Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 29, 1913, Page 3, Image 3

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Lady Constance, Draped in
What Looks Like Morning
Mist, Imitates Dawn.
Girls, Lightly Clad, Tlirow Spot
Light on Executive at Show
Which lie Attends Despite
Much Adverse Criticism. .
WASHINGTON, Sept. 28. (Special.)
President Wilson saw Lady Constance
Stewart-Richardson, Mme. Polaire and
Gertrude Hoffman dance at the Belasco
Theater last night. Some' of It was of
barefooted variety, particularly that of
Lady Constance, who, wrapped in wnai
looked like the morning mist. Imitated
gracefully the sensations of the woria
as it wakes to the breaking dawn.
Mme. Poliare danced with an Apache,
and Gertrude Hoffman, who appeared
In her "New Kevue." was supported
by young women who went in swim
ming on the stage.
President la Enbammd.
Miss Hoffman and her barefoot mer
maids In the sketch called "Swim With
lie" caused the President embarrass
ment. Some 10 or 13 of the chorus
appeared with mirrors, which threw
dazzling reflections of a powerful light
into the audlenca. The girls had been
informed that the President occupied
the front seat In the upper left-hand
box and they directed their lights
there until the President raised a pro
gramme to shield his eyes.
The President was heartily applauded
when the audience recognized him in
the mirror "sDotllght." He took the In
cident eood naturedly and smiled
The President went to the show in
the face of the adverse criticism of
Washington papers after the opening
performance Thursday nlgnt. wnen n
was reported as being "very, very
nude." After this performance, police
were stationed at the theater to see
the speed limit was not exceeded.
Skla-Tlscfct Sulfa Won.
One of the features is the appearance
of the swimming girls. First they have
on the regulation women's bathing
costumes with short skirts. While they
are dancing all the lights are turned
out except some specially arranged
footlights. From tho folds of their
skirts the girls produce hand-mirrors
with which they reflect the light on
men in the audience. Inviting those
whom they single out to "come and
splash me." It was at this point that
the audience had a view of the Presl
dent's face lit up by the mirrors.
A few minutes later the girls, ap
pearing in skin-tight, bathing suits
minus skirts, dive into a pool of real
water, slide down a board and other
wise appear to enjoy themselves, much
to the delight of the male contingent
of the audience.
After the adverse criticism of Friday
morning's paper, it has been almost lm
possible to get a seat for any perform
Eugenics Winners at Eugene De
scendants of Early Settlers.
EUGENE. Or.. Sept. IS. (Special.)
That the pioneers of Oregon were of
sturdy stock was demonstrated by the
results shown at the eugenics contest
at the Lane County Fair, which closed
yesterday. Both the boy and the gin
scoring the highest, 99.4 in each case,
are of pioneer families. The girl scor
ing the high points is Geraldine Adklns.
Her mother's father was a pioneer of
David C. Fountain, the boy scoring
highest, is the seventh child of Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Fountain, of Waterville, and
grandson of Thomas Fountain, a pio
neer of the earliy '50s. Francis Col
dren. with a score of 99, Is the son of
natives of Oregon.
Riddell Stock Is to Be Entered at
State Fair.
MONMOUTH. Or., Sept. 28. (Spe
cial.) Fine exhibits of sheep and An
trora goats have been sent to the State
Fair at Salem by William Riddell &
Sons, farmers and stockmen west of
this city. The Riddell stock, which won
prizes at fairs throughout the North
west In strong competition for several
years. Is expected to make a good show
ing at the state exhibit.
An exhibit was sent to the Interstate
Fair at Spokane this month, being ac
companied by David Riddell. one of the
Continued From First Page.)
station and became a target for every
one not shooting at the seedhouse.
Soon after Will Jones was killed.
Walter Jones picked Tom Weeks, a
negro, off the coal chute with deadly
A special train bearing the Natchez
guardsmen arrived soon afterwards.
While the soldiers were detraining the
crowd rushed the seedhouse. Not a
shot greeted them and when the lead
ers entered they found Walter Jones
completely unnerved but uninjured.
They placed a rope around his neck and
rushed him to the coal chute. As the
negro was drawn up the rope broke
and he fell heavily to the ground. A
larger rope was placed around his neck
and again he was pulled up. A large
crowd looked on as. the body writhed
until life was extinct.
The crowd then went to the home of
the Jones negroes, where they found
two negro men, whom they were about
to lynch when officers persuaded them
to desist.
The Natchex guardsmen returned
home. The negro population appeared
to be as much incensed at the Jones
brothers as were the whites.
Tonight the bodies of the Jones
brothers had not been cut down.
Airlie Runaway Boy Caught.
SALEM, Or., Sept. 28. (Special.)
Determined to visit his grandmother
who lives in Portland, although his
parents thought him too young to take
the trip alone. Don Turner. 12 years
old of Airlie. ran away from home and
came to this city Thursday. Policeman
Welch took charge of the lad on his
arrival here and later turned him over
to the police matron. The boy said he
had borrowed money in Independence
on which to come to this city. Mr.
Turner was notified that his son was
here and took him home today. The
lad Insisted that he had the permission
of his parents to go to Portland.
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Rexroat Accused of Murdering
Secret Bride.
Woman Mangled by Train Found to
Have Bullet In Head Absence
of Diamond Ring Directs
Suspicion Toward Spouse.
CHICAGO, Sept 28. (Special.,
Warrants were sworn out at Wheaton
todav charging Everett Rexroat, son
of a wealthy farmer of Macomb, I1L.
with the murder of his bride of a few
months. Mrs. Mildred Allison Rexroat,
whose body was found on the tracks
of the Elgin, Jollet & Eastern Rail
way at Wayne Thursday night.
The body had been badly mangled
bv being run over by a freight train.
but a post-mortem revealed a bullet
wound in the head. Mrs. Rexroat, or
Mrs. Allison, as she was known In
Chicago, having kept the second mar
riage a secret, had been lured to
Wayne on the' pretext that a dancing
class was awaiting her Instructions.
Rexroat denied all knowledge of the
death of his wife when questioned Sat
urday, and he and other members of
his family asserted that he had been
home all of the day of the murder.
Several slender clews were made the
basis of the warrant, the principal
one being the fact that Rexroat had
demanded that his wife return a $300
diamond ring he had given her, and
when she refused was said to have
threatened to get it some way.
Mrs. Rexroat wore the ring when
she left Chicago Friday night to go
to Wayne. In response to a telephone
call from a man supposed to be named
Spencer. The ring was missing when
the body was found.
Another factor in the case which re
sulted In the warrant against Rexroat
was the sound of his voice. Accord
ing to Mrs. Ella Johnson, with whom
Mrs. Rexroat lives, the man giving the
name of Spencer had a soft, drawling
voice and spoke as if H required great
effort The same voice, she said, spoke
to her on the telephone Saturday morn
ing, saying that "Mrs. Allison would
not return, as she bad gone East to be
Later Mrs. Johnson said that Rex
roat's voice had the soft, drawling note
s"he had noticed in the mysterious tele
phone message.
nese flag. The consul expressed his
satisfaction at the action of the Chi
nese commander.
At 3 o'clock in the afternoon 800 of
General Chang Hsun's troops, with the
Republican flag at their head, inarched
to the Japanese Consulate and present
ed arms while the commander saluted
the consul. The Japanese troops mean
time stood at attention.
Insult to Flag and Murder at Nan
king Condoned to Satisfac
tion of Consulate.
PEKIN. Sent. 28. The apology of
General Chang Hsun to the Japanese
Consulate at Nanking has cleared the
air, according to the Japanese officials
here, and removes the danger or com
plications for the present.
The Japanese legation emphatically
denied today that an ultimatum had
been sent by the Japanese government
to China. The legation stated that the
Chinese authorities at Hankow and
Shantung had complied fully with the
Japanese demands.
On September 27 the Japanese Min
ister presented China with an ulti
matum, allowing China three days to
comply with Japan's demands in con
nection with the recent attacks on
Japanese at Nanking.
NANKING, China, Sept. 28. General
Chang Hsun, the commander of the
Chinese troops at Nanking, accom
panied by a bodyguard of 60 cavalry.
went to the Japanese Consulate this
morning and apologized. In accordance
with the Japanese demands in connec
tion with the killing or several Japa
nese and an insult offered to the Japa-
Third Daughter or Duke of Cumber
land Betrothed to Prince Morltx.
VIENNA, Sept. 28. (Special.) The
betrothal is announced of Princess
Olga, third daughter of the Duke of
Cumberland and sister of Prince Ernst,
who married Princess Victoria Luise
of Germany, and Prince Morltz of
Schaumburg-LIppe, eldest brother of
Prince Adolf, head of that house.
At the time of the wedding of Prince
Ernst of Cumberland and Princess vic
toria Luise It was said that Countess
Anne of Hesse, who really arranged
that marriage and in that way brought
about what was thought to be the end
to the feud between the Guelphs and
Hohenzollerns, had another scheme by
which she hoped to cement the friend
ship of the two houses. She was plan
ning to secure the engagement of
Prince Adelbert, the Kaiser's third son,
to Princess Olga of Cuttbert, and to
day's announcement shows that she
was not successful.
T. M. Osborne to Begin Serving Self
imposed Sentence in Prison.
AUBURN, N. Y., Sept. 28. (Special.)
Thomas Mott Osborne, of Auburn, will
enter Auburn prison tomorrow to serve
a sentence. In a talk to the convicts
at the chapel today Mr. Osborne, as
chairman of the New York State Com
mission of Prison Reform, astonished
the gray brotherhood by announcing
that he will begin tomorrow to serve a
self-imposed sentence for the purpose
of psychological research.
Mr. Osborne's commission, named by
Governor Sulzer last Summer and In
cluding Miss Margaret Wilson, daugh
ter of President Wilson, is investigat
ing prison reform, and its studies are
expected to result in legislation on the
subject next year. In the present ex
periment Mr. Osborne will receive the
same treatmnt as a convicted felon,
and he stated that if his conduct war
ranted It he should be put in a dun
geon cell as any fractious inmate.
James R. Crlgler Falls From Trestle
Into Tide Flats.-
TACOMA, Wash.. Sept. 28. (Special.)
James R. Crigler, a veteran Northern
Pacific freight conductor, better known
as "Sunny Jim" and "Whistling Jim,"
nicknames earned because of his genial
disposition and the fact that he in
variably was whistling, is dead. Step
ping off the rear end of his train. No.
679, a freight which left Seattle for
Tacoma at midnght, he fell from a
trestle to the tide flats at Argo, a few
miles south of Seattle, and was
drowned. His body, face down In the
mud, was found at 11:30 this morning.
He was riding in the caboose, which
was on a trestle when the train came
to a halt, and it is presumed that he
started forward to Investigate.
Veteran Suffers Stroke.
EUGENE, Or., Sept. 28.-(Special.)
Edwin L. Cady, a veteran of the Civil
War, suffered a stroke of apoplexy this
morning as he was about to board a
train for Marcola, on the Wendling
branch, to return to his home at Salem.
He had been visiting relatives in Mar
cola. He was brought to a hospital In
Eugene for treatment
Rain 'WorTles Prune Growers.
EUGENE, Or., Sept. 28. (Special.)
Steady rains for the past 20 hours, with
brisk showers this afternoon, are giv
ing no little concern to prune growers.
Little over half the crop has been har
vested and what remains on the trees
is fully ripe. Damage will be small if
the rains cease by Monday morning.
Sir Alfred East Dies.
LONDON. Sept 28 Sir Alfred East,
president of the Royal Society of Brit
ish Artists, died today. He was born in
ff old
heating troubles!
Bin- kc isriffl w
warp, loosen,
"Coal Gas" and
In the toboggan of life what
we let into our. homes in large
degree decides their value and
influence. Again, the higher
worth of the home may depend
on putting out the faulty things
that are in already. "Shivers,"
Gas." "Tack Frost" "Soot," "Repair
and "Biff Coal Bill" what a brood of disturbing
influences! You can ward them off by putting in
an outfit of
They evenly warm the home all over;
"Shivers"or "Jack Frost" cannot get in. Being
made of metal which will not
soring aoart ' no villainous
X J A.
"Soot" leak into the living-rooms; and no
"Repair Bill" holds you up every year and
takes your cash. "Coal Bill" then becomes a useful friend instead of a dark-eyed bandit;
he brings you generous heating comfort with full return for the less money he costs. An
outfit of IDEAL Boilers and AMERICAN Radiators is a sure protection to family-health,
comfort pocket-book and home energy, freeing the women from that endless scuffle with
old heaters, ash-dust and dirt, which makes housekeeping a drudgery. Put into OLD
BUILDINGS as easily as in new, farm or city.
You buy more than iron in IDEAL Boilers and AMERICAN Radiators-you get a laboratory
proved heating outfit, endorsed by the leading engineers and architects of America, Europe and
y & AiicrroKa n! thf world's tested best m heating devices. The
purchase of an Ideal-American heating outfit is a far-sighted
investment property sells quicker at higher price or brings
10 to 15 more rent. They cost no more than ordinary kinds,
and yet are fully guaranteed in construction, capacity and
performance. These outfits burn all kinds of fuel, and are made
in special sizes for cottages, residences, schools, churches, stores,
hotels, hospitals, etc., etc.
If you would get the most from your input of coal in outcome of
comfort, with low up-keep expense, and ward off that avalanche
of heating troubles for all winters to come, write us today for
FREE booklet on "Ideal Heating" inquiries impose no obliga
tions to buy glad to tell you what we know.
!0 I 1
1 Ell
A No. 1118 IDEAL Boiler and 21S q. ft. of
38-in. AMERICAN Radiators, costing the
owner $1 20, were used to heat this cot
tase. At this price the goods can be bought
of any reputable, competent Fitter. This
did not include costs of labor, pipe, valves,
freight, etc, which re extra and vary ac
cording to climatic and other conditions.
IDEAL Boiler are
safer and easier to run
than stoves, and their
cleanliness reduces
housework one - half.
They will last as long
as the building and
need no repairs. Accept
no substitute.
ARCO WAND Vacuum Cleaner
We also make the ARCO WAND Vacuum Cleaner, connected by iron suction pipe to various floors of houses,
flats schools churches, hotels, etc. An electric button starts the machme. Through a light-weight hose ALL
it ti a a li f i ai a i i i o r nromra nnrnr rnt is t uiu l. vi u
cciiar. Jiiic a-vww vv-mia M
Sold by all dealers.
No exclusive agents.
Write Department N-12
816-22 S. Michigan At
Public Showroom, at Chicago. New York. Boston. Providence. Philadelphia, WashtagtonBaltimore Birmingham.
Coos County Court Asked to
Call Special Election.
$450,000 ISSUE URGED
Hard-Surfaced Road From Douglass
County Irlne to Coast Recom
mended Ranchers Pro
mote Proposition.
-Petitions praying- the County Court
. a EnnHal nl OOt I flTl In NOVembef
. niirnnu nf VD t i Tl C on the
question of lsulng $450,000 in bonds
for the construction of a system of
permanent highways were circulated
yesterday. The proposed bonds are to
run 20 years at 6 per cent. A second
petition asks that the County Board
expend the money so raised on the
highway from the Dousjlas County line
! way ,or uriage, rayrtie t-onn,
jille, Marshfield, North Bend and Em
.... Cn ncut Rnv anA from the Curry
Countv line to Bandon and thence to
Coquille. This petition also requests
that the court have trie worn penormea
under the Immediate direction of an
expert highway engineer, preteraDiy
one Indorsed by the United States Bu
reau of Roads and by State Highway
Engineer Bowlby.
It la not contemplates to complete
lilt) I A LC ' " . -" - . ,
can the work of hard surfacing the 100
iles be accompnsnea wun me ooiwi
ft i nrnnnsftd to extend the
work over three years, each year rais
ing the full 10-mlll tax allowed by law,
applying about three-quarters of the
.-n ma,l nvaflahlA to the trunk
lines and the balance for general up
keep oi lacerais.
The Coos County Good Roads Asso-
You will get real benefit from a
course of treatment with Dr. 'Williams'
Pink Pills for Pale People. These pills
are not merely a stlmulait, giving
temporary relief: they build up the
body anew by making rich, red blood,
which gives color to the cheeks and
lips and brightness to tired eyes. Sleep
Is once more refreshing and the step
becomes lighter as strength and en
ergy return.
The tonic effect of Dr. Williams
Pink Pills enables the system to re
cover from many oj-dinary diseases
of the blooa ana relieves utn as
anaemia, chlorosis, rheumatism, nerv
ousness, stomach trouble, sick head
ache and St. Vitus' dance.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by
all druggists. Get a 50c box today.
elation, which has been Instrumental
in promoting the proposition to Its
present stage, recommends the con
struction of a concrete highway nine
feet in width, with frequent turnouts,
the roadway to be graded 16 feet, with
a view to adding to the width of the
concrete In future years.
There Is a strong sentiment through
out Coos County for better highways.
Even the ranchers remote from the
proposed trunk line realize that Its
construction will better conditions and
enhance values and is patiently wait
ing for the building of laterals that
will afford still greater benefit.
When the people of Coos definitely
determine that a hard-surfaced high
way wllT be constructed from the Doug
las County line to the ocean it is ex
pected that Douglas County will im
prove its end of the highway to Rose
burg, thus perfecting one of the most
scenic routes to be found anywhere on
the Coast. Douglas has practically
promised to carry out it3'part of the
Augustlnlan Superiors Meet.
ROME, Sept. 27. All the superiors of
the Augustinlan Order met here today.
Tomorrow they will elect a general and
several assistants. It is believed the
Irish candidate for general will be suc
Salem Dealer Says Industry In Ore
gon Will Be Advanced.
SALEM, Or., Sept. 28. (Special.)
William Brown, of William Brown &
Co dealers in mohair supplies, was
notified by telegraph today that the
new tariff bill provided a duty on mo
hair which would be entirely satisfac
tory to dealers and growers. The
telegram, which was from the presi
dent of the Griswold Worsted Com
pany, of New York City, was as fol
lows: "Duty raw mohair 15 per cent, tops
20 per cent, yarns 25 per cent: clotlis
40 per cent and plushes 45 per cent. In
view of free wool the mohair growers
are to be congratulated."
T h I s Is of the greatest importance
to mohair growers," said Mr. Brown,
"and will be the means of advancing
an industry which otherwise would
surely have been destroyed."
Postal ravings deposits amount to $28.-(mo.fKwv
Is what one physician called back
ache, headache, nervousness and th
blues. In nine cases out of ten they
are symptoms of some female derange
ment or an inflammatory, ulcerative
condition, curable by taking Lydia K
PlnkhanVs Vegetable Compound. Thou
sands of American Women willlnglj
Testify to its virtue. Adv.
Have Removed to Corner
Park and Oak Streets
add to the comfort of your trip to
a 23 ff M M A 1 .1 0 1
Bend, Metolious, Madras, Terre Bonne, and all central Oregon points. All trains arrive
and depart from Union Depot, Portland.
Third and "Washington, ' Phones: Marshall 4500 and A 6121.