17 flTE MORNING- OKEGONIAN. FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 1913. FOB BE XT. Apurtments. OUR FREE AUTOMOBILE AT TOUR SERVICE WHSX HUNTING APARTMENTS. Furnished and unfurnished apirtmtnti from 2 to 5 rooms, from $15 to $57.50 per month. If vou want oue, telephone Main 2015 SundaM, or A 2wl5 Evenlnrs call Mr. Balden, Marshall 22o. Our automobiles will call at anjr address with our agent, who will be glad to show these apartments. References required. We own or control the following;; Cecilia. 22d and Glisan sts. Claypool, nth and CUy at. Columbia, 11th and Coluzcoia. Fordham, 170 Ford. Hanthorn, 215 12th it., near Main. Hanover. 165 King st.. near Washington, Knickerbocker. 410 Harrison, near 11th. Orderieigh, 2 Grand ave. St. Claire. 170 St. Claire st., near Wash. St. Francis, 21st and Hoyi ata, Wellington. 16th and Everett sts. MORGAN. FLJEDNER BOYCE, 503-506 Abington bids- HIGHLAND COURT APARTMENTS. 22d and Glisan Streets. Walking Distance. Very exclusive, elegantly furnished 4 and 5 -room apartments: ail light, bright, outside rooms. References Required. Marshall 3162. THE BRETNOR, 20th and Lovejoy Sts. Exceptionally well arranged 3 and 4 rooms, unfurnished. New Modern High class. Very desirably located. References required. f 06 DAVIS STREET. A P A R T M E NTS. On Davis Et. at Head of King" St. 7-story, reinforced concrete, absolutely fireproof building1. 4 to 9-room unfurnished apartments. All modern conveniences, including; fire places, maids' rooms with bath, tiled bath rooms, elevator service day and night, eta. Phones A 4u66. Marshall 5537. CARMEL1TA, Jefferson and 13th sts. 4 and 6-room unfurnished apartments; exceptionally well arranged; walking; dU tance. Rates Reasonable. Modern. References. New. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS The House of Tone, largest and finest apart ments on the Paciiic Coast ; in heart of apartment-ho use district; new and mod ern In every particular; apartments fur nished and unfurnished ; exclusive bache lor ou?rtera with clubrooms in south wing; sleeping porches In every apart ment; high-class service, refined clientele; no distppeparing furniture; terms reason able; inspection invited; references re quired. Prion Marshal) 1101. THE WH FIELD OX ANNEX. Corner Tenth and Salmon Streets. Walking Distance. Furnished complete, 2. 3 and 4 -room apartments; building new and strictly THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving ata.-' This new four-story brick now open; fur nished and unfurnished in 4l, 8 and 4 room suites: reception hall; electric auto matic elevator. Holmes disappearing beds. built-in buffet and writing desk, gas run ;e. ice box, plenty of cloet rooms; both phones, vacuum cleaner Iree to patrona if you want something nice, come to the Barker, phoue A 1744, Marshall 2961. CUMBERLAND, W.Park and Columbia sts., vary choice 2 and S-roora completely fur nished apts. ; all moaern conveniences, beautiful location facing the parks; 5 min utes' walk from busings center. We al ways maintain our reputation for first class, clean apts.. with best of service, at reasonable prices; references required. VILLA FT. CLARA, 1.2th and Tayior. Most modern apartments on the Pacific Coast. Furnished complete. Roof garden In connection. Walking distance. References. THE CROMWELL Fifth and Columbia, 2 and I -room apartments furnished; strictly modern and r.ew; references; close walking distance; service flrst-clasa. GLEN COURT. (Formerly the Wheeldon). Corner Park and Taylor. Modern apartments in 2, 3 and 4 -room suites: furnished complete; first-class service. In down-town district but quiet. THE IRVING, Stf IRVING T. ft, 4 and 5-room unfurnished apartments, all outside rooms, heat, hot and cold wa ter, gas range, private bath, laundry room, f'hone each apartment, ample closet room, ots of porch room, good yervice, reason able rates; W car. References required. Manager. Mar. 2748, Janitor Main 23W. LUCRETIA COURT. On Lucre tia sl. near Washington and 23d sts.. strictly modern and finest un furnished apartments, 2 to 5 rooms, with maids', rooms; ail outside large rooms, rents reasonable. Manager, Marshall 1513, Janitor Marshall 150o; ref. required. THE LPciHUR. 2tith and Upshur sts Fur nished 2 -room apts., $16, $18 up; steam heat, hot and cold water In every apart ment; publio bath, eiactrlc lights, gai ranges, laundry-room, all free. Take "a," 2Md or -W" cars north. Phone Main 859. THE EVERETT. 644 Everett. Bet. 2oth and Ella Sts. Furnished three-room apartments, lo cated in one of the choicest resident dis tricts; automatic elevator and all modern conveniences, walking distance. THE CHETOPA. lsth and Fiandera. 2, 3 and 4-room apartments, modern, furnisbed or unfurnished; hot water, steam heat, alec trio elevator aud pnuue In each apart ment. SUMMER RATES, $22.50. One only; 3-room completely furnished. Including bed and table linen; all large, outside, airy rooms. See this sure. Tabor 22V3. B 3041. S-ROOM furnished apartment, outside rooms, yard, clean, neat and airy, light, phone, water and heat furnished $20. 260 . 23d st., 1 block Nortn Hawthorne. East 16 74. ROSENt'ELD APTS. 14TH AND EAST STARK. New, modern tjust finished) 3 and 4 roora apts., furnished and unfurnished. References. WELST APARTMENTS. 69 N. 23d St. For rent, one t-room apartment, all modern conveniences. Call between 10 and 4 o'clock, apartment 4. BEST furnished 4-room apartment in city for rent Sept. 1 lu Lucre ti a Court Apartment-house. Lucreta St., near 23d and Washington. Phone Manager, Marshall 1513. H ADDON HALL. Furnished and unfurnished apartments. 414 11th st. Marshall 117L Beautiful apartments, furnished and cn furnisbed. Including jfireplace. etc E. 356. KING Davis apt. S3; furniture of 3-room apt, for sale. THE DAYTON Comfortably furnished mod ern 4-room apt., only $-5. 6tJ2 Finnuera Flats. -ROOM, modern conveniences, very de sirable flat; garage if wanted. East 11 6-ROOM upper flat.- fireplace, attic. 6lA)i NortlirupsuMainS225. &-ROOM lower flaL fl n ear 21st. M a in 3225. fireplace. 69 Glisan. FOUR and five rooms, close In, free phone. sleeping porcn. i ia. MODERN upper Hat, 424 6th mu lnquii 6-ROOM flat, modern, centrally located. Main y-0 or juarsnaii m. MODERN 5-room flat ; nicely furnished; UPPER flat for r-nt. 86 H West Park. In- c a XT' t& r-k- frLAT of 6 rooms and bath. 721 Hoyt st. Inouire 130 6th st. Phone Main 6278. 4-ROOM modern flat, near 23d and Wash ington. Main 3S:'3. A 676. 6-ROOM. modern conveniences, very de , slrab;e flat; garage if wanted. East 1137. 6-ROOM f'.at, newly tinted. 9th and Schuy- ler. Phone East 547. C 1663. frAM heated modern 5 rooms West Side, close In. Read. Marsh. 5."6. SWELL 6-room flat, all modern conveni ences, all outside rooma East 1V5. MODERN 5-room upper flat, all conveni ences; adults. 610 East Madison st. MODERN 6-room flat, $29. Inquire 529 VLATS, cle la. Inquire 1S9 16th at. FOB RENT. Flats. fr-ROOM flat, 780 Glisan st-, near -" car; new. modern, convenient; hardwooa floors, fireplace and furnace; select n10 borhood. Morgan.. FUedner fc Boyce. va Abln gton Plug. WEST SIDE, best view, 5-room. porcnea, lawn, flowers, shrubs; walking distance, near Portland Academy, 4u5 loth st.; a-so 4 rooms, bath, 5tf Broadway. Phone Sell wood 1370. COZY, clean, newly tinted, modern, 4-room; linoleum, porches, basement, yard : nice neighborhood; adulu 7SO Williams ave. 5-ROOM flat hot water heat. Janitor serv ice, porch, lawn, ail outsfde rooms, rent $35 per month. E. $U. or phone S $!. . IRVINGTON FLAT. 5 rooms and sleeping porch: oak floors, tlie bath, fireplace; adults. 324 Fast 14th North. -B or "I" car. East .".'96. Sid MODERN" 4-room lower flat, walking distance,, G2$ E. Main st. Inquire Horn Orocerv store, lttn ana r.ai TWO ti-iarge-room upper f , ate. all outside rooms. 1 corner, rent reasonable to good tenants. East 234. t"5 East Madison st. MODERN 8 and 5-room flat, first-class con dition, 2 blocks from Broadway bridge. C o( 1 1 M c Millan. 6-room upper flat, with attic, sleeping. porch yard; exclusive, nice. 22tJ lth su, btwen Lovejoy and Marshall. -ROOM apts., steam heat, hot and cold water, gas range, very desirable neigh borhood. 587 E- Main. 5iOOM modern flat, in Nob Hill district. 702 Flanders st.; rent 122. Key at lower fiat, forenoons. $22.S NEW. modern 5-room lower flat, furnace, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, etc.; corner East lifth and Davis. $25 Modern 5 rooms. East 9th and Hancock. Irvtngton; hardwood fioors, tiled bath, gas range, heater. Key 472 Hancock. E. 5570. TWO 6-room modern flats, upper and lower; choicest location. inquire at 4.4 v aan lngton st., or 175 16th St. (16 MODERN 4 or 5-room flat; electricity, gag, tubs, fireplace, linoleum. 914 E. Morrison. S-unnyaide. Tabor 1703. IDEAL location. ruc!y furnished, modern four-room flat, with sleeping-porch. 810 Borthwtck. Phone Wood lawn 14A. UPPER and lower -room flats, rent $30, 863-370 13th st. 330 13th st. MODERN 6-room flat cheap; $15; walking distance. J. D. Morris. M. C076. MODERN 5-room furnished flat. West Side, rent J 35. East 4674. Furnished Flats. FOR RENT 5-room completely furnished modern flat, rent $1S per month; key at 1471 Madrona st.. Wood lawn. Phone East FURNISHED six-room flat: rent cheap; one block from car line; 20 minutes from Washington st. Main 8115. $20 Small, neatly furnished flat for 2; pri vate Datn. sleeping porcn ; waiKina- uw tance; desirable. East 5.H3. Cfii Brlmopt. BEAUTIFUL furnished outside flats. $16 and $20 month. 5W Albina ave., cor. isian dena. "L" car. NICELY furnished 3-room flat, phone, water and private vath. 2:iOH N. JStru 4-ROOM modern flat. 3S3 Ross st., 2 blks. from Broadwaj bridge. C 3iv. Housekeeping Rooms. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sts. Furnished for housekeeping : ku range, eleotrlo lights, hot water, bath, laundry fro: $12 Dr month un: a clean place best In the city for the money ; short distance from Union Depot. Take 8 or 16th-st. cara north, get off at Marshall. No dogs. $15 TWO large front housekeeping rooms, nicely furnished, private entrance and pri vate porch; also one large room with kitchenette. Including electricity and gas, $12; very nice neighborhood, walking dis tance to P. O. 166 E. lth st. $15 TWO large front housekeeping rooms, nicely furnished, private entrance and pri vate porch; also one large room with kitchenette, including electricity and gas, $12; very nice nelchborhood, walking; dis tance to P. O. 166 E. 15th St. $14 UP month, newly furnished housekeep ing suites, clean as wax, hot water and baths free all hours, gas ranges, bay win dows. 7 blocks P.O.; deslrabie people only. Hotel Cadillac. Sd st., near Jrffersom $1.50 TO $2.75 week; clean, furnished house keeping rooms, suitable for 2 or 4; free heat; laundry, bath, yard, gaa. Phone E. 6ft:;9. 406 Vancouver, 203 Stanton. U car. THE UPSHUR, 4064 26th St. Furnished 2 room apta,, steam heat, light; $17 up. Mhtn 859. Take i?. 2.'td or W car north. FURNISHED h. k. rooms cheap. Cambridge bldg., 8d, cor. Morrison. Phone Main 945. THE GILMAN, 1st St.. cor. Alder Furnished housekeeping rooms, $1.50 week up. NEW furnished housekeeping rooms; light,, bath. $15. 1162H Union. heat. FURNISHED h. k. and sleeping rooms, $1.25 to $1.50 week. 291 2d st. 461 EST MORRISON", cor. East Sth. neatly furnished housekeeping suites, reasonable. Housekeeping; Booms In Private Family. S BEAUTIFULLY frnlshed h. k. rooms in 1 3-room private home : clean : .furnace heat, everythins; flrst-clasa; $20 a mo. ; no better apts. in city for price. 497 Clay. Phone Mala 934. 2-ROOM suites and single housekeeping rooms, $u per week up; newly furnished, modern dwelling, beat West FIdo apart ment district; cean. light rooms; every thing; included. 655 Flanders, near 2'Hft. TWO or 3 large, nicely furnished housekeep ing; rooms, private bath and porch, two en trances, beautiful view. Call mornings or phone Sellwood 165. 572 E. 6th at. LARGE H. K. rooms, large lawn and fruit trees, bath, gas, lights, free phone; $10 and $12 suite. 254 Union ave. North. 2 blocks Hoiiaday. t.. tjss. NICE front suite housekeeping-rooms; price $1.50 per week; no objection to children. lt4 11th, near Washington. :47 HALL Very desirable furnished rooms for housekeeping; moderate prices. Mar shall 4tfS0. NICELY furnished two connecting house keeping rooms 116; also nice room $9; all conveniences. J 70 12th. CLEAN front furnisbed housekeeping rooms; gas and bath; $3 week. 44 East 7th st. , DON'T search; expect tonally pleasant well fu mi shed H. K. rooma; fine bath, always hot water heat. 4u7 Jefferson. jit Three unfurnished housekeeping-rooms; $15. three f umrshed housekeeping-rooms. 127 East 16th, near Morrison. East 5;J56. $11 THREE clean unfurnished housekeep ing rooms, gas. sink, batit. yard, separate entrance, close In. 10 1st st. 2 CONNECTING rooms; gas, running water, phono, electric lights; also single room. 29 East .15th st. North. SUITE of 2 or 3 rooms, charming; location. 055 Washington. Mam 4-Vis $10 AND $12. furnished h. k. rooms; bath, . gs, electricity, phone. 651 East Morrison. NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms; bath, gas and nhone, S5Q Montgomery. FURNISH ED housekeeping rooms, range, phone, bath. 70 N. 15th st. NEATLY furnished H, K- rooms, $2.50 and up. 427 Salmon st. FURNISH ED housekeeping rooms, ground floor. 127 N. 22d st. 105 20TH. cor. Flanders, neatly furnished housekeeping rooms. HOUSEKEEPING suite, modern, $3 to $5 a week: cose In. 507 Clay. Main 171. $2.50 ONE nice, clean, cornel room, first floor, bath and phone. SS3 5th st. EMPLOYED lady or couple share cottage with another; snap. E 821, Oregonian. 2 OR 8 desirable rooms, completely fur nished for housekeeping. 541 6th. MODERN 7-room house. West Side: full basement, furnace with water coiL Phone Main 4607; A 4S39. FOR RENT 6-room house in gaod con dition. 206 Whltaker st. Key at 821 Front st. ven' mndern 7-room house. 325 East 17th X., ' between Weidler and H alley, phone Main amjo ' . MODERN 7-ROOM house. Lovejoy. bet. 23d and 24th. full lot. fine roses. Vanduyn 4k Walton, 515 Chamber Commerce. DOUBLE house, Montgomery atreet, near Fourth, 22 rooms, $65. H. A. Holmes, 60S Beck bldg. Mam 6552. MODERN 8-room house, with garage, 24th and Overton sts. Inquire of Dr. A. Tilzer. rnone ai'n v MODERN 6-room house. 19th and Marshall. Inquire of Dr. A. Tilaer. Phone Main 2474 or 774. FOR tiS. RENT 6-room cottage. Phone B &37L E. Ankeny, FOR RENT 5-room modern house, nice place. Woodlawn 3011. FOR RENT Modern fIv-room bungalow. close in. rnunt kj zvvl. TWO 6-room house, $16 and $1S per month. Phone woodlawn 1799. SIX-ROOM modem house In Sunnvside, 1066 E. YamhlU. Phone Tabor 2407. k. C.Oul 6-room house, near Sod St., $15. 975 East Staxk. S ROOMS, fireplace, good condition, low rent. 6i5 E. Washington at. Main S225. CLEAN 5-room cottage with bath, 611 2d,! bt. Sherman and laratnera. a-KoOM house and barn. U27 Front at. Frione Main m-i. MODERN 7-rooai 646 Marshall st, FOR RENT. Ho FOR RENT. MODERN 14-ROOM HOUBB FOR HOME ONLY. 9 baths, 3 fireplaces, sleeping porch, hardwood fioors. vapor heat, beautiful grounds. Al location; every modern con venience; lease for 8 to 5 years at reason able rent, to responsible parties; might consider renting furnished. Phone Main 2159 or A 7U. 12-ROOM home for residence only, large grounds, excellent location; West Side.- 6-room 24th. modern house; Marshall near GECT D. SCHALK. 22? Stark st. Main A 2V'2. AiuDEHN 7-room house, with every con vnionre: spindld fireplace and Al fur nace; cood residence district; 15 blocks from P istoffioe. H block to carline: good home for business man; adults preferred, rent $40. Phone Main S739. MODERN house, 5 rooms and bath, fire place, furnace, gas range, electricity, $25. E. 38th. near Aider, Sunnyside. near south entrance to Laureihurst. Apply Hammond Mortgage Company, 423 Chamber of Com merce. MT. TABOR. Se'ect homes for select peopl: two very attractive new modern homes, complete in every uetail; select neighborhood; fine view. Kaste Bros., 61ft Henry Lldg. NO rent to pay; wanted, couple of refine ment having furniture, to take my 6-room house, board husband, wife. In lieu of rent; wife going away shortly, so only one to board. AK 327, Oregonian. MODERN 6-room house In Whitwood Court; ideal location, most magnificent view, one block from car; must be seen to be ap preciated. Phone Main 5306 or A 1170. Mr. Billlngsley. HOUSES AND FLATS FOR RENT. HACKER A THERKELSEN, 3u6 Spalding Bldg. Main 7592. 2-8TORT, six rooms, a-as, electricity, wash tray, bah. cement basement, yard, newly tinted, paved street, block to car, $22; adults. 780 Williams ave. DESTtl ABLE houses and flats for rent, all parts city. NATIONAL REALTY 4V INV. CO. Main 6129. I H AVE 6-room modern house, furnished complete, for housekeeping; must sell by the 1st; snap; price $100. B 2779; rent $1 7-ROOM modern cottage, furnace, gas, elec tric, cement basement, at East 3d st, be tween Holladay and Hassalo. Inquir at house or 426 Rodney ave. $27.50 6 LARGE ROOMS, good bath, baa ment, furnace. 6i5 Everett, TJ minutes' walk from 6th and Wash. Phone East S or callt 129 lth. SIGHTLY, clean house. 4 rooms, bath, large attic, electric lights, gas, large basement. $4 East 61st st., 1 block south Montavllla car, $13. NEW five-room bungalow, 148 Curry; mod ern throughout ; fireplace, newly tinted, renovated; West Sido; walking distance. Key 249 Bancroft. 7 ROOMS, 688 First, near Sherman, 7 rooms, 871 Kelly st., Bfr Gaiftes; modern, in fine condition. Phone. Sellwood 1640. 6-ROOM house, corner. S94 Cllffton at.; $30. 2ud StocK Etch, bldg., 3d and Yamhill sts. Mail 6921. IRVINGTON Modern T -room house, large sleeping porch. lawn. corner lot. 775 Schuy 1 er St.. cor. E. 24th. S-ROOM, modern, furnace, fireplace. East 2Mb, near Hawthorne; will lease. In quire 861 Hawthorne. Main 6743, B 1184. ;EV house, carpets and garage for rent or sale, with ail or part furniture. 647 East Salmon. S-ROOM house, with hardwood floors, tile bath, plate ri, 15th and Wasco sts. Phone East 4504 or call 625 Thompson st. $ 15 MODERN seven-room cottage. Myrtle park; big yard, electricity, gas range. FRANK M'FARLAND, 3u'J Yeon Bldg. MoDFRN 7-room house, with large sleeping porch, close in, Irvington district. Phone C 2.;71. NEATLY furnished modern house, cheerful rooms, pluno; adults. 47th. near Hawthorne ave. 7 large, 2S9 E. FOR RENT 6-room house, modern, rent reasonable to responsible party. 214 79th st" N. E., Montavllla car. NEW 8-room- bungalow, $9, 35tb and Clin ton; 6-room bungalow, $22. 802 East Franklin. NEW modern 6-room house, fireplace, fur nace, cioso in, very desirable. 7-itJ East Main. S-HUOil house, beautiful lawn, 623 Love Joy between 19th and 20th. Bjelland, gro cer. 16th and Marshall. Main 1867. $20 Modern 6-room house. Just completed. 1 H blocks to car, close to school and church, walking distance. Call Tabor S0H1. 775 GLISAN 12-room house; good t!on; $80. Inquire 171 X. 6th. Furnished Hous- 553 TAYLOR, near 17th at,; 6-room. elegant ly and newly furnished flat, 3 large bay windows, gas range, hot water heater f'r bath ; Circassian walnut and fumed oak furniture, upholstered In real Spanish leather;, rent $40. Key at flat B. 549 Taylor. FOR RENT On Portland Heights, but close In. furnished 10 -room house with garage, 2 bathrooms, unobstructed view of western hills and city; 1 block from car line; Inquire Adolph A, Dekum. Phone A 1549. Main $110. FREE HOUSE RENT. 6-room furnished bouse at 9lst and Hassalo; a good chance for right party. Call me up evenings after T o'clock for parrloulars. Tabor 8779. WEST SIDE, walking distance, modern 6 room newly furnished flat, sleeping porches, close to high school, all outside rooms, $35. 464 Hall near 13th. MODERN furnished cottage, 5 rooms, gas. electricity; also 8-room apartments, near 6. P. shops. 514 East 2UU "WK" car. 6-ROOM, well furnished flat, modern, best location. 593 w est aiain su I'none aiarsnau 1351. $35 Furnished complete, new. clan. mod ern 7-room bouse, zurnace. uoa uawtnoru ave. COMPLETELY furnished house: piano. duoI table and yard, suitable lor young men or adults, fnone .Marsnaii ws. COMPLETELY furnished 5-room bungalow, moaern. gas, electricity, goo a location, on efrllne. East Side. Phono. Main 2J5u. MODERN 7-room cottage completely fur-n'-shed. a.l conveniences. 6S4 East Alder. Phone- Main 300. A 1011. FURNISHED modern 4-room cottage f!2 ; induces phone, water; no children. 105 E. S2d. near Alder. Tabor 4190, $18 FOUR rooms, bath, nice yard, Haw thorne car. See today, bet. 12 and 3, 261 East 2Sth. cor. Madison. NICELY furnished cottage; large lawn, rosea Inquire 360 Cook ave. E. 2303. MODERN 6-room furnished house; reason able. East S311. 958 E. Davis. PARTLY furnished bouse; large yard. Phone Sellwood 22. NICELY furnished 5-room cottage. Call 414 College. $20 Neatly furnished 5-room cottage. 124 East 2tth st. Sptember 1. 7-ROOM furnished house, paved street, nice lawn, $25. Phone Sellwood 12iM. FURNISHED house at Mount Tabor. Phone Tabor 777. MODERN" close In. furnished house; fine location, B 23S1. 776 E. Taylor. 5-ROOM hou&e. furnace, fireplace, gas. Flanders, near J Sth; nlso 4-room fiat. MODERN 6-room. finely furnished bunga low for rent, $32.50. La Barre. Main 8452. Haainct Resorts. CAMPING sites at Manhattan Beach, with piped spring water, 50 cents a week. See F. J. Gattrcll. 21$ Stark st.. for particulars. GARIBALDI BEACH For rent, at Rocka way, Sept. 1, 3-room cottage. Apply Ml Hancock st. phone East 6215. 5-KOOM cottage. Seaside; electricity, bath"; well furnished; vacant Sept. L Main 21' A GEARHART Completely furnished house, 8 r-oms. fireplace, electricity, plumbing; September; $50. Phone A 4it53. 6 ROOMS, facing ocean: modern; October 1. Marshall 6474. GEARHART furnished cottage for Septem ber. Phone Woodlawn 6S9. Stores. STORE, good location. 608 1st at., suitable for grocery and market, or other pur poses; has cold storage room and 2 rear rooms; rent reasonable. 324 W ore ester bldg. STORE for rent in Broadway building, now occupied by Multnomah Drug Co. Apply at K. M. Gray's store, Morrison and Broad way. STORE, brick building, Belmont, near Grand Vfc HART5IAX at THOMPSON. C ha ruber of Commerce Bldg. FOR RENT A delicatessen shop where a good paying business can be done; 8 living-rooms In rear of store; rent with 2-year lease $20 per month. 19Q Gibbs st. FOR RENT Stores. Nob. 24$ and 250 Haw thorne ave., east end of bridge. Apply Hawthorne Dock Co. Phone East 20t3. 8-ROOM store; no second-hand busine 30 1 ifr 1st. Marshall 4440. BRICK stora. cor. 11th and Hawthorne, for rent Sept. 1. raircoiia, 2l Menocg. 1 HEADQUARTERS FOR STORES A BLDGS, I W. H. WEBB, 60 Yeon bids. Main 4811. FOB RENT. FELDENHEIMER'S STORE FOR RENT. Will leas for terra of years our two fine stores on Washington au, between 4th and 6th. Apply A. e C. FELDENHBIMER, 2S3-2S5 Washington fit. FOR KENT or lease, a modem, up-todate corner grocery store, located in ideal business and reside noe section; else of store 4xou, with full concrete basement, plate glass windows, modern vegetable window display, all shelving and, bal conies; this corner has an established trade of three years; long lease and mod erate rent to rig-tit party. Inquire 10 A. M. to 5 P. M.. 9. W. cor. Water and Gibbs. Take "S" car. WASH1NGTON-ST. store, near lth. splen didly fitted fur delicatessen, fancy gro ceries and liquors; surrounded by hotels and apartments; very reasonable rent ; SPACE In modern basement, ventilated and well lighted; N. W. corner 4th and Alder sts.; suitable for cafeteria, printing shop, etc Morgan, FUedner A Boyce. u$ Abingtn bldg. THE DALLES. OR. For rent Brick building. 32x100 feet, and full basement, best location In The Dalles for auy business; long lease. 616 Liberty. STORES in new brick building to lease; rent low. 638 Mississippi ave. Of fie MOST CENTRALLY LOCATED OFFICES; RENT VERY REASONABLE; ALL NIGHT ELEVATOR SERVICE. PHOTO GRAPH STUDIO. ANGLE LIGHTS; VERY LOW RENT. 8"3 SWETLAND BLDG., 3TH AND WASH. STS. FOR RENT To physicians, beautiful recep tion room, with separte office, may be had with dentist; modern building, splen did locstion. low rent. Marshall 262. DESK room $10 per month. Both phones; vault, lavatory. Oregonian bldg. LAW clerk wants deskroom with lawyer; business getter. O 811, Oregonian. ROLLTOP dMk to rent, with phone, ate, $7, Phone Marshall 4112. DESK room, with phone and girl to an swer calls. 10UG Chamber or commerce. DESK room, 603 Board of Trade. A 5070, Main 5534. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES, 73 a If ITRV. (Anfollnncrr. ic cream and lunch room; best town In valley; good location; brick building, extra good na tures, all necessary tooig and machinery: wholesale and retail business; auto de livery. AV 2S4. Oregonian. shhbth V n i the BtADDin stone to bust ness opportunity. Expert men teachers at Y. M. C. A commercial college; terms moderate, new term opens Sept. 2. Write or call for catalogue. Y. M. C A., Cor, 6th and Taylor sts. CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal for so-called Interest in established rra. estate business, get sdvloe of Portland Realty Board. F. L. PURSE Secretary. 81$ Chamber of Commerce. -T X R STflRE TTflR. SALE. If you are looking for a snap and have a vei-7 sman amount 01 money m you had better call at once, for this ii a buy you do not get every day. So N. 6th st. m RESTAURANT TO TRADE. $S0O0 FREE AND CLEAR RESTAU RANT TO TRADE FOR CITY OR LAND; WILL ASSUME; YOU MUST HURRY. CALL 714 LEWIS BLOCK. HAVE A WALL STREET ADDRESS. Your letters and telegrams forwarded, any other service desired ; reasonable charge: responsible firm. Address Bankers, room 402. 52 Wall su FOR SALE A No. 1 harness and shoe repair shop; more work than one man can do: reason for selling, old age and bronchial trouble; compelled to change climate. Whit e P. J. Davis. Sutherlln. or. ilOoSE picnic concessions for sale; Ksta cada, Sunday. Sept. 7. Expected attend ance 6oO; tickets 75c round trip, ror concessions apply Chas. W. Ackerson. Holts store. BIG delicatessen and bakery; brick oven; clearing $350 month over and above all expenses; price $35U0; will trade 1 $-j:oo in city property. Aufl Lumber Ex change GEN" MDSE. store, good business, good profits, stock $2j0, gtore bidg., 5-room house, bam. wareroom, sll all or part, take farm up to $4000; have been here 18 years; investigation invited. Tahor 1430. WANT partner In good dairy lunch propo sition in the very heart of business dis trict: chance to make big money; $Uou cash required. K S14. Oregonian. FOR SALE Corner grocery with 4 living rooms: good clean stock and fixtures; $100 below Invoice if taken this week for cash. Phone Tabor 081 or B 1676. BEST location in city for butcher, counter and Ice chest in; cash trade; no delivery; reasonable rent. D. Kellaher a Co., 133& Grand ave. East 41 WANTED Partner, Alton Tailor Shop; steady paying business; will sell choap; going East. Lobby of Alton Hotel. 11th and Stark. BARGAIN Grocery: fine location; strict, j cash business; clearing $250 monthly; ex ceptional opportunity. 19 Lumber Ex change bldg. WH have a woodyard, pool hall and garage for sale: alt paying good money; come In and bc us; these are worth Investigation. 819 Lumber Exchange bldg. fcPLNDID location for millinery and hair goods store, cor. Grand ave, and East ywtlion. D. Kellaher, 130 Grand ave. East 419. CIGARS, confectionery. .light grocery store, one of the best on East Side; will sell at great bargain today. Call 24(j Stark street. - MOVING-PICTURE show, doing a good business, live town, population 200; owner has other interest to look after. Write or phone G. W. McGulre, Woodburn, Ore. FOR sale or trade, good restaurant in pros perous town, also one black Percheron stallion by owner. Address AV 126, Ore gonian. - vr A H!rA of m v Interest In going manufacturing company: good chance for a mechanic; siuuu requireu. ad v. Oregonian. $2"5 AND services will secure half interest in a safd. pleasant business whure you tan make $25 week. Call 246 hx Stark SALOON. doluK good buelne,,, centrally lo cated for sale cheap If taken at one. Call Main StitfO. A MUST ell thll week, paying grocery and confectionery, with 11 ing-rooma; a good buy. 4S cash. 773 MUwaukle It. i-vTuTinv A I. OPPORTUNITY. Partner Will Invoice J4ooO; doing well; 11000. 311 Lumner cKcnaii.c. o.BTXF.R in auto repair hop. flourishing business, mechanic preferred. H 314. ore gonian. RESTAURANT for sale, doing gool '- ness, S1SO n laaeu fc " 7 1 Thurman st. CASH grocery doing 40 to dally; nice fresh stock; will Invoice and discount for cash: about Il2u. aoa x-uinuer c...hb. ursT sell fully equipped shoe shop at Clatskanle. Or.: moderate price, airs. J. R. t-now. Clatskanle. Or. ...m . r.L-U'S TJ.U.rv fur Sale. che,D: MUSI sell in few days. Mis. Schrader. 30J 3d st.. Oregon Civy. t- . r t- rv Parmer with JtSfK) to develop some patentable ideas; something that the public needs. 3 215, Oregonian. FOR BALE $450, grocery and confectionery doing cash business, living rooms in con nection; no agents. P 82S. Oregonian. GOOD-PAYING cigar, fruit. Ice cream and confectionery store, established 20 years; 3 jears' lease. See owner. 201 1st st. v xr-vu N.-nP- ctv lnta Ford automo bile or sawmill for merchandise stock. v.nvon. owner. 40tj McKay biag. Main wo. nni.-jTP.iEV. liaht lunches; locate rirht; west side; 2 people are clearing $r5 week: $55o. 303 Lumber Exchange. RELIABLE partner wanteS In a cash busi ness for office end ; $300 required, se- cured. 3U3 mmoer tvicnanie. diutvitr aantfii in office business; refer ence's required; must be abi to Invest some money. Particulars 24S Ptark st. cw.tt .mAiint of monT to Invest, with services, by middle-aged man; sober and rood worker, n oxv. WILL sell at a sacrifice, complete equip ment of a table Poolroom, write or phone. V. Uuarey, "o runnm ouiri. uitp interest in bis paying automobile business to right party; price $o"W. half cash if necessaiy. Call 24H Stark st. RESTAURANT, close to Portland. bst town In tbe valley; must leave the first; cheap rent; price $150. Qreshara, or. TO TRADE for merchandise, one of best Wash. J 338, Oregonian. ' Di-.sTirRA.NT. fine location, good town. steady business. Boi 283. Chehalis. Wash. PARTNER with $2(k'0 for half Interest In Tror uce nnsineM. uo urniiiRcr o:a. CAFETERIA lunch counter for sale, rood location, by owner. Phone Main 1231. PARTNER wanted for office business; A op port u ni ty. 311 Lumber Exchange. DANDY grocery store, living-rooms, cheap rent, MU CaU, PHI, iraue. nwuia"a RESTAURANT, fine location, steady busi ness. 213 4tn BL- Bt" SI "E5 OFPORTCN1TIES. BUSINESS opportunities come to the stu dents of trie x. M.. c. JL. cumrawvw w lege, which i run not to make money, but for the good of men; has a $5vu,w equipment. Ten different business courses are offered; new term opens Sepu 2; men teachers, terms moderate. Write or call for catalogue. Y. M. C. A Cor. 6th and Taylor sts, . PARTY of many years executive experience in or rice wora ana mnimtm ployes desires an investment of from $5000 to $lo.'000 with services. No trades or take a Proposition must be good and first-class references will be gjlven and required. Call Main 1242. 401 McKay bldg.. exeept Sunday. t tt a v: -f a I K E W I RE. Fortunes are not made by WT All the rich men have made good be cause they had some kind of a cinch. You can get In right on the right thing, bee Doctor Mentor Howard at the Su Charles Hot"I. 2U4 Morrison St.. Portland. MEAT MARKET. SALE OR LEA.-E. S-op, slaughter-house, new reswence; a K 4 paving market; in country town 20 milee from Portland; w,"l !! shop, team and fixtures and give lease, or sell proper ty easy terms; do your own slaughtering her Jacob Haas, 3o8 Gerlinger Bldg. AUTOMOBILE school, with hlgh-graie ex pert teachers, complete iu."."' enu.ur-. t train for Uiis coming vocation. Not run to make money, but for the good of men. Se or write supt. of All-the-Year-Round Y. M. C. A. Day and Night Schools, corner th and Taylor sts. BUSINESS man with executive experience in wholesale and retail wishes to obtain a whole or part interest In profitable busi ness; will pay with first mortgages and Lkw securities up to $-'!. 0Oa. Don t waste lime wun tctwmei. uui . gontaru OUTSIDE man wants good man In office; business is paying now and can be in creased: season Just commencing; win sell controlling interest fnr $l.Vo and you can draw $ioO a month saiary besides ' share o profits; vour money fuly secured. Call 404 Rothchild bldg. HERE ia a splendid opportunity for n up-to-date grocer to step into an established business of S years; store is strictly modem and will pay good liberal profit, can be secured for trm f years at rea sonable rental. Cor. Water and Gibbs ata bet. 10 A. M. and 6 P. M. GROCERY: will sell; invoice about $4000; sales ?500 per month; retiring; 25 years business; no agents. E 328. Oregonian. BARBER shop. $75. 641X E. ML Scott carline. 72d st. S. E BUSINESS OPPOBTUNrriES WANTED. WiVTF.n Ranonalbl tM.rtv to lease for 5 years a 50x100 hotel, plans being com pleted: this is centrally located; fireproof buliding, six stories. AJ316. Oregonian. uni'r.n iik to nurchase Interest In n- tablished Job printing plant in city; me chanic, wide acquaintance, jli. -, -'-gonian. HAVE $100 and services to put Into money, maklna Pendleton Roundup concession. AT 3iy, oregonian. BOO MING-HOUSES. A GOOD BUSLNESd. A famllv hotel of 30 rooms in fine loca tion. close In on West Side; this place is clearing $150 monthly; 111 health makes it ntce-ary to turn this; will exchange for acreaae or city property; will assume some. ALVORD a) CO, 218 Board of Trade. W ANTED Responsible party to leases apart ment nt 4t Hultes for a term of years. Plans being completed. Will alter to suit tn.ni'i iiTaa clos In on West Side. This is to be Uia finest apartment in Port land. C 32, oregonian. 4i uoams houaekeeoinc clears siuu per month, besides Deautnui noma: neginuj' furnished, modern dwelling, lawn ana porches, cheap, easy terms. Owner, Flanders. ROOMING-HOUSE, low rent; Union arc and Ueimont st, HARTMaN A THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce bldg. WE want to lease an apartment xor ave ars on &uxiuu or iwxiw. -au security. If you have lot and will build. see me at once. urfgoiuaii. mwt HfY IV PORTLAND. 1 4-room rooming-house, steam heat. brick bldg.. down (own, good furniture in eluding piayer piano, $5iu. Main 41 l3. HOUSE, 28 rooms, just remodeled, riosa in. rent $5U. farucuiars miiwouu ox. LOST AXD FOUND. THE foilowiDf is a llit of articles found on the cars of the roruana naiiwaj, Power Comomv and turned in at the dif ferent division points. Owners may secure sam dv tvppyiug at du-qi as auuittku. bell wood barn, phone A biai l pa tools, 2 lunch buckets. 1 baby shoe. 1 lady's coat, 1 pkg. clothing. 1 Pg. medl i hnt neai-heia. 1 suit case. 1 iron. Piedmont barns, phone A til 311 grip. 1 pr. gloves. - pKgs. riavier btreet barn, for 8-25-1 2 um hpAllna. 1 g1rut. 1 hat. Ankeny barn 3 pkga. g-rip, basket, purse, bundle laundry, coat, handbag, pin. LOST Neck chain of paradox and pear.s. bet. Rose City raric ana rcniniuis rr or at Oaks, wea .aiternoon. auj. h. a ward. Call C 15e7 or Tabor 447 it ainr Aucuit 20. liitht gray jersey cow. with noiut 01 one nom on; imoer please notify John Ruth, MUwaukla, or. R. L Reward $2V. $35O0 WANTED on TO lots, 5vxlu5, ail worth 0 ana over, p j o per cbu vuu slon. Phone East 1945. LOT Wednesuay morning, between Hotel Campbell ana paiulng oius;., iuur-im goid Pin. Miss DiHeiuer. Hotel CampbelL bPEClAL NOTICES. Miscellaneous, NOTICE OF APPLICATION OF UNITED RAILWAYS LUjlrAA X run A x- xa.- to rnxsfhL'CT AND OPERATE. A bTANDARD-OAUOE COMMERCIAL RAILWAY WITHIN THE CiTl OF PORTLAND AND REQUESTING PER; 6OXS HAVINU OBJEi-lIONS IV i 11-1 T11E SAME' NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN that the United Railways Company, on August IS, 191X filed with the Auditor of the City of Portland, Oregon, an application to the Council of the City of Portland for the granting of a 20-year franchise to rraintain a certain line of single-track, landkrii-rauKa commercial railway here tofore constructed and now existing on Macadam street, within tbe limits herein after described, and to construct and operate a line of single-track, standard gauge commercial railway (but not for use as a street railway). In, over, along and upon the roiiowing-namea streets iu the City of Portland, town: rm Vitradam street from where th rnnh Una of suction !". township 1 south, ranite 1 ast of the Willamette meridian ti-. md street: thence southerly on the said Macadam street to where the center Hue or section zit. townsnip x range 1 east, crosses sata street, Said proposed franchise has been pub ii. h. in full in the Portland' Dally Ab ir,M In the lSSUS of AUKUSt 2L 1913, and the same on file In the office of the undersigned and may be examined by persons interested. REQUEST IS HEREBY MADE that any person having objections to such proposed franchise, or any provisions thereof, file the same in writing with the Auditor ..ukin rfavs from the first Dublicatlon of this notice, and if request ia made therefor the Council will fix a time for hearing ouch objections ana win si a reuonable notice of the time so fixed. which notice shall be not leas than nv dThis notice i given pursuant to th i . .nj4 nnllnRncM nf aaid cltv. nntftfi at Portland. Oregon, and first published the 27th day of August, 1013. A, L. BARBUR. Audi tor of the City of Portland. TO THE TAXPAYERS OF urtTvnuiH COUNTY. OREGON. Not Ice Is hereby given that on Monday. September 8. me ora oi A unitnnmah fount v will attend a the office of the County Assessor of said county and publicly examine the assess ment rolls for the year 1913. and correct all errors In valuation, description or quai nt, nf lands, lota or other property. It i. ,,tv nf all nraona Interested to IP ft ear at the time and place appointed. If l shall appear to said Board of Equalisa tion that there are any lands, lots of other property assessea twice, or in me a person or persons not the owner of same, or assessed under or beyond their value, or any lands, lots or other property not assessed, saia uoara or jquaiisauea make the proper corrections. ''. HESRY e. REED. County Assessor. Portland. Or.. August 15, 191S. rv .k f--r.,ii Pnurt of the State of Ore ion Multnomah County, In Probate In th matter of the estate of Clinton B " Smith, deceased. Notice is hereby given hat hv order of the Circuit Court of uiiit-nnmah County. Oreson. duly mad antared Auxust 7. 1913. the under signed was appointed administratrix of the estate of Clinton B. Smith, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby notified to pre sent the same properly verified to me at tbe office or ornss c iKUiaaon, j Teon building, Portland, Oregon, with! Ar.ha from the date of the fin publication hereof. Dated this 7th da of August. 1U13. r.iv(i r SMITH. Administratrix. Corliss Skulason, Attorney for Ad ministratrix. First oubllcatlon August 8. 113. Last publication September 5. 1913. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION Bauer at SvOp per. of the Portland Ehoe Repairing Co., Viiv dissolved partnership and all ac counts wlU be settled by Henry Bauer R. STOPPER. BARGES for renU Main 1419 FECIAL NOTICE. Miecell a neoq. N. D. ROOT and J. W. Hogan. operating as Keystone View Co., Portland, bav dis solved partnership, N. D. Root assuming all obligations. Proposals In vit ea. IN tbe District Court of the United States for the District o Oregon, in the matter of A. W. Dy and F. M. Quay.e. a part nership, doing business as East Side Gro cery, bankrupt Request for bids. 1 will receive. era. ed bids for a stock of merchandise consisting of groceries, ere, of the inventoried value of $571.77. situated at ?ua Alberta street. Portland. Oregon, up to and until 12 o'clock noon on Wednesday. September 1. 1913. said property being formerly the property of A. W. ly and F. M. Wuayie, a partner ship doing business as East Side Gro cery. Certified check for 10 per cent of the amount offered must accompany each bid. Sale subject to the approval of the court. Inventory of the property may be seen at my office and th property Inspected upon appointment. R. U SAFTN. T First St.. room , Portland, Oregon. Dat d at Portland. Oregon, this 2Sth day of August. 1913. IN the District Court of the United States for toe District of Oregon, in the matter of L. B. Misener. bankrupt Request for bids. I will receive sealed bids for a stock of merchandise con t.s ting of groceries, etc, situated at Bend. Oregon, ot the In ventoried value of $1566.67, and fixtures pertaining to same of the inventoried value of $317, up to and until 12 o'clock noon on Tuesday, September 9. 1913. said property oeing formerly the property of L. B. Mleencr. Certified check for 10 per cent of the amount offered must accompany each bid. Sa.e subject to tbe approval of the court. Inventory of the property may be seen at my on ice and also at Bend. Oregon, where the property may be inspected. XV La. Dl.( 7 First St., room S, Portland, Oregon. Dated at Portland. Oregon, this 29th day of August, 11U3. PROPOSALS WANTED Any owner or own ers, leal authorized agent r representa tive of any vacant lots, blocks or any real estate within the boundaries of the City of St. Johns suitable for public parka or playgrounds desiring to dispose of su-h property for public parks or playgrounds are requested to kindly submit sea.ed bids to Mayor Chas. Bredeson. chairman of tne parks committee, giving price, de scription, location and area of the tract or tracts. Any and all bids must be sub mitted on or before the 15th day of Sep tember, 1913. By order of the CounclL O. J. GATZMYER. City Attorney. THE CITY OF PRINEVILLE will receive bids for 1S0T lineal feet of euro; square feet of five-inch concrete walk. 453 square feet of five-inch roadway and 14 56-foot local basalt crosswalks, to be built and completed on or before Novem ber 1, 1913. All bids to be accompanied with certified check for one-tenth of total bid and delivered to A. R. Bowman. Recorder, on or before September 2. 1913. Bids to be opened at Council meeting September 2, 1913. The Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Profile and specifications on file at office of The Oregonian or City Engineer of Prlne vllle. m- Master's Notice1. GERMAN bark "Th lolbek." Bergmann mas ter, rrom Santa nosana; neuner tne mu ter nor the undersigned consignees of tbe above named vessel will be responsible for any debts that mar be contracted by the crew. KE R, K1FFORD & CO. FINANCIAZa W BUY MORTGAGES AND NOTES. WESTERN BOND A MORTGAGE CO., 4! COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDG. WE furnish the money at a low rate of interest and save you more tnan tne orots erage of 2 per cent if we do the planning and building for you. It will pay you to see us. L. R. Bailey Co.. Ins.. $24 Abington. WILL loan you money to build or lift your mortgage. per cent, ion tiraa ii. uw slred; have some fine West Side lots or you may select; will build for you, 100 2-4 Broadway bldg. CASH paid for good first or. second mort gages on real estate or seuera uuwwi u contracts of sale. H- E. Noble, 216 Lum bermans bldg. $JO0 0 OR LESS to loan at 7 per cent on close-in iarm mu cny , full particulars. C 93. Oregonian. TO LOAN $1000 OR MORE. HENRY L. MURTON. 817 WORCESTER BI.DQ. FIRST and second mortgages and building contracts buugnu tu. a. jauier, nv a Ington bldg. . MORTGAGE LOANS, notes, contracts, mort gages tlst ana zar. equtusi pu. uumavu. V. H. Lewis fc Co.. Lewis bldg. $5Vij TO LOAN on improved real estate; irvington umrici ijic..:... Oregonian. $lr0O. $2500. $ZZ i. $.v00 on Improved 26. t'4 Yeon blag. property, jiain $4500 TO LOAN on Improved city property. A B--, urcgoiuttB. Money to Loaa Real Estate. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE TOR BUILDING PURPOSES. VERY FLEX IBLE CONTRACTS. NO COMMISSIONS. COLUMBIA LIFE A TRUST CO. 91o SPALDING BLDG. CONFER with our mortgage loan depart ment H you wisn to porrow money uu Improved res! estate. Ws have funds, $3j to $30.oiO. HARTMAN-THOMPSON BANK. TO LOAN. I HAVE PLENTY OF MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE SECURITIES AT 5 TO 8 PER CENT. EDWARD P. MALL. tdO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. MORTGAGE LOANS. City and Farm, Current Rates. MALL A VON BORSTEI Xihi Second St.. near Stark. ON improved city property or for building purposes. 3 to S years' time: liberal pay ment privileges: money advanced as building progresses. The Equitable Sav intrs & Loan Association. 24Q Stark st. LOANS from $1500 to $10,000 on good Portland security. . HACKER THERKELSEN. auto Spalding Bid if. Main 7592. MONEY ON HAND to loan on improved realty: no delays after approval of security and title. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT CO.. 2?4 Oak st. MONEY TO LOAX ON" IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. PORTLAND REALTY & TRUST CO., 214 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 2129. WE have money to loan on your real es tate first mortgaa-e only. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 423 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. PORTLAND REALTY TRUST CO.. 214 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 2129. $50O $1000 AND UPWARDS on improved real estate. Favorable terms; no delays; no brokerage. John Bain, &i7 Spalding bldg. MONEY to loan on farms only. Mortgage Co. for America, Alnsworth bldg., Porr land. MONEY to loan on improved city property at current rates. Lawyers Abstract & Trust Co. room . Board of Trade bldg. SlvOo OR $200 private money to loan on improved Portland real estate. Phone Main M'J2. $112,000 TO LOAN CITY OR F J. O. ROUNTREE, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. gjuo My own funds; prefer improved prop erty, but with good margin may loan co vacant lot or acreage. AP 315. Oregonian. LOANS on improved and unimproved city and suburban real estate, mortgages bought. W. H. Nunn, 44 Sherlock bidg. MORTGAGE LOANS on city property; low est rattrs. A H. Blrreli Co., 202 McKay bidg.. Third and Stark sts. TO LOAN $t0.O-J OR LESS. FARR1NGTON, COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDG. 400 (Aw TO loan in sums to suit; building loans; lowest rates. W. G. Beck, 315-Sltf Falling bldg. Money loaned, real estate, contracts st mtgv bought. H. Mliey. 2Q4 Oerlinger bidg. IMMEDIATE loans, any amount, on real es tats. 315 Chamber of Commerce. HAVE $lrf00 to loan on first mortgage, C R. Meioney. Main 2240. MORTGAGE LOANS, (I AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON. 229 STARK ST. MONEY any amount. to 8 p.r cent. W. H. felts Co., 31Q Spalding bidg. MORTGAGE LOANS, any amount, no delay. Henry C. Prudhomme. ud Wilcox bldg. SHORT term loars on real or collateral security. 2Q7 Oregonian bidg. STATE FUNDS. C per cent. W. FL Thomas. agent yuitnoman county, ew in. oi ion. MORTGAGE LOANS at current rates. L. H, M A X W E L L. 31q Chamber of Commerce. $10"0 TO $5U".0 to loan on real estate. Ta hor 771 or B 1S9. Oregonian. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE A. H. HALDINO. 313 Ch. of Com. $1500, 8 per ce-nt. on good city property. A. Ruff. 823 Chamber of Commerce. $00 TO $2$f0 to loan on Improved realty. 401 Stock Exchange bldg FINANCIAL. Money to Loan Kcal taCe. MONEY to loan, city or favxn lands J. . "ahalin. 43 5 Chamber of Commerce- Money to Loan C hattels and Salaries. $$$$$$$! $U OR MORi LOANED TO AN 1 ONE. We have striven to make this offfc the best place of its kind in the city. W are now prepared to say that if w can't convince you tnat our rates are reasons sie, considering expenses, risk, etc., our terms easy. OCR TREATMENT OF YOU FAIR. bwL'ARE and aboe board, we won't as pect you to make a loan. PORTLAND LOAN CO.. 413 Mac.eay Bidg. Open every day and Saturday evenings until 8 P. M. $$$$$$$ $$ $ r$ $ STATE SECURITY CO, I $ $ R 3 SALARY LOANS UN PLAIN NOTES. $10 TO $100 CHEAPEST AND UKST PLACE TO bOhKoft MONEY. -' ABSOLL'i ELY No SECURITY. . BUSINESS STRICTLY CoNFlDENTIAU HOrRS. 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M bATl RDAYS UNTIL 9 P. M. v 1ST ATE SECLR1TY CO.. $ $ $ ;t " FAILING BLDG. $ $ $ WHY PAY EXORBITANT RATES OF IN TEREST? We will loan you money as low as 1 per cent on your dtamoucs and Jewelry. We are the most liberal licensed money lenders In the city. Our establishment is located at 324 Wasnlngion st., near Broadway. Get our prices on forfeited dia mond. Diamond Palace. 354 Washing ion strtret. E L B Y COMPANY. A PRIVATE PLACE TO OBTAIN MONEY' ON Diamonds, Wauhes, Jewelry, Pianos, Etc AT LOWEST POMBLE RATES. SEPARATE DEPARTMENT FOR LADIES 3-u LUMBER EXCHANGE BLDG. 2d and btark sts. open tt A. M. to 6 P. ML SATURDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 8 P. M. MONEY for salaried people and others upon their own names, cheap rates, easy payments. See me before dealing else where; confidential. D. D. Drake, 32 Henry bldg. WE LOAN money on diamonds and Jewelry at baif the rates cnarged by brokers. Marx ic fcloeh, 74 3d st. MONEY loaned on diamonds, watches, jewelry, pianos and warehouse receipts. -Brown at Co.. room lo. Washington bidg. PRIVATE party has money to loan, small ' amounts; confidential. E g-a, Oreso uian. IMMEDIATE and confidential loans on fur niture, pianos, auios; mortgages bought. Bauer, 2ud Alder st. MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jewelry; strictly conficentlaU 141 H 3d. near Alder. LOANS on real. estate, diamonds and jew elry. W m. Hon, room Washington bldg. MONEY sold on Installments; confidential; salaried people. F. A. Newton. Henry bldg. Loans WantL WANTED Three younc men, single, that have had dealing witn country people to travel with crew and solicit, good money and steady work; must leave city at once. Inquire 9 to 11 or 1 to 3 at Ca&a. Rosa. cor. 5th and J-fferson. FIRST MORTGAGES FOR SALE, Amounts $250 to $Uuo, mostly 8 per cent; also several applications for good loans. Henry C. Pruunonimc, financial agen Wilcox bidg. $uoo WANTED at 7 per cent on close-la East Side quarter block; no buildings; vaiue of land $15,0ju. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 43 Chamber of Commerce, " I wANT to borrow $iJ50 from private party on my Portland Heights home that cost me over $vuO; will pay 7 per cent. Ad dress P. O. box 619, Portland. WANTED. 11500 7 PER CENT, 3 years, on Hawthorns ave. property, irora private parea. j. a. Karnopp. 51 L 2574. WANTED $4Uuo for 3 years at 7 per cent from private pairty on improved city prop- -eriy. close in. Call 414 Corbett bldg. v2o,i00 3 YRS., 7 per cent, on good West Side security; from private part. J. L. Karnopp, ML 2574- 154 PER CENT on $.2yo by buying mort gage on brick block in good location, city. R 3lt. Ort-tfuman. WANTED A $1500 or $2000 loan on ltW , acres at Mosier; one-third cleared, value tOuoo. Y ;2l'. Oreouian. WANTED $iu00 on city property wortlt $l5.0ou. Msin 1166 or S 12o, Oregonian. Ll I' me p.ace our money on gilt -edge mortgages. R. E. Hlne, 4utf Yeon bldg. PERONAX- HAIR-HAlii-HAlR-HAlR, $12, S4-ini:n switches $4.43 $d. 2-inch swilciies ............... L9$ liatr dressing ii Hie UUSj,A ....... ....... ........ .iefi bbampoo .i Manicure, 25c, 5 for 1 vu 12 scaip treatments Vuo SuperxTuous hair removed by eecm neeale; ruariDleU not to return. Cut hair in any enaue; switches an length. Prices hail, ban nary Pariors, 4uu 4li Dekum blag., 3d ana Wasni:.gton. GibRMAN THA.it:D NURSa AND MASSEUSE. Long experience, bst references, treat ments for rheumatism and lumoaeto, etc; xnaaaaae and baths. 224 13tb st., between Main and Salmon. Marshall 5u3. Open bundays. SCIENTIFIC electric ueatments for a.1 nervous and cnronlc diseasea Paralysis, lung, stomach, bowels, kioney. biauder, pelvic, heart trouble, etc ; also goitre, 1 arts, moles removed. 6U2 Uuchanan bids-, 2&tti Waanington st. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Heisoigfors graduate, rneumatism, nervous and atom sch ailments under physician s direc-" tions; oaL.i, massage. No, 7 East 11th st., second door south from East Ankeny car l;ne. Phone East 2o-J, B 1&Q3. EE B VET ft HANEBUT. leading wig and to upe-makers; finest stock of human hair goods; switches from 95c up; halrdresaing, manicuring, face and sn-alp treatments; comoinss made up to order. 147 7th, near Morrison. Main 54d. .RETURNED Sophia B, Seip, mental and spiritual scientist; question and message nights. Wed, and Sun., b P. M. snaxp; daily, office 3u2 AUsky bldg. Main 6a24. XoWO First mortgage. S per cent, 24 years, discount $5ov; secured by 15,OoO gilt eased city property; must sell at once; principals only. K 310, Oregonian. s41SS PERRY, Eastern graduate masseuse. New York School of C and D., treats rheumatism and nervous eases. 290 lth st. 13th or Jeiferson cars, phone Main TtjCL DRESS SUITS for rent Keep your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on, rips repaired. $1.5o month; prompt caila and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. $09 Stark. BE TOUR OWN DOCTOR; asthma, rheu matism, stomach trouble, etc. cured by my methods; satisfaction guaranteed. Lo ra C. Little, health expert. Tabor 1673. MISS STOCKS, mental scientist treatments, rheumatism, lumbago, also readings. 254 Union ave. North, corner Multnomah. East aibtt. WANTED A wife who saves $10 buying her suits snd cloaks -upstairs," 2l3-4-5 Shetland biciy., 5th and Washington its. The National Sample Suit A Cloak Co. FREE Manicure, massage, shampoo at VEL-VETi-NA Shop, old fc-wetland bids:. Aaic your druggist for VELVET1NA coupons. LOKENZ Nerve TaDlets restore lost vitality. 25c per box, 6 for $L2i. SUpa-Tayior Drug Co.. 2 Morrison, PARTIES witnessing streetcar accident at . Nineteenth and Flanders. Sunday evening ulease call Marshall 2370. Divorces: lawyer, 23 years' experience; relia ble advice free, 404 Hutbchi.d biag., 2s7 Washington Rev Mrs. Coon, spiritual teacher and healer. Circles Tuesday, Friday evenings. 1U8 W. Park. bet. W ash, snd Stark. Marshall 5945. SPIRITUAL medium. Rev. May Price Read- ings. healings dai.y. Circles Tues. 2, Wed, and Sun. 8. 3v5S Jefferson. Mam i3oiA. , MADE OF YOUR COMBINGS. Switches. V5c; curls snd puffs, 75c. San itary Beauty parlors, 4"0 Dekum bid g. JJs S C. MORRISON Steam baths and massage for rheumatism, lumbago, etc. 833 Madison. A 4470, Marshall 31i5. BOSTON uraduate nurse, sanitarium treat ment medical gymnastics. 887 Yamhill t.. up one flight, room 7. MRS STEVENS. 18 years Portland's led inr paimUt and clairvoyant, baa cer book OH pq.llll... J a a. ,M .itt.it s.. MOLES superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill, 42 FUedner bldg. Main 64 73. MISS FRANCIS, cliristian Yoga heaiar, 24 N- 16th st. Marsnall 423tf. A 7A14. MANICURING. 'scalp, facial massage, ladles and gentlemen; open Sundays. 18a Park st. ELECTRO Swedish message menu 303 AiisAy bldg. MISS DALE, manicuring, scalp massase. 125 6th. room 2. LOOK price -100 more hair switches at half 718 Rothchild bldg. DIVORCES a specialty, advice free, easy terms. Law Bureau. 52S Lumbermen! bidg. BALM OF FIGS, Compound Royal Tonic Tablets. 5J4 Davis st. Phone Main 3ifcL VETERINARY SCHOOLS. 3. F. VETERINARY COLLEGE begins Sept. 15. No rroleasioa offers equal opportunl tv. Catalogue free. C. Keane. Pres., l-ls Market St., San Francisco. MEDICAL, USE Bassett's Native Herb, for rheumatism; Cue tablets for 250. Ail druggists.