J. : t8 THE HORSING OREGOXIAS, THURSDAY, SEPTE3IBER 11, 1913. Today the Greatest Sale of Silk Ties nown to Portlan Ever K $1.50, $2 and $2.50 Silk Knit and Crochet Four-in-Hands at 95c Beautiful $1.00 Silk Knit and Crochet Four-in-Hand Ties at 59c 'The Child Is Father of the Man ' and So He Wants To Wear Clothes Like Father's Encourage Him in His Manliness Bring Him to Our Men's Store Today There's a distinctive finish and individuality in our Boys' Goth ins, iust as there is in our Men's Clothing. It's their superior workmanship, style and perfect finish that give them that individuality. .very Suit is of all-wool material, and a careful selection of the most beautiful weaves and patterns designed for the coming season. You may clothe your boy here with the assurance of the most in quality, style, service, a perfect fit, and absolute satisfaction in every way. Prices range from $3.75 to $15.00. The Indestructible "Samson" Suits are to be found here only in Portland. They're wonderful Suits and the greatest value to be found anywhere for the price, $5.00. Stylish Hats & Caps for School Wear There's a wondrous collection of new, stylish Hats in our Boys Store and there's such a varied choice of splendid styles for every occasion, dress, school and play, that you are certain to find the style most suited for your boy, be he a little boy, medium sized or a big boy. They're most reasonably priced, too, from 50C to S5.00. School Caps, 50c" each. Boys Need Durable Shoes for School Sturdy Shoes, made to withstand the kicks and scuffs and hard wear that they are sure to receive on every wide-awake, energetic schoolboy's feet, are here for your selection in new styles and lasts, designed for comfort as well as stylish appear ance, at prices the lowest, ranging from S1.50 the pair to S3. OO. Third Floor, Xew Bids- Mall Orders Filled. Six Pair of "Holeproof" Hose are guaranteed to wear 6 months without holes appearing in the heels, toes or soles. That means almost the entire school year without darning. 6" pairs for S2.00. Third Floor, Main Bids. Mall Ordera Filled. Pretty Dresses and Sweaters For the Little Miss at Decided Reductions . Mothers will be quick to appreciate the exceptional values in these garments and make an early selection to supply the Dress and Sweater needs for the little girls. Dainty White Dresses of fine quality lawn, poplin, linene and dimity. Fetchingly made in Dutch styles with belt, high and low necks; also sailor collars, with and without colored trim mings. Sizes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 years. $1.25 Dresses Special, each 95 $1.50 to $1.75 Dresses Special, each, SI. 22 $2.00 to $2.50 Dresses Special, each, 1.87 $3.00 to $3.50 Dresses Special, each, S2.79 $3.50 Wool Sweaters of good, heavy gray wool, with blue and red stripes. High necks with collars. Side or front closing. Sizes 2, 3 and 4 years. These splendid, serviceable g f Sweaters are specially priced for today only at... J) X 0 Second Floor, New Bide Mall Ordera Filled. Elberta Freestone Peaches Today While Any Remain Only 55c BOX An immense shipment of Fancy Elberta Freestone Peaches direct from one of Oregon's finest Peach Orchards. They're care fully packed, good-sized, sweet, juicy Peaches, ideal for canning. Also about 100 boxes of fancy Yakima Elberta Peaches arc included. Place your orders early. "While any remain, the box DOC No Phone Orders Taken Big Basement Store Never before have Portland men been given the opportunity to purchase Sill Knit and Crochet Ties of such excellent quality at such remarkable prices. They're a wonderful lot! Every Tie is of all pure thread silk, and there's an un limited assortment of beautiful colors and patterns. Every man should take imme diate advantage of this exceptional sale. Women will find these Ties most acceptable gifts during the Holiday season. Purchase now at these phenomenal prices, i A p- 250 dozen of Men's Crochet and Accordion Knit Four-in-Hand Ties, XlX iDC a wonderful special purchase, fortunately made by our buyer, who .' has just returned from the Eastern markets. Scores of beautiful patterns most desired by discriminating men, including the popular two-toned Accordion weaves, Crossbar Accordion and Heather effects, also plain, honey combed and regimental bias striped patterns. All' desired colors. All pure thread silk Ties, worth $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50 each. For this remarkable sale, extremely, low priced your choice 95. Another great assortment of Crochet and Knitted Four-in-Hand Ties, all pure thread silk, and in the most desired of the new pat- terns designee: ior tne coming season, uouie auu see una iuuvciuua collection, priced so low, and choose early, for there will be throngs of eager buy ers here today. These Ties are worth $1.00 each. Your choice, 59. See Morrison-Street Window Display At 59c The Brushes in This Sale Were Imported Direct by Meier & Frank Co. A -rnTnf-r1rnV.l flRcnrfmpTit nf rrnrp -"Rrifitlfi TTair BrusllBS goes on sale today at prices offering the greatest economy. They're all imported direct from the greatest Brush factories in the world, and. you've a varied selec tion of shapes and styles backs of ebony, rosewood and satinwood and long or short bristles. 50c Hair Brushes, Special. . . ...... .39 $1.25 and $1.50 Hair Brushes, Special. . .98 $2.25 and $3.00 Hair Brushes, Special, $1.98 $1.75 Pig Bristle Hair Brush "Penetrator" style, good quality triple bristle set. in rubber air cushion, invigorating and healthful to the fc 1 1 Q scalp and hair. Special, each . p 1 1 50c Bath Brushes, with long detachable handles, each, 39 25c Nail Brushes, wooden, bone and ebony backs, each, 19 25c Tooth Brushes, celluloid and bone handles, each, 19c 15c Tooth Brushes, celluloid and bone handles, each, 10? 65c "Neverhone" Razor Strop Free with each "Ivy" Eazor purchased here today. The "Ivy" Razors are of fine quality steel, and are well known for their excellent shaving quali ties, and regularly-sell for $2.00 each. Special Flrat Floor, New Bids. Mall Ordera Filled. $1.25 $5.50 to $8.00 Manicure Sets all arc stand ard makes, an assortment of 12 different styles to choose from. Specially priced at, each. 60c to $1.00 Scissors in a large assortment of desired shapes and styles, guaran teed quality. Special, each... 84.98 sortment 50c 11 The Stylish Apparel for Fall Depends So Much on the Perfect Fitting Corset and the famous Warner Corsets, in all their au thoritative new styles, are here for your inspec tion. The narrow, perfect-fitting dress, decreed by Dame Fashion for the present season, calls for a Corset that will conform to the figure in grace ful lines, giving an almost uncorseted effect. The slender, but delicately rounded silhouette of fash ion will follow inevitably the wearing of Warner's Corsets and you'll find them most comfortable. Their style quality is indorsed by fashion creators everywhere. Their comfortable-fitting and splendid-wearing qualities are unequaled. There are models designed for every type and . every woman can find a Corset suited to her figure 'MJiL&j O visit our Corspt Denartment on the second floor SSH2!f this week during the "Warner Fashion Autumn Opening" and see these splendid new-style Cor sets. They're guaranteed to shape fashionably, to fit comfortably and not to rust, break or tear. Prices range from $1 to $5.. Second Floor, ew Bids. Mall Ordera Filled. k I The- QjjalitY' Storje- or- Portland x8jlb "fr-i Marshall 4600 Special 50c Luncheon 11 lo 2:30 r. M. Seventh Hoor Kestaurant Today's Menu Philadelphia Pepper Pot or . Consomme BrunolKC Rip Olives Wll FlrklM Boiled Halibut. Pnrlmp Sauce . ponimfs Natural Choke of Braised Tenderloin of Veal with EEg Noodles Corned Beef and Cabbage lHunsarian lioulash Cold Sliced Ham with Potato Salad Corn mi Cob Potatoes. Mushed or Hashed Brown Asparagus Ti;s en Mayonnaise Sliced Pineapple or Pineapple Sherbet Tea, Coffee, .Milk or Buttermilk Direct Elevator Popular Fiction Reprint Editions Now 50c "The Winning: of Barbara Worth,!' by Harold Bell Wright. "The Common Law," by Robert W. Chambers. "Joyce of the North Woods," by Harriet T. Comstock. "Burninj: Daylight," by Jack London. Bookstore. Bnaement Annex. Mail Orders Killed. KODAKERS to be certain of best results, bring your films here ' to be developed and printed. Prices reasonable. Flrat Floor, 'ew 11 Id sr. Mail Orders Filled. O'Cedar Mops enable you to clean places hard to reach with an ordinary dust-cloth quickly and easily. It picks up all the dust and dirt and holds it until shaken out. Requires no back-bend nib bing to give a bright, lasting luster to all varnished or pol ished surfaces. Price, $1.50. Rig nnftement Store. Mall Ordera Filled. Attractive Coats for School Girls Specially Priced $3.85 Incomparable is this sale of pretty and durable Coats for girls and many mothers will be here at the opening of the doors, in order to secure their choice of these splendid Utility Coats at the remarkable price of $3.85. They're well made and warm, be ing lined throughout with flannel and they come in full length box styles with high storm collar and turn-back cuffs. Trimmed with fancy buttons. Colors are blue, gray, tau and Copenhagen. Sizes 6 to 14 years. They're superbly tailored and will give excellent service. Spe cial, only S3.85. Second Floor, Main Bid. Mail Ordera Killed. 4 4&K&&to jg&jarcia M Busy Housewives Will Find a 171 Invaluable to l nem fmmp, the demands on the housewife will mate- V Mi rially increase, and as every motner raKe; -sf.s pride in sending clean, spotless children to school, the weekly ironing will be much fcalf-nfct i larger than heretofore. If you would lighten your labor and save much time, try a "Hot point" Electric Iron. They heat in a very short time and can be used continu ously until the electricity is turned off. For this reason they're indis pensable for quick ironing, and garments for the school children can be ironed in a few minutes at any time. The "Hotpoint" Iron is constructed with an extra flow of heat into the point, making an even heat throughout. The handle is always cool because of a heavy asbestos insulation inside the pressed steel cover, which also insures economy of heat. ' The efficiency of the "Hotpoint" Iron is increased by the pressed steel cover with a heavy asbestos lining; also by the heavy pressure plate which stores up the heat and holds the element in close thermal contact with the sole plate. 'Twill do more ironing in a given time with a given expenditure of electric current than any other iron of the same weight. Every domestic "Hotpoint" Iron carries a ten-year guarantee covering heating element. "Hotpoint" Iron -3 lb. Size 2 3-4x5 3-4 S3.00 "Hotpoint" Iron 5 lb. Size 3 3-8x6 1-4 i?3.50 "Hotpoint" Iron 6 lb. Size 4 x6 5-8 $3.50 Bis Baaement Store. Mall Ordera Killed. . I 1 I HOSPITAL ORDINANCE HELD Measure to Klimlnatc Tuberculosis Sanitarium Found Sweeping. Discovering that a proposed ordinance to eliminate tuberculosis hospitals Within the city limits would also pre vent the harboring of tuberculosis pa tients In private homes. the City t'ommisslon yesterday balked on pass ing the ordinance until It has been amended, despite the fact that a dele gation of about 100 East Side residents was on hand insisting that the measure be put throug-h according- to schedule, i The bitch came up when Clerk of the Commission Grutze began to read the measure for the last time. It was found that the ordinance eliminated sanltartums or other places main tained for the purpose of caring: for tuberculosis patients." The question arose as to the meaning; of the words "or other places." City Attorney La Roche ruled the ordinance would ex clude the use of homes for tuberculo sis patients, which was said to be be yond the Intent of the ordinance. Mayor Albee suggested that the or dinance be amended and passed with an emergency provision, but Commis sioner Brewster, who has been persist ent in his opposition to the measure objected. He was supported by Com missioner meek while the Mayor was supported by Commissioners Ualy and Blgelow. FLOWER SHOW IS ASSURED Floral Society Enthusiastic Over Plans for 1913 Exhibit. Unanimous were the growers and florists at the meeting of the Floral So ciety. Tuesday night, in the expression of their Intention to organize a larger and more elaborate flower show this year than was their first annual show, which was given last Fall. The committee In charge of details of the show, of which James Forbes is president, was Instructed to begin at once to perfect final details of the plan for a competitive show. The date and place for the show will probably be an nounced some time next week. Plans for the first annual dahlia hn-ar hv th Dresron State Dahlia Bo ciety were also' announced at the meet ing last night. This show Is to be held September 24 and 25. The Library As sociation has agreed to give one of the halls in the new Library building for use for the dahlia show. R. W. Gill is president of the Dahlia Society and E. H. White is secretary. Exhibitors will come not only from Portland but from Salem. Eugene. Vancouver and Tacoma. Father George -Schoener. of Wood burn, gave an address at the close of the business meeting Tuesday night tin the development of rose culture in Oregon. W. L. Crissey aroused considerable In terest at the opening of the meeting by exhibiting one of the first sprays oi; the new gladiolus, iiiy nnn, a tlful. ivorv white flower, shading Into pink at the eases. BITUCRETE MAY COMPETE City Allows Bids on Xtw Paving for Grovcland Park District. With City Commissioners Dieck and Brewster opposed and Mayor Albee and Commissioners Daly and Bigelow fa vorable, procedlngs were started yes terday at the regular Commission meet ing for the opening of specifications for paving in Groveland Park district on the East Side to Bitucrete, a new type of paving, heretofore restricted from use in Portland. The objections were based upon the contention that the new paving has never been tried in Portland, has failed to stand the tests in Eugene, Or., and might be a costly experlmet .ior the city and for the property owners, as have been similar experiments with other new types of paving in the past. The new paving was supported by Mayor Albee on the ground that paving specifications should be open to all paving which meets the requirements in the matter of construction. While he says he has investigated but little of the Bitucrete problem from an en ginering standpoint, he has received reports which recommend it as suitable for a district where traffic is not heavy. East Milwaukie Club Meets Fiiilay. MILWAUKEE, Or.. Sept. 10. (Spe cial.) An important meeting of the East Milwaukie Improvement Club will be held Friday at the home of J. L. Johnson in Minthorne Addition. Report nf the enmmittee of electric railwa and the opening of Laurel avenue will be considered. V. B. Hanson, presi dent, asks all citizens interested in the upbuilding of Milwaukie to attend this meeting. The club has 50 active mem bers and will undertake to encour age factories and general improvements. The Breath of- Out-of-Doors. Sports Afield for September is one of the best, most readable numbers Jel issued. Notable articles are "Some In dian Warriors of the '70s." by Fred A. Hunt; "The Hat Catcher," by Wuilis Nash, a Devonshire, England, story, and "George Washington, Fox Hunter.' What Is known as the polar rcglonx povr 4.n70.iMis squars miles, and have oOu.ootl inhabitants.