Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 15, 1913, Page 9, Image 9

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' i i n
Lowly Seals Make It Seven Ou
of Eight for Series by Tak
ing Double-Header.
Ith Stars Absent mod Confidence
Broken, Portland Men Field List
lessly and Play Indifferently.
Shift In Lineup Is Futile.
Partite ras Leautoe tftaawUnca.
w t vr w. L. PC.
t..rftafi. .' Wan S3 S.I .4ll
Vanlte. ( mi .L'll l-'a Anaelee 77 e .7
SarramarttA kl 7 il Oakland 74 It .441
immtaT'i KeMlta.
At Fan KrancUM-o San Francisco 4-8.
At !- Angeles Venice 8-17.
Los An
At Sacramento f irramrato T-,
BAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 14. (Spe.
rial.) Fifteen thousand delirious fans
racked Recreation Park to enter mh
Francisco to the echo thla afternoon,
when, after a 4-to-l victory In the
morning. Pets StandrldKe. the novice.
barked ud bv healthy stlckwork. once
mors trimmed the Bearers. C to 0. and
made it seven out of eight frames for
the lowly Sea!.
As a baseball nnw, pure and simple,
the afternoon spectacle could not be
railed the best frame In the world, but
the packed house did not care. All
they wanted was for Pan Francisco to
win. so the early lead acquirea on
Hlgklnbotham was greeted with more
applause than If the score had been
nip and tack. Krause followed Hlggln
botham. and. while the southpaw was
likewise touched for six swats, ha grot
way with just one run registered.
Gasa Derided Early.
The rams was practically won and
lost when a third way over. Mun
dorff. first up. planted a safe one In
riaht and McArdle scratched. John
ston scratched a bit to short that took
a bad bound and Mundorff came all
the way around from second. Hogan's
out carried Johnston to third, and
when he started to steal third Fisher's
throw was so far wide of the base
man that Johnston completed the cir
With one down 1n the second. Nig
Clarke sine-led to center, chiefly be
cause Chadbourne and Doane got their
signals crossed. Standridge grounded
out to Htgginbotham, but Mundorff
beat out a hit to first. Derrick trying:
to beat the runner to the baa instead
of taklna- the throw himself. Then
Mundy stole and McArdle drove them
both home with a nice poke back of
first base.
The last of that group of runs came
in the third. Johnston doubled, went
to third on an Infield out by Hog-an and
came home on the same sort of an out
tor Downs.
Ki-aus Tlolda Seals.
Harry Krause. who worked there
after, staved off further run-getting
until the sixth, when Cartwrigbt
clipped a two-sacker to left field, took
second when Clarke laid the ball back
of short and scored on McArdle'a
liner through Krause.
In a quick, snappy frame that set a
new record, of one hour and 11 min
utes, the Seals walked away In the
morning's frame to the tune of 4 to 1.
The Seals fielded and hit the ball like
real ohamplons. and the crippled Beav
ers, wltn West In the box. could do
nothing to stop them. Lelfleld let the
Northerners down with only four hits,
and he was given well-nigh perfect
The crippled Beavers were Indiffer
ent In their actions todsy and it was
a far different combination than that
which faced the Oaks the Sunday aft
ernoon before.
Beavers Play Off Color.
Gone was the spirit of the men from
the North, broken their confidence, and
they showed it at every stage of the
proceedings. Hits were counted that
never should have been made and the
fielding, while not particularly off
color, was of an Indifferent quality.
In desperation. McCredie once again
shifted his lineup. Lindsay was back
In the game, but on account of bis
foot, he waa sent In to bat next to
the pitcher. Kores and Fisher found
themselves moved up in the batting
order, but the changes sccompllshed
nothing, snd the Beavers found them
selves absolutely blanked at the wind
up. Scores:
Momlnr same .
Portland I
n vr o A F.
f-hab'ne.l 4 2 4 0 1 Mondnrf.r.
rwrrirk.l. I III) 1 0 UcArdle.1.
Kodnnl 4 O 1 1 I Jonton.n
o u Koxan.i...
0 Downa.2. .
1 2 Oorhnn.e..
1 or-wriirht.J
1 1 Schmidt. e.
5 0 Leltleid.p.
Krausc.r. 4 0
Toane.ra. 4 O
Kores.a. ..4 0
MeCof k.S O
Ferry.c. 3 1
Vesl.p... 8 1
San Francisco
11 11 IMC
5 13 0 0
0 10 1 0
2 S 01
1 6 00
I 1 0
0 2 5 0
1 o ; o
t oo
1 0
Totals.. 31 4 24 10 5! Totals. .14 12 IT 11 1
Port'and MHtHI 0 1
Hits 00801000 0 4
San Francisco 0001000 4
Ht'm...7:.. ....... 111082 12
Rum Berry. Dnwna. Cartwiisht 2.
FchmtdL. Two-has hit Downa, t-acrlflce
Mis McArdie. Derrick. Corftan. Ftrat bin
on called halls Off telfleld 3. off West 1.
Ift on b.aa Fan Francisco S, Portland a.
Time or iimcUl Impwi Finney and
Afternoon same
Portland 1 Saa Franclsc
H H O A Ft
4 3 2o MondnrtT.r
0 0 McArdle. 1
2 c J'naton.ra
0 o Hogan.l...
0 0 Iowna,2.
1 1 '.'nrhan.a..
1 0 I'.rria-ht.l
3 1 I .arka.c...
1 0 Stand' se.p
2 01
0 0'
iimi.i ii wjjis - i hjiiiii i n l ii i hi '; '
l . ' t -rt"ftaana'TlrT aai mf man i minsnf niiiirinmV .
' ' '? f ' i
. ' - - - k -
i . f ; r
Payleaa.r. 8
Braahear.2 2
CVKourke.s S
LlluTiU.. 5
M'Donll.l 4
Hoaan.c. 3
KalelKh.p 3
0 0 EI1U.1....
0 0Pae.2. ...
0 OiKruegor.r.
4 u,M-tiKer.3.
0 0:Jnhnaon.s.
1 Kymea.c
1 0,S.ale.p. .
.33 10 S7 12 4
Totals... f 2T 1 Totals..
Pat? fr Byrnes In ninth.
Batted tor Slagla in ninth.
Venice 0 0 2 0 1 0 o
tj.. iii.Im 0 1 0 0 O 0 O 1 1
HI La 1 z u l u x i '
Runs t'arllsle. Kan 2. Bayleaa. Brashear.
T I .... I. , . 1. 1 - H Hnviril K rU1 0 T. Aiuv
aet. Homo run ArDOsast. 1 n-DM.
arltale. uooaw n. iwo-dm. ii i l- .'
-i uhnmn Kane. Kllla. MtltrL ."-ac
rlfleo hits Bayleaa. Carlisle. Hoard. EU'.
, ...h... II u a ..a nn I, I 1 ITT n B. . 't. Ill I
RAIelrh 1. Struck out By flame a. oy
Kalelrh 4. Double plaja Johnson to Page
to Howard; Kane to McDonaM. wild pitclt
Ralelah. Hit bv pitcher Horan. Moien
bases Bayl
Time of
Afternoon gazna
B H OAc H ii u a i
4 15 0 O Maritert.m 6 4 2 00
2 4 0f;Hoard.l.
8 3 OOiRUli.l....
2 1 8Uipage,2....
8 1 0 01 Krueser.r
2 3 1 l'Metiser.3.
2 11 0 0Goodwln.a
4 1 2 0 Arboiraat.o
1 0 iORyan.p....
Heilmann Almost Sure to
Called by Majors.
T.ftarhl. MrDonnell. Howara
1:U. LniDlres Bush snd
Kane.m.. 4
Hayless.r. 6
Braahear.3 5
O ROurke.s 4
L.ltBChl.3. 4
M Don'el.l 4
Horan. o.. 3
HUt.p.... S
1110 1
8 3 00
2 0 0
0 SO
2 10
0 0 1
0 00
Totals... 41 20 27 SI Totals. . .41 1 28 12 2
I.itrhl out. bunted third strike.
v.-i.. 0 1 0 1 0 7 1 7 017
Hits 0 5 12 0 0 17 U -I)
fx. .nr. lea 0 OOl 23020-
Hlta 1 U 1 . I 1 -o
Buna Carlisle. Kane 2. Bayles, 2. Brash-
ear 3. CRourko 2. I.ltschl 2. McDonnell ,
Uvan. Hltt M.RKArt Z. KII1B JHfllIRBr,
r.oodwln. Arbosast. Ryan, perrltt. Nine
hits and 7 runs off Ryan In 5 1-3 Innings.
Chance defeat to Ryan. Stolen bases Car
lisle 1. Brashear 1, O'Rourke 1. McDonnell
Mara-ert 1. Ellla 1. Three-naae nits J-
r-. ...ii Iin-,r A rTinrtHt. Maacrert. Two
baM hits Hav ess. i-errilt.- prnnnwr .
aa-rirtr hits Kane. Howard. Kills. Pare,
Lltscht Sacrifice nies Carlisle. McDon
nell. Bases on balls Off Ryan i. on
Hltt t. off Perrltt 1. 8truck out By Hltt
nnnhi. niava .n.iii.r i ,i r n o .v nw.
ard. Passed ball Horan. Hit by pitcner
Kane h Perrltt. Time 01 same
Umpires Outhrle and Bush.
Double Victory Makes Count Six
Ont of Fight fop Scries.
SACRAMENTO. Sept 14. The Sacra.
mento Wolves made it six wins out
of eight with the Oakland tailendera
today, winning the morning game 7 to
S and the afternoon game 9 to 3. In the
morning a walk, a sacrifice, passed ball
and sacrifice fly gave the Wolves one
run in the first inning, but Zacher's
triple in the fifth was the first hit of
arame. In the second half of the
game, however, the contest developed
into a slugfest. the score was three
times tied and each team used three
In the afternoon game each team
used three pitchers, making 10 pitchers
used in the double-header. Jost was hit
hard from the start, snd when Hallinan
put the ball out of the lot .with a man
on base In the third. Abies was sent to
the mound. The big southpaw was
found for three more runs in the second
half of the game. Lively was replaced
by Munsoll in the fifth after a double,
single and triple had boosted Oakland's
score to three runs. The Oaks did not
score again. Scores:
C tun
Gardner. 1
Mi tic. 3. ..
Gucst.3.. .
Krelts.c. .
O'Brien, p
2 0 0 OOtark.s...
1 0 Youns.a.. .
0 0 Moran.m.
0 0 hmn.r. ..
1 0 Tennant.1.
0 0 I.ewls.l. . .
3 3 Hallinan. S
0 1 Ken'rthy.2
1 0 Cheek. c-..
2 0 Arella e.p
0 O.WULams.p
0 O'Stroud.p. .
0 (.Lively.
r.. 1 1 O OOi
ata 2 84124!
10 1
2 10
5 0 0
0 00
8 10
9 10
0 3 0
4 40
5 00
0 10
0 0 (
0 00
0 00
0 0(
1 11
0 2
1 1
O 0
0 4
1 2
2 0
0 S
( O
5 2 1 00
2 15 0 1
8 4 00
1 1 00
2 8 8 1
1 1 10
114 0
2 1 00
0 40
Mct'ofk s
IIKIn' m.p
K rauae.p..
Totals. 33 8 24 10 i! Totala. 24 14 27 17 3
Portland 0 0 ( 0 0 0 0 0 0 o
Hits 1 1 0 0 3 0 3 1 1 8
San Francisco 2 2 1 0 0 1 0 0
Hlia 8 8 2 O 2 3 1 0 14
Runs Mundorff 2, Johnston 2. Cartwrirht.
Clark. Stolen fcaaea Mundorff. Johnston.
Hosan. Five runs. A hits off Hlsclnbotham
In 3 Inntnaa. chars to Hlgsin
bolham. Two-baae hits Downs Johnston,
rarlwrla-hl Sacrifice h:ta Derrick, McArdle.
sindriue 1. Kra-iae 1. Struck out Stand
r:d 1 Krauae . Double play Dowua to
MrArdle. Left on bases Port and It. San
Praneiaco 7. Time of same 1:J Vmpires
Finney and Phylc
Venice Piles Vp 25Rnns In Double
Ileader With Los Angeles.
LOS ANGELES. Sept. 14 The Angels
were humiliated twice by Venice today.
The morning game went to the visitors
by an 8 to 3 score and the afternoon
tally was 17 to 8. Both were feature
less swstfests. '
The afternoon and most discrediting
defeat was charged against Pitcher
Ryan, who was not removed until the
sixth Inning. In five and one-third in
nings he had contributed nine hits and
seven runs, perrltt fared almost as
badly In the eighth, when Venice bat
ters hammered out seven more tallies.
Venice, by errorless ball and consist
ent hitting, won the morning contest
by an easy margin. Score:
Venles I Loe Angeles
carlltle.l. 8 2 8 OOMassert.m 4 3 3 OO
aLaae,m.. 3 2 3 iauomad.1. 4 18 01
Tota'a : 64 12 4! Totals, it 87111
Hatted for O'Brien en seventh.
Van Bursa baited (or Arellanes hi
Lively batted tor Stark In seventh.
Oakland 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 5
Hlta 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 0 0
Sacramento 1 O 0 0 0 2 7
Hlta e o 0 0 2 1 8 2 08
Runs Clemens. Gardner. Zacher, Guest,
Leard. Ftark. hlnn. Tennant, Lewis. Ken
worthy 2. Van Buren. Tbreo runs. 3 bits
off O'Brien In 8 Innlnss; 4 runs. 5 hits oft
Prultt in 1 Innlnc: 5 runs, 6 hits off Arel
lanes In 7 Innlncs; hits off Will
tarns In 1 Inning: .credit victory to Will
lama; charge defeat to Prultt. Three-base
h i la Zacher. Lewis. Two-base hit Lewis.
Sacrlflco flits Guest. Shlnn. tfacriuce hlta
Clemens, Rohrer, Moran. Stolen baaes
Young 1, Kenworthy 2. Struck out By
O'Brien 8. by Arellanes 3. Bases On balls
Off O'Brien 8, off Arellanes 3, off Williams
1. Wild pitch O'Brien. Passed ball Krelts.
Double piays tSuest to Gordner to Rohrer:
Young to Kenworthy to Tennant. Lett on
baaes Sacrameuto 3. Oakland i Time 2:00.
Umpires Held and McCarthy.
Second game
Oakland I Sacramento
Leard.2. ..
Uuest.3. ..
Cook.s. .. .
Ables.p. ..
o o 0 01 Toung.s...
212 OOlMoran.m..
0 2 1 0chlnn.r. . .
1 O o Teni.atit.1.
1 OOLewla.l
118 0
2 4 0 0
2 0 00
0 lO 0 0
2 8 00
1 0 1 0
2 4 11
0 5 10
1 0 20
0 0 00
2 4 0 Halllnan.3. 3
2 5 J Ken lhy.2 4
4 10 Cheek. c.. 3
O 1 0, Lively. p.. . 2
0 2 0Munaell.p. 2
a on
Totala. .38 8 24 14 2; Totals. . .33 11 27 10 1
Batted tor Abies la ninth.
Oak. and 01002000 0 8
Hits 08108001 1 8
Sacramento 8 0 8 0 0 1 0 2 8
Hits 31400101 11
Huns Leard. Coy. Able. Young. Moran.
Shlnn X. Lewis 2. Hallinan, Cheek MunselL
Six runs, hits off Jost In 2 1-3 innlnss;
J runt, 7 hlta off Lively In 4 2-3 Innings.
Home run Hallinan. Three-base hits Cuy.
shlnn. Two-base hits Coy. Ablss, Moran.
tiaorlflce hit Cook. Struck out By Atlas
3. Charge defeat to Joat. Left on bases
Oskland 9, Sacramento 7. stolen baaes
Gardner 1. Lewis L Double play Cook to
Leard to Gardner. Time of garner 9 hours,
empires Held and McCarthy.
Ilarrlmana S, Monnt Angel 3.
WOODBUKN. Or.. Sept. 14. (Spe
cial.) The Harriman club defeated
Mount Angel at Mount Angel today t
to 2. Batteries (Harrlmans, Oalvln,
Mainland and Bryaon; Mount Angels,
Schnee. Tarrow and Wolford. Calvin
and Mainland pitched gilt-edged ball
for the Harriman club. Crowe won the
game by a single In the seventh.
Bearers Can Only Lose. One Man In
Lottery Rodgers, Lober, Speas,
Doane and One Pitcher Are
Probably to Be Sought.
With the major league drafting sea
son Seritember 15-20 opening toaay.
Portland fans will watch with interest
the results of the lottery. Portland
can lose but one man from the Coast
club at $2500 and an unlimited number
from the Northwestern team at sizou
a man.
"I feel certain that we will lose
Harry Heilmann, of the Colts., said
President McCredie last night "We may
also have to part with Bancroft, Cal
lahan. Mays. Hynes and Murray, ior
the majors can grab them all If they
want to.
So far as the Coast club Is con
cerned." added Mr. McCredie, "drafts
will likely be levied against Lober,
Speas, Doane, Rodgers and possibly
aeralnst one of the pitchers. The ma
ior. are allowed to take only one play
er from AA clubs, so the cnoice win
undoubtedly rest In the drawing of
cards from the hat."
Harry Heilmann at $1200 sounds al
most as good as Colonel Astor's pur
chase of Manhattan Island for $24.
Heilmann is unquestionably the most
promising all-around athlete the North
western League naa turned, out in sev
eral seasons. He Is hitting .314 and
has played nearly every position on
the club, at present being stationed' at
Jimmy Richardson recommemnded
Heilmann to Portland last Winter af
ter watching him In the San Francisco
City League. If Jimmy never does
another bit of scouting, he can sit back
and point to Heilmann. For his pains
the Western Trl-state umpire win like,
ly draw down a big slice of Hellmann g
draft price.
Jimmy Toman said last night he had
positive knowledge that St Louis, Cin
cinnati and Cleveland would all have
drafta In against the loose-jointed star.
The McCredles released Bancroft
Heilmann, Mays and one or two others
from the Colts to the Beavers several
weeks ago, but that protects them only
against drafting by other AA clubs.
The majors can take them at B league
prices, because they were not actually
In Coast uniforms for 20 days prior to
the draft period.
Other Northwestern Leaguers who
will doubtless be drafted are: Spokane,
Wagner. Fltzslmmons and Douglass;
Vancouver. Klppert Konnick: Victo
ria, Narveson; Seattle, Fullerton, Cad-man.
In the Coast League drafts will like
ly be levied against Elliott, Hosp and
Koestner, of the Venice club; Johnson,
Boles and Maggert of Los Angeles;
Johnston and Fanning, of San Fran
cisco; Moran, Williams, Shinn and
Young, of Sacramento, and Rohrer and
possibly Prultt of Oakland, in addition
to the' Portland contingent mentioned
The Class AA draft season opens two
days after the close of the major,
namely. September 17 to 22. The AA'a
are allowed to take one man from A
league teams from which the majors
did not draft one man from B teams
and an unlimited number from lower
Portland's drafts will, not be given
out until the lists have closed, but
Catcher Haworth, of the Pendleton
club. Is said to be one of those in line.
Hap Hogan, of Venice, has announced
that he will attempt to draft Catcher
Schmidt of Mobile, and Outfielder
Messenger, of the Blrmington club of
the Southern League.
Ducks Lnre Majority of Shots and
Turnout at Kenton Is Small.
Because many of the local shooters
were out at the various duck reserves
preparing for the opening of the duck
season this morning, the regular week
ly shoot of the Portland Gun Club on
the Kenton traps yesterday saw but 18
trapshooters out
HUlls was high man, breaking 88
clay birds out of a possible 100. Dry
den was second high, with 87, while
Percy Knight and Dr. Thornton were
tied for third, having scored 84.
The first shoot for the trophy donat
ed by the National Sportsman Publish
ing Company will be staged at the
club traps next Sunday, and all amateur
shooters are invited to enter. this con
test Entry fee is $1.
Following are the participants and
scores made at yesterday s snoot:
HIllls. 88; Dryden. 87; Dr. Thornton, 84;
Knight 84; Wright 80; Broadhead. 80;
Rice, 74; Cavanaugh, 69: Young. 6i;
Everdlng, 87; Addleman, 62; Archer. 61;
Merrill. 61: Gregg, 61; Card. 60; Royal,
60; Thompson, 60: Wilson. 69.
California Golf Champion Loses.
DEL MONTE. CaU Sept 14. Miss
Edith Chesebrough, woman golf cham
pion of California for many years and
undefeated In any tournament during
the period of her supremacy, lost Sat
urday In the final of the Del Monte
championship to Miss Alice "Warner by
four up and three to play.
Glaring Errors by Umpire Take
Chance of Pennant
From Portland.
Arbiter Hands First Game to Van
couver, bnt Visitors Lose Second,
7 to 1 Hcllmann's Batting
Is of High Caliber.
Northwestern League Standings.
W. U Pet. I - W. L. Pet.
Vancouver. 89 63. 586: Victoria.... 74 82.474
Portland.. 80 65 .oS2Tacoma. ... 69 86.445
Seattle.... 81 72 .530'Spokane. . . 64 89.418
Yesterday's Results.
At Portland Portland 2-7. Vancouver 6-1.
At Seattle Seattle 2-3. Spokane 1-2.
At Tacoma Tacoma 4-8, Victoria 0-2.
Northwestern League ball was ush
ered out In Portland yesterday amidst
an uproar of mingled catcalls and
hisses Three thousand Indignant fans
are willing to testify today that Um
pire Jimmy Toman would enter houses
by the second-story winoow.
All of which Is preface to the state
ment that Vancouver split even in a
final double-header with the Portland
Colts, although the Colta should have
had both games. The scores were 6-2
in Vancouver's favor and 7-1, Port
land, the last being a time-limit five
Inning affair.
It isn't often that an umpire holds
a pennant in the hollow of his hand.
But Toman had it in his power yes
terday either to put Portland out of
the race for keeps or put the Colts
very much in it
Tomitu's Errors Glarina;.
Jimmy Is a good arbiter and doesn't
often make flagrant mistakes, but he
booted two chances yesterday in the
first game. As a result the Canucks
left for the North with two of the
seven games instead of one, giving
them an edge on the pennant of five
and one-half games instead of three
and one-half. I
With that handicap end only two
wveks to go Portland has about as
much hopes of winning the 1913 rag as
has Harry Thaw or being eiectea taov-
ernor of New York State.
Harry Heilmann vied with Umpire
Toman in the struggle tor the spot
light Hellmann's batting was a reve
lation even to those who have watched
him tear the cover off the league's
$1.J5 balls all season.
In the Ilrst game, a good pitcning
duel between Clark and Mays, Heil
mann secured three hits In four trips,
and, in the abbreviated closing mat
inee, two hits In three trips. One of
these was a single with the bases lull,
scoring two men, and the other a home
run over the right centerfield fence,
scoring three runs.
Callahan Holds Leaders.
Callahan was on the mound for
Portland In the time-limit game, and
he had the Northerners completely oar
fled by his southpaw shoots. Har
stadt proved easy picking for the
Returning to the assault on the um-
Dire. Toman threw the hooks Into the
Colts, not once, but twice in the open
ing game and both decisions were vital.
With two strikes ana two Dans on
Konnick in the fifth inning Toman
called the next one "ball three, al
though the Polack took a neaitny anti
deliberate swing. Clark then ioi
lowed with a double, scoring two men
and sending the game into extra In
nings, 2 to 2.
But Jimmy didn't stop there. In the
tenth he pulled another putrid deci
sion at third base that handed Van
couver three runs, enough to clinch the
game and undoubtedly the pennant
Vancouver naa men on ursi mm ocu-
ond in the tenth with one out wnen
Clark drove a fly to Gulgnl in right
Aftr the catch Helster leggea it irom
second to third and Guigni's throw had
him by five feet Toman stooa al
most over the play, but missed, call
ing Heister sale. Brlnker loiiowea
with a triple that scored two men and
he crosed on a passed ball during the
Clark and Mays both twinea gooa
ball In the opener, the nits Demg iu
off Mays and seven off Clark.
Gnlgml Stars in Field.
Tn the field Gulgnl starred for the
Colts with three remarkable throws to
the Infield. He caugnt aacsiuroo at
mnd trvinsr to stretr?l a hit Into a
double, nabbed Scharnov at third after
H.i.ter' hit in the Kitn ana naa
Helster trapped in the tenth on the
play on which Toman slipped.
In the secona game u"iuu al
lowed only two scattered nits in live
Innings. Harstadt was nicked for eight
four, bunched In the third, scoring four
The box scores sounomg requiem on
the Northwestern League i t-oruana
First game
Vancouver . Portland
B H O A E B H O A jj.
B H OAEBancrofta 8 0 3 40
Brlnker.l.. 5 13 0 o;Mohler.2. . o o z ao
Z a 3 u uulKni.r. ... - v
0 2 OO'Melchlor.m 5 0 100
1 8 0 l'Hellmann.l 4 8 14 OO
2 0 0 OiMshoney.l. 8 10 0 9
0 4 5 l'Coltrln.3.. 4 0 2 10
2 8 8 OIKIng.c... . 8 O 5 00
0 7 2 0'Mavs.P 8 10 8 0
2 0 3 0lCallahan 1 0 0 00
0 0 OOMurray.o.. 0 0 1 00
Manicuring atid II air dressing Parlors 2d Floor Tearoom 4lh Floor
Portland Agents Royal Worcester, Nemo, bien Jolie, Bon Ton Corsets
Olds, Wortman & King
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
w y
S. at H. STAMPS. I
Boys' $6.50 Two -Pant Norfolk Suits at $4.95
Splendid Wool MaterialsAll Sizes
Juvenile Department, Main Floor Not the ordinary kind of clothes, by any
means. They are distinctive in cut and they fit perfectly. These splendid
little Suits will compare favorably with the best $6.50 Suit you can find
and we'll guarantee them to give the boys satisfactory wear and to hold
their shape. We are selling dozens of these excellent Suits every day, but
we want every mother in Portland to see them and learn how exceptionally
good they are at the price. Great variety of novelty effects in grays, tans
and browns. Styled in the popular Norfolk models. Pants GlA O?
cut full peg top and well finished. Regular $6.50 grades at pt.iJ
"O W K Special" Boys ' Blue Serge Sui ts $5
Splendid Weight for Fall Wear
Juvenile Department, Main Floor If your boy prefers a blue serge Suit
these will suit him to perfection. They are tailored with the same expert
care that is to be found in our Men's Suits. Excellent weight blue storm
serge warranted to hold its color. These are also styled in Norfolk effect,
with belt, plaits, etc. After all, it's hard to find a suit more satisfactory
from every standpoint than a blue serge. Pants lined throughout, 3JtI
with taped seams. Ages 6 to 18. Priced for this sale, the Suit PJ
Sale Girls9 School Coats, Dresses
Department, Second Floor
We are now ready with splendid stocks of Girls' and
Children's School Coats and Dresses in latest Fall and
Winter styles. Don't fail to see them. Second Floor.
"Right Posture
$7.50 to $10
AU Sizes
We are exclusive Port
land agents for these
famous school suits for
boys. Made from wear
tested fade-proof wool
en fabrics. New Fall
patterns and styles are
now ready. Pair of fine
Dumb - Bells given with
every suit See window.
Fall Coats $5.98, $7.25
Ages 6 to 14 Years
Girls' double-breasted and belted-style Coats of Astra
chan, Venetian, boucle and corduroys. Excellent as
sortment of good, serviceable colors and Zjr7 O CZ
patterns. Ages 6 to 14 years. $5.93 and P
Girls9 New Fall Dresses
$4.98 and $5.98
Children's Wool School Dresses in Dorothy, Buster and
Norfolk styles; brown, navy and Copenhagen blue;
trimmed with contrasting colors. Ages CCT QQ
from 6 to 14 years. Prices $4.98 and PJ.r-
games. The locals won the first game
in the fourth Inning on a base on balls
and three hits, after Spokane had scored
one run on two hits and a wild pitch.
In the second game, with the score tied
in the ninth, Nlll walked, went to sec
ond on James' safe hit and scored when
Gipe, batting for Martini, hit a long
single. Scores:
First game-
noon, the first by a score of 4 to 0 and
the second 9 to 2. McGinnlty's pitching
permitted the Bengals to capture the
first contest while the second found
the Bengals hitting Brown almost at
will. He retired In the fourth Inning
and was supplanted by Slayton. Scores:
First game
Victoria Tacoma
5 2 9 10'
S 8
3 0 0 wagner.r..
Chase,l. . .
Powell, 1...
Lynch. m..
Yohe.3. . ..
0 OjFltislm's.s
0 IVHannah.c.
1 0 Co'eskle.p
2 0
5 0
0 0
8 O 0 4 U
4 0 13
4 0 2
4 12
8 13
3 10
3 11
2 0 2
2 0 1
4 0
0 0
0 1
3 0
1 1
Bennett. 2. 5
Klppert. m. 5
M Murdo.l 4
Frisk.r... 4
Scharney.s 4
Helster.3.. 4
Konnick.0 2
Clark.p... 4
"Doty . u
Grlndell.c. 0 0 O OOi S7 1O30 16 2! Totals. . .85 7 80 13 0
Batted for Konnick In tenth.
Mttktt for Kin in ninth.
..n,,vtr OOUVZVVU 3 o
. . -. . , i . aa, n o in
1 1 , - UVAOVVAU " .V
Tertian... O0O0O11UO U S
, A.AA.,,f1 M T
Runs Brlnker. Helster 2. Konnick. Doty.
Mohler Heilmann. Struck out By Clark a,
?ni.?I.. a on balls Off Clark 3.
Two-base hits Heilmann. Clark. Three-base
hits Heilmann. Brlnker. Double play Ban
croft to Monier to neiunaun. ntnii ..j
u.hnnn. Stolen bases Qulcnl. Mahoney,
Helster, Mays. Doty Bennett. Hit by pitched
balls Konnlcx, fou. . - " '
Time of game 2 hours. Umpire Toman.
second game . .
Vancouver i-ortiano
ii n w n. i. !
Jackson. 1
Fuller" n.r.
Totals. 88 10 27 10 01 Totals. 28 4 24 11 2
Seattle 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2
6pokane 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 01
RUns Klllilay, Mclvor, PowelL Two-base
hits Martini. Yohe. Sacrlflce hits Yoh-.
Hannah 2. Stolen base Covaleskie. Struck
out By Mclvor 3, by Covaleskie 2. Bases
on balls Off Mclvor 3, off Covaleskie 2.
Wild pitch Mclvor. Hit by pitched ball
Lynch, by Mclvor; Nill. by Covaleskie.
Double play Covaleskie to Fltzslmmons to
Chase. Time 1:2S. Umpire Casey.
Second ram
Seattle I Spokane-
Jackson, 1
Raym'nd.s 4
Fullerton,r 4
James. 3. ..
Wally.c. .
R H O A El
8 0 11 o ziwurm.z. .
2 u Chase.l. . ,
0 OJWagner.r.
2 1 Powell.l. .
8 OILynch.m. ,
0 0Yohe,.
Peters, p. .
3 00
9 10
0 1
0 0
0 0
1 0
4 1
1 1
Totals... 30 5 24 13 3
tn ninth.
in ninth with none
Totals... 80 8 27 14 5
Ratted for Martini
Winning run made
Seattl 0 0 0 O 2 0 0 0 1 8
Spokane 0 0000200 0 2
Runs Nill, James. Klllilay, Wagner, Pow
ell. Two-base hit Raymond. Sacrifice hits
Lynch. Petera 2. Struck out Reardon 4,
Peters 4. Bases on balls Off Reardon 1.
off Peters 3. Hit by pitcher Yohe, by
Reardon. Balk Reardon. Passed ball
Hannah. Double plays Reardon to Ray
mond, Peters to Fitzslmmons to cnase.
Time of game 1 :50. Umpire Casey.
McGinnity Shuts Ont Victoria In
First and Xext Is Swatfest.
TACOMA, Sept 14. Tacoma took two
games of a double-header this after-
Crum.nv. .. 4
Ra'llngs.2. 1
Brottem.r. 8
Alberts,r,2 2
Swain, 1. .. 4
Brooks.l.. 4
Delmas.s. 4
Lamb.3... 3
Shea.c. ... 8
N'veson.p. 3
1 0 McM'len.S.
1 0 Milllon.l...
0 0 Fries, m. . .
1 0West.l...
1 O'Salsberg.s.
3 O'Keller.2. ..
1 1! Harris.c. .
2 OiMcGin'ty.p
2 0
3 10
4 00
2 O0
3 0 1
7 10
2 3 1
3 20
3 2 0
0 00
Totals. ..31 6241411 Totals. ..28 9 27 i 2
Victoria 000OOO00 0 0
Tacoma 0 0 1 0 3 0 0 0 4
Runs McMullen, Million, Harris. McQln
nlty. Double play West to salsbcrg. Two
base hits Narveson. Brooks. Three-base
hit Million. Sacrifice hlts Fries 2. Struck
out McGinnity 4, Narveson 7. Time of game
1:20. Umpire Ostdiek.
Second game
Victoria I Tacom:
Crum.m. .
Brooks. r..
Mcek.l. .
wa!n.l. ..
Lamb.3. ..
Brown, p. .
B H O A El
Shea 1
0 0
1 1
1 3
1 2
1 0
1 2
2 6
0 0
0 0
1 0
0 0.McM'len.3.
0 O'Mllllon.l. .
4 OlFrles.m. ...
0 2N'ghbors,r
0 0 We3t.l
4 llSaisbcrg.s.
001 Keller.'.!...
0 2 Harris.c.
1 OKelly.c...
4 0 Olrot.p...
0 0
5 4 14 0
1 2
0 2
1 14
1 0
0 2
1 3
0 1
1 0
Totals. .3 8 24 13 51 Totals. . .80 11 27 13 2
Batted for Slayton In nlntU.
Victoria. 00000000 2 2
Tacoma. 22300200
Runs Delmas, Brottem. McMullen 2. Mil
lion 2, Neighbors, West. Salsberg. Harris 2.
Ftolen bases McMullen, Million, Nelghlors.
Double play Alberts to Meek. Two-base
hits Swain, Girot, Harris. Sacrifice hits
Million. Fries. Salsberg, Kelly. Pitchers rec
ord Six hits, 7 runs, off Brown in 3 1-3
Innings; 3 hits 2 runs off Slayton In 4 2-S
Innings. Charge defeat to Brown. Struck
out By Brown 2. by Girot 4. by Slayton 2.
Bases on balls Off Brown 3. off Girot 2.
Passed ball Harris. Wild pitch Brown.
Hit by pitched ball Harris by Brown. Time
of game 1:35. UmDire Ostdiek.
Garrys Warden and Deputies on Look
out for Violators of Law.
The duck season, which has caused
so much confusion, opened today and
will last until January 15. 1914. This
law is for Multnomah, Clatsop, Colum
bia, Coos and Tillamook counties, while
the law that affects other portions of
the state will become effective Octo
ber 1.
This was done to correspond with
the laws In effect In California and
Washington and this year Portland
sportsmen will have 15 days more
hunting than there will be in 1914 and
State Game Warden Finley is cau
tioning ail hunters not to break the
law, as all violators will be punished.
Mr. Finley says his deputies have
been Instructed to keep a careful look
out fr those who try to kill pheas
ants or hunt within the city limits.
The Jlty limits Is considered a place
of -fuKe for the birds and all viola
tors will be severly dealt with. Re
wards have been offered and full par
ticulars can be obtained from tlid
Warden's office.
Fall Activities at Multnomah Club
Are Scheduled.
Fall will be ushered In at the Mult
nomah Club today when the Juniors
collect for the first classes in the gym
nasium under J. Lee Thompson, the
newly-appointed physical director.
The men's classes In preliminary and
advanced work will be opened tonight
The wrestlers and boxers also will an
swer the call In greater numbers and
attend regularly to the mats In prepa
ration for the Coast meet to be held
here soon.
Mr. Thompson has been In the city
Blnce Saturday, Inspecting the equip
ment and getting acquainted.
Eddie O'Connell has not returned yet
to take charge of the wrestlers, but
will be on duty at the mats in a few
days more. Tommy Tracey'a glove men
have been working for some time, and
the official opening of Fall work means
simply the addition of more members
to the classes.
Jack Cody, the swimming Instructor
who takes Cavill's place, will arrive
this week.
There seems to Te no way to quar
antine the bores.
Brlnker.l 8
Bennett.2 2
Kippert.m 2
M'Murdo,2 2
Frisk.r... a
SchSr-ey.s 3
Helster.S. i
Grlndle.c. 1
Harstadt.p s
Totals... 18
Portland . .
1 OIBancrofta 2
2 O'Mohler.2. . 1
0 uOuIgnl.r. . 2
OUMelchlor.m 3
0 0;Hcllman.l 8
1 OIMahoney.1. 3
1 O Coltrln.S. . 3
1 0 Willlama.c 3
1 OlCallahan.p 2
2 15 7l Totals... 22 815 5 2
0 0 1 0 0 1
O 0 1 1 0 2
0 0 4 0 3 7
" 0 0 4 1 88
Runs Heister. Bancroft Gulgnl. Melchior,
Heilmann. Callahan. Struck out By Har-
tadt 2. bv Callahan 3. Base on balls-
Off Harstadt 2. Two-base hits Callahan 1.
Home run Heilmann. wuon
Scharney to Bennett to McMurdo. Sacri
fice hit Grtndle. Hit By pucnea oans
Tt.nrroft. Mohler. Tima ot same 1:05.
Umpire Toman.
Giants Win Both Games of Dooble
Header by One-Run Margin.
SEATTLE, Sept 14. Seattle won both
games of a double-header from Spokane
today, taking the first 2 to 1 and the
second 3 to 2. Seattle outplayed Spo
kane in the field and at bat in both
I s mmimW
IB". f.B'. 8 g.YIS i-LS s.i .'-. ' ' -.: ...T.H T., ".: 1 a wSUTa 1 art a,'-' T.'nSI P ' " '. !
Here's the case that
should be in your home
For where this beer is delivered
regularly, the doctor seldom comes.
If vou doubt this just phone your dealer
today, and in a couple of weeks see if there
isn't an added enjoyment to your meals a
greater attraction to bedtime.
There's just the right amount of tonic in
Hop Gold Beer
to help you keep your system in the condition that nature in
tended it should be.
Better digestion more restful sleep more vim.
Your dealer is glad to have j-ou specify Hop Home
Gold. He knows it mean3 a regular customer. B 1146
But phone us direct if you wish we'll supply you through
the nearest dealer.
Northern Brewery Co. Portland-Vancouver.