Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 29, 1913, Page 6, Image 6

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    Tin? jroRxrsG oregonias." Friday, august 29, 1913.
S. & H.
if... iv-:-
The Drugr
and Gift Store
ait Wert Patrk
Wheat and Barley Thrive in
District Where Prosperity
Shows in All Lines.
In Picturesque Tow a in Umatilla
County, Oregon, Schools, Churches
and Other Modern Facilities
' Are Much in Evidence.
WESTON. On, Aug. 28. (Staff Cor
respondence.) Weston la situated in
what mar properly be called the ban
ner wheat-growing: district of Oregon.
More properly it should be called the
Train district for about 25 per cent of
the crop is barley. And for yield and
quality of the latter grain surely Wes
ton's territory excels, for the yield
often goes over 80 bushels per acre,
sometimes as high as 90 bushels. It is
not unusual for wheat to go 60 bushels
per acre the average of the district is
well up to 60 bushels.
These figures are for a crop every
second year, the precipitation here,
somewheres around 18 inches per year,
not being- sufficient to produce a crop
every year. Indeed it was for many
long years supposed that this was -not
a wheat country it was only by the
beBt and most intelligent farm methods
that these lands were brought into
tbelr present high state of production.
Perhaps in no portion of Oregon are
better methods pursued than in this
portion of Umatilla County.
Crops This Year 300 Cars. .
The grain crop in Weston's territory
this year will amount to about 800 car
loads, which will all be shipped out on
. the 0.-W. R. St Jf, which is the only
railroad touching here. The price now
is around 70 cents. Figuring the crop
at 1.800.000 bushels it will be seen that
a lot of money is going to be dumped
into this little burg for the grain crop
of 1913.
There -is every year a large area of
, the lands around Weston planted to
potatoes, . the annual shipment -of
"spuds" amounting to- something like
200 carloads. These are largely
shipped to Seattle and Tacoma. where
they bring the highest market price,
several cents above the potatoes from
irrigated sections. So the potato busi
ness is not Inconsiderable.
Weston is one of the prettiest little
towns imaginable. It lies down in the
r valley of Fine Creek, a stream that
flows from the Blue Mountains east
of here. It debouches into the Walla
. Walla River at Hudson Bay. about 12
miles to the northwest of the town.
' Weston has a population of some (00
or 700 people. It Is a quaint little
city, well protected from the Winter
blasts and Summer heat waves by the
contour of - the country. Indeed the
place has an equable climate. When
' nearby sections are roasting with heat
the Weston people may sit under their
shade trees and enjoy themselves in
comfort; when -the thermometer goes
hurtling away down below xero but a
score or two miles away the Weston
people can-pursue their outdoor work
with comfort. Cyclones, blizzards, hot
winds and severe storms accompanied
by thunder and lightning are here un
known. -Dally
Paper Arrives Early.
The Oregonian reaches here now at
8:50 in the morning on the day of pub
lication, which fact seems to please
many of the people, who are taking
advantage of getting a daily paper hot
from the press.
Speaking about newspapers brings
up the statement that this is the town
that made Clark Wood famous or
Clark Wood - made the town famous.
It depends on the way you look at it.
Anyhow, Clark Wood for many years
conducted the Weston Leader and by
his versatile pen made it one of the
brightest weeklies in Oregon. When it
comes to editorial writing, Clark
stands in a class by himself, and the
pungent paragraphs of the Leader
were real literary gems. Clark leased
the Leader a few months ago and
took a position on a Portland news
paper but Clark is coming back!
Clark is coming back! Everybody in
Wieston repeats the words with a
smile Clark Wood is coming home!
For Weston and Clark Wood are one
and inseparable, or ought to be and
most likely will be as long as Clark
retains the use of his pencil;
F. G. Lucas is one of the principal
real estate dealers of this section. He
has handled during the last couple of
years about $300,000 worth of lands
around Weston. He says that every
man be has sold to has done well. He
thinks there is a brilliant future in
store for this entire section, for the
grain-growers are slowly but gradu
ally feeding more of their output, the
dairy cow and hog, corn and alfalfa,
are attracting more and more atten
tion. Corn has in some cases yielded
40 bushels of hard, well-matured
grains to the acre. A good many silos
have been put In during the last two
years and a great many more are
projected. Corn frequently makes 10
tons of fine ensilage to the acre.
Alfalfa gives from one to two cut
tings on the uplands, and several
months' pasture. A good area will be
newly, seeded next .Spring. All who
have taken up the hog and cow indus
try, at the same time putting out al
falfa and corn, are doing well, better
than their exclusive grain-growing
neighbors. Surely when the land own
ers once find themselves, discover what
the country is capable of. the Weston
neighborhood will be even more pros
perous than it is otday.
Prosperity la Eldest.
Speaking of prosperity reminds me
that in no place I have visited' for a
long time is prosperity more universal.
One of the great troubles Is to find
men willing to work in fields other
than their own. The floating popula
tion is next to nothing. Just a few har
vest hands in the busy season. If it
was not for Improved harvesting ma
chinery no one can tell what would
happen to the annual crops.
Pretty nearly everybody in Oregon
knows or has. beard of George W.
Proebstel, who served his county so
well as State Senator. Mr. Proebstel
has a big hardware and Implement
store here, one of the best kept and
largest stocks I ever saw in a smalt
city. He came here in 1878, so he knows
a little something about this country.
He built the first flour mill in this
whole section, which he and his broths''
ran successfully for many years. I had
a very pleasant chat with Mr. Proebstel
and he told me a lot about the country,
the people and their successes and fail
urea He has never known a land owner
to meet with anything but success who
had what every farmer must ' have to
win Industry.
One of the Industries that brings a
lot of money into the HtUe town is a
large brick-making plant, the Weston
brick yards. There is an unlimited sup
ply of clay near town, adjacent to the
railroad, and as good red brick are
here manufactured aa can be found
V ! . Alt' (V -Vl
on the Coast. Just now these yards
are filling a large contract for brick
to be used In putting up the new agri
cultural building at the Pullman,
Wash., State College. It must be the
Western brick are exceptionally good
or the Washington authorities would
not use them for so long a distance.
There are from 25 to 35 hands em
ployed in these yards and the annual
shipments are from B0 to 100 carloads.
Governor Says State Land Boards
Have Been Remiss.
. i
SALEM. Or- Aug. 28. (Special.) A
statement prepared by the State Land
Office, at "the request oi tne uovernor.
for the use of the Oregon Conservation
Commission, shows approximately
3.120.600 acres of land, derived through
grant from the Federal Government,
to have been sold. For these lands
the state received 28.686.600, approxi
mately 22.18 an acre. -There remains
yet unsold 550,000 acres of surveyed
and 250.000 acres of unsurveyed lands.
Had the same - protection been af
forded the school fund in past years
as is now being given. Governor West
says, the fund would have amounted to
230.000.000 or 240,000,000.
"The handling of our school fund
stands as aa object lesson In plunder
and waste," says the Governor. "It
shows how publlo officials will often
stand idly by and permit such a sacred
trust as the school fund to be plun
dered by selfish interests without rais
ing a hand in its defense."
Lumber Industry Given Prom
inence at Bandon Festival.
Upper Umpqna's Only Boat
Engineer On Visit
William Wade Recalls Early and
. Abandoned Steamer Service Be
tweea Caxdlaer amd Rosebarg.
FJOSEBURQ, Or., Aug. 28. (Spe
K cial.) William Wade, who
has the distinction of being the englr
neer of the. only steamboat that ever
made a trip down the Umpqua River
from Gardine to Roseburg, arrived hers
yesterday, from Gardiner on his return
home to Corvallls. The trip was made
here in 1870. when the water in the
Umpqua River was high. The steamer
was named- "The Swan" and was in
command of Captain Hahn.
The voyage was made with a view of
establishing regular river service be
tween Gardiner and Roseburg for about
four months in the year. The coming
of the railroad "a. couple of years follow,
ing the initial 'voyage removed the
necessity of river transportation and
further attempts were abandoned. Mr.
Wade says the entire crew of the boat
was royally entertained on arrival
here. Roseburg was but a village.
For a number of years Mr. Wede was
in partnership with ex-State Senator
Reed, at Gardiner. During that period
Messrs. Wade and Gardiner operated
boats on the Lower Umpqua River and
between Gardiner and Coos Bay.
Mr. Wade for three years was in
the United States Navy during the Civil
War and participated in the historic
battle of Mobile Bay. For his meritorious
service in this battle, he was given a
gold medal which he wore on his visit
here yesterday. Mr. Wade refuses to
discuss the feat of bravery for which
he was awarded the medal.
Annual Klamath Convention to Be
Held September 6 and 7.
(Special.) The annual convention of
the County Sunday School Association
will be held in Klamath Falls Septem
ber 6 and 7. Delegates from Fort
Klamath, Klamath Agency, Bonanza,
Merrill, Mount Lakl and Keno are ex
pected and . the local schools will be
well represented.
Rev. Charles A. Phlpps, secretary of
the atate association, will be present.
It is expected that he will have some
scenlo views, taken on his recent trip
through Europe and the Holy Land.
He haa been abroad in attendance at
the international convention at Gene
va, Switzerland.
Insurance Reports Made.
SALEM. Or, Aug. -28. (Special.) A
report of an examination of the Pa
elflo States Fire Insurance Company
of Portland, made public today by Su
perintendent of Insurance . Ferguson,
shows the company to have a capital
stock fully paid of 8:65.000: ledger as
sets December 31. 1911. 2104,000; gross
premiums. 1912, 8103.689.73: re-lnsur.
ance, . 248.997.75: total premiums, 13?.
171.29: total income, 8122,659:17; dis
bursements, 1912, 171.229.12; balance on
hand, 2443,862.04, and total liabilities,
2425,102.57. A report of an examina
tion of the Oregon Fire Relief Asso
ciation of McMinnville, for 1912, shows
a total Income of 2160,700.39; total dis
bursements, 2161,0:0.23: admitted as
sets. 2244,915.52. and liabilities. 2244,-915.52.
Hopplcklng Near Albany Begins.
ALBANY. Or, Aug. 22, (Special.)
Hop yards In this section of the state
will -begin - picking the latter part of
this week and early next week. Pick
ing will begin in some yards tomor
row and work will be in progress in
all of them by Monday. Hundreds of
Linn County families will pick hops
this rear and the annual pilgrimage to
the hop fields haa begun, scores of
families passing through Albany dally.
Besides the local people who will pick
In the yards in the vicinity of this city
large-numbers of Linn County families
are passing through here en route to
the yards near Independence.
Balloon Ascension, High Diving,
Life-Saving Drills, Dancing, Band
Concerts and Boat Races
Entertain Visitors.
BAN DON', Or, Aug. 28. (Special)
The White Cedar Festival has swung
loose and is a pronounced success. 'The
events as scheduled on the programme
of Monday and Tuesday were carried
out promptly and in good form. The
Interest and enthusiasm have increased
as the events progress. The Arnold
Carnival Company, with their many at
tractions, have their tents spread along
First street and their criers can be
heard vociferating throughout the en
tire day. '
The spectacular feature of Tuesday
morning's programme was the indus
trial parade, in which children's floats,
the Grange, horseback riders, the farm
ers and decorated automobiles took
part. Wagons loaded with ties and
poles formed a unique and large pari
of t h . mraH.
Honor is being given to the main In
dustry of the country, the lumber in
dustry. The stores are decorated with
branches from white cedar trees. A
silver loving cup is to be presented to
the prettiest girl baby and one to the
prettiest , boy baby. .
All fraternal organizations have made
elaborate preparations for the enter
tainment of visiting lodgemen. All
hotels and boarding-houses are over
flowing, and people are given places In
private homes, and some have had to
sleep out In the open. The usual Sum
mer .visitors to Bandon are here and
the overflow comes from the great
crowd that has come from Douglas,
Curry and Coos Counties.
Balloon ascensions, high diving, wa
ter regatta, llfesavlng drills, open-air
dancing, band concerts, boat races and
many other sports are on the programme.
Right to Sell Stock Also. Refused to
Portland Mining Concern of
. Which Woman la Head.
SALEM, Or, Aug. 28. (Special.)
Because the concerns have no wires, so
far as he can learn. Corporation Com
missioner Watson today declined to is
sue permits to the Oregon Enunciator
Company and the Oregbn Telephone
Herald Company, of Portland, to do
business in the State. This action was
taken under the Blue Sky law. The
companies plan through the use of tel
ephones to produce plays, lectures and
sermons at the homes of patrons. C
P. Scott is President of the Oregon
Enunciator Company and F. S. Boen
becker is President of the Oregon Her
ald Telephone Company. It also Is
planned by the companiea to serve pa
trons with the important news of the
day. Mr. Watson said he would not
grant permits to sell stock until they
could show that wires had been acquired.
The Great Western Mining and Mill
ing Company, of Portland, of which
Mrs. L, D, Bartlett is President, was
denied a permit to do business in the
State. Commissioner Watson says the
mines of the company on Blue River
re 40 miles from a railroad, the ore is
low grade, and if all the sharea of
stock were sold at 25 cents a share the
price they have brought, sufficient
money would not be raised for purchas
ing the machinery necessary for the
operation of the mines. The Commis
sioner says Mrs. Bartlett has been re
ceiving a salary of 8125 a month.
which he regards as exorbitant, as only
assessment work has been done.
Acre Yields 24 6 Bushels,
EUGENE, Or, Aug. 22. (Specials-
Fertilization is ascribed by J. E. Stout
as the reason for the productiveness of
an acre and a half of his land from
which he threshed 241 4ushels of oats.
The rest of the same tract, sowed with
the same sort of oats at the same time,
produced 25 bushels to the acre. Mr.
Stout believes late rains helped some
what, but thinks the fertilisation the
principal reason for the abundant yield.
He will fertilize the whole farm next
Woman Leaves 40 Grandchildren.
VANCOUVER, Wash, Aug. 28. (Spe
cial.) Mrs. Mary Berscb, 80 years old.
a resident of Clarke County for 60
years, died at midnight at the Blan
chet Home for the Aged. She la sur
vived by six children. 40 grandchildren.
and eight great-grandchildren. The fu
neral will be held from St. James Cath
olic Church Friday morning at 8:80
o'efock. Father Felix Verwilghen of
ficiating. '
Speaker at Conference Urges
Support of Superannuated
Methodist Ministers.
Executive Session Is Held at La
Grande to Consider- Charge of
Mismanagement of Church.
Anto Tour to Be Made.
LA GRANDE, Or, Aug. 22. (Spe
cial.) Superannuated preachers who
have given their lives to Methodism
In the Idaho-Oregon Conference had a
champion, and foreign missions had
tbelr innings at the second day of the
Methodist Conference In session here
today. Ezra C. Clemants came from
Chicago as a representative of the
American Board of Claimants to seouxe
more support for the aged preachers In
this conference. He delivered a stir
ring addresa this morning on the sub
Dr. E. R. Fulkerton, of Nagasaki,
Japan, and originally of New York, held
the center of attraction tonight when
he delivered a lecture on "The New
Orient" at the High School auditorium.
where the night sessions are held. Doc
tor Fulkerton has been In the Orient
20 years as a missionary of the Meth
odist Church and gave the audience to
night a resume of the work there.
Ex-Governor Gooding, of Idaho, was
introduced to the conference today and
will apeak later. Mr. Gooding Is the
founder of the Gooding Methodist Col
lege and prominent in church work.
Charles Phipps, Secretary of the
Oregon Sunday School Convention, has
Just returned from Zurich, where he
attended the Sunday school conference.
and he, top, will appear before the con
ference, as will Mrs. Unrah, of the
Woman s Christian Temperance Union.
Miss Kenneworthy, of Portland, rep
resentative of the Woman's Home Mis
sionary Society, is here and will speak.
This evening just before dinner the
"conference went into executive session
to consider certain charges pertaining
to the management of a church in the
At .7 o'clock tomorrow morning the
visitors will leave for a two-hour
cross-valley automobile tour.
Home Work Discussed at La Grande
LA GRANDE, Od, Aug 28 (Special)
Organization of the annual confer
ence of the Methodist Church in South
ern Idaho and Eastern Oregon was per
fected here Wednesday with a short
skirmish for e office of secretary, the
chief office In the organization. A dis
cussion of home missions took up much
of the day. Doctor Forbes, of tie Home
Mission Board of Philadelphia, was the
chief speaker. A draft for 21048, the
dividends of the book concern set aside
for superannuated ministers of this
conference; was presented to the meet
ing. .
G. Q. Haley was elected secretary of
the conference, and the other elective
offices were quickly filled. The morn
ing session was taken up with Teports
from the Home Mission Board, the
book concern, the church extension so
cieties and various other matters. The
committees went over reports and for
mulated proposed legislation.
That the United States will not be
a Christian nation until all the Sunday
schools and pastors needed are sup
plied; until there are no more duties
for home mission boards, and that there
are 60,000,000 people outside of the
Episcopal churches In America, were
some of the utterances made by Dr.
"New England, the birthplace of
poets, statesmen and warriors, needs
missions and missionaries today almost
as badly as Idaho or Montana," he said.
The complete organization Is: Presi
dent, Bishop Napthtalla Luccock,
Helena, Mont; secretary, G. G. Haley,
Boise; assistants. Messrs. Pemperton,
Chaney and Walker; statistical secre
tary. Rev. Hartshorn, Nampa, Idaho; as.
sistants, Messrs. Ousterbout, Lee, Litch,
Luscombe and Wallace; treasurer, J. E.
Baker,, Rupert, Idaho; assistants,
Messrs. Barnstable and Trueblood and
C E. Deal; postmaster, Thomas Johns.
Related officials present. Dr. Forbes,
Philadelphia, representing board of
home missions and church extension;
Dr. Jennings, Cincinnati, representing
book concern: Mr. Hughes, editor of
Pacific Christian . Advocate; A. F.
Regatz, of Denver, representing Ameri
can Bible Society.
I nspectgr- Genera 1 at Vancouver on
. Official Trip.
Aug. 28. (Special.) Lieutenant-Colo
nel Frederick R. Day, Inspector-general
of the Western Department, with head
quarters at San Francisco, la here on
an omciai inspection, fie was joinoa
today by Colonel James A. Irons. In
command of the Seventh Brigade of
the Third Division.
Colonel George 8. Toung, post com
mander, ordered out his troops In the
post today to ' be reviewed by the
visiting officers.
A garrison review will be held at 1:30
o'clock tomorrow for the pleasure of
the Washington - and' Oregon State
Undertakers' Associations la session In
of 25 per week for tents completely
furnished for light housekeeping, in
cluding beds and bedding, good spring
water and electrie lights, at Bayoeean,
Oregon. For father particulars inquire
at 7VC Corbett building.
Shedd Banker Forget Day.
ALBANY. Or, Aug. 28. (Speclaa.)
Believing Friday to be Saturday, W. M.
Beals, cashier of the Bank of Shedd,
set the time lock on the bank vault
for Monday morning when he closed
the bank on Friday evening. When the
error was discovered Saturday morn
ing, the cashier hurried to Albany by
automobile and secured money from the
Albany banks so that the institution
could transact business as usual on
Insurance Company Examined.
SALEM. Or, Aug. 28. (Special.) An
examination by the State Insurance De
partment of the Oregon Surety and
Casualty Company, of Portland, shows
that the concern July 81, this year, had
ledger accounts of 2157,546.81: total in
come from first of year 846.640.64: gross
assets (admitted), 8168.228.24 and sur
plus as regards policy holders 2.116,-
.811.10 - -
Here and There
Ttniout the Store
$1.00 Fountain Svringe, 73
$1.00 Hot-Water Bottle, 63t
50c Rubber Gloves, 27J
75c Bathing Caps, 37
Vi-Ib. Bouquet Chocolates, 19
3 packages Chewing Gum, any
kind, 10
30c can Mahog'y Floorlac, 19
" For Labor Day Picnic.
100 Decorated Napkins, 23
Crepe Paper Table Cover, 19
$2 Casserole Pie Dish, 91.48
$5.50 Copper Teaball Tea Pot,
Mission Tabourettes for
potted flowers 69
4 rolls of good Toilet
Paper 25 6
Regular price 10c roll.
New Stock Genuine .
Parisian Ivory
50o Cream Tartar, 38
10c Soda Bicarbonate, 6?
lOo Moth Balls, 6
10c Sea Salt, 7t
10c Camphorated Chalk, 61
10c Wood-Lark Pepper, pare
grade, 7J
25c Rose Water, 14
25o Spirit Camphor, 17
25o Glycerine and Eose Water,
25o Peroxide Hydrogen, 19
25o Carter's Pills, 15
Clan Mackenzie that famous
old Scotch Whiskv. A two-dollar
bottle for 81.27
Cream Rve, a full Vfe-pint flask
We've j u s t ' received another
shipment of the well-known In
glenook Claret Wines, in both
Black and Red Letter qualities
-vintage of 1904 and 1907.
Half bottles. Black Letter.. 25
Battles. Black Letter SOc
Half bottles. Red Letter. .. .400
Bottles, Red Letter 65c
Best quality California Sweet
Wines Angelica. Madeira, Mus
catel and Tokay. Regular tCc a
quart, at 39
S. & H. Green Trading Stamps
with your first dollar purchase vi will H?i
Rive yon 30 EXTRA S. & H. 5PS
T HADING STAMPS, and on the bal
ance of your purchase we will give
DOUBLE STAMPS. On the first three
floors only, Friday and Saturday.
Cutlery Dept.
$1.00 Clock .. .68
50c Pocket Knife. .37
Hot Point
$3 to 33.50
Perfume Dept.
50c Java Rice Powder, 2r4
50c Eind's Honey and Almond
Cream, 33
25c Mermen's Talcum Powder,
15; 2 for 2o
25c 4711 Wh. Rose Soap, 15
35c Tooth Brushes, 23
$1.25 Hair Brushes. 98
35c Hair Combs, 27
Just received a new stock of
Parisian Ivory Goods
Garden Hose
To close out our few remaining
reels of Garden Hose, we offer
you a full 7-ply Hose, regular
valine $8.50, at the specially low
price of So. 08
Cotton Hose, of extra heavy
weight, resmlar value $6.50, spe
cial 84.38
We only have a few reels left,
and we would advise yon to
come early.
Woodlark Lunches
and Sandwiches are de
licious at our Fountain
or in the Tea Room. A
good place to eat your
noon lunch.
Real Home Cooking -
Oregon and Washington Un
dertakers in Session.
Action Taken Preparatory to Mak
ing: Fight Before Xezt Legisla
ture for law That Will
Standardize Embalming.
Undertakers from every part of the
state were present at the opening- ot
the ninth annual convention of the
Oregon Funeral Directors at Hotel Ore
gon yesterday. The convention will
continue for three days, today and Sat
urday being joint sessions -with the
Washington association, whloh had Its
opening "session In Vancouver yester
day. The Oregon members went over
to Vancouver last jiight to be enter
tained by the Washington association
at a banquet, reception and dance In
the Vancouver Chamber of Commerce.
Officers of the association were to
have .been elected yesterday, but this
waa postponed until Saturday morning.
The sessions were devoted to the con
sideration of routine business. One of
the important matters that came up
during the morning was the decision to
make a fight before the next Legisla
ture for a state embalming law for the
purpose of standardizing embalming
and keeping Irresponsible persons out'
of the business.
There will be a joint session of tbe
associations of both states in Van
couver today, and a number of prac
tical addresses will be made. Tomor
row the Washington association will
come to Portland and the joint session
will be held In the Hotel Oregon. At S
o'clock the final adjournment will he
made and the remainder of the day will
be devoted to entertaining the visitors.
Oregon and Washington Funeral Dl
' rectors to Interchange Courtesies.
VANCOUVER, Wash, Aug. 18. (Spe
cial.) "How to Make Ourselves Pop
ular With tne Public," is to be the
topic of an address to be delivered to
morrow before the joint convention of
the Washington state Undertakers' As
sociation and the Oregon State Under
takers' Association. The Oregon as
sociation met in Portland today, and
the Washington organization met here.
The following officers of the Wash
ington association were elected: Presi
dent, L. M. Gaffney, of Tacoma; vice
president, J. S. Jerue. of Medical Lake;
secretary, Alexander Turnbull, of Spo
kane; treasurer, B. 8. Rogg, of Day
ton. J. E. Turner, of Harrington, la the
retiring president.
Dr. Eugene R. Kelley delivered an
address explaining the amendments of
the new statutes affecting the under
taking business and the shipping of
A regimental parade will be held at
Vancouver Barracks tomorrow morn
lng at :S0 o'clock In honor of the
visiting undertakers from Oregon and
Washington. It Is expected that more
than 100 will be present. More than
(0 are in attendance here from various
points in UuQtogtoD. After the pa
rade In the morning delegates from
both states will hold a joint session.
On Friday night the Washington un
dertakers will banquet the Oregon
members at Hotel Oregon, and on Sat
urday night, after a joint session at
the Hotel Oregon the Oregon men will
return the compliment.
McKenzie Road Over Cascades Im
proved by Recent Survey.
EUGENE, Or., Aug. 2S. (Special.)
By the last of the week, according to
Forest Supervisor C. R Seitz, who has
returned from a trip of inspection, the
new grade at Dead Horse Hill, on tbe
McKenzie wagon road into Eastern
Oregon, will be thrown open to use,
and the 25 per cent grade that has
caused trouble to the heavier cars
eastward bound will be abandoned. The
new highway has a grade of 10 per
cent, which is the maximum estab
lished for the whole. road. It will take
all of next year to bring all grades
within this maximum, but none of the
ones to be changed is as steep as the
one just abandoned.
Supervisor Seitz reports work well
advanced on the- trail up the South
Fork of the McKenzie, which is . to
connect with Big Fall Creek, a tribu
tary of the Willamette. This trail cuts
the walking time from the mouth of
the creek to the Hardy Cabin from 7H
to 1V4 hours. " Mrs. Seitz and Miss Grace
Bingham, of Eugene, accompanied Mr.
Seitz over the newly constructed trail.
September 11, 12 and 13
Bigger this year and better than ever before.
The fare is $9.10 for the round trip.
The fun is worth $100.
You will feel better everybody does when
they are compelled' to forget business cares
and can gaze spellbound at the feats of
primeval man.
Special trains. Splendid service.
One day from business. Let us tell you alL
City Ticket Office, Third and Washington
Phones: Marshall 4500 and A121