THE MOUSING OREGOMAS. 5SATUKIM.. AL'UUST 3U, 15 filGBE FUGGLES SQLD Bulk of Crop in Harrisburg Section Moved. BUYERS PAY 22 AND 221-2 Demand for Later Hops Is Held in Check by TTncertalnty as to Vields in This Country and Europe. All the remaining crepe of Fuggle heps but three in the Harrtsburr; section vera bought yesterday. The prices paid wara 13 and 22 cant. No trading waa reported In tha late crop. Thera wara order at 18 to 19 cents tor con tract, but growers would not aell at these prices. It looks now as If operations will be suspended until tha hops ara In the bale. Conflicting advices ara arriving aa to the alia of tha European crops and this keeps buyers in the air. Letters from abroad also Indicate that there Is the same differ ence of opinion aa to tha probable extent of the American yield. Consequently the market la in a waiting attitude and until something more than mere guesses can be put out. buyers are certain to pursue a conservative policy. A cable received front Alost yesterday re sorted that in tha Hallertau and other im portant districts the crop waa suffering from a bad attack of red spider and tha weather was hot. 'The crop waa coming down below estimates. In Belgium 150 marks was paid, which i equivalent to 84 cents. These are hops that compete with Americans in the London market. Brewers ara always Inclined to take a bearish view of the crop situation, yet the London Brewers' Journal says: "We have rarely experienced so much difficulty In estimating the crop as we have this season. It Is abundantly palpable that there cannot be such a large production as there was In 1912 namely. S73.43S cwts.: tha difficulty Is to judge approximately how much short of that quantity It will be. We shall, perhaps, be somewhere near the mark If wa put it at about 800.000 cwts. more or less. "The demand for consumption, acting on excessively small stocks, has caused prices to rise considerably. The position la ac centuated by reports from the Continent. Ac cording to all estimates there will be a serious shortage' there and instead of this country taking from that quarter some 200.000 cwts., as we did last year, the Con tinent. In all probability, this year will be Importers from us." Tha Maidstone Oasatte of August IS said of tha crop prospect In England: The natural progress of the plant has been seriously delayed and It le not yet pos sible to say how small the yield may prove to be. Tha one thing certain Is that the crop will be considerably below an average, and It must fall short of last year's yield by 20 or 25 per cent per acre at least. A good deal of speculation Is taking place In the shape of bets and even money has been laid against an all-round Euglish crop of m cwts. per acre. To sum up the general r. ports from all districts, growers may. If granted favorable weather, eventually se pura a crop of about 9 cwts. per acre, but If the cold snap continues much longer even this estimate may have to be considerably reduced. "If the English yield is less than half a Ion per acre (which seems now to be a certainty and the Centlnental yield only equals half that of last year, prices equal to those secured late In the season of 1911 will be more than Justified." A circular received from Cattley. Grldley A Co., of London, says: "In spite af the cool and cloudy weather those plantations that have been thorough ly cleansed of the blight have made prog ress during the week, and, with normal tem peratures and conditions, give promise of quite a full average crop, though scarcely as heavy as last year. The slack and blight ed plantations show little change for the better. The harvest will be rather later than usual. Continental reports speak of more favorable weather conditions and some Im provement In most districts, though blight has dona much damage. Estlmataa still suggest a good half of last year's produce on the whole. All markets are quiet, but firm, with stocks of last year's and old hops very short Indeed.' CANTALOCPES FBOM PAYETTE COME Peaches In Large Supply and Active De mand Tomato Lower. The first car of Payette Valley canta loupes was started for Portland yesterday and will reach thia city Monday. The Idaho cantaloupes long ago established a reputa tion for excellency and their arrival on the market Is always eagerly awaited by tha trade. Usually they sell at high prices, but the growers have made reason able quotations this year and the first ship ment will be put on sale here at 11.75 w 2 a crate. Tha market waa well supplied with other cantaloupes yesterday and $1.00 was the top price. Inferior cants sold aa low as $5 cents. Turtock cantaloupes of good quality are still coming along and sell well. Two cars were received yeaterday and two mora are rolling. Tha peach market was in good shape, with a big atock on hand and an active de mand. Among the receipta waa tha flrat car of Taklma Elbertas, which sold at S3 ta TO cents. Tha tlrst straight car of Muscat grapes also arrived and they were quoted at $19 1.25 a crate. Tha banana market could not well be weaker. Seven cars were unloaded yester day "and nve more are due today. Thera haa been an overstock of tomatoes an tha market all the week. Yesterday two full ears arrived from Dlllard and prices went to pieces. Offerings were made at low as 30 cents a box. ' A car of sweet potatoes arrived and they were quoted lower at 82 85 a crate. EXPORT IXOrn TRADE SLOWS DOWN lacertalnty as ta Freight Rates Checke Business. Owing to tbo uncertainty regarding the steamship ratea to prevail In October and November, export flour buying, which has not been brisk at any time this season, has some to almost a complete step. It Is be lieved that when the freight altuation Is settled the Japanese buyers will show in terest In the market, and It la alas likely that within a month the Chinese demand will revive. Tha wheat market continues quiet. So gar as club Is concerned, the undertone of the market is easy and 79 cents is quoted as full value, but bluestem is firm at 63 ' cents. The spread between club and blue stem is gradually widening and It is net thought that It will get closer. Weekly foreign wheat shipments were s follows: This Wk. Last Wk. Last Tr. Argentine .... ii-.',:J bu2,ooo l,o-0,ou Australia atH.OoO Srttt.OfN) 7i"3.tKk0 India l,S6,out ktd.uu0 810, 0W Local receipts, lit cars, were reported by the Merchants- Exchange as follows: Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay Monday 121 11 1 Tuesday T 2 Wednesday . . . 44 4 4 3 a Thursday 24 4 .... Friday Si J 1 Tear ago...... T .... 8 .... EetssB to ai ji-w o... 4.1 v ler ago " ALMOND" ARE ADVANCING RAPIDLY California Reports Short Crop and Market Tancnee IS Cents. Tha almond market la advancing rapidly because of tha short crop In California, i ..e present local quotation on IXLs Is 20 cents. Foreign advlcea eay the crop of Tarragona almonds will be a large one. and it may be that Importations will ba brought Into tha Western markets. Walnuts continue firm and scarce. Man churian nuta are being largely used on the Coast In the absence of native stock. As the time for the heavy consumption of Brazil nuts draws near, tha position as regards this commodity becomes more clear ly defined, and It la easy to eee that the stock of good nute of the new crop la not sufficient for the usual Fall requirements and prices naturally have a hardening ten dency. An advance of half a cent a pound both for the medium Paras and the large Manaos Is noted. Stocks are small, and with any ordinary demand would become exhausted long before the holiday trade waa actually over. Poultry Scarce and Higher. The poultry market was firm and higher. Not enopgh chickens were received to fill orders, and choice hens sold readily at le cents. Dressed meate were also firm, with fancy veal bringing 18 centa. Pork was quoted at 12 cents, with an upward tendency. The egg market was firm at unchanged prices. There were no new developments la the butter or cheese trades. Whits Beans Are Weaker.- The crop of beans In California, while short of last year's. Is nevertheless coming down better than was expected early in the seison. and as a consequence, prices have declined from a quarter ta half a cent. Ismail whites are now quoted by Jobbers at 6 cents, and large whlteo at cent. Bank Clearing. Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities yesterday were as follows: Clearings. Balances Portland Sl.HSI.SS 1184,157 Seattle ls.Bt7 1-U.3S1) Tacoma ............. 40.751 7.556 ttM.uaa S4.71J PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS. Orain, Flour, Feed, Ete. WEAT Track prices: Club, 79c; blue stem, 85c; forty-fold, bOc; red Russian, 7sc; fife. 76c: valley, sOc FLOUR Patents. 14.70 per barrel; straights. 44. lu; exports, $3.55 ff 13.65; val ley. J4.70. graham, 14.60; whole wheat, 14.80. OAT3 No. 1 white. 125.50 per ton. CORN Whole, S37; cracked, 3S per ton. MILLdTUFFa Bran. 1:13.50 per ton; shorts, $25.50 per ton; middlings. 131 per ton. BARLEY Feed. 24.50 per ton: brew ing. Sl!5.50: rolled. sjifZS per ton. HAY Fancy Idaho timothy. 1T1S: fancy Eastern Oregon timothy. ll.lyjlfl; timothy and clover, (14 S 13; timothy and alfalfa. 111) S?14alalf, tl3; clover, S.5o' 10; oat and vetch. 110U; cheat, fluull; Valley grain hay, I10&11. Finite and Vegetables. Local jobbing puotatlons: TROPICAL FRUITd Oranges. I4.KO0 6 per box; lemons, JS.o04j per box; pine apples, 7o per pound; banniyias, StMfac per pound. ONIONS Walla Walla, 11.60 per sack. VEGETABLES Beans. S?4c per pound; cabbage, 2if2Wc per pound; cauliflower, 12 per crate; corn, loigfl5c dozen; cucumbers, 20 40c per box; eggplant. 6i.i8o per pound; head lettuce, 3.,r40c per dozen; peas. 5?7c per pound: peppers, 6Hc per pound: rad ishes. 10 12c per dozen; tomatoes, 30&40c per box; garlic. 10c per pound. POTATOES Oregon.. 11 per hundred; sweet potatoes. S2.25 per crate. GKEEN FRUIT Apples. 12.2S per box; cantaloupes. eftctif-:! per crate: peach es. 3Oral0c per box; watermelon!, 41. 25 1.50 per cvt; plums, 75c till per box pears, HSl.uO per box; grapes. 55c11.25 per crate: casabas, (1.73 per dozen; nectarines, 7oc4j$l per box. Dairy and-Country Produce. Local Jobbing quotations: POULTRY Hen. 16lc; Spring. 18c; turkeys, live, 20c: dressed, choice, 25c; ducks, 10613c; geese, young. 12Hc EGG3 Oregon ranch, case count, 25 9 26c per dozen; fresh ranch, candled. 2BC0&OC CHEESE Oregon triplets, lOfec; Daisies, 17c; Young Americas, 18c. UK.' 1 1 CK ' ureguo crwniarj ouii.i cui"", 32c per pound; butter fat. delivered. 820 mr puuna. PORK Fancy, 114c per pound. VEAL Fancy, 15Vjltlc per pound Staple Groceries. Local Jobbing quotations: SALMON Columbia River. one-peund tails. 12.25 per dozen; half-pound flats, (1.40; one-pound flats, 82.43: Alaska, pink, one-pound talis, 85c; silversldes, one-pound talis. 81-25. HONEY Choice, 83.25 3.75 per case. NUTS-r Walnuts, lac per pound; Brazil nuts, ll'Htiljc; filberts, 1513c; almonds. 20c; peanuts. G54c: cocoanuts. OOcQll per dozen; chestnuts, 11c per pound; hickory-nuts, a-oMOc: pecans! 17c: pine. 17 tr 20c BEANS Small white. hic; large white. 5c: Lima, 8.30c; pink, 4.15c; Mexican, 5c: bayou, 4.15c SUGAR Fruit and berry. (565; Honolulu plantation, S5.t4; beet. (5.43; extra C, 85.15; powdered, barrels, 85.9u; cubes, barrela, (tl.05. COFFEE Roasted. In drums, 18932s per pound. SALT Granulated, 814 per ton: half ground 100s, (10 per ton; 80s, (16.75 per ton; dairy. $12.50 per ton. RICE No. 1 Japan, StfSttc; cheaper grades. 4Vc; Southern head. 54660. DKIEO FRUITS Apples. 10c per pound; apricots. 126x14c; peaches, 8911c; prunes. Italians, St? 10c; sliver, lc; figs, white and black, 6-&7c; currants, 9V:c; retains, loose Muscatel. K472c; bleached. Thompson, llc; unbleached. Sultanas. 5c: seeded. 74 SbS-c; dates, Persian, 7feSc per pound: fard. (1.05 per box. FIGS Twelve 10-ounce, 85c: 50 6-ounce. 81. S5; 70 4-ounce, $2.50; 30 10-ounce, $2.25; loose, 50- pound boxes, 6i4s7e; Smyrna, boxes, (i.iugj, 1.25: candled, (3 per box. Hops, Wool and Hides. , HOPS 1013 contracts, lSfflKc; 1313 fug- gles. 22-6v22itc; 1012 crop. 184lSc. fELTa liry. iuc; lambs, salt abearllag. 10 If SOc. WOOL Eastern Oregon, llw10o; val ley. It-$rl9c per pound. HIDES Salted hides, UK 612a per lb.; salt kip. 12 4 18c; salted calf, 17 Si 17 Vic; green hides. lOHSllc; dry hides, 22&23o. dry calf. fro. 1, 25c; No. 2, 20a; salted bulls, 8c per lb. MOHAIR 1913 clip. 27H per pound. CASCAR.A BARK Old s.nd new, o per pound. Provisions. Local Jobbing quotations: HAMS 10 to 12 pounds. S2f2Sc; 12 to 14 pounds, 22323c; picnic, 15c; cottage roll, 17 c BACON Fancy. 30 31c; standard, 25 O 20c; English, 2122c LARP In tierces, choice, 1430; com pound. 104ta. DRY SALT MEATS Regular short clears. 14Hgtloc: short clear backs. 12 to 16 Jbs.. ISulOsc; short clear backs. 18 to 23 lbs.. lJSjlii'ic; exports. 15ifl7c BARRELED BEEF Extra mess beef. (20, mess beef, $JU; piste beet, 22 Linseed Oil, Gasoline, Etc. LINSEED OIL Raw. barrela. 62c: boiled, barrele, 64c; raw, cases, 67c; cases, 69c. OIL MEAL F. o. b. Portland works: Car lots. $35; 5 and 10-ton lota, $34; ton Iota. $35. . TURPENTINE-Barrels. 52Ho; case. 55c COAL OIL Cases. 17k-oyic; drums and barrele, 10t13e. GASOLINE Cases. 23c; bulk. 16c. SAN FRANCISCO PRODUCB EXCHANGE. Prices Quoted at the Bay City for Vega- tables. Fruit. Ete. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 29. The follow ing produce prices were current here today: Fruit Apples. Orsvenstelns, 75ce$l.T3; other varieties, 75c$$1.15; Mexican limes, numlnal; California lemons, fo6; pine apples. $1.25225. Cheese New, littsyllc; Taung America. 18V.C Hay Wheat, $19. 50 20. 60; wheat and oats. $17&lb; alfalfa. $11$14. Butter Fancy creamery, ;ie; seconds. Joe Eggs Fancy rancn. 83"c; store, 27c Vegetables Cucumbers, 15jj50c; green peas. IS 4c; string beans. 2 4c,; eggplant. 14 4 73c. Onions New, yellow. 0c(r$l per sack. Potatoes New river whites, 85c tj (1.05; Merced sweets, lMSIc Bens Pink, $3.1.a3.30: 11m as, $3,509 5.6u: smail white. $3.5usg.60; large white. $4.55(1 4.05. Fiour Family extras, $5.60 O-J bakers' extras, $4.65 tr 5 20; Dakota, (8.461b T.4U; biansas. $0$ 6.25. Receipts Flour. 1966 quartera; barley. 24 lo centa:; potatoes, 6S90 sack; hay, 422 ton. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 2. Lead, 461 la Lon don, 120 as. Spelter quiet, S.83 9$.$5; la London, 21 Jt fid. Cupper quiet: standard spat, nominal; Eeptember. 15 10 bid: electrolytic, 14.0JJ 1612: lake, 16-250 1680; castings, 15.Ti 14 87. Tin weak; spot 43.60(42 SO: Octabsr. 42.60 S42.e0; November. 42.40342 80. Antimony dull; Cooksan a. 8.40s 8.80. Iron steady and unehanged. London marketa ciosed as folows: Copper quiet; spot. f?l 2s 6d; futures, 71; tin weak, spot tlnl; futures, 1193 )0s. Iron, Cleveland warrants, 60S. TRADE IS GROWING Commercial Operations in East on Larger Scale. TARIFF INFLUENCE SMALL Expansion of Business Helped b) Improved Monetary " Situation. Iron and Steel Conditions Better Than Expected. . KEW YORK, Auc. 20. Dua'i Bavltv will say tomorrow: Evidences of reviving commercial and In dustrial activity atMdily multiply and bust ness optimism is becoming widespread. The restrictive Influence ot tariff revision Is somewhat less manifest, and the expan sion in trade Is facilitated by the improved monetary situation. Increasing preparations for remote needa being stimulated by the broader absorption of commercial paper at lower rates. Conditions In the Iron and steel trades have been rather better than expected this month. Reports from the dry goods mar kets continued gratifying. A generally improved comparison with the two preceding years is shown In bank clearings thla week, the total at all leading cities amounting to fi.4uO.2Se.805. an In crease of .4 per oent over last year. Failures this week numbered against trl last year, and 8 In Canada, compared with 27 a year ago. TEXTILE MARKETS ARE MORE ACTIVE Mills, Instead of Malting- Ceaceeeiaau, Ask Higher Price. NEW YORK, Aug. 29. Bradst reefs to morrow will say: I n some respects trade reports suggest somewhat more irregularity. Western ad vices Indicate conservative buy ins, pre sumably a reflex of repents of reduced crop yields, but at the same time they proclaim that the trade Is equal to or in excess of that done at this time last year, when op erations certainly were growing. Oa the other hand, the more important Eastern markets, particularly those having to do with textiles, display more vim, house trade has enlarged, and mills. Instead of making concessions, are insisting upon higher prices. Failures for the week were 2U9. which compares with 28 In liU2. Wheat, Including flour, exports from the United States and Canada, for the week eggregate 7.042.1b4 bushels, against 3,45, 134 last year. Bank Clearings. NEW YORK. Aug. 2fl. Bradstreet's bank clearings report for the week ending Au gust 2o shows an aggregate of $2,7a.U09,OiH as against 2,814,730,uuo last week and S2. tJ41.tfltt.uou in the corresponding week last year. Prct Pr ct Inc. eOec. w York 1.B29.T03,000 .... l.S Chlcsgo 2?3,(r44.0uO 7-4 .... Boston 117.46f.OOU .... 6.7 Philadelphia 13H.lJH.uO0 12.2 .... St. Louis ......... tt.",5H4.000 .... 8.6 Pittsburg ......... 52.1tV,00 5.6 .... Kansas City M.ouS.OOO 11.2 an Francisco ... -44.167,000 .... 1.1 Baltimore 1!0. 600.000 .... 5.6 Cincinnati 1.4. "Jtf.OOO 14.0 .... , Minneapolis L'U.lOO.ouo 17. S . .. . Los Anaeles 14.4 Cleveland 28.044.000 ltt.l .... Detroit 7P7HU,000 .8.1 .... New Orleans l7.u' fi t Omaha 15,:K!.00 8.1 .... Louisville 11.7iH.omo s.l .... Milwaukee 9.6 .... fort laud. Or. ... lt).48.oJO lea Seattle 12.1!50.ut0 11.8 .... St. Paul 8.072.000 1 Uenver T.74U.0O0 31. 9 IndlanaDolia 94mu i.oo. til s Stockton 7tJU,0o .04 .... Salt Lake City..,. B,113,OUO .... Columbus &.7.i.utH a. 1 ... Toledo 4.Uito.0O0 .... 1.6 Uuluth ai.6iil.0uo 22.4 .... Df?s Moines 4.U00.0O0 21.1 . Spokane tf.aiu.ouu .... Tacoma n.rtn.Vnoft in 1 . Oakland a.osu immi o a San Diego l,m4.Ht0 .... 3.1 sacramento 1.97a, oiH) 39.8 .... Bloomlngton. II!.. 650,fHX .... . INVESTORS ARE BUYING BROADER DEMAXD FOR pi VI- DEXD PAYING STOCKS. Sentiment In Wall Street Remains Hopeful, Altliong-h Advance in Prices Is Checked, NEW YORK, Aug. S9. Speculation failed to maintain today the brisk nu. .i vMt.r. day. althoush the recent gatna were well ueia. in tne aDsence or definite news from Mexico, and with ae striking developments In any other quarter. Incentive (or active trading was lacking. Beara attempted to depreea the list at the opening, but the market was too strong tor them, with Smelting, Steel and the coalera in the lead, highest prices of the present movement were reached. Later In the day, owing to realizing and the weakness of a few storks, the list moved slowly downward with Increased heaviness toward the cloat which, in many cases, eliminated the earlier gaine. Sentiment remained hopeful, despite the failure of the market to continue on Its upward course and bulllshly Inclined trad ers maintained them. The market was In a better position than It had been for some lime. Improvement of the Investment market la Indicated not only by the broader demand for standard dividend-paying shares, but In the ready absorption of recent bond and note offerings. Although no figures re garding subscriptions to Union Pacific's holdings of Southern Pacific will be avail able until next week, the auccesa of the offering was said .to ba assured. The bond market was Irregular. Toledo St. Louis as Western rose i points and later lost the advance. Total sales, par value SI. .17.000. United States bonds were un changed on call, CLOSING STOCK .QUOTATIONS. Reported by J. C. Wilaon Co. Lewis building. Portland. " , Closing , se- High. Low. isid Ama! Copper .. :i.lw '6 7f 79 Am Beet til gar. Hx 2.-, 2ui Ajs Can Co ... 1,700 Si gg do preferred.. luO Mb btfs IHi -V Aiu Car Fdy. 400 4a .iji, ia3 Am Cotton Oil.. SOO 41 41 44 3 Am Smcl at Ret T.Ouo Gtti. o71 s do preferred lol Am Sugar I0d JU 110k nou do preferred 11 j Am Tel 4k Tel.. HO 1S1 180 13.114 Anaconda ..... l.0 J .J 7J All Coast Line 1"1 I A T at Santa Fa 3.060 & Dai, do preferred.. ftti- Ba'.t i Ohio ... 40O 07 8S1 giz Brook R Tran.. 1.004 PBV fcuC iii! Canadian Pao .. l.Dou 219 Hi'. 21.4. C A O 1.2lO 60 5, 0B C O W 200 Hi, 14 J.J C eV H W lu 130 5. 130 13.1 C. M at St PauL 2.100 lu7u IiimtI i,.t Central ljsa'ljer , a Central oX ii J ,.2iS " Chlno 400 414, 41ii 41H Col Fuel A Iran l.Cwi) 5 82 u $u Col Southern 3 2 Lonsol Gas .... 00 1334 182 133 D L W 400 Dt Ba 10 IS 18 18 Distilling fi.cur SCO 14 13 11 Erie 1.400 "4U General Electrla ion 14 143 143 Ot North Ore .. 7 .S5S, ii 34 Gt Xertli pf ... 00 MTV 1:17 11 H7 $ Illinois Central. 200 liS', IMS', lc8 Interboro Met rf 2.4hi lti iqi. do preferred.. 6,700 64 03 u 63 W K C Southern .. 2'JO 24 2m 5 Lehigh Valley 3.900 .-, Louis 4b Nash.. 2) 135 13Z Mexican Cent.. 7"S IKS is 15". 11. b P S 8 M 10O 134 134 H iU Mo. Kan 4k Tex 221 Mo Pacific 7.00d 31 193, 80 National Biscuit 80O 1M 12$ 12t do preferred.. lla Y Central .... 1.50 97', ! 7 ' N T, Ont 4k Wes 2v0 , 29 2 29 Norfolk A West 1.04 4, North America 1i Northern Pac. 800 11SH 112(4 Paclfle Mall .... TuU 21 .21 2 Pacine TAT 27 do preferred.. W) Pennsylvania ... 2.000 1131. 113 1134, People's Ca ... 4)'0 11S 117 117 Reading , AI.OCO 13 li 1S2 Republic B A I 24 2i Rock Island Co ! 4iO 1S4 17 17. Southern Pae. . 33.30O SO tV SO Southern By ... 100 24V. 24 24 i Texas Oil 800 i; 124 H 13SU Lnion Pacific .. IT.o 1M4 14 lA4ti do preferred.. zno 3 f-3 Ma 0 8 Steel Cor .20 68 ' 6.vJ do preferred.. 50 J '-" 10K 1S t-tah Copper .. 4.u0 63 12 H Mi Western Union ..... 67 Vs Westing Elec ... 1.S00 7 73 73 Wisconsin Cent. 44) Total Sales lor tha day. 2S,400 sharsa. BONDS. Reported fay Overbeck ft Cooke Co., Board of Trade building, Portland. Bid. Asked. Atchison general 4a H ti Atlantlo Coast Line Is 4s BOli sua, B ft O gold ea 2 S3 B R T 4s - 8Ti Chesapeake ft Ohio 4 Vis 100 V, lol C R I col 4s r7 .... Cal Gas s t24 S C B Q joint 4a 84 S WS Erie gen 4s . 76 76 Int Met 4s 70V 70 Louisville ft Nsshvllle unl 4s... 1 Missouri Pacific 4a 63 6S N T C gen 3V,a S4 S5 N ft W 1st con 4s t3 4 Northern Paclfle a 4 ti Oregon Short Una ref 4s Pacific Tel Ss T 7 Penna eon 4a 9 100 Reading gen 4e i 041, St L ft 8 F ref 4s 70 71 Southern Pacific ref 4s 0 01 Southern Pacific col 4s , 68 00 Southern Railway s 13 104 Southern Railway 4s T5V. 76 I'nlted Railway lnv 4s .... Union Pacific 1st and ret 4s... BS 93 United States Steel Ss lulti 101 West Shore 4s 0.1 .... Wabash 4s Z3 S4 Westir.ghouse Elee conv 5s 90 Wisconsin Central 4s slV, .... Stocks at Boston. BOSTON, Aug. 29. Closing quotations: Alloueg .IB ji Mohawk 4:Vi Amalg Copper., 79 Nevada Con 14 A Z L ft Em... 20 Nlplssing Mines. S Arizona Com .. 2V.S"orth Butte 28H Bi C Ci 8 H, 1 ..North Lake 1 Cal ft Arizona.. 65 Old Dominion... ROvi Cal ft M ex-dlv.410 Osceola SO Centennial 13 V, Qulncy SO Cod Ran Con Co 40 .Shannon . ... 6fi E Butte Cop M. 12 'Superior 2 Franklin 4V Sup ft Bos Mln.. XV, Oranby Con ... 7 V, Tamarack 28 W Oieene Cananea. 35Vi;u S S R ft M... BOV, 1 Boyalle (Cop) 1 do preferred... 47V, K Lake ex-dlv. 8" Ulait Con 6 Lake Copper TV4:l'eh Copper Co. 62 La Salle Copper S r. Winona 1 , Miami Copper... 92 WelverlHa 44V4 Money, Eicbange, Etc. NEW TORK, Aug. 2. Money on call, ateady. 2V402L, p.r cent; ruling rate, 2 per cent; closing. 2V4 0 2S per cents Time loans, easy; So days. 3 per cent; 90 days. 4V4j4Vi par cent; t months, 5 per .cent, , Prime mercantile paper. 5SH percent Sterling exchange, weak. $ 4.5 for present day bills and $4.a6Bo fur demand. Commercial bills, 34.62V,. Bar silver. 6tHc. Mealcan dollars. 46c Government bonds, steady; railroad bonds. Irregular. LONDON. Aug. 28. Bar silver, quiet, 2?Vd per ounce; money, SHfizV, per cent; rata of discount In open market for short bills. 8UCi39-ltS per cent: do, threa months' bills. 1 1-Ise3 per cent. SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 3S.rSilver bars. 5He. Mexican dollars. aomlnuL Drafts Sight, 2Vc: do. telegraph. Be. Sterling on London, 60 days, S4.&3; do sight. 14.8614. Coffee aad Basar. NEW TORK, Aug. 9. Tha appearance of warmer weather In Braxtl, absence- of definite reports of damage from recent low temperatures and easier European markets were reflected by a dcllne In coffee futures today. The olose was steady at a net loss of IS to IS points. September, 8.70c; Octo ber, 0.79c; December, S.ttvo: January, 0.08c; March, 9.27c; May. a.39c; July. 9.48c. Spot unsettled. Rio, No. 7, 9 Vic; Santos, No. 4. 12ei2Vtc. Mild, dull. Cordova, 13 ISc. nominal. Raw sugar firm, nfuacovado. 8.26c: cen trifugal, 3.7ttc; molasses, 8.01c Refined, steady. Cottoq 3lurkrt, NEW YORK, Aug. 29. Cotton Spot quiet; middling uplands, 1X50; Gulf, 12.75; sales. 26uu bales. Kuturea closed steady. 11 to 13 points lower. Sep tember 12.17. October 12.27, November 12.18, December 12.20. January 12.09, February jx.ju, atarcn ij-ia. April u.aa, aiy x.a. Dulnth Unseed Market. DULUTH, Minn., Aug. 29. Close: Linseed, 11.45V,; September. 31.44 V, bid; October, 5145 V,. Dried Pro! t at Mew York. NEW YORK. Aug. 29. Evaporated ap ples quiet and steady. Prunes steady. Peaches quiet. Cfcleaa-a Dairy Produce. CHICAGO. Ang. 29. Butter, eggs and cheese, unchanged . Eggs Receipts, 5155 cases. Hope at "ew Yark. - NEW TORK. "Aut. in. Hops steady. CIVIL SERVICE PROBE DUE Armstrong Indictment Prompts Com mission to Investigate. .To ascertain th facts regarding tha examinations and apolntments of po lice captains and other city employes during the regime of the last city ad ministration and the former Municipal Civil Service Commission, members of the present civil service bureau have started an investigation which may result in some interesting disclosures. Commissioner Caldwell said yester day that the Commission proposes to aro to the bottom of the civil service transactions during; the period ex Commissioner Armstrong:, now under indictment by the state, was In con trol. ' It has been reported that aspir ants for positions were shown exam ination papers and that unfairness was shown in the marking of examination papers. The civil service bureau mem bers will be assisted in their work by Mayor Albee and ethers. SURVEY MOTES ARE GONE Extensive Engineering Work Mai Have to Be Done Again. Because some petty thief needed a coat, engineering; work costing hun dreds of dollars may have to be done all over by the Oregon Electric Com pany. Three men searched the grass along ths river front all yesterday in an effort to avoid this necessity, but to no avail. Police detectives have been appealed to but have not made any progress as yet. While working on the new right of way south of Jefferson street, George E. Thompson, an engineer, re moved his coat and laid it by the way side. In the pockets were all the field notes of an extensive piece of sur veying just ' completed. When Jdr. Thompson returned the coat and the notes were gone. Unless the notebook Is found the entire survey must 'be re peated. . SHAKEUP EXPECTED TODAY Salaries of City Employes Pepends on Join$ Meeting. Upon the outcome of a meeting to day of the City Commission with mem bers of the Municipal Civil Service Bureau depends the salaries of city em ployes under the new merit system in augurated by officials of the fiew York Bureau ef Municipal Research. The meeting has beep dubbed by city employes as the "big shaksup session." Each day during the last week the Commlsisoners have been working out the merit system and have been class ifying employes en a basis which will make an equality in wages for persons performing similar work. With the preliminary work all complete the Commissioners will meet today and finally fix up the whole problem of salaries and titles. Uneasiness prsdeniT Inates at the City Hall in consequence. Grain Sold at Dayton. DAYTON, Wash., Aug. 2. (Special.) In the grain flurry which weht all through Columbia County this week, 135.009 sacks of barley were sold at I1.J5. The largest lots of grain were bought by Harry Beckett, for Kerr-Gif-ford, and Will HcMerris, for Balfour Guthrie. CABLES ARE EASIER Chief Bear Factor in Chicago Wheat Market. BUYING MADE ATTRACTIVE September Only Firm Month, Dme to Large Baying by Pit Traders and Commission House. Corn Is Irregular. CHICAGO. Aug. M.-CH, aleeed today at a rair advance ror th. deferred options, but at a pet loss ot e tor Beptember. Wheat closed a shade to e net lower; oats c to e He up and provisiosn 2Htf5c to 2a. higher. Lower cables started com on tha dawn grade. September being particularly weak at a decline of St to Sc. Shorts, how ever, began to cover early and tha whole list rallied after a little further dip In 8eptembr. Estimates from Kansas brought an upward trend that lasted through the sessien with only minor setbacks. Bullish sentiment waa aided by an expert estimate that the lowest forecasts ot tha crop In the entire inited Estates nitnert. made were substantially correct. It waa aleo pointed out that no Improvement' In weather could now hel matters any. September wheat lad the other months, suffering only 1-lttc net less on tha daVe operations, against a loss of SBlio for December and We (or May, Strength waa given ins near month by purchases of 1. ooa.000 bushels by a smail group of pit lead era snd commission-houses. Tha lowest prices for wheat reaehed thla year were re corded today, easy cables being the chief bear factor and this made buying attractive. Elevator buying of oats lifted prlceaa after an irregular opening. Buying of lard, attributed to leading pacaers, nsipea tne tana or provisions. Sep. tember pork led tha advance with an ln crease of 25 centa. Leading futures ranged as follows: , WHEAT. Open. High. Lew. Close. sept. f .Sj S .e .85 H S .86 Sept. 5 . .85 H Dec h'j .8i .e .B9 May .112 .94 .63 .93 CORN. Sept. , TS Dee SS May 3ii .71 H .TJtt .est, .tt . .. .Xfl .41) .43 .43 .46 .4i .TO & OATS. Sept. 40 .41 Deo 43 .43 May 49 .40 PORK, Sept. II. (M 21. "J 1.0O 21.18 Jan 10.65 18.60 Js.OS ).o LARD. Sept. 11.2S 11M4 11S5 Jo 10.80 10.BS 10.80 10.82 H SHORT RIBS. Sept. 11. SS 11.421. ll.SS 11421. Jn 10.32 H 10.97V, 10.32 4 10.S Cash prices were: Corn. No. 2, TettSTSc; No. J white, T575ie: Ko. 2 yellow, T4tt9 73Uc: Jo. . 74!4e75c: No. S white. 74 c, No. yellow, 74V4 0 75C. Rye. at. 2, S8e8c Barley, SO'se- Tlraothy, S4.6065.SS. Clover, llOell. Minneapolis Cmln Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 29. Close: Wheat. No. 1 hard, 8Sc; No. 1 Northern, 6.W & 8614o: No, 2 Northern. 83t4S4Htc; No. 2 hard Montana. b5c; No. S wheat, 80 3 82c; September. UUSli December, 47tt 67c; May, D2c Flax-4 1.43 1.46. Barley i4QWc Kuroprsn Grain Marketa. tiivnnv Attm 90 r-. . Q v. : t , more pressure to sell. Enzllsh country markers nti!t. Tp,n,li country markets, ejnlet. LIVERPOOL, Aug. 2U. Wheat Spot assy: futures, easy. October. 7a &; De cember, Ts March, Ts Id. Weather fine. fi rains la Sam rraacise. 8AN FRANCISCO, Aug. 28. Spot quota tions: Walla Walla, $1.-17 H l.K1: red Rus sian, 11.47, fil JO; Turkey red. gl.SS 01.00; bluestem, tl.SSfal.6O: feed barley, 1..".5 l.S74: brewing barley, nominal; white oata, Sl.S0ril.S3Vk; bran. $24.50024; middlings. 13132: shorts. $'.'52.'..50. Call board: Barley arm; December, $1.41 bid, 1.4a asked: September. tLSSU aaked. Puget Sound Wheat Markets. SEATTLE, Wash., Aug. 29. Wheat glua stem, 85c: fortyfold. SOc; elub, goe; $.fe. 70c; red Russian. 78c Yesterday's car receipta Wheat. IS; hay. t; flour, 3; oata, 1: corn. 1; barley, 1. TACOMA. Wash., Aug. 2. Yesterday's ear receipt Wheat, 10; oats, 1; corn. 1; hay, S. No change In prlcea. DAILY M CTEOIUMXK, I C AL REPORT. PORTLAND. Aug. 23. Maximum temper ature, 80 degreea; minimum, 05 degrees, hiver reading, 8 A. M , 6.1 feet; change in last 24 hours, .2 foot rise. Total raipfall (3 P. M. to S P. .), .00 Inch; total rainfall since September 1, 1012. :I9.5S Inches; nor mal rainfall since September 1, 4 .",.07 tnchea; deficiency of rainfall since September 1, 181?. .4 tnchea Total sunshine, T hours &S minutes; possible sunshine. 13 hours 30 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea level) at i P. 31., .0.04 Inches. THE WEATHER. Baker 2 0 8S 0 Boise Bos ten Calgary ....... Chicago .a... ColfaK Denver Dec Molltea Duluth Eureka ........ Galveston ..... Helena Jacksonville . . . Kausa City . . . Klamath FaJU Laurler Los Ancelea ,. Karchfteld .... Medforri Montreal New Orleans , . New York North Head ... North Yakima . Pandltot Phoenix Pocatllo Portland Roseberf Sacramento .... fian Fraaaisc Spokane ....... Tacoma Tatoh Island Walla Walla Weiser Weaatchee .... ooio-w I Pt. cloudy 62. SSE k-londv m It V 90 0 SS 0 S4 0 120 2 0. SS0. 8S0 90 0. 9U0. i2 0 93 0. 84 0. 80 O. 94 0. 70. .00 .E in. cloudy 0ola,NW,l'lear U0.. . . . . Cloudy 8 NE iClear 4 NWiCiear OO) NW;Clear N Cloudy rinurfv 10 s ,00 J2 W fMV' A ft Cloudy Pt. cloudy 00,10 N JCle .Owi 4 NWiPt. cloudy 0', s SW Cloudy o 4 N Pt. cloudy 0v B N w, cioudy OOj S N jciear 00 la W Clotiriv 78 0 : 0 .00'SS S 'Cloudy .0i i KWUTlear .00;. .;. . . Pt. clondy .011 4 W Pt. cloudy &2 0 97 0 102 0 . inr e .- v t.iear 0-H2 SW Pt. cloudy 00, S S !Pt. cloudy 900 SuO SSO 104 O .00 S N'W.Pt. cloudy t)0 4 NW.Clear 60 22 W Clear 74 tl 90O to 0 ft ft ce 8 fiW .00- 8 PW Oi l 14 S l0i 4.SW Pt. cloudy Pt- eloiiay Cloudy Cloudy Pt. cloudy Clear 94 A 9S 0 .e0:18B .OO 4 8 lui ,v WBATrlEH CONDITIONS. Unsettled atmoevherte conditions obtsla In nearly all sections af the eountry and except In interior California, Nevada. Eaet. era Oregon and portlona of the plateau, eentral plains states. Mississippi and Ohle Valleys, there Is considerable cloudiness. Local showers have occurred an tha Pacific Slope, in New Mexico. Texaa, the Atlantic slates. Qhfe Valley and Lakes region. Tha rainfall waa heavy in Pittsburg and thun derstorms were reported from Modena, Sheridaa and Abilene. Tha weather la warmer In Interior portions of Oregon, Washington snd California. In Northern Colorado. South Dakota, Eastern Mew York and the St. Lawrence alley. In general It Is cooler In other sections, especially on the north California coast, near Los Angeles, In Northeastern Oregon, Southwestern Ida ho, Western Montana. Southwestern Ctah, Northern Texas, Tennessee, North Carolina and Ohio. In most of tha states west of the Mississippi River temperature, continue above normal. Tha eondttlons ara favorable far generally fair weather In this district Saturday, with slight temperature 'changes aad, a-eaerall westerly winds. FORSCASTS, Portland and vicinity Fair; northwesterly winds. Oregon Generally (air; northwester! winds. Washington Generally fall-; wssterly winds. Idaho Generally fair. STATIONS. 3 S r WeAtfcar. 5" 5 ? ? 9 a : : y - LADD &TILTON BANK EstsblUied 1S59. CpiUl $ 1,000,000.00 Surplus . 1,000.000.00 Deposits 14,000,000.00 Commercial and 5avings Accounts OWTtCKHM. W. If. Ladd. President. Edward Cooklnaham. Vlce-Prea. w. H. Anocklay, Cashier. Corner Washington, First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus $1,000,000 Oldest National Bank West of the Rocky Mountains CORNER FIRST AND WASHINGTON STS. ta ti 1 1 M i s 1 1 n SSSnw nii 11 I I mH i I ire I hL-fpw- ri 1 s at a Sailings l. a mrniK .mt er a vanvKSTX 4md4. sj rs s t 1 asi II H I El III 11 ti'KA&CE (new! Oct. 1 LA PBOVKXCE Oct. 2 Twin-screw steamer. r4uu-upie-screw ateatner. SPECIAL SATURDAY SAILINGS FROM NEW YORK. S P. M. ONE CLAaH CABIN 411) and THIRlJ -OL Ar-S Passengers Only. Tjt TO I RAIN E Sept. S NIAGRA .....Sept. II tf. VT. Stinger, M (th St.; A. D. Charlton, Kii Morrison St.; E. St. Taylor, C. y. a St. P. Ky.; Dorsey B. Hralth. SS 6th st- A- C. hbeldon. too 3d St.: H. Dlckaan. Its 3d at.: North Baak Road. 4th aad Mark at., asents. Portland. MARKET HOLDS STEADY LIMITED SCPPLY OF STOCK AT NORTH PORTLAND. Offerings Are Largely of Medium Quality Best Steers on Bale Brine $7.40. There was another light day ef trading at tha stockyards yesterday with a limited run. Quality did not cut much figure in tha offerings. The general market was steady. A few leads of steers were sold, tha best bringing S7.40 and the others $0.75. Cows ranged in price from SS lo fg.SO and bulls sold at $i.2i. There waa a fair showing of lambs, but they were light and sold low at S3 ta 4. No sales of hogs were reported. Receipta were 33 cattle, TS hogs and 481 sheep. Shippers war. 8. T. B.nnatt. Fargber. 1 ear of cattle; Will Block, Independence, 1 ear of hogs, and J. Prahl, Ljle, X cars of sheep. The days sales were as follows: Welrht. Price. 43 steers , los 17.40 2 bulls 14-o 2 cows lo0 cows lol 1 COW ., lWO 2 cows lo 1 cow " 1 eew - 102O 1 cow M 7 cows -! ft.25 3.T3 6.00 S.(0 S.00 6.00 S.0O 6. 50 6.50 6.00 4.00 4.0O 4 ! s.oo S.T5 S.7S e.Tj 3.50 6. 50 1 eow low 27S lambs .. 45 lambs .. 71 wethers 2 lambs .. IS steers .. 2 steers .. 1 steer .., 1 stag 8 ows ... it 4 1(1 40 too " 20 75U 2 3 cows ..1021 The ranae of orlces at tha yards waa aa follows: Cattle Prima steers !!' Choice steers . Medium steers prime cows ... Choice eows ... Medium eows Heifers Light calves Heavy calves , Bulla Stags ......... Hogs Light Heavy ........ Sheep Wethera Ewes ......... Lambs T.0t 7.13 7.15 T.0 7.00 C.SOty (.74 S.liV 60 6.25'S 7.75 t.OOU t.00 4.7iJ 7.75 4.00 4 S.iO I.Tid 4.11 t.tom 7.5uw 8.50 1116 4.Z5 3.50 0 4.00 4.UOQ) 5.2o Omaha Livestock Market. SOUTH OMAHA, Aug. 29 CatUe Re ceipts. S0O: market, steady. Native steers, $7 4j0; nstlve eows and heifers, S5.75w?.5C; Western steers, gb4r7; Teaaa steers. $5.75 v 7.ot: range cowe and heifers,- $5 o 7; calves. O.50..'.0. . t Hogs Receipts. S100: market. lOo hlrher. Heavy. 3;.65.50: light. 480S.5O. pigs, $7 tS: bulk of sales. T....6 8. iheep Receipts. 12.2O0: market, lower. Yearllnrs, $7.4008; wethera, J4.SOS4.SO; lambs, $7.4068. rhleaaw lircataek Market, CHICAGO. Aug. 2. Cattle Receipts, 15(?0: market, strong to shade up. Beevea $S90e.2S; Texas steers. $4.7Jt7.70; Weat ern steers. $0.104iS; stockers and feeders. $5 507.90; cows and heifers, $3.65 3 8.50, calves, $12.2ft. Hogs Receipts, lS.OOO: market, steady to 8c lower. Ught, S8.35SS.10: mixed. T.eo S.OS; heavy. I7.48tj8.80; rough. $7.4367.75; Pigs. $4 6878; bulk of sales, 87.9B&8.SO. She-p Receipts. 10.000; market, steady. Native. $3.U0i8 3: Western. $4.19 94.90; year llnss. $5.406.13: lambs, native, $3,836 8 IP- VMUrn, $t.Qft615- Bitulithic Paving Eliminates Many of Life's Bumps. Youn for eervict) and lony wear. J.CWILSONc&CO. nZOCKa, KUXPS, OPtAfW AP MIWX MCMBKiUI HtW YOBIs. n lot. la CXCHAXUK. Xx-VV YUKk. COJIOS tXtMAM.I, CU1CAOU S04SII OW TslAOK. TBK IOCK AND BOND EUUA-VCk AM IRAKClftOU. PORTLAND OFFICE: LwU Building, 269 Oak Street Phones Marshall 4120. A 4187. Robert S. Howard, Asst. Cashlett J. W Ladd. Asst. Cashier. Walter M. Cook. Asst. Cashier. and Third Street. Comp8nie enerale Transatlantique TUrmrt LJn. ta Havra-Parls (France! from New York every Wednesday, 10 A. M. I FRANCE New Wed. Sept. 10 It LA LORRAINE Oct. S a "L A feAYOlE Oct. IS TRAVELERS t.lIDE. THE NEW WHITE STAR LINE'S "OLYMPIC" LONDON-PARIS VIA Plymouth Cherbourg Southampton Sept. :. 13 9:00 A.M. Oct. 4 Oct 25 Nov. 19 Other Fallings Maimtle, Ang. 30, Ix-pt. !0. Oct. 1L Orrmalc, Sept- S, BepU 27, Oct. IS. New Tork QueemetawB I4verwuOl Tedrie Aug 18 Adriatic Sea. 11 Baltic Beat. 4 Celtic BepU 1 Also Regular Sailings Between BOSTON MediterraneanItaly Boston- QoecaitoirB Liverpool AMERICAN LINE Plymouth) ( hernourg Phu t hampt on. ATLANTIC TRANSPORT LINE -New York. Loadoa Ulrect. RED STAB LINE New Vara Bover Antwerp. White Star Dominion Sailings Every aatnrday from Maatreal and Quebec. BT THE LARGEST CAXADIAX IJN- ;Ra lnclndlng' the Laurentie. . Aug. 0 Merganic. . .Sept. It Canada. ...Sept. ,Ieutonio...Scpt. t Send for folders o the Short Land Locked bt. Lawrence Ksate to Europe, A. E. DISNEY, Passenger Agent. Bailer Bide., SIS Second Ate-, Seattle. Telephone -Main lis or Leeal Hallway and Steamship Asents. STEAMSHIP Sails direct for San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego Saturday at 7 P. M. SAN FRANCISCO, PORTLAND & LOS ANGELES STEAMSHIP CO. (With Denver & Rio Grand Railroad) 121 Third Street. A 4596, Main 26 AUSTRALIA TAHITI AND NEW ZEALAND. Roond Trip Rates I 1st class ta Tahiti f 13X to Wellington SbJ-SO. to bydney HOO. special Facille Ocean l.ur unclndlns South bea Jsles) to bydney via Tahiti. Raro tonga and New Zealand and returning ta San Francisco lor Vancouver) via Auckland. Fill or Samoa and Honolulu. i32a. 1st case. Stop-overs any point, good one year, ball ings from pas Francisco August 30, Sept. 17, Oct. 1$, etc Cnioa Steamship Ca. of New Zealand. Ltd. Office: STS Market Street. San Francisco. BAHIA. SANTOS. MONTEVIDEO. BUENOS AVRES and ROSARIO. Largs. !w and rt rasetrer Stee-ners frees w York every alternate aetursay. f Tar raiea. ete sivly local heart Agents, or, UrgK A HAMKLS. General A cents, 01 PrMnne EThwe. New Twt. KarUM STEAMERS FOB WITHOUT CHANCE. S. . BEAVER FUa I A. M. Aug; SO. b BEAR, Sails S A. M. Sept. 4. THE SAX FRANf l.HCO PORTLAND 8. & CO. Ticket OfHre. 8d and U afchlng ton. with O.-W. K. N. Ca. Phone HarskaU 4500. A. S1Z1 San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego Direct S. S. Roanoke and S. S. Yncataa, SaU Every Wedaeaday Alteraataly as north pacitic s. s. ca IKA Third 84. Phawea Main 1114. A IS14, COOS BAY LINE STEAMS HIT BREAKWATER satis from Amsworth Dock. Portland. A. M . August S. IS. 18. U, 2. Sept. 2. T. 1 IT, 22. Xk. Freight received until S P. M. except day jrvious to saiueg; previous day S p M. Passenger far.: First-claaa. 81: saeond-claaa, IT. Including berth and msaia Ticket office Lower Alnsworth Poca. PORTLAND A COOS BAY S. a. LINE, U U. K.EAZ1NO, Attest, faaae Mala SSfae. A tsai. Drain-Coos Bay Auto Line Now Dally to llarshfleld. Wire reservatloDS to O. Mattoon, Drain, Ores on.