the house fly that deposits the germs of Typhoid, Ma laria, Diphtheria and other malignant diseases. The medicinal uronertles of S. S. a. are relatively Just as essential to well balanced health a3 are the nutritive prop erties of the meats, grains, fats ana sugars of our daily food. And if you will bear this fact In mind and get your blood under the dominating influence of S. S. you will not only drive out thoso Impurities that cause Rheumatism, Ca tarrh, Eczema, Pimples, Boils and thin; anemic blood, but you will feel anew tho thrill of health that can come only from. a purified blood stream. Do not accept anything else in place of S. S. S.; pay no attention to the "Just as Good" claims of thoso who would sacrifice your health, to make an extra profit. S S. S. contains no minerals, no crude drugs, nothing but the most beneficial botanical materials. Bo be sure and get S. S. 3. and avoid disappointment. Get a bottla today and write for free advlee to Tha Swift Specific Co., 222 Swift Bldg., At lanta, Ga. Fair Every Day From This Date to September 30th ROUND TRIP FARES TO CHICAGO $72.50 ST. LOUIS 70.00 KANSAS CITY 60.00 OMAHA 60.00 Also to many important Eastern Cities ; jjocd all Summer with stopover and diverse route privileges High Class Through Trains THE ORIENTAL LIMITED: To Chicago via Great Northern-Burlington Electri 8 lighted observation car through train, with all classes of equipment, via MLaneapolis-St. Paul, daylight ride along side the Mississippi "Where nature smiles three hundred miles." THE ATLANTIC EXPRESS: To Chicago via Northern Pacific-Burlington Electrio lighted through train from the Northwest via Minneapolis St. Paul. MISSISSIPPI VALLEY LIMITED: To Denver, Omaha, St. Joseph, Kansas City and St. Louis, via Northern Pacific-Burlington Electric lighted through train via direct main line Southeast, via Billings, Montana. SOUTHEAST EXPRESS: To Denver, Omaha, Kansas City and St. Louis, via Great Northern-Burlington Electric lighted through train via Billings, Montana. No Extra By all means let me help you plan your Eastern Journey and point out ho w the several Burlington main lines can best be used in making a comprehensive tour of the East. A. C. SHKLDO, General Agent, C. B. A t- R. B. 10O Third Street. Portland. Or. 37 PERFECTLY APPOINTED DI.M.VG CARS IS Bin LIXGTON SERVICE. Block Protected Trains ' officers at the police station. Divorce action has been filed by both sides of the Schiewe family. - Henry F. l'latt Is Sentenced. SAN FRANCISCO. Sept 29. Henry P. Piatt, assistant cashier of the California-Pacific Title & Trust Company, was MBS. MANGES ESCAPES OPERATION How She Was Saved From Surgeon's Knife by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble .Compound. Mogadore,Ohio. "The first two years I was married I suffered so much from female troubles and bearing down pains that I could not stand on my feet long enough todo my work. The doctor said I would have to undergo an opera tion, but my husband wanted me to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com nound first. I took three bottles and it made me well and strong and I avoided a dreadful opera tion. I now have two fine healthy chil dren, and I cannot say too much about whatLydiaE. Pinkham'sVegetable Com pound has done for me." Mrs. Lee Manges, R. F. D. 10, Mogadore, Ohio. "Why will women take chances with an operation or drag out a sickly, half hearted existence.missing three-fourths of the joy of living, when they can find health in Lydia E. Pinkham'sVegetable Compound ? For thirty years it has been the stand ard remedy for female ills, and has re stored the health of thousands of women who have been troubled with such ail ments as displacements, inflammation, Ulceration, tumors, irregularities, etc. If you want special advice write to Ijdia E. Finkham Medicine To. (confi dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a tfoman and held in strict confidence. To Tacoma CHEHALIS, CENTRALIA Three Day Trains Parlor Cars, Smoking Cars, Diners, Coaches TO Aberdeen, Hoquiam Choice of three fine trains each day. 2i r Trj Our Through Fast Service To and from the East "NOETH COAST LIMITED" and "ATLANTIC EXPRESS" Make the fast time to Chicago Just 3 days WESTBOUND ONE-WAY COLONIST FARES Tickets: 255 Morrison A. D. Charlton, A. NORTHERN ST. JOSEPH ,..$60.00 SIOUX CITY 60.03 DENVER 55.00 ROCK ISLAND 76.00 Fare to the East via Denver sentenced to two years' imprisonment He confessed to defalcations approxi mating $30,000. His wife collapsed and had to be carried from the courtroom. NO EXTRA VIA THE r iiwauKee a is an expression supreme ly fitting in connection with a trip to the East on this PALATIAL ALL-STEEL Transcontinental Train. It combines the enjoyment of rare scenic beauties with the pleasure of a journey in absolute ease and comfort. For further information regarding fares, train service, etc., call on or address K. K. Garrisos Dist. Fit. A Pu. Agent E. M. Taylor City Pas. Agent CHICAGO MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RY. Third ar.d Stark Streets Portland, Oregon and Seattle AND ALL POINTS NORTH One Night Train Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars, Coaches TO Raymond, South Bend Two trains daily morning & afternoon On sale daily, September 25 to October 10. You will find it convenient to have ns deliver them St. Phones Main 214, A 1244 G. P. A.. Portland, Or. PACIFIC RY. J LVJiiwauKee i ft