BALED HOPS SOLD First Transactions in Oregon Crop. New BROOKS LOT BRINGS ,181-4 Nineteen Cents Bid by Two Dealers on 200-BaIo Ixjt Picking Is Drawing to Close For eign Conditions. Offers ot 19 nnti for new-crop hop were mad by two dealers yesterday. iue fers were roads, on iOO bales, and refusali Two sales at 18 cents were reported. One was the Ben La Fountains crop of 1-0 bales, at Brooks, most of which are now In the bale. A sale of two carloads at 17s - rents was also announced. These are- the first transactions In the Oregon market In new baled hops. The harvest Is being; conducted In all parts of the state without Interruption. Sev eral yards finished picking yesterday and nni.u the work today. It Is the Impression of hop men who hn watched the harvest rcp -- parts of the state that the Oregon crop will " be 10 per cent larger than In 1912. The following cable on foreign crop con ditions was received yesterday irom i. monger, ov This crop has been overestlmatsd under most favorable conditions. Growers are holding above ths market ana win prices. Continental mariteia " strong.' TXOCB TRADE WITH ORIENT RESUMED Business for Later Months Held Tp by Freight Uncertainty. With steamer freights to the Orient re duced, flour shippers are making an effort to close on some orders. Business has been put through for shipment in this month - t n r i . uncertainty as ana next. " u - - to the freight market In the last two months of the year, forward operation. ..I ... .",., ,,.,,ir. The regular lines are not disposed to say what they will do In November and uecemoer. of course, like to put the old rate on again during those months, but shippers believe that, with the amount of tonnage In sight, the steamship companlea will have to main tain the rates that they have Just put Into effect- Any advance would certainly check business In the flour trade. In the present mood of Oriental buyers The wheat market was firm, with a fair amount of trading In the country. Blue stem bids were advanced a cent to SB 87 cents. On the other sorts buyers consider the lste prices high enough Trading in the coarse grains was on a Usht stale, and prices were unchanged. Local receipts. In cars, were reported by the Merchants' Eichance as follows: Wheat Barley r lour uti Monday - Tuesday ;i 13 1 8 "O 8 IS VVe.lne.asy .... 1 i - X Year ago jw ; ,S ,- 5E, ?.!:sl5 IS) S3 153 Si5 WORLD WIVE BUOmOE OF HIDES. Measure. Taken by Argentina, to Increase Supply ot Cattle. The prominent factor In keeping hide values high and advancing In practically all of the prominent world's markets Is the shortage existing of livestock In about all cattle-ralslng countries, and during the last two or three years the Argentine Republic, which has been never-falling source of supply of hides, etc.. has lately shown material decrease In the slaughter of cattle, etc.. and consequently Just so much lessen ing In bide shipments. The rangers are probably raising as much - f iim.r Tears, but the de- HOCK uwa - " - jr. and for meats has increased so materially that the Argentine government, realising what may soon take place unless radical measures are adopted, has passed laws to prevent the extinction of cattle by making It unlawful for the packing-houses of that country to slaughter heifers under six years old. as well as all calves. The result ot this legislation was naturally quickly felt and ., vlll alone will be fully 600.000 head leas up to November 1 than for the .corresponding period a year ago. v., ..-.ii- with the larrest cattle-produc Ing country showing such a shortage as this In one killing Industry alone, tne ef fect upon the hide market has been pro nounced, and despite the fact that It is now the long-haired Winter season for Ar gentine hides, prices are holding very firm as compared with the rstes secured for Summer stock last January. cabbage. 2t2Hc per pound: cauliflower. 3 per crate: corn. 10-l.c dozen; cucumbers. '.0040c per box; eggplant. 6S7o per pound; head lettuce, a.'. S4"c per dozen: peas. 67o per pound; peppers, 6Sc par pound: rad ishes, 10Srl2c per dozen; tomatoes. 00oo per box; garlic. 10c per pound; sprouts, 8c per pound: artichokes. 1 per dozen. POTATOES Oregon, f 161.2 per hun dred: sweet potatoes, 2.-'5 per crate. ' GREEN FRUIT Apples. 7ictJP2.23 per box; cantaloupes. Il.23frl.7u Per crate; peaches, 40960c per box: watermelons, 1.2a n Jl.SU per cwt: plums. 6075c per box; pears. R0c(5ll per box; grapes, COcell.0 per crate, 40c per basket: casabas, 1.7i per dozen; nectarines, 75c a 1 per box. Dairy sod Country Produce. Local Jobbing quotatlona: POULTRY Hens, 16Mc; Springs. IJHc: turkeys, live, 22c; dressed, choice, 27 haC. ducks. 12H15c; geese, young. 1213c. EGGS Oregon fresh ranch, candled, iiii 35c per dozen. CHEESB Oregon triplets, 16Vc; Daisies, 17c: Your.g Americas, 18c BUTTER Oregon creamery butter cubes, 84c per pound; butter fat, delivered, 340 per pound. PORK Fancy, lS12ttc per pound. VEAL Fancy. 15jjgHo per pound. . Staple Groceries. Local Jobbing quotations: SALMON Columbia River, one-pound talis, 2.25 per dozen: half-pound flats, L40; oue-poirnd flats, 2.45; Alaska, pink, one-pound talis, 85c; silversides, one-pound tails. 1.23. HONEY Choice, 3.253.75 per case. NUTS Walnuts, ISc per pound; Brazil nuts. lllVi&loc; filberts, IJOlS'ic; almonds. 2uc; peanuts. 0y3Hc; cocoanuts, 90c&l per dozen; chestnuts, 11c per pound; hick orvnuts, o10c: pecans, 17c: pine. 17 20o. BEANS Small white. 6Vc; large white. 614c; Lima, 6.30c; pink. 4.13c; Mexican, 6c; bayou, 4.15c SUGAR Fruit and berry. 5.63; Honolulu plantation, 3.oo: beet. 5.43; extra C. 5.15; powdered, barrels, A5.1M); cubes, barrels, sii.05. COFFEE Roasted, lu drums, 18S32o per pound. SALT Granulated, 14 per ton: half ground 100s. 10 per toa; 80s. 10.75 per ton; dairy, $12.50 per ton. j KICiu rso. x japan, owc; enwyw rrades. 4V.c: Southern head. B5ioc. DR1ED FRUITS Apples. 10c per pound: apricots, 1214c; peaches, 8011c; prunes. Italians, 8 10c; silver, 18c; figs, white and black, 64z7c; currants, tihic: raisins, loose Muscatel. efewTVic; bleacnea. unompson, llfec; unbleached. Sultanas. SVic; seeded. IhiH&hic; dates. Persian, 7J6Sc per pound; lard. 1.6j per box. FIGS Twelve 10-ounce. 85o: B0 g-ounce. 1.S5; 70 4-ounce, 2.50; 30 10-ounce. 2.2S; loose, BO-pound boxes. 6V07c; Smyrna, boxes, snuLza; canaieq. j per uw. Hops, Wool and Hides. HOPS 1(112 contracts. 18 010c: 1013 fug- gles. 2(21c; 11)12 crop, nominal. PELTa Dry. lvc; spring lauios, iifwu, shearlings, 30&5OC HIDES Salted hides, 12 8 12 Mo per lb.: salt kip. 13t?13ic; salted calf, 17lSc; green hides, ll&lle: dry hides, 23'lihke: dry calf, 23c: salted bulls, 8 lie per lb.; green bulls, 7 He MOHAIR 101 clip. 25926o per pound. CASCARA- BARK Old and new. So per pound. Provisions. Local Jobbing quotations: HAMS 10 to 12 pounds. 22023c; 13 to 14 pounds, 22923c; picnic 13c; cottage roll, 17 c BACON Fancy, 80931c; standard, 239 2Cc; English, 2122c LAUD In tierces, choice, 1414c; com pound, lie DKT SALT MEATS Regular snort clears. 13$s415c: short clear backs, 15017c; ex ports. 14 lit luc BARRELED BEEF Extra mess beer, 2v; mess beef, SHU; plate beef. f.12. Linseed Oil. Gasoline, Ete. LINSEED OIL Raw. barrels. 62c: boiled. barrels. 64c; raw. cases, 67c; cases. 69c OIL MEAL F. o. b. Portland works: Car lots. $35; 3 and 10-ton lots, 34; ton lots, 3.-.. TURPENTINE Barrels, 6ZHe; cases, ojc. COAL OIL Cases. 17iii-0!4c; drums and barrels. 1O013HC GASOLINE: Cases, 23c; bulk. ISc STOCK LIST GUIS Four-Point Gain in Union Pa cific Is Cause. ADVANCE IS SPECTACULAR Kise ia Harrimau Issue Is Duo to Reports That Cash Bonus Will Be Distributed ' Anions Stockholders. HOG MARKET IS WEAK OLD PRICE BARELY MAIN". TAIVED AT STOCKYARDS. GOOD TEACHES CLEAN rr firm Other Fruits In Sufficient Supply and Steady Tomatoe Scarce. Rood neaches cleaned up well yesterday at 40 to 60 cents and the market on this clasa of fruit was firm. Soft, green or otherwise defective stock was not so read ily moved. The grape market Was steady. A ship ment of sweetwaters was received and of fered at 40 cents. Fancy Tokays held at 11.20. Cantaloupes were In good supply and brought former prices. A car of Payette canteloupes came in and sold at SL509 1.7i Local potatoes are arriving again and the market Is steady. A ear of Oregon onions was put on sale at 11.50. Tomatoes continued scarce and firm at 30 i 60c on good stock. The stesmer had a fair assortment of California vegetables. Including sprouts, which brought 8 cents, artichokes at 11 a dozen and okra at 11 a box. Sweet potatoes are - now coming forward regularly and are meeting with good sale OT ENOIGH FOIXTKY COMING IN High Prices Are Obtainable in All lines Kggs Also Scarce. The local supply of produce continues Inadequate and prices are maintained at a high level. Hens are selling at 18 '4 cents. Springs at lSVi cents and other kinds at equally good prices. Country dressed meats are also firm. Eggs are steadily advancing in price, with extremely small arrivals. Fresh Oregon ranch were quoted yesterday at 34 9 S3 cents. Butter and cheese were firm and active at the old prices Bank Clearings. Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities yesterday were as follows: Clearings Balances Portland II.kn2.4st jj.m.347 Seattle 2.217.S03 Blm.812 Tacoma 4 14... IS 4:1.47s Spokane 64.liJd iJ15 I-ORTLASU MARKET QUOTATIONS. Grain. Floor, Feed. F-t. WHEAT Track prices: Club, 7990e; stem. SG8S7C forty-fold. 80S Sic; red Rus sian. 7717So; valley, oOc. i'LOL R Patents. I- . .J"1!1 strslghts. 14.10: exports, 13.65WI3.6&; val-1-y. 4-70: graham. 4.0; whole wheal. 4OATS No. 1 white. J 20. 50 8 26 per ton. CORN Whole. 117: cracked. 3S per ton. MIL.LSTl.FFJi Bran. JJ3.50 Pr ton; shorts. 10.5u per ton; middlings, 131 per ton. . BARLEY Feed. 124.50825 per ton: brew ing. KB a 28.50; rolleJ. u7tt2 per ton. HAY Fancy Idaho timothy, S191T: finer Eastern Oregon timothy. 115o!16: timothy and clover. (1410; timothy and a. Islfa. 1U & HulJiif.i. 113; clover, 18.50 10: oat and vetch. llO-jll; cheat. 11011; Valley grain hay. 110911. Fruits and Vegetable. Local Jobbing puotatlona: TROPICAL FRUITS Oranges. 14.50 6 per box; lemons. to.509 per box: pine apples. 7o per pound; bananas. 4MVo per pound. OMONS Walla Walla and California. XJ..V( per snck. VEGETABLES Seana. 2 S to par pound; Offerings for Day Are Jtoderate. Cattle . and Sheep Sell - Within Former Range of Prices. There was ' a small run of hogs at the stockvards yesterday, but that the Quan tity was adequate was shown by the fact that only one small load sold at the pre ceding day's price. Cattle trading was rather small and conducted within the pre vious range of prices. The sheep market presented no new features. Seven or eight loads of cattle of various kinds were disposed of. The best steers offered sold from $7.50 to 17.75 and cows, heifers and bulla at the old prices. A good sized bunch of medium weight calves brought IS. 60. The bulk of the hogs moved sold at 18.60 to 1S.95. Heavy swine went at the usual discount. Two full loads of mixed sheep were taken at 14.20. Receipts were 26S cattle, 87 calves, 237 hogs and 1041 sheep. Shippers were: C. E. Adams, Goldendale, Wash.. 1 car cattle and hogs; F. B. Decker. Silverton, 1 car of hogs and sheep; S. Clet wood. Baker. Or.. S4 calves: C. M. McCul- loueh. Baker. Or., 1 car of hogs; w. b. Caughter. Haines. 1 car of cattle; S. S. main. Lewlston. Idaho, 1 car of cattle; E. H. Slander. Nam pa. Idaho, a cars of cattle; A. D. McEndle, Welser, Idaho, 823 sheep; A. B. McLean. Pendleton, 2 cars of cattle; L. 1. Moore, Moro, 1 car ot cattle and hogs; T. E. Lvnnis. 1 car of sheep and 3 of hogs. The day's sales were as follows: Weight. Price. 2S2 mixed sheep !4 4.20 2s.". mixed sheep ............... SO 4.1!0 74 hogs 155 8-0 3 hogs 24J 7.00 17 hOKS HO 2 hosts " l5 1 hog 7". 810 7.95 1 hog 21t 7.5 70 hogs 1S 8-! 20 steers 1M 7.50 26 steers ' 3 holers K'NO 7.73 4 heifer 050 0.25 I heifer 80 .50 5 steers 10-4 7.7j 3 cows HW 6.5U 21 steers 0l 7.35 1 heifer 2 i-O" 2 steers ,4,J '-5 7 st.ers lo 7.U5 2 steers lliO Co .q ,. l'.4 U.W irt calves 257 8.50 S culves 8.50 1 bull 1,,so a-M The range of prices at the yards was as follows: Prime steerj I'!51L5'55 Ai- .,... 7.50 3 7.75 Medium steers 7.25 a 7.50 Prime cow ' Choice cow .50g 6.75 Medium cows ';;?' ?S" u-.,--. S.2a 7.7a Light calves - !'2??? J S? &.75s 4.23 Bu Stags Iiht 8 75 9'u0 Heavy 8 80 Wethers- 4'5 Lamb ' u0 S.l. Omaha Livestock Market. OMAHA. Neb. .Sent. 10. Cattle Re ceipts. 20O0: market, higher. N . J !f tf, COW a tail lllin - , Western ters. ti7.8o: clve, $V&; Teiai flieera, fj.auij' 5.308.b5. HOKS teceipi. ..I... -- - Heavy. 7.75.10: light. $S.HIIaS.6o; pigs, ... . i. .. . i i t lit line: Duift i - i' Sheep Receipts. 2S.000; market, steady. Yearlings. 15.25u5.75; wethers, 14tf4.40; lambs. 13.907.40. Chirago Livestock Market. CHICA&O. Sept. 10. Cattle Receipts. 1G.O0O; market, steady to 100 higher. Beeves. !.75 9-20; Texas steers. !o.5? ... . . .1 .. CWl. mmlrrm tl fl -eu; western sieera, i"v i . . - -- feeders, 15.4087.90: coas and heifers, 13.B0; catves, Hfs Receipts. 2.ikh; market, mostly So higher. Light. 1S..S04J9.65: mixed, 17. OOj) .w; nenvv. S7.7aa.l.: rougn, ai.ovo. pigs. 14.50"; bulk of sales, t8.138.5. r-; i rr unci jjlo. v.uw, " . " Nnllvr. $3.40tt4.65: Western, 13.654.55; yearlings. $4.8.'i3.70: lambs, native, 15.25 67.40; Western. 13.75 7.50. Total Cereal Production Decreased. WASHINGTON. Dec 18. The Department of Agriculture today estimated the total production of all cereals this year would be 111. 484.000 tons, or 30.1 per cent less than last year, 1.4 per cent mere than 1911, and g.s per cent less than 1110. - It estimates the nurqber of stock hogs In the country September 1 about the same as a year ago, and their condition as sl snr can e4 4Ue ten-year average. NEW YORK, Sept. 10. Stocks moved up ward today with Union Pacific in the fore front. It was largely around this leader that the market revolved. Although sev eral Influences contributed to the strength of the list, the advance in Union Pacific, which for a time approached the spectacular, was the chief agent in focusing speculative, activity on the long side. The rise In that stock of four points, although equalled by some of the minor Issues, was much In excess of the gains achieved by the other active shares. It was the direct outcome of reports that a cash bonus would be distrib uted to Union Pacifio stockholders. Since the sale by Union Pacific of Its holdings of Southern Pacific, various unof ficial reporta have been circulated In the street ss to the probable disposition of the The rumor that a cash distribu tion would be ordered was repeated today. R, s. Lovett, executive head ot the road, deollned either to confirm or deny the re port. The buoyant movement In Union Pacific Influenced the rest of the list, which turned strong after an Irregular opening. Bullish operations were facilitated by the passage by the Senate of the tariff bill and publi cation of the Government's crop report yes terday, which virtually put an end to un certainty regarding these factors. The decrease of 175,000 tons reported in the monthly statement of United States Steel, while showing another falling off, was interpreted as a favorable development, ai least negatively, for a considerable larger shrinkage bad been predictea. Bonus were Irregular with narrow changes. Total sales, par value, 11,750,000. United States 2s and 4s and Panama 2s declined hi on call. United States Is advanced fc. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Reported by J JC. Wilson & Co., Lewis building, Portland. Closing Sales. High. Low. Bio. Amal Copper .. 21.200 78f 78 78 Am Raar Kunr. 1.00 0 284 27 284 Am Can Co ... 12.70O 85V4 S4 84 do preferred.. 1,700 9S 8 7 Am Car & Fdy. COO 47 474, 47'A Am Cotton Oil.. 2.700 45 hi 43 U 44 hi do preferred ..... U2 Am Sm.l & Kef S.S00 0S 6&hi O&tt do preferred.. ...... ..... ..... 101 hi Am Sugar 400 111 110 HO do preferred HS'4 Am Tel A Tel.. 800 131 Vj 131 131U Am Tobacco 275 Anaconda 1.80O 3 3S5i 88 Atl Coast Line.. 200 12114 121 121 A T & Santa F 7.000 90 hi Wl do preferred.. ...... ..... ..... btlhi Bait & Ohio ... 600 1X1 0C4 KtHi Brook R Tran.. 3,000 89 hi 88 V 8S Canadian Paa .. 4.900 222 221 222 C & O 0 08 68 CS4 C & O W 13 C & N W lOO 12S 128 12 C. M St Paul. 4,800 10614 10514 luB Central Leather 900 2414 23 24 Central of N J 285 Chino .0O 44 43 43 Col Fuel ft Iron 4.MMI as 3i Consol Gas 000 133 132 132 1 L & W " D A K G 1 Distilling Securi 600 13 12S 13 Erie S.IM0 29 2o 29 General Eleo 144 Gt North Ore .. 200 34 84 34 Ut North pf ... l.wo l-'i !- tnt Illinois Central. 1.20O 110 109 110 Interboro Met.. 8.10 30H 15", 15T do preferred.. ,ikm tw em o- K C Southern.. 1.300 26 25 24S Lehigh Valley 1.30O JG5 lirt J4rt Louis & Nash.. 100 13S 136 135 Mexican Central 114 M. S P & 8 S M SOU 130 i3J J.iw Mo, Kan & Tex 70O 22 22 22 Mo PaclUc 1.400 SO SO 30 National Lead ' Nat Biscuit ........... 125 do preferred.. ..... ..... mm N Y Central ... 1,800 99 96 96 N Y. Ont & wee o'J us -wat Norfolk West 100 105 105 105 North American ::::: .Jr;? Northern Pao .. 2,400 112 ili J'f Pacino Mall 21 Paciflo T & T 2' do preferred.. ..... v Pennsylvania ... 2.200 112 11214 J12J4 People's Gas ... 5.2I5 125 124 125 Reading 88.700 161 10 11 Republic S 4 I. 8.900 24 24 24 Rock Island Co l.loo 17 li 17 Southern Tao .. 82,800 92 90 92 Southern Ry .. 70O 24 24 24 Texas Oil ..... 800 120 120 120 Union Paciflo .. 62,500 155 151 155 do preferred.. 2.400 86 82 83 Uite'coV.! 4666 64 do preferred.. 1.400 109 18 109 Utah Copper .. 4.400 56 65 55 J4 Wabash 100 4 4 . 4 Western Union 2i.Tr Westing Elec .. 1,000 72 72 72 Wisconsin Cent. 400 47 46 47 Total sales for the day. 362,500 shares. BONDS. Reported by Overbeck & Cooke Co., Board of Trade building, Portland. Bid. Asked. Atchison general 4s 95 95 Atlantic Coast Line. 1st 4s 90 . 91 Baltimore & Ohio Gold 4s 91 91 Brooklyn Rapid Transit 4s 88 8S Chesapeake & Ohio 4s 90 98 C M & St P general 4s 102 lo2 Chicago Rock Island Col. 4s 66 66 Cal Gas 5s 92 93 C B Q Joint 4s 9 Erie general 4s 10 international Metropolitan 4s. 76 itf Louisville ft Nasnvllle Un 4s.. 93 93 Missouri Pacific 4s 0 6S NYC general 3o W 04 N ft W 1st con 4S 93 94 Northern Paciflo 4s..... 4 W Oregon Short Line Ref. s 89 90 Oregon Ry Nav 4s 91 92 Pac Tel 5s 97 97 PeSna con 4s 99 10O Reading general 4s - 4 St L & S F ref 4s ll 7J southern Paciflo ref 4s 91 91 Southern Paciflo col 4s 88 89 Southern Railway 5s 103 103 Southern Railway 4s ;ja '5 United Railway inv 4s 5j 57 Union Paciflo 1st and ref 4s... 91 91 United States Steel s 100 101 West Shore 4s 95 ... Wabash 4s pi 52 Westinghouse Electrlo cv 5s o 91 Wisconsin Central 4s 8i' ?S United States States 2s reg 9S S United States 2s coupon 9S 100 United States 3s registered 102 103 United States 3s coupon ...loj 103 United States 4S registered 110 112 United states 4s coupon 110 113 Money, Exchange, Etc NEW YORK, Sept. 10. Money on call, easier, 2&3 per cent; ruling rate, 2 per cent; closing -bid, 2 3 per cent. Time loans, strong; 00 days, 44 per cent: 90 days. 4fc4 per cent; six months, 5&5 per cent. Prime mercantile paper, 56 per cent. Sterling exchange,- steady, 14.8250 for 60 day bills and at 14.8575 for demand Commercial bills, 14.62. Bar silver. 69c. Mexican dollars, 40c Government and railroad .bonds, Irregular. SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 10. Silver bars, 5c , Mexican dollars, nominal. Drafts, sight lc telegraph 4a. Sterling in London, SO days, (4.82; sight, 4.35. LONDON, Sept. 10. Bar silver steady, 27d per ounce. Money, 22 per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for short bills Is 3 9-16 per cent; for three months bills. 8 11-16 per cent- Coffee and Sugar. NEW YORK, Sept. 10. Coffee futures opened 14 to IS higher In response to European cablea and reports of steadier feeling In the cost and freight situation, but prices gradually eaaed off and the close was barely steady, net unchanged to 1 pointa higher. September, 8.58c; October, 8.69c; November. .So; December, 1.77c; January, 8.85c; March, .03c; May, .17c; July and August. .28C Spot steady. Rio No. 7. 9c: Santos No. 4. 1112C Mild dulL Cordova. 12l$c. Raw sugar steady. Muscovado, S.z6$3.S0c; centrifugal, 1.71.80o; molasses, 1.01J3.04c. Refined steady. Chicago Dairy Produce. CHICAGO, Sept 10. Butter Unchanged. EEKs Unchanged. Receipts. 8297 cases. Cheese Higher. Daisies, 1515c; twins, 1414c; Amerlcae, 16ffll5c; long horns, 1516c; Naval Stores. SAVANNAH. Ga., Sept. 10. Turpentine firm, 38c Sales. 174 barrels; receipts, 36 barrels; shipments, Sii barrels; stocks, 11, 460 barrels. fioaia linn, Eales, 2061 pounds! receipts, 1 .00; 110 iap and 91A noimdai thlnmAntfl. flSl OOUndSi Stocks 171,176 pounds. Quote: A. B, C, D, E, 13.80; F. G. 13.151 H. 13.801 I. 13.93: K. 14.10; M, 14.40; N, 15.101 WQ. 19; WW. 16.16, SAN FRANCISCO PRODUCE EXCHANGE. Pries quoted at the Bay City for Yege- , V. I F,nll Vif SAN FRANCISCO. Sept, 10. The follow ing produce prices were current uere iuubj . f ruit Apples, tjravensieiiis, x..uw oilier varieties, tuu v a.ww , j.1'-"" ...... , & 12.00; California lemons, JtSSpS; pine Cheese New, 1517c; Young Americas, 17c Hay Wheat, 1H.5020.50; wheat al. e-1T10. alfalfa 1 1 A 1 t Kft Butter Fancy creamery. 19 c; seconds, Sic. , V.rrm faun ranch. 4414c: store. SOc Vegetables Cucumbers, 30 75c; green peas, 4fe5c; string beans, S6c; eggplant. tutyioc. llnlnn, XTaw vallnv S fl ft 9 0 C. nF Sack. Potatoes New river whites, 75c 11; Mer ced sweets, 11.501.85. D...,ni. it i .... cies miftrter sacks: bar ley. 29.205 centals; potatoes, 12,160 sacks; bay, 294 tons. Metal Markets. NEW YORK, Sept. 10. Lead quiet, 4.70 Dio; ijonaon, i o". . opeiitv quivi, w.auv.ov. " " . Copper firm. Standard, spot to November, 15.4o16.87; electrolytic, 16.7516.S7; lake, , a 1 T fm. ...tin., 1rt 62. Tin easy. Spot and September. 42.25 3 42.50; October, 42.00a 42.20; November, 42.00 42.15. Antimony dulL Cooksons, 8. 40 W 8. 60. Iron Arm and unchanged. Copper weak. Spot. 73; futures, 72 17s 6d. Tin easy. Spot, fl93 5s: futures, 192 10s. iron Cieveiana warranto, aa nt Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Sept. 10. Cotton Spot, quiet; middling uplands, 13.15c; do. guit, Futures closed steady 8 to 12 poIntB lower. September, 13o; October. 13.02o; December, 12.97c; January, .ih.sdc; ruurujn), March, 12.94c; May, 13.01c; June, 13.05c July, 13.06c Decrease In Unfilled Steel Tonnage. NEW YORK, Sept. 10. The unfilled ton. n-i-a of the United States Steel Corpora tion on August 31 totalled 5,223.468 tons, a decrease of 175,831 tons over juiy. Dulnth Linseed Market. DULUTH. Minn., Sept. 10. Linseed 11.50; September, 11.40 bid; October, 1.49. " Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK. Sept. 10. Evaporated ap. pies and prunes firm. Peaches quiet. Hops at New York. NEW YORK. Sept 10. Hops quiet. JUDGE IN 'MAD WHIRL' OKEGOX CITY JUSTICE ASPIRES TO SHTNE SOOIALIY. Functions Ileal Pleasure Instead of Irksome Duty, Declares John Selvers. nREGOS CITT. Or- Sept. 10. (Spe r-lal l Oreeron. City has a JusticeJohn Selvera, who believes that part of his official duty Is to take part in social functions of the community, A man In my position," says the Judge, "ought to get out and make himself pleasant. He Is a puDlio oi fiMai arxA the Deonle want to meet him. They want to know what kind of a man he is, ana there is no oetetr way for them to find out than by rubbing elbows wltn mm at a pany or a. utiuvic. "Putting my theories Into practice, I attend a large share of the social functions in Oregon City and Glad- ,.t k.u.n. y,at a TiicHrA has other duties to perform besioes tying mar riage knots, issuing writs MM papeia, filing complaints or sending criminals t jalL "To me social duties are pleasures. ST. JOHNS BLOCKS MOVE Claim for Damages Sustained by Fireman Disallowed. ST. JOHNS. Or., Sept. 10. (Special.) A claim for damages sustained by a fireman of the volunteer fire depart ment submitted last night to the Coun cil wn relected on the grounds .that the accident happened before the Coun cil provided such indemnity, tne orai nance passed providing compensation . tirmar, mi i ti n i n cr inluries while attending a fire, did not cover this accident. A resolution was adopted Instructing tne city engineer to prepmo pmia .v. i,n.j.r.rforlnir the Willamette boule vard from Burlington to Jersey street and report at the next meeting. An ordinance was passed providing for . . 4.1 nnrrlnna nl lot 2 in James John's Section Addition to widen Wil lamette boulevard was passea. The Improvement of Fessenden street was reported completed, but owing to thA inner delay an inouiry as to the cause of the delay will be made. The street committee was instructed to investigate the condition of the side- iv. n st- Jfihns avenue near Kel logg street, reported in bad condition. DAVENPORT SAYS "GUILTY" Forger Changes Plea in Hillsboro Courtroom and Parole Asked. HIILSBORO. Or.. Sept. 10. (Special.) E. L. Davenport, charged with cash- insr a forsred check at the store oi t-. O. Roe & Co., Forest Grove, withdrew his nlea of not guilty and entered a plea of guilty. His attorney asked for a parole, saying that the Linn (Jounty nnri thA Lane Countv in dictment, for like offenses, have been dismissed. The court reserved sentence, saying that he could not parole, Dut that this feature would be a matter for the consideration of the parole board. havannflrt wal tllA m SI n who USSUTed his counsel and Constable McQuillan, when arrested, that If he were anowea , a hntal fnr the ni&rht. rather than be placed in jail with felons, he would be on nana tor examination in the morning. When morning broke. l.nn.A.r fen hail flnvn. 1 T WH P H. 11 k. ll t in Portland, and has been in Jail sev eral months, awaiting triaJL Escaped Lunatic Is Captured. JUNCTION CITT, Or., Sept. 10. (Spe cial.) Deputy Sheriff Joe Nichols Tues day captured Allen Jay, who recently escaped from the Salem asylum. In coming to town Jay attempted a second escape by Jumping from the auto, but was prevented when Nichols caught him by the collar. Both were dragged nearly 100 yards before the car was stopped. Neither was Injured, though most of Jay's clothing was torn off. Jay was taken to Eugene and turned over to Sheriff Parker, of Lane County, who will return him to Salem. New Kallroad Camp at Orenco. ORENCO, Or.. Sept. 10. (Special.) The Oreson Electric Railroad has Just put in .'a new construction camp at Orenco for grading and laying track on the "T" for the Orenco-Helvetia cut-ofS branch between the Oregon Electric and United Railroads. The cut-off Is now complete and the freight trains are making regular trips there on. The now leg of the "Y" will save about half a mile haul in bringing frelffht trains from up valley points to Portland. ' WHEAT IS. LIFTED No Shipments Duty Free From Canada This Year. SALES FOR EXPORT MADE Rains in Northwest That Will Inter. fere With Threshing and Market ing, Are Factors in Rally. Corn Closes Irregular.' nrrf-Afio. Sent 10. Wheat scored an ad vance today on reassurances that shipments free of duty from Canada Into the United States could not be made until after the Canadian Parliament had assembled In Jan uary and had removed duties against wheat irVUl LUIS I'UUULl. 1UO lli.lBD. . .... j at prices varytng from last night's level to .. . . . . . ... .. 1 M , , n yio nigner. i.oru uuiBuaa 7swt ?o up, oats down Ho to ? ttc, and pro- Wheat traders at first had the Impres sion that the passage of the tariff bill in the Senate implied the early opening of this country to free shipments from across the Northern border. It was not until after there had been a good deal of selling that the fact was poiuiea oui tuai. of wheat applies only to countries which have no wheat duties against the United States. Bearishness of the Government crop re port had some effect In producing the early din in wheat prices. The rally was aided by neavy raiua rtuiiu.w . fere with threshing and marketing over a considerable area. r.xporx ernes . . 1 .In. halnail th lllitlim. ana HJBrwiicm ....... , . Provisions weakened owing to a decline at the yards and because oi a oeanou iu - - . i. .t. on f fio-ure. retrard ing the number of stock hogB on farms. The Washington estimate, nowever, wiiou uuo.u, showed the total to be about the same as a year ago. The leading futures ranged as follows Open. High. Sept Dec. May Sept. Dec. May Sept. Deo. May Jan. May Jan. May low. $ .87 .90 .95 hi. Close. ; .ss .914 .9tK .75 .724 .74 hi .42 .44-54 .47 .7n .73 .7554 .42 hi .45 .48 20.0714 20.2O li;i74 10.B3 10.07 hi NO. 2 20.124 20,25 11.05 11.22 V4 10.60 lO.TZhi white, i .87 .834 . .91 hi .ii . .9ti CORN. . .751 .78 . .73 hi .73 'A . .759 .759a MESS PORK. . .4354 -48 . .45 li .45i . -4S .4S? LARD. .20.25 20.2714 .2S.J5 20.3714 SHORT RIBS. .11.0714 11.10 11.0214 1 1 vs 11.2714 Jan 10.0214 10.6214 May 10.77 Vi 107714 corn m. i, i o -i w -. 77Cn)771c: NO. z yenow, i, i ' t:j-. iiW St.i2.V i- a white. 7(ii (fi)771ic; No. 3 yellow,' 7014 (97714 c. Rye No. 2, 6SCaiOS!4c. Barley. 60Slc. Timothy seed. $4.50r5.35. Clover seed. 9 iy 11.25. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Minn., Sept. 10; c'"; Wheat No. 1 hard, 63iO; No. 1 Northern -t O Vnrthorn 'fa ftc S7 1 C, No? 2 hard Montana, 87 14c ; No. 3 wheat. b39514c; sepiemoor, o7v, SS'fsc; May. 63c. Barley, unchanged. Flax, tL47g'1.50C. ... r.raln Allirk t K. LONDON, Sept. 10. Cargoes on passage "vrii'i.t. markets aulet: French country markets steady. . . n Trh.flf not LrvERrUOL, i": ,7 j. iS. steady. Futures easy, ucioiiei, 7s- oeiiiuei. i . . Weather fin In San Francisco. SAN FRN"CISCO, Sept. 10. Spot quota tionlr WaiTa Walla 14714ai.4b; red Rus sian 11.4714 1.4S5i: Turkey red. 1.6o ;!!?i4 ; blueltlm, 1.5B 1.0714 : bar.ey. white oats. $l.RS1.5SSi: middlings, $ai(&3; shorts, $JiB(S'2o.5U. Call board sales: : 4 u waney urm. ""il'V hi I 4 bid. asKea, per ceumi. ,J" H X 1 I. iY cii usA . r, ' nap ntfl : October. J1.3S bid asitea percenuu. " Fuget Sound Wheat Markets. Irt TTTV.a "RIlltm S-cf fortyfSfd. -'Yo7 club. 8'JcT 7o; red By2iwrday's car receipts-Wheat, 90; oats, 2; hay. 18; flour. 6; barley. 1. TACOMA. Sept. 10. Wheat Bluest. 87c; fortyfold. S114c; club. 8014c; red nfe. '9Yesterday's car receipts Wheat, 67; bar ley, 1; corn. 3; oats. 1; hay. 13. APPLE MEN OPTIMISTIC Wahkiacus Property Holder Aston ished at Orchards' Health. ttt ul't a rTTQ Wn sh.. SeDt. 10. (Spe cial ) o. J. Nelson, who has become Known tts 1 - ' .' , , recently visited his extensive holdings about Wahkiacus. no expreaaeu u.u- .jarf,illv nstonished In the rapid and healthy growth of the young , j .Vito nlarA and the near. orcnarua 1 , - , , bv points. Mr. iNeison nas unuuunuc. . i .rnicmir nf the Klickitat. The Jl.500,000 that will be paid out by the New YorK dealers tor hpi"ct It la believea win rentier nuuiu.iwui . nnni ntif! families than the IL JllUlC jjcw.w like amount of money from any other Industry operating in tne west. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL BE POUT. 2r4e-hoSrbs. nonfo. rainfall ,5 P M. to 5 P. M.). none. x - "infa'll Septeniber 1, 0.42 Inches. Excess , of ble sunsnine, iz nn, ' """"" T, -uiiT ter (reduced to sea level) at 5 P. M. -0.17 Inches. , ' 4r on Savings Government supervision, exercised over the Savings Department of this bank pr the National Bank Act, is complete and thorough. AVe pay 4 per cent interest on savings deposits. LUMBERMENS lANK Corner Fifth and Stark RESOURCES 7 MILLIONS LADD &TILTON BANK Established 1859. Capital .........$ 1,000,000.00 gdplu . tffl'SSn-SII Deposits . 'r .14,000,000)0 Commercial and Savings Accounts FnCElti. W. K. Zt. PrealcHmt. Robert 8. Howarfl, Asst. CulhlosV Edward CoosrhWmTvica-rre JVV Ladd. Asst. Cashier. W.H. Ouackley. Cashier. Walter M. Cook, Assc Cashier. Ooraer Wa6riiiictoB:-vnd TUxd Straeti. First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus $1,000,000 Oldest National Bank West of the Rocky Mountains C0BNER FIRST AND WASHINGTON STS. STATIONS. Bakor Boise ........... Boston ......... Calgary Chicago ......... Colfax Denver Ues Moines Duluth Eureka .. .... Galveston Helena Jacksonville .... Kansas City Klamath Falls . . Laurier Los AnBdes . ... Marshfield Medford Montroal New Orleans ... New York North He.d .... North Yakima . . Pendleton Phoenix Pocatello Portland Rosebud ....... Sacramento ..... Lojls ....... St. Paul salt Lake San Francisco . . Spokane Tacoma Tatoosh island... Walla Walla .... Welser Wenatchee 6Sj0 740 60 0 t2,0 72!0 75 O. S2 O. 4 0 C'Jl 6010 S2 0(1' 0 SO 0 SL'0, 73 0 70 0 1K 0. 72,0 84 O iOO Sl.,0. 60 0 62 0 72 0 SO 0 104;0 72 O 74 0 75 0 B4:0 8S 0 70O 760 82;0 OS 0. 7:o. Ml). 76.0. 82 O. 7;0. Wind 4 SW 8W !ooi4;w 4 NE 0O1 OOl DO 001 . . s'. .w 4 SW 00,14NW 4M A 13 Stale ot Weather. 10NB 6S 4 SW 4;w I Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear mnr Clear Cloudy Cloudy Clear Rain PlnllH V Cloudy Clear Clear Clear Clear oo) .00 .'12 ! .00 .70 72 .00 im 'tul 12fSW 1WI M VW on s'n'W Clear ,00i 8!W -Clear oO! o a nam 00 6'S Cloudy .00 12 JTWCiear ,O0 4 W (Clear .00 4 NE Clear .OW 4 W Clear .00' 4 NW, Clear no'liiNW'clear .00ll2 NWlClaar Clear Clear !Cloudv 'Clear .00 4'NE .00) 4 E on' 1 4! vw'1 .mlirt'w Iciear 00 4,N Clear BiNE 'Clear 12 E Cloudy 14 NE Clear -4'E Iciear 4iN Clear WEATHER CONDITIONS North Pacific States, and the Eastern high pressure area Is central this evening over the upper St Lawrence Valley. The barometer i. T relatively low over Southern California and Arizona, and also relatively low over Northern SasKatcnewan. Locai rams, nt.., In jilacea. havo fallen in. the lower MlSflU- 5S Compe4nie Generale Transatlantique UlreCK sLOn M iuirfiwia Sailings irom iNew yotk rvery w euneua, aw a. iffKva 'LA PROVENCE, Wed. Sept. 24 tFEANCJE w) Oct. 1 ::irOV..........: .'a !ao:::::::::::ocfc ukrAi-k ov. 6 "Twin-screw steamer. yuarun-crw steamer. SPECIAL SATURDAY SAILINGS FROM NEW YOKK. 3 P. M. ONE CLASS CABIN HI) and THIROLASS Passengers Only. lHSAM6tn"rt.'! AI'D. Charlton. sTs .Hor'rison" st-ViVM.' Taj lor, C. M St r Hi f Doriey B. Bmlth. 89 Bth St.: A. C. riueldon. 100 3d St.! L Dickson 122 ad t: North Baok Koad. fitb and Stark t.. agent.. Pert land. slppl Valley, the Gulf States and in portions of Kansas, Nebraska, Minnesota and the Dakotas. It Is warmer in the North Pac'"c States and also In the Interior of California. The temperatures have fallen In the Dakotas and In the Atlantic and Gulf Stales. The conditions are favorable for ralr ana continued warm weather in this district Thursday. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity: Thursday fair and warmer, northerly winds. Oregon and Washington: Thursday ralr and warmer, northerly' winds. Idaho- Thursday fair and warmer. EDWARD A. i:RAL.S, District Forecaster. Bitulithic pave ment is so perma nent that there can . be no question of the economy of this proc ess in the long run. TRAVFXKKS' CUIDE. 1 '9 INCORPORATED -7 CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERS PUBLIC SERVICE PROPERTIES FINANCED and MANAGED " BO Plna Street New York J.C. WILSON & CO. 6XOCKS. OOliliH. GRAIN AN1 COM OX NEW YORK MOCla ISXCHANGK. KKW YOKK. COJ.ION tMHAM.S, CUICAUO BOA14U Of TBADB. rH bXOl K ANl BOXI1 KACttANOo, BAN FBANCISCO. P0KTLAND OFFICE: Lewis Building, 2G9 Oak Street Phones Marshall 4120. A 4187. TRAVELERS' GCTDE. San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego Direct S. S. Eoanoke and S. S. Yucatan, feail Every Wednesday Alternately as . M. NORTH PACIFIC S. S. Ca VttA Third St. Phones Main 1314. A lSla. COOS BAY LINE STEAMS HXP BREAKWATEB sails from Alnsworth Dock, Portland. 8 A , , A 1Q Oil L.mj.h. r. ceived until 5 P. M. except day previous to sailing; previous day 2 P. M. Passenger fare: First-class. $10; second-class, JT, in .inHinv herth and meals. Ticket office. Lower Alnsworth Dock. FOKTLAllill S tUU9 SSAX B. O. Aj&iis mm H. KEATING. Acent. thane Mala Me. A S32. Drain-Coos Bay Auto Line Now Dally to Marshfield. Wire reservation to O. aiattoon. Drain. Oregon. NEW OLY THE WHITE STAR LINE'S LONDON-PARIS VIA Plymouth Cherbourg- Southampton Oct. 4, Oct. 25 Nov. 19 Dec 13 Other Saflinss Majestic, Sent. 20, Ort. 11, Not. 1. Oceanic, Sept. 17, Oct. 18, Soy. 8. New York Qtieenstown Liverpool Celtic Sept. 18 Baltlo Oct. S Cedrlu Sept. 25 Ad rial lc. . . .Oct. B Also Keenilar Sailings Between, BoMon Mediterranean Italy Boston O,ueenstown Liverpool AMERICAN II NF rlymouth Cherbourg Southamptoa ATI.ANTIO TK.ANBI'ORT LI'B New York, London Direct KEO STAB LINE New York Dover Antwerp WHITE STAB DOMINION Sailings Every Saturday from Montreal and yucbeo BX THE LARGEST CANADIAN UN- KK. Including the Tetitonic. .Sept. 20 Canada. .. .Oct. 4 Laurentic.S-'pt. 27 MeKantlc. .Oct. 11 Send for folders of the Short Land Locked bt. Lawrence Route to Europe. A. E. DISNEY, Passencer Aa-rnt, Boiler KldK., 619 Second Ave., Seattle. Telephone Main 113 or Local Railway and Stearanhlp Agents. STEAMSHIP Sails direct for San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego Friday, 2:30 P. M. SAN FRANCISCO, PORTLAND & LOS ANGELES STEAMSHIP CO. ("With Denver & Rio Grande Railroad) 124 Third Street. A 4596, Main 26. AUSTRALIA TAHITI AND NEW ZEALAND. Round Trip Rntes: 1st class to Tahiti f 133. to Welliucton it. 1.50. to Sydney J00. bpecial l'aciiic Ocean 'lour tlncludlnc South tea Isles) to Sydney via Tahiti. Kro tonga and New Zealand and returning ts San Francisco or Vancouver) via Auckland, Fiji or Samoa and Honolulu. $325, 1st class. Stop-overs any point, good one year, bill ings from San Francisco August 20, Sept. 17. Oct. 15, etc. Union Steamship Co. of New Zealand, Ltd. Office: 7U Market Street. San Francisco. BAHIA, SANTOS. MONTEVIDEO. BUENOS AVRESand R0SARI0. Large, Vew and Fast Ps'senper Steamers from New Yort every alcrtuue Saturday. For rales, etc., apply local ticket Agents, orl JJUSK & DASIIiLS. Genrral Acents, 801 Prodnre Kxchnnee. New York. U. M.JA EXPRESS STEAMERS FOR baa 'rauclM.o and Lot Angeles WITHOUT CHANGE. S. 8. BEA Kit, sails A. M. Sept. It. M s It K A It Sails Sent. 111. THE SAN FRANCISCO & PORTLAND 3. . CO. Ticket oince. ia ana wuauing. ton, with O.-W. R. & N. Co. Phone Marshall 4500. A 6111 i 1