THE 3IORXIXQ OREGOXIAX, SATURDAY. AUGUST 30, 1913. CARNEGIE LOOKSTO KAISER FOR PEACE 10-YEAR OLD PROMISE TO PREACH TO BE KEPT Rev. Andrew J. Hunsaier on September 7 Will Deliver Sermon at Turner, Or, Where He Began Successful Church Career. Store Opens Saturday 9:15 Doll Hospital on the Mezzanine Floor TO PASSIVE ROLE A.M. Wi-wVlMlrVlll KVltlAi LAJ XJsTl. Closet 9:15 P.M. C Merchandise of cJ Merit OnT Many New Autumn Arrivals Are Taking Space in Our Misses' and Children's Section THE COATS for the "wee folks" are unusually attractive this season. Fash ioned of lovely soft fabrics, such as boucle, soft white cloth and cheviots. Fashioned Germany Declared to Be in Po sition to End War by In viting Conference. Judge Asks Defense if He Is Trying to Prove He Was "Abducted" to Reno. in quaint and child-like styles, being lined throughout with satin to give them stability. The little ones' school coats are very tailored, being made of soft mixtures, in boyish styles. CREAMER'S BUST UNVEILED MISS WARRINGTON FIERY mm GLINBS Steel Man Chler Speaker at Cere mony at The Hague In Honor of Carpenter Famous for Ef forts to Aid Humanity. THE HAGUE. Aug-. 29. Andrew Car xiegle was the chief speaker today the unveiling: in the Palace of Peace of the bust of Sir William Randol Creamer, originator of the lnter-par llamentary peace conferences and for 37 years secretary of the International Arbitration League. Creamer, a carpenter, rose through his efforts toward international peace to be a member of Parliament. Be was knighted by King: Edward H and received the Nobel peace prise. Mr., Carnegie spoke of Creamer as The pioneer in the greatest of all causes the abolition of war." He then referred to the Interdependence of nations, remarking that their annual exchanges in the normal course of trade now amounted to 133,600,000,000 ana were rapidly increasing. Leaders Can Demand Peace. Giving statistics of Anglo-German trade, Mr. Carnegie said: "Why should these two Teutonic na Hons, mother and daughter, quarrel? Why should they not agree to demand peace on the seas, which is essential for this neighborly and enriching ex change T Why not invite ourAmerl can republic, the granddaughter of Germany, as a Teutonio Nation, to co operates "The only thing required for a world peace agreement is the co-operation of three or four of the leading civilised powers against disturbers." After paying a tribute to the Rus sian Emperor for calling the first peace conference, Mr. Carnegie said: "Surveying the world today, the most striking figure to be seen is that of an other Emperor the German Empero: who recently celebrated his 25th year of a peaceful reign. Germany Urged to Act. "If the German Emperor were to In vite the chief nations to confer on the best methods for securing and insur ing the world's peace, success would certainly follow." Mr. Carnegie then related how Dr. Andrew White, ex-United States Am bassador at St. Petersburg and Berlin, bad left the first conference at The Hague when the German delegation was about to withdraw and by an ap peal to yie German Emperor had ob tained Its continued attendance. He suggested a repetition of the pilgrim age and an appeal to the German Em peror to call another conference, add ing: "Men killing each other like wild beasts in civilised lands would no longer disgrace humanity. Civilization would have supplanted barbarism, and God speed that day, which I am cer tain will come and come soon. Man was created to ascend, and by the law of his being he must march upward and onward to perfection. Be of good cheer. BOldiers of peace. AH goes well In this most holy of all crusades. There can be no such word as fall. Barbarism Arouses World. Right Hon. Thomas Burt, dean of the British House of Commons, replied to Mr. Carnegie. He said that all things pointed favorably to the realiz ation of Cremer's dream of universal peace, despite the Balkan war. The barbaric horror of this war, Mr. Burt added, would arouse a world-wide feel ing of revulsion and bring the peace advocates nearer their objective. Lord Weardale, president of the In terparliamentary Union, eulogized Mr. Carnegie, who, he said, had provided Cremer with means which enabled him to accomplish so much in behalf of the peace movement. Earlier in the day Sir Alan John stone, British Minister to The Nether lands, unveiled a bust of King Ed ward VII. He paid an eloquent tribute to the late British monarch for his work In behalf of the maintenance of peace abroad and for the submission to arbitration of disputes between capi tal and labor. GYPSIES FIGHT GENDARMES Roving Band Withstands Company of Soldiers In France for Time. 5IOXPELIER, France, Aug. 29. A band of 150 gypsies today attacked the Inhabitants of the town of Lunel with guns and revolvers. Gendarmes en gaged the gypsies and a pitched bat tle ensued in which one gendarme was killed and three were badly wounded. The fighting of the gypsies was so fierce that they en held out against a company of soldiers for a time. When they fled they left a large number of wounded behind them. The attack had its origin in a difference of opinion between the gypsies and the towns people of LuneL MINISTER IS VINDICATED Voice Raised in Song When Charge of Indiscretion Is Dismissed. LONG BEACH. Cat, Aug. 29. Rev. O. H. X Mason, pastor of the first Presbyterian Church here, was vindi cated today on charges of Indiscretions when the commission appointed by the Los Angeles Presbyterian reported its findings. It was announced that Rev, Mr. Mason would continue in his pres ent pastorate until October 1 at least. Just af'er the verdict was announced the pastor made the assembly room, of the church echo with the strains of "Praise God From Whom All "Blessings Flow." f " ' l vf f .- ' . . . 4 " ' - x " 'ft. -J J REV. ANDREW HUX9AKER. TM MrNNVTuLEJ, Or, Aug. 29. (Spe lt claL) Rev. Andrew J. Hunsaker, of McMinnvtUe, will celebrate his 60th anniversary of Christian work by preaching a sermon at Turner. Or.. Sunday, September 7, as he had prom ised Just 10 years aa-o that if he livert he would come and preach there in commemoration of his 60th year. At the little town of Turner, eight miles from Salem, in Marion County, he first entered this his life's work, and he has had a most successful ca reer, being trustee of McMlnnville Col lege for 40 years and being pastor of the First Baptist church of this city for many years. There are only four other men in Oregon who have been In the ministry longer than Mr. Hunsaker. He was born in Adams County, Illinois. Janu ary 10. 1834, and came to Oregon with his parents in 1847, settling in Marion county. He entered the ministry in 1853 and began his services as a pastor in Mc MinnvtUe in 1877. He has also served as Justice of the. Peace when a young man and never had a decision reversed by a higher court. He was the Prohi bition party candidate for Governor. Since he preached a sermon In Tur ner 10 years ago the church has been destroyed by fire, and through the courtesy of the Methodists of that place their church will be used for the occasion. PARTY LAYS PLANS Republicans in Congress Pick Progressive Chairman. VOTERS FIRST CONSIDERED Individual Candidates Xot to Be Aided Xow, but Committee Will Take Part In Senatorial Fight In Maryland. LABOR ISSUE IS SETTLED Department Makes Peace Between Railroad and Machinist. WASHINGTON. Aug. 29. Announce ment was made here today of the amlc. bl adjustment through the Depart ure t of Labor of differences between the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad and the machinists In all the shops on the systems between Philadelphia, Chicago and St. Louis that have existed since December. 1910. The adjustment deals particularly with working conditions, although the minimum wage scale is increased 1 cent an hour and provision Is made for a nlae-hour work day. WASHINGTON. Aug. 29. The Repub lican Congressional committee today organized and outlined Its general plans for the coming campaign. Rep resentative Woods, of Iowa, who is re garded as a Republican progressive, was elected chairman. He announced that the committee's work from now on would not be in the line of direct aid to individual candidates, but in furnishing information to the voters of the country. Attention will be given at onee to the pending contests in the Third Maine, Twentieth New York. First West Virginia and Third Maryland Congressional Districts. The commit tee is preparing, too, for the first time Its history, to take part In a Sen- torial election In Maryland, where successor Is about to be elected to Sen ator Jackson. Next year there will be United States Senators elected in the various states. The committee purposes to avoid any conflict between its plans and the work of the National Republican committee, which, it is gen- rally accepted here, probably will meet In Washington within 60 days after the signing of the tariff bill. Representatives Steenerson, of Mln nesota, and Klnkald. of Nebraska, were added to the personnel of the commit tee. John E. Versman, for years sec retary to Mr. McKlnley and assistant treasurer of the committee during the last three campaigns, was elected sec retary today. He was secretary of the Taft bureau during the last National campaign and is assistant secretary of the National Republican committee. Representative Crampton of Mlchi gan. Introduced a resolution to call a atlonal convention and to reduce the representation of the Southern states. was determined, however, to reier these questions to the executive com mittee. FIREMEN'S BAND FETED PORTLAND MUSICIANS GIVE CONCERTS AT CHICAGO. Plan Made for Having Visitors Play While Fire Rages, but Windy . City Will Xot Burn. CHICAGO. Aug. 29. (Special.) The only fire department band in the world, the Portland, Or fire band, gave a short concert at today's session of the 16th annual convention of the National Firemen's Association In the Hotel Sherman. There are 33 pieces In the band, all the players being mem bers of the Portland Fire Department. The band is under the direction of Chief B. F. Dowell and Battalion Chief J. W. Stevens Is bandmaster. Follow ing their visit In Chicago, the band will leave for a tour of the East. Through the courtesy of muntclpa' authorities, a fire alarm box has been Installed in the headquarters of the Portland visitors, and last . night all the members of the band slept in their clothes. It was the Intention, la the event of a big downtown fire, for the Portland musicians to make a quick run to the scene, arrangements having been made to provide them with an auto fire truck, and they were to play some of their best music while the Chicago department battled the flames. The visitors were to play the part of Nero, who tore off some music while Rome was burning, but Chicago de clined to carry out Its part of the plan and burn. The same rule applied tonight but was greatly modified because the Port land visitors have been so extensively entertained, and have lost so much sleep, that It would have taken an ex traordinary fire to have aroused them. Today they were taken for long rides through the parks in the cool, bracing air that begets an appetite and a de sire for much sleep. They were guests of honor at a nearby theater tonight and wound up the day with an im promptu banquet In the College Inn. The visitors freely admit that Chicago Is quite a town, in its way. but Port land, Or., there Is a city worth while. heuhsfmout! LABOR DAY PARADE CALLED OFF AT LATE HOCR. Musicians Refuse Demand of Metal Polishers That Only Tnlon-Made Instruments Be' Used. RACINE, Wis., Aug. 29. There will be no Labor day celebration In Racine Monday. The proposed parade of all artisans and the picnic In Horlick's Park has been called off, notwithstanding ex tensive preparations were made. This sensational change in the programme was reached at a epirlted meeting of the Trades and Labor Council" last night, and is because of differences between the musicians' union and the metai poitsners union. The trouble between the unions made it impossible to reach an agree ment for the engagement of a band to hold the big parade, and. not deem ing it advisable to hold a celebration without music the leaders agreed to abandon the entire programme. The Trades and Labor Council will lose sev eral hundred dollars expended in per- lecting arrangements. The metal polishers made the de mand that all members of the bands must pledge themselves to abolish non union Instruments. The musicians ob jected. averring it was not always nos Bible to procure union Instruments that were suitame. PROPOSAL IS INTERRUPTED Police Arrest Realty Dealer Just as He Asks for Girl's Hand. NEW YORK. Aug. 29. Robert G. Norton, a real estate dealer of Savan nah, arrested last night on telegraphic request from the Savannah Chief of Police, who telegraphed that Norton was wanted on charges of manipulating cnecK, was tocaea up in oeiault of 000 ball today, until September 3, to await the arrival of detectives from Savannah. Norton was arrested at the home of Miss Edna Robinson In Brooklyn. She said he was proposing marriage to her when the detectives called him out and took him away. Students in International Congress. ITHACA. N. Aug. 29. Four hun dred delegates to the eighth Inter national Congress of Students were welcomed to Cornell University by Acting President Crane. The first bus iness meeting was held this afternoon. after an Inspection tour of the univer- Ity. Letters from President Wilson and Secretary of State William J. Bryan to the secretary of the congress were read. Montana's output of coal for 1B12 amount ed to 8,043,483 tons of a value of (3,312,168. Girl "Witness Resents Attack on Her Character Camlnettl Will Take Stand Next Week but Will Xot Defame Lola Xorris. SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 29. The trial of F. Drew Camlnettl rolled swiftly today In the groove worn, for It by the trial Immediately preceding of Maury I. Dlgrs, convicted of the same charge. The witnesses and the evlednce of the Government were, with few exceptions. Identical the testimony was almost the same, and so far as could be seen, the tactics of the de fense were the same. Marsha Warrington had the stand for the greater part of the day. and her testimony on direct examination went to show that Camlnettl was guilty of assisting In transporting her and Lola Norrls from Sacramento to Reno in violation of the Mann white slave traffic act, and that he persuad ed, induced and enticed them to go. The effort of the defense was to show that Camlnettl had played a pas sive part In the whole affair. One phase of the cross-examination repre sents the whole trend. Court loterrupts Defense. "At the meeting f Dlggs. Caminttl, Miss Norris and yourself on the Satur day before you left for Reno the meeting at which you two girls agreed to go Mr. Dlggs did all the talking and Mr. Camlnettl stood by and agreed to everything Is that the way you wish It understood. "Mr. Camlnettl agreed to every thing." was the answer. "But he agreed passively, did he?" Here the court Interrupted. "Is It your theory, Mr. Howe." asked Judge Van Fleet, "that Mr. Camlnettl was taken alonf also?" "Our theory Is, your honor, that Mr. Camlnettl had nothing to do with tak ing these girls to Reno. The party went and he went along with it. We don't contend that he was abducted, but we hold that because of certain conditions that party of four found it necessary to leave Sacramento without delay, and they took the first traiu leaving the city without regard to its destination. Witness Not Shakea. Against this contention was the tes timony of Miss Warrington today that Camlnettl had got the money for the trip and that be had given 820 of it to Lola Norris, out of which she should buy her -passage. In this statement and In her repeated affirmations that Camlnettl had agreed to everything Dlggs had proposed, the witness was not shaken. Falling to make Marsha Warring ton's testimony . in its essentials, the defense went as far as It could to at tack her character, before she met Dlggs. The girl showed In the hot. sharp answers she gave that she real ized what was being attempted ana that she resented it. Her testimony today was decidedly more confident and fiery than In the first of the two trials. Camlnettl Wilt Take Stand. Camlnettl. It was positively an nounced today, will take the witness stand In his own defense next week. Like Dlggs he will admit misconduct, but he will not try to besmirch Miss Norris. There was no attempt today to shield him from other errors in which it was admitted that he had been involved with other young girls, though their names were withheld. In the attempt to show that he had good cause to be anxious to leave Sacramen to, and that all his representations to the girls of impending scandal were founded In truth, his counsel were willing to bring out anything that might tend to throw liv-ht on his state of mind, however much it might black en his general character. Mrs. Camlnettl will also testify In his behalf, as she did for Dlggs. Mrs. Dlggs will not testify, nor will her husband. In court today with Caml nettl were only his brother, A. Caml nettl, Jr., and his mother. With Mar sha Warrington were her sister and cousin. WOMAN AIDS BLAZING MAN Harold Bnquet, of Rockaway, Or.. Escapes Fiery Grave Xarrowly. ROCKAWAY. Or.. Aug. 29. (Special.) Harold Buquet. one of the proprie tors of the Rockaway Bowling Alleys, had a narrow escape from burning to death In a gasoline fire at the alleys last night. The accident was caused by filling a gasoline lamp which had not been turned out. Thinking the light was out Mr. Bu quet started to fill the lamp from i five-gallon can and he spilled some gasoline over the burning light. The flames caught his clothing and burned his bands and arms to the elbow and large place on the left side of his body. He is resting easy at the Bay City Hospital, where he was taken. Credit Is given Miss Meyer, a sister of J. C. Meyer, of the bowling alley, for her bravery in helping to extinguish the flames. She secured a blanket and ran into the fire and smothered the burn ing oil while several men stood by or ran for the door to a place ot safety. I: J. Smith, of Portland, and a con ductor on the Southern Pacific caught Mr. Buquet and threw him to the floor and smothered the fire from his clothing as Buquet attempted to run to the street with his clothing on fire. The building was not damaged. JURY EXONERATES SLAYER Pocatelki Man Tpbeld In Protecting Brother's Home. POCATELLO. Idaho, Aug. 29. (Spe cial.) In the eyes ot a Coroner's Jury in this city It Is no crime for one man to shoot another In protection of the sanctity of his brothers home. Such ls the verdict rendered here today. when Sam Geordana was exonerated for shooting and killing Louis Schiffa no. who persisted In forcing unwelcome attentions on Geordana' s slster-lnriaw. The verdict was "Justifiable homi cide." William S. Stockton Dead. PHILADELPHIA. Aug. 29. Colonel William S. Stockton, brother of the late Frank R. Stockton, the author, was found dead in his apartments here today. Death ls supposed to have been caused by apoplexy. Colonel Stockton, who was 76 years old. never married. FOR THE YOUNG GIRL from 12 to 1 7 are some extremely chic wraps of boucle, matelasse, chinchilla, cheviot, brocade plush and fur-like fabrics. In every charming color and effective combination. From the girl's point of view, there is most every kind of coat she could possibly want, and all at such inexpensive prices. NO PRETTIER 2-PIECE TAILORED SUITS could be imagined than those we are now showing for misses. One model, with the collar and cuffs faced in soft fur. is exceptionally attractive, having the blouse effect and draped skirts. Other styles are plain tailored, some being cutaway in the front. The coior effects are very lovely. One of the prettiest of these new suits can be had for $1 8.50 and others as high as $45.00. Fourth Floor. IP Because the sizes are broken is the real reascn for these very special reductions for little tots. Rompers at 48c That Were 65c Each ' Three styles of rompers of outing flannel, gingham and chambray. In pink and blue checks and stripes. Made with high neck, square neck, turn-over collars and long or short sleeves. Some button at the knee. Others elastic drawn and some are loose. Sizes 2 to 6 years. 50c Chambray Rompers Special 25c Yoke-style rompers, with high neck and long sleeves, belted at the waist and piped in white. A small and odd assortment of sizes, ranging from 2 to 5 years. , Fourth Floor. Last Day of the Manhattan Shirt Sale There is just one day left in which to take advantage of these reductions. Our line of Manhattan shirts offers you the greatest assortment, embracing every kind of material from which these famous shirts are made in dark and light colorings plain and fancy stripes shirts with soft bosoms and shirts with stiff bosoms shirts with soft French cuffs and shirts with starched cuffs. $ 1.50 Manhattan Shirts $ 2.00 Manhattan Shirts $ 3.00 Manhattan Shirts $ 3.50 Manhattan Shirts $ 4.00 Manhattan Shirts $ 5.00 Manhattan Shirts. $10.00 Manhattan Shirts $1.15 $1.38 $1.88 $2.65 $2.85 $3.55 $6.45 Flint Floor. For the Boys We are showing a special lot of new Fall suits for school wear- Come in and let us show you these new Fall models fashioned in regu lation Norfolk, and Novelty Norfolk styles with large patch pockets, fancy back, sewed down belt; also semi Norfolk suits with half sewed down belt and pleated back. All the knickerbockers are lined throughout and have taped seams. They come in all the new shades of brown, gray, tan and blues, in novelty mixtures, stripes, diagonals and checks, as well as plain colors. Sizes from 6 to 18 years. Fourth Floor Victor and Columbia Talking Machines $1 Down $1 Week The One Big Shoe Sale of the Season for Every Woman Every Pair Summer Shoes Reduced An opportunity such as this comes but seldom a sale that is bound to be ap preciated by every fastid ious woman, as it includes low shoes, pumps and ox fords, in every fashionable model. Anticipate . your future needs, look ahead as far as next Summer even, as these styles will be as good then as they are now. No Shoes Exchanged No Shoes Returned WHITE NUBUCK BOOTS HALF PRICE Button and Lace Styles. Regular $8.00, now $4.00 Regular $5.00, now $2.50 Regular $6.00, now $3.00 Regular $4.00, now $2.00 DULL CALF LACE OXFORDS SPECIAL $3.75 That Sold Regularly at $7.50 a Pair These oxfords are shown in the new English last, with flat heels. OXFORDS THAT WERE $5 AND $6 SPECIAL $3 This lot consists of black suede button oxfords tan and dull calf lace oxfords and vici kid button oxfords. $4.00 OXFORDS SPECIAL $2.35 PAIR Oxfords of black suede, button style, and dull calf button oxfords. $6.50 PUMPS SPECIAL, $3.85 PAIR ' Pumps of black castor, of white nubuck and of dull calf, in various styles, with high and medium 4ieels. To $5.00 Pumps, Special $2.85 This lot consists of all short lines in dull calf pumps, black suede pumps and patent leather pumps. Pumps That Formerly Sold at $4 Pair, Now $15 These smart pumps are made of such materials as black satin, black velvet, dull calf and black and brown suede. Basement WARSHIP AID ASKED Obsolete Vessels Useful Fighting Tuberculosis. in ITALY'S ACT COMMENDED Philadelphia officials now auls all mar riage license applicants alone eusenla lines. Congress on School Hygiene Peti tions Congress for Help In Bat tle for Health Correct Vision Discussed. BUFFALO. Aug-. 29. The fourth In ternational Congress on School Hygiene today adopted, resolutions recommending- thorough medical inspection in all public schools, and the use of dl scald ed battleships as open-air schools. The preamble to the resolutions re garding the battleships says that near ly 1,000.000 tuberculosis children are attending public schools where there is hardly accommodation for 1500 to receive Instruction in the open air. The congress, it says, ls convinced that the open-air school is one of the most powerful agents In the preven tion and cure of tuberculosis In child hood. The resolution says: "The fourth International Congress or School Hygiene petitions the United States Government to place at the dis posal of the various states of the Union as many of the discarded battle ships and cruisers as possible, to be anchored, according to their size, in rivers or at the seashore, and to bei utilized by the respective communities for open-air schools for children or hospital sanatoria for adults. "The congress expresses its appre ciation to the Italian government for the example It has a-lven bv present ing three of its discarded men-of-war to the combat of tuberculosis." Methods of correcting defects of vision In school children and mal nutrition were the principal subjects discussed by the congress today. At the closing public meeting tonight. G. Stanley Hall, president of Clark Uni versity, Worcester. Mass., spoke on the hygiene of appetite. Man Dies From Swallowing Teeth. EAWTELLE, Cal, Aug. 39. Henry Rau. a Civil War veteran who was an Bell and Wing By FREDERICK FAKNINS AYER Verses of sweep mad acopsw The News, Pasadena, CaL A savage virility. Literary Guide, England. Has an elegant atmosphere of its own. The Oregonian, Portland, Ort. Richness and depth of feeling. Times Union, Albany, N. Y. Remarkable gift of imagery. 'Northern Whig, England. Most versatile. News, Denver, CoL Extraordinarily vigorous.. San Francisco Argonaut. Price G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS, poMUfcen.N.Y. Inmate of the National Soldiers' Home here, lled today from suffocation when he swallowed his false teeth while asleep. One part of the set lodged In his throat. BIG HEALTH DEAL MADE BY REAL ESTATE MAN Portland Real Estate Agent Wants All to Know What Plant Jnice Did for F''m- The following statement is from Mr. W. T. Mende, who resides at 123 East Terry street in this city. Mr. Mende Is engaged in the real estate business in this city and ls located at 73 Sixth street. He is very well known and has many friends who will read with in terest what he has to say. ' While dis cussing Plant Juice and its wonderful remedial powers, he said: "Both my wife and myself have felt for some time that we needed a good tonic We heard so much of Plant Juice that we decided to try it. I have suf fered a great deal with nervousness, was In such a bad condition that I could not sleep. My bowels were very Irregular and I was tired and run down. My wife was in a general run-down condition and suffered a great deal from indigestion. We have taken t date three bottles of Plant Juice and are feeling so much better that we would not be without it. I take pleasure In recommending It to others who may suffer as I did." As a general tonic and vitalizer Plant Juice ls without an equal. Those who suffer from that curse of modern times nervous debility will find that Plant Juice ls the best strengthener and in vigorant that they can find. It clears the blood of all poisons, stirs up the lazy liver and puts It to work: gives a good appetite, and what Is better, a good digestion; relieves constipation and that general run-down and tired- out feeling. Plant Juice ls for sale at The Owl Drug Co. 'a store.