THE MORNING- OREGONIAN, iVEDNESDAY, SEPTE3IBER 17, 1913. 17 FOB RENT. Apartments. OCR FREE AUTOMOBILE AT YOLK bEKVICE WHW .Aj'AK'AJli.Al'o. Furnished and unfurnished apartments, rrum 2 to o rooms, noiu $15 to $07. go Ser month. It you want one. telephone lain aula. Sundays, or Aiuli. Evenings call Mr. Balden, Maxsuail liso. Out automobile will call at any address with our agent, who will be glad to show these apartments. References required. We own or control the following: Cecilia, 22d and GUsan sts. ClaypooU 11th and Clay sts. Columbia, Illh and Columbia, Ford ham. 17v Ford, ilauiliorn, -10 12Lh St., near Main, llauover. Kiiir St., near Washington. Knickerbocker, 410 Harrison, near Xltli. Oraerleigh, orana ave, bu Clair, 1T0 St. Clair St., near Wash. St. Francis. 21st and Hoyt sis. Wellington, ltith and Everett sts. UOKGAN. FL1ED.NEK & BOYCH. 603-50G Akingtun Bldg. HIGHLAND COURT APARTMENTS, 2d and Gllsan streets. Walking Distance. Beautiful front 5-room furnished apart ment, with sleeping porcn that can be used the year around. References Required. Marshall 3102. T0B DAVIS STREET. APARTMENTS. On Davis St. at Head of King Ft. 7-story, reinforced concrete, absolutely fireproof building. 4 to v-room unrurnisnea apartments. All modern conveniences. Including fire places, maids rooms with batn, tuea nain. rooms, elevator service day and night, etc. Phones A 4Uo(i, Marshall 5537. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS The House of Tone, largest and finest apart lEenEi on the Pacific Coast: In heart of apartment-house district; new and mod ern in every; spar.meui. iuf slshed and unfurnished: exclusive bache lor quarters with clubrooms In south wing; sleeping porches In every apart ment; high-class service, refined clientele; no disaDDearine furniture: terms reason able; inspection invited: referencea re quired. Phone Marshall HOC THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving sta This new four-story brick now open; fur nished and unfurnished in 2. 3 and 4 room suites; reception hall: electric auto matic elevator. Holmes disappearing beds, built-in buffet and writing desk, gas range. Ice box. plenty of closet rooms; both phones, vacuum cleaner free to pa trons. If you want something nice, come to the Barker. Phone A 1744, Marshall iMl. LUCRETIA COURT. Situated on Lucretfa it, 10O feet north of Waahlngton st., in an open court In the best residence district, within walk lnr distance: finest unfurnished apart ments. 2 to 5 rooms, tiee them before lo cating; rates reasonable; references. Man ager, Marshall lol.i; Janitor, Marshall 1500k THS "VTH E EI-DO N ANNEX Corner Tenth and Salmon sts. Walkinir Distance. Furnished complete, 2. 3 and 4-room apartments; building new and strictly mooem; service nrst-ciass. VILLA ST. CLARA 12th and Taylor. Most modern apartments on the Pacific couw urnisnea complete. Roof carden In cunection. "Walking distance. References. XKELEK APTS., I4th and Clay Beautiful 3 and 4-room unrumishtsj apartments, new oricK Diug.; electric elevators; reierences. THE WINSTON 341 14th at. at Market. New. two and three-room apartments, completely furnished; walking distance; prices reasonable. Phone Main 17;W. iBW YORK. APTS., nicely furnished, very central, j and 3 rooms, large kitchens, fcaths, heat, light atl both phones; $lti to S-3 per month; also sleeping rooms. East 7th and Belmont. ' EEE the Overton Apartments, furnished and unfurnished, cheapest and best in the city; private -nhone. bath and electric elevator; no inside rooms; new manager. Take W car. 274 21st and Overton. THE PARK HURST. North 20th and Northrup Sts. Homelike furnished 8 and 4-room apart, inents; outside rooms; balcony to every suite; all conveniences; rcf. Phone M. 1178 GRANDEST A East Stark and Grand ave.; new building, nicely furnished; private phones and baths, automatic elevator; moderate prices; walking distance. Phone East 2v8. X ROOMS furnished, reasonable rent In cluding light and water. Beech Apart ments, "W illiams ave. and Beech at. Phone Woodlawn 179S. HlSLOr HALL Hawthorne and E. 6th st 1, 2 and 3-room furnished, modern apart ments; servico first-class, unexcelled car service, or walking distance. HALSEY COURT. 300 Williams ave., nicely furtshed 2 an 8-room apt. Private bath and phone, S18 up; walking distance. East 3273. THS MUNCEY APARTMENTS, 3iX Clay are under new management. Furnished, unfurnished and sleeping; apartments; service first-class. Llnnolrce Hurlaux. Mgr. ROSE.VFELD APARTMENTS. East 14th and Stark, opposite "Wash ington High School, fine new 3-room fur- nisneq apartment ; references. S-ROOM MODERN APTfc., S22.50. Largs outside rooms, comnleteiv fur nished; table and bed linen; on ML Tabor car. Fnona B 3041, Tabor 2t3. MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS. Third and Montgomery; new, modern ouisias, i urnisnea a-room apartments, ele vator; close In; S2i to 9i0. aln 9466L THE SAN MARCO. Nicely fur. and unfux. 3-room mod. apts.; private bath and phones; walking ROOSEVELT 5 rooms, heat and hot water, nicely arranged, So2.50 per month. Port land Trust Co.. or janitor, trts Kearney uu ib; BIM. BELLAH APTS. 3 rooms, modern, neatly furmsaed apartments, steam heat; rent j.o v cKiomore ana cuion. fiione w oooiawn o&zv. THE DEZEXDORP. 208 16th. nesr Taylor. Main 4795. Oam elegantly furnished 6-room apt. . Ont 3-room unfurnished apt. ANGELA APTS. 89 Trinity Place, 2. 3 and 4-room f ur nisnea apartments; private bath and tele phone; modern. HAMMERSLEY COURT. 230 12ih, bet. Main and Madison. Private baths, modern, close to P. O. Bachelors' apts. cared for, low prices; nicely furnished. Mar. 2062, A 293. LbEDS APTS. 2, 3 and 4-room furnished apartments, modern and all conveniences; absolutely fireproof; $13 to $J0; also aln gle rooms. 210 Market st. KINGSBURY, Ford, near Washington ats. High-class, unfurnished apartments, 3 rooms with private balcony; reasonable rent. LINCOLN APTS.. -4TH AND LINCOLN. All outsWs 2-room fur. apts.; low rates tnrlude free light, heat, private phone, S' or 16th-st. car south. Main 1377. MADISON PARK APARTMENTS Park si., at Madison. Modern 3 and 4-room furnished apart menta by the week or month. FOUR -ROOM steam - heated apartment: modern, exclusive. Cottel Drug Co 1st and Sherman. TO LEASE Complete, beautifully furnished five-room apartment. Apply Grace Apart pienta, 24th and Northrup sts.. Apt. 1. THB MARLBOROUGH, Nob Hill district six-room apartment; every convenience,. enons .Main iuio THE LEONARD, 3-room apartments, mod ern outside rooms 665 Bast Main. CLOSE In; 5 min. walk from P. O., 2 mod ern flats, Portland Heights, 5 rooma, Powell. Main 2S4S. Fast 5287. 6-ROom flat, $25. Lovejoy st. Vanduyn A vaiton. 615 i nam, oi com- MODERN 6-room uppr flat, rent $30. 13th st. Call 830 13th st. 4-ROOM modern flat, near 23d and Wash ington. Main S9S3. 4-ROOM modern fiat, $14; aiso 4-room house. $9. Room 1, Worcester bldg. FOR RENT Four-room modern flat. 8-0 E. Pine st. U N'FU RN'ISHED modern S-roora fiat, dose In. B'J9 Everett St., West Side. MODERN 4-room upper corner flat; porch, furnace. Phone E. 6, B 1404. EAST BURNSIDE, cor. 12th, lower flat; fine large rooms. East 2301. WEST SIDE Choice location. 6-room upper flat, attic, porches. Main 4220. 4-ROOM modern flat. 1036 Mallory ave. Ex cellent car service; Sin. 6-ROOM modern flat, fireplace. furnace, walking distance. West Side. East 2621. 415 MODERN 6-room flats, near Broadway bridge. E. 4421. 6 FLATS, clossj in. Inquire ISO 16th at. FOR BENT. Flats. MOOLAN 4-room unfurnlshesd upper tiat. ?as range, linoleum In kitchen and bath, urnace concealed bed. large porches. lawn, convenient. 1040, Alblna ave., cor. tier Alberta. $18. Phone East 635. FOR RENT Two lower 7-room flats. 148 I Karth 24th a . &4i 1.1R North 24th St.. $45. Beparate' buildings; fine' lawn and light la every room; select location, reiei -ences. B.Rnnu run mi..n .r near 23d-sL car; new, modern, convenient; hardwood floors, fireplace and furnace ; select neigh borhood. Morsan. FUedner & Boyce, 503 Ablngton bldg. $;!0 1-room modern flat, front porch, steam heat, hot and cold water, janitor service, unfurnished. Inquire at Upshur Apts., 26th and Upshur. . 2 UP-TO-DATE. ( large rooms, upper flats; all outside rooms; sleeping porch; wire place; hotwater heating. 655 E. Madison st.. E 2S4. 6-ROOM modern flat, upper, choicest loca tion. Inquire at 424 -Washington st, or 17S 16th st- MODERN upper live-room fiat, sleeping porch, electric light and gas. furnace, walking distance. West Side. Main e67. $19 UNFURNISHED 3-room flat, steam heat, hot and cold water. Janitor service. Inquire Upshur Apt., 2tn and cpsnur. o-KOOM modern fiat. 766, Irving su, near 23d. Key at grocery. CLOSE-IN West Side 6-room modern flat, cheap. Main S01, Marshall 8S0. MODEKN 7-room tiat. ISO, 12th and Mill st. 4.1v JlilL Main 4013. FLAT of 6 rooms and bath. 731 Hoyt su Inquire 130 8th st Phone Main 6278. Furnished Flat. FULLY-FURNISHED flat, 1 block from I'nlon ave. 307 San Rafael. Phone East OS". Four rooms and bath, 2 double beds, water, telephone and garbage re moval Included. TWO, 3 and 4-room flats, furnished, with heat. East 1719. 664 Williams ave $J3 NICELT furnished 4-room flat, walk ing distance. 444 Rodney ave. East 4866. ilonseaeeplng Rooms. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sts. -Furnished for housekeeping; gas range, electric lights, hot water, batn, laundry free; $12 per month up; a clean place; best In the city for the money; short distance from Union Depot. Take S or JSlh-st. car north, get oft at Marshall. No dogs. NICE. well-furnished front room with kitchenette; $3 a weMtf suite 2 rooms, $3; , and suite 2 rooms. So: water In kitchens. gas range, electric lights, both phones. bath, etc. v ;orm ; near asn. st. L'NFURXidHED housekeeping rooms, brick building, never a lodging houee; respect able; save carfare. 211 Second, corner Salmon. SI. 60 TO $2.75 week; clean, furnished house keeping rooms. auuaDie ior or ; iree beat; laundry, bath, yard. gas. Phone B. 600 ft. 406 Vancouver. 2U3 Stanton. U car. THE MONTGOMERY, East 8th and East Morrison; furnished Housekeeping suites; reasonable. THE UPSHUR. 406) 20th st. Furnished 2- room apts.. steam neat, tignt: si up. Main SOU. Take 3. 23d or W car north, NEW furnished housekeeping rooms; heat i:gnt. oatn. iio. iioa Lnion. FURNISHED h. k. rooms cheap. Cambridge bldg., 3d, cor. Morrison, phone Main 143. THE OILMAN. 1st St., cor. Alder Furnished housekeeping rooms. fl.M) week up. Housekeeping: Rooms la Private Family. BEFORE looking for rooms; housekeeping; I mrmsneu sua ufliumisneu, in rntiio iaia- n; . Ann la,. 2t W9 aV9 10U Ume' troUblHM".n.ER,?5.r9ra39hthUSaVSblE:k PORTLAND RENTAL BUREAU, EOS Broadway Bldg. Main 221E. 2-itOOM suites and single housekeeping rooms, $10 per month up; newly furnished, modern dwelling; best West Side apart ment district; clean, light rooms, every thing Included. ttoo ianaera, near utn. BASEMENT suite, 4 rooms and bath, nicely furnished. Including piano. One large room with kitchenette, 271 Broadway. PLEASANT room and sleeping porch, 40th. Belmont sts.; completely furnished, mod ern, free phone, lights, bath, piano. Tabor 1113, Main 3tt"2. 2i N. 19TH. near Marshall; 2 large, light housekeeping rooms, nicely furnished, elec tric lights, steam heat, gas,1 bath and phone. THREE furnished h. k. rooms, 1 or 2 girls employed; 6 mo. w. car to itaieign, one block north. SOI Savier st. VERY laree clean basement room, com pletely furnished. 312 Columbia su, near btti at. FURNISHED front room, ground floor, wita kitoiien privilege ror getting Dreasiiast. G4y 8d st. Phone Main 7;J4T. 2 AND 8 nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, all modern, $io ana si s. montn. 1717 Portsmouth ave. NICELY furnished apt., houselseeplng if desired; ail conveniences; absolutely clean. 265 33th. FOR RENT Desirable unfurnished house keeping rooms, walking distance, inquire Drugstore. 394 Bth THREE nice unfurnished, housekeeping rooms, close m, reasonable, uf nouaaay avenue. NICELY furnished two connecting front housekeeping-rooms. $io per montn; also nice room. S9 all conveniences. 370 12th. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms; strict ly modern. 7 ueimoni st. ior partic ulars. East 6175. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, modem, close in, rent reasonable. Broadway. DON'T search; exceptionally well furnished H. K. suites, modern. 40i jenerson. THREE attractive front rooms, or 3 adults. 1Kk Yamhill. EXTRA fine housekeeping rooms. Just va cated; S:i up. 2i2 14th. NICE, neat housekeeping rooms. $1.50 and up. fnone juarsnau aooo. BURNISHED H. K. Rooms, lower floor, modern. 690 E. Burnside. 304 SALMON, 2 desirable rooms, furnished for housekeeping; single H, K room. 2 AND 3 housekeeping rooms, well furnish ed, rent reasonable. S80 11th et. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, 781 Kearney St.. hot-water heat; reasonable. DANDY' large housekeeping room for couple; close In; homelike place. 251 Broadway. HOUSEkKEJEFING room; gas range, phone, bath. 7V N. loth, near Davis. FOR RENT. 6 room and bath, 47th and Division sts., $25. 8 rooms and bath, Mt. Tabor, facing city, 850. 5 rooms and bath, furnished, William ette Hts., $55 HAMMOND MORTGAGD CO., 4 2:f-4'J4 Chamber of Commerce. FIVE -ROOM house, modern In every way. within 15 minutes' warning instance rrom town; carllne runs by the door; rent $23.50 per month. AK 873, Oregonian. 6-ROOM cottage, central West Side, to be vacated Monday, the 2 2d. Call 328 Park street. MODERN bungalow, 6 rooms and sleeping porch, hot water heat. 1841 Nash ton iL, East St. Johns. Marshall 4 MODERN" 7-room house. West Side: full basement, furnace with water cou. rnone Main 4607; A 4b89. FOR RENT 6-room house tn good se dition, zoo wnitakcr st. ney at Front at. s.40 10-ROOM house. 425 Broadway. $20. at 320 Failing st., a room a i xl. ssoor 817 Board of Trade. bOUBLE house. Montgomery street. Fourth. 22 rooms, $05. li. A. noimes, eua Beck bldg. Main 6552. FOR RENT New six-room house, all mod ern, 1 block from carllne. oji center at Sellwood car, or phone Tabor 8081. FOR RENT 6-room modern house, fine neighborhood. Main 9-ROOM house, corner, newiy tinted, pa pered ; 55 Main; reasonable. Main I94Q. TO RENT 7-room house, 2446. 321 Wasco, East TWO cottages with modern convenience for rent, cheap. Phono Tabor 777. HOUSE for rent near Washington High School. 6&0 Belmont. FOR RENT New eight-room house, fire place. 600 Montgomery st. COTTAGE. 126 17th st. North, near Gllsan; key at No. 88 North 16th st. 8-ROOM house; fireplace, choice IocaUoq near Park; rent $35. 356 Montgomery st. MODERN 6-room house. $20, Phone Wood lawn 1799. FURNITURE of 9-room house cheap If taken at once; house for rent. 45 22d st. N. GOOD 8-room house, reasonable to perma ngnt tenants; walking distance. E. 8810. $16 5-room cottage in good condition, 95 E. Stark st. IRVINGTON 9 rooms, very modern, well lo cated; rent 150. Phone East 3224, MODERN 5-room upper fiat. 6th and Sher man sts. Rent 2. Main 867. 853 MISSOURI AVE. 6-room house, $16 per month. 855 MISSOURI AVE. 5-room house, $14 pet month. Phone Wdln. 202. TO 9-room house to rent Swank, -Northwest bldg. reasonable. 1 FOB BENT. A 5-ROOM bungalow on Belmont, near 31st; fine 6tf-foot lawn, lots of rosea and fruit trees; inlaid linoleum in batn ana aitcneu. also gas range ana water neater; gooa iur. nace and oVt cords of wood In basement; on a 8-mlnute car service; S2o per month. $5 more If you want use of garage on place. For keys, phone Main b68 or call on COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, 18-19 Board of Trade Bldg. 12-ROOM home for residence only, !arg grounds, excellent location; west iae. GEO. D. 6 CHALK. Main 192. A ?S82 223 Stark st. Sl50 FOR a new, 4-room bungalow, hard wood floors, disappearing bed, buffet, cooler, jras range and heater; cor. E. 13th and Webster, one block north of Alberta car. Blanchard & Clemson. 702-3 Selling bldg. PLEASANT 6-room cottage, bath, basement, electric lights, large yard, $16. ' Also modern fruniflhed cottaire at Sea side; two months or for Winter. Phone Tabor 2317. IBVIXGTOX RESIDENCE Colonial residence, 10 rooms, modern in every respect; finish mahogany and white enamel; will lease furnished or unfurnished to right family. Phone A BB41. MUnoMi. GOOD modern house, 8S1 Frances ave., close to school, with barn, nice shade trees; good location; two blocks from Woodstock . carllne. $25. 218 Lumbermen', bldg. 4-ROOM house, all modern conveniences, large vard, with shrubbery. Inquire 765 E. 39th su Take "WW" car north two blocks. 6-ROOM house, beautiful lawn; must be seen to be appreciated, nzn Lovejoy Be tween 10th and 20th. Bjelland, grocer, 18th and Marshall. Main 1867. $25. NEW, modern- 6-room house; fireplace, furnace, sleeping porch. 845 Weldler, cor. E. 81st sc N. F. V. Andrews & Co.. 616 Ablngton bldg. Main 1878. $27.60. WORTH $40, 7 ROOMS, MODERN SU.NGALOW; LAUKLl.llL.Aai; VaUUlJ TERMS FOR PURCHASE. MARSHALL 4200. A 7158. FOR RENT 6-room house. 42l San Rafael St.; bath, gas. electricity; good Dasenient 10 minutes' walk to Broadway bridge. In quire 435 E. 7tn at. jkprtn. DESIRABLE houses and flats for rent, all parts city. NATIONAL- REALTY A INV. CO. Main 6129. 5-ROOM house, strictly modern, furnace, as. electricity. sleeping porcn. nice loca tion. Phone Wood lawn 197, East Side, near Alberta st. 10-ROOM modern house, furnace, hardwood floors, garage, in best resiaent aisxrici on the West Side, reasonable rent for the right party, call Main ftfi-. COKN1IR 5-room modern cottage. 674 Tog gert, cor. lvtn su: rent si. w w cw, Marshall 4317. FOR RENT Modern fi-room home In Laurelhurst. one block of car. Enders & Hartshorne, 431 Chamber of Commerce. LOOK no further; we have the key to the place you want. Hewitt Kental .Bureau, 122 Selling bldg. Main 69C0. qr RENT Six-room house on East 10th and Beacon, price S16. Apply to E. Wlllia, 603 East Vtn at. jrnone eenwooa bib. FOR one year, beautiful new suburban home, Rlverdale, hanosome grounas, gar age; rent 1M. AN 349. Oregonian. IRVINGTON 7-room modern house. large sleeping por-V. 411 E. 16th st. X. Rent SL'i.&'J. fhono 3iain suai. TWO 8-room . homes, Irvlngton. East 273, from car- Furnished Houses. IRVINGTON. 10-room strictly modern residence, of colonial design, located In very pleasan surroundings; finish Is of the best and furnishings are of period mahogany and oak, Oriental rugs, etc. Will lease to right family -without destructive children. Phone A 6U41, Main CB41. VERY desirable private home, completely furnished. In desirable and central loca tion. Beautifully furnished. House mod ern and un-to-date. Owner will In ir to ac cept room and board in part payment of rent If satisfactory to tenant. Apply 833 Overton. Tel. Mar. 1826. FURNISHED HOUSES. Willamette Heights, nicely furnished 8- room nungaiow; iirepiace, i urnace etc.; rent. S40: for rent on lease; ready Oc tober 1; for particulars apply A. H. Birrell Co., McKay blag., sa ana starit sts. FOR RENT. Furnished house, S rooms, sleeping porch, concrete earaee. 75x1 0O lot. all modern, now occupied by owner; fine location, Willamette Heights. Whitmer-Kelly Co., 70 Fourth st. FURNISHED bungalow for rent immedi ately, 6 rooms absolutely modern In every respect, beautifully furnished, will rent for 3 months; references required. S. J. Levitt. 345 K. 37th, Tabor 31SS, Kent reasonable. MODERN 3-room apartment, private baths. one UDDer and lower; eas and electricity $U0 per month, including water and tele- Phone; near s. f. snops. oi t. aist. W. R. car. FOR RENT 7-room house, completely fur nished, strictly modern, good. location, near school and two carlines, close in. Phone East eoi or a GOING TO HAWAII -Will rent our beauti fully located 7-room bungalow in Irving- ton, furnished; delightful place. Phone East 122, between 9 A. M. and 2 P. M. I COMPLETE furnished 8-room residence. All modern requisites. bb& couch st be tween ISth and 19th sts. COMPLETELY furnished modern 7-room house, 6tV3 E. Morrison st., for rent or sale. Smith, 60$ Board of Trade 321 13TH ST., corner Clay, 6 rooms, bath; all on one floor; furniture new. A 2710. A. G. Tlndolph. 855 Furnished complete, new, clean, mod ern 7-room house; furnace. 906 Hawthorne ave. WEUL-FUKN LSH ED 6-room bungalow on E. lth at., walking distance of Reed Col lege. Phone Sehwood 122. FURNISHED 5-room cottage on W. Park, 15 blocks south of Wash., $25 per month. Main 93 S 6. COMPLETELY furnished modern house, 6 rooms with sleeping porch. 1327 East 7th North; take Woodlawn car to Holman st. LOOK no further; we have the key to the place you want. Hewitt Rental Co., 622 telling bldg. Main 6960. MODERN newly furnished cottage, piano, lawn, in Sunny side; 4 'SO. Phone Tabor aio2l. 6-ROOM modern house, furnished. close In, East Side. Marshall 2432. FURNISHED house, $10 mo., Mt. Scott car. Kiriana sia., cor, -tain ave. oin su NICELY furnished clean 5-room cottage to steady reliable tenant. 863 Knott at. MODERN 6-room house, Woodlawn 1175. furnished. Phone FURNISHED modern 6-room house. 643 E. 17th st, 1 block from W-R" car. Summer Resorts. FURNISHED cottage at Saltalr for rent; 1 block from station and immediately ad joining beach; hot and cold water, beau tiful surroundings, none ) nxv. $4.00 per week, furnished house. keeper tents. Peter Schrantz, Rookaway, Ore gon. Stores, WASHINGTON-ST. store, near 19th, splen dldlv fitted for delicatessen, fancy gro cerles and liquors; surrounded by hotels and apartments; very reasonable rent; SPACE In modern basement, ventilated and well lighted; N. W. corner 4th and Alder sts.: suitable for cafeteria, printing shop, etc Morgan, FUedner & Boyce, 503 Ablngton Diag. FOR RENT 4 new stores, basement 50x60: splendid location for restaurant and bar- Der snop. o. w. corner aa ana isomers. fnone woodlawn j.8uv. CORNER store In brick building. 11th and Hawthorne, for rent. Snlendid location for first-class grocer. I R. Falrchlld, 232 bueriocK oiog. FOR RENT Stores. Nos. 248 and 250 Haw thorne ave., east end of bridge. Apply Hawthorne Dock Co. Fhone Hast ZOttfi. HEADQUARTERS FOR STORES & BLDGS. W. H. WEBB, 605 Yeon bldg. Main 4913. Washington st. FOR RENT Part of store, good location. 452 Wash. Mar. 707, A 7131. STORE building with 5 living rooms, in good location, $5.0. Main 8785. Offices. OFFICES in HEART of CITY at prices very reasonable, SUITABLE for MERCANTILE and PROFESSIONAL purposes. AR RANGED TO SUIT TENANTS. 303 Swet land bldg. $600 ROLLTOP desk, reception room, phones, etc. 723 Chamber of Commerce. DESK room; $10 per month. Both phones; vault, lavatory. 215 Oregonian bldg. Halls. LARGE steam heated ball for rent; reas- onable rent. Davis & Holman, 111 2d st. BUSINESS OPPORTrNITTES. CORNER store, fine location for grocery or home bakery; West Side. Phone Wood lawn 8322. GOOD-PAYING- cigar, fruit. Ice cream and confectionery store, established 20 years; 3 years' lease. See owner, 203 1st st. TAILOR SHOP doing good, steady business. Call 88 llth su, or Main Tllu- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. I MUST dispose of my modern apartment house at once on account of rheumatism I have a fine lease and an excellent loca tion, near Washington street and close in will take part cash or trade for property that has a staple value; price $3500. For particulars cali on my attorney, 512 Flatt oiag.. cor, park ana wasnington. WEST SIDE GROCERY. iweaicu utssb wik wi ..aouiu.kwu a l. , rent only $50 per mo.; no delivery; CASH RECEIPTS average $35 per day; will sell at INVOICE (about $1200); no trades considered. This Is some SNAP. Fur ther particulars room 618 Yeon bldg. (C379 CORNER cash store business la tired of hired help and wants Interested partner to heln lu store ana Keep plain accounts; will pay you S150 month and you may make small payment down and the bal ance out of the business. 323 Lumber Exchange. 2d and stark sts. BUYERS. ATTENTION. Do vou want to go Into business? If so. do not take the risk of going Into business that does not show merit. All our list ings are investigated and good. Come and see us. We will please you. 311 Lumber Exchange. WASHINGTON-ST. CONFECTIONERY. Big confectionery, heart of Washington St.; receipts fovo a montn; jrortiana ot ters nothing better: owner must go Oct. 1. 61 3 Yeon bldg. THE butcher must sell for cash; suburban and family location meana credit and crease means xairure. ut wise. Air. Butcher, locate where you can set th cash; no delivery; fixtures all In 133& Grand ave. Phone jtast 418. SPECIAL attention to married couple, man or woman cook, restaurant and roommt- house, full all time, low rent, lone lease, cash balance easy terms, no Interest, Come and see me. Fred Anderson, Main st., Linnton, Or. S400 A MONTH CLEAR. This is being made every month out of a wet wash laundry -which we have for sale; equipment the best ; auto delivery and three wagons; price is right, inquire pj.a icon Plug. FOR SALE Apartment house containing 42 rooms, in 3 and 4-room apartments; an rwnted; new house; ground 60x6tf 24-3 feet on corner; modern'; price $20,000, half casn; Dy owner; no agents, au urc gonian. LABOR agency wants an Interested partner to neip nanais tne Business, as owner na more work than he can handle alone; you may try the business before investing to prove tnat you can mane iou monin. -o Lumber Licnange, d ana totaric sts. G AHA OB and showroom with' srood lease. located In the heart of the city; excel lent opportunity for any one wanting to engage in tne automobile ousiness. in formation only to those who mean busi ness. AS 84S, Oregonian. TWO DANDY CONFECTIONERIES. Both coining money and exceptional hargains ; one $600, part cash ; the other $S00O cash or trade for property. (C338- B4, j At ei xeon oiag. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE. For $650, half cash, we will turn over one or the best located ana paying aei lea lessens in the city (C377) At 618 Yeon bldg. SHORTHAND la the stepping-stone to bus! n ess opportunity; expert men teachers at Y. M. C A. commercial college; terms moacrate. write or can ior catalogue. x. m. j. a., cor. tn ana layior sts. DRUG STORE SNAP. With branch P. O., on East Side; rent $25: established 6 years; invoice about $3500; trade for good real estate or country drug store. 618 Yeon bldg. PARTNER wanted for half Interest In estab lished printing business (capital $25,000), having fine record and splendid prospects. Excellent opportunity for right man. M 876, Oregonian. WHOLESALE ICE CREAM. BAKERY'. Does good business and just the propo sition zor the man who wants to do es tablished In steady business; will make good terms. Inquire 618 Yeon bldg. DRUG STORE Best suburban location, do ing choice prescription trade; cigars ana ice cream in connection; invoice less than cost. 819 Lumber Exchange bldg. FIRE INSURANCE BUSINESS for sale; large American company ; good volume unusually desirable business on books. N 824, Oregonian. RESTAURANT. On Washington at; good location, rent $o0 per month; price SloO; this is a snap. 212 Henry bldg. WELL-LOCATED grocery, making money, can try it be lore ouymg; will sen less tnan Invoice; seat of reasons; 5 living rooms. Call 24S& Stark st. GROCERY $450 for stock; fixtures in ex cellent condition included in rent, per month; a bargain for quick saTe. 310 Lumber Exchange bldg. RESTAURANT FOR $350. Well equipped and doing fine business; low rent, good location. Inquire (C250) 61S Yeon bldg. PRESSING and dye works. A-l location ; tnis firm does a Die; ousiness ana weu worth the small investment; only $250. 811 Lumber Exchange. PHYSICIAN wants locum tenens, contract. salary work or location in small town, Washington. Best of references. Can commence at once. AV 402, Oregonian. WHOLE or half Interest In best-paying mer cantile business in jNortn xaiuma. uooa reason for selling Address 4 East Yakima avenue. North Yakima, Wash. POOR HEALTH; $3500 stock of millinery, hardware and large grocery store; living room, barn and two lots, all for $3500; would take an auto. 6 339 Foster road. HOTEL for sale, furniture of 31-room hotel, only notei in town; iu.u' pC- year in come. Inquire M. B. HAINES. IONE, OR. DENTAL office for sale in small Oregon town, uooa community. r-Jice Dusmess; good reason for selling. Cheap for cash. AK 349, oregonian. POOLROOM Moneymaker; only ono in district: earnings $250 per month: fix tures all new, In best condition. 819 Lumber Exchange bldg. HOTEL, complete, In thriving Western town. Al standing1: Sbuou. part cash, bal ance time; to agents. If Interested write to AV 8oo, Oregonian. CLASS AA PICTURE SHOW. Fine West Side location: 400 onera - seats; elegant equipment tnat cost fSOOO. .Trice liiuw, soma terms, oit zeon oiag, FOR SALE Grocery store, clean stock, do ing day ousiness, 3 living rooms in connection ; t b is is a good buy ; invest! gate, a aei, oregonian. CLEAN little business, only 200 reaulred owner will sen you hair interest; can make 120 week from data of purchase. Call 24a Vs btaxk st. LUMBER YARD. Doing about $15,000 a year; on eleotrlo line near Portland; will sell for Invoice, (C271) 618 Yeon bldg. MEREST In a good paying business, with obi won carrying gooa salary; call to investigate; no pnone lniormatlon. O. C Ot. Ellis & Co.. 809 Board of Trade. BICYCLE and repair business, clears about $150 mo.; not lancy, but have the busl neaa. call mi 4tn et. BRICK automobile garage; owner is retir ing from business and will sell for $450. zzs Lumber txenange, xd and Stark sts. GROCER doing a good business; will In voice and discount for cash; about $1000 living-rooms. 303 Lumber Exchange. 86 ROOMS in 3-room apts., nicely furnished, close in; price siw, terms to suit pur chaser. 303 Lumber Exchange. FIRST-CLASS commercial hotel and bar: 70 rooms, one-half with bath, located in fine Northwest city, on, oregonian. IF you want a real bargain in a first-class tn eat market in Portland let me know. f 40, uregonian. GOOD first mortgage; a farm and some city property, to exchange for stock of mdse. up to $40,000. R 80, Oregonian. GROCERY This is a dandy place, doing splendid traae; nw, terms, oil Lumber Lxchange. WANT a man with $75 to Invest In a bus! ness with me that will pay good profits to both can at stano. p-h cth at. CLEANING and prftrsing ship for sale must be sold at once ; guarantee good prolits. loa r-ast s (in sr., near iseimont. OFFICE business, partner wanted; this don't take much money; invesaigate. Par tlculars 248 Vs Stark st. SALOON in town of 6000; 4 places; limited good stock and good business; price $2850. Address 205 Burlington st., St. Johns, Or. SALOON for sale, doing good business; Independent license; will sell cheap. Call Main 79S9 RESTAURANT and confectionery; business $50 per day; price ou; terms. iu. tz. Tripp, Independence, Or. PARTNER, mfg. business; this is an A-l chance for gooa man, en Lumber ex change. FOR SALE OR TRADE Harness and shoe repair shop in a gooa town. Address, Stone's Harness Shop, Oregon City. PARTNER wanted in labor agency; right party only considered; a Dig money-maK-fng proposition. Call 248 U, Stark at. RESTAURANT and dairy lunch, busy street, doing spienaia iraac; nnco terms. 311 Lumber Exchange. WANTED Working partner In auto repair business. A snap, k. BiU. oregonian. BARBER SHOP cheap; good location. Am leaving for Kurope. j jhz, oregonian. HALF Interest In plumbing business $150; no experience required. lapor j.4. BAHBER shop- for sale. Herbert Britton, Mabel, or. COFFEE HOUSE, dairy lunch, at once, on acount Of lit neann. izo r. xsroaaway. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES- STORE WITHOUT RENT. Confectionery, cigars, tobacco, canned goods, etc. Good West Side neighborhood, lO-room rooming-house in connection, rooms rented pay entire rent of both, which Is only $50. Snap for man and wife who are practical in these lines. O. C. R. ELLIS & CO., 809 Board of Trade. TOWNSITES In fhe Willamette Valley on the new Portland, Eugene & Eastern Rail way offer good openings for hotels, drug stores, groceries. butchers, hardware, livery stables, restaurants, bakeries, shoe makers, contractors, barbers, bank and many other lines of business. Call or write PACIFIC LAND COMPANY, 811 Journal bldg., Portland. GROCERY AND FURNITURE. Thriving Oregon town; no competition in furniture line; rent only $30 a month; 5 M years lease; sales big; for best rea sons we will sell at invoice, about $5SO0, all cash, no trade. Full particulars on this gilt-edge proposition at 61S Yeon bide. WANTED A dentist in one of the best business centers on the East Side to open up an office. There is now two doctors, one an M. D., and rooms are nicely lo cated for a dentist. The rent is right and will stand investigation. If interested see owners of building, between 11 and 3 P. M. Blanchard & Clemson, 702-3 Selling bldg. LIGHT manufactory wants Interested part ner to check goods; you may draw salary of $25 week, also good profits; you may pay $300 cash and the balance out of the business, aa owner needs a good, relia ble, sober man. 323 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark sts. OUT-OF-TOWN POOL HALL. Location excellent; 2-story frame build ing; seven living rooms. pool tables, showcases. Icebox, etc., stock of candy and cigars; building, stock and business go for $2100; good terms. (C341) 618 Yeon bldg. BUSINESS opportunities come to the stu- oents or Jt, m.. kj. a. commercial cowege, run not to make money, but for the good of men; $500,000 equipment; 10 different ousiness coursos; men teachers; terms moderate. Write or call for catalogue. Y. M. C. A., cor. 6th and Taylor, sts. WANTED In hotel business, a man to col lect the rents as partner, as owner nas other business that takes most of his time; you will draw salary of $150 a month. 323 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark sts. POOL HALL AT A BARGAIN. For only $1250 we will sell you a dandy pool hall and confectionery in good town near Portland; $3000 worth of fixtures go with this; puonc nan pays renu rariigu lars 6ia xeon oiog. ARE you looking for a bargain in down town cigar store 7 At aid, uregonian. BARBER shop, $75. Phone Tabor 2812. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED. STOCK OF MERCHANDISE WANTED. Wanted, A-l stock of goods In Oregon or wash, will give aoout $3U.ouu wortn o clear property, balance cash ; must bi clean, saleable merchandise. AP 360, Ore gonian. I WANT a stock of merchandise up to $20, 000. Will Klvo highly improved acreage, close to Portland, in pari payment. AE Hot, oregonian. ROOMING-HOUSES. HERE'S A SNAP. Bl-room aoartment in 3 rooms and pri vate Dam a. su-icuy uiwuci n uuuo". brick, built about one year and furnished with the best of everything. This is one of the places that have kept filled all Summer and shows a profit of $200 a month over all expenses. Price $3500; no trade., and If you have the money you can make $1500 reselling this, for this price is way below any other place on the market. O. C R. ELLIS & CO.. 809 Board of Trade. GOOD COUNTRY HOTEL. 21 rooms, furniture all new last year; own water and lighting system; building erected last Fall; material ana worK manshln the best: lot 100x120. on corner; only hotel in town; inconva large, expense small; price of house and lot $5000 or $3i00 cash and balance 3 years at 7 per cent. inqlre moaj oi ieon mug. h m 7 src KEEPING NO WORK. 17 rooms, beautifully furnished, best West Side district; modern home, com pletely furnished In suites and full of good paying roomers; clearing over all expenses $80 a month. Take clear lot and little cash. Extra good and a BARGAIN. O. C. R. ELLIS & CO., 809 Board of Trade. 69-ROOM HOTEL A SNAP. Finely furnished, in very best location; never offered for sale before ; Income about S120O a month; first-class grill In connection: priced low; $-4500 cash to handle. (B250) 618 Yeon bldg. Dili ell At -V,i.OXi M balance payable $25 a month, will buy newly furnished rooming and boarding house clearing over $100; lawn and fruit treees; good location, jramcuiars 618 Yeon bldg. ARE you looking for a chance to make money ? Have iurnisnings ior ov ruumo at a snap price and liberal terms; every thing the best. You'll have to hurry. Phone East 816U FURNISHINGS and lease of good hotel or apartment-house wanted up to fiz.uuu; would prefer $8000 or $9000; owners only. AD 364, oregonian. WANTED Good rooming-houses, 10 to 15 rooms, cash or easy terms; no fancy prices. Phone Main 8774. H. W. GARLAND, 191 4TH ST. 5 ROOMS, only $450; rent only $65; good lease; fine location; wortn siouu; now run by hired neip; i must lei go. jia si at. ti50 FOR $350 ($150 down); Income $75; rent $35; 10 fine rooms; biggest snap in citv today. 5S7 Washington St. 16 ROOMS, all light housekeeping, lawn 8322. Wood- 11-ROOM rooming-house, rent $30, good lo cation. 421 6th st.; no agents. FOR RENT 20-room house, close in, dress Y 875, Oregonian. Ad- SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THS UNITED STATES FOR THE DIS TRICT OF OREGON. In the matter of BARDE & LEVITT, Bankrupt. REQUEST FOR BIDS. As trustee in bankruptcy of the above entitled estate, I will receive sealed bids for the following stocks of merchandise and fixtures, formeny the property of Barde & Levitt, situated in the cities of Salem. Corvallis, uooa stiver ana uregoa City, Oregon: 1 stock of goods, wares and merchan dise, consisting of shoes, men's clothing and furnishings, hats, caps, suitcases, umbrellas, etc, together with fixtures contained in the store room formerly occupied by Barde Levitt at Salem. Oregon, said mer chandise being of the Inventoried value of $17,566.83, and said fixtures being of the Inventoried value of $1313.40. 2 Stock of goods, wares and mer chandise of the same character as above set ' forth, together with fix tures contained in the storeroom for merly occupied by Barde A Levitt at Corvallis, Oregon, said merchandise being of the inventoried value of $17,625.71, and said fixtures being of the inventoried value of $2010. 8 Stock of goods, wares and merchan dise of the same character, as above set forth, together with fixtures con tained In the storeroom formerly oc cupied by Barde A Levitt at Hood River, Oregon, said merchandise be ing of the inventoried value of $8605.14, and said fixtures being of the inventoried value of $254. 4 Stock of goods, wares and merchan dise of the same character as above set forth, together with fixtures con tained In the storeroom formerly oc cupied by Barde & Levitt at Oregon City, Oregon, said merchandise being of the Inventoried value of $22,784.63, and said fixtures being of the inven toried value of $2147.75. Total value of said merchandise. $66,582.31 Total value of said fixtures. . . . 5,725.15 Bids will be received upon said property up to and until Thursduy. September 25, 1913, at 12:00 o'clock noon, at my office; the same to be received upon parcels as above set xorth, numbered l, x. a ana 4, and for the nronerty as a whole. Should the total of the highest bids for each of tne parcels as above set zortn be greater tnan tne nignest Did ior tne wnoie. the said bids will be accepted, subject to the approval or tne court ror eaia par eels; but should the highest bid for the wnoie oe g re a tor tnan tne total oi tne highest bids for each of the parcels, the said highest bl for the whole will be ac cepted subject to the approval of the court. AH bids must be accompanied by cer tified check for ten per cent (10) of the amount offered. x Inventories of the above stocks and ftx ures may be seeki at the respective loca tions of the slocks as to each of said stocks, and inventories for all of said property may be also seen at my office, and the properties may be inspected at their respective locutions. ? L. SAB IN, Trustee, No.' 7, 1st St.. root- 8. Portland, Oregon. THE undersigned will receive sealed bids ior a stock ox mercnanaise, consisting oi groceries, clothing, men's and ladies' fur nishings, dry goods and notions of the Inventory value of $6123.03, together with store fixtures amounting to $1384.35, locat ed at Woodburn, Oregon, up to 12 o'clock noon of Saturday, September 20, 1!U3. Terms cash. Deposit of 10 per cent must accompany each bid. Right reserved to reject any and all bids. Inventory and stock may be seen at Woodburn, Oregon, and inventory also seen at my office. R, L. 8ABIN, 7 First 6t. Dated Portland. Oregon, bept 10, 1&13. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invlteo. UNDER the order of the court I am direct ed to receive additional bids, on or before October 12, 1913, on the splendid stock or the E. J. Hyde Jewelry Co., Invoiced about $75,000. Additional information can be obtained from the undersigned. C B, CLAUSIN, Receiver, 307 Hyde block, Spokane, Wash. Samuel R, Stern, Attorney for Receiver, 817 Paulsen bldg., Spokane, Wash. Miscellaneous. TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OF PORTLAND . ICE HIPPODROME, a corporation: You and each of you are hereby notified that there will be a meeting of the sub scribers to the capital stock of the above named corporation at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., on Thursday, September IS, 1813, in the office of Marlon F. Dolph, room 817 Mohawk huildlng, Portland, Oregon, for the purpose of electing not less than three directors as the subscribers to the common stock shall determine. EDWARD H. SAVAGE, FRED A. WILSON. MARION F. DOLPH. Incorporators. Dated at Portland, Oregon, September 16. 1913. ' TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Neither the undersigned nor the Twin Mfg. Co. will be responsible for any debts or obligations incurred by Ben H. Wilson, or anyone else in the name of said company, and no one is authorized to use our names in connection with said company. JAS. H. SYMPSON, HARVEY BECKWITH, A. H. AVE RILL. PUBLIC NOTICE The undesigned will not be held responsible for the pavment of bills payable by Mrs. Mary A. Bernardls. owner of Broadway grocery. 410 E. Broad way, after Sept. 18, 1913. Same being sold to Max Nltzschs. Max jNltzsche. tOST AND FOUND. vintr j the cars of the Portland Railway. Light & Power Company and turned in ac the different division points. Owners ma; secure same by applying at barns as Indi es tea: Articles found on the cars September 16, 1913, Savior street car house; phone A oi.-ti : l luncn dox, 1 glove. Found on cars. Ankeny. September 15, 1913: 2 suitcases, 1 suit, 1 lunch box, 1 pair of shoes, 1 wrist watch holder, 1 package neckties, 1 book car tickets, 1 lady's handbag. iPledmont barn, phone A 6131: 3 gloves. 1 purse. 1 fraternity pin, 1 package shoes, 4 miscellaneous articles. Sellwood barn, phone A 6131: 1 ax han dle, l valise, 1 purse, 1 school diploma. LOST Small white purse containing elk tooth. $5 and car tickets. Reward if re turned to M. Smith, Meier & Frank's of fice. LOST White Spitz bitch, about 5 months old. ono small eye and big eye, second toe off of right foot. Reward. Phone Marshall 6044. LOST OR STOLEN Purse containing $60 in Dius, araiis amounting 10 irom rank tnamois, mo. wotiry t. v. Agee, General Delivery, Blaine. Wash. Reward FOUND Estray horse and buggy on our place, inquire at city iew Dairy, Hills dale, or. LOST Gold lace pin, design of star wit small pearls In center; reward. Mrs. J. A. Mickelson, Phone Woodlawn 512. LOST A purse cor. 16th and Irving. waro. idj ri. lbtn sc. LOST A suit ase on the Mt. Scott car, taken by mistake 7125 53d st. S. E. FINANCIAL. SIX per cent loans on farms, orchard land city resident or business property, to buy, nulla, improve, extend or reiuna mort gages or other securities ; terms reason able; special privileges; correspondence In vited. Department L, 618 Commonwealth bldg., uenver, col. WE BUY MORTGAGES AND NOTES WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 416 COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDG. WE furnish the money at a low rate interest and save you more than the brok, erace or z ner cent li we do the niannin and building for you. It will pay you t see us. L. R. Bailey Co., Ins., 324 Ablngton. CASH paid for good first or second mort gages on real estate or sellers- interest l contracts of sale, H. E. Noble, 316 Lum bermans bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, notes, contracts, mort gages (1st and 2d), equities purchased. t. a. iewis & uo., 3 .Lewis Diag. FIRST and second mortgages and butldln, contracts bought. K. IS. Miller, 410 Ab ington bldg. TO LOAN $1000 OR MORE. HENRY L. MURTON, 817 WORCESTER BLDG. HIGHEST prices paid for first or second mortgages ana contracts, n.. vv. A. 507 McKay bldg. $1800, $2400, $3200 ON Improved city prop erty. Main oid. vv leon. Money to Loan Real Estate. TO LOAN en approved real estate, amounts $300 to $30,000. HARTMAN-THOMPSON BANK, Mortgage Loan Department. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE FOR BUILDING PURPOSES. VERY FLEX IBLE CONTRACTS. NO COMMISSIONS. COLUMBIA Lip E & TKLBT CO. 816 SPALDING BLDG. TO LOAN I HAVE PLENTY OF MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE SECURITIES AT 0 TO H PER CENT. EDWARD P. MALL, 800 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. MORTGAGE LOANS on real estate security at reasonable rates in sums irom $ooo ana up. THE LAWRENCE COMPANY, 171 Fourth st. Between Morrison and Yamhill. ON Improved city property or for bulldnng purposes, a to a years' time; liberal pay ment privileges; money advanced as building progresses. The Equitable Sav ings & Loan Association, 240 Stark st. MONEY TO LOAN. Good supply for city and farm prop erty, o to b per cent. MALL & VON BORSTEL, 104 Second St., near Washington. MONEY 5 per cent, long time, small pay ment pian, or xuu amount accepted any date; pay your mortgage or build home. oua oregonian Diag., Portland, or 412 u S. Bank bldg., Vancouver, Washington, WE have money to loan on your real es tate, iirat mortgage only. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 423 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY ON HAND to loan on improved realty; - no delays alter approval ot security ana title. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT CO., 284 Oak st. $500, $1000 AND UPWARDS on Improved reai estate, iravoraoie terms; no delays; no brokerage. John Bain, 607 Spalding bldg. $100,000 TO LOAN CITY OR FARMS. J. O. ROUNTREE. Chamber of Commerce Building. LOAN'S on Improved and unimproved city and suburban rea! estate, mortgages Dougnt. vv. i. jvunn, 443 t ner lock bldg. HAVE $1000 to invest witn services: no fakes or schemes considered; must stand investigation. AG BiO, oregonian. $9000, 6 PER CENT; other amounts at 7 and H per cent, improved city property. 500 Henry bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS on city property; low est rates. A. H. Birrell Co., 202 McKay bldg.. Third and Stark sts. TO LOAN $30,000 OR LESS. FAR R I N GTON, COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDG. $2VO.00O TO loan In sums to suit; building loans; joweti laica. w . jm xeca, aio-oXo Failing bidg. $1000, $1500, $2000 on city property. J. R. STIPE, 408 Lewis Bldg. IMMEDIATE loans, any amount, on real estate, sis unamoer oi commerce. MONEY, any amount, O to 8 per cent. H. seitx & Co., 310 fipalding bldg. W. MORTGAGE LOANS, any amount, no Qelay. Heiiry C. Prudhomme, 806 Wilcox bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. GEO. P. DEKUM. 223 HENRY BLDG. MONEY to loan, city or farm lands. J. J. Cah a 1 in, 635 Chamber of Commerce. STATE FUNDS. 0 per cent. W. E. Thomas, agent Multnomah County, 400 Ch. of Com. $4500, $2500, $1500 TO loan on Improved city property. 010 ornett Diag. MORTGAGE LOANS at current rates. L. H. MAXWELL, 316 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. A H. HARDING, 313 Ch. of Com. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIiJ SALOMAN. 229 STARK ST. Money loaned, real estate, contracts & mtgs, bought. H. Miley, 204 Gerllnger bldg. $5000 PRIVATE funds for oity or farm loan. Main 1166. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. R. E. HINE. 408 Yeon Bldg. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. PRIVATE party will loan money on dia monds at reasonable rate. AE 375, Ore gonian. IMMEDIATE and confidential loans on fur niture, pianos; mortguges bought. juauer, 200 Alder 'h FINANCIAL. aioney to Loan Chattels and Salaries. CHATTEL SALARY LOANS NEW COMPANY LOANS WE MEET AND BEAT The rates of other LOAN COS. regard less Of What they ADVERTISE. OUR NEW RATES: $ .85 weekly pays a $li loan. $ .65 weekly pays a $2$ loan. $1.10 weekly pays a $50 lusa. $1.90 weekly pays a $100 loan. CAN YOU BEAT THEM on LOANS UP TO $100 7 If the HEAD of the family dies before the account is paid In full and the payments are made as agreed WE GIVE THE WIDOW A RE CEIPT IN FULL OF ACCOUNT. YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. , BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL. Rebates Given If Paid Before Due. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. 41S MACLEAV BLDG. BOTH PHONES. Between 4th and 5th sts. on Wash. t. Open 9 A. M. to 6 P. M.. Sat, till 8 P. M. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. $ 10 TO $ 1O0. LOWEST RATES IN PORTLAND. $10 repaid In Installments of....$ .45 $20 repaid In Installments of 00 $50 repaid In Installments of.... 2.00 Largur amounts lu proportion. Alt we require is your personal note; no mortgage, no indorser or security ; everything strictly confidential. STATE SECURITY CO., 309 Failing Bldg. WHY PAY EXORBITANT RATES OF IN TEREST? We will loan you money as low as 7 jer cent on your diamonds and jewelry. 1 o are the moat liberal licensed money lenders in the city. Our establishment is located at S:i4 Washington St., near Broadway. Get our prices on forfeited dia monds. Diamond Palace, 334 Washington street. E L B Y C O M P A N Y . A PRIVATE PLACE TO OBTAIN MONEY ON Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Pianos, Etc. AT LOWEST POSSIBLE RATES. SEPARATE DEPARTMENT FOR LADIES 320 LUMBER EXCHANGE BLDG. 2d and Stark sts. Open 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. SATURDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 8 P. M. MONEY' for salaried people and others upon their own names, cneap rates, easy payments. See me before dealing else where ; confidential. D. D. Drake, 323 Henry bldg. SALARIED PEOPLE AND OTHERS WANTING MONEY Apply Room 317. Lumber Ex. bldg., 2d and Stark sts. WE LOAN money on diamonds and Jewelry at haif the rates charged by brokers, Marx A Bloch. 74 3d st. MONEY loaned on diamonds, watches, jewelry, pianos and warehouse receipts. Brown & Co., room 10, Washington bldg. MONEY ioaned on diamonds and Jewelry; strictly confidential, 141 & 3d. noar Alder. LOANS on rent estate, diamonds and jew- elry. Wm. Holl, room 0, Washington bldg. MONEY sold on Installments; confidential; salaried people. F. A. Newton, Henry bldg. Loam W suited. WANTED FOR CLIENTS. $i00 at 8 per cent. $.K)0 at 10 per cent. $3000 at 10 per cent. $2oOO at 10 per cent. On improved farm loans. 515 Dekum Bids. Main 6845. SEVERAL FIRST MORTGAGES for sale, amounts $200 to $o300; also some appli cations on hand Ur desirable loans. Henry C. Prudhomme, nuanclal aenu Wilcox bldg. WANTED From private parry, $2800 on home I paid $0(io for recently. On Broad way cariinu. 23 minutes out. 3 to 5 years. Y 37G, Oregonian. WANTED To borrow $3000 from private party on good improved residence prop erty in city; valuation $800o; will pay H per cent for three years. AS 835, Orego nian. WANTED $3000 for 2 years. 7 per cent, from private party, on improved city prop erty. West Side, close In, worth $20,000. Call 414 Corbett bldg., 5th and Morrison. LOAN of SUVK! on acreage valued at $25,000; pay 8 per cent. AV 3o2, Ore gonian. Y A N X D $100 for short time; good real estaLe security; private party. AP 377, Oregonian. $2000 WANTED on my unimproved city property, worth $6500. S 120. Oregonian. WANTED from private party, $300 one year. per cent. Good security. s 347, oregonian. $100 FOR one year, 10 per cent, on lot. vaiue suuu. j (, ure gonian. WANTED A loan of $1600; jirlvate party only; number of years. AH 3i2. oregonian. LET me place your money on gllt-edg mortgages. R. E. Hlne. 408 Yeon bldg. PERSONAL. HAIR-HAIR-HAIR-HAIR. $12, 34 -inch switches $4.49 $tl, 26-lnch switches 1.9S Hairdresslng .25 Face massage 2i Shampoo 2. Manicure, 2.c, 5 for 1.00 12 scalp treatments 6.0O Superfluous hair removed by electric needle; guaranteed not to return. Cut hair In any shade; switches any length. Prices half. Sanitary Tarlors, 400 412 Dekum bldg., Sd and Washington. GEORGE B. SWEANY WANTED. John P. Sweany, of Pattonsburg. Mis souri, recently died and left an estate to be divided among his Children, one of which, George B. Sweany , has not been heard from for -5 years. Lnut heard of at Portland, Or. For Information leading to h's whereabouts a reward will be paid. W. A. Sweany, executor, Pattonsburg, Mo. GERMAN TRAINED NURSE AND MASSEUSE. Long experience, best references, treat ments for rheumatism and lumbago, etc.; massago and baths. 4.12 Salmon st., be tween Mnln and Salmon. Marshall 5033., Open Sundays. SCIENTIFIC electric treatment! for all nervous and chronic diseases. paralysis, lung, stomach, bowels, kidney, bladder, pelvic heart trouble, etc. ; also goitre, warts, moles removed. 602 Buchanan bldg. 28614 Washington St. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE rfelsingfora graduate, rheumatism, nervous ana stom ach ailments under physician's direc tions; bath, massage. No. 7 East llth st.. second door south from East Ankeny car line. Phone East 200. B 1803. FEBVET & HANEBUT. leading wig and toupe-makers: finest stock of human hair goods; switches from 95c up; hairdresslng, manicuring, face and scalp treatments; com bin ps made up to order. 147 7th, near Morrison. Main 546. DRESS SUITS for rent Keep your clothes cleaned, pressed, outtons sewea on, rips repaired, $1.00 month; prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co., 309 Stark. VELVETINA SHOP Manicuring, facial, scalp treatments, hairdresslng. hair goods, switches made to order, combings made up. 615 S wet land. BE YOUR OWN DOCTOR; asthma, rheu matism, stomarn trouDie, etc., curea oy my methods; satisfaction guaranteed. Lo ra C Little, health expert. Tabor 1673. LORENZ Nerve Tablets restore lost vitality. 25c per box, u i"r 9J..10. oupo-isior Drug Co., 2H'J Morrison. TAPESTRY palntlnff lessons given, order work. Mrs. lsaoei west. juar. aii; studio 700 Stevenson Drive. REMOVED Mrs. Stevens, 20 years Port lands leading paimisr ana clairvoyant, re moved to 291i Morrison St.. Benson blk. SPIRITUAL medium. Rev. May Prlce Read. JngS, neaiings nauy. circles 1 ues. , weu. and Sun. 8. 805 Jefferson. Main 9369. MADE OF YOUR COMBINGS. Switches. Uoc: curls and puffs. 75c. San itary Beauty parlors. 400 Dekum bldg. BOSTON graduate nurse, sanitarium treat ment, meaica 1 cym nasucs. 001 2 amniii et., up one flight, room 7. MASSAGE and bath, best service In the city. - .New uxrora noier, citmr ot n ana Oak sts. Room 10. Entrance on flth et. MRS. S. C. MORRISON Steam baths and massage for rneumausm, iiimuagn, eio. 833 Madison. A 4470, Marshall 3068. DR. OLGO NECHYBA, chiropractor, steam baths for rheumatism, lumoago, etc. 41 a Northwest bldg. Open Sundays. Main 37flfl. IVORCE lawyer. 25 years experience; re liable advice iree. noora notnenuu ridg.. 287 '4 Wash, st. Sophia B. Sely, mental and spiritual scien tist- quest inn ana meesapo nig n is. v ca., Fri.. 8: daily. 302 Allsky bldg. Main 6S24. ASTERN trained operator, scalp, face mas sage, 125 btn, room z, oei. wa&niugton ana Alder. MANICURIST; room 11, Oxford Hotel, 6th and Oak. Mrs. coo 11. spiritual teacher and healer. has left city on vacation. MASSAGING, electric scalp treatments and shampooing- 3"3 AiigKy Mdg. MANICURING, facial and scalp treatment. 401 Northwest bldg. Marshall ?8;i3. MOLES, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill. 429 FUedner Mdg. Main 3473. MISS FRANCIS. Christian Yoga healer. 4 N. 16th at. Marshall 4239, A 7614. DR. ALBERTA SACRY, expert chiropodist. 416 Northwest bldg. LADIES' barber shop now open on 4th st., between Taylor and Salmon. MANICURING, scalp, facial massage, ladlM r nd gentlemen; open Sundays. 18H Park St. DIVORCES a specialty, advice free, easy terms. Law Bureau, 528 Lumbermen bldg. BALM OF FIGS. Compound Roval Tonic Tablets. B04 Davis st. phone Main 2391. MEDICAL. USE Bassett's Native Herbs for rheumatism; 60c tablets for 25c All druggists.