THE MORNING OREGONIAN. TIIURSD AY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1913. 13 ' .1 - , I a-,T CO EXCHANGA- I TO EXCHANGE. BOOSTS 10 BE MERGED WILLAMETTE VALLEY COUNTIES TO JO IX IX ADVERTISING. Albany Commercial Club Proposes Plan Whereby All Communities Will Profit Equally. ALB A XT. Or, Sept. 10. (Special.) To induce all of the counties in the district to unite in advertising the Willamette Valley as a section is the purpose) of movement launched by the Albany commercial lino, a iimei lnfr of representatives of cities through out the valley probably will be held at Salem during the State Fair. The counties which it is hoped to link In this movement are Lane. Linn, Marlon. Benton. Polk and TamhilL As soon as the date of the proposed meeting is fixed the Albany Commer cial Club will send out a jreneral invi tation to all of the commercial bodies In the six Willamette Valley counties. The purpose of the movement, as ex plained bv J. S. Van Winkle, president of the Albany Commercial Club, Is to unite the individual efforts at com munity advertising into "one big- boost for the Willamette Valley as a whole. Now each commercial organisation car ries a big burden of expense for ad vertising, which is confined largely to letter-writing and the distribution of printed pamphlets. By uniting in the movement. It Is pointed out. the dif ferent cities could concentrate their efforts on Willamette Valley exhibits at various points In addition to adver tising bv the usual methods and thus accomplish much more. The success or me nuamcim ley exhibit at the big land show at i. nnint In favor of l ' III K 11 a iv uku ' r this plan. In that exhibit each county contributed a display oi iw iiawuuv..- 1. 1 1 i a. wai inon ii i v aa u-iuk 11 any particular county and were labeled from the Willamette Valley. -Wilts of great literary men are cherished by some hero worshipers, and It is oo r ord that the wig which Sterns wore while writing "Trlstam Shandy" was sold tfr-r h - Cuath for 1""". CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Daily er ounday. Per Lin. Oh time t.V"".VLl. I" IWM ad. ! - ZZ1 Mute M. tsunee a---. - . Zm TZ, above KM aill " dr.ruinii under ".New Tom" " aaA ouaavr caaasautaw iwa except the lolloping: batavatuoau- Wanted, remade, a. or Kent. Kwiw, private Families. Jiooma uad aaoaro. 1'rlvaue liuiin. ' ttmm ea tije above cuukUliiHlon la 1 , . - uu -aaa uiBcrtWa, mum oati rtaaciueni 4 not run itcuuve iMin tiae oae-tuue rale a poll re. Mx average w w - r--h auaveriisesneans and M ad. Aiue oo caM-steal (ur tew than lwa aaates. On -eaaa-geaa" awavertliiesoeats charge will M based tn numoer ( linen apaeariauj the paper. regavrttie-e ( the ntuuner o wards In each Use. Minimus ch-ar.--, two line. Th. nmaln will accept classified ad- TffUmrnl wn toe teiepraoaae, providing be ndvertuer to n suUea-rine lo either pnene. .u km -nautctA ever tile ansae. but bill will be renuered the following !. U nether eubeiii-nt advertjuementn will be accepted ever the phene depend pun Uae of p., -meat ol i"""?: auverlieenieiia wmi wv , . telephone. Order. lor one Ineenion oiy will be ncrepted for -Furniture lor ie.' "Bui- eee UDDonaniim.- Wanted to Kent." n.. atreeooinjt will not aaarantea nrraraey or aaennie reauoBoiliilitr foe errors aecurnng i i.ieuiioned ndTertisementa. The Oreaoama win not ne rtwponunie iw aore tnnn one ibwit, wn-rtuvw .t dtennxnieni offered for more than aae tine. la "New Today all nTememeni are charred by naeaaure naiy. It lines lo in taea. fcemlttaaees asoet neemnpaay mn-as-vown A4vertlement to reeetre prompt elaol fi ratios most be In The Orrcoatan office before 10 -rlorlc at nleht, exrrpt fiato-day. t losinc bour for The Kunday Oreconian will o n'lnek flatnrdar niKbt. The efflea will be open unlit lo e'clork I'. M.. mm usual, and all ads. reeeived ton Mite for proper cinssi tientloa will be ran aader beadlas "Ten Lata to Classify.- Arenas' ai,es totat. At Bakrr'e Anctlon House. -lS Park St.. furniture, carpets, etc Sale at 10 'clock. J1MTIXG NOTICES. COLOMBIA LODGB. ?TO. 114. A. F. AND A. M. Special com munication this (Thursday even- ins;. 7:30 o'clock. Masonic I em pie. West Park and Yamhill. La bor E. A. degree. vtslUns breth ren welcome, fiy order v.. M. FJEDUOLSOX, Secretary. OREGON COMMAXDERT. " T . a rves tain i vv v,tv Thursday evenina;. Sept. 11, at W - i s Vmii. 1 1 .ml -i n ii and that of sojourning- Sir Knights will be appreciated. Dicn. WTWH September 8, Esther Welch, aaed S yrars, beloved wife of C H. Weird. K mairs at Dunnfnf a: idcnteea Parlors. Notice of funeral later. WOODFORD Charles H. Woodford. Donald Matlon. r-plember li. Ared 60 years 9 months. l:emains are at Hulman'f Funeral Parlor . TCSERAL NOTICES. BP.ANT-rln this city. September 10. 113, Bettie Brant, aced 29 years 9 months 8 days Oecoaed is survived br a husband, K J. Brant, of Rose City Park, and Infant dauchter, aiaxlne; also a father and moiner. Itr. and Mrs. il. ii. Bridges, and sitter. Mrs. C. I. Xachand. ail of trill city, and on brother, of Massachusetts. The funeral win be held St the new ehapel of the Skewcs Undertaking- Company, cor ner Third and Clay. Friday, feptember 1 at II A. il. Friends are aindiy Invited to attend. At the conclusion of the services the tody will be taken to Hlllsboro, ever the Oreron Klectric, for Interment In the fam:ly lot. 6LAV1.N At the family residence, Hulsdale. Or., September 10. Mrs. Emma Ruth kilarln. aged 77 years 6 months 29 days, widow of the late John A. Siavin, mother cf Mrs. M. 1.. Gliham, of Hillsdale, and Mrs. R. C. Prince, of Portland. Friends Invited lo attend. Funeral services will be held at the above residence at 10 A. 14. tomorrow ( Friday . September 10. Inter ment River View Cemetery. GEVURTZ In this city. September t. 11S. .Matthew Cevurtr. aged tJ years 8 months lo days. Friends invited to attend the funeral services, whirl. wm b neid at the family residence, m.a pacific avenue, at 30:C0 A. M. today (Thursday), September Jl. Interment Ah aval Sholom Cemetery. Please omit flowers. BALL In this city. September 10. Lark In Kail, ad M years. Remains will be for warueu by the Holman LnUertakinif Com pany on Friday morning to Bonita ti'.atlon, where funeral services will be held and Ir.termei-t In Wenona cemetery. BI'OW.V The funeral services of Max R. firoitn will be neid at Dunning ft Mc ntee'a capel today (Thursday) at -o'riock. Friends respectfully Invited. In terment. Kiver View Cemetery. FVSKBAI, DIKECTOBS. MR. tDWARTI HOLMAN. the leading fa. Beral director, 20 Third street, corner Sa4 awa. Lady asalataat. A tail. Umim M7. P. P. UI XMN'G, INC. East Side Funeral Ilreetors, 414 Xast Alder St. East 6i. B tiZi. DCNNINO M'ENTEE. funeral dlreetera. 7tn aoi fine, pbvne Main -tendant. OfBce af County Coroaer. SKtWES CNDEBTARINO COMPANY, Sd and Cay. Main tljj. A 2221. Lady attendant. MEMORIAL Portland Marble Works, f4 4tn. oapoeita CHy UaU. alala Mt, OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICE; SO. 330 CNION AVF.ME. CORNER MARKET STREET. Phene East 142:U B 2315. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled animals at a moment's notice. Prices reasonable. Report all cases of cruel ty to this office, ppen day and night. . XrW TODAY. ,r.,v--x. FHtntsea. to, Bale-Acreage. I - , -. . - . . - in i i Improved Farm For Exchange 50 acres 15 in alfalfa, 23 in four-year-old choice ap ples, balance all nnder culti vation and leveled for irri gation; deeded water right goes with place; buildings are good, fine well of water, soil is first-class, not a rock on place, "Will exchange for property in Portland, Seat tle, Tacoma or Spokane. Priee $15,000. Encumbrance only $1800. Also 80 acres adjoining same place, price $1S,000; will exchange one or both. No encumbrance whatever. Might asume some obliga tion. W. A. Barnes Co. 401-5 Lewis Eldg. Fourth and Oak Sts. For Sale Modern Home ON MARSHALL STREET in fashionable Nob Hill District 12 rooms, 2 baths, 2 sleeping porches and garage; lot 50x 100. "Will sell at a sacrifice. For further particulars apply Gerlinger-Richards Co., 712 Selling Bid?. Phones: Mar. 1776, A 2453 10 NET Price S120O tmmmm S148S Taxea for 1913 18 I...,... 43 lO per rent 128" Exreea over taxes, fna and 1A n Milt, f n ha I . ...... ..... o Ttil. la a Went Side business corner, including over one lot and a half, lo cated in North Portland, on earllne. This price Is 15000 less than owner was offered two yeaxa ago; he had no desire to sell at that time, but now he finds that he has to sacrifice his business or his property, hence this opportunity for somebody to get a handsome in vestment. This Is all rented. Terms. see. GEORGE P. HENRY Tfev 32 JTErXRV BI.DG. SUNNYSIDESNAP Swell eight-room modern house, largre attic, rour bedrooms ana aen. iirepiace, bookcases, beam ceiling, buffet, pass, pantry, furnace, cement floor, laundry travs! lot B0x60. corner: street im provements all paid. A big snap at J520O; $10M down and 2 per month. On East Thirty-first and Yamhill. Let me show you this. C. M. ZADOW 414 Corbet Bids. A 1416, Marshall 82. EYTO LOAN on improved city or eonntry prop erty. Ask for Mrs. Hidings. HACKER & THE REELS EN CO. Main 7592. 306 Spalding Eldg. Mortgage Loans 6 TO 7 H. E. MOONEY Mala Sift. Room 4-1 Kafllna Bid. Seattle Lot Lot 11. in block 4, H. a Tesler's sec ond addition; lot 60x120, corner, worth $3000. For quick sale $1900. Investi gate and make an offer. C. M. ZADOW 414 Corbett Bid IT. A 141(1, Marshall 03. Mortgage Loans Lowest Rates. GODDARD & WIEDRICK 243 Stark St. Edward E. Goudey Lewie Bnildlas. MORTGAGE LOANS On hoinMt ana rlaw-iu rtrfdne prqyrtWtfc MORTGAGE LOANS Oar Owa Moaey at Cnrreat Rates. Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Commercial Club Bide Partlaad. Or. CITY & FARM LOANS )1V00 and up at lowest rates. C. M. ZADOW 414 Corbett Bid. A 141, Marshall OX MORTGAGE LOANS FAR It AND CITY Commerce Safe Dep. & Mortgage Co. I Talrsl St, Caaaa, at Cena. Bid. DUCK HUNTER 3 WANTED Single members ana organized par ties to shoot the many places on the celebrated PAYNES JJUCK RANCH on 8auvie's Island: first-class accommoda tions See . B. Wright, res. 945 Wil liams are. Phone Woodlawn 1741. CiTY AND FARM LOANS Any Amount at Current Kates. JOHN E. CRONAN M Spaldla Bid. Partland. Or. Free factory sites, served by rail and river. West Oregon City, MOOor WV. CO. K. L. Moody. Pres. 1014 Chamber of Commerce. Main ST IRVINGTON HOME New eight-room modern house, four bedrooms, sleeping - porcn, oreamani. room and den, hardwood floors, fur nace, fireplace: lot BO x 100; hard-sur-farf , near thft club frrounds: worth $7500, and now 18300; $1000 down and $25 per monio. v ny pay rem: C. M. ZADOW 414 Corbett Bldg. A 1416, Marshall 92. CEMETERY BEAUTIFUL MOITJVT SCOTT PARK. Portland's Perpetual - Car Cemetery. Large. Permanent. Modern. Both pnones REAL ESTATE DEALERS. n.t u;jiHAm n fii.1.31t Falllna: blda. BRCfeAKEK. C. 317 Railway Ex. bid. Jennlnsa A Co.. Main 188. 20 Oregonlan. PALMER-JOXtS CO.. H. V.. 404-.05-1OS W ilcox biag. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lota. $338 SPLENDID BUILJ5INO SITES $335 . . 1 1 1 1 1 monu nt 1 am Inrs.r 1 J 1 9 uvjuvv, ........ . within 15 minuteg' car ride from 4th and Morrison; near school, church and store; lota level, with good view; Bull Run water; rood soil; 6-cent carfare; best val ues in tne cny, yi f w., aj Our autoa will take you out. Phone Main law or a -'i - PROVIDENT TRtJST COMPAJfT. 212 gelling Bldg., Cor. 8th and. Alder. 60X100 FEET. East - Salmon, near East 14th at., for $3ooo. Excellent location tor flats or apart- menta ine price is very reaaonaaie. F. E. TAYLOR CO., Ground Floor, Henry Bid. II VlfilOX-ST. 100x100 CORNER. Fine corner, 100x100, with over $1700 worth of pared streets and sewer assess ments paid, on loth and Division, worth swm, reaucea to i:w; a Dig aacrmce owner must raise mone.r, hence the cue GRLSrif A BOLUS, 81 Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak. LOT 63 44X136. $600. Between East 13th and 14tb sts., near Alberta car; no assessments or mort gages. This is a double bargain. Security Development Co.. 279 Pine St. Phone Main 11. IF you want to see the home sites for sale On fUUILA.NU HtlliMlb, see BROOKB. Dealer In PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Marshall 4.-S-"7 or A 3S.;. PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOMESITE. 24fc lota, southern exposure, beautiful view, among good homes, close in, about one block Irom car. $4u0. terms. Marshall 4827. BROOKE. A SS39. Two lota on Union ave.. near Stafford St.. soo each, siuo aown, iio montn; uui Is $150 under price. I'd one cast ja-ia. EQL'ITT In Portland lot at half price. LARGE city lot, S3 monthly. Owner, cnamner or commerce, jiain uoo. TWO tine lots In Rossmcre, cheap; eaay terms. Mcicemey. rnone aiain ..-w. IRVINGTON LOTS OUR SPECIALTY. NEI HAUSEX & CO. MAIN SI78. 1270 EyUITr In lot at University Park; will sell cheap. P 371. Oregonlan. (or Kale -Hoa GO TO THE HILLS. T-room house on West Side; view of the city, mountains and rivers; (0000, $500 PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY. OWNERS, 2d Floor, Baling Bldg. LOOK THIS UP. I am going to sell tuy modern 5-room bungalow tnis ween, lucaieu in hji sec tion or Rose City Park, one block of car. Make me an offer. Terms. Owner, 431 Chamber of commerce. $1000 CASH, a ntrvi:lNIB RARfJATX. 7-room house. elegantly furnished throughout, for only $3850; down. Ilooo, balance $20 per month. See owner at i o O V , 1 T , Tahn OUlt.1 GONE to the Roundup. You go out and look my nouses over wnue l am gone, oo to 365 E. 42d St. or l-'ol E. Harrison st. See what you think of them. If Interested for price ana term pnone j. w. jacraa- den, l aoor ooi, aucr oaiuroaj, cir.HT rooms at aeveral hundred dollars' sacrifice; must sell. mis is in a very choice location of Rose City Park, 200 feet from carline. For description and full In formation, terms, etc. call C 3187 even- Inga ownei FOR SALE 8-room modern house, corner lot, ooxiuo; spienaia neignoornooa, iirst class condition; roses and fruit; a good hnv close in: any reasonable terms ac cepted. Phone .Tabor 1SUO. No agenta price soJu. wm traqe. CHARMING home, Irvlngton, 739 Halsey St.. finished oak ana manogany, iirepiace. out. fee 4 bedrooms, 2 servants' rooms and bath, very modern; 2 8-room bungalow charms, cheap. East 273. W. H. Hard man. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. $100 cash, balance easy, new 5-room modern bungalow; 15 minutes out. Price S32O0, bee Air. jaiaaop, cnapm-neriow Mtg. A Trust Co., 3d floor Chamber of commerce. NEAT AND COZY 6-room cottage; bath and toilet; modern; In .factory town, Kenton. North Portland; 2 blka. car; eaay payments. Butterwortli, owner. 705 Couch bldg. Mar. 1789. IF you want to see the homes for sale on FOUTLA.NU liiuicinis. see BROOKE. Dealer In PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Marshall 4zi or A ;. LEAVING city; my Irvlngton home mast be IIUICK a IU, J ....... easy terms. Investigate. AK 352, Oregon lan. WILL sell at a very low figure my 8-room home in Rose city parK, l block irom car, near Alameda drive. Beautiful lawn and shrubbery. Call at 6iJ East E3d North and investigate. V 862, Oregonlan. TWO 5-room bungalows, 15 minutes' out, 1 hlnck of car anu nara-surrace: on corner. 8.4x100; price $5000; equity of $2500 for $0O casb; cai. straight mtg. A A. tlio, Oregonlan! NO INTEREST New 4-room bungalow. with bath, only iiwm small amount down. bal. $la monthly; &c fare. See 'vi'lekman A Teepe. 280 Wash, st. Bring this ad. NEW. modern 6-room home and sleeping porcn; hardwooa noora, Dulit-ln conve niences, good furnace; one block to Hose City carline. 1251 Tillamook ave.; price too low to mention. Owner. Wdln. 1571. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. 5-room houae, gas and electric lights, lot 60x100, lawn, flowers and fruit treea. Price only $1850, reasonable terme. 12o3 Tlbbett It. Take Richmond ear to 89th st. PLANS $5. Handsomely Illustrated book free; save 15 to 25 per cent in building. A. H. FABER, Architect, 84fl Alnsworth ave. Pbone C 2791. A BARGAIN. Modern 8-room house, lot 25x100, almost new. In a nice, quiet residence district, only 10 minutes' walk to center of city. Apply owner, 369 Vancouver ave. INVESTMENT OR HOME, reduced to $4500, including steel range, lumiiure: restrict ed district; 1 rooms, modern; $1000 cash; rent for $35. Owner, 402 East 48th St. N. FIVE-ROOM bungalow as part payment on 8-room modern home, nawtnorne; nortn front; lot 50x100. $6500. Terms. Owner, G 36. Oregonlan. $3500 BUTS 102x125 block with modern o-room cottage ana Dearing iruu trees, terms. Write or phone 5, E. C. Johnson, 13th and Kauffman, Vancouver, Wash. MUST SELL MY HOME. If you want a strictly modern home at a bargain and have a few hundred dollars, address w 348, Oregonian. FOR SALE Fine 6-room California bunga low; modern In every respect, can atter noons at 052 Hassalo St. Rose City Park csr. off at 31st st. LAURELHCRST.. irvsOO; terms; new, modern 8-room house, oak floors, furnace. Main 1390. Henderson. 50l McKay bldg. MODERN cottage. East 19th and Washing ton; will sell tor price ox lot; lease at $20 per month. H. F. Lee. East 6347. $1576, COTTAGE, MODERN PLUMBING, LARGE LOT. Fruits, etc. Owner, Box 708 Lents. I-ROOM house on West Side for sale. Come to the office ana asK about it. iteynoias, 1013 Chamber of Commerce. BEAU TIFUL 9-room residence $6500; terms. See this. 226 bnaver. Aaaress u otll, Oregonlan MODERN 6-room houso sacrificed, $2750; 11VU aown, -v mommy, uwddi, r ww lawn 1799. FINE house lor sale cheap by owner. East 206L 6-ROOM beautiful home, easy terms; re stricted district, uwtier. c go?.. IRVINGTON HOUSES OUH SPECIALTY. NEUHAUSEN CO. Main SHIS. $950, $20 DOWN 4-room house; fireplace. tsmitn agoner co., oia ptoca .alubub BUNGALOW for sale, your price; easy terms. 402 Buchanan bldg. IRVINGTON Fine 7-room home; best part 65l. owner, au aau, uregonian. LET US BUILD YOtT A HOMB On your lot or ours; By your plan or ours; Let your rent pay for It, THE OREGON BOMB BUILDERS, 1405 Yeon Building. MODERN BUNGALOW, $2100 ONLY $100 DOWN. This is a fine, new, modern 4-room bungalow, on a beautiful lot. In a district of pretty homes. It has a full basement and all the modern conveniences; new, never been occu pied; close lo car; the dining and living rooms finished in beautiful grained Oregon fir; bedroom and kitchen finished In white enamel; cement walks, etc Only $ltK cash, balance very low monthly payments to suit. DORR E. KEASEY A CO., 2d Floor, Chamber Commerce Blag. ........ ; t-.".-. i r r.t7 tV 1 1' 6-room new bungalow. Just finished; n , . w ill..,i ZltTtl na ten aitcnen, cemeui iiuu,, iouui j-. ment porch with nice brick pillars; In verjr ii,lljt duiibaiu.! J gant; price $2750; eaay terms; doubly constructed throughout, flee it today. Our auxo at your r 818 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. ti i) -r-r . V-T uriflHTS New 9-room house; fine view; large Ht. -...!.-.- nan. int-ruum, " uu , ........ r. try. kitchen and maids' room on ttrst floor; four large bedrooms, sleeping- ha, a iinetoir. nrhlt.A enamel finish, hardwood floors. Instantaneous water heater; large cement Basement, price $sooo; terms. Owner, 414 Spalding bldg. Marshall 711. A 7763. THY NOT TURN A BURpEN INTO MONEY, BUILD APAKTJIM1S, "J-,i;i." DENCE OR ANYTHING. PLANS FgEE. WE ARE RESPONSIBLE. WEKJOW HOW. TALK TO OUR CLIENTS. bEE UR. BAILEY & CO.. CONTRACTING . . . . .... .. . . . , DrvnTnV TJ 1 IC1 AN ANDERSON BUNGALOW, $40 " DOWN . . . . a , a, - ti. ,A a Ha.nn.1hl. narMH Ana v . 1. ui (pviiMii,w v ThU up-to-date 5-room bungalow on these terms, laae nawtnorne car iw " Lincoln sts., walk 14 block south to 41 East 55th at, Tony G. Anderson, 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg. A.l'J 1 llllll CAXVUA,.. A beautiful 5-room bungalow just 10O feet from the Irvlngton carline. Select . ...m-ii t 1 1 , t - neignooi nouu, uu" i i. , ...n . West Side; lot 50x200. Fine fruit and Just tne place xor a cnicaen lauwot. Only S.a;0, on easy iviuia. r,c vm:Mn I'Ct 514 Chamber of Commerce. $100 CASH, balance $20 per month, which inciuuea imeic n ... .i ... a. sy. up-to-date 6-room bungalow, block irom cars, iuu uvaiw iwi. ...a t. Is dirt cheap at $2200 and in order to . ... ... ' -1 1 .a ma Villi move it win sen w mi) s .1.. ...... - cannot afford to rent when you can buy sucn property so eauuj. "i'i"i" Humphry. 212-213 Chamber of Commerce. NEW. STYLISH 7-ROOM BUNGALOW. $3900; most up-to-date In city, restricted district, beautiful music-room with French doors, 7-foot beveled plate-glass buffet, harrtunort floors. 3 French mirrors, beau tiful mantel, solid brasa hardware, select grain finish, lot ouxiw, lu-iooi, block to car, 15 minutes to city; terms. Phone owner. Tabor ihw. nii?OT cinK" Beautiful 9-room modern house, lot 5 Ox 100. right on car line; nice corner; all street improvements In and paid; fine, unobstructed view of river. This $8000 i a Ka kniiohi ft- taa r h h n S-.rtlU. See Mr. Bishop. Chapisl-Herlow Mtg. & Trust CO., aa IlOOr cnamoer qi cummcp READ THIS. 6-room, lot 120x120; all kinds of fruit 2 blocks from WW car; beautiful sur 1 I . -- ,1.. naav anil rl.aD rouuuiiifiB. cioijiiiiii. ' - owner will sacrifice for $2500: terms. Bee Mr. Bishop, Chapin-Herlow Mtg. & Trust CO., OO. IlOOr V.IiaiJLuc, iri i.uui.i.t. mirn t nrivn nnTlfiP! TT Jl lV,n CCO a a.. . a..v a.v - We can build you a neat, coxy 4-room COttage, Data, pwiCIiea, liiomj i-n a full lot, cement walks; pay same aa rem. . i n u a uuiuk BUTTER WORTH - STEPHENSON CO., 706 Couch bldr SUNSET PLACE. Portland Heights, beauti ful colonial nouse, large rooms, iuuu attic, sleeping porch, sun room, fireplace, hardwood floors, mahogany doors, ivory finished woodwork, $5S00, terms. Apply owner, Marshall 44 1 4. THIS IS FINE. 5-room bungalow; all conveniences. In Wnrtlnc furnace and flreDlace. in select dis trict, close to car, at a price and on terms that will Interest you. Call Tabor 4409. rung ALOW Hot-water heat: 14 block; room for 2 more houses; Ai in construc tion and finish; 7 rooms; fruit trees, fir grove. Liberal terms, at cost, $5500; some trade. 655 Sumner, corner 13th; Alberta car 2 blocks. Pnone J ioib. ci 7nn RUNG ALOW Woodstock, 8 blocks to car, new and modem, 5 rooms and bath, $100 down. $15 month. Call w McKay, main -. Far Bale- Business Property. 18,000 LOT 59x100, stores and apartments; prominent street, close In, West Side; well AN apartment site, corner lot. 2Sth and East fine: terms, ui. c. juuuawn, ani Kauffman, Vancouver. Wash. For Sale Acreage FIVE ACRES. $250 ir rtnwv t- PPTR MONTH. . Buys 6 acres of logged oft land. Three quarters or a mile irom center m mwu of 1000 population, also cannery anu creamery. Three-quarters of a mile from station on main line of railroad from Port land and Astoria. This land Is free frors rocks and gravel, win not overflow snd liaa lavai Tribal for chicken raising, dairy ing and small fruits. Will grow anything nai can oo iiru in , , i n 1 1 . .. . i . Vwnm rnnms of these tracts vou' have a beautiful view of the Columbia River. 400 acres from which to choose, period inl and warranty deed. BELL REAL ESTATE CO.. 2d Floor. 212 Railway Exchange Bldg. Between 3d and 4th on Stark. 160 ACRES $19 AN ACRB. ONLY $50O CASH; OR WILL TRADES. 160-acre ranch, all tillable land; 15 acres In cultivation; fair house and good barn; irrigation ditch through ranch. Might consider a city lot as first payment. This place la clear of Incumbrance. Take aa low aa $500 cash and give long time on balance at 6 per cent. DORR E. KEASEY A CO.. 2d Floor, Chamber Commerce Bldg. CHOICE ACREAGE. pallay Park. Just outside of the 6-mlle circle from the Postoffice. on the West Side; very best soil, some stump land and some cleared and under cultivation; best of drainage; pricr-s range from $325 to $450; we will build to suit you. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY, OWNERS. 2d Floor. Selling Bldg FOR SALE 5 acres of the best land in Multnomah county, mue irom eiei ino carline station on good county road. Good water. Your own terms. V 364. Orego nian. MAN or woman wanted to Join man to Southern caniornia ana get sv acres vl land, each adjoining, near Los Angeles; $10 per acre; very healthy climate. Call evenings. 103 W. 9th st,. room , Vancou ver, Wash. GIBSON HALF ACRES. Good soil, city water, close to carline; easy terms; will build to suit purchaser. Phone Marshall 15S5. or Sellwood 479. JNO. H. GIBSON. OWNER. ONE acre 2 blocks to carline, right for platting; cneap at 4uvv, on ieiui, -u ''COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. 519 Board of Trade Building. lit ACRES, right at station, 12 miles out f.i n .1. ."I'll-. a- anra- BVlTI on o a 1 17 1 1 1 cmuib, . r z ' -- good soil; facing on good road. Security Development Co., 275 Fine st. Main lr.i. 5 ACRES in rBWBN vijb7 ua iuuiv ,i3, ,i-.l a,aa nf ! Tift mlf TiCiT gravel; price' $1800; terms. AR 309, Ora- TWO acres, cultivated, close In, on Estacada terms. McKemey. Main 224. i ACRES, close in on electric line, all un- . , . . . I 1 . 1 , , i II ,aama A l"l 497 ner cuiuvauvii, putn e , ...a . - - i cregoiuaii $30 l , r .1 aim . ' ,n. 1 iv. mn j re close In on two electric lines. Price 50. AT 308, Oregonlan. 1-7 THIS IS THE TIME TO BUT. Electric car service has and will continue to make land available for suburban homes close to Portland command much higher prices than land not so well located. The new Fourth-street electric cars will soon be running. Our prices on Beaver-ton-Reedvllle Acres, with graded roads and streets, close to station, 30 minutes oat on this line, ara $250 to $500 per acre; one-tenth of the purchase price down and small monthly Installments on the bal ance. The man who buys now wilL reap the benents of higher prices. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, Main 35. 102 Fourth St. A 3500. ELECTRIC LINE, eight blocks of station; chicken snd fruit ranches near Portland; new subdivision, near Gresham; 5 acres, $400, $5K), $700; 8 acres, $500, $700; 10 acres, $750, $900. $1000 per tract; best soil, free' wood, spring water: acreage at Scappoose, Or.. $25 to $100 per acre. FRANK M'FARLAND REALTY CO., 309 Yeon bldg., Portland. Homesteads. 100 BOTTOM and bench land, half covered with beautiful timber, on logging stream, with house; $200. 603 Oregonlan bids. HOMESTEAD relinquishments, fine timber, good farm land; a few choice claims, near Portland. Call 608 McKay bldg For Sale Farms. FINE DAIRY AND HOG RANCH. 165 acres, only 15 acres rough, 20 acres cleared, running springs, orchard, bouse, barn, good road, two miles from car. Will divide; spring on each; $60 per acre; easy payments. A. Meyers, box 68, Gresham, Or. If you would know the truth about WESTERN CANADA see the CANADIAN PACIFIC EXHIBIT of prize-winning products of the fertile Canadian plains. Full personal Informa tion free maps and literature yours for the asking. ... L. P. THORNTON. Land Agent. i71 Pine St., Multnomah Hotel Bldg. WASHINGTON" COUNTY FARM. 80 acres, 17 acres In cultivation, all fenced, 114 million feet timber, running water, good orchard, 6 room house, barn 38x40 and other outbuildings; 2Vi miles from elec tric station and 25 miles from Port land; 5 cows. 1 calf, H sows. 1 pig. 75 chickens, 1 horse, light wagon, buggy, cart, mower, harrow, plow, double and single harness, cream separator, cans, etc.; about 15 tons of hay, kale, potatoes, apples, etc.: price $05 per acre. $3000 cash, balance can be arranged. Come to the office and talk it over; no trouble to show this farm. GUY D. BELL, 242-13 Henry Bldg. ANOTHER SNAP IN DAIRY AND DIVERSIFIED FARM. 17J acres of fine loam soil. In Yamhill - ...... . ,. Ian rail 1 l" a hflDVard. 12 a. orchard, 5-rm. modern house, hot and cold water, bath; sanitary mllkhouse; modern poultry plant; good barn; water piped to oiags.; eiectnu ubuu, i" beauty; only $75 per acre; will take $2000 cash, balance 5 years C per cent; might consider fs In clear Portland property this Is absolutely right. HARBOLT REALTY CO., 710 Lewis mag. DANDY DAIRY RANCH. Honse, barn and loo acres, 20 m culti vation, bal. brush and pasture land; with place goes iouowiiir bwl uu nn. ....... ... . 6 first-class milch cows, 1 2-year-old neiter, a yearuns iicuci - ts.,& 1 heifer calf, span of mares 5 and 6 years Ola, A oroou sow, a uu i' i . 1, ew- u 11 (i Harness. iiu. i n. ...... , .. . ..... - arator and 28 tons hay In barn; every thing complete $4760; exchange for resl aence up w j i-' " .... -- ance at per cent. See owner today at SHIlU-IVl-l'UUunin 90 Fifth St. Main 8770 iariVUE,u iiravua Located In the heart of the Willamette Valley. 1 mile of high school. 2 miles of ... . ....... i-. net 1 11 1.- ta-mit station, ail in cuiuvaiiuu, kuuu """ barn, family orchard, fenced and cross fenced with woven-wlre, on county road, cream route, 10 good cows. 2 horses, wagons, cream separator, chickens, all .... ' . anla. ...1 thin. P n ' implements am, n'"-' . . j -n c - - cows are making $100 per month; price tiTKO Enders A Hartshorne. 431 cnamoer 01 cumme, -w. DAIRYMEN. row IS you, 11 .mi 1 1. ... i j -I-' eellent 80-acre dairy farm cheap; 22 miles east of Portlana, near rauroau auu wt landing, on Columbia; macadamized road, 85 acres clear, balance pasture; running water, goou sun, - uui"oa, y.y1 creamery, etc Inquire W. balzman, Clll- rora xioiei. .c. Mt,n"",. v." FOR SALE 200-acre Improved farm, with new nouse, m a i . --- - - - good well; $75 per acre; good land for grain, irui. ana u&nii tuvwu mho from Creswell. Or., on S. P. Ry.: 12 miles from Eugene, where state university is lo- cateo; creamery a. i hi lh m .j v. . - . Write COCK JgOX -J, Cicswen, ui. LA 11 UK Vti "ami i- l- Well improve", nea-ny -w at, c. im o-iu on railroad. Large stream and numerous springs. Owner might consider some Port land property up to lauw aa yai i p"c' O" UCHUIH ui"5 230 ACltl- -H'W cult., w B""ui"o aam. ah ai"a i ' u . . . . . . . . . j . . " stream; 2 houses, 2 barns. $65 per acre. fart terms. invvi u--,.,. UAtt.VI l.n .1 1 ' uu"-'.! i . . ...... . -"i--- . . . . . - . - . . -1 . . i . i 1 - iid t vn TprTKU Pacific In central rtritisn coiumuia. Shatko ft tiauup. cnant. vi cum. RANCH, 60 acres, with buildings; 18 miles from Portlana, near electric line; for all cash, ay owner, ia- jaorristm WANTED REAL ESTATE. "RUNG ALOW. We have a client who will pay from $1600 to $2000 cash ror a moaern Bunga low, lot 60x100, In or near Alberta dis trict. CO-OPE RATTVB REALTY CO., 50a Dekum Bldg. WANT Irvlngton lot up to $2000 as first payment on modern o-room nouse on c. Couch, this side of 24th; balance mort gage or some cash and country property; price $300O. This price Is right. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, 618 Board of Trade Building. WANTED Small cultivated farm, with some Improvements, near ruruanu, wii, give 5-room modern house and full lot ana some casn. lu oo.. y cami... WANTED 50xl00-foot lot on TVest Side, not to exceed jn. ii -i-1 vr n-a rn Ground Floor Henry Bldg. IICELY furnished rooms, $LB0 up; fres phone and bath, furnace. 208 17th st. Phone Main 7923. WANTED Residence lot. 3 blocks car; paved street; casn Duyer. aiain FOR KENT FARMS FARM TO LEASE. Will lease my 500-acre farm. 10 miles south of Salem, on Oregon Electric; about half cultivated, balance first-class pasture; orchard and regular farm buildtngs; ten ant must have stock and farm Imple ments. A good opportunity for reliable farmer. A. H. Birrell Co., 202 McKay bldg.. Portland, Or. FARM to rent, 125 acres; one-half In clover; located at isortn nains, one i.o. Mountalndale station. For particulars ad dress C 374, oregonlan. WANT a small farm with lots of pasture suitable for dairy Dusineas. akj o, gonlan. MARKET garden or dairy farm. Call at John Deere A'iow co. or w-o a. aM . evenings. aa WANT a dairy with about 10 or 20 cows. AP 344, uregonian. FOB (AM TIMBER LANDS. CHEAP STUMPAGK Ideal location for the mill; stream run ning to railroad spur. No. 83 6th. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. a. J. M' CRACK EN, 31)4 McKay Bldg. TO EXCHANGE. $400 EQUITY in a Rose City lot tor a sman to; SI90 I" BCis k iwuoicr iu -- lus Sliwv. can auo aiucaj. wih HA TT. uliv Irr to trade for small rooming- h 'ouse. P 354. Oregonian. MERCHANTS. ATTENTION. ARE YOU TIRED OF THE CARES OF ACTIVE BUSINESS? DO YOU WANT TO UNLOAD? IF SO. COME I.N AND SEE US. WE CAN HELP YOU OUT; CAN MATCH A TRADE FOR YOU FOR GOOD LAND. READ THE FOLLOWING: J 6,000 40 acres, A-l alfalfa land, close to Hermlston. about 10 acres in alfalfa; private water rights: 4 lots Oceanside Lake, 2 lnglevlew. 3 Umatilla, to trade for good stock - of merchandise-. $20,000 2ew acres, very highly ImDroved, adjoining good town, fine modern bldgs., mortg. J250O, 10 years. 6 per cent; this is an A-l Willamette Valley proposition; want stk. mdse. $21,500 One 1st mortg. $4000 and 87 Vi acres fine alfaifa land, lfc miles from Hermlston, under Gov't ditch, mortg. $75t0. Want stk. of mdse. In small town. HARBOLT REALTY CO.. 710 Lewis bldg. ALFALFA RANCH. For Trade. Choice alfalfa ranch In a locality which is fast, coming to the front. Soil and climatic conditions unex celled. Grows four crops of alfalfa a year. The ranch is clear of in cumbrance and is worth $S00O. Will exchanse for Portland resi dence, lots or any city property at the right value. DORR E. KEASEY CO., 2d Floor, Chamber Commerce Bldg. READ R E AD RE AD. SPECIAL OFFER. Family hotel, 75 rooms, strictly modern, been under the same management for 7 years, wishes to retire from business, will trade tor Eastern Oregon wheat land, good fruit land or city properly; might assume some indebtedness; this house is clear of all incumbrance and is a good money maker: has a good lease at mod erate rent; reasons for selling owner has been In the harness lor 10 years wunoui any letup and has made money enough to retire; no miiatea values wn: 00 con sidered; price of hotel $16,0o0. J. IL DEITZ. 310 Railway Exchange Bldg. FARM WANTED, WILLAMETTE VALLEY OR CLARKE COUNTY. WASH. $7500 EQUITY IN Z BEAUTIFUL HOUSES IN MURRAYMEADE, ONE OF PORTLAND'S HIGH-CLASS RESIDENCE DISTRICTS, CLOSE IN. VERY SIGHTLY. OVERLOOKING WEST SIDE; TO TRADE FOR WELL-IMPROVED FARM UP TO $1.,000; NO JUNK CONSIDERED; QUICK ACTIU.1 VV A- IUU. HARBOLT REALTY CO., 710 Lewis Bldg. INCOME PROPERTY TO EXCHANGE. Thoroughly modern, 3-story brick apartment-house, consisting of 24 well-lighted apartments; located- on good East Side corner. In walking distance; will exchange equity for other city real estate. F. E. TAYLOR CO.. Inside Property Dealers, Ground Floor, Henry Bldg. ACREAGE WANTED. $10,000 5-famlly residence, in one of Portland's highest restricted closeln residence districts; Incumbrance $6500; to trade tor cheap valley acreage up to $10,000. HARBOLT REALTY CO.. 710 Lewis Bldg. 12 ACRES at Rowena, Or., mostly all In geaches and cherries; small honse and arn, close to station; price $3500; trade lor a nouse; spring, mnun tiuiuni 7-room modern house to exchange for some gooa tots, price 320 acres In Stevens County. Washing ton, 7,000,000 feet timber, trade for apart ment or cottages. Reynolds, 1023 Cham ber of Commerce. WANT TO TRADE FOR A LUMBER YARD OR unui. uu i. Have a 6-room bungalow and 2 lots on East Halsey street, worth $3300. on which there is a mortgage of $1000; want to trade equity for a small lumber yard or stocK or groceries, oee uw k ruuut Yeon bldg. a unsT -nmfYtrtable home of 8 rooms, gar- age, on a corner 80x100, In a desirable resi dence section of Portland on E. 3Sth St., 1 block from carline; property vaiueu oy bank at $12,600, with $6000 mortgage at 6 per cent; owing to reverses will exchange and take acreage or any clear property 'hAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY. 423 Chamber of Commerce. WHEAT FARM 960 acres, 400 acres Sum mer fallow, very good bldgs., about 50 acres can be easily Irrigated, 5 miles to R .R. station, farming outfit with place, $35 per acre; take property up to $25,000, Western Or., city or country. Another similar place. 320 acres. $10 per acre, wilh outfit, 160 Summer fallow. L. K. Moore, 317 Board of Trade. 170 ACRES Improvements, suitable dairy or stock. $16,500. 80 acres highly Im proved, Including good stock, crop, ma chinery, $14,5O0. 42 acrea, near No. plains, high state cultivation, including stock, crop. Implements. $12,750. Will consider Portland residence to $6tr00. Hartman A Thompson. Chamber ol commerce niug. BE AUTIFUL 10-room house with spacious grounds 150x200 large garage and every luxury; value of estate $15,000; mortgage of $4500; will trade equity for any city Income property or close-In acreage. TT,-,nnvT-, wnuTrnp.u; rrn.. 423-424 Chamber of Commerce. $3350 PRICE cut from $3750; new 6-room colonial house, on iiasi outu o from Richmond car, all large rooms, Dutch kitchen, pass pantry, full cement basement, lot 50x100; will take lot or small piece of cheap acreage or farming tools as first payment, rnuaa FOR SALE or trade; 15 acres good land, good 5-room house, barn, 2 hoghouses, 2 chlckenhouses, good orchard. .5 treea small stream running through the place, 2" miles from car, 10 miles to Vancouver, hi mile to school, church, store. Theo dora Togue. Orchards, Wash. R. F. P. 1. WE HAVE a splendid quarter block on West Side, near Washington street and East Side; Income property to value of $71 000 Incumbrance $35.000 will ex change for good country property or city income. w n. zwao. i WHA1' will yon , i1" X i, tnt lor aencatessen s-uu lum-inuui" . $40 per day; 'rent $35 month: manager's profit $100 and over per month; man and wife or partners can make over $200 per . i 1 I n S-tHannlam HAVE good, modern 8-room house: corner lot 80xlO0, with garage; tine location; straight loan $4000. 3 years, 7 per cent; will take clear property worth $2500 for equity. What have yon? W 350, Ore gonian. FOR SALE or exchange, 50-horsepower 4- passenger automooiie, a-i cuuuiuuii, Portland property; residence preferred; will consider sale on installment plan. Address AV 856. Oregonlan. 160 ACRES ALBERTA WHEAT LAND. Sell or trade for Portland property; A-l land. $30 per acre: 1 mile from Ry., 5 miles from Strathmore. 478 Killlngsworth ave. WANTED To trade a well-Improved 160- acre grain farm, l "4 mn- irom a j town In Alberta, value $5600, for a farm in Western Oregon. Address the owner, W J Brown. Vulcan, Alberta. Canada. STRICTLY modern 5-room house and 2 acres In cultivation, rwise. juauu. m naUo u. Portland residence : also have some busi ness propositions and Boise Is a live town. Remolds. 1023 Chamber of Commerce. CHOICE lot in Waverly Heights to trade for small improved aL-icann n, venlent to electric carline. within 60 min utes OI ruriianu. .nam o,o. 'SO ACRES, highly improved farm, fine building, well watered: want city prop erty or acreage to 9O00: will give a great bargain, pia fenum oms 134 ACRES. Harney County, near Burns cho'"e farm, well Improved and watered, clear; want city property or Willamette farm- will as-ume. 515 Dekum bldg. 320 ACRES. Cass County, Minn., the home or tne rea clover, premj lngs. fencing snd fuel. Price $jS00. 5,a Nenaiem ave-, vhj. IRVINGTON home, sacrifice, want lot for my equity oa u , wi,. more I will pay difference In rash. AN 867. Oregonlan. EXCHANGE White Steamer auto, good condition, lv acres in canrornia. ior city lot. cows or horses. AN 35Q. Oregonlan. 38 ROOMS in 3-room apts.. nicely fur nished, close in on west aiue; price nvu, terms to suit. 803 Lumber Exchange. TRADES our specialty: farms, city property. business cnances. w nai nave you ; uuuiu 704 Rothchild 011!!;. Msin t..lf-s. POOLHALL to trade for lots. Owner. 16 N. 8th su TRADE $10,000 apartment-house , for land and some casn. owner, jiarsuau uo. UNINCUMBERED property to trade for . ,.. Dl,nn. TaKn- Or.Ofl gOOQ nOiet I UI III LUl TT. t HWIIU . a..... aw, -. HAVE house and screage to trade fur Al berta land. L ilij'J. uregonian. WILL trade 46 acrea on lake front near good town In Wisconsin for $300 lot or equity in lot. CHAS. O. KUPPER, 212 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles. Etc THE MURPHY HORSE & MULE CO., Sell on commission, horses, mules, ve hicles and harness. Auction sales every Monday and Friday, 10 A. M. Private sales dally. 240 E. 18th st., near Haw thorne. Phone E. 6315 HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE OR RENT Second-hand vehicles bought and sold; new wagon and auto beds made to order; livery furnished to business parties at special rates. HAWTHORNS STABLES, 420 Hawthorne Ave. Phone East 72. B 1369. SACRIFICE. Bay horse, 7 years old, 1200 lbs., $50: black horse, 1100 Ins.. $25; guarantee good workers. Nobby Stables. $100 BUYS good family or ranch mare, weight 1200 lbs., with harness and buggy. 7S1 Insley ave. Take Sellwood car. WANTED At once, three four-horse teams to haul rock in Portland; good roads; one months' work. Marshall 1442 today. BARGAIN Team, 1000 lbs. each; good harness and top wagon; complete outfit $75. Will sell separatee. 302 Front st. SORREL pony, sound; ride or drive, $25. Bay mare, 12IH) lbs., sound and good worker. $50. 302 Front st. TEAM for sale, cheap; weight 2250: one T yrs. old, one 9. See owner. 802 Tenlno av Sellwood. FOR SALE Two big teams. A-l. -350 lbs. and 3100 lbs. 10.8 E. Alder. Tabor 743. FOR SALE Team, wagon and harness; mare and colt. G. L. Pigg, 1146 Denver a v. HORSES for sale at 88 East 7th st, Nortn. T'lanos. Organs and MuwU-al Instruments. FOR SALE Beautiful upright piano, used several months, well-known standard make, genuine mahogany case, real ivory keys, full-length music rack, three pedals, three strings to each lone, stool, full guar antee and clear bill of sale; cost J37i: will sacrifice for only $loi and can ar range for part time if necessary. 455 Washington st. LEAVING the city, will leave my high grade player piano and music with any responsible party who will buy It on small monthly payments or will sacrifice tor casn. A l oiiii ifiiiiiiaii. FOR SALE Do you want a real genuine $700 baby grand piano (not an old square) for only $235? I have one slightly used; must sell; will take monthly payments a , .nn.ia nUr,u 111 U'aiihiiiirtiin Mt. $400 PIANO for real estate or diamond; leas for cash. Phone East 5133. FOR SALE $750 Autoplano, cheap; terms. Tabor 1829. NEW furniture 5 rooms, real bargain If taken this week. 400 HajU FOR SALE New Martin guitar, cheap. Call 3SS Morrison next week. Dogs, Birds, Pet block. TOMMY BERESFOKD. English bulldog, at' stud and for sale. P. Nicholson, Esta cada, Or. WILD MALLARD and Gray Call Ducks for decoys. Woodlawn 837. FOR SALE German roller singers, $2. t)S4 Emerson st, Furniture for Sale. GREAT CHANCE FOR THOSE STARTING HOUSEKEEPING. OR THOSE WnO NEED SOME NEW FURNITURE THE ENTIRE STOCK OF PETERS MFG. CO.. "BANKRUPT." HAS BEEN ORDERED SOLD IMMEDIATELY, AND NO OTHER SALE CAN COMPARE WITH THIS. CALL AND SEE. 63 FIFTH ST.. CORNER PINE. LEAVING city, must sell finely furnished S-room flat, splendid location, low rent. A 1501'. NEARLY new furniture of 5 rooms for sale cheap; corner flat, opposite Lincoln High School. 3S3 Mill st. COMPLETELY furnished 6-room flat, whole or in park, uiua, Bi-ii . i - - j . East 754. FOR SALE Nice oak dining-room set; must sell Decause UL nw i u. J n '"- 11th N. EIGHT rooms, reasonable, desirable loca tion and clean; rooms ajl rented, bringing nice income. Main 5467. MUST BE SOLD Furniture of nice 6-room modern house; S rooms can bo rented. 80 E!llth N. FURNITURE of a 9-room house for sale; fine location, aa main st. jj.iHOUSE for rent, furniture lor saie. s rooms, jriain -,o-. r SMALL cottage, well furnished, cheap rent. Close in. cneap. 268 Mill st. FOR SALE Furniture of modern 6-room house. 107 13th su Livestock. 5 GOOD milch cows. Jerseys, Guernseys and Durham: 3 fresh. 2 to freshen September IS; the lot for a bargain. Woodstock car to 50th ave., 3 blocks west to 3.Sth st. Automobiles. "AUTOMOBILE BUYERS, ATTENTION. Now is the time to get a bargain In a high-grade car. We want to make room for 1014 models and will sell the fol lowing cars at very low prices: IT W'lLL PAY YOU TO COME AND SKA. US. 1 1913 "Michigan 40" demonstrator, run 2000 miles, electric starter and lights. 1 1912 "Michigan" 33. 1 1912 "Michigan" , electric lights and starter. 1 1912 "Michigan" 33 Roadster. MICHIGAN AUTO A BUGGY CO.. Kith and Alder sts I AM a gasoline engine specialist with sev eral years- eapcuenu- win. u-a.. , .. automobile makes and would hire out to private owners of cars who are In need of a man experienced enough to intelli gently hundle any automobile repair work, including carburetors and Ignition sys tems. Address C 361, Oregonlan. 1912 BL'lc'K foredoor roadsler. $il"0; 101 Mltchell six. 5-pass. torpedo, U.0; Chal mers 30, model K, 4-pass., $550. These cars are practically brand-new and must be seen to be appreciated. CUSTOM-HOUSE AUTO CO., Cor. East 13th and Hawthorne Ave. IMPORTANT TO AUTO OWNERS Will nickel-plate, varnish, retinlsh. top your auto; take apart and put together tn tnree days. Portland Plating Mtg. Co., 22d and Thurman sts. Main 943, A 52S2. HOME office lias transferred me to Now York. Will sell my foredoor E. M F. at great sacrifice; must leave Saturday; no reasonable offer for cash refused. L. N Ravlln, 351 ft Washington St. 1913 69 MODEL. 30 H. P.. 6-seated Over land automobile, priced very conservative ly; absolutely good as new; gone 1000 miles: $850; owner requires larger car. AC 3S7, Oregonian 1912 30-H. P. 6-passenger, foredoor auto In A-l conanion, ior sate u? uwuw, , be seen and will demonstrate at Union Ave. Garage Co., Union ave. and Wasco street. ,'OR SALE 7-paasenger Garford for $400: 7H P. twin R 8. motorcycle for $200. run less than 100 miles; must be sold at once. Call WOOqiawn lUJO tor uemwu-n aim,,. WILL trade a good six-cylinder 7-passen- or Interest in some business. AK 347. Oregonlan. CLIENT IN SEATTLE WANTS AUTO. Will trade large triangular lot on the Peninsula worth about $1000. Fred. W. German Co., 932 C.of C. Both phones. WILL trade my electric runabout for gasoline automobile or real estate; no agents. Address AE 306. Oregonlan. FOR SALE, cheap, a 8-cyllnder 7-passen-ger car in first-class condition. 1 unk Auto CO., Main 720. BARGAIN' Studebaker "20," 6-passenger. foredoor, 1912; good condition. Marshall 4270. SNAP 1011 Overland 5-Pass. 40-h. p. fully equipped. $500. Easy terms If desired. IMOrtnwes i Aum v., jj."am.-j ..i. . IF YOU want automobile fire Insurance at one-half the old-line rate, telephone Main 8109! ; . FORD automobile In fine condition, 1912 model: bargain If there ever was one. Kenyon, owner. 406 McKay. Main 834. AUTO OWNERS Prevent accidents, save repair bills and gasoline by phoning A 634. $490 FORD pass. Cadillac, nickel, elecria light, painted, good condition. No trade. Cash or terms. Tabor 444. ONE 5-passenger and one runabout. In good condition; sell cheap for cash or will trade. What have you? 506 Beacon st. 5-PASSENGER Chalmers for hire. $1.30 an hour, with driver. Main 2725. FOR SALE 1013 Peerless. A bargain. East 764. 1912 5-PASSENGER Overland car. PacMc Tent &. Awning co.. ist ana ann-nr. MUST have money on my 6-eylinder car. Phone B 1259, Marshall 1918. Automobiles Wanted. FORD touring car: state model, mlleag run and best cash price. Address V 341, Oregonlan. WANTED To buy a -econd-hand or new auto for rieliverv; will nay $150 down and balance monthly. O 353. Oregonlan. Motorcycle. INDIAN twin, $150; R. S. twill, $00;' per fect condition. Reliance Garage. 1063 Hawthorne ave.