Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 10, 1913, Page 8, Image 8

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Heavyweight Claimant Bares
Details of "Frame-Up"
With Tommy Burns.
In Signed Confession l'elkcy De
clares He Was Forced Into Crook
ed Bont When "Broke" Con
tract With Bnrns Canceled.
Arthur Pelkey'i signed statement
in which he confesses to connivance
in a faka flM with Tommy Barn
at Calgary March 1 last, follows:
"Dear Sir Tommy Burns and I are
through our partnership. Burnt
cam to. m when I was detained by
the police for killing McCarty and
mad me sign a contract to give him ,
50 per cent of my earnings and pay
half of all expenses. He then signed
a vaudeville contract, but 1 had prac
tically nothing when we finished our
"Further, he made me fake our
six-round fight at Calgary last March
so as to save himself before his
friends. We rehearsed In hi garret
several times. He took on knock
down, but I had to take two. al
though I can lick him easy.
"He took advantage of me at every
turn and I don't want any more to
do with him. When we were show
ing he always Talked about himself
and tried to be the star, as he
thought I tra a bis farmer.
'Truly yours,
On the back the 115-pound heavy
weight seeker after Jack Johnson's
crown. Inscribed the following post
script: "And he was always talking about
his travels m London, Paris and
Australia, and about all the lords and
dukes he had met In his travels
abroad. "ARTHUR PELKET."
Stuns by a guilty conscience and
smarting under alleged mistreatment
by Tommy Burns, Arthur Pelkey,
world's heavyweight title claimant, yes
terday canceled Burns' managerial con
tract, and simultaneously unbosomed
a confession that will atir the boxing
world to Its vitals.
In a signed statement delivered to
Roscoe Fawcett, uporting editor of The
Oresonlan, Pelkey makes the startling
charge that he and Uurns. the latter
at one time worUi's champion, faked
tneir six-round fight at Calgary last
Maich ii.
Pelkey allesres that Burns lured him
West from Chatham, Cmt-. and then
finding him broke, forced him into the
"ttxed" match and staged nightly re
hearsals of the battle in his garret.
Expose la Seasattonal.
This sensational expose was drafted
in the Perkins Hotel in Portland sev
eral laya ago, signed and sealed by
Pelkey and delivered over for release
September 9. The breaking of the seals
yesterday revealed its sensational con
tents, i'elkey stopped off here en route
to Calgary for a tlnal settlement with
Burns and evidently utilised the In
tervening time to close his account.
Burns owns two haberdashery stores
at Calgary, but also operated the box
ing club and stadiur. where the pugilis
tic battles were staged. It was under
Burns' wing that Pelkey killed Luther
JdcCarty, American champion, at Cal
gary May 24 last, and thereby annexed
claim to the title.
"Our six-round fight was called a
draw." says Pelkey in his confession,
' speaking of his match with Tommy
Burnt.. "But we had it all 'framed up.
I could have whipped him easily, but
he wanted to make a good showing
before his friends there and made me
.take two knockdowns to one for him.
Rehearsals Under Cover.
"Burns made me sneak around by
a back way to his house every night
for a week prior to the fight and we
had everything down pat. He was to
knock me down in the second and tlfth
rounds and I was to put nim to the
mat in the fourth.
"We got away with it all right, but
The crookedness of It has been hurting
me ever since," added the 215-pound
giant, as tears trickled down his cheeks.
"I don't want any more of Burns. I
want to tight square. I have never
done another crooked thins in my life
and never will again.
Pelkey says he got J600 from the
fight and Burns $2700. The French-
Canadian giant says his knockout of
Andy Morris in eight rounds May 1 at
Calgary was on the square, as was his
fatal battle with Luther McCarty May
While here, en route from Los An
geles to Calgary and back to Chatham,
Pelkey unfolded a few details of the
recent Burns-Pelkey vaudeville tour
down the Pacific Coast that constitute
lurid reading.
Contract Made In Jail.
Pelkey says Burns coerced him into
signing a contract giving him 50 per
'rent of all his earnings, while he (Pel
key) was in jail at Calgary, charged
with the killing of McCarty. Pelkey
says, furthermore, that Burns made
him pay half the expenses, which, he
alleges, consisted mostly of wine sup
pers for Burns' sporty frK-nds.
"During our sparring exhibitions in
Portland. San Francisco and Los An
geles theaters," adds Pelkey, "Burns
made me box under wraps against him,
but all the time he slammed and
banged away at my broken nose. I
had 13 pifces of broken bone extracted
in my operation at Los Angeles.
"Many nights I could not sleep on
account of the pain, but if I kicked to
Burns, he would threaten to cancel the
tour and, as he had all the money,
there was nothing for me to do but
take h's rough treatment."
Johnson Story Faked.
Pelkey declares that the talk of an
offer to tight Juck Johnson In Paris
was framed by Burns out of whole
cloth. Pelkey says Burns faked the
dispatch from Paris, attributing it to
a Hiend named Iratt.
"I drew the color line when I first
started fighting, and that still goes."
declares Pelkey. "I had a fuss with
Burns over the fake business when he
gave out the story to the newspapers
in San Diego, but he said he had built
up a fortune and knew how to run the
After settling accounts with Burns
at Calirary Pelkey expects to take a
good rest at his home in Ontario, after
which he will invade New York for
battles with Willard. Gunboat Smith.
Moran and other heavyweight title
Theater Man Xot Surprised.
"Well. I can't say that I am sur
prised." was Can Flood's, comment
t (juK. Set
7?py L
f S
i -7-
Kir, z ,r?77
when told of Telkey's break with Tom
my Burns yesterday afternoon.
Larry Keating and Dan Flood man
age the Lyric Theater, where Pelkey
and Burns had an engagement several
weeks aso. Keating Is a brother-in-law
of Burns and through him Flood
has become well acquainted with the
"Last Sunday night Dr. Russell, a
personal friend of Burns and the sur
geon who treated Pelkey's nose In the
south, called on me at the theater,"
said Flood. '"He told me then that a
break could be expected almost any
day. While they were on the best of
terms when they worked here, I knew
that all was not right when Pelkey
was in the city last Friday night.
"He came down, here and his temper
was somewhat up. I knew that at the
time there was not much love for
Burns, especially when he told of the
financial condition in which Burns had
left him more than once.
"He borrowed $10 from me and tele
graphed to Burns. In the morning I
went with htm to the telegraph office
to have him identified, so I know he
did receive some money from Burns,
From what Dr. Russell told me, I be'
lieve that the whole thing is a frame
up between Pelkey and Tim McGrath,
While in the south Pelkey and McGrath
became intimate. Now Pelkey breaks
with Burns. He probably will settle, go
to his home in Canada for a while and
then announce to the world that Mc
Grath is to become his manager."
"Ridiculous," Says Burns.
CALGARY. Alberta, Sept. 9. Tommy
Burns tonight characterized as ridicu
lous the statement by Pelkey that their
fight of last March was "framed up.
"The fight was on the level," declared
Burns, "although I believe that I could
have put Pelkey out in the fourth
round If I had wantad to.
Big Camp Perry Shoot Ends With
Scries of Individual Contests.
CAMP PERRY. O., Sept. 9. With a
banquet in honor of the visiting teams.
one of the most successful shooting
tournaments ever held came to a close
here tonight.
Foreign teams and individuals are
much pleased with the result of tba
matches. Argentine won most of the
honors today by capturing the team
match, with rifle, of the Pan-American
shooting union over the United States
and Peru. Argentine a score was toiii,
the United States 455J and Peru 4130.
In the running-deer match, C. J. Os
borne, of the United States Navy, won
first place with a score of 60; E. D.
Mvrlcl. United States Navy, second,
with 49; W. A. Lee. United States Navy.
47; Bjorkman, Sweden, 47, and U. ri.
Cobb. United States Navy, 46.
In the Individual matcn wnn me
Armv rifle, the Argentine team car
ried away first place, Perrya having a
SL-ore of 186: Yaniz. Argentine, was
second, with 179: Eddy. United States,
third, with 178; Osborne. United States,
177. and Barrienter. Argentine, 174.
These scores were made at prone posi
In the standing position, jonnson
France, won first place, with 148;
Pugnall, Argentine, second, 14: t-oias,
France, third. 145; Balme, France, 143;
Oerosi. Argentine. 141.
At the kneeling position tne ronow-
Ing five men were ntgn: uourgum,
France. 166; Nilsson, Sweden. 163;
Chrtstianson. Sweden. 161: Lindfras,
Sweden. 160: Banerl. Argentine. 153.
On the grand totals. i.ricKson, Swed
en, was Highest, witn so. taxing ino
first prize. Second money was tasen
by Tea Id I. Argenttne. witn st. jnen
dez. Argentine, took third money.
Telegraphic Sporting Briefs
Club, of London, won the cricket
match with the Merlon Club at Haver-
forH by an Inning and 71 runs. The
visitors made 334 runs In their first
inning and the Merion eleven scored
105 in its flrst inning and 158 in the
London. Great Britain. France, Ger
many, Russia. Finland, Denmark, Swe
den and Austria have definitely prom
ised James E. Suillvan, secretary of
the American Athletic Union, that they
will send teams to San Francisco in
1915 at the opening of the i'anama
Pacltlc Exposition!
Boston. The Lowell Club - becomes
champion of the New England League.
Worcester's defeat by Lynn not only
pushed Worcester from second to third
place, but made it impossible for any
club to outstrip Lowell. The league
season will close Saturday.
- ci4sU?L &U.-&z
txy -sVarfe wzait. Ma-. -
-- tzcs -Ct JTy
Nine-Game Lead Locks Good
to Fans of Portland.
Wolves and Venice Have Hard Task
to Displace Mackmen Seven ' of
Team Batting Over .300.
Chadbourne's Work Shines.
With seven weeks to go approxl
mately 47 games Portland's club in
the Pacific Coast League is nine games
to the good and in excellent physical
condition for the final dash. Manager
McCredie voiced his pennant prediction
in San Francisco yesterday, ana appar
entlv Mac's optimism is well founded.
Venice days four of the final seven
weeks at home, but Portland has three
of the seven on the local heath, so that
advantage is not material, bo tar as
Sacramento is concerned, the Wolves
are at home five weeks, and to a man
up a tree it might appear that Wolver
ton's fighters are more to be feared
than Hogan's.
But overcoming a nine-game handicap
in a stretch of less than oO games is
quite some task, and as Sacramento
plays but one more series against port
land the final week at Sacramento
Sacramento's chances are not really as
bright as those of Venice. Venice Is
scheduled to battle Portland two series,
and that will give Hogan's crew the
opportunity to worry the Mackmen.
They open here next Tuesday.
Last week Portland simply walked
all over the poor, forlorn Oakland
champs on their own lot. But, while
the Beavers were walloping Oakland
six games in seven a record of 18 wins.
in the last 21 games against the Oaks
Venice was maltreating the strength
ened Seals In the same manner. The
count ended Venice six games and San
Francisco two.
Consequently, Portland's gain of 14
points in the table in the week is only
two points better than Venice's. Sac
ramento gained six points. Among the
second dlvisioners. the Seals dropped
from fourth to fifth position, receding
12 points. The Angels slumped two
points and Oakland 17.
Walter Doane and Elmer Lober, of
Portland, continue to lead the Coast
League swatsmiths with averages ot
.318 and .313 respectively. Gus Fisher
la also up at .310. Among the new .300
clouters is Bill Roagers, scrappy cap
tain of the Beavers.
The leading hitters are: Doanc. .318
Lober, .313; Fisher, .310; Bayless. .813;
Rodgers, .306; Speas, .307; Johnston,
.304: Krause, .311; Lindsay, .301 and
Maggart, .300.
It will thus be seen that of the first
ten batters Portland has seven. Some
Jimmy Johnston, of the Seals, stole
two bases last week, and is now up to
96 for the season. And seven weeks to
go I
Carlisle leads the run-getters witn
90, being closely followed by Johnston,
In connection with Portland's won
derful spurt down the home stretch,
the work of that stellar outfielder.
Chester Chadbourne, has been some
what overlooked by most fans and
critics alike. As a matter of fact,
Chadbourne has been performing super
brilllantly. ' In the last IS games Chad
bourne has batted .320 it was .375 last
week against the Oaks and in all
other departments he has been a won
Imagine one man scoring 20 runs in
three weeks! Well, that's what the
fleet-footed gardner has done. In that
stretch of time he has pilfered eight
bases, sacrificed twice, accepted 49
chances in fielding without an error,
and his batting has garnered six two
baggers and two triples.
Fly-Casting Tournament at the Oaks
Brings Out Many Contestants.
Although mora than 29 competed, but
y ) -f
SJ 1 . 'W-
three anglers shared in the prise-win
ning with W. F. Backus, W. E. Carlon
and J. C. Myers, the principals. W. F.
Backus was high man, taking two
firsts and one third, with Myers taking
a first, second and a third, while Car
lon was second In two events, and
third In the long-distance flycastlng
with a light rod.
But one record was broken, and
Backus gets credit for that, having
made 95 feet in the long-distance liy
casting event with a light rod. He
also made a high score in the delicacy
fly-casting affair, making 99 per cent,
while Carlon was but 8-15 of a point
behind him. x
Tonight three more contests will be
staged at the Oaks bathing pavilion,
the flycastlng with a heavy rod and
two bait-casting events. The first af
fair is scheduled to start promptly at 4
Following are the results of yester
day's meet:
Long-distance flycastlng with light
rod W.- F. Backus first, -with 95 feet;
J. C. Myers, second, with 85 feet; W. K.
Carlon, third, with 84 feet. (This
breaks the former record of 83 feet.)
Delicacy flycastlng W. F. Backus,
first, with 99 per cent; W. E. Carlon
second, with 98-7-15 per cent; J. C.
Myers, third, with 97 14-15 per cent.
Accuracy flycastlng J. C. Myers,
first, with 98 8-15 per cent; W. E. Car
lon, second, with 98 4-15 per cent; w. t .
Backus, third, with 98 1-15 per cent.
California Tennis Honors Go to
Youths Who Defeat Pacific Coast
Title Holders Straight Sets.
OAKLAND, Cal., Sept. . William M.
Johnston and Ella Fottrell won the
state lawn tennis championship in dou
bles on the courts of the Claremont
Country Club tooay, taking the final
match in straight sets, 6-4, 6-3, 6-2.
Their easy victory was the more nota
ble from the fact that opposed to them
were Clarence J. Griffin and John
Strachan, Pacific Coast champions and
runners-up for the ' National doubles
titles at Newport a month ago.
These two teams have met in the
finals of nearly every doubles tourna
ment of importance played in this part
of the West in the last year and to
date they have about broken even in
the number of victories.
Coast Champion Johnston main
tained his supremacy in the singles,
although he was given a battle royal
by Lynn Murray, tne young Stanford
expert. The score was 6-4, 5-7, 6-4,
Miss Anita Meyers won the women's
singles title. defeating Mrs. W. J.
Nicholas in the final match, 8-6, 6-1, 6-1.
All of the title-winners are club-
mat es of National Champion Maurice
E. McLoughlin, of San Francisco.
Sporting Sparks
SEATTLE has Joined the ranks of
the poloista. At a meeting the
other night the following officers were
named: George Gund, president and
captain; Francis G. Frink, vice-president;
H. A. Farr, secretary; F. B. Fitch,
This looks bad. Connie Mack turned
Cy Morgan loose and now the Cincin
nati Beds have paid ? 10,000 for him.
Portland and Sacramento have the
gamest teams in the Paciflo Coast
League. Sacramento has won 11 games
In the final innings, Portland 10, Venice
and Oakland nine each, San Francisco
5 and Los Angeles 4.
Peter Pan brought 38,000 at the sale
of the remnants of the thoroughbred
stable of the late James R. Keene at
New- York. Colin, winner of -16 races
and $177,792, was knocked down to
Price McKinney, of Cleveland, for 130,
000. Harry Payne Whitney purchased
Peter Pan.
Joe O'Brien's name is being men
tioned in connection with the presi
dency of the National League.
Del Howard, manager of the San
Francisco Seals, says he will release
both Jess Baker and Cack Henley, if
he can get another good twirler. He is
sweet on Leifield, Overall, Fanning and
Middleweights Go 20 Rounds
at Fast Clip Decision Is
. ' Not Questioned.
Sailor Scores Thrt.e Knockdowns hut
at Finish Is Diziy Under Rain of
Blows Bont Best Since Ketch
el and -Thomas Fought.
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 9 "The best
fight since Ketchel and Joe Thomas
fought 32 rounds at Colma,"-was the
verdict of the' old-time critics tonight
when the referee gave a draw to Bob
McAllister and Sailor Petroskey at the
end of 20 rounds.
Petroskey and McAllister fought 20
rounds to a draw a month ago, and
the decision then was much questioned.
Today -the fight was even closer.
On the score of points McAllister
must be credited with 14 of the rounds.
But, on the other nana, r-eiroaney
scored three knockdowns one In the
18th for a count of six, and two In the
19th for the count of eight. McAllister
came back in the 20th like a whirlwind
and had Petroskey staggering and
Interest in the fight centered on Mc
Allister's punch. He showed today that
he had it. Petroskey had only two
blows that he could land. One was an
overhand left swing that cut McAllis
ter's lip and the other, after the 14th,
was a right hand uppercut.
At one stage or another both men
were tired, but Petroskey was consist
ently the aggressor. Petroskey in the
18th sat McAllister on his haunches
with a right hand uppercut. McAllis
ter took the count of six and forced
the fighting for the remainder of the
round. Petroskey was very tired when
he took his corner.
In the 19th Petroskey landed an
overhand left swing that dazed Mc
Allister, and followed it with a heavy
right' uppercut that put McAllister on
the canvas. He rose still groggy, and
after a fusillade of blows was again
sent down for a count of eight.
In the 20th McAllister was the ag
gressor. On the whole it was generally ad
mitted that McAllister she-wed improve
ment. He showed coolness and recu
perative power, and wnenever he put
a punch to Petroskey's body there was
power behind it.
Boston 3, Detroit 2.
BOSTON, Sept. 9. Rehag, a pinch
hitter, won today's game for Boston,
when he singled In the 11th Inning, en
abling Gardner, who previously had
hit safely, to score the run which gave
the world's champions a 3-to-2 victory
over Detroit. The visitors tied the
score in the nlath inning. Score:
Detroit I Boston
Bush.s 2 2 2 0Hoopei,r. . 4 2 101
Vlu.2 4 0 2 3 OlEngle.l. . . 5 2 13 2 0
Cr'wford.r 4 0 4 0 0 lipeaker.m. 3 0 2 1 0
Cobb.m... 3 12 0 OjLewls.l. . . . 2 0 4 0 0
Veach.l.... 4 15 1 OQardner.S . 5 10 11
Onsluw.l.. 5 111 1 Ojrerkes.2... 5 12 10
McKee.c. 4 110 O lanvrm.s.. 4 0 4 6 0
Gibson. c... 10 1 0 OCady.c 3 1 6 SO
Louden, 8.. 4 3 3 3 Olvloseley.p. 3 2 140
Grover.p.. 2 0 1 1 0 rlall.p 1 0 0 0 0
Dubuc.p.. 2 0 0 0 Olitshg. ... 1 1 0 00
Piatt 0 0 0 0 0
Totals. 39 10131 12 0! Totals.. 37 10 83 12 2
Ran for In ninth: lone out when
winning run scored; batted for Janvrin In
litn inning;.
Detroit 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2
Boston 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2
Runs Cobb. Veach. Hooper 2. Gardner.
Three-base hits Veach. Engle. Hits Off
Grover, 7 In 8 Innings; oft Dubuc, 3 in
2 1-3 innings; off Moeeley. 2 in 9 1-3 in
nings: off Hall, 2 In 1 1-S Innings. Sacrifice
hits Speaker, Lewis, Grover, Vitt. Sac
rifice fly Vltt. Stolen bases Speaker.
Hooper, Bush. Double play Yerkes and Jan
vrin. Lert on bases Detroit 1U, .Boston a.
First on balls Off Moseley 6. off Grover .
First on errors Detroit 1. Struck out By
Grover 1, by Moseley 4. by Hall 2, by Du
buc 1. Wild pitch Moseley. Time 2:33.
Umpires Hlldebrand and O'Loughlln.
Chicago 2, Philadelphia 0.
PHILADELPHIA, Sept 9. Bodie's
stickwork secured a victory for Chi
cago over Philadelphia here today by 2
to 0. Bodie made a home run to tne
left field bleachers in the second in
ning and his single In the fourth scored
J. Collins. Score:
Chicago I Philadelphia
Weaver,. 4 14 5 l!E.M'rphy,r 4 2 0 0 0
Lord, 3 3 0 3 0 0Walsh.m.. 3 1100
J.Collins.r. 3 12 0 OiOldring.l. . 4 0 101
Chase.l... 4 1 11 0 0 E.ColUns,2. 3 1140
Bodie.m... 4 2 1 1 0Baker,3. . . 3 0 2 2 1
Cha'pelle.l 4 0 2 0 0Mc-Innis,l. 3 18 30
Schalk.c. 4 1 4 3 0; Barry,.. . . 2 14 20
Berter.2.. 3 1 0 3 O.s'chiing.c. . 4 0 8 3 0
Russell, p. 3 0 0 4 O.Bender.p... 2 0 2 10
Totals. .32 7 27 16 11 Totals. .28 6 27 15 2
Philadelphia 0 0000000 0 0
Chicago 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2
Runs J. Collins. Bodia. Home run
Bodle. Sacrifice hits Walsh. Russell, J.
Collins. Struck out By Russell 3. by
Bender 0. First on balls Off Russell 6; off
Bender 1. Hit by pitcher Berger by
Bender. First on errors Chicago 2. Left
on bases Chicago 7, Philadelphia 8. Double
play Berger. Weaver and Chase; chalk
and Lord. Time Two hours. Umpires
Connolly and Steen.
New York 6, 'St. Louis 5.
NEW YORK. Sept 9. Leverenz' mo
mentary wildness cost St Louis to-
day's game with New Xork, the locals
winning, 6 to 6. Fisher was hit hard
by the visitors, but remained in. the
game until the eighth inning, when he
gave way to a pinch hitter. -Score:
St Louis new Xork
Austin, 3..
Pratt2. ..
3 0 OlMalael.S. .
5 13 10
4 0 1 10
3 1 2 00
3 10 8 0
4 211 00
3 0 2 00
3 12 3 0
4 2 6 1 0
1 0 0 3 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 00
0 0 0 00
0 2 0WoIter,m.
3 OOCree.i
2 0 0HartseI1.2.
1 1 OKnlght.l..
0 0 03llhoo'y.r.
1 3 0Zelder,s...
5 0 l;.Sweeney,c
O 1 OJPlsher.p..
0 2 0 Peck'UBh
Boone". .
IPord.p. ...
Totals. 34 11 24 9 1 Totals. 30 8 2T17 0
Batted for Fisher In eighth.
Kan for Pecklnpaugh in eighth.
St Louis 0 080 0 1 00 105
New York 0 01013001 6
Runs Shotton, Pratt 2, Walker, Agnew,
Maisel, Cree 2, Hartsell, Zeider, Sweeney.
Two-base htts Walker, Agnew. Three-base
hit Williams. Sacrifice hits Wellman,
truhpr. Sacrinctt fly Fisher. Stolen bases
Austin. Shotton, Cree. Left on bases New
York 7, St. Louis 4. First on balls On" Fish
er 1. oil Wellman 2, ofT Leverenz 3. Wild
pitche Wellman 2 Passed ball Sweeney.
Hit Off Wellman. 6 in 4 2-3 Innings; off
Leverenz. a In 3 1-3 innings; off Fisher, 11
iii m tnnlnzs: off Ford, none in 1 inning.
Ximfi 2:06. Umpire Ferguson and Sheri
dan. Washington 8-8, Cleveland 1-2.
WASHINGTON, Sept 9. With second
place in the American League race at
stake, Washington and Cleveland be
gan today one pf the most important
series of the season with a double-header
here, both ends of which went to
Washington, 8 to 1 and 8 to 2. The
games were won mainly through the
air-tight pitching of Boehllng and
Johnson. Manager Birmingham started
two of his star pitchers, Gregg and j
but neither was effective.
First game
Cleveland I
B n U A t
Leibold.m 4 110 1 Moeller.r
ti H. U A E.
4 12 0 0
4 2 3 1 0
B 1 1 4 1
4 2111 0 0
3 2 14 0
0 0 10 0
8 10 10
3 10 0 0
SO 8 4 0
hapm'n.8 3
2 4 l.lilan,m..
1 1 0lFoster,3. .
8 3 0Oandil.l..
7 1 lMoigan.2.
4 1 0it.apore.2. .
0 0OHenry.c...
5 O Oj-hanks.l. .
0 0 O McBrlde,.
Jackson, r 4
LaJoie,2. .
Glraney.l. ,
O'Nell.c. .
Gregg.p. .
Cullop.p. ,
James.p. .
Olson". .
0 1 0!
0 20
Boehling.P 4 3 12 0
0 0 0 1 01
0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0!
Totl. 57 4 23 14 S
Totals. 83 13 27 16 1
Milan out. hit by batted Dan.
Batted for Carisch In seventh. -
Batted for Cullop ia seventh.
Cleveland 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 01
Washington 0 0 1 2 0 3 2 0 8
Runs Loibold. Moeller 2. Milan. Gandll.
Morgan. Shanks, McBriue. Boehllng. Three
base hit Leibold. Home run Moeller. Hits
Off Gregg 2 in 1 Inning, off Cullop 7 In 5
Innings, off James 4 In 2 Innings. Sacri
fice hits Turner, Cullop. Sacrifice fly
Chapman, stolen base Milan. Double
plays Milan to Gandil; Jajoie to Johnston:
Chapman to Lajole. Left on bases Cleve
land 7. Washington 7. First on balls Off
Gregg 2, off Cullop 3. off James 1, off
Boehllng C. Struck out By Cullop 3. Time
J :.-5. Umpires Evans and Egan.
Second game
Clereland I Washington
B H A O El
4 3 3 0 0
5 110 0
Leibold.m 4
r'hapm'n.a 3
Dunlap.s.. 1
0 10 oMoeller,r
1 2 8 OiMllan.m. . . 5
Oil Oi-inencer.m 0
0 0 0 0
Jackson, r.
I.ajole.2. .
Brady,2. . .
Turner,:!, .
Bates. 3. . .
C5raney.l. .
1 1 OWFoster.s.. r l i (i I
0 1 1 03andil,l. . 4 1 9 20
1 0 0 HMornan.2. . 4 1122
ll2 2 OiAlnsmith.c 4 3 7 00
0 0 0 1 Willtams.c 0 0 2 00
0 0 0 0 rhanks.l. .. 4 2 1 0 0
1 It OOAlcBrlde.s. 4 2 1 8 1
0 1 0 0,Johnson.D. 3 0 130
Bllllnars.e. a O 5 1 HAvren.r 0 0 0 00
Blandlng.p 1 O 0 0 OjMorely . . . 0 0 0 0.0
James.p.. 2 0 0 10
Totals. 35 5 24 12 3 Totals. 37 14 27 13 4
Ran for Johnson In eighth.
Cleveland -.0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2
Washington 1 2 3 0 0 0 0 2 S
: Runs Jackson. Johnston. Moeller. Gandil,
Morgan. . Ainsmith 2, Shanks, McBride 2.
Two-base hits Johnston. Gandil. Three
ba8 hits Moeller. -McBride. Home run
Ainsmith. Hits Off Blending 2 In 2 innings,
off James 0 In 6 innings, off Johnson 2 In 8
innings, oil Ayres o in a inning oloicii
bases Shanks. Ainsmith 2. Double play
Chapman to LaJoie to Johnston. Left on
bases Cleveland 6, Washington 7 First on
balls Off Blandlng 2. First on error:
Cleveland 3, Washington 1. Struck out By
James 5. bv Johnson 7. by Ayres 2. Wild
pitch Blanding. Time 1:00. Umpires
Egan and Evans.
Brooklyn 2, P.ttsburg 0.
PITTSBURG Sept. 9. Brooklyn de
feated Rube Robinson. Pittsburg's big
left-hander; for the first time in three
seasons this afternoon. 2 to 0. A wild
throw by Dolan gave Brooklyn both
runs In the fifth inning. Score:
Brooklyn I Pittsburg
Moran.r.. 4 2 1 1 0Dolan,3. . .
Cutshaw.2 4 13 50 Carey, 1...
Stengel.m. 4 1 6 0 0!V iox.2
Collins. 1. . 3 2 2 1 0 Wagner,. .
Daubevt.l 3 0 6 1 II Butler.s, . .
Smith. 3.. 3 0 1 2 o;.MMler.l. ..
FIsher.s.. 4 14 2 1' Wilson. r. .
FUcher.c. 2 13 2 1Mitchell,m
4 110 1
2 2 1 u
0 2 3 0
0 3 3 0
0 0 3 0
0 12 10
2 10 0
0 3 00
12 3 0
0 0 0 0
10 4 1
0 10 0
0 0 10
Ylngllng.p 4 0 1 10 Simon. c
Mensor. . 0
Robinson, p 2
Kelly. c. ... 1
Cooper, p.. 0
Totals. 31 8 27 15 3
Totals. 33 7 27 19 2
Kan for Simon in eighth
Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 2 00 0 0 2
Pittsburg 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 U
Runs Moran, Yingling. Three-base hit
Wilson. Sacrifice hit Daubert. Stolen
base Cutsh&w. Left on bases Pittsburg U,
Biookiyn 7. Hits Off Robinson. 8 in 8
innings; off Cooper, none in 1. First on er
rors Brooklyn 1. Pittsburg 1. First on ball
Off Kobinson 2. off cooper 1. Struck out
By yingling 3. by Robinson 2. Hit by
pitcher Fisctier, by Robinson. Double play
Cutahaw and Fisher. Wild pitch Ying
ling. Time 1:40. Umpires Klem and
Chicago 4, St. Louis 0.
CHICAGO, Sept. 9. Outfielder Oakes
misjudged Corrldon's long drive in the
seventh inning today and it went for
a home run, with two men scoring
ahead of Corridon, and Chicago won
the last game of the season with St.
Louis today, 4 to 0, making nine
straight victories. The game was a
pitchers' battle, in which Nelhaus, a
recruit pitcher, rormeriy witn toe Bat
tle Creek, Mich., team, had a shade
over ddie stack, bcore;
St. Louis I
H 1-1 U A f.
Oakes, m.
Evans.l. .
Quintan. r.
Wlngo,o. ,
1 5 0Leaech,m.
1 2 1;Phelan,2.
2 0 0;Schulte.r.
8 10Zlm'm'n.3
2 0 2SaIer,l. ..
2 0 0 Miller.l. .
8 1 oiCorriden.s
3 0 0 Archeir.c.
2 lOStack.p..
0 3 0
4 0 4 0 0
4 0 3
4 2 0
5 1
0 0
3 0 2 2 0
2 0 0 0 0
4 0 5
3 12
2 15
2 0 0
1 1
1 0
1 0
Totals' 32 0 24 13 31 Totals. 28 4 27 11 2
St. Louis 0 0000000 0 0
Chicago 0 0 00 0 0 4 0 4
Runs Zimmerman, Saler, Corriden, Arch
er. Two-base hlu Magee, O'Leary. Home
run Corriden Sacrifice hit Stack. Stol
en bases Leach. Saler. Double play Quln
land to Konetehy. Left on bases Chicago
5. St. Louts 7. First on balls Off Stack 2.
off Nlehaus 4. Struck out By Stack 3, by
Nlehaus 2. Wild pitch Nlehaus. Time
3:40. Umpires Rlgler and Byron.
Cornell Defeated In Foursomes of
Intercollegiate Tourney.
PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 9. Williams
College made a clean sweep against
Cornell today in the foursome matches
of the intercollegiate championship golf
tournament at the Huntington Valley
Country Club at Noble, Pa. If Williams
players win two of tne six single
matches against Cornell, they will bat
tle tomorrow for the championship
against the winners of the Princeton-
Yale match.
Two of the Williams-Cornell matches
were close. P. H. Hyde and D. De Wlnt,
of Williams, defeated W. A. Mathews
and E. B. Prlngle, of Cornell, one up.
R. O. Ainslee and John u. wiliett, Jr.,
Williams, won from J. D. Newman and
C. N. Dennis, Cornell, two up and one
to go.
S. T. Cole and E. B. Cooke, Cornell,
proved easy for J. Marshall, Jr., and B.
W. Gleason, five up and two to play.
The first Yale-Princeton foursome
match, finished this afternoon, was won
by Princeton. J. N. Stearns and D. B.
Men's New Fall
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Douglas beating N. Wheeler and Gor
don Yule five up and four to play.
Franklin Makes Best Score and l$c.-t
Average on Alleys.
The Saratoga alley bowling team,
practically the J. K. Kelly champions
of last year, last night trimmed the Ore
gon alley five by rolling L'tiDS to the
Oregon's 2637.
The feature was the rolling of Frank
lin, of the Saratoga team, who hail
both high and high average. His best
game wns 213. Gus Ahrens, of the
Oregon team, made a difficult split,
getting the five and the ten pins.
The next series of three games be
tween these teams will be played on tho
Saratoga alleys Thursday night.
The scores:
Saratoga team
Frankiln 213 1H9 1111 (:!
Schactmeyer 1S1 1st l"02 ;
h!es 11'3 177 107 6.17
Raker H7 Hi l.T 44s
O'Donnell 172 197 177 M.S
Total 800 807 8113 20'JS
Oregon team
Gllroy 170 194 1S.1 r.4l
Arena 1RS 1.1S ISO r.'.'4j
Blaney 127 13 1N7 4M7
Patton 14.-. HC. ISO MM
Ahrens I'M 171 ISO S4 1
Totnl, S21 BIS 2H.-I7
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"kB- MATTER tt52S,