NEW TODAY. Far .le 1 trmk 10 ACRES AT REEDVULE. Only $1800. A fine 10-aere farm, only mile from Reedvllle. all tillable bo"e 14x16. barn 10x1-!. and hay shed 18x 80; well. etc. Only $1800. on easy term. This l a dandy little ranch, close to Portland and ready to move upon. DORR E. KEASET TO., Id floor Chamber Commerce, bide MIrrIlaneou. C1TV properly, farm acreage In targe and small tracts, .u.tabie for subdivision . tock and dairy raiiLnen ana miioer TV. Nordby. 7o2-3-4 Couch bid. WANTED-RCtL ESTATK. . r. k.iiMinr lot rtr bUC" giilow; Irvlngton preferred and weat of t tinMschmidt. Agency, eld Chamber OI commerce. WANTED Cottage for cash from oKntr. J agents. 326 v a.-iin kkmi, i ii. rO EXCHANGE. I HAVE for exchange well-Improved 160 acre, of splendid Alberta land; .o acres under cultivation, all fenced; good all' ot water, splendid neighborhood, with horse., cowa.' harnesses and all "'""?,ma' menu with which to work the place also aome furniture. This is a dandy. -. per acre, including implements nd tocK. Will take good house in Portland for U4Ur- A. A. FISHER. 21 Lumbermen. Bldg. OENnxE BAROAIN. WANTED TO SELL my .house ana large lot. all planted lo orchard and gar den in good West Side district gon Electric station. 5c car fare, city wa ter and electricity. Fine home for work er man. near school Will "J" cash payment and unimproved property ior pa.ani.-g. r n w - . . .-. i. t. veil A NCR Farms and timber for city property. $12l grocerv for small house. 20 A. imp. at Tlrard for house and lot. 4 lots on carlino for grocery. 5-R unfinished house for acreage. If you have anything good ... ...h.nir. 1IM GARLAND i CO.. 191 4th at. TO FXCHANGE lno acres unimproved land eas'tern Clackamas County. 1 mile from Klwood. for suburban home. 6 or ;room house, acre, more or less. f ""in --"' carfare gone: no objection to old house if in good condition. Full particular! first letter. A. J. M.. 422 S. Euclid ave.. Oak Park. 111. . 241 ACRES. 4 miles to town and railroad; about a acres under cultivation: springs and a creeks: some Irutt and berries; good dairy proposition; prloe $sooo: small amount cash, balance Portland PrP" See Damon. Chaplu-Herlow Mtge. & Trust Co., 3-i2 Chamber of Com. i FINE 6"4-acre tract. mile from J5-') high school, in beautiful city of Ashland. Oregon; all in young commercial bear ing fruits, irrigated from city pipes; 6 room house, small barn; can use modern nouTe in Portland, $1500 to $.uvo. Owner. 140 ACRES wheat land In Horse Heaven, seven mile, from good town, to exchange lor properly In or near Portland; on the main ditch Klickitat Irrigation project- AU O 1 ', c INCOME. West Side, for vacant property; wheat farm farm, clear. A No. 1. for in come, will assume; timber, clear, for in come, will assume: good residence, for Iota ...... . . .- V .. v. in . , . . " -' n - FOR TRADE One good lot In Wilburton add. to Portland, for a good 4 or 6-pas.en-aer automobile; must be in good condition. Address A L 322, Oregonlan. giving phone k. .l.n rnlH,nM number. I HAVE 20 acre, of good land and building., would take Portland property, residence, restaurant or auto car as part payment and balance easy terms. AH ii9, Orego- nian HIGH-CLASS saloon: one of the best loca tion, in the city; reasonable rent. Owner wishes to retire. Will sacrifice for cash or trade for good acreage or farm land near Portland. AS 303. Oregonlan. WANTED DAKOTA OR MINN. LAND. Will trade my Irvlngton home and cen tral Oregon land for land in Dakota. Ad- d resa owner, aji ao. wa, A NEW $65O0 residence on East 19th at. between Morrison and Ankeny. for l Lauielhurst or Irvlngton home; might aa- .1 fllH n,.,ntiltn Bumo some " NEW modern 8-room house, 24th and Di vision. 14.".o0: consider Irvlngton lot or acreage. W hat have you J 415 Chamber tt Commerce. WILL, trade 33 acres, 30 mile, from Port land. 2 mile, from R. B-. lor City prop erty. SOej belling oiug. TWO acre. Oregon City line, worth $1200 acre, for farm or fruit lands; Incumbrance -.. . v- 3.1 1 Oreeonlan. LOTS or acreage at Manhattan Beach for ale or trade. See F. J. Oattrell. 228 fctark .t. WILL, exchange acreage In Moaer for high class furniture for 5-room bungalow. A 332. Oregonlan. 10 ACRES, Moser fruit land for unincum bered lot or equity in bungalow. E 350, Oregonlan. WILL exchange my equity of fJMO In my 3o00 home for acreage in Molalla alley. 306. Oregonlan. 2d ACRES of timber land; price 43200; will exchange (or clear city property. E. J. Gelser. 420 Chamber of Commerce. MY modern Irvlngton home must be aacrl; ficed. Will take lot for $10ov equity. Ar 33'). Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE for a lot. the furniture of a "-room house, practically new. 268 14th. WANTED Dressmaking in exchange for first-class dental work. O 331. Oregonlan. HAVE splendid beach lot to trade; what have you? AM 337, Oregonlan. TRADE 10, 4'. 100-acre farms for Portland property, owner, Marshall 8975 FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER. feet, down the river, near Portland: a bargain price and term.; can be logged for 91. OEO. E. WAGGONER. S05 Teon Bldg. 160 ACRES of good timber, close to Glen daie, easy to log; must be all cash; will sell at a sacrifice. AS 314. Oregonlan. FARMS WANTED. WANTED A nice Iltiie farm handy to Port land, from $ to JlJ.i'oO: will give ftrv.-ctass un;ncumbered Portland prop erty as payment. K. Flths, 4-'u Chamber of Commerce. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. CHEAP 6TUMPAGE. Ideal location for the mill. tream run ning to railroad spur. No. M th. TIMBER LAN DS BOL'UHI AND SOLD. O. J. M" CRACK EN. 304 McKay Bldg. i l.uO LOT. neariv clca to exifhange on bungalow. Clo Yeon. Marshall 2432. FOR SALE. Horses, ebiclea. Etc. -HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE OR RENT. Second-hand vehicles bought and .old; new wagon and auto beds made to order: livery furnished to business partlca at apecial rates. HAWTHORNH 6TABLES- 42u Hawthorne Ave. Phone East B 13H9. THE MURPHY HORSE MULE CO., cell on commission, horses, mules, ve hicles and harness. Auction sales every Mon.lav and Friday. In A. M. Private rales daily. 240 E. tU t., near Haw thorne, phone E. ttol5. NICE matched pair of black Shetland ponies, atalllou and gelding, young "no sound, cheap, or might exchange for horses. 14 Union are., corner of Ash. SORREL mare, a good driver, cheap. Call at Star Sand Company, barn No. X, East th and East Flanders 20 HEAD of horse, from 1000 to 1200 lb... from S50 to S300. that must be cold at once. 14 Union ave.. cor, of Ash. WE have several furniture wagons for sale cheap: also two farm wagons. Call at 1214 Macadam road. Carman Mfg. Co. GOOD driving or saddle horse, rubber-tired buggv and harness, complete outfit 175. Sua Front. PASTURE for stock, close to Portland. O. L. S Co. phone Main 1410. CHEAP team for aale; come quick for bargain. 1029 E. Yamhill at. TWO No. 1 pack horse, and pack outfit, cheap. 17 E. Stark. HORSES f"r sale at East 7th at. North. Piano. Organs and Muwtrml Ipwtrqmenta, visr r-lano for 13 monthly rent. Inquire The .lilbert Co.. 3"- tean.a bldg., 6;n and Morrison. fcECOND-HANLi piano In good condition, price 1.'.0. easy terms. Phone Tabor 4967. Call 810 E. 4. lb- WILL sacrifice upright piano for $137. C O. pkk a warebe, 2d and. Pine, sta, FOB SALE. Pianos. Organ, and Musical Instrument. FOR SALE Beautiful upright piano, used only four months, well-known make: genuine ma hogany case, real ivory keys, full - length music rack. three pedals, three strings to each tone, stool. Can furnish clear blll-of-sale and full guarantee. Original price 1350: will sacrifice for 1172. Can , arrange term. to responsible party. 435 Washington at. WANTED Addlnif machine, dictograph or what have you? Have two new pianos, . . . 1 - ' .- - 1 1 .! ,11(1(1 an upngui mm " . . . ..... trade on either for anything except real estate or equities, uj oome. DIS Birds, Pet Stock. HEALTH if Airedales for companlona and hunters. Laddlx Kennels. Estacada. Or. Livestock. ti HEAD good milk cowe. 3 ta freshen loth of September. 4 V, and 5-gal cows. 3 nice family cows giving 10 and 12 quarts a day. rich milk. 1 fine Holstein heifer calf. 2 fne cults, 2 and 3 year, old, will make looo-lb. horses. Woodstock car to 59th ave., 3 block. west. I HAVE just received a shipment of good nillch cows and some good Durham heifers ' years old. Hidden Bros.- Ranch, 2 miles east 4th Plain road. C. W. Hyde. Vancouver, i " TUP finest Irish terrlor pups on earth; come and see them; best of pals. John M. .Mann. r "urm ... A CARLOAD of fresh cows and springers; ; . kl. 1, ,t'.C price rvttoiiiioiT. - - Furniture for Sale. GREAT CHANCE FOR THOSE STARTING .-- . . - t i i . i v- -- i "b O TDOSH X 1U NKED SU.ME NEW FURNITURE. THE ENTIRE STOCK OF PETERS MFC! CO.. "BANKRUPT.- HAS BEEN ORDERED CAol' FIFTHS.. CORNER PINE. IF you v.ant a beautifully furnished 6-room flat. 2 rooms nearly pay rent. In a .elect East Slue district, near Sunnyslde or East Ankenv car; everything goes if taken at once. Phone East Stil or call at 6u3 East A ashlnglon. ARE you In need of Winter homer .Here is vour chance: J"U worm oi Bo" irv nltiire for $200 In a beautiful upper flat, cheap rent. Call at once at uboH E. Morrison. Phone E. 543S. COMPLETE housekeeping outfit for 5 rooms ontl sleeping porcn; line cwnuiuuu desirable location; flat for rent; bargain. 40 i. Park st. NEW full-sized mattress, solid mahogany settee wltn green velvet cueinuii. .t white Haviland china. 142o E. Madl- .on su - FURNITURE in separate pieces. Iron beds. mattresses, wardrobe, wasasiauus, cit. i Market. ROOM-SIZE rugs, bed complete, other odd pieces furniture. Call Main fl49. Automobiles. AUTOMOBILE BUTERS. ATTENTION Now I. the time to get a bargain in a high grado car. We ant to make room fo? 1914 model, and will sell the fol lowing cars at very low prices: IT WILL, PAY YOU TO COMB ANT SEE US 1 1918 "Michigan - 40" demonstrator, run 2U00 miles, electrlo atarter and lighta. . 1 1912 "Michigan" 83. 1 1912 "Michigan" 4, electric HgbU and tarter. 1 ltl S "Michigan" 83 -Roadster MICHIGAN AUTO ft BUGGY. CO., 16th and Alder Sta. AUTO SNAPS. We have the following list of car. that were traded In on new Coles and Keos: 1910 Maxwell. 6-pass.. SO h. p. 1912 Owen. 6-pass.. 50 h. p. 1M12 Velio roadster, 2-pass., 40 n. p. . 1911 Reo roadster, pass., 30 h. p. Don't fall to see these car. before you buy. Terms given If desired. NORTHWEST 'AUTO COMPANY, Broadway at Couch SU ' 3i ACRES. FINE LAND. PTlce $31)0. Easy terms. 5 minutes walk Oregon Electric. The timber has all been taken off and land ready to clear. Only 5 minutes walk from town on county road. Some snap. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO., 5o3 Dekum bldg. FOR SALE On very reasonable term, a Studebaker runabout, 1913 model, in splendid .hape. run only 2500 miles, extra well equipped; must have A-l aecurlty. Addresa P. O. box 439. IMPORTANT TO AUTO OWNERS Will nickel-plate, varnisn, reimiau, iop j auto; take apart and put together In tnree days. Portland Plating & Mfg. Co., 22a ana Tnurman sis. 1912 30-H. P. ft-passenger, foredoor auto in A-l conaiiioii, wi j " , be seen and will demonstrate at Union Ave. Garage Co., Union ave. and Wasco street. BUICK demonstrating cars for sale. We ... . ... . . , t nn. An ra t In v rnid. will sell our line . . ter. and touring car. cheap. All guar anteed for one year. Howard Auto Co.. I4tn ana usvia bib. ONE 4-passenger 1911 model Cadillac. cne 4-paaaenger rjiw ioww both cars In good condition. See Mr. Ross, with Allen St Lewi.. S3 PER MONTH for storage on drained autOmODlie. in ueat ure-icowuiie wu. E. P. Jamison a: co.. Aim aim .. . . . . i Mnitlnn 111 CiriU luiuiuuutic, moaei; Dargaio il uiem Kenyon, owner, wi jicivay ums. IF YOU want automobile fire Insurance at one - nan ue om-nu ii., iv.tu fclU. 1911 CHALMERS 80, fully equipped, In good condition, cheap, pnone Alain aai. FRANKLIN runabout in good condition. $300. part trade. &vt beacon su Automobile. Wanted. AUTO WANTED Will trade equity of 1700 In Rose City lot worth 81100. In good location, for auto. SO h p.. no Junk. 8 304. Oregonlan. ELECTRIC car for trade for a O-paaaenger gas cas. 10S 5th at. I WANT the best auto 8100 cash will buy. AT 344, oregonlan. Machinery, FOR SALE. A 45-h.p.. 5i0-volt Crocker-Wneeler mo tor, complete, with standard blade starter, no voltage release and 7o-ampere over load. L T. IS. circuit breaker, in A-l con dition. Address room 2o3. Oregonlan bldg. FOR SALE 223-horsepower Atlas tandem compound steam engine, bisu v r . return tubular boiler. Apply chief en gineer Portland Woolen Mills, St. Johns. Phone Columbia IS. FOR SALE. One 123-volt direct current generator, complete with fleUl rheostat, ammeter and circuit breakers. This machine is In good repair. Address room 2u3, Oregonlan bldg. FOR SALE. A 4"-K. W., 600-volt Crocker-Wheeler generator, complete, with field rheostat and circuit breaker. In good condition. Address room 23, Oregonlan bldg. Miscellaneous. NOT1C3 TO OUT-OF-TOWS BUYERS. A small siock of shoes to be closed out, also window fixtures and National cash register. Inquire Baron'a Shoe Store, 230-2 Morrison st. FOR SALE Entire crop of prune, on treea; orchard situated on riase Line roau, -mile, east of Twelve-mile House, PLone Main 6301 or address tioElla st- SAFES Mosler Safe Co.. manufacturer.; low prices, easy terms; sales openea uu repnlred; bargain. In second-band safes; 10S 2d st. Phono Main 7676. ijAFES, new and second-hand; low prices. easy terms; sates openeu. repuireu u painted. l'URCELL SAFE CO., and PORT LAND SAFE CO., 85 uth t. Main 6309. REMINGTON AUTOMATIC SHOTGUN, good as new. Leather case. This Is the trap grade with rib. Selected stock. A bargain at 32.5. AN 3ZS, Oregonlan. QUARTERED oak filing cabinets, letter, le gal ana cara muex mvcm, color; will sell at a sacrifice. Call Main 0-53. FOR SALE or trade; 23-foot, speedy launch, l't passengers. IS H. P.: a beauty; fully equipped, ill perfect condition. W. H. Crlleser. wiuamene. ur. NEW cook stove, bedstead, springs, mat tress and pillows, cost $40; leaving city. I will sell ror SiO. rntine nwittiawn iipj. TVPF.WR1TERS. all makes. $10 to $65. KORTHWEM j l re v rvj. i n cc, 202 fitark st- SECOND-HAND roll-top desk, two flat-top desks and 3 cnaira. jnusnong at co., vj. Park .t. FOR SALE New Underwood typewriter; unused; give pnone. aj rti, orrspnmii. FOR SAI.F One second-licnd tent cheap. Phone Main 7 !. naney. NATIONAL cash registers. Get my prices. Povey. n.'l t Wash., basement. Main 606. NEW safe for sale cheap. 315 Chamber of Commerce. SOLID oak office furniture. 629 Chamber of Commerce. THE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. REMINGTON typewriter, excellent condition, good alignment, only 117.50. AR 344, Ore gonlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. LEVIN' Hardware & Furniture Co.. I Front St., buys second-hand furniture, car pets, stoves, ranges, hardware or tool, of any kind. If yon have anything In thi. line, call Main 9072. Our buyer call, promptly. WE want to-buy J1000 worth of second hand furniture In the next 30 days and pay all the cash it Is worth. Williama- Ave. Furniture Exchange. East 630. WE BUY CLOTHING AND FURNITURE. Highest prices paid for ladles' and men s cast-off clothing and shoes. Call Main 2oS0. 234 1st st. The Globe. WE buy for cash second-hand National Cash registers and sell them on easy terms. W. J. Macauley. 354 Burnside bu Phone Main IS HI. A 1S18. FAIR DEAL We pay best prices for second hand clothing and furniture. Call Main 9272. 60H 3d. N. M. GUekman. prop. SECOND-HAND FURNITURE WANTED. Buyer calls promptly: estimates given. . . . T . 1. i U .(... , ' 191 J si, near i.niiiiii. ... HIGHEST prices paid for cast-off clothing and shoes. Marshall 2354. NATIONAL cash register, price must be rea sonable. Main 608, A 361'6. WE want $10,000 worth of second-hand fur nit u rejlilgliestprlcespideeJlwodl 5-FOOlf roll top desk (oak first-class con dltloTi: will sell cheap. Call 191 4th St. FORD AUCTION CO. pay. most cash for ann kind of furniture. Mainvt951. CASH paid for hair combings. Sanitary Beauty parlors. 4vo ueKum piug. PHONE for the furniture buyer when you want to sell. Main 94S. WE pay highest prices for second-hand clothing. 294 Sd st. Phone Main 0263. FltESH mushrooms wanted. .Arlington Club, 2uu Park st. Main 4000. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED 3 young men, house-to-house canvassers; best proposition on Coast; only men who aro willing to be taught tho art of selling need apply; all we ask you to bring us is a good appearance and energy. Apply 417 Oregonlan bldg., 8 to 8:30 A. M. PERMANENT resident manager wanted to represent the Natural Aromatic Cigar ettes; only those who nre well acquainted with the trade and can carry stock on hand should apply. A. SCHINASI & BROS., INC., 235 Canal St., N. Y. C. THREE or four men who want work where they can make a home; plant in small town Go miles from Portland; wages $2.25 to ?4; pay 12.23 to start- See Damon. Chapln-Herlow Mortgage & Trust Co.. 332 Cham her of Commerce. WANTED An experienced barn roan and herdsman in a high-grade dairy; one who 1. experienced with the care ,of cows; good wages to the right man. AS 313, Oregonlan WANTED Solicitor; salary and commis sion; man with house-to-nouse experience preferred; good chance for a live man. Call 8:30 to 9:30. A. M., 436 Railway Ex change Bldg. A STEADY traveling man to cover all points In tine .Willamette Valley and Southern Oregon at least 4 times a year with our line as a sideline, on commission. Port land Glove Works. 445 Stark st. WANTED Bright young man between 16 and 20 to do collecting, delivering, etc.; must know tho city and have good ref erences; salary 813 weekly. Apply In own .handwriting. AO 340. Oregonlan. WANTED A capable salesman to handle moaeraie-pncea roruanu property. we have an attractive proposition for the right man. See Mr. Larson at 2o6 Oak st. In the morning. W'E want immediately twelve live solicitors on an entirely new proposition; couia oe handled' as a side line; a good money maker. Commission paid on every order. Apply 710 Belling bldg. WANTED Salesmen tired of Inside, con fining work, you can enjoy better health and remuneration representing us. For partlculara write Oregon Nuresry Co., Orenco. WANTED Office boy about 16 or 17; must be .(bright, neat and energetic; large downtown office; opportunity for ad vancement; references. AR 340, Orego nlan. WANTED ulan who understands handling and packing glassware to work In .nipping-room. Reply In your own hand "Writ ing. AM 339. Oregonlan. SADDLE-HAND on Mexican saddles want ed; one capable of cutting and overseeing. W. DAVIS & SONS. 2040 Howard St., San Francisco, Cal. HANDY man of good, clean habit, to work about place; drive and repair auto, for room board and small wages. AN 845, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED Janitor and wife wanted for rirst-ciass apartment-nouse ; must un derstand oil burner; state experience and wage, wanted. N 302, Oregonlan. WANTED Good steady boy to learn the fur trade and make tilmself uselul. Apply at Silverfield's. 286 Morrison st. in the after noon. A-l MARKER and sorter; good salary and steady position to competent man; apply In person. Elite Laundry Co.. Vancouver, Wash. GIRL as assistant demonstrator. 73 5th St., near Oak: call between 9 ana lo A. M. Wednesday. WANTED Janitor for an apartment-house, only experienced need apply. 300 Glisan street. YOUNG man wanted to learn trade. Port land Trunk; Mfg. Co., Cor. 3d and Pine streets. BOYS -wanted (3) with bicycles, $50 per " month; only steady boys need apply, biri Chamber of Commerce. WANTED Boy over 16 years old to work in candy factory; apply at once. Modern Confectionery Co., 13th and Hoyt- YOU.VG man. over 17. for Junior clerk and office boy in railroad office. Apply In own handwriting. AG 844, Oregonlan. BOY" wanted, neat appearing; good chance to learn business. Call before 8 o'clock. 394 3d st. MEN for hewing trees; piece work: good timber: 70 mile, from Portland. 517 Cor bett Bldg. ADVERTISING .ollcitors, cash cbmmlsslon Clyde Agency, Stock Exchange bldg.. Third and lamniu. WANTED Teamster, and laborers for rail road work. J2.50 per day. Write Almon Kerry. Mist. Or WANTED Good live men to sell diamonds, watches and Jewelry on the Installment plan. Apply 207 Corbctt bldg. WANTED Married man for general farm work; must be good teamster and plough man. AV 3.", Oregonlan. WANTED Live salesmen, everyq locality, handle absolutely new article of proven merit, all territory open. 316 Fenton bldg. STATION men wanted: good work: good pay. Abbott-Forreater Co.. 332 Mohawk hid. WANTED At once. 2 men to learn motion picture operating In theater. Call 612 Rothchlld bldg. CHANCE to learn to operate movlng-plcture machine: we can place three more men in theater. 417 Rothehild bldg. OFFICE boy wanted; good chance for ad vancement. Apply room 716 Electric bldg.. 1::V0 Wednesday morning. . EXPERIENCED Janitor; must have refer ence. U. S. Laundry. Grand ave. and E. Yamhill St. FIRST-CLASS Swedish tailor at once; good place and pay. for particulars address J. Wm. Edwall, box 18i. Tillamook. Or. ERRAND boy wanted; good chance to learn the tailoring business. McDonald & Col- lett. tailors. 289 Wash, at. WANTED Boy for wholesale house. Call 9 A M. Apply D. B. McBrlde & Co., 3404 Morrison su RESPONSIBLE man to operate or buy traction woodsaw on shares. E 324, Ore gonlan. ' BARBER wanted, good guarantee, steady Job. S. C. Knighton, Houlton, Or. WANTED Strong boy to do delivering and learn trade. Call Sfl Broadway. BOY'S wanted, 16 to 20; ateady work, good pay. Apply Mr. Malone, 76 8d st. DISTIW ASHLER wanted at 94 Killingsworth avenue. WANTED One houseman. Call at Nortonla Hotel. SALESMAN in the clothing line. M 362. Oregonlan. WANTED First-class shoemaker. 219 Yam hill st. GOOD pay for two young men or boys. 16 or over, witn dijc WANTED Boy for delivery. Portland iie Ig Ills wariiPL. .u'u p.a. SALESMEN and dlat. mgrs., for Oregon. Nat. Casualty Co., 501 Railway Ex. bldg. PHOTO coupon, best offered, beauty contest Btartea. CUIOerill gmIP, ,.rn.u PHOTO COUPON agents, new winning con test offer. Sarony Studio. 3tKU. Morrison. MAN and wife for apartment-house work. Stelwyn Apartments. FIRST-CLASS barber at Board of Trade barber shop. GOOD carpenter wanted. 20th and Harrison. PORTER wanted for barber shop. 125 6th. WANTED E'Lr.Uclaaa ahoejnaker, 827 Stark, HELP WANTED MA I.E. INCIDENT. (One of Many.) Office Secretary Employment Department, Y. M. C. A. Toung man, stranger, seeking employ ment uliO his total cash asset) If 1 pay you $5 for employment membership, I will have only $15 between me and starvation. Secretary If you pay $3 for employ ment membership you will have the 1. C. A., with all its resources between you and starvation. Result Young man Joined association. In less than a week he had satisfactory employment. Record for 8 months ending Aug. Jl: Call for men from employers J-p? Positions filled lmJ' Special employment membership guar antees member will secure employment (or membership fee will be refunded). Gives two months full privileges, includ ing use of gymnasium, swimming pool, baths, etc., and ten months Bocial or house privileges. Including the service or the employment department for the en tire year. k All voung men seeking employment in commercial, clerical or technical lines, or as engineers, firemen, mechanics, machin ists, carpenters, mill workers or in other skilled lines, are cordially Invited to con sult with the Secretary of the Advisory and Employment Department. FEW SPECIAL WANTS. Cook, country hotel, $75. Second cook, city, 512 2 camp flunkeys, $40. Waiters. $23, J30 and $35. Dishwashers. $9 and $10 week. Baker, small country shop, $40 up. Hotel porter, city. $35. 2 boiler-makers, $4. 4 rough carpenters, $3.50. 2 mill carpenters. $3.50. 4 lath mill men, $2.50 and $2.75. 10 mill hands. $2.50 and $2.7i. 4 bovs for planlngmlll, $1.50 up. 6 lumber-pliers. 30 cents per M. Car loading tallyman, $3. Grader from planer, $3. Loggers, $2.75 to $4. Others too numerous to mention here. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANT, 222 and 224 Couch St., bet. 1st and 2d. ENERGETIC BOYS WANTED. Apply at Supt.'. office, Mb. floor, be tween 8:30 and 8:30 A. M. MEIER & FRANK CO. WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY, able-bodied unmarried men between age. of 18 and 36: citizens of United States, of good char acter and temperate habits. who can speak, read and write the English lan guage. For Information apply to Recruit ing Officer, Worcester building, 3d and uaK sis., roruaau, vi. WANTED Young man to take care of tele phone exchange and assist In lumber of fice; must be a stenographer; we can fur nish permanent employment to a young man who is capable, and will apply him self Answer at once in own handwriting. Position out of town. P. O. box 07. Astoria, Oregon, HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vlavi Co., 60 Roth chlld bldg.. 4th and Washington. EXPERIENCED young girl for upstairs work and help with care of child. Apply (174 Everett su GIRL for general housework, good wages, oerman or dhcuwu hcic. . mnn 140 3d St. COMPETENT girl to care for children aft ernoons and do some housework. Phone eellwood 204. WANTED Girl over 16 years old to shop for alteration room; permanent position. n.. .1 .1 jitn W.nhlllfftnll. ine paruioiumcw -i j'j ....... GIRL for general housework; family of 4; phone Woodlawn 300U, 827 Mason .u, Ala- meda Parlu MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. W ashington bldg.. 270 y, Wash., room 35, near atn. x-noiio -uan ojjv v. . WANTED First-class waiat-makers and coat-makers, at AL & A. Shogren, 394 Yamhill su EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and gen eral housework; reference required. 515 Thompson. WANTED Thoroughly experienced and competent stenographer; salary $12 per week. Address AG 294, Oregonlan. AMBITIOUS, reliable woman of refinement and good personal appearance, capable of meeting, public. 45 Trinity place. Apt. 12. WANT E D G I rl over 16 years old to work in candy factory; apply at once.. Modern Confectionery Co., 13th and Hoyt. WANTED Trimmers, milliners and appren tices. Apprentices paid while learning. Apply Lowengart & co. STRONG girl or -woman to do cleaning in sanitarium; no objection to color. Mar. S93 or A 7321. WANTED 2 good weavers to work on car riage cloth and flannels. Bandon Woolen Mills, Bandon, or. SCHOOL girl to assist In private home In exchange for room and board. 434 Jeffer son st. Main oi &. ST. LOUIS LADIES' AGENCY Cook, wait resses, chambermaids, housekeepers, house maids. 2s8 Main st. Main 2039. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework. Apply 846 N. 32d St. Phone Marshall 3929 mornings, BUSINESS firm need, a woman not under 25 who is trustworthy and capable; ex- 1 ...nnnAcapv ACT a!1 nm,nnt,n NEAT,' well-brought-up. young girl for mending and second work. Mrs. R. Nunn, 777 Flanders. Main 2528, A 262S. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework; small family; good wages. 69 North 23d, Apt. 5. WANTED A nurse girl; must be over 16. Apply Mrs. A. Larrowe, 702 N. Hayes st, St. Johns Phone Columbia 139 WANTED Girl for general housework; small family; good wages. Call 504 Hoyt streeU YOUNG couple want girl or woman for housework, easy place, good home. 1088 Vaughn. Main 4G5IX HELP for general housework at the beach, easy work. C. S. preferred. Main 1187. WANTED Neat, responsible - girl for gen eral housework; wages $25. 1028 Raleigh. GIRL for general housework in small fam ily: good home, good wages. Tabor 2009. GIRL for general housework in small fam ily, good home. 355 Oth GIRL wanted for housework In apartment. Must go home night.. Call Main 2410. WANTED Y'oung lad"y to work In coffee house. 26 N. 4th st. WAITRESSES wanted for restauranu 40 North th. GIRL to do light housework and care for children. 475 Tillamook. C 1025. EXPERIENCED press girl. E 21st st and Sandy road. Crystal Laundry. COMPETENT girl for second work; refer ences. 690 Flander. st. GIRL for light housework; hours 8 to 5:30. 14S 13th. WANTED Girl for cooking and general housework; no washing. 774 Everett su GIRL for general housework. 901 E. Fland ers. Take Montavilla car, get off at 31st. GIRL wanted to take care of children and heip with housework. 51 E. 13th St., S. GIRL for general houseivork. Hat 1. 69 N. 23d, WANTED fchort-hour waitress. Call 1S6 5th St.. Women's Exchange. GIRL for cooking and general housework. 74 Northrup. YOUNG girl to take care of baby. 704 Northrup st. LADY for housework, small family, good wages. 483 E. 25th. N. B car. gTrl lor general housework; good cook. Phone East 1179. DOS E. 11th st. N. GIRL for general housework; Scandinavian preferred: good pay. Marshall 3977. WANTED An experienced waitress at the Virginia Iilll Hotel. Main 92S3. A K62S. GIRL for general housework and cooking, 3 adults. 7331 Kearney st. WANTED A good maid for general house work; wages $35. Call at 860 Marshall st. SWEDISH or Norwegian girl for boarding- house. 307 xsortn lotn. SHORT-HOUR waitresses at Morris Restau rant, 91 6th St. GOOD cook, private boarding-house. 241 North 22d st WANTED A girl to do general housework; liberal wagee. 809 FetUgrove. GIRL for general housework; German pre ferred. 020 Halsey, cor. E. 11th N. MANICURIST wanted for barber shop. 125 6th st. WAITRESSES wanted. Apply basement unenroom. cma. ,.,m,rw. o. WANTED A "good girl to work for room and board. 249-i naisey su casr. GIRL wanted for general housework; small family. ::; Norm .om DINING-ROOM girl, and Hoyt. The Campbell. 23d EXPERIENCED girl. general housework. 094 E. Broadway. WANTED Waitress. New Western Hotel, 332 Glisan su GIRL to do housework. T02 Northrup at. GIRL to wait on tables. 33 th st. North. LADY barber wanted at once. 209 in su SEPTEMBER 3, 1913. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED YOUNG LADIES FOR TELE PHONE OPERATORS WITH OR WITH OUT EXPERIENCE ; PAID WHILE LEARNING. APPLT AT THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH COM PANY (EAST OFFICE), COR. 0TH AND EAST ANKENY STREETS, OR MAIN OFFICE, WEST PARK AND ALDER. TELEPHONE EAST 250. WANTED TODAY. Cook, country hotel, $43 a month. 2 cooks, country, $40 a month. A restaurant cook, $9 a week. Housekeeper, $20 a month. 2 waitresses, $10 a week. Girl for delicatessen, $7 week, PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO., Ladies' Dept. 205 '4 Morrison. EXPERIENCED LEATHER GOODS SALESWOMAN WANTED by large department store, to take charge of stock; give full particulars, experience, etc.. In first letter. AM 330, Oregonlan. WAITRESSES WANTED. Apply at desk, 7th floor, between 8:o0 and 9:30 A. M. MEIER & FRANK CO. WANTED At once, by a National organi zation, a lady of education and pleasing personality who is accustomed to the so ciety of cultured people; this is a posi tion where natural ability will count for more than previous experience: applicants must be of mature age and unincum bered; Christian Scientists preferred. AS 816, Oregonlan. t WANTED Largest farm paper on Pacific Coast desires lady representative to secure subscriptions at county fairs and farmers' .meetings during Fall and Winter; expenses will not be advanced, but competent party can make over $100 per month clear; give street and telephone addresses. Farm paper. Box AK 316, Oregonlan. WANTED Capable girls for cooks, second work, general housework and child nurs ing. Wo aim to place only girls we can recommend In homes we can recommend. Domestic Service Bureau, SOS Central bldg., 10th and Alder. Main 7007. WANTED Thoroughly reliable person for nursery governess to very young child, German or French preferred; suburban home; references required: for permanent position only. Phone before noon or after G f. M. Aiarsnau so. SALESWOMEN and solicitors for an entire ly new proposition, wanted at once; to those willing to work, a very profitable opening is offered. Call for Interview. 710 Selling bldg., corner 6th and Alder. WANTED For general office work, book keeper who can operate typewriter; state - reference and salary willing to begin with; references required. AL 341, Oregonlan. GIRL for housework in smeill family; good wages paid to -right party; girl who lives In Sellwood d'strict and can go home nights preferred. Sell. 1869. STENOGRAPHER, with some experience; permanent position to right party; refer ences required; salary $40. AT 343, Orego nlan. MANY of the best families of the city are registered with the Domestic Service Bu reau for cooks, general housework and second girls. 306 Central bldg. M. 7607. WANT capable woman to learn corcet manu facturing ; steady position and good pay after learning. Call 494 Morrison su, rooms 1 and 2. i m ; ; , $40, Southern Oregon, fare paid, 12 to cook for; housekeeper, $25; chamber maid, $36; camp waitress. $35; 2 wait resses, $23 (out). 315 H Washington su, room 7. . GIRL for general housework- in family of three; experience not necessary If at tentive and willing to work; good home and $15 to start. Phone East 4344 or call 832 Hancock St. moauway cai. WANTED Five bright, capable ladles to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers; rail road fare paid; $20 to $50 per week. Call Velvetina Shop, 615 Swetland bldg. STENOGRAPHER for construction company In city; must have some knowledge or bookkeeping; state experience and refer ence. H aO, urggmuau. GIRL for general housework; must be good cook.- Apply between 19 and 12 Wednes day A. M. at 521 19th su, corner Laurel, Portland Heights. GIRL, experienced In cooking and to assist In general housework; 3 in family; good home. 243 Cornell Road, head of Marshall street. WANTED Competent girl for general housework, Scandinavian preferred. Phone -Main 1198, take W car. Mrs. A. E. W. Peterson, 1008 Raleigh st. WANTED Two young women not afraid of work, to enter training school in city hos pital, with somo experience preferred. AL WANTED A young girl to assist in gen eral housework. Phone East 2204 or call 834 E. 13th N., cor. Weidler. Take Broad way car. WANTED Girl sewers for manufacturing plant. Apply 34 1st st. North. GIRL wanted for dental office; apply be tween 9:30 and 11 Thursday. The Right System Dental Parlors, 142 y. Second St., cor. Alder. WANTED! WANTED! WANTED I Five girls to learn beauty culture; pay while learning; position guaranteed. 400 414 Dekum bldg. Sanitary Parlors. WANTED 2 bright, energetic ladies to ac cept steady, lucrative position, salary, ,m!!n or both. Call 10 to 12, room 312 Northwest bldg., 6th and Washington DRESSMAKER wanted. Call ready to work. J. K. Shop, 423 Washington st. Main 3945 WANTED High school student to assist with housework for room and board. Call 304 ;i Park st. Main 3338. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. LEARN automobile repairing, driving on up-to-date cars; electrical, civil engineering, surveying: methods most practical; room and board while learning; positions se cured; eatlsfactlon guaranteed; catalogue free. National School of Engineering. 2110 West Seventh, Los Angeles, Cal. NO EXPENSE to learn electricity, automo biles, plumbing; correspondence lessons furnished; then actual work on contract Jobs; your work pays expense; 3oo stu dents last year; get free catalogue. United Trade School Contracting Co., Los An geles, Cal. . OREGON Barber College teaches you the barber trade In 8 weeks: pays you while learning; tools free; tuition reduced this term; expert Instructors; positions guar anteed; special inducements to ladies. 233 Madison St., 232 2d st. THE NEW BOOK, Secrets to Success in the Mall Order Business, contains informa tion all mail order men should have. In valuable to the beginner who want, to start right; 25c prepaid. Wm. Deitz, Galea Creek, or. THE Mohler Barber College will teach you the trade in 8 weeks; tools free; send for catalogue; 20 years in the business; o7 schools, a lifetime scholarship given to each student; special Inducements given to ladles. 48 N. 2d St. WIRELESS OPERATORS In constant de mand. This coming vocation taught at Y M C A. All the, Year Round Day and Nig'nt Schools; complete equipment; best on Coast. GOVERNMENT CLERK-CARRIER. Exam ination Nov. 1. Parcel post requires clerks; salary $S00 to $1200. Free book. Pacific States School, McKay bldg., Portland, Or. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPON D E N C E SCHOOLS. 005 McKay bldg., cor. 3d and Stark sts. Phones: Main lOSo, A 4121. Also headquarters l. c e. GOVERNMENT Jobs open to men, women; $5 to $150 month; list positions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 527 F.. Roches ter, p.. l. PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE Individual rxi:....r,r:. sihibthasd. book keeping. 404 Commonwealth bid. Mar. 4258 LOCOMOTIVE firemen, brakemen; wages about $100; experience unnecessary; send age, stamp. Railway, care Oregonlan. WANTED Men, 18 to 45, to become Port land mall carriers. $85 to $100 month; va cations. AV .11, BIG MONEY mailing circulars for others; send 25o for copyrighted Instructions. Wm. Deltz, oaiea ciccn.. Q WORTH AND TYPEWRITING SCHOOL. "914TH ST. M'N 3S93. EXP. INSTRUC'N GIRLS Learn beauty parlor worK a.arn money wnile learumg. ....v.... SHORTHAND, typewriting, 3-month course. is tier month. oa jnu MAN and wife wanted on dairy ranch. Phono macs: .m. KEISTER'S Ladles Tailoring .College and School of Pretsmaklng. 143A llttt It, HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. 20 HOPPICKERS . wanted. warning yaru, Sllverton; 8:35 A. M S. P Depot; free potatoes, wood and shacks. Inquire J. M. W-right. 40 'k N. eth WANTED Live man to manage a depart ment of mv business; must have good ref erences; salary -$150 month. See Saunders, 70S Selling bldg. MAKE money writing short stories; big pav send for free booklet; tells how. United Press syndicate. San Francisco. BOYS and girls wanted, over ago 10 years, for wrapping soap. Mt. Hood Soap Co., 10S 4tn. F1SK Teachers' Agency secures positions tor teachers. 816 Journal bldg. Main 48.i... SITUATIONS W ANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerk.. POSITION wanted: married man, 32 ear wants office position or inside work; tnor ough business and office experience ana references. AF 315. Oregonlan WILL AUDIT, OPEN. CLOSE OR WRITE up books prepare balance and statements. Install systems. Gillingham, auditor, 414 T ...,!. L.1H- Marshall 717 GENTLEMAN with several years' experience as bookkeeper desires position; can op erate typewriter. Ati 10. ffs'"""'1 WANTED Position by experienced book keeper, stenographer and office man. A 351. Oregonian. CLERICAL work of any nature, all night or any portion; absolutely reliable. AT 31u, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. MAN and wifo, 3 children, wishes position cutting cordwood. Fall and Winter, ranch work in Summer. Am 30 years of aue, healthy and strong, willing to work. Ad dress C. F. Palomer, Thomas, Or WANTED position as nlghtwatchman or any kind of work, morning ana eveumi,, will take rooms or room and board as part pay. Address AP 341. oregonian. WORK Engineer, fireman. caving for Hnrcaa tt npnn teamster, truckman, night watch' or wringer man; references. Mar shall 0302. MAN and wife with one child would like nnciri..n An 1 1 rm Dermnnent. best of ref erences, experienced in poultry and hos- raising. Y 330. uregonian. NIGHT WATCHMAN wants position in Port i..n.4. ,.aliaM and honest: has lost all; .will 'make good; has to make good. AR. 3-12, Oregonian. WANTED To deliver goods with my new auto delivery for some responsible firm, by tho day or week. Address J. Scnogr, postorrice pox am. cay. RELIABLE, energetic man wants position, nightwatchman or cashier In restaurant, afternoons and evenings; city reference; will work cheap. AJ 342. Oregonlan. HOTEL CHEF First-class, good references, wife will do second, pastry, or charge of dining-room; 17 years' experience. AK 341, Oregonlan CARDWRITER and window trimmer wants position atternoous uiiu uu -.-.7 i will woris cheap for permanent position AJ 343. Oregonian MAN and wife wish to take charge ot apartment-house: experienced, competent and reliable; references. AO 343, Orego- WANTED Place to work for room and board while attending school; references. Phone Main 6910. MIDDLE-AGED, respectable gentleman de sires position for reasonable wages; coun try preferred. AH 342, oregonlan. COMPETENT young married man wants position in charge of apartment-house. Alt 343, uregonian TINTING rooms, clean woodwork, $2.50 up; painting, papering, varnishing, graining; all work first-class. Call Main 2996. FIRST-CLASS waiters furnished. Marshall .... . lUnilam' flllh UK U f,th, Portland, Or. G. C. Gerald, manager. WORK, driving delivery wagon; am well acquainted with city; good habits and hustler. Phone Marshall 20S7. SITUATION wanted by experienced and practical poultry man. Address Rawley, ii l rant at. i-w, li POSITION wanted by a first-class engineer in all engineering lines. AH 341, Ore gonlan. EXPERIENCED young man desires position in gents' furnishing or shoe store; gilt edged references. H 329, Oregonlan. CHAUFFEUR wants position, private, com mercial or shop. AO 315. oregonlan. WANTBD Work on a farm, able to run a large farm. AS 317, oregonian. MILKER and barnman wishes position on up-to-date dairy ranch. O 329, oregonlan. CYLINDER pressfeeder wants steady Job. Telephone Woodlawn 3485 SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeeper, and Stenographer.. STENOGRAPHIC position by young lady, thoroughly competent, having had nearly 4 years' experience with large Eastern Flour Milling Co. Can furnish best refer enca as to character, ability. Miss Livina Baker 710 E. Everett st. Pnone East J-V.U. COMPETENT and experienced bookkeeper and office worn, translate ueriumi, sires position, moderate salary, best of references. Main 7440. STENOGRAPHER wants clerical position of any kind; has some knowledge of book keeping. Phone Woodlawn 1912. AP 343, Oregonlan. NEAT-APPEARING young lady desires po sition as cashier or checker; three years' experience; best references. AG 331, Orego nian. COMPETENT and experienced bookkeeper and typist wishes position; best of refer ences. All O!, OiefiUllia.. STENOGRAPHER, competent, four years' Eastern experience, legal and electrical. Phone Main 8105, room 1. STENOGR APHER, some experience, can op erate typewriter, low wages, references. Main 8572. . YOUNG ladv, stenographer, desires position; experienced; references. AP 340. Orego nlan. , Dressmakers. EXPERIENCED dressmaker from East de sires work at home. 109 18th North. Main 1893. Mr. parsons EXPERIENCED dressmaker and tailoress 'will take- engagements by the day. Phone Main 7 in EXPERIENCED and reliable dressmaker wants more engagements by day. $2.u0. East 3i0o. THOROUGHLY competent dressmaker wishes more engagements by day. Mar shall 51,, 11. DRESSMAKER wishes position sewing for another dressmaker. Address F. R., 4-0 Alder st. pnone -lan -u.i-.mi DRESSMAKER Best city reference, de sires few more engagements for Sept. Phone Marsnau DRESSMAKING, fancy and plain, remodel- . ... n.i Ud-uhdll 1 1 lng gone, - FASHIONABLE dressmaking, reasonable home or day. 307 loth st. Main 3958. LADIES' and children's work by the day $1.75. Phono A SH'JS. Nukcs. PRACTICAL nurse requires tase or charge of invalid or child. Phone Main 189. Ad. dress Mis. Mackay, 42ti Alder st. WANTED Position as child's nurse; can give references. Call Catholic Woman's League. Main 2451. NURSE wishes more engagements, some housework; terms reasonable; ref. Main 41144. Houbekeepers. A WELL-EDUCATED lady wishes position as housekeeper In a cultured home or . , i 1, .n- nf u Igr'A nnnrt- manaKi"l nouacwv - -- ment-liouse. P. O. box 99, Chemawa. Or. WANTED General housework by young married woman; would prefer place on the East Side; must have no objection in nine put o ..,.. o . - YOUNG widow with girl lu wants house keeping for widower in or out city, near school. 295 loth st., cor. Columbia. Phone Main 2753. Domestic. EXPERIENCED girl wants housework with "small family of adults. Sellwood 795. G1KL wants to do general housework. Phone Sellwood 390. GIRl! wants general housework. Address 070 Upshur st. Ailftcellaneou. L4DY would like care of baby or young child at her home; no other children. 2B East 11th st. EXPERIENCED girl wants chamberwork or light housework. Call all the week. Mar- snail ou.i WOMAN wants to do day work. Mrs. Mc Guire, Main 717. A 1517. GOOD cook wants position In private fam ily. Phone Main 3980. WILL do washing and Ironing by day or hour. East 3013, room 26. SITUATION wanted, kitchen work in pri vate family. Phone Tabor 2005. WOMAN, wants day work any kind. Wood lawn 2500. GERMAN woman wants work by day. Call Main 5 Sal. SWEDISH woman wants washing, ironing J or cleaning by tne nour. Marshall uDi-. I PIRIm wanta general housework. Main 2249. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Miscellaneous NURSERY governess. English woman thor oughly qualified, modern methods, kinder, garten pastimes, dieting, fluent rie.uh, excellent references. requires position. Box 825, Portland. A LADY with a girl 2 !' '! wishes po sition as houseKeeper or general house work or cook; can Rl.e reterences. Ad dress Mrs. L. P.. 1595 OllnsU A REFINED young lady wisnes employment taking care of children or other work lor people who are going to travel. Ad dress A ;:i'.t, uregonian. LITTLE girl, ace II. would liko a perma nent home, private family." where si: can work (or room nnd luard and go to s-honl. AN 3 y . oregonian. EASTERN voung woman would like care ol rooming house or small apt. house: good renter; experienced. William C. Osborne, P. o. General Delivery. A YOUNG, bright, capable woman wlsh.-l position of buyer, in millinery preferred. P. O. box 99. Chemawa. Or. WANTED Housekeeping for widower wilo, children;, by a capable, reliable midrtle aijed widow. Olive E. Henry. Portland. WOMAN with small child wants position in good family: ito per month. Mrs. Marsh, Woodlawn lsr.4. WANTED TO RENT. W'ANTKD To lent 2 f lilts connected or 2 0 or 7-rooni iiiiiiliiu nts, unfurnished. West Side. Marshall 497S. 5-ROOM bungalow, modern, ood condition, furnace and close In. M. Apartment.. WANTED 1-room apartlm-iit, not over $25. Phone li 23ol. l-'urnlshed Rooms. a HOTEL ROWLAND7 HOTEL MINOOK. 207'2 4th. -1-i'a SPECIAL SUMMER RATES. Nlcelv furnished rooms, homelike, re spectable, clean and modern; hot and cold water, private baths; Summer rules, S-3 per week and up; special attention given to tourists; give us a call; you will line it ior you get your money's worth and then snmt'. YOUNG man, rooming Y. M. C. A., want, roommate to reduee rooming expenses; reasonable cost; Ilreproof builulng, shower baths, vacuum cleaned, many club ad vantages; l:i $ building. inquire business ollico l. M. C. A., cor. 6th and Taylor sts. FOR y M. C. A. -MEMBERS Furnished rooms, reasonable in price; fireproof build ing, vacuum cleaned, shower baths, swim mini; pool, club facilities ; special rates at cat.-tena and 10 other features. Full par ticulars ot business ofiice, cor. Uth and Ta lor sts. THE HOTEL ARTHUR. 11th, between Morrison and Yamhill Re cently opened; every modern convenience: plenty of hot water and heat; beautiful lobby; rates $4 week and up; with private bath, $..5o week and up; t ralisient t rates, 75c and i;p. Free plume. Main 4220. HOTEL RENVV1CK Ideal homo for busi ness people; centrally located: elegant rooms: modern conveniences. Broadway and -Taylor, block from Portland Hotel, opposito Oipheum Theater, Main 91C. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM. 6.".2'i WashlllKtorl St., ior. Ella; elegantly located, new and modern; all outside rooms; $2.50 week up; wit.i private bath $5 week up; transient rates. THE COLONIAL. li'.5 10th: couple of fine corner rooms, very reasonable rent; permanent people; also splenuid large room downstairs. CENTRAL HOTEL, opposite Pantagrs, splendid double rooms for 2 or 3; slngl. rooms $2.50 up: with bath $5 up; every thing modern; cheapest In town. HOTEL SAVON, 131 Eleventh street New modern brick building, steam-heated, pri vate baths, hot and cold water, comfort ably tui-nlshed; transients solicited. MADRAS HOTEL. 12th and Washington Rooms, $3 week: private bath, $5 week; corner front suite, $5 week. THE LARRABEE. 227 1- Lcrrabee Rooms, $2 wee'e up, brick building, steam heat, lut, cold water, bath, phone, electricity. THE CALVARD. 452 Morrison, cor. 13lll st.( well furnished rooms; modern convenl" ence. HOTEL EDWARDS, Grand ave.. E. Belmont; rooms S12 mo. up; $22.50 and up with bath; absolutely respectable. East 323. HOTEL CONGRESS Beautifully furnished rooms, with all modern conveniences. Ullt and Main. NICELY furnished outside room., steam heat, 5 minutes' walk to Poslofflce. $3, $4 288 Front St. Furnished Rooms In Private Family. FOR KENT, lo business or office men only., beautifully furnished rooms in an Amer ican private, modern home; running water in rooms, tile bath, steam heat, large parlors and use of piano; home privileges; line location, walking distance. 500 East Madison st., cor. 13tli and Madison. Phone East 0422. WANTED Some nice business men to oc cupy the lovely rooms in my new mod ern home; every convenience; most de sirable section of city. Phone Woodlawa 1429 for information. 530 DAVISTwo blocks from Washington, near 15th.; dandy furnished rooms, elec tric lights, furnace heat, phone, monthly rates. NICE gentleman and hi. wife that would like to share my new modern home with me and my baby this Winter. Phone Woodlawn 1429. COMFORTABLE front rooms, finest position, on Washington (055); easy walking dis tance, furnace, phone, from $1.50 weekly; 60c night. NICE, clean front rooms, suitable for one or two; electric lights and heat. Apply 302 12th. Marshall 5781. DESIRABLE bay-window room In modern apt. : all conveniences. Mar. 2407. Dezen dorf Apt. , So Three nice unfurnished housekeeping rooms, 743 East Stark, cor. 22d. Phone 549- YAMHILL Desirable parlors, single, en suite, small room, $8, new, clean, conve- BEAUT1FULLY furnished room in good hoene; references. Nob Hill. 738 Johnson streeet. PLEASANT rooms for several students lu nice home; reasonable. AN 312, OTe gonlnn. . BEAUTIFULLY furnished room In good home; references. Nob Hill. 738 Johnstott street. $') FOR nicely furnished room for gentle- . ii.. V.,K mil' ninc ron- man; private lawn., -" : veniences. .191 Davis. Marshall 591 NICELY furnished loom, board. 102 N. 221. i-nono A ijoi LARGE room."doulIo closets, sleeping porch, runnine water. 745 Hoyt, Mar. 47.-.1. FOR RENT Neatly furnished room with private ramny. r-none ..i.viantm TWO nice unfurnished rooms for rent, walk ing distance. 2:K Halsey st. NICELY furnished rooms suitable for oue or two gentlemen. 408 Main. Rooms Willi Board. MODERN ELEGANT EXCLUSIVE American and European plan; near Clt-f Park; convenient to carllne. THE HILL, Washington at 23d st. Residential and Tourist Hotel. Attractive rates to permanent and tran sients. Main 7584. THE VIRGINIA HILL. 14th end Jefferson Sts. An exclusive residential hotel; attractive rates to transients or permanent guesta. Mala 92S3. A 6628. ELTON COURT. Select Family Hotel. Modern rooms, with excellent table board; very reasonable rates. 11th and Yamhill sts. ' ROOMS and board at the Calumet for $37 50 per month; double with private lath, $3 per month; rooms, European. $15 and up; ratrs ny the day and week. 150 Park ' Mala 7300. PARKVIEW HOTEL, .1S6 Montnnmery st., at West park Mod ern conveniences; rooms with or without bath; excellent table service; reasonable rates for regular and transient guests. THE WHITEHALL. 253 0TH ST. A residential hotel; large sun porch; rooms with or without haths; homo cook ing; table board a specialty. THE HAZEL Now changed to family hotel. Speciul Summer rates; ctilotly home cook ing. 385 Sd St. . Phone Main 7094. ROOM and "board for young women, walking distance, all conveniences, $3 per week. Phone E. 4732. THE W E A V E R HOTEL. with bath; board if d. sired - attractive rates. 710 Wash. M, 8651, LARGE newly furnished rooms, with board, suitable for 2 or more; separate beds; nlano, home comforts. 191 11th. Main 631. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION: 24th year, rooms with board, use of sewing-room, li brary. 510 Flanders. Mrs. E. N. Wilson, sup. BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms and excel lent table hoard. 374 Park St. CLEAN outside rooms, balh. homo cooking, $5 week up. 284 Main st. CHOICE rooms, single or en suite; flrst-ciasi table. 83 N. 17th. " Koome With Board in Private Family. . . LARGE, well-furnished front room with of without board. 248 N. 20th. ROOM, and board. 490 Taylor at.