18 THE MORNING OREGONIAX. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 17. 1913. MULTNOMAH FAIR IN FULL SWING i Seventh Annua! Event Opens ! at Gresham With Many ! and Varied Features. EXCELLENT LIVESTOCK, GOOD RACES AND MANY AND VARIED FINE FARM EXHIBITS FEATURE MULTNOMAH COUNTY FAIR. WHICH OPENED AT GRESHAM YESTERDAY. FINE LIVESTOCK SHOWN Thursday Will Be Portland Day and 1 Crowd Expected Granges Have ' Displays Fruits, Races and ? Art All Have Place. I GRESHAM. Or.. Sept. 16. (Special.) The seventh annual Multnomah County Fair was opened here today under most favorable circumstances, and everything points to a marked suc cess In all lines. With perfect weather during the week nothing will be lack in fir Today was preparatory day. and the entire time of the department super intendents was taken up in completing arrangements. Although incomplete, the exhibits in the pavilion were far enough along to Indicate that the ex hibits this year will excel those of fornier years in quality and quantity. Seven crantres of this county hava placed special exhibits in the pavilion, and these are considered of a high character. On the outside and in front of the pavilion is the circular floral garden with a fountain in the center, which Is a new and most commendable addi tion over the ground decorations of former years. On the south are the "concessions," while the band platform is in the center, Special provisions were made this year for stock, and Manager A. F, Miller said more space had been asked for than can be provided. A number of extra stalls and sheds was erected today, but not all who desire could get space and will stay out of the fair In consequence. Stock Darns AVell Filled. The stock barns are filled with a fins Itrade of breed hordes and cows. H. G. Mullenhoff is superintendent of this department, and It includes horses, cat tie, swine, and poultry, although the latter are not represented so far. In the matter of stock the display will be far in advance of former years In all lines. The seven grange exhibits, which art practically completed, are those of Kvening Star, Lents, Russellvilla, Pleasant Home, Rock wood, Fairvlew and Gresham. Taken by themselves these exhibits embrace practically all farm and domestic products. For the judges to select the grange winning the first prize of 1225 there will be a Job not to be desired. A total of $1200 is allotted to the granges. Floral Display Attractive. The floral display in the pavilion tinder the charge of R. W. Gill Is at tractive and covers a wide range. A good display of apples Is made. Women's work department is on the upper floor and while incomplete, gives promise. On. the north side Is the Juvenile department. Those who visit the fair should not fail to see the art department on the upper floor of the pavilion, where some exceptionally good exhibits are dis played. It Is one of the finest displays In the pavilion. The Gresham library nas i department on the UDDer floor. """he racing programme opened this a.ie-uon. The 2:30 trotting for purse of $200 was the main event. The results were: Sargo, owned bv T. R. Howilt first In all heats; Katie Guy, owned by C. A. Witt, third, second and second: Going Come, owned by Peter Cook, was fouith. The time was 2:25. - pony race followed. Some good trotters and racers are on the ground. A big attendance is prom- V ! - - 't V y s ?.v v $P ABOVE SARGO. OWNED BY T. R. HOWITT, WI.VXISG 2:30 TROTTING RACE. BEI.OW PERCHEROJV STAL LION, ONE OF MANY HEAD OF FINE LIVESTOCK SHOWN. Francisco, was a shipment of 100 tons of wool, considerable canned goods and miscellaneous stuft', while she will load 200 tons of canned salmon at Astoria. Coming to load lumber for the return the steamer Saginaw has entered in ballast from San Francisco. The steamer Yellowstone left Linnton last night to finish her lumber load at Ka-lama. Captain J. Ernst, of the Hamburg- American liner Brisgavia, was master of the steamer Aragonia, of the same flag, during four yenrs she plied be tween this port and the Far East un der charter to the Portland & Asiatic Steamship Company. On her return from Balboa the new Grace liner Colusa arrived irr the liar bor yesterday afternoon and will load lumber and powder that made up the cargo of the Norwegian steamer Thode Fagelund, which was damaged last month in collision with the German bark Thlelbek. The Thode Fagelund passed into Puget Sound yesterday aft ernoon to be repaired. Coming from Eureka with a par sed Portland s H- -hiM, i. Thnr.j... cargo of lumber, the British Eteame ' " I Manningtry is due to start working cargo at the Hammond Lumber Com BIDS IDE ON FEED Local Firms Offer 7000 Tons to Federal Government. TWO ACCiDENT VICTIMS DIE Injuries to Trainmen Jolin Spear and F. E. Fuller Fatal. Two trainmen who were hurt In ac cidents about their work died at St. mcent s Hospital yesterday morning. i ney were jonn l'. Spear. 19 years old. a fireman on the Rainier local train. wno was badly burned Sunday, when me crown sheet of his engine blew out. and F. L. Fuller, a brakeman on thej O.-W. R. Sz- X., who was badly cut euuerea an amputated: leg when ne leu between cars In the AJbina yards Monday. Spear, who was the son nf Atr an Mrs. Robert Spear, of Seaside, Or., was Mer 15. nieraij)- coo Keel Dy steam, and suf- rered most of the two days before he oiea. rTi:ier was on his first trip Tnm ne was nuri. naving been era- piojea by the railway Monday. Both bodies are In charge of the Coroner, and are being held at the un dertaking establishment of Dunning & pany s plant, at Tongue Point, today She will be dispatched for Australia. Mitsui & Co. have taken the Jap anese steamer Senju Maru to load wheat and flour here for the Orient. She will leave Moji next month with coal cargo for San Francisco and proceed here in ballast. Reports From Vessels. By Marconi Wireless. Steamer Geo. W. Fenwick, from As toria for San Diego, 20 miles south of the Columbia River at 8 P. M Septem ber 15. Steam tug Tyee. Portland for Se at'tle. with Thode Fagelund in tow, off Columbia River, at 8 P. M., Septem- Marlne Notes. v . D. Wells, recently appointed gen eral agent of the San Francisco & Port land Steamship Company to succeed J. W. Ransom, who resigned after hav ing retained the position several years, assumed charge of the office yesterday. Mr. Ransom will keep in touch with the business for a few days until the auditor's force finishes checking the aeia:is. Mr. wells was formerly with the Alaska Pacific and later with the California & Atlantic fleet. "Captain" E. R. Budd. superintendent or tne ritn division or the O.- W. R. A X.. is spending a few days between Mgler and WHlapa Harbor, looking after the relaying of new steel on parts or me Aortn lieach line. Durina- his absence Captain Works is In charge of sieamDoal matters. Captain John Roberts Is acting as master of the North Pacific steamer 1 ucatan on her present trip. Captain J-auluen being ill at San Francisco. The vessel sails tomorrow night on the return to California ports. Captain F. H. Sherman went to The Dalles yesterday as master of the uteamir Undine, succeeding Captain I. B. Sanburn. Captain E. B. Grunstad re placed Captain Sherman temporarily on me steamer bt. Johns, and Captain Harry Vahlbusch was signed on the steamer Sue H. Elmore, relieving Cap tain O. F. Antonsen. James Healy. master mechanic of the O.-W. K. & N. water lines, who has returned from Snake River, says that it was intended to launch the steamer Spokane at Riparia yesterday, after a thorough overhauling. There is a two foot stage of water there, but until it la felt certain the depth above zero is to be depended on the vessels will not resume operation. George Shea, of Ludlow, Wash., one vt the old-time stewards on the steamer T. J. Potter, was in the city yesterday. Ho has not resided here for 13 years, and is now engaged In the hotel busi ness. On the American-Hawaiian steamer Paralso, which sailed last night for San Steamer China, San Francisco to the Orient, 1103 miles west of Hono lulu, at 8 P. M., September 14. Steamer Lansing, from Honolulu to Hilo. arrived at Hilo 5 A. M., Septem ber 14. Steamer Manchuria, San Francisco to the Orient, 1547 miles from San Fran cisco, at 8 P. M., September 14. Steamer Atlas, San Francisco to Portland, 52 miles north of San Fran cisco, at 8 P. M., September 15. Steamer Vance. San Pedro to Port STEAMER INTELLIGENCE Due t Arrive. Name. From. Date. Bear Loi Anitsles. . In port Tucataa. . . ; .. .San Dlso. . . . In port ureaKwater. .. .coos Bay api. it Rose City Sn Pedro Sept. 19 Sue H. Elmore. Tillamook Sept. 21 Roanoke .San Die-. . . . Sept. 21 Alliance Eureka Sept. 2$ Beaver loa Angeles. . Sept. 24 To Depart Nam. For. Data. Harvard S. F. to L. A. . Sept. IT Yucatan San Francisco Sept. 17 Klamath Fan Dlero Sept. 18 t'arlos San Francisco Sept. 10 Bear Lo Ancelea. . hept. 13 Breakwater. .. .Coos Bay Sept. 19 Tale -S. K. to U A.. Sept. 19 Sue H. Elmore. Tillamook. .. .Sept. 23 Rose city. .... .Ixs Angeles. . Sept. 24 Hoanoke. ..... .San Diego. ... Sept. 24 Alliance cooiSiy tept. - Beaver Los Angeles. .Sept. 29 European and Oriental Service. Nam. From. Date. Prltavla Hamburg. ... In port UcKermark. . .. xiamburg Oct. z C Ferd Laeisz. Manila Nov. 4 Andaluala. .... Hamburg. .. . Dec. A Elthonla Hamburg Dec SI Name. For. Data. Btiigavla London Sept. 18 L'Ckermark.... Hambune. . . . Oct. 8 Veatalla Hamburg. ... Oct. 8 c f erd Laeisz. Manila jnov. a Andalusia Hamburg.... Deo. 10 Slthonla ..Hamburg.... Jan. 7 VESSEL MAY LOAD HERE If Sale Is Made Pressure Will Be Brought to Have Shipment for Philippine Islands Put Board Ship In Portland. on Of 15,000 tons of stock feed wanted by the Government from the North west for the use of the Army in th Philippines, Portland firms bid only on 7000 tons of oats. The lowest proposal was for 1500 tons of the cereal, the re quest for prices on hay being ignored. It was understood that a transport would be sent here to load the stuff if the amount purchased was 4000 tons or over, but If the 1500 tons of oats is accepted a strong effort is to be made to have the War Department assign a vessel to load it here. The Northern Grain & Warehouse Company bid S31 a ton for the oats, Alters Bros, bid $31.90 and Kerr, Glf ford & Co., $32, while Albers Bros, also bid at Seattle on the same business $31.50 a ton. The low bid only applied to 1500 tons while Albers Bros, and Kerr, Glfford & Co. agreed to furnish thi; entire amount of oats wanted. Colonel A. W. Yates, quartermaster s coips, U. s. A., and executives oi tne Ctamber of Commerce have worked in unison to prevail on Portland grain men to make a strong effort to obtain Government business so that purchases would be sufficient to justify dis patching a transport here. The trans- nott Dix is to get away rrom Puget Sound next month and she was to have been ordered to Portland to load the ferd. Bids have been sent to Washing ton :nd if Portland gets the award pressure w.111 be brought to bear to have the oats loaded at this port. land, 47 miles north of Point Arena at i P. M., September 15. Steamer Camino, San Francisco to Portland. 50 miles north of Point Reyes, at 8 P. M.; September 16. Steamer losemite. San Francisco to Portland, off Mendocino at 8 P.' M, September 15. Steamer Ramon, Astoria' to San Francisco, off Blunts Reef at 8 P. II.. September 15. LOW WATER RATES ATTRACT Some Foreign Masters Reported to Be t'nappreclutive. Masters of steam schooners who have customarily obtained water at San Francisco for drinking and cooking purposes report that since such low water charges have been placed In ef fect here many are discontinuing pat ronlzing the waterboat within the Golden Gate or working water while at docks, and plan to fill their tanks here. In so doing they not only reap the benefit of lower rates, but are given what is regarded as the best water on the Coast. Members of the harbor patrol force. which has to do with delivering hose so that ships can be reached from hydrants on and near docks, say that masters of foreign vessels are not as appreciative of Bull Run water as coasting skippers, for they grudginc- y assign sailors to assist In stretch ng' hose across grain docks where it is necessary to make it fast to rafters overhead so as not to Interfere with men trucking grain. It has been found that the-only plan to follow Is to refuse to give water to vessels where help is denied to handle the gear. STARK-STREET HOCSE LEFT Fire Company Moves to Make Room for Motorboat Pier. ' No longer will echoes In the vicinity of the foot of Stark street be awakened by midnight alarms and the clatter of j horses' feet as they rush from their stalls to positions in front of the ap para t us, for the temporary station there wa3 abandoned yesterday to make room for the new motorboat landin and pier being erected under the super vision of the Commission of Public Docks. The rear half of the station will be torn away at once and th front portion as soon as the space I needed. Some Tiaterial being excavated at the foct of the slip, where heavy foun dations will stand. Is being dumped into the river so that the resting plac or piling will be made more secure when the weight of concrete and steel Is centered thereon.' More material is deposited on the river bank that will be filled about the foundation on higher ground. Sewers there are to be ex tended through the face of the pier into deep water, so they will be sub merged when the stream is at its low est stage. ARABIErr LOADED PROMPTLY Danish Steamer Making Last Visit Here in Present Trade. In loading 475,000 feet of lumber aboard the Danish steamer Arabien7"at Inman-Poulsen's mill Sunday, long shoremen have set a new mark for Sunday work that was not planned in advance, such as on the occasion of loading the Grace liner Colusa at the Portland mill several weeks ago. Can tain Raun, of the Arabien, spoke of the result yesterday in a flattering manner and said that if no delays were experienced the ship would finish Sat urday. The Arabien shifted last evening from the Portland mill to the plant of tne JMorth Faclnc Lumber Company. She had about 2,000,000 feet aboard Mon day and is expected to have In excess of 4.000,000 feet when ready to sail which will give her a draft of 26 feet. This will be the last voyage of the Arabien under charter to the China Im port & Export Lumber Company and arter discharging at. Shanghai she is to proceed to Vladivostock and load beans for Copenhagen. VESTALIA FOULS HER WHEEL Liner Leaves Coast Monday on VoT' age Across Pacific! Through the fact one of her mooring lines fouled hnr propeller the Royal Mail liner Veatalla was held at Tacoma several hours Monday until a diver could disengage the seven-inch Man 11 rope. She got away at 5 o'clock in the afternoon for the Far East and Manila with Portland and Puget Sound cargo, Movements of other vessels In the Royal Mail service are chronicled from the office of Frank Waterhouse & Co., agents of the line on the North Pacific Coast, as follows. Vestalia, sailed from Tacoma for Orient. September 15; Den of Ruthven, at Portland; Den of Crombie, sailed from Yokohama coast ports. September 8; Den of Glamis, due to arrive at Vic toria October 28; Hartington, to load at Seattle for Manila only. 3 MALM CRAFT BEIXG REPAIRED Etna Being Rehabilitated and Eva Is Due for Overhauling. Vessels of the mosquito fleet are largely occupying the attention of the force at Supple s yards, there being a lull temporarily in Jobs on larger car riers. The little sternwheeler Etna, of Lewis River fame. Is on the ways being overhauled, and the big launch Eva will be hauled out today for repairs. Work is about ended on the latest marine venture . of Captain Henricl, which is a passenger launch to be used on the run formerly covered by the Mildred H. The new vessel was start ed by Mr.- Supple for the purpose of testing out gasoline engines, but was deemed too small, so it was disposed of. 70-foot hull, built for the same pur pose, has been equipped with a heavy duty engine and trials will begin in about a week. Elmore to Be Overhauled. Plans under consideration for re pairing and overhauling the' steamer Imp ortan t-Annou ncemen' Beginning September 21, IS 13 The Oregforaian Will Add to Its Other Features the A Beautifully Printed Magazine, Brimful of Fiction and Special Articles by the Most Prominent Authors and Writers in the United States, and Illus trated by the Leading Artists of America, Will Come to You for the First Time With the Sunday Edition of Sept 21, and Twice Each Month Thereafter AUTHORS Richard Harding Davis, Owen Johnson, Lillian Bennet - Thompson, James Hopper, Maurice Le Blanc, Hesketh Prichard, Grace Sartwell Mason, Grace MacGowan Cooke, Mabel Herbert Urner, George Fitch, George Pattullo, Wallace Irwin, Carolyn Wells, Edna Ferber, Morgan Robertson, Edgar Saltus and many others. ARTISTS Howard Chandler Christy, Charles Dana Gibson, W. T. Smedley, Albert Sterner, C. Coles Phillips, J. N. Marchand, B. Cory Kilvert, E. P. Upjohn, Charles Sarka, Paul Branson, William Oberhardt, Harry Stoner, William M. Chase, John W. Alexander, Andre Castaigne, Harrison Fisher, Franklin BoDth, Adrien Machefort, and many others. SPECIAL ARTICLES-r-Hon. Champ Clark, Samuel Merwin, Arthur I. Street, Admiral Dewey, H. Addington Bruce, Edward Lyell Fox, Harris Dickson, William J. Flynn, C. W. Mears, Brander Matthews, Vance Thompson, David Starr Jordan, Eugene Wood, Cushing Stetson, David Belacso, Alphonse Bertillon, Harry Merton Lyon, Felix Diaz, and many others. These Authors, Artists and Special Writers are all contributing to the highest class and highest-priced monthly and weekly magazines published in the United States, and their united efforts, more than anything else, have combined to build up these great publications. We now offer this same class of superior literature to you, with our regular Sunday edition, twice each month. A glance at the contents of the September 21 issue, the Koniance Num ber of the Senii-Monthly Magazine, packed with twenty pages of humor, love stories, articles and pictures of a romantic tang, by Helen Green Van Campen, Kate Masterson, David "War field, Lillian Bennet-Tliompson, Carl Crow, Richard Le Gallienne, Armand Both, Henry J. Teek and others. "The Big Ballad Hit," by Helen Van Campen. Illustrations by C. F. Miller. "The Theater Nuisance," by David War field. "The Girl With a Past,',' by Kate Master son. Illustrations by Armand Both. "Retrospection, by Richard Le Gallienne. "Teamwork in the Flowery Republic," by Carl Crow. "Fetters," by Lillian Bennet-Thompson. Illustrated by Wilson Dexter. "What Next!" Cover design by Henry J. Peck. "New Wrinkles." Big Features Great Authors Remember the Date, Sept. 21st Order From Your Newsdealer Today Now Sue H. Elmore, which has been on the Portland-Tillamook route almost con stantly since she was built in 1900, in clude a new boiler and considerable other work in her fire and engine room. . Tho Elmore sailed yesterday for the Coast harbor with an average cargo. When work will start on her depends on a decision as to what type of boiler will be selected for installation. The vessel has had an uneventful career other than the fact she has weathered all sorts of conditions on the Coast. She is 90.7 feet long, has a beam of 23.8 feet and depth of hold of eight feet. The Elmore interests also oper ate the gasoline schooners Patsy and Tillamook. morning. The crew was paid off yes terday. They signed here for the round voyage to Antofogasta, and the vessel will be loaded with lumber again for the same destination. SCHOOLS AND COLLEOES. JETTY PIjAXT TRANSFER FAST If Channel Is Open Rock Can Be Dumped November 1.' Boilers that were used on the Fort Stevens dock for supplying power in operating derricks handling rock, the entire carpenter shop maintained there,' as well as the machine shop and build ings, are ready to be transferred across the bay to Fort Canby for service on the north jetty project, and Major Mc Indoe. Corps of Engineers, U. S. A., .ex pects them to be sent across the water today and tomorrow. Considerable equipment and material has already been moved. The work of re-establishing the big plant on the opposite side of the Co lumbia's entrance has progressed to such an extent that should the channel around Sand Island be completed the task of dumping rock on the north side could be inaugurated about No vember 1. Marine Notes. One of two steel suction dredges under way for the Corps of Engineers, U. S. A., at the O.-W. R. & N. "bone yard" will be launched October 1, ac cording to present plans. To begin working outward cargo, the Hamburg-American liner Briagavia shifted last evening from the North Bank dock to that of the Portland Flouring Mills Company. She having been lined preparatory to receiving wheat, the British steamer Bellucia hauled over yesterday from the Eastern & Western mill to the ele vator. Work on the schooner W. H. Marston having been completed, she will be shifted from the Port of Portland dry- dock to the North Pacific mill this Mfcer's Friend in Every Hom3 Comfort and .Safety Assured Before the Arrival of the Stork- In thousands of American homes there is a bottle of Mothers Friend that has aid ed many a woman fS3SSM through the trying fyTM ordeal, saved ner irom C&vJr! suffering and nam. fefS! kept her in health in Sri advance o f baby's vrii7a Yminf nun hnri a wonderful influence in developing a love ly disposition in tho child. Movements of Vessels. PORTLAND, Sept. 16. Arrived British ateamer Colusa, from Victoria; steamer Oli ver J. Olson, from Pan Francisco. Sailed Steamer Pue H. Elmore, for Tfllamook; Ger man bark Wandsbek, for Queenstown oi Falmouth for orders. Astoria, Kept. lb. Arrived at 2 A. M. British steamer Colusa, from Victoria. Sailed at 12:30 P. M. Schooner Irene, for Tasmania. Sailed at 10:15 A. M. Steamer Oleum, for Port San Luis. Sailed at 3 P. M. Steamer Alliance, for Coos Bay and Eu reka; steamer Paraiso, for San Francisco. Arrived at 4:40 and left up at 0:30 P. M. Steamer Oliver J. Olson, from San Francisco. San Francisco, Sept. 10. Arrived at 1 A. M. Steamer Jim Butler ; at 3 A. M. Steamer Olympic; at 0 A, M. Steamer Bea ver. from Portland; at 2 P. M. Steamer Rose City, from San Pedro: at 3 P. M. Steamer San Ramon, from Portland. Sailed last night Steamers Maverick, Atlas, Northland and O. M. Clark, for Portland. Coos Bay, Sept. 16. Sailed at noon Steamer Breakwater, for Portland. Tatoosh, Sept. 3rt. Passed in Norwegian steamer Thode Fagelund, from Portland for Seattle. Ipswich, Sept. 13. Arrived French bark Vendee, from Portland. Astoria, Sept. l.". Arrived down at 6 and sailed at :30 P. M. Norwegian steamer Thode Fagelund, for Seattle, in tow tug Tyee. Arrived down at 7:30 P. M. Barken tlne John Palmer. Raymond, Wash., Sept. l(t. (Soecial.) Steamer Helene, from San Francisco, ar rived S P. M. September 13. San Francisco. Sept. 1ft. Arrived Steamers Quinault. from "Wiliapa; Lehua, from Unalaksa; Wilhelmlna, from Honolu lu! Jim Butler. Olympic, from Astoria; Beaver, from Portland; bark Pactolus, from Naknek; schooner Henry "Wilson. from Bristol Bay. Sailed Steamer City of Pueb la, for Victoria. Sharpness. Sept. l.l. Arrived Steamer , Lord Derby, from Portland. Or., vip. Lota. Sydney, Sept." 16. Arrived previously j Steamer Ventura, from ean Francisco. I Seattle, Wash., Sept. 1H. Arrived Steamers Hornot. Oovernor, from San Fran cisco. Sailed Steamers Umatilla, Admiral Farraffut, for San Francisco; Cordova, for Southwestern Alaska; Vestalia (British), for Yokohama. Vancouver. B. C. Sept. 3fl. Arrived Steamer Empress of Japan (British), from Yokohama. Tides at Astoria Wednesday. KusinessTrade Schools Accountancy Automobile Hook keeping Carpentry Concrete Const. Electricity I'harnuu y D y Schools "Now k'inninR Night Pchool Start friept. 22 V. M. C. A., 6th and Taylor Streets. Call or Send for Catalogue. Plumbing Kalrnmanfthlp Mi ow -card ritlng Surveying Telegraphy Dis. WlreleiM Teleg- rapny Electrical Schools ElertrirHl Kniilniwrlne. 3000 EqlUpmrnt. KlrotrleltT a a Vocation. Vlrrlr Tflfwrnphy. Telexraphy and Tralu DUpaichlas. I)ar hrhooIA Now Running ''ht . . i i n wnt 1. Corner 6t d1ytora C.llcr gand lorCUloy Hleh. IMS A. 51.. 1:M P. M. . Low. ...7. feetlR:00 A. r 1.7 feet ..US feet8:81 P. M 1.0 foot Auto mobile School flO.OOO Equip ment. I. frhol Repair Practice. II. Theory fo nt ruction. III. Road L07 flon. A comlnr Pro fession Call or Send for C'ata logur Y. M. C. A. 6th and Taj lor Strerts. There is no other remedy so truly a heir to nature. It relieves the pain and discom fort caused by the strain on the ligaments. makes pliant those fibres and muscles which nature is expanding- and soothes the in flammation of breast glands. Mother s J) nend is an external remedy. and not only banishes all distress in ad vance, but assures a speedy recovery for the mother. Thus she becomes a healthy woman with all her strength preserved to tnorougoiy enjoy tne rearing or her child. Mother's Friend can be had at anv druz store at $1.00 a bottle. Write to Bradfield Regulator Co.. 22S Lamar Bldg., Atlanta. Ga., for their free book, .Write to-day. It is "most instructive. Get lihe Genuine See that the seal on the bottle von buv is unbroken. That is vour pro tection in getting the pure, unadulter ated tonic stimulant that has been made for over 62 years For Medicinal Purposes Only. If you expect to obtain the benefits that this great remedy gives be sure you take only Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey and that when buying it you receive none of the many imitations of this renowned medicine now on the market You readily understand that where your health is concerned Substitutes Are Dangerous Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey is made for medicinal pur poses only. It is of a higher stanaara oi puriiy usa is required by the U. S. Pharmacopoeia and is the only whiskey taxed as a meuicnio ij mjo tiovernment during tne apanisu . Sold by drusrirftB. grocer, dealer, at ll.O) bottle. II, Duffy Mah WkiWey Co KocJuEr. s