Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 30, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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AUCiLsr ;, mis.
Loans -Running as High as
$10,000 Declared Based
on Pure Friendship,
Campaign Contribution of $509
Made for Same Kcason Secre
tary to Van Cleave .Denies Rais
ing Fund to Break Strike.
' ' ' WASHINGTON, Aug-. i. Represent
ative McDermott, of Illinois, before the
House lobby committee, made a cate
gorical denial today of the charges
against him by M. M. Mulhall. former
lobbyist lor the National Association
. of Manufacturers, and I. H. McMlehael,
former chief pair of the House. The
charge that he had received $2000 from
a brewer association In nis iviu cam
paign he characterized as "dreams,
just dreams."
He admitted having borrowed large
sums of money from George r, Horn-
lng, a local pawnbroker, "as a friend."
v Mulhall and McMlehael testified that
McDermott boasted having received
$7600 from local pawnbrokers to work
against the Federal loan-shark law.
McDermott declared that at times he
' had owed Horning as much as $19,000.
McDermott denied ever having at
tempted to Influence Congressional ac
tion on the 'loan-shark'' bllL He also
denied having planned with Mulhall
and McMlehael to have the Mulhall
charges published. A campaign contri
bution of $500 to him by the brewers
in 1910 was made, he says, because of
a personal friendship. McDermott told
-of having taken the so-called Burns'
. affidavits to Samuel Gompers, who
would have nothing to do with them.
' He denied Mulhall's charge that he had
forged a $2o0 check or Harold F. Mo
. Cormlck's. and gave his version of toe
. circumstances.
The session of the Senate lobby com-
mlttee was a series of wordy battles
between James Emery, counsel for the
'National Association of Manufacturers
and Senator Reed, the committee's
: cross-esamlner.
F. C Scbwedtman, of St. Louis, ex-
' secretary to James YV. Van Cleave, onetime-president
of the Manufacturers'
. Association, flatly denied before the
Senate committee that he raised a $3000
fund to break a shoe strike in that
city several years ago. Mulhall snore
Schwcdtman raised that amount to
' bribe the strikers.
Schwedtman denied also that the
"National Association of Manufacturers
ever contributed to the campaign funds
of ex-Representatives Watson or Jen
kins. He said the association backed
the tariff commission idea because
many of its members sincerely believed
in the idea and not because they
wished to prevent downward revision
of the tariff. He produced a letter
from ex-Senator Beverldge, of Indiana,
to President Van Cleave, of the asso
ciation, written early in 1808, in which
' Mr. Beverldge referred to the tariff
commission idea as !'our proposition,"
and said that President Roosevelt was
with them, "horse, foot and dragoons."
(ConTlnued From First Par-)
San Lull Fotosl snd adjacent states
and it was said hundreds were expected
at Vera Crux from the southern Interior
states to await embarkation. While
many probably will go to New Orleans
and Galveston, it is expected that not a
few will seek safety In Cuba, while
some will go to Europe.
Consul Letcher at Chihuahua reported
that a train left that city yesterday
.bound for El Paso, carrying a party
of Americans, including 4 men, 28
women and 17 children and other
foreigners. He said, however, that
owing to the condition of the tracks no
forecast could be made of the time of
their arrival at El Paso. Other ad
vices said that 40 refugees, who made
their way from Durango to Vera Crus
were due to arrive In New Orleans to
morrow. Fourteen others on the
steamer City of Mexico now are en
route to the same city from Vera Crua
London Press Comments on Wilson's
Policy Toward Mexico.
' LONDON, Aug. 30. In an editorial
concerning the situation between the
United States and Mexico the Spectator
"In dealing- with Mexico President
Wilson wishes to secure the effects of
compulsion, while announcing that he
never will apply compulsion. This new
method of diplomacy obviously is not
a hopeful one and whether President
Wilson will be able to emerge from
the present crisis with credit or safety
It is impossible to say. What may be
called his gentle obstinacy has maneu
vered him into a position from which
It is not easy either to advance or re
tire." The Saturday Review says: 'The
President's tone of cold superiority
will only outrage Mexican pride and
stimulate President Huerta and his
rivals to take a bold stand as cham
pions of Mexican dignity against
American insolence to bring about the
hostilities which Mr. Wilson professes
he is most anxious to avoid."
Continuing, the editorial says:
"A frontier Incident and the thing
Is done.. Before the Americans know
It there will be a raid, somebody will
tread on the Stars and Stripes and all
America will be remembering the
Maine again."
The Economist, reviewing the Mexi
can situation, forsees the possibility of
General Huerta's holding the Presi
dency indefinitely, because, it says, he
is prohibited as provisional President
from being a candidate for the office
and an election cannot take place con
stitutionally until peace Is restored.
The Dally Telegraph -n its editorial
columns today states that further re
flection has convinced business men
that President Wilson's advice to
Americans to quit Mexico was not 'so
foolish as appeared at first sight.
"It is now seen," the Daily Tele
graph says, "that the closing down of
American undertakings by the depart
ure of their owners and managers
would gravely compromise President
Huerta's position. In addition to the dis
tress and discontent of the unem
ployed native workmen. President
Huerta would be given the added re
sponsibility of protecting American
property and any failure in this re
spect might form a pretext for Inter
vention. Moreover, the distress aris
ing from the withdrawal of American
capital might provoke anti-foreign
demonstrations in which cltlsens of
nations which recognise Huerta might
It Is small wander that the ministers
of foreign powers In Mexico City have
redoubled their efforts to secure a
peaceful settlement and advised Huerta
to sacrifice his ambition ta be chosen
constitutional ""resident to the unrea
sonable clamors of the United States."
-: " x"'" Jlv - ' -' '" :'"' V":' '.
h - - - y
v.r ?! -::7 .. h If
Viscount Haldane Emulates
Wolsey's Example.
Keeper of Great Seal Says United
States Is Fortunate in Having
Xo Suffragettes Early
Home Rnle Predicted.
(Continued From Firat Pare.)
It Is useless to look toward the per
manent cessation of war in the near
future. We can only do our best and
trust to the events of time. The com
ing of the mlllenlum of peace must be
an evolution like everything else, but
we must come to the realisation of tbe
fact that we can settle our differences
in a better way than by quarreling
with each other."
Lord Haldane chuckled when the
question 1 woman suffrage was
brought up. .
Militants Delay Results.
"Yes, I am a suffragist,' he said, "but
I do not approve of the militant suf
fragettes. You are fortunate to have
no militant suffragettes In this country.
and I sincerely hope the militant idea
will not gain a foothold here. The
methods of the English suffragettes
have delayed equal suffrage for years.
At present there is no chance of wo
man suffrage becoming a government
measure, as the Cabinet is hopelessly
divided on the subject and so are both
parties. If a government were to be
elected on that issue then it would be
hopelessly divided on every other is
The fact that the Lord Chancellor,
when he was Secretary of State for
War, visited the German Emperor at
the height of the Ill-feeling between
Germany and England over the arma
ment question, was made the basis for
a question as to his opinion of the
present relations between Germany and
German Relations Cordial.
"Our relations are constantly grow
ing better," he said, "especially since
the adjustment of the Balkan situation.
In fact, there has been a much better
feeling displayed between the two
great groups of European powers as
the Tesult of tne Balkan situation. In
which they have worked together."
Speaking of home rule for Ireland,
he said:
"Home rule was never nearer adop
tion than it is today, and I believe it
will soon be an accomplished fact. Of
course, the religious question In Ulster
Is difficult, but you can't keep the
hands of the clock from advancing."
The Chancellor refused to discuss the
Mexican situation, except to say that
he was "confident that the United
States would meet the question in the
broad way with which it has treated
other great problems."
British Spare Teehnlealrtle.
He said he had not made a close
study of the Constitution of the United
States, of the opinions of Chief Justice
Marshall and of American court pro
cedure, but had been greatly enligntened
on these questions by Justice Wendell
Holmes, a fellow passenger, during his
voyage. "I think English law," he
said, "has fewer technicalities than the
American law. You have more oppor
tunities for appeal than we do in Eng
land. We are very sparing in this par
ticular. This Is especially true of
criminal procedure.
"I have greatly admired," ha added,
"the Intellectual vigor of the Ameri
can people and the vigor of your litera
ture. Your growth in these respects is
without parallel."
Lord Haldane was accompanied by
his sister. Miss Elizabeth Haldane, and
Sir Kenneth Mulr-Mackenzle, clerk of
the crown.
The party was met at the pier by a
reception committee of the American
Bar Association, which Included Fran
cis Rawle, of Philadelphia, chairman:
Jacob M. Dickinson. ex-Secretary of
War; Judge Alton B. Parker. Francis
Lvnde Stetson and C. A. Severance.
They escorted the Chancellor on a
sightseeing tour of the city. .
(Contlnaed From First Pare-
meet the demands of Insurgent Demo
crats, who have asked for an increase
in the "additional tax" on large In
It is expected that a Democratic
Senate caucus will be held early next
week to settle all questions on the
tariff bill.
Senator Simmons, chairman of the
finance committee, reiterated today hi
belief that the measure would be
passed before the end ofnext week..'
Senator Norris. of Nebraska, gave no
tice at the end of today's sessions that
ha would offer an amendment later,
proposing an inheritance tax aa part of
the bl)l.
Debate) Called Farcical.
Senator Hitchcock In his attack on
the caucus declared it was not even
a fair test of strength, because there
was a "caucus within a caucus." He
added :
"Caucus rule makes publio debate In
the Senate farcical. Senators will not
even remain in their seats to hear it;
caucus rule kills the very spirit of
legislation. This Income tax section,
Instead of being here a thing of life
and Interest, lies in this chamber a
veritable corpse.
"Amendments have been offered
from the Republican side by Senators
who have made a study of the Income
tax. They were not contrary to any
Democratic doctrine; they would not
endanger the bill. Why then must
Democrats be required by caucus rules
to vote against them?
"With other Democratic Senators, I
have felt bound up to this time with
these obnoxious caucus rules. Now,
however, wa have reached a point
where I feel free to take another
ods of the party caucus that framed the
tariff bill. He declared the binding
rule of the caucus had mad "a farce
of the debate In the Senate." Senator
Hltchoock introduced an amendment
which the caucus had rejected for a
penalty tax on trusts. It was defeated,
41 to SO.
The Democratic members ef the
finance committee began sessions to
night to readjust the income tax to
Zoo Keeper Learns That Fortune
Teller Told Her In That Way
She Would Find Husband.
NEW YORK, Aug. 29. Speclal.)-r-"Go
pluck a red tail feather from a
live macaw, wear it in your Fall hat,
and you will surely find your missing
Pursuant with these instructions
from the fortune-teller, a alender, rath
er nice-looking woman stopped In
front of the caga containing the South
American macaw In Central Park soo
Donald Burns, keeper, was talking
with a friend when she approached the
cage and stood watching the tall
feathers of the bsautiful macaw. Sud
denly the woman reached out and
grabbed one of the feathers, and, while
the bird from ithe tropics loudly voiced
Its disapproval by piercing cries, she
tugged at the feather.
Burns went quickly to the rescue of
the bird. The woman then explained
that she was carrying out the fortune
teller's instructions in search for the
missing spouse.
"I've seen you several times about
here," said Burns.
"Yes, I have been here several
times," she said, "but every time I
came the macaw remained in the back
of the cage, and I couldn't get the
feather. - This was the first chance I
had and you spoiled It."
She began to sob and Burns let her
Wind, Rain and Electrical Storm
Causes Heavy Damage in South,
ern New England.
WORCESTER, Mass.. Aug. 18.
Lightning, wind and rain caused heavy
damage in Southern New England to
day. Several buildings In this city
were struck, Four houses in the same
block were hit by four successive bolts
and all the occupants stunned. Tele
phone and fire alarm ayatema were
paralysed, trees were uprooted and
atreets flooded.
Twenty Middleaex County towns were
jarred severely when one of the mills
of the American Powder Company, near
Acton, Mass.. blew up after being
struck by lightning. So far as known
there were no casualties.
At Newport, R. I, the spires of two
churches and the top of tha old shot
tower were knocked off by lightning.
Esther Perkins, daughter of a subur
ban postmaster, was knocked uncon
scious by a bolt while using the telephone.
Vancouver Man Gets Appointment.
OLYMPIA. Wash.. Aug. S. (Spe
cial.) A. W. Calder, traveling auditor
of the Industrial Insurance Commis
sion for Southwestern Washington, with
headquarters at Vancouver, has -been
supplanted by Roy M. Force, of Van
couver. This announcement was made
today by Chairman Daggett, of the
commission. - .
Loan of $30,000,000 Will
Mean Completion of Entire
Umatilla Project.
Borah Encouraged bj pevelopmenta
and Will Press Consideration of
BUI Now Pending in Sen
ate ' Committee.
lngton. Aug. It. Secretary Lane's an
nouncement, while in Oregon, that he
was heartily in favor of aa additional
loan of $30,006,069 to the reclamation
fund to make possible the early com
pletion of projects now under construe:
tion or authorised, has given encour
agement to Senator Borah, of Idaho,
autnor of such a bill, wntcn is now
pending before the Senate Irrigation
committee. Supported by Secretary
Lane and the united Western contln
gent in Congress. Senator Borah is
hopeful that his bill will receive favor
able consideration at tha regular ses
slon ef Congress, and, on Secretary
Lane's return to Washington, ha will
have a conference with him In regard
to the bill in question.
Congress had previously passed a
Borah bill authorizing a 120.000.00
loan to the reclamation fund, but, al
though this money has been available
at least two years, not a cent of It
has been expended, all recent work on
Government projects being paid for out
or the regular fund. Secretary Lane,
before starting West, made provision
for using some qf this money at once,
and, on his return, will recommend to
the President a reallotment of the re
mainder of tbe fund, placing It on
projects where It can be used to best
advantage, and taking parts of It from
projects where it Is not needed.
Twenty Mlllloas Mot Eaongfc.
Tha coming season will see a large
portion of the (20.000,000 fund ex
pended in construction work, for Secre
tary Lane has announced his deter
mlnation to hasten completion on
projects that have long been delayed.
However, $20,000,000 is not going to
complete tne projects In hand, nor any
thing like complete them. It will re
quire at least $30,000,000 to carry to
completion the more desirable of the
projects and get them in condition to
turn over to the settlers In a reason
able time. Without such an advance to
tha reclamation fund, work on most all
the projects must lag, and this will be
especially burdensome to settlers who
went upon these projects years ago, In
the expectation that they would be
built In a year or two.
Policy Mesas Much to Oregoa.
The passage of tbe pending Borah
bill will mean much to Oregon. With
an additional $30,000,000 there will be
funds sufficient to build the West
Umatilla extension In Its entirety
whenever tha Secretary feela justified
In authorizing Its construction. W(tn-
out such a loan there will not be
money enough to build the larger part
or mis project unless funds are taken
from some other projocts. and any
effort to rob soma other state In the
interest of Oregon woul l create a lively
row; in fact, it might prove impossible.
Both Senator ChamotlHn and Sen
ator Lane are heartily In favor of the
Borah bill; In fact, all Western Sen
ators are anxious for its passage, for
most or tne states In wr.iuh iSovern
ment Irrigation work is under way
would benefit should the bill become
a law. The difficulty wi 1 coma In In
duclng Eastern Senat r and Repre
sentatives to give tij ilr support to the
bill, especially in view of the fact that
the $20,000,000 now on hand is Intact
and available.
Oakland Man Not Seen After Going
on Steamer Harvard Domestic
Life Said to Be Happy.
LOS ANGELES, Aug. 29. (Special.)
Search for Luclen A. Ganahl, missing
Oakland lumber merchant and son of
F. J. Ganahl, of Los Angeles, today
shifted to San Diego. Ganahl has not
been seen since he engaged passage
on the steamer Harvard from San
Francisco to Lss Angeles. It Is now
believed that .Ganahl may have been
on tha boat until after It docked at
San Diego.
Private detectives, armed with re
cent photographs of Ganahl, are ques
tinning automobile drivers, hotel men
and dock employes in San Diego today.
The fact has been developed that the
clothing, grip and watch of Ganahl
were not discovered in the stateroom
of the passenger until after the boat
reached San Pedro on Its return from
San Diego.
Qanahl was not seen aboard the
Harvard during the southbound trip,
but It Is pointed out he may have re
mained in his stateroom during the en
tire evening.
Efforts also ara being made to locate
passengers who occupied the state
room adjoining that of the missing
lumber merchant. The records of t'le
steamship company show that the thrse
nearest rooms were occupied by K. a..
Manley, T. M. O'Toole and Miss Lucy
It Is not believed by those conduct
ing the search that Ganahl had any
difficulties that would cause him vol
untarily to disappear. His domestic
life was said to be happy and devoid
of quarrels.
Investigations so far have failed to
develop financial troubles ef any kind.
Tha search at San Pedro will continue.
Championship of Mississippi Valley,
Cash Prize and Trophy Are
Awarded Western Poat.
KEOKUK. la- Aug. S. .(Special.)
Oregon Kid, owned by Captain E. W.
Spencer, of Portland, Or and driven
by 8. E. Brock and Harry Grant, en
gineer, easily won the Webb race,
carrying a cash prise of $1000. and
trephy for ana yeas, together with the
championship of the Mississippi Valley
Powti Boat Association, . The fast
Western boat was never pushed, cov
ering the 20-mile course In 26:18.
Barnacle, owned by Adam Welkler,
of Chicago, awice took fire, but fin
ished third. Hydrobulla finished sec
ond. Earl Deakin, its driver, was tak
en from tha boat in tha third 1d after
being Injured, when it turned over on;
a turn. C. H. Hanley, of Muscatine,
newly elected admiral of the associa
tion, then took the wheel and brought
the boat In seeond.
The Phantom, owned by L. Osborne,
of Galena, and driven by John Brickler
and Ray Wilmertoa. started ta aink.
but was run under the bow of Elator
IV and lines passed around to keep
It up. -
P. D. Q. Ill, driven by Dr. A. C.
Strong, of Burlington, took two firsts
and a second In classes A, B and C.
Scary Williams, owned by J. Ruddlck.
Keokuk, took second in classes A and
B. Ugly Duckling, Harry Godley, of
Davenport, took third in class C. Ore
gon Kid walked away with class D
and Little Leading Lady with class C
Peoria, Muscatine and Burlington are
In line for the next regatta. Minne
apolis has Invited the association for
The final results follow:
Final heat, class A, i mlles-7-P. D. Q.
Ill, Dr. A. C. strong, Burlington, first;
Phantom, A. X Osborne, Oalena, HI., second;
Scary William. A. J. Ruddlck. Keokuk,
third. Time. 12:lv.
Final heat, class D, miles Oregon Kid,
S. P. Brock. Portland, first: Teaser IV.
Even and Morltx. Quincy. X1L, seeond; LHtls
Leading Lady. w. P. Cleveland, Galeae,
III., third. Tlra 8:14.
Pinal beat, class B, S miles P. T. Q.
II L Dr. A. C. (Strong. Burlington, first;
Scary William, A. J. Ruddlck. Keokuk, sec
ond; Grevhound, L. Weingarten, Quincy,
third. Time. 13:41.
Webb trophy, free for all, 80 miles Ore
gon Kid. B. P. Brock, Portland, first: Hydro
Bullet. Earl H. Deakin, Elk Horn, second;
Barnacle. Adam Wecklor, Chicago, third.
Time 26:18.-
Final heat, class C. 2H miles Little Lead
ing Lady. W. P. Cleveland, Galena, 111.,
first: P. D. O. III. Dr. A. C. Strong. Bur
lington, second; Ugly Duckling, Harry God
ley. Davenport, third. Time. 0:2.
Mllo dash against time Oregon Kid, a
F. Brock, Portland, Or.; time, 1:15 S-6.
J. G. R. IS
Tests Indicate Tbat "Roe" Was Petty
Officer on Admiral Sampson's
Flagship at Santiago.
ST. PAUL, Aug. Is. That J. C. R,
the unidentified patient at tha State
Hospital for tha Insane at Rochester,
gradually la improving and soon will
be able to identify himself Is the be
lief of Charles Yasaly, chairman of the
State Board of Control, who returned
today from Rochester.
According to Mr. Vasaly testa have
been performed which tend to show
that "J. C. K." probably was a petty
officer on Admiral Sampson's flagship
at the battle of Santiago, when shown
a picture of Admiral Sampson ''Roe'' is
said to have Indicated that ha recog
nized the officer and also a picture of
tha flagship. Officers of the Institu
tion pointed to a picture of the crew
and then to "Roe," who shook his heyid
and pointed to the bridge and then to
The authorities have sent to Wash
ington for a complete roster of Admi
ral Sampson's flagship and hope thus
to discover ' Roes identity.
Eugene Restrained From Awarding
Contract for Paving.
EUGENE, Or., Aug. 29. (Special.)
Holding that tha county could assess
abutting property for paving work
where properly ordered, but that tbe
city could not let contracts for work,
the specifications for which were fur
nished by tha paving contractors. Judge
Harris today decided agalnat the City
of Eugene in the case of the applica
tion of George Klnsey and others for
an orde- restraining tbe city from Im
proving two blocks of one street.
The court, however, adds that the
ruling does not affect paving work
already completed, though yet un-
Injunction Aimed at Schools.
CHEHALIS, Wash.. Aug. i. 8pe
clal. ) O. H. Llnd, of Llndberg. has se
cured a temporary Injunction In the
Lewis County Superior Court to tie up
the operation of the big consolldateu
school district, recently organized In
There are thousands of fam
ilies that always keep Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy in the
house, and it otten saves
them the expense of calling
a physician in the night or a
trip to town in their busiest
season. One or two doses of
it will cure an ordinary at
tack of diarrhoea. It only
costs 25c,
Mrs. Walter Cogswell, Andrews, InL,
says, "I have a high opinion of Cham
berlain' Colic, Chdlera and Diarrhoea
Remedy. It is tbe best medicine oa
the market for diarrhoea. My mother
used it for years before I was married
and still keeps it in the house.
Resinol for
skin health
RESINOL Ointment and Res
inol Seap stop itching t'n
ttanily and aoon restore
the skin ta perfect health, jn
even the worst cases of eczema,
rash, ringworm, tetter or other
tormenting, unsightly eruptiona.
Prescribed by physicians for
over eighteen years.
Resinol Ointment is also a most
effective antiseptic, healing
dressing for cats, burns, scalds,
bruises, bites, stings,channgs, Ac
The nearest druggist sells Raainol Oint
ment (50c and SLOOJand Resinol SoapUSc)
or yoa can try them froo by writing to
Doe-t. St-S. Boriaol. Baittaora, Md far
liberal sample of each.
and a
Day in
the Country
Are Two
Order Cambrjntis for the outing or for the
home. It is pure put up in light-proof
bottles- and stays pure.
Phone Main 49
A 1149
Ijif Gambrinus Brewing Co.
Portland, Or,
Eastern Lewis County, which Includes
all the schools in that section. The
order is directed against County Au
ditor Monfort, Assessor Davis, Treas
urer Arnold and Superintendent Car
rier, and Messrs. H. Ahlstrand, of Min
eral; P. M. Broadbent, -of Morton, and
R. T. Slier, of Randle, the directors of
the district. The Board has already
employed P. S. Thompson, of Tacoma,
as superintendent of the big district.
and hiring of teachers is well com
pleted. The proceedings will be
watched with much interest by those
interested, as they affect the whol
public school system of the eastern
part of the county and tha welfare of
several thousand pupils.
The Itallasj government makes SB annual
appropriation of S30.000 for tho maintenance
of a botanical rarden at Eakl, in tne Congo.
10 Days to Japan
15 Days io Chins
One Week
Only $300 to Japan and Back
One Way via Honolulu, if Desired
A wonderful, luxurious 10 days
on one of the splendid new ships
now in service on the Canadian
Pacific Line finest vessels ever
brought to Pacific waters, with
a Diverse Route Privilege that
allows you to travel one way via
Honolulu and Manila, if you deslre-
Tm,M 1atMntelv furnished'
single and two berth staterooms
and suites with privata bath,
sumptuous library, lounging,
smoking and writing rooms.
Magnificent dining salon, unique
veranda cafe, spacious promenade
decks, a gymnasium and laundry.
Empress of Russia Empress of Asia
Set a new standard for Pacific ser
vice and bring Pacific Ocean travelers
every luxury that has made modern
liners famous. Shorten the voyage
almost ant wtek two on tha round
tripJapaa in 10 days China m 15
The ten days on the cool, blue Paci
fic is the most delightful cruise you
could plan restful. Invigorating, with
every day bringing new interest and
pleasures while Japan fascinates
every visitor with its scenic beauty,
amusing sights, novel scenes and a
hospitable and always happy people.
AU'tha interest and pleasures of
this unique trip are described in a
handsome and entertaining folder,
which also gives further details in re
gard to these new Royal Mail and
Passenger Steamers.
Fun information as to Canadian Paciffe
Oriental. Australasian and 'Round the
World trips cheerfully given, phone, cal
on or write
FE15K R. JOHN SOX. General Airat,
Cor. Sd aad Ftae Stjk, Portlaad, Oregon.
PasBes Hala SO. ar A 3SSO.
e& CO.
Have no connection whatsoever with S. Brunn
at Seeond and Alder Sts whose license was
.revoked August 20 by the city authorities.
Sole Owner of BRUNN & CO.