Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 17, 1913, Page 8, Image 8

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4 I
Boys Celebrate Home-Coming
by Trouncing Tigers, Five
to Nothing.
j Krapp Passes Eight 3Ien and Hits
Two, but He Pitches Marvelous
Bali "With Men on Basea and
Cornea Through Unscathed.
FaeMe Coast League Standing.
w t. pm i w. L. Pet.
Portland.. S .iMSinFnn... SS 86 .491
... at .624 Los Angelea 78 89 .
brrmm'iM o 76 .519 Oakland. . . 74 S3 .438
Yesterday's Beaolta.
At Portland Portland B. Venice 0.
At Oakland Sacramento f. Oakland 5 (10
At Lo Angel Los Angeles B. Ban Fran
claco 4.
With the) regular lineup In harness
! again Portland signalized Its return
from a disastrous slump yesterday by
! drubbing Venice 6-0 In the opening
; came of the series.
' Little Eugene Krapp was blessed
with his usual wlldness walking: eight
i Tigers and hitting two others but the
! damp thrust twlrler was Invincible in
1 . the pinches and was never In real dan
ger. He allowed only four hits to 12
( for Portland off three of Hap Hogan's
ij celebrated pitching corps,
i! Koestner, Ferguson and Grlffln were
'J the hurlsmlths trotted out for the ap
!! proval of 2500 opening-day fanatics. .
M "Silent timer" meaning Koestner.
the Sphinx got his In the epiglottis.
1 1 aesophagus, or caU it just plain necu,
j In one torrid and tumultuous Inning.
Five hits scored four runs amidst wild
I J excitement, and then Elmer slowly and
'J lugubriously filed into the subway lead
li ing to the clubhouse under the grand -jj
! There was never a question about
l the result after Elmer's rout.
&V' f"; ?
:. : . ; .v. I-......: :.. . - j. : 1
1 ' .-sLr
Dell and Applegate Are Bom
barded by Nick's Men,
Who Make 15 Hits.
Heilmans, Xetzel, Melchlor and
Gnijrni Are Batting Factors in
12-2 Kout of Champions.
Hynes Knocked Off H11L
W. t,. Pet.
75 83 .476
70 8T .44
5 80 .418
Rodger Pulls Everything.
The crowd amused Itself by speculat
ing on the number of walks Krapp
would dole out the succeeding Inning,
It and varied this at regular Intervals
J by uniting In applause for Captain Bill
I Kodgers. of the Beavers.
i Rodcrers nulled everything but the
trunk trick. He was here, there and
everywhere over the field, manipulating
some of the greatest plays of the sea
son. Bill handled 10 chances around
second base, and fully halt . that
number were near Impossible plays.
Krapp can felicitate himself that he
had Rodgers behind him. for Bill put a
J shoulder to the wheel on several occa
il slons when padded portions of the male
J anatomy were much a necessity.
j Twice the Venice bunch had the bases
J full, only to sink back to oblivion
1 amidst hoots from the boisterous crowd.
1 1 In the sixth Krapp walked two men,
'--and Korea" juggling of McDonnell's
grounder filled the bases with one out.
. Sterrett then forced O'Rourke at the
' plate. Krapp to Fisher, and Meloan re
lieved the tension by flying out to
, Korea.
Kxapp Get Himself Oat.
In the ninth the saliva slant shooter
i , hit Patterson and Carlisle and walked
j Baylea. but two strikeouts and a weak
J , grounder, pitcher to first, quieted the
I I disturbance.
J j Portland's scores came four In the
l , first off Koestner and one in the fourth
! off Ferguson. Griffln went the last
) three Innings unscathed.
I i Chadbourne opened with a single In
' the first inning making hirf record 25
; ; games in a row with one or more safe
j ' ties and was sacrificed down by er
! ; rick. Rodgers singled into left, scor-
j i lng Chadbourne, and, after Lindsay's
I . out. registered on a screaming triple to
deep center by Doane. Kores drove
' ; Doane across, stole second and himself
J i scored the fourth tally on Ixiber's sin-
!' gle to right.
In the fourth Fisher beaf out a hit
; to short, ambled to second on Chad-
, bourne" safe bunt down the third bae
i i line, and then electrified the stands by
isaiing mira. uerricK s inueid out
put him across. .
apeclallct today to see if bla injured optic
ta sound. He waa Injured while- going: after
a lino drive in the Oakland outfield, the hall
cracking: him aquarely on the forehead when
hla - foot kicked agatnat one of the aub
merg?d aprlnklera In the new Oak park. If
tha.apeelallat aanctiona it. Bill will be ready
to Jump Into tne game any urns.
Angels Take Game, 5 to 4 Johnston
Steals 100th Base of Season.
LOS ANGELES, Sept 6. "With San
Francisco In the lead. Overall "blew
up" in the fourth Inning of today's
game and allowed five hits, which,
coupled with an error, netted the An
gels four runs. Another, tally added
In the seventh gave Los Angelea the
game, 6 to 4.
. Gregory was hit freely by the Seals
and was knocked out of the box In the
eighth inning after yielding four hits,
which brought the total up to 13.
Schmidt's failure to respond to a hit-and-run
signal In this period resulted
in catching Corhan between second and
third, and the visitors could score but
one run.
Jimmy Johnston, the fleet-footed San
Francisco center fielder, stole another
base today, bringing his total up to
100. Score:
San Francisco I Los Angel
a m u a rn
0 1 Magge"t.ra
1 lHoward,l.
MSndorff.r 4
M'Ardle.l. 4
Johns n,m
Hogan.l. .
Donns,2. .
Corhan, a.
Schmidt. e
Baker". . .
O 11
3 1
OliPage.2 ...
0 0Krueger.r.
8 OIMetager.3
2 1 Goodwin..
t OlArboiraat.o
0 O'Gregory.p
0 0
0 0
3 1 4 U U
3 0 13 11
3 1 t-OO
3 4 0
.4 1
4 1
New Seal Pitching Sensation
Tops Coast Hurler.
S 0
2 0
1 0
Kane.m.. 4
Bayleas.r. 3
Brashear.2 G
O'Roui-e.a 2
M'Do" 1.3-1
' Meloan.
J Oriffln.p.
t i Patter'n'
31 11 27 18 1
J ; Gaaw End With Kear Fight.
' The game ended In a storm of hisses
j ' and an embryonic Donnybrook fair
j . scene.
: Patterson started the fuss by threat
i ' ening Krapp with a bat when dne
j ' bounced a maverick spitter off his
! breast at the plate. Derrick admon
l j lshed him for his lack of poise as the
j I siangless sect would put it whereupon
x-atterson spat out a rew yards of vo
cabularly that will hardly hear repeat-
, ing
i After the game the two strutted up
i to each other with one of those "Some
; body Grab Me" airs, and members of
I both clubs promptly accommodated the
combatants by Interfering. In conse
j quence no gore was -pattered over the
i clean grass.
The score:
( Venice I Portland
a a. j k. r. B H O A E
3 12 O0!Chadb"e.m ft 3 1 0 0
0 S 0 0 Derrick.1.. 3 0 8 20
0 0 0 0itodgera.2. 8 14 6 0
1 3 2C:Und3av.3. 4 1 1 1 n
0 0 2 ODoane.r. . . 4 1 0 O0
1 O 0 0;Korea,3. .. 4 14 61
0 2 2 0Lober.l... 3 2 0 Co
O 4 10FIher.c... 4 2 8 00
u u u u.tti-app.p. . 4 0 13 0
u 9 u u
1 0 0 0
0 0 00'
0 0 2 0'
0 0 0 001
Totala 2B 4 24 0 0 Total.
Batted for Ferguson In alxth.
--eattea ior unriln in ninth,
i' Venice -..O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Hita 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 4
i- Portland ...4 0 0-1 0 0 0 O 5
li! Hits S 1 1 2 1 0 0 1 11
Runs Chadbourne. Rodgers, Doane, Korea
; Fisher. Struck out By Koestner 1. Fer-
fueon 8. Krapp 6. Basra on balla Oft Fer
Jx", guaon 1. Grlffln 1. Krapp 8. Two-bass hita
... rersuson. Loner. inree-Dase hit Doane.
1 Xouhle nlava Korea to Rodeer. xn nrriir-
Undsay to Derrick to Kores. Sacrifice hit
v irncs. oioien oaaea A.ore8, Fisher, Chad
bourne, Rodgera. Hit by pitched balls
Flaher. by Koestner; Patterson, Carlisle.
J"" "Wild pitch Koestner. Innings pitched By
IV Koestner 1, Ferguson 4. Base hits Off
, . . jineeiner o, runs Kerguaon- 6. runs 1.
Charge defeat to Koestner. Time 1:55.
umyirea jiua ano . tiutnrie.
Xk' Xotes of the Game,
v -Shere waa the booster band?
. Johnny Kana In center for the vlaltora
pulled otf two or three circus stunts.
2, tou Litschl la under the weather and
McDonnell aucceeded him at third early
iW In -the game. Uosp ia alao on the hoapltal
Hat. but went to first in the switch. Hoap
pulled one ot his vertebrae loose aome time
v ago and the Injury has kept - him on the
I.";, beach.
Patterson aaya he waa kidding Krapp
v' when the latter fired up and, with the re
j mark. "Well, here'a one that has some
...stuff on It." beaned lha crabby first aacker.
it. Hltt or Baura will pitch today for Venice,
IV oppoalng likely Junes or Hlgginbotham.
Korea la playing with a badly bunged up
JJ, hand. . The aplke wound In the back of the
J. index digit has not bean given time to
' heal and ( It's too bad Kores cannot have a
& reat.
The Tiger had to make .the long Jump
1 from Loa Angelea and the game waa delayed
j. 86 minutes .In starting.
i- Happy Hogan waa given a royal. reception
so-by the fans. Hap is by far the most popu
lar rival Coast League manarer In the bust.
neaa and the local entbuaiasta are-pulling
p lor htm to land-next to Portland. f
' Bii Goeas Intends to consult aa eye
Totala 35 12 24 13 3 Totala. 32 27 16 3
Batted for Overall in fourth.
Batttd for Hogan In ninth.
San Franclaco 0 0 0 1 0 2 10 0 4
Hita 0 2 0 2 0 3 1 4 0 12
Los Angeles 0 004 0010 6
Hits o l v o v l A o - v
Runs McArdle, Johnaton 2, Cartwrlght,
Kaggert, Page, Krueger, Goodwin, Arbo
gant. Stolen bases Johnston. Maggert.
Page, Krueger. Six hita and 4 runs off
Overall in 4 Innings; 12 hits, 4 runs off Greg
ory in 7 2-3 innlnga. charge defeat to
Overall, credit victory to Gregory. Two
base hit Johnaton. Sacrifice hits Howard,
Corhan. Ellis, Mundorff. First on balls
On" Overall 1, Gregory 1. Crabbe 1. Struck
out Overall 3, Gregory 1, Pernoll 1. Crabba
1. Hit bv pitcher Johnston, by Crabbe.
Time 1:55. Umpires Held and McCarthy.
Williams Relieves Kinsella and
Finally Defeats Oakland.
SAN FRANCISCO. Sept ' 16. Arel
lanes was knocked out of the box In
the eighth today after he had allowed
11 hits and two runs. Kinsella went
In with two on and none out. Before
the Inning closed he allowed four more
hits and two more runs. Williams, the
third Sacramento pitcher, went In In
the ninth and finished the game, al
lowing one more hit and no runs.
Pruitt. Oakland's pitcher, was taken
out in the ninth with two on base and
two out. Up to that time he had al
lowed 10 hits and five runs. Jost took
his place and allowed two more hits
that yielded the winning tally. Score:
Sacramento I Oakland
4 0 3 2 l)C!emeni,l, 5 3 O 00
5 4 0 OO Gardner.l. 5 4 11
0 OlLeard.Z. .. 5 2 5
1 liCoy.r
0 0 Zacher.m.
2 OlGuest.S....
8 0'Cook.s. . ..
2 1'Rohrer.c.
0 0; Joat.p. . ...
0 OIKaylort...
HI West Is Fifth In Irfst With Stand;
ing of .640- San Francisco Jumps
to Top In Fielding-,. With Fort
land One Point Behind.
. With Stsandrldge, new San Francisco
pitching sensation, on the winning end
of three of four games twirled, and
Loifield and Fanning among the first
four of the league, the reason for San
Francisco's winning streak is plain.
Standridge jimmied Williams out of
first place, but the Hawaiian still holds
second. Then comes Lelfleld with three
points less than Williams.
The fifth man In the tabulation Is
West with a score of .640. And then,
look who comes next! Harkness, the
discarded henchman of the Beavers,
comes very near being better than any
of his former teammates. He has .632.
Seals Lead ia Fielding.
Following Harkness Is a space of
several lines filled with the names of
other men than Portland's. Hlggin
botham and James are in 11th and 12th
plaoes respectively with averages well
uicr me 1 1 it j i - w u 1 1 msrit.
San Francisco jumped Into the lead
In club fielding with a percentage of
.962. Portland Is second with .961 and
Sacramento third with .960.
Portland's club batting is still
highest, being .273. Sacramento is
next with .256 and San Francisco third
with .255.. - . . ,
Last year the count was 26 games in
favor of the Vernon pitchers, while
Portland amassed ten games from the
Vernon twirlers.
The figures. up to this series follow:
W. L. Pet. I
Vancouver. 90 84 .6S4Viotorla...
Portland . .81 60 .651 Tacoroa. ..
Seattle.... 82 78 .528 Spokane. .
Yesterday'a Results.
At Seattle Portland 12, Seattle 2.
At Vancouver Spokane 8, Vancouver 3.
At Victoria Tacom a 4. Victoria 1.
SEATTLE. Wash., Sept 16. '(Spe
cial.) The way those Portland Colts
kicked the champions around today was
something shocking. It seemed as If
they had carefully marked the extreme
edges of the fair green and were try
ing to "hole out" from the tee In one
shct The final score was 12 to 2.
It took the Colts two Innings and
on'j man up In the third to convince
Raymond that he had made a mistake
in starting Dell. The big fellow had
speed and his curves appeared to b
working fairly well,, but the first three
men got on In the second, Hellmann
on a teal hit, Mahoney on a pass and
Ni-t7el b.t beating out a slow roller to
third. Then Murray drove clean to
right center" and the two scored.
Hyn-a' long fly to left went as a sac
rlfice. Dell got rid of the next two,
but in the third Inning started out by
walkijfe Guigni. The elongated pitcher
was dprrlcked.
ApplcE'&.te was sent out to check thu
Impending disaster, but failed
Seattle developed a oatting streak
In the xfast cf the tnird, which caused
the banishment o-f Hynes. Hynes quit
the Job with the baBes full and one run
ovsr. Mays walked Fullerton, forcing
in a run. After this Mays allowed no
runs and one single. He quit to give
Mit'li a workout in the ninth
Applegate's experience with the Colts
was painful and. his support was none
too good. He was touched up for 11
hits, which included four doubles and
a heme run by Netzel over the right
Bancroft was busy In the assist de
partment, running the count up to
nine, something scandalous. He wen
around like a skyrocket, slzzlng all the
time. Score:
Seattle Portland
a u u: Bancroft, a x x
2 0 0 Mohler.2.. 5
O 0 O.Gulgnl.S. . 4
4 0 l'Melchior.m 5
2 2 O Heilmann.l 6 3 20 10
11 1 Mahoney,! o 2 v v u
2 0 liNetzel.r...
2 0 O Murray.c.
5 6 0 Hynes, p. ..
0 1 O.Muys.p. . .
6 u,ilieli,p. ..
the seventh that Washington hit Beni
safely and tied the score. Score:
Lord, 3...
Chase. 1...
Benz.p. . .
4 2 1 6 0
o i o oi
1 1 00
110 0 0
12 0 0
0 2 10
1 7 00
0 2 3 0;
0 0 2 0
Totala 33 6 28 12 01
Moeller.r.. 4 0 1 01
Milan, m
Foster. 3. .
Gandil.l. .
Morgan, 2.
Spencer.l. .
4 1 0 00
4 0 4 10
3 1 6 01
5 1 1 10
4 1 13 0 1
4 2 2 00
3 0 0 8 0
3 0 0 2 0
Totala. 32 6 27 7 3
Two out when winning run acored.
Chicago 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Washington 0 00OO01O 1 2
Runsi Weaver, Milan, Gandil. Two-base
hita Colllna. Gandil. Three-base hit Mor
gan. 8tolen basea Weaver 2, Milan. Left
on bases Chicago 6. Washington 0. FIrat
on balls Benz 2. Struck out By Benz 7,
by Johnson V3. Passed ball Easterly.
Time 1:40. "Umpires Dineen and Egan.
Boston 5, St. Louis 4.
BOSTON, Sept 16. Boston defeated
St Louis, 5 to 4", today in the final
game of the season between the two
teams. The visitors made, a hard fight
for the game on account of their prox
imity to last place, but were unsuc
cessful Williams stole home in the
eighth lrfhing. Score:
St. Louis Boston
Shotton.m 8 2 8 0 O'Hooper.r. . 3 0 0 0 0
Austln.3.. 4 12 2 l!Eng!e.l. . . J 111
Pratt.l 3 13 1 O'Speaker.xn. 5 12
vv alker.l.. 4 10 0 0
W!lliams.r 3 O'l 0 1
C'vingfn.l 8 114 2 0
Baienti,.. 3 0 0 5 1
Agnew.o. . 4 8 2 4 0
Taylor.p.. 3 0 14 0
Portland and Venice Managers
Determined to Show
Colors Now.
Totals. SO 926 19 8
St. Loula
Runs Shotton,
Lewis, 1. ...
Yerkes.2. .
Cady.c. . . .
Interesting Baseball Gossip on Pres
ent Series Leads- Happicus to Re
call Little Bit of Diplomacy
on His Own Fart.
Totals. 81 8 27 16 0
.2 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 4
.10200100 1 5
Austin. Williams, Balentl.
Jackson, 1
Martin. 1..
Wally.c. ..
Dell. p.
Appleg'e.p 3
0 3 5 1
2 0 20
3 10 0
Totals. 83 7 27 15 31 Totala. 88 15 27 24 2
Seattle .. 0 0 2 0 0 O 0 0 0 2
Portland .'. 0 8 3 0 2 0 4 0 1 12
Runs Jackson, Applegate. Gulgnl 8, Mel-
cnior 3, ienmann Manoney , .Netzel z.
Two-baae hita Killilay. Raymond, Guigni
2, Mahoney, Hellmann, Bancroft. Three-
base hit Applegate. Home run Netzeli
Sacrifice hit Bancroft. Sacrifice fly Hynes.
Stolen bases James, Gulgnl, Melchlor.
Struck )ut By Applegate 3, by Maya 1.
Bases on balls Off Dell 2, off Applegate 2,
on Hynes 1, on Maya l. Wlia pitch Ap
plegate. Double plays Wally to Raymond
Mohler to Bancroft to Hellmann; Bancroft
to Mohler to Heilmann. PItchera' summitry
Four h"s, s runs ore cell in z innings; il
hita, 9 run off Applegate In 7 Innings; C
hits. 1 run off Hynea in 2 1-3 innings: 1 hit,
1 run off Maya in 5 2-8 innings; 1 hit, no
runa off Melell In 1 Inning. Credit victory
to Hynes. charge defeat to Dell. Time 1:30
Umpire Oatdlek.
1 10
0 10
14 1
Shinn.r. .
Lewis. I.. .
Cheek. c.
Kinsella, p
4 0
1 3
1 11
2 1
O 1
3 8
0 7
0 01
0 01
1 1
8 1
1 0
0 0
1 0
6 1
8 0
0 0
Totala 38 12 30 16 21 Totala. 43 16 30 17 8
Batted for Cheek In ninth.
Batted for Kinsella in ninth. .
IRan for Lively in ninth. . . '
.Batted for Jost. In tenth.
Sacramento ,'.,...01 O O 0 0 8 0 1 1 6
Hita 1 2 S O 0 1 2 0 2 212
Oakland . .'. .0 0 0 '2 0 0 0 8 0 0 .5
Hita '. 0 0 0 8'2"2 2 - 0 1 16
Runs Young." Lewis. Kenworthy. Cheek,
Arrelanes. Stark, Leard, Coy.Zacben, Guest,
Pruitt. Two runs and ll hlta' off . Arellanea.
taken out In eighth,' 2 on' andvno outs:
credit victory to Williams, charge defeat to
Jost. Stolen bases Moran, Lewis, Stark,
Gardner. Homo run Kerrworthy. " Two-baae
hits Lewis, Guest, Kenworthy. Sacrifice
hit Arellanea. FIrat on balls orr Pruitt 6.
off Arellanea 2. Struck out By Pruitt 6,
by Arellanea 2, by Kinsella 2. by Jost 1.
Double plays Toung to Tennant to Ken
worthy; Cheek to Tennant: Wllllama to
Kenworthy. Wild pitch Pruitt.. Left on
.basest Sacramento 7, Oaxiand . 1L Time
2:82. Cmplres Phyle and Finney.
Coming of Winter Birds Awaited but
Many Go Out .'After Pheasants.
Although the duck season was' offi
cially opened two daysago by. the
measure passed at the last session of
the Legislature, the crack of the shot
gun has been scarce. There are ducks
in the country; in fact many, of .them
In the bottom lands and sloughs down
the river, but they' are mostly maUard
and wood ducks which have remained
In the country all year. - Game -Warden
Finley expects the . lakes f , well
stocked with good ducks late in Octo
ber. . . ' . v r
;.f Pheasants are', getting, more ..numer
ous every day, and despite . the .many
arrests and convictions. of Illegal hunt
ers there - are many out taking the
-ohanoe-of- paying a $26-flne. The sea
son open October L,
Strandrlde, S. F.I
Wllllama, S. ...
Llefleld. S. F. . .
Fanning, S. F. ..
West, P
Harkness, V. . .
Klawitter. 8..
pruitt, o.
Stroud, S
Hltt, V. .........
Hig'nbotham, P.
James, P. ...
Malarkey, o. : :
Raleigh. T
Overall, S. F...
Hagennan, P. ..
Krapp, P
Lively, S
Koestner, V. .. .
Christian, O. . .
Tozer, L. A . . .
Baum, V.
Ryan, L A....
Pernoll, O
Krauae, P
Griffin. V.
Chech, L. A...
Perrltt L. A. . .
Baker, S. F.
Crabbe, L. A.".
Kinsella, S
Henley, S. F....
Slagle, L. A
Abies, O
Arrelanes, B. . .
Klepper, V.
Thomas, S. F...
Klllllay, O
Munseil. 8
Lohman, o. ....
Ferguson, V. .. .
Jackson. L. A...
Gregory, O.-L.A.
Stanley, P.
Jost, O. . . .
O'Brien, O.
Also one
game. September 14 Inclusive.
!s!f p g I k p
5 .' i I nnrjtuQ
p n js p
: : : : : 3 3 3 3 :
' ? ? i;
I 41 81 1 0 .750 0 0 1 0 2
20 14 6 0 . 700 0 1 3 1 8
12 8 4 0 .687 0 0 1 0 0
S.V23 12 0 .657 1 1 3 1 2
2616 I) 1 .640 1 1 1 4 3
1912 7 0 .682 0 1 1 1 8
21)13 8 0 .U1U 0 2 0 8 8
15' 11 6 0 . 000 0 0 0 8 1
32 19 13 0 .594 1 0 0 8 4
28)16 11 1 .693 0 114 6
3420 14 0 .688 1 1 2 4 1
81 19 14 1 .573 1 8 1 4 2
3u-;u 15 0 .671 1 1 2 8 4
21 12 U 0 .671 0 10 12
7 4 3 O .571 0 0 0 2 1
18 10 8 0 .556 1 0 2 6 3
20jll 9 0 .5f0 112 5 2
20;11 9 0 . 550 1 0 1 1 1
42,23 19 0 .548 2 4 8 6 8
15! 8 7 0 .533 10 111
27 14 13 0 .519 0 1 1 2 ' 2
34 17117 0 . 500 0 1 8 1 2
30 15'15 O .500 O013S
22 lllll 0 .500 0 0 0 1 1
22 10 10 2 .600 1 2 1 2 1
2 1 1 0 .600 0 0 0 0 0
3l!l5tl6 0 .484 0 0 8 2 0
32(15 16 1 .484 1 0 2 1 5
21110 11 0 .476 0 S 0 2 1
17 8 9 0 .471 0 2 1 1 8
15 71 8 O .467 0 0 1 0 0
2S 13 15 0 .404 0 0 13 3
17 71 9 1 .438 0 0 2 1 0
18 7 9 0 .438 0 O 0 4 1
28 11115 2 .424 1 1 3 4 4
II 7 0 .364 0 O 1 0 0
14 6 9 0 .857 0 0 2 2 3
27 0 17 1 .346 1 2 0 3 3
17 4,11 2 .267 0 1 3 0 0
8 2 6 0 .250 0 0 O 0 1
6 1 6 0 .167 1 0 0 0 1
6 II 5 0 .167 O 0 0 1 0
15 2111 2 .154 0 0 0 0 0
1 01 1 .0 .000 0 0 0 0 0
8 O IS 0 .000 0 O 1 0 0
4 0 4 0 . 000 . 0 0 0 0 0
It game; also one one-hit
Spokane Defeats Leagrue Leaders, 3
to 2, In Hard-Fought Game,
VANCOUVER, B. C, Sept 16. Mc-
Corry's pitching was too good for the
locals today, and by making me most
of their hits the "Indians" won the sec
ond srame of the series, 3 to 2.- Van
eouver fought hard throughout mak
ing one in the ninth, but being retired
before tieing the score on Schultz's
fly to Fltzsimmons. Spokane s first
run was made when Chase s single to
center took a lucky bound and went to
the fence, Chase making the circuit
U n u A
Vancouver I
Frisk. r. ..
Doty,. ...
Lewis'- . .
0 1
1 1
0 10
1 0
0 1
1 0
0 0
2 0
2 0
1 0
8 0
0 0
1 1
0 0
0 0
Totala 82 6 27 IS 2
Chase.l... .
Hannah, o.
0 8
1 12
0 6
Totals.. 32 6 27 12 2
Amateur Athletics.
The pitching of Pardee and the catch
ing of Murphy of the same team en
abled the Columblas, of the Archer
Wiggins League, to down the Sunset
Route nine Sunday 9 to 0. Next Sun
day the winners will play, the St Mary's
team, who are leading the league.
It took the Villa Reds 10 Innings to
defeat the Foresters of. America last
Sunday 7 to 6. Yeast, for the winners,
struck out 14, while on the opposition
Bruns whiffed seven. England for the
Reds and Canfleld for the Foresters
each knocked out three bingles, while
Jessup brought in the winning tally in
the. 10th with a screaming single to
Basketball will In all probability be
Introduced Into the various grammar
schools of the city if the plans of Rob
ert Krohn, physical director of the
schools, materialize. Football will be
on the programme soon, and before the
socoer- season is on the basketball
schedule can bo run ott.
Batted for Schmutz in eighth: '"batted
for Heister in ninth; batted tor Cadreau
In ninth.
Spokane 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 8
Vancouver 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2
Runa Bennett. Lewis, Chaae, Tone, Fltz
slmmona. Two-baae hlts PanDa. Scharn
weber, KIppert, Konnlck. Sacrifice hit
Schmutz. Stolen bases Yohe. Fltzsimmons,
Bennett. Bases on balls McCorry 2. Schmutz
1. Struck out McCorry 2, Schmutz 7.
Pitchers' summary 3 runs. 6 hits off
Schmutz In 8 Innings; no runs, no hit off
Cadreau In 1 inning. Charge defeat to
Schmutz. Left on bases Spokane 3, Van
couver 7. Time 1:40. Umpire Casey.
Salsherg and Kelly's Swats Count
Four Runs Against Bees.
VICTORIA, Sept 18. Two home runs
won today's game for Tacoma, 4 to 2.
Salesberg opened the contest with a
four-base hlth, and in the second in
ning Kelly knocked the ball out of the
lot scoring two men In front Brooks
drove in two runs for Victoria In the
first Score:
I Victoria
0 8 1Crum.m.. 4 1 3 00
4 0 0 Rawlings,2 4
2 0 0Alberta.r.. 4
1 u USwain,l.
Tacoma -
Salsberg.s 5 1
Fries. m. .
West.l. . .
9 0 0
O 4 0
4 10
6 10
0 01
Brooks.l. .
Lamb,8. ..
Shea,c. . .
0 1 6 1
0 0 00
1 1 00
2 13 0 0
0 12 0
0 1 80
17 2 0
0 0 2 0
. Totals 86 8 27 14 2 Totals. 83 5 27 14 2
Tacvoma 1 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4
Victoria 2 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Runs Salsberg, West, Keller, Kelly, Rawl.
lings. Swain. Two-base hlta Frlea, Swain,
Brooks. Home runs Salsberg, Kelly. Stolen
bases Keller 2. Double play Lamb to Del
mas to Brooks. Struck out By Kantleh
ner 6, Kraft 3. Bases on balls Kantlehner
3. Kraft 1. Hit by pitcher Swain. Time
1:87. Umpire Toman.
Washington 5, Chicago 1.
WASHINGTON, Sept 16. Walter
Johnson and Joe Benz engaged in a
great pitchers' battle here today, the
former being the. victor. Chicago took
a one-run lead , in the opening-inning
and it was sot until, two were out in
Hooper 2. Engle. SDeaker. Gardner. Two.
base hit Pratt. Speaker. Three-base hit
Shotton 2, Gardner. Sacrifice hits Walker,
Austin, Covington, Bedient. Gardner... Stolen
basea Austin. Shotton 2, Agnew 2, Wll
Hams. Double play Balentl, Pratt and Cov
ington. Left on toaacs St. Louis 9. Boaton 8.
FIrat on balls Off Taylor 6. off Bedlont 6,
First on errors Boston 3. Hit by pitcher
Balentl. Struck out By Taylor 1. by Be
dient 4; Passed balla Thomas. Wild pitch
Taylor. Time 3:15. Umpires Hildebrand
and O Loughlin.
Detroit 4, New York 3.
NEW1 YORK, Sept 16. Detroit won
Its last gune of the season here today,
thereby (evening the season's series with
New lork. The score was 4 to 3, Jen
nings' team stopped Caldwell, who had
win five straight games, by bunching
hits In the second and eighth innings.
Detroit I New York-
Bush. a. . .
Cobb.m. .
Gibson, a..
Gainer, 1.
3 14 5 O'Mafsel.S..
4 11 8 0HoIden.m.
3 0 10 O'Whlte'an.l
8 10 0 Olwilllams.l
2 0 0 0 0 Knlght.2. .
OOO 00Sweeney.
3 0 4 0 2 Gilhooly.c
4 2 15 OO'Peck'ugh.s
0 0 1 0 OiHartzell'
1 1 OOZelde.-.s..
30 0 8 0
Totals. 36 112712 0
5 1 0 20
5 2 10 0
5 8 2 00
2 0 9 0 0
2 18 2 0
1 0 0 0 0
6 1 1 00
2 18 8 0
1 1 0 0 0
0 0 0 00
8 0 7 2 0
1 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 0
4 1 0 20
Totals. 20 6 27 17 2
Batted for Knight in ninth.
Batted for- Pecklnpaugh in eighth.
Batted for Oossett in eighth.
Detroit 0 2 0 0 0 O 0 2 0-
New York 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 3
Runa Bush. Gibson. Onslow. Dauss,
Whiteman, Wiljiams 2. Two-base hits
Onslow and Bauman., Sacrice fly Veach.
Stolon'' baaea Gilhooley. Caldwell. White-
man, Cobb and Malael, Left on bases De
troit 6, New York 12. Double plays Gossett
and Pecklnpaugh; Bush and Onslow. First
on balla Off Caldwell 6, off Dauss 4. Struck
out By Caldwell 7. by Dauss 3. Hit by
pitcher By Dauss (Wllllama and Knight).
Time 2:12. Umpires Ferguson and Sheri
dan. . '
, .
Philadelphia 8, Cleveland v7.
long-drawn-out game Philadelphia de
feated Cleveland today In 10 innings,
8 to 7. Mclnnes, -who led both teams
at. bat with a triple, a double and two
singles In five times up, scored the win
ning tally on his two-bagger ana
Walsh's single. After three innings of
good twirling Shawkey and Steen
weakened. Score:
Cleveland I Philadelphia
H t O A fc. li H UAl.
0 1 OOE.Mur-y.r 4 0 u
114 0Oldring,l. 2 0 2
2 10 lJStrunk.m. 2 0 2
0 8 6 0Colllns,2.. 4 2 2
0 12 0 0fcaker.3. . 3 0 1
1 2 4 OlMclnnis.l. 5 4 12
0 10 1 wal'h,m-r 2 12
2 2arry,s.
Chap' an,
Lajoie,2. .
Graney,l. .
Steen.p. ..
Cullop.p. .
1 Ojrichang.c. . 3
0 0Pennock,p
Houck,p. .
IPlank.p. ..
iDaley. . . .
I javis". .
lOrr".. .
3 2
Total 82' 6 27 17 4 Totals. 81 10 3016 0
None out when winning run scored.
Batted fo'r Shawkey In fifth.
Batted for Houck In sixth.
Ran for Davla in sixth.
Cleveland 0 00282000 0
Philadelphia 0 00205000 1 S
Runs Chapman, Jackson 2, Johnston,
Graney. O'Nell 2. Collins 2, Baker, Mclnnls
Walsh 2, isarry. rwo-oaae nita Turner,
Davis, Mclnnls. Three-base hits Collins.
M7Tnn!ft Home run Jackson. Hits off
Steen, 6 in 2 innlnga (none out in sixth) off
James, 2 in 1-3 inning; off Cullop. 8 in 8 2-3
Innlnga (none out in tentn;; otf snawKey,
5 in 5 innlnga: off Pennock, none in 2-3 in
ning; off Houck, 1 In 1-3 inning; off Plank,
none in 4 Innings. Sacrifice hita Walsh,
Shawkev. Johnston. Stolen bases Jackson,
Johnston 2, Graney, O'Neil, Collins. Walsh.
Double plays Turner to Lajoie to Chapman
in Turner: Oolllns to Barrv to Collins. Left
on bases Cleveland 6, Philadelphia 7. First
on balla Off Steen 5, off Cullop 3, off
Shawkey 3, off Pennock 4, off Plank 2. Hit
by pltcner y anawaey (jounsioa;. ntruuit
out By steen l, Dy james i, oy luhop ,
hv Shawkev 1. by Pennock 1, by Plank 6,
Passed balla Schang. wild pitch Cullop.
Time 2:65. Umpires Connolly ana Evans.
"We will win the pennant despite
our bad week at San Francisco."
Walter McCredie, manager of Port
land Coast club.
"It's between Portland and Venice.
We got a bad start and I. havn't been
bragging, but the club is going good
now and we have a fighting chance."
Happy Hogan, manager of Venice club.
With both managers optlmistlo of
success and only six games between
them for the Coast lead, Portland ball
fans should get a rare treat this week.
Portland lost seven In eight to the
Seals last week, but McCredie at
tributes that slump to Injuries, and
as tho hospital list Is clean again, the
Beavers are expected to work up to
former standards.
"If I could have taken Bancroft sev
eral weeks ago this race would be over
now," said McCredie. "I needed him
badly last week, and without him we
slumped four or five games that we
might just as well have won."
Captain Rodgers says the pitchers
went fine and the club played against
bad breaks up to the last three games.
"Then we went to pieces," said the
scrappy lieutenant. "Some one stole
my red shirt Wednesday and I think
that loss was our Jinx. I had to play
the rest of the week without it. To
day I bought me a new one and the
luck returned."
Manager Hogan, of Venice, says his
club is slightly crippled Just now.
Patterson lar hurt Hosp and Lltschl
are ill and Elliott is a trifle under the
"I made a mistake last Winter In
selling Catcher Brown to Boston after
Agnew's draft by St Louis," added
Hogan. "We have been weak behind
the bat all Spring. Tonneson did not
come up to expectations and Elliott
has been out a great deal of the time.
"Now, Elliott is on the shelf again
and I poor, old decrepit Hap hav
had to go In and catch occasionally, as
Sterrett has a no-Sunday ball con
"However." continued Happicus. "thi
series Is not yet over. I have a grand
ball club and we'll be in the light to
the finish."
President A T. Baum. of the Pacific
Coast League, is expected In Portland
today. It will be his second trip or
the vear to the north.
The present Coast executive 1
proving one of the most capable and
DODular Dresidents In the National
nastlme. His contract lasts anothe
year and undoubtedly will be renewed
for a lonsrer term.
Venice could have sold Elmer Koest
ner for a sum In. excess of J7000 ac
cording: to Manager Hogan. Happy
savs the Chicago Cubs offered him that
amount- for the former Portland star
and also put In a draft for him that did
not Dan out luckily.
"It amuses me to read now fortiana
put It over Los Angeles In the Lober-
Krueger deal," said nap. laugningiy,
But I have never yet seen m print
any reference to tne one i punea in
exchanging Carson jor itoestner.
Incidentally Happy exuded the in
formation that while he would not pro
test him. Carson is not eligible to com
pete again this year for the Portland
Coast club.
Nor can Bobby Davis, of Walla
Walla," added Hogan. "Bobby has
played with the Portland Northwestern
League club since August zt and uarson
was not transferred to the Coast club
prior to August 26. Therefore both
are ineligible."
Always Crowded Ever Pop
ular Never an Idle Moment
The Musical Attraction
of the Day.
Hotel Oregon
Miss Ruth Bigelow, Prima
Donna, and the American
Revue Chorus. , .
Three performances a day
during lunch, dinner and
after the theater.
Hotel Oregon Orchestra, un
- der the direction of
Signor Pietro Marino.
Merchants' Lunch in
Rathskellar 50c.
Hotel Oregon
Wright-Dickinson Hotel Co.,
Props. Chas. Wright, Pres.
M. C. Dickinson Managing
Two Events on Grand Circuit Are
Postponed Because of Heavy
Condition of Track.
DETROIT, Sept 16. A muddy track
today made necessary the postpone
ment of half of the Grand Circuit race
programme, including tne ouuu purse
for 2:12 pacers, and only two events
were completed. The 2:14 trot went to
Peter Bllllken In four Interesting
heats, while Robert Milrol captured the
:07 trot with ease.
The fastest time of tho day, 2:13,
was made in tne secona neat oi the
2:07 trot Marigold gave the bay geld
ing a battle until they turned Into the
stretch, when Robert Milrol forged to
the front and splashed home with more
than a length to spare.
The 2:12 pace will be the third event
tomorrow, when tne Michigan stake
for 2:15 trotters, purse 810,000, also Is
scheduled. The 3-year-old pace, post
poned today, may take place later in
the week. Summary,
2:14 trot, nurse $1000,
Peter Billltan (Nlckols)
Vaster, (Sjjencer)
John G. (Ashley)
Birka (McCarthy)
Nata Prime (Wright) .
Lulu R (McDonald) ...
H. O. MCKlnney namguraj o o ais
weetaplrit (Murpny)
Bud Returns From Hopyards tq Pre
pare to Re-enter Ring.
Bud Anderson, much the better for
his month's stay in the open on hop
farms in the Willamette Valley, re
turned to Portland yesterday and will
open training for his second try for
lisrhtweight honors at once.
He is still in a quandary concerning
the first of the leading lightweights
to be met as a step In the climb, and,
further than a preKminary match with
Sammy Goo-de at Walla Walla next
month, nothing is sure.
Goode Is a clever little fighter who
has managed to clean up the Puget
Sound and Inland Empire country
pretty thoroughly and the mix between
Baseball Statistics
W. L. PC.
58 75 .4(16
68 75 .439
0 83 .420
48 84 .338
.72 60 .611
60 78 .435
62 90 .367
three in flve-
.1 6
Meadowdale (Snow) dis
Time 2:18. 2:is. :ii. a:ii.
2:07 trot. Durae $1000. two In three
Roert Milrol (Snow) .1 1
Marigold (Murphy) 2 2
King Brook (McCarthy) 3 3
Caacade (.Rodney) 4 4
Esther W, (Andrews) dis
Time 2:16i.2:13tt.
Northern Franchise Changed.
MINNEAPOLIS. Sept 16. The Min
neapolis and LaCrosse franchises in the
Northern League were transferred to
Fargo, N. D., and Fort William-Port
Arthur, Ont, respectively, and : John
Burmeister, of ' Minneapolis, was re
elected president of the league for a
term of three years,-at a meeting here
today." of the league, magnates, .
National League.
W. L. PC.
New York. .91 44 .6i4iBrooklyn..
Philadelp'a 80 50 .816j Boston. .. .
Chicago . ...78 60 .SBo Cincinnati.
Pittsburg., 73 65.5291st. Louis..
American League.
Philadelp'a 89 48 .650!Chicago ..
Cleveland. SI 59 .578 Detroit. . ..
Waahlnaton T9 59 .5721SL LOUlS. .
Boston.".. 7l 64.5261New York. . .49 86 .363
American Association,
Milwaukee. 90 60 .600St. Paul... 72 80.474
Minneapolis 92 63 .b -Toledo 64 90.416
Columbus. 87 67 .5651 Kansas City 63 90.410
Louisville. , 82 68 .647Hndianapoils 60 92 .395
Yesterday's Results.
American Association Columbus 7, Min
neapolis 0: Toledo 17-s, Kansas wity o-o.
Mllwaukee-inaianaywiio iiuoiFwuci, "
account of rain: at. ram-ujuisvum s"'
postponed on account of rain.
Western League Wichita 4, St Joseph
2; no other games scheduled.
Games Scheduled Today.
rart roast League Venice at Port
land Sacramento at Oakland. San Fran
cisco at Los Angeles.
Northwestern beasuo rurtiaiia Bl oci.-
tle, Tacoma at Victoria, Spokane at Van
couver. How the Series Stand.
Paclflo Coast League Portland one game,
Venice no game; Sacramento one game,
Oakland no game; Los Angeles one game,
San Francisco no game.
Northwestern League Portland one game,
Seattle one game; Spokane one game, Van
couver one game; Tacoma one game, Vlo
toria one game. ,
Portland Batting Averages.
Pacific Coast
Ab. ti. A v.
407 129 .317 Davis....
236 74 .314!.'etzel. ...
48 152 .311 Mays
819 98 .307:Hellmann
441 134 .204 Eastloy...
634 191 .801 Mahonov.
H'g bo'am 117 84 .291Melchlor.
Ja QD rne. aoa xsu . t a jauanan.
470 1Z .Z73;M0hler. . .
107 29 .271!Gulgni. ..
431 114 .264IWilliams.
4 1 .250Bancroft.
89 20 .235:Murray...
217 50 .230Coltrin...
288 61 .212Hynea
12 .190 Martinonl
12 .125 King....-
6 .108
Lober. . .
Speas. . .
Doane. ..
Krause. ..
Stanley. ..
Berry. . . .
Krapp.. . .
Haaerm n
Ab. H. Av.
1 1 1000
5 3 .600
89 31 .348
379 119 .815
79 24 .304
429 118 .275
538 145 .269
167 45 .269
494 131 .265
449 116 .258
272 66 .243
480 116 .241
202 48 .238
429 84 .196
55 10 .182
55 7 .127
60 7 .117
the two will be enough to determine
whether 'or not the operation which
Bud underwent Is to put the damper
on his ring career.
The match with Barrieau, the Cana
dian champion. Is in the discard for
the time being, as Barrieau does not
seem anxious for a meeting.
Bud is in the best of health and is
doubly sure that no operation will
ever hold him back.
He will begin bard work from the
start, as he has been handling the
gloves quite generously of late and has
not the slightest fear of evil effects.
Dick Donald, who has been experi
menting wvlth Bud Boyd, heralded by
Modford fans as the second Bud An
derson, Is expected north any day.
Donald will continue as Anderson's
manager, according to Bud.
Young Aheurn Outpoints Fagan.
NEW YORK, Sept 16. Bert Fagan,
California middleweight, made his first
appearance In the East here tonight in
a 10-round bout with Young Ahearn, of
Brooklyn. Although Ahearn conceded
seven pounds to his opponent, he out
fought and out-pointed the Californlan
In every round but the first. In this
session a heavy right to the heart al
most knocked Ahearn to the mat.
Basketball League to Form.
A basketball league with six er eight
teams will be one of the Winter's ath
letic features at the Multnomah Club.
It will Btart soon after October 1.' Cap
tains of the fives will bo selected as
soon as the team drawings are announced.
The production in Germany during May
of 1.641.600 metric tons of raw Iron aur
rinfteil rrv1mi records for thRt country.
Eiuisai i miii
He was a bold man
that Jirst eat an oyster
He is a sensible man
who always wears a
Gordon-1 91 3
Lo wey & Co., 125 4th Street
Talk Nrnnbet 'Cuxniy-seotn
every year
The greater the sales of
General Arthur the
more we must safeguard
the quality. We are mak
ing General Arthur a little
better every year. Our
resources are 25 years ad
vanced. Quality and value
are advanced, but not the