THE MOB3fI3JG OREGOXIAX. v SATURDAY. AUGUST 30i 1913. 12 TO EXt'HAKGS. ONE acre, near car I inc. in the highest state of cultivation, with crop, chickens and a nice 6 -room bungalow. The owner Is "bound to so East and doe not want to leave property. He will ieU or trade his equity for a lot In Portland up to $1200. "W hat have you to offer for this property T N'o inflated values will be considered. O. S. SMITH CO.. 432 Chamber of Commerce. FINE Bi-acre tract, S mile from $75,000 high achool. tn beautiful city of Ashland. Oregon; all In jounf commercial bear ing fruits, irrigated from city pipes room house, small barn; can use modern fcouse In Portland, $1600 to $4WU, Owner, XEARLT xl r tn Camas. Wn: in g ton. macadamized road,- mtg. $4Co, years. 6 per cent; will trade equity as part payment on a 4-room bungalow, PrJr Piedmont district. Owners only. B Oregonlan. ONE new 6-ton auto truck, 50 H. P.. cheap for cash or In exchange for acreage, lots, or collateral, Portland or vicinity. Also " one -passenger 2d-hand auto. Address 2K7 Cleveland ave. or phone Woodiawn 21'!X A BARGAIN. 10 acres of good land near car line and food span of mares, new harness and new "" wagon for sale or trade for house and lot. Call St. James, corner Grand ave. and East Pine, room 20. WILL trade H,HK Irvington home for Southern California home; prefer Los Angeles or Pasadena. E 323, Oregonlan. FOB SALE. Horace. Vehicles. Etc. AUCTION AUCTION. Horses, mules, ; vehicles' and nam ess, Monday, September 1; Friday. Septem ber 6, and every Monday and Friday for the balance of the year. For this, our openlnr Fall sale, w will have a car load of Eastern Oregon HORSES and MARES weighing from 1200 to ir00 lbs., from a to 5 years old all broke and 'sound. Also a large number of all classes ' of horsns consigned by different parties to be sold on commission. If you are in need of a horse of any description or have one to sell, patronize our sales and we will guarantee you satisfaction. Sales be gin at 10 o'clock sharp, ' THE MURPHY HORSE A MULE CO.. 240 E. 8th st near Hawthorne. Phone E. 6315. HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE OR RENT. Second-hand vehicles bought and sold; new wagon 9hd auto beds made to order; livery furnished to business parties at special rat es. 1 HAWTHORNE STABLES, 420 Hawthorne ave. Phone East 72. B ia60. JUST received, car of - Eastern Oregon horses and marea. 3 to 6 years old. 1200 to 1000 pounds; extra good quality, ail broke and ready for service. The Murphy Horse - Mule Co., 240 E. 8th au, near Hawthorne, phone E. o315. FOR SALE Pair mules, 4 years old, about 110O lbs. each; one steel gray horse, 1150, 4 years; aiso pure bay mares, young, 2SOO: can be seen at 334 Front st. Phil Suetter TV A N TE D 2 y oun g mares from 4 to 6 years old; true broke, gentle; must weigh over 1400 lbs.; for farm work. AN S15, Oregonlan. " 4 NICE matched pair of black Shetland pontes, stallion and gelding, young ana sound, cneap, or might exchange Sot horses. 14 Union ave., corner of Ash. 25 HEAD of horses from 1000 to 12O0 lbs., from $50 to $3u0. that must be sold at once. 14 fUnlon ave., cor, of Ash. FOR SALE One team well-matched mares, weighing 2000 lbs.; owner leaving ecity, will sell at sacrifice. 220 Russeli st. FOR SALE One cheap farm horse, weigh ing 130O lbs.; 3 first-class delivery wag ona, 1 rubber-tired buggy. 226 Rtusell st. FOR SALE Horses and vehicles of all kinds; horses for hire. 239 Russell at. Bait 8543. 6 WORK horses end harness, 1250 to 1403 lbs., cboap If sold by Sept. 1. 893 Water ' st.. near Harrison. BEAUTIFUL Shetland and Shetland-Arabian ponies for tale. W. T. B ink ley, Woodbua, Oregon. - SORREL mare, a good driver, cheap. Call at Star Sand .Company. Barn No. 3, East Pth and East Flanders. FANCY driver, standard bred, family and city broke, cheap. 1133 57th ave. WW car. ' PASTURE for stock, close to Portland. O. L. A S. Co. Phone Main 1410. HORSES for sale at S8 East 7th st. North. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. FINE piano for $3 monthly rent. Inquire The Gilbert Co., 307 Stearns bldg., titn and Morrison. UrRIGHT Hazeltcn piano, almost new; will sell for half Its value. J. S. Hardy, Cordova Hotel. WILL sacrifice upright piano for $Ki7. C. O. Pick's warehouse. 2d and Pine sta. Dogs, Siras iet etecsu 4 THOROUGHBRED blue greyhounds. Cali Bud Anderson, 3o4 Y, Vancouver. Poultry. RHODES ISLAND RED chickens for sale. Phone Woodiawn 705. 34U3 Fern. Livestock. 8 GOOD inligh cows, fresh and coming fresh. Durham, Holsteln and Jersey; big cows; also pair of coming 3-year-old colts.' Take Woodstock car, OOth ave. and 41st, 3 blocks weet. . SPLENDID herd Hojsteia dairy cows; some registered; a bargain. B 01, Oregonian. Furniture for Sale. GRSAT CHANCE FOR THOSE STARTING HOUSEKEEPINO. OR THOSE WHO NEED SOME NEW FURNITURE THE ENTIRE STOCK OF PETERS MFG. CO., ("BANKRUPT," HAS BEEN ORDERED SOLD IMMEDIATELY. AND NO OTHER BALE - CAN COMPARE WITH THIS. CALL AND SEE. 3 FIFTH bT CORNER PINE, COMPLETE furnishings for 5 rooms and steeping porch; must sell before Sept. 1; flat for rent; bargain. 400 ft Park st, FtTRNITURE ofallVitInds in separate pieces, bedding, shades and curtains. 307 Market. Machinery. FOR SALE. A 45-h. p, 550-volt Crocker-Wheeler mo tor, complete, with standard blade starter, no voltage release and 75 -ampere over load. L T. E circuit breaker, in A-l con- uition. Aa areas room xva, uregonian Diag FOR IMMEDIATE delivery, any part, 15o0 tons choice 54-pound relaying steel. Tee rail with angW bars; delivery at any Pa cific terminal or Coast port at very low price. Jardinu Machinery Co., 444 Market st.. San Francisco, r FOR SALE. ' One 125-volt direct current generator, complete with field rheostat, ammeter and circuit breakers. This machine Is in good repair. Address -room 2tKi, Oreronlan bldg. FOR SALE. A 40-K. W., 500-voit Crocker-Wheeler generator, complete, with field rheostat and circuit breaker, in good condition. Address room 2u3. Oregonlan bldg. COKLLS3 engine, A His, 22x48; steam shovel, Marion, 1 u -yard . bargains If you can use. AO 817, Oregonlan. Automobiles. AUTOMOBILE BUYERS. ATTENTION Now Is the time to get a bargain in a high, arade car. We want to make room lor iui4 moaeis ana win sen the ioi lowlng cars at very low prices: it will pat tou to come and Bee us. 1 191 3 "Michigan 40" demonstrator. run 1:000 miles, . electric starter and llghta 1 1 i12 "Michigan" 38. 1 lit 11' "Michigan" 4. electric llghta and a tarter. 1 1112 "Michigan" S3 Roadster, MICHIGAN ALTO & BUGGY CO., 16th and Alder Sta. - ; ONE new 6-to a auto truck, 50 H. P., cheap lor cash or in exchange xor acreage. lots. or collateral. Portland or vicinity. Also one 6-passenger 2d-hand auto. Address 1097 Cleveland ave. or phone Woodiawn FOR SALE Second-hand truck, capacity 1 ton, -in excellent condition; new engine suitable for express or general trucking du sin ess. r 3-1. vregonian. 1912 SO-H. P. 6-pasenger. foredoor auto in, A-l condition. Xor uale by owner: can be seen and will- demonstrate at Union Ave. Garage Co Union ave. and Wasco street. IMPORTANT TO AUTO OWNERS Will nickel-plate, varnish, refinlsh, top' your auto; take apart and put together In three day a Portland Plating A Mfg. Co., id and Thurman Bta Main 043. A 0-12. 1V10 WHITE gss car, detachable body, SO horsepower, price $400; must leave town. Write J. E- tii me, 711 West Johns st St. Johns, ur. 5. P. JdAp.RlON. fally eoulpped. runs and looks hie new; all new Urea, a big snap for less than one-half price; sea car. Atl 4th street. $ PER MONTH for storage on drained automobiles in best fire -reals ting building. - t;. r. jsmison et -o.. iiin ana laurmia WANTED Small runabout or roadster must be In god conditio, and cheap. F. E. Mang'.s, box lft, Salens. Main 1W25. GARFORD 40 for sale cheap or trade; In perfect condition; nickel trimmings, fully eqUTppeu. 1 aror no or moor i.ifid. AUTOMOBILE to rent by city salesman 3 . or 4 days a week. Room 09, Oregon Hotel. IF YOU want automobile fire Insurance at one-taix tne oio-iuie rate, seiepnona jiaon biro - " ; 'TOR 6 AXE. A otomobUw. $5i0 (-Pass. Cadillac, nickeled, painted. electric lighten, gooa conuiiiuu. N. W. EXCHANGE. $1500 lot, nearly clear. for late p-pasa. auio.atax. .10 Automobiles Wutwt I WILL pay cash for a used 5 -passenger auto; late model preferred; give particu lars and lowest cash price. Q 311), ore gonlan. 2-C'YLIXDER auto engine, l-h.p.. wanted, or old auto would- do;-must be reason able. AR Sl. Oregonian. WILL exchange lots In Forest Grove, Salem or Portland for automobile- no junk. Chas. E -Hall. Forest Grove. Or. WANTED A second-hand Ford . automo bile. 314 E. Wash, st. East 5711. B 206. , Motorcycles. HA.R LEY-DAVIDSON 8-H. P. twin motor- cycle, in good condition; price $2v0; terms or will trade for piano; give or take. Box 2.1. Monta villa a tat ion. c BARGAINS In new and used motorcycea Preer Tool at .Supply Co.. 311 Oak st. MlPKrellancous, FURNITURE SPECIALS. Cook stoves, $i.i0 to $12; Jewell gas range $7.50; Reliable gas water heater, $3; 6-plece solid oak'dlning surte. consist ing of u chairs, buffet and round pedestal extension table, wax finish, all for $-14; other din in suites as low as $ifJ kitchen treasure, i,50; kitchen tables, 41: kitchen cupboard, with glass door. hotel dressers, $5; full-sue dressers, $J.M - to SIS; good as new, golden oak frame, $16.30; upholstered couches $2; sanitary steel couth, with mattress to fit, $4.50: Iron beds, an v size from II. 50 up; all brass beds. $S.50 and up; all steel springs, $2.60 to $5; wire-woven springs, 75c to $2.2i; large wardrobe. $:.60; cedar chest, brass bound, $5; haUracks. $3.:; hall mirrors. $1.5o to $4; solloak settee suitable for office or hall. $6; parlor tables. $1 to $d; library tables, $4.S to $9; ladies desks, $S to $2u- room-slM runs, $&5o to 120; common, chaira. 5oc; dining chairs, 73c to $2.30; several large mirrors, $2.50 to $6-50; all kinds of housefurntehlng goods, new and fine second-hand; houses furnished on the installment plan; no interest and everything marked in plain figures; free delivery to any part of the city. WESTERN SALVAGE CO 13-647 Wash., bet. ltith and 17th ata -Both Phones. NOTICE to shoe dealers We have 5000 pairs of women's high-class oxfords and strap pumps, all or a part at 25c, 87 Vie and 60c per pair. Regular wholesale $1.50 to $2.00. We need money. Phone A 7S33. - RUBBER roofing, corrugated roofing; save about half. See us. M. BARDE AV SONS. , - Front and Main Sta. The House of a Million Bargains. SAFES, new and second-hand; low prices, easy terms: safes opened, repaired and painted. PCRCELL SAFE CO., and PORT LAND SAKK tO., e Otn St. aiain oowa. FOR SALE or trade, 25-foot, speedy launch. lO passengers, IS H. P.: a beauty: fully equipped. In perfect condition, W. H. Crltet-er. Willamette, Or. SAFES M osier Safe Co., manufacturers: low prices, easy terms; safes opened and repaired; bargains In second-hand safes 10$ 2d st. Phone Main 7676. . SPECIAL bale on filing cabinets, oak and mahogany: 40 per cent off. .Haley Desk Co., 210 Broadway, between Taylor , and Salmon. Main 687. BAKER'S outtit for sale, with counter and cash register; will sell cheap, phone-Tabor 424L- TYPEWR ITERS, all makes. $1 to $05. NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER CO., 2b2 Stark st. 2)K "OND-HAND roll-top desk, two flat-to;i ' desks and 8 chairs. Biuhong Co.. 91 Park st. ONE slightly-used water power -washing machine at a bsrgnin. Tabor 4426. - SHOWCASES, scales, etc, or will exchange for stron buggy. Woodiawn: 1H42. NATIONAL cash registers. Get my prices. Povey. 351 Wash., basement. Main OOd. 5-FOOT roll top desk,"""f irst class shape, will sell cheap. 11 4th street. DISAPPEARING typewriter desk $lv. Big low rug. sare. 5 chairs. 81$ Beck bldg. FOR SALE CHEAP, 14-volume University law book, good as new. Phone East 4101. WANTED To rent or buy, pool tables. Main Wl. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. LEVI?! Hardware 9c Furniture Co., 221 Front st, buys second-hand furniture, estr pets, stoves, ranges, hardware or tools of any kind. If you have anything; la this line, call Main IK) 7 2. : Our buyer oaiii promptly. FEATHER BEDS wanted to make Into feather mattresses; paycasn; ieatner oecs and pillows renovated. Phone Tabor 1433. Folding Mattress Co., 11U4 Hawthorne. WE want to buy 41000 worth of econd- V-. ,4 f 11m I it fA (n tha nwvr AO a V a And pay all the cash It Is worth. Williams- WE BUT CLOTHING AND FURNITURE. nignesi price puu tor auc -cast-oCC clothing and. shoes. Call Main 2US0. 234 1st St. The Globe. WE buy for cash second-hand National Cash registers anp, sen tnem on easy terms, . J. Macau ley, &4 Burnslde au Phone Main 181ft, A 1 bio. - . . FAIR DEAL W-e pay best prices for second- band clothing ana iurmture. can asun 9272. 60 od. N- M. G He km an, prop. SECOND-HAND FURNITURE WANTED. Buyer calls promptly; estimates given. 1S4 1st. near Yamhill. ' Main 4773. TWO tennis racquets: balls, net and side poles; must be in gooa conaiuon. Auurjw AD 322, Oregon Ian. - ' HIGHEST prices paid Jor cast-off clothing ana snoes. jaaranan NATIONAL cash-register, price must he rea sonable, aiam ouo, a. awo. V'E want $10,000 worth of second-hand fur- nlture; hignest prices paia. peuwooq iosa FORD AUCTION CO. pays most cash lor CASH paid for hair combings. Sanitary beauty i'ariors. iu yfium pma. PHONE for the furniture buyer when you want to sell. Main 43. OFFICE furniture; will buy your second hand office furniture. Mar. x-tio. WE pay highest prices tor second-hand doming. aa rnuas avio nam. PRIVATE party wants some second-hand furniture, c 3-, uregonian. WANT to rent duck lake.. AD 324, Ore gonlan. HELP WANTED MALE. rnMPKTEXT salesman, thoroughly erxneri enced, in dressoods ana si. its. .Kouerts Bros., 3a ana Jiornson. WANTED Boy for grocery store, between 15 or IS years 01a. Apply cor. .it la ma Market, Wet bide. - penenced fruit pacaer to assist in snip ping department. H an, cregonian. MEN for hewing, ties; piece work; good timoer; iu miiM irum rornauu. uvr bett Bldg. WANTED Good live men to sell diamonds, watches ana jewelry on me installment plan. Apply 2u7 Corbett bldg. ADVERTISING solicitors, cash commission. Clyde agency, block ixebange oiug., and Yamhill. CHAJs'CE to learn to operata moving-picture machine; , we can place tnree more men in thvater. 417 Rothchlld bldg. BOTS for errands and laboratory work. Blumauer-Franit Drug go., bth and Juver ett sts., Portland. Or. WANTED Reliable man to do light work for room and board, 2S1 basement, 4th and Jefferson. i AN experienced window-cleaner and eleva tor man. Apply room 223 Beck bidg. after V A. M. i WA.N'TKD Thoroughly - experienced men's furmsmng salesman, nooeru xiroa., aa uu Morrison. WANTED 2 young men to work as news agent on passenger trains; casn security required. Apply oo Johnson t. SALESMEN and dlst. mgrs. for Oregon, Nat. Casualty Co.. 501 Railway Ex. bidg. PHOTO coupon,- beat offered, beauty contest started. Cut berth Studio, Dekum bldg. PHOTO COUPON agents, new winning con test offer. Sarony Studio, 346V Morrison. WANTED Klrft-class coatmaJker. man. 311 Selling bidg. A. .ip- ERRAND boy wanted. McDonald AY Collet t, tailors. 2W Wash. at. WANTED Two ofrice boys. Apply it A K Borntckle. Ellers Music House. BOY wanted. Portland Trunk Mfg. Co.. 3d and Pine sts.' , BOY wanted wltn wheel, drug store. 3b0 Third et. WANTED 1 aash and door machine man, ripsaw man. ,OTinwwi voor .o. HARDER wanted for Saturday; wages guar, anteed. 26u First st. BARBER wanted for Saturday; $4 guar anteed, zva jjwmsun mu ERRAND boy wanted. In grocery store 2iZ BARBER wanted for today. .3T33j E. Mor. WANTED Assistant janitor and wife. Ap ply Janitor Wheel don Annex. I BOY about 17 a apprentice for glove lac tory. Call ilain 7u30. - NOTICE! Classified . advertisements, to receiye proper -classification in the next day's issue of The Ore gonian, must be in The Oregonian office before 10 o'clock at' night, except Saturday. : v Closing hour for Sunday Oregonian will be 9 o'clock Saturday night." ' Business office of The Oregonian rill be open' until 11' o'clock at night, as usual, and all classified advertisements for the next day's issue received too late for proper classification; will be .run under heading r j. y ' -. . " ' ' "TOO JiATE TO CLASSIFY. H , . ;t HELP WANTED MAXJE. s INCIDENT. - tOna of Many.) ' " Office Secretary Employment Department, I. M. C, A, Tour.g man. stranger, seeking employ ment X20 nle total caan assetIf I P you $3 for emploiment membership. I wui have only tlo between me and starvation. Secretary If you pay $6 for emplo ment membersbip you will have the X. a. C. A.. with all Its resources between yon and starvation. . Hesuit Young man Joined association. In less than a week ha had satisfactory employment. - . ' Hecord for six months ending June BO: Calls for men from employers 1174 Foeltions tilled - Our special employment membership guarantees members will secure employ ment or refund membership fee: gives two months fuU and 10 months'- social prlvl- OVFTANT DEMAND FOR CLFRICIAL, TECHNICAL , AND COMMERCIAL MEN. All young men seeking employment, especially strangers, are cordially invited to consult with the Secretary of the Em ployment Department. - - ENERGETIC BOYS WANTED. Apply at BupL's office, ctu flooc, be tween 8:S0 ind v:30 A. M. MEIEH & FRANK CO. OUR representative. Mr. J. M. ' Wei bora. will be at the I'oruana tioiei aoyi. . want five live men who. have confidence In their ability to make good, to o-oper-ate with on a proposition that will net SlOO per week. Write him, direct, inclos in g references ; Interview given only to written applications. Flatum Plates Co. of .America. 1 . MEN WANTED who" are looking for sieafy work whera they can make a home. Plant In small town 6t miles from Portland wants sev eral men of this class. Wages SiL2o to S-L. Pay to start. See Damon. CU-VPIN-mtLOW MTU & TRUST CO.. 33 Chamber ot Commerce. ft" AN TED FOR U. a ARMY, able-bodied unmarried men between ages ot 18 and 88; citizens of United btate. -of good cnar ecter and temperate - bablta, who caa speak, read and writ the English lan luage. For lnformatlun apply to Recruit ing Officer, Worcester bull dint. - od and Oak iu., Portland. Or. WANTED Tola road builder, M-60. 3 rough carpenters, $3-30. Car tallymen, $2.75 and $3.00, PACL6UC EMPLOYMENT OO, ' 233 Couch St. - YOUNG man. with reference, to solicit. Ex perienced man will go with you and teach you the business and assist In closing sales. Big money In It and a permanent position. Call evenings, 929 Chamber ot Commerce building. WANTED Three first-class aalesmen of good ability to solicit sales. If you are . not this kind do not apply; salary and commission; must have good 'reference. Eureka - Vacuum Cleaner -Co., Northwest bldg.. cor. oth and Washington st. - ' WANTED Salesman who does not know wl;at tlmd is: to present a proposltlos which any Intelligent man will thank blot : for; unlets you are in the $SUin-a-year class, or better, don't answer. Address A3 24, Oregonlan. " WANTED Salesman for country work la 8. Oregon and N. California; liberal com- , missions; experience not essential. If you want something permanent and good ad dress Oregon Nursery Co- Qrence. Oregon WANTED Assistant dry goods man; must be Arst-claas salesman, sober and a hus tler; only experienced mea isped apply. Address D. At. Kayberger, AlcMlnnvllle, Or. . WANTED Washman, first-class, all-round washer, capabla of turning out high-grade ' collar and shirt work; good salary to lirst-clas man. Elite Laundry Co., Vsss couver. Wash. WANT office hoy between 18 and 19 years of agelsWBges $7 to start; a good oppor tunity to learn a good business. Apply In own handwriting and give phone num ber. W 816. Oregonlan. , CITY ealesmon to visit all retail trade; commission basts; article wtth merit and ' salesmen making money; give paone num - ber; no trlflers. X 317, Oregonlan. WANTED Pressor who understands press ing machine; good Job for right man. "all 211 W. 0th. Phone 136, .Vancouver, ' Wash. WANTED Energetic." single young man to - travel and learn a good-paying business. Call to 11 and 1 to 2 for Mr. Gllham. Caflton Hotel. FILIPINO and Jap. for apartment-house work; must have experience and refer encev Stelwyn Apta. WANTED A boy 1 to IS years of age. to learn the cutlery business. Apply Honey- - man Hardware Co., 4th and Alder sta. BARBER wanted. 245H Yamhill. HELP WANTED FEMALB. GIRLS "wanted in paper box dept. Ameri can Chicle Co.; experienced help preferred; good wages. Cor. 14th and Johnson. wanted Kxnerlenced cook and one who will do general housework; good, wages. Inquire 340 luth St. WANTED Girl for general housework, fam ily 4 adults. Apply 445 E. 15th st. North. WANT E D--G irT help In amaU family. 415 riaisey. cast ,pit. WANTED Experienced feeders and folders on mangle. Apply international nary WANTED Neat waitress la cafeteria. Call 4U5 liawtliorne ave. Gi R L for general housework, shall 1670 or A 17. . T Call Mar- NEAT girl, general housework and cooking. i'u tast near nuimuuf. COMPETENT girl for general housework. 1J Juth N.. corner Kearney. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. 2sl E. 11th N. phone East 37. WANTED Middle-aged lady for general housework. 1'8 Waler il, South Portland. LADY BARBtK, 2vlh Burnside. WANTED Good cook. 3 adults In family. M : ss Page. Vancouver Barracks. WANTED -Competent girl to do general housework. Apply 50 Halsey. cor. E. 11th, GIRL. for general housework. Telephone East 24t3. Kast ISth St., nar btark WANTED A capable- girl for second-wora. Apply at 721 Johnson st. WANTED First-class sklrtmaker. man. 811 Selling bldg. Lip- G1RL wanted tor general housework. Ap ply EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. Apply tearoom, 4th floor, mas, vv ortmaa & iving. GIRL for cooking and general housework. 704 Nortnru. YOUNG "lrl to take car of baby. . 7v4 n on n nip et. - a WANTED 5 extra waitresses at Council Crest Tavern on Sunday; 23e an hour. NICE gtrl or woman assistant In Beach company's hotel. Apply 73. Irving. GIRL for general housework. Inquire East b02S or soi fcast zsta rortn. WANTED Girl sewers for manufacturing plant. Apply 14 nt st. n S'orth. GIRLrfdr general housework In small fam ily, gooa wanes. m. nwjt w. GIRL for general housework, phone Tabor 345 or call OtiO E C9th N. WANTED Lady for delicatessen store and cook. 11 N. 21st st. NEAT young girl for upstaira work and help wltn care Oi ennu. on avcrcn bu EXPERIENCED girl for genera housework , and cooking; gooa wages, c, .vexotu HELP WANTED FEMALE. KTPKPTtvrEn PAT.ESWOMPV WANTED. Experienced In selling Women's Cloaks ana butts. Apply- superintendent s on ice. Ota -zioor, oetweea :jo ana v:au a. sl. MEIER A FRANK CO. 1 ETPERIEVCrn VITJ.ITCERT MAKERS, Apply at .SupL'a office, ta floor, be- tveea 8:30 and 9:30 A. M. . MUIER & FRANK CO. WANTED Largest farm paper on Pacific Coast desires lady representative to secure subscriptions at county fairs and farmers' meetings during Fall and Winter; expenses will not be advanced, but competent party . can make over $1H per month clear; give street and telephone addresses. Farm Paper, box AK 816, Oregonlan, PROBATIONERS wanted to lake nurses training; applicants must be over 21 years old; compensation first year 910 per ma, Second yar per mo., third year $1S per mo., including board, lodging. laun dry. Apply to matron of Point Pleaaam Sanatorium, Raymond, Wash. WANTED Three young ladies of good ap pearance and must have good voice, to sing In griil; cabaret work Is very popu lar and salary from $16 to $30 per we; experience unnecessary. Call at Cabaret Grill at 2 P. M. Walt a? Owena, stage di rector. 23 N. Vd nU ' TURKS waitresses lout), S week; 2 wait resses. 130, room and board, fare paid; chambermaid. Si week; hotel cook. 4u (city); second girl, $0; housekeeper, $0, no obJtcUon to- children. 84 fer iftaah. R. 7. ' ; NEAT, orderly girl wanted to assist in housework In small family: good home and used as one of family;- If not a good cook, want only a girl who desirea to learn. Phone East 4i6tf. . . WANTED Young ladv for billing clerk and general of fee work; must use type writer. Apply between 10 and 12 o clock Saturday. Opera Mouse Laundry Co, 245 Everett st. - WANTED A well educated girl about IS years of age for-work in an office; no experience required; amsll salary. bat permanent position. C 326. Oregonlan. YOUNG couple with child want girt or woman fv housework; must have refer ences: good borne, easy work. luaS Vaughn streL OPERATORS on custom pants, steady em ployment; none but experienced need ap-piy;-best of wages paia. S. Lowen. 2&i'm eUark St. . WANTED Five bright, capable ladlea to MamnnimtA and li dealers: rail road fare paid; $25 to $5o per week. Call, Vclvetina Shop. "16 s wet land plug. COMPETENT girl for general housework; Scandinavian preferred. Phone Main 11V1 Take W car to limb st. Mrs. A. E. w. Petrsoi HOS Raleigh sf. STENOGRAPHER, steady position, saiar to start, 5o. Reply tn own handwrit- ng giving references and phone. AB 313, Oregonian. WOMAN, neat appearance, wltn experience Jn confectionery ana cigar swrw -lunchroom. Address Pennington ec Co., bU Johns, Or. t ' WANTED Experienced skirt and waist help, also bright errand girl,-one experi enced in shopping, call from 0 to 11. Tracy & Copeland, 106 Columtia bldg. EXPERIENCED woman for family second work wnare cook Is kept; no wasning; -iu; references. Mrs. Clark W. Thompson, Cas cade Locks, Or. MANY of the best families of the city are registered with the Domestio Service Bu reau for cooks, general housework and second girls. 306 Central bldg. - M. 7B67- COMpETENT salespeople, thoroughly ex perienced in areas goous, buks, cium suiis; muslin underwear and dress trim mings. Roberts Bros., 3d and Morrison. wa 'TED ExDerlenced woman. general hmmAwnrif. famllt of 1 adults, all mod ern conveniences. $30; Swedish or Ger man preferred. Mrs. -Hall. "82 Hoyt st. WANTED! WANTED! WANTED! ' Five girls to learn beauty culture; pay while learning; position'guaranteed. 4vt 414 pekum bldg. Sanitary parlors, GIRLS for addressing; must be good writers. Answer In own hanu writing; staie k end experience; salary 1 1.2 5-per day. Add. ' AT 821. Oregonian. - 1 bTENOGRAPHEKS with some experience, m.-iHamtm -m m c tn SfATL hilt SfOod DfriDl' nent position to right, party. Call 1U9 2d ttAVTk-.n Ml1rllA.aeed ladv. to do house- . work . In country town, amaU family. D 3g4. Oregonlan. w a TRli ExDerienoed airl for genera; housework. Apply 846 N. 32d at. Phone Marshall 392 mornings ' WANTED 2 rood weavers to work on carriage cloth and flannels. Bandon Wool en' Mills, Eandon, Or . COMPETENT cook and general work, no wascing; ref. required. Call xnornlnga only. Apt. 22, The titelwyn. rxr a vtpt FTnripin-ed feeilrs and fold ers in our Mat work dept. Portland Laun- dry Co.. 9th and coucn. i VA. TED Trimmer, milliners and appren. tloes. Apprentices paid while learning. Applv Lowengarv A Co. WANTED Millinery apprentice: paid while learning. Tifft's Hat "Shop, lid lutn, near Aider. - WANTED Girl for general housework in small family; must understand plain cook ing; good wages, n au. uregoniaa wa ktkij Hflned. canable Woman for re- . SEon;lb:e position. Vlavl Co.. ttO Roth chlld bldrr.. 4th and Washington. WANTED Experienced chocolate- dippers. AupJy licaeia Confectionery-Co., 13 Lb, and Hoyr. WANTED Neat young man to do work in .cafeteria. 4uo iiawtnorne ave. " i d;A. ojooa mfwy mfwy mfwy mfw WAITRESS for lunch counter: room a board. Apply at onoe. Union Jput Res taurant. sua'ffs IjkDIFS AGENCY. 'Washington bldg., 27uVi Wash., room 85. iear 4th. Phcne Main S3P or A agio. WANTED Experienced and office assistant, $$u. T 2i7, Oregonian stenographer permanent, s and alary WAlTREsfSES, 0: helper. Washington.- city, "country, Howe's agency. cooks. 270 1-2 WANTED Nurse fur night duty in hospital In city; one nov airaiu oi wora. au Oregonlan. ,' . - GERMAN lady, age 20-30, as cook for 4 people; references required. Call at Mar covetch. 426 1st, after 7 P. M. WANTED Thoroughly experienced and competent stenographer; saisry $12 per week. Address AQ t4. Oregonian. w amcii a s-irl to do light house wor and assist In -car of two cnlldrea. Phone Tabor, &4S. 1 . GIRL for confectionery store. 135H 10th. GIRL to do housework. TQ3 NorthrupsL LADY barber wanted at J0 4th st WANTED 2 lady bar ber a 1411 2d aL HELP WANTED MALI. OR FEMALE. WANTED Colored people who can sing and dance. Apply on stage Bunday morning at 10 A. M. Heillg Theater. - MAKE money writing short stories; big pay; send for free booklet; tells how. Vnlted Press Syndicate. San Francisco. Teachers' Agency secures positions for teachers. 316 Journal bid. Alain 4A35. FURNISHED suite and salary for Jaaitob 14 u Grand ave, - HELP W ANTK D MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED Young men snd women to han- aie aa eaucauonaL specialty oi merit ; liberal proposition to right par ties. Address at once, J So4, Oregonlan. WONDER CLOTH metal polisher; agents wanted everywhere. Christy. S32 Lum ber Exchange bldg. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. THB Mobler Barber College will teach you the trade In 8 weeks; tools free; send for catalogue; 20 years In the business; 3 schools, a lifetime scholarship given to each student; special Inducements given to ladles. N. 2d at. OREGON Barber College taaches you the barber trade In 8 weeks; pays you wni learning; tools free; tuition reduced this term- usert Instructors: positions guar anteed; special Inducements to ladlea. 233 Madison su. i33 2d at. THE .NEW ROOK, ISecfets to Success in the Mail Order .Business, contains luiu.-.-tlnn all mll nrdnr men should have. In- Valuable' to the beginner who wants to start right; 25c prepaid. Wm. Delta, Gales .reea. ur. . w i H .:!.Kj4j? opr:RATORri In constant de- mahd. This coming vocation taught at Y. M. C. A- AU the Year Round Day and Night Schools; complete . equipment; best on coast. GOVERNMENT CLERK-CARRIER. Exam intinn' vnv i Parooi ik.-tat reoulres clerk : salary IbOO to 12.K. Free book. Pacific States School. McKay bldg., Porttana. ur. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPON DLNCE SCHOOLS, 505 McKay bidg.. cor. 3d and Stark sta Phones: Main 102d, A 41 JL Also headquarters I. C. S. Fraternity. GOVERNMENT Jobs open to men. women; tl to $150 month; list positions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 527 F., Roches ter. N. Y. , GOVERNMENT positions are easy to get. My free booklet Y iWtf tells how. Write today now. Earl Hopkins, Washington. D.C PORTLAND LAW SCHOOL opens Fall term September Id; confers degree LL.i Wl Worcester block. Marshall 275L E. B. U. SHORTHAND SCHOOL; positions guaranteod. Worcester block. Mar shall 2761. ' INTERNATIONAL correspondence achoois lttfi, Third st. (near Morrison), rooms 7 and Phone Main 404b. A av4. PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE Individual Instruction. GREGG BHUKiHAu, dook keeplng. 404 Commonwealth bid. Mar. 425a. WANTED Men, 18 to 45, to become Port- lsnd mail carriers, oo to aiuu mourn; va cation. AV 217, Oregonlan , LEARN to operate movlng-plcture machine; good pay, easy nours. secure posiuuus. 417 Rothchlld bldg. BIG MONEY mailing circulars for others; Sena 0 tor copyrigniea. idiitucuuui. n iu. Leitz, Gales Creek. Or. SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING SCHOOL. 2W 14TH BT. Mrt 3VM. lMRlt - GIRLS Learn beauty parlor work. arn money while learning. ol3 rtotncnua otag. K.EI3TERS Ladles' Tailoring College and school of 1recsmaklng. liJh litn st. SHORTHAND, typewriting, 3-month course. 15 per month. 8tfJ inn it. SHORTHAND speed drills, any system, day ana night., Worcester out. 8ITCATIONS WANTED MALE. Boekkeepera and Clerks. STENOGRAPHER, bookkeeper and general office man, with executive, ability wants a position. Have acted as private secre tary. Good real estate experience. Age 42. No bad hablxs. Splendid re Terences, W 817, Oregonlan. VOL'NG man with several years' experience In general merchandise and mail oruer houM and best of references wants posi tion as clerk, R 21, Oregonlan. WILL AUDIT, OPEN, CLOSES OR WRITE up books prepare balance and statements Install systems. Gil lie sham, auditor, 414 L-ewis blag. iaranau ixj. . POSITION wanted: married man. 32 years. wants onice position or insiae wora; thor ough business and office experience and references. AF oio, oregonian. DRUGGIST, 7 years' experience; registered in Kast ; "loc ai rererences; wm leave city. Ad areas C. A. Tracy, Portland, or., care Y. M. C. A." WANTED Office position by competent bookkeeper, understands lumber ana mer chandise business thoroughly. AR 315 Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and office man wants position, can do some sten ographic work. Address Y 31a, Oregon lan. BOOKKEEPER AND STENOGRAPHER desires oermanent nosltion. railroad and lumber experience, city reference. Kast 177. Mlsceliauieoua, EXPERIENCED retail salesman In dry soous. clothing, men's shoes snd furnish ings desires a position as floor walker or head salesman; capable of. doing the man aging -and buying or faking exclusrve charge If necessary; Is So years old and does not liquor or tobacco to any form. Address AM 312, oregonian. TRAVELING salesman with eight years success, full road experience, desires po sition with a reliable firm, either aalarled position or expense account and commis sion consiaerea , prcier r aeumif gon or California territory. AM 311, Ore- gonias. CHAUFFEUR Japanese, desires position. nrivflt rar. two vearsr exoerience. d re ferred good repair man. willing to do family work besides; references. K 8-3, Oregonlan. 4 POSITION wanted by expert furniture man. middle-aged; a metime experience u carpet and linoleum work; best ot ref ' erences. AK 821, Oregonlan. STOVE repairer wants situation. 16 years' experience, 6 years ref.. practical plumber and handy at all kinds of general repair work. 053 Morrison. Main 4.ta. WANTED Position as locomotive engineer or machinist with small road or lumber company; am up to date and clean record, expert on au. K. oregonian. MARRIED man wauta position as Janitor in apartment-house; o years experience; can give the best of reference. O. P, Groble. Phone Marshall 6031. WANTED To deliver goods with my new auto delivery for some responsible firm, . by the day or week. Address J. bchoger. pjstoffice box 3iJ, city. CHAl.TFTEUR with 6 years experience in Oregon. .Washington and California, wishes position; best references, ar zlz, urego nlan. - f MIDDLE-AGED man. business experience with fine, large horse, wishes position as collector or any good Job. Woodiawn 2303. SOBER married man wants steady work: .Janitor in office building preferred. AS 13, Oregonla n. ' CHEF, reliable, first-class, wishes position in private tamny only; references excel lent. Y 3L7. Oregonlan. CoOK. flrst-ciass, tall-round, wishes poel tion; city or country; references excellent. a 303. Oregonian. JAPANESE boy, cook or waiter, has expe- rlence. wishes position in private family. Address George Tana, 644 Washington st EXPERIENCED all-round bakera helper wants position; can give rexerences. vv 314, Oregonian. FLRST-CLAf 3 waiters furnished. Marshall 71W. A 4910, Portland Walters' Club, 14b 6th, Portland. Or. u. oeraia. manager. hov 17 wants olace near high jchooL East Side, to work for board and room and attend school. S 24. Oregonlan. CHEF. Al dinner cook and meat cutter. wants- worK in cateieria or restaurant steady, sober. Main 3.'.3tf. Heft. EXPERT orchardlst, with best of refer ences, wishes permanent employment N 2J5. Oregonian. . CHAUFFEUR wants position, private, com merclal or shop. AO 313, Oregonlan. JAPANESE, wants contract to pick prunea Main j02l. 2i'i tjurnsioe. CoLOLED man and wife wishes position. Janitor; best reference, ynone jaat t3. COUPLE will rent clean inside room ' gentleman, 8. 443 Park st. WANT a job aa milker on da;ry ranch. P 324, Oregonian. - ' PIT CATION 3 WANTED FEMALst Bookkeepers and Stenographers, i;t)oL trustworthy airl would like a posl . tlon doing general office work and light bookkeeping; good references. O 318. Ore gonlan. YOUNG lady with 3 years experience wishes position as eooaaeeper anu general oxxice worn, ffriiwwu iv. BOOKKEEPER, with eight years' expert ence. good city reference, want position. Main 4.4. STENOGRAPHER, three years' experience. wishes position; xawjera ur posiciana. Main 2461. - WANTSD Position mm bookkeeper, best of city rererences. rimncyn wmawn j-j.v. DrcM makers. DRESSMAKING by reliable, dressntakef. Tabor SS7. experienced fashionable hume or day. dressmaking, reasonable. 307 ivta t. aiam tfas. N r i pa RT.T-" eraduate nurse wants position with wholesale drug firm, representative or manager; less tnan ) not acceptable; references. Ah. aitf, uregoman. . NURSE wants care Invalid, Ugt housework. SITTATIOyB WANTED FEMALE. Ilonsc keepers. WOMAN wltb gtrl desires position as house keeper; no irlflers need, answer. hm lt st., room 5, or phone A EXPERIENCED cook wants place private family; no washing; wages phone Woodiawn ZS2u. with 3i COLORED girl wants a position as maid. Phone East 4-182. MiscvUaweotss. BY refined. - educated woman, executive Kiiir v miBisinr housekeeoer first-class spariment, private horo-a, bachelors' quar ters, widower's home; will go to Seattle - vregORian. WANTED Ly middle-aged lacy, manage- n.f ritMrt hi rooming or depart' ment house; thoroughly experienced and t-st of c!ty reierence, Ar jiq. vrcgvuiu. TWO worm n to cook for crew of men or housekeeper and cook f"r several men on country rancn. a.-n jio. uirsuaau. w t- iiiv i inrienced cook, also good sec ond girt Call Motiday not alter & p. m. 35 bacraroenie nrwi. guy. MIDDEL-AGED. Christian woman wishes situation keeping house tor respectable gentleman. 'AC 31B, Ormrnilan. WANTED Position by lady as csshier In motion Picture ho use or restaurant. E 323. Qregor.lan. VfnX( woman, well experienced, wishes charge oi rooming-nouse.- x oio, vicju- ntan. YoUNO woman desires position as assistant in doctors or aenttst s on ice. Aaaren a 316, Oregonlan. GOOD laundress wants day work. East 25i. EXi'ERIENCE'll mnnlcurlst desirea position. AK oio, Oregon ;an. LAUS curtains, draperies, linens la un dried by expert. jaiiea tor, igoor on. LADY caterer will do all kinds ot parsw work. Phone Marsnau -zitHt COMPETENT girl cook, with first-class ret erences. fnone Marsnau su.o. EXPERIENCED laundress wants washing to take home, r-none csuit WANTED TO RENT. Houses. WANTED For rent, bungalow la good d!e- gonian. . l-ROOM house with sleeping porch yard adults. Address 14Z ciacaamas iu . WANTED 2 bedrooms, 1 living-room and kitchenette, walking distance, nest biae. reasonable rates, o SJ1, Oregonian. FOB BENT. Jruraisuea .twoca HOTEL ROWLAND. HOTEL JllNOOK, 2074 -h 214V euk SPECIAL SUMMER RAT Ed. Nicely furnished rooms, homelike, re spectable, clean and modern; hot and cold water, private baths ; bummer rates, S3 per week and up; special attention given to tourists; give ui a call; you will like It for you get your money's worth and then some. FOR Y. M. C A. MEMBERS iuxnlshed roorss, reasonable in price; fireproos omm Ing, vacuum clean trd, shower baths, swim ming pool, clbb facilities; special ratea at cafeteria, and Id other I eat urea. FuU par ticulars at business office, cor. oth and Tsylor sta. THE HOTEL. ARTHUR, llth. between Morrison and Yamhill R " cently opened; every moaern convenience: filenty of hot water ana neat; neauuiui obby; ratea (4 week and up; with private bath. 15.&0 week and up; transient rates, 75c and up. Free phone. Main 42 &. HOTEL REN WICK. Ideal borne for busi ness people; centrally locatea; eiegant rooms; modern conveniences. Broadway and Taylor, block from Portland Hotel, opposite Orpheum Theater. Main 916. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM. 61' Washington St., Cor. Ella; elegantly- located, new and modern, all outside rooms; week up; with private bath week up; transient ratea THE COLONIAL. 163 10th: couple of fine corner rooms, very reasonable rent; permanent people; also splendid large room downstairs. HOTEL SAVON, 131 Eleventh street New modern brick building, steara-beated. pri vate baths, hot and cold water, comfort ably furnished; transients solicited. MADRAS HOTEL, 12th and Washington Rooms, $3 week; private bath. a week; corner front suite, (5 week. THE LARRABEE, 227 Larrabee Rooms, Si week up; brick building, steam heat, hot. cold water, bath, phone, electricity. CENTRAL HOTEL, opposite pantages; mod ern outside rooms, 2. oO up, with oata $' and up. Cheapest ln the city. HOTEL EDWARDS. Grand ave., E. Belmont; rooms 12 mo. up; s-&o ana up witn bath; absolutely respectable. East 328. HOTEL. CONGRESS Beautifully furnished rooms, with all modern conveniences. 6th and Main. THREE nicely furnished rooms on second floor. 631 Hoyt St. Main 3787. Furnlfthed Booms In Private Family, BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms, one block from Orpheum; hot and cold water, elec tric lights, open fireplace, etc; the height of elegance and refinement; $3.50 per week and up; everything new. 227 Broadway. Phone Main- 3S4. WANTED Some nice business men to oc . cupy the lovely rooms in my new -mod-' ern home every convenience; most de sirable section of city. Phone Woodiawn 1429 for information. NICE furnished large front room, electric lights, furnace heat, two beds, fire e phone, two men employed, $2 -week each.. 630 Davis st., 2 bolcks from Washington near luth. FURNISHED room In an apartment, pleas antly located on West Side. walking dis tance to business district; room suitable " for two. Phone Marshall 4t7d. NEATLY furnished large front rooms; also single rooms with privilege of kitchen; Nob Hill district; handy to 23d car; rea sonable gates. 7S7 Glisan. Marsnau 7o4. LARGE, well ventilated, nicely furnished rooms, use of nlano. close in, gooa local lty; la r lawn and porch. 25a -llth at. Main 7F75. AIRY, well-furnished room for one or two employed people; central, reasonable. 6S6 Everett St. - FURNISHED rooms In private family with bath 36 to $&. Sellwood 4tH, Tacoma ave. B :025. . PLEASANT room, with bath, modern house, desirable neighborhood, walking distance. 2tid Grand ave. N, cor. Multnomah. C 2VJ3. PLEASANT sleeping room, privilege of siting-room; rent 110 month; in a modern flat. 164 14th st. Main NICELY furnished, large, light, cl?n room; strictly modern; furnace heat; 10 month. 32 Harrison. PLEASANT sleeping-room, privilege of sitting-room. v7 Vaughn st. Phone Main 44. $10 FURNISHED room tn modern steam heated apartment, private family. Main 446 TAYLOR street, bright, attractive room for gentleman, close in, modern, reason able. . PLEASANT front room, modern conven iences; walking distance. 360 East 9th North, cor. Broadway. virp furnished, cheerful, front basement room, electric llgnts. $1.50 week- 1.30 Davis. ' ' ht-AiTlFl'LLV furnished room In good home: references; Ivub Hill. 73S Johnson street., - sm a i.i. BieeolnK-room. reasonable rent. plenty of hot waitr, walking, distance. 651 jiirin. , NICELY furnished front room, a'-l conven iences, $12 per mo. iia faoyt. cor. -o sv. NICELY furnished rooms dose in. walking dinstance; private lamij. 6 -J eat r-ara. $2 WEEKLY Good rooi. good location, attc. $1.5u. 12th iu ROOM for gentleman, private home, 51 Lu cretla st., Washington, near 2od. A 1955. OUTSIDE rooms. $2 up; heat, bath, phone; walking distance. 3'J5 12th street. ONE furnished room in private family for rent. Appty 2& ynn st.. jARGE room, double closets, sleeping porch, running water. 745 Hoyt. Mar. 4753. FOR ' RENT Neatly furnished room with i,.. mf!v PHnrwt Marshall 3m;S ONE furnished room, $2 week. 2S 32th L'nf urnikhed Rooms XHREB unfurnished rooms for rent. Anply Lace House Laundry. irO N. 2uth mt. Rooms With Board. thf. WHITEHALL. 253 CTH ET. X residential hotel; large sun porch; rooms with or without baths; home cook ing; tap;e poara. m TH E CALVA RD. 452 Morrison, cor. 13th. W ll IUI Dlcu &vwua wvwtu. Mttl' ern conveniences. t-jis hazel Now changed to family hotel. special Summer rates; ctrlctly home eooa- ln f. S"V OU mv. ir iivno ivih. THE WEAVER HOTEL, Coxy rooms, with bath ; board if de sired, attractive rates. 710 Wash. M. 8661 CHOICE rooms, elngle or en suita; first-ciass tame. a -u. CASA ROSA. 300 Jefferson st Large airy iurnisnea rouu wu m rOB KNT. Rooms With Board. MODERN ELEGANT EXCLUSIVE American and European plan; near City Park; convenla&r, to carline, y . THB HILL. Washington at 23d st. ' Residential and Tourist Hotel. Attractive rates to permanent and traaw slenta Main 75SA THE VIRGINIA HILL, 14th and Jefferson Sts. An exclusive residential hotel; attractive rates to transients or permanent guests. Mam ''$S. A 3S. ELTON COURT. Select Family Hotel. Modern rooms, with . excellent table board; very reasonable rates. 11th and iimnni sts ROOMS and board at the Calumet for $37 5 pr XXI uu i u , uuuuio nun pr itaie iiiu, 9 per month; rooms, European. $15 and up; rates by the day and week. liO Park at. Main 73O0. PARKVIEW HOTEL. 3S5 Montgomery t., at West park Mod ern conveniences; rooms with or without bsth; excellent tabie service; reasonable rates for regular ar.d transient guesta PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION ; iiih year, rooms with board, use of sewing-room, II brary. 510 Flanders. Mrs. E. N. Wilson, sup. THE MANITOU, 201 13th st. Excellent table, large, airy rooms; Sum mer rates. "J" car at Depot. LARGE, newly furnished room, with board, suitable, for 2 or more; separate beds; piano, home comforts. lil 11th. Main 63 SI. BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms and excel lent table board. 374 park sc. NICELY furnished rooms with board, rea sonable rates. 167 llth st. Rooms With Board In Private Family.. BEAUTIFUL room, suitable for one or two, separate beds, modern, airy, corner house, near Hawthorne grammar and Washing ton High School, well ordered table, walk ing distance, 120 Bast 15th, cor. Aider. East G14d. PLEASANT room, with board; easy walk ing distance; very pleasant surroundings; best home cooking; home privileges. Mala S280. - ONE front room, suitable for two; one small room; board of desired. 331 Montgom ery st phone Main 43S9- WOULD like to give room and board to 1 . or 2 children, near school. Call forenoon,1 C 2I4. SUITE of rooms, furnished or unfurnished, with or without board. 515 Morrison at. t Marshall 4V23. ' WANTED Two nice young men, roomers and boarders, at my house,. 5uo Emerson st. Woodiawn 8"i3. GOOD rooms and board, modern, close In, 472 Salmon St. Marshall 41:73. 241 2UD ST. NORTH--2 connecting rooms excellent board; men preferred. MainJu7i. NICELY furnished room, 22d. Phone A 4569. board. 102 N. FURNISHED rooms, with or without board, 490 Taylor. NICELY furnished room; home cooking, home comforts. Main bb'M. COSY front room, with board, sui Labia two; modern, homelike. Main 6485. SJO FRONT parlor, for 2, modern con veniences. b 17tb, near Everett. ALL the comforts of home, walking dls tance; borne cooking. 57 Trinity piace. ROOM with board. 404 Madison sL, car. 10th. Phone Main 2006, Miss Masses. iutNG men to board and room, private home, Portland Heights; nice rooms, line visw. Call Marsnail 0ti4. ROOM and board for 2 or 3, $4.50 a week; ciosj in. Gu7 Clay st. FURNISHED rooms with board; sleeping; porch. 30 llth st- Phone A 1616. FRONT room with board, near . 12th, in . Ladd Add. East 4&42. Apartments. THE WASHINGTON, 6l Northrup 5 -room ' unfurnished apartment, with bath and al modern conveniences. telephone, steam heat, gas, electric light, etc. Take W car to 21 st and Northrup. phones Main 437 d, A 1133. DESIRABLE 3-room apartment or 4 rooms furnlfchea or unfurnished, arranged for 2 bedrooens; very reasonaole rent; desirabl location, good service, outside roms, pri vate bath, direct phone. SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS, 72 Broadway, cor. Jeff'a, ' THE PARKHURSX 7 North 2Uth and Northrup sta Homelike fumisned 3 and 4-room apart ments; outside rooms; balcony to every suite; all conveniences; ref. Phone M. 117a. LUZERNE APTS. Cor. 3d and Hail Cosy 2-room furnished apis., buiidlng new and strictly modern; ail outside roomm; h minutes to P. O.; rates very reasonable. Marsbatl 4637. GRANDEST A East Stark and Grand ave.; new building, nicely lunusned; privata p nones and baths, automatic elevator ; moderate prices; walking distance. Phone East 28. KEELER APTS., 14th and Clay; beautiful 3 and 4-room unfurnished apartments, new brick bldg.; electric elevators; references. NEW VOKK APTS., nicely furnished, very central, 2 and 3 rooms, large k itchens. baths, heat, light and both phones; $i6 to $-5 per month; also siecping rooms. East 7th and Belmont. THE WINSTON 841 14th st. at Market. New two and three-room apartments, completely furnished; walking distance; prices reasonable, phone Main 17otf. NEW brick building, hot water heat, mod ern, all light, 2-room apartments, large bath, furntfhed and unfurnished, rent $-0 to $30; two blocks from llth st. 353 Chap man, cor. Mill. COMPLETELY FURNISHED 3 BOOMS $22.00. Everything, bed and table linen, all outside large - rooms, privata bath nd phones. - You must see this. Tabor 223. THE STELWYN APARTMENTS. . Elegantly furnished apt., six mo. .or one year lease ; also bachelor suite ; best of ref. required. Phone Marshall 3669. THE DEZENDORF. 20S 13th, near Taylor. Main 4795. One elegantly furnished 5 -room apt. One 5-room unfurnished ape THE SAX MARCO. Nicely fur. and unfur. 3-room mod. apts.: private bath and phones; walking distance, $1& up. Phone East 2759. LEEDS APTS. 2, 3 and 4-room furnished apartments, modern and all conveniences; absolutely fireproof; $15 to $30; also am - gle rooms. 210 Market st. SEE the Oerton Apartments furnished and unfurnished, cheapest and best in the city; private phone. Lath and electric elevator; 'no inside rooms; new manager. - Take W car. 24 21st and Overton. LINCOLN APTS.. 4TH AND LINCOLN. All outside 2 -room fur. apts.; low ratea - Include free light, heat, private rhona. S" or luth-st. car south. Main 1377. MADISON PARK APARTMENTS, Park sc. at Madison. Modern 3 and 4-room furnished apart ments by the week or monttu HALSEY COURT. S0O Williams ave.. nicely furnished , 'and 3-room apts. Private bath and, $20 up; walking distance. ' E. 3273. MiiREDiTH Modern, neaiy renovated - . room apartments. $20 and up; good Jani- tor service; walking distance; references. 712 Washngton, opp-. 22L Main 7134. MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS. :Third and Montgomery; new. mod erg outstdo,' i urnisned J -room apartments, ele vator; close in; $20 to $30. Main 1466. GRACE APTS., 24th and Northrup, large rooms, hardwood floors, phone, hot water heat, veranda and Sleeping porch, vacuum cleaner ; new and strictly modern. ANGELA APT 3. 39 Trinity piace, z. 3 and 4-room fur- ' nisiied apartments; private bath and tele phone; modern HAMliERSLEY COURT, 250 12th. bet. Main and Madison, private baths, modern, close to P. O. Bachelors" apts. cared for, low prices; nicely furnished. Mar. 2v52, A 2T2S, OLIVE APTS Neat and modern 2-room apartments, homeiike. East 3lth and Bel mont sts., $15 and up; one 3-room apart ment, unfurnished. Tabor 2435. STUDENTS, Attention; completely fur nished, homeiike apts., centraliy located; references; reservation by mad. 270 Lin coln. . HiSLOP HALL Hawtnorne and E. 6th sfw, 1 2 and 3-room furnished, modern apart ments; service first-class, unexcelled ifcT service, or walking d-siance. " THB M KINLEY APAR T M E NTS, East 7th and Morrison sts. Very centrals 2 acd it-room apsrtmects. furnished com plctely; private; from $2Q-to $21.50. ALCO APARTMENTS. - Union and Couch; new, furnished mod ern 2-room apt., walking distance. $22-. THE BEVERLY. Park-Yamhill, furnished rooms. $2 to $3 week: transient &o and si per cay; nice bhu w WF.N'A 1STA, 12th and Harrison 2 and 3-room apart ments; best service. pci- BANNER Apartn-ents. 4Si Clay st. Modem 2 Si, completely furnlsned. $14, iS and $-0. Marghaii o.. NEWLY furnished apt., very reasonably janitor service. The Jackson Bungaiow, 434 llth at. BRUCE APTS., 23th and Northrup; 0-roora apartmVnt; larce. light rooms; excellent location, phor.e Marshall 14Za. A 3179. THE DAYTON Comfortably lurmshed mod ern 4-room ept.. only $23. 5j2 Plandere. THE LEONARD, 3-room apartments, mod ern outside rooms. Cio East Main,