10 TliE JIOK5ISO OKEUOAUS', SATURDAY. AUGUST 30, 1913. FIRST OF BUYERS ARRIVES IN CITY Manager of Walla Walla Con cern Says Portland Logi cal Jobbing Center. PROGRAMME IS SURVEYED Executive Committee of Local Asso ciation Goes Over Details of En tertainment .-Arranged, for Merchants of Northwest. Forerunner of more than a hundred buyers from all .parts ofr- Portland's trade territory who will pour Into this city for the Buyers Excursion Week, which is to be held under the auspices of the Portland Jobbers and manufac turers, W. H. Garvey, manager of the Davis-Kaser Company,. -arrived from Walla Walla yesterday and reported at once at the excursion headquarters at the Portland Commercial Club. "Portland is the logical jobbing cen ter for Southeastern Washington," he said, "and I am glad that the business men of this city have launched the buyers' excursion movement. In Walla Walla we receive Invitations from numberless other places bidding for our patronage, but believe that al most without exception the merchants of my city recognize that Portland ha the advantage of position and far pre fer to do their trading here. Prosperous Seaaoa Forecast. "We are on the threshold of a pros perous season in Walla Walla. More than $8,000,000 will come from the wheat crops of Walla Walla County alone, to say nothing of other South eastern Washington sections tributary to that city. ' AH through our part of the state crop rep'orts are coming In in a most encouraging way. "Everyone feels good, and this Is the time to buy and I'm here in Portland now for Just that purpose, as scores of others will be within the next few days. Mr. Garvey urged that Portland peo ple visit Walla Walla on the "Fron tier Days" celebration. September 25 27, which Is to be one of the big en tertainment events or the Fall, The executive committee of the Manufacturers' and Jobbers' Associa tion, which la backing the excursion movement, met yesterday with the heads of the various committees and went over every detail for the week's entertainment. A reception to the visiting merchants and families will be held Monday night at the Commercial Club. W. H. Beharrell, chairman of the committee of tbo day, will give the address of welcome, and Edgar B. Piper will speak In behalf of the Commercial Club. Special musical numbers will be given, and refreshments will be served. Eatertalunemt Is Varied. Under the management of J. Fred Larson, chairman of the entertainment committee of the Commercial Club, and Paul de Haas, of the reception commit tee, a smoker will be given Tuesday night for visiting merchants. Cabaret entertainment, Dutch lunch and spe cial numbers will be features of the evening. The visitors will be guests of the Portland Ad Club at Its luncheon at the Portland Hotel Wednesday noon, and In the evening will be taken to the Oaks for a general Jollification. The Union Meat Company will give a luncheon lravrompllment to the mer chants and their guests Thursday noon, and In the evening a business conference will be held at the Commer cial Club under the auspices of the Credit Men's Association, Sales Man agers' Association and Commercial Club. A banquet Friday night will close the programme of entertainments for the week. BANKRUPT REFORM URGED Seattle Judge Opposes Long ' Delay in Making Settlement. SEATTLE, Wash.. Aug." 29. (Spe cial.) A definite system of bank ruptcy practice tor attorneys In the Federal Court, displacing the present method founded on precedent rather than strict law, is expected to be sought by Judge Jeremiah Neterer at an early date. From remarks made by the court It is believed that he proposes, among other things, to abol ish the system of surplus funds In the court's registry. The system as It has been followed heretofore has allowed creditors one year after a Arm becomes bankrupt In which to flle claims. Some credit ors fall to file claims until the year is practically gone. Meantime - a re ceiver has been appointed, has ob tained all the assets possible, disposed of them and prepared funds to be dis tributed among creditors. The first dividend may be ready within three months. ' The question then has been whether the moneys on hand shall be distributed among known creditors, with a slight reserve for tardy creditors, or shall be deposited In the bank to wait till the year is up. The custom has been to make dis tribution as early as possible. To pro tect tardy creditors the referee has or dered a small sum kept In reserve. - Judge Neterer has now intimated that he does not approve of the with holding of any reserve fund, but fa vors Immediate distribution. OFFICER SHOOTS HIMSELF Wetser Man Props Revolver and Is Wounded in Leg. WEISER, Idaho. Aug. 29 (Special.) George Cole, Sr.. who Is doing relief duty on the night police lorce durm the absence of Chief of Police Knox, was sericusly wounded last night, ac cidentally. He dropped his revolver on the pavement, discharging It. The ball entered the left leg below the calf, and. ranging upward, caused a serious flesh wound. The ball, which was a .S3 caliber, was later removed. Mr. Cole will be disabled for some time. His place Is belnr temporarily filled by George Pence. Chief Knox and his bride of several weeks are passing their vaca tion on the Coast. ASSAULT CASE STARTED One of Trio Accused at North River Is Dismissed on Hearing. RATMOND. WASH.. Aur. 29. (SD' elal.) The preliminary hearing of the North River assault case In which A. A- Bradley was the plaintiff and Forest Martin, FrtnK ana iuarl koii tne oe fnndanta. was begun in Justice Kl wood's court Wednesday, and resulted In the dismissal of the case against Forest Martin and the binding, over to the Superior Court of the other two defendants. Attorney W. H. Abel, of Montesano, assisted the prosecuting attorney, while the defense was conducted by M. C Welsh, of this city. There was a large representation present from North River, most of whom were sub penaed for the prosecution. The plain tiff still bears evidence of the harsh treatment alleged to have been admin lsted by Frank Ross. The assault grew out of - a contro versy between Mrs. Vanderpool .and Mrs. Ross over a valuable timber claim which it is alleged Mra Ross "Jump ed" during the temporary absence of Mra Vanderpool from her claim. Brad ley, who is the nearest neighbor to Mra Vanderpool. and who assisted her in Improving the property. was thought to have been unduly officious with Mra Ross and her sons when they took possession of the claim. The defense charged that Bradley had made derogatory and slanderous statements about Mrs. Ross. Bradley was accosted last Sunday and pom meled it is alleged, by Frank Kcaayho was occompanied by his brothers. Earl and Forest Martin. The trio were ar rested two days later on complaint of Ernest Burke, a neighbor. PREnCHlfli BALL PROMINENT MEX ATTEND CON FERENCE AT LA GRANDE. Nearly $300,000 ' Available ' . for Gooding College, Methodist Sectarian Institute. LA. GRANDE. Or, Aug. 29. (Spe cial. X Ministers In attendance at the Idaho conference, in session here, went automobile riding this morning and this evening stopped business -to play a five-inning ball game. Ex-Governor Gooding, of Idaho, was the star of the laymen, driving in three runs with a two-bagger, but his side lost when. In the last inning, the preachers found Ldltor Hughes, of the Christian Ad vocate, for two home runs. Rev. Clarence True Wilson, now of the National Church Temperance So ciety, but formerly of Portland., was the principal speaker at the morning session. Nearly $300,000 is available for the construction and maintenance of Gooding College, the official sec tarian college of the Methodist churches in Eastern Oregon and Idaho, accord ing to the report of G. W. Podgram. chairman of the Gooding College trus tees, who also brought word to.- the conference that the institution Is In a condition that should and does en thuse every Methodist. Enough money to hurry construction and Introduce Its, active work is rapidly being obtalaed.' The school was ordered created only a few years ago.r The list of prominent men In attend ance Is being added to daily. Editor Hughes, of the Pacific Christian Ad vocate, was here today. Rev. Mr. Martin, of Summervllle. asked permission to voluntarily with draw from the conference ministry and nis request was granted. G. W. Padgham. chairman of the board of trustees of Gooding College; H. C. Sheldon, of the Anti-Saloon League in Oregon: C. E. 'Todd, vice president of Willamette University, were Introduced to the conference to day. The executive session was held yes terday afternoon. These meetings are closed. This afternoon the programme called for a dlscvsslon of foreign mis sions. The outline follows: Anniversary service. Mra P. L. Thornton. La Grande, presiding:- scripture, Mrs. H. Davis. La Grande; prayer, Mra. H. W. Parker, Twin Falls; solo. Mra. Flnser: Idaho conference report, Mra. E. C. Cook, read by ssrs. . w. .Barnes; male quartet; address. Miss Manda Kenvrorthy, Portland; address. Dr. Fulkerson. Nagasaki, Japan. BTTSINESS OP METHODIST CON. CERX $3,000,000 YEARLY. Address Made by BKhop Cooke at German Conference and Dele gates Take River Trip. At the Pacific Coast Methodist Con ference yesterday Bishop Cooke gave a talk on "Being a Living Epistle." He said that in order to do so we must live what we preach. We could not reach purity, righteousness, gentleness and meeKness unless we lived them our selves. The greatest gift of all. he said, w;as personality, and as great men ne cited Bismarck. Napoleon. Lin coln and the Kaiser, men whose suc cess, he said, was due to their convic tions. Dr. Jennings, of New York, general agent of the Methodist Book Concern, told the conference that the business of the Book Concern amounted to t3.000.000 a year, and this, too, mostly in orders of small amounts from five cents up. The profits of the Book Con cern go to provide annuities for the superannuated preachers. In the last 17 years there has been paid out this way 12.400.000. Dr. Jennings said that he hoped and expected to work up the business of the Book Concern so that it could pay $ 1.000.000 a year in annui ties or pensions to aged preachers. The Concern Is using 400 carloads of paper a year for its publications. which are In half a dozen languages. said Dr. Jennings. At the last confer ence, which was In Minneapolis. It was reported that In the preceding four years The Advocate had lost 70,000 sub scribers. Since Dr. Jennings took hold of It and the subscription for the Ad vocate nan been reduced rroro iz and $1.50 to 1 the circulation had almost doubled. The greatest increase had been shown In The Paclflo Advocate with the possible exception of the Ger man paper, published in Portland, he declares. ;v The sesstens this morning will be oc cupied largely with the reports of va rious committees. The Women's Mis sionary Society will meet late In the day. and the matter of annuities for conference claimants will be taken, up at night. The afternoon will be de voted to an excursion In the steamer Eva to the lighthouse on the Columbia. MANY- ASK F0R PENSIONS Widows In East Apply for Assistance From King County. SEATTLE. Aug. 9. Since Superior Judge A. W. Frater- announced that the operation of the recently enacted mothers' pension law would cost King County $56,000 during the coming year, widows from all parts of the United States have written to J. A. Slgurdson, investigator In charge of the county's pension bureau, asking that they be placed on the pension rolL Mr. Slgurdson received letters yes. terday from widows in Florida, Ne braska, Ohio and Pennsylvania apply ing for aid. Judge Frater granted three pensions to destitute motners yesterday, one re reiving I3S. another $2S and the third fit a month. Smut Explosion Costly. ST. JOHN. Wash-, Aug. 29. (Spe claL) Fire resulting from a smut ex plosion completely destroyed the threshing separator of Ed Feenan yes terday afternoon wnne threshing on the farm of John MCbweeney east of St. John. So fierce was the. blase that It was Impossible to save the wheat al ready threshed amounting to over 1000 sscks. The loss on grain and tne ma chine is partially covered by Insur BOOK GROWTH IS SHOWN ance. k r. HO LEAVE General Agent of "Big Three" Line to Cast Lot Anew. C SUCCESSOR NOT CHOSEN W. D. : Wells, of San Francisco, Is Considered for Place Resigning Official One of - Best-Known Executives - in Portland. J. W. Ransom, general agent iof the San Francisco & Portland Steamship Company, known as the "Big Three fleet, leaves that service September 15 and after a short vacation will cast his lot with another transportation cor poration. W. D. Wells, of San Fran cisco, formerly general agent of the Alaska Pacific Steamship Company and latterly superintendent for the Califor nia ft Atlantic line, which recently dis continued operations, is considered as a possible successor to Mr, Ransom. . No man holding an executive position in the maritime sphere here Is more generally known than Mr. Ransom, for he bas held the position of agent. bf the line for more than five years and until two years ago bad dual responsi bility in that he was agent for the Portland ft Asiatic Steamship Com pany. For nine years he has been connected with fleets sailing from Alnsworth dock and In fact his entire transportation experience has been linked with the O.-W. R. ft N.. or Har riman system's connection with water lines. Before going to Alnsworth dock as chief clerk he was in the traffic de partment In charge of cargo matters pertaining to the Portland & Asiatic fleet. In those days, when the well known "Indra" steamers wcra on the route, and later with four Hamburg American - steamers, there was more business handled than there has been elnce, as Portland was a distributing center for Oriental stuff and every steamer brought large shipments for transcontinental points. When the Blue Funnel Included Portland in its 'itinerary the freight was also looked after by the O. R. & N and Mr. Ransom routed that. G. L. Blair, general manager of the San Francisco ft Portland, who Is in the city and received Mr. Ransom's resignation, says that the matter of ap pointing a successor has not been acted on. Mr. Wells is said by steam ship and railroad men to have enjoyed wide experience In operating and traf fic matters and it is assumed that only a few days will elapse before It Is set tied whether he is to come here. STARK-STREET PIER STARTS Work In Full Swing on First Tnlt of Public Dock No. 1. Notice will be given the Lewis A. Hicks Company. Monday to proceed with the construction of the pier and motor- boat landing at the foot of Stark street. portion of the piling for which was driven recently to take advantage of high water, workmen were engage yesterday tearing away the roadways on the south side of the street so that engineers of the Commission of Public Docks could set stakes for the pier. Mayor Albee has Informed the Commis sion that the temporary flrehouse there will be vacated September 10, when the apparatus will be established in the new City Jail building, so the end of the street will be left clear for the construction operations. The same -company has the contract for the erection of 663 feet of dock No, 1 and two plledrivers are engaged placing piling on the property formerly owned by the Pacific Milling ft Eleva tor Company and a third will be In com mission rrext week. All buildings on the Star Sand Company's former loca tion have been torn down and a der rick Is engaged In removing old piling. Bids will be opened todsy for dredging In front of that part of the site to remove atone and other debris that fell Into the river when the dock collapsed a few years ago. ( HE.UY SUCCEEDS HENRY PAPE Master Mechanic of O.-W. R. & X. Will Serve "Big Three" Fleet- James Healy, In charge of machinery details for the O.-W. R. ft N. water lines under "Captain" E. R. Budd. su perintendent of the fifth division, and who has looked after engineroom re pairs and the like while steamers of the San Francisco 6 Portland line were In port since the demise of Henry Pape, Is being talked of as the latter a sue cessor. Mr. Healy has spent If years In the service, most of the time on the Megler- Nahcotta line of the O.-W. R. ft N. which included looking after the steamer Nahcotta and the regular river vessels while lying at Megler. He Is reputed thoroughly competent to step higher and shoulder the work demanded on the ocean vessels. Mr. Fape was as sistant to Mr. Budd on the water lines and master mechanic of the San Fran Cisco ft Portland, and it Is understood that when an official appointment is made Mr. Healy will be designated as master mechanic of both fleets. SAMAR GETS LOW CHARTER Poltalloch Loads for Sontb Africa on Return From Durban. If the rate at which Comyn. Mackall ft Co. secured the schooner Samar, which Is In port from Auckland, to load for the West Coast. Is any crite rion the vessel bears the distinction of having been chartered at the lowest rate for a year and at a figure 20 shill Ings under what the same business was done for in the Fall of 1913. The rate as given out is 45 shillings. The British skip poltalloch. one of the best known traders on the Pacific, Is also a recent fixture, having been engaged to load lumber for South Afri ca, and she Is now on the return from Durban. Her charterers are Heatley ft Co. The British steamer Queen Maud, whtch put out from Coquimbo for San Francisco August 24, was taken by the American Trading Company to work a cargo of lumber for Australia, and will receive a part of the load at Eureka, finishing at a northern port. WIRELESS LETTERS LATEST Marconi Interests Plan Innovation for Ocean Travelers. As an accommodation to travelers at sea the Marconi Wireless Company has provided for the transmission of "ocean letters" at sea after tomorrow, and messages of from 30 to 100 words can be sent from one steamer to another heading in the opposite direction to be mailed when the receiving ship reaches port. For the first 10 words $1.10 will be charged and an added charge of I cents will apply on let ters ud to 100 words. While the service will probably be more convenient to persons traveling across the Pacific, it will no doubt often be used by those on Coast ves sels, especial!) when Important busi BA SO ness engagements are to be arranged Communications destined for Interior points can also be forwarded in ad vance of the traveler reaching port and the rate Is lower than now applies to -ordinary dispatches. DREDGES TO GET STEED HCIXS Port of Portland Will Place Channel Machines in Order. Steel hulls will be contracted for to replace the wooden hulls of the dredges Portland and Columbia of the Port of Portland fleet, as the result of a meet ing of the Commission Thursday. Both hulls were surveyed by three ship builders, and they agreed that repairs were not warranted, as the condition of the vessels was such that temporary work would prove of small benefit. On the report being adopted, a reso lution was carried riving S. M. Mears, president of the Commission, power to select an engineer to go over the plans of the new steel dredge Willamette and design sreel bulls for the othera Trusses now in use-on the dredge Columbia will be shifted to. the new hull for the Port land, Nand .the Columbia win cave ooto trusses and hull replaced. . Marine Notes. Captain G. M. Walker - has been signed as skipper of the steamer Jo seph Kellogg, temporarily relieving Captain A. McNeill. With 1.050.000 feet of lumber, the steamer Klamath has cleared for Los Angeles. She left for Rainier last night to load..' ' Their lumber cargoes being loaded. the schooner Wm. Nottingham was shifted to the stream from the Eastern & Western mill -yesterday and the schooner Omega from that of the West Side Lumber ft Shingle Company. Her hull having been cleaned and painted, the schooner Samar was floated from the pubuo dry dock yes terday and will leave down for Prescott today. Another cigar-shaped log raft left down from Stella last night in tow of the steamers Shaver, Henderson and Cascades, of the Shaver fleet, and it will be towed to San Francisco from the lower harbor at once. Major Morrow, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A., left yesterday for Celilo to inspect operations of the dredge Wallowa. . First of the new-crop wheat to be sent to the United Kingdom is to be dispatched aboard the British ship Mil- verton. Which completed loading yes terday at Irving dock and went to ilia stream. She will probably leave down tomorrow. The French bark Jean shifted from Llnnton.to the Victoria dolphins to await the first of her lay days. On a berth being- vacated at the Llnnton ballast dock yesterday, the German bark Thielbek shifted there from the stream. Bids will be opened this afternoon at the office of Henry Hewitt for repairs to the vessel, and they will probably start as soon as she atscnarges 200 tons of ballast. The Norwegian steamer Thode Fagelund, with which the Thielbek was In col lision, left up from Astoria yesterday afternoon and will go to the St. Johns public dock until It Is determined how and where her repairs are to be made. 'Reports From Vessels. By Marconi Wireless. Steamer Chanslor. Portland to Mon terey, 75 miles south of Columbia River at 8 P. M, August 29. Steamer Siberia,' San Francisco to Orient, 828 miles from San Francisco at 8 P. M., August 28. Steamer Ventura, San Francisco to Sydney, 823 miles from San Francisco at 8 P. M-, August 28. Steamer Manchuria, Orient to San Francisco, 1271 miles from San Fran cisco at 8 P. M., August 28. Steamer Enterprise, Honolulu to San Francisco, 1381 miles from San Fran cisco at 8 P. M.. August 28. Steamer Yucatan. San Francisco to Portland. 11 miles north of Point Arena at 8 P, M-. August 29. Steamer Stetson, San Francisco to Portland, left San Francisco at 8 P. M.. August 29. Steamer Multnomah, off Crescent Point; bound north, at 8 P. M-. Aug ust 29. Movements of Vessels. . PORTLsAND. Anc. ArrlTxI Brr No. 81 and steamer Northland, from ban Francisco. Astoria. Aur. "0. Left up during the night, bars No. 91. Balled at 7:0 A. M., steamer NehaJera, for ban Pedro. Sailed at 10:5O A M-. steamer Yellowstone, (or San Franclaco. Left up at 4 P. M., Norwegian -steamer Thode Fagelund. Sailed at U P. M.. steamer J. A. Chanslor. for Monterey. Arrived at 3- and left up at 5 P. M., steamer Northland, for San Francisco. San Francisco. Aug. 20. Railed at 10 A. M. Steamer Yucatan, for Portland; at noon, steamer Rose City, for San Pedro. Sailed last night, steamer F. H. Leggett, for Port land. Coos Bay. Aug. 29. Arrived at 10 A, M. Steamer Breakwater, from Portland. Fort Bragg. Aug. 2. Arrived Steamer Fort Bragg, from San Francisco, for Port land. San Pedro. Aug. IS. Arrived Steamer Multnomah, from Portland. San Francisco. Aug. 9. Arrived Steam ers Border Knight (British), from Norfolk: Pleiades. from Balboa ; Isthmian, from Balina Cruz; Sierra, from Honolulu; Wash tenaw, from Vancouver; City of Puebla, from Victoria; Elizabeth, from Coquille Rtver. Sailed Steamers Daisy Freeman, for WUlapa; Rainier, for Belllngham; Yucatan, for Astoria Seattle, wash., Aug. 29. Arrived Steam ers Umatilla, El Segundo, from San Fran cisco; W. F. Herrln. from Port tan Luis. Sailed steamers President, for San Diego; Colonel E. L. Drake, towing barge No, Vu, for San Francisco. -Auckland. Aug. 29. Arrived previously, steamer Makura, from Vancouver and Vic toria, B. C. Colombia River Bar Report. Condition at the mouth of the rtver at 5 P. northwest, 8 miles; weather, clear. tides at Astoria Saturday. High. Low. 0:12 A. M....7.T feeti:01 A. M....-0T foot 11:51 P. M 9.8 fet!:0 P. M 2.4 feet MANY PROPOSE TO GIRLS Miss Warrington and Bliss Xorris Get Scores of Offers to 3Iarry. BAX FRANCISCO, Aur. (Spe cial.) Just before Miss Marsha War-ting-ton began her testimony today, the admission was made by members of her family that both Miss Warrington and Lola Norrls had received scores of offers of marriage from men of all conditional including- one millionaire. The offers have all come by letter. Some Inclosed photographs. One millionaire, whose name is said to be a household word In this city, asserted that he believed that Miss Warrington was a much-wronged wo man and offered his name and millions If she would consent to a marriage with him. The names of the wooers were with held. One member of the Warrington family said that the young woman looked on the applicants as freaks and Immediately tore up the letters. SPECIAL FALL RATES of JS per week for tents completely furnished for light housekelng. In cluding beds and bedding, good spring water and electric lights, at Bayocean, Oregon. For futher particulars inquire at ire Corbett building. Ashland Beats Grants Pass. ASHLAND, Or, Aug. 29. (Special.) Practically all the business houses were closed at 4 o'clock this afternoon to witness a baseball game between Ashland and grants Pass Sunday School teams on the Ashland grounds'. The jcore was 16 to 10 in favor of Ashland. The Grants Pass Ecclesiastics led In the first five innings, but were easily outclassed in the last part ot the same. 300 VOICE PROTEST I Rev. Charles T. McPherson's Mass Meeting Adopts Resolutions. SULZER LEARNS OF ACTION Committee Is Named to Carry On Campaign to Down "Boss" Mur phy and Clear New York Governor -of. Charges. After having prayed for fair weather while the rain was falling Thursday night, to assure himself of an .open air meeting undisturbed by the ele ments, and refusing at the last moment to perform a wedding ceremony with a $10 fee attached. Rev. Charles T. Mc Pberson appeared last night at Sixth and Ankeny to preside over the mass meeting against Tammany Hall, where resolutions of encouragement were unanimously adopted and were tele graphed back to Governor Sulzer, in New York, "People told me to rent a hall when It, began to rain last night." he said, "but I have never been denied when I asked for fair weather in a time of need. I put a plea for fair weather in my prayers last night, and the rain stopped at once. Just before' I came over to the meeting I was called by phone to perform a wedding ceremony, but the affair In hand appeared to me to be of more importance and I re used." Three liaadrea Surround Cart. Speakers last night were Frederick W. JoWeman, Judge Robert G. Morrow and the Rev. Mr. McPherson. After the cause for the meeting had been outlined and the resolution of encour agement read. It- was adopted by a unanimous vote of the 300 or more people who surrounded the cart from which the speakers gave their ad' dresses. The Rev. Mr. McPherson appointed the following committee to attend to future work of carrying on the cam paign of support for Mr. Sulzer against Tammany, himself having been chosen chairman: Judge Henry E. McGinn, W. A. Carter. IL W. Stone. Miss Lida M. O'Bryan, Allen R. Joy and F. W. Joble man, Resolntloa Is Telesrapked. Copies of the resolution were tele graphed to Mr. Sulzer in New York at once. Its text "follows: "Whereas, Governor William Sulzer, of the State of New York. Is leading the good government forces in a strenuous fight against 'Boss Murphy and his corrupt machine known as Tammany Hall. "Therefore be it resolved. That the citizens of Portland, Or., In maas meet ing assembiled, congratulate Governor Sulzer and the friends of good govern ment upon their devotion to the cause of the people's right to rule, and pledge our co-operation to the end that the sinister Influence of Tammany Hall may be- speedily destroyed; we further invite the, good government forces in all cities and states to Join in this movement. "Be it further resolved, That a com mittee of seven (of wbich the present chairman shall be the chairman) be appointed by the chair as a permanent committee to -take such action from time to time as may be necessary to carry on the work Initiated at this meeting." FAIR DRAWS BIG CROWDS Southwest Washington Exposition Attendance Is Enthusiastic. CHEHALIS, Wash., Aug. 29. (Spe cial.) Today, Chehalls-Centralla day at the Southwest Washington fair, at tracted the greatest attendance of the week. The crowd wa variously esti mated at from 8000 to 10,000. Several thousand farmers came In, forsaking their harvest work In many cases to do so. All the trains on the main line and. branches were loaded to capacity. A Mg. local attendance Is ex pected tomorrow, when the fair will close. There will be a local racing pro gramme tomorrow, which will show the class of the Centralla-Chehalls Driving Club, which has been developed this Summer at the matinees that have been held. There will be a 2:30 trot. 2:26 pace, 2-year-old colt race and free-for-all trot. These races are for horses only that are owned Inside thfalr dis trict. The 1911 fair is an assured financial success, according to the statements of Secretary George R. Walker. Up to last night the receipts had been suffi cient to pay the total expenses, ao that the receipts for Friday and Saturday are expected to be "velvet." Especially credit Is due to Secretary Walker. President Hubbard, too, is entitled to much credit for his assist ance In the work. Too much praise cannot be glyen F. A. Degeler, who bas been In charge of the work of gather ing the remarkable display of fruits. grains and grasses. Yesterday offi cials of the Northern Pacific and Great Northern railways visited the fair and were unanimous In saying that they had never seen anything finer. In the agricultural hall Mr. Degeler has on display many bunches of tim othy more than six feet In height- An Immense exhibit of orchard grass run ning higher than six feet Is to be seen. Many varieties of oats and wheat over six feet Is artistically arranged and second crop rye is more than four feet. There is vetch more than eight feet in length, red clover that will measure more than six feet, and though this section of the state has never been supposed to be any good for alfalfa, yet Mr. Degeler has many splendid samples of It four feet long and up wards. He Is certain that it can be grown In Southwest Washington with great success, but recommends clean and rich ground for original planting. L T. Alvord. of Salzer Valley, won a premium for the finest exhibit of hay and clover. J. G. Thacker, who owns a farm on the river road between Chehalis and Centralis, reports a splendid yield on eight acres of his place. The fair management offered 110 for first and $6 for second premiums for a collection of the greatest number of varieties of forage crops In sheaf, the sheafs to be of the usual exhibition sire. Perry Grove and Lloyd Owen, who live on the main road between the Twin Cities, Just outside of Centralia, won these premiums. The Cowlitz County exhibit was awarded first prize in the county contest. William Lamp- kin, of Castle Rock, had charge. There Is a great abundance of fruit on display, though. much of It Is not fully ripe. The local management of the electric line between the Twin Cities reports that this year they are carrying Just double the number of passengers that Jthey did last year. AG1S TMMUNT HOTELS AND i -- J All outside Special THE MULTNOMAH H La,,ian3laWa5&ia Aside from its connection with great develop- . ment, tne glory of this resort lies in the gran deur and diversity of its natural situation and the singular beauty of its landscapes and marine views, whether seen in detail or "en semble." Kates. Reaeratfoma, lafonnatloa at Office, 7-M Corbett Bids., Both Phoaes r Amy B. 1". K. IU A(L HOTEL MOORE 2W CLATSOP BEACH, SEASIDE, OREGON OPENED JUNE 1, WITH COMPLETE SUMMER CREW Maay irw aad sandera Improrriariti, Electric lighted. Rtosi with or wit oat bath. Hot salt baths aad anrf batatas. Recreatloa pier fer (Uhlag. Steam heat tad raaalasr water, bea food a specialty. Grill roaaeetlons. DAN J. MOORE, Proprietor. TYPHOID IS TRACED State Board of Health Says Dairy Is Source. PRECAUTIONS ARE ADVISED Boiling of Well Water and Scalding or Vegetable Trged by Investi gators and Proclamation Is Bned Study Continues. OREGON C1TT. Or., Aug-. 29. (Spe cial.) Following; a detailed Investiga tion, the Btate Board of Health mem bers tonight Issued a report In which the typhoid fever epidemic that has seized Oregon City was traced to the recently closed oiar Dairy. The re port recites that 38 of the 47 cases now reported are traceable to the dairy di rectly and the other nine Indirectly. The report was followed by a proc lamation by the Mayor, calling on the residents not to use milk from any dairy where typhoid has existed among the employes. The State Board was represented by Dra Smith, White and Arms. In their report they urged the citizens not to use any well water unless It was boiled, and that before using vegetables to wash them with boiled water. The report reiterates the announce ment that the -Oregon City water sys tem supply has not been contaminated. The members of the State Board met with the Council and arranged to have the city health officer report any further cases to Dr. Arms, who in turn will make a detailed study. In the report It waa brought out that S3 per cent of all the customers on the Star Dairy's route had been taken by the fever. OREGON MILITIA IS AIDED Share of Appropriation to Promote Rifle Practice la $57,000. WASHINGTON, Aug. !. Announce ment was made today by the War De partment of amounts allotted to the various State Militia organizations un der two appropriations of $2,000,000 each, one for promotion of rifle prac tlce and arms, equipment and camp purposes, the other for supplies and ammunition. The money was appor tioned according to enlisted strength. New York heading- the list with 14.900 and receiving $373,000. Oregon gets $37,000 and Washington $,41,000. ' Consul at Borneo Dies at Sea. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 29. A wire less message front the Army transport Thomas, due here tonight, brought the news today of the death at sea of Orlando H. Baker, United States Consul at Borneo. The body will be RESOBTS. HOTEL CARLTON Fourteenth, and Washington Streets. Booms, with bath. $1.50 day. Booms without bath, $1.00 day. rooms, fireproof construction. rates for permanent guests. Ross Finnegan, Mgr. Victor Brandt, Propr. roBvnaJtir-s GRANDEST BOTU AbaolrrUly Tlreyroof lot rooms IXIt per da 20 rooms (wltk bath)l2.M per day 10 rooms (with bath$t.s par day Add - per day asove price wnaa two eeupr om rosia. VEST ATTRACTIVE PEICZS rOB PERMANENT QUESTS K. C rioWKRS. sfastaa-er. GARTER TB1GPE.1, Aaat Mra. TflEPQRTMNB Portland's Famous Jiotzl jNotcdfor the Excellence of its GuisinaEuropean plan Owned am Operated btTME P0RTUND rKJULCCL KIUXtfIttMGR.-G. J.KAUmANN mcr. HOTEL OREGON ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF, Portland's Newest and Most Magnificent Hostelry, - Opened March 4th. ma. Five hundred elesantly furnished rooms, nearly all with, private baths: 100 specially equipped Bample-rooms for the commercial trade. Located on Broadway right In the heart of the city. WRIGHT - DICKIJf SOX HOTEL CO. W'hra in Seattle Stop at the Hotel Seattle. Hotel Cornelius THE HOUSE OF WELCOME, PATHS AND ALDER STS, PORTLAND. OR. In the theater and shopping district, one block from any cariine; rates $1.00 per day and op; with lath, $L50 per day.and np. Take oar Brown Auto 'Bas, 0. W. Cornelias, President. E. E. Fletcher, Manager Portias Necanicum Inn SEASIDE, OR. Large airy rooms, overlooking ocean; home cooking, home comforts. The most attractive place in Seaside. Also five-room cottage for rent; flre place; beautiful flowers; ocean view. Also housekeeping apartments, MISS 8. DAHAK.V, Prop. shipped to the Baker home in Indla nola, la. HILL SPEAKS AT ASHLAND Stereoptlcon Views Shown During Lecture in Southern Oregon. ASHLAND. Or.. Aug-. 29. (Special.) Sam Hill, apostle of the good roads movement, gave an Illustrated lecture here last night In the Chautauqua building-. The Illustrations were pref aced by common sense talks on the Is sues Involved In the campaign for im proved highways, though no mention was made of the proposed bond issue which is contingent upon the result of a special election to be held Septem ber 9. The speaker, after Introduction by President McCoy, of the Commercial Club, made It manifest that the good roads movement is not a mere matter of sentiment, neither is it biased by selfish motives In behalf of automo biles, inasmuch as In a great majority of cases more accessible markets and reduced transportation charges would be the major benefits derived. The pictures accompanying the address were a revelation. County Judge Touvelle. Major Bowlby and others accompanied Mr. Hill on hla visit to Ashland. Experiments by aquarium experts have Indicated that salt-water bathi will euro some of fresh-water Csh. while fceab. water makes sick deep-sea denizens well. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFT. LOST Leather ault case, taken from North Bank station; liberal reward If returned to name on tax. T 284, Oresonlan. The Last of Au gust Here we are at the end of the last Summer month and, although we may not realize that the early Fall season is at hand we have only to look at the stories told in the advertising sections of The Orego nlan to see that others have realized the date, have planned ahead for It and are now beginning to offer us the results of their foresight. In order not to miss knowing about anything that may.be of value to us in the first cool days, we had better begin thinking ahead a little,- so that when we make our purchases for the change of season we will know what there Is for our selection. It Is important to make a prac tice of reading advertisements at all times, but it is especially necessary when the season changes and the shops are filled with new things.