TIIF MOKXIXG OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1913. 16 FOR SALit Horse. Vebicle . Etc HORDES AND WAGONS FOR SALE OR lib.., 1 KcAmt.hiind vehicles riourht and mold new wagon and auto bed., made to ordar; livery furnished to binneu parties at special rates. HAWTHORNE STABLES. 420 Hawthornei V. Phone East 72. & 1389. THE MI'BPUT HORSE ft MULE CO.. Sell oo commission, nors, mules, ve hicles and harness. Auct-Vn sales every Monday aod Friday. 10 .a. I. Private sales daily. 110 E. 8th St.. near Haw thorne, phone E. 631,. k vo ni r .r.I trntv and blood bay horse, double harness. This team Is sound and gentle and will sell cheap. , f-8 L. lam hill. 2MJO-LB. team, with harness and 1'ght farm wagon: this team worm suik"' t ,. Die; $17j; try mem out. jv.s . " hill st. FOR SALE- One team of mares weighing 97on nnumis. one cheap farm horse welnhtnK 1300 pounds. 226 Russetll St. VERY" best care given good Home ior us keep. Marshall Hl. FOR PALE One rubber-tired buggy; 8 A- delivery wagons. 226 Russell. . GOOD gray mare. E. Yamhill. good worker. 423 $5i TEAM, sound pontes, and harness; have been camping. i m". HORSES for sale at 88 East 7th St. North. Docs. Birds. l'-t Block. REAL Irish terrier pups; great pais for the children. John M. Mann. 68 4th St. Both pUcnes. WANT trained setter bird dog; reasonable price. AF 371. Oregontan. HEALTHY Airedales for companions and hunters. Laddlx Kennels. Estacada. Or. Furniture for Sale. GREAT CHANCE FOR THOSE STARTING HOUSEKEEPING. OR THOSE WjitJ Crrn sG NEW FURNITURE. THE bv-T.Dp Trrtc OF PETERS MKO. CO. "BANKRUPT." HAS BEEN ORDERED sSCS IMMEDIATELY AND NO OTHER CA CORNER PINE. FOR SALE Furniture, leaving city; will sell furniture at sacrifice; rent of cozy house In desirable nelgnoornpoa io. cou tnts good as new. C SIPS. FOR SALE The entire furniture of a II room bungalow. Call Tues. and Wed., 1134 Ta-cart st. Take Richmond car, get off ISth St., walk 1 block sootn. MUST sell furniture 8 rooms, everything rlrst-c'.ass. W. elde. splendid location. modern; rent $35; 3 rooms pny expenses. A 10v9. LEATHER couch, morris chair, library i.tM a nieces mahogany, tapestry. A 1509. FURNITURE for a 7-room house, including kitchen, with large range. Call at 42J East "7 or Tabor 1159. FURNITURE -room cottage, cheap. Rent ti. Call mornings. 711 East Tibbetts. FURNITURE of a 5-room fli cheap. Apply 2'.'3 E. 21st St.. it for sale afternoon Automobiles. AUTOMOBILE BUYERS. ATTENTION. Now Is the time to get a bargain in a high-grade car. We want to make room for lul-i models and will sell the fol lowing cars at very low prices: IT WILL PAY YOU TO COME AND SEE US. , 1 1913 Mihcigan 40" demonstrator, run 2000 miles, electric starter and lights. 1 1K12 "Michigan" 33. 1 11)12 "Michigan" 40, electric lights and starter. 1 1U12 "Michigan" 33 roadster. AUCHIGAN AUTO A BUGGY CO, 16th and Alder Sts. UNUSUALLY GOOD BUYS IN USED CARS. 1912 Studebaker E. M. F. 30, 5-pass.. foredooi, finest condition; cost 1.1250; price $490. 1012 Bulck 23, foredoor. roadster, prac tically new; cost $1060; price $600. Chalmers 30, model X, 4-pass., pony tonneau: cannot be told from brand new; cost JlioOo; price I4S5. CUSTOM HOUSE AUTO CO.. E. 13th and Hawthorne Ave. AUTO BUYERS, ATTENTION". 1913 R, C. H., 6-passenger, 4-cylinder car. fully equipped and in good running order, for $600. 1912 Bulck, t-passenger, fully equipped. A real bargain for $050. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE. Alder St. at 15th. Main 1161. A 4?37. 7-PASSENGER high-grade auto for sale at bargain; am unable to make payments; have paid in $1100 on this car, but will sell for only $200 above what Is owing; $300 cash, balance monthly payments, 7 per cert imprest. An Ideal car for livery. A J ST 4, Or gonian. m ONLY $200 ior 5-pass. auto, good running order, gocd for pleasure or for delivery; $100 down, tal. weekly or monthly if desired. See Mr. Logan. Sla Spalding bldg. IMPORTANT TO AUTO OWNERS Will nickel-plate, varnish, reflnish, top your auto; take apart and put together In three days. Portland plating A 'g. Co., 22d and Thurman sts. Main t43. A 52S2. TWO-PASSENGER Ford runabout 3 years; newly ouverhauled, fully equipped kooJ. serviceable little car: must sell $225 takes this bargain. V 35. Oregonian ALTOS 1912 R. C. H. Roadster, first-class condition; run aoout ltoo miles. At a bargain. Oregon Mollne Plow Company, ltM Lnion ave. FOR SALE 1912 roadster at half its val ue: some terms: o-passenger touring car cheap. Phone Main riz;. "WANTED Second-hand automobile, good condition; $2oo down, balance monthly T 351, Oregonian. IF YOU want automobile fire Insurance at one-half the old-line rate, telephone Main 8189. LOCOMOBILE, os.-. detachable tonneau. 5-PASS. Cartercar. will acre. Phone B 2604. trade for lot or $SO0 EQUITY In Portland Heights lot for f ord car. Marshall 4014. ELECTRIC phaeton to exchange for a clear lot. Address T 349. Oregonian. 40-HORSEPOWER. 6-passenger Overland; gooa conamon: cneap. pnone Main 4930. GREAT bargain 7-pasenger Pierce-Arrow auto. Dr. B. A. Byrne. Annex Hotel. NEW delivery wagons at second-hand prices. uregon Aioune flow company. Automobiles Wanted. WANTED, AUTOMOBILE Architect will make plans and specifications for any class of building in exchange for new or seconq-nanq car. ai 001, oregonian. 1912 OR 1913 S-passenger auto; have some rough land and some cash, p 879. Ore gonian. Motorcycles. S H.-P. 1913 HARLET DAVIDSON tandem. prestollte. exhaust horn and speedometer; $235 cash or $250 terms, phone B 3U39 or Tabor 44.3. MOTORCYCLE with side csr for packages at about half price; practically new, 88 E. 7th North. Phone East 1431. Poultry. FOR 8 ALE 150 chickens. 13QO E. Main St. Livestock. a FKEH cows for sale. 619 Oswego SL4 ft. Johns. Machinery. FOR SALE. A 45-h.p.. 650-volt Crocker-Wheeler mo tor, complete, with standard blade starter; no voltage release and 75-ampere over load. L T. E. circuit breaker, in A-l con dition Address room 203, oregonian bldg. FOR SALE. A 40-K. W., COO-volt Crocker-Wheeler generator, complete, with field rheostat and circuit breaker. In good condition. Address room 203, Oregonian bldg. FOR BALI. One 125-voIt direct current generator, complete with field rheostat, ammeter and circuit breakers. This machine is In good repair. Address room 208, Oregonian bldg. Miscellaneous. RENT A REMINGTON. $3 PER MONTH. Remington Typewriter Co., 86 B'way. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $14 to $65. NORTHWEST TYPEWRlTITt CO.. 262 Stark St. 2CuO FT. hydraulic pipe, good as new, price. Pee owner, 377 Vancouver ave.. twetn Broadway and Hancock sts. LEWIS astounding book. Siege of (Univer sity City, sectional bookcase. Phone Main 1177. SECOND-HAND roll-top desk, two flat-top desks and 8 chairs. Bushong A Co., 91 Psrk St. SACRIFICED Two pool tables, 3 incubat ors, Edison graphophone and cylinders. S. W. cor. 36th and Prescott. FOR SALIS 15 H. P. hopper cooled gasoline engine In good order. Zlna Wood. Hllie boro. Or. OFFICE furniture and fixtures. Including Instruments of physician. AJ 361. Orego- nlan. FOR SALE MitcheU-Ptaver gasoline wood saw. $12... E. J. Hurt. 545 E. 14th st. FOR SALE Prunes at 2c. 94 E. C4th, one b.ock south Montavilla carline. IDEAL gas range, canopy top. nothing bet ter, phone C 1678. 555 Sumner. FOR RALE mil billiard table, first-class condition. T 877, Oregonian. FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. SAFES, new and second-hand; low prices, easy terms; safes opened, repaired and painted. PURCELL SAFE CO. ana rune LAND BAFK CO. 85 Sth st. Main 8308. SAFES Mosler Safe Co.. manufacturers; low prices, easy terms; safes opened and repaired; bargains in second-hand safes; los d st. Phone Main 7676. NATIONAL cash registers. Get my prices. Povey, 331H Wash., basement. Main 608. WANTED MISCEIXANEOCS. LEVIN Hardware A Furniture Co., 221 Front St.. buys second-hand furniture, car pets, stoves, ranges, hardware or tools of any kind. If you have anything la this line, call Main 8o72. Our buyer calls promptly. WE want to buy-11000 worth of second hand furniture In the next 80 days and pay all the cash It Is worth. Wlllia . Ave. Furniture Exchange. East 836. WANTED A second-hand stationary en Bine in good condition; 8 or 10-horse; f. o. b. Portland; must be chsap; cash. J. E. Scanlon, Gaston, Or. WE BUY CLOTHING AND FURNITURE. Highest prices paid for ladles and moo s cast-off clothing and shoos. Call Main 2'iS0. 234 1st st. The Globe. WANTED Two to join me In making up a carload of household goods to Chicago or Detroit; big saving In freight; write me -T .n". uregonian. ACCOMMODATIONS for children attending chonl under th SUDerVlSlon Ot an eX- I perlenced lady can be obtained by ad- j dressing H 341. uregonian. WE buy for cash second-hand National Cash registers and sell tnem on easy terms. J. Macaulry, 334 Burnslde st. Phone Main 1816. AlSltl. SECOND-HAND FURNITURE WA-NTED. Buyer calls promptly: estimates given. 104 1st, near aamnni. jn "in. eia riTR nEiT Vt nnv best Drices for sec ond-hand clothing and furniture. ,au i Main 9272. 60 H 3d. Phone A 8263. WANTED Roll top desk; must be In good condition and cheap. .rnone , jiarsnan 428. J. H. Kelley. WANTED Scre -cutting foot lathe; state condition and lowest prle. M 372. Ore gonian. WANTED Boxing lessons, Sunday after noons, private Fnstruction; write particu lars. At oi-. uregonian. WE want $10,000 worth of second-hand fur niture: highest prices paia. oenwooa jw FORD AUCTION CO. pays most cash for any kind of furniture. Main 8951. CASH oald for hair combings. Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 400 Dekum bldg. PHONE for the furniture buyer when you vrant to sell. Main B43. WILL kalsom'.ne rooms for $2.50; paint house at your price; rename. r.at WE pay highest prices for second-hand clothing. 294 8d st Phone Main 9263. HIGHEST prices paid for cast-off clothing and shoea. Marshall 2354. WANTED Italian prunes for drying. Phone Tabor 20. WAN TED Second-hand small hot-air fur nace; give moke. AF 5i2, uregonian. NATIONAL cash register, price must be rea sonable. Main boo, a aoua. HELP WANTED MALE. pn iiri.e hov to run errands in whole s' a i isrr pt- one witn wneei ureicocu. Apply Jones Cash Store, Front and Oak streets. F.YpppirWRn collector for installment I store; must know city; need wueei motorcycle; state age, experience ana sal ary expected. uresonmu. WINDOW trimmer, card writer; want cap- h e man for exclusive lauies- wear bluic. Commercial Abstract Co., 302 Empress building. FOUR hustlers for best proposition In the United states: gooa money ana pcrmnucin position to men who csn qualify. Apply 8: L9 A. M. Sharp. u uregoniau oms- WIRELESS OPERATORS In constant de mand. This coming vocation taught at Y. M. C A. Day and nignt scnoois; com plete equipment: best on Coast. i. i ; . ; t A w wanted to work on ladies' to orH klrts. Meat or wages duu. only first-class need apply. S. Weiss, 147 loth street. u a vTrn Siwclal delivery and wagon boys. 15 years or over. Apply supennienueai b office, 8:30 to 10 A. M. Olds, Wortmaa & King. WANTED Bookkeeper and general office man In contractors oince; appiy wnu full record of ability and state salary required. AN 372. uregonian. w-A XTEn First-class barbers for Eastern Washington and rsortnern caiiiornia. ror particulars, apply .ewis-atenger narDers Supply Co. iVANTED Experienced life insurance agent; liberal salary and large commis sion. Address W 3ti7, Oregonian. WANTED Boy to work on mattress stutter. Carman Mfg. Co. Macaaam 6c i errwimger. Main 238. TWO A-l solicitors, good money; references required. Call 50S Broadway bldg. 9 10 this A. It. ind enckery. CaJl at 68 6th st. before 11 A. M. ' WANTED Experienced office boy. Apply Standard Oil Co. Take United Railway car. t AN all-around experienced clerk wanted; state age and references. AV 424, Orego nian. WANTED Competent car tallyman. Ap ply Wednesday at mill. West Oregon Lumber Co., Unnton, Or. JANITOR for hotel; one who can operate switch board; state reierences ana Ba.ia.ry wanted. V st3, uregonian. O.N'B molding stickerman, one sash and door machine man, capaoie laying ou iiicn- less Lumber Co., East rt. jonns. BOYS -wanted with wheels. Apply at once. iONUt M1J.L1.MM.X. 4th and Morrison- wasted Solicitors for clothing house; advertising proposition; salary and com- , mission. r19 Swetland. i BOY wanted to do delivering and make ssss? Lritir - Printing Co., 208 Alder. W'ANTED Young man to learn barber " trade; good chance; union shop. Call 832 Mississippi ave. BOY wanted with bicycle. J50 to $60 per month. Apply room o rz, tatrnmr oi com merce bldg. kkirt maker wanted to work on ladles' tailored skirts; good wages to first-class man. S. Weiss. 147 lotnst. WANTED A man to help chore around place; steady place for good man. 311 Main St. W'ANTED Office boy over 16 years old. Good chance of advancement. Apply Union Meat Co.. -4th and unsan sts. FIRST-CLASS coat finishers wanted. Barkhurst. 6th and Stark. Ray PHOTO coupon, best offered, beauty contest started, cutbertn aiuaio, ueitum oias. BARBEK wanted $15 guaranteed; steady Job. S. C. Knignton. rtounon, ir. PHOTO COUPON agents, new winning con test offer, sarony studio, S4BI4; aiorrison. BOT WANTED Portland Trunk Mfg. Co., 8d and Pine sts. WANT to let contrast to clear 10 acres land. MR Chamber of Commerce. WANTED First-class ladles' tailors, of wages rs'd- S. Weiss. 147 lOtB. ADVERTISING solicitors, cajh commission. Clyde Agency, gi'i mock fcicnange ping. PAPERHANUER wanted for 2 rooms at :tll Main st. BOY wanted with wheel to work In butcher shop. 642 E. Main, comer litn. BARBER apprentice; mnst have 1 year ex perience. 17 c n roaa ay. EXPERIENCE! florist to take care . of small greenhouse. Call Col. 439. PAINTERS $2.50 per day. Call, before 8, Hotel Edwards. Grand ave. and Belmont. STATION men wanted; good work; good pay. Abbott-Forrester Co.. 332 MohawK bag WANTED Good spindle carver. Apply Car- man Mfg. Co.. 1214 Macadam. BOT wanted. Apply Publlo Library. 10th and lambiii. SHINGLER wanted; apply today. 1329 Hawtnorne ave. BARBER wanted, good man. steady Job, 165 fc. 6th st. SHOEMAKER, first-class Jack man. S27 Stark st. WANTED Manager for lecture bureau; give telephone. ad 3,7. uregonian. WANTED Strong boy. U. S. Laundry Co.. Grand ave. and JS. xamnni. FIRST-CLASS ladles' tailor; good wages. Aronson. 425 Alder. TAILOR for bushellng work. Lion Clothing Co., Morrison, cor. 4to St. WANTED Young man about IT or 18 to collect and assist in onice. Appiy st. BRIGHT young errand boy. 426 Worcester bldg. WANTED An errand boy. P. A. Taylor Co., 130 10th st. WANTED A first-class upholsterer. Taylor Co.. 150 10th st WANTED Special delivery boy for grocery. west side. Appiy 11 . zist st. BOY over 16 with wheel; permanent right party. 229 First. SALESMEN and dlst. mgrs. for Oregon. Nat. Casualty Co, 601 Railway Ex. hldg 1 HELP WANTED MALE. INCIDENT. (On of Many.) Office Secretary Employment Department, Y. M.. C. A. Toung man, str-anger, seeking:, employ ment t$20 his total cash asset) If I PM you $5 for employment .membership, I will have only $15 between me and atarvatlon. Secretary If you pay ti for employ ment membership you will have the i. Ja. C. A., with all its resources between you and starvation. Result Young man Joined association. In less than a wee, ha had satisfactory employment. Record for 8 months ending Aug. 81: Call for men from employers 1588 Positions filled l09 Special employment membership gviar antees member will secure employment or membership fee will be refunded). Gives two months" fuLl privileges, includ ing use of gymnasium, swimming pool, baths, etc., and ten months' social or house privileges. Including the service of the employment department for the en tire year. . , All young men seeking employment W commercial, clerical or technical lines, or as engineers, firemen, raecnanlcs, macnui ists. carpenters, mill workers or In other skilled lines, are cordially Invited to con sult with the Secretary of the Advisory and Employment Deportment SPECIAL WANTS TODAY. Two car loading tallymen, $3. Gang edgerman, pine. $4. Millwrights, 4: carpenters, $3.60. Bridge carpenter, $3.50. Boiler-maker. $4: helDer. 12.60 UD. Man and wife, cook and Helper, coun try hotel, $60. Man and -wife on farm; see boss here 145. Others too numerous to mention here. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY, S23 and 224 Couch St., bet. 1st and EVTCTtfJETIf! BOYS WANTED. Apply at Supt-'s office, Sth floor, ;be- iween k:j'i ana :ov a. jo. MEIER A FRANK CO. WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY, able-bodied unmarried men between ages oi is ana o, citizens of United States, of good char acter and temnerate habits, wno can speak, read and write the English lan ,n,,a rnp Inrnrmnflnn annlv to Recruit ln riff leer. Worcester building. Sd and Oak sts., Portland. Or, WANTED Drug clerk for store In small town in wasningion on uoiumDia xwvwr near Portland: registration in state not necessary; must bo steaay ana wen rec ommended; a man of some years pre ferred: state full particulars In first let ter and say wnat salary expecteu. av wo, Oregonian. WANTED1 Sales manager Immediately, $100 per month salary and office expenses; must put up $150 cash bond to secure sam-n!fn- thin la fine Dronositlon. as It Will ultimately lead to partnership in one of the best propositions on the coast. au mornings between 10 and 12. 802 Phoenix bldg., corner Sth and Oak. WANTED Young lady, 'experienced can vasser, to sell men s ana women s rain coats: low prices and easy selling plan hustlers can make good money at this: state phone number wnen answering. 338. Oregonian. ACCOUNTANT, Junior, with good public accounting experience, ror two weens work near Portland; railroad fare and board paid; state salary expected per ten hour day. AV 423, Oregonian. WANTED A bov from 16 to 18 years old to learn the clothing, lurnlsning ana snoe business, with some experience; must furnish good references. At St. Charles Clothing Co., 9-11 North Third. WANTED Bright young man 10 to 2G to work In drugstore ana delivery; gooa sal ary for energetic boy. Apply before It A. M. Irvlngton Pharmacy, E. 15th and Broadway. A BOY, not under 12 years of age, for light farm work for ooara ana ciotnes; must . have good habits. H. M. Basford, Hllls- Doro, or., rt. WANTED At once, 2 men to learn auto repairing and driving, call at nawtnorue Garage, 445 Hawthorne ivs. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Thoroughly experienced and competent stenograpner; salary -i par week. Address AG 294, Oregonian. CLOAK and suit saleswomen wanted. State experience ana salary. am , ure gonian - HEAD WAITRESS, helper, $30; waitresses, $30; cooks. Howe's Agency, ao, ztvvi Washington. ' GIRL attending Washington High School to neip witn nousewom. wuscb. ai Glenn ave. Phone Tabor 2433. GIRL for light housework on a farm. Inquire Hotel Belvedere. tn ana Aider sts. W'ANTED 2 good weavers to work on car riage cloth and lianneis. Jsanaon woolen Mills. Bandon, Or. AMBITIOUS, energetlo woman, over 25, for position with wholesale house; permanent; experience unnecessary. AT 357, Oregonian. GIRLS experienced In addressing en velopes by hand: temporary work. Apply 816 Spalding bldg. WANTED Experienced girl for second work and care ox emiaren. Appiy ouw rcui grove. WANTED Girl for cooking and general housework, good wages. Appiy oa nan cock. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and gen eral housework; aecona gin Jtepu bti Johnson. TWO ladles desiring light, good-paying po sition, salarv and commission. call UlZ Northwest bldg., 6th and Washington. EXPERIENCED hands on -power sewing machines. Oregon nat A-ap to., aofti 3d st. m COMPETENT girl for general housework; German preierrea. oz naisey su, cor. . 11th st. North. COMPETENT Christian girl for general housework; references required; & small family. 74S Haisey sL w rasy WANTED Experienced girl tor general housework; 12 In family; flat. 783 Johnson st. Call after 11 A. M. YOUNG girl to assist with housework. Call 71 B. 16th St. N. i'OCNG girl to heip take care of baby and heip with nouseworK. jiain mao. COMPETENT girl for general housework. Main o-a corneu roaa. WANTED Mangle help. Palace Laundry Co., E. 10th and Everett W'ANTED A young girl for housework; no cooking. C30 E. 45th N. Tabor 2448. GOOD girl for general housework. 4M . 12th st. P.. WANTED Experienced helper on coats and waists. Dettlancne, 4Us vvaanington st. FIRST-CLASS button hole and finisher of coats. 603 nucnanan Qiog. W'ANTED A first-class waist and skirt maker. 63 N. i!3d. Mrs, it. is. uavies. WANTED Helpers for dressmaking. Madam LamDert, a tjranq ave. WANTED Girl for general housework. In quire 67 bin st. GIRL for general housework. Apply 741 week and wasco st. LADY barber wanted; $14 a over. 2S 4th at. lRL wanted for general housework and cooking. 698 tverett. GIRL for second work and assist with care of children. 822 jonnson. SHINGLER wanted to help on reshingling. Call Mar. 687 alter 7 f. M. WANTED A girl to assist with housework. 1304 Kelly st. a. car, jaarsnau ooji. WANTED Experienced mangle girl. U. S. Laundry CO., uranq ave. ana 21. lamniu. GOOD presser; tailor preferred. 84 Killings- worth ave. WANTED Girl for second work; references. 722 Main st. fnone Aiain or a 3S&. WANTED A girl for general housework. 677 Schuyler, jjroaaway car. WANTED Girl for general housework. Phone Sellwood 18U5. WANTED Experienced skirt and waist help. 2v6 coiumDia Diag. STARCH girl, ' mangle girl and machine girl. National xaunqry. GIRL for general housework, S In famlljr. Apply 701 r.ortnrup St.. apt, u. GIRL wanted to help on men's coats. 734 cth St.. room 11. - WANTED Girl, general housework. In family; small house, pnone Tabor Z143. G1KL for general housework. 610 Spring st., Portland Heignts. SPLENDID opening for good dressmaker. Address Hanson a "liunery, st. neiens. WANTED Experienced waitress at The Hill, 741 wasnington st. WANTED A good cook. Call SIS E. Sth N., cor. Haisey. u imj. W'ANTED An experienced second maid. Apply gj rmimon St., cor. King. COMPETENT girl for general housework. 263 N. 25tn st. GIRL for general housework; sir all family; good wages. rnone -x-apor .101. MESH girl wanted. 696 Everett st. WANTED Waitress. Ill N id at. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED YOUNG LADIES FOR TELE PHONE OPERATORS WITH OR WITH OUT EXPERIENCE ; PAID WHILE LEARNING. APPLY AT THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE A TELEGRAPH COM PANT (EAST OFFICE). COR. flTH AND EAST ANKENY STREETS, OR MAIN OFFICE, , WEST PARK AND ALDHR. TELEPHONE EAST z50t TWO energetic salesladies can learn of posi tion with manufacturer of well-Known highest-quality food articles. In advertis ing work of selling to housewives, for lo cal grocers, in Western Oregon. Long time, sa sj- p1 noa linn to c.omnAtont ner sons. State qualifications and phone numoer. A 35S, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED waitresses for week-end at Gearhart HoteL Apply 7th floor restau rant aesic, xne Meier Ac Frank store. WANTED 50 fruit cannery hands to pre pare fruit, label cans, etc.; good wages paid; will allow R. R. fare one way If Btay until close of season; first-class sanitary establishment; good accommodations, etc.; both phones. Apply Benton County Fruit Growers Assn., Corvallls, Or. WE want services of good cook for strictly modern family hotel in growing new town. Must have some cash and be prepared to make small Investment If satisfactory ar rangements can be made. Good salary to right party. AT 362, Oregonian. WANTED Capable girls tor cooks, second work, general housework and child nurs ing. We aim to place only girl we can recommend in homes we can recommend. Domestic Service Bureau, 800 Central bldg., loth and Alder. Main 7667. WANTED Woman of refinement to intro duce new scientific article; not required to make sales, simply to explain prop osition and obtain permission for our regular representative to call. AH 373, Oregonian. WANTED Young lady, experienced can vasser, to sell men's and women's fine raincoats; low prices and eas; selling plan; hustlers can make good money at this; state phone number when answer ing. S 338, oregonian. WANTED Young lady of good appearance ana reference as to character, ana soma experience in clerking. Call at Btore. LEFFERT JEWELRY CO., 268 Washington St. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and gen eral -housework, also second girl to assist with care children; sisters preferred. 822 Johnson st. Apply mornings. SPLENDID opportunity, permanent inde pendent position for bright, ambitious woman of pleasing personality. 45 Trinity Place, Apt. 12. MANY of the best families ot the city are registered with the Domestic service bu reau for cooks, general housework and second girls. 306 Central bldg. M. 76d7. WANTED Neat, capable housekeeper for small family adults; good nome tor suit able mother and daughter or son; Chris tian widow preferred. V 36C, Oregonian. WANTED 1 WANTED! WAN'TBD! Five girls to learn beauty culture; pay wnue learning; position guarantee a. ua- .14 Dekum bldg. Sanitary Parlor. W i'TED Girl for general housework. small family, good wages. Phona Wood- lawn 1022 or call 1203 E. 0th N. corner Mechanic street. Woodlawn car. WANTED Five bright, capable ladies to travel, aemorstrate ana oil aeaiers; rail road fare paia: ttJ5 to SoO per week. Ca Velvetlna sihop, 615 Swetland bldg. WANTED Swedish girl to do general housework in small family. Call at 716 Maryland ave., cor. of Fremont at. Take Mississippi ave. car. FAMILY cook, $40; second girl, $30; child's nurse, $30. fat. oms iaaies Agency, bb Main st. Main 2U3tf. WANTED Refined, capable woman for r- sponsioie position. v lavi o., w xvuio child bldg., 4th and Washington. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. Washington bldg., 270 Vs Wasn., room 34, near 4th. Phone Main 836 or A 360. WANTED Woman for housekeeping,, small family, S30 per month. u-i 4-tn at. N. Telephone Tabor 3S9v EXPERIENCED girl in family of three adults. 5S1 Jackson st., Portland Heights. Phone Main !ix. FIRST-CLASS competent cook in private family, caii in mornings at a JNortn 21st fit. WANTED Girl about 20 to work In gro cery and tend soda fountain. Apply before 10 o clock oyo AiDerta. WANTED Experienced ironer; good pay. Lace House Laundry, 26 N. 20th. PANTRY girl at Winters' restaurant, 230 first at. HELP WANTED AIALli. OR FEMALE. I WANTED Man and wife without children on ranch 45 miles out, man to milk and do eeneral farm work, woman to do , housework for two; wages $40 per month for Winter. Call between 11 and l'J A. L, room 316, Fenton bldg. WANTED Solicitors to take orders for our cleaning powder, race cream, neaiing eaive. air. a customer in sverv house: no- eral commission. Call afternoon. 3551 70tb su, S. E.- MAKE monev writing short stories; blgpay; send for free booklet; tells how. cnlteo Prets Syndicate. D 23. San Francisco. WANTED A good stenographer by whole-I D.ir uuuoc, .i. ... wuiited. AK 374. Oregonian. GOOD solicitor. Call between 5 and 6 P. M., room 113, :!80V4 Grand ave. F1SK Teachers' Agency secures positions lor teachers, sio journal oiog. jiain .coo. HELP WAJfTJED MISCELLANEOUS. LEARN automobile reoalrina. driving on up- to-date cars: electrical, civil engineering. surveying; methods most practical; room and hoard while learnintt: positions se cured; satisfaction guaranteed; catalogue free. National scnooi oi engineering, xiu West Seventh, Los Angeles, uai. NO EXPEXSK to learn electricity, automo biles, plumbing; correspondence lessons lurnisnea; men actual wwr uii uu,,L.ai,. Jobs; your work pays expense; 3ix stu dents last year; get tree catalogue. United Trade scnooi uontracung on An geles, Cal. OK EG O.N Barber College Uaches you the barber trnria in A weeks: Days you While learning; tools free; tuition reduced this I term- finer! Instructors: Dositlona guar anteed; special Inducements to ladles. 233 Madison St., 2o2 2d st. THE Mohler Barber College will teach you the trade in 8 weeks; tools free; send for , catalogue; 20 years in the business; 37 -schools, a lifetime scholarship given to each student; special Inducements given to laaies. 48 iN. 2d st. MEN 20 to 40 years old wanted at once for electric railway motormen and conauctors. $00 to $10O a month; no experience 1 wc- essary; fine opportunity; write immediate ly ior application oiantt. Auurcwo uregonian. GOVERNMENT CLERK-CAKRIER. Exam ination Nov. 1. Parcel post requires clems; salary $800 to S120O. Free book. Pacific States School, McKay bldg.. Portland. Or. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPON DENC1I SCHOOLS. 60" McKay bldg., cor. aa ana Stark sts. Phones: Main 1020, A 4121. Aleo headquarters I. C. S. FTaternlty. liOVKRNM ENT lobs onen to men. women; $65 to $150 month; list positions free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 527 F.. Roches ter. N. Y. VOIT ran earn slftn monthly writing- for I nnviDaiim: exnarience unnecessary. Par- I liculars for stamp. Empire Syndicate, 4o3, I Atlanta. Georgia, I STUDY LAW, enroll now In day or night classes; comers degree, j-oruanu " School. 631 Worcester mock. .oiarsnau E. B. U. BUSINESS COLLEGE, thorough work, positions guaranteed; day and night classes. 62 Worcester blk. Marshall 2751. STENOGRAPHERS, any system, speeded for positional 629 Worcester block. Marshall 27&L WILL give position $20 weekly salary to party willing to loan $700 on good secur ity, w BOO, uregonian CHANCE to learn to operate moving-picture machine; we can place tnree more men In theater. 417 Rothchlld Bias. PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE Individual instruction. UKiSGU KrlUKliiAisu, oook keeping. 404 Commonwealth bid. Mar. 4258. LOCOMOTIVE firemen, brakemen; wages about $100; experience unnecessary; send age, stamp. Hallway, care uregoumu. WANTED at once. 2 men to learn to operate moving picture maculae, v-aii 0x4 iwta schlld bldg. WANTED Men. 18 to 4S. to become Port land mall carriers. $65 to $100 month; va cations. AV 217, uregonian. SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING SCHOOL 2 14TH ST. M'N 3S93. EXP. INSTRUC'N. GIRLS Learn beauty parlor work. Earn money while learning. 618 Rothchlld bldg. SHORTHAND, typewriting. 3-month course. $5 per montn. dvs litn st. WILL trade new Singer sewing machine Xor POSITION wanted by lady as office girl in J BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms and excel-I KING DAVIS APTS., 54 N. King: 8 end 4 carpentex work. N 849, Oregonian, 1 doctor's office. J 890. Oregonian. 1 lent table board. B74, Park su 1 room high-class; references. Mala 206! SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. ENERGETIC, competent office man. Book keeper, stenographer, correspondent. ' family man; property owner. Versed in organization and management of corpor ations. Able later to make substantial In vestment If attractive. Main 7257, A 0010. OFFICE- MANAGER. Sec'v or treas.. de sires connection with corporation; five years with city Co. Reason for change, sale of Co. now with. Address X 344, Oregonian. HIGH SCHOOL student with 2 years' prac tical experience in bookkeeping wishes to tako charge of small set of books or as- Hist nftfif Rr-hnnl s-inii pvpnin - Axcellent references. Phone B 11S2. WILL AUDIT, OPEN, CLOSE OR WRITB up dooks, prepare oaiance ana statemenia Inetall tye terns. GUI in gh am, auditor. 414 L-ewis blag. Mars ti ail Tii. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and general of fice man; can operate typewriter; would .accept gooa clerical position; local reier- encea. a did, uregonian. MlsceJlan eo us. MEN'S wear salesman;, 29, married, sober capable, with technical education, desires ! position witn iirm requiring a man oi thorough experience in stock-keeping. salesmanship, buying, managing, ad writ ing, show-card writing (use own air brush), window trimming and any altera tions In men'a clothing; willing to prove executive ability on ou-aay approval pian, expect to earn and receive good salary ; best of references. AV 41, Oregonian, A THOROUGH, competent baker, pastry cook, etc, position in a first-class baKery, hotel or club; 20 years' practical experi ence In all branches. European and Ameri can; sober and reliable workman. T 348, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED auto man. employed, would take care of car, do some driving; even ings and Sundays, for good room and 2 meals; references supplied. AE 376, Ore gonian. WANTED Steady position by sober man, 2JV years old, 10 years' experience in Ohio as stationary engineer and repair man on various machinery; any former em ployer as rererence. AR 371, Uregonian. YOUNG MAN, 21, wants a good job on farm; is a good farmer, and would like gooa nome. f ritz ucniioiz. sua um bu Portland, Or. SOBER, Industrious young man wishes po sition in laundry at once; - have had 3 years experience in all parts or the work; please answer at once, pnone A bisu. YOUNG man wants position, chauffeur, pri vate residence; win ao otner work if re quired; moderate wages. Address X 373, Oregonian. GARDENER, landscape, greenhouse, nurs ery, tnorougniy competent, wants steaay position; German apprentice. A J 372, Oregonian. YOUNG man attending high school would I like job work alter school in the electrl- I cal or mechanical line; have had three! years experience. 8i 1 Minnesota ave. POSITION wanted in apartment-house; can) start work 10 A. M. ; i m a Japanese, young and active and can give best of references. Aa ool, uregonian. COLLEGE graduate with three years' ex perience along business and engineering lines, aesires position; references. aj 373, Oregonian. GARDENER and florist, single man, wants steady position, to take charge of private I place or greenhouse, an 3i, uregonian. CARPENTER A No. 1 wishes to build In the country. Address E. Oswald, a U0 E. Yamhill St., Portland. GKOCERY clerk, age 27. 10 years' exper ience, furnish good reference, willing to . work, city or country, s i4v, uregonian. YOUNG man would like position with chance to travel in foreign country. AM ; 870, Oregonian. WANTED Steady work by experienced horseshoer and blacksmith in city. K. b. Olson, care of Y. M. C. A, YOUNG MAN, 36. German, sober and will ing worker, wants work at once; consid- er anytning. none Mam adJi. WANTED Work by young man two or three hours in arternoon; janitor work! preferred. Appiy iu4 union ave. n. YOUNG man 18 would like work on farm. Call 167 West Park St., basement. Mar- Bhall SIS. YOUNG married man wishes work; can! work at most anything; will furnish ref erence. U' 3 to, uregonian. MAN and wife want farm to care for on small salary; experienced; would like cow and chickens iurmsned. as at, oregonian. YOUNG man, experienced elevator operator, wants position running elevator. v 367 Oregonian. ALL-AROUND" baker wants position; flrst- ciass on eaires ana pastry; good decora tor, j. f. vv'iiiams, ot. cnanea Hotel. FIRST-CLASS Walters furnished. Marshall 791, A 4910, Portland Waiters' Club, 148 hi Btn, J,oruana, ur. u-. u. ueraia. manager. CARPENTER, 15 years' experience wants day or contract work. Hox, 67, Wood stock: MAN and wife want position as cooks, or any otner suitable work, xnompson. Mam MAN wants any kind of day work; sober and industrious, t lien. Marshall 317. PLUMBER, first-class, wants job; country preferred. Ooz-A xnurman st. YOUNG man, 27, wants light work; will work for small wages. T 350, Oregonian. I 16 ROOMS, h. k.: will, sell or ex. for Port- land property. SL C, 652-A Thurman st. JAPANESE school boy wants housework. F. Hashimoto, 327 Everett st. JAPANESE cook wishes position in city or country. B 3ot, uregonian. JAPANESE boy, cook, wishes position In family. Adress G. ti.t 424 Morrison st- 6ITCATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. CAPABLE widow with son of 14 wishes po- oiuua . 1 j .w.c v.wu,u be or service arter scnooi ana Saturdays, ur wuum tvusiuci Buuu jji iifuamuu. moan cask sua. I THOROUGHLY 3LGHLY competent bookkeeper and sten ograuner, eysi mntcu in an Beueiai office work, manufacturing or insurance. Marshall o33. YOUNG lady, experienced in cashier, sten ography and general oriice worlt. desires position; call, oetween iz ana z, i&smer, A aosa An 3H, uregonian. EXPERIENCED young lady stenographer desires permanent position. woodlawn S349. STENOGRAPHER. 3 years' exDerlence. de sires permanent position; city references. AD 880, uregonian. YOUNG- lady wishes clerical or cashier position; can use typewriter; Last place two years. Ah ail, uregonian. NEAT, ambitious girl wishes position In of fice; can operate tj-pewnter; A-l refer ences. AB 372, Oregonian. COMPETENT, experienced stenographer and bookkeeper desires position immediately. Kenwood 102U. YOUNG ladv wishes office work: uses short- nana ana typewriter, a 3d ootf, uregonian. BY experienced stenographer and office assistant. rnone xaoor ooz. DressmaJ&ers. RELIABLE and competent dressmaker wants sewing home, children's dresses in. eluded; reasonable. 02 Market. DRESSMAKING, satisfaction guaranteed; children's sewing specialty. Mrs. Armon. t4 Alder. Marsnaii oiriw. DRESSES, suits and alterations at your home by first-ciass aressmaxer, $z.ou. is. 3703. evenings. FASHIONABLE dressmaking and tailoring at home or by day. Mam 7710. DKESSMAKER wants sewing by day. Miss Cathcart. Telephone woodlawn 8o2u. FASHIONABLE dressmaking, reasonable; home or day. 867 mm st. Main Baca. LADIES' tailoring, alterations, coats rellned. Mrs. Muckler. 445 Morrison. M. 6133, A 2235 EXPERIENCED middle-aged nurse, care in. . valid, elderly, assist light work. Marshall 07fiL GOOD, practical nurse; doctor's references. Main 61)37. NURSE Mlas Wolferd, call Dr. Avele; im portant. Housekeepers. WOMAN and srirl. nine, desires house keeping widowers family. 288 Main st. RESPECTABLE elderly woman wants posl- tlon as housekeeper xor wiaower. AS 047 Oregonian. WOMAN la need of hour or day work; children to support. V 869, Oregonian. WOMAN wants a place as housekeeper. B 2203. Domestics. LADY' washer; day work. Main 203. Miscellaneous. THOROUGHLY experienced woman In bak ery business wishes position. Sellwood 102. LADY will assist with housework, children. I such duties as may oe aesirea aunng f. M. Allan. 41)78 marsnaii. GOOD washer and Ironer would like work I Tuesday, weanesaay ana Thursaay. sell wood 11)05. GIRL wishes position with reliable theatri cal company; weight 130, height 0-6, dark complexion. ajl 3iu( uregonian. WANTED A child to take care of bv a young marnea couple. Phone Tabor 8126. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Miscellaneous. EXPERIENCED governess, English woman, desires country or foreign position. Con versational Frerfch. Entire charge under taken. City references. "L," 177 Vi Green ave. Marsh. 5I)84! YOUNG woman would exchange services for home or housekeeping rooms In Christian Scientist's home. Box 251. Marshflcld. Or. WANTED Position as office girl; have had experience and references.. H 359, Ore gonian. WOMAN want3 washing, ironing, nursing ?"- .t-ett. Marshall 1 ' EXPERIENCED woman yeanls Ironing by hour; reference given. pen, xoi. CHAMBERMAID and waitress, experienced. , 42 Fremont St. WANTED AGENTS. YOUR CHANCE MANUFACTURE your own repeat order goods. HOUSEHOLD ne rpRftitioN FtT'TT.n un a. home and mall or der business. HIGGINS CO.. 215 E. FRE MONT ST.. STOCKTON. CAL. W'ANTED Agents - to canvass house house, latest improved water heater on the market; good commission. Call Is'd Morrison st. Phone A 4053. WANTED TO KENT. YOUR property rented quick ; we have a constant call for all kinds in every dis trict; we specialize; our service satisfies. Hewitt Rental bureau, aeuing diub. Main 6960. Houses. WANTED To rent 5-room bungalow, mod ern, between 40th and 60th streets. Mount Tabor or Rose City. Phone Marshall 27V4. MODERN 6 or 6-room bungalow on East Side. AB 36tt, Oregonian Apartments. WANTED 3 rooms, furnished apartment or housekeeping rooms: walking distance from 8th and Hawthorne; reasonable. Phone Sellwood l-jl. NICELY furnished 2-room apartment on West Side. AO 363, Oregonian. Rooms With Hoard. wanted Rv an adaptable, refined lady room and board in private iamuy ior ner company; at home every evening; best of references. Ans. Derore iriaay noon. 848, Oregonian. GENTLEMAN wishes first-class board and room in Sellwood. s 34. uregonian. Business Places. VOICE teacher wishes use, two days each week, piano studio. Aaaress Air. aaiicneii. 11 Lincoln St., apoKane. wan. FOB RENT. Furnished Kooxna. RATES DAILY. WEEKLY. MONTHLY. Family hotel, European plan, fireproof building, modern and clean in every re spect; 150 outside rooms, hot and cold running water, both telephones in every room, ladies parlor, large uiea noor oain room, well ventilated; ladies' toilet and gentlemen's toilet on each floor; large parlor on main toooy. THE ANNEX HOTEL, 12th and Washington Sts. HOTEL ROWLAND, HOTEL MINOOK. iOi 4th. .u. SPECIAL SUMMER RATES. Nicely furnished rooms, homelike, re spectable, clean ana moaern; noi ana cuiu water, private baths; Summer rates, $J m.p u-eRic and im: sDectal attention given to tourists; give us a call; you will like It for you get your money worm ana then some. FOR Y. 51.- C. A MEMBERS Furnished rooms, reasonable in price; nreprooi duiio imr. vacuum cleaned, shower baths, swim ming pool, club facilities; special rates at caieteria ana w omoi lcniuic. un tlculars at business ottice, cor. 0th and Taylor sts. THE HOTEL ARTHUR. 11th, between Morrison and iamhlll Re cently opened; every modern convenience; plenty of hot water and heat; beautiful lobby; rates $4 week and up; with private bath, $5.50 week and up; transient rates. 7ac and up. Free phone. Main 22C HOTEL KEN WICK Ideal home for busi ness people; centrally located : elegant rooms; modern conveniences. Broadway and Taylor, block from Portland Hotel, opposite Orpheum Theater, Main 916. HOTEL SAVON, 131 Eleventh street New modern brick building, s'eam-neatea, pri vate baths, hot and cold water, comfort ably furnished; transients solicited. HOTEL CORDOVA 269 11th St. Ideal home for teachers; strictly mod ern; private baths; rooms $3.00 per week up. Main 472, A47tS3L HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, 652 ft WASHING TON ST., COK. ELLA, NEW. All modern outaide rooms, with or witnout private baths; $2.50 week up; transient rate. MADRAS HOTEL, lttu and Washington Kooms, i week; private oatn, o wee; corner front suite, $5 week. YOUNG man, rooming at Y. M. C. A., wants roommate to reauce rooming expenses; Inquire Y. M. C. A., cor. 6th and Taylor. THE LAP.RABEE, 227 Larrabee Rooms, $2 week up, brick buiiaing, steam neat, h Jt, cold water, bath, phone, electricity. ONE nicely furnished single room in fine locatlon with all conveniences. Only $10 per month. 1S7 17th st. HOTEL EDWARDS, Grand ave., E. Belmont; rooms mo. up; .ju ana tip wuji bath; absolutely respectable. East 323. THE Calvard, 452 Morrison, cor. 13th, well- furnished rooms; modern conveniences. Furnished Rooms In Private Family. ROOMS in nrivate families; we maintain a descriptive list, giving a wide range or choice, and can place you in just wnat you want. Call ana see us now. rso cnarge, CLA RENTAL BUREAU. 1015 Chamber of Commerce. Main 4030 j HAVE pleasant room for two: prefer two ladv teachers, near nawtnorne ana uutii- man gChools; small private family, near E Ankenv car breakfast If desired. Phone e 41SS large, nicely furnished front room, prlv- ate family, use of piano. 751 ivearney, near 23a. fliarsnau io. NICE, large, pleasant room, in good neigh borhood, wltnin waiKing instance; meals if desired, tilm Flanders St. Main 2812. 228 10TH St.. near Salmon, close-in. well- furnished desirable rooms with bath, etc. $10 and up. NICELY furnished rooms, $l.o0 up; fres phone and bath, zurnace. zus itta at. Phone Main 7123. HANDSOMELY furnished front room, walk ing distance; reasonable. 434 iota st. Main 3290. BEAUTIFULLY, furnishesd room, modern. with refined jinvate tamiiy. ow ban Madison, corner loth. Phone East 6422. LARGE, airy fornt room, all conveniences. close In, witn or wunout ooaru. 414 sal mon st. Marshall 4410. FURNISHED room with porch, near Steel bridge, for $10. Also one lor $8 month. 24914 Haisey st. East 4311. NEATLY furnished room, walking distance. heat, phone, batn, very reasonaDle.- uy E. 13th at., near Wash. TWO large connecting rooms or single; running water; reasouaoie. in linst. NEATLY furnished rooms, modern, close in, $1.50 per weeK up. att nroaqway. NICELY furnished room, close in, walking distance, private family. Am w est Park. FURNISHED room, light, bath, gentlemen. 26a Fargo st. tu montn. u car. NICELY furnished rooms from $2 weekly, close in, furnace, phone; 600 Washington. NICE, clean room, bath and both phones. $2.50 per weeK. 4t ast mantel. WELL-FURNISHED room, fine location. for one or two gentlemen. 251 luth st. FRONT room, 553 Hoyt, cor. 17th. Phons Mar. 2477. Price, flOQ per montn. 407 JEFFERSON Very nicely men. furnished sleeping rooms, or a SINGLE room for rent 16 a month. 67 N. 14th st, Davis to Everett. LADY employed to share room. Phoue even ings. A O-MS. ROOMS, walking distance, board optional. 20 14th. Main asus. I CLEAN, quiet, newly furnished front room; very reasonaDie. tuo camion bl., near mm. $2 WEEK; nice little room. 268 12th street. TWO nice unfurnished rooms for rent, walk ing distance, zm Haisey st. c I42Z. Booms With Board. LARGE, newly furnished rooms, with board. suitable ror - or more; separate Deas: piano, home comforts. 101 11th. Main 6381. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION: 26th year. rooms with boara, use 01 sewing-room, 11- brsry. 510 Flanders. Mrs. E. N. Wilson, sup. THE NORTON, 12th and Morrison, nicely furnished rooms ana unexcelled table board: centrally located and reputation established; attractive rates for permanent boarders, rnone Matn W4l, A 2J63. 1HC WHITEHALL, 253 STH TS. A residential hotel; larjte sun Dorch: rooms with or without baths; home cook ing. Tab'.e board a specialty. THE MANITOU, 261 13th St. Excellent table; large, airy rooms; Sum mer rates. "J car at Depot. THE WEAVER HOTEL. Cosy rooms, with bath: board If de- slred; attrgyilve rates. 710 Wash. M. 8651 THE HAZEL Now changed to family hotel. special summer rates, strictly home cook ing. 8S3 3d St. Phone Main 7084. FOB RENT. Roomn AVlth Board. MODERN ELEGANT EXCLUSIVE American and European plan; near City I'arK; convenient to carline. THE HILL Washington at 23d t. Residential and Touriat Hotel. Attractive rates to permanent and trn rienta. Main 75H4. THE VIRGINIA HILL. 14th and Jefferson sta. An exclusive residential hotel; attractive ra:ea to transient or permanent guests. -Main ttS3, A 0628. ROOMS and board at the Calumet for $37.:0 per month; double with private1 bath, $75 per month; rooms, European, $10 and up; rates by the day and week, lit ark su Main 700. PARKVIEW HOTEL, 3S6 Montgomery st., at West Park Mod ern conveniences; rooms with or without bath ; excellent table servlco ; reason.biu rates for regular and transient guests. CHOICE rooms, single and double; fint clbss ta ble; very reason able. 33 N. 17th. CASA ROSA. 300 Jefferson st. Large, airy, furnished rooms, with board. Rooms With Board iu Private Fatally. BEAUTIFUL, newly-furnished rooms, suit able for two or three persons; excellent table board, first-class service, attractive home, only 6 minutes to business district; terms, In a room, from $50 to $70 per month, oil 11th st. phone Mar. 3073. ROOM and board In comfortable, modern ilat; excellent meals; wa iking distance ; also young lady wishes roommate; sep arate bed; reasonable. A 375J, 547 V Oih street. ROOM and board for lady teacher in private residence; good location and every con venience to make it pleasant and homu like. phone East 0S0O. LARGE, newly furnished room, with board, suitable tor 2 or more; separate Led a; piano, home comforts; also young man wa::is roommate. 101 11th. Main 6;IS1. YOUNG man can have small room, with breakfast, at $15 per month. 2u3 21t st. N. Marshall 147. ROOM and board for young women, walking distance ; all conveniences; $3 per week. Phono E. 4732. ROOMS and board ; prefer Portland Acad emy student; two blocks from school. Tel. Marshall 1021. Call 445 11th st. RuuM and board in modern home, reason able rates lor 2 or 3; also garage. lul E. 17th. East 40o6. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS residence oilers room and board to people desirous of exclusive surroundings. Main 5034. LARGE room, running water, private fam ily; best of board ; very central ; reason able. 201 West Park, near JetXerson. STUDENTS or other young men; accommo date 7 ; special rate; good board. 30 N. 17th, near Washington. Marshall 1003. YOUNG lady wants roommate, goud board, home comforts, reasonable. Alain 6581. 101 11 th st. FURNISHED room, with board, suitable for two. in private family; good location. 1420 Hawthorne ave. WANTED A refined gentleman to room and board in private family; homo privi leges; no other boarders. Tabor 4253. GOOD home lor 1 or 2 children, age 3 to 7 years. For particulars call up C 2004. NEAR Multnomah Club, nice rooms with or without meals; reasonable. Main 2210. WELL furnished front room, modern ; would board. 30 N. 16th, near Washington. ROOM and board In private family for lady or gentleman. 656 Glisan st. GOOD room and board, modern, 472 Salmon st. Marshall 4273. HOME cooking. 3 meals daily, outsldo rooms, bath, $5 week up. 2S4 Main st. GOOD room and board, modern, closo in. 472 Salmon st. Marshall ROOM and board, walking distance. o.i 10th St. Main 0070. A 2S0j. PLEASANT front room with board for gen tleman; piano. Main 6dU. aui lutn. ROOMS and board, private family, Lath and phone. lo." E. 11th. Phone E. - 703. BOARD and room. Call at Ood Ladd ave.. or phone East .ow. LARGE, well-furnished front room with or without board. -4S -N- utn. RUUM and board, walking distance. Taylor st. Apartments. BRAND NEW WALKING DISTANCE REX ARMS APARTMENTS 13TH AND E. MORRISON STS. Five-story, fireproof bldg.; 53 2, 3 and 4-rm. apta. ; automatic elevator, balconies, tile bathrooms, anil all the latest improve ments. Bates $25 to $40 month. THE 1RVINGTON, 6S9 IRVING ST. 4 and 5-room unfurnished apartments, all outside rooms; heat, hot and cold wa ter, gas range, private bath, laundry-room, phone each apartment, ample closet room, lot of porch room, good service, reason able rates. W car; references required. Manager, Mar. 274S, janitor Main 0230. CUMBERLAND, W. Park and Columbia sts.. very choice 2 and a-room completely iur-ni-hed apts. ; all modern conveniences, beautiful location facing the parks; 5 min uses' walk from business center. We al ways maintain our reputation for first class, clean apts., with best of service, at reasonable prices; references required. GLEN COURT (Formerly the W'heeldon). Corner Park and Taylor. Modern apartments in 2. 3 and 4-room suites; furnished complete; first-cla&s service. In down-town district, but quiet. THE WASHINGTON, Northrup 5-room unfurnished apartment, with buth and all modern convenient-fa, telephone, steam heat, gas. electric liht, etc. Take W car to -'1st and Northrup. Phones Main 437u, A 1133. SEE THIS ON E SURE Nicely luriiiaaeil 3-ruum apartments, $22.50. All outside rooms, table and bed linen, private bath and phone, on carline. B 3041, Tabor 22H3. THE CROMWELL Fifth and Columbia. 2 and 3-room apartments furnished; strictly modern and new; references; close walking distance; service first-class. THE UPSHl'll. 2lith ar.d Upshur sts. Fur nished 2-room apts.. $10. SIS up; steam heat, hot and culil water in every apart ment; public bath, ek-ctric lights, gas ranges, launtiry-room, all free. Take "S." 21d or "W" cars north. Phone Main 8fii. DESIRABLE 3-room apartment or 4 rooms furnished or unfurnished, arranged for 2 bedrooms; very reasonable rent; desiraola location, good service, outside rooms, pri vate bath, direct phone. SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS. 272 Broadway, cor. Jeffn. IONIAN COURT. B70 Couch, one block from Washington, walking distance, 3 and 4-room modern apartments; all modern conveniences; best of service; under new management; references required. Main 1102. THE M'KINLEY APARTi". SN'TS. East 7th and Morrison sts. Very central; 2 and d-room upartments. furnished com pletely; private baths; from $-0 to $21.50. MEREDITH Modern, newly renovated 2- room apartments, ia anu up; gooa jani tor service; walking distance; references. 712 Washington, opp. 22d. Main 7134. BANNER Apartments, 48y Clay st. Modern 2 rooms, completely turuistieu, v-to, fia and fM. Marshall aui. - ItUENA VISTA. 12th and Harrison 2 and 3-room apart ments; best service. Apply on premises. JUL1AETTE, 2d and Montgomery; Iris. 3d and Mill 2, 4 and 5 rooms; private piiones; 2 rooms, furnished or unfurnished. THE LET A High-class furnished S roorns, large balcony, sleeping porch, steam heat. 409 7th st. Marshall S-67. THE DAVENPORT, 505 Jefferson, strictly modern, single rooms. $2.50 and $3.00 per week. THE ST AN FIELD. New 2-room apts.. light and gas In cluded; $15 ufK 204 Porter St. Main 721)2. MAYO APTS., 503',i Union ave. North. nf-, modern 3-room unfurnished apts.; reason able. Phone East U20. HADDON HALL Furnished and unfurnished apartments. 414 11th st. Marshall 1171. KEELER APTS., 14TH AND CLAY SYS. Front corner 4-room suite, unfurnished. Appiy at once. BRUCE APTS., 25th and Northrup; 6-room apartment; large, light rooms; excellent location. Phone Marshall 1428. A 31 iU. STUDENTS, attention! completely furnished, homelike apts.. centrally located; refer ences; reservations by mail. 20 Lincoln. PAG el APAKTM ENTS. Beautltul apartments, furnished and un furnished. Including fireplace, etc. E. 356o. LUZERNE Clean, cozy, z-room furnished apartment; modem. S minutes from K O., brick building, reasonable. Marshall 4637. FLORENCE. 11th. 3-room froait apart ment, fine furniture, complete, including piano; $t P- LUVEJOY APTS., 17th and Lovejoy. Main 215. Two and 3-ronm furnished, modern. D1EL APT., 71)0 E. Ankeny. three rooms, newly furnhihed and modern. East lwua. THE WALON Nearest to Union Depot of all Kast "P"- Ka3t H'87. 2f.'i Rosa. i'liE DAYTON Comfortably lurnlshed mod ern 4-room apt., only $. Flanders VERY desirable 2 and 3 room apartment at 22s J.. -ot". ft