Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 30, 1913, Page 9, Image 9

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Commissioner of Public Safety
of Washington Town Is
Accused by Wife.
FTve Yean of Doubt and Distrust
Leads Tp to Alleged Proof of
"Affinity" Episode ; Hotel
Clerk Aids Complainant.
Identification by a Portland hotel
cleric of a picture of A. A. Brodeck,
Commissioner of Public Safety at Ev
erett. Wuh, led to the Issuance of
a felony complaint against him by Dis
trict Attorney Evans yesterday, and
telegraphic request was made upon the
Sheriff of Snohomish County last night
by Deputy Constable Hunter.
The warrant was sent to the Sheriff
because Mr. Brodeck. by virtue of his
office, la in charge of the Everett police
department and some difficulty over
bia extradition might arise if ths ar
rest were left to his subordinates.
Doubt Covers Five Years.
Five years of doubt and distrust are
assigned by Mrs. 'Brodeck. an elderly,
aristocratic-looking woman, now In
Portland, as to the cause leading up to
the procuring of the complaint. Jointly
with ber husband she accuses Mrs.
Freda Fredlund. a hair dresser, for
merly of Denver, but now said to be in
Everett also.
The complainant, who is staying In
Portland with a sister, and has en
gaged Attorney Frank T. Collier to as
sist the prosecution, says that for many
years It has been the practice of her
husband, hi years of age. to boast of
his attractive powers .upon other
women. This, ehe says, naturally gave
rise to suspicions, but never until last
June did she .have more than doubt
upon which to act.
Gossip Starts Exposure.
The alleged exposure finally came
through the gossiping of a small city.
where. In some manner it became
noised about that the Commissioner
had telegraphed to Mrj. Fredlund at
Denver, asking her to meet him at
Portland. It was several days after his
departure before this rumor reached
the wife, and then she set out Imme
diately, armed with a photograph of
her husband.
On Information that the man and
woman were at the Annex hotel, she
went there, but did not find them reg
istered. She showed the ploture to
the clerk, who said that It waa that
of L. Roseln, who, with a woman reg
istered aa his wife, had stayed at the
hotel from June 11 to June IS of the
present year.
Federal Prosecatloa Talked.
Mrs. Brodeck first talked of insti
tuting a Federal prosecution under the
white slavery statute, but she decided
that that action would be too severe.
The action taken here yesterday
came on the heels and apparently in
dependently, of a suit filed in Everett
the day before by F. Fredlund. husband
of the alleged co-respondent, against
Brodeck, for 135,000 for the alienation
of the affections of his wife. Previous
to this there had been frequent bicker
ings between the Brodecks. husband
and wife, who separated last May.
City Withdraws Old Case Against
Inman-Ponlsen Lumber Company,
A dozen or so criminal complaints
by the city against the Inman-Poul-sen
Lumber Company, charging that
company with blocking the public
streets, were dismissed Thursday by
Circuit Judge McGinn on motion of
Deputy City Attorney Stanley Myera
The complaints were instituted In 1910,
during the administration of Harry
Lane aa Mayor, and have been hang
ing fire ever since pending the out
come of a suit to determine whether
the company might continue to use
certain water front street ends on the
East Side.
Judge McGinn decided about a year
ago that the city had no right to force
vacation of the streets aa long as they
wera not used by the company for
any other purpose than a lumbering
plant. The Supreme Court affirmed
this decision. This made dismissal of
criminal charges necessary.
March of Progress at Mllvrankle
Makes Removal Necessary.
Brought across the plains by Hender
son Lewelling In 1850 and planted with
other trees In Central Milwaukee, the
beautiful beechnut tree, which has
been the pride and admiration of the
pioneer town for half a century, now
gives way to march of Improvement.
The tree stands on the Lewelling
block on Front and Monroe streets, and
the dirt la being 'used to make a fill
on Front street, which Is being paved,
and the old tree is being uprooted, and
presently will disappear. When Hen
derson Lewelling came to Oregon he
brought In his wagon a large num
ber of trees of various kinds from the
eld home place. This beech tree was
one of them. Near it is a weeping wli.
low tree which waa brought at the
came time.
A (40,000 Improvement makes Its re
moval necessary.
Party to Leave Portland for Beach
Todaj Returning Monday.
For their weekly outing the Ma z am as
will leave today at 1 P. M. on the
steamer P. J. Potter for Ocean Park,
near the north end of North 4jeach.
The time until Monday night will be
passed along the beach, tramping and
visiting the various scenic places. The
return to Portland will be by boat on
Monday night. The leaders for the trip
will be J. E. Bronaugh and W. P. Hard
Traffic Manager Receives Con
science Money From East.
As W. D. Skinner, traffic manager
of the Spokane, Portland & Seattle
Hallway, was opening his mall yester
day he came across this letter, marked
"Personal." and bearing a postmark
from east of the Mississippi River:
"Dear Sir: Several years ago I beat
my way over the Spok, Portland &
Seattle R. R- from Plymouth. Wash,
to Vancouver, TVash. For which I am
very sorry and now I am sending you
the price of a ticket 15.45.
"I am doing this so that I may stand
clear In the sight of God and all men
and be able to live a Christian life. I
hope this will settle the matter satis
factorily with the company.
"Please aend me a receipt to show
that I have paid for a ticket from
Plymouth. Wash., to Vancouver. Wash.
"Find Inclosed a stamped envelope
for reply. Hoping to hear from you
soon. I await your commands.
p. s. I trust that you are an hon
est man and will see that this reaches
the proper hands."
"Hal" mused Mr. Skinner, beaming
at himself. "1 trust you are an hon
est man.' forsooth. Truly, this money
has fallen Into .the right hands. I
shall turn It over to the company my
self. Yes, and send him a receipt In
full. The well-kncwn Mr. Diogenes, of
Athens, Greece, might aa well hang
up his lantern."
Still beaming, Mr. Skinner made out
the receipt and sent It. Wherein he
slipped one over on the Federal Gov
ernment by granting an unlawful re-
f 9 U'U'JU J!Uliy'..''iyLlW. fipJM..lMm
'W 1!
1 i
Fraak W. saalta.
CATHLAMET. Wash.. Aug. 2J.
(Special.) Frank W. Smith,
one of the oldest and most wide
ly known residents of this com
munity, died here yesterday at
the home of his daughter. Mrs.
Charles Warren, aged 80 years.
Mr. Smith was born In Maria
vllle. Me., January 4. 1833. and
was the youngest of II children.
One sister, aged SC. survives him.
He came on to the Columbia
River In 1876 and engaged In
the logging business.
Twenty years ago he retired
from the logging business and
bought a home In Cathlamet.
He Is survived by three chil
dren. Mrs. Warren, Mrs. L. Haa
lam and William Smith, all of
this place; 10 grandchildren and
three great-grandchildren.
The funeral held Sun
day at 1 P. M. from the Congre
gational Church, under the aus
pices of the Masons, of which
order Mr. Smith had been a mem
ber for 40 years.
bate to the man east of the Mississippi.
The full passenger tariff from Ply
mouth to Vancouver, Wash., Is 16.48,
which Is three cents more than the
amount of the conscience contribution.
Police Vow Without Clews to Par
ticipants In Train Eoldnp.
After being held for more than a
week aa a suspect in the case of the
holdup of the Soo-Spokane Limited,
Arthur Vallon. ex-convict, waa re
leased yesterday after pleading guilty
to vagrancy and promising to go to
Canada at once. Detectives Vaughn
and Hyde,' who made the arrest, con
sented to this disposal of the case.
Vallon was arrested on Information
that he had been heard talking of a
"job" he waa to have a hand In. the
night of the train robbery, but the of
ficers are now convinced that he had
reference to some other enterprise.
probably criminal.
While this clears the records of all
promising clews to the robbery, the
detectives continue optimistic and give
the Impression that developments may
come at any time.
Phone Rate of $1.60 Indorsed.
A committee of the Greater East Side
Clubs Association appointed to Investi
gate telephone rates In Portland yester
day sent a communication to City Audi
tor Barbur asserting that the rate of
J 1.60 a month for telephones In resi
dences should prevail Inasmuch as that
was the rate In effect when the City
Council granted the Pacific Telephone
& Telegraph Company a franchise in
the city. It Is said the rates range now
from 11.50 to $2.25 a month. The report
is signed by A. N. Searle, A. L. Maney,
A. M. Humphreys, Edward Da Wyl and
O. G. Hughson.
Lend Us Your Ears
and well give you the
best hat
For $3.00
that ever ornamented
your dome.
Derbies, felts', cloth and
all the novel fabrics, in
all the new colors.
We can match hat with
suit that will give the
altogether right effect.
Buffiim & Pendleton
311 Morrison, Opposite
Trading Stamps
Trading Stamps on Charge Accounts if Paid in Full On or Before the 10 th
All Charge Purchases Made Today Will Go on Your September Bill Payable on October 1st
Principal Portland
agents for Home
Journal Pat terns
and - Publications.
Rest - rooms, 'Writing - rooms, Retiring
rooms, Public Telephones, Emergency
Hospital and Nursery for Motohers with
small children, at your disposal, 2d floor.
Olds, Wortman
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
Store Honrs Bi30 to 5i30 Dally. Except Saturday. Saturday Honrs OO A. X. t Bi30 P. M.
Agents Nemo, Gos
sard Front -Lace,
Bon Ton and Royal
Worcester Corsets.
Trading Stamps
Delightful Luncheon served daily in
our large, airy Tea Room, on the Fourth
Floor.- Prompt, courteous service and
reasonable prices. Meet your friends here
Double Stamps in Men's Clothing Dept.--Main Floor
Store Will Be Closed All Day Monday Labor Day Supply Your Needs Today
You a Better Suit at a Lower Price
And Guarantee the Fit and Style
Men's Store, Main Floor If you are a seeker after the best in style,'
cloth and tailoring at a reasonable price, head straight for this store.
We're after the "made-to-measure man those who imagine they-cannot
get the style and snap in a .ready-to-wear garment. We want the
opportunity to show them the clothes we sell, because we are confident
.no tailor in the land can produce better. Lay aside all consideration of
price and judging them point by point," you '11 agree with us they are
equal, if not better clothes, than you have been in the habit of buying
and think of the saving in price. Ask to see the smart new English
models we now have on display. ' All sizes for men and SJOff fifl
young men. The style and quality you want, $20 and PfJ W
SpecialPurchase'R&W Trousers
Men's Store. Main Floor Made by Rosenwald
& Weil, famous the country over for the su
perior fit and finish of their products. Styl
ish new 'patterns for Fall in a jrreat assort
ment of good serviceable colorings. Only the best of wool
into the making of "R. & W." trousers and they are cut in
sizes and not the ordinary "skimpy" kinds. Sizes for stouts,
regulars and in extra-sizes up to 60. Strictly hand tailored
fabrics enter
full standard
Ages 6 to 18 -The Suit
Main Floor-rIf it were possible for
us1 to buy 'better suits for the
money, depend upon it we would
only be too glad to do o but we
are satisfied these splendid suits will give the very .
best of wear and prove satisfactory in every way..
Stylish Norfolk models with patch pockets and box
plaits. New diagonals, Herringbone, effects and
Tweed mixtures, in browns, tans, grays. Choose now.
Showing of Boys' Fall Suits
Priced $6.50 to $10
Juvenile Dept, Main Floor The kind of Clothes
that will give your boy the very best of wear and at
the same time look dressy. Especially strong show
ing of natty Norfolks with frozen belts and patch
pockets a model that is bound to be very popular.
Excellent range of materials tweeds, cheviots, cassi
meres, etc., in smart new patterns and serviceable
colors for school wear. Sizes for ff
boy 6 to 18 yrs. of age. $6.50 to IleUU
New Imported Velour Hats for Men $5
Fall Blocks Schobel Hats Selling at $4
Main Floor Special showing to
day of our new Fall line Im
ported Velour Hats for men. Rich
velvet finish, and silk lined, with
bow at back. Leading J?ff CiC
colors. All sizes, at P-eLl
Main "Floor Wear a "Schobel"
Hat if you would be well dressed.
We have them 'in the newest Fall
styles Smart English models for
young men or con-j ftfh
servative styles. Price p " "
Men's 50c Underwear Now 35c
Men's 50c Mesh Underwear Only'35c
Main Floor Men's Athletic style
Shirts and knee length drawers of
fine quality combed yarn. Grade
selling in the regular way at 50c a
garment Buy it today O EZg
at the special price of - Jl
Main Floor Great Saturday Clean
jp of Men 's Poros Mesh Underwear
Shirts and Drawers, in white
nly. Desirable weight for present
wear. Regular 50c grade, O CZf
now at special price g'm't OaJl
Main Floor Ready I Yorke and Ar
row Shirts for Fall wear. Unusual
ly attractive patterns and splendid
fabrics Shirts of style and charac
ter. Fit guaranteed, fi? I
All sizes. Priced at pXJLf
Men's $3 "Cooper," "Lewis' Union Suits $1.98
New Arrow and Yorke Shirts at $1.50
Main Floor Men 's " Cooper, ' '
"Vassar" and "Lewis" . Union
Suits odd lines in blue, ecru and
white. Fine ribbed lisle and cotton,
short or long sleeves, 41? f QQ
ankle length, $3 vals.P A 7 O
Coverall Gingham Aprons at 69c
Department Second Floor ,
Special one-day sale of "Women's Cover-All Aprons.
Excellent quality ginghams in striped and check pat
terns. Styled with or without sleeves., Nicely Q
finished. Special price for this sale, at only"-''
Women's Gingham Aprons 39c
Second Floor 45 Dozen Women's Gingham Aprons,
bought at a special price, enables us to sell them way
under regular. They are styled with or without bibs
and have wide strings and pocket. Cut in full sizes
from splendid grade apron ginghams. All de- QQ
sirable checks. Buy these today at only, each
Special Sale Children
Lot 1, Special at 49c
The ideal play garment for little tots. Save
washing and ironing and look neat. Made
from fine quality chambraya in attractive
plan colors also in checked and striped
ginghams. Extra well sewn. Sizes Qr.
6 months to 6 years. Special only','
Hosiery and Underwear Specials
Mam t lopr venter Circle
Closing out odd lots and broken lines Women's
Underwear and Hosiery at special reduced prices.
Women's 75c Hosiery 44c
50c Colored Hose 18c
Women's Imported
Black Silk Lisle Hose-.
Full . fashioned with
double soles and toes
and high spliced heels.
ienaine Hermsdorf
dyed. Three weights-
gauze, medium and
heavy. eS-iAf
lar 75c Hose'
Broken lines Women's
Colored Hose finest
imported and domestic
makes. Splendid varie
ty of styles and weights
and in good assortment
of colors, selling for
merly up to 50c a pair.
Placed on sale 7 Q
at, the pair-tOC-
Womens 65c Lisle Union Suits Now 47c
Women's 50c Lisle Vests at 33c
Women's fine White Lisle Union
Suits, elastic ribbed with high
neck, long sleeves and ankle length.
Weight suitable for pres- A f
ent wear. Sizes 4, 5 and 6 "
Odd Lines Child's 35c-50c Hosiery 19c
. Underwear Department Main Floor t
Women's 85c White Lisle Union Suits, Special Sale price, only 49
Odd Lines Women's 75c Hosiery Special, the Fair, at only 35c
Odd Lines Women's to 60c Hosiery Special Price, Pair, only 19
Childs Wash Dresses
Special at 49c
Second Flooi: Special Saturday
sale of Girls' Dainty Wash Frocks.
Many attractive styles in good
grade percales, ginghams and
chambrays. French and Buster ef
fects, trimmed with pipings, fancy
braids, bands, buttons, etc. Good
range of light and darkQ,
colors. Ages 2 to 6. Spl"7'
Handkerchiefs 19c
Main Floor Broken lines and
small lots Women's Fine Linen
Handkerchiefs at a big reduction.
Some slightly mussed and soiled.
Dainty embroidered de- "t Of
signs. Selling up to 35c, at''
's Rompers, 2dFloor
Lot 2, Special at 79c
Children's Rompers of best grade chambray
in several plain shades neat figured and'
striped percales, striped and checked., ging
hams. Excellent line of light and dark col
ors. Trimmed with pipings, bands, 7Qf
etc. Ages 6 months to 6 years f
Famous 'India9 Umbrellas
"The Little Umbrella With a Big Spread"
SO CONSTRUCTED that it's impossible to turn them insida out
the last word in art of Umbrella-making. We show this splendid
Umbrella in scores of different styles for sunshine or rain. Best
nickel frames, flexible rib-points, detachable handles. Stylish,
well-made Umbrellas that are guaranteed to give satisfactory service.
Don't buy an Umbrella until you have seen the "India" they cost a
little more, but they are worth it. Dept. Main Fir., Morrison-street Way.
Boys9 Fall Hats
50c to $5
Main Floor Unquestionably the
moit complete showing of boys'
and children's Hats in the city.'
Velvets, velours, plushes, wools,
felts, etc. New Rah Rah shapes,
all colors and sizes. G?CZ fid
Price from 50o to pOmJU
Extra Special!
Odd Lines
Boys' $1.75, $3 Pants
1st Flr.f Bargain Circle
Cheviots, Serges, Cassimeres and
Worsteds in fancy patterns. Made
from men's wool 6ui tings, cut full
peg top, lined throughout and but
tons at bottom. A great special
purchase of mill ends, direct from
the makers, for a rousing Satur
day sale. A splendid opportunity
to buy the children's school pants.
Ages 6 to 18 years. JI T Q
$L75 to $3.00 grades P
Boys' 50c School Blouses, at 391
Odd Lines of High Grade Corsets
to $12.50 Corsets
Another of our famous
Saturday Corset Sales.
This time we have grouped
a great many odd lines of high-grade Corsets Mme.
Mariette, Nemo and Mme. Helene makes, that are
familiar to all Portland wpmen. Over 20 different
models in the assortment. Strictly first-class mer
chandise. Size's 18, 19, 20 (a few in 21, 22, 23 and
24K 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 to 36. Grades selling for
merly np to $12.50. Your choice Saturday, or until
the lot is closed out, $2.85. No fittings on sale day.
New Today Beautiful Crepe de Chine Underwear in
exquisite designs New Corsets and Brassieres
Dainty Undermuslins, Gowns, Combinations, etc
Flannelette Gowns, etc. Department, Second Floor.
Several odd lines Women's elastio
ribbed White Lisle Vests. Some
with fancy tops others in plain
band effects. Vests sell- QQ
ing up to 50e choice at-'''
$1.50 Corsets 89c
Second Floor
Batiste and Net Corsets in several
stylish new models, for slight, me
dium and full figures. Medium and
low bust models, with 4 or 6 hose
supporters attached. Not all sizes
in each style, but all sizes QQg
in this lot. $1.50 Corsets 07V
Dainty Crepe Gowns
Special 85c
Second Floor Women's dainty
Slip-Over Gowns in many pretty
styles. Also cambric and com
binations in several styles. The
finest of materials. Ex- O EZ(
quisitely finished, at -'"'
Sale Women's High-Grade Shoes
$4, $5 Qualities rf Q OtO
Again today we offer mfi -."ftM
Women's Fine Fall Foot- f -r
wear at remarkable redue-
tions. All late, desirable lasts all widths and sizes.
Black Velvet Corded-top, Button Boots Black
Suede and Champagne Kid Button Boots Tan Rus
sia and Willow Calf Button Boots and Gunmetal or
Velour Boots in lace or button styles. Also Patent
Colt and Kid Button or Lace Boots. Not broken
sizes and old stock BUT THE NEWEST
FALL STYLES Grades selling ordinarily at
$4.00 to $5.00 a pair-on sale JJQ
in the Shoe Dept., Main Floor Zr
Men's $3 to $4 Shoes, Special at $1.98
In the Basement Store
1500 pais Men's High-grade Shoes Patents, Gunmetal and Vici Kid
good serviceable footwear for Fall and Winter wear. Popular new lasts
in all widths and sizes. Button or lace styles. Special $1.03 pair.
Basement Sale of French Plumes $2.48
Trimmed Hats Special'Today at 50c
I e I
-a I
V e
i) " V
sy )
T sat I
Stylish new French Plumes for
early Fall Hats. Exceptional qual
ities. Black, white and colors.
Wash Dresses $2.48 Special .sale Women's at
tractive new Wash Dresses in great many styles.
Fine lawns, voiles, batistes, foul- fiJO
aids, etc Grades selling to $7.50 PaW0
Choose any Trimmed Hat in the
Basement for today at 50c Small
or large. Hats worth to $5 at 50
Sale Drugs and Toilet Goods at Reduced Prices
Drug Department on Main Floor
On account of the extreme low prices here quoted we reserve the right to limit
quantities sold customers, no C. O. D. or telephone orders filled at these prices :
5c Fairy Soap at 3c Limit 6 Calces No Deliveries
10c Toilet Paper 1000 sheets, at 7
Good grade domestic Castile Soap of
fered special for Saturday at 25
Regular 50c Danderine at only 4
$1 Newbro's Herpicide for only 75J
25o Williams' Talcum Powder at 10
50c Bromo Seltzer, special only 400
50o Sloan's Liniment for only 40 0
50c Kilmer's Swamp-Root, only 3BC
50c Abbot's Saline Laxative at 40 (C
10c 4-ponnd Merck's Boric Acid 8
$1 Lambert's Listerine for only 6oC
$1 Glyeo Thymoline, special at 79
50o Syrup of Figs, special at 35J
25c Kondon's Catarrh Jelly, at 190
50c Milk of Magnesia at only 40 1
25c Malt Nutrine, special, only 19C
50c Persian Ivory Soap, box 25
25c Imported Rice Powder in pink or
white, special low price of only 15
10a Physicians' and Surgeons Soap,
priced special, the cake, at only 8?
35c 16-ounce Witch Hazel, now 19
15c 8-ounce Peroxide, special at 8
5o Assorted Toilet Soaps at 2ys
75c .High-Grade Domestic and Im
ported Perfumes, all odors, oz 25
50c, Dressing Combs, all styles 39
50c Pebeeo Tooth Paste only 280
10c Imported Castile Soap only 7C
25c Imperial Talcum Powder, at 150
50c Sempre Giovine, special- at 290
25c "Graves' Tooth Powder at 100
25c Mosquito Talcum, 'special 100
'Benzoin Almond Lotion, at only 120
25c Esprey's Fragrant Cream at 150
50o Dora Face 'Powder, all popular
odors, special, the box, at only 350
25c Traveling Companions tor men
or women, special low price of 150
$1.00 two-qt. Hot Water Bottles 750
$1 Pierce 's Favorite Prescp. 790
$1 Peruna, special Saturday at 800
$1 S. S. S., sale price, bottle 790
10c Hand or Kitchen Sapolio, only 70
25c Kolynos Tooth Paste, only 2O0
25c Tooth Brushes with best hand
drawn bristles, special price of 10
Our 40c Imperial Coffee,
Grocery Department, Fourth fj
Floor. No deliveries except
when with otjier purchases.
Sale of Triple'Coated Blue Enameled Ware
Saturday Specials on the Third Floor
Triple-coated, white-lined blue enameled ware:
$1.50 Tea Kettles, seren-uart size, sp'l $1.19
95c Seamless Tea Pot, two-quart size, only 750
40c Lipped Sauce Fan, three-quart size at 320
S3c Lipped Kettles, 2yt-qaart Bize, sale at 250
35c 3-quart Miring Bowls, special Saturday, 270
Sore Seal Glass Top Fruit Jars,' pints, dos. 650
Sure Seal Glass Top Fruit Jars, quarts, dox 750
Ball Special Wide Mouth Jars, pints, dos. 650
Ball Special-Wide Mouth Jars, quarts, doz. 750
Extra Heavy Mason Jar Eubbers, three dos. 250
Gray Enameled Fruit Jar Fillers, special, 120
'Every Woman'
Are yon afraid that "Youth"
and "Beauty" will leave you
soont "Maurine," the friend
of " Every Woman, " will
bring them back to you and
their stay will be prolonged
indefinitely. You may test
the "Truth" of Maurine in
our rest rooms, 2d floor, free.
Beauty Lotion 500, and SI
Satin Cream 500 and SI
Maurine Shampoo at 500
Maurine Hand Lotion, 250
Maurine Hair Tonic, Sl.OO
Rosebud Rouge only 5O0
Skin Food at 500 and $1
Eczema Lotion priced 500