Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 29, 1913, Page 10, Image 10

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Xntered at Portland. Oregon, postofflee
sscand-clasa matter.
Subscription Kmtee -In-arlmblT Is Advettee:
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W.. London.
The Buffalo Congress on School Hy
giene has taken a definite stand for
Instruction in the facts of sex. The
fallacious old theory that Ignorance
means Innocence has been abandoned
as far as this great meeting; of d is tin
guished educationalists is concerned.
The prevalent cowardice in the face of
vice and its consequences has endaiv
tiered the welfare of the human race.
In their opinion, and nothing- less than
a revolt from the common methods of
shunning- the truth 'will suffice to meet
the situation.
Ismorance. even if it existed, would
not mean Innocence. It would slm,
Dlr mean defenselessness. To turn
young persons of either sex out into
the hurlyburly of life 'unfortified by
knowledge of their physical natures
and the perils which passion creates
is as senseless as to drive a spring
lamb among- a flock of hungry wolves,
and the consequences are commonly
much the same. But in most cases the
ismo ranee which foolish parents and
teachers foster so assiduously is purely
imaginary. It does not exist. It is
nly in the most exceptional cases that
young people fall to learn the facts of
sex in their tender years, but instead of
coming-, as it ought, from their wise
elders, it comes far too often from de
praved associates. Knowledge flows
from a poisoned spring-. The immac
ulate ignorance of which we hear so
much praise from those who would
hide the light is gross humbug and
most of the pleas for it are little bet
ter than cant.
But Instruction in physiology and
hygiene, essential as they are, will not
alone suffice to cure the evils that
arise. No matter how much the indi
vldual may know, he is still in peril
unless his will is educated. Side by
side with the instruction in those
truths which are vital to wholesome
living should proceed training of the
wilL As the Jesuit Father Tlernay ex.
pressed it to the congress, "teach that
purity is noble and possible, that vice
is vile and carries its own punish
ment, that marriage is inviolable and
that the family is sacred.
But, after all. such phrases as these
ring a little hollow. These things may
be taught and taught from now until
Gabriel sounds his trumpet and noth
ing will come of it unless we can mas
ter the magic art of transforming pre.
cept into volition.
Who will tell the world hQW to make
young people act upon the good advice
they receive? Who will tear away the
deceptive veil of beauty that covers
the hldeousness of vice and inspire
youth to resist Its allurement? No
doubt the task is difficult, but we can
see one thing that might help. It is
a radical reform of the theaters. . Out
of every ten plays that our young peo
ple flock to see nine make vice attrac
tive. The infidelity of husbands, the
humor of drunkenness, the gaiety of
brothels, the fascination of lewd in
trigue, such are the materials from
which many stage plays are construct
ed, and they are seldom depicted in
their true squalor and misery, but al
most always with a false witchery that
plays into the hands of the tempter.
The newer drama which represents
vice in Its true ugliness is often de
nounced as Immoral, but it is an old
trick of the devil to destroy his foes
by defaming them when he can.
But if we could outwardly reform
the stage and literature and conven
tional society we should not even then
hare gone to the root of the matter.
The real Inspiration to resist vicious
temptation and live a pure life is an
inner fire. When it is lighted in the
soul, knowledge acquires meaning and
precepts reach down into the will.
While it burns conduct marches on
the high levels of life. When it dies
men sink into the sloughs of wicked
ness. Who shall light his inner fire in the
souls of American youth? The Buffalo
congress might have desired & regen
eration as well as a revolution. Where
shall we look for the vital spark? Dr.
Charles W. Eliot specifies three "prin
cipal causes of the present evil con
ditions: lust in men, lack of moral
principle in some women and the de
pravity of those who trade in lust and
immorality." Nobody can say a word
for commercialized vice. It should be
extirpated from the world. All will
agree with Dr. Eliot that it "should be
attacked with all the forms and all
the powers of the law." The only hope
lies in annihilating the business.
But when iwe begin to consider the
elimination of lust, we stand on ground
not quite so safe. In our zeal for -reform
we must be careful not to run
counter to the laws of the universe.
Biology laughs at the notion of pro
ducing a passionless male, or one in
whom the sexual Impulse has been
chilled. With all our striving we can.
not stay the action of the law of sur
vival and nature will inevitably select
the men for parents in whom passion
is the strongest. This fact is funda
mental. To weaken the paternal impulse,
which we may stigmatize as lust if we
wish. Is to retire conquered from the
struggle for existence and leave the
world to be inherited by those who
obey nature's law. Safety lies not in
eliminating passion, but in controlling
it- Readers of "The Wandering- Jew"
will remember a remarkable passage In
which the general of the Jesuits de
scribes the effects of chastity. He had
not by any means eliminated his nat
ural passions, but he had reined and
harnessed them and by virtue of their
transformed potency he was master of
the civilized world.
The Biblical writers knew all about
this. "He that conquers himself Is
greater than he that taketh a city."
aid one of them, anticipating: Eugene
Sue's rule for achieving power. So
the teacher of sexual hygiene has to
sail perilously between Scylla and
Charybdis. If he decries passion too
much he saps the springs of race vigor.
If he fails to slay vice in its wolfiah
ness he sees the old tragedy repeated
of Saturn devouring his children.
What is he to do? One is almost
driven to remember an ancient saying
to which William James gave new
meaning for the modern world. "Ye
must be born again." Wriggle and twist
as we will, are we not finally com
pelled to turn to religion for refuge?
But what is religion? That is often the
The implication from some of the
news reports coming out of Salem is
that the majority of the Desert Land
Board took advantage of the Govern
or" absence to agree to the extension
of the contract with the state of the
Deschutes Land Company (otherwise
J. E. Morson and his associates). It
Is an unjust and unnecessary impu
tation. Most of the business of the
state is carried on. during the frequent
absences of the Governor from his post
of duty at Salem. If the other state
officers are to wait until the time of
his Irregular reappearances at the state
capital before performing their va
rious duties, the machinery of govern,
ment will be thrown pretty badly out
of gear.
Doubtless Governor West is inspired
by a purpose to protect the settlers on
the Morson tract. We have no wish to
Question his motives. Possibly the set
tlers are in need of such a friend as the
Governor. But the Governors violent
quarrels with Mr. Morson are not to
be forgotten, nor the fact that the
United States Interior Department has
agreed to the extension, nor that the
Supreme Court of the state has up
held Mr. Morson. Governor West
alone has a policy different from the
plan approved by all the others. The
presumptions are decidedly against the
If the Governor objects to action by
any state board during his absence, is
it too much to suggest that he person
ally attend the stated meetings and
arrange his frequent divagations and
vacations for the interim?
If the Democrats vote in large num.
bers in the Oregon Republican prima
ries, the Republicans invade in squads.
platoons and regiments the Democratic
primaries of Kentucky. Thus a gen
eral average is struck, and what one
great political party loses or gains
in one state it gains or loses In en
other. Everybody ought, therefore, to
be happy, except possibly the states
most concerned.
The Louisville Courier-Journal is
pained to note that the Republicans
"voted largely in some of the Demo
cratic primaries. In many counties
Republicans and Progressives mani
fested no interest in their own prima
ries. In some counties they hold no
primaries at all. and in others they
cast a mere handful of votes. . .
The Democratic vote cast in a number
of the counties was in excess of the
vote polled by the National ticket In
the Presidential election of 1912."
It will console our grieved Demo
cratic contemporary to know that the
Vote cast in an ordinary Republican
Oregon primary is invariably in ex
cess of the Republican Presidential
vote.' Last year it was larger than the
subsequent Republican and Progressive
vote combined. The reason was the
free-and-easy Democratic intrusion of
the Republican primaries.
The Courier-JournaT wisely remarks
that "such a- state of affairs is not
easily remedied." but it thinks "about
the only effective remedy lies in a
system of state-wide registration." But
tate-wide registration is not a rem
edy. In Oregon thousands of Demo
crats cheerfully perjure themselves to
enjoy the privilege of mixing in Re
publican affairs. Has the Courier-
Journal an idea that the Republicans
of Kentucky have consciences so keen
and scrupulous that they will not make
all the mischief they can for the
Democracy? Perjury in registration is
just as easy as lying in Kentucky as
in Oregon.
The growth of the Young Men's
Christian Association in the United
States is a matter of National interest.
The society permeates all parts of the
country and powerfully modifies the
life of every community where it gains
footing. In the last ten years more
than 600 new local associations have
been formed and the membership has
increased by over 200,000, which is
about sixty per cent. The number of
buildings has increased in about the
same ratio. There are now 67.000 men
enrolled In the educational classes of
the association. All of them are pur
suing studies which look directly to the
betterment of their economic condition.
Whatever is taught goes Immediately
Into practice.
This makes the Y. M. C. A. one of
the most potent educational forces In
the country and it is constantly per
fecting Us methods. Its classes bear
very little resemblance to those of the
ordinary college. Admission require
ments are scarcely mentioned. Prob
lems of discipline are extremely rare.
Each student goes to his instructors
with a clear and definite purpose in
mind and the results are correspond
ingly rapid.
Naturally the gymnasiums, with
their varied privileges, attract more
boys and young men than any other
of the association's departments. The
classes in all sorts of physical exer
cises have Increased from 89,000 to
300,000 in the last ten years. This Is
an astonishing rate of growth. The
systematic training of so many youths
sound bodily exercises must exert
beneficial influence upon the health
and efficiency of the whole country.
Another interesting item relates to
the Bible students. They numbered
8.000 ten years ago. Now there are
03,000, almost four times as many.
Perhaps the neglect of the Bible as
literature which many have deplored
will not be so evident hereafter as It
has been. Rational interest in the
poems and novels bound up in the ven
erable volume Is visibly increasing as
superstitltous regard .declines. No
doubt the time will come when the
Bible will be as widely read for its in
herent Interest as Shakespeare or Sir
Walter Scott.
Senator Wesley L. Jones, otherwise
called "Yakima Jones," has called
down upon himself the satire of the
ew York Sun by proposing to dedi
cate to man certain stretches of
ground near the Capitol at Washing
ton, and to woman a certain other
stretch; which he . would reserve as a
site for monuments to women and
which he would name the Parthenon,
while he would name the space in
front of the Union Station the Acropo
lis. The Sun suggests "Suffrage
Square" as a substitute for Acropolis
and asks if Mr. Jones "would compro
mise by swapping 'Parthenon' for the
more resonant and Yaklmlan 'Gyne
copolis.' " ' Does the fact that Mr.
Jones hails from Yakima provoke the
Sun thus to poke fun at him?
The appeal made by William J.
Bryan for subscriptions to the Com
moner, once a (weekly, now a monthly
and always a considerable Bryan
financial asset, has at least one
remarkable aspect. Mr. Bryan not
only does not hesitate to employ
his prestige as Secretary of State
for the special benefit of his news,
paper organ, but he promises out
right to use his great position for
the information and instruction of his
readers. The Bryan appeal has these
Aa an Incident to the Dflmocntla victory
I have boen Invited to become a member
of the president's official family, and. aa
hie representative in ona of the depart
ments of the Government, am brought into
contact with international problems.
As a member of the Cabinet, too. I enjoy
the opportunity of participating- In the dis
cussion of such problems aa the President
sees fit to bring- before that body.
A an exponent of the plans ana purposes
of the Administration, the Commoner can
accomplish even more as a monthly than It
could as a weekly. Administrative and legis
lative plans develop gradually, and there Is
no need of haste In meeting the criticisms
that may be directed aralnst the programme
of tha party now In authority. The Com
moner will be able to present to Its Indi
vidual readers, and through Its multitude
of exchanges to a still larger audience, the
Government's aide of tha questions undsr
discussion. W. J. Bryan.
It needs no nice sense of discrimin
ation to discern the crass impropriety
of the Bryan solicitations. Not even a
plea of poverty from a begging Secre
tary of State will Justify them. But it
takes a considerable Income, of course,
to support a house at Washington, an
other house at Lincoln, Neb., and I
third house in Florida.
income tax a continuing issue.
The attempt of progressive Repub
licans to Impose on large incomes a
higher tax than is proposed in the
Underwood bill served to accentuate
the difference between them and the
regular Republicans. Senator Borah
some time ago made a strong argu
ment for a higher exemption than
33000, but Senators La Follette and
Brlstow propose to raise the tax on
larger Incomes. They thus bid for
the support of those who would tap
swollen fortunes and weaken the hold
of the Democrats on that element.
The action of the progressive Re
publicans gives a hint of the course of
future political agitation. The income
tax once established, there will prob
ably be a continual demand for a
change in the rates and in the plan
of imposition. Opposition to large for
tunes and large corporations will find
here a convenient weapon of attack.
On the other, side will be those who
contend that high taxes on incomes
place a premium on fraud and con
cealment and a penalty on honesty and
enterprise. We shall have warnings
against the danger of driving Amer
icans to withdraw their wealth from
this country and to Invest abroad.
Those who advance the latter argu
ment will be reminded that other court.
tries have an Income tax, in some cases
much heavier than ours, and have
other taxes far more burdensome.
The tax Imposed by the Underwood
bill must be regarded as only a be
ginning and, as such, is well enough.
Many revisions will be necessary be
fore we arrive at a scale of taxation
which will adequately tax large for
tunes without driving them abroad and
will arrive at an amount of exemption
sufficient to the support of a family.
' Many men of various parties are
wondering why the talk of Republican
reorganization has so completely died
down. The men who were formerly
most active In agitating the subject
have become dumb. They were lead
ers of the progressive wing. But the
reactionary leaders in Illinois have
evinced a purpose to reserve standpat-
Ism, hoping that reaction caused by the
Democratio tariff bill will restore them
to popular favor.
Each wing of the party appears to
rely on development of Democratic
policy to strengthen It In the contest
for party control. That the two wings
are not yet prepared to Sap together
became apparent during the Senate de
bate on the tariff. A group of those
Republicans who fought the Payne
Aldrich tariff has supported some of
the duties Imposed by the Underwood
bill. Senator La Follette has proposed
a wool schedule of his own. inese
facts Indicate that the struggle be
tween the moderate and extreme pro
tectionists is to be fought out In the
convention to be called for reorganiza
tion of the party and for redefinition
of its principles. The standpatters
look forward to such disastrous ef
fects from the Underwood tariff as
will cause the people to throw them
selves into the arms of the Republican
party so hastily that they will forget
and forgive the sins of the old leaders
who led the party to division and de
The progressives are confident that
the current which has started in their
favor is so strong and so deep that it
cannot be diverted. Each wing doubt
less trusts that events will help its
cause. .Hence tne period oi suent wait
While each faction waits for events
to strengthen It, both are confident
that events will weaken the common
enemy the Democracy. Should the
new tariff bring prostration to great
Industries or cause material reductions
of wages without materially reducing
the cost of living, the Democracy will
suffer. Should the currency bill pass.
keen watch will be kept during the
period of transition in the banking
system for effects injurious to busi.
ness. The Chautauqua foreign policy
of the Administration will come lu
for severe criticism and will be con
trasted with the firm policy pursued
by Republican Presidents in handling
foreign affairs. The policy of scuttle
from the Philippines will have taken
shape before the regular session of
Congress is far advanced. The blun
ders x of Secretary Bryan In turning
trained men out of the diplomatic
service to make room for political
friends, and the like conduct of other
department heads, do not square with
the solemn pledges of efficiency given
during the campaign and will come in
for criticism.
When the Republican party meets
In National convention, as it probably
will next Spring, the Issues of the Con
gressional campaign of 1914 will be
made up. The nature of, and the color,
ing given to, these Issues will depend
upon whether the prevalent opinion
of the convention Is conservative or
progressive. Policy may restrain the
former faction from too outright a
condemnation of those principles which
are distinctly progressive, but the pro
gressives will be content with nothing
short of frank Indorsement of those I
principles. They will be, however, re-J
strained from going to extremes In
this particular by a desire not to turn
the moderates against them.
While Republicans are thus waiting
for Issues to shape themselves and the
conservative m-lng is waiting a turn in
the tide of pnblic sentiment which in
recent years has set strongly against
it, the process of disintegration goes
on in the ranks of the Progressive par-
ty. Colonel Roosevelt has lost himself
in the Arizona desert and will fin
himself only to make a long foreign
tour. His lieutenants are splitting into
moderate and radical factions, and
the rank and file is drifting away.
Some of the moderates, like Frank
Munsey. Dan Hanna and "Bill" FUnn,
show a decided tendency to return to
the Republican fold, while the radi
cals, led by Glfford Pinchot, F. J. He.
ney and George L. Record, of New
Jersey, have struck out on new lines
along which Colonel Roosevelt and
his immediate lieutenants cannot fol
low. This new schism may accelerate
the return of the moderate element to
the Republican party and strengthen
the progressive element la its contest
for party control.
Although conservative Republicans
are not ready to confess that public
opinion has advanced so far beyond
them as to have removed all hope of
their ever regaining supremacy, the
course of events seems to favor that
view. Many states, both East and
West, are wedded to the new ideas.
Any faltering about adopting them
would cause many Republicans to turn
to the Democracy, if that party should
adhere to its progressive programme,
and would cause many third party
men to Join the Democrats Instead of
the Republicans. There will be a re
action from the Democrats, but it will
be from progressive Democracy to pro
gressive Republicanism, not to the
brand of Republicanism which was re
jected In 1912.
A farmer's congress In Texas was re
cently attended by 600 boys and girls
who had decided to choose some
branch of agriculture for their voca
tion. In one of the processions 100
boys carried stalks of prize corn and
100 girls carried cans of fruits and
vegetables. These were their own
products. Facts like these are encour.
aging. They prove that bright young
people are choosing farm life, not so
much for the money there is in it as
for the finer satisfactions of health and
Senator Tillman fears that the suf
frage would degrade women, but there
is some hope that its exercise by
women would stop the degradation of
woman and child laborers in the mills
of South Carolina. Women suffragists
retaliate on the Senator by directing
attention to these evils, to white slav
ery and illiteracy in South Carolina.
These things exist under laws made by
men alone. Women's participation in
government could hardly bring worse
and might bring better results.
How many can tell where Tlerra del
Fuego is? We used to learn at school
that it was an icy waste inhabited by
squalid savages. The latest news is
that it is a tine sheep country whose
nockmasters are preparing to flood
American and European markets with
cheap mutton. The uninhabitable and
unproductive parts of the world con
tinually diminish. When the Sahara
has been fertilized by an artificial sea,
hardly any real desert will remain but
that of Central Asia.
A Linn County roan Is seeking to re
cover the value of two Jersey cows
that drank from a pall of paint left in
his barn by representatives of the Geo.
logical Survey and died. Once upon
a time a common cow named Maud
Mulvaney licked the paint from a can.
vas of "Sunset" which the artist left
unprotected in her pasture, but beyond
giving purple milk for a day or two,
suffered little distress. With bovlnes
of royal blood, however, results are
Special mention of his youth is made
by those seeking clemency for Robert
Morgan in their pleadings before Gov.
ernor West. He is young, to be sure,
and so was his victim, a beautiful
girl budding into womanhood, with
rosy dreams of the life to come. There
are many more young women in this
state to become victims of murder if
the pleas of youth and "crazy jealousy"
are effective in snatching Bob Morgan
from stern punishment-
Women's dress, like everything else
In the modern world, will take its ulti
mate form from economic considera
tions. As woman becomes man's
competitor in the various industries
she will refuse to be hampered by
garments more complex and expensive
than his unless she receives higher
Since the parcel post has not
swamped the Postofflee Department or
the railroads, why not let it carry
books? What difference is there be
tween them and other commodities
that they should pay a higher rate of
Huerta is bound to envy Glynn in
the matter of formal recognition. Act.
Ing Governor of New York is a bigger
Job than acting President of Mexico,
"By'thelr dress or lack of dress we
shall know them," says Congressman
HefUn. But you'd be surprised how
often they'll fool you.
Carnegie was decorated by the rul
ers of the Netherlands. Andy is get
ting democratic to give them an audi
ence. Fine fiance, that fellow Sayre, not to
discover Miss Wilson had fallen from
her horse while out riding with him.
Hurrah! Thaw's lawyers win three
big legal victories. Incidentally, how.
ever, Thaw is still in Jail.
The rest of our Army may be sent
to the border. Three more platoons
and half a squad fall in!
Omaha has no objection to X-ray
skirts. Hence there will be little desire
to wear them there.
Silence on sex hygiene is menacing
the race, says Dr. Eliot. Prudery is a
dangerous jade.
The Kaiser approves a wonderful
new and costly gem. We shall order
a gross at once.
If it comes to the worst. Llnd might
be instructed to slap Huerta twice on
the wrist.
And the Kansas mercury still climbs.
Hades hath no fury like a Kansas hot
- Z , 1
.Whereupon It rained-.
Stars and Starmakers
William Bernard, accompanied by
Mrs. Bernard or Xan Ramsey as she ia
known professionally, were In Port
land, for a few hours yesterday morn
ing en route from Vancouver, B.
to New York City. Mr. Bernard hat
been directing stock at the Avenue
Theater In Vancouver this Summer.
They are going to New York to be
"among those present" when some of
tne theatrical jobs are given out, and
have -a chance at soma el tha prise
e e e
Edith Wyckoff, a San Francisco girl
who has been at the Alcazar Stock this
Summer, has gone to New York to join
one of Frohman's companies.
After two years at Its own playhouse
In the Mission town of Ban Gabriel.
Southern California, John Steven Mo
Groarty's pageant drama of California
"The Mission Play" is being presented
this week in San Francisco at the Co
Fritz! Scheff, once the idol of comic
opera, but whose fits of star-tempera
ment have every season - lessened her
box office value, has decided to take a
fling at vaudeville. Nera Monday she
opens a three weeks headlining engage
ment at the Palace In New York. By
a lapse of attention to business her
press agent has not given out how
many thousand, she receives per week,
An idea for -using motion picture
films in a commercial way other than
their present one has been suggested
by Sidney Cohen, of the Gaumont com
paay, in London. His plan ia to use the
films in booking' vaudeville acts. For
Instance talking pictures In one
country could be shown with a view to
booking In another country. The an-
nouncement ityi that two big firms
are already considering the idea,
Besides being perhaps the most
spectacular and historically important
of any animated pictures ever shown,
the Captain Scott pictures of the
Antarctic Polar expedition which come
to the Helllg for nine afternoons and
nights beginning September 6, are in
vested with a human appeal. That e-p
peal is that the major portion of the
revenue from the films goes to the
maintenance of the widows and families
of the five explorers who died of
starvation and exposure when their
herolo feat was achieved. '
There are 6000 feet of films, some of
which were taken by the late Captain
Scott himself but the most of which are
the work of the noted Herbert G.
Pontlrg, who went to within 12 degrees
of the pole. Captain Scott took the
pictures at tire pole itself, as the party
had to be limited of necessity. One of
the features of the films Is the per
fectly fearless attitude of the wild
animals of the polar region, which
never moleste-d by man, felt no fear.
The explorers are shown petting the
seals. The films being shown In Port
land are the property of Lady Scott,'
and are duplicates of those now run
nlng In, the big centers in the East
and in London. They were received
only July 5 In London. One of the
pictures Is of t"be exact South Pole site,
taken by Captain Scott. Not the least
Interesting Is that Charles B. Han
ford, noted actor and lecturer, accom
panies the pictures and in his famous
voice tells much that Captain Scott
revealed In his diary written as he
was dying.
e - e e
George Baker bad his hands full yes
terday morning and never did he have
to rise to more diplomatic heights than
in dealing with the line of ticket seekers
who had waited from 12 to 24- hours
to get their choice for season seats.
Never were militant suffragettes more
insistant on holding their own ground
In line, and when Individual arguments
arose. It was Mr. Baker's arduous duty
to restore peace among the members of
the big family of Baker patrons. Surely
It looks like a good season is in store
tor the new stock company. The line
stretched down the arcade to Sixth
street and out along the thoroughfare
some distance.
e e e
John Cort has made an arrange
ment with Alexander Pantages whereby
the tatter's vaudeville will Invade Salt
Lake City. Cort's Colonial Theater
there has been turned over for that
purpose, and opens next Monday under
the new management- This Is Pantages
first trial of Salt Lake, and by getting
the Colonial he locates within two
blocks of the Sulllvan-Consldlne house
Two Western girls have prominent
parts in "The Girls and the Jockey,1
the musical comedy which heads the
show at the Empress. They are Eva
Olivetti and Frisco De Vera, both of
whom were born and raised In San
Francisco. Miss Olivetti Is the soubrette.
Names are a peculiarity In the De
Vere family each of the children having
been christened after the city In which
he or she was born. Mrs. Devere was
named after Jersey, the daughter born
in San Francisco was called Frisco,
another daughter was christened
Denver and a son, now dead, was
baptized Tacoma.
Eva Tanguay is really coming to
the Paciflo Coast this season. A note
from her personal representative says
so. It says also that the queer Eva
inaugurates her second tour at the
bead of her own road show with a
week's engagement at tne Teck in
Buffalo. Her engagement begins next
Monday It seems as If all the engage
ments begin next Monday. Anyway her
tour is going to be so extensive It will
keep her away from New. York for a
The only genuine Westerner on the
Orpheum bill this week is Teddy, the
Buckley's roller skating bear, who
hailed from Spokane, where Mr. Buck
ley bought him a year and a half ago.
Teddy, as well as Jack, his brother
bear, along with Queenle and Adam
and Eve, the three skating monkeys.
all wear shoes purchased in Portland
a year ago. Their footwear Is ordinary
shoes with the skates attached. Of the
human actors Jack Kennedy Is the best
known here, where he has been playing
for the past 2i) years. He was one? of
the early members of the Cordray Stock
Company and has played for years In
the Northwest in repertoire. He has
been seen here also with Guy Standing
In "The Right of Way" and with Ward
and James in Shakespearean repertoire.
Mr. Kennedy was a boy pal and
schoolmate of Harry Tracey (Severns),
the noted outlaw, in Necedah, vv lsi At
the .time of Tracys capture in Daven
port, Wash., Mr. Kennedy was playing
the part of Tracy in a melodrama in
the same town, but did not know that
it was his old boyhood" friend for
almost a year.
w m
Joe Howard and Mabel McCane
lately here in vaudeville at Pantages
open at the Whitney Theater in Chl-
ago for a season of musical stock.
The last of next month will witness
the opening, in "The Honeymoon Ex
press," written by Howard.
e e
Rose Melville, who owns a big coun
try home at Lake George. N. Y., has
decided to keep "Sis Hopkins" off the
stage for a year anyway. She has
made a mint of money off the piece,
and now controls two-thirds stock in
the company.
Her Boaem Friend Talks
Judge. Madge This Summer seems to
much cooler than last.
Marjorle You must remember, dear,
. W - , ..mi'- nit vvActno- mn a n w
Big Faues Made By Cerener Ore Vice,
-With snail Results.
Portland, Aug. jt. To the Edi
tor.) The Governor's "vice crusade" of
last Fall, according to the 1913 laws,
page T10. chapter 353. has already cost
the taxpayers of this state the follow
ing sums:
For the payment of tha claim of E.
R. Rlngo for salary aa special
agent for State of Oregon during
September and October. 1812 1 300.00
Por the payment of the clarm of
Walter s. Aiher for salary as spe
cial agent for State of Oregon
during September and October.
1813 230.00
For the payment of the claim of H.
M. Baterly for salary and ex
peneee ae special agent for State
of Oregon during October. 1812... S3S-4S
To Philip E. Bauer, like services and
expenses during December, 1912.. 117.60
To Philip E. Bauer, salary and ex
penses, October and November,
lkl. tM
To Roscoe P. Hurst, sslary and ex
pensea. September to. November
4. 11Z SO0.O0
To H. M. Eaterly. salary and ex-
pensea. November 1 to rovember
19. 1H1.
To E. R. Rlngo, salary for Novem
ber and December, 1912
Total appropriated for salaries and
expenses of PorUaad vlco cru
sade 1S9.52
The regular salaries of the Multno
mah County District Attorney's office,
according to chapter 343, page 6s(.
Laws 1913, amount to 316,400 per an
num, engaged almost exclusively in en
forcing the criminal laws of the state.
The city maintains an extensive legal
department, besides the detective and
police departments. The county fur
ther pays the Sheriff and bis deputies
to enforce the criminal laws. I simply
submit to the taxpayers that poasibly
we didn't get value received for the
extra 81969.63 paid for "salaries and
expenses" of the Governor's special
Plenty of Exercise and Fresh Air Great
Curative- Asieaelew.
PORTLAND. Aug. 36. (To the Edi
tor.) I cannot let your "fast" editorial
go by without a protest. This Na
tion's greatness was not built on "a
roll and a cup of weak tea" for break
fast, nor food in homeopathic doses at
any time, and whatever the value of
abstinence from food as a means of
soul discipline and internal cleansing,
the Oriental doctrine of starvation
will never develop this Northwestern
Let me commend to you from per
sonal experience the therapeutlo value
of bread earned in bodily perspiration
For years I had digestive trouble; tried
everything I could learn of, and my
opportunity for Information was good
I followed all the fads o McFadden.
dlscipled after Mr. Fletcher, chummed
with "Sunny Jim" and his Innumer
able proreny of breakfast foods that
have made breakfast merely a name
used the coffeeless coffees, tried two
meals a day, one meal a day and no
meals (fasted a week). Was X-rayed
for gastric ulcer It wasn't there. The
doctor told me to get out and I got
irom tne .ast coast to the sunny
slope of Mount Hood, and enlisted in
the battle of the brush, grew a man's
avoirdupois and ate and slept like a
numan being.
All that Judge McGinn. John D.
Rockefeller, or any other citizen with
a sore spot in his stomach needs is
an acre of brush, a errub-hoa and
few months' wrestling with the roots.
to grow a man's physique and a man's
appetite. The one safe, sure, age-tested
specific for all man's physical ills and
mental ailments is to get an appetite
oy wont ana men ieea It. xours truly,
A. T.
We Should Kndeavor to ITphold Claims
to Mild Temperature.
HILLSBORO. Or.. Aur. 27. (To tha
Editor.) I am glad to learn through
The Oregonlan that Mayor Sanford, of
uioot vzruve, uas snown nis patriot
ism and good common "horse sense" in
taking the stand with Mayor Albee, of
Portland, against the Invasion by the
X-ray garments. I hope the matter
will be Immediately taken un bv the
Governor and every other public of-
uciai in tne state or Oregon to sup
press the practice of women wearing
filmy dresses and men going about in
their shirt sleeves in Summer and the
wearing of furs and overcoats in Win
ter, as such practice is a direct slap at
our boasted Oregon climate, which has
been heralded as ideal for both a Sum
mer and Winter resort the world over.
and It becomes doubly difficult to ex
plain matters to our Eastern friends
who frequently sojourn amonirst us.
Not that I consider this practice as
having any moral significance. Morals
and modesty do not apply to dress.
Health, comfort, cleanliness and ex
travagance are about the onlv thines
to oe considered outside of civic pride.
The word modestv has been substituted
ior deception as applied to matters of
areas. People who are prone to de
ceive their fellow creatures in divers
ways naturally want to disguise the
lines of their bodies by wearing Ill
fitting and deceptive forms of dress.
and then apply the word modesty to
vindicate tneir actions.
Women Should Be Content to Wear
Modest Apparel.
PORTLAND. Aug. 27. (To the Edi
tor.) It makes me positively tired, all
this talk about women'a clothes. Mavor
Albee has done perfectly right. Why
should any decent woman want to
wear X-ray dresses and slit skirts?
What is our country cominar to? What
aoout our future generation?
btop and look at some of our vouna:
gins on tne streets today. I am
young mother with three little chil
dren, and I hope to raise them to be
decent, upright citizens and a credit
to their lather and country. I am be
ginning to fear the task before me.
Let the lady who is worried about
her Fall shopping go ahead and buy
wnat is a aecent covering for her body.
She knows. MRS. M. R. C.
Sheriff Aspirants Discussed.
PORTLAND, Aug. 26. (To the Edi
tor.) I noticed In The Oregonlan. to
day the names of - two men. Ralph
Clyde and "Big" Wagnon, who are to
run against Tom Word for Sheriff.
I don't think they could make a good
run, for Wagnon might fall down and
break the feathers in his hat and
Ralph Clyde Is string-haltered. These
I consider are both serious handicaps.
Harsh Doctrine for Mexico.
PORTLAND, Aug. 28. (To the Edi
tor.) Isn't It about time for Mr. Con
fldental Agent (alias John Lind) to
come home?
Let both parties In Mexico have all
the munitions of war they can pay for.
When their number is sufficiently re
duced American citizens, well armed,
will do the rest. General Scott style.
H W. M.
Slippery Job,
PORTLAND, Aug. 27. (To the Edi
tor.) May I bespeak the unfeigned
sympathy of your readers, and the
prayers of Rev. Mr. McPherson, for
President Wilson, who is In plight of
the man trying to carry an armful of
eels, without losing any of them?
Cows That Are Tp To Date.
"Your cows moo in a most peculiar
The instinct for self-preservation
develops animals," remarked the far
mer. "Them cows don't want to be
run over by the pesky autos, so they
are learning to honk''
Twenty-five Year Ag
From The Oregonlaa of August 39. 18SS.
Washington, Aug. 28. President
Cleveland has gone on a three days'
fishing trip to the vicinity of Clifton
Forge, Blue Ridge Mountains,
Tacoma. Aug. 28. Attorney-General
Metcalt came to Tacoma this evening
to meet Governor 6emple and go with
him to Roslyn to counsel with tha
conflicting parties and assist in a set
tlement. ,
Saratoga, N. Y Aug. IS. The New
York Republicans today nominated
Warner Miller for Governor.
Mr. Eugene Breyman, of Salem, has
been in the city seveial day a the guest
of his brother, Mr. A. H. Breyman.
J. V. Beach, city attorney of East
Portland, has returned from Turner
Mr. and Mrs. D. McAllen have re
turned from their bridal tour to the
Sound and The Dalles.
Louis Barln has disposed of his one
fifth Interest in the shooting at Foley's
Lake on Sauvies Island to H. W. Cor
bett for 32000.
J. O. Woodworth has been appointed
assistant general freight agent of the
O. R. At N. Company.
C F. Bwlgert. who has been in Cen
tral America in the interest of the
Paciflo Bridge Company, is about to
The Grtsmer combination will ap
pear at the new Park Theater next
A party consisting of the follow
ing persons will start for Mount Hood
Thursday: Mlas Ada Coburn. Miss Amy
Adams, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Murray,
and Messrs. L. D. Brandes and H. F.
Judge E. D. Shattuck has returned
from Indiana-
Half a Century Ago
From Tha Oregoniaa of August 29, 1S03.
Philadelphia, Aug. 23. A letter dated
on board the flagship Dlnsmore. off
Charleston. August 18, says: The attack
was commenced day before yesterday
morning by the siege guns of General
Gilmore. At A. M. Admiral Dahlgren
on the Weehawken. with the Ironsides
and the entire monitor fleet, attacked
Forts Wagner and Gregf,-, completely
silencing Wagner and almost silencing
Gregg. The seven wooden gunboats
also joined in the assault and enabled
our shore batteries to pour their shot
and shell into Fort Sumpter. At 10
o'clock the Passare and Patapsco pro
ceeded to within 1400 yards of Sumpter
and shelled the pea walls with marked
effect. The walls of Sumpter were badly
scarred. Captain John Rogers, of the
Catskill, ' and a paymaster were killed
instantly by a shot from Fort Wagner.
When the Arkansas left on the morn
ing of the 19th huge volumes of smoke
arose from Fort Sumpter from the
burning of cotton.
The Presbyterian Church This beau
tiful and spacious edifice is approach
ing completion and cannot fall to be the
chief architectural ornament of our
About 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon
our gallant firemen rushed to the
woods west of the city, close to Smith's
ranch and Bottle's brewery, where the
woods were on fire. The firemen kept
the fire confined to its first limits.
Theater This evening the thrilling
drama of "The Last Man," together
with the beautiful and favorite comedy
of "The Honeymoon" will be perfomed.
Spencer Hall This excellent female
school at Mllwaukle will be reopened
on September 23.
Channel Is Already Partially Fash,
loaed Through Wlllapa Harbor.
PORTLAND. Aug. 27. (To the Edi
tor.) Work was started on the Co
lumbia bar In 1884 or 18S5. nearly 29
years ago. In 1895 there were 31 feet
on the bar. In 1901 the bar was back
to 21 feet, where it was in 1885.
It is suggested to make a channel
from Tillamook Head to the Colum
bia River, with a Jetty outside of Tilla
mook Head, in order to avoid the dif
ficulties of the Columbia bar which
may be still overcome, and again, may
not, for many years' to come anyhow..
Nature has already done most of this
work on the north side of the mouth
of the Columbia River through Willap
Harbor, and it would take much less
time and expense to connect this
natural channel with the Columbia
River than to do such an artificial work
from Tillamook Head. OBSERVER.
Special Features of the
Labor, a Giant How machinery
has brought enormous increase in
productive power Two men are
now able to grow wheat to supply
over 1000 with bread. A valuable
page feature.
Manuel and His Heiress There
is comedy in this royal romance at
which all Europe is laughing. A
diverting letter from a Jjresden
correspondent, illustrated with uew
photos of the young couple.
Writing Plays Ten thousand
pens are busy writing them. Rich
ard Spiliane presents an interest
ing illustrated page on plays, their
writers, successes and failures.
Police, Politics and Vice Theo
dore Roosevelt asks "Can police
men be honest?" Another chapter
in his autobiography. It tells of his
work as Police Commissioner in
New York City.
Flirtations Why some are right
and some are wrong is gone into in
an attractive article by Rita Reese.
In Praise of Marriage A short
story, illustrated, by Federick A.
Auto-Houseboats A brand new
and novel arrangement has 'been
perfected by a clever Chicago pro
fessional man whereby houseboats
may be propelled from place to
place A page in colors.
Tha New Weather Man Charles
F. Marvin tells of weather bureau
methods and aims.
Love a Cause of Trouble Cupid,
says a learned professor, is really
at the bottom of our economic evils
and is the progenitor of capitalism.
Scores of other attractive fea
tures. Cider today of your news