"THE SXORXIXG OREGOXIAN. FRIDAY, AUGUST 29. 1913. LIND WILL AWAIT GREAT STEAMSHIP WHICH CAUGHT FIRE IN HARBOR YESTERDAY. Friday and Saturday Great NEW INVITATION Press Skeptical of Value of Moral Force Alone. Envoy Remains at Vera Cruz but Huerta's Yielding Atti tude Is Confirmed. ' "GOLDEN DREAM" SCOUTED aoon aies 3 BRITONS DOUBT Tem AMERICANS ARE PUZZLED Determination Is General to Obej Warning to Leave, bnt Many Wonder Whether Hidden Meaning Can Be Fonnd. VERA CRUZ. M. Alls. 88. Presi dent Wilson's representative, John LInd. will remain in Vera. Crus sev eral days. This announcement was made late tonight. Only unexpected happening's or a special request from the Mexican government will cause him to return to Mexico City. The fact Is now confirmed that Gen eral Huerta has notified Mr. Lind that his government Is willing to renew the conference and that he is disposed to accept Presidents Wilson's terms In order to secure peace and future rec ognltion of the Mexican government. Conservative Mexicans here express themselves as hoping that General Huerta will abide by this determina tion as they are anxious for the paci fication of the country. So far Senor Gamboa. Minister of Foreign Affairs, has not asked Mr. Lind to return to the capital. It is further announced that Mr. Lind will make Vera Cruz his headquarters be cause he has suffered from ill health in Mexico City. Hale Ges t Savaaaak. William Bayard Hale sailed this morning on the steamer Morro Castle For Savannah. He will proceed to Washington. Mr. Hale had a long con ference with Mr. Lind prior to sailing, and the latter attaches much impor tance to Doctor Hale's trip to Wash ington, where he will place the whole ltuation before the President. Toward the end of the conference they were Joined by Rear Admiral Fletcher. The Morro Castle was de tained in port more than two hours waiting for Mr. Hale. It is expected the warships will be distributed as follows: At Vera Crus the Louisiana, Michigan and South Carolina; at Tam pico. New Hampshire. Tuxpan and Ma- zatlan. Tacoma; Campeche, heeling. One transport will carry supplies for the fleet and the Nashville will carry orders. All vessels have Instructions to receive refugees and to furnish the transportation to the united states rla Vera Cruz. .Among American residents in Mexico the urgent warning from the united Mates Government that they should leave the country immediately at first caused anxiety in some cases ap preaching consternation, and later a general determination to abide by the Governratnt's Injunction, no matter what the monetary cost. Warning; Cannes Surprise. American residents In the capital are at a loss to know how to inter pret the peremptory warning issued by President Wilson to leave the re public Somewhat - reassured by the declaration that armed Intervention is not Intended, they are now wondering whether there is a hidden meaning back of the latest warning. The American Consulate-General was crowded throughout the day by Amer icans of all classes, seeking detailed information. The Consul-General, Ar nold Shanklin. was unable to give any advice other than that based on in structions from the State Department sent to all consuls in his district a message that they should advise all Americans In their territory to leave Mexico at once. Americana Planning? to Obey, Most of the Americans who called at the consulate are planning to reg ister their property and obey Wash ington's injunction. The great ma jority of those who have been able to arrange their affairs have already departed from the capital and some from other places. Those who remain have ' for the most part interests to leave behind which would mean the sacrifice of their only means of live lihood. The warning creates something like consternation among a few Americans. It will probably, however, result in a new exodus, and the general rule Is to abandon everything they possess when their lives are endangered. 3500 PERISH XEAR TORREOX Constitutionalist Losses . Reported Heavy in Attacks on City. LAREDO. Texas. Aug. J8. Thirty five hundred men perished in the seven constitutionalist attacks on Torreon between July 17 and July 28 and since that time fever has become epidemic, food is scarce and no aid has been able to reach the city, according to travel era from the vicinity of Torreon who reached here today. Not more than 25 .Americans remain in the city and all are reported safe. The constitutionalists are declared to have lost 3000 men. most of them in a disastrous attempt to flood the city by diverting the course of Kiedas River from its headgates through the valley. They were caught in a cross fire from Federal machine guns. They later withdrew to Durango. The Fed eral loss was about 500. Reports also were received here to day of the burning of the Labella Union cotton print factory, 10 miles from Saltlllo. last Friday, by a band of rebels under Juan Muniz. It is said that Munis first demanded a "loan" of 300,000 pesos, reducing It finally to 10.000 pesos, and when this was ig nored the plant, valued at JSOO.OuO. was destroyed. Rebel Accused of Aiding Aviator. EL PASO. Texas, Aug. 28. Emanual Balche Alcalde, a- Mexican rebel offi cer, was arrested here today on a charge of aiding Didier Masson, the French aviator, to smuggle his aero plane from Loa Angeles to the rebels In Sonora last May. he was released on $2500 bond. He will have a pre liminary hearing tomorrow before United States Commissioner Oliver. COURT ASSAILS COTTERILL Judge Humphries Makes Permanent Injunction Against Socialists. SEATTLE. Wash, Aug. 21. Superior Judge Humphries today made perma nent the temporary order Issued by him restraining Socialist orators from hold ing street meetings in the area bound ed by Pike and Pine streets. West Lake Boulevard and Fourth avenue. The Judge assailed Mayor Cottertll, denounced the Socialists and engaged in arguments with persons in the au dience who took Issue with points in hi. lMtuiA tn Ih.m. -V ' ! . .J ': T,;-w"":1;----l - . I A I - I I ci ' s X - ;r -. -'yrt -XtV, I .."" " ....-..- ' '.,rv,'iuvi,iiwnwiiii i "" V; 1 - '" m , II ill i .-a a-..'.. -, f . - I bfv.:-.-:"-'.'- . . . . - A " v . --- " GREAT SHIP BURNS mfimimm Imperator Catches Fire White Docked at Hoboken. PANIC REIGNS IN STEERAGE Armed Guards Hold Back 1)31 T."n inspected Passengers After They Leave Giant Vessel Second Officer la Killed. XEW YORK. Aug. 2S. Fire which today swept the steamship Imperator, the largest vessel afloat, as she lay docked In Hoboken. caused the death of Second Otflcer Herman Gobrecht, the serious Injury of Seaman Stumpf, and created a panic among the 1131 steerage passengers who were aboard Gobrecht's body was found In the hold, where he had been cut off from his men whom he had led In a flht against the flames. His body was un touched by fire. Stumpf was rescued after having gone down In the vessel with lines. It waa thought he was dead, but he was revived later at a hospital. U Officials of the line estimated that the damage to the vessel itself would not be great. Great quantities of sup plies were made useless, however, by the flames, smoke and water. Nearly 2,000,000 gallons of water were poured on the fire. The company announced that the ship would sail Saturday, as scheduled, and the damage would be repaired, so far as possible, at sea. When the fire was checked at t O'clock the vessel had Hated 15 de grees. The small army in the steerage. aroused from their 'sleep ' by the crackling of flames, rushed panic stricken for the pier. None of the steerage passengers had been Inspected by the customs or health authorities. Because of this, armed guards sur rounded them. The immigration au thorities rushed them to Ellis Island this forenoon. The great ship was dark, with all on board asleep, when smoke, ascend ing from the provision-room, was dis covered. The complex fire-flghtlng apparatus of the vessel was set in motion.' For three-quarters of an hour they fought the fire with only the Im perator's own apparatus. Then, de spairing of success, the Hoboken fire department was notified and a gen eral alarm sounded. HELPS HOP FIELDS VIXES ARE WASHED OP DCST A.XD SPIDERS. Heavy Downpour at This Time Would Be Bad bnt Light Showers Are Looked On With Favor. INDEPENDENCE. Or. Aug. 28. (Special.) Rain started falling here this afternoon abouf 2 o'clock. If It does not continue more than tonight it will be a great help to the harvest ing of the hop crop. It will not only clean the dust off -the hops and vines, but will also clear the atmosphere and will do a great deal to rid the hops of the red spider. On the' other hand, the bops are so heavy in some yards if it keeps up it will no doubt break a good many wires. Picking started in some of the yards yesterday and more today. It will be the middle or last of next week before all yards are In operation. Hun dreds of pickers are coming in each day on every train and boat as well as by wagons. It looks as if there will be an abundance of help to save the entire crop. The market at this time Is quiet. none of the growers being disposed to sell at the present prices. There will be no movement in the market until after the first two or three days, as the total yield can then be estimated accurately. - Later reports which came In this afternoon are to tne effect that the red spider has done much damage. and that the rain is needed to wash them off the vines. FISH SHIPPED TO UMPQUA Third Consignment of Year Sent to Douglas County. ROSEBURG. Or., Aug. 28. (Special.) The state' fish car will arrive here tomorrow with 177 cans of bass, which will be planted in the South Umpqua River. This will make the third con signment of fish received In Douglas County from the state hatchery during the past few months. Local sportsmen are enthused over the prospect of future fishing In Doug las County, and are doing everytbing possible toward- aiding the officials in stamping out Illegal fishing. Fish ing and game clubs have been organ ized in many sections of the county, and in some Instances resolutions have been adopted characterising the game and fish hog as an undesirable. Roslyn Cascade Coal melts on the fire. Phone Main 358. A 3358. In Nw Tork In July 26 persons were killed la tb atresia fif automobiles. lx .,..,.i...s,..,. - ,- r.". jI ! noi. -im ! I 4 S'ZZ-3t i i jfr 'sz ' ABOVK, THE IMPERATOR BELOW, STERN OF THE IMPERATOR BEFORE LAl'.NCHiG, SHOWING HER GREAT RUDDER A.D O.MS PROPELLER. EXODUS AS 1 Americans Heeding Warning to Get Out of Mexico. 4000 WILL REQUIRE AID State Department Believes Fewer Than Thousand Will Remain in Southern Republic In Two Weeks From Xow. WASHINGTON, Aug. 28. Americans in Mexico are heeding President Wil son's warning to get out and State Department officials believe that two weeks hence there hardly will be 1000 of them left In the troubled southern republic Although many had refused to con sider leaving before the word canra of the President's advice, hundreds have been starting for home or abroad dally during the last three weeks and it Is estimated that nearly 10,000, or about as many as still are in Mexico, have gotten away. Of those now preparing to leave. 4000 will need help from the Government, so the 8100,000 appropriation asked for by Secretary Bryan some time ago to aid refugees will be needed Immediate, ly. Of the 4000. about 3000 will come out by the East coast ports and the northern border, the other 1000 through the West coast ports. Thousands Aided Recently. Since last February, the State De partment has aided. It waa said today, between 40U0 and 6000 refugees, fur nishing money or transportation in some instances and in others securing special rate or accommodations which the individuals themselves couKI not g-et. Department officials estimate that there were about 60,000 Americans in Mexico two or three years ago, and Ambassador Wilson places the number as high as 75.OO0. In aiding American refugees the American teo cross has spent 823,000 and last year the trips which the Army transport Buford made down the West coast to Masatlan. Manzanillo, Topolobampo and other ports cost the v ar Department about 836,000. British Vlce-Conanl PTalaed. High praise of R. A. Cunard Cum mins, British vice-consul at Gomez Palaclo, which was In the center of the recent fighting around Torreon. was given In a report today from American Consular Agent Carothers. at Torreon, who said Mr. Cummins on several oc casions risked his life in his efforts to assist British and American subjects and that he harbored large numbers of refugees in his own home, among them about 30 Chinese, who feared a repetition of the massacre of a few years ago. The price of foodstuffs in certain sec tions has. become almost prohibitive, -It was reported, meat having gone from 80 cents to 32 a kilo, and eggs from S cents to 20 cents each. HOPE OF PEACE RENEWED fContlnued From First Page.) ministration. So far as the Washing ton Government is concerned it has been made plain that It hopes merely that a peaceful settlement of the dif ficulties may be reached, regardless of how the Mexican authorities are in fluenced to compose the situation. Confidence of this was given today through frequent cautions by the Ad ministration officials of the press to iff'' sg-ga; svapgryy i- ' ': I..J avoid injuring the sensibilities of the Mexican people by reference to "con cessions," "triumphs" or "defeats." In this connection pointed reference was made to the remark of Senor Gamboa in his latest note. "We are really In the way of arriv ing at an arrangement; equally digni fied for both sides." The situation as a whole was stripped of much of the tension. Sec retary Bryan felt able to leave Wash ington today for a lecture at New Hope. Pa., though be will return early tomorrow. President Wilson will go to Cornish today for the week-end and If the situation grows worse will re turn late tomorrow. The machinery of Washington con tinued to operate In enforcement of the policy outlined by the President in his address to Congress yesterday. Cus toms agents and military authorities along the Southern frontier were or dered to hold up all shipments of arms or ammunition destined for any point in Mexico. Major-General Wood, chief of staff. IT. S. A., who returned to Washington today, did not go to the War Depart ment but remained at the bedside of bis sick wife. He kept in touch, how ever, with the situation on the' border, where it is expected more troops will be used to enforce neutrality. Secre tary Daniels, of the Navy Department, announced that no more additional battleships would be ordered to Mex ican waters. GERMANY REFUSES SUPPORT Berlin Will Brins No Pressure to Bear on Huerta. BERLIN, Aug. 28. Efforts have been made to Induce Germany to give her active support to Pr-sldent Wilson's Mexican policy and to bring pressure to bear on Provisional President Huerta to retire and permit the holding of new elections. The German Government, however, though desiring to afford the United States every facility for reaching a settlement, has declined. In view of its earlier recognition of Huerta and the attitude of the German colony in Mexi co, which has sent a cable message to the Foreign Office hero applauding its recognition of Huerta. Dlas Ranch to Be Divided. MATAMORAS, Mexico, Aug. 28. Di vision of lands confiscated by the con stitutionally will begin August 80 with Loa Borregos, a ranch formerly owned by General Felix Diaz, nephew of ex-President Diaz. The land will be partitioned, rebel leaders declare, to insure cultivation and allow the poorer Classen to become owners. SENATE RECEIVES MESSAGE Example of New York Assembly Fol lowed In Recognizing Glynn. ALB ANT, N. T., Aug. 28 The State Senate received today Acting-Governor Glynn's message commending financial legislation, thus formally recognizing him as Acting-Governor. Similar rec ognition was given last night by the Assembly. Without acting on any of the rec ommendations of Acting - Governor Glynn, the Legislature adjourned to re convene on September 17 at 8:80 P. M. BANKRUPT ENTIRE Peters Furniture Factory 200 Chairs, Rockers and Settees, suitable for Hotels, Clubs or Offices. Great opportunity for those starting housekeeping to furnish an elegant home at a surprisingly low cost. 63 FIFTH STREET, CORNER PINE Pall Mall Gazette Has Little. Faith In Wilson Policy Standard Dis trusts Ability of Amateurs in World Politics. LONDON, Aug. 28. In commenting on the Mexican situation today the Pall Mall Gazette aays: "We fully understand that President Wilson's message is born of the travail of his soul. He is a good and devout man. earnestly desirous of furthering the ideals of peace and Justice, but on whom rests the responsibility for pro tecting not only the interests of the United States in Mexico, but the lives of some thousands of American citi zens who have settled there. "The application of moral force con sists In urging all the citizens of the United States in Mexico to abandon their occupations and to clear out of the country and in proposing measures which must rest on physical force for preventing the entry of arms and muni tions into the country either for pro visional President Huerta or the rebels. We shall watch the result, of the steady pressure of moral force with much In terest, but without much belief in Its success. Moral Force Xeeda Backing. "We have preached many times dur ing the last troubled months that physical force not backed by moral force is both brutal and futile, but we are compelled also to aocept the con verse Idea that moral force not backed by physical force Is no less futile and In consequence is likely to become even more brutal. "THe golden dreamers of The Hague and of the American Capitol shrink from recognizing a fact so fatal to their theories. We shall see what Mexico has to teach them." The Evening Standard says: "The United States, as we have al ready learned lately, distrusts amateur, ishness in sports. It knows that If you want to win in any contest you must rely on the expert and take care that this expert knows all the details of his business. It Is. therefore, rather surprising that the United States does not apply the same admirable principle to the conduct of its public affairs." Politicians Called Amntenra. Deploring that in America diplomacy Is now "left to a group of politicians who in foreign affairs are the most amateurish of amateurs, with a Sec retary of State at the end of them who la too much occupied in deliver ing popular lectures to devote all his time to his official duties," the btana ard continues by a reference to the singular inconclusiveness of President Wilson's policy and says that Provi sional President Huerta is the only power capable of restoring order. President Wilson's only specific, the newspaper continues, is strange enough. It urges all American citizens in Mex ico to leave their railways, their mines, their factories and their plantations to be confiscated or occupied by the in habitants. "Such is diplomacy when it falls un der the control of distinguished ama teurs. It has only led the United States Into an impasse from which there is no escape, except by those forcible measures to which the pacific. 1st President and his eloquent Secre tary of State are fervently opposed. Temps Approves Wilson's Course. PARIS. Aug. 28. The Temps, which in all questions of foreign policy has great authority because of Us close re lations with the French Government, savs the message of President Wilson on the Mexican situation "is full of calm dignity, moderation and reserve, as becomes, according to the expression of the President himself, the bead of a Nation which Is truly great and con scious of its own power, but too proud to use it. CARRIERS ARE ARRIVING HUNDREDS REACH SAX FRAN CISCO FOR COXVEXTIOX. Relief of Aged Postmen and Com pensation for Injuries, Among Subjects for Discussion. SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 28. Hun dreds of delegates are arriving for the conventions of the National Associa tion of Letter Carriers and the Na tional Women's Auxiliary to the Letter Carriers. The two conventions open Saturday and will continue until Sep tember 5. It is expected that 1100 will be In attendance at the men's conven tion and 200 at that of the women. Among important questions to be discussed Is the measure providing for the relief of aged postmen now before a Congressional committee. The Kiley liability bill which provides for Com pulsory compensation for injured Gov ernment employes and Is now before Congress will also be discussed. It la said. The delegates will arrive tomorrow morning on special trains from various points and will bring with them four letter carriers' bands. There will be a reception Saturday night at Native Sons' Hall, at which the Mayor. Gov ernor and Representative Knonland, also Representative Reilly, of Connect icut, will be present. William E. Kelly, of Brooklyn. N. Y.. president of the association, and J. Cantwell. of Washington, the secretary. are now In San rancisco completing arrangements. Plans formulated for the entertain ment of guests Include an excursion on Sunday, August 41. to Princeton-by-the Sea, where an outdoor vaudeville and wild West show, followed by a clam bake, will be the attraction. An evening of fun. including athletic and aquatic attractions, will be held on Monday, September 1, at Sutro baths. Automobile sight-seeing trips through the city to Ingleside Beach, the Pre sidio and Fair site, are also planned. The fact that there Is to be no Labor STOCK This is the event that knowing ones will look for, larger assortments and lower prices than are offered elsewhere will make this the one store for Friday and Saturday's shopping-. Come see the goods, resist the temptation for buying if you can. 75 Women's Tailored Suits $25.00 to $40.00 Values at - - - - Just 75 Summer Suits left. Suits of Wool Tweeds, ff Merges and Mixtures. Sites IS to 36. Kind your V sue. lake your choice for only 123 Women's Linen Dresses Our Regular $5 to $15 Values Dresses of Linen Crash, Pure Linen. Dimity and French Ginghams. Misses' sizes 14 to 20." Women's sizes !i to 42. Take your choice for a final clearing price at. 200 Wash Waists and Petticoats Our Regular 75c to $1.25 Values Wash Waists of White Lawn. Black Lawn. Colored Chambrays and Ginghams, all sizes. Wash Petticoats of best nurse stripe. Ren frew Ginghams 250 Wash and Silk Waists Values S2.50 to $5.00 .... Elegant White Lawn and Batiste Waists, daintily trimmed with lace and fine tucks. Some very plain. Silk Messaltne Waists In new assortment of colors. Values to $5, only.- 50 New Fall Sample $35 and $40 Suits An elegant showing of New Navy Serges, Fancy Diagonals and Bro cades, Wool. Poplins and Bengalines.. The Store That Pleas es You WORRELLS Cor. 6th and Alder day parade is being eagerly seized on by the committee in charge of the let ter carriers parade. An impressive and enthusiastic turnout of the visitors Is assured. Besides the delegates, car riers from all over the state will par ticipate. Defaulting Showman Caught. MARSHFIELD. Or.. Aug, !8. (Spe clal.) Charles Grlder, manager of 8 AT THE HOUSE OF COATS FROM MAKER TO WEARER AT FIRST COST RAINCOATS FOR MEN, WOMEN, BOYS AND GIRLS The Only Specialty Raincoat Store in Portland The following Raincoat Specials are just an idea. many to be found here for FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MEN'S AND LADIES' DOUBLE TEXTURE SLIP-ONS, absolutely rainproof at 37.5Q and $1Q MEN'S AND LADIES' NEW ENGLISH GABARDINES in all the newest shades at $12.50 and $15 SPECIAL FOR THE LADIES JUST RECEIVED A complete line of Imported 'Italian Sicilians, Ratans and English Imported Mohairs, in. all the latest models specially priced at 312.5Q, 315 and $18 Alterations Free to Fit Every Buyer. Store Open Saturday Night Until 10 o'CIorik. . 343 -Washington Street-343 One Door West of Broadway, formerly Seventh Street. mmm & n -.11 t- m 5 mm a HAJNCQiff Ell e H W & c 98 -Opp. Oregonian Bldg. Roundup show which gave an exhibi tion here last week in connection with a race meet, left suddenly, after col lecting the money earned by the exhi bition, without paying his cowboys. The latter discovered his departure and suc ceeded in catching him at Roseburg. and he agreed to return to Coos Bay and adjust matters. Grider started out to duplicate the Pendleton Roundup on a small scale. His show here was not a great success. CDMEMIY 39c $24 of the a