Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 30, 1913, Page 14, Image 14

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Hard Smash Breaks Up Ten
Inning Game and Gives .
Beavers Four Straight.
Fisher's Remarkable Throwing Off
sets Pitcher's Wlldness Fans Go
Home From Park WUd-Ejed.
Kenwortny's Error Fatal.
Pacific Cornet lapt Stauadln-rs.
w l, p.c.i w l r.c.
Portland.. 78 69 .SBfl'Los Anjo'l 70 76 -4S3
Bacrame'to " ,M:Sui Fran.. 71 j .463
Venice... ! 74 oOiOakland. . " 8 -40
Yesterday's Kcsulta.
At Portland Portland 8, Sacramento 2,
CIO lnnlng-s.)
At Venice Venice 4. Oakland 1.
At San Francisco San Francisco 3. ixe
Anaeles 1
Sacramento's defense crumbled In
the tenth Inning yesterday and Port
land, for the fourth successive time of
the series, rammed up the pennant
possibilities of the Senators.
The score was, Portland 3, Sacra
mento 2.
It was a furious struggle all the way
through. For nine sizzling frame!
play after play of a spectacular nature
went to the aid of the faltering twin
ers, Hagerman and Munsell. For nine
Innings Portland fans looked on with
bated breath.
Then In the tenth Kenworthy. the
Wolves' second Backer, booted Rodgers'
grounder and, after a sacrifice by
Lindsay, Do&ne whacked him home
with a screaming single along the
right field foul line. '
Doane's poke gave Fortland another
corner on the gloat market. Five
thousand fans half of them of the
feminine species qualified once again
for the pecan pavilion. Once again an
exhibition of wholesale Insanity was
staged In the McCredlo stadium.
Fans Wildly Excited.
If there had been an alienist in the
crowd the Frank Alleys, the Brandt
Wickershams, the Billy Pangles, the
Dave Welsses and all those other Ted
hot fans would this morning be headed
on their way to the "batty" house.
There was enough comedy, tragedy
and other features flocked around ln
sequestered spots to start a dozen
movie scenarios.
It Is only necessary to say that Ha
german walked eight Solons and hit
another to show how close local
chapeaux were to the half-mast angle.
Time after time Hagerman shoved his
head into the noose only to save him
self by remarkable flinging or be saved
in turn by wonderful support.
Four times Jimmy Lewis walked and
started assaults that looked like fin
ishers, but even Wolverton's continued
umpire-nagging failed to rattle the
And bo, lest it be forgotten, let us
repeat that we are one game closer
to the 1913 Pacific Coast League cham
pionship yes, nine and one-half games
off to the front, thanks to Doane and
his" three swats, thanks to Lober,
thanks to Speas. thanks to Lindsay,
and, above all, thanks to Gus Fisher.
Gas Fisher Saves Game.
Fisher's wonderful throwing to
bases did moro, really, to save Hager
mans' epidermis than any other fea
ture of the defense. Four times Gus
nabbed the visiting speed merchants at
second base after walks, and then the
visitors, too late, started something
that would have added to the member
ship roll of the local lodge of sorrow.
Hagerman allowed six hits, fanned
five and walked eight; Munsell allowed
nine hits, whiffed five and awarded
five gratuities.
Portland Took the lead by a run in
each the second and third innings.
Doane's walk and hits by Lober and
Fisher presented the first; Chad
bourne's hit, his stolen base, Rodgers
infield single and a double steal gave
us the second tally.
Sacramento greeted Hagerman with
a volley of small arms In the third in
ning when Tennant's double and sin
gles by Halllnan and Munsell scored
two and enough to tie.
This 2-2 arrangement went through
to the last of the tenth, but not with
out many tremulous times for both
Haieraus Tightens In Pinch.
Kenworthy doubled and stole third
base in the ninth for the visitors with
only one out, but Hagerman tightened
and brought the wild-eyed bugs to
their feat by fanning Bliss and Mun
sell in a row.
The ninth was surely a whirlwind
stanza, for Portland had a magnificent
chance to score In the latter half. Mc
Cormlck walked and was sacrificed to
second, making two out, with Chad
bourne next athlete to face the pitcher.
Wolverton Bhowed his respect for
the man who has broken up two games
of the week by ordering his deliberate
walking. It was here that Mike Mc
cormick revealed himself in a brilliant
thinking role. Munsell and Bliss were
so intent on walking Chadbourne that
they forgot Mike was In the game
but only for a moment, for Mike stole
third base so deliberately and diabol
ically that Bliss made not even the
feeblest attempt to nab him.
And then Bill Speas knocked local
hopes to smithereens by grounding
out, Toung to Tennant.
Shortstop Young starred in the field
To rthe visitors, saving the game for
Munsell on two different occasions by
spectacular maneuvering.
Sacramento I Portland
Young.!.. 3 0 2 4 O'Cb'urne.m 3 1 1 0 0
Lewts.1... I t 1 0 DerTlck.1.. a 1 10
Fhlnn.r... 4 0 0 0 Rodirers.1. 4 1 1 0
Tcnnant.1 4 111 0 0 Llndsay.1. 4 0 1. 10
Moran.m. 4 4 0 Doane. r... 41200
Heliinn.l 111 4 OjLober.l. ... 41100
Kn'thy.l, 4 I t 2 1 flaher.c. .. 4 1 C 40
BUsac... JOS 1 0 itcC lck.a. 2110
MunaelLR 4 1 0 1 0 H'trmiu 10 0 11
(Speas.1... X 1 s oo
Total. 29 t::tl2l Total., ss $; 11 1
Halilraa out. hit by batted bail; tone
out when wlnnlns run scored.
Sacramento .........0 3 0 0 !
Hlta ltltHll 0 6
Portland . 1 1 0 0 0 1 ( 1 11
Hits 0 MIOltOO 1
Kunt Tennant, Halllnan. Chadbourne,
Rodrera. Doane. Struck out By Mucaell .
by Hagerman 5. Baea on balls -Off Uunaell
a. oil tiatrerman . tvo-om nua i en
nan t. Kenworthy. Double play Younc to
Kenworthy to Tennant. Sacrifice hits
fchinn. Harerman a, IJadtay. Stolen bases
Chadbourne 2. Rodgera, Kenworthy, McCor
jntck. Hit by pitched ball Bliss, Time of
Came 1 hours 10 minutes. Umpires Fin
ney and Phyle. .
Xotes of th Game.
Wolrerton shook his tattler order be
fore the ftn. movlnff Kenworthy down
two pegs and Moran a like distance, but
the switch made no appreciable difference.
Fred Derrick retired In the fifth Inning
suffering with toothache, and Bill Speas
went to first base. Bill secured one hit
and made a star catch.
Luck broke with Hagerman In the fifth
Inning. He threw wide to first, trying to
nab Shlnn off the bag, but Shlnn failed In
an attempt to annex two bases and was
caught at third on a fine throw from Der
rick to Lindsay.
With, two out and two strikes on Man
sell la the inta iCenwortbf tried, to steal
; : -"X C 5.
home. Not only did Munsell fan. but Flahar
pl.Trf aaf. or tasslns Kenwortuy for the
fourtn out.
James and Flaher will work for Port
land today, opposing Arellanes and Bliss.
Klataer pulled a beautiful play in the
fifth when he threw to second on Ehlnn's
bunt and forced Lew la. The latter waa
hi. hr tha crowd for running- Into Mc
cormick at the keystone, which same rough
tactics prerented a possible double play.
Yesterday was ladies' day and for a
change the boys behaved beautifully.
Eacramento Is tied with Venice for sec
ond place as a result of the tour successive
beating-a by Portland.
Sunday's double-header will begin at 1:10
o'clock. Monday one same will be played
In the morning and the other In the after
Dillonltes Able Only to Score One
ilun Orf Big Seal Pitcher.
SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 29. Lefty
Lelfleld was in danger a number of
times today, notably in the ninth in
ning when the Angels populated the
bags and scored a run, but the Seals'
big heaver showed his class in the
pinches and one run was the best the
Dillon crowd could gather.
Jimmy Johnston beat out a hit in tne
first, went to third on an overthrow
and acored on Hogan's clout to center.
Hoean's double and singles by Downs
and Corhan scored the winning run in
the sixth. Score:
T rym A n a 1 Ran FranclscO-
n w o A TC'
x n u a o
Pajre.2. ..
Wotell.r. .
6 2 2 8 0 Mundorff.r
3 2 0 OO McArdle.l
9 20
8 00
10 0
2 SO
3 2 0
12 o i' j onnaiuiifU
O 2 lOHogan.l..
2 18 0 Downa.2. .
0 2 2 0, Corhan. a.
1110 Carrlght,8
3 2 1
1 3 2 O ciarne.c . .
0 8 10
0 0 0
Lelfleld, p
1 O 40
O 00
Totals. 84 10 24 13 H Totals. 2T 8 2814 1
Mag-gen out, hit by batted ball.
Batted for Byrnes In ninth.
Batted for Chech In ninth.
8a? Francisco 1 02J2?i-.
HltS V i " a. - -
Un jaeizger, w ... ......
ha hlte Hogan. Metiger. Stolen baaea
Wotell. Moore. Mundorff, Downs. Cartwrlght.
Sa rifles hlt-Clarke. Cartwrlght. Flrat on
balls OH Chh 4, off If meld 8. Struck
out By Chech 2. by Lelfleld 1. Hit by
pltcherl-Mundortt. Double P'-M?" "
Byrne, raaaea oii -! - a-
Lilfleld. Left on bases Los Angeles , San
FranCUCO O. uropirya n.i -"
Umpire" Bush, In Hot Water With
Fans, Speaks In Whispers.
rc -rfir"T.T7 Ancr. S 9. Pitcher
f . i... h T.Tafl LAaruft. had two
bad innings in today s game and Venice,
coming from behind, batted out an
easy victory, 4 to J. inrn-i"
by O'Rourke and Kane were responsl-
; .u. v.kIu tnlltpa. Oakland
uie mi . -... - .
scored Its only run in the first inning
on Leard's hit, two outs ana -wild
heave to third to nip Leard.
Attention of the fans was contered in
the last half of the game on Umpire
Bush, who became perturbed at a fan s
i T..h waa an enraflred that he
refused to call strikes and balls audibly
and when O'Brien repiacea
box for Oakland in the seventh inning
he declined to announce the advent of
the new twirler. He did so later, how
ever. Score:
Oakland- r, Venice-
Leard.3.. 4 1 0 2 0 Carll.le.l. 4 O 1 0 0
PSSS 5 X ? So 8 1 I 66
Kayior.r. . ? 1 SOBr-hear.! 8 0 2 80
S o i Soiunwhir: !.!!!
Cook..::. SOS 0;Patter-n.l 3 via iv
Rohrer.c. w - v c.iuii.v. - - - - -jVatp..."
2 0 1 10Baum.p... 8 0 1 0 0
-1 . n A O T 1 V
Oardner 1 O 0 00
Total, 28 24 S 0 Totsls .25 4 27 1 1
Batted for O'Brien In ninth.
Oakland 1 O O O ?
v.n'c: :::::::::::::::o S.S5
. r . Vana 9 Pl.l.U fl' rtTl rlC H.
Four hits. 4 runs off" Jojt In nn'nf2
charge aeieai 10
CRourke. Kane. Two-baa. hit Kay lor.
Ja?rfic. hlV-Elllott. Eacrlflc. fly Bay
le.. First ba-e on balls OS .Jost 1. off
O'Brien 1- struck ont Jost .2. aum .
Passed oatl rionrer. xin uy F..u. .
b jost. Timl:30. Umpires Bush and
McCarthy. .
California Club See Little Hope of
Heading Beavers for Present.
. . v- poivnerft A nar Todav"a
games tightened up the Coast League
ra,ce tor tour ei mo uat -"uue
Portland, in first place, and the Oaka.
In the cellar, are separated by 100
points. The defeat of the Wolves by
McCredie's Beavers and Hogan's win
over Oakland, tie Sacramento and Ve
nice for second honors. Each team
bas now won half of its games for the
season thus far. By humbling the Dil
lonttes. Ban Francisco drew up even
with the Angels, the teams being tied
for fourth place at .483.
rr-i ..ii....a nt TVnlvrtnn'a crowd to
stop the onrushlng leaders, leaves lit
tle hope tnat aicireaio . wm
headed in the near future. Portland
. t n... atfats-ht arames from
the Capital City sauad this week,
jt . ..t .....
Authorities Disagree as to
Score of Thursday's Game.
Garry Herrmann, Ban Johnson and
Sporting News Say Sacramento's
Rons Made In Sixth Count.
Lynch Takes Other View.
It had been generally suposed that
baseball had been manicured of its
technicalities by this time. But 'tis
not so.
Thomas J. Lynch, president of the
National League, and Allan T. Baum,
president of the Pacific Coast League,
declare that the score of Thursday's
rain-interrupted Portland-Sacramento
game should be 6-3.
August Herrmann, chairman of the
National Commission; B. B. Johnson,
president of the American League, and
Charles C. Spink, proprietor of the
Sporting News, of St, Louis, a recog
nized authority, take the opposite view
point. Here's the rub.
Thursday's Game Is Issue.
Umpire Phyle called Thursday's game
in the rain after the first half of the
sixth inning, when Sacramento had
Just scored two runs, bringing the total
5-4 in Portland's favor. Phyle ordered
the score to revert to the last equal
Inning, in other words, 6 to 2.
In this President Baum sustained him
by telegraph.
Firmly convinced that the officials
had erred in the decision. The Ore
gonlan Thursday night telegraphed all
those whose opinions adorn the fore
going symposium. The snarled replies
reveal that all the tangles have not
been Ironed from the baseball statutes.
Before being elevated to the presi
dency of the National League, Lynch
umpired in the circuit for years. His
reply follows:
"New Tork, Aug. 2. Rule IS cov
ers your case. Score should be that of
last equal innings played. Sacramento
olub was not second at bat In unequal
innings. The score stands 5 to 2.
Herrmann Snya S to 4.
The answer received from August
Herrmann, chairman of the National
commission, follows:
"Aurora, II L. Aug. 2. Legal score
of game is 6 to 4 In Portland's favor.
Does not revert to equal inning in your
case as per exception In Rule 2E.
The Sporting News is more explicit
in its reply:
"St. Louis, Mo., Aug. 29. Score
should stand 5 to 4 in official record.
Would only revert to even innings if
Sacramento had tied or gone ahead in
first half of sixth and game then
stopped without Portland .having a
chance to finish its half. If game was
called at end of first half without Sac
ramento tying or passing then score
stands S to 4 and two runs scored in
sixth by Sacramento count.
While it makes little difference
which score is accepted, the technical
ity is new and is worthy of further
The matter will be put up to Presi
dent Baum for more careful reflection
and It is believed that in the long run
he will decide to inscribe the hits, runs
and errors of the extra half inning in
the records as official.
Twx Negroes to Meet In 20-Ronnd
Combat In Paris December 20.
BOSTON, Aug. 19. Sam Langford,
negro heavyweight, is to meet Jack
Johnson, heavyweight champion of
the world, in a bout for the title in
Paris December 20. Arrangements for
the match were completed by cable
today, according to Joe Woodman,
manager of Langford.
The bout is to be 20 rounds and will
be staged in the Cirque de Paris, un
der the direction of Tbeo. Vienna.
Langford is guaranteed a lump sum
and a percentage of the receipts for
his appearance. Woodman says.
The Boston heavyweight was de
feated by Johnson seven years ago and
has been seeking another bout with
the champion since. Johnson's re
ported need of money and the fact
that proposed bouts with white men
in Paris and London have been
frowned on are the reasons in Wood
man's opinion that resulted In the
match, being xnada-
Vancouver Wins Uphill Fight
by Virtue of Brinker's
Timely Single.
Close Decision Keeps Fans In Tor
moll at Heated Contest, Canucks
Tying Score In Sixth and
Finally Winning, 4 to S. '
Northwestern League Standings.
W P.C.I w I. P.C
Vancouver 81 A3 .SDK Victoria .05 T3 .471
Portland. 71 SO .846 Tacoma ...61 73 .4.19
Seattl.. ..73 64 .S2i8pokan. . .57 78 .422
Yesterday's Kesnlts.
At Vancouver Vancouver 4, Portland 8.
At Victoria Victoria 6. Sposan. 4.
At Tacoma Tacoma 12. Seattle d.
VANCOUVER, Aug. 29. Brinker's
single to right center in the sixth with
the bases full netted the locals two
runs and tied the score after Portland
had got to Schmuts in the fourth and
scored three runs. Vancouver finally
won, 4 to i. The game today was re
plete with sensation and excitement.
Close decision helped to excite the
fans and the players both, so much so
that Bancroft was ejected from the
ground in the seventh after a heated
debate with Casey. Right to the end
of the srame tbe fat was in the fire,"
especially when Vancouver, with a
one-run lead, made in the seventh on
a walk, an error and a wild pitch,
were forced to give Cadreau good sup
port with the bases full and Callahan
to bat. They did it and tbe batter waa
thrown out at first on his fast grounder
to Bennett. Score:
Vancouver 1 Portland
Brinker.l. 4 3 1 0 0 Bancrof t,s 4 0 S 20 6 2 S S i;uohler,2. . 4 0 O 00
Klpperum 5 S 2 0 Callahan.r 5 t 0 00
Walah.l.. S OlO 0 0 Melchlor.l 4 2 1 OO
ScharnT.a 4 0 2 1 O H-ll ann.l 4 1 "1
Konnlck,o 1 0 0 Olltahoney.m 4 1 0 00
Grlndle.o. 8 1 6 2 0,Coltrln.8- 4 1110
Frlak.r... 4 8 0 1) 0 wllllams.o 4 113 2 0
Ueister.S. 3 0 1 lOMay.p.... 4 8 0 3 0
Schmut,D 2 0 0 0 0j(julsnl,3.. 10 0 10
McMurdo O O 0 OO
Cadrcau,p 1 O 0 101
Totals 85 12 27 l Totsls. 88 12 24 8 1
Batted for Schmuts In sixth.
Vancouver 0 0 0 0 1 S 1 0 4
Portland 0 0 0 3 0 O 0 O 03
Runs Blinker, . Walsh, Frtak, Helater,
Callahan, Melchlor. Mellmann. Two-baa. hit
Prlak. Baaea on balls Cadreau 1, Mays 5.
Struck out Schmuts 0, Cadreau 1, Mays 10.
Stolen baseai Brlnkert Klppert, Melchlor.
Pitchers' auromary Three runs. 8 hits off
Schmuts In 0 innlnsa: no runs, 4 hits oft
Cadreau in 8 lnntnge. Credit victory to Cad
reau. Passed ball Williams. Wild pitch
Maya Left on bases Vsncouver 11, Port
land 8. Time 2:08. Umpire Casey.
Dell, Beardon and Fullerton Try In
' Vain to Stop Slugfest.
TACOMA, Aug. 29. Tacoma won a
loosely-played game here today, 12 to
6. Dell, Reardon and Fullerton all
tried to stop the slugging of the locals,
but in vain. Score:
Seattle I Tacoma
Jackaon.l 6 17 0 oH'Mullln,8 4 2 1 10
Full'n.r-p 4 0 2 2 OiMllllon.l. . 5 14 10
james.3-. 4 11 2 0Frles.m. . 5 8 4 O0
Shaw.l... 6 8 1 OOLanham.l. 2 1 4 0 1
Codman.0 4 18 1 2;Holdei-n,l 3 12 10
N111.2 4 0 4 4 0;NelgM-s.r 4 1 8 00
Klllilay.m 4 0 1 0 O.Hensllns.s 4 2 2 1 1
Ray-ond.s 4 8 1 1 Z'xeller.i. . 4 2 1 2 0
Dell.p... 1 1 0 0 0Harrla,c... 4 14 01
Reardon.p 0 0 0 0 OKraft.p. . . 8 0 2 41
Brown.r.. 2 0 0 00
Wally.r. . 1010 0
Totals si10 24 10 4 Totals. 88 14 27 10 4
Seattle .' 2 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 8
Tacoma 0 6 0 0 202 8 12
Runs Jackson. Fullerton, James 2, Shaw,
Raymond, ilcilullln 2. Frlea 2. Lanham,
Holderman, Neighbors 2, Henallns 2, Kel
ler. Kraft. Stolen baaea Neighbors, Hens
llnir, Frlea Two-base hits Cadman, James,
Keller. Fries, McMuUIn, Hensllns. Three
bas. hlta McMuUIn. Frlea Sacrifice hit
Neighbors- pitchers' record Two runs, 2
hits off Dell In 1 1-3 Innlnsa; two rune. 2
hits off Reardon In 1-8 Inning; 8 runs, 10
hits off Fullerton In 4 1-8 innings. Struck
out Fullerton 3. Bases on balls Dell 2.
Kraft 3. Passed balla Harrla 2. Hit by
pitched ball James, by Kraft; Henallng, by
Fullerton. Time 2:20. T'mplre Ostdlek.
Bees Defeat Spokane, 5 to 4.
VICTORIA, Aug. 29. Victoria de-
CnAlran. tnrinv & to 4 bv bunch-
lng hits on Peters and driving him from
the mound. uovaieSKie, wno reueveu
him, was efficient. Kantlehner, the
Bee slabman, allowed as many hits as
th. Cnnirnna hiirlra and had Doorer
support, but he kept the hits well scat
tered. Bcore:
R. H. E. R. H. E.
Spokane ..4 7 0Victorla ....6 7 a
Batteries Peters, Covaleskle and
Hannah; Kantlehner and Shea.
Philadelphia 3, Xew Tork 2.
PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 29. Phila
delphia again defeated New York today
In the second game of the series,
which went into ten innings, the final
score being S to 2. Camnita and Tes
reau engaged In an effective pitching
duel and. while the New Tork Giant
outpltched the former Pittsburg man
in hlta, 7 to 4, hla wildness caused his
undoing. In the tenth inning, after
Teareau had fanned Camnitz, Byrne
singled and Knabe and Paskert walked,
tilling the bases. Magee lifted a long
fly. which Burns caught after a har
run, but Byrne easily scored the win
ning run on the catch, aa Burns'
throw-In went high over Wilson's
head. From the first inning to the
tenth not a hit was made off Jesreau.
the Phllliea bunching three of their
four hits in the first Inning for two
runs. Score:
New Tork I Philadelphia
Burns.l... 4 14 llByrne.S.. . 8 18 10
Shafer.3.. 8 0 2 0 0 rCnabe.2... 3 O 6 80
Fl.tcher.a 4 12 0 Ps.aert.m. 3 0 8 0 O
Doyle. 2... 4 12 8 1 Magee 1... 4 1 O 00
Morkle.l. 4 Oil 0 0 Cravath.r. 4 1 4 10
Murrar.r. 3 2 3 O 0 Luderual. 8 0 10
Snods's.m 8 13 OODoolan.e.. 4 12 31
McLean.e. 4 1 2 0 0 Kllllter.e.. 4 0 3 20
Grant... 0 0 0 0 0 Camnlts,p. 3 0 0 70
Wllaon.e.. 0 O 1 00;
Tesreauup. 400101
Totals. S 7 110 21 Totals. 13 4 30181
'1'wo out when winning run was made.
Ran for Mci-eaa In 10th.
New Tork 0 0 0 0 1 1 O 0 0 0 2
Philadelphia 2 00000000 1 3
Runs Fhafer. Murray, Byrne. Paskert,
Mage.. Two-base hit Snodgrasa Sacrifice
hit Snodgrasa 8tolen bases Mag... Snod-
f-raaa. Shafer. Doubl. plays Knabe to Doo
an to luderus: Killlfer to Knaba. Left on
baaea New York 4, Philadelphia 8. Flrat
on ball! Off Teareau . off Camnitz 2.
First on errors New Tork 1, Pbilsdelphla
1. Struck out By Tesreau 3, by Camnlti a.
Tlme 1:47. Umpires Brennan and Eaion.
Chicago 6, Pittsburg 1.
PITTSBURO, "Aug. 29. Misjudged
pop flies and one or two timely hits
gave Chicago five runs off McQuillan
in th fourth laning this afternoon and
Pittsburg lost the nr3t game of the
series. 8 to 1. Cheney pitched a great
game, holding Pittsburg to four scat
tered hits. McQuillan was relieved
by Hendrix after the fifth. Hendrix
did not allow a Cub a hit, but he
walked five men. Score:
Chicago I Pittsburg
Leach.m.. 6 2 2 lDolan.!. 4
Evers.1... 2 2 lCax.y4-.. 4 3 8 8 6
William a.1
t 3 0Vloi.2... 3 8 8 4
2 11 liWagner.o.
10 10
3 11 t 0 Mlller.l. ..
1 2 0 Wtlson.r..
10 8 1 MltcheU.m
1 6 lOGlbaon.c.
1 i Mentor..
tsimon.o. ..
e 14 so
1 2
Totals. 1 27 13 : Total
17 12
Batted lor Glbeon In fifth.
Chicago ( 1 6 0 0 8
Pittsburg 1 0 1
Runs Schulte, Zimmerman. Saler. Wil
liam a, Brldwell, Archer. Carey. Two-baa.
hits Leach, Williams, Zimmerman. Archer.
Th raa-baae hit Saler. Sacrifice fly Cha
ncy. Sacrifice hit Zimmerman. Stolen
base Zimmerman. Htta Off McQuillan, 9
In 6 lnnlnga: off Hendrix. none In 4 In
nings. First on errora Plttaburg 2. Left on
basest Pittsburg 4. Chicago 4. First on bslls
Of Cheney 1, off McQuillan J. off Hen
drix 6. Struck out By Cheney 4. by Mc
Quillan 6. by Hendrix 1. Wild pitch Che
ney. Doubl. plays Evers and Saler; Wag
ner. Vlox and Miller: Hendrix. Dolan and
Mller. Time 1:44. Umpires Klem and Orth.
St. Louis 3, Cincinnati 2.
CINCINNATI, Aug. 29. St Louis, by
bunching hits, won the first game of
the series from Cincinnati today, 3 to
2. Both Bailee and Packard pitched
good ball, the former not permitting
Cincinnati to score until the eighth in
ning, when the locals made three hits,
which, with a base on balls, was good
for two runs, while Packard allowed
the visitors only five hlta. Suggs re
lieved Packard at the beginning of the
ninth. Score:
St. Louis Cincinnati
Magre.l.. 4 14 1 o Rescher.l. 4 3 2 00
Hugglns.3 3 O O SI Bates.r... 4 O
Oakea.m. 4 0 1 O 0 Croh.2. . .. 4 1
Mowrey.3. 4 11 10Marane.m 4 O
Konetc'y.l 4 HO 0 0 Uoblltaell.1 4 O
W hlttea.r 4 V z IV iinaer.a.. J v
O'Leary.s 4 11
Wlngo.c. 8 O 8
Sallee.p.. 8 10
4 n uoage.a. .
1 0 Kllng.c. ..
2 0 Packard.p,
4 1
8 0
2 1
0 O
1 1
o o
Totsls. 82 6 27 15 1! Totsls. S3 7 27101
Batted for Packard in eighth.
Kan for Clark in eighth.
St. Louis O o 1 2 0 0 0 08
Cincinnati 0 O 0 0 0 O 2 02
Runs Mowrey. Konetchy. Wlngo. Tinker.
Dodge. Two-baae hit Salle.. Three-base
hit Konetchy. Hits Off Packard. 5 In S
Innings; off Suggs, none In 1 Inning. Stolen
base Bescher. Double plays Packard.
Kline- to Hoblltxell; Mage, to Wlngo. Left
on bases St. Louis 4. Cincinnati 5. First
on balls Off Salle. 2. off Packard 2. Struck
out By Salle. 4. by Packard 4. by Suggs 1.
Tim. 1:4U. Umpires Rlgler and Byron.
BROOKLYN, Aug. 29. The Brooklyn.
Boston game was postponed today be
cause of wet grounds. Two games
will be played tomorrow.
Cleveland 3, St. Louis 0.
ST. LOUIS, Aug. 29. With men on
bases Falkenberg's speedy balls had
St. Louts baffled and not a local player
crossed the plate throughout the game,
while Cleveland tallied three runs by
a combination of hits and errors.
Falkenberg struck out 10 local bats
men, five of them when a hit would
have counted. Score:
St. Louis I Cleveland
Austin. 3..
Pratt. 2. ..
Coving n.l
O a O 0 Lelbold.m
4 1 O 00
1 2 8 0 Chapman. s
112 0
1 0 00
0 2 00
2 10 0 0
0 8 10
1 00
1 10 20
0 0 20
0 4 4 l'Jackson.r.
1 2 0 0 lajole.2...
1 2 OOS.John'n.l
110 0 1 Turner.3. .
1 1 8 0 "Sraney.l..
1 4 0 2 Jarisch.c.
O O 1 1 Falken'g.p
Totals. 80 27 11 61 Totals. 83 27 7 0
Cleveland 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 23
St. Louis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Runs Lalole, 8. Johnston 2. Two-base
hits Leibold. Austin. Sacrifice hit Austin.
Stolen bases Carlsch. Balcntl. Walker. Cov
ington, Graney. Doubl. plays Pratt to Cov
ington; Lajole.-unassisted: Csrlsch to Chap
man Left on baaea St. Louis 8. Cleveland
5. First on balls Off Baumgardner 2, off
Falkenburg 4. Struck out By Baumgardner
4. by Falkenburg 1. Time 1:50. Umpires
Dineen and Sheridan
NEW TORK, Aug. 29. The New
York-Philadelphia game was postponed
today because of wet grounds. Two
games will be played tomorrow.
BOSTON, Aug. 29. The Boston
Washington game was postponed to
day because of rain.
Multnomah Directors to Elect Physi
cal Director Monday.
When the board of directors of the
Multnomah Club meets Monday night,
either J. Lee Thompson, of Hermlston,
Or., or Oliver L Hebbert. of Boston,
will probably be selected as a successor
to Robert Krobn, who recently re
signed as physical director of the as
sociation. E. C. Delaporte, who was
regarded as a likely man to fill the
berth, will not be up for consideration,
as word was received yesterday in
forming the club that he would not be
able to leave his present position.
Mr. Thompson 'has been with ath
letics for a long time in municipal and
club work. Hebbert's application Is
one of the latest to come In and be
cause of his long experience favorable
consideration may be given his appli
cation. Canoes Sent to Salem.
Thirty-eight canoes, which will carry
more than 70 members of the Portland
Rowing Club on the annual 6alem-to-Portland
canoe trip, were shipped last
night via the Oregon Electric to Salem,
where the passengers will embark
Sunday morning for the two-day In
dian voyage.
Baseball Statistics
National Lemgne.
W. L. Pet. I W. I Pet.
New Tork. 83 18 .53 Brooklyn.. 51 4 .441
Phllaitt.ln'a. Sft 45 .60.1 Boston 60 44 .431
Chicago... 55 .54jClnclnnatl. 4 76 .192
Pittsburg.. a 55 .bit, at. Louis.. . 11 .J.
Amerlcaa League.
Phtladelp'a il .675'Boeton t 5 .BOO
Cleveland. 73 4 .EJS'Detrolt. . . . 52 71 .423
Washtngt'a 47 63 .BtJ3,St- Louis. .. 4 79 .178
Chlcsgo... 85 6U .524i.'ew Tork. 4 77 .342
American Aeaoclavtioo-
Ml-wanke. 7 54 .54 St. Paul... (0 71.45
Mln'apolla. 77 67 .575 Toledo 58 74 .43
Louisville. 75 68 .54:Kans a City 58 77 .430
Columbus. 75 (0 .S&SjIndrnapolla so si .ill
Westers Trl-Stata.
Boise 2 .65'N Yakima. 23 23 .5
Walla Wla 14 11 .622PenaletoB.. 19 17 .411
Xesterday's Besolta,
Southern Lesgue Birmingham 3, Mont
gomery 1; Mobil. . Chattanooga 0: Mem
phis 4, Nashville 6; Atlanta 6-6. New Or
leans 0-2.
American Association Columbus I. Louls
Tllla 4; Indianapolis S. Toledo 2; Minneap
olis 1. St. Paul 2; Milwaukee 10, Kansas
C1Western League Omaha 4, St. Joseph 2;
Topeka . Denver 4; Lincoln , Wichita i;
Dea Moines 2-7, Sioux City -.
Games nVhednled Today.
Pacific Coast Lesgue Sacramento at
Portland: Oakland at Venice; Los Angeles
at San Francisco.
Northwestern League Portland at Van
couver; Seattle at Tacoma; Spokane at
How th. Series Stand. ,
Pacific Coast League Portland 4 games.
Sacramento no game; San a Francisco 3
games. Los 1 gaml. Oakland 2
games. Venice 2 games.
Northwestern League Vancouver 4 sames.
Portland 1 game: Tacoma 3 games. Seat
tle 2 games; Sp.kan. 2 games, Victoria 2
Portland Batting Averages,
200 114
410 134
261 S3
1015 S3
StiS 112
52 24
2uS CO
647 157
433 l-l
37 100
670 152
I Northwestern
Av' AB H
.32.1 Mays. .. . 73 27
.322 Eastley.. 73 23
.31S Hellm'nn 312 62
.311 Mahoney 3TO 103
.305 Mohlel. . 436 119
.2VS Melchlor 457 123
.; Callahan. 14S 88
.2S7 GuignL. . 88O 99
.2o Bancroft 4 1 3 104
.272 Murray.. 1S5 48
.Mo Williams 244 60
.MS Coltrln. . 378 73
.245 Hynes 4'J 9
.12 Todd 17 3
.192 Martln'nl 51 7
.132 King.... 4S 6
.OS.VCarson. . i o
Lober. . .
Speas. . .
Kores. . .
James. .
Berry. . .
7 20
West. . . .
Ha germ' a
For the man
Altera", snr-f fTHr7
his health
MURIEL is the all -
cigar after breakfast,
after lunch, after din
ner and between times.
MURIEL is marvelously mild and
remarkably fragrant a rare com
bination due to the skillful blending
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The Mild Havana Blend
The Hart Cigar Co.,
De Palma Takes Cobe Trophy
With Dawson Second.
Victors Average 66.8 Miles an Hour
Over S02-Mile Course Fifteen
Cars Entered In Elgin Xa
tional to Be Run Today.
ELGIN, Aug. 29. The veteran driv
ers, Kalph De Paima and Joe Dawson
shared the honors of today's roadrace
tor the Cobe trophy. De Palma won
the 302-mlle g-rind in 4:31:66, but Daw
son was only slightly behind, negotiat
ing the distance in 4:39:52.
De Palma drove a Mercer, while Daw
son piloted a Deltal, a new car. The
racecourse is approximately eight and
one-halt miles, requiring 34 laps to
complete the distance. William Chand
ler had driven his Mason car 33 laps
when Starter Wagner signalled that
the contest was at an end and that
third money went to him.
De Palma's average, 66.S miles an
hour, is slightly better than tue previ
ous record tor this event, which is an
annual curtain-raiser to the Elgin Na
tional, to be run with 15 big cars to
morrow. Ths other five drivers who
entered the race were disposed of as
H. Endlcott, Nyberg driver, went out
after 259 miles, after twice breaking
his water pipe and his car catching fire.
E. V. Rlckenbacher, pilot of a Mason,
waa in his twenty-eighth lap when the
race was called.
Spencer Wishart ' and his Mercer
lasted 192 miles when a broken spring
sent him to the side lines.
C W. Luttrell, another Mercer driver,
lasted 125 miles, when he quit with a
burnt-out connecting rod.
Ralph Mulford. another Mason pilot,
was out in the tenth lap with his crank
shaft broken.
There were no accidents of a serlons
nature although Endlcott waa ex
hausted when his machine quit. He
recuperated in .the field hospital.
The weather was fair, and while the
track waa a bit faster than a year ago,
it was rougher than those who had
been working on it had expected. Ten
thousand persons saw the race but the
main event tomorrow is expected to
bring out a much larger crowd.
De Palma took the lead In the tenth
lap. when Mulford retired.
Dawson trailed in behind, and these
two fought it out for the remainder of
the distance. De Palma waa delayed
only a few seconds at the pit. both
times by tires which were replaced
with th. greatest speed. Dawson also
made two changes but they required
more time.
Welsh Must Act Before Noon Today
or Cross Will Be Substituted.
VANCOUVER, B. C. Aug. 29. (Spe
cial.) Unable to get Pollock, manager
for Welsh, dbwn to buslnes regarding
the arrangements for the fight sched
uled for September 20, Hugh Springer,
head of the local syndicate, today no
tified the English champion that the
promoters now proposed to open nego
tiations with Leach Cross, when the
fighting dentist comes to town tomor
row and put him in as an opponent
for Ritchie instead of Welsh.
This threat had the effect of receipt
of an immediate undertaking by
Springer from both Pollock and Welsh
that they would appear Saturday
morning at any place designated and
post their forfeits. Springer, accord
ingly, gave them until Saturday noon.
Welsh seemed to be able to convince
Springer that he was getting in good
shape and would have no complaint
three weeks from tomorrow that he
was not ready to fight.
Saratoga Races Close Today.
SARATOGA. N. V.. Aug. 29. With the
futurity as the feature, the closing
racea of the Saratoga Association will
be staged here tomorrow. . Of the
original 414 nominations but nine are
v 9 fa
No cluttered tongue, no
fled nerres, when Ton
smoke MURIEL
Distributors, Portland
carded to go to the post in the final
turf of the classic metropolitan racing
City Championship and Fall Handi
caps to Be Played on Club Courts.
The city tennis championship and
Fall handicap tourney held by Multno
mah Club will open today and continue
for a week with games morning and
afternoons. Over 40 have entered the
men's handicap and 18 will play in
the scratch event.
Tbe men's doubles, handicap and
scratch, will be drawn tomorrow morn
ing and matches will follow imme
diately. The women's events start Tuesday
and the junior events later.
The majority of the cracks who
played In the recent Oregon State,
championship, the Breakers and Ta
coma. meets will be contestants.
The preliminary round Is: Jr
1:00 P. at. Court 1. Shives va H. tV.
or man. cnampionsnip; court I. .agar vs.
Compton, championahip; court 3, Giles va.
L. Starr, handicap; court 4. Lnsk vs. H. W.
Lewis, handicap; court 6. Taylor vs. Wheeler,
handicap; court 6, Durham va Cole, handi
cap. 2:00 P. M. Court 1, Campbell vs. Klehle,
handicap; court S. Rothwell va. PraeL
handicap; court 3, Northup va. Main, handi
cap; court 4, Wakeman va "Wolfard, scratch;
court 6, G. Q. Jones va Small, handicap;
court 6. Knndson va Lee, handicap.
8:00 P. M. Court 1, H. Jones va Pease,
handicap; court 2. K. Frohman va Mer
aereau, handicap; court 3. Marias va Mor
rison, handicap; court 4. Kearns va Mun
ley, handicap; court 6, Wallace vs. Latour
ette, handicap; court 6, Mathews va Kats.
4:00 P. M. Court 1, Chapman vs. "Ooxey,
handicap; court 2. O. S. Frohman va Cobb,
handicap; court 3, Ludera va. M. C. Froh
man, handicap; court 4. K. Rees va H.
Lytle. championship; court 6. W. A. Goes
va R. MacVeagh. championship; court 6.
L. Cowing va. McAlpln. handicap.
6:00 P. M. Court 1, Rohr vs. S. B.
Cooke, handicap: court 2. Bllderback va.
Hewlcksen. handicap; court 3, Morse vs.
Gregg, handicap.
Letter Awaits Dan O'Leary.
There is a letter for Dan O'Leary.
the pedestrian, in the office of the
sporting editor of The Oregonlan.
Vanions Winged 51 Line Plunger to
Join Squad in Early Camp at
Newport, September 7.
CorvalUa, Aug. 29. (SneciaL)
Official announcement of the election
of Carl Wolff as first assistant foot-
ball coach at Oregon Agricultural Col
lege for the coming season was made
today by Dr. E. J. Stewart, bead coach.
According to the contract between
Wolff and the Oregon Agricultural Col- -lege
athletic board he will report in
time to leave Corvallls with Dr. Stew
art and 40 candidates for the Aggie (
team, who will go into training at the
Wolff's experience on the college'
gridiron dates ' from 1907, when he V
broke througn tne lines oi aii m
Northwest conference teams Into the
seventh football heaven, where he still
remains by virtue of more recent con
quests with the Multnomah Club team.
He was captain of the Oregon Agricul
tural College aggregation in 19u8 and .
has been twice chosen for positions .
on all-Northwest college teams, in
1908 as fullback and again In 1909 aa
halfback Since leaving college in 1910
Wolff has been one of the hardest Una
plungers and most reliable punters on
the Multnomah team and was to have
captained that club this season.
By securing "Tubbie" Wolff as his
first lieutenant. Dr. Stewart Is regarded
as having made a master stroke In
the construction of his 1913 gridiron
machine. Wolffs selection not only
provides the team with an efficient
second mate but at the same time re
calls to the service of his alma mater
one of the most popular football heroes
who ever wore the orangs in an inter
collegiate "nsf
It sure was some game yesterday.
Since the Portland Coast League team
hit their stride 90 per cent of their
Kames have been won with a Bill
Rodgers model bat. The 1911 pennant
was nailed with a Buddy Ryan stick.
Archer & Wiggins made the bats. All
our lines are Just as strong. .