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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1913)
f k 1 1 k r . i . s v - - - . , AprtmfDI. OUR KP.EE AUTOMOBILE AT TOCR SERVICE WHEN HUNTING APARTMENTS. Furnished and unfurnished apartments from a to 6 rooms, from $20 o month, it jou want oof. telephone Main lOii. Sundas. or A -uiJ- - Evening call Mr. Balden. Marshall 2200. Our automobUe ill call at any add ress with our agent, who wl.l be l-dto show these apartment. References requlrea. We own or control the following: Cecelia. r-M and GUsan eta, Claypool. 11th and Clay sis. Columbia. 11th and Columbia. Fordham. 170 Ford. Hanthora. 215 12th St., near Main. Hanover. 160 King at., near Washlagtou. Knickerbocker. 410 Harmon, near 11th. Orderlelgh. K! Grand ave. Ft. Clair, 1T0 St. Clair St., near Wash. . Francis. Slat and Hoyt sis. Wellington, 16th and Everett sts. MORGAN. FLIEDNER BOYCE. Morgan bldg. HIGHLAND COfRT APARTMENTS, 2;d and Gllaan Streets. Walking Distance. Reautlfnl front 4 -room furnished apart ment, with sleeping porch that can bi used the year around. References Required. Marshall 31I2. TK1NITY PLACE APARTMENTS. The House of Tone, largest and finest apart menta on the Pacific Coast; In heart or apartment-house district; new and mod ern in every particular: apartments fur nished and unfurnished: exclusive bache lor quarter with clubrooms m south wing; sleeping porches in every ment: high-class service, refined clientele, ro disappearing furniture; terms reason able; Inspection Invited; references fa quired, phone Marshall 1H1. THE BARKKR. cor. 21st and Irving ."t,'r,T This new four-story brick now open, fur nished and unfurnished in 2, 3 and -?oom suites: reception hall, electric auto matic elevator, Holmes disappearing: beas. bulit-ln buffet and anting desk. " range. Ice box. plenty of closet rooms, both phones, vacuum cleaner free to pa trons. If vou want something nice, romelo the Marker. Phone A 1744. Marshall ..! FROM SIM to $22 for 3-room apartments In new brick fireproof building, with disap pearing beds, self-lighting gas J" heat and cold water, atorcroom and lock ers, laundrv. large porch. These apart mnts are modern and up to date. Loca tion. 146-i Klllingswortb, 4 blocks from Jefferson High School. For particulars rail apt. B. l'hone C 2S2. Blanchard & rmson. "02-3 Selling bldg. LUCRETIA COURT. Situated on Lucretla St., 100 feet north of Washington St., In an open court In tha best residence district, within walk-Ins- distance: finest -unfurnished apart ments 2 to 5 rooms. See them before lo ratlng; rates reasonable; references. Man ager. Marshall 1511; Janitor. Marshall 1500. THE WHEELDOK ANNEX Corner Tenth and Salmon eta. Walking Distance. Famished complete, 2. 3 and 4- apartmenta; building new and atrlctu modem; service first-class. VH I.A ST. CLARA 12th and Taylor. Most modern apartments on tha Pacific Coast, Furnished complete. Hoof garden in connection. Walking distance. References. CUMBERLAND, W. Park and Columbia ;ta., very choice 2 and 8-room completely fur nished apt., all modern conveniences, beautiful location facing the parka; S min utes walk from buslnsss center. We al ways maintain our reputation for first class, clean apt,, with best of service, at reasonable prices; references required. BRAND NEW WALKING DISTANCE REX ARMS APARTMENTS. 1.1TH AND EAST MORRISON STS. 5-story, fireproof bldg.. 61 2 and 8-room apts., automatic elevator, balconies, tile bathrooms and all the latest Improve ments. Rates 125 to $40 month. GLEN COURT (Formerly the WheeMon). Corner Park and Taylor. Modern apartmenta In 2. 3 and 4-room suites: furnished complete; first-class service. . . In down-town district, but quiet. SEE THIS ONE SURE Nicely furnished 3-room apartmenta. $22.30. All outside rooms, table and bed linen, private bath and phone, on carline. B r."41. Tabor 22u:i. " THE CROMWELL, Fifth and Columbia. 2 and 3-room apartments furnished: strictly modern and new; references: close walking distance: service first-class. THE UPSHUR, 26tb and Upshur sts. fur nished 2-room apts.. fin, 1 up; steam heat, hot and cold water in every apart ment: public bath, electric lights, gas ranges, laundry-room, all free. Take "S. 2Sd or "W cars north. Phone Main 3523. DESIRABLE 3-room apartment or 4 rooms furnished or unfurnished, arranged for I bedrooms; very reasonable rent: desirable location, good service, outside rooms, pri vate bath, direct phone. SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS. 272 Broadway, cor. Jeff n. THE WASHINGTON, Ni Northrup J-roora unfurnished apartment, with bath ana all modern conveniences, telephone, steam heat gas. electric light, etc Take W car to 21st and Northrup. Phonea Main 43i6, A 1133. HAKKIJ1AX APIS. 164 N. 24th St. Now is the time to get ousy If you really want to secure something nice for the Winter; most desirable, all modern. 3 or 4-room partly furnished apta. References, Main 356. , GRANDEST A East Stark and Grand ave.: new building, nicely furnished; private phones and baths, automatic elevator; moderate prices; walking distance. Phone East 2us. THE WINSTON, 341 14Ui St., at Market. New. two and three-room apartments, completely furnished; talking distance; prices reasonable. Phone Main 1730. LINCOLN APT 3.. 4TH AND LINCOLN. All outside it-room fur. apts.; low rates Include free light, heat, private phone. "S" or l!th-st. car south. Main 1:177. MADISON PARK APARTMENTS Park St.. at Madison. Modem i and 4-room furnished apart ments by the week or month. BUKCH APARTMENTS. New. modern furnished 2-room apt?.; bath, phones, dressing-room, tine location. HO S. list st. Mnr. 4141. W. car. THE MKINLEY APARTMENT8. East 7th and Morrison sts Very central; 2 and 3-room apartments, furnished com pletely : private baths; room $ to $21.50. KEELSR APTS.) 14TH AND CLAY STS. Front corner 4-room suite, unfurnished. Apply at once. FOUR-ROOM steam-heated apartment: modern, exclusive. Couei Drug Co., 1st and Sherman. THE STANFIELD. New, 2-room apts., light and gas ln cluded: $13 up. 204 Porter St. Main 7292. LUZERNE Clean, coay. 2-room furaiahed apartment; modern, 8 minutes from P. O., brick building, reasonable. Marshall 4637. PAGE APARTMENTS. Beautiful apartments, furnished and un furnished, inclUQing urepiace. etc ,. aow. modern 8-room unfurnished apts.; reaaon- abls. Phone Eaat 820; THE MARLBOROUGH, Nob Hill district Six-room upartment; every convenience. Phone Main 7516. BRUCE APTS., 2r:h and Northrup: 6-roora apartment: large, light rooms; excellent ..... . . i a i V. 1 T 1 .1 ' i i. A OITU location, rnuuu jmioim,, FLORENCE. 3S8 11th; 3-room front apart ment, fine furniture, complete, including piano; e-tu i . nnnv u T T . Furnished and unfurnished apartmenta 414 11th St. Marshall 111. Flats jia a rooms, bath, water and gas free, gas range, etc 621 Overt- n. C 1S74. 4-ROOM flat, lower, w . modern. 11. &02i Columbia. Ji- LOWER flat. 5 Bnrnsiue. East liii'l. rooms. E. 12th MODERN 4-room fiat, cioso In, rent 110. DESIRABLE modern upper flat. 836 Eaat Main. Phone East 4862. MODERN unfurnished 6-room flat. S6S 13th. 6-room furnished flat. l-t3i 1-llh MODERN 6-room flat for rent. 424i 6th street. Inquire 4261 6th. FOR RENT A neat upper flat, 67314 Gllaan st.. cor. 2ist. A swa. MODERN 7-roora flat. $30. 12th and Mill at. 430 Mill. Main 4013. A NEW. modern 4-room upper fiat; price $10. Woodlawn 1B3S. UPPER 5-room fiat: modern, porch. 471 t West Park. Inquire 40S Park. A 2887. FLAT of 6 rooms and hath, "31 Hoyt at. Inquire lou ein st. rnone Main imis ROOMS, Kos. 2S and So Eaat 6th St.; rent $16. Key at Woodward's. 104 id st. UNFUFiNlSHED modern ft-rnm fiat, close In. 23 xwvereit St., vi s : i vid Rv.vr t HisiNr.ra i un 1 1. 1 1 i i waiH n W i i Fhtta. CLOSE In at loth and Clay. 1 lower 4-room and 1 upper 7-room fiats, with all outside rooms: also largo o-room flat on Portland Heights, at $li. Owner. Main 2S48. East It, 9 5-ROOM llat. 70 GUsan St., near 23d-st-VarT new mouern. convenient; hardwood noors, nreplace and furnace; select ne'fn bori.ooa. Moigan. Fiiedner & Boyce- -03 Ablngton bldg. NEW, modern 6 or 6-room flat; -fDi furnace built-in conveniences: walkmg dlstancJ. 424 Hall at., near 11th. Main 5-HoOM upper or 6-room lower large, weil arranged rooms: loca.lon !d-n-aln latest modern conveniences. JtS9 East m st, near Hawthorne. FLAT. 5 rooms and mald'a room, l f""0 fireplace, gas range, hardwood oo-a, heat neghborsood. 2D4 2ith corner Northrup. . i .. w -viipthnin. Main 6o2a. nvyij oi.. COSV. clean, modern 4-room flat. Porches, basement, excellent neighborhood, near car; adulta; $1S. 5S0 Wllliama ave. Wood- lawn 426. FOR RENT Lower flat, 6 rooms, fine neigh borhood. Nob Hill, responsible party only. Marshall 4761. LOVELY 4-roum upper corner nat well lighted, furnace, porch, phone. East o. B 14U4. MODERN upper J-room fi.t. I.ovelov St., oniv 25 month, vanauyn a anou, "hamber of Commerce. 6-ROOM modern flat, upper, choicest loca "on. inquire at 424 Washington St., or li6 loin MODERN upper live-room. flat, sleeping porch, electric light and gas. lur.iace, walking distance. West Side. Main S67. 4-ROOM upper fUt. sleeping porch, S25 ortnrup sc. .-tiin MODERN 0 and 7-room upper and. lower riats. 'e - 6-KOOM modern flat. College St.. near 11th. I,r tr Oct. 2d at 441 11th St. 5.ROO.M lower flat, fireplace. 685 GUsan. near ,i. jmm " Furnlsned Flats. NEWLY furnished 4-room lower f.oor. sew-In- machine, furnace, gas. water heater, electric light; new bath; nice porches, on L. Helniont St. OUIII! BlUV IH.W. - ' MODERN 5-room flat, newly '"rnished Margin St.. two blocks south of Broadway bridge, fronting river. Beautiful loca tion. .Must oe seen n nK,..-. . -. FURNISHED or unfurnished G:room lat hardwood floors, iireiu, n m ing porch, fine location. 3oS'4 Glen ave. riawtnome e. . tlS UO you want 4-room modern furnished iU cllse in, for one or two onths? Reliablo people, no children, call lmme aiateiy. x-aai ' " DESIRABLE r.-room modem, well-furnished, references. $32.50 Including plione. Mai- shull 3.1 j. NICELY furnished "at. including phone and water, close to achools; walking distance. 1 block to car. tasij. 5-ROOM furnished flat, including r'0"0.. nnd sewing machine, :iS monH. M G.lsan. corner lst st. r-uon - NEATLY furnished two and three-room lla.a, bath and sleeping porch, cheap to right party. E. iR'43. 671V4 Belmont. 3-ROOM furnished; choice location; every thing gooil. Mar. io NICELY furnished 4-room flat, walking distance. 444 Rodney. East 4i. Housekeeping Rooms. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall s I . Furnished for housekeeping; gas range electric lights, hot water, ba h laundry free; $12 per month up; a clean liaco, best in ttie city for the oney; short distance from Union Depot. Take , S or lilth-su cars north, get off at MaraualL No dues. NEATLY furnished 2-room housekeeping suite, gas. free phone, bath electric 8h" very reasonable rent, walking distance. J -e! Clay. cor. Union, off Hawthorne. The lJunsforu. I'lione jj in". UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms, brick 'buildins. never a lodslng house; respect able; save carfare. 211 Vi Second, corner SB Imon. FOR RENT A C-room completely furnished flat, airictly modern; rent 22.W. Including water and garage aervioe. Inquire I. Ge- vurtz. cor. Front and Gibl.s sts. $1 :.u TO $2.75 week: clean, furnished house keeping rooms, suitable for 2 ': 'r GOoH. 406 Vancouver, 2 Stanton. 1j car. 'lilt lirnnun, iw-r v.. - - r-ora apt..: steam heat ."fbt, $1. up Main lawe THE MONTGOMERY." East 8th ana Morrison Neatly furnished housekeepln. BUI ICS, rDUiinuiv. NEW furnished housekeeping rooms; heat. 1 1 K t. pain; 1 ' " KL-K.N1SHEP h. K. roomi cjeap. arii.Kv l .a . M T -v n.-rimm Phnnf) MalQ U40. Did., OU, . - THE OILMAN. 1st su. cur Alder; furaUhed l:ouseKeepina roma. y...- - t'.nO AND up. large, light H. K. rooms; bath, etc 87 3d St. , Housekeeping-Rooms In Private Family. BEFORE looking for rooms; housekeeping, lurnlslied and Snfurnished, In private fam llv also furnished and unfurnished flats, etc.. call and see our large and complete list. We save you time, trouble and money. No cost to you, PORTLAND RENTAL BUREAU, noa TiroadwaV bldg. Main --lo- A WIDOW would like to rent a room or two to a lady with use of kitchen, gas range, electricity and bath: a nice, quiet horned in Sellwo'od on carline; rent very reasonable. 504 Miller ave. Phone Sell- voott iia SINGLE housekeeping rooms, $2 up- also 2-room suites, newly furnished, modern dwelling; best West Side apart ment district; cL-an. light rooms; every- i.-.i a;-.-. riuiiiIM near L'Otn. lillTip inuuu--u vv a. THREE large, nicely furnished housekeep "ng rooms: light and airy, close in large yard all modem conveniences, electric lights, fireplace. 454 Montgomery. FIVE rooms, furnished complete, house keeping, ground floor, use of entire house, $15 month. Broadway car. o.o -Jth St. psortn, corner jvwol,. TWO nicely furnished, bright rooms, house keeping If necessary, every convenience of a quiet home, centrally located. 26o lith 3 "MODERN unfurnished rooms, hot and cold water, etecu iu -' on Mt, Tabor carline. 137 E. 60th st. fnone i a wir $14 2 LARGE front'rooms completely fur nlsheU. gas ranjre. free cooking gas. light, luce place, suitable for couple. Si a 14th, corner Montgomery. ""cLEANTVompleiely furnished housekeeping-rooms, nice carpets. linoleum gas range free phone and llb'hts, yard. i8Q b.- lamniu. j diw PLEASANT room and sleeping porch, 40th. Belmont sts.; completely furnished, mod ern, free phone, lights, bath, piano. Tabor ll?1. iU&Hl J"- ji4 $i8 TWO or three completely fur nished, bath, laundry, gas range phones, large yard, walking distance. 341 Tllla- moog. TWO and 3 clean, light, furnished house keeping rooms, modern, reasonable. 6J- rxont. FINE housekeeping room for business wo man. All home privileges. Call after 0. WU JCeilllUUl, VWI . I'm 9 UNION AVE. N., 1-room suite, also S single rooms; these are very reasonable. rnune, oavu auu . THREE housekeeping rooms, well furnished with piano, gas, bath, phone; very deslr- ,.T- DC- 11.ll BUic sad Aiku WILL rent half my home to small fam ily; near Jefferson High and grade w-nndlawn 2SS7. THREE nice unfurnished housekeeping rooms, all conveniences, close in, 20T Hol- laaay ave. TWO or four very pleasant housekeeping rooms. 421 Broadway, west nine. 2 AND 3 housekeeping rooms, $12 and $14 TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, all . , . 1 "T L).. - - m .'ill t h m tt mouern conveniences. , TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, 7S1 Kearney St.; hot water heat: reasonable. (90 COUCH, 2 or 3 single housekeeping roomi. WELL furnished housekeeping rooms, close In, bathnone. z tana s FURNISHED H. K. rooms, lower floor, modern. 690 E. Burnslde. SPLENDID suite 2 rooms, large, airy. light. well iurnisiieu, close ill. Bin jiii $10 Large h. k. room; gas, bain, electricity. pnone. ooi c. nmrnun. 106 2uTH. corner Flanders Neatly furnished housekeeping rooms. S NICELY furnjshed housekeeping rooms. 21S 10th, cor. Salmon. 32 SINGLE housekeeping rooms, second floor, bath and phone. 858 6th uU 854 SALMON Two desirable rooms, fur nished for housekeeping, single rooms. $9 PER month, suite of neatly famished housekeeping rooms. 409 Columbia st. $3.50 EVERYTHING Included, clean, sin gle H. K. room for couple. 2J1 Broadway. 2 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, first floor; pri vate entrance. 392 Columbia St. NICELY furnished housekeeping and single rooms, close in. 473 Alder. 314 r,TH fc-T. Parlors, first floor, close in, sink, clean, rery attractive. DON'T search beautiful bay window room, modern, kitcUcn, 47 Jefferson- 3IOKNIXG OREGONIAN. Hum FOR RENT. $40 7 rooms and bath, beautiful house. near end Hawthorne ave. ISO 6 rooms and bath, on Division St., will sell for $"0 down. $30 per mo., at $3500. which Is 500 below cost. $25 6-room flat. Crosby St., near end Broadway bridge. 1 $12.50 6-room house, on carline, 420 ave and 42d St. S. E. HAMMOND MORTGAGE CO., 423 Chamber of Commerce. FOR LEASE. In most exclusive residence district; one of the finest bungalows on the Fa clflo Coast; on a 10txHo-foot comer, sur rounded by most beautiful shrubbery; ref erences required; $00 per month. F. E. TAYLOR CO.. Ground Floor. Henry Bldg. 12-ROOM home for residence only, large grounds, excellent location; West Bide. GEO. D. S CHALK, Main 8!2. A 2S92. 228 Stark st. IRVINGTON. 8-ROOM NEW, MODERN HOME, ON 20TH ST,; OAK FLOORS, FIREPLACE, FURNACE. LAUNDRY. TILED BATH, WORTH $30: WILL RENT FOR $40. BEE THIS QUICK. 710 LEWIS BLDG. MAR- SHALL 4200. , NO. 71 KEARNEY ST., 8 rooms, bathroom, etc., rent 3;t5. Nc 779 Kearney st-. 7 rooms, bathroom. etc, rent $25. THE KING ESTATE, 700 Yeon bldg. " FOR RENT. $80. 10-room house, Belmont street, best car service In town; big yard, nice sur roundings. St. Charles Land Co., 204 Mor- rison st. . i 7ROOM modem house, 24 E. Mu Bt., Just north of Stark St.; furnace, laundry tubs, oak floors, garago. for lease, $30. A. L. Poulsen. 719 Chamber of Commerce. Mar- enau zi.-a. S-ROOM house In good condition, large yard, good light, suitable for sub-renting; on carline and walking distance. $3o month. r49 Cth st. Telephone week days, 8 A. fll . to o f. 31.. jiain cum. A FINE chance to rent a beautirul home on the river front at reasonable rate: 8-room house, with every convenience; come see It. S34 Alhambra ave., ft. of Shaver st. Phone c 2si. BUNGALOW. IN LAL'BELUl'BST. WORTH $40, WILL RENT FOR $:7.50; 7 ROOMS AND BLEEPING PORCH; MODERN AND NEW. MAKSH.AI.ij 4UU. A iioo. O-ROOM house, 421 San Rafael st ; gas, elec tricity, bath, laundry trays. i Da" ment, yard, etc., $16. Inquire 435 E. 7th bi. iorin. (.ROOM house, beautiful lawn: must be seen to be appreciated. 623 Lovejoy. be tween lth and 20th. BJelland. owner. grocer, inn anu jaaraiian. jiflm jq,. FOR RENT 2 new, modern 6-room houses. Hi blocks to Sellwood car; $2ft. Inquire cor. E. 10th and Center sts., or call Taor 30S1. FOR RENT 6-room house No. 5 East 79th st.. newly tinted and varnished: place for chickens and garden; $12. Phone East 4056. DESIRABLE houses and flats for rent, all parts city. NATIONAL REALTY & INV. C. Main 512U. . FOR RENT Modern 6-room house in Rose City Park, vacant or partly furnished, to responsible parties. Tabor 1503. $25 IRVINGTON cottage, fine neighborhood, yard, cement basement, furnace. Eaat FURNISHED or unfurnished, superior loca- -i , i 0..,n Y,n,,ca A tooll 100 mS ! IIOI1, llVlllglUII, -ivij - "- ,,.,V possession about October 1. Call East 41dl. Two 4-room, 8; 3 6-room, $10; all modern, one block from car and hard-surface. C. H. Plggott. owner, 142 2d, room 24. 7-ROOM modem house, first-class condi tion. 229 East 8d. near Holladay. In quire 429 Rodney ave. ir-none cast poop. FOR KENT 6-room house in good con dition. 21)6 Whltaker sU Key at S21 tront st. TO RENT 6-room cottage, East 11th and Washington sts,, $20 month, walking dis tance. Woodlawn 1012. Main 2278. DOUBLE house, Montgomery street, near Fourth, 22 rooms, $(. H. A. Holmes, 608 Beck bldg. Main B552- FINE modern 6-room house, furnace, gaa, electricity. $26. 887 East Ash St., corner 2Sth. Phone Tabor lsi. FOR RENT New six-room house, all mod ern, 1 block from carline. 531 Center at. Sellwood car, or pnone itnor ovoa. FOR RENT Six-room house on East 10th and Beacon. Price $10. Apply to E. Willla ttfl.l East 9th st. Phone Sellwood 818. 66 LUCRETIA, near Wash, and 23d; thor oughly modern house, S rooms, yard. UNION AVE. 1457, clean, 4-room house, opposite Woodlawn School; two carlinea. Ask for Mis. Marlow. NEW modern 5-room bungalow, electricity and gas. rent lrt. WW car. 7S8 East 20th. Phono Sellwood 23. MODERN 7-room house. West Side: full basement, furnace with water coll. Phone Main 407; A 4SS0. TEN DOLLARS. Cottage at 645 Clinton st.; B rooms. Edwards, lltl 1st st. jlB S-ROOM bungalow, bath, gas, electric lights, fine view, near Portland Academy. Marshall 4215. MODERN desirable 8-room house. 898 San Rafael, near Union; close In. East 16S5. fl8 GOOD 6-room house, 10th and E. Couch, ynone c. aijv. 6-ROOM modern house. 84 E. 7th st. N. ; $20 per month. NOB HILL, 651 Kearney, 7 rooms, modern. Sellwood S421 MODERN cottage, 40S Hall St., near loth. Inquire 42S 10th. i-ROuM house with Bleeping porch; rent $30, Call Mam . o.,o. 6-ROOM house. 575 4th St., cor. Grant; rent $25. Apply 312 6th st, FIVE lnrge rooms, bath, fireplace, nice yard. 4S1 Chapman au riwiwnu jieigiim. IRVINGTON. fine large modern house, S. porch. 146. Phone- East $228. FOR-RENT 6-room cottage. Call Mar- snau ioai 8-ROOM house, sleeping porch. 928 E. Couch. E. 5153. MODERN 6-room house, 19th and East Alder sts. Phone East 5901. SIS NEW 6-room modern house. 758 Borth w'ick St., walking distance. Phone East 4036. BUNGALOW, 5 rooms and bath. In Sunny side; $2". Phone Main 2240. GOOD 8-room house, reasonable to perma nent tenants; walking distance. B. 3310. MODERN 5-room upper flat, eth and Sher man sts. Rent $20. Main 867. S-ROO.M house, fireplace, good condition, 605 E. Washington. Main 8225. 6-ROOM house. 596 Madison; yard, furnace, gas and electricity. $23. Marshall 4220. FOR RENT 6-room cottage, newly tinted. 211 Hnncroit ave. j-iione ,-uain pica. FOR RENT 6-room house in good condi tio njgasJadults;$0J474EJStartc1 FOR RENT 7-room house, 821 Wasco. Phone East PORTLAND HEIGHTS New 7-room house; rent reasonable. Phone A 8146. 5-ROOM cottage, desirable, modern, newly tinted, painted. $18; adults. 867 & Oak. MODERN 6-room house, $18. Phone Wood lawn 17U. MODERN 7-room house. West Side. Inquire 5S1 5th St. A 5374. $6 THREE-ROOM house; $10 t-room. Al berta. Main 6111. BUNGALOW', 6 rooms and bath, $15. Phone Tabor 8863 6-ROOM cottage. Just tinted, porcelain bath, gas, electricity. Key 828 Park St. J-ROOM house on Kings Hill; new; modern; $S0. Main 2242. IRVINGTON 'Netv, modern 6-room bunga low. Inquire 353 E. 0th st. N. 6-ROOM house for rent end furniture for sale; close in. Telephone C 1478. 5-ROOM cottage near Laurelhurst, attic, basement. East ft. B 14U4. Furnished Houses, . 321 13th, Corner Clay: six rooms and bath; new furniture; $40. Give possession Oc tober 1. A. G. Tlndolph. A 271ft 1KV1NGTGN 5 rooms, nicely furnished bungalow: piano, sleeping porch, 787 Multnomah. B car. ATTRACTIVE, well-furnished 6-room home, walking distance: piano, furnace, fire place. ONE S-room furnished house and one 8-room furnished apt. 104 E. 18th st,; tabs Sun nyside car. BEAUTIFUL furniture 7 rooms for sale. Would take board. 570 East Madison. 7-ROOM furnished house. Willamette Koights. Call morning. Main 5206. , NICELY furnished 6-room bungalow. 835 Wasco st; references required. MODERN 8-room house for rent, furnished ,or unfurnished. 82 E. 35th st FURNISHED-house for rent, $23. Call 614 Reo ave. Phone Sellwood 1194. H-ItoOM house, with sleeping porch, $35. Call Main T65& TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER Famished Houses, FOR RENT. , Furnished house, 8 rooms, sleeping porch, concrete garage, 75x100 lot, all modern, now occupied by owner: Una lo cation, Willamette Heights. Whltmer Kelly Co., 70 Fourth st. FOR RENT O-room modem bungalow, fur nished "complete, double basement, fine lawn and garden, 1 block west from car line. Take U car. 55 Vancouver ave. between Skicmore ana ucior. FOR RENT 5-room modern bungalow, fur nished complete, double basement, fine lawn and garden, 1 block west from car line. Take U car. 955 Vancouver ave.. between amomoie aim WANT to rent my completely furnished corner modern house of 7 rooms, one block from either 23d or 21st street carlines; reasonable rent, 714 Lovejoy. TEN-TiOOM house, with two baths, for rent, furnished: Turkish rugs, brass beds, etc, or will sell furniture very reasonable, 4o ciay st 6-ROOM furnished house; no objection to 1 or 2 children: can keep few chickens, garden and plenty fruit; everything clean; OCIIWUUU FOR RENT Furnished 7-room house; No. m- r.ast star, o, , J ' rJ .' " lawn: Includes pipe organ; rent $50. 1a- Dor ttoa. WEST SIDE, walking distance, modern 6 room newly furnished flat, sleeping porches, close to high school, all outside rooms. $35. 464 Hall, near 13th. FOR RENT 7-room house, completely fur nished, strictly modern, good location, near school and two carlines, close in. Phone East Sttl or a i" BEAUTIFUL 8-room new home In Laurel rust for rent; furnished; 1 blocks from Montavllla or Rose City carlines. Tabor FURNISHED bungalow, 5 rooms, absolute ly modern; hardwood floors, furnace, nre place. etc 6S7 E. 64th. Rose City Park. Phone xaeor eioo uiit-n 8-ROOM modern house, furnished or unfur nished. Fine nelghoorhood. close In. near Steel bridge. Reasonable. Call A 1469. Main tfi eo. 5-ROOM modern bungalow, furnished, wi garage, $25; good location. J 412, Oi ith gonian. NEW. modern and completely furnished 7 , room house: choice location: lease to re sponsible party, adults. East 641 COMPLETELY furnished six-room j0""' 657 Schuyler St., mingiwn. J ' Wallace. iu from oi B-ROOM furnished flat, fireplace, yard, 262 . . i i .. , MiilmomAh Club. IStoUl at., near tat lino. ... . References. Marshall 4220. Stores. A BIG, fine, roomy comer grocery store for rent in well established business location: storo has full concrete basement p late glass windows and specially built "geta- be winaow; win iu"" - w-',-, erate and give good long lease ,in,t 1. Gevurtz, 805 Water. Phone Main loll. SPACE IN auiitKJ daoc." i, ated and weil lighted: N. W. comer 4th and Alder sts.. suitable for cafeteria, printing shop, etc.: reasonable rent. Mor gan . ITlh5dner&BoyjeiJll3Mor STOREROOM, new floor, comer 2d and Salmon; rear entrance; can be used for any business. MC Hood Ice Cream Co., 21U ZO. 81. CORNER store In brick b"lldlnS;J1tthS?? Hawthorne, for rent. Splendid location for first-class grocer. L. R. lalrchlld, -32 DI1CI lUCJl L.Wt. FOR RENT Stores. Nos. 248 and 250 Haw thorne ave.. east end of bridge Apply Hawtnorne wock $12.00 STOREROOM for rent. 286 3d St., near jenoiBuu. STORE with five living rooms, $25; good location. mil o i oo. W H. WEBB. 605 Yeon Bldg. Main 4013. 451 and 453 E. Burnslde St.: Wit & Son, 12U Front st. riioun Office. Aj-viprc in HEART of CITY at prices very rfisonlbl" SUITABLE lor MERCANTILE and PROFESSIONAL purposes. AR RANGED TO SUIT TENANTS. 303 Swet- land bltlg. A FEW choice offices in suites, or single, at reasonable rates. Stock Exchange bldg., N1. E. corner 3d and Yamhill. ilP-FURNISHED office, desk room, roll-top desk, reception room, etc 723 Chamber of commerce diub. DESK room; $10 per month. Both phones; vault, lavatory, ma e.""1"" - DESKROOM. Including desk, phone, etc 1026 Chamber of Commerce. Halls- LARGE steam-heated hall for rent; reason able rent. Davis Holman. Ill 2d st. Warehouses. WAREHOUSE room for rent cheap. C. H. Elston. 838 E. Morrison. East $237. busivess orroRixyiTiES. OFFICE business, owner wants active young man as partner; must be willing to do some outside work; references given and required. Particulars 2484 Stark st. A SN4.P Fine cafeteria, centrally located; living rooms; partly furnished; cash, cheap; (other business). $86 Morrison. Main 1650. LIGHT grocery and delicatessen store, has "nWnVrm low rent; a dandy place, steam heat, etc.; price la low. Call 248 Stark st. HOTEL Grand Central, at Clatskanie Ore gon. 24 bedrooms, American plan, $600O. For further information write box 296, Clatskanie, Oregon. ro GOOD paying confectionery for sale In good country town, 24 miles from Portland, on S P and O. E. railroads; terms cash, AV 472. Oregonian FOR SALE One-half interest in the Haw thorne Cabinet Works. 102S Hawthorne ave.; good stock on hand and plenty of WOrit . prii:o i MEAT market location, all cash trade, coun terJ and ice chest installed, no delivery, cheap rent; money-maker. 133V4 Grand avenue. PRESSING and cleaning business wn" steady man as partner; owner will teach you the business, pay good wages and half of the profits; $175. 303 Lumber Exchange. A BAKERY for sale; party going East; must sell immediately; a bargain: alio S gro cery stores, etc Smith & Kennedy, 08 Broadway bldg. SMALL cash sTore business that is Pa-y'n $40 week over all expenses can be bought for $300. 823 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark sts. PARTNER Grocery doing fine business; w"sb to enlarge; have decided to take a partner, illl mmner W ANTED Partner. $150 month guaranteed, also profits. See Saunders, iOS Selling bldg. PARTNER Est. office business; excellent oportunity, clean worn. uiii references required. 319 Lumber Ex. GROCERY store, finely located, good cash trade, low rent, living-rooms; a bargain, 81200. Call 24BH Stark St. CONFECTIONERY and cigars, reasonable rent, living rooms, leaving city. 771 Wash ington st CASH store business partner, with $200 and services; can make $20 weekly and share profits, can ztoyi owft PARTNER Cleaning and pressing; located i A,naiirr nntr for trade, on West Side. A money-maker. 819 Lumber Ex. FOR SALE Nice little grocery-and confec. tlonerv- 4 living-rooms in rear; Just right X-ii foTniiv. Phone Sellwood 7i6. GROCERY doing fine business; will Invoice and discount io per cent im S03 Lumber Exchange. PARTNER wanted in auto repair shop, cen trally located and business flourishing. AO 407, Oregonian. WANTED Man with band organ and skates to go In rink; good proposition. Apply C. L. ROOl, City. 8"""" . DRUG stock and fixtures at a bargain; must sell on account of sickness; terms; good location. AG 398. Oregonian. POOL HALL, confectionery, cigars; invoices $900; has dandy business; transfer cor ner: only $750. 303 Lumber Exchange. RESTAURANT, good location, flrst-ciass trade: well equipped. Box :?33. Chehalls. Wash. CONFECTIONERY store and waiting-room for sale or trade for house and lot or acre age, call at ii u si- WANT man with services who has $1000 to Invest in A-l business proposition. Will stand Investigation. W 897, Oregonian. HARDWARE and Imp. stock for sale; wish ing to retire from business. Address C. D. Bockes, Amity, oresou. RESTAURANT for sale cheap. See. owner. 853 Yamhill St. SHOE REPAIR outfit for sale cheap. In quire at 90 Russell st. FOR SALE Cigar stand and. poolroom; good location, iqiq p?nuwi. COMPANIES Incorporated anywhere. Ro senbaum & Co.. 291 Haight bldg., Seattle. BARBER "SHOP cheap; good location. Am leaving for Europe. aj iv-i uieeumnu. SALOON for sale or trade. 295 Hawthorne ave. East ewi. CONFECTIONERY and pooiroom, a bargain. 4 Gran a ave. PARTNER for auto repair shop, busy place. $800. 30a Lumper j,icimnge. 3-CHA1R barber shop. $250, terms; owner leaving for California, A 43S. Oregonian, 30, 1913. ' . - I cPETIir. VOTICE8. 1 llXANCUI. WANTED PARTNER. MAN. OK VvV., WITH SOME CASH. TO TAKE IN1ER KST IN A BUSINESS THAT HAS OUT GROWN ITS PRESENT CAPITAL; ALL THE PRODUCT IS CONTRACTED IpR. LARGE AND RAPIDLY INCREASING PROFITS: POSITION TO RIGHT PARTY. INVESTIGATE AT ONCE. J 422, ORH. GONIAN. . ESTABLISHED merchandise brokerage and Jobbing business, paying $2500 to $3000 per year, with $2000 stock of staple merchan dise on hand, for sale at a sacntice; strictly bonaflde business proposition; rel erencea given and required; g,iv Phne number for personal intervUv. J 4fli, ore gonlan. - t . MOVING-PICTURE theater, In one best country towns in Oregon, on ccou.nt i owner's wile's health, must sell and gle satisfactory terms; you may try the i bus l ness to prove that It is paying $200 month over all expenses before you have to in vest a cent. 323 Lumber Exchange, .a and Stark sts. WILL build for tenant, close-in, wholesale warehouse, family hotel or office butldim. 6 per cent on land value and 8 per cent on the cost of building. See me at once. Long lease if desired. AC 410. Oiego nian. INVESTMENT of $500 or more will eive you high-claas employment where you can make more than $150 per month. W 11 how vou; we are making good; the oniy limit Is your ability. You have absolute control of your investment; men or wom en. 919 Chamber of Commerce. BUSINESS opportunities come to the stu dents of Y. M. C. A. commercial college, run not to make money, but for the gooa of men; $500,000 equipment; 10 different business courses: men teachers; terms moderate. Write or call for catalogue. Y. M. C. A., cor. 6th and Taylor ata CAUTION, BUYERS! Before closing deal for so-called Interest In established real estate business, get advice of Portland Realty Board. F. L. PURSE. Secretary. 818 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. AUTOMOBILE school; high-grade, expert teachers, complete $10,000 equipment to train for this coming vocation: not run to make money, but for the good of men, See or write Y. M. C. A. Day and Night Schools, cor. 6th and Taylor sts. RESTAURANT BARGAIN. Best location, doing good business, fully equipped. From a good restaurant man i will accept any reasonable offer: must act before the 1st of October. Owner. AR 3J4, Oregonian- HERE Is a fine chance to open a small delicatessen shop; shelving and counters already Installed, -with living rooms In rmar of store! rent S10 P6r month. 1. Gevurtz. Water and Gibbs or SQ5 Water St. CHIROPODIST business and furniture for sale; nice office; rent $10; nice trade worked up; I have been 10 years in busi ness here; going away. Add. chiropodist. urumneiier oiqg.. ..a., a. .. : .-. ,. . i . i .t..nin..,Mn to buSl nesa opportunity; expert men teachers at Y M. C. A. commercial college; terms moderate. Write or call for catalogue. Y. M. C. A., cor, etn ana isymr " BARBER SHOP for sale cheap; working 5 chairs steady: long lease, cheap rent; this is an old established place with a good, steady trade. 266 Morrison St., between 3d and 4tn. owner is ienma ' PARTNER wanted for half interest In estab lished printing business (capital $25,000). having fine record and splendid prospects. Excellent opportunity for right man, M 376, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS rooming-house and restau rant for sale, especially good for married couple, some cash, balance on time without interest: business good all the time. Her man Restaurant, Llnnton, Oregon. WANTED 2 good men with $1000 each to assist In legitimate proposition which will yield handsome cash returns for you from the start. We will furnish best of city and state reference, r nau. uregoiuan CORNER cash grocery, owner has more business than he can handle alone ana prefers interested partner to hired help; will make some terms. 323 Lumber Ex change, 2d and Stark sts WANTED Man and wife with $lo0 to $200 to take '& Interest and manage es tablished hotel and bakery; a chance of a lifetime. Apply to O. H. Plggott. 1421, .'a St., room -. EXPERIENCED woman bookkeeper who has tuuo to mvom can BCi-uns t-it f tion with old established firm; money se cured in business; must have references. AD 411, oregonian TMirpoTrniTff THIS Business that clears from $500 to $SO0 per month; nice, clean business; only $u00. 311 Lumber Exchange. GARAGE Agency standard car; best equipment. Ample storage; earning $500 per month. This is a bargain. 319 Lum ber Ex. . PARTNER This business will stand the strictest Investigation. Good money In this for smart man; $200, References. 311 Lumber Exchange. FOR SALE. " An established dry goods and grocery business. For full particulars address P. O. box 198. Granger, Wash. BrSUfESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED. COUNTRY HOTEL WANTED. We have a client wanting to buy the furniture and lease in good payroll town In Oregon or Washington, with or without bar; don't submit anything clearing less than $200 a month; will pay cash If neces sary. R, H. GOODKIND CO., INC., 401-2-3 Wilcox Bldg., Comer Sixth and Washington. HAVE come from East and desire to buy ceneral merchandise stock Invoicing $10,000 to $30,000 in good town. State amount each line. An not, cregonian. $1000 or $200O and services by a middle aged man. qualified fur hotel buffet and club; 25 years' experience: references ex changed. AT 414, Oregonian. GENTLEMAN with small capital wishes place as working partner. AR 807, Ore gonian. . HAVE cash for bargain in small rooming house. AB 405, Oregonian. ROOMTNG-HOCSE9. ROOMING-HOUSES WANTED. We have more demands for rooming and apartment-houses than we can supply; list your place with us; we have branches In other cities; in the business over 20 years. ASSOCIATE! liN VESTMENT CO. 618 Yeon Bldg. Main 481 21 ROOMS, housekeeping, clearn $100 per month, besides beautiful home; elegantly furnished, modern dwelling; rent $75; sell cheap; easy term. Owner, 625 Flan ders. ROOMING-HOUSE, 10 r, fine location, West Side. Completely furnished; clears $50 mo. Nice, modern house. Price $225, H." W. GARLAND, 191 4th St. WANTED Rooming-house from 12 to 20 rooms; have 10 acres clear of Incumbrance to exchange, Jordan, 619 Lumbermens bldg. WANTED Small rooming-house cheap for casn; must oe outside rooms and good furniture. In good location. V 403, Orego nian. BARGAIN all housekeeping rooms, a neat and clean place la good location; clear you $40 per month and free rent. Phone Main 2143. 194 Lownadale St., cor. Taylor. ROOMING-HOUSE, 25 rooms, centrally lo cated, quick sale, cheap, or rent. Main 1652. FOR LEASED 46 rooms, close in, rent only $40 per month. See owner, 123 2d st. BARGAIN Furniture of 8-room flat, good location. 28hi N. 10th st. 23-ROOM rooming-house for sale, completely furnished. Inquire Main 3S94. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invlteo, IN the District Court of the United Status for the District of Oregon, in the matter of H. T. Drennen, bankrupt, request for bids. I will receive sealed bids for a stock of merchandise, consisting of electrical fixtures and supplies, now situated at 09 North Park street, Portland, up to and until 12 o'clock noon on Saturday, Octo ber 4, 1913, said property being formerly the property o, H. T. Drennen, now bank rupt. Certified check for 10 per cent of the amount offered must accompany each bid. Sale subject to the approval of the Court. inventory value $1529.32. which inven tory may be Been at my office. J. A. BECK WITH, 504 Fenton bldg., Portland, Oregon. Dated this 27tn day of September. 1913. SEALED proposals will be received at the office of the undersigned, 401 Courthouse, until 4:00 P. M. Thursday. October 2, 1913, for the heating and ventilating of the Sellwood School, plans and specifica tions may be obtained at the office of F. A. Naramore, Supt. of Properties, 303 Courthouse. A deposit of $5 will be re quired for each set-of plans and specifi cations. " Certified check for 10 per cent of the amount of the proposal, payable to R. H. Thomas, School Clerk, must accompany each proposal. Board of Directors re serves the right to reject, any and all pro posals. R. H. THOMAS. School Clerk. Dated September 29. 1913. Miscellaneous. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Notice is hereby given that 1 will not be responsible for, and will not pay, any debt or debts herenfter created lv wty wife. Rose Goldberg, either in he- own name or otherwise. Please govern your selves accordingly. JOS. GOLDBJna. Miscellaneous. NOTICE Is hereby given that a public hear ing will be held by the Industrial Wel fare Commission on the recommendation of the office conference on October 2-, 1013, at 8 P. M. in the Public Library. 10th and Yamhill sts. The following recommendations will Be presented at the hearing: First That a minimum wage of $40 a month be paid -to adult experienced women employed in office work in Portland. Second That the maximum number of hours in a week in an office be 01 hours. INDUSTRIAL WELFARE COMMISSION, Caroline J, Gleason, Secretary. September 27. 1913. LOST AND FOUND. THE following articles have been found in the cars of the Portland Railway, Light Power Company and turned in at the different division points. Owners may secure ,ame by applying at barns as indi cated. Found on cars. Piedmont bam, phone A 6131: 1 pkg. shoes. 2 grips, 2 pocket knives.. 2 pkgs. papers. 9 umbrellas. Found on cars, Ankeny. Sept. 27, 1913: 2 packages, 1 lunch basket. Found on cars, Sellwood bam, phone A 6131: 2 oil cans, 2 umbrellas, 1 lunch box. Articles found on the cars. Sept. 9. 13. Savler-st carhouse, phone A 6131. 1 hand grip, 2 umbrellas. 1 pkg $25 REWARD No questions asked to any one who will recover for rightful owner 4 rings found In the Holtz Store Lavatory July 19. Plain gold wedding ring and a diamond ring engraved "Willie to Alice,' 8 band ring set with pearls and sapphires, and ring st with 3 amethysts. Phones Marshall 40t8. A 46C8 STRAYED Three calves between S and 10 months old; one dark brown Jersey, male, with light stripe down back: one light red helter, one light Guernsey helrer; all had bells: reward. Geo. R. xnuiston, Os wego, Or. R. F. D. No. 1- LOST At 83d and Tremont. one package containing 3 books and flower picture; re turn to 412 East 7th N. and receive re ward. . LOST Strayed brlndle bull pup; was seen following man on Belmont east of 2Mh at. Sultahle reward for return to 152 E. 2th st. B 3410. LOST Saturday evening, between Broad way and Wasco streets, lady's sunburst with diamonds. Liberal reward. Phono East fto"3. ' LOT 4old watch, monogram "F. C S." on case, on Washington st. bet. 3d and West Park; reward. Phone Woodlawn 14t!0t LOST Lady's gold watch and chain, mono gram "E. A. E." engraved on watch. Please return to 12)9 3d st. and receive re ward. LOST Last Friday, coat containing bank book, pair of glasses; $5 reward; leave at Oljnipia Hoiei. LOST .Lady's handbag, mesh, initial "M on sirfe. Finder leave at L. C. Smith Typewriter Co. LOST 7 months old male while bull ter rior, not clipped, no mark or license or cellar. Return to 8 East 17th st. Reward. LOST On Saturday evening a necklace called a dog collar. Reward. Main la!9. FOUND Flock of decoy ducks. R. W. Ray mond, 815 Selling b6e. FINANCIAL. FIRST MORTGAGE SECURITIES for sale, amounts $250, $500 and $1000; Interest 8 ntr renL These are the direct obligation of one of Portland's responsible business men; security is gut edge ana appraiseu at more than three times amount of loan. An ahnoltifalv hlch-crrade mortgage Invest ment. Call for particulars, Connecticut Mortgage company. v noox piog. WE BUI MORTGAGES AND NOTES WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 416 COMMERCIAL CLlji niaiu WE furnish the money at a low rate of Interest and save you more than the brok erage of 2 per cent if we do the planning and building for you. It will pay you to cA n T. H . Railev Co.. Ins.. 821 Ablngton. TO place your Idle funds satisfactorily, see Henry C. 'Frudhomme, financial agent. First mortgage securities exclusively. Wil cox blug. CASH paid for good first or second mort gages on real estate or sellers' Interest In contracts of sale. U. E. Noble, 316 Lum bermens bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, notes, contracts, mort gages (1st and 2d), equities purchased. TI" T T T ala S, C l ft T .d U7 I Q hlHP FIRST and second mortgages and building contracts bought. E. B. Miller, 410 Ab lngton oiug. HIGHEST prices paid tor first or second mortgages and contracts. E, W. A. Peake, 5v7 McKay bldg. S500 $1800 $2000 $5000 $9000 $15,000. Main 3720. 9Q4 Yeon bldg. Money to Loan Real I-ntate. YOU are throwing money away if you are nivin. more than 5 ner cent. Wa loan on nronertv any where at 6 per cent; 10 years' time, with prepayment privilege; we furnish money to build or for your In- vesunems, w." ww. - .-- and acreage at lowest prices for sale. See . . I ...... U , . 4 r 1 m I ' J us neioro juu uuj ,..... uu.w - - - -a Broadway bldg. ' MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE FOR BUILDING PURP08BS. VERY FLEX IBLE CONTRACTS. NO COMMISSIONS. COLUMBIA LIFE & TRUST CO.. 916 SPALDING BLDG. TO LOAN I HAVE PLENTY OF MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTTAE SECURITIES AT 5 TO 8 PER CENT. EDWARD P. MALL, 300 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. $50,000 TO LOAN ON RESIDENCE PROPERTY, SUMS TO SUIT. U. S. MORTGAGE & INVESTMENT CO. S12-0li leon isiug. ON Improved city property or for building purposes, 3 to 8 years' time; liberal pay ment privileges; money advanced as building progresses. The Equitable Sav ings & Loan Association. 241) Stark St. CALL MAIN 20S or A 2050 for loans on real estate. HARTMAN-THOMPSON BANK. MONEY TO LOAN. Good supply for city and farm prop, erty, B to 8 per cent, MALL & VON BORSTEL. 104 Second St.. near Washington, MONEY ON HAND to loan on improved really; no delays after approval of security and title. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT CO., 2S4 Oak St. WE have money to loan on your real es tate, first mortgage only. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 423 Chamber of Commerce. tiooo TO loan for Improved city property at 8 per cent. Call 316 Board of Trade blag. Main Has, a 4ui. $500 $2500. OTHER SUMS, CITY OR FARMS. AM 882. OREGONIAN. $500 TO $2500 to loan on city and farm property. T. W. Nordby. 702-3-4 Couch bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, Real Estate security, current rates, 201 6 Stock Exchange bldg.. 8d and Yamhill, LOANS on Improved and unimproved city and suburban real estate, mortgages bought. W. H. Nunn. 448 Sherlock bldg. MONEY to loan on improved city oi farm property; no commissions. AH 400. Ore gonian. MORTGAGE LOANS on city property; low est rates. A, H. Blrrell Co., 2021 McKay bldg.. Third and Stark sts. TO LOAN $30,000 OR LESS. FARR1NGTON, COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDG. 188,000 TO LOAN CITY OR FARMS. J. O. ROUNTREE. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. $200,000 'lO loan in sums to suit; building loans; lowest ia..CD. W. G. Beck, 315-316 IMMEDIATE loans, any amount, on real MONE1'. any amount, 6 to 8 per cent, W. ii u,', X, I'ft Mill Knnlrilrto- hMir MORTGAGE LOANS, any amount, no delay. Henry C. Prudliomme, 806 Wilcox blug. $200. $3.10. $600. $900, $1200, $1800. Fred W. German Co., 932 Cham, of Com. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. GEO. P. DEKUM, 228 HENRY BLDG. $10,000 TO LOAN on improved . city prop erty. 722 Yeon bldg. HO.VEY to loan. A. R. Cumpston, 15S5 East Uith st. fnone senwouu x46.' TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. TJ U & UT.I Vlt -111 r-hw-i.f r-,m MORTGAGES bought, money loaned on real estate. Taylor. 817 Board of Trade bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 AND 7 PER CENT. . .-.-, c a . T ovf , XT 111, UT , I r.- ct IJUID DA"-!- '-.-' . 1 ox. STATE FUNDS. 6 per cent. W. E. Thomas, agent Multnomah County. 400 Ch. of Com. MORTGAGE LOANS at current raies7"L. H. MAX WELL, mo t-namner ot commerce. Money loaned, real estate contracts & mtgs. DOllgni. n. jaiK-j, --t uciimijcf imm MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. Lt TT UIVTfl .lOft Vnn hlHir MONEY to loan, city or farm lands. J. J. Cahalin. 635 Chamber of Commerce. $5000--PRIVATE funds for city or farm Joan. Main 11C6. 15 Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. CHATTEL fcA1-A1;.a LOANS NEW COMPANY LOANS WE MEET AND BEAT the rates of other LOAN COS.. regard less of what they udverlise. OUR NEW RATES: $ .35 weekly pays a $lu loan. $ .fi5 weekly pays a $25 loan. $1.10 weekly pays a $."i loan. $1.90 weekly pays a $100 loan. CAN YOU BEAT THEM on LOANS UP TO $100? If the HEAD of the family dies before the account is paid In full and the payments are made as agreed WE GIVE THE WIDOW A RE CEIPT IN FULL OF ACCOUNT. YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL. Rebates Glvpn if Paid Before Due. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. 413 MACLEAY BLDG. BOTH PHONES. Between 4th and 5tH fits, on Wash. st. Open 9 A. M. to B P. M., Sat. till 8 P. M. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. fin to $tuo. Lowest Rates in Portland. $10 repaid in installments of....$ .43 $20 repaid in Installments of f0 $50 repaid in Installments of.... 2.00 Larger amounts in proportion. All we require Is our personal note; no mortgage, no iiulorser or security; everything -strictly confidential. STATE SECURITY CO.. :;iiQ Failing bldg. WHY PAY EXOHB1TANT RATES OF IN TEREST? We will loan you inonVy as low as 7 per cent on your diamonds and Jewelry. We are the moBt liberal licensed money lenders in the city. Our establishment Is located at lilii Washington St.. near Broadway. Get our fn'ices on forfeited dia monds. Diamond palace, 334 Washington st reet. E L B Y C O M P A N Y. A PRIVATE PLACE TO OBTAIN MONEY ON Diamonds. Watches. Jeweiry. Pianos, Eto. AT LOWEsT POSSIBLE RATES. SEPARATE DEPARTMENT FOR LADIES 320 LUMBER EXCHANGE BLDG. 2d and Stark sts. Oi en S, A. M. to 6 P. M. SATURDAY K ENINGS UNTIL 8 P. M. MONEY' for salaried people and others upon their own names, cheap rates, easy pavnieiits. See me lieforo dealing else where; confidential. D. D. Drake, 328 Henry bldg. AND o"i'Hlius WANTING MONEY Apply itoom on. Lumber Ex. bids., 2d and Sta-!c sts. PRIVATE party will loan money on dia monds at reasonable rate. AE 375. Ore gonian. MONEY loaned on diamonds, watches. Jewelry, pianos and warehouso receipts. Brown & Co., room 10, Washington buig. IMMEDIATE and confidential loans on fur niture, .pianos, autos; mortgages bought, Bauer, 200 Alder St. WE LOAN money on diumonds and Jewelry at halt the rates charged by brokers, Marx ,t Bloch, 74 3d st. MONEY' loaned on diamonds and Jeweiry; strictly confidential. 141 ',. ;id. near Al-W. LOANS on real estate, diamonds and je'.v elry. Wm. Holl, room 9. Washington bids. MONEY to loan on diamonds, private party, low rates. AR 882. Oregonian. MONEY sold on Installments; coniidenllal ; salaried people. F. A. Newton, Henry blag. Loans Waotco, . WANTED $1200 loan on East Side dwell ing properly; new building; excellent lo cation; cash value $25iM; S per cent in terest, payable annually; term 3 years. Iiu3 Chamber of Commerce. SEVERAL applications on hand for go loans; also number of first mortgages I sale; amounts $2.".o to $55ou. Henry Prudhomme. 100 Wilcox Llilg. I WANT to borrow J100O from privte party for three years at S per cent on improved city property; valuation $2500. B 3S7, Oregonian. WANTED $12,000 three to five years at 7 per cent on improved farm; value $xi. 7oo. This is an absolutely tirst-claas loan. Call Mar. 4501, A 4.ii5. $10,000, 3 to 5 years, oil improved Wlliam etto Valley farm, well located; 2i ucres In cultivation; principals only. AL 3S0, Oregonian. WANTED $1600 from private party, 3 yrs. 8 per cent. Hawthorne ave. property as security. John L. Kartiopp, Ily. Excli. bldg. Marshall 2574. WANTED To borrow $20"H for 3 years at 8 per cent Interest on Improved country property worth tOSOP. A 4'JH. Oregonian. I WANT to borrow $1600 on grocery and houso. house valued at $4ooo, inquire 6S6 1st st. $5500 WANTED on modern West Side resi dence, owner's home; 5 years, 7 per cent. AH 395, Oregonian WANT loan of $1500 and $1000, 1st mortgage on completed dwellings, good district, no brokers. AC 4H2, Oregonian. $2500 WANTED on my unimproved city property, worth $0500. S 12Q. Oregonlaii. $a5j MTU. on $3200 auto; will give Dig di- count. C 305. Oresoi'lan. $1000 THREE years 7 per cent. Zella Gossett, 7 West Kllllngsworth ave. PERSONAL. HAIR-HAIU-HAiR-HAIR. $12, 34-Inch switches $4.43 . 26-inch switches l.U. llalrdrcsslng 2. Face massage 2-J Shamnoo Manicure. 25c, 5 for 1.00 12 scalp treatments 6.06 Superfluous hair removed by electric needle; guaranteed not to return. Cut hair In any shade; switches any length, prices half. Sanitary Parlors, 400 412 Dekum bldg.. 3d and Washington. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helsingfurs graduate, rheumatism, nervous and stom ach ailments under physician's direc tions; bath, massage. No. 7 East 11th St., second rioor south from Ankeny car line. Phone East 200, B 1SQ3. FEB VET & HANEBUT. leading wig and toupe-makerfc; finest stock of human hair goods; switches from 95c up; hall-dressing, manicuring, face und scalp treatments; combings made up to order. 147 7th. near Morrison. Main 540. SCIENTIFIC electric treatments for all nervous and chronic diseases, rheuma tism, paralysis, lung, stomach, bowels, kid ney, bladder, pelvic, heart trouble, etc.; also goitre, warts, moles removed. 6011 Buchanan bldg., 2t', Washington St. GERMAN TRAINED NURSE AND MASSEUSE. Long experience, best references, treat ments for rheumatism and lumbago, etc.; massage and baths. 452 Salmon st., cor. 13th. Marshall 5033. Open Sundays. DRESS SUITS for rent Keep your c.otlies cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on. ris repaired. $1.50 month; prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. 809 Stark, Manicuring, facial, scalp treatments, hairdrcssing. hair goods, switches made ti order, combines m:ide up. 61 SwetlanJ. .TTT ..-TTT tltiriO remodeling and new orders; trimming! best work, low prices. 620 Swetland Bd., 5th and Wash. BE YOUR OWN DOCTOR; asthma, rheu matism, stomach trouble, etc., cured by my methods; satisfaction guaranteed. Lo ra C. Little, health expert- Tabor 1673. LOHENZ Nerve Tablets restore lost vitality, 25c per box, 6 for $1.25. Stipe-Taylor Drug Co., 25 Morrison. MRS. G. NETZEL I am back from my va cation and have opened a new place at 4iJ Salmon St.. cor. lath st. Marshall 5033. REMOVED Mrs. Stevens, 20 years Port land's leading palmist and clairvoyant, ro moved to 291 Morrison St.. Benson blk. GEO SPARROW GOICOVIUH, please writ Mike Goicovich, care AsUbaucher A Palm er, Great Falls, Mont. Important. SCALP treatments. also treatments for rheumatism; first-class. 240 Cth st., room 5. v iiwiti;ai. medium. Rev. May Price Read. lugs, healings daily. Circles Tues. 2. Wed. and Sun. s. !'ii Jefferson. Main VMJ. WANTED Some one to adopt 10-year-old boy. For particulars and interview ad dress AK 4o2. Oregonian. MADE OF YOUR COMBINGS. Switches. 95c; curls and puffs, ,uc. San itary Beauty parlors. 4QO Dekum bldg. BOSTON graduate nurse, sanitarium treat ment, medical gymnastics. 387 Yamlull St.. up one flight, room 7. MRS. S. C. MORRISON Steam baths and massage for rheumatism, lumbago, eto. 3113 Madison. A 4470. Marshall SiioS. DR. OLGA NKCHY3A, chiropractor, sle.-un baths lor rheumatism, lumbago, etc. 4 13 Northwest bldg. Open Sundays. Main 37 .'. DIVORCE lawyer, 25 years' experience; re liable advice free. Room 404 Rotliclilid bldg., 2.7 S V ash, st. EASTERN trained operator, scalp face mas sage. 125 0th, room 2, bet. Washington and A Iri er SOPHIA B. SEIP, mental and spiritual sci entist: question and message nights. Wed., Frl.. 8: dally. 3"2 Alisky bg. M. liy.'4. DR. W. R. WRENS, chiropractic physician. 34 N. ldth st. Marshall 42:19. A "till. MANICURING, facial and scalp treatment, 4ol Northwest bld . Marshall 235. MASSAGING, electric scalp treatments and shumpooing. 303 Alisky L'.dy. CHIROPODY'. Potter. !&'. Park St. MOLIS superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill, 429 Fiiedner bldg. Main 3473 CHIROPODY r.'.Mi mess-e. Room 40, Slew art Hotel, 14314 Broadway. Main 2297. D1VORCFS a spoHaltv. advice free, easy terms. Law Bureau. 528 Lumberm'-.ns bldg. BALM OF FIGS. Compound Roval Tonio Tablets. 504 Davis sL phone Main 2393, i A