Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 29, 1913, Page 14, Image 14

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water mm
Purchase of Property for Pro
If you live in the country or suburbs that question has perplexed
you. It has perplexed thousands before you. Most of them
have installed
posed Docks Held Up by
Boston Attorneys of Opinion That
Issue "Would Be Legal Only on
Tote of People Decision
Expected Today.
Though reinstated by the voters when
the commission form of city govern
ment was adopted, the Commission of
Public Docks Is without authority to
Issue bonds, according to an opinion
by Boston attorneys, and thereby a
stumbling-block has been enoountered
that may seriously interfere with plans
for waterfront Improvements.
The first intimation that the power
to Issue bonds Is vested only in the
City Council was contained In a tele
gram, received yesterday from Storey
Thorndyke, Palmer & Dodge, bond at
torneys of Boston, Mass., calling at
tention to the sections of the charter
dealing with bonds.
The Commission had retained the at
torneys to pass on the legality of a
proposed bond issue In the sum of
11.000.000. which was to have been sold
6eptember 4. The following telegram
was received:
"Has court construed section 92 of
charter amendments submitted May 3
being section 120 of Auditor's compil
ation? If not, we consider It unsafe to
approve dock bonds without vote of
people. Words 'heretofore authorized
nay Include authorisation by Dock
Commission. Nor does section 93 seem
to overcome difficulty."
Property Drali Held l'p.
On receipt of the telegram the Com
mission declined to proceed further in
the purchase of the William Held prop
erty, located between East Oak and
East Washington streets, which was
Selected as the site of the East Side
dock. Though the deed is in readiness,
negotiations will cease until It Is de
termined whether the Council can safe
guard the bond issue through the adop
tion of an ordinance. In that connec
tion the following telegram was sent
to Storey, Thorndyke, Palmer &
"Section 92 of charter amendments
submitted May 3 requires vote of peo
ple authorizing certain bond issues, but
expressly excepts therefrom bonds
heretofore authorized.
"Section 93, submitted May 3, reads:
The Council of the City of Portland is
hereby authorized to issue and sell ad
ditional bonds heretofore authorized
and not sold under the provisions of
section 118.'
"Section 118 of the Auditor's com
pilation, passed by vote of the people In
1910, provides for issuance and sale of
dock bonds.
"On June 2, 1913, the people amended
above section 93, continuing in exist
ence the Dock Commission under the
new charter, and re-enacted and re
authorized the bond issue In exact lan
guage of the above section 93.
"It seems that complete power Is
vested . in the City Council to issue
these bonds. Ordinances providing for
the sale of these bonds should .be
passed by the Dock Commission and the
City Council."
Commission Meets Today.
The Commission adjourned until this
morning, by which time a reply from
Boston Is expected. City Attorney La
Hoc he and Fred W. Mulkey. chairman
of the Commission of Public Docks,
agreed that complete power is vested
In the Council to Issue the bonds. City
Attorney LaRoche summed up the sit
uation as follows:
"The people on May 3 amended the
charter, providing for the abolition of
all boards and commissions except the
Civil Service Commission and vesting
all the powers previously exercised by
these boards and commissions in the
Council, and in the same section which
provided for the abolition of these
boards and bodies there was a provision
to the effect that the Council could is
sue and sell the dock bonds previously
"On June 2, 1913. that section was
amended to continue in force the
Dock Commission, but through a cler
ical oversight the provision In the sec
tion authorizing the Council to issue
uid sell the dock bonds was not
changed, but was allowed to remain as
sunended on May 31.
"This creates a situation where the
Dock Commission possesses the powers
originally given to it by the amend
ment of the charter of 1910, with the
exception that the power to Issue and
sell bonds heretofore authorized and
not sold is vested in the Council.
"Section 92 contains the following
provision: "This provision shall not
apply to bonds heretofore authorized,'
and section 93 of the present charter,
submitted and passed by the people
May 3, in express terms, authorizes
the Council to Issue and sell addi
tional bonds heretofore authorized and
notT sold under the provisions of sec
tion 118. Section 118 Is a charter pro
vision, passed by the people in 1910.
that provides for the Issuance and
sale of these dock bonds by the Com
mission of Public Docks.
"On June 2, 1913, the people amended
the above section 93, continuing In
existence the Dock Commission under
the new charter, and re-enacted and
re-authorlzed the bond issue voted by
the people in 1910 In the exact lan
guage set out and contained In sec
tion 93 of the present charter.
larae Safe, m Roche Thinks.
"In view of this condition, the Com
mission of Public Docks telegraphed to
the Messrs. Storey, Thorndyke. Palmer
St Dodge, calling their attention to
these provisions of the present charter,
and it Is the opinion of Senator
Mulkey and of my department that
complete power at this time Is vested
In the Council to Issue these bonds,
and that all that is requisite to carry
this power Into full effect is the pas
sage of appropriate ordinances by the
Commission of Public Docks and by
the Council providing for their Issuance
and sale."
It was ordered that the printing of
the bonds be held up temporarily, and
options on outside property will not
be taken advantage of. as the new
charter also prevents the Commission
from maintaining docks without the
confines of the municipality. At this
morning's meeting the matter will be
thoroughly gone -over and no doubt a
decision reached as to the action of
the Commission as a body and Indi
vidually. Coquillo Fishing Is Light.
BASDON. Or.. Aug. 8. (Special.)
Owing to the prices being paid by the
local cannery for salmon, few fish are
, being taken in the Coqullle this season.
' The run has been light so far. The
cannery is paying 15 cents for silver
sides and 25 cents for Chinooka .
. Q .
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Colonel C. W. Thatcher's Out
fit Is Unique.
'Good Roads Apostle" Here In In
terest of Portland-Seattle Di
vision of Proposed Lincoln
National High-way.
Worse-looking contraption than even
the old "one-hoss shay" after it had
finally fallen to pieces was the wagon
In which Colonel Charles W. Thatcher,
good roads apostle," came to Portland
yesterday afternoon. After a trip In
the wagon from the Atlantic Coast
he came to anchor before the Commer
cial Club, where for the rest of the
day his peculiar outfit was an object
of Interest to crowds.
Colonel Thatcher, working without
pay, but as enthusiastic about good
roads as one could be, is proving a
great aid to the National Government
and the various state governments in
their work for highway betterment. All
of his recommendations to the Na
tional Government have been accepted
and followed out. Just now he is de
voting his attention to the Portland
Seattle division of the proposed Lin
coln National Highway, which Is to
span the country from Atlantic to
Pacific He will be In the city several
Drawing Thatchers vehicle are two
Spanish mules. They are assisted over
particularly hard places by a sturdy
little burro. Then there Is Gordon.
Gordon Is a full-blooded English
pointer, and is the boon companion of
the Colonel. The Colonel, by the way,
is no Colonel at all, but the Atlanta
Constitution, in Southern style, wished
the title on him because It wanted to
be complimentary, and the title has
Thatcher prefers to sleep outdoors.
but hospitality always is forced on him
by good roads enthusiasts In the larger
cities, where he has to yield to the tor
tures of civilization and sleep In a
dreadful bed on a dreadful soft mat
tress and be covered by dreadful
blankets and sheets.
But when be has his own way his
night's makeup consists of the grass
for a mattress a,nd the sky for a sheet.
He will attend the good roads meet
ing at Gearhart next Sunday and Mon
Portland "Cprlsing" Against Tam
many Expected by Many to Be
come Nation-Wide.
A personal message from Governor
Sulzer himself will be read at the anti
Tammany mass-meeting at Sixth and
Ankeny streets tonight, at which the
Rev. Charles T. McPherson, pastor of
Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church,
will preside.
"Give my best wishes to all the cit
izens assembled at the meeting In
Portland." heads the Governor's greet
ing, which came by telegraph to the
pastor yesterday. "Assure them that in
the future, as in the past. I shall go
forward in the struggle I am making
for honest government, regardless of
political or personal consequence."
Rev. Mr. McPherson is receiving let
ters by the score every day, commend
ing him for being the one to start
what It is declared will become a nation-wide
movement to emancipate
New York State from Tammany dom
ination. Likewise have come a few
letters of condemnation from persons
who take the Tammany side.
The pastor telegraphed the follow
ing message to the New York Gov
ernor yesterday: "Portland anti
Tammany meeting Friday evening
backed by all conditions of society.
Circuit Judge Morrow delivers open
ing address. Dr. Morrison, rector of
Trinity Episcopal Church: Miss Llda
O'Brran. president of the New Tork
Society, and F. W. Jobelman, all for
merly from your state, among speak
ers. Hope nation-wide movement may
result from Portland uprising."
Tonight's meeting is to start prompt
ly at o'clock. Mr. McPherson says.
Banqnet Follows Ceremonies af In
dependent 3Iasonlo Body.
Robert Bruce Lodge, Anolent and
Accepted Scottish Kite (symbolic), an
Independent Masonic body not allied
with the Masonic grand lodge of Ore
gon, held Installation ceremonies at
Masonlo Hall. 308 Third street.
Wednesday evening. The Installation
ceremonies, which were conducted by
O. B. M. Sommerville, state deputy
grand master, were followed by a
banquet at the Portland Hotel.
The following were Installed:
8. II. Haines, right worshipful mas
ter; A. F. ilcCue, supreme lodge dep-
V: c'
I X -
Charles W. Thatcher His Ontflt.
uty; A. G. Wabshaw, master deputy; I.
D. Asher, master substitute; .
Wheeler, senior warden: W. S. Davis.
Junior warden; Elton With row, secre
tary; P.- A. Johnson, treasurer; R. C.
Weaver, chaplain; William F. Hanker-
son, senior deacon; B. N. Davis, Junior
deacon; F. A. Blank, senior steward;
L. C. Leldstrom, Junior steward L.
Davis, almoner; J. F. Johnson, marshal;
W. F. Marshall, orator; J. P. Fonner,
Inner guard; W. M. Mulr, tyler.
William F. Brlggs Passes Away Near
Glendale at Age of 70.
ROSEBURG. Or.TAug. 28. (Special.)
William F. Brlggs, a pioneer resident
of Canyonville and for more than 18
years County Surveyor, died at the
home of his son, near Glendale, yes
terday. Mr. Brlggs was born in Athens Coun
ty, Ohio, September 18, 1837. He came
West with his parents in 1851 and lo
cated In Douglas County. Enlisting un
der Captain Gordon, in Company H,
Second Oregon Regiment, in 1856, he
served three months in the Indian
wars. In 1866 he purchased land in the
City of Canyonville, upon which ha
erected a hotel and maintained it until
his death. In 1872 Mr. Briggs was elect
ed County Surveyor, a position which
he held for 18 consecutive years.
Mr. Briggs is survived by his wife
and seven children William F. Briggs
and Marcus Brlggs, of Canyonville;
Mrs. Minnie James, of Riddle: Mrs. Del
la Applln, of Portland; Mrs. Alice
White, of Portland; Mrs. Dora Bartle,
of San Francisco, and Nathaniel Briggs,
of Lake County, Oregon.
Fonx Couples Licensed to Wed.
WALLA WALLA, Wash., Aug. 28.
(Special.) Popularity of Washington
as a refuge for Oregonlans who object
to the new examination law was shown
yesterday, when four couples obtained
licenses. They were Frank Mitchell
Robinson and Dora Melforl Morris, of
Milton; Harry Taylor Buchanan and
Lottie Lee Purcel, of Weston; Robert
R. Maxwell, of Helix. Or and Bertha
Flock, of Wallula, Wash-, and Emnwtt
Ogden of Holaman, Or- and Dorris
Flock, of Wallulu, Wash. The girls
named In the last two licenses ere
sisters and the men are near-neighbors
and friends. They were married 'In
the afternoon by Judge T. M. McKln
ney. Stanfleld to Have Exhibit.
STANFIELD. Or.. Aug. 28. (Spe
cial.) That Stanfleld will have an ex
hibit at the Umatilla County Fair at
Pendleton in keeping with its resources
and prosperity was the decision
reached last night at a meeting of the
boosters of this vicinity. Mayor Kyle,
P. H. Buchholz, Ralph Holte and R. H.
Irwin will raise funds necessary to
prepare the exhibit and place it on dis
play. M. C. Barager will arrange the
Engeno Woman He-elected.
EUGENE, Or., Aug. 28. (Special.)
The Eugene Woman's Christian Tem
perance Union yesterday re-elected Mrs.
N. E. Sears as president and chose Miss
L E. Beckley as secretary and Mrs.
H. D. Palmer as treasurer. Delegates
were selected to attend the state con
vention, and announcement- was made
of the county convention, which is to
be held at Creswell Thursday, Septem
ber 11.
Albion Wheat Yield Light.
ALBION. Wasfc, Aug. 28. (Special)
A large amount of grain is being de
livered at the Pacific Coast Elevator
Company's warehouse at Shawnee Sta
tion, three miles below Albion on the
Moscow branch of the 0.-W. R. eV N.
The farmers report a smaller leld
than last year. But what the grain
lacks In quantity it makes up in qual
ity and the price Is right, so It will
average up with last year's crop.
Color of Taxis Is Issue.
W. H. Warrens, manager of the Ore
gon Taxtcab Company, is seeking to
obtain in Circuit Court a permanent in
junction against N. E. Nlelson, an inde
pendent driver, who operates a taxicab
so painted that it resembles closely the
brown taxis of the Oregon Taxicab
Company. Mr. Warrens asserts that his
company was first In the Held with this
color and Is entitled to a "corner"on it
as far aa Portland is concerned.
Berries and Fruit on Branch.
ALBION. Wash.. Aug. 28. (Special.)
A wild sarvls berry bush Is grow
ing near a spring with ripe and green
berriea and blossoms on the same stem.
This -Is unusual at this time of the
Explanation Made of Objection
to "Bitucrete."
Commissioner Favors Eastern Meth
od of Submitting Sample Strip
of Paving to Test for One
Tear Under Observation.
Declaring that he has been accused
of favoring paving companies now
operating In Portland to the exclusion
of new concerns. City Commissioner
Dleck yesterday Issued a statement ex
plaining why he opposed permitting the
Llnden-Klbbe Construction Company
placing "bitucrete" paving In Grove
land Park Addition for experimental
The statement of Mr. Dieck follows:
"Referring to discussion in the Coun
cil regarding the admission of the
bitucrete' type of pavement to bidding
in the City of Portland, I wish to place
myself on record aa objecting against
this course of procedure.
"The investigations thus far made
by the department do not Justify a
final decision as to the suitability of
this type of wearing surface. At the
present time I have no distinct objec
tions to it other than this that the
pavement bas not been subjected to
conditions such as are found in Port
land. "About one month ago, upon' au
thority of the Council. Messrs. Dulla
nd Hardesty, or this department, were
delegated to make examination of this
type of pavement then being laid In
The Dalles, Or. Their independent re
ports show that the appearance of the
pavement, during its laying, was good
There has this 'date been filed with me
a report from the chief chemist, which
shows that the percentage of bitumen
contained in a sample submitted by
the Llnden-Klbbe Construction Com
pany from actual cut In the pavement
at The Dalles is about 15.35 per cent,
or about 5.85 per cent In excess of the
ordinary percentage permitted . in
bituminous wearing surface of like
character. I have not been convinced
as yet that the method of construction
of the pavement will result in a wear
ing surface of a uniform composition,
since the proportion of bitumen at any
point may not be controlled.
"In view of these facts and of the
lack of definite data on pavement of
this type during an entire season of
use, I object most vigorously to ex
perimentation by the city.
"I am of the opinion that the ad
mission of new types of paving to
bidding should be based upon sufficient
data as to wearing quality, freedom
from checking, etc., which may be de
termined under our local conditions
only after an observation extending
over at least one year.
"It is the practice in the large East
ern cities to require that sample strips
of pavement shall be laid In such
places as are suited to the type and
most convenient to observation by the
engineering department. It appears to
me that this Is a proper course of pro-.
cedure. and I recommend that, in fu
ture, no types of pavement upon which
we are not well informed as to wearing
quality, checking, etc., shall be laid
unless upon the basis of experimental
Proposition of Buyer to Raise Mort
gage, Acre at Time, Rejected
by Commissioners.
Unless B. M. Lombard pays within
the next three or four days a note for
$35,000 together with Interest to date
on 3119,500, the amount he still owes on
the purchase price of the old County
Farm on the Canyon road, foreclosure
proceedings will be commenced against
him by the county. When he bought
the property four or nve years ago he
paid 335,000 cash, the purchase price
being $154,500, but, according to the
County Commissioners and A. E. Clark,
their legal representative in this mat
ter, this Is all he has ever paid either
In principal or interest.
Mr. Lombard has asked If he could
have the mortgage released aa acre
at a time on 81000 payments, saying It
was Impossible at present to get money
from the banks and that he wanted to
plat and sell off a portion of the farm,
in which there is 203 acres. His
proposition was declined and a letter
written to him saying that he need ex
pect no further consideration. Mr. Clark
said . the foreclosure suit will be in
stituted unless the first note of $35,000
and interest on the total amount to
date Is forthcoming within a few days.
According to the original agreement
one $35,000 ' note became due May S,
1913; a second for a similar amount
May 5, 1913, and the third, for $49,600.
May 5, 1914. All bear Interest at the
rate of per cent and are secured by
mortgage on the property.
The first note was extended a year
and the other two were to be extended
two years each on condition that Mr.
Lombard should take up the first one
when due and keep up the Interest.
E. Second
E. Morrison
Representative Johnson Telegraphs
Lister That Congress May Pass .
Xecessarr Legislation.
OLTMPIA. Wash.. Aue. 38. (Spe
cial.) Representative Albert Johnson,
of Hoqulam, who three weeks ago
wrote Governor Lister that there was
no chance that Congress would enact
legislation to carry irrxo eneci mo
rect election of Senators amendment,
and that a special sesalon of the Wash
ington Irlalnture undoubtedly would
be necessary, today sent telegrams
both to Governor uster ax oioraau
Springs and to Acting-Governor Hart
here, stating that conditions had
changed materially.
"The Impression now prevails that
the Senate subcommittee will urge pas
sage of a bill which will authorise
direct voting for United States Sen
.. atoui the message. The
death of Senator Johnston, of Alabama,
which occurred after I had written w
Governor Lister, has served to bring
matters to a bead."
Actlncr.Governor Hart made no com
ment, but appointees of Governor Lis
ter were jubilant, believing the news
means that the Governor's desire to
avoid a special session will be grati
Performing Animal Bolts From Or-
phenm and Is Xot Found.
riviu mo Miaiia-ei
tlon reigned at the Orpheum last even
ing when it became known that the
"little 7-months-old Resheus monkey
with Buckley's Animals was missing.
lie maae nis esc&pe jubl m mo v
chestra began to play. He was run-iaa-b
in th. tirnnitrtv room, where
the animals are kept, and when Mr.
BucKley attemptea ! "
put him in his cage he bolted out the
window near the ceiling to the side
walk. Immediate searcn was maoe,
even on the roof of the theater, but
without success.
. .... ..-.-a Ti.( v T4iirlrlAV trKllc
AS 1HI . .u.. J
Heinle, the big baboon, out In quest
of the baby, but still he could not be
found. When Mr. Buckley got the
baby four months ago all of his other
monks whipped nim unui one uy
i v, n.. intn i h n casta of Heinle.
. i .....,. mnnV.v of the col
lection, who at once adopted him and
is his constant protector.
a wkA an in thji monkev
or give information leading to his cap
ture to Mr. BUCKiey at me urpneura
. 1 .. ....Itr. hla -r. t i t llH but
Will QUI UIUJ cv-J. - " ,
a reward as well. The monkey is
hardly half grown, light brown, almost
tan in color, ana witnoui co"t r
Beference of Kaiser, as "On Water
Wagon" Aronses Churchman.
i Mahnnn nf tha Pacific
German Methodist Episcopal Church
began yesterday in me r irsi urm"i
Methodist Episcopal Church, The con
ference will end with the service on
Sunday evening. Bishop R. J. Cooke
The sessions yesteraay wore uevuimi
chiefly to the hearinsr of reports and
the election of officers. H. F. Luecke,
of Seattle, was elected secretary; J. C
MlUer, of Ritsvllle. Wash., statistical
secretary, and J. M. Herman, of Ed-
walk. Wash., treasurer.
Reports or cnurcn worK rrom tne
irious districts of Oregon, Washing
ton and Idaho showed progress in
membership and collections. The
bishop made a talK on general cnurcn
i. ..vinw 4Kb mnralno Miilnn In.
wurft u u i in r . w . ..... n
ctdentally he took exception to the
references in some oi tne aaiiy papers
to the German Emperor having "gone
on the water wagon." He tnougnt the
term undignified and disrespectful.
The xiev. uarenn irus misou, ox
and forgotten all about water supply troubles.
So will you when you understand that this sys
tem gives you better than city service at low cost.
The Mitchell -Leader is simple easy to
The Mitchell-Leader is sure water where
you want it, when you want it, at the pressure
you want.
The Mitchell-Leader makes possible your
enjoyment of the bath, toilet, washroom, etc.,
etc. Can you afford to be without it?
See It on Display With
Topeka, Kan., ez-pastor of Grace
Methodist Episcopal Church In this
city, spoke on "The Progress of Tem
perance." He is secretary of the tem
perance of the Methodist Episcopal
At the evening session Dr. Hancher,
of New Tork, secretary of the Educa
tional Society, and the Rev. J. A. Wel
gle, of Tacoma, spoke on "The Educa
tional Question," tha latter speaking
in German.
Postofflco Employes, of Necessity,
Will "Work Part of Monday.
Portland postal carriers will have a
half-holiday on Labor day. They will
make one delivery in the residence
sections, and two In the business dis
tricts. The general "delivery, stamp and
resrlatrv divisions Of the PostOffice will
be open until noon. Like the banks of
the city, the money order and postal
savings departments and the cashier's
office of the Postollice will be closed
all day.
While Postmaster Myers would like
to see all his employes have a full
holiday Monday, he deemed that It
would be inadvisable. Labor day fol
lows Sunday, and as It is the first of
the month, when all accounts are
rendered, the business will be about
double that of an ordinary day.
City and County "Will Co-operate at
Linnton Snb-JalL
An arrangement by which the city
will continue to use the Linnton
quarry sub-jail to house Its prisoners
was made at .a conference yesterday
between Mayor Albee and Commission
era Daly and Brewster, representing
the city, and County Commissioners
Holman. Lightner and Hart for the
county. A few days ago the County
Commissioners took the Linnton
quarry away from the city.
Under new agreement the county
wiU supply guards, a rock-crusher
foreman, supplies and equipment. Tne
city will feed the prisoners, furnishing
the cook and food. The city will get
10 per cent of the rock and the bal
ance will go to the county.
Washington State Officials Hopeful
of Exchange With Cncle Sam.
OLTMPIA. Wash Aug. 28. (Spe
cial.) Attorney-General Tanner and
Commissioner of Public Lands Savldge,
who have been at Washington. D. C,
since the middle of June endeavoring
to exchange 20.000.000 worth of state
land in the National Forests for Gov
ernment land outside the forests, re
turned today, with the legality of the
proposed exchange still undetermined.
An opinion from Attorney-General
McReynolds is awaited and if this is
favorable, the return to the Capital of
Secretary of the Interior Lane, late In
September, must be awaited before
negotiations are resumed. Both officials
are hopeful of a favorable opinion from
Lane, Jones and Johnson Urge
Chairman of Committee to Act,
rj irni- vttj KWS BUREAU. Wash
ington, Aug. 28. Senator Lane, of Ore
gon, and Senator Jones, oi wasning
ton. after a conference today, decided
to call Jointly on the chairman of the
u.n.. ,ivr, aind hsirbors committee.
in company with Representative John
son, of vtasmngton. to urge prompt
action on a resolution introduced yes
terday morning for a supplemental re
nnrt nn tha north lettv at the mouth
of the Columbia River.
They hope by pressing the matter
fully to get early action, so that the
report of the engineers may be avail
able by the time the next river and
harbor bill Is framed-
After Keeping Honse for Two Tears
for Divorced Spouse Secret
Alliance Is Contracted.
SEATTLE, Wash, Aug. 28. (Special-)
Mary A. George. 1116 H Virginia
street, was getting dinner- today when
in walked her former husband, S. L.
Lovejoy, whom she had divorced In
1905. Thiukmg that Lovejoy and Mr.
George, whom she married last Tues
day, were friends, she told Lovejoy
that George was her husband. Love
Joy drew a revolver.
"Run." she said to George, and
George did.
She followed suit by going through
the window, Lovejoy after her. Love
Joy pulled the trigger five times, but
only one cartridge exploded, doing no
damage. She begged him not to shoot
her and he desisted.
Hearing the noise. Hazel Nash, who
lives upstairs, came down to see what
was the trouble, and when she saw,
went down Virginia street looking for
help. Help came and Lovejoy was dis
armed. Lovejoy was arrested and booked on
an open charg-e. He is a carpenter liv
ing at 314 North Seventy-second street.
One thing that helped to complicate
matters was that Mrs. George had been
keeping house for Lovejoy, her former
husband, for the last two years, and
only left when she was married se
cretly to George.
doteAu errs
suiniq renrn etri nt ai tram saisis pJtua
five thousand pairs of women's high ihosfl,
Oxfords and strap pumps, all or a part at
20c, 87Hc and 60c per pair: regular whole
sale value SI. SO to 12.00. We need money.
Phone A 7S33.
Triday Inducements
at the National
Every line contributes money-
saving specials of compelling in
Main 6499, A 4199
for splendid quality Sherry,
Angelica. Port or Muscatel, reg
ular $1.50 grade,
Eye or Bourbon Whisky, onr
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