CAUCUS IS PLEDGED TO CURRENCY BILL House Democrats Agree on Form in Which Measure Is to Be Introduced. BANK NOTES TO RETIRE National Banks Compelled to Be come Members and State Banks Permitted to Do So Early Action Is Probable. waktttvotov. lue. 23. The Ad ministration currency bill, after three weeks of discussion, was finally ap proved by the House Democratio cau cus tonight by a vote of 163 to . The nine dissenters were Represetftatlves Henry. Eagle and Calloway, of Texas; Hardwick. of Georgia; Lobek. of Ne braska; Buchanan and Fowler, of Illi nois; Neeley, of Kansas, and Slsson. of Mississippi. After agreeing to the bill the caucus iinntni n resolution by an almost unanimous vote, declaring the bill to be a party measure, and tnat mem hr of thl caucus are pledged for the bill on Its final passage without amendment, provided, however, tne banking and currency committee may offer an amendment In the House. Reserve Section Clarified. The feature of today's session was the adoption of a committee amend ment as a substitute for the section on bank reserves which In effect sim ply served to clarify the section as originally drawn. The measure will be re-Introduced In the House tomorrow by Chairman Glass and referred Immediately to the banklne and currency committee, which will meet next Tuesday. It is expected the bill will be at once re ported back to the House. The measure as it stands after adop tion by the caucus, is summed up by Chairman Glass, who piloted it tnrougn the caucus, as follows: The bill establishes 12 regional re serve banks with a capital of not less than 15,000.000 each, to which national banks are required to contribute an amount equal to 10 per cent of their own capital stock and to become lia ble for an additional 10 per cent in case of can. This, it is estimated, will k-Ivb the regional reserve banks a com bined paid-up capital of $105,000,000. These regional reserve banks also are made custodians of a large part of the reserve money of member banks, esti mated at about in tne ag rrente. Thev also receive the Govern' ment deposits, estimated at from 150,- 000.000 to $250,000,000. Federal Board Powerful. After the whole system of regional reserve banks Is to be a Federal re serve board, consisting of seven mem bers. This board will have extensive powers of supervision, examination and control. The measure provides an advisory council of bankers without actual pow er, .composed of one member from eacn of the 12 regional reserve drafts. One Important provision is for the gradual refunding, for a period of 20 years, of the United States 2 per cent bonds Into- Z per cent Government bunds without the circulation privilege. This villi mean the eventual retirement of the National bank notes. The clr culation privilege will thus revert to the Government Itself. Issuing through the regional reserve banks on a gold reserve of 33 1-3 per cent to De pro vided by the banks. The notable reserve features of the bill contemplate a reduction of the re serve requirements of reserve and cen tral reserve cities from 23 to 18 per cent and of all country banks from la to 22 per cent. Graduated Tax Provided. The Federal reserve board Is re quired to establish a graduated tax on the amounts by which banks may be permitted to fall below reserve re quirements, such tax to be uniform in its application to all banks. National banks are compelled to be come members of the system under penalty of forfeiture of charters, while state banks are permitted to become members under regulations of lue Federal reserve board. Concerning the. provisions relating to rediscounts, over which there was such a prolonged fight, the only change made was to add two and one quarter typewritten lines, declaring that nothing contained in the bill should be construed to prohibit the redis counting of notes and bills of exchange secured by agricultural products and other goods, wares and merchandise. PULASKI HAYS SUCCUMBS Widely-Known Washington Pioneer Dies at Endicott. EXDICOTT, Wash, Aug. 28. (Spe cial.) Pulaski Hays, a retired widely known pioneer of this state, died at his home Thursday morning at 4:30 o'clock. He was the son of Richard and Catherine Bishop Hays and was born in Ohio April 13, 1846, and mar ried Anna Love Quarrlells at Berry, ill.. In 1S69. They moved to Dayton, Washington Territory, in 1884 and in the following May took a homestead five miles southwest of Endicott where, after enduring the hardships and trials f all early settlers and pioneers, they acquired a competency sufficient to enjoy several years of sightseeing. They made numerous trips to Cali fornia and to Eastern states besides leaving those dependent with plenty for declining years. Mr. Hays leaves a widow, two mar ried sons, Clarence R. and Harry P., six grandchildren and a number of nephews and nieces. Funeral services will be held at the family residence Friday at 12:30. TRIO CONVICTED OF THEFT Negro and Two Whites Are Fonnd Guilty at Pendleton. PENDLETON, Or, Aug:. 28. (Spe cial.) Harry Greers, Frank Miller and John W. Messer, the latter a negro, were this evening found guilty in the Circuit Court of robbing the residence of L. C. Frasier. April 30 of this year. At the time of the robbery the negro, who had been in the employ of Mr. Fra sier, was the first to be suspected and arrested. The other two were arrested a few days later at Walla Walla on in. structlons from the Sheriffs office. Greers and Miller have criminal rec ords in Chicago. INSTITUTE DATES NAMED Snperintendent Churchill Announces Times for County Meetings. SALEM. Or, Aug. 28. (Special) Superintendent of Public Instruction Churchill announced today that county Institutes would be held as foUows: September IT. 18. 19. Morrow County. Hepner; September 2i, 23. 14, Crook County. PrinevlIIe : September 29. SO, October 1. 2. I. Salem; October 8, 7, 8. Grant County. John Day; October o. T. 8. (Joint) Wasco and Sherman Counties, The Dalles; October 8, 8. 10. Harney County. Bums; October 13. 14. IS. Lake County, Lake view; October 15. 16. 17, Klamath County, Klamath Falls: Octo ber 20, 21, 22 (Joint) Jackson and Joaephine Counties, Grants Pass; October 22. 23. 24. Douglas County, Roaeborr; October za. 28, 24. Umatilla County. Pendleton: October 2i, 28. 29. Lane County, Eugene; October 29, SO, 31 .Marlon County. Salem; October 2. BO. 31. Folic County. Dallas: November 8. 4. 5. (Joint) Ollllara and Wheeler Counties. Con don; November 5. . 7, Hood River County. Hood River; November 10, 11, 12. Washlcs ton County. Hillsboro; November 12, 13, 14. Tillamook County. Tillamook; November IT. IS. IB. Clatsop County. Aetorla: November 19. SO. 21. Columbia County. 8c Helens: No vember 24. 25, 24. (Joint) Linn and Benton f if , ft - . . . t H ' -' s - , I 1 i ;v ? V I ? . . K' tS r Mrs. Josrph lae Schnrle. Pioneer Who Was Barfed at VucoaTer. Counties. Albany; November 4, 25, 2, Union, Baker and "Wallowa Counties Jointly with the eastern division of the Stale Teachers Association ,La Grande. IS. SCHUELE IS BURIED OLD-TIMERS AXD PIOXEERS AT TEND A'UNKKAI. Order of Eastern Star Conducts Services at Grave and Rev. Mr. Collier at Chapel. VANCOUVER. Wash,. Aug, 28. (Spe cial.) With old-timers and pioneers in attendance, the funeral of Mrs. Joseph' ine Schuele, widow of David F. Schuele, was held today from Knapp's chapel. Rev. E. B. Collier, rector of St. Luke's Episcopal Church, of which Mrs. Schuele was a life-long- member, offi ciated at the chapeL The St. Luke's choir rendered several beautiful selec tions. Services at the grave were in charge of Martha Washington Chapter, No, 42, Order of the Eastern Stan Miss Belle Sanderson being worthy matron, and P. B. Wagner worthy patron. After the ceremony, members of the chapter surrounded the open grave and sang "Nearer, My Ood, to Thee. The pallbearers were past worthy patrons cf the Eastern Star, of which Mrs. Schuele Was an active and en thusiastlc member. They were William Laughlin. Edson M. Rowley. I G. Con ant, H. S. Bartow, John Dickson and W. P. Connaway. Interment was in the Masonic section of the city cem etery, beside her husband, who died in May. 1908. . Mrs. Schuele was born In Vancouver Barracks nearly 60 years ago. Her father, John Eddings, was Government storekeeper and Colonel Rufus In gal Is, in command of the Fourth Infantry, was her godfather. He took a vote af all officers of his regiment on what the baby at the Eddings home should be named, and the majority voted Jo sephlne." GOLD FIND DOESN'T PAN DISCOURAGED PROSPECTORS RETCRX FROM SHCSHAXNA. Only Ono Claim of Valne Found in New District of Alaska Provis ions Left on Trail. SEATTLE. Waatu. Aug. 28. Letters from the North and returned stam peders bring unfavorable news from the Shushanna gold field. Goldseekers going toward the camp meet discour aged men returning and many turned back, abandoning supplies on the trail. Reports say that perhaps 815.000 has been taken out on the Discovery claim, but cross-cuts above and below the claim show barren ground. Seven or eight inches of snow fall every night. The sun next day melts the snow, making much surface water. Ktenhen Birch, manan-er of the Ken- necott Copper Mine, who has just ar rived in Seattle and who visited the Shushanna country five years ago looking for copper, said today: "The extent or value of the Dis covery cannot be determined until much more work has been done. Little concerning the true merits of the field will be known till next Spring. While It would be nothing short of madness for a man to go in there without a proper equipment, most of . the men who went in were poorly equipped." STAHORN'S VISIT AWAITED Railroad Official Expected to Arrive at Xewberg: Today. NEWBERG. Or., Aug. 28. (Special.) President R. E. Strahorn, of the Port land, Eugene & Eastern Railway, is expected to arrive in this city tomor row and local business men are plan ning to take him for a trip of inspec tion of the town and surrounding coun try. Mr. Strahorn was scheduled to reach here today, but did not appear. Local citizens attach a great deal of Importance to the visit on account of the expected operation of the Port land. Eugene and Eastern line here in a few months. Five Killed, 372 Injured. SALEM. Or., Aug. 28. (Special) There were five fatalities in industries In the state in July, according to a re port of Labor Commissioner Hoff made public today. Mr. Hoff reports that 872 persons were injured, 24 loggers, 20 machinists, 40 paper mill workers. 14 railway workers. 89 section men. 23 on railway trains, 89 In railway yards, 6 in sawmills, 14 In sawmill yards and 41 engaged In various other kinds of work. One man was killed while en gaged In railroad construction, three were killed by railway trains and one was killed in a sawmill. Postal sa vines deposits amount to 828.- 000.000, TIIE MORNING OBEGOXIAX, FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 1913. P01NDEXTER SAYS E IS UNTRUE Senator Denies He Is Respon sible for Relatives on Federal Payroll. SEATTLE EDITOR ASSAILED One Brother Declared to Be Only One Appointed at His Instance. Son, However, Was Made Cadet Through Trade. OREGOXIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash lngton, Aug. 28. After seven weeks of silence. Senator Poindexter, of Wash ington, rose In the Senate today and answered charges of nepotism made against him in the Seattle Post-Intelli gencer of July 11. His answer was half denial and half abuse of Scott C Bone, editor of the Post-Intelligencer. Charged by the Seattle paper with having placed or kept 11 relatives on the Government payroll, Poindexter as serted today that he bad secured a Federal appointment for only one rela tive. William Poindexter, his brother. who holds a position In the Senate fold ing room at the. Capitol. Five Poln- dexters in Government service, said to be there through his influence. Senator Poindexter declared were not related to htm and were perfect strangers, of whom he had never heard until charge was made In print. 8as Appointed by Request. While Senator Poindexter denied having appointed his son. Gale, to the Annapolis Naval Academy, he admitted that the appointment had been made by Representative La Follette on his recommendation and request, and ex plained further that in return for this favor he had appointed Earl Chambers, of Spokane, to the West Point Military Academy, at the request of Representa tive La Follette. Senator Poindexter denied that his brother Ernest had been appointed to an attorneyship in the Department of Justice by this Administration, as charged, and said that this brother Is not now and never has been on the Government payroll except as a census enumerator years ago, before he be came Senator. His brother. Fielding L. Poindexter, First Lieutenant In the Army, now retired, be said, had se cured his commission and been retired before he (the Senator) entered Con gress. Fielding Poindexter, he said, served as a private in an Oregon vol unteer regiment In the Philippines and got his commission in the Regular Army after the war closed. He Is now detailed to recruiting duty. The Sen ator made no reference to the charge that while his brother was drawing retired pay he had him assigned to re crulting duty, thus giving him ' full pay, though on the retired list. Carl D. Poladexter Not Related. Carl D. Poindexter, the Senator as serted. Is no relative, or if so is so distantly related that, he does not know of the relationship. He holds a civil service lob under the Isthmian Canal Commission, and for his appointment the Senator disclaimed all responsi bility. Samuel J. Graham, Senator Poindex ter admitted, was a distant cousin. but he disclaimed all responsibility for having secured him a Federal job. Graham, he said, was one of the Wil son floor leaders at the Baltimore con vention, and owed his place to Penn sylvania Democrats. Senator Poindexter directed his main attack at Mr. Bone. He declared the article assailing him was criminally libelous, but did not Indicate any pur pose to prosecute the newspaper in courts, though he asserted that men guilty of such an attack as that on mm snouia be sent to tne penitentiary for ten years. He declared that Bone had been a "complete failure in the newspaper field in Washington, and was a failure In Seattle for the reason Indicated by his name. Bone more bone than otherwise too much bone." Senator Poindexter asserted he had never appealed to any Senator to aid him in getting a Federal Job for any relative. FILLING OF SLOUGH URGED Marshfleld Citixens Appeal to Con gress to Have Work Done. MARSHFIELD. Or, Aug. 28. (Spe cial.) A movement has been started here to secure the closing of Mill Slough, a small tidal estuary which reacltea back through the center of Marshfleld, dividing the town into two parts. Just at this time the matter is attracting more attention than usual because of the Important bearing it has on railroad construction, and the mat ter will be taken up with the Oregon delegation to secure special legislation by Congress. Mill Slough at low tide is cut a riv ulet, but at high tide it probably is SO feet wide and has three or four feet of water. A delegate has been sent to Wash ington to secure the closing of the slough, a petition has been circulated among the business men asking Con gress to pass the bill to permit its closing, the Marshfleld Chamber of Commerce has passed resolutions fa voring the closing of it and so has the City Council, but F. M. Frledberg and Charles Hlckox, who own property near by, and some of the Socialists oppose the proposition. LUMBERMEN FORM CLUB Seattle Luncheon Attended by 140 Tlmbermen of Northwest. SEATTLE, Wash, Aug. 28. (Spe cial.) Gathered around the tables at a luncheon today, 140 men. representing all branches of the lumber and timber Industry from Portland to British Co lumbia, formed a Lumbermen's Club for social purposes. H. s. Stlne, of Seattle, presided, and was authorised to proceed with the appointment of five men to complete the organization and arrange for regu lar Thursday luncheons at which topics of general Interest to the trade will be discussed. Among the speakers at the meeting today were J. B. Alexander and George Cornwall, of Portland; Frank B. Cole, of Tacoma, and R. H. Hartley, of Everett. Prosser Old Settlers Frolic PROSSERj Wash, Aug. 28. (Special.) -The annual old settlers' picnic was held at Wllgus Grove, two miles west of here, yesterday. About 100 were in attendance. Attorney Linn, of Prosser, was the orator of the day, and several other local men made brief talks. Everyone enjoyed a big feast from the well-filled baskets at noon, and the afternoon was devoted to sports and discussions of old times. Tlle P WSmi New .g . INi Fal1 ISpd Clothes d 'Wf jfi ' Are P, 48 Hlv ' Now jja. On y il r?. T" ---vl ' I They embody every element of refine ment, not only in outward appearance but right through to the innermost construction in fabric and tailoring. Clothes of integrity clothes that "make good." $20 to $40 . Men, Main Floor Young Men, Second Floor . 1 o o d Ben Selling LEADING CLOTHIER Morrison Street at Fourth b o a ar. i d 'q APPEAL IS TAKEN Bank Failure Case Goes to Idaho Supreme Court. W. G. CRUSE IS INVOLVED American Surety Company Held Liable to Depositors for Failure of State Examiner to Perform, Duties. pnisc Idaho. Auc. 28. (Special.) The American Surety Company of New vr ,a annealed from the Judgment of the District Court for Blaine County In the case oi tne aiaie i "'" w aA for the use and benefit of Clara im- .1 th American Surety Company. In the trial court the surety company was neio j ' posltors of the defunct Idaho State u.ll. fur thA failure Of WU- Ham G. Cruse, ex-State Bank Exam iner faithfully to periorm nia um At the time of the failure of the . . ...... i i ai n rruM was State Dana, u.' - - Bank Examiner, the American Surety Company having lurmsneu ma ," bond. Although the affairs of the bank have been in the hands of several re ceivers, the depositors have been un able to force the payment of their Cl The" depositors charged that while Cruse was Bank Examiner he "did not weiL faithfully and impartially dls- , v.1. A ind that although the bank failed on August 31. 1810. he knew as early as May iv oi mo .v. hanlr'a hooka were being tampered with and that the Institution was unsaie. Dut iwa. nw .nu closing Its doors and saving the assets j - T, ftirthnr al to tne ocpwi... - " - - - leged by the depositors that Cruse did not regularly examine the bank to as certain its condition, as required by , . . tha atiretv comDanv that Insured him was liable under the bonds and should ne required t w pj the claims of the depositors. t-i.. i-nmniaini of 48 other de positors is identical with that of Clara Mills, but by stipulation wiw sel for the depositors and the surety company, only the names of the de positors and the amount of their de posits in the bank at the time It failed are ajlven in the appeal. In addition to the deposits claimed by them, the plain tiffs ask for 7 per cent interest from the date of the bank failure to the present time. The total claims of the depositors amount to about 830.000. the amount of the bond carried by the surety company. NEW CHARTER IS SOUGHT Bill Before Seattle ConncII Hints at Commission Government. SEATTLE. Wash., Aug. 28. (Spe cial. A Council bill Introduced at the meeting June 2 by Austin E. Griffiths, providing for submission to the voters at the next election the question of se lecting IS freeholders who shall have been residents of Seattle for not less than two years preceding their dec-1 V ! p h i tion whose duty it shall be to prepare and propose a charter consistent with and subject to the constitution and laws of the State, which shall be sub mttted to the voters again for ap proval or rejection at the following general election, was recommended to day for passage by Mr. Griffiths, chair man of the judiciary committee. He was the only member of that body present. Councilmen Haas and War dell, the two other members, were ab sent. In brief. Mr. Griffiths' bill, if ap proved by the voters next March, would mean a commission form of govern ment for Seattle. Mr. Griffiths' bill will come before the Council at its "regular meeting Tuesday. September 2, for final action. It is believed that It will not receive the necessary five votes to put it through. CHARTER REVISION IS PLAN Seattle May Adopt Commission Form of Government. SEATTLE. Wash, Aug. 28. The Ju diciary Committee of the City Council today approved a resolution submitting to the voters next March a proposal to elect IB freeholders to revise the city charter. It is the intention of the framers of the resolution to bring about, through the new charter, a commission form of government. The Council will pass on the resolution next Tuesday. Washington Elk Inspected. NORTH TAKMA. Wash., Aug. 28. (Special.) D. C. Nowlin, of the United States Biological Service, arrived In North Yakima last night and will stay here several days investigating the condition of the SO head of elk brought here last Winter from the Yellowstone Park, and the conditions tinder which Jarl -arwl Convention of Columbia Hitfhwav Association, "jdina1 Club Cross hart Band Concerts, Contests and THIS WEEK A Few More of These p350 Panos $ -a oe You can afford to pay $10 cash and $6 monthly. You can, therefore, afford to buy this Piano at a saving of $140. Come, hear its fine, rich tone. Other Pianos $65, $135, $165, $210, Etc. Player Pianos, 88 Note $365, $415, $465, Etc GRAVES MUSIC CO. Removal Sale A food for brain-workers V An opening dinner-course that puts an edge on a jaded appetite, and makes the whole meal taste better, digest easier, and do you more good , Campbell's Tomato Soup. - Notice how your own "men-folks" enjoy its smacking flavor especially when tired or nervous or "grouchy' '. Prepare it with milk or cream occas ionally instead of water. - That's a favorite way now-a-days. :And there are many other practical ways to serve and use this incom parable soup. Why not try it today? Your money back ifnot satisfied., 21 kinds ilOc a can A Look for the red-and-white label Bits lilt. they are living. He left this morning with County Game Warden Frank Bryant for Bumping Lake, to traverse the Upper Kaches Valley, in which the elk were placed. FORGERY CHARGE DENIED Eugene Saxton Declares He Did Not Attempt to Evade Officers. KLAMATH FALLS. Or, Aug. 28. (Special.) Eugene Saxton, accused of forging the name of J. W. Siemens to a note for over J 7000. asserts most positively that he is not guilty and also says that the wife the officers have been looking for is a myth. He was brought here from Mineral. Idaho, to answer the charge, after hav ing been released from Jail by the Sheriff at Welaer, Idaho, on the ground that he did not believe him guilty. He denies that he was fleeing when SUNDAY GRAND CONCERT At Seaside by Coast Artillery Band, 40 Pieces Ideal Labor Day Outing Week-end trip (jearhart gives extra day at sea shore. Return on ilonday evening. $3 SEASHORE LIMITED "9 o'clock Every Morning. Evening Express, 6 :30. . SATURDAY SPECIAL 2 o'clock, Office, 5th and Stark; Station, 11th and Hoyi. Marshall. 920. A 667L Informal prr.PT-a.TnmA of Sports $io cash $6 Monthly 111 Fourth. St. taken, saying that he returned from Wetser to Mineral, and notified the Sheriff at Weiser of his whereabouts. FOREST FIRES REPORTED Three Dangerous Blazes Said to Be Burning In Chehalis County. OLYMPIA.-Wah, Aug. 28. (Special.) Three dangerous fires In Chehalis County were reported to the State Fire Warden today. All are In cut-over lands, but are not under control and threaten green timber. One fire is west of Matlock, on the Mason County line. In the Simpson works; the second about five miles north of Monteaano, and the third, re ported to be the worst of the three, is raging south of South Elmo. Geneva Is bulldlnr a natural history xna---m at a cost of ?!0,r--rf. ITS.. HII ticket to Seaside or ROUND TRIP - Country Run. Contests at Gear at Seaside Labor Day, r. iGlll