Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 30, 1913, Page 16, Image 16

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All Charge Purchases Made Today Go on September Account and Are Made Payable October 1st September Talking Machine Records Are Here
Have You Read "A Spinner in the Sun" by Myrtle Reed? Formerly $1.50, Now in Reprint Edition, at Only 50c Bookstore, Basement Annex
MAN. Fourth Floor, MalM Bulldlnff.
Any Style Willamette Sew
ing Machine delivered to
your home, $2 at time of pur
chase, then $1 per -week till
Third Floor, Mala Bid.
"Indestrncto" Trunks
are .insured for five years
against theft, loss, fire, dam
age or destruction. Sold ex
clusively here for Portland.
Fearta Floor, Mala Balldlac
TERNS 25c the Copy in
cluding any 10c or 15c Pat
tern Free. Advance Fall Pat
terns now ready.
First Floor, Mala Bids.
Free Exhibit!
Beautiful Pheasants From the State
Game Warden on Exhibition Here
Today Fifth Floor, New Building
Mothers Can Outfit the Boys and Girls at Meier & Frank's
With Clothing and All Requirements for School Wear at Economy Prices!
Fetching School Frocks for the Girls!
Cleanup of Wool Dresses
at $5.00
$6 to $15 Wash Dresses
Half Price!
To insure a clean-up of Children's 'Wash
Dresses, we're offering for today a splendid
assortment of . pretty and dainty Frocks,
made of Poplin, Crepe, Gingham and Wash
Corduroy; sizes 6 to 14 years. Regularly
selline at $6 to $15. Special, at just HALF
Regularly $12.50 to $15.00
Incomparable is this offer of splendid
Wool Dresses worth $12.50 to $15 priced
for today, for final clean-up, at $5.00 each.
Mothers will welcome this opportunity to
secure several serviceable school Dresses
for the children at such tremendous reduc
tions. . .
They're prettily made in. a varjety of
charming styles, including the popular
Peter Thompson Suits, and two are just as
illustrated. Sizes are o to 14
years. They are regular $12.50
to $15 Dresses. "We've priced
them special for today at. ..... .
Stunning New Dresses
You'll find here a full line of Children's
Wool Dresses, in a varied and pleasing as
sortment of all the new and popular styles
and colors. Materials are Serge, Wool Pop
lin, Velvet and Corduroy.
Sizes 2 to 5 yrs. $1.75 to $4.50
Sizes 6 to 14 yrs. $2.00 to $16.50
re just as
Modish Winter Coats for Girls
There's a large array of new Winter Coats for the Girls, in styles and materials
that are highlv favored. Colors are brown, blue, red and wood mixtures. Sizes
6 to 14 vears. "Prices, $5.00 to $16.00.
Seeoad Floor, Mala Bid Mall Orders Filled.
You'll Surely Enjoy
Our Appetizing
Table d'Hote
$1.00 Dinner
Fresh Cras Cocktail.
Staffed Ollres. ' Radishes.
Salted Almoada.
Cream of Asparagus, aax Croatoaa.
Coaasmaae, Albloa.
Filet da Sole, Saaeo Tyrolleaae.
Saratoga Chips.
Braised Sweetbreads. Mashroom
Rns Paaeh.
Roaat Staffed Sprlsa" Chlekea. Car
raat Jelly.
Roast Prists Ribs of Beef, aa Jas,
Mashed Potatoes. Dnchesse Potatoes.
Caallflower, aa Gratia.
Lettuce aad Esc Salad,
Apple Pie.
Maple Nat lee Cream. Cakes.
Amer'eaa Cheese. Toasted Crackers.
Cafe Kolr.
$7 Spectacles
at $5.00
For Saturday only we make the
special offer of our regular $7.00
Spectacles or low-bridge Eye
glasses, fitted with the best grade
lenses, to your eyes by our Grad
uate Registered Optometrist, at the
special price of $5.00.
Best, grade of lenses fitted to
your eyes, placed in your frames,
the pair, $1.00.
First Floor, New Bid-.
Buy Kodak Films Today for
Sunday s and Monday s Outing
You'll want to Kodak all the inter
esting things Sunday and Monday,
and to be certain that you have new,
fresh Films, buy them here. You
know, half the secret of good pic
tures is in the film, and Eastman N.
C. Films assure you of best results.
Bring your Films to us Tuesday to
be developed by an Expert formerly
Avith the Eastman Factory. Prices
most reasonable.
$2.50 Leather Albums, 9 by 14, 50 leaves, special, S1.69
... , . a arsa jTa -at eTfcdTfc
SZ.Z5 Leatner AlDums, iu Dy iz, ou leaves, special, ai.u
First Floor. New Bids. Mall Orders Killed.
Wonderful Shoe for Girls
r.1 (jQ It's time now to buy the new Fall
dL p3 Shoes for the Girls, both for school and
ior aress, ana we nave very lortunateiy
secured for the Portland Misses' some
most remarkable Fall Shoes for only
$3.00 the pair.
They're splendid styles, and in gun
metal, calf, patent colt and vici kid
leathers, buttons, with cloth or mat
tops, Goodyear welt soles, the practicable and sensible
low heels and broad toes. Sizes 2y2 to 7, and A to E,
widths. Come and see them today. They are cer
tain to win instant favor with you. The pair, $3.00.
. Third Floor, New Bids. Mall Orders Filled.
Saturday Is the Last Day of
Manhattan Shirt Sale
Your final opportunity to choose from our immense stock
of the famous Manhattan Shirts, -with prices reduced to the
extreme, is today. The stock is still splendidly complete, and
you may select from beautiful patterns, such as particular Men
High-Grade Silk Shirts
Remarkably Priced
Famous "Gotham" high-grade Shirts of the finest Silks,
Crepe de Chine, and Silk and Satin Stripe materials, superbly
tailored, and a diversity of beautiful patterns, offered today for
your final choice at these extreme reductions
$10.00. Gotham Silk Shirts, Special, S6.35
$7.00 Gotham Silk Shirts, Special, S4.95
$5.00 Gotham Silk Shirts, Special, So. 85
Just I aside Morrlaoa-St. Eatraaee. Vail Orders Filled.
Interesting Hosiery Specials
For Women and Children
Women's 35c Mercerized
Hose with double-welt garter
tops and soles. Full fashioned.
In black, white and tan. ' A mill
run of thesa fine Mercerized
Hose enables us to offer them,
special for ' Saturday, OO
2 pairs 45c a pairsjC
Women's 50c Silk Boot Hose
in black, white and tan. Full
fashioned and seamless. Splen
did Hose we're offering, spe
cial for Saturday, the o f
pair 07C
Women's 50c Silk Lisle Hose
in outsizes. Extra elastic
double tops and high-spliced
heels. In black only. Spe
cial for Saturday, the
35c and 50c Silk Lisa Hose
for Misses and Children. Extra
fine quality. Medium and gauze
weight Seamless. Colors, black
and tan. Special for ty J"
Saturday, the pair. ... aadOC
Children's 20c Cotton Hose
in fine-ribbed Cotton. Seamless
foot. Elastic tops. Colors,
black and tan. These well-made
and durable Hose, special for
Saturday, the pair, f n
only 1 &S2C
Infants' 25c Silk Lisle Socks
in white only, with light blue
tippings. Fine imporfed Socks,
specially priced for Saturday,
2 Pairs 25d the. .f
pair ' IOC
rirst Floor, Mala Bids. Mall Orders Filled.
Grocery Specials for Sunday
MATCHLESS HAMS A special selection of fine, medium-sized
10 to-12-lb. Hams. When boiled, makes
delicious Sandwiches. Spenol .
cial, the pound sa-0 2C
Royal Banquet Butter The roll 75d
Dried Beef No. 1 jar, 29 No.-i jar 1S
Sliced Tongue Pickled. Jar 25i and 15d
Fresh Sausages Frankfurts or Weinerwurst, pound. ..'.17V2&
Boast Beef Xo. 2 can, 35d Xo. 1 can '206
Imported Sardines Boneless, No. J2 tins 2o
Imported Sardines Plain, Xo. V tins t 19d
7ancy Corn Eastern pack. No. 2 cans, doz., SI. 10; can, 10
New Peas Fancy Dimple variety; dozen. S2.00; can, X8
Quality Coffee Our popular Tea' Room Blend, pound 38
Fine Shrimp Xo. iy2 can. 28; No- 1 can 15
Boiled Ham Sliced to order, pound 40
Sliced Pineapple Xo. 2Vs can, 19d; No. - can 15c
Delicious Candies, Special:
70c Victoria Chocolates, lb , 48
50c Milk Chocolates, lb ... .38
40c Butter Cups, lb 28 '
40c French Nougat, lb. .' 25
30c Iceland Fruit Paste, lb. . . : : 23
Baseaieat. Mala Balldla. Mall Orders Filled.
The Best Suit for the Boys
Is a" "Samson" at $5
For style, fit and service, the Samson Suits for Boys
are unsurpassed, and our extensive showing of this sea
son's most-favored, weaves and patterns offers y6u a
varied selection. Every Suit is of all-wool material, care-
fully tailored, with seams double taped, and knickers full
lined, and are made to withstand the rough-and-tumble
m 1 -ma oi o i . J J .
usage a live, wiae-awate aoy win give, wme in xouay gav t
and choose a Samson Suit for your Boy. They sell for V -VJL
$5.00. aS-
Ilxtra. Knickers to match for $1.50.
Other Suits for Boys at $3.75 to $15
Complete new stocks of new Fall Clothing for Boys, including ths famous "Sam
peck" Suits, are now here for your selection, and they're all our usual high-quality
Suits so well known in Portland for their excellent finish and wearing quali
fies, irricea irom o to pj.j.Mf.
aaaaaaa bbbl isatdriaV.
Third Floor, tw Bids. Mall Orders Filled.
Splendid New Fall Clothing
for Men Who Desire Excel
lence in Style, Fit and Finish
A matchless assemblage of new Fall Clothing for
Men has arrived for our Men's Store, and with, their
superior tailoring and All-Wool fabrics and beautiful
new weaves' and patterns they've an elegance and dis
tinctiveness unequaled elsewhere in Portland.
This Clothing is the choice from such famous
makes as
Adler-Rochester A. B. Kirschbaum & Co.
. . Washington & Co.
Hickey, Freeman & Co. Society Brand
and many others. Come tomorrow and choose your
Fall Suit while the assortments are in their entirety.
It is a well-known fact that we save you from $5 to
$10 the suit over the exclusive dealers, who have not
our immense buying power. New Fall Suits $15 to $38.
Also new Fall styles of our Famous "Invincible"
Suits, equal to Suits sold elsewhere for $25,, now here
for your selection at $16.50.
Men's Store Third Floor Seven Elevators
' T'aV--HeT .' J w '"
-as is S j
-" ?ai-aaaaa-C- " aaassaBaaassaasBasaa-BBmwsas-aaej
aLI"jam-a?f -j
Best $2.00 Hat for Men in Portland!
I n I In Snappy, New Fall Styles
e,) -new arrival i1 our Hat Section proves to be pos-
x''SsiPv itively the best Hat ever sold in Portland for $2.00,
:s&, T and you would expect to pay elsewhere $3.00 or more.
CVC ly They're splendid in style, quality and finish, with
U! bow in back, flat brims with welt edge, and high
iSf y1 or lw crown. All the becoming and popular colors
jC for Fall, navy, brown, steel, green, gray, tu-tones
C x? and black.
. T Come in today and see what remarkable Hats
1 these are for the price, and make your choice for Fall now, f or only $2.00.
Corsets $1.59!
Formerly $6.50 to $10
Broken line of excellent quality
Corsets Is the cause of this phenom
enal sale, and the .roost fastidious
women dressers will find in this
group of splendid models a corset
that is certain to please-
They're well made of Brocade and
Coutll. daintily trimmed In embroid
ery and lace, In long- hip and medi
um or high-bust styles. 'Twill pay
you to come early and select a Cor
set from this group regularly sell
. - . c ca ,A .in A. a n
cial for Saturday at' only w 1 OU
reaa nw, .-.ew niiia.
Mall Orders Filled.
Tnrr Quality' Store- or Pofctland
FWJt-HorTsjotyAsssrata. .
Fishermen! Here's Good Luck for You!
Rods, Tackle, Flies, Etc, Are Reduced
All Split Bamboo Bods Bednced three-jointed, well coupled, with
extra tip and ease.
$4.00 Bods, special only $3.23 $2.50 Bods, special, only S1.9S
$3.50 Bods, special, only $2.79 $2.00 Bods, special, only S1.49
$3.00 Bods, special, only S2.23 $1.50 Bods, special, only $1.13
20c Spoons, special price of 14 15c Spoons, special price of 10
Trout Flies best grade of gut, silk body, and hollow ground point,
assorted Brown Hackle, Royal Coachman, Black Gnat, Queen of the
Water, Professor, etc., sizes 6 to 8.
Trout Flies, regularly 90c the dozen, special low price at only 69
Trout Flies, regularly 60c the dozen, special low price at only 49
Hollow Point, Snelled Hooks, regularly 30c the dozen, special only 23c
Kirby Snelled Hooks, sizes 6 to 8, regularly 15c the dozen, at only 10
Saline Braided Silk Line, 25 yards, regularly $1.00, special only 73c
"Watershed" Enameled Silk Line, 25 yards, regularly 85c, special 69c
Crescent Braided Oil Silk Line, 25 yards, regularly 35c special at 29 C
"Stillwater" Braided Line, 50 yards, regularly 10c, special at only 7C
$1.25 Be els, nickel-plated, both click and drag, special at only 98c
$1.00 Fly Books, leaves and pockets for leaders, special price, only 73c
50c Handy Pocket Fly Books, special low price for this sale, only 39c
$2J0 Baskets, No. 5 size, special low price for this sale, at only SI. 95
$2.00 Baskets, No. 4 size, special low price for this sale, at only $1.73
$1.75 Baskets, No. 3 size, special low price for this sale, at only $1.49
$1.50 Baskets, No. 2 size, special low price for this sale, at only $1.23
$1.25 Baskets, No. 1 size, special low price for this sale, at only $ .99
60c Diving Caps for Ladies Assorted colors, special 39?.
Fishing and Hunting Licenses, $1.00 each.