, THE BrORXIXG OREGOyiAy, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBERll, 1913. 15 , ; j ' rRWXT I FOB BENT. 1 BCSIXESS OPPORTUNITIES. BCBIXESS OPPORTUNITY 1 "f,. ! to U"L" a.d BaLries. iua ava,., . I Apartments. THE ATXE" APARTMENTS. We bave three 6-room apartments, in splendid condition. In these ipuuneow. 77 Warn at.. Just off King st.. each. Key may be obtained from Janitor of -Kin. Hill Apartments, adjoining. PARR1SH. WATKINS CO., 106 Second Street. CARMELITA. Jefferson and 13th t. 4 and 6-roont unfurnished apartments; exceptionally ell-arranged ; walking dis tance. Hatea Reasonable. Modern. Reference. New. LCCRETIA COURT. Situated on Lucretla at., 109 (eet north ef Washington at., in an open court In the best residence district, within walk ing distance; finest unfurnished apart ments. 2 to 5 rooms. See them before lo cating; rates reasonable; references. Man ager, Marshall lilj; Janitor. Marshall liOO. CUMBERLAND, W. Park and Columbia sts.. very choice 2 and 8-room. completely fur nished apta.; all modern conveniences, beautiful location facing the parks; 6 mln utee walk from business center. We al ways maintain our reputation for lrsV class, clean apis., with best of service, alt reasonable prices; references required. I1RAXD NEW WALKING DlsTAXCE. REX ARMS APARTMENTS 13TH AND E. MORRISON SJ3. Five-story, fireproof bids.: o3 1. 3 ana 4-rm. apis.; automatic elevator, balconies, tile bathrooms, and a!! the latest lmprove ments. Kte $25 to $10 month. GLEN COURT. (Formerly the Wheeldon). Corner Park and Taylor. Modern apartments in 2. 3 and 4-rcom suites; furnished complete; Xlrat-ciaas "in'dawn-town district, bot quiet. K BARNEY-APT?.. 3 rooms. light and eiry. gat. 21st and Kearney. Marshall --lb.. Flats. 6-ROOM list, close In on East Side. $S. 4-room flai. mi" 1. .cation. $: 3-reorn But. same location. $'0. OTTO H ARKSON RE ALT a CO.. 133 tj First Street. (-ROOM flat. 78U GUsan St.. f 3-!; car; new. modern, convenient; hardwood floors, fireplace and furnace; select neigh borhood. Morgan. Fliedner aV Boyce, 60S Ablngton bldg. 13TH AND CUV. -room modern upper flat, fireplace and famace, large front sleeping ptco. fine yarj. Phone Main 7oC7 or Main 221l. 6-ROOM modern fiat, upper, choicest loca tion. Inquire nt 424 Washington at, or 1.5 lath st. 340DERN upper h e-room nat, ipi"i porch, electric light and gas. furnace, walking distance. West Side. Main ei. -ROOM modern flat. $14; nar carilne; also 4-room house, close in. III. Eastlund In- vest. Co., W orcesier itmK. ilODERN" 4-room flat with sleeping porch. ITI East 6th sU North, lrvlugton car. Call fiat 4. . -ROOM upper flat, fireplace, attic, sleeping porch. 6'JQtj Northrup or Main 3.-5. t.vri'RXiSHSD modern 6-room flat, close tn. t29 Everett St.. West Side. MODERN 7-room fiat. $.50. 12th and Mil St. 430 MtlL Main 4"1X gl Modern 4-room lower flat: walking distance. 62S E. Main. I'lione East !. PLax of 6 rooms and bath. 7SI Hoyt su Inquire ISO ta st. phona Main 6178. MODERN 6-room upper flats, all conven- lences; adults. 610 East Madison st. MODERN 8-room flat $22.50. 432 is 2d St. Phone Marshall 1949. STEAM heated, flva rooms. West walking distance. Resd. Marsh. t 5-room lower flat, centrally located, very modern. Phone Main SeiO. Marshall 8sl. .RUuM modern flat. 7601j Irving su, near -3d. Key at grocery. . 4-ROOM modern flat, near 23d and Wash ington. Main Mifcjwtuo. MODERN 6-room flat with gaa range. 8ii E. 16th. O 1764. VINE 6-room upper fiat, rent $30. .03 13lh. Call 330 loth at. WEST SIDE Choirs location. 6-room upper fiat, attlo, porches. Main 4220. MODERN 5-room flat, reasonable; 3 car lines. 4 S3 E. 12th and Division. FOR RENT Upper and lower flat. 0 rooms. 6734 uusan st. $22 50 Newly-furnished flat. bath, sleeping .-..h rnmiire Ton Sundv blvd. MODERN 3 -room flat, with gaa range, 112, FLATS, close In. Inquire 1S9 16th at. VumlMhed Flats. FOR RENT Beautiful 6-room flat: every toom light and airy; Nob Hill d'strtrt; partly furnished: hot water coils in fur nace; rnt $32. 51. A Sl't'7 mornings. LOW EI lial. furnished, live large rooms. lrse grounds. 227 East 49th. between K,inont and Hawthorne ave. Phone Ta bor 521. FOR KENT A G-room furnished flat, cen trally located. ttil at 143 11th at. be tween Morrison and Alder, or phone Main 21-V.. Mrs. M. E. Crowder. .) small, neatly furnished flat for 2; pri vate bath, sleeping porch; walking dis tance: desirable. East 6"41. Helmonu S-0 NEW, molern 4-room furnished flat, sleeping porch. SOU Market. Jefferaon- 'liapman car. .i0.t Three-room, strictly modern, new; completely furnished, f.70 Mill St. Phona M hi n 6447. , KEW. beautiful, furnished 5-room flat. West Side, walking distance, 3li9 Jptn St., head of Mill st. Main billL S-ROOM furnished flat, nicely located, 18. OTTO st HARKSON" REALIi CO.. First Street. 4-ROOM modern fiat, furnished. 383 Rosa St.. 2 block Broadway bridge. C 3109. NICELY furnished modern fiat, close to schools, walking distance East 5SS5. XW'O and 3-room fiats furnished, with heat. East 1719. 064 Williams ave. lioiiaeueeplog Rooms. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sts. Furnished for housekeeping; gaa range, electric lights, hot water, bath, laundry free; $12 per month up: a clean piace; best In the city for the money; short distance from Union Depot. Take S or 16th-sC cars north, get off at Marshall. No dogs. UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms, brick building, never a lodging house: respect able: sava carfare. 211 Second, corner Sa.mon. SI. 60 TO $2.75 week; clean, furnished house keeping rooms, suitable for 2 or 4; frea beat; laundry, bath, yard, gaa. Phona B. 9QAV. 406 Vancouver, 2u3 Stanton. U car. ft ROOMS, modern, completely furnished for housekeeping; rent fls per month. Phona K, 4267. THE UPSHUR. 4061 26th at- Furnished 2 room apta.. ateam heat, light; $17 up. Main SOU. Take S. 2od or W car north. yEW furnished housekeeping rooms; heat, light, batn. III. 1182V, Union. FURNISHED h. k. toom cheap. Cambridge bldg.. id, cor. Morrison, phona Main U THE OILMAN. 1st St.. cor. Alder Furnished housokeepln rooms, ILAu week up. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. 13 TWO neatly furnished housekeeping rooms, with bath; walking distance. 343 Bentofl at. Call C 1026. 2 OR 3 large, sunny, nicely furnished housekeeping-rooms; private bath and porch. 572 East tun st. Phone SelKvood 16.'. 847 HALL ST.. very desirable rooms, fur nished complete for housekeeping; rea sonable rent. Phono Marshall 1X1 3 CLEAN unfurnished housekeeping rooms, gas. sink, bath, yard, separata u trance, cloae In. 410 1st st. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, hot and cold water, steam heat. 7bl Kearney at. 4u.N JEFFERSON Cory, aunny housekeeping-room. $2 per week. Call evenings. TWO nicely furnished H. K. rooms, ground floor. t79 Gantenbeln, near Fargo. PLEASANT furnished housekeeping rooms, nice yard. Main 2266. 37 1st St. TWO Ibtko connecting rooms suitable for two ladies or marne'd couple. Main 67S3. NICELY furnished housekeeping suite In modem home. 619 Union ave., N. 6S YAMHILL, two-room suite, complete for housekeeping. Phone, bath. $14 month. TWO large outside h. k. rooms, light, heat, bath, phone. $15. 275 N. 21st TWO connecting rooms, electric lights, bath, phone. 29 East 15th st. North. TWO or four very pleasant housekeeping rooms, first floor. 421 Broadway (Westi. NEATLY fnrnlshsed H. K. rooms, reason able. ? 'tit aid up. 429 Salmon st. TWO good housekeeping rooms, private family. Cheap; close In. 26S Mill rt. SINGLE housekeeping rooms, running wat er, heat, phone ana batn. 221 idtn. LARGE, clean room and kitchenette. West teldoi phone. i2i Couch sV Ilousckrenlnr Rooms m Private Family! 2-ROOM suites and amgle housekeeping rooms, $10 per month up; newly furnlsned. modern dwelling; best West Side apart ment district; clean, light rooms, every thlng Included. 45 Flandersjnear 20th. FIRST- CLASS housekeeping rooms, also sleeping porch: heat, lights, hath, phone, la... : .. ... .. .. '.a K 1 . ins-nrion: 12.50 to 4 weelc: rat.'e h. month: 2d. "W" C8r from Union depot, walking distance to proper. Dio vouch, tvi. -p.... LADY would like to get 1 Or 2 girls, ployed, to share apartments; rent take -S" car to North -fith at. or car to Raleigh at., block north to em $12: -w 8G1 eavier at. $20 Three completely furnished housekeep- ing rooms, isciuuiub r-- range, phones, etc.; neat, clean, cozy quiet; desirable neighborhood. eas and E 1 tftll. near Morrison, ruunp 117S BELMONT at., near 40th. aleeplng porch and nice room, licht housekeeping privileges, suitable for two adults. Phone labor iivo. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms on tne iirs. nuw. .. li on (lie !. -. . - nlshed: walking distance. East 3695. U4 E. Hth. QSK or two completely furnished house keeping rooms: micncuriLo, erevi,iv..,, gas, sink, laundry: $7 to $12. 2 Grand, 4s E. corner Aniteny. $S THREE nlca unfurnished housekeeping rooms, $12; 2 clean furnished housekeep ing rooms. 127 E. 16th. near Morrison. E. K.J. NEWLY furnished housekeeping room, hot and cold water, free bath and telephone. steam neat. j per een. v a-.a viumi t iriirnlRhed housekeerin rooms, single or en aulte, reasonable, central. thrpv mitifle newlv furnished housekeep ing-rooms, phone, bath, light, also sunny yard. 121 IS. Webster, w twuin " av. ONE large well furnished housekeeping room; wood, electric light, gaa range. $12. 311 Main at. NICELY furnished housekeeping-rooms, close In; prices cjuromely reasonable. 4bj Clay St., near i4tn. NICELY furnished two connecting front housekeeping rooms $14, light, bath, phone. 579 12th su TWO lislit. clean housekeeping roomi wits kitchenette, 2 beds, close la. 27oVs Clajr, a .lit a rnnniM. furnished for housekeeping sleeping porch, gas. electricity, reason able, i'none r.ast THREE nice unfurnished housekeeping rooms, close in, reasonable. 267 Holladay avenue. Hoi 0 ROOMS and bath, fireplace, attic, bunga low. $:$. lease only. 004 Marguerite li near Clinton. 7 rooms, modem, oak floors, furnace, lauiulry tubs, garage, large lot, ML Tabor vl.liuty. $30. lease only. 6-room new, modern house, Westmore land, n?sr car, $2.". A. E. Poulsen. 71 Chamber of Com merce. Marshall L"753. :.pnnu modern residence, a new. refined beautiful home, cement basement, fur- naoe. oak floors. Ilrepiace, extra qiimiuj Miimhlni. sleeDing porch, view overlook ing clly, on easy slope ML Tabor, near carilne; will rent lor ).u to amaii, cacc.ui family or adults. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 423 Chamber of Commerce. 7 rooms. 2 sleeping porches, pavement. $30. rooms, Sunuyelde, fine trees and lawn, rooms, E. S9th sL, $30. ft rooms, on carilne, $20. 8 rooms, corner (garage If wanted), $25. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, 51 S Hoard of Trad Building. 12-ROOM home for residence only, large grounds, excellent location; West Bide, GEO. O. SCHALK. Main (02. A W!2. :2 Stark st. S ROOMS. SLEEPING PORCH. HARD WOOD FLOORS THROUGHOUT. TILED BATH, WALI.S PAPERED; FURNACE WITH WATER COIL. SCREENS AND LAWN. ON CAKL1NE. RESTRICTED DIS TRICT: WORTH $50; RENT FOR $3i.oO. . MARSHALL 420O. A TIM. 5-ROOM house, on Monroe street. $10. ";-room modern house, 1 block to car, 6-room modern house, close In on East BOTTO'& HARKSON REALTY CO., 13 S First Street. m FOR RENT IRVINGTON" HOME. S largo rooms, modern house, $.V A Fine Home. Owner E. 491. FOR RENT Ou 61st sL In Rose City Park, for Winter or longer, 6-room strictly mod ern house; screens, hardwood floors, fire place, furnace, shades, gas range and heater. Beautiful lawn, $30 or will rent furnished. Tabor 15U3. NEW modern 6-room house In Westmore land, three blocks from Mllwauklo ave. New, modern seven-room house In Ross mere. 3Mh and Hancock; sleeping-porch, tlreplace. hardwood floors, furnace. O. MA1.1V1.1.. r.ast J-ttf vi 6-ROOM house at B42 Belmont: has Inlaid linoleum, gua range and water heater, fruit trees and line, lawn; $2". per month. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANi. 5 IS Hoard of Trade Building. 6 ROOMS. East Taylor St.. near 23d, $25. 8 rooms. Irvington. $35. See our list of cholco furnished houses. A. H.-BIRRELL CO.. 202 McKay bldg.. 3d and Stark. DESIRABLE houses and flats for rent, all parte city. . NATIONAL- REALTY A INT. CO. Main 6129. MODERN 6-roora hou?e, 2 sleeplng-porchea, across street Llewellyn school. 5M Henry ave., Sellwood car. Main 1S58, Sellwood r.o8. . MODERN 8-room house, with or without garage, 24th and Overton sts. inquire ui Dr. A. Tllser. Phone Main 2474 or i74. $16 MODERN" cottage, with gas and steel ranges, fine location. Myrtle Park. F. 11c- , - , .... - kM K..r T . rt 8-ROOM, modern, furnace, fireplace. East "vih nene H .i wt hr ne : will lease. in. quire !61 Hawthorne. Main B74il, B1184. MODERN 8-room house, 19th and Marshall. Inquire of Dr. A- Tiller. Phone Main 24i4 or 774. MODERN bungalow, 6 rooms and sleeping porch, hot water heat. 1341 Nashton aL, East St. Johns. Marshall 4732. FL'KNISHED or unfurnished 5-room mod ern house with garage. C. W. Wells, ML Scott line. Phono Tabor ?60. MODERN 7-room house. West Side: full basement, furnace with water COiL Phone Main 4607; A 4SS9. MODERN 7-ROOM house. Lovejoy. bet 23d and 24th. full lot. fine roses. Vanduyn A Walton. 515 Chamber Commerce. FOR RENT 6-room house in good con dition. 206 Whitaker at- Key at 821 Front at. $40 10-ROOM house, 426 Broadway. $20, at 820 Falling st., 8 rooms. L. K- Moore, 817 Board of Trade. boL'ULE house, Montgomery street, near Fourth. 22 rooms, $65. H. A. Holmes, ttus Beck bldg. Main 6552. FOit RENT New elx-room house, all mod ern, 1 block from carline. 631 Center at, Sellwood car. or phone Tabor 8081. NOB HILL, 851 Kearney L, 7 rooms, mod ern. Sellwood 842. FIVE rooms, bath, 1R!) Mill, near Front. $15. Key as isortn loin. SMALL bungalow, new and modern. Mult nomah station. Low rent. Main 4549. MODERN li-room house, walking distance, close to school, 1S. 323 Graham ave. MODERN 5-room upper flat. 6th and Sher man sts. Rent $2U. Main 807. 8-ROOM house, furnace, fireplace, gas. 667 Flanders, near 18th; also 4-room flat. COTTAGE, 126 17th sL North, near Gliaan; key at NO. S3 ftorm lom su 8-ROOM house, fireplace, choice location. near park: rent s.ta. oav aoaigmucij TWO fine homes. Irvington. East 273. W. H. MerJman. t-KOOU cottage. 91 B. 10th, cor. Wash., $14; walking distance, r.ast m- 673 MAIN 10 rooms, corner; yard, newly tinted, papered: reasonable. Main 2219. FOR RENT Five-room cottage. 395 Mar guerite sv. FOR RENT 2 modern 6-room houees, $16, 19 per month. Woodlawn urn. U-KOOM house, big yard. $22.50. 629 3d sL Phone Marshall 1949. NEW 9-room house. Portland Heights, close to car. Inuulre owner. 414 Spalding bldg. 6-ROOM house, r98 Madison aL Tard, fur nace. $23. Marshall 4220. COTTAGE 230 East 3Cth sL, 6 rooma and bath, modern. Main 2240. MODERN 7-room house. 706 Gllsan SL Main 4607. A 4S89. Furnished Hoi COMPLETELY, furnished house, 4 rooms, bath, close In. $20. Phone Woodlawn 2916. NICELY furnished bungalow at ML Tabor, close to carilne; rent $35. A. H. Blrrell Co.. 202 McKay bide;. Main 232. MODERN furnished cottage. 6 rooms, gas, electricity; also 8-room apartments, near S. P. shoos. 514 East 21st. "WR" car. 73 BROADWAY Furnished four-room cottage, electric lights, bath, central. COMPLETELY furnished modern 5-room bungalow. Tabor si a. . Farnlahe4 llousea. 7 ROOMS and bath, beautiful view, on slops of ML Tabor: every modern convenience and luxury; nice, lawn; will rent furnished for $175 per month on 1 year" leasa to amall family who appreciate refined sur roundings. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 423 Chamber of Commerce. NOB HILL. Elegantly furnished 10-room modern home with garage; No. 675 Flanders St., N. E. cor 21st st. ; will rent or lease by the year to private family. Call at house or see Frank L. Mcuulre, 414 Ablnglon bldg. Main 1068 ; VERY desirable private home, completely furnished. In desirable and central loca tion Beautifully furnished. House mod ern and up-to-date. Owner willing to ac cept room and board in part payment of rent if satisfactory to tenanL Apply 835 Overton. Tel. Mar. lao. wil.T. lease my beautiful 9-room home completely furnished, for one year or innLrnr' location siahtlv. near Cornell road; district the best in the city; nouse has every convenience. A. it. nirreu co, McKay bldg.. aa ana stern 6-ROOM house, nicely furnished, striully modern said well located, $35. 8-room modern house, well furnished, 3f:?- . OTTO hAKASUn roi,A.iji -vj.( r tT-Di-T umuT fcnm lranllv ftimished. piano, modern, 8 rooms, rent 50 per month. References. On Laureinurst car line, close In. AJR 335, Oregonian, or Ta bor 29D5. . VERY nice 6-room house at Willamette Heights, 439 Newton st. ; wen lurnisucu, may be seen today from 10 to 12 o'clock; rent $40. A. H. Blrrell Co., 2u2 McKay bid. Main zo. K tA l.i. R-mom bunaalow. comDletely fur- nished. includlna electrlo llghta. gas and iralar, $27.00. Phone B 8024 or Tabor lfilO. Call 22 i. 44th St.. 1 block north of Hawthorne. FIVE rooms, $25. Fully furnished. West Side, close in. 14 rooms, $60, West Side, close In. In quire 219 Lombermens bldg. 82-5 Finely and completely furnished large 6-room corner house. Instantaneous water heater, electricity; nice yaro; u mm. out. 742 E. etn st. beuwooa oao. FURNISHED house, 7 rooms, piano, electric lights, furnace, suitable for teachers, near two schools, West Side. Phone Marshall 995. AN attractive 6-room home; fine ventila tion; good furniture; Clean ana new; ueaii tlful lawn: very reasonable to adultf. Phone Tabor 3J8S. $35 FURNISHED complete, new, clean, modern 7-room nouse; xurnace. voo iat thorne ave. NEATLY" furnished modern house, 7 large cheerful rooms, piano; aauits. .an -situ St., south Hawthorne. COMPLETELY furnished -room house, 657 Schuyler st.. Irvington. Apply w. ti. nai lace. 14 Front st. FURNISHED 6-room flaL fireplace, yard, hi block car. 262 Stout st, J27.60. Reler- t 1 U.r.knll FURNISHED modern house. 6 rooms and reception hall, fireplace beautiful yard. S'jo. AUdress lu .viorris at. A NEW, well-furnlyhed 7-room house near Thompson ana jcncroon nigu scuouw. Phone woodlawn l.ii mornings. f i-irnrnM R.rnnm house, completely fur nished. 24 blocks 45. S. car. E. 2091. 786 E. Yamhill St. COMPLETELY furnished modern house.7 rooms. 1327 Eust 7th at. N. Take Wood lawn car to Holman sl xiniiFik ii.rnnm furnished house with fur nace: $35 with piano or $3U wlthoUL 303 v argo. rnonu ,kbi how. 6-ROOM furnished house, modern, walking distance. 334 lith sl Main oa-js. Summer Resorts. -ROOM cottage, at beautiful Neahkahnie Beach, mairnlf Icent view of ocean and mountain running water in house' wil' rent cheap for balance of season. Phone Marshall lts;-'. apartment o. COTTAGE at Ealtalr for rent after Septem hr lit i block from station and lmme rii.i.iv Mriloininir beach: hot and cold water, beautiful surroundings, phone B IrSO. Stores. wash 1XGTOX-ST. store, near lath, splen dldly fitted for delicatessen, fancy gro ceries and liquors; surrounded by hotels and apartments; very reasonable rent; SPACE In modern basemenL ventilated lid well lighted; N. W. corner 4th and Alder sta.; suitable for cafeteria, printing hop, etc. Morgan, Flieduer Boyce, 6ut Ablngton Diag. STORE, good location. 608 1st aL. auitable for grocery and market, or other pur poses; has cold storage room and $ rear rooms; rent reasonable. 324 Worcester bldg. 20X5O store and 50x100 second floor, on best and most central street in cnj, mi for mercantile business; long lease. Terry Sc Harris, leon Diag. . WAS11INGTON-ST. storeroom, between 16th and 17th sts.; 16x120, cheap rent, fine show window. E. J. Daly, 222 Falling bldg. CORNER atore in brick building, 11th and Hawthorne, for renL Splendid location for first-class grocer. L. IL Falrchiid, 232 Sherlock bldg. HEADQUARTERS FOR STORES & BLDGS. Wasnlngton st. FOR RENT Stores, Nos. 248 and 250 Haw thorne ave., east end of bridge. Apply Hawthorne Dock Co. Phone tutiai STOFtE building, close in on East Side, $30. OTTO HARKSON REALTY CO., 133Vj First atreeL Offices. MOST CENTRALLY LOCATED OFFICES; KENT VERY REASONABLE; ALL NIGHT ELEVATOR SERVICE. PHOTO CRAPH STUDIO. ANGLE- LIGHTS; VERY LOW RENT. 303 S WETLAND BLDG., 5TH AND WASH. STS. REDUCED rates at Tilford Building, 10th and Morrison, to permanent tenants. Large offices, perfect light, hot and cold water, steam heat. Inquire at elevator, or phone Marshall 618. FOR RENT Desk room, Including phone, and all other conveniences. 212 Railway Exchange bldg. SMALL office or deskroom wanted. Wuebel Bros., P. o. Box on. DESK room: $10 per month. Both phones; vault, lavatory. 215 Oregonian bldg. BCSIVF.SS OPPORTUNITIES. SHORTHAND is the stepplng-stono to busi ness opportunity: expert men teachers at Y. M. C. A. commercial college; terms moderate. Write or call for catalogue. Y. M. C. A., cor. 6lh and Taylor sts. BOND Issues and real estate loans, $50,000 upwards negotiated. Ry. and gen. corpor ations orgaulzed. Franchises and trust deeds drawn. Stocks, bonds bought. Rosen baum & Co.. 191 Halght bldg.. Seattle. GARAGE and auto exchange: going con cern; no better location in tne city; owner will at&y with purchaser and demonstrate that it la a money-maker. 31 Lumber Exchange. GROCERY, doing strictly cash business of $1400 monthly; situated in tnicaiy settiea aistrlct; an opportunity to niaae e-v clear per month. 319 Lumber Exchange. ALMOST GIVEN? AWAY. Sickness forces sale of well-established cafeteria; half value takes 1L sis xeon bid g. PARTY must leave town; will sell grocery nnH eonfeetlonerv. wltn Jiving-rooma: nest buy in the city; $400 cash takes It; rent paid until octooer i. o a:., ureguumn. AUTO REPAIR SHOP. In one of best garuges on East Side; half Interest for only $1250; pays big money. 618 Yeon bldg HOTEL for sale, furniture of 81-roorr. c, only hotel In town; iu,i" pt. year in come, inquire M. 4. liAi7H.a. lONHi. OIL RESTAURANT and bakery, fully equipped, '$275; this la no Junk; near 2 large fac tories, in fortianu; luoney-iiiaacr lur rigui man. 311 Lumber Exchange. CASH grocery store, close in, 'East Side; thla store is making big prouts on lnvesi ment. Call 24S 4 Stark St. FOR SALE or trade, general muse, store Willamette Valley, on S. P. R. R. About $15,000 stock. AV 393, Oegonlau. $1200 WILL buy interest, country branch store, excellent larming uisirici, single man preferred. For interview, S 345. Oregonian. PHARMACY, splendid location, doing daily business of 2d; estaousnea many years; only $1350; terms. 319 Lumber Exchange. FOR SALE First-class hotel and lestau- rant at Llnnton; rooms lull all the time; good business. Write, E 373. Oregonian. SMALL BUSINESS Clears $25 per week. Small Investment reqmrea. ea iimniu BARBER shop, furnished, for rent, lease. AB 846. Oregonian. MARKET and grocery fixtures for sale. own price miu ici ma. vp n jo c""" w CONFECTIONERY and cigar store; this is a money-maker, call Z4B5 Btara st. CIGAR STAND Good stock and fixtures; low rent. Call Fosters Agency, a Bin in. SPACE for Jeweler in drug store. Splendid n--.nn O Q-a nrflpnnlin CAFETERIA for sale. A bargain on account of death. 386 jaornson, near join. RESTAURANT very cheap; big trade, cheap rent; good location. 225 Madison at. BARBER 6HOP for sale or rent. 206 4th. BARBER, EHOF. $75. Phone Tabor JA4A KUSINfiba air-.-M. If yon have a business of any kind that Is legitimate and on a paying basis and ... - , ,n iBnn.A nt it T am the man you want to see, for I make thla a specialty .i i ....... i. i.v, ruinla nil over the ..a. Innlrln, for EOOd DfODO' altlona. auch as hotels, restaurants, cigar stores, gents' furnishings, delicatessen. moving pictures, cafeteria, light manuiac turing. confectionery, rooming-houses ant apartments; In fact, I have customers fo: nearly every line of business that wll bear Investigation, but will not list any thing that doea not ahow merit, t t i n I S-T7 811 Railway Exchange bldg. ,(T.-Tt , in. mniarn a nartmllt house, well furnished and filled with good class or tenanta, near to iihiuwbwu ' lease is lor luree jrwAim. jm "- " gone and 1 am willing to sell for $3o00 or trade lor otner property not need my personal attention. on my attorney at 512 Piatt bldg., cor. f arte ana vv asningLpu. FOR SALE At a sacrifice. Al dairy lunch, centrally located; low rent, long lease. owner must leave city wuum - J or suffer heavy loss In other Interests. .t l , 1 Thl. 1 i.n.th Ini'M. tew imbu requireu. iu'o . . ... . tigating and will show handsome return . it .. i ! rwnm Ihfl fltlV it oil lu . eauiieuu nua jjo.iu . -- waa opened. Caldwell-Dunham Investment CO.. liui-o Lnamner oi vommci-e MEAT "MARKET In best town ill Palouse .niinfev 3 linraM WAllflll. BOaft SlaURhter- house with water piped In, 25 acres of pasture, icehouse on river, sausage nnuucu an, (rnnri murhln.rV all tlXtUreS: Will Sell at sacrifice price if taken at once; don't answer unless you mean business; this is a good shipping point lor uvcaLvcn- ;s:ii, oregonian. unTPi riir HA ItnflMS. Client will accept $2000 cash for hotel business, Including furniture of 34 rooms; rental $100 per month; fully occupied and doing good business; location near Union ave. and Burnside. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. AriTftMnnii.K school: high-grade, expert teachers; complete $10,000 equipment to train for this coming vocation, uui i to make money, but for the good of men. See or write Y. M. C. A. Day and Night Schools, cor. 6th and Taylor sis. riTiTTOX. BUYERS. Before closing deal for so-called Interest In established real estate business, get advice of Portland Realty uoaru, F. L. PURSE. Secretary, 81 Chamber of Commerce. WANT party with $2000 or over who would be willing to net 10 per cent per annum on their investment and be safely secured by good, baukauie collateral tit to the business. No information seekers need apply. Address AB 33 1. oregouum CONCESSIONS OPEN LINN COUNTY FAIR. SEPTEMBER 24. 25, 26. GOOD BUSINESS FOR MERRY-GO-ROUND AND TWO GOOD SHOWS. rnxt-prTinxERy. STANDS. AdpIv to Roy V. Shelton, Sec, Sclo, Or. LABOR -employment agency wants a man to neip in oilice ot oi . . . ,L will nair vOlt L'00 1 month and you may try this business to enable you to investigate ucium n.. lr.g. 823 Lumber Exchange. 2d and Stark. FOR SALE A plating and polishing plant for Job work or factory, complete for do ing gold, silver, nickel, brass and copper plating If you want a snap and mean business, address touay, as owner uu. sell at once. P. O. box 34. ka t i-irt-x finnrf central location, reason able rent; old established and well-known place; for quick sale only $2500. and some terms if wanted; will consider exchange for acreage or city property, a oil, ore gonlan. ' TO PRINTERS T- .-,! .nin, .nil navlnr .lob print lng business, average of $1000 per month; regular monthly business with large hrms; prefer to sell half Interest; will sell entire Plant: Investigate. AT a-li. oregonian . -, J.ll.alA.Mn Anil CrO cerv store: splendid location; cheap rent and long lease. All new and up-to-date. Holng a good and strictly cash business. Will arrange to satisfaction If taken at once. X 345, Oregonian. FOR SALE Gilt-edge business location, the Pontoon Delicatessen ana nwim, oim. ... , u , .. n.l UrlH.a Nt ' Will on iNecanicuui xtivci a,,. v. - - , - - sell now at a sacrifice ; open the year rntinri. Rox wt. teasiae, ur. .r... 1 Wuln a !! Tier TTIOnth will buy half Interest Jn live official coun ty paper -wiiu nitumnw vi. - re lation 2500. Price $2500. Address Express Lebanon, or. AUTOMOBILE garage and repair shop wants a man able to keep plain accounts - . ' ...Ill na U Oll TTIOnth and looat alter wmp, - : "i, as partner. 823 Lumber Exchange, 2d and frtark StS. reo ouiitia. . . - 1 1Aralnn nil CRSh GrtOUt,KI. very tun , trade; present owner has averaged $lso a month clear profit for the U 6 years. Sell for $21100, or Invoice. RARE CHANCE O. C. R. Ellis & Co., 309 Board of Irade. " . . . i .. nwnlno- their o w n v ooo ana coai ouamao ...... ------ , , trackage and clearing $300 month bove ali expenses warno n to check wood. 823 Lumber Exchange, d ana aiarK sis. WANTED Competent man to manage a . . .. t...-.in -u. mnal have best nrancn ot uiy uuameoa, -- ---- references; salary $150 month. See Saund ers, 70S Selling oius. ....... . . r L I T , A ITVnDT nai ivan .... ....... . Making about $400 a month net; up-to date machinery, auto delivery and 3 wag ons. 618 icon oiug. SNAP in hotel and boardlns-house. 21 rooms, office, dining-room and kitchen ,...nuhuH. stnlna- t e hUSineSS completely luimon, -------- .- long lease. Foster's Agency. 4.1 6th sL N. DENTAL office for sale , , mall Oregon tOWn. UOOU CUUUHUH..J. ------ ' good reason for selling. Cheap for cash. Alt ureKuniaii. TAILOR, cleaning and pressing establlsh- - i . n ma ka srood ment lor ouie, ' " monjy: reason for selling, leave town at once. J 02 rj. 0 1 tn, nent " T-T . ...... t n .1 vatllnr.ranm L'.M' 1' J lU.Af." i '- - f r gale or to exchange for acreage or House ana iot, oeat wH-aiw- - See owner ai iio2o PRESSING and dye works, living rooms, furnished: clearing (average) net 30 week: rent $12.60; no soliciting; price $2."r0. 303 Lumber Exchange. INTEREST in a good paying business, with "position carrying a good salary: call to Investigate; no phone information. O. C R. Ellis & CO., avii noaiu oi j. . a-.u. CAFETERIA, centrally located, with well- Phone A 7718, or call at 604 Broadway bid $1600 BUYS controlling interest and In sures you steady income of $200 to $300 a month; your money fully secured. Call 403 Kotncniiaoiag. CAV sell your business; list your restau rants, cigar Btacids, pool halls and rooming-houses with me tor quick sale, pos ters Agency, -aa win t- WHOLE or half Interest In best-paying mer- " :.T1 ! -a in Vn.lh VeUlmft. Good reason for selling Address 4 East Yakima avenue. North lamma, aan. STRICTLY cash grocery, nice living rooms; TIO OeilVCry, nwiiuivuia, J - r. n r. n r on $-JO day sales anyway; $9o0. 303 Lum ber i-.xenange. Making money; $600 takes It; gome termB. Sl yeon Diag. GROCERY for sale; good business; will show books; owner too old to continue. H. L. laieman, iwp uivmwi. - FOR SALE Well-established agency for a . ia,ipa.i R fi-ts Oreeo- stanuaru vw.acw -. . man. yyxNTED Lady as partner and house keeper, uno Biitaii . . rw DOJ i- n nnlan in busineaa. a w-tt, w w DELICATESSEN, bakery, big sttm fable traae; nne location, win oc. e , -ecsiin-nte. 303 Lumber Exchange. FOR SALE Comer grocery, with four II v- mg-rooms; stoc-tv uu count, cash only. Phone Tabor 981. I. .'t i . i . A A.. AJ . Invoice about $1800; sales I1S.000 to t .... -VAOT-a $20,000 a year, inquire oia i wun GROCEKV Will Invoice and discount 20 per cent; a-i. uuhiucds, on l.ua -a change. FOR SALE-Groceo-; m"t "lell this place IOT gOUU l can"". "V - jf nonu jl o ao j. GEN". MDSE. store, good business. Ane loca tion, money-iiiis.;r, i w. .aa. . Tabor H3U. uwner. x rauc v. --ag". 160t CASH for clean stock groceries, f lx- parties leaving city. AX 869. Oregonian. ; . ... . . . . -( v troR t: r n it Good location; Just what you want. 615 Yeon bldg. GROCERY, confectionery, etc., furnished living rooms; guun mb u tiouQ, j..." v-.-. - V.Ah.n.a 9.1 and Stark. 1.UII1U1I m.......p, HOTEL, 28 rooms; If you are looking for sometning soou. wo t. ----- stars; . PARTNER wanted, office business, not real estate; am outsiue uwn - man in onice. avj qqi, eicswu. GOOD-PAYINO cigar, fruit, ice cream and conrectioncry iiuio, . - , iAna- Raj. owner. 203.1st st yema RESTAURANT and dairy lunch; good lease; snap iur ' SI. jNoriu. PARTNER, real estate and loans: good sal- -y guaranteeu. OJ t uuman A..aubC. RESTAURANT for sale or trade; rent $50 lease; price itrt-tr. aali jti, ..am.... ah. uiniKT and nice 6-room flat. ISth .aSt DUIHBlUC a-pni. . . oaoo SALOON for gale or trade. CaU Phone BOOB. e.unr-PDV a xri-t 1TTTT3 VTTT7RE. Located in a thriving little town In Oregon: no competition In the furniture line; rent only $30 mo., with 5 years lease; sales from April 21 to Sept- 1 were $5967.48; for best of reasons we can sell this stock at invoice, about $5800: must have all cash; no trade considered. Full particulars room 618 Yeon bldg. t FOR SALE $28,000 stock of fine general merchandise in the best farming section of Idaho; will trade for good land in the West or notes; nne brick store ana nx tures worth $20,000 for sale or rent; last year's sales nearly $176,000: net proht over $18.000. AV B9S. Oregonian. BUSINESS opportunities come to the stu dents of Y. M. C. A. commercial college: rue not to make money, but for the good of men; $500,000 equipment; 10 different business courses; men teachers; terms moderate. Write or call for catalogue. Y. M. C. A., cor. 6th and Taylor sts. GARAGE, established, with a completely equipped repair shop and three auto mobiles; splendid location; shows good Income; less than $2000 if sold at once; terms; no agents. Owner, AR 316, Ore gonian. HIGH-CLASS saloon; one of the best loca tions In the city; reasonable rent- Owner wishes to retire. Will sacrifice for cash or trade for good acreage or farm land near Portland. - AS K03. Oregonian. A A J A AA OAiV.T. Best proposition on West Side; seats 400; center of apartment-house district: our best offer. For particulars aeo til xeou uiub. FOR SALE Small ateam laundry, first-class equipment, with a capacity of $300 per week- this is a snap; would consider some terms, or trade; price $i)000. Address W tt i e, oregonian. !Alt,nD, XI IiV 1 . "3 vua..v Bakery with fine equipment and fix tures; roomy store and two large living rooms; a bargain at twice the price asked. . . . . i - t i t . .-, .-1 t -T. rx3 a ir-tr'. els xeon oma MOVING-PICTURE theater, sealing 400 and standing-room; best main street location, town of 15,000; rich agricultural terri tory. No agents. Address AV 376, Orego nian CLEANING factory, doing large business; will sell partnership or working Interest. Call 811 Lumber Exchange. . BUSINESS OPPOKTCNITIES WANTED. ..t-vn-D v Vu-DCtllVTS jgOOO 320 acres of land in Central Ore gon, adapted to wheat-raising; mortgage lt00, 6 per cent. 10 years; to trade for general milse. AH 326. Oregonian. WANTED Partnership in some good busi ness proposition where up to $500 will do. Alj ZiV, UrgpUlllaU. OFFICE man would make'small Investment and services in paying business. P 3oo, Oregonian HAVE some money and services to invest In legitimate business. L 36.S, Oregonian. BOOMING-HOCES. BARGAIN HUNTERS, SEE THIt. A strictly modern rooming-house, con taining 38 extra well furnished rooms, located on a corner, near Pantages The ater always does good business; rent Is only $200 a month, with lease. We can sell you this for $300 0, on terms. 'It. H. GOODKIND CO., INC. 401, 402. 403 Wilcox Bldg. r. - T,-i,T D I Dill IM Best central West Side location; modern place; steam heat; private baths, furnish ings, velvet carpets, mahogany and quar tered oak furniture; paying a nice profit; good lease; price only $3500; some trade, $500. balance easy terms. O. C. R. ELLIS & CO.. SO BHoaia of rraae APARTMENT-HOUSE SPECIAL. BO rooms, elegantly furnished. Nob Hill district, rent only $150 a month, that equals $3 a room; full price only $2000; terms. Best buy in the city today. R. H. GOODKIND CO, INC. 401, 402, 40S Wilcox Bldg. Corner 6th and Washington Sts. . . T.DnirTTinT.r rT.Ai-R t' lj.t i - , y ' - - ' -J'J - - 58 rooms, good business location, fur nishings fair; rent less than $2 a 'oomj lease 3 years; clears $lo0 a month, ben on terms or trade for city property or near by acreage. Price $3000. O. C. R. ELLIS & CO.. 809 Board of Trade. lO JtWAlO. fU"- Splendid location. West Side, good fur nishings, worth $950. full of good toom eras, pays $50 profit over ali expenses. $375 cash, balance monthly. O. C. R- ELLIS & CO.. 809 Boara OI rraae. DANDY buy. Newly furnished hotel, 21 rooms, always iun, mm -loomeis miu boarders. Steam lieat, electric lights, in come $600 month: 8-year lease. St. Charles LSna CO., O-t juuniafi - $6"i0 BUYS a fine 12-room place, near Portland Hotel; this Is a good payer and -i . jat.a, Aftft " pannlran extra wen iuuuat. " '--e O. C. R. Ellis & Co.. 309 Board of Trade. WANTED AO ouy guou ma.i aw.....B- house; housekeeping preferred; give price, location and terms; $300 cash. AP 34o, .regoiuaii 81 ROOMS S. W. cor. 6th and Stark (men onlv). running over full. $200 clear profit; come, stay till satisfied, then buy; $750 . fi'v.1 la fin. anH a. ranl nnnn. $300 CASH takes a 24-room rooming-house; rent paid to first of month; paying. Ap ply AE 338, oregonian. Drinutvi-i.HfilTSR for Bale verv cheap. Call and see. Centrally located. Phone Main 3 1ST. 15 ROOMS, well rurnisnea, clean ana coiy, rooma rented. Give you a bargain. Good . ... I -M Ola nome wiiu uitumo, w . , . LOST AND FOUND. THE following Is a list of iirtliles found on the cars of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company and turned in at the different division points. owners may secure same by applying at narus as m dicated. ..li.etreet earhouse Phone A 6131 1 gocart, 1 suitcase, 1 lunchbox, 1 hand grip 1 small grip, 3 umbrellas, 2 boxes mdsc, 1 piece hardwood lumber, 1 pair 'piedmont barn Phone A 6131 3 suit- casts, 1 basket, 2 umorenas, a iiair gioveo, U mlai. ueflelea. Seliwood barn Phone A 6131 2 Pic tures, 1 umbrella, 1 snirt, a pair oi snou, 1 sack of tools, 1 grip. Ankeny barn 1 brass rod, 1 key, 1 basket or spuns, a suitcase. LOST A child's gold chain and lockot con taining small diamond and initial H. C. D. Lost on West Side or Empress Theater. Libera! reward. Walter R. Doane. Phone Main 6727. - LOST Saturday. between Portland and Sandy, two 36x4 V, auto tires with de mountable rims and tire trunk. Under notify Neustadter Bros.. Gth and Ankeny sts and receive rewaro LOST Lady's brooch, Mosiac flower, black background, proDaoiy oeiweeu viimse, tuu cafeteria and the Empress; liberal reward. Write E 344, oregonian. LOSi smau uai. Ajuatuat a..... t. . . i MtK, l..nH law alicrh.lv i- ti v.. .11 n.Klta on race ana unru-h -e a..e,....j ..j. i1-k nlaaaa eall A 112A or aisiocaieu, iii.t-c -- Main S-bJ LOST English setter pup. White with black maraings ou to-... - . - ; Reward, 686 E. 8Sth at. N. or phono Main ,OUO uuruiB J LOST A amall black purse containing a ring, between waaiiiusiwu . Sd st. Phone Main sa LOST A dark muley Jersey cow; rturn to J. tl. uross, -oio v"t OL-t vision, ttewara. STRAYED from 843 I.arch St., Ladd's Addi tion, large orango i"'"""! white chin. Reward. n.ast eteiv. WHITE female bulldog. Phone Marshall Sou. Kewara. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. SEALED bids will be received at the of fice of the unaersignea, ua t-ourmvuBD, until 5 P. M. Tuesday, September 16, 1913, for four runabouts or roadsters or other light passenger automobiles to cost ap proximately $500 each, delivered to School District No. 1. Bidders will submit with proposal detailed specifications of con struction and equipment and state date of delivery. A certified check for $100, payable to the undersigned, must accom pany each proposal. Place on the en velope the name of the bidder and the -words "Bid on automobiles." Board of Directors reserves the right to reject any and all bids or parts of bids. Portland. Or., Sept. S, 191$. R. II. THOMAb, bcnooi liera, THE undersigned will receive sealed bids JOT a StOCa OI lUOl tUAUUJSO, ..uua,a...o - groceries, clothing, men's and ladies' fur nishings, dry goods and notions of the Inventory value of $6123.03, together with store fixtures amounting to $1384.35, locat ed at Woodburn, Oregon, up to 12 o'clock noon of Saturday, September 20, 1913. Terms cash. Deposit of 10 per cent must accompany each bid. Right reserved to reject any and all bids. Inventory and stock may be seen at Woodburn. Oregon, and inventory also seen at my office. It. U, SAS1.1, I A-at-tb Ul. Dated Portland. Oregon. Sept. 10. 1913. SEALED bids will be received at the office Of Richard W. jjaontague, did Dottiuiu. building, Portland. Or., until 10 A. M.. Monday, September 15. 1913. for the printing of the Survey of School District No. 1. Samples and conditions of same can be seen at above address. A certified check for 10 per cent of bid must accom pany each proposal and the committee on survey reserves the right to reject any and all bids or parts of bids. Portland, Or., September 9. 1913. Richard W. Montague, chairman of aurvey committee. For School Survey. 61S Spalding bids. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DIS TRICT OF OREGON. In the matter of BARDE & LEVITT. Bankrupt. REQUEST FOR BIDS. As trustee in bankruptcy of the above entitled estate. I will receive sealed bids for the following stocks of merchandise and fixtures, formerly the . property of Barde & Levitt, situated In the cities of Salem. Corvallis, Hood River and Oregon City, Oregon: 1 stock of goods, wares and merchan dise, consisting of shoes, men's clothing and furnishings, hats, caps, suitcases, umbrellas, etc., together with fixtures contained in the store room formerly occupied by Barde & Levitt at Salem, Oregon, said mer chandise being of the inventoried value of $17,566.83, and said fixtures being of the inventoried value of $1313.40. 2 stock of goods,' wares and mer chandise of the same character as above set forth, together with fix tures contained In the storeroom for merly occupied by Barde & Levitt at ' Corvallis, Oregon, said merchandise being of the inventoried value of $17,625.71. and said fixtures being of the inventoried value of $2010. 8 stock of goods, wares and merchan dise of the same character as above set forth, together with fixtures con tained in the storeroom formerly oc cupied by Barde & Levitt at Hood River, Oregon, said merchandise be ing of the Inventoried value of $8605.14, and said" fixtures being of the Inventoried value of $254. Stock of goods, wares and merchan dise of the same character as iibove set forth, together with fixtures con tained in the storeroom formerly oc cupied by Barde & Levitt at Oregon City, Oregon, said merchandise being of the Inventoried value of $22,7S4.03. and said fixtures being of the inven toried value of $2147.73. Total value of said merchandise. $66,582.31 Total value of said fixtures.... 5.725.15 Bids will be received upon said property up to and until Thursday, September 2., 1IU3, at 12:00 o'clock noon, at my office; the same to be received upon parcels as above set forth, numbered 1, 2, 3 and 4, and for the property as a whole. Should the total of the highest bids for each of the parcels as above set forth be greater than the highest bid for the whole, the said bids will be accepted, subject to the approval of the court for said par cels; but should the highest bid for the whole be greater than the total of the highest bids for each of the parcels, the said highest bid for the whole will bo ac cepted subject to the approval of the court. All bids must be accompanied by cer tified check for ten per cent tlO.'o) of the amount offered. Inventories of the above stocks and flx lires may be seen at the respective loca tions of the stocks as to each of said stocks, and inventories for all of said property may be also seen at my office, and the properties may be inspected at their respective locations. R. L. SABIN. Trustee. No. 7, 1st St.. room a, Portland. Oreson. SEALED bids will be received at the offrce of the undersigned, 401 Courthouse, Port land, Or., until 5 P. II. Tuesday, Sept 16, 1913, for sweeping compound for the schools for the ensuing school year. Bids will be at so much per pound delivered at the various schools in such quantities and at such times as the district or its agent may order. A 50-pound sample must be submitted, which will be used in testing the value of the compound. Cer tified check for $50, payable to the un dersigned, must accompany each proposal. Place on the envelope the name of the bidder and the words, "Bid on sweeping compound." Board of Directors reserves the right to reject any and all bids or parts of bids. Portland, Or., Sept. 8, 1913. R. H. THOMAS, School Clerk. Miscellaneous. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. C. B. Garrison and G. E. Greenleaf, of the Globe Fuel Com., have dissolved part nership and all accounts will be settled by C. B. Garrison. (Signedr C. B. GARRISON. NOTICE G. W. Plunder has no authority to purchase merchandise for my account and I will not be responsible for his debts. L. O. Pf under. BARGES for rent. Main 1410. FINAJS'CIAla, WB BUY MORTGAGES AND NOTES. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 416 COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDG. WE furnish tne money at a low rate of Interest and save you more than the brok erage of 2 per cent if we do the planning and building for you. It will pay you to see us L. R. Bailey Co., Ins.. 324 Ablngton. WILL loan you money to build or lift your mortgage, 5 per cent, long time If de sired; have some fine West Side lots or you may select; will build for you. 1002-4 Broadway bldg. CASH paid for good first or second mort gages on real estate or oaiiaia nuclei iu contracts of Bale. H. E. Noble. 316 Lum- bermans bldg. $2500 OR LESS to loan at 7 per cent on close-in farm and city property; give full particulars. C 93, Oregonian. MORTGAGE LOANS, notes, contracts, mort gages (1st and 2d), equities purchased. F. H. Lewis & Co.. 3 Lewis bldg. FIRST and second mortgages and building contracts bought. E. B. Miller, 410 Ab lngton bldg. HIGHEST prices paid for first or second mortgages and contracts. E. W. A. Peake, 607 McKay bldg. Money to Tvoaii Real Estate. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE FOR BUILDING PURPOSES. VERY KLEX IBLE CONTRACTS. NO COMMISSIONS. COLUMBIA LIFE & THUS! CO. 016 SPALDING BLDG. TO LOAN. I HAVE PLENTY OF MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE SECURITIES AT 6 TO 8 PER CENT. EDWARD P. MALL. 800 CHAMBER OF COMMEI CE. MORTGAGE LOANS in any amount on Improved real estate. Call Mortgage Loan Department, II ARTM AN -THOMPSON BANK. ON improved city property or for bulldnng purposes, 3 to 8 years' time; liberal pay ment privileges; money advanced as building progresses. The Equitable Sav ings & Loan Association. 240 Stark St. JUtl.A f 1 A .-I uuai,. Good supply for city and farm prop erty, 5 to 8 per cent. MALL & VON BORSTEL. 104 Second St.. near Washington. ON GOOD REAL ESTATE SECURITY .... . V A Rl Til fATIi'.!l George P. Dekum. Mar. 403 Henry bldg. WB hate money to loan on your real es tate first mortgage oniy. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY. 423 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY ON HAND te loan on Improved realty; no delays after approval of security and. title. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT CO.. 234 Oak at. MONEY to loan on farms only. Mortgage Co. for America, Alnsworth bldg.. Port land. TO LOAN $4000 or $8000, on close In city property, at I per cent. x. . uvwoi, - Chamber of Commerce. MONEY LOANED ON REAL ESTATE. PORTLAND REALTY & TRUST CO. 214 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 2120. LOANS on improved and unimproved city and suburban real estate, mortgages bought. W. H. Nunn. 448 Sherlock bldg. $lo0 TO $500 to loan for short time on first or second mortgages or collateral secur ity. 207 Oregonian bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS on city property; low est rates. A. H. Blrrell Co., 202 McKay bldg., Third and starg sta. , Tn A n LOAMS Real Estate security, current rates, 201 5 stock Exchange bldg.. 3d and Yamhill. TO LOAN $.10,000 OR LESS. FARRINGTON, COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDG. i'OOOoO TO loan In sums to suit; building loans: lowest rates. W. G. Beck. 315-3U Falling omsi $105,000 TO LOAN CITY OR FARMS. T t e.-tTTxTT,iTn.- O. -- . ....... A J ' ' , Chaiber of Commerce Building. MONEY, any amount. 6 to S per cent. W. o .-.. Sill Carina- Kla- tt. peiia oc uav ......... np nme. MORTGAGE LOANS, any amount, no delay. Henry U. a i umic-inme. otro W ncuit LiuB. MONEY to loan, city or farm lands J. J. Cahalin, 0-1, cuaiuuei ui cuiiiiurrtc. STATE FUNDS, 6 per cent. W. E. Thomas. agent aiuunmuaJi v.v.m...j. ... MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. rj TT uTVR AOS Vnn Ttlriir. $1000 TO $5000 to loan on real estate. Ta bor ill or J3 ion, wicDuniAu, IMMEDIATE loans, any amount, on real estate. aa v.namoer ui cuiumertg. $500 TO LOAN on real estate. 607 Wilcox buliuing. MORTGAGE LOANS at current rates. L. H. MAAWuLL, olo unamoer oi tominrrto. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE! A. H. rtAl.Ol.NO, Old Cll. ui vom. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMAN, BlAlttV. PA. Money loaned, real estate, contracts & mtgk bought. ri. Mliey, ueninijct uju. $12,000 OR any part to loan. Main 1040. CHATTEL SALARY LOANS NEW COMPANY LOANS WE MEET AND BEAT The rates of other LOAN COS. regard less of what they ADVEKT1SE. OUR NEW KATES: $ .35 weekly pays a $11) loan. $ .65 weekly pays a 5 loan. $1.10 weekly pays a $5U loan. $1.90 weekly pays a $100 loan. CAN YOU BEAT THEM on LOANS UP TO $1007 if the HEAD of the family dies before the account la paid in full and the payments are made as agreed WE GIVE THE WIDOW A Uki- ceiwt in full of account, you can get it today, business confidential. Rebates Given If Paid Before Due. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY, 413 MACLEAY BLDG. BOTH PHONES. Between 4th and 5th sts. ou Wash. st. Open 9 A. M. to 6 P. M.. Sat, till 8 P. M. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. $10 TO $100. LOWEST RATES IN PORTLAND. $10 repaid iu installments of $ .45 $20 repaid in installments of 90 $50 repaid In installments of 2.00 Larger amounts iu proportion. All we require is your personal cote; no mortgage, no lndorscr or security everything strictlv contldeutial. ETATE SECUK11Y CO., 309 Falling Bldg. WHY PAY EXOHB1TANT RATES OF IN TEREST? Wo will loan you money as low as 1 per cent on your diamonds and Jewelry. We are the most liberal licensed money lenders In the city, our establishment is located at 334 Washington st., near Broadway. Get our prices on forfeited dia luouus. uiaiuond 1'aluce, 334 Washington street. E L B Y COMPANY. A PRIVATE PLACE TO OBTAIN , MONEY ON Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Pianos, Eta. AT LOWEST POSSIBLE RATES. SEPARATE DliPAKTAlE.NT FOR LADIES 320 LUMBER EXCHANGE BLDG. 2d and Stalk sts. Open o A. M. to 6 P. M. SATURDAY EENlNOS UNTIL 8 P. M. MONEY for salaried poople and others upon their own numes, tneap rates, easy payments. See me before dealing else where; conlia.euu.ii. l. D. Drake, ii Henry blag. SALARIED PEOPLE AND OTirltiliS WANTING MONEY Apply Kuoiu 317. Lumber Ex. bidg., 2a mid Stark sts. LM MEDIATE and confidential loans oa autos, furniture, pianos and wareuouse re ceipts. Morlgat.s boufiht. Bauer, 1.06 Al der i. W E LOAN money on uiulnunds and Jewelry at half the rales charged by brokers. Marx & Bluch, 74 3d st. MONEY loaned ou aiamonds, watches, jeweiry, pianos and warehouse receipts. mown . Co., room 10. Washington bldg. Hu.Niii loaned on diamonds and Jewelry; strictly coiiiiaentlal. 141V- 3d, near Alder. LOANS on re.-ii estate, diamonds and Jew elry. Win. Holl. loom 9, Wasnington bldg. MONEi' sold on Installments; confidential ; salaried people. F. A. Newton, Henry blag. Loans M anted. WANT $3500. 3 YEARS, 8 PER CENT. On $7500; A-l security; lot $2500, bids. $5000, for building purposes; owner ab solutely responsible; builder under bonds; want quick action. Marshall 4.00. 710 Lewis bias- rt ANTED To loan by November 1 $1300 at 7 por cent as liist mortgage on Improved orchard property, value C00o. AP 34i. Oregonian. WANTED JiiOOO for 2 years. 7 per cent, from private party on Improved city prop erty, close In. Call 414 Corbett bla. WANT about $0000 at 7 per cent fur 3 years, on hifh-grado residence properly wonli $12, iw Goauard &. wiedrlck. 243 Stark st. $4000 SECOND mortgage on income prop erty, $2000 cash. S 325, Oregonian. $2ooo AT 10 per cent, chattel security, first mortgage, value J10,0u0. S 320, Oregonian. WANTED $2500 on city property worth $7500. Main 1160 or S 120. Oregonian. SUnxl Modern house and lot close in. Claude Cole, 917 Board of Trade. LEX me place your money on gilt-edate mortgages. R. E. Hlne. 408 Yeon bldg. FEKSONAX. HAIR-HAIR-HAIR-HAIR. $12. ,14-nicli switches 'M1 $6, 26-inch switches Hairdressing Face massage 1.93 a.. .2J Shampoo Manicure, 25c, 5 for 1-00 12 sealp treatments - Superfluous hair removed by electrlo needle; cuaranteed not to return. Cut hair in auy shade; switches any length. Prices half. Sanitary -arlors, 400 412 Uekiim bldg.. 3d and Washington. piCKSON L INJURIES, aaniflgc. estates settled and absent heirs represented; do mestic relation and divorces quietly and confidentially attended by experienced at torney. Advice free. Room 202 Gerliuger bldg cor. Sd and Alder. Appointment at evenings. P. O. box 900. GERMAN TRAINED NURSE. AND MASSEUSE. Long experience, best references, treat ments for rheumatism and lumbago, etc.; massage and baths. 226 13th St.. between Main arid Salmon. Marshall 5038. Open Sundays. - SCIENTIFIC electrlo treatments for all nervous and chronic diseases. Paralysis, lung, stomach, bowels, kidney, bladder, pelvic, heart trouble, etc.; also goitre, warts, moles removed. 602 Buchanan bldg. 26'.j ' Washington at. S'VVEDISII-TRAINED" NURSE Helslngfora graduate, rheumatism, neivous and stom ach ailments under physicians direc tions; bath, massase. No. 7 East 11th St., second door south from East Ankeny car line. Phono East 200. B 1SU3 FEBVET & HANEBUT. leading wig and toupe-makers; finest stock of human hair goods; switches from U5c up; hairdressing, manicuring, face and scalp treatments; combings made up to order. 147 7th, near Morrison. Main 646. DRESS SUITS for rent Keep your clothe cleaned, pressed, buttons sewod on. rips repaired. $1.50 month; prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. 309 Stark. MISS STOCKS, mental scientist treatments General debility, also readings. 2o4 Union ave N., I'nion-ave. car. corner of Mult nomah, fj. Oo-)P. FREE demonstration Arnold Massage Vi brator; better than any drug for rheu matism and a host of other ailments. Call room 403 ltotlicniiu ums. V C.Ll U 1 I' A D11UC Manicuring, facial, scalp treatments, halt-dressing, hair goods, switches made M order, combines r.iniie up. 615 Swetland. matism stomach trouble, etc., cured by my methods; satisfaction guaranteed. I. ra C Little, health expert. Tabor 16..I. New 'class In Christian Yoga healing and practice begins soon. Apply at 311 Central bldg. ItOUinS Ol'Cll umij. MASSAGE Ladies can have masstge treat. ' ment siven at their homes by an experi enced masseuse from Montana Hot Springs .. A '.ll-'ll I'none jiu. n.."". FREE Manicure massage, shampoo at VEL VFTIKi Shop, 613 Swetland bldg Ask ' . m-T irt-TiwI .MitnnnA your druggist tor , af.. . ... LORENZ Nerve Tablets restore lost vitality. 25c per box. 6 for $1.23. Stipe-Taylor Rev. Mrs. Coon, spiritual teacher and healer. Circles luesuay. rwuy Park. bet. wash, and Stark. Marshall 5945. - . I : n .. V4 ,a ir iaVr. I CA R no H Ings. healings daily. Circles Tues. 2. Wed. and Sun. S. 305 Jefferson. Main 0361). . . . t fii1 vai:r i-oMnt vns. fllSfri wt- - - "V c Switches. 95c; curls anil puns, t.ic. san r. 1 .... Ann T" 1.,,n. tM. Itary neauty r.i""3, Ajn,,,, MRS S C MOIIH1SON steam hams ana massage for rheumatism, lumbago etc. 333 MadlsonA 4470. Marshall 306$. Sophia B Seip. mental and spiritual scien tist ouestion and messnge nights, Wed. Frl'd; dally. 802 Allsky bldg. Main 6S24. NOTICE Mrs. Stevens. 2(1 years Portland's leading palmist and clairvoyant, has re moved to 291 Hs Morrison St., cor, nth. 2k oLGO NECHTFA, chiropractor, steam baths for rheumatism, lumbago, etc. -113 Northwest bldg. Open Sunduys. Main 3791'. TirwroN eraduate nurse, sanitarium treat ment medical gymnastics. Sts7 Yamhill St., up one flight, room 7. DIVORCE lawyer. 25 years' experience; re liable sdvice free. Room 404 Rothchild bldg.. 2X7 ',i Wash. St. FASTERN trained operator, scalp, face mas sage, 125 6th, room 2, bet Washington and Alder. ; MASSAGING, electric scalp treatments and hampooing. am Alisny uitiB. MOLES superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. p. Hi'll. 429 Fliedner bldg. Main 34T3, MISS FRANCIS. Christian Yoga healer. 34 N. 16th st. Marshall 42:19. A 7614. DK. ALBF.RTA SACRY, expert chiropodist. 416 Northwest bldg. MANICURING, scalp, facial massage, ladlea and gentlemen: open Sundays 189 Park st. DIVORCE3 a specialty, advice free, easy termB. LaW PUlCail, A.UH1HC. Illg-IB t.ma. BALM OF FIGS, Compound Royal Tonle Tablets. 504 Davis st. Phone Main 2393 GOOD duck lake for rent, down river. Phone East 162. VETERINARY SCHOOLS. S. F. VETERINARY COLLEGE begins Sept. 15. No profession offers equal opportuni ty. Catalogue free. C. Keaue, Pres., 1811 Market st-. San Francisco.